RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:My critique of an experiment posed by Dennis Cravens

2010-10-07 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I don't think skeptics will be convinced until someone stumbles upon a simpler 
experiment that unarguably demonstrates an obvious difference (burn your 
fingers scale) between input and output power. I am convinced that trying to 
increase the output power is the wrong way to go because this anomaly may 
depend heavily on a small thermal window / sweet spot where the gas is already 
near disassociation -trying to increase the effect could push the majority of 
the population into atomic form and either reduce the effect or make it 
runaway. I would bring the test up to temp then slowly vary my other controls 
(circulation, gas mix, ect) while reducing the heating control to keep temp 
constant for any gains from changes in circulation, mix or other variables. The 
goal to demonstrate a hot - non combusting-  plasma maintained with little or 
no heating -I would want to circulate same hydrogen so skeptics cannot claim 
some micro combustion and a careful account of the pumping - I suspect the 
effect needs to be bootstrapped with a heater but then can be maintained by 
increasing circulation through a kindling of bulk nano powders like blowing 
on embers to start a fire. If the material is too active like Rayney Nickel it 
will burn itself out in a quick thermal spike like the Rowan confirmation while 
less active materials like the Arata Pd powders might be accelerated from their 
normal slow life after death into a more timely demonstration of excess heat.
From: Jed Rothwell []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 8:56 PM
To: Nick Palmer
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:My critique of an experiment posed by Dennis Cravens

Nick Palmer wrote:

The LED will not be convincing. How about just training an IR camera on it and 
putting the image on the web? A slow stream of air
passing the cell would warm up and clearly show on the image.

Why not simply install thermocouples and a thermometer in the cell, and in the 
nearby ambient air? That is simple, direct and foolproof. With 4 W it will 
produce a definitive result. If it were a fraction of 1 W this would not work.

In an ordinary room this would be somewhat problematic and inaccurate because 
of fluctuations in air temperature and currents of air, but this room is 
reportedly temperature-stable.

I would also insulate the cell well except for one copper pipe (or nail) coming 
out of the top. Most of the heat would radiate from that pipe, and it would be 
warm to the touch. At 4 W it would be quite warm. This occurred to me while I 
was driving home, when somehow the design of an internal combustion engine 
circa 1880 came to mind. Spark plugs were not invented, or not reliable, so 
they used an iron bar protruding into the cylinder. It was heated red hot on 
the outside by a small flow of burning gasoline. The mixture of air and 
gasoline was injected when the piston started to descend, and it ignited 
immediately from the hot plug.

- Jed

[Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
On October 5, the AIP sent the attached letter to Jan Marwan abruptly
cancelling the New Energy Technology Symposium Proceedings. See the letter
and a memo from Marwan, below.

We will probably upload the papers from these proceedings to
We will probably do this soon, since the AIP's decision appears to
be irrevocable.

This is disappointing. Marwin did a lot of work on these proceedings, and
they would have enhanced the status of cold fusion. We do not know why the
AIP cancelled. I can speculate that someone opposed to cold fusion is behind
the decision, but I have no knowledge of that.

- Jed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maya Flikop
Director Special Publications and Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1, 2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville , NY 11747

October 5, 2010

Dr. Jan Marwan
Forschung  Entwicklung
Rudower Chaussee , 29
D-12489 Berlin, GERMANY

Dear Dr. Marwan:

Having received the technical presentation and PDF files related to the “New
Technology Symposium”, AIP’s Publisher’s Office has had a chance to evaluate
contents of the material presented. Based on this evaluation, AIP has
decided to
exercise its right under Section C.1(a) of the Publishing Contract to
decline publishing
the proceedings and materials as an AIP publication.

As an accommodation to the Symposium Organizers, AIP would be willing to
the printing of the Volume book for the attendees of the Symposium,
including the
title page, table of contents, and index, which will be otherwise prepared
accordance with the technical specifications. Because we are declining the
print or
electronic publication of such materials as an AIP publication, we will not
seek any
copyright rights, nor will AIP include its name on the book materials. If
the Symposium
Organizers would like to have the Volume book printed, AIP can prepare and
such print proceedings at a reduced price of $27 per copy. This reduction in
price is
being offered strictly as a courtesy. The Symposium Organizers are also free
to find
another printer or publisher for its materials.

As an additional courtesy to assist the Symposium with finding a suitable
publisher, AIP
can provide you with a PDF file of the entire Volume so that you may use it
at your
discretion for online applications. No affiliation with AIP should be stated
or implied in
connection with any such publication.

Please let me know if you would like any of the books printed, and if so,
how many. If
you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward
to hearing
from you.

Thanks and best regards,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear colleagues,

Same as you I am disappointed that at final stage our AIP conference
proceedings, although already published on the AIP web site (Table of
content, title, abstract, ISBN and price), has been declined. As you
noticed, from the email by the AIP that I forwarded to you, the director of
the AIP publishing service is missing a detailed explanation for her
unexpected decision. I leave it to you to require specific details on that
issue from the AIP.

Jed Rothwell suggested to publish this volume on his website and Scott Chubb
suggested to publish it in his journal. I am sending both the whole volume
that I submitted to the AIP on June 29.

Jan Marwan

Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread FZNIDARSIC
My paper was accepted there for publication.  It is no wonder that I  have 
mostly given up and 
am not actively working on new energy technology any more.
This is a sad day indeed.
Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Esa Ruoho
so they won - by getting you to mostly give up and not actively work on new
energy technology any more. how splendid!
if only everyone else was as easy as that.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:43 PM, wrote:

  My paper was accepted there for publication.  It is no wonder that I have
 mostly given up and
 am not actively working on new energy technology any more.

 This is a sad day indeed.

 Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:FW: Nikitin du Russia-FW: Уведомление

2010-10-07 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

Friends//Introduction:  'Albert' is Evgeny Nikitin du Russia and is the 
Emeritus Senior Professor of Physics of the French Academie du Science.  As a 
young man Albert was an European Saber-fencing Champion.  That's 'not' like 
olympic 'prissy' fencing.  The heavy Prussian-Sabres fighers CUT THE LIVING 
CRAP out of eachother; definitely 'not' for the 'feignt'-of-heart~:-)!  Also 
the 'Old Man' is a WW-II Russian Army Vet against the NAZIs; which is also 
The 'Old Man' is AWESOME.  He let me know over a decade  1/2 ago that my 
'theory-designs' that I had sent him hard-copy of, along with NASA  John 
Hutchison/BC-Canada at the same time, had been 'built' and it WORKED 
FANTASTICALLY which is a little spooky. I kind've 'got' that they had already 
been working along that same track; but I made a couple of 'intuitive leaps' 
which proved to be key; and likely Albert was merely acknowledging my 'curious' 
parallel psi-remote perceptions. . .(Remember; at that moment nationally we 
were 'all' supposed to be PC-Amigos at that time!~:-)  Albert/Evgeny Nikitin; 
Now 'there' is a MAN and very much the Maestro-Mentor!  I'm proud to have known 
him. . . Jack Lev-Harbach O'Sullivan-Buboltzevic

Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 22:29:46 +0400
Subject: Уведомление

   Dear colleagues,

I ask you to block on your computer receipt of messages from mine email 
addresses as 25 - on September, 30th 2010 this my box has been grasped by the 
(because of my thoughtless mistake  in the answer to advertising from the 
Command of developers 
Microsoft). Now to me the input in this my own mail box is closed, and 
swindlers have started to black-
mail some my correspondents from my name. If I was late with the given notice, 
I  am very sorry and ask
 to excuse me for the unpleasant minutes delivered to you by the swindler 
through my fault. 


   With sincere respect, 
 Dr.  Albert V. Nickitin 

   Уважаемые коллеги,

  Прошу вас заблокировать на вашем компьютере поступление сообщений с моего 
email адреса,  так как 25 - 30 сентября 2010 этот мой ящик был 
захвачен жуликом-хакером
 (из-за моей легкомысленной  ошибки в ответе на рекламу от Команды 
разработчиков Microsoft). 
В настоящее время мне закрыт вход в этот мой собственный  почтовый ящик, а 
жулики начали от 
моего имени шантажировать некоторых моих корреспондентов. Если я опоздал с 
данным уведом-
лением, приношу свои глубочайшие извинения за неприятные минуты, 
доставленные вам жуликом
 по моей вине. 

 С искренним уважением, 
Альберт Никитин (Россия)


[Vo]:Nikitin du Russia: Уведомление

2010-10-07 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

Friends//Introduction:  'Albert' is Evgeny Nikitin du Russia and is the 
Emeritus Senior Professor of Physics of the French Academie du Science.  As a 
young man Albert was an European Saber-fencing Champion.  That's 'not' like 
olympic 'prissy' fencing.  The heavy Prussian-Sabres fighers CUT THE LIVING 
CRAP out of eachother; definitely 'not' for the 'feignt'-of-heart~:-)!  Also 
the 'Old Man' is a WW-II Russian Army Vet against the NAZIs; which is also 
The 'Old Man' is AWESOME.  He let me know over a decade  1/2 ago that my 
'theory-designs' that I had sent him hard-copy of, along with NASA  John 
Hutchison/BC-Canada at the same time, had been 'built' and it WORKED 
FANTASTICALLY which is a little spooky. I kind've 'got' that they had already 
been working along that same track; but I made a couple of 'intuitive leaps' 
which proved to be key; and likely Albert was merely acknowledging my 'curious' 
parallel psi-remote perceptions. . .(Remember; at that moment nationally we 
were 'all' supposed to be PC-Amigos at that time!~:-)  Albert/Evgeny Nikitin; 
Now 'there' is a MAN and very much the Maestro-Mentor!  I'm proud to have known 
him. . . Jack Lev-Harbach O'Sullivan-Buboltzevic

Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 22:29:46 +0400
Subject: Уведомление

   Dear colleagues,

I ask you to block on your computer receipt of messages from mine email 
addresses as 25 - on September, 30th 2010 this my box has been grasped by the 
(because of my thoughtless mistake  in the answer to advertising from the 
Command of developers 
Microsoft). Now to me the input in this my own mail box is closed, and 
swindlers have started to black-
mail some my correspondents from my name. If I was late with the given notice, 
I  am very sorry and ask
 to excuse me for the unpleasant minutes delivered to you by the swindler 
through my fault. 


   With sincere respect, 
 Dr.  Albert V. Nickitin 

   Уважаемые коллеги,

  Прошу вас заблокировать на вашем компьютере поступление сообщений с моего 
email адреса,  так как 25 - 30 сентября 2010 этот мой ящик был 
захвачен жуликом-хакером
 (из-за моей легкомысленной  ошибки в ответе на рекламу от Команды 
разработчиков Microsoft). 
В настоящее время мне закрыт вход в этот мой собственный  почтовый ящик, а 
жулики начали от 
моего имени шантажировать некоторых моих корреспондентов. Если я опоздал с 
данным уведом-
лением, приношу свои глубочайшие извинения за неприятные минуты, 
доставленные вам жуликом
 по моей вине. 

 С искренним уважением, 
Альберт Никитин (Россия)


RE: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

Oh no:  This is 'not' 'giving-up.'  This merely means that the 'game-is-afoot' 
in 'earnest as of this moment.'  This is the point that 'everyone' retires to 
their respective 'neutral corners' and REGROUPS, reboots, and 
digs-in-for-the-HOME STRETCH. . . extremely 'serious-stuff,' this. . .


In short:  Ultimately this is 'good-news.'-JHO-

Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 17:48:30 +0300
Subject: Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

so they won - by getting you to mostly give up and not actively work on new 
energy technology any more. how splendid!
if only everyone else was as easy as that.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:43 PM, wrote:

My paper was accepted there for publication.  It is no wonder that I have 
mostly given up and 
am not actively working on new energy technology any more.
This is a sad day indeed.
Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread fznidarsic

No its not.  We have no resources, no credibility, and nowhere else to go.  
The fields and its people have been kicked and kicked again.
I have only so much energy.  Even Jed must be getting tired.  
Sooner or later the whole thing will die.
I am still scheduled to speak at International  Conference for Space 
Tom Valone is the organizer.  Lets see how long it takes for this to also get 
kicked out.
Tom was already kicked out of the state dept once.

Frank Znidarsic

-Original Message-
From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
Sent: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 11:46 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

Oh no:  This is 'not' 'giving-up.'  This merely means that the 'game-is-afoot' 
in 'earnest as of this moment.'  This is the point that 'everyone' retires to 
their respective 'neutral corners' and REGROUPS, reboots, and 
digs-in-for-the-HOME STRETCH. . . extremely 'serious-stuff,' this. . .
In short:  Ultimately this is 'good-news.'-JHO-
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 17:48:30 +0300
Subject: Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

so they won - by getting you to mostly give up and not actively work on new 
energy technology any more. how splendid! 
if only everyone else was as easy as that.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:43 PM, wrote:

My paper was accepted there for publication.  It is no wonder that I have 
mostly given up and 
am not actively working on new energy technology any more.
This is a sad day indeed.
Frank Znidarsic


Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Frank Znidarsic wrote:

We have no resources, no credibility, and nowhere else to go.

I agree.

 Even Jed must be getting tired. Sooner or later the whole thing will die.

Indeed. I am getting tired, and I do fear that the field will die when the
last researcher dies. People such as Patterson and Les Case died leaving no
trace of their work and no chance that anyone will replicate them.

 Tom Valone is the organizer.  Lets see how long it takes for this to also
 get kicked out.
 Tom was already kicked out of the state dept once.

He was kicked out of a meeting room in the State Department when Park and
Zimmerman pulled strings. He was fired from the Patent Office because he
talks about cold fusion and various forms of o-u energy. He was reinstated
after years of hearings and administrative procedures. If that was a
victory, I would hate to see defeat.

- Jed

[Vo]:Thought for the day from Francis Bacon

2010-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
 The human understanding, when any preposition has been once laid 
down, (either from general admission and belief, or from the pleasure it 
affords,) forces every thing else to add fresh support and confirmation; 
and although more cogent and abundant instances may exist to the 
contrary, yet either does not observe or despises them, or gets rid of 
and rejects them by some distinction, with violent and injurious 
prejudice, rather than sacrifice the authority of its first conclusions.

- Francis Bacon, Novum Organum (New Instrument)

RE: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

I'll stick with my original 'take' on this:  The 'kicking out of'/suppression' 
of groups/individuals that are getting 'too close' to this

thing relative to potential /or already achieved-tech along these lines is a 
VERY SPECIFIC INDICATOR, seen accurately; which is a huge heads-up/stimulus.


Like I said before:  Regroup  dig-in; ergo, GET CREATIVE. Cheers 

Subject: Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 12:26:44 -0400

No its not.  We have no resources, no credibility, and nowhere else to go.  
The fields and its people have been kicked and kicked again.
I have only so much energy.  Even Jed must be getting tired.  
Sooner or later the whole thing will die.
I am still scheduled to speak at International  Conference for Space 
Tom Valone is the organizer.  Lets see how long it takes for this to also get 
kicked out.
Tom was already kicked out of the state dept once.
Frank Znidarsic

-Original Message-
From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan
Sent: Thu, Oct 7, 2010 11:46 am
Subject: RE: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

Oh no:  This is 'not' 'giving-up.'  This merely means that the 'game-is-afoot' 
in 'earnest as of this moment.'  This is the point that 'everyone' retires to 
their respective 'neutral corners' and REGROUPS, reboots, and 
digs-in-for-the-HOME STRETCH. . . extremely 'serious-stuff,' this. . .
In short:  Ultimately this is 'good-news.'-JHO-

Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 17:48:30 +0300
Subject: Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

so they won - by getting you to mostly give up and not actively work on new 
energy technology any more. how splendid! 
if only everyone else was as easy as that.

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 5:43 PM, wrote:

My paper was accepted there for publication.  It is no wonder that I have 
mostly given up and 
am not actively working on new energy technology any more.
This is a sad day indeed.
Frank Znidarsic

RE: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

He was kicked out of a meeting room in the State Department when Park and 
Zimmerman pulled strings. He was fired from the Patent Office because he talks 
about cold fusion and various forms of o-u energy. He was reinstated after 
years of hearings and administrative procedures. If that was a victory, I would 
hate to see defeat.


Amigo's:  I remember another cautionary-tale of an EX-'Patent Office employee' 
loser that the established big-boys wanted to stifle  erase in the 
'worst-way.'  His name was Albert Einstein.


And as for Patterson  Les Case:  'You-all' remember them and have just let the 
entire world know about them. . .


I see the reverse point.  The whole world knows Nikola Tesla even though the 
Edison-cartel did their worst to erase Tesla. . .

Tesla died broke--- quite alone. . .


Who do we appreciate now?


QUOTE:  Quit yer whinnin. (My Mom~;-)

Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 13:48:44 -0400
Subject: Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

Frank Znidarsic wrote:

We have no resources, no credibility, and nowhere else to go.

I agree.


Even Jed must be getting tired. Sooner or later the whole thing will die.

Indeed. I am getting tired, and I do fear that the field will die when the last 
researcher dies. People such as Patterson and Les Case died leaving no trace of 
their work and no chance that anyone will replicate them.


Tom Valone is the organizer.  Lets see how long it takes for this to also get 
kicked out.
Tom was already kicked out of the state dept once.

He was kicked out of a meeting room in the State Department when Park and 
Zimmerman pulled strings. He was fired from the Patent Office because he talks 
about cold fusion and various forms of o-u energy. He was reinstated after 
years of hearings and administrative procedures. If that was a victory, I would 
hate to see defeat.

- Jed


Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Harry Veeder
I wonder if Steve Kirvit is looking into this.


From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 9:08:46 AM
Subject: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

On October 5, the AIP sent the attached letter to Jan Marwan abruptly 
the New Energy Technology Symposium Proceedings. See the letter and a memo 
Marwan, below.

We will probably upload the papers from these proceedings to We 
will probably do this soon, since the AIP's decision appears to be irrevocable.

This is disappointing. Marwin did a lot of work on these proceedings, and they 
would have enhanced the status of cold fusion. We do not know why the AIP 
cancelled. I can speculate that someone opposed to cold fusion is behind the 
decision, but I have no knowledge of that.

- Jed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maya Flikop
Director Special Publications and Proceedings
American Institute of Physics
Suite 1NO1, 2 Huntington Quadrangle
Melville , NY 11747

October 5, 2010

Dr. Jan Marwan
Forschung  Entwicklung
Rudower Chaussee , 29
D-12489 Berlin, GERMANY

Dear Dr. Marwan:

Having received the technical presentation and PDF files related to the “New 
Technology Symposium”, AIP’s Publisher’s Office has had a chance to evaluate 
contents of the material presented. Based on this evaluation, AIP has decided 
exercise its right under Section C.1(a) of the Publishing Contract to decline 
the proceedings and materials as an AIP publication.

As an accommodation to the Symposium Organizers, AIP would be willing to 
the printing of the Volume book for the attendees of the Symposium, including 
title page, table of contents, and index, which will be otherwise prepared in
accordance with the technical specifications. Because we are declining the 
electronic publication of such materials as an AIP publication, we will not 
copyright rights, nor will AIP include its name on the book materials. If the 
Organizers would like to have the Volume book printed, AIP can prepare and 
such print proceedings at a reduced price of $27 per copy. This reduction in 
price is
being offered strictly as a courtesy. The Symposium Organizers are also free 
another printer or publisher for its materials.

As an additional courtesy to assist the Symposium with finding a suitable 
publisher, AIP
can provide you with a PDF file of the entire Volume so that you may use it at 
discretion for online applications. No affiliation with AIP should be stated 
implied in
connection with any such publication.

Please let me know if you would like any of the books printed, and if so, how 
many. If
you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward 
from you.

Thanks and best regards,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear colleagues,
Same as you I am disappointed that at final stage our AIP conference 
proceedings, although already published on the AIP web site (Table of content, 
title, abstract, ISBN and price), has been declined. As you noticed, from the 
email by the AIP that I forwarded to you, the director of the AIP publishing 
service is missing a detailed explanation for her unexpected decision. I leave 
it to you to require specific details on that issue from the AIP.
Jed Rothwell suggested to publish this volume on his website and Scott Chubb 
suggested to publish it in his journal. I am sending both the whole volume 
I submitted to the AIP on June 29.
Jan Marwan

Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Jed Rothwell
Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan wrote:

Amigo's:  I remember another cautionary-tale of an EX-'Patent Office
 employee' loser that the established big-boys wanted to stifle  erase in
 the 'worst-way.'  His name was Albert Einstein.

That is about the stupidest thing I have ever read here on Vortex.

Einstein was a highly valued employee at the Patent Office, but in 1909 he
was lured away by the best physicists in Europe to the university of his
choice, where he set the terms and conditions. He was given a professorship
with no teaching responsibilities (what he wanted). He was a star academic;
one of the hottest, most sought-after scientists in academic history. No one
ever tried to stifle him. In 1921 they gave him the Nobel Prize.

Please, Jack, learn a little history.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Significant Implications - Kitamura

2010-10-07 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:43:17 -0800:

Since some blithering idiot won't allow even the copying of a single passage,
I'll comment from memory.

He talks about Hydrogen isotopes embedded in heavier atoms, then goes on to
suggest a new form of gravity to explain this.

A more likely explanation is a Hydrinohydride ion displacing one of the inner
electrons of the heavy atom (much as a negative muon would do).


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Study of inhomogeneity in thickness of LR-115 detector with SEM and Form Talysurf, CWY Yip et al 2003 full text 4 p pdf: Lomax: Murray 2010.10.05

2010-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 03:02 AM 10/5/2010, Rich Murray wrote:

Hello Abd,

I support your courageous initiative to develop 
a low-cost kit to demonstrate a neutron emission 
anomaly in a small LENR electrolysis cell.

This is a possible revolutionary experiment.

Well, it's really just a replication, though with 
some twists. We'll see if it works.

I especially like that your design eliminates 
charged particle and EM radiation background -- 
it would be easier to count and measure a 
limited number of neutron proton recoil pits.

That's the idea. It may not matter. When I've 
looked at LR-115, background counts are not high. 
But I'm interested in vector information; that's 
why having two layers is interested. More layers 
would be better, but that would require special 
materials, I think. They don't exist. But two is 
easy, just two films front-to-front, held down together.

These events might produce flashes of light, 
from IR to UV, and of sound, which could be used 
to set off a webcam and mike for exact recording 
of signals, locations on the chip, and energy.

Yeah. Maybe. I'll have a video microscope looking 
at it, and I can transfer the videos to a 
computer. I'll have a digital storage 
oscilloscope recording the sound, and that can be 
transferred as well, and post-processed. Don't 
know how I'll sync them, though. Cross one bridge 
at a time. I suppose, during a session, I could 
tap the cell, causing a little jerk in the 
microscope and a noise in the sound. I don't know 
yet how much data I'll be recording with the DSO, 
I think it's 2 Gsamples deep, as I recall. So if 
I'm looking at 100 Ksamples/sec, I could record quite a bit!

What are the exact measurements of the acrylic 
cell, and of the volume of electrolyte?

The interior of the cell is roughly 1 inch square by two inches high.

Also, the dry mass of the cell should be 
measured, so that comparisons can be made after each run.

Well, I pretty much doubt that any cell will be re-used.

What is the exact composition and density of the 
acrilic plastic?  Electric breakdown voltage, 
resistance, dilectric constant?  What solvants affect it?

It's acrylic! I'm using a standard cell, as 
recommended in the Galileo protocol. It's a 
little box sold by AMAC Plastic Products, 752C. 
In qty 100 they cost about a dollar each, or 
something like that. I don't know the numbers. 
Acrylic is not always exactly the same, but  
I'm not putting any high voltage on this! Rich, 
nobody is doing that high voltage thing any more, 
AFAIK. I don't think magnets are being used, 
either. The magnet was abandoned in the middle of the Galileo project.

Acrylic can be glued with methylene chloride. I think that dissolves it

How uniform is it on the micro and nanoscale?

It's pretty smooth stuff, but I don't know and I don't really care much.

Are there any residual stresses in it from the 
pressures used in manufacture?  These might show up under polarized light.

Possibly. But I'm terribly exercised about this. 
I'm using an acrylic box because that's what the 
Galileo protocol used and that's what's been used 
in a number of SPAWAR publications, most notably 
the one with the cool image that shows, from one 
CR-39 detector, the results for a platinum wire 
at the top, a silver wire in the middle, and a 
gold wire on the bottom. You can see front side 
tracks from all three wires, but on the back 
side, no tracks from the silver, some from the 
platinum, and massive tracks with the gold. 
Massive. Of course, this is a three-week 
accumulation or so, so massive could mean well under a track per minute.

Neutrons are clearly not produced by the main 
reaction. This is from a rare branch or secondary 
reactions. Almost all the helium is produced 
without detectable radiation, it appears from 
Hagelstein's recent analysis. I don't know about 
front side alphas, if those tracks are alphas, 
they might be proton tracks as well. They might 
also be exaggerated by chemical damage. Don't 
know. And that won't apply to me, because my detectors will stay dry.

Since humidity affects the LR-115, the cell 
could be placed in a plastic bag, sealed with a 
rubber band around the cell near the top of the cell, along with a dessicant.

Well, maybe. That would kinda get in the way of 
the microscope. I don't really care if humidity 
affects it some, because we are looking at a 
pretty gross process, and there will be control 
detectors on each cell, in different positions. 
And there will be the light water cell controls 
as well. Detectors are cheap, if I keep them small.

Thanks for the paper abstract, Rich. They didn't 
say the etch temperature. It makes a big 
difference. Probably 60 degrees C., that's the 
recommendation. I intend to do sequential 
etching. That is, I'll etch for a shorter period 
than two hours, let the detectors dry and image 
them at high resolution, then I'll etch them 
again, and may etch them a third time. I intend 
to etch all the 

Re: [Vo]:AIP abruptly cancels proceedings

2010-10-07 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 01:48 PM 10/7/2010, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Indeed. I am getting tired, and I do fear that the field will die 
when the last researcher dies. People such as Patterson and Les Case 
died leaving no trace of their work and no chance that anyone will 
replicate them.

Jed, don't give up. Seriously. There are so many other positive 
signs. Not the least of these is Ed Storms being appointed to the 
editorial board of Naturwissenschaften, and the publication of that 
review, Status of cold fusion, 2010.

Seriously, the AIP publication would have looked good, but those were 
all just a notch up from conference papers. Maybe the AIP didn't like 
the standards, but, from the beginning this has been the physicists 
against the chemists. Bauer on Pathological Science. Have you read 
that paper? He talks about the pathological science concept, 
thoroughly debunks it, and with special reference to cold fusion. It 
was published under peer review, I believe, and is on-line. Come to 
think of it, shouldn't this be in the bibliographies? Britz put in 
other papers that were not as much on point as Bauer