[U2] ODBC on UD 7.3

2007-09-06 Thread astarte00
Due to the change in the locking within ODBC UD 7x on AIX I am looking for 
alternatives in access methods regarding SQL Tables that reside between the 
above mentioned, and a Unisys box.  Triggers were also being utilized.  The new 
locking (just migrated) has rendered this no longer a viable option.  

The functions that utilize these tables are order entry, so it is real-time 
banging away from numerous locations.  

I would like to know what methods others use to access remote non MV systems 
where data is shared.

u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] RE: Get a grip - was ads - was U2 University Last Week In Denver

2007-09-06 Thread astarte00
BTW -- if ALL you want is strictly technical information -- then RTFM, Tech 
Connect etc...I use this list to ask others for help regarding their personal 
experience and opinions on subject matters where I could not get the answers 
via those previously mentioned methods.  If the answer includes suggestions on 
third party tools...then that may be truly the answer I was seeking.


-- Original message -- 


Jeee -- I cannot believe all this turmoil

Dawn has pretty much laid out the way I feel -- 

I have a headache so I won't be as nice

This IS supposed to be a community...so why the need for a separation in lists? 

Community members interact in many different ways...

You CAN read,  so if you scan the subject line and have no need for the info -- 
skip it -- and grow up -- if its U2 related in any way shape or form it may be 
useful to someone else even if you consider it an "advertisement".  

If you deem that the subject line was misleading...unless you have severely 
limited brain activity I am sure you can surmise that after the first line or 

Restricting the list in a tight fisted mode is nothing short of removing "yst" 
from Analyst...

If it's an advertisement regarding where to score some viagra -- well then that 
would be spam and that is what Chuck has realm over filtering it out. 

It's a pain watching over multiple lists -- been there, done that, monitored a 
forum on comp-u-snot years ago [gawd I'm dating myself]

Tag schmag...how many of you have really looked at the tag verus the remaining 
subject line?  If you subscribe to both do you really segregate the lists by 
them so you don't inadvertently open the wrong one?  [if you do -- then I have 
a game by Milton-Bradley for you to buy-- LIFE]

A little laughter never hurt anyone...sometimes it's what you need to lighten 
the mood when you are pulling your hair out over something heavy on the brain..

Ok going off on week long threads on silly stuff can be a bit much, but once 
again..if you are tired of the joke...SKIP IT

One suggestion -- simply "going to the well" for information on a particular 
subject could use improved indexing and search functions.  I have NEVER been 
able to extrapolate information from this list via a search...it's aggravating 
because,  just like Prego...I know its in there!


-- Original message -- 
From: "Dawn Wolthuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Thanks for the history and mini-rant, Clif. While little differences 
> of opinion like this recent one are common in e-mail communities, this 
> type might be classified as the type found in communities that have 
> more lock-down rules and are moderated in a way similar to ours. 
> This might seem like a big leap, but I think my recommendation below 
> is oddly related to the current chatter. Before stating this very 
> risky recommendation (for me), I want to be clear and open on a few 
> matters: 
> 1) the following recommendation has a self-interest so that I can, 
> once again, feel free to post to this list, one where I once enjoyed 
> the interactions, but 
> 2) this is not a recom mendation that is exclusively out of 
> self-interest. Even if I never post again, I think this will help 
> u2-users be an even better community. As a past president and one of 
> the founders of the U2UG, I would like to see a thriving, successful 
> community of MV professionals here, with everyone who is interested 
> feeling free to chat about relevant topics and even community-building 
> topics that might be slightly to the side. 
> 3) I will mention again that while I still have connections to U2 and 
> am still a customer of the personal edition, I am focused on 
> InterSystems Cache' right now, so like others on the list who might be 
> working with OpenQM, jBASE, D3, Revelation, or other flavors of 
> MultiValue as their primary toolset, my interests are not the same as 
> someone with a U2 production printer problem, corrupt file, or looking 
> for best practices for 24/7 with UniData , for example. I continue to 
> do research on data models as one of my hobbies, however (exciting 
> life I lead, eh?), in particular the relational model and Pick (aka 
> the Nelson-Pick model, aka the MultiValue model) and have an interest 
> in all aspects of MV and the MV community. 
> Recommendation: I recommend that u2-community be closed down and that 
> all with any interest in U2, whether as consultants, 3rd party 
> vendors, VARs, end-customers, DBAs, systems analysts, network 
> administrators, researchers, magazine editors, conference planners, or 
> with any other angle are free to jump in and contribute. 
> I further recommend that the moderators be free to focus on such 
> matters as real abuses of the list, such as spammers or people who are 
> truly offensive to the majority of readers with their postings, along 
> with a regular posting o

Re: [U2] RE: Get a grip - was ads - was U2 University Last Week In Denver

2007-09-06 Thread astarte00

Jeee -- I cannot believe all this turmoil

Dawn has pretty much laid out the way I feel -- 

I have a headache so I won't be as nice

This IS supposed to be a community...so why the need for a separation in lists? 

Community members interact in many different ways...

You CAN read,  so if you scan the subject line and have no need for the info -- 
skip it -- and grow up -- if its U2 related in any way shape or form it may be 
useful to someone else even if you consider it an "advertisement".  

If you deem that the subject line was misleading...unless you have severely 
limited brain activity I am sure you can surmise that after the first line or 

Restricting the list in a tight fisted mode is nothing short of removing "yst" 
from Analyst...

If it's an advertisement regarding where to score some viagra -- well then that 
would be spam and that is what Chuck has realm over filtering it out. 

It's a pain watching over multiple lists -- been there, done that, monitored a 
forum on comp-u-snot years ago [gawd I'm dating myself]

Tag schmag...how many of you have really looked at the tag verus the remaining 
subject line?  If you subscribe to both do you really segregate the lists by 
them so you don't inadvertently open the wrong one?  [if you do -- then I have 
a game by Milton-Bradley for you to buy-- LIFE]

A little laughter never hurt anyone...sometimes it's what you need to lighten 
the mood when you are pulling your hair out over something heavy on the brain..

Ok going off on week long threads on silly stuff can be a bit much, but once 
again..if you are tired of the joke...SKIP IT

One suggestion -- simply "going to the well" for information on a particular 
subject could use improved indexing and search functions.  I have NEVER been 
able to extrapolate information from this list via a search...it's aggravating 
because,  just like Prego...I know its in there!


-- Original message -- 
From: "Dawn Wolthuis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Thanks for the history and mini-rant, Clif. While little differences 
> of opinion like this recent one are common in e-mail communities, this 
> type might be classified as the type found in communities that have 
> more lock-down rules and are moderated in a way similar to ours. 
> This might seem like a big leap, but I think my recommendation below 
> is oddly related to the current chatter. Before stating this very 
> risky recommendation (for me), I want to be clear and open on a few 
> matters: 
> 1) the following recommendation has a self-interest so that I can, 
> once again, feel free to post to this list, one where I once enjoyed 
> the interactions, but 
> 2) this is not a recommendation that is exclusively out of 
> self-interest. Even if I never post again, I think this will help 
> u2-users be an even better community. As a past president and one of 
> the founders of the U2UG, I would like to see a thriving, successful 
> community of MV professionals here, with everyone who is interested 
> feeling free to chat about relevant topics and even community-building 
> topics that might be slightly to the side. 
> 3) I will mention again that while I still have connections to U2 and 
> am still a customer of the personal edition, I am focused on 
> InterSystems Cache' right now, so like others on the list who might be 
> working with OpenQM, jBASE, D3, Revelation, or other flavors of 
> MultiValue as their primary toolset, my interests are not the same as 
> someone with a U2 production printer problem, corrupt file, or looking 
> for best practices for 24/7 with UniData, for example. I continue to 
> do research on data models as one of my hobbies, however (exciting 
> life I lead, eh?), in particular the relational model and Pick (aka 
> the Nelson-Pick model, aka the MultiValue model) and have an interest 
> in all aspects of MV and the MV community. 
> Recommendation: I recommend that u2-community be closed down and that 
> all with any interest in U2, whether as consultants, 3rd party 
> vendors, VARs, end-customers, DBAs, systems analysts, network 
> administrators, researchers, magazine editors, conference planners, or 
> with any other angle are free to jump in and contribute. 
> I further recommend that the moderators be free to focus on such 
> matters as real abuses of the list, such as spammers or people who are 
> truly offensive to the majority of readers with their postings, along 
> with a regular posting of a FAQ, perhaps, with such items as 
> requesting that folks put [AD] at the start of a subject line if they 
> are doing a blatant ad and are free to skip it if not. If someone 
> keeps forgetting this, they could be cyber-spanked (thanks for letting 
> us know you coined that one, Clif) off-list before getting to an 
> on-list notification. 
> End of Recommendation 
> Each time a moderator says something on the list, doing their jobs as 
> they have been inst

[U2] Taxware

2006-11-28 Thread astarte00

Task at hand -- install the c version of Taxware on AIX 5.3 Unidata 6.x  and 
interact on a transactional or batch basis.  I saw Epicor listed as one of 
their partners --- so

Anyone use "Taxware" (first data company)?  


How it interacts?

Batch or transactional?


Support raves/woes?

u2-users mailing list
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Re: [U2] Trigger behavior

2006-10-12 Thread astarte00
no problem -- I'm just frustrated

It's a chicken or the egg thing


-- Original message -- 
From: "john reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Sorry for the misunderstand about the hash file, and dir. 
> j 
> On 10/11/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
> > The trigger is not ON a directory  it is on a hash file where the trigger 
> > is 
> also supposed to update a DIR file. Triggers cannot be on a directory in 
> Unidata, but you are supposed to be able to effect a DIR type 
> > 
> > Considering that the problem only exists when coming in from the outside I 
> suspect it has to do with 
> > 
> > Tuxedo from the other side 
> > 
> > Permissions? (but all other rights are fine on all Unidata files) 
> > 
> > ODBC  can it be a buffer setting or something else? This is the first DIR 
> type that the outside has access to so.. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It DOES work successfully provided the person is not coming in from the 
> outside. Hence my questioning buffers, effects of ODBC connections 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Debster 
> > 
> > -- Original message -- 
> > From: "john reid" 
> > 
> > > Do you have triggers on other directories? 
> > > I get the following when attempting to create a trigger on a 
> > > directory, in Universe: 
> > > ROW 
> > > UniVerse/SQL: Invalid file type specified. 
> > > Warning: SICA information could not be read properly!! 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On 10/10/06, Debster wrote: 
> > > > Here is the scenario 
> > > > 
> > > > Remote non-pick box runs an ODBC process coming through Tuxedo 
> > > > 
> > > > Unidata 6.0/IAIX 5.x is running on the Pick box 
> > > > 
> > > > A file that contains a trigger is updated -- the trigger updates not 
> > > > only 
> > > > hashed files but also attempts to update a DIR type file. 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The DIR file cannot be opened or read from the remote non-pick system, 
> > > > the 
> > > > Hash files have no problem. Return code is 1 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The DIR file Can be opened, read and written to from the pick side 
> > > > 
> > > > There are three flat files contained in this directory 
> > > > 
> > > > What type of OPEN/READ should be performed? 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > By using the ODBC process are the remote users relagated to hash files? 
> > > > (i.e. perform as PICK type) 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Is it just permissions? 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > ~ Debbie 
> > > >  
> > > > "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm" 
> > > > 
> > > > -Syrus Publilius 
> > > > 
> > > > www.infinite-systems.net 
> > > > --- 
> > > > u2-users mailing list 
> > > > u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > > > To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > john 
> > > --- 
> > > u2-users mailing list 
> > > u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > > To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> > --- 
> > u2-users mailing list 
> > u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> > 
> -- 
> john 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/

Re: [U2] Trigger behavior

2006-10-11 Thread astarte00
The trigger is not ON a directory  it is on a hash file where the trigger is 
also supposed to update a DIR file.  Triggers cannot be on a directory in 
Unidata, but you are supposed  to be able to effect a DIR type
Considering that the problem only exists when coming in from the outside I 
suspect it has to do with 
Tuxedo from the other side
Permissions?  (but all other rights are fine on all Unidata files)  
ODBC  can it be a buffer setting or something else?  This is the first DIR 
type that the outside has access to so..
It DOES work successfully provided the person is not coming in from the 
outside.  Hence my questioning buffers, effects of ODBC connections


-- Original message -- 
From: "john reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Do you have triggers on other directories? 
> I get the following when attempting to create a trigger on a 
> directory, in Universe: 
> UniVerse/SQL: Invalid file type specified. 
> Warning: SICA information could not be read properly!! 
> On 10/10/06, Debster wrote: 
> > Here is the scenario 
> > 
> > Remote non-pick box runs an ODBC process coming through Tuxedo 
> > 
> > Unidata 6.0/IAIX 5.x is running on the Pick box 
> > 
> > A file that contains a trigger is updated -- the trigger updates not only 
> > hashed files but also attempts to update a DIR type file. 
> > 
> > 
> > The DIR file cannot be opened or read from the remote non-pick system, the 
> > Hash files have no problem. Return code is 1 
> > 
> > 
> > The DIR file Can be opened, read and written to from the pick side 
> > 
> > There are three flat files contained in this directory 
> > 
> > What type of OPEN/READ should be performed? 
> > 
> > 
> > By using the ODBC process are the remote users relagated to hash files? 
> > (i.e. perform as PICK type) 
> > 
> > 
> > Is it just permissions? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ~ Debbie 
> >  
> > "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm" 
> > 
> > -Syrus Publilius 
> > 
> > www.infinite-systems.net 
> > --- 
> > u2-users mailing list 
> > u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> > 
> -- 
> john 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
u2-users mailing list
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[U2] How can I find the RIGHT IBM Contact?????

2006-01-20 Thread astarte00

I'm really pretty much fed up...

I placed a call to IBM 3 WEEKS ago after inheriting a pile of papers shoved 
into a folder loosely describing the existing systems.  I KNOW one needs an 
upgrade, for both AIX & Universe BUT...are they licensed for it?  Is the media 
floating around the building?  What upgrades are they eligible for?  I KNOW 
maintenance was recently paid in Oct on at least one of the boxes...

What was the infinite wisdom of NOT TYING all customer related items 

(1 cust # for the hardware + 1 cust # for AIX + 1 cust # for Universe) x 2 = A 
Mess that requires more than 2 brain cells rubbed together to figure out. 

a clue as to where to turn...a close friend who just retired told me to call in 
a crash.

I called support twice, first I was routed to a clueless sales rep who never 
returned a call...next support routed me to a sales rep whom I needed to call 
back who got an AIX person on the phone who --- believe meit was said...


To which I was forced to reply...

In all the 20 years I have in this field I have observed time and time again 
that neither hardware sales, or underlying OS has a clue concerning the entire 
package.  Its bad enough that rs/6000 people bicker with the As400 people and 
are clueless about what the other does.  Its only the U2 people who have a clue 
about how the entire package goes together, the trickle down effect.. My only 
frustration is  WHOM to contact within that realm...

u2-users mailing list
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RE: [U2] PICK 101

2005-10-05 Thread astarte00

I heard you clearning your throat all the way over here as you carefully 
selected the word "young"


-- Original message -- 

> I suspect that, like many companies, this company prefers to hire young 
> people. 
> --B 
> -Original Message- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Debster 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 8:53 PM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: RE: [U2] PICK 101 
> the bigger question is 
> why, when there are so many PICK people scrambling for spots especially in 
> the Northeast was a non-PICK person hired? 
> Especially when many Pickies are multi-lingual...and multi-host 
> -Original Message- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Thomas Derwin 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 2:30 PM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: Re: [U2] PICK 101 
> Matt Stern at Comprehensive Computer Services does Pick training. He's on 
> Long Island. 
> Comprehensive Computer Services Inc 
> 560 Broadhollow Road 
> Melville, NY 11747 
> 631-755-2250 
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/04/05 11:50 AM >>> 
> Hey all, 
> We've got a new employee at my company with no PICK experience at all .. 
> Does anyone know of anywhere local to get a "PICK 101" course in the NYC 
> area? 
> Thanks .. 
> -Chuck 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> - 
> This e-mail and any attachments may contain CONFIDENTIAL information, 
> including PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION. If you are not the intended 
> recipient, any use or disclosure of this information is STRICTLY 
> PROHIBITED; you are requested to delete this e-mail and any 
> attachments, notify the sender immediately, and notify the LabCorp 
> Privacy Officer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (877) 23-HIPAA / 
> (877) 234-4722. 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
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Re: [U2]: Epicor

2005-03-16 Thread ASTARTE00
It all boils down to "Education"  and teams working together.  If the powers 
that be see that IT does not cooperate then you get left out of the picture 
only to complain that decisions were made for you.

Smart CFO's don't want to shell out for more than they have to,  and that 
includes having to replace all the labor in IT because no one has the skill set 
to support their purchase.  That happens when you have not proven any value to 
the overall progress of the company.  They want results and they want them fast 
as possible with as little interruption to the business flow.   

Savvy companies now recognize IT's value and no longer consider it simply as a 
"service" department for the company.  

That accurate data is priceless

-- Original message -- 

> Mostly true. But how many systems are being chosen by the beancounters 
> because they're "standard"? Not because it helps to improve sales, 
> manufacturing or operations, just accounting functions? And then 
> sales/manufacturing/operations has to adopt to the new, improved system? 
> If SAP and/or Oracle/Peoplesoft is that great, why are any other 
> packages being bought? 
> Rog 
> >Why is it "us against them?" as in IT vs the Bean counters? Duh...that is 
> where I always had my greatest problems as a project manager..getting IT and 
> financial to play nice in the same sandbox. 
> > 
> >I hate to say it, but IT was always the worse of the two warring factions in 
> > 
> >An export tool has been used (and sometimes abused) for over 20 some odd 
> >years 
> now. Accounting wants pivot tables etc...they can create presentations, they 
> reformat and consolidate, and sometimes it is the only way to get 
> consolidated 
> financials from disparate systems. 
> > 
> >If you had no idea why or if Accounting ever wanted spreadsheets, ask..if 
> >you 
> think they don't...you've been living under a rock 
> > 
> >-- 
> >Debster 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/

RE: [U2]: Epicor

2005-03-16 Thread ASTARTE00

Why is it "us against them?" as in IT vs the Bean counters?  Duh...that is 
where I always had my greatest problems as a project manager..getting IT and 
financial to play nice in the same sandbox.  

I hate to say it, but IT was always the worse of the two warring factions in 

An export tool has been used (and sometimes abused) for over 20 some odd years 
now.  Accounting wants pivot tables etc...they can create presentations, they 
reformat and consolidate, and sometimes it is the only way to get consolidated 
financials from disparate systems.  

If you had no idea why or if Accounting ever wanted spreadsheets, ask..if you 
think they don't...you've been living under a rock


-- Original message -- 

> Don: 
> There are a number or current laws and regulations that attempt to rid 
> public corporations of this kind of mismanagement. The result of these new 
> regulations may not so much be the reduction of corporate financial and IT 
> mismanagement, but the transfer of responsibility to lower level staff. :-( 
> It may come to pass that you'll be held personally liable for someone else's 
> indiscriminate "business requirements". For those of us who think it is our 
> role to provide others with the ability to trash the integrity of the 
> organization's financial information; a rude awakening awaits! 
> Bill 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Kibbey 
> > Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 9:15 AM 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: Re: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > Our resident "Bean Counters" have asked for and received 
> > several tools from me that will allow them to do the same 
> > thing to our system. It's our job to provide the "sharp 
> > knives", the CPA types have to be carefull not to remove 
> > appendages with said tools. 
> > --- 
> > u2-users mailing list 
> > u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
u2-users mailing list
To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/

RE: [U2]: Epicor

2005-03-16 Thread ASTARTE00
Now who ever said you were allowed to export, massage, and then reimport with 
no validation?

H...sounds like something I would like to have DONE to me..

-- Original message -- 

> Now here's something that I can give an opinion on without obvious bias. 
> I fail to see the benefit of a "feature" that allows you to easily 
> circumvent you ERP systems data input process. To easily allow users to 
> export ERP data to a spreadsheet...massage the data...then re-import 
> that data back into the database has at least two obvious problems to 
> me. First, data integrity becomes marginal at best. Second, what is 
> wrong with the ERP input process that requires the data to be changed by 
> another outside process? 
> Epicor does have apps that integrate back to the ERP database, but the 
> data is run through the input processes as part of that integration. 
> Users are advised that doing updates outside of these processes are done 
> so at their own peril. I don't know about ISO compliance, but easy 
> outside input to the database is frowned upon by the FDA, SEC, and SOX 
> auditors. 
> David Litzau 
> Epicor Technical Support J 
> -Original Message- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill H. 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 2:59 PM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> Marc: 
> It is possible that this sort of data movement is precisely the reason 
> financial information, at numerous companies, is difficult to attest to, 
> let 
> alone use for analysis. :-) 
> When I see this "benefit" (capability), red flags go up all over the 
> place. 
> It's like giving a gun to children...most will be ok but someone 
> __WILL__ 
> get hurt. 
> Bill 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marc Harbeson 
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 8:41 AM 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > Being a Manage-2000 client, and having been an Oracle client 
> > in the past 
> > (10.x) and having seen a JD demo I must say of the t1 
> > suppliers, they did put on a nice show. (They could export 
> > directly to excel, change data, and re import the data back 
> > into the erp) 
> > 
> > :-) 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lettau, Jeff 
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 10:55 AM 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > So maybe Advante, Dataflo, infoflo, M2K and the like are not 
> > tier 1 multi-million dollar installs. But for ease of use 
> > and the ability to tweak the system to meet your needs. I'll 
> > take the tier 2 any day. 
> > 
> > Not intending to start an argument, but what can SAP or JD 
> > Edwards do that the smaller Epicor products can't do? What 
> > makes them worth the added cost? I don't' buy into that they 
> > can handle more users. That is mostly a matter of database 
> > management, hardware and infrastructure. 
> > You also have to consider who is buying what system and what 
> > their intensions are. What do you really get out of a 
> > standard SAP or JD Edwards install that you can't get from 
> > any system provided by Epicor or similar smaller priced 
> > package? I'm not being rhetorical.(again spell checker saves 
> > the day, I didn't know a word could start with rh.) 
> > 
> > P.s. you can get the Monitor Series at a Circuit city store 
> > or other high end audio stores near you! You can't seriously 
> > expect me to send you something for free! I can't get stuff 
> > for free. 
> > 
> > Jeffrey Lettau 
> > ERP Systems Manager 
> > polkaudio 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debster 
> > Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 12:50 AM 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > Yes...and I was privy to M2K back when it went through ADP 
> > doors and was sold back out again 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Allen 
> > E. Elwood 
> > Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 4:27 PM 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > 
> > I believe that Jeff was speaking about Manage-2000. Polk 
> > audio, in addition to making great speakers, is a Manage-2000 
> > user. Now if I could just get them to send a couple of 
> > studio monitors my way for the plug. ;-) 
> > 
> > When I was working for M2k under ROI Systems, there were 
> > several companies that choose it over JD, SAP as well as Epicor. 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of 
> > Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 12:39 
> > To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> > Subject: RE: [U2]: Epicor 
> > 
> > 
> > X-Squee

RE: [U2]: Epicor

2005-03-14 Thread ASTARTE00
X-Squeeze me 

But comparing Avante to JD Edwards & Sap is like putting a 2.5 foot T-ball 
player up against Derek Jeter..its not in the same league

Avante is not a tier 1 no matter how much you would like to think that its 
playing with the big boys...


-- Original message -- 

> There are a few Epicor people that do read this list. They just tend to 
> lay low unless the discussion effects them directly. 
> I can say a that there are a few people still in the Manage-2000 group 
> that are very good with the interfaces to U2. 
> From my past experience with Epicor, they are a very good company for 
> support, and regardless of how many developers you have, there will 
> always be bugs in the software that require patches. Many times these 
> bugs are not evident due to the fact that everyone will use the software 
> slightly different. 
> I think their long term plan is to take the many packages they have and 
> migrate them all into one package that is all inclusive and database 
> independent. Although making it database independent may be counter 
> productive to their plan on consolidating the software packages. 
> If you look at who the other choices are for software, I'd say Epicor 
> is still one of the top choices. Especially when you consider the 
> flexibility needed in dealing in a manufacturing environment. What are 
> your other choices? JD Edwards? SAP? 
> They are also trying to focus on integrating all of their other packages 
> together into a complete solution. Kind of like cross selling. If you 
> run ERP and want CRM then they want to integrate the 2. 
> They have many initiatives that are good ideas, in my humble opinion, 
> but it will take them years to make it work. 
> Jeffrey Lettau 
> ERP Systems Manager 
> polkaudio 
> -Original Message- 
> Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 12:58 PM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: Re: [U2]: Epicor 
> Another interesting consideration is seeing no response from anyone 
> within 
> Epicor to this thread. That tells me they have little to no interest in 
> U2 
> which is a red flag in my book. Certainly implies that they don't have 
> knowledgeable or extensive support for how Epicor interfaces or doesn't 
> with U2 in 
> general. 
> Will Johnson 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
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RE: [U2] AD Universe/Unidata Programmer Wanted

2005-01-12 Thread astarte00
We don't know how to transfer phone calls in-house either


-- Original message -- 

> We are programming experts, not email experts :) 
> -Original Message- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2005 6:50 AM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: RE: [U2] AD Universe/Unidata Programmer Wanted 
> Helloo? 
> Why are you people sending your replies to the list? 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
> u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> To unsubscribe please visit http://listserver.u2ug.org/ 
> --- 
> u2-users mailing list 
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2004-12-29 Thread astarte00
ahhh yesand Avante/SB+ in their infinite wisdom...zippo gosubs in 
paragraphs...lets repeat ourselves unecessairly!


-- Original message -- 

> I love it when folks use a loop to add up vm's. And not the simple Sum 
> command. 
> Seen that a bit in the code I work in. 
> Goto's never bother me. I came from a 4GL language called Ezgen, and it only 
> had 
> GO'tos. Had no such thing as gosub. The only way to do a gosub type is to 
> make 
> it a called program. We did that for routines that are used multiple times, 
> no 
> gosubs. I am getting out of the habit and only use go-tos' when I really feel 
> there is cause. Took a bit though :). 
> Thanks, 
> Marilyn A. Hilb 
> Value Part, Inc 
> Direct: 847-918-6099 
> Fax: 847-367-1892 
> www.valuepart.com 
> -Original Message- 
> From: Peter D Olson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 9:12 AM 
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org 
> Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT 
> the use of goto's or lack of shouldn't be a judge of sloppy coding . 
> sloppy coding is just sloppy coding. 
> remember one persons slop is another persons pudding :) 
> example 1: 
> y=0 
> loop 
> readnext z else y = 1 
> if y = 1 then exit 
> << do stuff >> 
> repeat 
> << more stuff >> 
> vs 
> example 2: 
> 10: readnext claim_id else goto 20 
> << do stuff >> 
> goto 10 
> 20: << more stuff >> 
> vs 
> example 3 
> loop readnext claim_id else exit 
> << do stuff >> 
> repeat 
> << more stuff >> 
> LoopForEver 
> This e-mail, including attachments, may include confidential and/or 
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> that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is 
> prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the 
> sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately. 
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2004-12-13 Thread astarte00
Oh please God no


-- Original message -- 

> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 11:07:38 -0700 (MST), you wrote: 
> >Why does creating a new file make it faster? 
> Couple reasons. Mostly because you're not deleting the original, 
> which means fewer disk accesses. Remember that until the file's 
> reclaimed, a delete is actually a "mark as deleted", not a physical 
> removal. 
> -- 
> Allen Egerton 
> --- 
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RE: [U2] [Ad] Universe/Unidata Programmer Needed - Denver

2004-11-11 Thread astarte00
Well heck...this is the OTHER side of outsourcing...

The market shrinks, the pool does not, lets watch the fish go wild over a 
smaller piece of bait..

If you think that is bad...how about a offer of 35.00 per hour contract rate 
from IBM Global Services for a Project Management Position implementing JD 
Edwards financials AND Manufacturing?  

If that ain't a humdinger...its worse than when Headhunters finally realized 
they could make money off consultants instead of insisting on Full Time..

But..in all seriousness Mark..(and sadly the rest was also) you also need to 
look at the market in a particular geographical area...


-- Original message -- 

> And this negative attitude serves what value, exactly? 
> -Original Message- 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Johnson 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:22 PM 
> Subject: Re: [U2] [Ad] Universe/Unidata Programmer Needed - Denver 
> All this and it probably pays $45K max. 
> - Original Message - 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 7:07 PM 
> Subject: [U2] [Ad] Universe/Unidata Programmer Needed - Denver 
> > Small healthcare organization in Denver seeking a 
> > individual with strong Universe/Unidata background. 
> > This person will enhance and maintain existing 
> > statewide hospital discharge database. This position 
> > will have a major role in all phases of program 
> > development and maintenance. 
> > 
> > Technical Requirements; 
> > 
> > - 5+ years of direct development, analysis and 
> > design in Universe/Unidata. 
> > - 5+ years experience with System Builder and 
> > SBClient. 
> > - Proficiency with RedBack, ASP, VBscript, 
> > Javascript, Visual Basic 
> > - Experience with SPSS, SAS, or similar statistical 
> > package 
> > - Experience with MITS or other OLAP product 
> > - Ability to develop technical designs, processes, 
> > and data flow diagrams 
> > - Understanding of interactions and dependencies 
> > between applications, operating systems, and 
> > operational support technologies 
> > 
> > This is a full time position with full benefits based 
> > in Denver. Prefer BS in computer science, math. No 
> > telecommuting. No third parties. 
> > 
> > Email resume to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __ 
> > Do you Yahoo!? 
> > Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. 
> > www.yahoo.com 
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