Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread peatbog
 In the dark of the night, without notice to the public, without
 any debate, without even printing copies of the bill, 18
 Republicans used procedural trickery to strip hundreds of
 thousands of workers in Wisconsin of their collective bargaining

The picture of the democrats abandoning their place in the
legislature and hiding out in another state makes them look
irresponsible it seems to me.

I am pleased the Republicans found a way to put the will of the
people into effect despite the worst efforts of the democrats.

RE: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Peatbog:
  In the dark of the night, without notice to the public, without
  any debate, without even printing copies of the bill, 18
  Republicans used procedural trickery to strip hundreds of
  thousands of workers in Wisconsin of their collective bargaining
 The picture of the democrats abandoning their place in the
 legislature and hiding out in another state makes them look
 irresponsible it seems to me.
 I am pleased the Republicans found a way to put the will of the
 people into effect despite the worst efforts of the democrats.

An astute observer sent me the following bing link:

Rachel Maddow reports on the passage of a Michigan bill that allows the
governor to dissolve democratic institutions in the event of a fiscal

Let's be clear about what's happening in our nation. This is not just
Wisconsin's fight, though we are currently ground zero for the Republic
agenda financed by Koch Industries and their followers.

This is what many states and perhaps our nation may soon be fighting against
- the destruction of democracy, especially democracy in the workplace. Too
many people have gotten apathetic about protecting their democratic rights.
And now they must either wake up fight back and restore their democratic
rights - or we will soon be headed for Roller Ball. A corporate monopoly

What the Wisconsin republican senators did yesterday was a travesty of
democracy. They performed their trickery without proper notice and
democratic debate. Keep in mind, weeks ago our public unions had agreed to
ALL the fiscal financial constraints our governor had demanded. Then, the
republican senators behind the public's back through procedural trickery
separated out the collective bargaining point from the governor's budget
repair bill (which was the only part of the budget repair bill which
unions objected to) AND PASSED IT!


The republican senators passed the portion of the budget repair bill that
has nothing to do with balancing the budget. They trashed the right to
bargain collectively, a democratic right that had been in place in Wisconsin
for 50 years.

This fight is no longer about balancing the budget. It never was, though it
THE STATE'S BUDGET though they claim getting rid of collective bargaining
will somehow make it easier to balance the state's coffers. This fight is
about saving democracy - democracy in the workplace, and soon it may be a
fight the entire nation is going to get embroiled in.

One can either fight this travesty, an onslaught against the rights of
democracy in the workplace and stop it here in Wisconsin, Ground Zero, or
start fighting in across the entire nation as if a masticating cancerous
growth was taking hold. I'd prefer to stop it here in Wisconsin.  This
republican action is going to the courts. Recall efforts to remove Governor
Walker and especially the republican senators responsible for chopping up
the budget repair bill and attempting to destroy the democratic right to
bargain collective as a pretext to help balance the budget are well under

There will be huge demonstrations today, Thursday. And Saturday.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Steven: Don't fret about it too much. There will be another election. 
That which is done legislatively can be undone.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread LORENHEYER
 Yeah, its the communist way or the Hi-way for America.  Don't worry tho, 
because the day is approaching when your kind pay the ultimate price for 
letting this country be turned into a Dictator Ruled enslaved  hellhole.  Good 
riddens.   /HTML

[Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Jones Beene

If you thought Rossi was the only wild-eyed Italian on the fringes of
physics with an earth shattering discovery, think again. 

These guys even have mainstream credentials, no? 

Their earlier paper was roundly criticized for technique, but not disproved.
This one will be even more divisive, so to speak.

Is this related in any way to Rossi? Maybe it was premature to write-off an
ultrasound input in the Rossi E-cat (especially if thermistors are being

After all, I have been told that ultrasound in a gas-filled powder would not
be audible, as it would be if there was a liquid fill.

The now Italian Renaissance .  il rinascimento seconda parte !?!

RE: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
From Jed:

 Steven: Don't fret about it too much. There will be another election.
 That which is done legislatively can be undone.

That is what we aim to do, Jed. The sooner the better. Recall efforts are
now underway.

BTW, I'm reminded of something Peatbog recently stated:

 I am pleased the Republicans found a way to put the will of the people 
 into effect despite the worst efforts of the democrats.

Yes, let's do talk about ...the will of the people.

First, a little history. Wisconsin's apathetic voter turnout (a 48% turnout)
in 2010 resulted in the election of a republican governor, Scott Walker.
Walker won the election by a slim 52% of those who actually voted.
Statistics show that 1,128,941 voters voted for Walker out of a total of
4,360,000 potential votes. This means less that 26% of total eligible
Wisconsin voters, 26% of the will of the people actually voted to elect
Scott Walker. The other 74% voted for Tom Barrett the Democratic choice, or
didn't vote at all because they were undecided, or they were simply
apathetic about the whole voting thing. Of the many posters seen down at the
capital was the following:

I voted for Scott Walker, and I'm sorry

Let this be a lesson to everyone on the matter that when voter turnout
becomes apathetic we open the door for the installation of dictators and
puppet regimes.,_2010

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented outrage, history being made

2011-03-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 11:38 AM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

 Let this be a lesson to everyone on the matter that when voter turnout
 becomes apathetic we open the door for the installation of dictators and
 puppet regimes.

Amen, Steven.  I have always voted.  I don't always vote for
someone.  I sometimes vote against another.


RE: [Vo]:extending the Puthoff atomic model

2011-03-10 Thread Wm. Scott Smith

Hi Francis!
Could you e-mail me a copy or link to Hal's paper that you are referring to.

Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 14:02:54 -0500
Subject: [Vo]:extending the Puthoff atomic model

In off line collaboration and discussions with Scott Smith we are considering 
nuclei as consisting of very small subatomic cavities with high suppression 
(opposition to flux). It is still the Puthoff model but inverted such that the 
nucleus is pushed much harder than the orbitals which act like tethered balls  
behind the nucleus. the electrons find their ground state as an equilibrium 
point between their electrical attraction and this constant vacuum pressure 
differential. Some of our arguments made me think long and hard regarding the 
“relative”  size/length of our VP/flux wavelength. The missing point in our 
extension of the Puthoff model may be this “suppression” at the atomic level. 
The VP can not “pass through” the nuclei in the Present AND they can not 
deviate around the nuclei on the spatial plane so they push the nuclei into a 
relativistic well. The vacuum flux wavelengths in this well would appear 
shorter from our perspective or you could also say the canvas which the nuclei 
is drawn upon becomes stretched such that it allows these wavelengths to push 
through on their perpendicular trajectory. Puthoff hinted at this ”pressure” 
being different for every element in the periodic table and suppression 
geometry as a tool toward vacuum engineering. I do agree the physical 
properties of elements in the periodic chart already reflect this opposition 
(pressure) to streaming VP but there  also accumulates SOME random unbalanced 
momentum that is imparted to matter on the spatial plane. For the most part 
this pressure accumulates to push the nucleus into the past on the time axis 
while stretching the fabric of space into a micro well but In the case of free 
floating gas atoms any imbalance of these accumulating pressure points can lead 
to the random motion in gas or the alignment of hydrogen bonds in water 
(another potential source of ZPE). I think these imbalances cancel out quickly 
in solids and even in the cases where these forces persist into our macro scale 
you still  need a Heisenburg trap or Maxwells demon to exploit them. In a 
circus arcade contest you shoot at a target with an air powered bb machine gun 
–  the target is on a line so the operator can pull it forward to examine and 
replace the target. If he didn’t send it back into position and left it nearby 
you could use your gun to shoot it with such force that it would “push” the 
target away to some equilibrium point (think ground state). If you happen to 
randomly target one side more than the other you could accumulate a left or 
right force on the target- in a solid where all the targets are connected these 
random forces would probably cancel out but in a gas where the targets are free 
floating the random force can persist. If the targets were drawn on stretchable 
fabric and both the projectile and target were unbreakable then you could 
stretch the fabric and allow the projectiles to “push through” the fabric if 
you concentrated enough fire power “pressure” to stretch the fabric – from our 
stretched fabric perspective the projectiles would appear to get smaller (up 
convert) and squeeze through the nucleus.  RegardsFran  

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented ou...

2011-03-10 Thread LORENHEYER
To the Liberally Unstable.  You,,, yes you! the so-called people of 
this country, who continually construe and/or have lost the meaning of what 
True Freedom is... listen up!.   Over the many years, you have allowed 
yourself into believing you should have your cake and eat it too, and are 
entitled to everyone elses.  Over the years, you have allowed yourself to be 
dragged into the abyss of the far-left, who's only wish is to see this country 
pilaged, plundered, looted, despised, protested-against, and/or hopefully 
destroyed all in the name of freedom... suckers!!!).  Soon, you will all 
bow-down to the wannabe dictator that now owns, uhh, er, I mean occupies the 
(ill-faded) White House.  Yes, with all of your die-hard devotion and/or 
to those certain inalienable rights, you will soon learn the true meaning 
of freedom once again.  For too long, you have enjoyed that which you were 
not entitled-to in the first place, and are now so dependent-on it, that you 
are spoiled.  You now think you have the right to lie, cheat, steal, 
protest, fight, and/or do whatever it takes to keep that which does not belong 
you,,, but sadly, this effort (of which you are totally committed-to) can 
only work against you.  As you gather  protest in ever-overwhelming numbers, 
you can only hope to impose the opposite result upon yourselves, thereby 
defeating your purpose altogether  There's an 'ol saying that goes, what 
goes around, comes around,,, and/or,  you don't know what you got, until it's 
gone and/or all good things must come to an end.  Now please listen 
to me, my long-since mixed-up presumptuous assuming (un) american foes, 
u, er, I mean friends True Freedom can sometime enable (not necessarily 
entitle) prosperity to flourish, and can allow many people to get a taste 
of what it's like to be rich,,, however, it usually comes with a price!  The 
way I see it is, you might want to consider accepting some new (un)certain 
terms, in order to maintain a modicum of your prersent so-called (entitled) 
livelyhood,,, because if you don't, then you may not know the difference.  
By at least considering stepping-down off the high-horse you rode-in on (by 
which you honestly believe no-one can touch), you just may avoid 
encountering the rather treacherous road ahead thus enabling you to 
survive, and 
possibly even thrive.   If you honestly 'think' that you're entitled to 
'having it made off of everyone elses blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and/or 
taxes,,, then you're not dealing with reality, and are sure to have a 
'great'fall', of which you welll-know humpty dumpty did NOT get back together 
Now, I am by no-means making threats, but rather am simply trying to inform 
you of the more-than highly likely predictable outcome of your (in)actions. 
 You know that for every Action, there is an opposite  equal Reaction, 
and/or what goes around, come around and so, you have to deal with it in 
the only logical manner, you can.  There presently are fiendishly 
diabolical clever efforts w/ ill-intentions, at work in this country, that are 
attempting to undermine and/or destroy our very way-of life, and the sooner you 
address this matter (with expedience, I might add) then the sooner you can 
begin to develkpe a sense of confidence in any plans you might have for the 
future.  You unwittingly wholeheartedly have been supporting these full-time 
fanatic extremist worshippers of a stoned-age, of which are in the initial 
phase of perpetrating the downfall of this country.  Surely, you have at 
least thought, sometime along the way that the money you so-deserve is just 
'easy-money' and can as easily be lost,,, AND, if you  knew what you were 
trading (and/or bribed) in-return for it, you most certainly would reevaluate 
situation, and/or at least try, if not succeed at doing what is vital to 
our survvial.  I suggest that, if you were planning-on retiring with a nice 
little nestegg, you keep a VERY sharp eye on it , because as long as you 
continue to suppport and/or fund those efforts that seek to destory us, AND/OR 
as long as you think you have a right to not only what is yours, AND 
especially mine,,, then you (we) can look forward to losing everything you (we) 
have.  If OTH you can allow yourselves to come back down to earth and face 
reality, then you just might at least begin to realize that your efforts will 
only end-up NOT having worked to your advantage.Bye now.  Your friend 
(always?)Loren   /HTML

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread LORENHEYER
Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable.  You,,, yes you! the 
so-called people of this country, who continually construe and/or have lost the 
meaning of what True Freedom is... listen up!.   Over the many years, you 
have allowed yourself into believing you should have your cake and eat it 
too, and are entitled to everyone elses.  Over the years, you have allowed 
yourself to be dragged into the abyss of the far-left, who's only wish is to 
see this country pilaged, plundered, looted, despised, protested-against, 
and/or hopefully destroyed all in the name of freedom... suckers!!!).  Soon, 
you will all bow-down to the wannabe dictator that now owns, uhh, er, I mean 
occupies the (ill-faded) White House.  Yes, with all of your die-hard 
devotion and/or claims to those certain inalienable rights, you will soon learn 
the true meaning of freedom once again.  For too long, you have enjoyed that 
which you were not entitled-to in the first place, and are now so 
dependent-on it, that you are spoiled.  You now think you have the right to 
cheat, steal, protest, fight, and/or do whatever it takes to keep that which 
does not belong to you,,, but sadly, this effort (of which you are totally 
committed-to) can only work against you.  As you gather  protest in 
ever-overwhelming numbers, you can only hope to impose the opposite result upon 
yourselves, thereby defeating your purpose altogether  There's an 'ol saying 
goes, what goes around, comes around,,, and/or,  you don't know what you 
got, until it's gone and/or all good things must come to an end.  
Now please listen to me, my long-since mixed-up presumptuous assuming (un) 
american foes, u, er, I mean friends True Freedom can sometime enable 
(not necessarily entitle) prosperity to flourish, and can allow many people 
to get a taste of what it's like to be rich,,, however, it usually comes 
with a price!  The way I see it is, you might want to consider accepting some 
new (un)certain terms, in order to maintain a modicum of your prersent 
so-called (entitled) livelyhood,,, because if you don't, then you may not know 
the difference.  By at least considering stepping-down off the high-horse you 
rode-in on (by which you honestly believe no-one can touch), you just may 
avoid encountering the rather treacherous road ahead thus enabling you to 
survive, and possibly even thrive.   If you honestly 'think' that you're 
entitled to 'having it made off of everyone elses blood, sweat, tears, hard 
work, and/or taxes,,, then you're not dealing with reality, and are sure to 
have a 'great'fall', of which you welll-know humpty dumpty did NOT get back 
together again.  Now, I am by no-means making threats, but rather am simply 
trying to inform you of the more-than highly likely predictable outcome of 
your (in)actions.  You know that for every Action, there is an opposite  
equal Reaction, and/or what goes around, come around and so, you have to 
deal with it in the only logical manner, you can.  There presently are 
fiendishly diabolical clever efforts w/ ill-intentions, at work in this 
country, that are attempting to undermine and/or destroy our very way-of life, 
the sooner you address this matter (with expedience, I might add) then the 
sooner you can begin to develkpe a sense of confidence in any plans you might 
have for the future.  You unwittingly wholeheartedly have been supporting 
these full-time fanatic extremist worshippers of a stoned-age, of which are 
in the initial phase of perpetrating the downfall of this country.  Surely, 
you have at least thought, sometime along the way that the money you 
so-deserve is just 'easy-money' and can as easily be lost,,, AND, if you  knew 
what you were trading (and/or bribed) in-return for it, you most certainly 
would reevaluate the situation, and/or at least try, if not succeed at doing 
what is vital to our survvial.  I suggest that, if you were planning-on 
retiring with a nice little nestegg, you keep a VERY sharp eye on it , because 
long as you continue to suppport and/or fund those efforts that seek to 
destory us, AND/OR as long as you think you have a right to not only what is 
yours, AND especially mine,,, then you (we) can look forward to losing 
everything you (we) have.  If OTH you can allow yourselves to come back down 
earth and face reality, then you just might at least begin to realize that your 
efforts will only end-up NOT having worked to your advantage.Bye now.  
Your friend (always?)Loren   /HTML

Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Harry Veeder
Here is a slide showing of some their earlier  work showing how crushing 
produces neutrons. 

Some nice graphs which plot neutron counts against mechanical loading.

The crushing load is coincident with a momentary spike in neutrons.


From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 11:11:00 AM
Subject: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone
If you thought Rossi was the only wild-eyed Italian on the fringes of 
physicswith an earth shattering discovery, think again.
These guys even have mainstream credentials, no?
Their earlier paper was roundly criticizedfor technique,but not disproved. 
one will be even moredivisive, so to speak.
Is this related in any way to Rossi?Maybe it was premature to write-off an 
ultrasound input intheRossiE-cat(especially ifthermistorsare being used).
After all, I have been told that ultrasound in a gas-filled powder would not 
audible,as it would be if there was a liquid fill.
ThenowItalian Renaissance… il rinascimentoseconda parte!?!

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread Esa Ruoho
All we need is for him to tout a new Free Energy invention donated to him by
The Dwellers of The Fifth Density and channeled to him by The Cosmic

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 8:39 PM, wrote:

 Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable.  You,,, yes you! the
 Your friend (always?)Loren   /HTML

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread peatbog
 Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable.  You,,, yes you!
 the so-called people of this country, who continually construe


This OT stuff is getting out of hand.

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread albedo5

I bet you're a huge fan of tea.  Methinks you have stumbled into the wrong
group here.  Perhaps the blinders are not allowing you to see the very
well-marked door.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 1:39 PM, wrote:

 Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable.


 Bye now.
 Your friend (always?)Loren   /HTML

Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

Harry Veeder wrote:

Here is a slide showing of some their earlier  work showing 
how crushing granite produces neutrons.

Steve Jones (BYU) did experiments looking for neutrons while Portland 
cement made with heavy water set (dried). I think I recall they or 
someone else tried crushing it, too.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread albedo5
I totally agree.
 On Mar 10, 2011 2:10 PM, peatbog wrote:
 Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable.  You,,, yes you!
 the so-called people of this country, who continually construe


 This OT stuff is getting out of hand.

Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
By the way, Carpinteri (Cardone's colleague) was at ICCF15 and 16. Here 
is the abstract from ICCF-16:

Neutron Emission Measurements During Loading Tests on Solid Specimens 
and Confirmations by EDS Analysis

A.Carpinteri1, G. Lacidogna1, A. Manuello1 and O. Borla,2
1Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural Engineering 
Geotechnics, Corso Duca degli, Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
2 N.F.N. National Inst. of Nuclear Physics,
Via P. Giuria 1, 10125 Torino, Italy

Neutron emission measurements, by means of He3 devices and neutron 
bubble detectors, were performed during three different kinds of loading 
tests on natural and artificial materials: (i) under displacement 
control, (ii) under cyclic loading, and (iii) by ultrasonic vibration.

The materials used in compression tests under displacement control were 
marble, granite and concrete, selected in that they present a different 
brittleness index [1,2]. For natural materials, such as granite and 
basalt were also conducted cyclic and vibrational loading tests in the 
frequency range comprised between 2 and 2x104 Hz. Since the analyzed 
material contains iron, our conjecture is that piezonuclear fission 
reactions involving fission of iron into aluminum, or into magnesium and 
silicon, should have occurred during compression damage and failure. 
This hypothesis is confirmed by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy 
(EDS) analysis performed on
external and fracture surfaces belonging to specimens used in the 
tests.[3] These laboratory evidences appear to be strictly connected 
with recent neutron emission detections in correspondence to seismic 
activity and appreciable earthquakes at the scale of the Earth’s crust 
[4,5] and led to consider that the present natural abundances of 
aluminum (~8%), silicon (28%) and scarcity of iron (~4%) in the 
continental crust should be possibly due to

piezonuclear fission reactions[6].

Kidwell told he suspects these results might be caused from vibration 
when the block of marble fractured. Neutron detectors are sensitive and 
tend to be triggered by various artifacts such as vibrations. He 
recommended they try hitting the floor with a sledge hammer while the 
detector is on.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Jones Beene
If I recall Frank Grimer’s calculations of the Casimir force, it can amount to 
much higher loading than what is applied to the granite in this paper. The 
neutron level is over 6 time background on failure according to Cardone. The 
results are hard to argue with.


The problem I have with this experiment is that did not mention the fact that 
granite and marble can contain substantial amounts of thorium and uranium and 
the ‘daughters’ (or decay chain) going back millions of years. Are the neutrons 
seen coming from those elements when stressed, or from silicon/calcium/etc when 
stressed, or only from the ‘daughters’?


There are implications. Rossi is seeing no neutrons. We can be pretty sure of 
that as a sensitive meter was used. Rossi has probably recognized the need for 
a dielectric support for what he calls “nanometric nickel” which he thinks is 
the active material. The support used in almost 100% of recent LENR 
experiments, thanks to Arata, is zirconia. That does not meant that Rossi used 
it, but there is an indication.


We do not know for sure that there are Casimir cavities involved in the support 
material however. That is where my views depart from almost everyone else. I 
think that there are “unplanned” cavities, for several reasons. Zirconia 
undergoes catastrophic failure at phase change unless ‘doped’ usually with 


Neutrons would apparently be expected in the Rossi device - if there were both 
Casimir cavities and thorium, and Cardone’s results applied. 


Therefore, one important implication of all of these clues, taken together, is: 
does this lack of neutrons in Bologna eliminate thorium as the best candidate 
for the  ‘support’ dielectric ? 


If it were not for that problem, it would be the best candidate. Yes, we are 
still grasping at straws, but in the end, there will be new physics – so why 
not unburden oneself of the excess baggage?





From: Harry Veeder 

Subject: Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone


Here is a slide showing of some their earlier  work showing how crushing 
granite produces neutrons. 

Some nice graphs which plot neutron counts against mechanical loading.


The crushing load is coincident with a momentary spike in neutrons.





From: Jones Beene
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 11:11:00 AM
Subject: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

If you thought Rossi was the only wild-eyed Italian on the fringes of physics 
with an earth shattering discovery, think again. 

These guys even have mainstream credentials, no? 

Their earlier paper was roundly criticized for technique, but not disproved. 
This one will be even more divisive, so to speak.

Is this related in any way to Rossi? Maybe it was premature to write-off an 
ultrasound input in the Rossi E-cat (especially if thermistors are being used). 

After all, I have been told that ultrasound in a gas-filled powder would not be 
audible, as it would be if there was a liquid fill.

The now Italian Renaissance …  il rinascimento seconda parte !?!


Re: [Vo]:Anticipating skeptical objections to a 1 MW demonstration

2011-03-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Fri, 4 Mar 2011 06:55:09 -0800:
In trying to look at it from Rossi's POV, the cascade was the only
rationale which made logical sense to me - as to why he would go 100+
modular units. 
Multiple reports exist of varying power output from the device. Such variability
wouldn't be acceptable in a commercial device. By ganging a hundred units
together, the variability tends to average out resulting in a much smoother


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Anticipating skeptical objections to a 1 MW demonstration

2011-03-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Dennis's message of Fri, 4 Mar 2011 08:57:50 -0700:
I had the feeling that the heating was by directly passing the current 
through the metal bed - that would make for very fast transfer.

I doubt it because there are 5 controllers for the device. If the current were
passed directly through the metal bed, they would short one another out.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an unprecedented out...

2011-03-10 Thread Harry Veeder
My suggestion to the unions is to shift their focus and support broader efforts 
like this:


From: albedo5
Sent: Thu, March 10, 2011 2:09:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Off Topic: Wisconsin Republican Senators create an 
unprecedented out...


I bet you're a huge fan of tea.  Methinks you have stumbled into the wrong 
here.  Perhaps the blinders are not allowing you to see the very well-marked 


On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 1:39 PM, wrote:

Please, forward to the Liberally Unstable. 

Bye now.
Your friend (always?)    Loren   /HTML

Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Harry Veeder
 Kidwell told he suspects these results might be caused from vibration when 
block of marble fractured. Neutron detectors are sensitive and tend to be 
triggered by various artifacts such as vibrations. He recommended they try 
hitting the floor with a sledge hammer while the detector is on.
 - Jed

Essentially they did do that.
When marble was crushed no spike in neutrons was seen. If it was just due to 
vibrations in the detector then crushing marble would have produced a spike in 
neutrons too.


RE: [Vo]:Anticipating skeptical objections to a 1 MW demonstration

2011-03-10 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-

In reply to  Jones Beene's message 

In trying to look at it from Rossi's POV, the cascade was the only
rationale which made logical sense to me - as to why he would go 100+
modular units. 

Multiple reports exist of varying power output from the device. Such
variability wouldn't be acceptable in a commercial device. By ganging a
hundred units together, the variability tends to average out resulting in a
much smoother output.

Hi Robin,

Well yes, that's a decent reason ... but if it were only for the purpose of
'smoothing,' isn't having 100 a bit of overkill? 3 would have been fine for
that purpose. There must be more to it.


Of course, has anyone mentioned that he could have already tried to double
the size of the unit, and discovered a reverse economy of scale? Or else he
found a high failure rate (when he goes to higher power levels).

Consequently, the 10-15 kW unit may be optimal. Why is it that we are so
accustomed to positive economy of scale, that we often fail to notice that
'scale' can operate in a reverse way, as well.

This is probably giving Rossi too much credit. I doubt if had the funds to
try very many variables.

Re: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

Harry Veeder wrote:

Essentially they did do that.
When marble was crushed no spike in neutrons was seen. If it was just due to
vibrations in the detector then crushing marble would have produced a spike in
neutrons too.

Marble was the control? So I should have said when the block of granite 

I do not recall if they discussed the controls during the ICCF-16 
presentation. If they did, then Kidwell was off the mark. He sometimes 
jumps to conclusions, especially negative conclusions.

- Jed

[Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Harry Veeder
This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat
link from  New Energy Times portal on Rossi's ECat.

Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
 This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

 link from  New Energy Times portal on Rossi's ECat.

 He also claims that more than a thousand reactors have been built
and destroyed during the development.

Edisonian and serendipity do appear to be correct descriptive
terms, n'est-ce pas?


Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

Harry Veeder wrote:

This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat
link from  New Energy Times portal on Rossi's ECat.

Wow. He is paying his last 500,000 Euros to U. Bologna.

He could get all the venture capital in the world for a small fraction 
of his invention!

Krivit is right on the ball. I think I will add this Portal address to


- Jed

RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Roarty, Francis X
Both snips below from the Cardone paper seem to support a relativistic 
interpretation.  The odd property of radiation measured and these bubbles of 
gas that take 40- 50 minutes to scale down into these tiny Zones of deformed 
space time would as a result appear fractional to us in normal space-time.

[snip] Among all of them it is worth noting that some
teams detected a strange radiation showing unknown features and behaviour [8, 
9] which,
from our point of view, could be put beside the strange lack of gamma rays 
which, at
least from hydrogen neutron capture, should be emitted.[/snip]

[snip] The conjecture is that, the collapse of the bubble concentrates energy in
a smaller and smaller region of space (which is actually spacetime), making the 
density higher and higher. In this region of spacetime nuclear species are 
forced. The
overcoming of the threshold is achieved by the complementary contributions of 
the exter-
nal energy (ultrasounds) and internal energy, i.e. that of the nuclides taking 
part in the
collapse. The first preliminary clue is that the higher the atomic mass the 
less external
energy and the shorter time interval it takes to deform locally the 

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

If you thought Rossi was the only wild-eyed Italian on the fringes of physics 
with an earth shattering discovery, think again.

These guys even have mainstream credentials, no?

Their earlier paper was roundly criticized for technique, but not disproved. 
This one will be even more divisive, so to speak.

Is this related in any way to Rossi? Maybe it was premature to write-off an 
ultrasound input in the Rossi E-cat (especially if thermistors are being used).

After all, I have been told that ultrasound in a gas-filled powder would not be 
audible, as it would be if there was a liquid fill.

The now Italian Renaissance ...  il rinascimento seconda parte !?!

Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Dennis

He needs 100 of them and he has built and destroyed more than a thousand.
Does this mean that his successful reproducibility is less than 10%


From: Terry Blanton
Subject: Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

  He also claims that more than a thousand reactors have been 

and destroyed during the development.

Edisonian and serendipity do appear to be correct descriptive
terms, n'est-ce pas?


Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Dennis wrote:
 He needs 100 of them and he has built and destroyed more than a thousand.
 Does this mean that his successful reproducibility is less than 10%


I think that it took that many iterations to find the correct
combination to have a controlled reaction.

My opinion.  I could be wrong.


RE: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Jones Beene
Leading one to wonder if he has caught the Mark LeClair syndrome ...

-Original Message-
From: Dennis

He needs 100 of them and he has built and destroyed more than a thousand.

Does this mean that his successful reproducibility is less than 10%


From: Terry Blanton 

  He also claims that more than a thousand reactors have been 
Built and destroyed during the development.

 Edisonian and serendipity do appear to be correct descriptive
 terms, n'est-ce pas?

Re: [Vo]:This is how Rossi is financing his E-cat

2011-03-10 Thread Alan J Fletcher

At 03:24 PM 3/10/2011, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

Wow. He is paying his last 500,000 Euros to U. Bologna.
He could get all the venture capital in the 
world for a small fraction of his invention!

That's curious : in there he says

“I am assuming all the risks. No one is risking 
any money except me,” said the Italian engineer 
Andrea Rossi, the inventor and developer of the 
‘energy catalyzer,’ possibly based on cold fusion.

But in the latest Krivit link
L'incredibile Hulk contro l'ingegner Rossi


he says :

Rossi may have wanted to patent - just an example 
- only one part of the machine and the method 
while maintaining a part secreted by private business arrangements.

D'altronde lui stesso ha detto che è vincolato al 
segreto industriale da accordi con i suoi finanziatori.

Besides, he said that he is bound to secrecy agreements with its lenders.

Lenders might just mean Financial Institutions or Backers

RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

2011-03-10 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I also liked his final  sentence - call it tidal fission?
[snip]Since these transmutations are thought to be brought about by spacetime 
deformation, it is possible that a heavy nuclide be ripped
apart into lighter nuclides by tidal forces i.e., in more picturesque way, as 
an astronaut would be as he were falling into a blackhole. [/snip]

From: Jones Beene []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 11:11 AM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:New paper from Cardone

If you thought Rossi was the only wild-eyed Italian on the fringes of physics 
with an earth shattering discovery, think again.

These guys even have mainstream credentials, no?

Their earlier paper was roundly criticized for technique, but not disproved. 
This one will be even more divisive, so to speak.

Is this related in any way to Rossi? Maybe it was premature to write-off an 
ultrasound input in the Rossi E-cat (especially if thermistors are being used).

After all, I have been told that ultrasound in a gas-filled powder would not be 
audible, as it would be if there was a liquid fill.

The now Italian Renaissance ...  il rinascimento seconda parte !?!

[Vo]:nucleosynthesis is a more general term then fusion

2011-03-10 Thread Harry Veeder
I think the second footnote in the Cardone paper 
,which Jones cited, provides a solution to 
the kerfuffle around the proper use of the term fusion:
2The words fission and fusion have been used here. However, it is becoming 
evident that the outcomes of these piezonuclear reactions experiments, along 
with those 

involving low energy nuclear reactions, have nothing to do with the established 
definitions of fission and fusion. In this sense, these two words have to be 
interpreted as 

disgragation [disaggregation?] of nuclei and union of nuclei respectively. In 
the following other words will be used like nucleolysis and nucleosynthesis


Re: [Vo]:Latest Rossi news at PESN

2011-03-10 Thread mixent
In reply to  Nick Palmer's message of Wed, 9 Mar 2011 11:27:09 -:
Hi Nick,
Robin wrote:

..Well maybe not quite. The problem with this is that the general public 
understands one kind of nuclear. I'm afraid that educating them in the
subtleties is going to take a while.

Do we know what, if any, radiation is created by this process? Specifically, 
are any long lived radioactive isotopes made and if so to what degree are 
they beta/alpha emitters or give off gamma rays?

No long lived radioisotopes AFAIK with the possible exception of Ni59. Possibly
some very short lived ones while the process is actually running, but these are
contained and you can wait for them to decay before opening it up.
Rossi has said that there aren't any (which is also quite possible).
In truth however more testing has to be done to determine whether or not any are
produced over longer runs.

Robin van Spaandonk