Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-06-08 Thread Michael Selik
What's wrong with making this two lines?

In [1]: import random

In [2]: xs = [10, 20, 30]

In [3]: def foo(x):
...: return [x + i for i in range(3)]

In [4]: def bar(y):
...: if random.random() < 0.3:
...: return None
...: return str(y)

In [5]: ys = ((y, bar(y)) for x in xs for y in foo(x))

In [6]: {y: result for y, result in ys if result is not None}
Out[6]: {10: '10', 11: '11', 20: '20', 21: '21', 22: '22', 30: '30', 
32: '32'}

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:03:56AM -0700, Brendan Barnwell wrote:

>   What I don't understand is this: if we believe that, then why was 
> comprehension-leaking EVER removed?  Everything that I've seen 
> advocating for this kind of leaking seems to me like it is much more 
> logically consistent with allowing all comprehension variables to leak 
> than it is with the current behavior, in which they don't leak.

Originally list comprehensions ran in the same scope as their 
surroundings. In Python 2:

py> [1 for x in ("spam", "eggs")]
[1, 1]
py> x

but when generator expressions were introduced a few years later, they 
ran in their own sub-local scope. This was, I believe, initially 
introduced to simplify the common situation that you return a generator 
from inside a function:

def factory():
x = "something big"
return (x for x in seq)

would require holding onto a closure of the factory locals, including 
the "something big" object. Potentially forever, if the generator 
expression is never iterated over.

(I hope someone will correct me if I have misunderstood.)

To avoid that, the x in the generator was put into a distinct scope from 
the x in factory. Either way, the PEP introducing generator expressions 
makes it clear that it was a deliberate decision:

The loop variable (if it is a simple variable or a tuple of
simple variables) is not exposed to the surrounding function.
This facilitates the implementation and makes typical use
cases more reliable.

In the case of loop variables, there is an argument from "practicality 
beats purity" that they ought to run in their own scope. Loop variables 
tend to be short, generic names like "i", "x", "obj", all the more 
likely to clash with names in the surrounding scope, and hard to spot 
when they do. They're also likely to be used inside loops:

for x in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
alist = [expr for x in range(50)]
# oops, x has been accidentally overridden (in Python 2)

I don't *entirely* buy that argument, and I occasionally find it useful 
to inspect the loop variable of a list comprehension after it has run, 
but this is one windmill I'm not going to tilt against. Reversing the 
decision to put the loop variables in their own sublocal scope is *not* 
part of this PEP.

But this is less likely to be a problem for explicit assignment. Outside 
of toy examples, we're more likely to assign to descriptive names and 
less likely to clash with any surrounding loop variable:

for book in library:
text = [content for chapter in books.chapters() 
if (content := chapter.get_text(all=True) 
and re.match(pattern, content)]

Given an obvious and explicit assignment to "chapter", say, we are more 
likely to realise when we are reusing a name (compared to assigning to 
a loop variable i, say). At least, we should be no more likely to mess 
this up than we are for any other local-level assignment.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Brendan Barnwell

On 2018-05-31 05:53, Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Bottom line is, if you think it is okay that the following assignment to
x affects the local scope:

 results = []
 for a in seq:
 # using "given" to avoid arguments about :=
 y = (x given x = a)+1
 assert "x" in locals()

but then worry that changing the loop to a comprehension:

 results = [(x given x = a)+1 for a in seq]
 assert "x" in locals()

will be a problem, then I think you are applying an unreasonably strict
standard of functional purity towards comprehensions, one which is not
justified by Python's consenting adults approach to side-effects or the
fact that comprehensions can already have side-effects.

	What I don't understand is this: if we believe that, then why was 
comprehension-leaking EVER removed?  Everything that I've seen 
advocating for this kind of leaking seems to me like it is much more 
logically consistent with allowing all comprehension variables to leak 
than it is with the current behavior, in which they don't leak.

Brendan Barnwell
"Do not follow where the path may lead.  Go, instead, where there is no 
path, and leave a trail."

   --author unknown
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:23 PM, Peter O'Connor
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> [process(tx, y) for x in xs for tx in [transform(x)] for y in yz]
>> ...
>> I think Serhiy was trying to establish this form as a standard idiom,
>> with optimization in the interpreter to avoid constructing a list and
>> iterating over it (so it would be functionally identical to actual
>> assignment). I'd rather see that happen than the creation of a messy
>> 'given' syntax.
> Perhaps it wouldn't be crazy to have "with name=initial" be that idiom
> instead of "for name in [initial]".  As ..
> [process(tx, y) for x in xs with tx=transform(x) for y in yz]
> .. seems to convey the intention more clearly.  More generally (outside of
> just comprehensions), "with name=expr:" could be used to temporarily bind
> "name" to "expr" inside the scope of the with-statement (and unbind it at
> the end).

Except that 'with' means context managers, not just assignment. Also,
it's not backward-compatible; if the "for var in [val]" syntax becomes
an accepted idiom, it'll be valid in all versions of Python back to,
what, 2.4? and just won't be optimized in older versions. Making a new
syntax misses out on that benefit, so it needs to be a really good
syntax, and 'with' isn't.

> And then I could have my precious initialized generators (which I believe
> cannot be nicely implemented with ":=" unless we initialize the variable
> outside of the scope of the comprehension, which introduces the problem of
> unintended side-effects).
> smooth_signal = [average with average=0 for x in seq with
> average=(1-decay)*average + decay*x]

I want to read this as "average with average=0" blah blah, which
doesn't make a lot of sense. It'd be far FAR better to mess with
things so that external assignment works.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Peter O'Connor
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 2:55 PM, Chris Angelico  wrote:

> [process(tx, y) for x in xs for tx in [transform(x)] for y in yz]

I think Serhiy was trying to establish this form as a standard idiom,
> with optimization in the interpreter to avoid constructing a list and
> iterating over it (so it would be functionally identical to actual
> assignment). I'd rather see that happen than the creation of a messy
> 'given' syntax.

Perhaps it wouldn't be crazy to have "with name=initial" be that idiom
instead of "for name in [initial]".  As ..

[process(tx, y) for x in xs with tx=transform(x) for y in yz]

.. seems to convey the intention more clearly.  More generally (outside of
just comprehensions), "with name=expr:" could be used to temporarily bind
"name" to "expr" inside the scope of the with-statement (and unbind it at
the end).

And then I could have my precious initialized generators (which I believe
cannot be nicely implemented with ":=" unless we initialize the variable
outside of the scope of the comprehension, which introduces the problem of
unintended side-effects).

smooth_signal = [average with average=0 for x in seq with
+ decay*x]
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:24 PM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> Do you have an equally compelling example for your given-comprehension
> syntax? I didn't think your example was obviously better than what we
> can already do:
> # calculate tx only once per x loop
> [process(tx, y) for x in xs given tx = transform(x) for y in ys]
> # existing solution
> [process(tx, y) for tx in (transform(x) for x in xs) for y in yz]

# alternate existing solution
[process(tx, y) for x in xs for tx in [transform(x)] for y in yz]

This syntax allows you to use both x and tx in the resultant
expression. For instance:

[process(value, row_total) for row in dataset for row_total in
[sum(row)] for value in row]

ret = []
for row in dataset:
row_total = sum(row)
for value in row:
ret.append(process(value, row_total))

If done without optimization, each row would take O(n²) time, but this
way it's O(n).

I think Serhiy was trying to establish this form as a standard idiom,
with optimization in the interpreter to avoid constructing a list and
iterating over it (so it would be functionally identical to actual
assignment). I'd rather see that happen than the creation of a messy
'given' syntax.

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 02:22:21PM +0200, Peter O'Connor wrote:

> There seems to be a lot of controversy about updating variables defined
> outside a comprehension within a comprehension.  Seems like it could lead
> to a lot of bugs and unintended consequences, and that it's safer to not
> allow side-effects of comprehensions.

Gosh, you mean that a feature intended to have side-effects might have 
side-effects? Who would have predicted that! *wink*

I have to keep pointing this out, because critics keep refusing to 
acknowledge this point: one of the major motivating use-cases of 
assignment expressions specifically relies on the ability to update a 
local variable from inside a comprehension. If not for that use-case, we 
probably wouldn't be having this discussion at all.

I think it ought to take more than "controversy" to eliminate that 
use-case from consideration. It ought to take a good demonstration that 
this is a real, not just theoretical, problem, that it *encourages* bugs 
not just allows them. *Any* use of variables can "lead to a lot of bugs 
and unintended consequences" (just ask functional programmers). Yes, it 
can, but it usually doesn't.

Bottom line is, if you think it is okay that the following assignment to 
x affects the local scope:

results = []
for a in seq:
# using "given" to avoid arguments about :=
y = (x given x = a)+1  
assert "x" in locals()

but then worry that changing the loop to a comprehension:

results = [(x given x = a)+1 for a in seq]
assert "x" in locals()

will be a problem, then I think you are applying an unreasonably strict 
standard of functional purity towards comprehensions, one which is not 
justified by Python's consenting adults approach to side-effects or the 
fact that comprehensions can already have side-effects.

(Sorry Nick!)

[Aside: yes, I realise the assertions will fail if seq is empty. It's 
just an illustration, not production code.]

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 04:44:18AM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> Yes, you're right. That's the ambiguity I mentioned in my last message.
> It's too bad because I want given for expressions and given for
> comprehensions.

Why? So far you haven't given (heh, pun intended) any examples of 
something you can do better with "given for comprehensions" which isn't 
either already doable or will be doable with assignment expressions 
(regardless of spelling).

Earlier, I wrote:

"To showcase assignment expressions, we should be solving problems that 
don't have a good solution now."

(I exclude "re-write your code as a for-loop statement" -- I consider 
that a last resort, not the best solution.)

Now I realise that good solutions are in the eye of the beholder, but I 
think we (mostly) agree that:

[process(x, 2*x, x**3) for obj in seq for x in [func(obj)]]

is a hacky solution for assignments in an expression. It works, 
but it hardly speaks to the programmers intention. Whichever syntax we 
use, an explicit assignment expression is better:

# verbose, Repeat Yourself syntax
[process(x given x = func(obj), 2*x, x**3) for obj in seq]

# concise, Don't Repeat Yourself syntax
[process(x := func(obj), 2*x, x**3) for obj in seq]

(I don't apologise for the editorial comments.)

Do you have an equally compelling example for your given-comprehension 
syntax? I didn't think your example was obviously better than what we 
can already do:

# calculate tx only once per x loop
[process(tx, y) for x in xs given tx = transform(x) for y in ys]

# existing solution
[process(tx, y) for tx in (transform(x) for x in xs) for y in yz]

Regardless of whether it is spelled := or given, I don't think that this 
example is a compelling use-case for assignment expressions. I think 
there are much better use-cases.

(E.g. avoiding cascades of nested if statements.)

Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Peter O'Connor
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:55 PM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:

> Why wouldn't you want to just put the outer given outside the entire
> comprehension?
> retval = [expr(name, x) given name=update(name, x) for x in seq]
> given name=something

There seems to be a lot of controversy about updating variables defined
outside a comprehension within a comprehension.  Seems like it could lead
to a lot of bugs and unintended consequences, and that it's safer to not
allow side-effects of comprehensions.

> The more I think about it, the more i want to keep "given" in
> comprehensions, and given in expressions using parentheses when given is
> supposed to bind to the expression first.

I think the problem is that you given to be used in two ways:
-  You want "B given A" to mean "execute A before B" when B is a simple
- "given A B" to mean "execute A before B" when B is a loop declaration.

The more I think about it, the more I think comprehensions should be parsed
in reverse order: "from right to left".  In this alternate world, your
initial example would have been:

   potential_updates = {
   (1)  y: command.create_potential_update(y)
   (2)  if potential_update is not None
   (3)  given potential_update =
   (4)  for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
   (5)  for x in need_initialization_nodes

Which would translate to:

   potential_updates = {}
(5)  for x in need_initialization_nodes:
(4)   for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
(3)   potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
(2)   if potential_update is not None:
(1)   potential_updates[y] = command.create_potential_

And there would be no ambiguity about the use of given.  Also, variables
would tend to be used closer to their declarations.

But it's way to late to make a change like that to Python.
Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 5:39 AM Peter O'Connor 

> Well, there need not be any ambiguity if you think of "B given A" as
> "execute A before B", and remember that "given" has a lower precedence than
> "for" (So [B given A for x in seq] is parsed as [(B given A) for x in seq]
> Then
>> retval = [expr(name) given name=something(x) for x in seq]
> Is:
> retval = []
> for x in seq:
> name = something(x)
> retval.append(expr(name))
> And
> retval = [expr(name, x) for x in seq given name=something]
> Is:
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> retval.append(expr(name, x))
> But this is probably not a great solution, as it forces you to mentally
> unwrap comprehensions in a strange order and remember a non-obvious
> precedence rule.

You hit the nail on the head.  It forces you to unwarp comprehensions in a
strange order.  This is why I want the "given" to be interspersed with the
"for" and "if" and for everything to be in the order you declare it.

> On the plus-side, it lets you initialize generators with in-loop updates
> (which cannot as far as I see be done nicely with ":="):
> retval = [expr(name, x) given name=update(name, x) for x in seq given
> name=something]
> Is:
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> name = update(name, x)
> retval.append(expr(name, x))

Why wouldn't you want to just put the outer given outside the entire
retval = [expr(name, x) given name=update(name, x) for x in seq] given

The more I think about it, the more i want to keep "given" in
comprehensions, and given in expressions using parentheses when given is
supposed to bind to the expression first.

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Neil Girdhar 
> wrote:
>> Yes, you're right. That's the ambiguity I mentioned in my last message.
>> It's too bad because I want given for expressions and given for
>> comprehensions. But if you have both, there's ambiguity and you would at
>> least need parentheses:
>> [(y given y=2*x) for x in range(3)]
>> That might be fine.
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:34 AM Peter O'Connor <
>>> wrote:
>>> * Sorry, message sent too early:
>>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
>>> wrote:

> [expression given name=something for x in seq]

 retval = []
 name = something
 for x in seq:
 return retval

>>> That's a little confusing then, because, given the way given is used
>>> outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>>> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
>>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Peter O'Connor <
>>>> wrote:

 On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval

 That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
 used outside of comprehensions, you would expect

 for x in range(3):
 y given y=2*x

 [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]

 to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.

Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Peter O'Connor
Well, there need not be any ambiguity if you think of "B given A" as
"execute A before B", and remember that "given" has a lower precedence than
"for" (So [B given A for x in seq] is parsed as [(B given A) for x in seq]


> retval = [expr(name) given name=something(x) for x in seq]


retval = []
for x in seq:
name = something(x)


retval = [expr(name, x) for x in seq given name=something]

retval = []
name = something
for x in seq:
retval.append(expr(name, x))

But this is probably not a great solution, as it forces you to mentally
unwrap comprehensions in a strange order and remember a non-obvious
precedence rule.

On the plus-side, it lets you initialize generators with in-loop updates
(which cannot as far as I see be done nicely with ":="):

retval = [expr(name, x) given name=update(name, x) for x in seq given


retval = []
name = something
for x in seq:
name = update(name, x)
retval.append(expr(name, x))

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:44 AM, Neil Girdhar 

> Yes, you're right. That's the ambiguity I mentioned in my last message.
> It's too bad because I want given for expressions and given for
> comprehensions. But if you have both, there's ambiguity and you would at
> least need parentheses:
> [(y given y=2*x) for x in range(3)]
> That might be fine.
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:34 AM Peter O'Connor 
> wrote:
>> * Sorry, message sent too early:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
>> wrote:
 [expression given name=something for x in seq]

>>> retval = []
>>> name = something
>>> for x in seq:
>>> retval.append(expression)
>>> return retval
>> That's a little confusing then, because, given the way given is used
>> outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Peter O'Connor <
>>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
>>> wrote:

> [expression given name=something for x in seq]

 retval = []
 name = something
 for x in seq:
 return retval

>>> That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
>>> used outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>>> for x in range(3):
>>> y given y=2*x
>>> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Neil Girdhar
Yes, you're right. That's the ambiguity I mentioned in my last message.
It's too bad because I want given for expressions and given for
comprehensions. But if you have both, there's ambiguity and you would at
least need parentheses:

[(y given y=2*x) for x in range(3)]

That might be fine.

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:34 AM Peter O'Connor 

> * Sorry, message sent too early:
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
> wrote:
>>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
>> retval = []
>> name = something
>> for x in seq:
>> retval.append(expression)
>> return retval
> That's a little confusing then, because, given the way given is used
> outside of comprehensions, you would expect
> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Peter O'Connor <
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
>> wrote:
 [expression given name=something for x in seq]

>>> retval = []
>>> name = something
>>> for x in seq:
>>> retval.append(expression)
>>> return retval
>> That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
>> used outside of comprehensions, you would expect
>> for x in range(3):
>> y given y=2*x
>> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
>> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Peter O'Connor
* Sorry, message sent too early:

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval

That's a little confusing then, because, given the way given is used
outside of comprehensions, you would expect

[y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]

to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.

On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:32 AM, Peter O'Connor  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar 
> wrote:
>>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
>> retval = []
>> name = something
>> for x in seq:
>> retval.append(expression)
>> return retval
> That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
> used outside of comprehensions, you would expect
> for x in range(3):
> y given y=2*x
> [y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]
> to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Peter O'Connor
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 4:50 AM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval

That's a little strange confusing then, because, given the way given is
used outside of comprehensions, you would expect

for x in range(3):
y given y=2*x

[y given y=2*x for x in range(3)]

to return [0, 2, 4], but it would actually raise an error.
Python-ideas mailing list
Code of Conduct:

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-31 Thread Neil Girdhar
Okay, I though about it some more, and I think I'm mistaken about the
possibility of adding both rules to the grammar since in that case it is
ambiguous whether given binds more tightly to a trailing expression or to
the comp_iter.  It's too bad.

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 10:50 PM Neil Girdhar  wrote:

> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:02 PM Steven D'Aprano 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:05:33AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> > On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Steven D'Aprano 
>> wrote:
>> > >> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
>> > >
>> > > Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a
>> > > single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.
>> > >
>> > > z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}
>> > >
>> > > But if you really insist:
>> > >
>> > > # Pointless use of :=
>> > > z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}
>> > >
>> >
>> > That's the subtlety of the 'given' usage here. You fell for the same
>> > trap I did: thinking "it's only used once".
>> But it is only used once. I meant once per loop.
>> It isn't used in the "for a in as_" inner loop, there's no "if
>> transformed_b" condition, and it only is used once in the key:value part
>> of the comprehension.
>> > Actually, what he has is equivalent to:
>> >
>> > z = {a: tb for b in bs for tb in [transform(b)] for a in as_}
>> Which also uses tb only once, making it a Useless Use Of Assignment.
>> (I assume we're not calling transform() for some side-effect, like
>> logging a message, or erasing your hard drive.)
>> > which means it evaluates transform(b) once regardless of the length of
>> > as_.
>> Ah yes, I see what you mean. Expanded to a loop:
>> for b in bs:
>> tb = transform(b)
>> for a in as_:
>> z[a] = tb
>> It's a little ugly, but there's a trick I already use today:
>> py> [x+y for x in "abc" if print(x) or True for y in "de"]
>> a
>> b
>> c
>> ['ad', 'ae', 'bd', 'be', 'cd', 'ce']
>> So we can adapt that to assignment instead of output:
>> # Don't do this!
>> z = {a: tb for b in bs if (tb := transform(b)) or True for a in as_}
>> But I wouldn't do that. If I'm concerned about the call to transform
>> (because it is super expensive, say) then I set up a pipeline:
>> tbs = (transform(b) for b in bs)  # or map(transform, bs)
>> z = {a: tb for tb in tbs for a in as_}
>> The first generator comprehension can be easily embedded in the other:
>> z = {a: tb for tb in (transform(b) for b in bs) for a in as_}
>> This makes it super-obvious that transform is called for each b, not for
>> each (b, a) pair, it works today, and there's no assignment expression
>> needed at all.
>> Assignment expressions should not be about adding yet a third way to
>> solve a problem that already has a perfectly good solution! ("Expand to
>> a loop statement" is not a *perfectly* good solution.) To showcase
>> assignment expressions, we should be solving problems that don't have a
>> good solution now.
>> I'm still not convinced that Neil's "given" example will even work (see
>> below) but *if he is right* that it does, perhaps that's a good reason
>> to prefer the simpler := assignment expression syntax, since we're
>> less likely to use it in confusing ways.
>> > But it's really REALLY not obvious.
>> But is it even legal?
>> As I understand it, "given" is an expression, not an addition to
>> comprehension syntax. In that case, I don't think Neil's example will
>> work at all, for reasons I've already stated.
>> If that's not the case, then until somebody tells me what this new
>> comprehension syntax means, and what it looks like, I have no idea what
>> is intended.
>> Which of these can we write, and what do they do?
> Great question.  The trick is to just write them as a sequence of
> statements without changing the order except to put the expression last.
>> [expression given name=something for x in seq]
> retval = []
> name = something
> for x in seq:
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval
>> [expression for x given name=something in seq]
> this one doesn't make sense.
> [expression for x in seq given name=something]
> retval = []
> for x in seq:
> name = something
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval
>> [expression for x in seq if given name=something condition]
>> this one doesn't make sense.
>> [expression for x in seq if condition given name=something]
>> retval = []
> for x in seq:
> if condition:
> name = something
> retval.append(expression)
> return retval
> and of course, the original proposal
> expression given name=something
> means:
> name = something
> retval = expression
> return retval
>> --
>> Steve
>> ___
>> Python-ideas mailing list
>> https

Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 9:02 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:05:33AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Steven D'Aprano 
> wrote:
> > >> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> > >
> > > Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a
> > > single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.
> > >
> > > z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}
> > >
> > > But if you really insist:
> > >
> > > # Pointless use of :=
> > > z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}
> > >
> >
> > That's the subtlety of the 'given' usage here. You fell for the same
> > trap I did: thinking "it's only used once".
> But it is only used once. I meant once per loop.
> It isn't used in the "for a in as_" inner loop, there's no "if
> transformed_b" condition, and it only is used once in the key:value part
> of the comprehension.
> > Actually, what he has is equivalent to:
> >
> > z = {a: tb for b in bs for tb in [transform(b)] for a in as_}
> Which also uses tb only once, making it a Useless Use Of Assignment.
> (I assume we're not calling transform() for some side-effect, like
> logging a message, or erasing your hard drive.)
> > which means it evaluates transform(b) once regardless of the length of
> > as_.
> Ah yes, I see what you mean. Expanded to a loop:
> for b in bs:
> tb = transform(b)
> for a in as_:
> z[a] = tb
> It's a little ugly, but there's a trick I already use today:
> py> [x+y for x in "abc" if print(x) or True for y in "de"]
> a
> b
> c
> ['ad', 'ae', 'bd', 'be', 'cd', 'ce']
> So we can adapt that to assignment instead of output:
> # Don't do this!
> z = {a: tb for b in bs if (tb := transform(b)) or True for a in as_}
> But I wouldn't do that. If I'm concerned about the call to transform
> (because it is super expensive, say) then I set up a pipeline:
> tbs = (transform(b) for b in bs)  # or map(transform, bs)
> z = {a: tb for tb in tbs for a in as_}
> The first generator comprehension can be easily embedded in the other:
> z = {a: tb for tb in (transform(b) for b in bs) for a in as_}
> This makes it super-obvious that transform is called for each b, not for
> each (b, a) pair, it works today, and there's no assignment expression
> needed at all.
> Assignment expressions should not be about adding yet a third way to
> solve a problem that already has a perfectly good solution! ("Expand to
> a loop statement" is not a *perfectly* good solution.) To showcase
> assignment expressions, we should be solving problems that don't have a
> good solution now.
> I'm still not convinced that Neil's "given" example will even work (see
> below) but *if he is right* that it does, perhaps that's a good reason
> to prefer the simpler := assignment expression syntax, since we're
> less likely to use it in confusing ways.
> > But it's really REALLY not obvious.
> But is it even legal?
> As I understand it, "given" is an expression, not an addition to
> comprehension syntax. In that case, I don't think Neil's example will
> work at all, for reasons I've already stated.
> If that's not the case, then until somebody tells me what this new
> comprehension syntax means, and what it looks like, I have no idea what
> is intended.
> Which of these can we write, and what do they do?

Great question.  The trick is to just write them as a sequence of
statements without changing the order except to put the expression last.

> [expression given name=something for x in seq]

retval = []
name = something
for x in seq:
return retval

> [expression for x given name=something in seq]

this one doesn't make sense.

[expression for x in seq given name=something]
retval = []
for x in seq:
name = something
return retval

> [expression for x in seq if given name=something condition]
> this one doesn't make sense.

> [expression for x in seq if condition given name=something]
> retval = []
for x in seq:
if condition:
name = something
return retval

and of course, the original proposal

expression given name=something


name = something
retval = expression
return retval

> --
> Steve
> ___
> Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 7:54 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 01:59:37PM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> > This example shows additional flexibility:
> >
> > z = {a: transformed_b
> >  for b in bs
> >  given transformed_b = transform(b)
> >  for a in as_}
> Is that even legal?

In case you missed my earlier reply to you:

One addition to the grammar would be to "test" for something like

test: bool_test [comp_given]
bool_test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
comp_given: 'given' testlist_star_expr annassign

The second would permit the usage in comprehensions:

comp_iter: comp_for | comp_if | comp_given

> Again, you're putting half of the comprehension in the middle of
> the given expression. I believe that "given" expression syntax is:
> expression given name = another_expression
> it's not a syntactic form that we can split across arbitrary chunks of
> code:
> # surely this won't be legal?
> def method(self, arg, x=spam):
> body
> given spam = expression
> Comprehension syntax in this case is:
> {key:expr for b in it1 for a in it2}
> (of course comprehensions can also include more loops and if clauses,
> but this example doesn't use those). So you've interleaved part of the
> given expression and part of the comprehension:
> {key: expression COMPRE- given name = another_expression -HENSION}
> That's the second time you've done that. Neil, if my analysis is
> correct, I think you have done us a great service: showing that the
> "given" expression syntax really encourages people to generate syntax
> errors in their comprehensions.

> > There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a
> single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.
> z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}
> But if you really insist:
> # Pointless use of :=
> z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}
Those call transform for every a needlessly.

> --
> Steve
> ___
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 8:10 PM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 04:06:51AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:59 AM, Neil Girdhar 
> wrote:
> > > This example shows additional flexibility:
> > >
> > > z = {a: transformed_b
> > >  for b in bs
> > >  given transformed_b = transform(b)
> > >  for a in as_}
> > >
> > > There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> >
> > True. However, it took me several readings to understand what you were
> > doing here.
> Possibly you shouldn't have tried reading at 4am.
> Either that or I shouldn't be reading before I've had a coffee :-)
> Have I missed something that you have seen? Even if the syntax were
> legal, that seems to be a pointless use of an assignment expression.
> Since the new name "transformed_b" is only used once, we can and should
> just use the transform(b) in place:
> z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}

Chris just explained it to you.  You're calling transform too often.

> If we need to use it twice, we can do this:
> # assume "@" stands in for something useful
> z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) @ transformed_b
>  for b in bs for a in as_}
> I'm not seeing the advantage of given, or any extra flexibility here,
> unless the aim is to encourage people to make syntax errors :-)
The flexibility of "given" is in giving names to elements of expressions
and comprehensions to avoid recalculation.

> What have I missed?
> Like you say, := and given both work for expressions.  "given" could
theoretically also be used in comprehensions.

> --
> Steve
> ___
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:05:33AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> >> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> >
> > Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a
> > single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.
> >
> > z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}
> >
> > But if you really insist:
> >
> > # Pointless use of :=
> > z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}
> >
> That's the subtlety of the 'given' usage here. You fell for the same
> trap I did: thinking "it's only used once".

But it is only used once. I meant once per loop.

It isn't used in the "for a in as_" inner loop, there's no "if 
transformed_b" condition, and it only is used once in the key:value part 
of the comprehension.

> Actually, what he has is equivalent to:
> z = {a: tb for b in bs for tb in [transform(b)] for a in as_}

Which also uses tb only once, making it a Useless Use Of Assignment.

(I assume we're not calling transform() for some side-effect, like 
logging a message, or erasing your hard drive.)

> which means it evaluates transform(b) once regardless of the length of
> as_. 

Ah yes, I see what you mean. Expanded to a loop:

for b in bs:
tb = transform(b)
for a in as_:
z[a] = tb

It's a little ugly, but there's a trick I already use today:

py> [x+y for x in "abc" if print(x) or True for y in "de"]
['ad', 'ae', 'bd', 'be', 'cd', 'ce']

So we can adapt that to assignment instead of output:

# Don't do this!
z = {a: tb for b in bs if (tb := transform(b)) or True for a in as_}

But I wouldn't do that. If I'm concerned about the call to transform 
(because it is super expensive, say) then I set up a pipeline:

tbs = (transform(b) for b in bs)  # or map(transform, bs)
z = {a: tb for tb in tbs for a in as_}

The first generator comprehension can be easily embedded in the other:

z = {a: tb for tb in (transform(b) for b in bs) for a in as_}

This makes it super-obvious that transform is called for each b, not for 
each (b, a) pair, it works today, and there's no assignment expression 
needed at all.

Assignment expressions should not be about adding yet a third way to 
solve a problem that already has a perfectly good solution! ("Expand to 
a loop statement" is not a *perfectly* good solution.) To showcase 
assignment expressions, we should be solving problems that don't have a 
good solution now.

I'm still not convinced that Neil's "given" example will even work (see 
below) but *if he is right* that it does, perhaps that's a good reason 
to prefer the simpler := assignment expression syntax, since we're 
less likely to use it in confusing ways.

> But it's really REALLY not obvious. 

But is it even legal?

As I understand it, "given" is an expression, not an addition to 
comprehension syntax. In that case, I don't think Neil's example will 
work at all, for reasons I've already stated.

If that's not the case, then until somebody tells me what this new 
comprehension syntax means, and what it looks like, I have no idea what 
is intended.

Which of these can we write, and what do they do?

[expression given name=something for x in seq]

[expression for x given name=something in seq]

[expression for x in seq given name=something]

[expression for x in seq if given name=something condition]

[expression for x in seq if condition given name=something]

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 10:05 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 04:06:51AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:59 AM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
>> > This example shows additional flexibility:
>> >
>> > z = {a: transformed_b
>> >  for b in bs
>> >  given transformed_b = transform(b)
>> >  for a in as_}
>> >
>> > There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
>> True. However, it took me several readings to understand what you were
>> doing here.
> Possibly you shouldn't have tried reading at 4am.
> Either that or I shouldn't be reading before I've had a coffee :-)
> Have I missed something that you have seen?

Yep, as mentioned in the other post. The fact that you talk like this
about it - asserting that it's obvious what this does, while still
considering it to be utterly useless - is proof, IMO, that this should
be frowned upon in style guides.

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 04:06:51AM +1000, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:59 AM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
> > This example shows additional flexibility:
> >
> > z = {a: transformed_b
> >  for b in bs
> >  given transformed_b = transform(b)
> >  for a in as_}
> >
> > There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> True. However, it took me several readings to understand what you were
> doing here.

Possibly you shouldn't have tried reading at 4am.

Either that or I shouldn't be reading before I've had a coffee :-)

Have I missed something that you have seen? Even if the syntax were 
legal, that seems to be a pointless use of an assignment expression. 
Since the new name "transformed_b" is only used once, we can and should 
just use the transform(b) in place:

z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}

If we need to use it twice, we can do this:

# assume "@" stands in for something useful
z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) @ transformed_b 
 for b in bs for a in as_}

I'm not seeing the advantage of given, or any extra flexibility here, 
unless the aim is to encourage people to make syntax errors :-)

What have I missed?

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
>> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a
> single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.
> z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}
> But if you really insist:
> # Pointless use of :=
> z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}

That's the subtlety of the 'given' usage here. You fell for the same
trap I did: thinking "it's only used once". Actually, what he has is
equivalent to:

z = {a: tb for b in bs for tb in [transform(b)] for a in as_}

which means it evaluates transform(b) once regardless of the length of
as_. But it's really REALLY not obvious. That's why I actually prefer
the "interpolated 'for' loop" notation, despite it being distinctly
distasteful in general. At least it's obvious that something weird is
happening, so you don't instantly assume that you can inline the
single usage.

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 01:59:37PM -0400, Neil Girdhar wrote:

> This example shows additional flexibility:
> z = {a: transformed_b
>  for b in bs
>  given transformed_b = transform(b)
>  for a in as_}

Is that even legal?

Again, you're putting half of the comprehension in the middle of 
the given expression. I believe that "given" expression syntax is:

expression given name = another_expression

it's not a syntactic form that we can split across arbitrary chunks of 

# surely this won't be legal?
def method(self, arg, x=spam):
given spam = expression

Comprehension syntax in this case is:

{key:expr for b in it1 for a in it2}

(of course comprehensions can also include more loops and if clauses, 
but this example doesn't use those). So you've interleaved part of the 
given expression and part of the comprehension:

{key: expression COMPRE- given name = another_expression -HENSION}

That's the second time you've done that. Neil, if my analysis is 
correct, I think you have done us a great service: showing that the 
"given" expression syntax really encourages people to generate syntax 
errors in their comprehensions.

> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.

Given (pun intended) the fact that you only use transformed_b in a 
single place, I don't think it is necessary to use := at all.

z = {a: transform(b) for b in bs for a in as_}

But if you really insist:

# Pointless use of :=
z = {a: (transformed_b := transform(b)) for b in bs for a in as_}

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Adam Bartoš
A side comment:

> potential_updates = {
> y: potential_update
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> if potential_update is not None}

Probably, I would write

def potential_updates():
for x in need_initialization_nodes:
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
if potential_update is not None:
yield y, potential_update

If such pattern covered a lot of examples, even some syntax sugar could be
added. For example:

foo[0].potential_updates = dict(_) from:
for x in need_initialization_nodes:
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
if potential_update is not None:
yield y, potential_update



would be equivalent to

def _():

_ = _()

Best regards,
Adam Bartoš
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
Peter wrote:

> Well you could just do:

z = {a: b
 for b in (transform(bi) for bi in bs)
 for a in as_}

That works, but I prefer the implicit nesting of a sequence of "comp_for"
expressions to a the nested generator.

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:16 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:59 AM, Neil Girdhar 
> wrote:
> > This example shows additional flexibility:
> >
> > z = {a: transformed_b
> >  for b in bs
> >  given transformed_b = transform(b)
> >  for a in as_}
> >
> > There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.
> True. However, it took me several readings to understand what you were
> doing here. I think I actually prefer "for transformed_b in
> [transform(b)]" to this syntax, which is saying something.

I feel you.  I think of "given" as an assignment that is in front of the
expression, just like "for" (in comp_for) is a for loop that is in front,
and "if" (in comp_if) is a condition that is in front.

> ChrisA
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 3:59 AM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
> This example shows additional flexibility:
> z = {a: transformed_b
>  for b in bs
>  given transformed_b = transform(b)
>  for a in as_}
> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.

True. However, it took me several readings to understand what you were
doing here. I think I actually prefer "for transformed_b in
[transform(b)]" to this syntax, which is saying something.

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Peter O'Connor
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 7:59 PM, Neil Girdhar  wrote:
> z = {a: transformed_b
>  for b in bs
>  given transformed_b = transform(b)
>  for a in as_}
> There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.

Well you could just do:

z = {a: b
 for b in (transform(bi) for bi in bs)
 for a in as_}
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 1:56 PM Neil Girdhar  wrote:

> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 1:52 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:
>> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:23 AM, Peter O'Connor
>>  wrote:
>> >>  In comparison, I think that := is much simpler.
>> >
>> >
>> > In this case that's true, but a small modification:
>> >
>> > updates = {
>> > y: do_something_to(potential_update)
>> > for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> > for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> > if potential_update is not None
>> > given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
>> > }
>> >
>> > Shows the flexibility of this given syntax vs ":="
>> I don't understand what you're showcasing here. With :=, you give a
>> name to something at the exact point that it happens:
>> updates = {
>> y: do_something_to(potential_update)
>> for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> if (potential_update :=
>> command.create_potential_update(y)) is not None
>> }
>> Personally, I'd use a shorter name for something that's used in such a
>> small scope (same as you use one-letter "x" and "y"). But that's the
>> only way that the 'given' syntax looks at all better - by encouraging
>> you to use yet another line, it conceals some of its immense
>> verbosity. (Note how the name "potential_update" is used twice with
>> :=, once to set and one to retrieve; but with given, it's used three
>> times - retrieve, retrieve, and set.)
>> How does this show that 'given' is more flexible?
> Oh yeah, good point, I forgot that I could use := within the condition
> itself.  It does show that this feature is useful, but not that given is
> more flexible than :=.

This example shows additional flexibility:

z = {a: transformed_b
 for b in bs
 given transformed_b = transform(b)
 for a in as_}

There is no nice, equivalent := version as far as I can tell.

>> ChrisA
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 1:52 PM Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:23 AM, Peter O'Connor
>  wrote:
> >>  In comparison, I think that := is much simpler.
> >
> >
> > In this case that's true, but a small modification:
> >
> > updates = {
> > y: do_something_to(potential_update)
> > for x in need_initialization_nodes
> > for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> > if potential_update is not None
> > given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> > }
> >
> > Shows the flexibility of this given syntax vs ":="
> I don't understand what you're showcasing here. With :=, you give a
> name to something at the exact point that it happens:
> updates = {
> y: do_something_to(potential_update)
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if (potential_update :=
> command.create_potential_update(y)) is not None
> }
> Personally, I'd use a shorter name for something that's used in such a
> small scope (same as you use one-letter "x" and "y"). But that's the
> only way that the 'given' syntax looks at all better - by encouraging
> you to use yet another line, it conceals some of its immense
> verbosity. (Note how the name "potential_update" is used twice with
> :=, once to set and one to retrieve; but with given, it's used three
> times - retrieve, retrieve, and set.)
> How does this show that 'given' is more flexible?
Oh yeah, good point, I forgot that I could use := within the condition
itself.  It does show that this feature is useful, but not that given is
more flexible than :=.

> ChrisA
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 1:23 AM, Peter O'Connor
>>  In comparison, I think that := is much simpler.
> In this case that's true, but a small modification:
> updates = {
> y: do_something_to(potential_update)
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if potential_update is not None
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> }
> Shows the flexibility of this given syntax vs ":="

I don't understand what you're showcasing here. With :=, you give a
name to something at the exact point that it happens:

updates = {
y: do_something_to(potential_update)
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if (potential_update :=
command.create_potential_update(y)) is not None

Personally, I'd use a shorter name for something that's used in such a
small scope (same as you use one-letter "x" and "y"). But that's the
only way that the 'given' syntax looks at all better - by encouraging
you to use yet another line, it conceals some of its immense
verbosity. (Note how the name "potential_update" is used twice with
:=, once to set and one to retrieve; but with given, it's used three
times - retrieve, retrieve, and set.)

How does this show that 'given' is more flexible?

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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 11:32 AM Peter O'Connor 

>  In comparison, I think that := is much simpler.
> In this case that's true, but a small modification:
> updates = {
> y: do_something_to(potential_update)
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if potential_update is not None
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> }
> Shows the flexibility of this given syntax vs ":="
> If we think of "given" as just inserting a line with variable-definitions
> before the preceding statement, it seems clear that:
> updates = {
> y: potential_update
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if potential_update is not None
> }
> Should raise a NameError: name 'potential_update' is not defined, and
> updates = {
> y: potential_update
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> if potential_update is not None
> }
> Should raise a NameError: name 'y' is not defined.

The reason I want it like that for comprehensions is that I think of it as
equivalent to:

updates = {}
for x in need_initialization_nodes:
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]:
potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
if potential_update is not None:
updates[y] = potential_update

But you're right that this would be a second addition to the grammar.  One
addition would be to "test" for something like

test: bool_test [comp_given]
bool_test: or_test ['if' or_test 'else' test] | lambdef
comp_given: 'given' testlist_star_expr annassign

The second would permit the usage in comprehensions:

comp_iter: comp_for | comp_if | comp_given



For safety it seems reasonable that if a variable is "given" in a
> comprehension, trying to refer to it (even if it defined in the enclosing
> scope) before the inner-definition will result in a NameError.
> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Steven D'Aprano 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 02:42:21AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
>> > With "given", I can write:
>> >
>> > potential_updates = {
>> > y: potential_update
>> > for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> > for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> > given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
>> > if potential_update is not None}
>> I'm not sure if that would be legal for the "given" syntax. As I
>> understand it, the "given" syntax is:
>> expression given name = another_expression
>> but you've got half of the comprehension stuffed in the gap between the
>> leading expression and the "given" keyword:
>> expression COMPREH- given name = another_expression -ENSION
>> so I think that's going to be illegal.
>> I think it wants to be written this way:
>> potential_updates = {
>> y: potential_update
>> for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> if potential_update is not None
>> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
>> }
>> Or maybe it should be this?
>> potential_updates = {
>> y: potential_update
>> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
>> for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> if potential_update is not None
>> }
>> I'm damned if I know which way is correct. Either of them? Neither?
>> In comparison, I think that := is much simpler. There's only one place
>> it can go:
>> potential_updates = {
>> y: potential_update
>> for x in need_initialization_nodes
>> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
>> if (
>> potential_update := command.create_potential_update(y)
>>) is not None
>> }
>> --
>> Steve
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Peter O'Connor
>  In comparison, I think that := is much simpler.

In this case that's true, but a small modification:

updates = {
y: do_something_to(potential_update)
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if potential_update is not None
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)

Shows the flexibility of this given syntax vs ":="

If we think of "given" as just inserting a line with variable-definitions
before the preceding statement, it seems clear that:

updates = {
y: potential_update
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if potential_update is not None

Should raise a NameError: name 'potential_update' is not defined, and

updates = {
y: potential_update
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
if potential_update is not None

Should raise a NameError: name 'y' is not defined.

For safety it seems reasonable that if a variable is "given" in a
comprehension, trying to refer to it (even if it defined in the enclosing
scope) before the inner-definition will result in a NameError.

On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 2:22 PM, Steven D'Aprano 

> On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 02:42:21AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:
> > With "given", I can write:
> >
> > potential_updates = {
> > y: potential_update
> > for x in need_initialization_nodes
> > for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> > given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> > if potential_update is not None}
> I'm not sure if that would be legal for the "given" syntax. As I
> understand it, the "given" syntax is:
> expression given name = another_expression
> but you've got half of the comprehension stuffed in the gap between the
> leading expression and the "given" keyword:
> expression COMPREH- given name = another_expression -ENSION
> so I think that's going to be illegal.
> I think it wants to be written this way:
> potential_updates = {
> y: potential_update
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if potential_update is not None
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> }
> Or maybe it should be this?
> potential_updates = {
> y: potential_update
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if potential_update is not None
> }
> I'm damned if I know which way is correct. Either of them? Neither?
> In comparison, I think that := is much simpler. There's only one place
> it can go:
> potential_updates = {
> y: potential_update
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> if (
> potential_update := command.create_potential_update(y)
>) is not None
> }
> --
> Steve
> ___
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Python-ideas mailing list
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Re: [Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 02:42:21AM -0700, Neil Girdhar wrote:

> With "given", I can write:
> potential_updates = {
> y: potential_update
> for x in need_initialization_nodes
> for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
> given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
> if potential_update is not None}

I'm not sure if that would be legal for the "given" syntax. As I 
understand it, the "given" syntax is:

expression given name = another_expression

but you've got half of the comprehension stuffed in the gap between the 
leading expression and the "given" keyword:

expression COMPREH- given name = another_expression -ENSION

so I think that's going to be illegal.

I think it wants to be written this way:

potential_updates = {
y: potential_update
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if potential_update is not None
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)

Or maybe it should be this?

potential_updates = {
y: potential_update
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if potential_update is not None

I'm damned if I know which way is correct. Either of them? Neither?

In comparison, I think that := is much simpler. There's only one place 
it can go:

potential_updates = {
y: potential_update
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
if (
potential_update := command.create_potential_update(y)
   ) is not None

Python-ideas mailing list
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[Python-ideas] A real life example of "given"

2018-05-30 Thread Neil Girdhar
I thought I would share a recent use I had for "given":

I have this comprehension:

potential_updates = {y: command.create_potential_update(y)
 for x in need_initialization_nodes
 for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]}

I want to filter out values that are None.  I don't want to call the 
function call twice, so I have to resort to using a loop and appending or 
the for z in [y] trick.  With "given", I can write:

potential_updates = {
y: potential_update
for x in need_initialization_nodes
for y in [x, *x.synthetic_inputs()]
given potential_update = command.create_potential_update(y)
if potential_update is not None}

I also wanted to point out that code like this is self-commenting because 
the key and value of the comprehension can be given names.
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