Least fave episode

2016-04-04 Thread Marie
Have not been receiving my digests lately. They were all in my Spam ( junk) 
folder. Ugh! Anyway, I found them.

My least favorite has to be Goober thinking he had a talking dog thanks to 
Arnold and Opie's trick. Goober wasn't the smartest person in Mayberry but he 
wasn't that dumb or naive. My favorite non Barney episode is Rose is A Rose 
because it shows the true friendship between Aunt Bee and Miss Clara. My least 
favorite b/w episode is the one with Opie's trying to win Andy a prize at the 
carnival. Those two men should've been arrested, IMO. Also, tied for that 
dishonor, the Jerry Van Dyke episode. Was it the same carnival as the previous 
one? I think J V D would have been a great addition to TAGS and I'm sure he 
regrets turning it down to this day.

That's all I have today but if you are missing the digest check your Spam or 
junk folders. I'm glad I did.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Business in Mayberry

2015-09-07 Thread Marie

Businesses came and went in Mayberry
Art Crowley's market
Foley's Market
The Groceteria
Mrs Mason's Drug Store (photo developing) 
Walker's Drug Store
Franklin's Pharmacy
Mrs Luken's lingerie store
Morelli's (their pounded steak is great) 
Snappy Lunch Counter
Mayberry Diner
Bluebird Diner

I know there's more but those are all I can think of off the top of my head


WBMUTBB mailing list


2014-01-27 Thread Marie
I forget his wife's name but she was mentioned in Quiet Sam episode. Take away 
the sort of snootiness and mrs Wiley would be a perfect Mrs. Lawson. Or the 
lady on Mr Ed who was the wife of Wilbur's friend and neighbor. He died and 
another couple replaced those two but the woman in the first couple would be a 
good choice.

Also, wasn't his boy Norman the one who missed the fly ball? The violin playing 
son had a different name that I forget.

Marie, suffering from CRS (can't remember squat).

Sent from Marie's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Piano playing

2014-01-25 Thread Marie
Here are my choices:

Aunt Bee
Opie Taylor
Arnold (the brunette one not the blonde)
Clara Edwards
Andy ran his fingers across the keys once
I know there are more but I am at a loss to recall them.

Sent from Marie's iPad

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fave color episode and other questions answered

2014-01-16 Thread Marie
My favourite colour episode is Only A Rose because it shows true friendship 
between Aunt Bee and Clara Edwards

My favourite scene is when everybody goes to Andy thinking Opie wants to know 
where babies come from and he realizes he's the one who has to talk to him.

My favourite phrase is "raiding the refrigerator".

The prettiest gal in Mayberry is, IMO, Nurse Peggy. Nothing against Thelma Lou 
(#2), Helen, or Lydia Crosswaite. Charlene is #3. Helen, Ellie, Romeena, Emma 
Watson Brand, etc. are close.

Sent from Marie's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

My three Mayberry wishes

2014-01-05 Thread Marie
I would like the following three Mayberry items:

1--a sheriff as smart as Andy tho nowadays he'd have to wear a gun
2--Walker's Drug Store complete with soda fountain right in the heart of town.
3--Emma Watson and Floyd Lawson to stay alive and healthy living right here in 
Cajun country.

Sent from Marguerite's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

David browning

2013-11-23 Thread Marie
So sorry I missed his presentation earlier this week. He was in my hometown of 
Opelousas, LA but I was in the hospital and unable to attend. I bet he was 
wonderful as in hear he is.


Sent on Marie's iPad

WBMUTBB mailing list

Francis Bavier

2013-11-20 Thread Marie

I saw where Francs Bavier was in a movie "Man In the Attic" about Jack the 
Ripper airing on TCM.

Also, did she play the piano? I wonder if she was jealous that Hope Summers 
(Clara) took over the piano playing on TAGS.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Some opinions I had

2013-11-19 Thread Marie
IMO Howard was the anti-Barney. Warren was written more like Barney but where 
Andy and Barney were long time friends and his quirks were slowly written in, 
Warren was just thrust at us full blown, quirks and all. They didn't give us 
time to get to know him. 

Howard, on the other hand, was the opposite of Barney. Where Barney had an 
opinion on everything but knew little, Howard was well read and actually knew 
what he was talking about. 

Barney pretended to be brave but was chicken. Howard knew he couldn't hack it 
as a deputy because he had no self defence skills yet would come out when 
needed as when he and Otis helped rescue Andy. Barney thought he had self 
defence skills but wasn't good at using them.

Howard didn't  brag about himself, either. However he wasn't as funny as old 
Barn was. All three, however, had heart. They'd drop everything to help another 
person in trouble and i am  glad I got to know them.

The opinions expressed herein belong solely to me and may not necessarily 
represent the opinions of the WBMUTBB.

Sent on Marie's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Ken's Post

2013-11-19 Thread Marie
Ken, seven things about me? I don't wanna break a number rule so: How about 
seven things about me and Mayberry?

I think my fave colour episode is the Rose Contest because it shows the true 
friendship between Clara Edwards and Aunt Bee

I preferred Opie's friend Johnny Paul Jason to Arnold because Arnold seemed a 
bit sneaky and the actor portraying JPJ was a Louisiana boy.

I did not mind Warren but nobody was better than Barney. Same in real life. If 
you have a long term friend you interact differently than you do with somebody 
you met a few weeks ago. Andy and Barney had that long term friendship. He 
kinda sorta had it with Howard Sprague

My favourite Dud Wash was the big muscular one. He was the best looking, IMO. 
The outdoors type that Charlene would fall for.

My favourite Opie and Andy moment is in Opie's charity when Andy is explains 
that Horatio is not half a boy.

I preferred the foods mentioned in the first couple of seasons because they're 
more southern.  In fact, according to 
http://www.thefoodmaven.com/radiorecipes/nesselrode.html Nesselrode Pie is a 
NYC dessert named after a Russian count. They seemed to speak more northern/mid 
western also.

My favourite of the "part time" characters are Floyd the Barber male and Emma 
Brand Watson female.

So there are seven things about me that are Mayberry related. 

Sent from Marie's iPad

WBMUTBB mailing list

Mayberry moments

2013-11-17 Thread Marie
Sometimes in life you have to make your own Mayberry moments. Mine came at 
bingo the other day. After a bingo is verified the caller usually announces 
that it was a good bingo and reminds us to"clear your cards for the next 
bingo". We'll I was "Settin'" with my friends Corinna and Johnny. When Johnny 
didn't clear his card fast enough, Corinna reminded him. I jumped in and said 
"Oh, he's just waitin'  for the official verification before he clears his 

Also, one day I was leaving the dining room to go to my room when I realised 
that I needed to go back.  I did a quick u turn in my wheelchair telling my 
friend Mary P not to yell "citizen's arrest!".

Typed on Marie's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Angry Andy

2013-09-08 Thread Marie
I recall an angry Andy in the b/w episode where he kept telling Aunt Bee to 
"call the man! Just call the man!"

He certainly was exasperated with her that week.

I still,use that phrase today.

Marie in Cajun country

WBMUTBB mailing list

Janet Anderson was so righ

2013-08-25 Thread Marie
I totally agree with her hat Jerry van Dyke made a better deputy, no offense to 
Jack Burns.

Sent from Marie's iPad
WBMUTBB mailing list

Ken--Great idea! A Mayberry Christmas

2012-12-09 Thread Marie

Ken, I love your idea but I'd prefer if Andy read from the gospel of Luke. 
I preferred Nurse Peggy over all of Andy's women, esp. that Lydia Crosswaite. 
LOL! She was better with Goober anyhow. However, Andy preferred Ms. Crump and 
that's all there is to it.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Mayberry New Year
Marie in Cajun country where today's high is 80° F

WBMUTBB mailing list

A challenge for you writers

2012-11-03 Thread Marie

Being on total bed rest these last few weeks I've had time to think.

I come up with ideas but have trouble getting them onto paper.  My latest idea 
is this: a story about Mayberry told from Gomer's POV.

Picture it: 1984 & Gomer is home from the Marines with his wife Lou Anne Pyle 
nee Poovey.

Due to Lou Anne's "female issues" they'd adopted a cute little girl back in CA 
and retired to NC where he works with Goober at the fillin' station.

Can somebody write up their own Gomer returns from the marines story? I know 
Andy, Helen, Floyd, Barney, & Aunt Bee have moved away but you could 
incorporate Sam, Howard, Clara Edwards, etc. Even minor characters such as 
Charlie Foley, Flip Conroy & the druggist where Opie sold sodas, malts, & 
perfume could be used.

Thank you to those who can write a good tale

WBMUTBB mailing list

Cell window panes

2012-07-02 Thread Marie
You know what happened to the cell windows, don't you? Of course ol' 
Ernest T broke the windows with his rock & the glass hasn't been 
replaced yet. :D


WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie's Clothing

2012-06-17 Thread Marie

Remember, too, that during the colour episodes Ron Howard was in Little League 
& they filmed around his baseball schedule. I've always admired both the 
Howards & the TAGS people for allowing Ronnie to have a normal life outside 
show biz.

Saw RH today in "The Courtship of Eddie's Father". He surely was cute & 
talented both. Loved the scene where he, Mrs. Livingston, & neighbor Elizabeth 
were dancing & singing to "La Cucaracha".
Wish I rec'd TCM #sigh#

WBMUTBB mailing list

Don Knotts

2012-04-30 Thread Marie
http://www.businesslife.com/articles.php?id=2034  indicates it was true but 
http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/karen-knotts-the-dad-i-didnt-know/  has an 
excerpt from Karen Knotts' book that indicates the opposite

Snopes calls it glurge: http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=69507 

Wikipedia makes no mention of Don being depressed. His dad was depressed & 
suffered from mental illness: 

Thank you. I enjoyed looking it up. Must save my money & buy Karen's book about 
her daddy

WBMUTBB mailing list

Green Stamps

2012-04-06 Thread Marie

Green Stamps are alive and well in cyberspace. Go to: http://greenpoints.com. 
They have a ton of companies who participate in the program.

Here in sw Louisiana National Food Stores gave Green Stamps & Winn Dixie had 
Top Value stamps. We had a lot of items from the redemption stores like TV 
trays, a clock, etc. Big Star had Quality stamps, too.

Good memories

WBMUTBB mailing list

Broken Hearts

2012-03-01 Thread Marie

I think we all had our hearts broken when DK left the show after season 5 and 
again when it was cancelled. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

I found Teri Garr

2012-01-24 Thread Marie
I found Teri Garr but not in Mayberry. A talent scout picks Millie to be the 
next big star & she's whisked off to Richmond for an audition. Sam, of course, 
goes with her.  Look for the cashier at the end of the episode.

Watch this Season 1 episode of Mayberry RFD here:



WBMUTBB mailing list

Fwd: Blacks in Mayberry RFD

2012-01-23 Thread Marie

Anybody looking for Black people in Mayberry should watch 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B6QVxGa7gg&feature=related The Youth Day. It is 
a season one episode focusing on the three boys chosen to run Mayberry for a 
day. The Black kid takes over as County Clerk under the supervision of Howard 
Sprague & he  gets as much attention as Mike & Arnold do. His father has even 
more scenes than Arnold's though I always thought his dad was a doctor. In this 
episode Andy calls him by his first name.

Enjoy! I did.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Trivia

2012-01-23 Thread Marie

Ken got it correctly. That is what I was thinking of but somebody else came up 
with a second answer that I hadn't even thought of. And they pointed out that 
he wasn't arresting the men simply writing them a ticket.

Okay, I need to watch more episodes so I think I'll go and do that now.

Mayberrily yours,
WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 13, Issue 20

2012-01-20 Thread Marie
I believe that Rafe Hollister's wife is a Martha. She showed up to watch his 
audition at the County Sing off. Or whatever it was called. He was also in the 
episode where the county nurse wants to give him his tetanus shot & one where 
he gives himself up to Andy who promptly sends him back out to surrender to 
Barney who doesn't recognize him.

My trivia question. In Rafe Hollister's first episode Barney arrests him for 
Jaywalking only to be told by Andy that he's just arrested Rafe Hollister, 
moonshiner.  In which other episode did Barney's over-zealousness cause him to 
accidentally arrest a wanted criminal. Also name both crimes--the minor one 
Barney arrested him for & the major one he was wanted for?

Mayberrily yours,
Marie in Opelousas

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 15:57:42 -0500
Subject: Mayberry Trivia
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Time for another Mayberry Trivia question.   Everyone knows that my (Orville 
Hendricks) wife is named Martha.And Emmitt Clark is married to Martha 
However there is another character in Mayberry whose wife's name is Martha.   
Who was he?   This character was not a regular but appeared more than once.   I 
will give you a hint:   His wife Martha only appeared in one show, but he 
appeared several times.
Orville Hendricks - The Mt. Pilot Butter and Egg Man.   I told my neighbor that 
my Martha was an angel.   My neighbor said that I was lucky, because his wife 
was still living.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Bookworm: a Game

2011-12-30 Thread Marie

Even playing an online game like Bookworm 
http://www.popcap.com/games/bookworm/pc  will remind me of Mayberry. I found 
the word jailed & that put me to mind of Andy & Barney. The word "toot" 
reminded me of poor Aunt Bee singing "Toot Toot Tootsie", I even made pickle & 
fudge )Aunt Bee & Thelma Lou), but but the one word I found that'll always be 
Mayberry to me is "uvula". Afer all, "Iive got a uvula, you've got a uvula, all 
God's children have a uvula".  Now if I could only find "medulla"  or 
"oblongata" *sigh*.

Helen would enjoy this game; Goober & Gomer not so much.

Mayberrily yours,

Marie M
WBMUTBB mailing list

Opie's toys

2011-12-06 Thread Marie
Opie did play football & baseball & he wanted an erector set when he found that 
man's purse. Still, did Opie ever play marbles or collect baseball cards? Did 
he own the Matchbox type cars Barney used for Otis's driving test. (Otis')? No 
Monopoly or Operation games with Howie Pruitt and Johnny Paul Jason? He did 
play cops & robbers but no cowboys & Indians? No tag, hide and go seek, 
mumblety peg?

Then again look at other favorites. Did the Beaver ever play with toys? Not 
often. The Brady Bunch kids had few toys & few friends preferring to stay home 
with their siblings.

Oh well, I guess it was easier to film & cheaper not to have to purchase & 
store the toys for use when needed.

Mayberrily yours,

WBMUTBB mailing list

20th Anniversary

2011-11-30 Thread Marie

1990? I doubt a home computer was even on my radar. I didn't get my firts 
computer until 2002. I probably joined in either late 2002 or 2003. This is the 
third or fourth email address I've registered with y'all & I have enjoyed every 
minute of it. Thank you Allan for your hard work

Mayberrily yours,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 12, Issue 350

2011-11-24 Thread Marie

 I have something that has been praying on my mind, so 

An English question (grammar)  I always thought it was spelt "preying on my 
mind". Am I mistaken?

Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving

Mayberrily yours,
WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-11-21 Thread Marie

Around here in Louisiana Lunch is at noon the big meal is dinner usually 6 
p.m.. If your big meal of the day is at noon  then that is dinner & supper is 
at 6ish.

After Sunday services many folks have a large meal, usually roast (Chicken, 
beef, or pork) or baked ham plus the sides, veggies, & dessert.

Hoping that clears things up.

Mayberrily yours,


WBMUTBB mailing list

Credit in Mayberry

2011-11-12 Thread Marie
Were credit cards even widely used during the time TAGS was on? However there 
WAS credit. If you'll recall in the episode where Ellie Walker, pharmacy gal, 
ran for city council, all the menfolk cut off their wives (or aunt's) credit 
until they agreed not to support Ellie.

I remember Mrs Campbell trying on a hat & apparently being told she needed cash 
so she had to put it back.

I can remember in the mid 60's/early 70's that the few times we shopped ast the 
local dept store mama just signed a slip of paper, they mailed her the receipt, 
& she paid her bill. No card needed. And I loved the bills as the store always 
enclosed a plastic wrapped sheet of smell good paper in scents like Chanel No. 
5 or L'air Du Temps. I'd stick those in my nightgown drawer.

Mayberrily yours,


WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-10-26 Thread Marie

I noticed as the show went on that it became less & less southern. Did Howard 
Sprague & Mrs. Sprague sound southern? Did Emmitt & his wife, Martha?

Went to Bing.com where I discovered that Aunt Bee's famous Nesselrode Pie was a 
NY specialty. Certainly I'd never heard of it. Her dinners became more all 
American (Pot roast, spaghetti) & less southern (white beans & rice, fried 
chicken with biscuits & honey) as the years went by.  Even Andy's southern 
accent became less pronounced as time went by.

No I don't recall cornbread being mentioned ever.

Great question


WBMUTBB mailing list

An open letter to Bobby Fleet

2011-09-27 Thread Marie

Bobby, I see where your record is number 67 on Ike Godsey's list of recordings 
in Walton's Mountain, VA tho Cora Beth prefers Keevy Hazleton's type of music.

Over in Milwaukee it is the 2nd most played recording on the jukebox @ Arnold's 
Drive-In according to owner Arnold Takahashi.

Mr Martini of Martini's Bar in Bedford Falls says it is the #1 most played song 
on his "juke-a-box"

The only downside I heard is that Clara Edwards of Mayberry, NC prefers Hippy 
Harrison. Just because her brother plays in the band is no excuse to dislike 
this song.

WBMUTBB mailing list


2011-09-26 Thread Marie

The other day here at the home we were playing Pokeno & I heard Johnny R 
distinctly say "I'm gonna win today" and he did.  So when he did win I jokingly 
said "Wow! You must have the ESPN" & thought immediately of Barney. That 
sounded just like something he would have said.

Can you think of any current "Barney-isms" not around in the 60's?

WBMUTBB mailing list

Barney Takes A Nap

2011-08-21 Thread Marie

In one episode, Andy took Barney's Shoes. In another he took Barney's hat & 
replaced it with an extra hat they had hanging around. Perhaps the hat Otis 
wore as deputy when his bro was in town, eh? One time Barney kept his shoes on 
& Andy, I think, tied the laces together. Andy tried waking him up once & 
nothing worked until he snapped his fingers. Opie woke Barney up that way one 
time as well.

I'm sure there were more but I forget.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Emma Watson

2011-07-24 Thread Marie
Emma Watson nee Brand lived in the house on the lake that is now owned by my 
family. My uncle Warren Watson, a lifetime bachelor,  stopped by Mayberry, on 
his way to Mt Pilot & was charmed by the beautiful Miss Emma Brand. He married 
her two weeks later after giving Andy full authority to investigate his past 
tho there was nothing to find I'll have you know, Uncle Warren rarely spoke of 
it lest he begin to cry but he was there when the USA liberated Dachau & other 
communist camps. Seeing the death & destruction made him sick to his soul. 
Seeing how grateful the rescued Jewish people were warmed his soul. 

Oh the wedding was so lovely. Aunt Bee was maid of honor & Emma's sister was 
bridesmaid. The cake was from the bakery where Millie worked (I forget the name 
of it).

Rev Tucker did the ceremony & Clara Edwards played the Wedding March. After 
honeymooning in New Orleans they moved into his house in town where they lived 
happily for 2 months before Uncle Warren dropped dead suddenly from a brain 
aneurysm. She continued living in that house tho she couldn't bear to speak of 
him lest she begin to cry.

This explains why two names & two houses

WBMUTBB mailing list

Sibs on TAGS

2011-07-24 Thread Marie

The brother/sister duo is Jack Albertson as Aunt Bee's cousin, Bradford, & his 
sister Mabel as Howard Sprague's mother.
Ronny Howard was Opie & his younger brother Clint was Leon.

WBMUTBB mailing list

My bio

2011-07-07 Thread Marie

Name: Marie Marshall
Hometown: Opelousas, LA more of a Mt Pilot back then than a Mayberry
age: half a century plus 1
occupation: on disability
Fave movies: Schlinder's List, You Can't Take It With You, October Sky, Radio, 
The Blind Side, Some Like It Hot, Meet Me In St Louis, It's A Wonderful Life, A 
Face in the Crowd, The Music Man, Waterproof, Glory, & The Quiet Man
Fave movie actors: Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, & Jimmy Stewart
Fave actresses: Katherine Hepburn, Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock
Fave TV Actors: Howard McNear (Floyd Lawson you're a lying, deceitful wretch), 
Don Knotts, Ray Romano, Jerry Orbach
TV actresses: Frances Bavier, Cheerio Meredith (I need my little blue pill),  
Patricia Heaton
Fave TV Show comedy: TAGS, Modern Family, Tyler Perry's House of Payne, Cosby 
Show, My 3 Sons, Family Affair, Brooklyn Bridge, Monk, The Wonder Years, Happy 
Fave TV Program drama: Law & Order, The Waltons (before WW II), Psych, The 
Closer, Without A Trace, Hawaii 5-0 (Original), 
Authors: Mitford series (Jan Karon), Yada Yada & House of Hope Series (Neta 
Jackson, Karen Kingsbury, Agatha Christie, Diane Mott Davidson, Carole Nelson 
Douglas (Midnight Louie), Rumpole books (John Mortimer), Teri Blackstock, Dr 
Seuss (my love of reading comes partly from him), AA Milne Pooh books

There are others I like but these are the ones I thought of



WBMUTBB mailing list

Independence Day in Mayberry

2011-07-03 Thread Marie
Now, honestly, I thought I'd heard everything. I mean some people just can't 
sing. I should know I'm one of 'em. But I don't try singing in public unless 
there's a crowd and I can try blending in.

But, today, at the picnic, just before Rev Tucker blessed the food and we sat 
down to eat I had the privilege of hearing Juanita Pike sing "God Bless 
America". Whoo-eee was that a long song. Let's just say she's no Kate Smith. 
Thankfully, the good reverend had a short prayer & we all sat down to eat.

Aunt Bee your baked beans were delicious as was Thelma Lou's potato salad, & 
Helen Crump's cole slaw . Andy, you and the Regal Order of the Golden Door to 
Good Fellowship. did a great job on the bbq burgers and hot dogs.

No idea who made the Applesauce cake but it was delicious. Clara Edwards, I so 
enjoyed your homemade pickles on my hamburger.

I was able to get one of the homemade burger buns made by Mrs. Wiley, Mrs. Rev. 
Foley, & Emma Watson  and they were delicious.

I understand special thanks go out to Foley's Market &  Norman's Groceteria who 
donated the ground beef & wiener dogs that the lodge bros. bbq'ed.

Thanks going out as well to Orville Monroe who donated a TV set that was given 
as a door prize & ol Ben Weaver who donated some stuff, too. I didn't win but 
it was fun anyhow.

Great time was had by all & I look forward to the next great Mayberry day


WBMUTBB mailing list

Fave heart warming moments

2011-06-26 Thread Marie
My favorite moments are:

When Clara tells the judges that Aunt Bee's rose deserves the blue ribbon more 
than hers does

When Aunt Bee receives the bed jacket from Andy for her birthday

Opie hugging Aunt Bee so she'll stay in Mayberry. Good thing, too, since Rose 
never returned at all.

When Andy selects Erma Bishop as Miss Mayberry. The look on Ellie Walker's face 
says it all

The "trees are nice & full" scene in "Opie the Birdman"

Andy's face when he realizes Opie and Peggy are "blood brothers".

Those were just off the top of my head.

Marie in Cajun country


WBMUTBB mailing list

Another scene that proves spirit of Mayberry

2011-06-09 Thread Marie

My favourite colour episode shows the spirit of Mayberry quite nicely when 
Clara Edwards, gives up her blue ribbon to Aunt Bee in the rose growing 
contest. They'd been rivals for weeks when Aunt Bee's rose was ruined making 
her unable to compete.

Off topic..any rosarians on the board? It must be fairly easy to create 
(propagate?) a new rose since there are new ones coming out annually.

Please email me with information on this. Thanks.

Yours in Mayberry,


WBMUTBB mailing list

Liars in Mayberry

2011-06-09 Thread Marie
There were a few other liars in Mayberry, too:

Opie lied about being sick so his Paw wouldn't go out that  night with Nurse 
Peggy. However, I always thought that Andy should have had Peggy over to check 
on him

Mrs Sprague lied that she was ill so Howard wouldn't date the new County Nurse 
Irene Fairchild. Again, I thought that she should have stayed with Howard & 
checked out Mrs Sprague.

Mrs Sprague lied to Goober so that Howard was blackballed from the Regal Order 
of the Door To Good Fellowship Lodge.

Andy lied to the man buying the town cannon tho he later confessed the truth & 
the man purchased it anyhow.

The lady reporter aka "that college student" lied to get the dirt on Andy & 
Barney lied by omission to make himself look good in her eyes

Andy lied to Sgt. Carter that Gomer was the son of General Lucius Pyle

Grandma Walton lied about that used car she sold to Barney

George & Gladys Stevens lie to get Barney in a breach of promise suit. They're 
not father/daughter they're husband/wife

Mrs Silby lies that her husband Tom is dead when he really just ran away from 

Otis lies to his brother that he's a deputy

I'm sure there's more but these are just off the top of my head.


WBMUTBB mailing list

Joanna Moore/Nurse Peggy & r/l

2011-06-08 Thread Marie
To the person who "axed" R/L means Real Life. I was stating that in spite of 
Nurse Peggys real life problems (Google Joanna Moore) I still liked Nurse Peggy 
best of all Andy's "girls".

My name Marie Marshall isn't in Mayberry tho Marshal Dillon is, I think, 
mentioned once. 

As for a time capsule, I'd add a copy of the Diner's menu. One hundred years 
from now nobody'll believe the Vienna Sausage in tomato gravy with a side of 
succotash costs so little!

My fave one show wonder is Regis. He's holding a sign "Down with the gold 
standard" as the gold truck is about to pass through town. I love hearing Gomer 
roam thru the crowd yelling "Regis! Regis!"

But then again there is Floyd's Lonely Hearts gal. I just   enjoy seeing Floyd 
staring in the mirror calling himself "A miserable, deceitful wretch."

Yours in Mayberry,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Fave TAGS Songs

2011-06-05 Thread Marie
My favourite Tags songs HAVE got to be
"In a jailhouse down in Dixie fightin' crime and riskin' life
Dwelled a sheriff and his buddy, pistol-packing Barney Fife.
Oh, my darin', oh, my darnin' oh, my darin' Barney Fife.

He's a deadly crime-stopper, what a copper Barney Fife..." by Barney & Andy

Opie's Version of "Old Dan Tucker"

or "Dooley" by The Darling Boys

My favourite of Andy's girls is Miss Peggy. She may have had problems in r/l 
but she was near perfect on Andy. Plus, IMO, she was prettier than Helen. But 
that's just my opinion.


WBMUTBB mailing list

A couple of glaring inconsistencies

2008-06-15 Thread Marie
The first one was Charlene doing an incantation to divorce Dud Wash so 
she could marry Andy. Well since she was legally wed to Dud in the eyes 
of both God and the state of NC then she couldn't marry Andy. Of course 
had Andy brought up that fact we wouldn't have the funny scenes with 
Barney and the horse

Then tonight suddenly Ernest T Bass was a functional illiterate. Is this 
the same Ernest T who wrote notes on rocks? The man who wrote Charlene a 

Those two episodes makes no sense to me

WBMUTBB mailing list

Ronny Howard

2008-06-15 Thread Marie
Just watching RH in "The Courtship of Eddie's Father". If you thought he 
was good in "Opie the Birdman" you should see his acting in the goldfish 
scene of "...Eddie's Father". Even at aged 9 he was an excellent actor.

http://www.tcm.com/2008/essentialsjr/article/?cid=203078 is more about 
the movie & Ron Howard

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2008-06-08 Thread Marie
Now Mayberry wouldn't be Mayberry, at least in seasons 1-6, without 
Floyd Lawson, owner of Floyd's Tonsorial Parlor. But how often did Andy, 
Opie, Barney, etc. say they needed a hair cut & they really looked like 
they needed one? I certainly thought Opie's hair looked just like always 
in the episode where this conversation takes place:

There's one other way to know when you need a haircut.
When, Paw?
When your Aunt Bee says you do.
Thank you, Andy.

So did any man in Mayberry ever let their hair really grow out? Besides 
Goober growing that beard one time?

WBMUTBB mailing list

another oldies TV channel

2008-03-30 Thread Marie

It claims that they air TAGS but not in my area. Only sitcoms I've seen 
are Happy Days, Love Amer Style, Get Smart, & Family Ties. plus, dramas 
like Magnum, PI; Hawaii 5-0, Gunsmoke, Rockford Files, Alias Smith & 
Jones, Mission Impossible, etc.

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Joe shlabotnik

2008-03-29 Thread Marie
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Shlabotnik had to Google him cause I 
thought he was a real person who'd played baseball

Any names in mentioned in Mayberry (not characters unseen like Myra 
Koontz) that, like Joe, were spoken of as tho they wee a real person?

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-03-24 Thread Marie
the firts season had 5:

   1. Bobby Fleet & his band
   2. movie producer "You're agin us cutting down that tree?"
   3. Record man who recorded Andy & the boys at the barber shop
   4. Antiques dealer who bought the old cannon
   5. State policeman from Manhunt

then there was the state inspector "Dogs, Dogs, Dogs" & the one who came 
in place of Sam Allen & was appalled at Andy's just walking up to the 
moonshiner who was shooting at them. Whats-his-name from the seed 
catalog company in "Only a Rose" & the man who sold his organ to All 
Souls Church

The governor in the cannon episode wher Warren accidentally shot the 
cannon during Governor's speech. I don't count the time Barney gave his 
driver a parking ticket b/c he was just passing through town

That's all I can think of for now

WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-03-19 Thread Marie
Anyone here a member of a Facebook TAGS group? I searched & found 
several. I am a member of Addicted To Monk, Addicted to Law & Order, & 
Addicted to King of the Hill


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Opie Crying

2008-03-17 Thread Marie
> "Now I have another question:  Opie really cried in "Opie the Birdman".  Was 
> there any other episodes that he cried in?"
> Good question!   I think he may have cried in a Medal for Opie when he didn't 
> win the race.  He has pouted a few times, but never actually cried.
> http://amayberrystateofmind.com
Don't forget he cried in "The Spoiled Kid" episode where he wanted to 
continue getting his 25¢ allowance w/o working for it. His friend showed 
him how to cry to get what he wants. LOL!

Just kidding b/c I know he was faking

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2008-03-09 Thread Marie
At Weavers http://www.weaversdepartmentstore.com/index.php?category=3 I 
notice they have a T-shirt that reads "Wally's Service Station". Is this 
a misprint? I always thought it was called "Wally's Fillin' Station". Am 
I wrong?

Marie, still looking for Laura Lee & Lydia
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Race for Mayor / Campaign Funds

2008-03-06 Thread Marie
> Mr. Drysdale is a wonderful man. Do you know that he's keepin' all of our 
> money in his bank and he ain't chargin' us one penny to do it?!" -- Mr. Jed 
> Clampett (Beverly Hills, CA)

an obvious forgery since his legal name is J.D. Clampett

Just kidding

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Barney's girls & Laura Lee Hobbs

2008-03-03 Thread Marie
 I miss Laura Lee Hobbs too. Praying she's ok

We do know last name of Barney's girl Phoebe--Phoebe Gilbert, Lemley's 
sister & whats-her name who ate the juice out of his sno-cones & left 
him with just the ice.

But yes--his girls didn't have last names mostly.

> come to think of it, did we know the last names of any of Barney's other 
> girlfriends (Hilda Mae, Miss Rosemary, and of course that fun girl Skippy).
> The only ones where we know the last names, weren't real girlfriends since 
> they 
> had ulterior motives - Melissa Stevens (who turned out to be Gladys the 
> matrimonial con artist),
> Agnes Jean Parker (who was only after information on the supermarket 
> robberies), and Teena Andrews (who only needed a date for the world premier 
> of 
> her new movie).
> And then there's Juanita, an assumed voice on the other end of the phone who 
> was never heard nor seen.

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A Question about today's episode

2008-02-29 Thread Marie
What time does Opie get home from school? If he has to practice piano 
from 3:30-5 when does he take lessons? How long are the lessons?

Thanks anyone who knows this

WBMUTBB mailing list

Lawrence Welk & Hee Haw

2008-02-29 Thread Marie
I grew up similar. 11 a.m. Saturday was American Bandstand (or Soul 
Train), later in the day were Hee Haw & Lawrence Welk. These latter two 
aired twice if you had cable. Once on KADN (now Fox 15) & once on WBRZ & 
my aunt watched them both times!!!

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Mayoral Campaign

2008-02-16 Thread Marie
Who has the loverly Bradley girls (Billie Jo, Bobbie Jo, & Betty Jo) 
campaigning for them?

I have seen Cousin Bessie's signs for Mayor Pike & Cousin Skipper's 
signs for Mayor Stoner.

I say no more out of town folks campaigning our Mayberry candidates


I'm a-voting for Sheriff Taylor that's T-A-Y-L-O-R
WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-02-14 Thread Marie
She has long stated she wished she lived in Mayberry & once mentioned 
about no black people in Mayberry. She got mail & a visit on her show 
from "Flip Conroy" Mayberry's most famous black person. I remember well 
seeing Rockne Tarkington <http://imdb.com/name/nm0850485/> sitting in 
the audience & Oprah showing a clip of his appearance.

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2008-02-08 Thread Marie
I know there should be separation of church & state. Religion is not a 
part of politics; nor should it be. But can either Stoner or Pike sing 
"Leanin' On the Everlasting Arms" without mouthing the words or reading 
in the newly re-covered hymn books?

Still voting Andrew J Taylor, sheriff, that's T-A-Y-L-O-R.

Plus, what do the mayoral candidates plan to do about creating a noise 
ordinance. I hate the noise of that van passing thru at night asking me 
to vote "Fife for Sheriff", No matter which candidate I prefer hearing 
that dr. show on my TV & this drowned it out just as old doc was giving 
that young housewife her diagnosis


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TAGS sighting

2008-02-08 Thread Marie
Today's episode of /Hawaii 5-0/ featured our very own Sheriff Taylor as 
a con man. His cohort and another woman found an env with $5,000 so in 
"good faith"they gave Andy (posing as a cop) each $500 and if money is 
unclaimed in 10 days they split the $5,000.

I am sure by the end of the episode he'll be booked by Danny or Chin Ho 
but I hte seeing Andy in this sort of role.


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pike v stoner

2008-01-31 Thread Marie
I know who I'm votin' for and brother I ain't saying. I will own up to 
being a Taylor man all the way. Sorry for you Fife supporters. That's 
T-A-Y-L-O-R, Andrew J Taylor, Sheriff

WBMUTBB mailing list

divorce & hugs

2008-01-20 Thread Marie
Two recent episodes have me puzzled.

Firts, "Divorce Mt. Style": Charlene & Dud were legally wed both by Andy 
& the traveling preacher, right? So wouldn't her marriage to Andy, had 
it gone thru been bigamy? Surely NC doesn't accept divorce that easily?

Secondly, the Malcolm M episode: he kept telling Opie to
go hug your Aunt Bee" but I don't recall much hugging from them either 
before or after. They loved each other but hugs & kisses seemed rare & 
he usually put himself to bed.

sorry if I am repeating. I have been in hosp

thank you,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Women of Mayberry

2007-11-18 Thread Marie
saw this at Ebay: http://starturl.com/womenmayberry 
My Aunt Emma isn't pictured, nor are Nurse Peggy, Lydia Crosswaite, 
Ernest T's Sweet Romeena, Laura Lee Hobbs, Mrs. Emmitt Fix-It-Man, or 
Mrs. Sprague. The Fun Girls aren't there because they're from Mt. Pilot, 
I reckon. At least I finally get to see Sarah at her job.

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I apologize

2007-11-18 Thread Marie
If my post yesterday offended anyone I am truly sorry. I let my emotions 
get the better of me & I just posted my outrage when I should have typed 
it up and deleted the email unsent.

I am more thankful than he can know to Allan for fixing it at Wikipedia. 
I just didn't go to the trouble of registering and fixing it myself & 
that was not Mayberry-like. The Mayberry thing--okay, the Andy thing--to 
do would be to quietly go in and fix the problem without calling 
attention to it in the firts place so that few, if any, know. How many 
times did Andge fix Barney's problems and nobody ever knew he'd messed up?

So mea culpa to me


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TAGS on Wikipedia

2007-11-16 Thread Marie
Is any one else offended by the following?
From:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helen_Crump
> Andy and Helen did not have a relationship of sweetness and light. The 
> two had frequent disagreements, sudden jealousies, misunderstandings, 
> and lover's quarrels. In "Helen the Authoress", for example, Helen 
> needs considerable time proofing and rewriting her children's book 
> before publication by a Richmond firm. Andy becomes sexually 
> frustrated during the process and tells Helen (in the veiled language 
> of 60s television sitcoms) that if he doesn't get sex from her, he 
> will seek it from someone else. Helen is indignant, of course, and 
> brushes him off. Andy then hooks up with Mavis Neff, the town trollop, 
> and the two are seen at a remote location in the squad car behaving 
> like trashy teenagers.
This is a total re-writing of history, IMO. Yes, Andy wanted to spend 
more time w/Helen and yes, he did once ask her "Do you want to run with 
me or do you want to run with him?" or some such after that man came up 
from Raleigh to work with her on that "blamed grading manual" but Helen 
quickly apprised him that such vulgar language was unappreciated & he 

WBMUTBB mailing list

Thanks for the update

2007-11-13 Thread Marie
I love the Mayberry updates, but you must be shopping at the dime store 
and bought a few too many questions marks that you dropped onto your 
email before sending. What happened? I know Laura Lee Hobbs bagged them 
correctly. Must have been bagged that new gal Sue Ann McGrath, the one 
Helen wanted Andy to fix up with Warren

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Re: WBMUTBB Digest, Vol 8, Issue 316

2007-11-10 Thread Marie
Bert, whats-his-name, the Milo boys were all in WWI;
Andy & Barney did their part to stop the dreaded Hun; Teddy Roosevelt 
was mentioned; Sam Becker, farmer whose baby Andy delivered was in Korea.
> Since Veterans Day is Monday, I thought we would reflect on veterans in 
> Mayberry. I can think of at least 10 men either seen or spoken of in Mayberry 
> who were veterans. Can anyone name them??
> Mr. Schwamp
Speaking of Sam Becker, he did several season 1 episodes of LITB as Mr. 
Blumgarten. He helped Beaver when Aunt Martha sent him to school in 
short pants and knee socks. Think he was asst. principal or something. 
Maybe janitor.

Yes, "Gold Brick" Wheeler was Uncle Billy but firts he was Cap'n Jack. 
The boys sent off for an alligator from the back of a comic book and 
when he grew too large to keep in the toilet tank Ward had them send it 
to Cap'n Jack's Alligator Farm and there was "Gold Brick" Wheeler.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Being tense

2007-11-06 Thread Marie
How about I give you some of my Aunt Emma's little blue pills? Only cost 
her a dime & I'll let you have 'em for free.

Seriously tho, I would love to see Make Room for Daddy, Donna Reed Show, 
(I wasn't receiving N at Nite when they ran it), Courtship of Eddie's 
father, Petticoat Junction, The Lucy Show (esp early years w/Viv after 
Lucy dumped her kids to move to CA the show went way downhill), Dobie 
Gillis, Mayberry RFD, Family Affair, O & Harriet (esp early years), My 
Three sons (esp ABC Years which are never re-run), Dragnet, Adam-12, & 
others I am sure.

I am sick of their 4 of a kind as it brings you back to the cycle very 
quickly. Seems like Lucy was just living in CT and now she's just given 
birth to Little Ricky. Or Andy was just showing Ellie Walker and now it 
is Helen Crump.

Never watch M*A*S*H, San & Son, Good Times. Rarely watch Archie or The 
Jeffersons. Don't care to see Knight Rider or McGyver, either.
> Sorry to be so tense. I am going to see that new doctor in town ( if he's not 
> out playing golf!), to see if he can give me some calm down pills. Either 
> that or see if Otis might give me a sip of his stuff. 
WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee's Rude

2007-11-05 Thread Marie
I have heard, too, that it was Ron Howard and his children (or his son) 
who wanted to visit Ms. Bavier and she refused, saying "it was not a 
good time".

Perhaps she was ill. Or perhaps she didn't want her neighbours thinking 
"Opie" was visiting "Aunt Bee". Or maybe her house needed a good cleaning.

Either way I find the story of Frances Bavier not being too friendly as 
upsetting as that of Vivian Vance cheering when word came that Wm. 
Frawley had passed on. I like my television stars to all get along.

WBMUTBB mailing list

what about

2007-11-05 Thread Marie
What about Art Crowley's Market and Norman's Grocerteria? I am sure 
their prices are as good as Foley's. Plus, Al's Poultry House would 
likely have your turkeys.

Did the new mayor promise "a chicken in every pot"?

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Flora Johnson's car

2007-11-04 Thread Marie
TVLand did show in the very beginning when Aunt Bee was leaving and she 
said Flora Johnson (Johnston?) or maybe Edwards was leaving her car and 
for Andy to start it up sos the battery wouldn't die out. I remember b/c 
she said Miss Edwards or Johnson (Johnston) & I thought it was Clara 
until Andy called her Flora when speaking to Barney

the start times being 2-3 mins off annoys me too. I like to use TV to 
set my VCR and when a show starts at, say, 8 a.m. I know that by 7:59 
a.m. to have 8:00 a.m. set on menu screen and just have to click menu to 
set it. My TV is always set to TVLand & I couldn't do it that way this time.


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Backin Mayberry

2007-10-28 Thread Marie
well, I am back in Mayberry. Time to make a few decisions about Aunt 
Emma's estate.

For those who don't know my Great Uncle Warren Watson moved into 
Mayberry about 2-3 years ago now. He met and fell in love with Emma 
Brand and she left the house on the lake and moved into town to his 
house, using the lake house occasionally. Uncle Warren passed away 
shortly after the wedding leaving poor Aunt Emma a widow.

She always suffered from poor health but this really brought her down. 
The kind people of Mayberry really rallied around her and her last years 
were happy ones.

Now mama & I have to decide whether we want to keep one of the houses as 
a vacation house or sell them both. And which one do we keep? I like the 
lake house so I can just walk down the hill to go fishing. Mama prefers 
the city house as it was her uncles.

Today we're in the city house with Ms. Clara Edwards, Aunt Bee, Mrs. 
Rev. Tucker, and Thelma Lou sorting through the stuff and deciding what 
to keep, what to toss, and what to donate to the church's rummage sale. 
I know the lady's church league has chosen to send this money to their 
missionaries in Africa & Asia so I hope they make a lot of money.

Thelma Lou, having office experience, is a whiz at keeping us organized. 
She's written down lists of everything we inventory and whether it is 
"to keep", "throw in trash", "donate", or undecided.

Mr Foley gave us empty boxes from his store so we put things in in there 
and the large TV Boxes from Mr. Monroe will require a strong man to life 
if they get filled. too bad ol' Barn is in Raleigh with his cousin 
Virgil, but Aunt promises she can get Andy, Goober, & Otis Campbell to 
assist us.

While I was at Foley's store I was in line behind Bessie Conroy. I had 
no idea that her son Flip played football for the NY Giants. Good for 
him! Mayberry is some kinda proud!

For lunch we had tuna sandwiches made by Aunt Bee and sweet tea made by 
Clara Edwards. Mrs. Tucker baked some little cakes that she says are the 
Rev's favorite for dessert, plus Thelma Lou's cashew fudge.

yesterday while downtown I ran into a woman I could have sworn was Mrs. 
Lukens. you know she has the lingerie shop in town? I thanked her for 
the bed jacket she had Myra Koontz send over to my Aunt Emma when she 
had her last sickness. Turns out her name is Martha and her husband 
Emmett is a fix-it man. She & Mrs. Lukens are twins, tho, hence my  

Oh, remember my last visit, when Mr. Masters was looking for someone to 
be in the musicale and Rafe Hollister wasn't available? I assumed he'd 
been caught moonshining but found out from the ladies that it was more 
serious than that. Seems Mrs. Hollister took real sick and he was 
staying with her at the Mt. Pilot Hospital. Nurse Peggy tried as did old 
doc Andrews and eventually Rafe, who doesn't see a need for doctors, 
convinced her to go in. Some kind of female trouble.

Speaking of Nurse Peggy, I saw her downtown and she had the oddest 
marking on her wrist. I wondered what the red x stood for but politeness 
forbid me from asking. I saw where Opie had one, also. Curious.

Spoke to Goober who'd gotten a letter from Gomer. he's in the marines 
don't ya know. says he has the friendliest  drill Sgt. you'd ever want 
to meet. He & Sgt. Carter are good buddies.  Well I have family in the 
marines but none of them liked their Sgts. Gomer surely lucked out 
getting a nice one like that.

Tonite mom & I will have supper over to the diner. Hope poor old Olive 
is working. Last time I was in town her eldest had won that scholarship 
to nursing school over in Chapel Hill. I wonder how she's doing? I'll 
bet she's doing just fine but will ask Olive when we go for dinner. if 
she's not working Juanita'll know or Flora, that new waitress. haven't 
met her yet.

better go for now. More closets to sort through.


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Tonite's episode

2007-09-19 Thread Marie
Wouldn't it have been nice when Howard was with Andy complaining about 
Millie if Andy had said something like:

"I remember one time w/Opie's maw..." & recounted an early fight they 
had or something to illustrate the point that all couples need a period 
of adjustment.

Now that would have been a scene I wish they had aired.


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Ronny Howard

2007-09-19 Thread Marie
Can you imagine a boy of 6 or so hearing his name every week. knowing he 
was above even adult stars Don Knotts & Frances Bavier? Yet he grew up 
the nicest person and never let it go to his head.

His folks did something right when raising him that I wish more parents did

Marie in SW Louisiana
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Dairies in Mayberry

2007-09-12 Thread Marie
There seem to have been several dairies and the like in Mayberry & the 
surrounding area.

Can someone name them all? There's Mr Frisby the butter & Egg Man who 
was a moonshiner; Orville Hendricks, whom Aunt Bee pretended to date; 
and now this man tonight who drove Dolly around on his deliveries. Did I 
miss any?

Just as doctors seemed to change  names with each mention and 
pharmacies, too, once Walker's left town, seems Dairies also changed names.


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Thelma Lou

2007-09-04 Thread Marie
I assume her last name was Lou. Why not? On That Girl Anne Marie's lats 
name was Marie so why couldn't Thelma Lou's lats name be Lou?

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Thank you kindly

2007-09-04 Thread Marie
I kindly thank whoever posted the link to the Betty Lynn article in the 
Raleigh paper. Or was it Charlotte? I forget.

Anyhow, they had a link to contact the writer of the piece and I 
contacted him via email and gave my opinion of Betty Lynn. Said how she 
was my fave of all the women and why. I went down the list from Cheerio 
Meredith (oldest semi regular woman on the show) to Aneta Corseut (last 
semi-reg. woman to be added before B Lynn's departure). He answered me 
today and promised to forward my email to Ms. Lynn's go-between who will 
see that she gets it.

So thanks again! I hope I made Ms. Lynn happy with my remarks.


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Tom Jacobs

2007-08-16 Thread Marie
For more info on Tom Jacobs has anyone thought of contacting his niece, 
Marlo? or his nephew Tony?

Surely they must know something. Curious how he always was in a small, 
uncredited role. Perhaps he didn't want to be a star and was content to 
allow his big brother the spotlight.


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2007-08-15 Thread Marie
Old Claude Beeman
Young Claude Beeman
Plain Claude Beeman

Tracy whats-his-name who dated Clara Edwards. He cut slits in his shoes

Hogette Winslow, Ernest T's sweetie, dau of Hog Winslow
 Halcyon Loretta (?) Winslow--Beasto Maristo whose daddy tried to marry 
her off to Barney
Phoebe & Lemley Gilbert--Barney took Phoebe to the Blue View
Birdie Blush--Gomer's hunting buddy
Doc Bailey--Arnold's Daddy
The Jasons--Johnny Paul's folks
whats-her-name, the neighbor with the cat, in "Opie the Birdman"
Leon's parents
Flip Conroy's daddy
Floyd's boy Norman who dropped that fly ball
WBMUTBB mailing list

Man in A Hurry did insult Goober

2007-08-08 Thread Marie
bothers me, also. I never did like that part of the episode. besides, we 
all know that only an episode or 2 later Gomer will be the best Mechanic 
in Mayberry, even Wally had to admit such.

> We all know the terrific episode "Man In A Hurry".Many of us, rank it as 
> the number one episode to capture the essence of TAGS.  I'm right there with 
> you.  But there is one troubling aspect of the show, and I'm not talking 
> about how the man walking into to town, right up to the Taylors coming out 
> of church and addresses Sheriff Taylor by name..
> What really troubles me is the scene when Gomer brings the car back and 
> won't take money for the repairs and is so proud of the work he and Goober 
> have done get it running smooth as silk---  Then the man has a change of 
> heart and decides to stay with the Taylors...and of course I'm happy that he 
> didbut they present it as because the car isn't running right.  Gomer is 
> sure its okbut is so polite he won't argue that its running smooth.  I 
> just feel bad for Gomer in that scene.  He seems so confused that he and 
> Goob had it running right, only to be told its not..Even for a good 
> cause that aspect of the episode has always tugged at my heart.  I wish 
> Gomer could have been more confident of himself like he was in "Citizen's 
> Arrest" when he told Barney to "go up an alley and holler FISH!"
> Anyone else ever bothered by that aspect of "Man In A Hurry"?  Believe me, I 
> love the episode and rank it at or near the top.just curious about that 
> little part of it.
> Dennis
> "Boy Giraffes Are Selfish..."

WBMUTBB mailing list

Stoner v Pike for mayor

2007-07-25 Thread Marie
How I vote in this upcoming election is my business and no one else's. 
So don't ask.

I think I can say, tho, without fear of reprisal that I'm for Sheriff 
Taylor all the way. Just had "set" down for dinner lats night when we 
hear this noise coming through town--a big van with a loudspeaker on top 
imploring me & all of Mayberry to vote Fife for sheriff. No thank you!

Barney's an excellent deputy but Andy's my man. Always has been; always 
will be. My Aunt Emma felt the same way


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thank you for Mr Schwump

2007-07-19 Thread Marie
That is the best story yet and ITA that must be how it is. Couldn't have 
been any other way

WBMUTBB mailing list

Malcolm's Hometown

2007-07-16 Thread Marie
Andy Griffith Show Book spells it Heckmondwike and I found this: 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckmondwike It is a real town!

Malcolm Merriweather 
- A fictional character played by Bernard Fox 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Fox> on "The Andy Griffith Show 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Andy_Griffith_Show>", a U.S. 
television series, was from Heckmondwike.

WBMUTBB mailing list

my day in Mayberry

2007-07-09 Thread Marie
I was in town visiting this weekend. I feel badly that I didn't visit 
more often when Aunt Emma was alive but I just never seemed to find the 
time. Her house on the lake sold right quickly, & I was sad to see it 
go. She did love that house she inherited from her paw, Oscar Brand. The 
city house was where she lived so long with my uncle, Wilbur Watson.

I stayed in the Mayberry Motel. John Masters was busy planning the next 
musicale. He didn't come right out and say it, but I suspect Rafe 
Hollister's moonshinin' again b/c John was looking for a good singer to 
take his place. He's thinking Gomer, but he has to hold tryouts just to 
be fair. Barney's got that throat spray Mrs. Poultice recommends so I 
reckon he's gonna audition again.

After breakfast in the hotel restaurant--3 pancakes, link sausages, and 
coffee I went for a walk downtown. I ran into Lydia and caught up on the 
news. She offered to take me to that out of the way art market in Mt. 
Pilot. Trust me, they didn't have anything I'd buy.

I did find a record store and bought Hippy Harrison's latest. When we 
got back into town we ran into Aunt Bee and Ms. Clara & you could have 
knocked me over with a feather when Clara Edwards showed a keen interest 
in that album. I never knew she liked rockabilly music, until she showed 
me the liner notes. Her brother plays piano in the band. I offered to 
sell it to her for what I'd paid but she said she'd get one next time 
she was in Mt. Pilot.

When Floyd heard I'd come in on the New Orleans bus he just had to show 
me the courthouse. I was happy to oblige because I wanted Andy & Barney 
to know how much Aunt Emma loved them. She appreciated how they looked 
out for her. Barney seemed esp. touched when I told him how sometimes 
she jaywalked on purpose just for an excuse to say hello to him.

Once outside Little Leon offered me a bite of his Peanut Butter & Jelly 
sandwich but I declined, opting instead to go to the drug store for the 
businessman's special of a hollowed out tomato with avocado and raisins. 
Even tho Fred Walker retired, the new owner, Mr. Crawford,  is still 
doing things the way I remembered. Howard Sprague sat at the other end 
of the counter having lunch with his mother. They looked quite involved 
so I left them alone. For dessert I had a cruller from Boysinger's Bakery.

I saw old Jud and Chester Jones "that two-faced cheatin' liar" playing 
checkers down near the courthouse building. Looked like Jud was winning.

I went by Weaver's but even on sale his prices were a bit more than I 
could spend on vacation. Laura lee had some great items on sale at the 
dime store and I bought a couple post cards to send to the folks back home.

Then to Pearson's Sweet Shop for some lemon drops. Mama surely does love 
those as did Aunt Emma. I see they movie house is showing that new Glenn 
Ford picture. I hear it's a good one.

I saw lots of signs in business windows--Pike or Stoner for mayor. Most 
had a sign for each candidate in their window and all had signs 
promoting Andy Taylor for Sheriff. He'd surely get my vote if I lived in 

Oh yes, the big news, ya know Olive, down at the diner? the widow 
raising 4 young 'uns? Heard that her oldest won a  full scholarship to 
that nursing school over to Chapel Hill. Isn't that great? Juanita & 
Flora are heading up the fund to raise money for incidentals. 
Scholarship doesn't cover dorm fees, clothes, books, etc.

Tonight's special at the diner is Chicken Croquettes so I think I'll 
head to Morelli's for the pounded steak. Laura Lee & Lydia plan to join 
me for a girls night out or maybe we'll go for Chinese if Lydia can't 
have Italian.

It'll have to be an early night, tho as I have to get back home. 
Mayberry surely is a nice little town & the folks are so friendly, too. 
Y'all stop by when you're in the area.

WBMUTBB mailing list

Aunt Bee's Mexican Trip

2007-06-26 Thread Marie
Since when is Myrtle her 2nd best friend? If they had to build a 
conflict they could have made the third one "Mizz Larch" tho the actress 
may have been busy filming "Hazel" that week or Tillie who was on Ms. 
Clara's side in the Rose competition. I don't remember ever seeing this 
Myrtle before today. And http://starturl.com/Mayberry says it is her 
only appearance

Mrs Edna Larch has 5 appearances and 2 actresses in the role. Tillie 
Kincaid is in "Only a Rose" & "Politics Begin at Home"

I think these would be better choices as third friend, don't you?

As to toilets on TV Here is what IMDB had to say about Beaver & the 
bathroom: This was in a way the first show to show a toilet and in a way 
it also wasn't. They didn't actually show the toilet pedestal and seat, 
but they did show the toilet tank and flush handle. and  
http://www.leaveittobeaver.org/faq.htm says: ... Mosher and Connelly 
broke new TV ground with LITB as the first program to show a toilet...

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TAGS Alumni sighting

2007-06-24 Thread Marie
Today's episode of _The Beverly Hillbillies_ has Cousin Pearl practicing 
her singing. Every time she sets to yodeling, Ellie Mae's dogs come 
barging into the parlor and start to howling by jumping on her.

Pearl had enough of that & wanted to get rid of the dogs. Jed showed her 
each dog one by one so she could decide which one was vicious. Each one 
was cuter than the next so of course none were vicious. Well, I'd swear 
one of them was the little trembly one Opie brought home in Dogs Dogs Dogs

Nice to know he had a career in more than one TV show.

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TVLand Promo

2007-06-22 Thread Marie
who else agrees with me about the "Jail promo? After Laura Ingalls asks 
Paw "what's it like in jail?" we should see Barney saying "No more PB 
sandwiches, etc" It fits better than "Shakedown!" I don't recall the 
image used so maybe they chose "Shakedown!" b/c it was a close up of 
Barney or maybe b/c of the length.

Still, the longer speech seems a better  choice to me.


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Mayor Stoner

2007-06-21 Thread Marie
> Juanita will be cooking for me the next few days while Mrs. Stoner is in New 
> York.
> Regards, and vote Stoner
> The Honorable Mayor Stoner
> "Civics is my major"
Sorry but I've been a Pike man since before I could vote. Mayor Pike 
should be mayor, now and for always. :-D :-D :-D

I also voted Ellie Walker for city council


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2007-06-17 Thread Marie
http://pdmdb.org/content.asp?CatId=249&ContentType= has a list of all 
TAGS episodes that are "out there" in public domain. This means that any 
TV station can air them and not pay Paramount, right?

Does anybody know why these episodes are public domain and not the rest 
of the series?

The list of shows include: Andy Discovers America; Barney's Firts Car; 
The Loaded Goat; The Darlings are Coming;  Dogs, Dogs, Dogs; High Noon 
in Mayberry, & The Big House so it covers seasons 2 & 3.

Who does get paid every time the show is aired? Paramount? Andy? Danny 
Thomas's heirs? Thanks,


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2 TAGS sightings

2007-06-14 Thread Marie
Two TAGS alumni on "The Lucy Show" recently. The firts was Hal Smith, 
aka Otis Campbell.

Lucy & Mr. Mooney had gone to this small town b/c his bank was financing 
a freeway thru town. Hal was head of the planning commission so they 
were surprised to find him marching in the parade to protest the 
freeway. "I'm in the band. Play the tuba. Can't have a band without a tuba"

Then also in "The Lucy Show" Sheldon Leonard came in b/c he was 
producing a new TV show & wanted Mr. Mooney's okay to use the bank for 
filming. Mooney recalled when Sheldon played all those gangsters & 
commented that now he was a TV producer and began naming the shows: 
"Real McCoys, I Spy, etc." Sheldon replies "You left out The Andy 
Griffith Show & Gomer Pyle"

Later Lucy sees Sheldon and group in the bank, recognizes him from his 
gangster movies and decides they're going to rob the bank (sound 
familiar? Substitute Barney & Gomer for Lucy & Mary Jane) so she decides 
to catch them red handed.

Eventually her mistake is corrected & she runs down the list of shows he 
produces. Again Sheldon has the line "You forgot The Andy Griffith Show" 
& "Gomer Pyle, USMC".


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HAL SMITH sighting

2007-06-04 Thread Marie

on today's episode of The Lucy Show I saw Hal Smith. Mr. Mooney wanted 
to build a freeway down the middle of Main Street Bancroft, CA. He & 
Lucy went down to check it out and were surprised to find the head of 
the planning committee (Hal Smith, Otis Campbell) marching in the parade 
that was protesting the freeway. He's the only one to play the tuba and 
"you can't have a marching band without a tuba."

Nice to see Hal in a non drunk part for a change

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Otis sighting

2007-06-04 Thread Marie


on today's episode of The Lucy Show I saw Hal Smith. Mr. Mooney wanted 
to build a freeway down the middle of Main Street Bancroft, CA. He & 
Lucy went down to check it out and were surprised to find the head of 
the planning committee (Hal Smith, Otis Campbell) marching in the parade 
that was protesting the freeway. He's the only one to play the tuba and 
"you can't have a marching band without a tuba."

Nice to see Otis in a non drunk part for a change

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desserts by aunt bee

2007-05-31 Thread Marie
Aunt Bee was known for her Nesslerode Pie (the visiting professor's fave 
and she made it just like his late wife did. Andy's fave was, I think, 
Pumpkin pie a ala mode and once she made blueberry pie which Opie fed to 
baby Evie Joy. Homemade strawberry ice cream she made once. Thelma Lou 
made peach ice cream and walnut brownies and pecan brownies. Oh and the 
famous Cashew fudge.

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Ruta Lee on High Rollers

2007-05-30 Thread Marie
OMG! I thought I was the only one who remembered that game show. Didn't 
you have to remove numbers from a board when you threw the dice?

I hope you got to keep your prizes and didn't have to sell them to pay 
the income taxes.

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2007-05-27 Thread Marie
Anybody have an address where I can send Jim Nabors a Get well card? 
http://jimnabors.com/ has a Guest book but it won't let me in w/o a 
password & username and I don't have either one.

 Please let me know so I can mail the card


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Allan Melvin

2007-05-20 Thread Marie
The episode where Andy & Barney went to Raleigh (the big city) he played 
the Hotel Detective. Barney thought he was a crook and teamed up with 
the real crook to catch him. LOL!

So, yes, he was a former cop turned house detective.


>>> >>>And the newlywed husband - he has a recurring role in a lot of TAGS 
> Tom that was Allen Melvin
> You are correct he played 7-8 different roles *(never a policeman I don't 
> think)*  including a Marine Recruiter, a couple different Escaped Prisoners,  
> a bully as a Vegetable Farmer and  Fred Plummer (grocery employee) and former 
> boyfriend of Millie,  A Car Fraud accomplice (with Mrs. Lesch) and the one 
> you mentioned.  Later he was Sgt Hacker on GP
> USMC and Sam the Butcher on Brady Bunch
> The Untrained Voice  

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selling items on the Digest

2007-05-16 Thread Marie
So laura Lee Hobbs can't try and sell us the latest Mayberry postcards 
or summer flip flops and beach towels from the dime store? :-D LOL!
> ...
> I just want to make sure everyone is aware of the "rules" here and folks 
> don't think we're running a 5 and dime.   :) 
> -Allan

WBMUTBB mailing list

selling items on the Digest

2007-05-16 Thread Marie
So laura Lee Hobbs can't try and sell us the latest Mayberry postcards 
or summer flip flops and beach towels from the dime store? :-D LOL!
> I am NOT saying anybody here is running an eBay store or trying to sale 
> multiple things.
> I just want to make sure everyone is aware of the "rules" here and folks 
> don't think we're running a 5 and dime.   :) 
> -Allan

WBMUTBB mailing list

moms in Mayberry

2007-05-12 Thread Marie
My all time fave Mayberry mom was the late Mrs. Taylor b/c without her 
there would be no Opie. "Does Aunt Bee have the same deep down kind of 
love that you & mom had?"

That, I believe, was the only reference to her in the entire series 
unlike "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" where Eddie's mother was 
mentioned at least once in nearly every episode.

Happy Mother's day to you & yours,

WBMUTBB mailing list

Re: Question regarding the episode in which Opie is in love

2007-05-11 Thread Marie
I believe he said your son & *heir *not air. They do sound alike, tho.
http://www.winzy.com/Cajunlady <http://www.winzy.com/f/Cajunlady>
> Hey Everyone,
>   I have a TAGS episode question for you.  My husband and I have watched this 
> episode over and over but cannot decipher what Barney is saying when he's 
> sweeping the floor, looking out the window and sees Opie and Miss Crump 
> walking down the street together.
>   It sounds as though he's saying "Well, your son an air, walking hand in 
> hand"... "Well things were sure different when we were in school, yeah, 
> remember 

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