Re: [PHP] Open New URL window

2007-09-20 Thread Don Read
On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 02:52:19 -0400 Andrew Prostko said:

Ok, so I started using the header code that was suggested:

And I get this error: 

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '{' in
/home/char-lee/public_html/beta/1.php on line 3

This is the code:


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Close your parenthesis, daggummit!

if ($_POST['pw'] != burgers )

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Re: [PHP] Close all open tags in HTML text

2004-12-13 Thread Don Read

On 09-Dec-2004 Marek Kilimajer wrote:

> not really, but it removes  and  so javascript is
> not 
> interpreted.

$txt = preg_replace('|]*?>.*?|si', '', $txt);

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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP Coding Standards

2004-06-01 Thread Don Read

On 31-May-2004 Travis Low wrote:
> I have to say I like everything about the PEAR coding standards
> except for the 
> K&R bracing style.  I much prefer:
>if( foo )
>   blah;


So ... Vee-Eye or Eighty Megs and Constantly Swapping ?

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Re: [PHP] mySQL table output...

2004-05-25 Thread Don Read

On 23-May-2004 Russell P Jones wrote:
> I just want to print out a table from mySQL. Thats it. into an html
> table.
> Column 1 |  Col 2 | Col 3
> -
> Val 1|  val 2 | val 3
> Val 4|  val 5 | val 6
> any ideas on how to do this?

if ($res = mysql_query($qry)) {
echo '';
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res) 
echo '' .implode('', $row) .'';
echo '';

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Re: [PHP] How to insert, change and remove fields like Enum

2004-05-23 Thread Don Read

On 21-May-2004 Andre wrote:
> Hello...
> Someone now or have script's about   insert, change and remove fields
> like Enum in one table.
> Thanks .

For sets (Emum should be similar) :

function getsetvalues($tbl, $fld) {
global $dbconn;

$search=array('set(', ')', "'");

$qry="SHOW COLUMNS FROM $tbl LIKE '$fld'";
$r = $dbconn->Execute($qry);
if ($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
if (! empty($row['Default']))
$cv['__Default__'] = stripslashes($row['Default']);
$s=str_replace($search, '', stripslashes($row['Type']));
$l=explode(',', $s);
foreach($l as $v) 
$cv[$v] = 1;

// add to set:
$cv[$new] = 1;
$dflt = $cv['__Default__']; unset($cv['__Default__']);
$s = implode("','", array_keys($cv));
  $fld $fld SET('$s') NOT NULL DEFAULT '$dflt'";

// I'm sure you can figure out the rest

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Re: [PHP] Multiple Update from one form

2004-05-19 Thread Don Read

On 18-May-2004 Miles Thompson wrote:
> This is close to your situation, but I only needed a one dimensional
> array 
> for a bulk delete. So the form part has this line:
>  print( '');
> There's no need for a subscript in the form - there are presently a 
> potential of 963 elements in this array. When we check for bulk
> delete it's 
> never contiguous, we skip down the list, so array is v. sparse.
> And the processing part uses this loop:
>  foreach ($chkdelete as $value){
>  $sql = "delete from subscriber where sub_key =
> '$value'";
>  $result = mysql_query($sql);
>  }
> This way I'm in no danger of hitting a missing subscript as I might
> if I 
> used $chkdelete[ $i ], incrementing $i

Since it's a checkbox and you'll only get "checked" values in the 
$_POST header; you just might as well use the subscript and skip the
loop entirely:

if (count($_POST['chkdelete'])) {
$lst = implode("','",array_keys($_POST['chkdelete']));
$qry = "DELETE FROM subscriber WHERE sub_key IN ('$lst')";



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Re: [PHP] create if table not exists

2004-05-19 Thread Don Read

On 17-May-2004 John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> How can I check if a table exists in a mysql db.

function tableexists($tbl) {
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tbl");
return ($res ? true : false);


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Re: [PHP] Best way to do "Last 3 Items Viewed"

2004-05-19 Thread Don Read

On 14-May-2004 Chuck Barnett wrote:
> Anyone have any code snippits that would allow me to do a "Last 3
> Items
> Viewed" like on ebay?

array_unshift($items, $new);
$items = array_slice($items, 0, 3));


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Re: [PHP] Constant questions

2004-05-19 Thread Don Read

On 12-May-2004 René Fournier wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two questions involving Constants.
> 1. I want to refer to a refer to a Constant by its value (which is 
> unique), and return its name. E.g.,:
>   define ("SEND_DS","1");
>   define ("SEND_DS_ACK","2");
>   define ("RESEND_DS","3");
>   define ("STARTUP_DS","12");
> For example, if I receive "3", I would like to echo "RESEND_DS"--the 
> name of the constant. Is there a simply way to do this? Or am I
> better 
> using an Associative Array (which is what I was thinking)? Then I
> could 
> such refer to an element by its key or value (both of which are 
> unique). 




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Re: [PHP] slow upload with http post

2004-04-21 Thread Don Read

On 21-Apr-2004 Yavuz Maºlak wrote:
> full duplex

What's the output of:

mount and sysctl -a | grep '^hw' ?

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Re: [PHP] Array Problem

2004-04-18 Thread Don Read

On 16-Apr-2004 Flavio Fontana wrote:
> Hi
> I have i Problem i got a variable a=2351 now i need to create an
> array out of this variable 
> a[0]=1
> a[1]=3
> a[2]=5
> a[3]=1
> I have an idea to use the modulo function an do some Math but im sure
> there is a nicer way of solving my prob

$a = preg_split('||', $a, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

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RE: [PHP] alternating row color--newbie help

2004-04-16 Thread Don Read

On 15-Apr-2004 Chris W. Parker wrote:

> for($i = 0; $i < $numofrows; $i++)
> {
>   ...
>   $row_color = ($i % 2 == 0) ? "yellow" : "white" ;

$row_color = $row_color == "yellow" ? "white" : "yellow" ;

>   echo "\n";
>   ...

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Re: [PHP] After calling a Function the Script aborts without any error :-\

2004-04-12 Thread Don Read

On 12-Apr-2004 William Lovaton wrote:
> Hi,
> El lun, 12-04-2004 a las 09:27, John W. Holmes escribió:
>> From: "Ben" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > i got a big problem. I have a script which includes some other
>> > script i
>> > tried include, require and require once. The problem is, if i do a
>> > function call to a function in one of these included files, the
>> > script
>> > aborts but without any error. The strange thing is, normally
>> > require
>> > should give an error if it can't include any file. But the files
>> > are
>> > accessible, error reporting is E_ALL. Some functions are callable
>> > but
>> > others not and still no error. the only way how i came to this was
>> > putting some die()s to see where 
>> Do you have display_errors turned on?
> Sometimes I have this problems too, no matter if that setting is on.

If the error occurs within a table element on a web page, Mozilla won't
display because it's waiting for the '' to begin figuring
out the display properties.

Use 'View Source' if/when this happens.


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Re: [PHP] timestamp to readabe date and time ?

2004-04-11 Thread Don Read

On 11-Apr-2004 Ryan A wrote:

> If you are using timestamp(14), here is how i do it: (after
> select)
> if(($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))>=1)
> {
>   $d_year = substr($row[4],0,4);
>   $d_month = substr($row[4],4,2);
>   $d_day = substr($row[4],6,2);
>   $d_hours = substr($row[4],8,2);
>   $d_mins = substr($row[4],10,2);
>   $d_secs = substr($row[4],12,2);
> }


list($y, $m, $d, $h, $i, $s) = split('[-:/. ]', $row[x]);

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Re: [PHP] (new question on this) http referer

2004-04-10 Thread Don Read

On 08-Apr-2004 John Nichel wrote:
> Joe Szilagyi wrote:
>> Just a follow up on this one--I've seen where consistently that
>> $HTTP_REFERER will only show local referers, but not stuff from
>> other
>> sites/hostnames. This is on mod_php... any workaround for that?
>> Regards,
>> Joe
> The referrer is sent by the referring machine.  If that machine isn't
> setting it, you can't get it.  If memory serves, I think I remember 
> someone claiming that this could also be blocked at a
> firewall...don't 
> know if that's true or not though.

Not a firewall. The 'Referer' is in the headers, that would mean the FW
would have to edit the stream (~shudder~).

A 'proxy' server on the other hand will re-write headers :

mysql> select url from urls where url not like 'http%' limit 5;
| url  |
| 1.0 TECH002  |
| 1.1 wall:800 (squid/2.5.STABLE2) |
| 1.0 px2nr (NetCache NetApp/5.5D1)|
| 1.0 arnink[D4BB2507] (Traffic-Server/5.2.1-58896 [uSc ]) |
| 1.1 (Squid/2.1.PATCH1) |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select count(*) from urls;
| count(*) |
|   261511 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from urls where url not like 'http%';
| count(*) |
|69594 |
1 row in set (0.38 sec)

mysql> select 69594/ 261511;
| 69594/ 261511 |
|      0.27 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So 27% of my hits are by proxy (for this site/month anyhow).

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Re: [PHP] writing a class in php to print form elements

2004-04-09 Thread Don Read

On 07-Apr-2004 Andy B wrote:
> hi...
> is it totally usefull/reasonable to write a class in php that prints
> different different form elements in html...
> i.e. inputs, buttons, drop downs, multi selects and son? that way (at
> least
> i think) then it would be easier to change the element attributes
> dynamically...

I think just about everybody re-invents that wheel ...

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Re: [PHP] control panel--graphic question

2004-04-02 Thread Don Read

On 02-Apr-2004 Leonard B Burton wrote:
> Greetings,
> This is more of a graphic question
> For a program I am writting I need to have a control panel to display
> anything that may be wrong.  I would like to use something like a
> stoplight so that it would be easily understood by a lay person. 
> Does anyone have any comments as to what they have used?  Also does
> anyone have a function/graphic that would be a stop light and
> changing the var would make it either show red, green, or yellow?
function stoplight($val) {

$light = array(
  'ok'=> 'images/green.jpg',
  'iffy'  => 'images/yellow.jpg',
  'bad'   => 'images/red.jpg'

    echo '';


stoplight( $foo < 10 ? 'ok' : $foo > 25 ? 'bad' : 'iffy' );

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Re: [PHP] Re: Local sysadmin DFW needed

2004-03-27 Thread Don Read

On 26-Mar-2004 Roger Spears wrote:
> I'm going to guess DFW is just south of BFE

It just seems like it.

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Re: [PHP] Re: date() funtion language

2004-02-12 Thread Don Read

On 12-Feb-2004 André Cerqueira wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> i had problems with locale
> i think its safer to make a dayname and monthname array, and use
> getdate(), than build the string yourself

> //the follow should, but doesnt seem to work
> //setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR');
> //echo date('l, j de F de Y');
> ?>

date() doesn't format according to locale but strftime() does:

setlocale(LC_ALL, 'pt_BR.ISO8859-1');
echo strftime('%A, %B %e %Y');

// output 'Quinta Feira, Fevereiro 12 2004'

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Re: [PHP] Checking if database has been setup

2004-02-07 Thread Don Read

On 07-Feb-2004 Ryan A wrote:

> but how do i check if the database/tables have
> been setup?

SHOW TABLES FROM mydb LIKE 'mytable';

Check if a table exists:

SELECT 1 FROM mydb.mytable LIMIT 1;

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Re: [PHP] FreeBSD to Linux -- PHP Issues

2004-02-07 Thread Don Read

On 03-Feb-2004 Daryl Meese wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am considering changing hosting providers and moving from FreeBSD
> to
> Linux.
> My question is are there any PHP related issues to moving (functions
> that
> don't work on Linux but do on FreeBSD, etc)?
> I doubt there are but have to cover the bases.

All functions, assuming they were configured, work the same. The only
thing that isn't a one-for-one swap (that I've seen) is locale names:

nat221.dread$ ls | grep es_

localhost.dread$ ls | grep es_

So if you're part of the 99.9% that don't mess with locales, you should
be OK.

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Re: [PHP] Help for code to 'sort list' please

2004-02-04 Thread Don Read

On 02-Feb-2004 EastLothianDirectory wrote:
> Was just reading your previous reply and my months are indeed in text
> and therein 
> lies the problem.


Look at the MySQL functions FIELD() and/or FIND_IN_SET().

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Re: [PHP] finding news stories in a selection of months

2004-02-04 Thread Don Read

On 02-Feb-2004 Michael Hill wrote:

> Hi everyone,

> heres the code i have:
>  $strSQL = "SELECT date from ".$tbl_prefix."news  where live=1 order
> by
> date asc limit 0,1";
>  $result = mysql_query($strSQL,$dbconn);
>  $firstresult = mysql_fetch_array($result);
>  $firstdate = $firstresult['date'];
>  $firstmonth = substr($firstdate, 4, 6);
>  $firstyear = substr($firstdate, 0, 4);
>  $strSQL = "SELECT date from ".$tbl_prefix."news  where live=1 order
> by
> date desc limit 0,1";

$qry="SELECT MIN(date) AS first, MAX(date) as last FROM ...";

if (mysql_numrows($res) ) {
   list($fy, $fm, $fd) = explode('-', $row['first']);
   list($ly, $lm, $ld) = explode('-', $row['last']);
} else {
   echo 'Not found', '';

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Re: [PHP] file separator...

2004-02-01 Thread Don Read

On 30-Jan-2004 Dan Joseph wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
>   Hoping someone can shed a light on this.  I have to send a "file
> separator"
> in a string that I piece together to a remote system.  I've been told
> this
> is x'1C' ASCII or x'22' HEX.  I have no idea what to really send. 
> I've
> tried several things.  Can someone tell me what it is they're looking
> for?

The FS escape is 0x1C or 28 in decimal.


$files='myfile1.dat' .chr(28);
$files .='myfile2.dat' .chr(28);
$files .='myfile3.dat';

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Re: [PHP] naming a directory after a user-submitted string

2004-01-28 Thread Don Read

On 28-Jan-2004 Joey Manley wrote:
> Here's another question, possibly easier.  Possibly even bone-headed.
> What kind of checking/filtering/changing do I need to do on a
> user-submitted
> string before I can feel comfortable using it to name a new directory
> in the
> web root on Linux/Apache?  Anybody have a quick Regular Expression
> they can
> toss at me?  If so, I'd be muchly appreciative.  Or is this just a
> Terrible
> Idea That Should Never Be Contemplated?

1. Please don't hijack threads.

2. Make everything dodgy into a directory delimiter and get the last bit
of the path (untested code ahead) :

// cleanup
$unsafe=preg_replace('[^\w]', '/', $unsafe);

// get trailing dirname (explode and pop would work also)
$dir = substr(strrchr($unsafe, "/"), 1);

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RE: [PHP] stepping through alphabet

2003-11-19 Thread Don Read

On 19-Nov-2003 Steve Buehler wrote:
> Amazing what I learned today. :)  I love this list and its people.

How about one more? (ver 4.1.0):

foreach(range('A', 'Z') as $letter) {
echo $letter, "\n";

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RE: [PHP] How to remove new line character?

2003-11-03 Thread Don Read

On 02-Nov-2003 Koala Yeung wrote:
> Thanks a lot
> I'd like to remove newline only.
> Is there any simple way?

rtrim($str, "\r\n");

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Re: [PHP] Email Body

2003-10-23 Thread Don Read

On 22-Oct-2003 micro brew wrote:
> I am sending an email using mail() and it works fine. 
> But the formatting of the body of the email is wrong. 
> I want to format part of it in columns sort of like
> this:
> Name   Quantity  Price
> Can this be done neatly without using an html email?

sprintf("%-25 %2d %9.2f\n", 
  $name, $qty, $price);

> Also what is the trick to making line returns display
> properly in the email client?  I've tried using \r\n
> with no luck.  I also tried \n.  The characters show
> in the email but no line breaks.  Any suggestions?

double-quotes around your string?

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Re: [PHP] German Date - GMDATE Function

2003-10-23 Thread Don Read

On 22-Oct-2003 Steve Vernon wrote:
> Hello,
> When I use the gmdate function, I get the English date, e.g. October. Is
> it
> possible to get the date in German or another language? I really need the
> server setting up so that it can handle different languages.

$locale='de_CH.ISO_8859-1'; // Alternate: 'de_DE.ISO_8859-1' 

setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale);

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Re: [PHP] How do I do this PERL in PHP?

2003-09-17 Thread Don Read

On 16-Sep-2003 Susan Ator wrote:
> I have a text file with the following format:
>  name
>  stuff
> message text
> message text
> message text

If you're sure the format is exactly that, then ...




$msgblks=explode('', $data);

foreach($msgblks as $blk) {
  list($to, $subj, $msg) = 
explode($marker,preg_replace($pat, $marker, $blk));
  do__your_stuff($to, $subj, $msg);

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Re: [PHP] a generic getsql() function

2003-06-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Jun-2003 Thomas Hochstetter wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I wrote a generic getsql() function for my project's class. However, I
> only manage to retrieve a single row. What it should really do is:
> Read all rows into the array (with multiple results).
> The code is below:
> function getsql($sql,$conn,$dbase,&$arr)
> {
> if($conn)
> {
> mysql_select_db($dbase,$conn);
> $result = mysql_query($sql,$conn);
> while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
> {
> return $arr;
> // Something has to happen here!!!

  Nothing will happen here!!!
  You've already returned from the function.

> }

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Re: [PHP] Reg Exp help needed

2003-06-24 Thread Don Read

On 24-Jun-2003 Sparky Kopetzky wrote:
> I'm translating (hacking) code from Perl to PHP and have two reg exp
> expressions I can't figure out what they do.
> 1st: $goodbadnum =~ tr/0-9//cd; I think this one removes any chars that
> are not numbers.

Nope. That removes digits '0-9'
$goodbadnum= preg_replace('!\d+!', '', $goodbadnum);

> 2nd: $goodbadnum =~ tr/0-9/x/; I think this one replaces and numbers with
> an 'x'.

Yep. that replaces every digit with an 'x'.
$goodbadnum= preg_replace('!\d!', 'x', $goodbadnum);

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Re: [PHP] How do I get the exit code of an external program?

2003-06-22 Thread Don Read

On 23-Jun-2003 Daevid Vincent wrote:
> I wish to use Ping to test if some IP addresses are up... Now I could run
> the command and parse to find various string components like this:

> So it seems to me there needs to be another PHP function like exec(),
> shell(), etc. that is the equivillent of the php exit() function but for
> external programs. One that simply returns the integer exit code of an
> executed shell program...

exec(), system(), & popen()/pclose() will return exit code.

The manual is your friend.

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(53kr33t w0rdz: sql table query)

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Re: [PHP] execute a command

2003-06-22 Thread Don Read

On 22-Jun-2003 Mattia wrote:
> How to execute a command capturing the stanndard error, in addition to 
> standard output? example:
> echo system('/bin/rm ...');
> I need to know when this command fails, and when it fails, i need to 
> know why. Any hints?
> _Mattia_

$cmd='/bin/rm foo';

exec("$cmd 2>&1", $output);

 -- or --

exec($cmd, $output, $errno);
echo posix_strerror($errno);

 -- or -- 

proc_open(...) and read from pipe[2]

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Re: [PHP] Small problem with date and location information?

2003-06-21 Thread Don Read

On 22-Jun-2003 Philip J. Newman wrote:
> I run a website from New Zealand.  The problem is when  j, Y, g:i a"); ?> it shows the time of the server, that just happens to
> be located in Dallas USA. Is there a way that I can change the time so it
> matchs New Zealand Time?
echo date('F j, Y, g:i a'), '';
echo date('F j, Y, g:i a'), '';

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Re: [PHP] Seating chart registration system?

2003-06-20 Thread Don Read

On 21-Jun-2003 Jay Fitzgerald wrote:
> I am writing a php event registration system for lanparties and I believe
> I have everything written that I need except for a seating selection
> chart.

> As a person goes through the event registration system, they will come to
> a 
> page that displays 8 rows of 30 seats (240 seats total)...but in the
> future 
> I would like to have admin capability to increase or decrease this
> amount. 

> Then when the next person decides to register, when they get to that
> page, one less seat will be available. I would like to have as much
> control as  possible and I do know a minor bit of php and mysql.
> Any help or guidance is appreciated.

Couple of thoughts ...

Each 'event' is unique to time and place. 
So you'll need a 'event' table with datetime, interval, name,
description and a place (or 'forum' --see next paragraph).

table event (
  id int unsigned auto_inc primary key,
  idforum int unsigned,
  ebeg datetime not null, // begins
  eend datetime not null default '0', // ends
  emin int unsignd default 0, // how long in minutes 
  name varchar(64),
  descript text,
  index idx_b (ebeg),  // might be handy ...
  index idx_f (idforum)
Each place is (usually) limited to hosting one 'event' at any interval.
But some places can have several events at the same time. Consider a major
hotel and all the conference rooms --or a sports stadium with all the
owner, boxholder's, home-team, & visting-team parties ...

So 'place' is a poor term. I'll suggest using 'forum' as the locale to be
to attend a particular event.

Also you'll have to think about assigned seating and/or general admission


At the downtown Hilton, the local Lions club might reserve the "Omega" room
w/ 5 seats per 4 tables, general admission. 
But a dinner with President Bush in the "Omega" room is gonna run like 6
seats @ 40 tables. And definitely assigned seating.

Same room name but clearly a different 'forum'.

It's a toss-up if this should be a field in the 'event' or in the
'forum' table. I go with forum.

So there's another table:

table forum (
  id int unsigned auto_inc primary,
  name varchar(16),
  descript text,
  ftype enum('A', 'G'), // assigned or general seating
  m_block int unsigned not null,// max # of seating blocks
  m_seats int unsigned not null,// seats per block
  block_type enum('row','table','section') not null default 'row',
 // what does m_block encompass?
  seat_limit int unsigned not null default 0,
 // maximum seats (m_block * m_seats where ftype='A')
  unique index (name)

Then there is seating. 

When each event/forum is scheduled your app adds m_block * m_seats to 
a seating table.

For general admission add block=x, seat=1 -> seat_limit.


The 'seating' table is where it gets tricky --and where it gets solved.

table seating (
  idforum int unsigned not null,  // link to forum description.
  block int unsigned not null,// a dinner table or stadium row
  seat int unsigned not null, // d'oh
  guest int unsigned not null default 0, // who has this seat ? 
  primary key (idforum, block, seat),
  INDEX idx_g (guest) // handy stuff.

Assigned seating:

As each guest reserves a [optional] seat:
"UPDATE seating SET guest='$idguest' 
  WHERE idforum='$idforum' AND block='$idblock' [AND seat='$idseat']
  AND guest=0"

General admission:

"UPDATE seating SET guest='$idguest' 
  WHERE idforum='$idforum' AND block='$idblock'
  AND guest=0"

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Re: [PHP] updateable database 2nd question

2003-06-20 Thread Don Read

On 20-Jun-2003 Matt Hedges wrote:
> Thanks for the help.  I now have the wine information displaying in text
> boxes (below is the code that displays all the wines).
> Now I want anyone to be able to change the data in text box/s and hit
> "update" and it change that field/s.
> Would it be something like
> $sql = "UPDATE wines SET
> Bodega='$Bodega',Name='$Name',Grape='$Grape',Year='$Year',Region='$Region'
> ,S
> ubRegion='$SubRegion' WHERE id='$id'";  ?
> How do I set it up with the submit, etc?

//refetch the old row ...

$qry="SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id='" .$_POST['id'] ."'";

// build list of just the changes

foreach($row as $fld => $val) {
   if (isset($_POST[$fld]) && ($_POST[$fld] != $val)) {
  $chgflds[] = "$fld='" .$_POST[$fld] ."'";
// doit.
$update='UPDATE tbl SET ' .implode(', ', $chgflds)
 ."WHERE id='" .$_POST['id'] ."'";

echo '';


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Re: [PHP] updateable database- please help- only displaying first word from field

2003-06-20 Thread Don Read

On 20-Jun-2003 Matt Hedges wrote:

>However, the text boxes
> only display the first word of the field from the database.  

Quote your values.




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Re: [PHP] Cookies- peanut butter or chocolate??

2003-06-20 Thread Don Read

On 19-Jun-2003 Steve Keller wrote:
> At 6/19/2003 02:10 PM, Sparky Kopetzky wrote:
>  > 2. How do you put 2 items that you want to save in the cookie and 
> retrieve??
> Smuch 'em together into a single variable with a delimiter you're sure 
> won't show up in either value, something like "#@@#", between them. Then,
> when you read the cookie value in, just explode it by your delimiter.

setcookie (twovar, serialize(array($var1, $var2)), ...);


list($var1, $var2) = unserialize($_COOKIE['twovar']);

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Re: [PHP] strange crypt() problem

2003-06-20 Thread Don Read

On 19-Jun-2003 Huzz wrote:
> I have this bit of code to crypt user password in user registration as
> shown
> below.
>  $cryptpass=crypt($makepass);
> which generated crypted password like eg 37Q9fppLHc4fQ with php 4.0
> And am using the codes below to check for valid login..
> // $pass -  from login page
> // $dbpass - from the database
>  $pass=crypt($pass,substr($dbpass,0,2));
> }
> if (strcmp($dbpass,$pass)) {
> return(0);
> }
> Recently i have moved the same file to a new server with php 4.3.1 the
> problem is the same piece of codes above generates completely differen
> crypted  value eg.$1$RjZHv7qx$h/L9ZUNT48rilHB6fGoMP/  .. hence the login
> codes above does not work... :(

The '$1$' means it's a md5 password.

Don't chop-up the encryped passwd.
Use the whole string for the seed and let crypt() handle it:

$epass=crypt($pass, $dbpass);

if (strcmp($dbpass,$epass)) {

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Re: [PHP] unique random id

2003-06-19 Thread Don Read

On 19-Jun-2003 Awlad Hussain wrote:
> How do i generate a unique random number? 

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Re: [PHP] User's Screen Resolution Size

2003-06-18 Thread Don Read

On 19-Jun-2003 John W. Holmes wrote:
> Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying, there's no crying in 
> PHP!! Rasmus Lerdorf was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of 
> pigs***!

> ---John Holmes...
> PS: #7 at 
> ational_scenes/

Oh. OK, Good. 
Did you and Rasmus do a basketball scene in The Great Santini ?

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Re: [PHP] REGEX Question

2003-06-18 Thread Don Read

On 17-Jun-2003 Ron Dyck wrote:
> I need to match text between two html comment tags.
> I'm using: preg_match("/(.*)/", $data,
> $Match)
> Which work fine until I have carriage returns. The following doesn't
> match:

Use the m (multiline) modifier:

preg_match("/(.*)/m", ...

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Re: [PHP] mysql_errno codes

2003-06-17 Thread Don Read

On 16-Jun-2003 Thomas Hochstetter wrote:
> Hi.
> [3rd try] ... where can i get mysql_error codes from? The ones that
> mysql_errno returns.

You can get all the OS and MySQL  error codes with:
$ perror `jot 1500` | grep -v 'Unknown error'

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Re: [PHP] session question

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 16-Jun-2003 Matt Palermo wrote:
> When a session is started on my server, it gets a name in the
> "sessiondata" folder like:
> sess_8sjg4893m9d0j43847dk4o5l2
> I was just wondering if all sessions on ANY server start with "sess_"?
> Is this a PHP-wide default, or can it be changed (not that I want to
> change it, I just want to know if it can be changed)?

localhost.root# grep -r sess_ *
ext/session/mod_files.c:#define FILE_PREFIX "sess_"

Modify session/mod_files.c & recompile.

or you can try your own handler:

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Re: [PHP] slow mail()

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 13-Jun-2003 Marko wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sending multiple emails using PHP - as BCC or multiple mail() commands -
> takes quite long; usually over 50 seconds for 10 addresses.
> While sending these messages the browser won't show anything else but a
> blank page, which is not a very exciting internetexperience for people
> using
> my mailing-application.
> I've been using exactly the same code on some other boxes without any
> extreme delays.
> The box is running Sendmail 8.12.9, PHP 4.3.1 on FreeBSD 4.8.
> Any help greatly appreciated!

It's likely the other boxes are set to queue only or queue at lower loads.
Delivery is done later in the background.

try one of the option string:

'-O DeliveryMode=b'
 -- or, if you can wait for a queue run --
'-O DeliveryMode=q'

mail($to, $subj, $msg, $hdrs, '-O DeliveryMode=q');

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Re: [PHP] Mail() "problem"

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 10-Jun-2003 Maikel Verheijen wrote:

> Unfortunately php does NOT pass on these environment variabeles to the
> program that gets called as the mail-program (In my case my
> mini-sendmail).
> This renders this little "spamfinder" trick unusable, which is too bad :(
> If someone has a clue/trick for me on how to enable this, I would be
> really
> gratefull!

echo '';


 --- output wrapped:

HOME=/ PS1='$ ' OPTIND=1 PS2='> ' PPID=2612
PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin IFS=' '

REMOTE_ADDR= HOME=/ PS1='$ ' OPTIND=1 PS2='> ' PPID=2614
PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin IFS=' ' 

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Re: [PHP] Sendmail Problem

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 10-Jun-2003 Uma Shankari T. wrote:
> Hello,
>   I am having some problem in sendmail using this code.
>  $MP = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f  [EMAIL PROTECTED]";

> by main server id name..because of this outside mails are bouncing back..
> Can any one pls tell me where is the problem ??

What does the bounce say ?

> Is there any configuration need to do for this ??

Probably. The -f option sets the envelope 'From:' and can be restricted to
only 'trusted' users. I don't think this has ever been used to specify a

The following is *wrong* -but one of them might get you out:

To: @mainservername:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 -- or --
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@mainservername

 ... and the sysadmin will probably whack your pee-pee for doing that. 

So let him/her know beforehand so they don't TOS you. 

And the last resort is fsockopen(mainservername, 25)

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Re: [PHP] Re: fetch then put record?

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 10-Jun-2003 Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> [reply to a personal email posted here for the benefit of all :)]


>  > This bugs me because my db has 125 fields and it will be a very long 
> sql string!
> I bet!
>  > The form page generates form contents by using a while loop.
>  >
>  > How would you build the sql string from the form page?
> Use a while loop ;) Name the GET or POST vars the same as the field 
> names in the DB. Then you could use something like (I say like b/c this 
> won't work, it's just an idea):
> $sql = "update table A SET ";
> while (list($fieldName, $value) == each($_POST)) {
>$sql .= " $fieldName='$value', ";
> }
> This won't work because there will be POST values passes in that are not 
> part of your form data. Oh, and there will be a trailing "," you need to 
> trim off ...
> Just a quick idea.

You can make it a little smarter:

//refetch the old row ...

$qry="SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id=" .$_POST['id'];

foreach($row as $fld => $val) {
   if (isset($_POST[$fld]) && ($_POST[$fld] != $val)) {
      $chgflds[] = "$fld='" .$_POST[$fld] ."'";

$update='UPDATE tbl SET ' .implode(', ', $chgflds) 
.'WHERE id=' .$_POST['id'];

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Re: [PHP] Creating Images

2003-06-15 Thread Don Read

On 09-Jun-2003 Chris Blake wrote:

> Any ideas on how to make it so that the error I specified comes up and
> not the "The image " blah blah" part.
> Here`s the code :
> ---
>Header('Content-type: image/png');

A little too early for that. Wait 'til the image is properly created ...



Header('Content-type: image/png');

>   ImagePng($image);
>   }

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Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-08 Thread Don Read

On 08-Jun-2003 Philip Olson wrote:
> [snip]
>> register_globals=off won't make good code any better --it's just 
>> a safety net for the sloppy coders.
> [snip]
> In some sense, register_globals = off makes both bad and
> good code better, because it means less pollution.   So
> many unused variables get defined with register_globals
> on and this means wasted memory/resources.  Pollution 
> makes any environment worse!  Granted this isn't what you
> meant, but still... ;)

Also true. 

On namespace pollution  --based on some of the replies I've seen on the
list, there's a sizable number of neophyte (and too many veteran) coders
that are starting scripts with:
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Re: [PHP] Newman's Problem with Images.

2003-06-08 Thread Don Read

On 05-Jun-2003 Philip J. Newman wrote:
> My problem is this:
> I have a site that has 3 levels of access.
> 1,2,3  
> when i upload files to say $unixtimestamp/image1.jpg anyone can list the
> images in this directory $unixtimestamp/.  I would like to hide the
> images out side the doc root ... is this possable .. so i can load
> something like /image/image.php?no=1 and it loads
> $unixtimestamp/image1.jpg if the access level is right .. else it would
> load nothing  
> Any Ideas where to start?

search on Subject: 'Images out side the wwwroot'

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Re: [PHP] TIMESTAMP -> Y-m-d

2003-06-07 Thread Don Read

On 05-Jun-2003 nabil wrote:
> Please help me how to print a timestamp string retrived from the
> database,
> and print it as -MM-DD


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Re: [PHP] Re: Using register_globals

2003-06-07 Thread Don Read

On 04-Jun-2003 Jason Wong wrote:

> In case 1, a malicious person can bypass your password checks by passing 
> admin=1 in the URL.
>> As Rasmus has correctly pointed out, the usage of "register_globals=off"
>> per se cannot be considered a security measure. If you don't initialize
>> and/or check *all* user-supported variables, you're dead. It's as simple
>> as that. Is it annoying? Maybe. Is it necessary? *yes*
> I tend to think of it as a safety net.
> Of course the problems with case 1 could be prevented by explicitly 
> initialising the variables ...
>   if ($user == 'me' && $password == 'correct') {
> $admin = TRUE; }
>   else {
> $admin = FALSE;
>   } 

True. If everybody initialized variables or PHP errored out on 
undeclared vars then the question wouldn't have come up.

> ... and extra meticulous coding:
>   if ($admin === TRUE) { list_all_members_sordid_details(); }

Using a global like that could be an example of problem code.
Sensitive stuff should be within a well defined routine:

function isadmin() {
static $admlogin=FALSE, $didit=FALSE;

if ($didit)

if ((strcmp($PHP_AUTH_USER, ADMINNAME) |
 strcmp($PHP_AUTH_PW, ADMINPASS)) == 0 )



if (isadmin()) ...

register_globals=off won't make good code any better --it's just 
a safety net for the sloppy coders.

The real lesson is: Don't be (or hire) a sloppy programmer.

I understand why the PHP team made reg_g=off as the default. I don't 
like it, but i understand why.

The main thing I don't like is that it seems to coddle the LCD of 
bad code.

A craftsman rarely learns good practice if s/he is insulated from the
results of bad practice.

IMHO, of course.

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2003-06-02 Thread Don Read

On 02-Jun-2003 Ralph wrote:
> I'm querying a database then printing the results in a . What I
> want to do is format the results in a  with 4 columns per row.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks.


echo "\n";
while($row = $r->FetchRow()) {
if (count($a) >= $modulo) {
echo "\n ", implode('', $a), '';
$a[]=$row['blah'] .' ' .$row['foo'];
while (count($a) < $modulo) {
$a[]=' ';
echo "\n ", implode('', $a), '';
echo "\n\n";

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RE: [PHP] Making a PHP Script "Very" Cache Friendly

2003-06-02 Thread Don Read

On 02-Jun-2003 Gerard Samuel wrote:
> Searching through the archives, most people are running away from 
> caching php scripts.
> Im trying to do the opposite.
> I have a script that fetches css files.  Im trying to add header() calls 
> to it so
> that browsers can cache it like a normal css file.
> This is what I have at the top of the file ->
> --
> header('Content-type: text/css');
> header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 3600) . ' GMT');
> header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 
> filemtime('./foo.php')) . ' GMT');
> For the life of me, according to the output of ethereal (a network 
> sniffer), this file is always fetched from the server.
> Yes I did breeze by the HTTP 1.1 spec, but I didn't pick up on anything 
> special that I should be doing.
> Is there a way to make the file be put into cache, or am I barking up 
> the wrong tree.

Try adding one more 'hint':

header('Cache-Control: max-age=3600');

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RE: [PHP] String Manipulation

2003-06-02 Thread Don Read

On 31-May-2003 S. Cole wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm currently working on a site for my brother-in-law.  I have written a
> script that will access a website
> ( and pull the page into a
> variable ($var).  I have striped the page down to include only the
> listings

> What I want to do, is to be able to work with this data.  I don't want to
> keep it in the same format as it's on the original site.
> I would like to be able to pull the listings and it's components
> separately
> so that I can change the layout, color, size, font, etc, etc, etc.

I'd start with :

$var=preg_replace('!!m', '[breakhere]', $var);
$listing=explode('[breakhere]', $var);

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RE: [PHP] combining text with $_POST

2003-04-05 Thread Don Read

On 06-Apr-2003 David McGlone wrote:
> Hi all, how can I combine this line to use just 1 echo statement?
> echo "Name: "; echo $_POST['name']

echo 'Name: ', $_POST['name'];


echo 'Name: ' .$_POST['name'];

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Re: [PHP] RE: newbie alternate row colours in dynamic table

2003-04-05 Thread Don Read

On 05-Apr-2003 Bobby Rahman wrote:
> Hiya people
> After a lot of soul searching, exploring the web and help from many
> people I 
> came up with this simple solution:

Okey-doke. simple is in the eye of the beholder.

$bgcolor = ($bgcolor == '#E3E8F0' ? '#C7D0E2' : '#E3E8F0');

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RE: [PHP] daylight savings time ?

2003-04-01 Thread Don Read

On 02-Apr-2003 Heather P wrote:
> Hello.
> I use a forum which has the time as the coding (D M d, Y g:i a) how do I
> add 
> an hour for daylight savings time ? I live in the uk and the time on the 
> forum is wrong. how do I change it  ? Thanks

Assuming you wrote the scripts (rather than you just "use" it) then add
 putenv('TZ=GMT0BST'); at the start oof each script.

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RE: [PHP] Wierd PHP Image

2003-04-01 Thread Don Read

On 02-Apr-2003 Ben Lake wrote:
> Might anyone know why when I do a phpinfo() the image that appears where
> the PHP log is, is a picture of a dog with an alt="Thies"? This only
> seems to happen in PHP 4.3.x
> Any explanation?

Your machine is possessed by Thies. 
A 'rm -rf /' should take care of it.

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Re: [PHP] if statment

2003-03-31 Thread Don Read

On 31-Mar-2003 Tim Haskins wrote:
> My bad, I actually meant that the "nothing" was like, if the pr_ID in the
> url is empty then show the following text.

if (empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["pr_ID"]))

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RE: [PHP] Test tables existance

2003-03-30 Thread Don Read

On 30-Mar-2003 Antti wrote:
> How do I test if a mysql table exists or not? Is there a function for 
> this? I didn't find a good one.
> -antti

function tableexists($tbl) {
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM $tbl LIMIT 1");
return ($res ? true : false);

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Re: [PHP] question

2003-03-30 Thread Don Read

On 30-Mar-2003 skate wrote:
> excuse me for being dumb, but can you explain this line for me?
> if (! (++$i % 2))

If $i is evenly divisible by 2 then ($i % 2) evaluates to 0 or (false).
The (! ($i % 2)) inverts the meaning to (true) so the statements within
the if block are executed.

The ++$i bit --well it's a handy spot to increment $i, and the pre-increment
notation gets around the case when $i == 0.

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] question

2003-03-30 Thread Don Read

On 30-Mar-2003 Marius wrote:
>$i = 0;
>  $list = array('Banana', 'Strawberry', 'Apple', 'Cherry');
>  echo $list[$i];
>  $i = $i+1;
>  ?>
>  how to do that 2 of key echoes in first table colum and other 2 in
>  second colum?

Method 1:

echo '
foreach($list as $v) { 

echo $v, '';
if (! (++$i % 2))
echo '';
if ($i < count($list))
 echo '';
echo '';

Method 2:

echo '';
foreach($list as $v) {
if (count($blk) >= 2) {
echo '', implode('', $blk), '';
$blk[] = $v;

if (count($blk) )
 echo '', implode('', $blk), '';
echo '';

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] Adding a URL

2003-03-29 Thread Don Read

On 30-Mar-2003 Scott Thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using the following code to query a database and build an HTML
> table.

>  /* Printing results in HTML */
>  print "\n";
>  while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

$line['email'] =
 '' .$line['email'].'';

>  print "\t\n";
>  foreach ($line as $col_value) {
>   print "\t\t$col_value\n";
>  }
>  print "\t\n";

// how about this ?

 echo "\n", implode('', $line), ''; 

>  }
>  print "\n";


> What I want (and can't figure out) is how to have each email address 
> have a URL (i.e. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]).
> I'm fairly new to PHP, I hope this question made some sense.
> Suggestions?

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] mysql ending at start up

2003-03-28 Thread Don Read

On 29-Mar-2003 Joseph Bannon wrote:
> The mysql support list is slow, so I though I would
> post here since I know this list is more active.
> MySQL shuts down when I start it up...
># Starting mysqld daemon with databases
> from /home/mysqldb
> 030328 09:29:32  mysqld ended

Joe you got a reply within 20 minutes on the MySQL list asking you this:

What does your .err log have to say about it?

Let's find your database error log, as root type:

find / -name "*.err" -print | grep mysql

Whatever filename(s) it finds --do tail .
That'll give you important clues on why the server shutdown.

-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.Don Read   

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RE: [PHP] Get the HTTP Server Username

2003-03-28 Thread Don Read

On 28-Mar-2003 Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there anyway to get the HTTP Server Username (something like
>> $_SERVER['username']) I tried printing all the variables defined in a
>> page (and looking at a phpinfo.php) and wasn't able to figure it out...
> --- Don Read <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike,
> I see it in phpinfo(). Search for "User/Group". I'm on Apache.
> Don, read this:
> Chris

Yep. I thought he was looking for the authenticated 'username' ...

In private I sent this snippet:

echo $px['name'], '';

Which is (or should be) the Apache server uid.

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] Get the HTTP Server Username

2003-03-28 Thread Don Read

On 28-Mar-2003 Mike wrote:
> Is there anyway to get the HTTP Server Username (something like
> $_SERVER['username']) I tried printing all the variables defined in a
> page (and looking at a phpinfo.php) and wasn't able to figure it out...
> -- 


-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
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RE: [PHP] Grid edit form

2003-03-28 Thread Don Read

On 28-Mar-2003 Daniel Harik wrote:
> Hello guys,
> I'm trying to make grid form that will allow to edit 60 rows at the same 
> time, it's not hard to make a loop that would go from 0 to 59, but  
> my problem is that i don't know what rows to update as i see no way to
> find 
> row's id after form is submitted.
> Thank You Very much.

if ( (isset($submit)) && ($submit =='Update') ) {
  while (list($id, $val) = each($row)) {
// do something with $id and $val

yourforloop {
   // fetch $id, $val
   echo "";

-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
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RE: [PHP] split

2003-03-27 Thread Don Read

On 27-Mar-2003 Oden Odenius wrote:
> I have $word = "test";
> And i want to split it like
> t
> e
> s
> t
> I want to make a loop.Like $a = "123"; //$a is One two threw not
> hundred...
> and i want to make for each $a then $b = $a + 2
> The output will be.
> 3 (1+2)
> 4 (2+2)
> 5 (3+2)
> Any example?

$ary=preg_split('//', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
echo implode("\n", $ary), '';

$ary=preg_split('//', '123', -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach($ary as $a) {
$b= $a + 2;
echo "", $b, "  ($a + 2)";

> Btw sorry for my english
> --
> Programmers are tools for convert coffeine into code... (c) Oden
> _
> MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* 
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
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RE: [PHP] Return Character in a Text File?

2003-03-27 Thread Don Read

On 27-Mar-2003 Jay Paulson wrote:
> I have a slight problem.  Is there anyway to make a text file with a
> return character that doesn't show up in windows notepad as a gibberish
> character and actually puts a return in it?  Right now I'm using the "\n"
> for the return but it doesn't get read in notepad as a return so the
> string data is one long line instead of multiple lines.  Is there any
> other way of doing this?
> Code I am using:
> $data = "";
> //loop
> $data .= "$firstName, $lastName, $email, $gender, $bday, $phone,
> $zip,\n";
> //end of loop

notepad wants '\r\n' for an end of line. 

IIRC wordpad (or whatever they calling it this week) will grok
bare linefeeds.

> Thanks!


-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
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RE: [PHP] HTML mail being sent with mail() not working for some people

2003-03-27 Thread Don Read

On 27-Mar-2003 Jeff Lewis wrote:
> We're sending out emails using mail() and sending it in HTML format and
> while most people get it correctly a couple are not. They get the
> anti-abuse
> headers and then the HTML code appears as just that - HTML code in the
> body
> of the email.
> Sending those same people an HTML email composed in Outlook comes across
> just fine, perhaps it's the anti abuse headers causing the issue?
> Has anyone heard or had experience with this?

google 'mime multipart alternative HTML'

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
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Re: [PHP] PHP Send Mail Main headers.

2003-03-27 Thread Don Read

On 27-Mar-2003 Jason Wong wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 March 2003 23:01, -{ Rene Brehmer }- wrote:
>> > is not an overkill. That is the specs. Some MTAs (sendmail in
>> >particular) will treat a single LF (\n) as a line termination as thus
>> >you
>> > can get away with it.
>> On unix machines you can do with just a linefeed, on CPM/DOS-based
>> systems
>> (that is, DOS & Windows), you need CRLF...
> This has nothing to do with the OS. It is to do with the specs (RFC-822).

Not entirely accurate. It has to do with how you connect to the MTA.

RFC822 only applies to SMTP 'on the wire' and internal delivery formats are
outside the scope. 

There are alot of UUCP class 1 sites out there, and X.400, and JNT, and ...
None of which follows RFC822 unless they gateway to SMTP.

Since MS-Windows doesn't have a native command-line mailer --PHP has to
handle the connection to the gateway host and thus falls under 822.

The 'must have ' rule is the lowest common denominator needed to
support a mis-functional (albeit very popular) platform: MS-Windows.

> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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RE: [PHP] problems with rename() - permission denied

2003-03-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Mar-2003 Christian Rosentreter wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a small problem, which mades me crazy... :\
> I'm trying to rename() a swapfile to real destination file (atomic
> update).
> It works on differnt environments very well. Sadly not on my ISP-server
> I've added an "chmod($swapfile,0777)", but this has not solve the
> problem.
> The directories have all FULL access (read, write, etc.). The
> destiniation file
> too. I don't want 2 use the copy/unlink solution Do anyone have an
> idea? 
> --- 8< ---
> if ( $file = fopen($swapfile,"w") )
> {
> fwrite($file,$out);
> fclose($file);
> chmod($swapfile, 0777);
> /* this fails with "Permission denied" */
> rename($swapfile,$filename);
> /* ... but this works */
> copy($swapfile,$filename);
> unlink($swapfile);
> }
> --- 8< 

On *nix, rename will fail if source and destination are different file

To test this :



 printf('Source: %d, Dest: %d %s filesystem\n',
  $src[0], $dst, ($src[0] == $dst[0] ? 'same' : 'different'));

> Thanks 4 help...
> --
> christian rosentreter
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
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RE: [PHP] Retrieve values from checkboxes

2003-03-24 Thread Don Read

On 24-Mar-2003 shaun wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some checkboxes on my form and am using the following code to
> populate it. The box will be checked if the user is allocated to the
> project. My problem is if I uncheck a checkbox and send the form I don't
> know what the $project_id is as it returns zero, so I cant delete the
> corresponding record, is there a way around this?

One possible way : prior to processing your submit, query the 
database and build an array of $cur_project['project_id'].

Then as you loop on the $_POST['project_id'] unset then corresponding

Whatever's leftover --those are the project_ids to remove.

-- It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you are going to 
   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.
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RE: [PHP] PHP Send Mail Main headers.

2003-03-24 Thread Don Read

On 24-Mar-2003 Philip J. Newman wrote:
> $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
> $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";
> $headers .= "From: ".$from_name." <".$from_address.">\r\n";
> $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$from_name." <".$from_address.">\r\n";
> $headers .= "X-Priority: 3\r\n";
> $headers .= "X-MSMail-Priority: Normal\r\n";
> $headers .= "X-Mailer: iCEx Networks HTML-Mailer v1.0";
> Is this about all i need to send a mail in PHP excluding the mail();

More than enough.
Couple of thoughts ...

Drop the X-Priority and X-MSMail-Priority. Those are the default values
and thus un-necessary.
Also the  is over kill; a simple \n will do just fine.

The way I usually do it:

$adminemail='Foobaz Administration <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>';
$theprgmr='<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>';

$headers =array(
'List-Id' => SITENAME,
'Cc' => "$adminemail, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>",
'Sender' => "$adminemail",
'Reply-To' => "$adminemail",
'Bcc' => "$theprgmr",
'From' => "$adminemail"


foreach($headers as $k => $v) {
$mailhdrs .=sprintf("%s: %s\n", $k, $v);

 mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailmsg, $mailhdrs);

> --
> Philip J. Newman.
> Head Developer
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, visit:

Oh, and I hope you're going to consider a multipart/alternative message
body. HTML-only e-mail is evil.

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] Re[2]: [PHP-DB] mysql timestamps

2003-03-24 Thread Don Read

On 24-Mar-2003 L0vCh1Y wrote:
> JWH> SELECT TO_UNIXTIME(your_column) FROM table ...
> It doesn't work... MySQL returns error - what could be trouble in? I
> also tried
> But it's look like it doesn't know such function :\.
> I tried table in next types: TIMESTAMP,DATETIME.

There's no such function in MySQL but there is UNIX_TIMESTAMP():

localhost.dread$ grep TO_UNIXTIME $MANUAL
localhost.dread$ grep UNIX_TIMESTAMP $MANUAL
 `RAND()'. You can, for example, use `UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' for the
 `UNIX_TIMESTAMP()'.  Other functions operate on the formatted
 `UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' is called with a `date' argument, it returns

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RE: [PHP] require_once for php3

2003-03-24 Thread Don Read

On 24-Mar-2003 daniel wrote:
> hi there is a way to include files once in php3 ?

I've always used function_exists():

if (! function_exists('debug'))
include('');// get the basics

if (! function_exists('array_pop'))
include('libphp4.php3');      // get emulation lib.

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RE: [PHP] Calculating the difference between two dates

2003-03-23 Thread Don Read

On 24-Mar-1998 Beauford.2002 wrote:
> Does any one know how to calculate the difference between two dates. I
> need
> to find out the age of a user to make sure they are over the age of 13. I
> have searched for hours on this and found nothing that will help.

Start here:

echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime('13 years ago'));

Sorry, it doesn't check the birth certificate ;)

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] group by get last record

2003-03-16 Thread Don Read

On 16-Mar-2003 Daniel Harik wrote:
> Hello,
> Guys i try to join to tables
> slides:
> id
> userid
> file
> moment
> users
> id
> username
> As there few slids per user and i want to get only last one, i use
> following 
> sql query, but it fetches me first slide. How can i make it fetch last
> one 
> please?
>  SELECT slides.file, slides.moment,, users.username FROM slides,
> users where GROUP BY desc 

Which record is 'last' ?
There is no order to the records without an 'ORDER BY' clause.

If you figure that out, you can use a temporary table with all the
desired fields and with the userid as primary key. 
Then do  'REPLACE INTO temptbl SELECT ... ORDER BY whatever'.
And finally do a 'SELECT * FROM temptbl'

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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RE: [PHP] Performance and Function Calls

2003-03-15 Thread Don Read

On 15-Mar-2003 CF High wrote:
> Hey all.
> Quick question:
> If I have a function that, say, prints out the months in a year, and I
> call
> that function within a 10 cycle loop, which of the following is faster:
> 1) Have function months() return months as a string; set var
> string_months = months() outside of the loop; then echo string_months
> within
> the loop
> -- OR
> 2) Just call months() for each iteration through the loop
> I'm not sure how PHP interprets option number 1.
> Guidance for the clueless much appreciated...

Easy enuff to test:

echo 'A: ', getmicrotime() - $time_start , '';

$time_start = getmicrotime();
for ($m=1; $m <11; $m++) {
$str[]=date('F', strtotime("2003-$m-1"));
echo implode('',$str);
echo 'B: ', getmicrotime() - $time_start , '';

$time_start = getmicrotime();
for ($m=1; $m <11; $m++) {
$str[]=date('F', strtotime("2003-$m-1"));

while (list(,$v)= each($str)) {
echo $v, '';
echo 'C: ', getmicrotime() - $time_start , '';


On my machine I get numbers like:
A: 0.000907063484192
B: 0.000651001930237
C: 0.000686049461365

The function call within the loop is slower (contrary to what I
expected), the real question is how much effort do you want to expend to
save 2-3 micro-seconds?

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RE: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER security implications?

2003-03-10 Thread Don Read

On 10-Mar-2003 Tom Woody wrote:
> I am working on a simple authentication script, where the user submits a
> login and password, the credentials are checked and the user is
> redirected to another script.  The new script checks the HTTP_REFERER
> and if its the original script it continues, otherwise it stops with a
> message about being unauthorized.
> What kind of security implications may I be backing myself into?  I want
> to try and stay away from cookies, and as small as this is I think
> Session management is a little overkill.  The average user isn't going
> to spend much more than 1 or 2 minutes on the site (not much for them to
> see or do).  I have seen this method used on other sites, but I prefer
> to check with the experts first.

If they use a proxy that doesn't send HTTP_REFERER, It'll break things. 
My numbers say it happens about about 15% of the time:

mysql> select count(*) from hit where urlid=0;
| count(*) |
|83082 |
1 row in set (0.53 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from hit;
| count(*) |
|   541557 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Since you don't want to use sessions, maybe 401 WWW-authenticate method
would work better for your application.

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RE: [PHP] Images out side the wwwroot

2003-03-10 Thread Don Read

On 10-Mar-2003 Philip J. Newman wrote:
> If i was to use PHP to call all my images from out side the wwwroot, dose
> anyone have a method that they use?

'jpg'  => 'image/jpeg',
'gif'  => 'image/gif',
'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mpg'  => 'video/mpeg',
'mov'  => 'video/quicktime',
//  'avi'  => 'video/avi',
'avi'  => 'video/x-msvideo',
'wmv'  => 'video/x-ms-wmv',
'asf'  => 'video/x-ms-asf',
'png'  => 'image/png'

if (! isset($id))
die('no id.');

$id= urldecode($id);
$id= str_replace('../', '', $id); // fix the dodgy stuff
$id= trim($id);

if (! ($allowpath) )
$id= basename($id);

$ext= substr(strrchr($id, '.'), 1);
$path= $imgdir .'/' .$id;

if ($handle= fopen($path, 'r')) {

Header('Content-type: ' .$mimetype[$ext]);
Header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=" .basename($id));


call it as 'show.php?id=secretimg.jpeg' or use 
IMG SRC="show.php?id=secretimg.jpeg" 

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RE: [PHP] Date Question.

2003-03-05 Thread Don Read

On 05-Mar-2003 Sebastian wrote:
> I have a date field in mysql in this format: Y-m-d H:i:s
> I would like to echo "Today" if the date is today, can someone offer some
> help? Thanks.

SELECT IF(TO_DAYS(datefld)=TO_DAYS(current_date),'Today',LEFT(datefld,10)) as
datefld, ...

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2003-03-04 Thread Don Read

On 03-Mar-2003 Dan Sabo wrote:
> Thanks Larry,
> What are some of the more active MySQL lists?  Do you have a URL or two?
> Thanks,
> Dan


or browse

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   steal the neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it.

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Re: [PHP] calculating kilobytes

2003-02-15 Thread Don Read

On 14-Feb-2003 joe wrote:
> "Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> On Saturday 15 February 2003 03:17, joe wrote:
>> > now to the point...
>> > i need a script. it should work on safe mode php so it should be as
> simple
>> > as possible.
>> > it should calculate all the file sizes in the directory that it is in
> and
>> > in the subdirectories also (only 1 level subdirectories). it should echo
>> > the total size of the uploaded files.
>> > then it should take the filesize and substract it from 25 megabytes.
> that
>> > is the limit on this server. then it should echo the result (the maximum
>> > number of kilobytes that can still fit on this account).
>> > unfortunately i have insuffitient knowlege to do it miself.
>> > i just want to thank anyone who can help me.
>> Most of the functions that you need to accomplish this can be found in
>> chapters 'Directory functions' & 'Filesystem functions'.
>> --
>> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
>> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
>> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
>> --
>> Search the list archives before you post
>> --
>> /*
>> We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids?
>> -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
>> */
> i searched and i tried and i failed. most of the functions dont work in safe
> mode, some didnt do what i wanted (returned the whole drive size instead of
> one directroy) etc.
> my head hurts already and i think i am on the verge on nervous breakdown
> because i have been trying to solve this problem for days so could
> somebody please drop me a function here?
> thank you...

untested ...

write a shell script (and put in your safe_mode_exec_dir):

/usr/bin/du -k $1 | tail -1
exit 0

then use popen/fgets to call the script and parse output.

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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RE: [PHP] Using custom "button" form element instead of standard "submit"?

2003-01-29 Thread Don Read

On 27-Jan-2003 Durwood Gafford wrote:
> I can't figure out how to tell which button was pressed by a user when i'm
> using a "button" instead of a standard "submit" form element.
> This works:
> $parent will equal "foo"
> This doesn't work:
>  src="icon.gif">
> $parent will equal " NOT "foo"
> How do I get the value of "foo" to be returned in $parent and still use a
> graphical icon instead of a standard submit button?

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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RE: [PHP] Finding out if a table exists

2003-01-21 Thread Don Read

On 21-Jan-2003 Mako Shark wrote:
> Is there a way of finding if a table exists with only
> one command in MySQL? I've looked through the MySQL
> functions, and the closest I've gotten to what I need
> is mysql_list_tables or mysql_tablename (I'll have to
> check into these a little more), but I was hopefully
> looking for something that returns a boolean value,
> and to be able to use it like:
> if(mysql_table_exists("tablename")) {
> ...
> }
> Any ideas, short of creating my own function?

Create your own, or borrow mine:

function tableexists($tbl) {
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT 1 FROM $tbl LIMIT 1");
return ($res ? true : false);

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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RE: [PHP] Re: Auto Incrementing in PHP

2003-01-19 Thread Don Read

On 19-Jan-2003 Don Mc Nair wrote:
> Thanks Guys
> I just needed a pointer. I decided to use the database and created two
> tables, one for invoice number and one for order number then defined a
> function to read the current number and the increment it.

That'll work, but it's not atomic. At high traffic loads you can get

You might want to consider a table with a auto_increment field. Do a dummy
insert, the get the value with :

mysql_query('SELECT last_insert_id() as id');

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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RE: [PHP] dynamic website

2002-09-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Sep-2002 Donahue Ben wrote:
> I have a general question of a dynamic website using
> PHP4 and mysql database.  If there are many, many
> users visiting a dynamic website at once, will it
> cause the database to be bogged down with so many
> users visiting the website?  If so, how do you around
> this problem.

Yes it could.
To get around it : benchmark & optimize your indexes and queries.

Check into using persistant connections, it is normally a good idea in 
general -but watch out that you don't exhaust kernel resources ...

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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Re: [PHP] Re: Cronjob

2002-09-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Sep-2002 Daren Cotter wrote:
> This just prints out a bunch of info (seems to be
> unimportant)...what am I looking for in this?

You're looking for your argument string "blah"

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Re: [PHP] Re: Cronjob

2002-09-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Sep-2002 Daren Cotter wrote:
> Holy wowsers...about 5 pages of jibberish printed out,
> and at the end:
> Warning:  Nesting level too deep - recursive
> dependency? in test.php on line 3
> There isn't even a line 3 in the script:
>  var_dump($argv);
> var_dump($GLOBALS);
> ?>

Sorry my mistake, make that :


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Re: [PHP] Re: Cronjob

2002-09-25 Thread Don Read

On 25-Sep-2002 Daren Cotter wrote:
> Jason,
> That's exactly what I'm trying to do, and it's not
> working:
> My Script: 
>#!/usr/bin/php -f
>  $test = $argv[1];
> print $test;
> $demo = "This Works";
> print $demo;
> ?>
> Running:
> ./test.php blah
> Yiels only "This Works", but not "blah".
> I'm using version 4.0.6


> --- Jason Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I can't say I'm really too familiar with the php
>> commandline..
>> You're using /usr/bin/php (or equivalent) and
>> attempting to use your 
>> exec() that way?
>> If you do 'php -?' you'll get a list of commands
>> that you can use, and I 
>> don't see a way to pass cmdline arguments as
>> variables..
>> Having said that, I Just went and looked further
>> into it.. if I make a 
>> test script, and at the top I put:
>> $hi = $argv[1];
>> then $hi becomes whatever you've specified as the
>> first argument.. I'm 
>> assuming this is what you want?
>> To clarify:
>> phpfile.php contains:
>> > $hi = $argv[1];
>> echo $hi;
>> ?>
>> Running the command "php -f phpfile.php test"
>> returns "test"
>> Does this help at all??
>> -Jason
>> Daren Cotter wrote:
>> > Jason,
>> > 
>> > I'm not using a web script any longer, I'm using
>> > command-line (I determined that it is installed on
>> the
>> > server).
>> > 
>> > I read about $argc and $argv, but when I call the
>> > script passing two arguments, both $argc and $argv
>> are
>> > blank. Is this a php.ini setting I need to change
>> or
>> > somethign?
>> > 
>> > --- Jason Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > 
>> >>Sorry to butt in :)
>> >>
>> >>Arguments to web scripts are done in the format:
>> >>page.php?arg1=data1&arg2=data2
>> >>
>> >>So you would use that full string as the lynx
>> path.
>> >>
>> >>Hope this helps :)
>> >>-Jason
>> >>
>> >>Daren Cotter wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>Thanks for the info Chris, it works!
>> >>>
>> >>>How do I pass arguments to the script? I'm
>> >>
>> >>assuming
>> >>
>> >>>it'd just be:
>> >>>
>> >>>test.php arg1 arg2
>> >>>
>> >>>The stuff I've read says $argc should be the
>> count
>> >>
>> >>of
>> >>
>> >>>the # of arguments, and $argv should be an array
>> >>>holding them...but when I do a simple:
>> >>>print "# of Arguments: $argc\n";
>> >>>It prints nothing, not even 0
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>--- Chris Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >>
>> >>wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>>>On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Daren Cotter wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>My problem, is that I absolutely NEED to run a
>> >>>>>
>> >>PHP
>> >>
>> >>>>>>script using crontab. The script needs to send
>> >>>>>>numerous queries to a database every hour. Is
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>there
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>>any way I can accomplish this, directly or
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>indirectly?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Are you sure its not already there? Commonly in
>> >>>>/usr/bin. Try a "which 
>> >>>>php" and see if it finds anything?
>> >>>>
>> >>>>HTH
>> >>>>Chris
>> >>>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>Do you Yahoo!?
>> >>>New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>-- 
>> >>PHP General Mailing List (
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>> >>
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > __
>> > Do you Yahoo!?
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>> >
>> -- 
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> __
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-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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RE: [PHP] Date Time

2002-09-22 Thread Don Read

On 21-Sep-2002 Patrick wrote:
> Hi,,
> my server is located in the US and i live in Sweden, so when i try to run
> the following command i get a 8hour diffrence,, anyone got any idea of how
> to solve this?
> date("Y-m-j")

echo date("Y-m-j");

-- "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

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Re: [PHP] Perl NewsGroup?

2002-03-22 Thread Don Read

On 23-Mar-2002 David Duong wrote:
> I didn't put mailing list I meant Usenet lists.


This is not a newbie froup. Read the FAQ, and post your code, or prepare to
be flamed to a crackly crunch.

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   will not live long enough to make them all by myself.

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Re: [PHP] Trap CR or "Enter" possible?

2002-03-22 Thread Don Read

On 22-Mar-2002 Erik Price wrote:
> On Friday, March 22, 2002, at 12:29  PM, Jason Wong wrote:
>>> Side note to the original poster: in the script that is the target of
>>> the form you are writing, you may be able to test for the presence of
>>> the "submit" variable -- if this value is not present, then the user 
>>> has
>>> not clicked the Submit button.  I know that the "value" of a submit
>>> input is usually just used to label the button in some way (such as
>>> value="Click Here for Free Porn!"), but you can actually test for this
>>> value if you have given the Submit input a name.  I may be wrong about
>>> this, though.
>> Thus if you relied upon testing for the value of the submit button to
>> determine whether the form had been submitted (as opposed to being 
>> viewed for
>> the first time) then you're going to get unexpected results.
> Right, but I was trying to come up with a way for the original poster to 
> test to see if the user had simply hit "enter" or if they had actually 
> hit the "submit" button (not as a test to see if the form was being 
> viewed for the first time).  IIRC he was having problems determining 
> whether or not the user had hit "enter" or hit the submit button.

If you use an image for your submit button, then you can test for
$submit_x and $submit_y.

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Re: [PHP] addslash/stripslashes

2001-12-19 Thread Don Read

On 19-Dec-2001 TD - Sales International Holland B.V. wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 December 2001 13:12, you wrote:
> "test\"" === 'test"' evals true :-)
> what I don't get however, the second the var is set like
> $string = "escaping \" quotes";
> the backslash dissapears in the variable. The backslash is no longer there 
> thus so having the statement
> mysql_query("insert into table values(\"$string\")"); 
> would be interpreted:
> mysql_query("insert into table values(\"test"\")");
> in which case the quote shouldn't appear in the database cause it will see 
> that as delimiter of the first one, however I think the mysql_query fixes 
> this by adding a backslash to it which is interpreted by mysql again cause
> it 
> doesn't store the backslash. The only problem i still have is HTML. If i 
> insert quotes into a field and retrieve them for my form like this:
> the value will stop at the first quote in the string dropping the rest on
> the 
> floor since it doesn't recognize is (most likely) as a tag. So there an 
> exploit there (only HTML/Javascript though not PHP) since you could insert a
> field like
> value"> here> 
> so i need to fix that. otherwise it goes fine. normally i'd understand this 
> perfectly but with all these magic quotes and the mysql functions
> appearantly 
> adding the backslashes for escaping and PHP automatically type casting of 
> variables it has become vague as hell to me :/
> thanks for the help so far people, the sky is finally clearing up :-)

Where possible, I'll use single quoting to avoid chasing down silly escape
mysql_query("insert into table values('$string')");

Try it. Makes life easier.

-- It is necessary for me to learn from others' mistakes. I 
   will not live long enough to make them all by myself.

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RE: [PHP] addslash/stripslashes

2001-12-18 Thread Don Read

On 18-Dec-2001 TD - Sales International Holland B.V. wrote:
> Hey there,
> I was once told I need to use addslashes and stripslashes on data I get from
> the web and insert into the database. I'd like to know why?!?! See I know 
> that with other languages you could use special chars to hack/crack the 
> database, but even without add/strip slashes I can't seem to manage I 
> have a text field I inserted into the database and I entered stuff like
> this:
> ~!@#$%^&*()_+~!@#$%^&*()_+|\\||\[]{};:'".>, since quotes n stuff aren't nicely closed now I'd expect an error if this
> was 
> crack/hackable however it just inserts fine without any problems whatsoever.
> I'm using PHP 4.0.6 and MySQL 4.23.43 (I think haven't checked...) Also when
> I go to the page where the data is retrieved from the database and put in 
> HTML I see EXACTLY what I entered. So it doesn't appear to me I'd need these
> add/strip slashes functions. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Check your 'magic_quotes_gpc', it might explain it.

-- It is necessary for me to learn from others' mistakes. I 
   will not live long enough to make them all by myself.

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RE: [PHP] Easy Question

2001-10-05 Thread Don Read

On 06-Oct-2001 Chip wrote:
> When you write a php script to access a database,edit records, etc., is the
> entire thing 1 giant PHP page or a bunch of different ones?  If it can be
> written both ways, which is the better way to do it?

I tend to write based on function:

whatever ...

then include() the bits where the $vars indicate:

if ($do_detail) 

And, of course, underneath is the common thingys:

-- It is necessary for me to learn from others' mistakes. I 
   will not live long enough to make them all by myself.

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