Re: [SOGo] How to setup password policy in SOGo?

2015-08-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 10/08/15 10:07, Christian Mack wrote:


Am 10.08.2015 um 07:34 schrieb

SOGo allows users to change their password and I like that because users can
change their password without calling IT department.
The problem comes when users set a too easy password because server security
can be exposed.
Is it possible setting up a password policy in SOGo to avoid users could set a
too easy password?
Is there any option to review periodically password complexity/length ?

No, there is no such function in SOGo.

But SOGo respects AD or LDAP password policies.
If you use a database as authentication source, you are on your own.

For OpenLDAP you need the ppolicy module.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

I have tried OpenLdap with ppolicy overlay but I get the following error 
in sogo.log:

Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: <0x0xb83f50a8[NGLdapConnection]> change 
password - ldap_find_control call failed

The only info that I have found is this list message:

But I don't think that it applies because my OpenLdap server is > 
2.4.17. Do I still need to recompile sope49-ldap package against my 
openldap libs?

S.O: Debian Wheezy 7.8
SOGo: 2.3.1
Openldap: 2.4.31


[SOGo] Trouble with Openldap ppolicy overlay

2015-07-31 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

I have configured ppolicy overlay in my Openldap server and and I have 
set "password Policy" to "YES" in sogo.conf . I can login and change 
passwords but policies like minimum length don't work.

This is what sogo writes to sogo.log:

The most relevant line is: "[NGLdapConnection]> change password - 
ldap_find_control call failed"

Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: <0x0xb81aa9f8[NGLdapConnection]> bind - 
ldap_result call result: 97
Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: <0x0xb81aa9f8[NGLdapConnection]> bind - 
policy values: -1 -1 65535 - bound: 1
Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: [ERROR] <0x0xb7ee4178[NGBundleManager]> 
could not create bundle for path: 
Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: <0x0xb83f50a8[NGLdapConnection]> change 
password - ldap_find_control call failed
Jul 31 12:57:25 sogod [18881]: "POST /SOGo/so/changePassword 
HTTP/1.0" 204 0/293 0.119 - - 2M

S.O: Debian Wheezy 7.8
SOGo: 2.3.1
Openldap: 2.4.31

Any help?

Thanks in advance


Re: [SOGo] Filters SOGo/Roundcube

2014-10-30 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 29/10/14 07:41, André Schild wrote:

Am 29.10.2014 um 11:12 schrieb Nicolas Cauchie:


I've created a rule under "sogo.sieve" file using Roundcube.

When I log in using SOGo, rules i've created don't appear in 
preferences/courrier/filters tab. Why ?

SOGo has it's filter rules stored in the database
and generates the sieve code from there.

It does not parse any existing sieve scripts.

One reason is that SOGo allowws you to set expiry dates to filters
and then updates the sieve scripts from a cron job.

We too have the "problem" that we have 3 webmail UI available fro the 

SOGo, Horde and Roundcube

Each one is using it's own sieve filters, the last one saved "winns"
The only way to "solve" the problem is to educate the users to use
the sive functions only from one webui type.


The guilty: Cyrus's sieve implementation:


Re: RES: [SOGo] Question regarding SOGo scalability

2014-07-24 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 21/07/14 17:35, Rodrigo Mello Mattos Habib Gregori wrote:

RES: [SOGo] Question regarding SOGo scalability

Hello Federico,

Thanks for your reply. It will be very useful to us here!

Would you care to share your user base size? How many mailboxes do you 
have there? And for how long do you have SOGo implemented?

We have hardware resources for doing loading balance (both web, mail 
and DB).

As for the storage, I was indeed thinking of a centralized solution. 
Still not sure of which protocol to choose.


Rodrigo Habib Gregori

Analista de Tecnologia da Informação - Matrícula 35444

+55 47 3431-3232

Prefeitura Municipal de Joinville

We have around 1500 mailboxes. We are using SOGo for more than 2 years.

We only balance web access with HAproxy



Re: [SOGo] Question regarding SOGo scalability

2014-07-21 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 21/07/14 14:46, Rodrigo Habib Gregori wrote:


 We were considering moving from zarafa community to SOGo, but we are
concerned about possible scalability problems with it. Right now we have
around 4000 mailboxes and zarafa can't deal with it anymore.

Our current infrastructure is of 3 servers, one for Zarafa-Server (+postfix),
one for Mysql and a third one only for Apache (webaccess) and Z-Push. Both of
them are Citrix Xenserver guests, with 16+ processors and 32GB RAM. Servers
CPU load are not an issue, but zarafa-server freezes almost in a daily basis.

The access is currently 100% webclient only with a few users syncing to their
smartphones. With SOGo we planned on using Thunderbird + Connector.

We wonder if SOGo can handle such a user base of this size (actually the base
is going to increase: probably 12.000 mailboxes - at least - in 2 or 3 years).

Does anyone have experience with such an environment?

Kind Regards,

Rodrigo Gregori
Network Administrator
Prefeitura de Joinville
+55 47 3431-3289
rodrigo.gregori at

You can redistribute the load with a load blance setup:

We use HAproxy for HTTP load balance.

IMAP connections can be balanced with a proxy as Perdition or the native
Dovecot proxy functionallity. You will need to configure Postfix to
forward the incoming mails to the storage backend server where resides
the account mailbox; you can use use LDAP to store the mailbox server
info for every user.

If you don't want to redistribute the mailboxs over several storage
servers, you can use a centralized storage such as NFS or gfs, ocfs2, etc).

SMTP can be balanced with DNS mx records.

OpenLDAP provides replication and you can balance it with DNS.

SOGo provides a method to redistribute the DB data between more than one
DB backend. The DB connection parameters can be configured per user
basis. But such feature isn't documented :-(.

Alternatively you can setup a DB cluster, but I think that it is more
complicated and requires more maintenance.

Or, if you have the money, buy commercial support to Inverse (SOGo
developers) and consult with they the recommended architecture.



Re: [SOGo] GUI Revamp

2014-06-16 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 12/06/14 11:14, Francis Lachapelle wrote:


Since the release of version 1.0 five years ago, SOGo has gained a lot in 
maturity and tons of great features. However, we feel like the UI and UX of the 
Web interface have been neglected and deserve a good amount of love. That's why 
we have big plans for the next major release of SOGo. We want to leverage the 
stability and flexibility of the backend to completely rewrite the front-end 
with modern technologies that will allow the evolution of SOGo for another five 

The biggest challenge we want to meet is the accessibility of the Web interface 
from modern mobile devices. SOGo is already accessible to mobile devices 
through CalDAV, CardDAV and ActiveSync, but some users still want to access 
their data through a Web browser. That means removing double-clicks and 
contextual menus. It also means responsive design and simplified UI for small 
screens, all without penalizing desktop users.

We've been analyzing and testing various options for the past few months and we 
decided to build the new Web interface with the following open source projects:

  - AngularJS ( a powerful open-source web application 
framework. The project is already very popular and has a promising future.
  - Foundation ( an advanced front-end framework 
combining a flexible grid system and a great bare style to build a custom look 
and feel.
  - Ionic ( a new framework to build hybrid mobile 
apps with HTML5. While our initial goal is to offer a very functional Web 
interface to mobile devices, Ionic will ultimately help us to package a native 
app of SOGo for Android and iPhone devices.

SOGo is a complex Web application and deserves a serious front-end 
architecture. That's why we'll adopt a MVW (model-view-whatever) structure on 
the front-end (AngularJS), use Sass to build the CSS (with Foundation), and use 
a specific framework for the mobile version of the Web interface (Ionic).

If you are a UX expert, a UI designer or a JavaScript developer and you want to 
contribute to the revamp of the Web front-end of SOGo, please contact us. Share 
your ideas, sketches and inspirations on what would be the very best open 
source groupware for you.





Re: [SOGo] Large deployments

2013-12-19 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 04/12/13 13:34, Dhionel Dí­az wrote:

Hello all,

Do you have references of very large deployments of SOGo? Something on
the order of 30 users or more, or the biggest deployments known. In
the web site there are some testimonials but I haven't found references
to the size of the deployments.

We are currently evaluating groupware software and that references would
be very helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Dhionel Díaz
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo e Investigación en Tecnologías Libres
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación

As I understand, SOGo has the capability of distribute the users across 
more than one database,  the sogo_folder_info table contains the needed 
info per user to reach the proper database (host, db user, and db 
password) where the user data is stored.

I don't know how the users can be routed to the proper database when 
they log on and how to set this parameters (sogo_folder_info data) when 
the users are created.

Has anyone with a large deployment implemented distributed users across 
more than one databases?



Re: [SOGo] SOGo

2013-10-03 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 01/10/13 11:10, Labolinux wrote:

Dear friends,

I installed SOGo with samba4 for authentication part.
I configured automatic update of Thunderbird plugins,configured
PHP-Push 2 fr mobile devices and Openchange for MS Outlook users.
Everything is working well; thanks to the list for helping me to 
arrive this far.

Now am wondering; is it possible to add instant messagering(chat) to 
Have anyone tried it? What will you advice me if i want to add chat to 

Thanks in advance.

Aynam Zongo M.

In the past I tried to integrate a xmpp web client in SOGo but without 
success. Chat support is in the roadmap.
You can try to integrate a js client (ie: jappix), but that implies to 
touch the wox templates and the code to obtain the user's credentials to 
authenticate against the xmpp server.



Re: [SOGo] nginx with SOGo

2013-09-02 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 01/09/13 17:54, Mayak wrote:

On Sun, 2013-09-01 at 13:34 -0700, J. wrote:
I see a couple of links online, but nothing in the FAQ. I'm running a 
server with Ubuntu 12.04LTS and using nginx to serve a few domains' 
sites. I'd like to add SOGo without also installing Apache. Is this 
reasonably convenient for a low-mid-level IT guy, or would it be 
better to just use Apache? Honestly, my head is already spinning a 
bit after reading all the LDAP docs, so I might already be in over my 
head, but thought I'd ask here. Thanks. 


this is working for me

server {
listen   443;
rewrite ^/$;
access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

ssl  on;
ssl_certificate  /etc/x509/service.apache/;
ssl_certificate_key  /etc/x509/service.apache/;

ssl_session_timeout  5m;

ssl_protocols  SSLv2 SSLv3;

ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;

location ^~ /SOGo {

  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_set_header Host;
  proxy_set_header x-webobjects-server-protocol HTTP/1.0;
  proxy_set_header x-webobjects-remote-host sogo.airchina.r;
  proxy_set_header x-webobjects-server-name;
  proxy_set_header x-webobjects-server-url;

  proxy_connect_timeout 90;
  proxy_send_timeout 90;
  proxy_read_timeout 90;
  proxy_buffer_size 4k;
  proxy_buffers 4 32k;
  proxy_busy_buffers_size 64k;
  proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;

  client_max_body_size 50m;
  client_body_buffer_size 128k;

location /.woa/WebServerResources/ {
  alias /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/;

location /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/ {
  alias /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/;

location /SOGo/WebServerResources/ {
  alias /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/;

location ^/SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/([^/]*)/Resources/(.*)$ {
  alias /usr/lib64/GNUstep/SOGo/$1.SOGo/Resources/$2;

I have found that to configure Nginx is more intuitive than Apache. 
Nginx's syntax configuration is more like C programing syntax.

"Server" directive is like apache's virtualhost, you configure ssl per 
"server", also "location" and "proxy_pass" are very similar to Apache 

Use the above suggested configuration. Only change your url site.

don't be afraid of Nginx



Re: [SOGo] BlackBerry 10 native Caldav and SOGo

2013-08-27 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 26/08/13 16:18, Jean Raby wrote:

On 13-08-26 1:24 PM, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

Any answer and experience are most that welcome
Since we didn't have a chance to test this nwe phone with SOGo, 
logfiles and any errors on the sogo side would be most welcome :)
Hello Jean, as soon as I can get access to the phone of my "executive" 
user, I will send you some logs.


PS: Sorry my poor English

Re: [SOGo] BlackBerry 10 native Caldav and SOGo

2013-08-27 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 26/08/13 17:00, mayak-cq wrote:

hi federico,

i'd bet a nickel that you have a self signed certificate ... if so, 
this _may_  be causing you grief.



On Mon, 2013-08-26 at 14:24 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

Hello list:

One of our users have a BlackBerry Z10 with the new BlackBerry 10 OS.
This OS have native caldav and cardav support. I tried with the url  but the phone refused to connect with
SOGo. I didn't have time to test the phone and compare logs (The user
needed to use his phone).

That is why  I ask if anybody could sync BlackBerry 10 with SOGo?

Any answer and experience are most that welcome



Hello mayak-cq

Thanks for the nickel :-), but no, we have a valid certificated issued 
by a trusted CA.

I have been reading that some users have problems syncing BlackBerry 10 
with Google Calendar, and their problem was solved upgrading the phone's SO.


[SOGo] BlackBerry 10 native Caldav and SOGo

2013-08-26 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

Hello list:

One of our users have a BlackBerry Z10 with the new BlackBerry 10 OS. 
This OS have native caldav and cardav support. I tried with the url but the phone refused to connect with 
SOGo. I didn't have time to test the phone and compare logs (The user 
needed to use his phone).

That is why  I ask if anybody could sync BlackBerry 10 with SOGo?

Any answer and experience are most that welcome



Re: [SOGo] Training

2013-07-01 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 27/06/13 21:45, Steven Swarts wrote:
Ah well that would mean I need to do a lot of manual reading. Ok well 
thanks for the reply's guys.*/


*/Steven Swarts/*

On 27/06/2013 5:25 AM, Jonathan Goyette wrote:
No lies, 2 weeks ago I didn't know anything about postfix, cyrus, how 
to setup an ldap server, sasl or anything related to a 'business 
linux mail server'. and thanksfully, with alot of effort, I 
managed to learn about all of those modules and setup a working lab 
composed of postfix, cyrus-imap, ldap, sogo, sasl and some startls 
etc etc. I just finished making everything work with the thunderbird 
addon today and I must admit that I find this alternative very 
interesting so far !! :)

Thanks alot for this :D

to get back on the topic, I would admit that it is a little hard to 
find good information that looks like 'course' or good tutorial that 
really covers everything. I believe that this is simply because all 
those things are heavily configurable and most of the tutorial I saw 
lacked alot of information. Hell, just postfix in itself is a beast 
when it comes down to the amount of possible option settings there is!

I personally chose self training, by reading alot of the original 
manual, mixed with a few trial errors from some tutorials, more 
reading! and well, make a lab with some vm (I use virtual box..) and 
fix some objective... Then in the process you might have a better 
idea of what kind of course you're looking for and might even find it 
yourself ;p hehe, well that was just my 2 cents. no need to flame me 
on that :D

in the process of building sogo I figured out that there is so much 
différent things you can use...

Just as an example, I found out that you have Directory389, slapd, 
apacheDS or even freeipa. Oh well, sorry for the lack of reference, 
and good luck :)

Jonathan G.

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Steven Swarts > wrote:

Quoting Wayland Sothcott>>> On 26/06/2013 06:35, Steven
Swarts wrote:

G'day guys

I've been following SOGo for awhile now, used the ZEG and
played with the tutorial that Oliver has kindly made

My question is I have access to a vast amount of small
businesses that I currently support and would love to
support in the area of an Exchange alternative. But my
reluctance is that I don't understand SOGo, OpenChange,
Dovecot, Samba4, Sope, etc. I was wondering if anyone
knew or could tell me where I could get training in this

Currently I have a basic understanding of Linux, but I'm
looking for a cutting edge education. The local education
places only support Samba3 which annoys me to no end.

So in a nutshell, if I were to do some courses (online
preferably) what is the recommendation?

Also I just want to say brilliant venture, I love Linux
so keep up the great work.

Hello Steven,

I have been following SOGo for several months now and played
with the ZEG and tried to add SOGo to a Debian server. I
think there is a long way to go with this before I can use it
and I don't think it's a matter of training. I have used
ClearOS 5.2 successfully for small businesses. With it's web
interface it's very easy to get it to do all the things it's
capable of such as file sharing, email and hosting the
companies website. (I can't say the same about ClearOS 6)

The 'Internet' defines lots of things for us, like how
websites work, how email works and how DNS works. What it
does not define is how address books work. All I want is a
simple centralised database of email addresses that is shared
by all email users in the company.

Back in the 90's there was a fantastic thing called Lotus
Notes which was the ultimate groupware. There are no open
standards to let you create one in Linux. Whare are the IMAP
and SMTP protocols for address books and calendars?

I have no idea why people would create standards such as IMAP
yet not carry on and create standards for address books.
Unless it's so that Microsoft Exchange has no competitor in
the Open Source area.


(Someone please correct me if I am wrong)


Mobile: 07925 431381
Office: 01787 388165


Well currently i use Horde Webmail groupware. It supports CalDav
and CardDav plus active sync capabilities with iOS and Android up
to AS 14.1

But SOGo and the native Outlook support is a winner in my books,
plus coupled with Samba 4 and goodbye Microsoft i

Re: [SOGo] Backup Redundant System

2012-10-30 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 30/10/12 11:04, Carlin Hefner wrote:

Thank you Nathanael,
Your solution actually looks the best, because I started discovering 
issues with trying to use DRBD over WAN.
I've started looking into your solution and have a couple questions. 
BTW I apologize, I'm a bit new at this, so I could be overlooking the 

I have the MX and DNS failover under control for access to either 
location, and the replication sounds great, but how can I get service 
failover for LDAP, SQL etc if the primary network or server goes down? 
Eg if the primary server goes down, the MX failover will send messages 
to the backup MX but then that backup MX is still pointing to the 
primary LDAP db. I could use a failover to point it to the replicated 
LDAP but that wouldn't work since it's a consumer, not a provider, 
right? Same with the SQL DB?
You can use LDAP in multimaster mode, there is not a master LDAP server, 
you should point your DNS to the both LDAP servers



On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 6:05 AM, Nathanael Bettridge>> wrote:

I know there's been active/passive disk image designs mentioned,
but for something more application-level (and more expansive):

- Use LDAP with replication for accounts
- Use Cyrus IMAPd native replication and frontend/backend to
handle mail (you can combine this with a Cyrus Murder to have a
primary DB at each site along with a replica DB of the alternate site)
- Use native SQL replication for the SOGo database
- Use MX failover for inbound email, with live MXes at each site
pointing at the same LDAP db and handing off delivery to the Cyrus
- Use anycast addresses, or DNS failover scripting, for
user-connectivity failover (for some clients we can use SRV record
tricks too)

We use a setup something like this and it works rather well,
though requires a fair few VM instances to run. We also put simple
(non-persistent disk) loadbalancing/failover VM's in front of each
service that can handle automatic failover (SQL, LDAP read, MX and
Cyrus Frontends for example) to handle failures automatically.

It also makes backup easy since you run backup on the replicas and
nobody notices :)

However, we're not using this with Exchange emulation (yet) so
it'll be interesting to figure out how it behaves in this environment

However for a simple deployment DRBD is probably easier :)

-Nathanael Bettridge  wrote:

I'm am looking at venturing into sogo as an exchange replacement, and have a
question before I begin. I promise I have searched before posting, but can't
find anything related (or I may have poor keyword choices :-) So I 
apologize if
this has been discussed already.

We have a couple of office locations, and I'd like to set up 2 servers, 1 at
each location, that mirror each other. That way if one location goes down
(power or internet loss or hardware failure) the other server can still at
least receive SMTP. It would be great if the client side connectivity could
also work when one or the other servers go down, but not as important as 
sure we don't miss any incoming mail over SMTP.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,


Re: [SOGo] SOGoUIAdditionalCSSFiles

2012-10-29 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 29/10/12 06:26, gerard breiner wrote:


Given I customized the login page, I first copied the template SOGoRootPage.wox 
in /home/sogo/GNUstep/Library//SOGo/Templates/MainUI/. Given too I had to 
modified the SOGoRootPage.css  It comes good sense to copy this file to the 
same path  so that to prevent that an upgrade replace my changes.
So I tried...
defaults write sogod SOGoUIAdditionalCSSFiles 
service sogo restart.
However it seems it is still the original file that is loaded.
Could you please tell me what is wrong ?

Best regards.

Can you confirm that is your own css file that is loaded? You can try 
inspecting the html code or use a tool  as Firebug to debug the CSS y 
and view if default CSS properties are not overwriting your CSS properties



Re: [SOGo] Backup Redundant System

2012-10-26 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 26/10/12 13:52, wrote:

I'm am looking at venturing into sogo as an exchange replacement, and have a
question before I begin. I promise I have searched before posting, but can't
find anything related (or I may have poor keyword choices :-) So I apologize if
this has been discussed already.

We have a couple of office locations, and I'd like to set up 2 servers, 1 at
each location, that mirror each other. That way if one location goes down
(power or internet loss or hardware failure) the other server can still at
least receive SMTP. It would be great if the client side connectivity could
also work when one or the other servers go down, but not as important as making
sure we don't miss any incoming mail over SMTP.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

You can take a look at HAproxy

Haproxy is a http and tcp proxy. We use haproxy to balance trafic 
between our SOGo backend servers. With SMTP also you can balance using 
MX records from DNS, but POP or IMAP is more complicated because you 
need distribute/replicate the mail storage.



Re: [SOGo] ANN: SOGo 2.0.2

2012-10-26 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 25/10/12 17:00, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:

On 2012-10-25 15:54, Bill Cameron wrote:

Yes. it is working correctly.

Thanks for the great product and your help,
Bill C.

Well. It has been a long day, but I am glad it is all worked out!

Thank you so much for your work and patience!


Re: [SOGo] Change Logo

2012-10-25 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 25/10/12 09:59, Marcio Merlone wrote:

Em 26-07-2010 11:11, Clay Wright escreveu:

Robert A Wooldridge wrote:

Is it possible to change the logo on the web client login so that it is
your company's logo?

The only way I know of is to replace the default logo manually. On my
CentOS box, it's at:


One can customize favicon, but not yet the logo? Every upgrade I must 
copy the file, very annoying. How difficult would be to add a 
SOGoLogoRelativeURL to the confs?

Thanks and best regards.

Marcio Merlone
Follow this instructions:

Create your own .wox template in the sogo's home and in the .wox points 
to the logo, the changes are preserved in every upgrade.


[SOGo] Downgrading to 2.0.1

2012-10-25 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I also have the proxy error with sogo 2.0.2. I tried to downgrade to 
sogo 2.0.1 using apt:

apt-get install sogo=2.0.1-1

But apt-get says:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Version '2.0.1-1' for 'sogo' was not found

SOGo's repositories don't  mantain the older versions. How can I 
downgrade to the previous version while the problem with 2.0.2 is solved?



Re: [SOGo] survey question for Debian users

2012-10-24 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 24/10/12 08:58, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:


We are considering dropping support for Lenny, as it is not even 
supported by Debian anymore. Who among you would be affected if we 
stopped plublishing SOGo packages for that distribution?

Thank you!


We are using Squeeze, no problem



Re: [SOGo] [SOLVED] Issues changin database

2012-09-13 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 10/09/12 13:49, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 10/09/12 12:46, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
Ok, then is related to scalability. But then you need a method to 
route the user to the respective backend SOGo server if you don't 
want that a user have objects in more than one database, right? 

Of course.

Ok, but only a question, it is needed to touch the code to route the 
user to the respective backend? I don't see any config parameters to 
manipulate the login and the route to the respective backend.



Re: [SOGo] [SOLVED] Issues changin database

2012-09-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 10/09/12 13:31, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 10/09/12 11:28, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
I still don't understand why the config to retrieve the calendars and 
addressbook info is hardcoded in the database. 
That's because you can have users spread across multiple databases 
(database name, different software, different locations). The 
"sogo_folder_info" will provide all required connection information 
for the sogod processes to go fetch data automatically, for all 

Ok, then is related to scalability. But then you need a method to route 
the user to the respective backend SOGo server if you don't want that a 
user have objects in more than one database, right?



[SOGo] [SOLVED] Issues changin database

2012-09-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd
I had to add another SOGo server to my infraestructure, and therefore I 
had to change the hardcoded uri's on the database. I changed "localhost" 
to the name of the first SOGo server.

There is 3 fields that should be changed in the table sogo_folder_info:


If your are using Postgresql and want to change the uri from


execute the next 3 sql sentences

update sogo_folder_info set c_location = replace(c_location, 
'localhost', '')

update sogo_folder_info set c_quick_location = replace(c_quick_location, 
'localhost', '')

update sogo_folder_info set c_acl_location = replace(c_acl_location, 
'localhost', '')

And obviously, change the uri in the GNUStepDefaults file.

I still don't understand why the config to retrieve the calendars and 
addressbook info is hardcoded in the database.

Kind regards


Re: [SOGo] Configuration

2012-08-29 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 28/08/12 15:37, Guillaume JULLIEN wrote:

  New to sogo I'm trying to make it work on ubuntu 12.04
  I installed sogo 1.3.17-1 from apt-get
  database is postgresql 9.1
  auhentification is on openldap
  If I try to log on web interface, I get "bad user name or
  In sogo.log, I have :
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: version 1.3.17 (build 201207251926) -- starting
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: vmem size check enabled: shutting
  down app when vmem > 384 MB
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]:
  <0x0x95b17f0[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo products loaded from
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]:
  <0x0x95b17f0[SOGoProductLoader]>   Appointments.SOGo,
  MainUI.SOGo, MailerUI.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo,
  MailPartViewers.SOGo, CommonUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo,
  PreferencesUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: <0x0x96d4290[WOWatchDog]>
  listening on *:2
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: <0x0x96d4290[WOWatchDog]>
  watchdog process pid: 8463
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]:
  <0x0xb74feda0[WOWatchDogChild]> watchdog request timeout set
  to 10 minutes
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: <0x0x96d4290[WOWatchDog]>
  preparing 1 children
  Aug 28 20:10:35 sogod [8463]: <0x0x96d4290[WOWatchDog]>
  child spawned with pid 8466
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.104 sogod[8466] Note: Using UTF-8 as URL
  encoding in NGExtensions.
  Aug 28 20:11:11 sogod [8466]: <0x0x983e7e0[SOGoCache]> Cache
  cleanup interval set every 300.00 seconds
  Aug 28 20:11:11 sogod [8466]: <0x0x983e7e0[SOGoCache]> Using
  host(s) 'localhost' as server(s)
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.105 sogod[8466] Note(SoObject):
  SoDebugKeyLookup is enabled!
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.105 sogod[8466] Note(SoObject): SoDebugBaseURL
  is enabled!
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.105 sogod[8466] Note(SoObject): relative base
  URLs are enabled.
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.108 sogod[8466] ERROR(-[NGBundleManager
  bundleWithPath:]): could not create bundle for path:
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.114 sogod[8466] WOxElemBuilder: could not
  locate builders: WOxExtElemBuilder,WOxExtElemBuilder
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.114 sogod[8466] WOCompoundElement: pool
  embedding is on.
  2012-08-28 20:11:11.114 sogod[8466] WOCompoundElement: id logging
  is on.
  Aug 28 20:11:11 sogod [8466]: SOGoRootPage Login for user 'myuser'
  might not have worked - password policy: 65535  grace: -1  expire:
  -1  bound: 0
  localhost - - [28/Aug/2012:20:11:11 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect
  HTTP/1.1" 403 34/68 0.016 - - 2M

It seems that SOGo can't contact ldap server. You can try to test
the connection to ldap server from console using ldapsearch using
the connection parameters specified in the .GNUDefaults config file.

 File :

  is not there.

This error is "normal" and it should not matter.
  Can you help me ?
  Best regards,

 Guillaume JULLIEN

06 24 68 25 24
05 57 96 83 58




[SOGo] Issues changing the database

2012-08-28 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd
I'm traying to add a new server to my sogo installation and now the 
config in the new sogo server points to the database in the original 
server, thus i had to change "localhost" by the name/ip of the original 
sogo server.

But now, when I connect to the second server, although it connects to 
the database does not retrieve any data because the info about calendars 
and addressboks are hardcoded in the database with the old database 
configuration ("localhost").

How I can workaround this issue?

Why the config es hardcoded in the database? Have to do with performance?

This design is not flexible; changing some basic config parameters as a 
password for a database user implies to change the fields 
c_quick_location, c_acl_location and c_folder_type in the table 



Re: [SOGo] pid XXXX has been hanging in the same request for X minutes

2012-08-23 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 23/08/12 09:48, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 23/08/12 08:24, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
There is any possiblity to add a functionality to the logging system 
for log the process or connection that makes that SOGo eats all the 
cpu and becomes unresponsive?

I think that such functionality will be very useful to debug problems 
with external's SOGo components.


It would be nice that this bug be in the list to be fixed in the next 


Re: [SOGo] pid XXXX has been hanging in the same request for X minutes

2012-08-23 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 22/08/12 16:53, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 22/08/12 15:47, Donny Brooks wrote:
For the past two days at random times we have been having this 
happen. When it happens the sogod process eats 100% of the cpu and 
just becomes unresponsive. To the point that even after stopping, 
killing the stuck sogod processes, and restarting the service has it 
hanging again within a minute of starting it back up. When this 
happens it does not matter if we shut the machine down, restart it, 
stop the process, etc when it comes back up it will happen within a 
minute of starting. That is until it magically decides to run right. 
Our sogo installation uses external imap/mysql/ldap servers and when 
this has been happening all of the external servers are fine. Below 
is an excerpt of the log. Any ideas?
That happens because SOGo is waiting for something from an external 
component (LDAP, SQL, IMAP or SMTP). Use gdb and produce a stack 
trace, that will tell you what it's waiting for.

There is any possiblity to add a functionality to the logging system for 
log the process or connection that makes that SOGo eats all the cpu and 
becomes unresponsive?

I think that such functionality will be very useful to debug problems 
with external's SOGo components.


Re: [SOGo] [OT] Casifying IMAP

2012-07-06 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 05/07/12 18:27, wrote:

I have done Dovecot and Exim authentication by built-in Samba LDAP backend
without any others LDAP servers.
At least It authenticates users with passwords = its login names, for users
with its password != its login names authentication is failed.
I don' t know yet why.

But there are some other issues / bugs with SOGo / Openchange / Samba beta1
with Dovecot in way of IMAP. You can read my posts in mailing list here and in
SOGo bug tracking system.
Sorry, but I don't understand. Are you using a CAS server for 
authentication?. I am using SOGo 1.3.16 without Outlook/Openchange 
backend and can't authenticate dovecot with CAS server using SOGo as CAS 


Re: [SOGo] authenticating via PostgreSQL

2012-07-05 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 04/07/12 13:34, sebastián wrote:


I'm setting up a new AMD64 Debian Squeeze server with SOGO 1.3.16-1 
and PostgreSQL 8.4.12-0squeeze1.

I've setup a user for testing with SHA authentication. Login through 
the webpage fails so I look at sogo.log and I find the following message:

2012-07-04 13:02:58.711 sogod[21655] What is PGSQL Oid 1042 ???
2012-07-04 13:02:58.711 sogod[21655] ERROR(-[PostgreSQL72Channel 
primaryFetchAttributes:withZone:]): <0x0x1c84750[PostgreSQL72Channel]: 
connection=<0x0x1c3cba0[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x1c79530>>: got 
no value class for column:

Jul 04 13:02:58 sogod [21655]: SOGoRootPage Login for user 
'user@domain' might not have worked - password policy: 65535  grace: 
-1  expire: -1  bound: 0
localhost - - [04/Jul/2012:13:02:58 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 
403 34/92 0.002 - - 0


PostgreSQL doesn't complain:
2012-07-04 13:02:58 ART LOG:  sentencia: SELECT c_password FROM 
sogo_auth WHERE c_uid = 'user@domain'


If I connect to the database as "sogo" user and execute the query by 
hand I get the following answer, which I suppose is perfectly normal:

(1 fila)

Any help will be very appreciated. TIA.

Seb @ Mendoza / Argentina

Did you install the Postgres connector? In the Debian packages is: 
sope4.9-gdl1-postgresql, by default SOGo installs the mysql connector



Re: [SOGo] [OT] Casifying IMAP

2012-07-02 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 29/06/12 19:17, wrote:

I have experimentally worked Dovecot 2.0.19 and Exim 4.76 but with SOGo 2.0.0.

Can you tell me how did you implement the auth between Dovecot and CAS 

Did you use pam_cas module or other method?



[SOGo] [OT] Casifying IMAP

2012-06-28 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


Anyone with experience casifying a IMAP server? I am trying without 
success. There is not so much documentation available in the web and 
some is outdated.

My scenario:

SOGo 1.16
CAS: Jasig Cas 3.4.12
Dovecot IMAP 1.2.15

Any hint, manual, recipe, would be most welcome.



Re: [SOGo] SOGo+CAS+Dovecot

2012-06-18 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 16/06/12 10:18, J.-M. Kubek wrote:

Le vendredi 15 juin 2012 à 15:24 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd a écrit :


   [ Snipp ... ]

However the certificate in the cas server is valid and recognized by any
browser and connection to server tested with openssl, also, the
certificate is installed in the dovecot server and configured in the
pam_cas.conf configuration file.

Is the cas server able to recognize the mail server certificate ?
The problem is that the imap server never starts the connection with the 
cas server because don't recognize the certificate of the cas server 
although I declare the certificate file of cas server in the pam_cas 

SOGo connects with CAS server and receive a ticket from CAS. All the 
serves (SOGo, CAS, IMAP) share the same wildcard certificate for my 
domain. CAS docummentation insist in the use of ssl in all connections.

Anyone knows if there is a alternative to pam_cas to authenticate a imap 
server? The module is in the legacy section of CAS downloads. Since SOGo 
supports CAS and this implies that the imap server should be casifyed, 
the existence of a stable and maintained cas-auth mechanism for imap is 
not just a little detail.

What are the logs on the cas side ?



Anyone running SOGo+CAS+Dovecot?

Any clue is appreciated



PS: Script isn't in the sogo v. 1.3.16 package for
Debian. I think that such file should be in the /usr/share/doc/sogo dir;
I had to download it from the mtn repository


Re: [SOGo] Skinable Web UI for SOGo ?

2012-06-18 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 18/06/12 05:25, Fonzy wrote:


I known that the Web UI of SOGo is dedicated to be a clone of 
Thunderbird, but is there a way to make it skinable ?
Imagine SOGo with Outlook compatibility and a beautifull clone of 
Exchange Web UI : The perfect Exchange clone, isn't !

But ok, it's simply an idea (may be bad)


I also think that a skinnable Web UI would be a great idea. May be this 
is not the best argument but some users complain about the look of SOGo 
WebUI, some of them say that compared with Zimbra, SOGo is ugly. I see 
the technical advantages of SOGo (Scalability, interoperability with our 
actual mail infraestructure, standard compliant, etc.) but final users 
focuses on the look and feel, and "final users" sadly includes the boss.



[SOGo] SOGo+CAS+Dovecot

2012-06-15 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I am trying to configure SOGo to use CAS as authentication backend. I 
have already configured SOGo (sogo parameters and Apache conf) but I 
can't make work the imap autentication with CAS.

I run Dovecot in my IMAP server and use pam_cas as backend for 
authentication, but without success. It seems that pam_cas is no longer 
maintained but the module compiles ok and I can make some tests with the 
binary "castest", however when I configure pam_cas to work with ssl, the 
module don't connect with the cas server and displays the next error:

Certificate verification error: 20

However the certificate in the cas server is valid and recognized by any 
browser and connection to server tested with openssl, also, the 
certificate is installed in the dovecot server and configured in the 
pam_cas.conf configuration file.

Anyone running SOGo+CAS+Dovecot?

Any clue is appreciated



PS: Script isn't in the sogo v. 1.3.16 package for 
Debian. I think that such file should be in the /usr/share/doc/sogo dir; 
I had to download it from the mtn repository


Re: [SOGo] Integrating jabber chat with SOGo

2012-04-20 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 20/04/12 10:21, J.-M. Kubek wrote:

Le jeudi 19 avril 2012 à 14:16 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd a écrit :

On 19/04/12 10:14, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 19/04/12 09:04, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

My question is if is there any method to retrieve user and password
from session and then pass them to javascript to authenticate the
user in the chat server?

No, not right now.

My two cents : it should be possible when using CAS.


I don't know very much about CAS (I am investigating), but if I am not 
wrong, even if OpenFire supports CAS also the web chat application must 
be compatible with CAS, in such a case is needed rewrite the javascript 
autentication method in the app.


Re: [SOGo] Integrating jabber chat with SOGo

2012-04-19 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 19/04/12 10:14, Ludovic Marcotte wrote:

On 19/04/12 09:04, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:
My question is if is there any method to retrieve user and password 
from session and then pass them to javascript to authenticate the 
user in the chat server? 

No, not right now.


I see that the addition of a chat client to the interface is in the 
roadmap. If you already planned, what type of implementation do you plan 
for a native client for SOGo: a purely javascript client or a separate 
backend module as mail or calendar written using SOPE and Objetive-C?

I ask because I am interested in a native chat for SOGo and I would want 
investigate in some direction.


Re: [SOGo] Integrating jabber chat with SOGo

2012-04-19 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 19/04/12 12:19, Покотиленко Константин Александрович wrote:

В Чтв, 19/04/2012 в 10:04 -0300, Federico Alberto Sayd пишет:


I am trying to integrate a jabber chat client into SOGo[1]. Both jabber
server (openfire) and SOGo uses the same authentication backend (ldap).

I load the chat client that is a javascript aplication modifying the
UIxPageFrame.wox template in the sogo user home and including the javascript

My question is if is there any method to retrieve user and password from
session and then pass them to javascript to authenticate the user in the
chat server?

Thanks for any answer

Passing username/password server-side to client-side (sogo->js) is a bad
idea because of the security of js.
I know but the jabber clients that I found are implemented in client 
side javascript

We've recently implemented js chat client in portal, we used this

1. Loging to portal, retrieve OTP
By "portal" do you mean SOGo? I do not know nothing about SOGo 
implementing OTP.

What chat client do you use in your application?

2. Use this OTP to login to XMPP
3. Rewrite auth plugin to check OTP first and in case of failure also
check pass


[SOGo] Integrating jabber chat with SOGo

2012-04-19 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I am trying to integrate a jabber chat client into SOGo[1]. Both jabber 
server (openfire) and SOGo uses the same authentication backend (ldap).

I load the chat client that is a javascript aplication modifying the 
UIxPageFrame.wox template in the sogo user home and including the javascript

My question is if is there any method to retrieve user and password from 
session and then pass them to javascript to authenticate the user in the 
chat server?

Thanks for any answer


Re: [SOGo] Using squirrelmail migrate script

2012-04-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

On 10/04/12 11:40, Christian Mack wrote:

Hello Federico Alberto Sayd

On 2012-04-10 16:15, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

I am trying to migrate contacts from Squirrelmail to SOGo. I am using
the script found in the sogo sources.

I run the script with this parameters

./ --config default.conf --username user1 --verbose=2


url = http://localhost/
username = sogo
password = secretpassword

folder_destination = "importados"

Folder "importados" for user1 exists but the script displays the next error

2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN>  [user1] HTTP request PROPFIND user1: 302 Found
2012/04/10 10:35:21 INFO>  [user1] Addressbook "importados" doesn't exist
2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN>  [user1] HTTP request MKCOL user1: 302 Found
2012/04/10 10:35:21 ERROR>  [user1] File user1.abook skipped (missing
destination addressbook)

Anyone using this script to import contacts?

You need to use the corresponding UUID of the address book "importados",
not its name for option 'folder_destination'.
The UUID looks something like "62AF-4C68E680-5-734FD600".

Also, any idea to run the script when the user log in the first time?

Sorry, no idea on that one.

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Thanks for the clarification

Ok, Then there is not batch operation. No option to migrate multiple 
user address books...

Thanks, Federico

[SOGo] Using squirrelmail migrate script

2012-04-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I am trying to migrate contacts from Squirrelmail to SOGo. I am using 
the script found in the sogo sources.

I run the script with this parameters

./ --config default.conf --username user1 --verbose=2 


url = http://localhost/
username = sogo
password = secretpassword

folder_destination = "importados"

Folder "importados" for user1 exists but the script displays the next error

2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN> [user1] HTTP request PROPFIND user1: 302 Found
2012/04/10 10:35:21 INFO> [user1] Addressbook "importados" doesn't exist
2012/04/10 10:35:21 WARN> [user1] HTTP request MKCOL user1: 302 Found
2012/04/10 10:35:21 ERROR> [user1] File user1.abook skipped (missing 
destination addressbook)

Anyone using this script to import contacts?

Also, any idea to run the script when the user log in the first time?



Re: [SOGo] Webservers other than Apache

2012-03-30 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 30/03/12 08:57, Покотиленко Константин Александрович escribió:

В Птн, 30/03/2012 в 09:59 +0100, Ed W пишет:

On 28/03/2012 14:44, Lukas Pirl wrote:

Has anyone ever tried to setup SOGo with a web server other than Apache?
Especially I am interested in running SOGo with the Cherokee [1] web

I found a post that said that SOGo relies on mod_ngobjweb [2]. Is it
part of the project philosophy to get SOGo portable for web servers
(and other required technology)?


I'm not sure if your message is a spam?  I'm sure cherokee is great though

Just as a datapoint, I use nginx on nearly all my servers.  The install
size is literally a couple of hundred KB, memory usage is lower than
apache, configuration is sane (to me at least).  I'm even using it on an
embedded solution that I'm working on right now - install really is
quite tiny...

I'm not sure what mod_ngobjweb is, but I can confirm that sogo is
running here on nginx.

I also run SOGo on nginx. Not as "out of the box" as on apache, but not
difficult. Performance and especially memory footprint is not


I am very interested in nginx. Could you share your nginx-SOGo config?


Re: [SOGo] ANN: sogosync - Open Source ActiveSync with caldav and cardav backend

2012-03-30 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 29/03/12 04:36, Christian Mack escribió:

Hello Marcio Merlone

On 2012-03-28 20:28, Marcio Merlone wrote:

Em 28-03-2012 10:01, Christian Mack escreveu:

Did you try CalDAV-Sync and CardDAV-Sync?

I saw it on Google play, but it's not free and only syncs

There is a free versions of CardDAV-Sync.
In "CardDAV-Sync free" you have the following restrictions though
(quoting the website):
"There are two versions at the market, a paid one and a free one. The
following features are available in the paid version only:

 sync websites
 sync organizations
 sync notes
 sync anniversaries
 sync nicknames
 sync categories (mapped to groups in Android)

For emails you always can use IMAP to sync them. I didn't mention it,
because you don't need any additional software/app in order to use it.

Active sync is better since you set up only one
account for both plus email. Much nicer (besides read-only for now,
looking forward write also).

That's definitely a plus for ActiveSync.

I didn't want to push you away from ActiveSync.
I just wanted to be sure you know the alternatives, which can do two way

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


I personaly prefer imap, cardav and calvad because they are standards.

A question, there are plans for an official sogo sync app for android?
It would be nice to have a open source aternative to dmfs.



Re: [SOGo] Text selection in webmail module

2012-03-29 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 29/03/12 06:27, Christian Reischl escribió:


I had similar problems in 1.3.13. They were gone after upgrading to 
1.3.14 and clearing the cache.

Christian Reischl

Fraunhofer Institut für
Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung
Giggenhauser Str. 35
85354 Freising

Telefon: 08161 491-704

Christian Mack schrieb:

Hello Federico Alberto Sayd

On 2012-03-28 15:07, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:

Only a question, when I try to select text in the message preview in 
webmail module I can't select anything. I tested this issue with 

and Crhome and the sogo demo website.

However, when I do double click in the message, in the window that 

it is possible to select text. It is a issue with my
installation/enviroment or it is the expected behavior?

This is not "expected behaviour".
Selecting in the mail preview window did work in 1.3.12c and before.

Please file a bug report on

Kind regards,
Christian Mack


I am running 1.3.14, I cleared the browser cache but SOGo still doesn't 
allow text selections.

Kind regards


[SOGo] Text selection in webmail module

2012-03-28 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


Only a question, when I try to select text in the message preview in the 
webmail module I can't select anything. I tested this issue with Firefox 
and Crhome and the sogo demo website.

However, when I do double click in the message, in the window that opens 
it is possible to select text. It is a issue with my 
installation/enviroment or it is the expected behavior?


[SOGo] SOGo don't seem recognize webcal:// uris

2012-03-13 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


When I try to suscribe to a web calendar, in the dialog box, if I enter 
a webcal uri of type "webcal://", SOGo reports a error subscribing the 
calendar, if I change "webcal://" by "http://"; SOGo subscribe the 
calendar without problem.

webcal:// is a de facto standard and is widely used to share calendars. 
There is any issue with "webcal://" that prevents SOGo to implements 
this uri scheme? If not, I need to fill a feature request in the bug 
tracking system?



[SOGo] Problem with forward messages when using SpanishArgentina

2012-03-02 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

Hello list:

Recently Dominique Coucout reported a problem with messages forwarded in 
e-mail module. The problem had to do with malformed html messages when 
using SpanishSpain localization. I noticed the same behavior with  
SpanishArgentina. Dominique reported that Francis provided a patch for 
SpanishSpain. There is any workaround to solve this bug or I need wait 
the next release?



Re: [SOGo] Memcached and Debian Squeeze [SOLVED]

2011-02-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 10/02/11 11:22, Stuart Sheldon escribió:

Hash: SHA256

I had the same problem. the fix was to change the following in the
/etc/memcached.conf file:

- - -l
+ -l localhost

It has to do with IPv6 I believe.

Hope this helps!


On 02/10/2011 04:57 AM, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:


Recently I upgraded my SOGo server from Debian Lenny to Squeeze.

After the upgrade, SOGo did not connect to memcached anymore. My system
runs memcached from Debian's init scripts. However if I run memcached as
daemon from command line as the user sogo, it works.

memcached -d -u sogo

There is somebody with the same problem?



Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks! it worked


[SOGo] Memcached and Debian Squeeze

2011-02-10 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


Recently I upgraded my SOGo server from Debian Lenny to Squeeze.

After the upgrade, SOGo did not connect to memcached anymore. My system 
runs memcached from Debian's init scripts. However if I run memcached as 
daemon from command line as the user sogo, it works.

memcached -d -u sogo

There is somebody with the same problem?



Re: [SOGo] Missing files for translation

2011-02-07 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 01/02/11 16:15, Francis Lachapelle escribió:

Hi Federico

On Feb 1, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:





But, I can not find these files into the source code of the last revision 
(v1.3.5). Are still necessary this files?

No, there are no longer required since they were replaced by .wox templates :


I just updated the FAQ.



-- :: +1.514.755.3640 ::
Inverse :: Leaders behind SOGo ( and PacketFence 


Thanks for the clarification

I have another doubt, I can't find the file 

I checked the repository and I only found the file 
UI/Templates/Appointments/SOGoAptMailICalReply.wox, without "English", 
also I found others versions of  this file, swedish and ukrainian 
versions with more content, but obviously it is unreadable for me.

Thanks, I wait your answer to submit the updates



[SOGo] Missing files for translation

2011-02-01 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


Recently I have been updating the spanish translation of SOGo. I 
followed the instruction at, 
the page lists the next 3 files for translation:




But, I can not find these files into the source code of the last 
revision (v1.3.5). Are still necessary this files?



Re: [SOGo] URL root

2010-11-11 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 11/11/10 12:28, Albert Shih escribió:

Hi all

How can I make the URL of the SOGo web interface to






You can make the redirection:

1 - Creating a index.html file with the redirección (HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" Content="0; URL=https://FQDN/SOGo/";> )

2 - Creating a index.php with redirección ( 
header('Location: https://FQDN/SOGo/'); )

3 - Rewriting the url in apache configuration

Re: [SOGo] Funambol BlackBerry problem

2010-08-13 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 12/08/10 15:17, Clay Wright escribió:

Federico Alberto Sayd wrote:



Hello Federico.


With what "supported type" I have to create each source, all with
x-vcard or I have to use x-vcal for calendars, x-vtodo for task, etc?

You should make sure to use x-vevent for you calendar sources.

Thanks! I changed x-vcard for x-vevent in calendar and task sources an 
all worked. I think that this clarification should be added to the 

Don't know if this might also be a factor, but earlier I only had
success with the JDBC3 driver.

I installed JDBC4 driver because Postgresql doc indicates JDBC4 for java 
vm v1.6, and Funambol 8.5 ships with java v1.6, but apparently JDBC4 
works. I hope this info can be useful to other users.


[SOGo] Funambol BlackBerry problem

2010-08-12 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd


I am trying to synchronize my blackberry with sogo. I have installed the 
Funambol Server v. 8.5.1 with SOGo connector v 1.0.8. While searching in 
the past mails in the list I found that BlackBerry connector have a bug 
that sets remote names (sogo-cal, sogo-card and sogo-todo) with: card, 
stask and scal, although this parameters are well configured. I followed 
the recommendations in the list and deleted and recreated card, stask 
and scal sources, pointing to sogo.

When I try to sync, contacts synchronize in both directions (bb and 
sogo) but calendars and events don't synchronize in any direction; and 
sometimes the synchronization is too slow. Funambol ds-server doesn’t 
report any error.

Any ideas?

Other question:

With what "supported type" I have to create each source, all with 
x-vcard or I have to use x-vcal for calendars, x-vtodo for task, etc?

Thanks, and sorry for my poor English

My installation:

Debian Lenny 5.0.5
BlackBerry OS v4.6.272
Sogo v. 1.3.0
Funambol Server v. 8.5.1
Sogo Funambol connector v. 1.0.8
Funambol BlackBerry Sync v 8.5.2
Postgresql jdbc4 connector v 8.4-701


Re: [SOGo] Rewrite rule for SOGo/

2010-06-01 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 01/06/10 14:27, Robert A Wooldridge escribió:
I'm trying to create a rewrite rule so that the URL: will go to:

How can I do this and where should the Rewrite directive be placed?

You can try:

RewriteRule ^/$ /SOGo [R]
