Re: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-05 Thread John Doe
I don't know if I am in error, but ':set lines=999 columns=999' from
.vimrc does not work for me under KDE 3.5. It works in ex mode, after
everything is loaded, but not from the .vimrc file (and yes I am using
gvim). There are also some notable strange effects:

au GUIEnter * set lines=999 columns=999

seems to really make gvim think there are so many columns and lines:
word-wrap is turned off and command line disappears, but it resizes the
gvim's window ok.

the only thing that works for me is:

au CursorHold * exe ':set lines=999 columns=999 | au! CursorHold', which
does the resizing after a delay, but sometimes even this produces the
aforementioned strange effect.

In short, under KDE, :set lines=999 columns=999 works for me after
everything "settles down", but not before. I am using gvim 7.0.17.

:copen annoying trouble

2007-02-05 Thread Ilia N Ternovich

When I work with many buffers inside vim and suddenly need to :copen
&& :make project, vim opens buffer in which warning or error is detected.

This is very annoying, since I have to switch from "pouped-up" buffer where
error or warning is detected to last working one.

Is it possible to switch off autoswitching to buffer where warning or
error is detected? 

God bless you!

2.6.18-gentoo-r6 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+

icq: 198233378

VegaTrek Developer:
VegaTrek Forum Moderator:

You know you're using the computer too much when: beautiful women start
looking as good a penguins do... -- jcmorris

$gpg --keyserver --search-keys tillias

Re: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-05 Thread Theerasak Photha



The :set lines=9 columns=9 does not really maxmize the Vim window.
Since there's still borders for the window, a maximized window have no
borders (AFAIK this is true for WinXP and KDE).

Since you are highly unlikely to use a Windows version other than English
and Chinese. The following method works:

if has("gui_win32")   " NT Windows
autocmd GUIEnter * :simalt ~x

Tony think the method is non-portable, that is true, if there's a portable
way to do the job, I will prefer the portable way. However, the :set
lines=9 columns=9 cannot do the same job as the :simalt can do, so
their must be a compromize. I would recommend the ":simalt" way until there
is a nature way for vim to cope with that.

There's a third (although not exactly desirable) way. If you use vim
sessions, you can add 'resize' to the set of sessionoptions, and set
columns and lines to values that are useful for a significant length
of time. This way, they will persist across sessions.

I use this method under the ratpoison window manager in Linux and it
works quite well.

Vim presentation in Mountain View

2007-02-05 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Dear Vim users,

I will be doing a presentation on Vim, here is the announcement:

Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series: Bram Moolenaar

Tuesday, February 13, 19.00h

Title: Seven habits for effective text editing, 2.0.

Bram's presentation will give an overview of several ways to effectively
use Vim to edit programs, structured text and documentation.

Please join us for Bram's presentation if you're in the area. Doors will
open at 6:30 PM and Bram will begin speaking at 7:00 PM. Refreshments
will be served; please plan to sign in at Building 41 reception when you

More information:

For instructions how to get there click on "Mountain View headquarters".
But pay attention to the building number 41, there are many Google
buildings :-).

Hope to meet you there!

>From "know your smileys":
 <<<:-{Worf (Never smiles anyways, so he's a bad smiley)

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Max Dyckhoff wrote:

That's strange, my marks are maintained when I do an reload the buffer with :e, 
and the jumplist seems to be preserved, too. I never use either mechanism, but 
a little experiment shows they are still there. Perhaps there are other things 
that are erased too though, a side-effect I hadn't thought of.

Perhaps it is something to do with my vimrc; I am pretty keen on keeping things 
around for as long as possible (:set hidden, :set history=1000, etc)


Marks are remembered in the viminfo: local marks according to 'nn (nn = number 
of files) which must be included whenever 'viminfo' is nonempty, and global 
marks according to f (default=all, fn [n != 0] =all, f0 = none).

Best regards,
The assertion that "all men are created equal" was of no practical use
in effecting our separation from Great Britain and it was placed in the
Declaration not for that, but for future use.
--  Abraham Lincoln

Re: open multiple files with wildcard from inside vim

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:


On 2/5/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 05Feb2007 01:44, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > Have you tried:
> | >   :n path/file*
> [...]
> | That's better than where I was, thanks. Ideally the files would 
all be
> | "visible", either split on the screen, or in separate tabs. Is 
there a

> | way to do this?

You can use the ":sall" or ":all" command to open all the files in the
argument list in a separate window.

   :n *.txt

You can use the ":argadd" command instead of the ":next" command to
add files to the argument list.

   :argadd *.txt

To open the files in separate tabs, use the ":tab" command modifier.

  :tab all

Similarly you can use the ":sball" command to open all the files in the
Vim buffer list.

- Yegappan

... yes, and, to lift any ambiguity, in Vim terminology "windows" are what 
other programs would call "panes" or "split screens"; not what Windows or X11 
would call "(program) windows".

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
13. You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Eric Leenman wrote:


Following your comments, I've converted my file to a scheme and placed 
it in

C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\colors
For testing I also placed a bw.vim and a print_bw.vim in it.

The problem now is that it doesn't get loaded.
When I type :colorscheme eric it says E185: Can not find colorscheme eric

":colorscheme eric" loads (on Windows, with the default 'runtimepath') the 
first one found of the following (and gives an error if none is found):

1. $HOME/vimfiles/colors/eric.vim
2. $VIM/vimfiles/colors/eric.vim
3. $VIMRUNTIME/colors/eric.vim
4. $VIM/vimfiles/after/colors/eric.vim
5. $HOME/vimfiles/after/colors/eric.vim

The script should set g:colors_name to "eric".

1 and 5 are for "private" single-user files, 2 and 4 for "system-wide" files 
(which all users will see identically on multiuser system), 3 for whatever is 
distributed together with Vim (and users shouldn't meddle with it, as any 
upgrade can silently erase any changes you make there).

When I type echo g:colors_name it says undefined variable
When I type :colorscheme print_bw it switches to this scheme
When I type echo g:colors_name it says print_bw

Copying the print_bw file to print_bw2.vim and changing only the line
let g:colors_name = "blabla"
gives also the same errors with my ëric"scheme



The ":scriptnames" command will tell you exactly which scripts were sourced, 
and in which sequence.

Best regards,
Peanut Blossoms

4 cups sugar   16 tbsp. milk
4 cups brown sugar 4 tsp. vanilla
4 cups shortening  14 cups flour
8 eggs 4 tsp. soda
4 cups peanut butter   4 tsp. salt

Shape dough into balls.  Roll in sugar and bake on ungreased cookie
sheet at 375 F. for 10-12 minutes.  Immediately top each cookie with a
Hershey's kiss or star pressing down firmly to crack cookie.  Makes a
hell of a lot.

Re: open multiple files with wildcard from inside vim

2007-02-05 Thread Yegappan Lakshmanan


On 2/5/07, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 05Feb2007 01:44, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > Have you tried:
> | >   :n path/file*
> [...]
> | That's better than where I was, thanks. Ideally the files would all be
> | "visible", either split on the screen, or in separate tabs. Is there a
> | way to do this?

You can use the ":sall" or ":all" command to open all the files in the
argument list in a separate window.

   :n *.txt

You can use the ":argadd" command instead of the ":next" command to
add files to the argument list.

   :argadd *.txt

To open the files in separate tabs, use the ":tab" command modifier.

  :tab all

Similarly you can use the ":sball" command to open all the files in the
Vim buffer list.

- Yegappan

Re: How to maximize my vim window when I start it?

2007-02-05 Thread Christian Ebert
* Jiang Ting on Sunday, February 04, 2007 at 17:26:38 -0600:
> 2. I am using latex-suite; I want to setup macros like:
> (1). `o=\theta;
> (2). call IMAP('kk','\[<++>\]<++>','tex');

Did you put them in eg. ~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim ?

_B A U S T E L L E N_ lesen! --->> 

Re: test and question

2007-02-05 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2007-02-05, John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No no, the options is local to a buffer. The only way
> I can think of is to create a hook of some sort
> (events) and do 'set tw=0' after a file loads, but
> gurus might know better.

There are several ways to do this.  If this is a problem for only a 
few file types, then the "standard" solution is to create your own 
plugin file for each file type for which this is a problem and put 
them in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ on Unix or 
$VIM\vimfiles\after\ftplugin on Windows.  Each file would contain 
just this line:

setlocal tw=0

If you want to do this for all file types, you might be better off 
putting this in your ~/.vimrc:

au FileType * setlocal tw=0

It's important to put this towards the end of your ~/.vimrc, after 
any :filetype command(s), so that this autocommand is executed 
_after_ any filetype plugins are loaded.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: test and question

2007-02-05 Thread Tim Chase

No no, the options is local to a buffer. The only way
I can think of is to create a hook of some sort
(events) and do 'set tw=0' after a file loads, but
gurus might know better.

Ah, I see the problem.  Yes, vim has hooks (autocommands, 
verbosely detailed at ":help autocmd.txt" where you can read more 
than any sane person should want to :)  to do just the sort of 
thing you describe.

You put a line something like the following in your vimrc:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * set tw=0

You can adjust the "*" to be whatever filespecs you might want. 
If you just want .html or .txt files, it's easy enough to isolate 

augroup TextFiles
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.htm set tw=0
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.html set tw=0
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt set tw=0
augroup END

However, vim *should default to having 'tw' set to zero.  If you 
start vim with "vim -u NONE", and

:set tw?

it comes back as 0.  This leads me to believe that some 
plugin/script that you load is monkeying with your setting.  You 
can use

:verbose set tw?

to learn where it was last set.  You might also find 
":scriptnames" helfpul for nailing down the troublesome script.

Once you find the troublemaker, you can either edit it or remove it.

Just a few ideas.


timer revisited

2007-02-05 Thread John Doe
Well, I am so happy I can post here again (I've been
shut out for about 1/2 year for no apparent reason).
So I need to catch up with the question backlog.

I used to be able to conjure regenerating timer events
in vim 6.4 like this:

"   here's a nice workaround for a regenerative
CursorHold event, suggested by
"   Antony Scriven
au CursorHold * exe "norm! r\" | call

the norm r \ kludge used to simulate a keypress
to vim 6.4 (both on linux and win32) so that the event
was regenerated after the usual 5 seconds or so. Not
so anymore! I cannot get regenerating timer events in
vim anymore and the only way I can think of getting
around this is:

1. vote for special Timer events addon and pay for it
2. get a new kludge from you folks

I don't know if option 1 is viable BTW. Please, a new
kludge, you'll get recognition in my script.


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Re: test and question

2007-02-05 Thread Michael Brailsford
Try putting the following in your ~/.vimrc.

set textwidth=0

A zero for textwidth, sounds bizarre.

- Original Message 
From: John Doe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 5, 2007 4:10:14 PM
Subject: test and question

Works? Anyway my question:

Is it possible to set a global textwidth option in
some way? It is annoying me that it is set to 78 after
pretty much every file I load.


Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. 
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: test and question

2007-02-05 Thread John Doe
No no, the options is local to a buffer. The only way
I can think of is to create a hook of some sort
(events) and do 'set tw=0' after a file loads, but
gurus might know better.


Need Mail bonding?
Go to the Yahoo! Mail Q&A for great tips from Yahoo! Answers users.

Re: test and question

2007-02-05 Thread Tim Chase


Is it possible to set a global textwidth option in
some way? It is annoying me that it is set to 78 after
pretty much every file I load.

Edit your $HOME/.vimrc (or _vimrc on win32) and add the line

set tw=78



test and question

2007-02-05 Thread John Doe
Works? Anyway my question:

Is it possible to set a global textwidth option in
some way? It is annoying me that it is set to 78 after
pretty much every file I load.


Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. 
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

RE: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread Max Dyckhoff
My suggestion: implement a reverse captcha. There is no additional overhead for 
users, and friends of mine who have implemented it have found that it foils the 
spammers, at least for now, with very little work.


> -Original Message-
> From: John Beckett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 12:15 PM
> To: vim
> Subject: Re: Tips which are spam
> Andy Wokula wrote:
> > Currently there is much spam in recent comments:
> >
> Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a
> feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.
> But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers don't
> care if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to their
> search ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
> Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.
> Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a simple
> logon or at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.
> John

RE: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread Halim, Salman
Might be easier on the user to use the 'negative captcha' idea floating
about online:

Put a hidden form field called "email", "phone", "login" or some such
that a bot is likely to fill and use CSS to hide it.  A human won't see
it, but a bot will (ignoring CSS).  If the field ends up containing a
value, it must have been filled by a bot; ignore the tip/note

Not foolproof, but it'll probably work here.


> -Original Message-
> From: Andy Wokula [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 3:35 PM
> To: John Beckett
> Cc: vim
> Subject: Re: Tips which are spam
> John Beckett schrieb:
> > Andy Wokula wrote:
> >> Currently there is much spam in recent comments:
> >>
> > 
> > Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a 
> > feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.
> > 
> > But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers 
> don't care 
> > if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to 
> their search 
> > ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
> > Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.
> > 
> > Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a 
> simple logon or 
> > at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.
> > 
> > John
> E.g. posters must either login or solve simple math (or 
> answer simple Vim questions, even better ;) next to the "Add 
> Note" button.
> Should be fairly easy to add?
> Andy
> --
> ___
> Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC: 

Re: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread Andy Wokula

John Beckett schrieb:

Andy Wokula wrote:

Currently there is much spam in recent comments:

Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a
feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.

But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers don't
care if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to their
search ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.

Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a simple
logon or at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.


E.g. posters must either login or solve simple math
(or answer simple Vim questions, even better ;)
next to the "Add Note" button.

Should be fairly easy to add?



Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

Re: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Tim Chase

That's strange, my marks are maintained when I do an reload
the buffer with :e, and the jumplist seems to be preserved,
too. I never use either mechanism, but a little experiment
shows they are still there. Perhaps there are other things
that are erased too though, a side-effect I hadn't thought of.

Ah...I do see some persistance of these things depending on where 
the marks were in the file.  I tested the following in a 100 line 
file (with "vi -u NONE"):


It doesn't return to the line I marked previously (originally 
line 33), but to line 3 of the previous file. 
Semi-understandable...just a somewhat peculiar behavior when


does return to the proper spot.  It seems to sorta keep the 
marks.  Similar oddities seem to happen with jumps.

Perhaps it is something to do with my vimrc; I am pretty keen
on keeping things around for as long as possible (:set hidden,
:set history=1000, etc)

I'm somewhere in between...I like long histories, but only set 
'hidden' as needed as a reminder to myself.  I also don't let 
.viminfo handle much, as I like to have a fairly fresh copy of 
vim each time I start it.

Re: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread John Beckett

Andy Wokula wrote:

Currently there is much spam in recent comments:

Last time this was discussed I got the impression that there is a
feeling that if no one reads the spam, then it is not a problem.

But I think the situation is worse than that. The spammers don't
care if anyone reads the tips. They want the optimisation to their
search ranking in Google et al from having links to their site.
Helping these leaches is no longer acceptable IMHO.

Lots of places on the Internet have had to implement a simple
logon or at least a captcha - anonymous posting can't be allowed.


Re: Tips which are spam

2007-02-05 Thread Andy Wokula

Currently there is much spam in recent comments:



Telefonate ohne weitere Kosten vom PC zum PC:

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread Eric Leenman


Following your comments, I've converted my file to a scheme and placed it in
C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\colors
For testing I also placed a bw.vim and a print_bw.vim in it.

The problem now is that it doesn't get loaded.
When I type :colorscheme eric it says E185: Can not find colorscheme eric
When I type echo g:colors_name it says undefined variable
When I type :colorscheme print_bw it switches to this scheme
When I type echo g:colors_name it says print_bw

Copying the print_bw file to print_bw2.vim and changing only the line
let g:colors_name = "blabla"
gives also the same errors with my ëric"scheme



" Header information {{{
" Remove all existing highlighting. {{{
set background=light
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
 syntax reset

" Name the scheme eric {{{
let g:colors_name = "eric"

" Define colorscheme as visual C++ {{{
hi Commentcterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgreen  ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkgreen guibg=white
hi Statement  cterm=NONE ctermfg=blue   ctermbg=white gui=NONE 

hi Identifier cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkredctermbg=white gui=NONE 

hi PreProccterm=NONE ctermfg=blue   ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkblue  guibg=white
hi Type   cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgray   ctermbg=white gui=NONE
guifg=darkgray  guibg=white
hi Constant   cterm=NONE ctermfg=red  ctermbg=white gui=NONE guifg=red

"" vim60: set foldmethod=marker: {{{
" }}}

From: "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Albie Janse van Rensburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: Eric Leenman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: color loading sequence in GVIM
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 17:01:57 +0100

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin"
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

" GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to be named according to the filetype you want it to be used 
for.  For instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files.

No (see below).

You can further specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a 
filetypes.vim file in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory.

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one or 
more Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a 
directory in 'runtimepath'.

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in Vim 
parlance, and correspond to what would be called "themes" or "skins" in 
other programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files to be edited 
with them. Vim never loads them automatically but only as a result of the 
":colorscheme " command, which is roughly equivalent to ":runtime 
colors/.vim" where .vim is the name of an arbitrary 
colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the syntax 
subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define default 
colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using ":highlight 
default" commands (see ":help :highlight-default").
Absolutely.  I had my syntax file and colorschemes info mixed up.  I hope 
the OP reads your corrections.  _Syntax_ files need to be named according 
to their application (language), whereas colorscheme files are used to 
change the colours of text _according_to_the_syntax_ file definition.  The 
colorscheme effectively is applied over the syntax definition.

RE: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Max Dyckhoff
That's strange, my marks are maintained when I do an reload the buffer with :e, 
and the jumplist seems to be preserved, too. I never use either mechanism, but 
a little experiment shows they are still there. Perhaps there are other things 
that are erased too though, a side-effect I hadn't thought of.

Perhaps it is something to do with my vimrc; I am pretty keen on keeping things 
around for as long as possible (:set hidden, :set history=1000, etc)


> -Original Message-
> From: Tim Chase [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:04 AM
> To: Phil Edwards
> Cc: Max Dyckhoff;
> Subject: Re: Clearing undo history after a file write
> >> The easiest thing to do would probably just to do :e after
> >> your :w. :e will re-read the file, wiping the undo buffer.
> >
> > Ah, didn't know about that side effect.  I knew there had to
> > be an easier solution.  :-)  Thanks!
> Max is correct (and it is quite easy), though just be aware that
> there are some other side effects that go with that
> method...particularly marks and your jumplist for the given file
> will also go up in smoke in the same way as your undo history.
> You may or may not want that effect.  But every alternative way
> of clearing the undo history that I've thought of has also
> cleared these items as well so it's just tough luck. :)
> -tim

Re: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Tim Chase

The easiest thing to do would probably just to do :e after
your :w. :e will re-read the file, wiping the undo buffer.

Ah, didn't know about that side effect.  I knew there had to
be an easier solution.  :-)  Thanks!

Max is correct (and it is quite easy), though just be aware that 
there are some other side effects that go with that 
method...particularly marks and your jumplist for the given file 
will also go up in smoke in the same way as your undo history.

You may or may not want that effect.  But every alternative way 
of clearing the undo history that I've thought of has also 
cleared these items as well so it's just tough luck. :)


Re: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Phil Edwards

On 2/5/07, Max Dyckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The easiest thing to do would probably just to do :e after your :w. :e will 
re-read the file, wiping the undo buffer.

Ah, didn't know about that side effect.  I knew there had to be an
easier solution.  :-)  Thanks!


RE: Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Max Dyckhoff
The easiest thing to do would probably just to do :e after your :w. :e will 
re-read the file, wiping the undo buffer.


> -Original Message-
> From: Phil Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 9:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Clearing undo history after a file write
> After writing out a file, I would (sometimes, not always) like to
> prevent 'u' from undoing past the :w into old changes, e.g.,
> - change #1
> - change #2
> - :w
> - change #3
> - change #4
> - 'u' undoes #4 and then #3, but then stops
> This seems like such a simple thing, but to my surprise it's less
> trivial than I thought it would be.
> The only thing in ":help undo" and its related tags which seems to be
> relevant is the undolevels variable.  So maybe something like
> - copy undolevels into some temp variable  // I don't remember the
> "let" syntax offhand
> - set undolevels=-1
> - set undolevels=temp_holding_variable
> would work?  A value of -1 disables undo altogether, so would this
> sequence kill the history and start it from scratch?
> -phil

Clearing undo history after a file write

2007-02-05 Thread Phil Edwards

After writing out a file, I would (sometimes, not always) like to
prevent 'u' from undoing past the :w into old changes, e.g.,

- change #1
- change #2
- :w
- change #3
- change #4
- 'u' undoes #4 and then #3, but then stops

This seems like such a simple thing, but to my surprise it's less
trivial than I thought it would be.

The only thing in ":help undo" and its related tags which seems to be
relevant is the undolevels variable.  So maybe something like

- copy undolevels into some temp variable  // I don't remember the
"let" syntax offhand
- set undolevels=-1
- set undolevels=temp_holding_variable

would work?  A value of -1 disables undo altogether, so would this
sequence kill the history and start it from scratch?


RE: Verilog Indentation

2007-02-05 Thread Clint Harames
I'm not sure what you mean by "properly" indented files because I've
seen a lot of different styles in the verilog code I've reviewed even
though it is coming from a group if individuals at our company who
supposedly are designing to a company standard.

I have the following in my .vimrc:
set ai  " always set autoindenting on
set smartindent " C-intelligent indenting
set sw=4" shiftwidth (indent)
set tabstop=8   " Tab width is 8

Also, I have CCverilog.vim in my ftplugin folder.


-Original Message-
From: Naim Far [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 5:05 AM
To: Vim users
Subject: Verilog Indentation

Hi Vimers,

   Can anyone please help me with making the vim indent verilog files 

Thanx in advance!

Re: open multiple files with wildcard from inside vim

2007-02-05 Thread jose isaias cabrera

"ben lieb" wrote,

Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 05Feb2007 01:44, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Have you tried:
| >   :n path/file*
| That's better than where I was, thanks. Ideally the files would all be
| "visible", either split on the screen, or in separate tabs. Is there a
| way to do this?

You're now into vim areas of which I know little. I only migrated to
vim from nvi recently, and that basicly for the syntax highlighting and
file completion for :n commands; nvi has file completion - better than
vim's in some ways, and worse in others. I find split displays annoying
and confusing, and generally just keep multiple editor windows around
where you would probably use tabs. A split display leaves me feeling
I'm sacrificing text display space to a file I'm not editing:-(

However, if you have a large number of files: how well will they display
in split mode or tabs? My first thought is not awfully well.

My usual editing mode has only one file displayed at once per window.
Combined with autowrite and "#" mapped to ":n #^M" it's quite effective
for me.

It seems that everyone has such specialized needs sometimes. I'm a web
develper and have at least 10 programs going at one time. More windows
is not an option. Multiple tabs would be ideal, but once you get used to
working with a split screen (horiz, or vert), you find that it has its
uses. Usually when you have a long file or want to make a quick edit.

Anyone else?

I am getting used to working with tabs, but yes, once you get going with 
split screens, it's hard to break the habit...

Re: open multiple files with wildcard from inside vim

2007-02-05 Thread ben lieb
Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 05Feb2007 01:44, ben lieb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | > Have you tried:
> | >   :n path/file*
> [...]
> | That's better than where I was, thanks. Ideally the files would all be
> | "visible", either split on the screen, or in separate tabs. Is there a
> | way to do this?
> You're now into vim areas of which I know little. I only migrated to
> vim from nvi recently, and that basicly for the syntax highlighting and
> file completion for :n commands; nvi has file completion - better than
> vim's in some ways, and worse in others. I find split displays annoying
> and confusing, and generally just keep multiple editor windows around
> where you would probably use tabs. A split display leaves me feeling
> I'm sacrificing text display space to a file I'm not editing:-(
> However, if you have a large number of files: how well will they display
> in split mode or tabs? My first thought is not awfully well.
> My usual editing mode has only one file displayed at once per window.
> Combined with autowrite and "#" mapped to ":n #^M" it's quite effective
> for me.
It seems that everyone has such specialized needs sometimes. I'm a web
develper and have at least 10 programs going at one time. More windows
is not an option. Multiple tabs would be ideal, but once you get used to
working with a split screen (horiz, or vert), you find that it has its
uses. Usually when you have a long file or want to make a quick edit.

Anyone else?

RE: Mapping with Shift, Ctrl and Alt/Meta

2007-02-05 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
>Using Ctrl-V, I can see that Gvim doesn't see Alt-Ctrl or
>Alt-Ctrl-Shift for "normal" keys, just for function keys,
>insert/delete, home/end, page-up/down an the arrow keys.

>This is NOT a Windows issue.  My email program (The Bat!),
>for example, lets me make use of all of those combinations.
>I believe it is a bug in the Gvim keyboard handling.

>The tab key is a bit of an oddity.  Of the eight
>possibilities, Ctrl-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Tab don't work,
>although Ctrl-Shift-Tab and Alt-Ctrl-Shift-Tab do work.
>[Windows always takes over Alt-Tab and Alt-Shift-Tab.]

Actually, it *might* be a Windows issue.  If you do a typical
Control-Panel thing where you get a bunch of "pages" with the little
"tabs" on top, regular tab will run through all the fields/buttons/etc.
on that page, but ctl-tab will pop over to the next tab.

Eg, just picking one at random, "Control Panel" --> "Folder Options",
cycling through the options in "General" is done with the tab key, but
getting to the "View", "File Types", etc., is done via ctl-tab.  (Just
tried it now, I speak the trvth. :) )

I try to never ever ever use the moose unless I'm practically forced at
gunpoint, well, at least if the program/app is sucky enough to not have
a keyboard way to do something, so this is kind of familiar to me.
Sooo, point was that it might very well he a grabbed key-combo, even if
nothing's immediately done with it.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting 
in a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin"
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

" GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to be named according to the filetype you want it to be 
used for.  For instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files. 

No (see below).

You can further specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a 
filetypes.vim file in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory. 

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one 
or more Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a 
directory in 'runtimepath'.

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in 
Vim parlance, and correspond to what would be called "themes" or 
"skins" in other programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files 
to be edited with them. Vim never loads them automatically but only as 
a result of the ":colorscheme " command, which is roughly 
equivalent to ":runtime colors/.vim" where .vim is the 
name of an arbitrary colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the 
syntax subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may 
define default colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by 
using ":highlight default" commands (see ":help :highlight-default").
Absolutely.  I had my syntax file and colorschemes info mixed up.  I 
hope the OP reads your corrections.  _Syntax_ files need to be named 
according to their application (language), whereas colorscheme files are 
used to change the colours of text _according_to_the_syntax_ file 
definition.  The colorscheme effectively is applied over the syntax 

Indeed. This also means that ":syntax on" reloads the current colorscheme (if 
any, or sets the default colours if none), which may explain why Eric didn't 
see his colour highlights.

Note that since many syntax scripts define their color highlight groups by 
"linking" them to the default groups, setting highlights for said default 
groups will usually go a long way towards colouring everything. (For instance, 
by default the colours of the "Comment" group are reused for cComment, 
htmlComment, vimComment, etc., so unless you want to use different colours for 
each of these -- which IMHO would be rather pointless -- you can content 
yourself with defining Comment highlights and the various Comment 
groups will all be set to that.)

":help :colorscheme"  indeed.
The OP is talking about a colorscheme file though (the first part, 
defining highlight groups), which should be placed in vimfiles/colors.  
As for the guifont setting, I personally do it in my vimrc file, but 
afaik it should work in a colorscheme file as well.

 From what I can see, the highlight settings are loaded into a 
colorscheme (which will have the name of the .vim file containing them), 
so by running


your highlight groups will get set, Eric.  First move your file into the 
vimfiles/colors directory to avoid unpredictable results.

Best regards,
The USA is so enormous, and so numerous are its schools, colleges and
religious seminaries, many devoted to special religious beliefs ranging
from the unorthodox to the dotty, that we can hardly wonder at its
yielding a more bounteous harvest of gobbledygook than the rest of the
world put together.
-- Sir Peter Medawar

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread Albie Janse van Rensburg

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting 
in a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin"
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

" GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to be named according to the filetype you want it to be 
used for.  For instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files. 

No (see below).

You can further specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a 
filetypes.vim file in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory. 

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one 
or more Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a 
directory in 'runtimepath'.

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in 
Vim parlance, and correspond to what would be called "themes" or 
"skins" in other programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files 
to be edited with them. Vim never loads them automatically but only as 
a result of the ":colorscheme " command, which is roughly 
equivalent to ":runtime colors/.vim" where .vim is the 
name of an arbitrary colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the 
syntax subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may 
define default colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by 
using ":highlight default" commands (see ":help :highlight-default").
Absolutely.  I had my syntax file and colorschemes info mixed up.  I 
hope the OP reads your corrections.  _Syntax_ files need to be named 
according to their application (language), whereas colorscheme files are 
used to change the colours of text _according_to_the_syntax_ file 
definition.  The colorscheme effectively is applied over the syntax 

":help :colorscheme"  indeed. 

The OP is talking about a colorscheme file though (the first part, 
defining highlight groups), which should be placed in vimfiles/colors.  
As for the guifont setting, I personally do it in my vimrc file, but 
afaik it should work in a colorscheme file as well.

From what I can see, the highlight settings are loaded into a 
colorscheme (which will have the name of the .vim file containing them), 
so by running


your highlight groups will get set, Eric.  First move your file into the 
vimfiles/colors directory to avoid unpredictable results.

Albie Janse van Rensburg (neonpill)

Registered Linux User 438873 | 

Re: A question about syntax file and vim regexps

2007-02-05 Thread DervishD
Hi Kib :)

 * kib2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dixit:
> I wonder if I can highlight more things in Python, I would like to 
> highlight functions call , i.e in a Python source, in the following line:
> os.popen(...)
> be able to highlight the word "popen".
> is it possible ?

Yes, it is. First, check the Python syntax file: if it already has a
syntax group for such constructs, you just need to do:

hi def TheSyntaxGroup ...

See ":help highlight" for that.

If the syntax file doesn't have such construct, you will need to do
something like this (UNTESTED!):

syntax match PythonFunCall \I\i\+.\zs\I\i\+\ze(
hi def PythonFunCall ...

The regex means:

\I   Identifier character except numbers
\i   Identifier character including numbers
\+   One or more of the last atom
.A literal dot
\zs  Here starts the match (so, the coloring)
\I   Id
\i   Id
\+   Id
\ze  Here ends the match (so, the coloring)
(A literal open parentheses

Please note that I'm not sure about "\zs" and "\ze" being legal in a
"syntax match" command. If they aren't, use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and family 
(see ":help zero-width" for that).

Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 |
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

Re: GVim colours

2007-02-05 Thread panshizhu
I've written a script to remove all the gui=bold properties, please be ware
that it isn't easy, since you cannot just set all the highlighting to
gui=NONE. For those who had a default value of gui=reverse, you should NOT
set it to gui=NONE, for those who had gui=reverse,bold, you should first
set gui=NONE and then set gui=reverse again.

Well, I really HATE the way to do that since it seems to be a "dirty" and
"hacked" way, but unfortuanately it is the only way for gvim now, I
strongly hope the next Vim version will have a much "clean" way to disable
all the bold font.

An alternative solution, is to use a bold font for the default font of
gVim. And then all text will be highlight as the same thickness. Again,
this is not a very satisfying approach but it might work for some people.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

news <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 2007-02-04 20:00:18:

> I've been using Vim with colorscheme evening, run in gnome-terminal set
> to disallow bold text and to use the Rxvt colour palette, and it's been
> working great for me.
> So great, in fact, that now, when I want to give GVim a chance,
> I can't stand its default interpretation of the evening colorscheme,
> but I have no idea how to make it drop the bold text and use the Rxvt
> colour palette. Is it at all doable? If so, how?
> Or, to rephrase my question, how to make GVim (below) look the same as
> Vim (above) in the following screenshot?
> -- Shot
> --
> It is not yet possible to change operating system by writing
> to /proc/sys/kernel/ostype.  -- man 2 sysctl

Re: GVim colours

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Shot (Piotr Szotkowski) wrote:

I've been using Vim with colorscheme evening, run in gnome-terminal set
to disallow bold text and to use the Rxvt colour palette, and it's been
working great for me.

So great, in fact, that now, when I want to give GVim a chance,
I can't stand its default interpretation of the evening colorscheme,
but I have no idea how to make it drop the bold text and use the Rxvt
colour palette. Is it at all doable? If so, how?

Or, to rephrase my question, how to make GVim (below) look the same as
Vim (above) in the following screenshot?

-- Shot

1. copy the colorscheme to ~/.vim/colors/, possibly under a different name.

2. :%s/\/NONE/g

3. replace the arguments of guibg= and guifg= by their #RRGGBB hex equivalents 
from the rxvt color palette. What these equivalents are, I don't know; but you 
can set any 32-bit color that way. If you want it to be usable (without 
dithering) on a 256-color terminal, you should use red, green and blue 
components, each of which is a multiple of 0x33 (i.e., 00 33 66 99 CC or FF).

4. If in (1) above you changed the name, alter the ":colorscheme" statement in 
your vimrc accordingly.

Under (2) and (3) above you may have to add ":highlight" commands for any 
groups which the evening colorscheme would leave at their default, especially 
if the default is bold.

Best regards,
The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly
greater than that of any other animals.  Some of their most esteemed
inventions have no other apparent purpose, for example, the dinner
party of more than two, the epic poem, and the science of metaphysics.
-- H. L. Mencken

GVim colours

2007-02-05 Thread Shot (Piotr Szotkowski)
I've been using Vim with colorscheme evening, run in gnome-terminal set
to disallow bold text and to use the Rxvt colour palette, and it's been
working great for me.

So great, in fact, that now, when I want to give GVim a chance,
I can't stand its default interpretation of the evening colorscheme,
but I have no idea how to make it drop the bold text and use the Rxvt
colour palette. Is it at all doable? If so, how?

Or, to rephrase my question, how to make GVim (below) look the same as
Vim (above) in the following screenshot?

-- Shot
It is not yet possible to change operating system by writing
to /proc/sys/kernel/ostype.  -- man 2 sysctl

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the 

oops. The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are defined by 
the script .vim (where  is the relevant setting of the 
'syntax' option), living in the

syntax subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define 
default colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using 
":highlight default" commands (see ":help :highlight-default").

Best regards,
Canada Bill Jone's Motto:
It's morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.

A .44 magnum beats four aces.

Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin"
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

" GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


Check out all that glitters with the MSN Entertainment Guide to the 
Academy Awards®

Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory,


and needs to 
be named according to the filetype you want it to be used for.  For 
instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files. 

No (see below).

You can further 
specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a filetypes.vim file 
in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory. 

... a filetype.vim file in a directory in 'runtimepath', *and/or* one or more 
Vim script(s) of _any_ name in the ftdetect subdirectory of a directory in 

For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

and also (more important)
:help :colorscheme

Hope that helps

The files in the colors directory are what is called color schemes in Vim 
parlance, and correspond to what would be called "themes" or "skins" in other 
programs. Their names bear *no relation* to the files to be edited with them. 
Vim never loads them automatically but only as a result of the ":colorscheme 
" command, which is roughly equivalent to ":runtime colors/.vim" 
where .vim is the name of an arbitrary colorscheme script.

The highlight groups to use for files of a given syntax are in the syntax 
subdirectory of directories in 'runtimepath', and they may define default 
colors for highlight groups not predefined in Vim, by using ":highlight 
default" commands (see ":help :highlight-default").

Best regards,

The average income of the modern teenager is about 2 a.m.

Re: [OT]Bram fortune file. Know your smileys.

2007-02-05 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Kazuo Teramoto wrote:

I love the Bram fortune file (I read it all, is fun) but now looks it
be updated (with From "know your smileys" and jokes about proofs...)
but it is not updated in Bram site, anyone know from are Bram take the
'know your smileys'?


PS. I love the vim list, really, I read it for fun, I don't post so
much but I think we have one of the best ml or better one of the best
user community.

Here's a variation on Bram's "fortunes.vim" script for use when not using Vim 
to write mail: I wrote this into my vimrc and checked that it works:

if has("autocmd")
augroup vimrclocal
" move first fortune (with initial sig delimiter)
" to the bottom and the clipboard
au BufRead fortunes.txt
\ map  
\  :1;/^-- $/-1d +
\  $put +
\  w
augroup END

This is not perfect: you may want to create a more complex mapping to insert 
your fixed sig after the "-- " line after moving the fortune. The above requires:

1. modification of the fortunes.txt file (as follows) to use "proper" sig 
delimiters as separators:

:1,$s/^--$/-- /

This adds 529 (decimal) bytes to the file, which I think is acceptable.

2. a Vim version with access to the clipboard (i.e., any version of gvim, or a 
console Vim compiled with clipboard support and running in a terminal with 
access to the clipboard). This should also be a Vim version 6.1 or later, and 
preferably 6.1.092 or later, because of the ":map " command. ;-)

To use it, open fortunes.txt in Vim, hit F5, then go to your mailer, place the 
cursor on an empty line after last line, and paste. You may then add the fixed 
part of your sig below the delimiter. (Of course, replace  by another key 
to map it to something else.)

Note: I just found that on Linux systems such as mine, the "fortune" shell 
command will deliver random aphorisms. Use "fortune -f" to list fortune files, 
"fortune" for a random non-offensive fortune, "man fortune" for details. 
However I don't know how to add a database (a pair of files, "something" in 
text format and "something.dat" in binary format) to the list. I think I'll 
write a function to get fortunes from both Bram's and the Linux lists.

... Done (I think I put the necessary safeguards into it to make it portable). 
Two status variables are remembered across Vim runs if the viminfo is enabled. 
Two more varaiables are initialized at first call. With the settings below, 
Bram's fortunes will happen 20% of the time (on Unix when both ~/fortunes.txt 
and the fortune program are present). Change g:FortuneCycle to alter that. 
Each call to the function Fortune() returns a new fortune both as the return 
value and in the clipboard, except when neither source of aphorisms is 
installed, in which case it returns the empty string.
-- Replace ":echo" by ":call" in the mapping to avoid displaying the fortune 
in Vim.

if has("viminfo") && (&viminfo != "")
" append at left end because the viminfo name (if present)
" must be last
set viminfo-=!
set viminfo^=!
function Fortune()
" In order to remember them in the viminfo,
" the first two variables defined below
" must have names starting with an uppercase letter
" and containing no lowercase letters.
if !exists("g:FORTUNE")
let g:FORTUNE = 0
if !exists("g:FORTUNECYCLE")
if !exists("s:sysFortunes")
let s:sysFortunes =
\ (system("which fortune") != "") && (!v:shell_error)
if !exists("s:bramFortunes")
let s:bramFortunes =
\ filereadeable(expand("~/fortunes.txt"))
if s:sysFortunes && (g:FORTUNE || (!s:bramFortunes))
let @+ = "-- \n" . system("fortune -a")
elseif s:bramFortunes
new ~/fortunes.txt
silent 1;/^-- $/-1d +
$put +
let @+ = ""
let g:FORTUNE = g:FORTUNE + 1
let g:FORTUNE = 0
return @+
map  :echo Fortune()

Best regards,

Too clever is dumb.
-- Ogden Nash

A question about syntax file and vim regexps

2007-02-05 Thread kib2

Hi Vimers,

I wonder if I can highlight more things in Python, I would like to 
highlight functions call , i.e in a Python source, in the following line:


be able to highlight the word "popen".

is it possible ?

Thanks for your advices

Re: [SPAM?]Re: Vim 7 performance notes

2007-02-05 Thread Robert Cussons

George V. Reilly wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 2/4/07, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/4/07, Alexei Alexandrov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Gnu malloc (glibc) is exceptionally fast, iirc. It is possible
> > to benchmark the malloc speed during  the ./configure  time.
> > And auto-select the initital size depending on the results.
> >
> > The procmail this similar technique in configure: It automatically
> > benchmarks  it's own builtin strstr() vs system's strstr() and 

> > the one which is faster.
> >
> In this particular case the speed of malloc is not the only factor.
> Big fraction of time is spent in memset() while initializing the array
> with zeros.

That's why I thought that it's reasonable to benchmark malloc()
relative to the time it takes to memset() that same area. (When
benchmarking, you need to know what to compare it to). If you
compare time it takes to malloc N bytes to the time it takes
to memset() same N bytes, you can tell the speed of malloc
*relative* to the time of memset()ting same size. So you will
automatically know which one is realtively more expensive,
the memset() or the malloc().

And then maybe the optimal initial size will be size where
memset() time is equal to the malloc() time ? The break-even,
so to say, in which neither of two time dominates the other ?

memset() is an O(N) operation. Its running time has to be proportional 
to N because it has to touch every single byte. If the pagefile gets 
involved, it's still O(N), but with a much larger constant.

malloc()'s running time is much harder to say anything about. Not only 
can it vary widely between different implementations, it also depends 
upon the state of the system. Is the heap fragmented? Is it suffering 
from lock contention? (Not a problem with single-threaded apps like 
Vim.) Is the memory already in the process's working set, or does malloc 
have to ask the OS for more pages? Is the system under intense memory 
pressure and will the malloc() operation cause paging to disk? Finally, 
malloc(N) is probably independent of N. It has to find a free entry of 
size N in its data structures, which is very dependent on both the 
implementation and the preceding factors. Benchmarking malloc() in 
./configure is not likely to tell you very much about its performance in 
a workload you care about.

Sorry to butt in here, but I had a question about all this discussion on 
malloc. If you are talking about the C function malloc which I think you 
are as you referred to glibc, then as far as I am aware, malloc does not 
zero the memory that is allocated, it merely allocates it, so I do not 
see where memset would be used. calloc on the other hand, also zeros the 
memory that it allocates. Sorry if I am completely misguided but just 
interested to know other people's thoughts on it.


Re: color loading sequence in GVIM

2007-02-05 Thread Albie Janse van Rensburg

Eric Leenman wrote:


I'm doing a reinstall of gvim and placing my color and font setting in 
a seperate file in the plugin.

This file is located in: "C:\Program Files\Vim\vimfiles\plugin"
And it contains the following:
:hi Commentctermfg=darkgreen  gui=None guifg=darkgreen
:hi Statement  ctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=blue
:hi Identifier ctermfg=darkredgui=None guifg=darkred
:hi PreProcctermfg=blue   gui=None guifg=darkblue
:hi Type   ctermfg=darkgray   gui=None guifg=darkgray
:hi Constant   ctermfg=redgui=None guifg=red

" GUI font instellingen
set guifont=courier:h7:w7

What now happens is that the font is taken over but the colors aren't
For example:
When I type :hi Comment
vim returns:
Comment   xxx term=bold ctermfg=1 guifg=Blue

What do I do wrong?


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Colour files should go into the vimfiles/colors directory, and needs to 
be named according to the filetype you want it to be used for.  For 
instance, sql.vim will be loaded for .sql files.  You can further 
specify what filetype to use for a file by creating a filetypes.vim file 
in the vimfiles/ftdetect directory.  For more info about this, see

:help ftdetect


:help syntax

Hope that helps

Albie Janse van Rensburg (neonpill)

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