Re: XMLHttpRequest security section draft

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 20:00:19 +0100, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here's a draft for a security section of the XHR spec. It's probably in
desperate need of editing from someone with more spec writing experience
then me, but it's a start.

That start has now been integrated;%20charset=utf-8#security  
into the editor's version. It probably needs a lot of work...

Anne van Kesteren

Re: First Public WD of XMLHttpRequest released

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 11:51:17 +0200, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I don't see why responseText MUST be null other than in readyState 3  
or 4, why not undefined (e.g. if the firing of the 2 is delayed for  
some reason then data could be available) Equally MUST on 3 is  
incompatible with existing implementations.

It's never null. If the firing of the 2 is delayed, isn't that just a  

No, we're not mandating that events fire in realtime - we can't as ES is  
single threaded etc.

Another way of saying is that until you fire the event the attribute MUST  
be the empty string...

The MUST on 3 is incompatible with existing implementations in what  

MS's XHR implementation throws an error on 3.

I'm in favor of leaving the specification as is and considering what IE  
does at the moment as a bug.

alert( ) isn't defined anywhere, traditionally print has been used as  
a dummy function in ES code.

Any pointers of its use?

The ES spec, just changing alert to print...

Used a print() function instead.

 by data.xmlEncoding, if specified and supported, or UTF-8 otherwise

Makes some sense to me...

I still don't see the point of the restriction at all, and inputEncoding  
would be a better option than xmlEncoding  - if we're assuming the  
server knows the best format for a document serialisation, but I don't  
see the point of requiring such behaviour.

See ISSUE-83.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: ISSUE-29: how is uri parameter of the open() method resolved

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Tue, 28 Feb 2006 02:38:50 +0100, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What we do is that we use window.document.baseURI, most likely for IE  
compat wrt interaction with base.

It is worse if multiple documents are calling each other and there are  
XMLHttpRequest objects involved. Then it is more or less unpredictable  
in mozilla.

During the F2F we resolved to go with what IE does now which is more  
predictable. I drafted something;%20charset=utf-8#definitions  
but it should probably get some additional references and a bit more  
clarification. Suggestions are welcome.

What we resolved for ISSUE-29 is that the XHR object has an intrinsic  
property holding Window.document.baseURI from the Window it was created  
in. That intrinsic property never changes, etc.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XMLHttpRequest Object feedback

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Fri, 21 Apr 2006 15:58:27 +0200, Bjoern Hoehrmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

example) would contain a user name and password. I *assume* you're
referring to the userinfo production in RFC3986; e.g.,
  http://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/path/?query
It may be better to use this terminology (userinfo) explicitly,
along with an appropriate reference.

Also, AIUI, the security gods have determined that userinfo is a no-
no in URLs, and IE (for example) doesn't support it (at least in the
browser, ...

Internet Explorer removed support for illegal HTTP URLs such as the one
you've provided above because it has been abused too much in phishing
mails. For other schemes where this is perfectly valid, like ftp, it
works just fine in Internet Explorer.

What does IE does in such cases and do we want the draft to reflect that?

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - no interoperable implementations

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:10:51 +0200, Karl Dubost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The specification is here to set what is the correct behavior for the  
technology. Certainly there will be problems of interoperability,  
because of the history of the development.  But I believe that a  
complete Test Suite should help to solve these issues by showing,  
don't tell what is the correct behavior. I would suggest to suppress  
most in the sentence and believe. The sentence contains also a  
prose which might be obsolete after a few years as it is only valid  

Perhaps we should move this to the history section, if  we really  
need one (see other reply)?

Yes it could be a solution

And would satisfy your comment? We're planning on doing this for the next  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XMLHttpRequest.abort()

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:22:49 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This has been asked a couple of times before. At some point reset will
be defined and it will say that all members of the object are set to
their initial value (as if you create a new instance of the object yes,
I suppose)...

Hopefully it will also include a requirement that any active connections
are dropped, and so forth?

Do we really want to define in that level of detail? Currently it says:

  When invoked, this method MUST cancel any network activity for which
  the object is responsible and reset the object.

... but perhaps it should only say the object is resetted and no new data  
should be made available to the object or something along those lines.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Extension HTTP methods

2006-05-14 Thread Jim Ley

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Currently some browsers have a whitelist and others have a blacklist and 
the group has resolved to go for a whitelist containing all safe methods 
that currently exist, unless the IETF comes up with good reasons not to.

I disagree with this decision, I do not want any methods to be disallowed 
generally, if user agents choose to disable some specific ones for security 
reasons then that is fine (I'm happy for them to choose to disable POST for 
security reasons if they have security reasons even, security reasons trump 
anything)  but to hobble the object to prevent using future HTTP based 
mechanisms is unhelpful, and not warranted.

There are currently some methods that can't be allowed for security 
reasons and because such method smay be introduced in the future as well 
allowing arbitrary method names does not seem like a good idea.

I think you need to list these methods that cannot be used for security 
reasons, to explain more of the motivations for this decision.  It also 
appears to be a direct reversal of the decision at the previous f2f (issue 
74)  It would be good to see what had changed in between to motivate the 
change, as there was no public discussion, other than more support for 
having any verb.



Re: XMLHttpRequest.abort()

2006-05-14 Thread Ian Hickson

On Sun, 14 May 2006, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

 On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:22:49 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This has been asked a couple of times before. At some point reset will
   be defined and it will say that all members of the object are set to
   their initial value (as if you create a new instance of the object yes,
   I suppose)...
  Hopefully it will also include a requirement that any active connections
  are dropped, and so forth?
 Do we really want to define in that level of detail?


 Currently it says:
   When invoked, this method MUST cancel any network activity for which
   the object is responsible and reset the object.

That's fine.

It's important to specify this because it can end up being something the 
author relies on (e.g. a CGI script could fail in different ways 
depending on how the UA handles the connection, etc).

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: XHR constructor example

2006-05-14 Thread Ian Hickson

On Sun, 14 May 2006, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
 Given that it doesn't have to be a request I think 'r' is saver or 
 perhaps just 'x'...

Please don't use single letter variable names for anything but loop index 
variables (in languages that require those), it's generally considerd 
quite bad practice.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

reponseText now reads:

   If the codetermreadyState/term/code attribute has a value
   other than 3 (Receiving) or 4 (Loaded), it MUST be the empty string.
   Otherwise, it MUST be the fragment of the entity body received so
   far (when codereadyState/code is 3 (Receiving)) or the entity
   body when codereadyState/code is 4 (Loaded)), interpreted as a
   stream of characters.

   If the response includes a codeContent-Type/code understood by
   the UA, with the exception that the rule in the final paragraph of
   section 3.7.1 of [RFC2616], and the rules in section 4.1.2 of
   [RFC2046] MUST be treated as if they specified the default character
   encoding as being UTF-8. Invalid bytes MUST be converted to U+FFFD
   REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. If the UA can't derive a character stream in
   accord with the media type specification, codereponseText/code
   MUST be codenull/code.

This seems a lot better than how  
reads at the moment, but I've the feeling I should add some more  
references. Perhaps [RFC2616] after the first paragraph for entity body  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: Extension HTTP methods

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Sun, 14 May 2006 13:59:34 +0200, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are currently some methods that can't be allowed for security  
reasons and because such method smay be introduced in the future as  
well allowing arbitrary method names does not seem like a good idea.

I think you need to list these methods that cannot be used for security  
reasons, to explain more of the motivations for this decision.  It also  
appears to be a direct reversal of the decision at the previous f2f  
(issue 74)  It would be good to see what had changed in between to  
motivate the change, as there was no public discussion, other than more  
support for having any verb.

I'm just stating the resolutions as they have been made here. Feedback  
from implementors suggested that TRACE and CONNECT have issues and that  
future HTTP methods might become problematic (new specification released,  
servers updated, UAs are not, hole). What was raised against that is that  
it hurts adoption of new HTTP methods. That's true for all other types of  
APIs as well though. Internet Explorer 7 as opposed to Internet Explorer 6  
uses a whitelist and other browsers vendors are planning to do the same  
thing. The whitelist would contain all safe methods currently spreaded  
over various RFCs.

Mark Nottingham would report back if the IETF was ok with this approach or  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XMLHttpRequest.abort()

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Sun, 14 May 2006 14:00:08 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Currently it says:

  When invoked, this method MUST cancel any network activity for which
  the object is responsible and reset the object.

That's fine.


Anne van Kesteren

Re: ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

2006-05-14 Thread Jim Ley

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sun, 14 May 2006 14:25:01 +0200, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is another difference that is not compatible with existing 
implementations, why is the 3 not a SHOULD? to meet the goals of being 
compatible with existing implementations.

Which is a seperate issue I know, but it hasn't been resolved from when 
I raised it last time...

You got a reply[EMAIL PROTECTED] on that 
one. Please keep that issue out of this thread.

That was your personal opinion, and not a decision by the group... currently 
I do not believe any of todays user agents could pass a test suite of the 
XHR object, if that's the case then I think it's difficult to claim that 
we're defining a common subset that authors can rely on.

That may of course be fine, but if it is then we should stop pretending 
we're trying to define what people can rely on.

My view is that like Moz's (null) bug, we should make it a SHOULD so authors 
know they cannot rely on the behaviour currently.


Re: ACTION-51: XMLHttpRequest and 403

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 08:33:35 +0100, Jonas Sicking [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tested what mozilla does when receiving a statuscode of 403.

We basically do the same as for a 200, except that xhr.status returns  
403. The onreadystatechange handler fires as normal and both  
xhr.responseXML and xhr.responseText is set as normal.

A testcase can be found at

For XHR2 it would be interesting to know if you invoke .onload or .onerror  
and if you think that can be changed.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Sun, 14 May 2006 14:35:16 +0200, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
That was your personal opinion, and not a decision by the group...  
currently I do not believe any of todays user agents could pass a test  
suite of the XHR object, if that's the case then I think it's difficult  
to claim that we're defining a common subset that authors can rely on.

That may of course be fine, but if it is then we should stop pretending  
we're trying to define what people can rely on.

My view is that like Moz's (null) bug, we should make it a SHOULD so  
authors know they cannot rely on the behaviour currently.

During the F2F (again, minutes are not yet released) the group agreed upon  
not having this reliable baseline approach as it didn't work out.  
Therefore Moz's (null) bug is now a MUST and this is too. That's also the  
reason we made XMLHttpRequest an EventTarget and introduced the  
readystatechange event. There was an additional resolution on a feature  
freeze so no more features will be added, but all features that are added  
will be sufficiently defined to be interoperable implementable in  
browsers. I hope that clarifies things and I also hope you can attend next  
meeting :-)

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XHR constructor example

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Sun, 14 May 2006 14:05:57 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

Given that it doesn't have to be a request I think 'r' is saver or
perhaps just 'x'...

Please don't use single letter variable names for anything but loop index
variables (in languages that require those), it's generally considerd
quite bad practice.

Sure, give a me a sensible suggestion and I'll take it. Given recent  
discussions (you can post as well as retrieve) I'm not sure the original  
suggestion `var request` makes sense.

Anne van Kesteren

ACTION-139: the IDL is non-normative

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

Used text:

   A more complete description of what can be done with
   codeXMLHttpRequest/code can be found in the
   abbr title=Interface Definition LanguageIDL/abbr below
   and its associated details. The IDL is non-normative and does
   not intend to conform to [OMGIDL]. Only the language bindings
   are normative.

Also removed the  
second editorial note regarding drafting up a note and all that.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

2006-05-14 Thread Jim Ley

Anne van Kesteren [EMAIL PROTECTED]
During the F2F (again, minutes are not yet released) the group agreed upon 
not having this reliable baseline approach as it didn't work out.

Aha, great!  that makes a lot of stuff simpler!  I'm happy with the MUST now

I hope that clarifies things and I also hope you can attend next  meeting 

Well it's an interesting place...  so I think it's probably likely :-)


Re: ACTION-87: Selectors API

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 15:45:21 +0100, Jim Ley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Fair enough, here are the requirements for the name:

* short
* simple

Why are these requirements for the name, no other DOM names are short  
and simple, they're clear and unambiguous, I'd say they were the  
requirements. If people want to use shorter names they understand in  
their closed world the $x() approach is perfectly simple for them  
(although discouraged by ECMA of course).

This has been noted as an open issue.

The reason is performance.

Then one 1 method with an optional limit is ,uch better, it optimises  
for all situations when the author knows how many they're interested in,  
rather than 1 special case.  I don't see why the 1 case is that much  
more special than the N case - as I say gEBI meets most of the 1 cases.

The 1 case returns a Node as opposed to a StaticNodeList.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: [comment] XMLHttpRequest Object - no interoperable implementations

2006-05-14 Thread Karl Dubost

Le 06-05-14 à 20:21, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :

On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:10:51 +0200, Karl Dubost [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The specification is here to set what is the correct behavior  
for the technology. Certainly there will be problems of  
interoperability, because of the history of the development.   
But I believe that a complete Test Suite should help to solve  
these issues by showing, don't tell what is the correct  
behavior. I would suggest to suppress most in the sentence  
and believe. The sentence contains also a prose which might be  
obsolete after a few years as it is only valid now.

Perhaps we should move this to the history section, if  we  
really need one (see other reply)?

Yes it could be a solution

And would satisfy your comment? We're planning on doing this for  
the next draft.

Yes. :) Bis repetita.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
  QA Weblog -
 *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Re: XMLHttpRequest Object feedback

2006-05-14 Thread Bjoern Hoehrmann

* Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 Internet Explorer removed support for illegal HTTP URLs such as the one
 you've provided above because it has been abused too much in phishing
 mails. For other schemes where this is perfectly valid, like ftp, it
 works just fine in Internet Explorer.

What does IE does in such cases and do we want the draft to reflect that?

Internet Explorer 6 and 7 correctly discourage coding practices that are
in violation of RFC 2616 and raises an exception on an attempt to open()
such a URL. Opera9 and Firefox encourage incorrect and non-interoperable
coding practices and use the specified user name and password if and
when challenged for them by the server, contrary to the draft which re-
quires not to respond to a challenge.

We should

  * clearly point out that specification of user name and/or password
in the URL depends on the URL scheme and for HTTP this is not
allowed per RFC 2616

  * define password and user name handling in terms of where to get
those from when challenged for them (e.g., if cross-protocol re-
quests are supported and an initial HTTP request yields in a 301
with Location: ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED] you'd use those instead of
something specified on open() or the initial URL).

  * not prohibit properly responding to a 401 challenge

  * specify error handling for unsupported URLs

  * specify error handling when If the response is an HTTP redirect
(status code 301, 302, 303 or 307), then it MUST be transparently
followed (unless it violates security or infinite loop precautions)
cannot be satisfied due to other reasons, like a redirect to an
unsupported URL scheme

and all sorts of other things...
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ·
Weinh. Str. 22 · Telefon: +49(0)621/4309674 ·
68309 Mannheim · PGP Pub. KeyID: 0xA4357E78 · 

XMLHttpRequest request bodies (was: Re: Issue: request bodies)

2006-05-14 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:15:36 +0200, Mark Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 4/22/06, Maciej Stachowiak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Current implementations silently ignore the body in this case.

FWIW, I decided to test this.  As it turns out, IE and Firefox on
WinXP pass bodies on all methods except GET (actually, I couldn't test
GET on IE - it would only send POST!), and Opera passes them only with
POST (and doesn't support PUT?!).  That's all the browsers I have
access to right now.

So I have no strong opinions about this, but my suggestion would be to say  
that the data passed to send() is always used as the entity body, if  
present, unless the method argument is GET in which case it's dropped. Any  

Anne van Kesteren

Re: XHR constructor example

2006-05-14 Thread Ian Hickson

On Sun, 14 May 2006, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
 On Sun, 14 May 2006 14:05:57 +0200, Ian Hickson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
   Given that it doesn't have to be a request I think 'r' is saver or
   perhaps just 'x'...
  Please don't use single letter variable names for anything but loop index
  variables (in languages that require those), it's generally considerd
  quite bad practice.
 Sure, give a me a sensible suggestion and I'll take it. Given recent
 discussions (you can post as well as retrieve) I'm not sure the original
 suggestion `var request` makes sense.

Does the example do a request? If so, 'request' is fine.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'