RE: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Jones Beene


From: Terry Blanton



Fabulous animation, especially at the end .

Re: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Could the energy of the referenced foxnews article clip the rotation
> sequence at the breast and create charge clusters of positrons.

And what is the effect in the Walternet Universe?  Do they enclose 1800
electrons in amber?


Re: [Vo]:Starting website based on Z's theories

2010-11-17 Thread fznidarsic

Whow Lane.  Thanks.  You need to make some money.  Sell some stuff please.  
Sell videos.  Sell Jed''s book.
I want to get the de bed bug technology working so we can sell it.  


-Original Message-
From: seattle truth 
Sent: Wed, Nov 17, 2010 12:14 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Starting website based on Z's theories

Just so you guys know, I purchased the domain the 
other day and a kind soul in the UK is designing the site and donating hosting. 
It will be up soon.

Also I am basically doing a rewrite of Znidarsic's newest papers more along the 
lines of "quantum transition for dummies" wherein it can be understood by a 
laymen from the first read through.

All of the papers (Znidarsics originals, AlienScientists new paper, and my 
paper) will be hosted on the website... I hope that this will give people the 
"Goldilocks" level of academic stimulation that they need (mines for beginners, 
Z's for intermediate, AlienScientist for calculus).

But the MOST IMPORTANT part of the website will be the dedicated forum with 
many subsections.

My goal is that this forum will turn into a never-ending Copenhagen convention 
wherein like minds can work together to both learn the math/theory (and get 
help when needed), but also to take the math to a new level and solve new 
quantum mechanical equations in terms of Vt.

And of course, the webpage will have the entire video series embedded in one 

Also I've been contacted by a CGI developer, he wants to help make some 
computer generated illustrations of the quantum transition. Not sure how that 
will work out (English isn't his first language) but either way this website 
will give people the opportunity to learn, discuss, and debate Znidarsic's 

Re: [Vo]:This was fun: Physics Forums

2010-11-17 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Re: General consensus on Cold Fusion better known as "Low Energy 
Nuclear Reactions" L

Originally Posted by Abd 

Storms is quite conservative.

I don't think the following quote from his 2010 review paper can be 
called "conservative:"
Starting in 1963, L.C. Kervran (1963, 1972, 1980) proposed that 
living organisms could create elements they needed by transmuting 
available elements. This idea was widely rejected for lack of 
believable data and because it seemed impossible. In 1993, Thompkins 
and Byrd (1993) expanded on the idea in the book "The Secret Life of 
Plants". In 1992, Komaki (1992, 1993) at the Biological and 
Agricultural Research Institute in Shiga-ken, Japan undertook a 
study of molds and yeasts when the organisms were denied essential 
elements in their culture. They attempted to determine if the 
necessary elements could be created by transmutation. Using modern 
analytical tools, these living organisms were shown to increase the 
concentrations of potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium in their 
cells over the amounts available. Vysotskii and coworkers at Kiev 
Shevchenko University, Ukraine (Vysotskii, Kornilova et al 1996; 
Vysotskii and Kornilova 2003; Vysotskii, Kornilova et al 1996; 
Vysotskii, Kornilova et al 2001; Vysotskii, Tashyrev et al 2008) 
carried the work further by making Fe57 from Mn55 when a collection 
of bacteria were grown in D2O. The Fe57 was detected using the 
Mossbauer effect, which is uniquely sensitive to this one isotope 
and could be used to monitor the reaction rate. The process also has 
been found to accelerate radioactive decay of some elements. 
Consequently, bacteria are being explored as a way to rapidly 
decontaminate soil. While such claims are hard to accept, evidence 
for them is mounting. If real, the claim adds one more process an 
explanation must address. In particular, an explanation must account 
for how the resulting large nuclear energy is released without 
killing the organism; otherwise the claimed ability obviously could 
not have been developed by evolution. Further simplification of an 
explanation can be achieved by assuming the initiation process and 
the method of energy release used by life-forms applies to all 
cold-fusion reactions regardless of the products or experimental conditions.
The author realizes that many people find a claim for occurrence of 
nuclear reactions in living cells hard to accept and that many more 
replications are required before the claim can be fully justified. 
Nevertheless, the evidence is growing and needs to be debated in the 
context of cold-fusion.

A fuller quote of what I wrote:
Storms is quite conservative. The "evidence supports the claim." 
That understates the strength of the evidence. It is not marginal.

That comment was not a general comment about Storms, but about the 
specific statement made. This writer, 
bcrowell, active on 
Science Forums, has taken the statement out of context.

This particular argument has been alleged before about Storms on 
Wikipedia, specifically because Storms mentions the work of Vysotskii 
in his book (2007), and the arguments of bcrowell are very familiar 
Wikipedia arguments, as if taken from a standing playlist.

However, that comment from the review is actually conservative. 
Storms does not state that biological transmutation is real, but is 
noting a rather obvious fact: we reject the concept of biological 
transmutation because we reject the concept of nuclear reactions at 
low temperatures. If cold fusion is real -- and it is -- then we 
cannot quite so confidently reject it out-of-hand. Storms notes, 
correctly -- I'm made the same point many times, that "many more 
replications are required before the claim can be fully justified."

Let me explain that a little. Vyosotskii's claims are very well 
supported by what he reports of experimental evidence. But major 
claims like this cannot be given deep credence until and unless 
verified independently. Until that happens, we cannot present his 
results as fact, but it is standard scientific courtesy to report his 
observations as if they are actual observations and not fraudulently 
presented -- or totally bogus and the result of what bcrowell asserts below.

What bcrowell is doing is grandstanding, presenting arguments that 
could be expected to produce knee-jerk responses, i.e., based on the 
idea that any mention of biological transmutation must be totally 
insane, kooky, not to mention fringe. It is fringe, to be sure, but 
"fringe" is not a synonym for "bad research, bogus, fraud, or 
complete idiocy." That's a pseudoskeptical position. It is not at all 
e: General consensus on Cold Fusion better known as "Low Energy 

Re: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Terry Blanton
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> I should mention that Don Hotson has had a look, and is not enthusiastic
> about Lochak. His first take on this paper was to consider Lochak's theory
> to be a “giant step backwards”, since Don’s interpretation of Dirac calls
> for basically “no photons”.

you ever considered the relationship between Ken Shoulders charge clusters
and Hotson's explanation of the masses of the proton and neutron?

I consider the epo to be a rotation of mirror particles between the - & +
universes with the transition occurring near the breast of the candle

(1 min. 12 sec)

Could the energy of the referenced foxnews article clip the rotation
sequence at the breast and create charge clusters of positrons.

Elohim!  I love speculations!

(And merlot)


[Vo]:This was fun: Physics Forums

2010-11-17 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

Thread closed rapidly.

My guess is that someone complained. Typical. I have no idea what the 
moderator will decide.

Still, I got in quite a few refutations of the nonsense being 
confidently asserted by pseudoskeptics. It might get through to some, 
whether them or someone else seeing the thread from searches. I 
originally found the thread because it popped up in a search for 
"Storms Status of cold fusion (2010)" which is how I quickly find the 
links to the paper.

And I'm responding to the responses to me that started to come in. 
The usual intense bogosity confidently asserted as if it were the 
Scientific Consensus and Who the Hell are You to Question Me?

See Really funny, and all 
too true, video on pseudoskepticism.

I like especially the last lines, where the cool and collected 
scientist blows him away by saying, in response to his comment about 
aliens, "I know aliens are real because I have seen them." Typically 
for a pseudoskeptic, he doesn't ask her what she means, shows no 
curiosity that someone who doesn't look at all crazy would say such a 
thing, he just says, "You're crazy, I'm out of here."

What did she mean? I have no idea! And, I think, that's the point. 
Pseudoskeptics reject stuff when they have No Idea what is meant. 
Maybe she meant, "I see one right now, your views are alien to the 
very concept of science, as built up using the scientific method." 
Characteristic of pseudoskeptics is a profound lack of curiosity.

Nobody has to drop everything because someone says they saw a ghost! 
But if I were actually talking with someone who said that, I'd ask 
*lots* of questions. What did you see, exactly? Sounds? What else was 
happening? How did you feel later? And on and on. And I'd watch them 
closely as they responded, allowing them to communicate through all 
the media including their eye movements and body language. I'd let 
them know that I was truly listening to them.

Did they actually see a "ghost"? What the hell is a "ghost"? Is it 
outside the mind or inside it?

To flat-out deny, without specific evidence, someone's experience, 
reported by them, is phenomenally rude, for starters. To try to 
understand it is the opposite. There could be many possible 
explanations for "ghost," some interesting, some not. I'll never know 
if I knee-jerk reject what someone is standing in front of me, 
telling me. Their experience. I don't have to accept their conclusions!

I'll respond to the comments on my posts in a response to this.

RE: [Vo]:Starting website based on Z's theories

2010-11-17 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Seattle:

> Just so you guys know, I purchased the domain
> the other day and a kind soul in the UK is designing the site and donating
> hosting. It will be up soon.

Please keep us posted as developments unfold.

Some on this list will be curious.


Steven Vincent Johnson 

[Vo]:Starting website based on Z's theories

2010-11-17 Thread seattle truth
Just so you guys know, I purchased the domain the
other day and a kind soul in the UK is designing the site and donating
hosting. It will be up soon.

Also I am basically doing a rewrite of Znidarsic's newest papers more along
the lines of "quantum transition for dummies" wherein it can be understood
by a laymen from the first read through.

All of the papers (Znidarsics originals, AlienScientists new paper, and my
paper) will be hosted on the website... I hope that this will give people
the "Goldilocks" level of academic stimulation that they need (mines for
beginners, Z's for intermediate, AlienScientist for calculus).

But the MOST IMPORTANT part of the website will be the dedicated forum with
many subsections.

My goal is that this forum will turn into a never-ending Copenhagen
convention wherein like minds can work together to both learn the
math/theory (and get help when needed), but also to take the math to a new
level and solve new quantum mechanical equations in terms of Vt.

And of course, the webpage will have the entire video series embedded in one

Also I've been contacted by a CGI developer, he wants to help make some
computer generated illustrations of the quantum transition. Not sure how
that will work out (English isn't his first language) but either way this
website will give people the opportunity to learn, discuss, and debate
Znidarsic's theories.

[Vo]:Palladium is unique in one way

2010-11-17 Thread Jones Beene
Whenever any element seems to work better than all of the others, it makes
sense to look at the totality of physical properties for that element. Even
those which may not be obviously connected to the way in which it works

To that end, one must ask: Is there any way in which palladium is unique -
in the sense of a singularity ? 

Yes, there is at least one - and the possible connection to LENR is not
obvious. There could be others, but there is one for sure, and I've not seen
this alluded to before in the literature - even as trivia, so it is worth a

At this point, my original plan was to leave you guessing as to what the
unique physical property consisted of, but in the interest of full
disclosure, let's cut to the chase: after much diligence it has been noticed
that Palladium is apparently the only element in the periodic table where
there are elements with a lower atomic number which nevertheless have more
electron shells! 

Doooh, do I hear someone mumbling "where's the beef"? Well, you might say
that this so-called singular property is a bit underwhelming to begin with,
since it is dependent on precise wording. Maybe so. Still it does indicate
uniqueness in electron structure; and presumably electron orbitals are the
first problem, at the angstrom level, which an approaching deuteron must
deal with if it wants to react . to wax a bit anthropomorphic.

This is a type of structural parsimony that is likely to be more interesting
in the context of other properties, who knows? My main concern is - does
this property relate in any other non-obvious or compound way, which is
useful to promoting robust LENR ? Does it imply a way to look for other
elements or alloys that can do it better? 

The answer is yes, but I will leave you guessing on that one.


RE: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Mauro Lacy
> However, in the end I think that physics will want to keep up the
> appearance
> of verbal continuity is its description of fundamental particles, even if
> they are non-particles.
> ...

It's not only a matter of "verbal continuity". Five hundred years of
materialism will not dissappear with the discovery of a new "particle",
independently of how elusive, "virtual" or "etheric" it could be.
By the way, neutrinos and "virtual particles" are the ghost haunters of
scientists. Not to talk about dark energy and dark matter, the two modern
"obscurum per obscurius" twins, the heralds of obscurantism.

RE: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Jones Beene


I should have made it a little clearer why four versions of photons might
translate into four derivative versions of electrons - in the pursuit of
lepton symmetry.


However, doing a good job on that task, especially first thing in the
morning, is a little above my pay scale.




From: Jones Beene 


Yes, this new neutrino is big news. 


And another paper due out soon is worth considering in this regard: Georges
Lochak's "four photon model" (not yet in publications). 


One reason to give it credence is *lepton fourfold symmetry* which would be
implied in having four neutrinos along with four flavors of photon. Georges
Lochak was deBroglie final graduate student and is also an interpreter of


Some of the background on Lochak's thinking is found in earlier works on
magnetic monopoles.


But aside from this, please keep a lookout for his new paper: "A theory of
light with 4 different photons : Electric and Magnetic with spin 1 and 0" ..


I should mention that Don Hotson has had a look, and is not enthusiastic
about Lochak. His first take on this paper was to consider Lochak's theory
to be a "giant step backwards", since Don's interpretation of Dirac calls
for basically "no photons". 


Some of this is semantics, since Don considers the 'photon' to be something
akin to an elemental IOU - an illusory bundle of angular momentum, and "who
needs four of them?" I am hoping he will have a closer look, if only because
"symmetry is nice".


However, in the end I think that physics will want to keep up the appearance
of verbal continuity is its description of fundamental particles, even if
they are non-particles . and even those who suspect that Hotson is
ultimately correct in his main premise - will continue to address the
situation is the almost the same way as before. 


Photons are photons, and if there are 4 flavors, so be it. Ockham be damned.


BTW - Don Hotson is in poor health and our thoughts and prayers should be
with him. He is truly a great thinker, even to those of us who can just
barely comprehend what he is talking about.




From: seattle truth.


This is big news But because it slaps the current models in the face,
all the scientists involved will probably lose their grants and get
blacklisted. ; ) I wouldn't be surprised.


By the way, it seems that this new neutrino is immune from the weak nuclear
force. Only gravity effects it, or something like that. Read for yourself.


"Physicists working with a Fermilab neutrino experiment may have found
 a new elementary particle whose
behavior breaks the known laws of physics. If correct, their results poke
holes in the accepted Standard Model of particles and forces, and raise some
interesting questions for the Large Hadron Collider and Tevatron
experiments. The new particle could even explain the existence of dark

RE: [Vo]:Fermi-Lab discovers NEW PARTICLE, another flavor of Neutrino, possible insight into dark energy.

2010-11-17 Thread Jones Beene
Yes, this new neutrino is big news. 


And another paper due out soon is worth considering in this regard: Georges
Lochak's "four photon model" (not yet in publications). 


One reason to give it credence is *lepton fourfold symmetry* which would be
implied in having four neutrinos along with four flavors of photon. Georges
Lochak was deBroglie final graduate student and is also an interpreter of


Some of the background on Lochak's thinking is found in earlier works on
magnetic monopoles.


But aside from this, please keep a lookout for his new paper: "A theory of
light with 4 different photons : Electric and Magnetic with spin 1 and 0" ..


I should mention that Don Hotson has had a look, and is not enthusiastic
about Lochak. His first take on this paper was to consider Lochak's theory
to be a "giant step backwards", since Don's interpretation of Dirac calls
for basically "no photons". 


Some of this is semantics, since Don considers the 'photon' to be something
akin to an elemental IOU - an illusory bundle of angular momentum, and "who
needs four of them?" I am hoping he will have a closer look, if only because
"symmetry is nice".


However, in the end I think that physics will want to keep up the appearance
of verbal continuity is its description of fundamental particles, even if
they are non-particles . and even those who suspect that Hotson is
ultimately correct in his main premise - will continue to address the
situation is the almost the same way as before. 


Photons are photons, and if there are 4 flavors, so be it. Ockham be damned.


BTW - Don Hotson is in poor health and our thoughts and prayers should be
with him. He is truly a great thinker, even to those of us who can just
barely comprehend what he is talking about.




From: seattle truth.


This is big news But because it slaps the current models in the face,
all the scientists involved will probably lose their grants and get
blacklisted. ; ) I wouldn't be surprised.


By the way, it seems that this new neutrino is immune from the weak nuclear
force. Only gravity effects it, or something like that. Read for yourself.


"Physicists working with a Fermilab neutrino experiment may have found
 a new elementary particle whose
behavior breaks the known laws of physics. If correct, their results poke
holes in the accepted Standard Model of particles and forces, and raise some
interesting questions for the Large Hadron Collider and Tevatron
experiments. The new particle could even explain the existence of dark