[web2py] Re: DAL Limitations with aggregate and union queries

2012-02-09 Thread BrendanC
Thanks (belatedly) for your valuable  contribution and  your test results. 
 The only thing missing from your test is contention for database 
resources/connections and that is what prompted my initial question. In the 
past I worked on a client server application where we had performance 
issues re  getting and releasing database connections (this was against a 
heavily used clinical trials Oracle database). 

I'm very clear on the value of adding indexes to the database - however 
that is a bit tangential to my initial question - which was primarily 
focused on understanding the limitations/boundaries of using the DAL and 
connection management. 

I'm curious about your statement that the DAL will always use the same 
connection. My understanding is that the DAL closes and reopens the 
database connection for each request.  Whether it's the same connection or 
not may not matter -  once you close a db connection it goes back into the 
pool and you may/may not incur a delay in opening new connection. (In a 
lightly loaded system you may never see this issue however).

I was under the impression that minimizing db connections was desirable to 
prevent thrashing. In the real world this may no longer be an issue. I do 
however recall this being an issue in the past and it's something that is 
seldom mentioned in Web development. 

Finally, just so there is no confusion here - I'm not criticizing web2py or 
the DAL here - my question is equally valid for Rails, Django etc - afaik 
all these frameworks close and reopen connections for each request. 

Again thanks for your thoughtful response to my initial question. 


[web2py] Re: restricting the options in drop-down menu based on another drop-down menu value

2012-02-09 Thread shartha
Thanks Bruce and Anthony! I have to see which method is easier for me
to understand! =)

On Feb 9, 7:31 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> Seehttp://stackoverflow.com/a/8152910/440323
> On Thursday, February 9, 2012 7:53:27 PM UTC-5, shartha wrote:
> > Let's say the model has three tables, called country, cities and
> > customers that are defined like:
> > db.define_table('continents',
> >    Field('name'),
> > )
> > db.define_table('countries',
> >    Field('name'),
> >    Field('continent', db.continents),
> > )
> > db.define_table('customers',
> >    Field('name'),
> >    Field('country', db.countries),
> >    Field('continent', db.continents),
> > )
> > Now if I check the "Database Administration", how can I set up the
> > customers table such that when  I am inserting a record in the
> > customers table, if I select a country, the continent the country is
> > in is automatically selected?
> > Under another scenario, imagine we first select the continent, then
> > the country and then enter the name of the customer, how can I set up
> > the model such that when the continent is selected, only the countries
> > in that particular continent are available to be selected?
> > I am imagining that the counties and continents in the customers table
> > and the countries table are drop-down menus.
> > Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! =)

[web2py] debugging

2012-02-09 Thread shartha
I found some older posts on how to debug using web2py.py. Such file
doesn't exist in newer versions. How can you debug an application in
web2py in the current version?

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] model less apps (a blog example)

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Ok so I came up with a little bit of a different approach then you have, it
seems to be working for me. I did this pretty fast so it will require some

First create a module:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8
from gluon import *

class TestMe(object):

def __init__(self, db):
self.db = db
self.T = current.T
self.auth = current.session.auth
self.tablename = "test_me"


def define_tables(self):
if self.tablename not in self.db.tables:
table = self.db.define_table(self.tablename,

def save_form(self, form_data):

def get_form(self):
return FORM(
LABEL(self.T('Secret Question'), _for="secret"),
INPUT(_type="text", _name="secret", _id="secret",
requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=self.T('please enter a secret
LABEL(self.T('Secret Answer'), _for="answer"),
INPUT(_type="text", _name="answer", _id="answer",
requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_message=self.T('please enter a secret
INPUT(_type="submit", _value="Save Secret", _id="save")

Next create a controller to test:
# coding: utf8
# try something like
def index():
from test import TestMe
secret = TestMe(db)
secret_form = secret.get_form()

if secret_form.accepts(request,session):
session.flash = T("Your secret was saved")

return dict(form=secret_form)

Finally create a view:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
This is an example of TestMe

Now you can view the form, save, get errors etc... but if you go to
appadmin the database table wont show up.

To fix this edit appadmin.py:
from test import TestMe
testme = TestMe(db)

Now the database table is only ever created if it isn't in the db.tables
object, and you can use it per action, and in appadmin.


On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Bruce Wade  wrote:

> Actually just tested the same problem happens with all datamodels I
> created and try to save from using appadmin.
> appadmin.py:
> from myapp import MyApp
> app = MyApp()
> auth = app.auth
> #from datamodel.post import Post as PostModel
> from datamodel.user import UserAccount
> from datamodel.dist import Distributor
> from datamodel.lang import Language
> db = app.db([UserAccount, Distributor, Language])
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File 
> "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/gluon/restricted.py", 
> line 204, in restricted
> exec ccode in environment
>   File 
> "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/applications/welcome/controllers/appadmin.py"
>  , line 
> 444, in 
>   File 
> "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/gluon/globals.py", 
> line 172, in 
> self._caller = lambda f: f()
>   File 
> "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/applications/welcome/controllers/appadmin.py"
>  , line 
> 139, in insert
> if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>   File 
> "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/gluon/sqlhtml.py", 
> line 1267, in accepts
> self.vars.id = self.table.insert(**fields)
>   File "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/gluon/dal.py", 
> line 5597, in insert
> return self._db._adapter.insert(self,self._listify(fields))
>   File "/home/bruce/Development/bossteam_dev/projects/yaw_dev/gluon/dal.py", 
> line 914, in insert
> raise e
> OperationalError: no such table: user_account
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Bruce Wade  wrote:
>> Ok thanks that makes things clear.
>> I am having another issue:
>> from gluon.dal import Field
>> from basemodel import BaseModel
>> from gluon.validators import IS_NOT_EMPTY, IS_NOT_IN_DB
>> from gluon import current
>> class Language(BaseModel):
>> tablename = "languages"
>> def set_properties(self):
>> T = current.T
>> self.fields = [
>> Field('code'),
>> Field('language')
>> ]
>> self.validators = {
>> 'code': [IS_NOT_EMPTY(), IS_NOT_IN_DB(self.db,
>> 'Language.code')]
>> }
>> self.lables = {
>> 'code': T('code'),
>> 'language': T('Language')
>> }
>> When saving I get the error the table languages does not exist. For the
>> validator I have tried: 'languages.code', 'Language.code',
>> self.db.languages.code, self.db.Language.code, self.entity.code. 

[web2py] nginx/uwsgi setup script for webfaction

2012-02-09 Thread Richard Penman
someone created a nice script for setting up web2py with nginx and uwsgi on 

Works well. Hopefully gets officially supported by webfaction.

[web2py] Re: DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
open a ticket, this can be done. I like the idea of passing a

On Feb 9, 3:14 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> I've been thinking about something like this as well. Instead of a separate
> select_raw() method, maybe we can just add a raw=True|False argument to the
> existing select() method. I like the namedtuple idea as well (I think some
> adapters already provide that as an option -- e.g., psycopg2).
> Anthony
> On Thursday, February 9, 2012 3:04:41 PM UTC-5, nick name wrote:
> > Yes, that is the basis of what I am suggesting.
> > There is not currently such a thing; there is something called
> > 'select_raw' implemented in the GoogleDataStore adapter, but not in
> > anything else, and it isn't exactly what I am proposing.
> > To elaborate:
> > Assume the table is defined as follows:
> >     reftable = db.define_table('reftable', Field('a', string))
> >     table = db.define_table('table', Field('b', reftable))
> > In my case, I need to pull all the records (60,000) from the database to
> > compute some aggregation which I cannot compute using sql. There are two
> > alternatives here:
> >     r1 = db().select(table.ALL) # takes > 6 seconds
> >     r2 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL)) # takes ~0.1sec
> > The records returned in the first instance are much richer; they have
> > record chasing (e.g. I can do r1[0].b.a to select through the foreign key),
> > they have methods like r1[0].update_record() and r1[0].delete_record(), and
> > other nice stuff.
> > However, for this use, I don't need the additional records, and I do need
> > the speed, so I would rather use r2. However, r2 is not a direct
> > replacement -- it doesn't have the column names. If I use
> >     r3 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), as_dict=True) # still takes
> > ~0.1sec
> > I can do r3[0]['b'] but I cannot do r3[0].b; and it takes a lot more
> > memory than r2.
> > A suggestion: add another parameter, processor=... which, if available,
> > will be called with the db.connection.cursor, returning a function, through
> > which each routine will be passed; example
> > def named_tuple_process(name, description):
> >    from collections import namedtuple
> >    fields = ' '.join([x[0] for x in description])
> >    return namedtuple(name, fields)
> >     r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), process=lambda x:
> > named_tuple_process('tablerec', x))
> > r4[0].b # will now work; not a full replacement, but good enough for many
> > uses.
> > In fact, you can do that externally -
> > r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL))
> > f = named_tuple_process('tablerec', db._adapter.cursor.description)
> > r4 = [f(x) for x in r4]
> > But this requires reaching into the internals of the db adapter.
> > Finally, I propose to define x.raw_select(*args) to do:
> > db.executesql(x._select(*args))
> > which would make this a relatively clean replacement.

[web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
open a ticket. this should be added

On Feb 9, 11:42 am, Richard Vézina 
> Is it just me ?
> db(query).count(cache=(cache.ram, 60))
> Won't work...
> I get :
> TypeError: count() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'
> Richard
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Anthony  wrote:
> > I can think of two ways to do it, but I don't like either one.  First
> >> is to formulate the query without the limitby clause and do a
> >> db(query).count().  That would give me the total number of records in
> >> the set.  Then add the limitby clause to the query to get the records
> >> of interest.
> > FYI, I think this is how SQLFORM.grid does it.
> > Anthony

[web2py] Re: Script to generate schema (models) from mysql

2012-02-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro

On Feb 9, 9:29 am, KMax  wrote:
> Hi
> I was trying to create model/db.py for RequestTracker mysql schema, and was
> fail.
> I found quite good plugin_legacymysql and fixed for my needs
>    - added few types
>    - remove 'SET' lines same as remarks
>    - mysql data types without params (like text,)
>    - import form_factory from sqlhtml
> Please find fixed py attached.
> Thanks
>  plugin_legacymysql.py
> 5KViewDownload

[web2py] Re: How to upload the file through the controller in uploads folder and insert them into database

2012-02-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
assuming db.submit_compliance.document.type=='upload'


On Feb 9, 1:55 am, Sanjeet Kumar  wrote:
>  def create():
>         import os
>         filepath = os.path.join(request.folder,'uploads')
>         form = FORM(TABLE(TR("Compliance 
> Activity:",INPUT(_type="text",_name="activity",requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY(error_ 
> message='Please Enter the Activity'))),
> TR("Document:",INPUT(_type="file",_name="fileupload",requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY( 
> error_message='Please Select the file you want to Upload'))),
>         TR("",INPUT(_type="submit",_value="SUBMIT" 
>         if form.accepts(request.vars, session):
>                 session.activity = form.vars.activity
>                 session.fileupload = form.vars.fileupload.filename
> db.submit_compliance_detail.insert(compliance_activity=session.activity,com 
> pliance_manager='themisde...@gmail.com',compliance_owner=auth.user.email,document=session.fileupload)
>                 response.flash = 'uploaded'
>         return dict(form=form)

[web2py] Re: session2trash doesn't work with separate=True

2012-02-09 Thread Massimo Di Pierro
please open a ticket.

On Feb 8, 11:59 pm, VP  wrote:
> with this option:   session.connect(request, response, separate=True)
> session2trash script crashed (it couldn't unlink directories).
> Can someone fix this?  Thanks.

Re: [web2py] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Yes you are correct, I was wrong in that statement. I just looked it up.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Cliff  wrote:

> Anthony, thank you.  I appreciate the update.
> Bruce, of course you can sell the code.  There is nothing in the GPL
> to stop anyone from downloading the Red Hat source, stripping out the
> Red Hat copyrighted materials such as logos and trademarks, inserting
> my own trade dress, compiling the result and selling DVDs of it on the
> street for whatever I can get for them.
> You can always redistribute, as the GPL is designed to protect the
> freedom to share.  Whether you charge money or not is up to you.
> On Feb 9, 8:28 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> > > I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some
> > > statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As
> > > of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD
> > > accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or
> > > two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big
> > > swing in the intervening time.
> >
> > > You can read more about it here:
> > >http://www.blackducksoftware.com/news/releases/2009-06-30
> >
> > According to the latest data (
> http://osrc.blackducksoftware.com/data/licenses/index.php), there has in
> > fact been a trend toward the more permissive licences (i.e., BSD, MIT,
> > Apache, etc.), which now account for at least 26% of projects, with GPL
> > dropping to only 57%. I think it also varies by type of software -- for
> > example, at least in the Python and Ruby web development world, I think
> > most frameworks and related tools tend to have permissive licenses like
> > and MIT. GPL might be more common for end-user software.
> >
> > Anthony

Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Cliff
Anthony, thank you.  I appreciate the update.

Bruce, of course you can sell the code.  There is nothing in the GPL
to stop anyone from downloading the Red Hat source, stripping out the
Red Hat copyrighted materials such as logos and trademarks, inserting
my own trade dress, compiling the result and selling DVDs of it on the
street for whatever I can get for them.

You can always redistribute, as the GPL is designed to protect the
freedom to share.  Whether you charge money or not is up to you.

On Feb 9, 8:28 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> > I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some
> > statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As
> > of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD
> > accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or
> > two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big
> > swing in the intervening time.
> > You can read more about it here:
> >http://www.blackducksoftware.com/news/releases/2009-06-30
> According to the latest data 
> (http://osrc.blackducksoftware.com/data/licenses/index.php), there has in
> fact been a trend toward the more permissive licences (i.e., BSD, MIT,
> Apache, etc.), which now account for at least 26% of projects, with GPL
> dropping to only 57%. I think it also varies by type of software -- for
> example, at least in the Python and Ruby web development world, I think
> most frameworks and related tools tend to have permissive licenses like BSD
> and MIT. GPL might be more common for end-user software.
> Anthony

[web2py] Re: option to move smartgrid buttons to the left side

2012-02-09 Thread Adi
Thanks Peter... still looking, and tried even some other applications, with 
original css, but didn't manage to scroll horizontally. If anyone has any 
ideas, please share :) 

Having an option to have buttons either on the left or right side, was just 
a suggestion... Our Customer Service and Call Center agents move quickly 
from order to order, and need many fields (name, phone #, several dates, 
etc) up front in smartgrid, so buttons get pushed into the scrolling area. 
It would help having them on the left, but there are other bigger things to 
finalize now :) What's impressive is how much can be accomplished through 
grid and smartgrid. Fantastic core component of the framework! 

Anyway, thanks for your help.


[web2py] Re: restricting the options in drop-down menu based on another drop-down menu value

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
See http://stackoverflow.com/a/8152910/440323

On Thursday, February 9, 2012 7:53:27 PM UTC-5, shartha wrote:
> Let's say the model has three tables, called country, cities and 
> customers that are defined like: 
> db.define_table('continents', 
> ) 
> db.define_table('countries', 
>Field('continent', db.continents), 
> ) 
> db.define_table('customers', 
>Field('country', db.countries), 
>Field('continent', db.continents), 
> ) 
> Now if I check the "Database Administration", how can I set up the 
> customers table such that when  I am inserting a record in the 
> customers table, if I select a country, the continent the country is 
> in is automatically selected? 
> Under another scenario, imagine we first select the continent, then 
> the country and then enter the name of the customer, how can I set up 
> the model such that when the continent is selected, only the countries 
> in that particular continent are available to be selected? 
> I am imagining that the counties and continents in the customers table 
> and the countries table are drop-down menus. 
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! =)

[web2py] The web2py version

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade

I know I have been posting a lot of questions in this group, here is why:

The port is about 90% complete now after 1.5 months of work :D

Have removed 100s of lines of code in some parts of the application. Let me
know what you think so far. The database is just junk data right now.

Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some 
> statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As 
> of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD 
> accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or 
> two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big 
> swing in the intervening time. 
> You can read more about it here:  
> http://www.blackducksoftware.com/news/releases/2009-06-30 

According to the latest data (
http://osrc.blackducksoftware.com/data/licenses/index.php), there has in 
fact been a trend toward the more permissive licences (i.e., BSD, MIT, 
Apache, etc.), which now account for at least 26% of projects, with GPL 
dropping to only 57%. I think it also varies by type of software -- for 
example, at least in the Python and Ruby web development world, I think 
most frameworks and related tools tend to have permissive licenses like BSD 
and MIT. GPL might be more common for end-user software.


Re: [web2py] restricting the options in drop-down menu based on another drop-down menu value

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
You have to do this with Javascript

That is how I am handling the situation where select a continent only the
countries for that continent show in the select box.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:53 PM, shartha  wrote:

> Let's say the model has three tables, called country, cities and
> customers that are defined like:
> db.define_table('continents',
>   Field('name'),
> )
> db.define_table('countries',
>   Field('name'),
>   Field('continent', db.continents),
> )
> db.define_table('customers',
>   Field('name'),
>   Field('country', db.countries),
>   Field('continent', db.continents),
> )
> Now if I check the "Database Administration", how can I set up the
> customers table such that when  I am inserting a record in the
> customers table, if I select a country, the continent the country is
> in is automatically selected?
> Under another scenario, imagine we first select the continent, then
> the country and then enter the name of the customer, how can I set up
> the model such that when the continent is selected, only the countries
> in that particular continent are available to be selected?
> I am imagining that the counties and continents in the customers table
> and the countries table are drop-down menus.
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! =)

Bruce Wade

[web2py] restricting the options in drop-down menu based on another drop-down menu value

2012-02-09 Thread shartha
Let's say the model has three tables, called country, cities and
customers that are defined like:


   Field('continent', db.continents),

   Field('country', db.countries),
   Field('continent', db.continents),

Now if I check the "Database Administration", how can I set up the
customers table such that when  I am inserting a record in the
customers table, if I select a country, the continent the country is
in is automatically selected?

Under another scenario, imagine we first select the continent, then
the country and then enter the name of the customer, how can I set up
the model such that when the continent is selected, only the countries
in that particular continent are available to be selected?

I am imagining that the counties and continents in the customers table
and the countries table are drop-down menus.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! =)

[web2py] Re: Customize SQLFORM.grid

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Never mind figured it out.
types = {
  'bp': 'Product Bonus',
  'sb': 'Sponsor Bonus',
db.cash_journal.transaction_type.represent = lambda transaction_type,row:
ucashHistoryGrid = SQLFORM.grid(
paginate=10, deletable=False, editable=False, details=False,
csv=True, formname='ucash-history',

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 2:35 PM, Bruce Wade  wrote:

> Hi,
> In the old framework I would just query the database and loop through the
> values manually creating the HTML table etc...
> Which allows me to do something like this:
> types = {
>   'bp': 'Product Bonus',
>   'sb': 'Sponsor Bonus',
> }
> for row in rows:
>  Type
>  types[row.type]
> Is there a way to use SQLFORM.grid and tell it to display a dictionary
> value based on the key stored in the database?
> --
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Wade
> http://ca.linkedin.com/in/brucelwade
> http://www.wadecybertech.com
> http://www.warplydesigned.com
> http://www.fitnessfriendsfinder.com

Bruce Wade

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Making money off the code, meaning you can't go sell the code. With BSD
code you can.

I said a lot of people, I didn't say MORE people. With BSD there is also a
lot of people using it that don't announce they are using the BSD based

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Cliff  wrote:

> I think it's good for people to advocate for their license
> preferences.
> I also think the discussion should be based on facts, so I would like
> to offer some observations about statements that make me
> uncomfortable.
> > The freedom in software also comes the freedom of choice, to either give
> > back or not, that is why a lot of people prefer the BSD thinking over the
> > GPL thinking.
> I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some
> statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As
> of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD
> accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or
> two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big
> swing in the intervening time.
> You can read more about it here:
> http://www.blackducksoftware.com/news/releases/2009-06-30
> If there is later data that shows otherwise I would be happy to see
> it.
> > GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code...
> No.  If this were anywhere close to true there would be mobs of angry
> kernel developers protesting the activities of companies like Red Hat
> and IBM, both companies making tons of money off GPL code.  Got any?
> Also, if there is any credible evidence that any author of the GPL has
> made a statement like that I would be happy to see it.
> On Feb 9, 2:34 pm, Bruce Wade  wrote:
> > I can see your point even though I don't 100% agree with it. I write most
> > of my code opensource, however I also have been writing software for a
> > living for around 14 years so sometimes we don't have the choice between
> > open and closed source.
> >
> > We also can't expect only people interested in free software development
> to
> > use our software. Considering as you just said the software is there for
> > others to use and if they add more features faster then you and don't
> give
> > you the features you also can't get upset. Also sharing code and sharing
> > knowledge are not always one and the same.
> >
> > The freedom in software also comes the freedom of choice, to either give
> > back or not, that is why a lot of people prefer the BSD thinking over the
> > GPL thinking.
> >
> > BSD = Doesn't care if someone makes money off their code or not, they
> just
> > want people using their code. They also have the choice to release their
> > code or not.
> > GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code and forces people
> to
> > recommit their code. This is good because everyone gets the code, bad
> > because you don't have a choice.
> >
> > I am more of a BSD thinker.
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Wikus van de Merwe <
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > dupakrop...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > What I see you are trying to say is that by keeping the code secret one
> > > gains a temporary advantage over the competition. That might be true.
> But
> > > this is the way of thinking coming from the proprietary software
> > > philosophy. How much will I loose by making the software free? If this
> is
> > > your line of thinking, then maybe writing free software is not what you
> > > want to do.
> >
> > > Because at the core of the free software movement is a believe, that
> > > sharing the code would make the world better. Free software is not
> here to
> > > make us rich. Is not here to make our software easy to (ab)use by
> business.
> > > It is here to preserve out freedoms. It represent an ethical view that
> > > sharing knowledge is more important than making money. If you don't
> agree
> > > with that, then the free software is probably not for you.
> >
> > > Everyone writing free software should understand that the old business
> > > models of proprietary software based on secrecy doesn't apply here. The
> > > value is in the collaborative effort to improve the shared code. It
> > > shouldn't bother you when somebody else builds on your code and gets
> ahead
> > > of you in terms of features, because this is what you wanted when you
> > > decided to write the free software! Instead of complaining that this
> puts
> > > you out of the business you should rather seek for opportunities to
> > > collaborate and write more code together which would be good for the
> > > business too. And if you want to compete, compete in solving new
> problems
> > > (not the ones that have been already solved, there is no need to
> duplicate
> > > the works of others) and charge your customers for doing that.
> >
> > > Now, don't get me wrong. I admit it is not as easy to build a business
> > > around the free software as it is in case of proprietary software. But
> it
> > > is not impossible or even especial

[web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Cliff
I think it's good for people to advocate for their license

I also think the discussion should be based on facts, so I would like
to offer some observations about statements that make me

> The freedom in software also comes the freedom of choice, to either give
> back or not, that is why a lot of people prefer the BSD thinking over the
> GPL thinking.

I don't know what is meant by "a lot of people."  But there are some
statistics that seem to indicate a lot more people prefer the GPL.  As
of June 2009, the GPL licenses accounted for ~ 65% usage.  BSD
accounted for 6.3.  Now I realize that's more than 30 months ago, or
two centuries in internet years.  Still, I doubt there has been a big
swing in the intervening time.

You can read more about it here:  

If there is later data that shows otherwise I would be happy to see

> GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code...

No.  If this were anywhere close to true there would be mobs of angry
kernel developers protesting the activities of companies like Red Hat
and IBM, both companies making tons of money off GPL code.  Got any?

Also, if there is any credible evidence that any author of the GPL has
made a statement like that I would be happy to see it.

On Feb 9, 2:34 pm, Bruce Wade  wrote:
> I can see your point even though I don't 100% agree with it. I write most
> of my code opensource, however I also have been writing software for a
> living for around 14 years so sometimes we don't have the choice between
> open and closed source.
> We also can't expect only people interested in free software development to
> use our software. Considering as you just said the software is there for
> others to use and if they add more features faster then you and don't give
> you the features you also can't get upset. Also sharing code and sharing
> knowledge are not always one and the same.
> The freedom in software also comes the freedom of choice, to either give
> back or not, that is why a lot of people prefer the BSD thinking over the
> GPL thinking.
> BSD = Doesn't care if someone makes money off their code or not, they just
> want people using their code. They also have the choice to release their
> code or not.
> GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code and forces people to
> recommit their code. This is good because everyone gets the code, bad
> because you don't have a choice.
> I am more of a BSD thinker.
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Wikus van de Merwe <
> dupakrop...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > What I see you are trying to say is that by keeping the code secret one
> > gains a temporary advantage over the competition. That might be true. But
> > this is the way of thinking coming from the proprietary software
> > philosophy. How much will I loose by making the software free? If this is
> > your line of thinking, then maybe writing free software is not what you
> > want to do.
> > Because at the core of the free software movement is a believe, that
> > sharing the code would make the world better. Free software is not here to
> > make us rich. Is not here to make our software easy to (ab)use by business.
> > It is here to preserve out freedoms. It represent an ethical view that
> > sharing knowledge is more important than making money. If you don't agree
> > with that, then the free software is probably not for you.
> > Everyone writing free software should understand that the old business
> > models of proprietary software based on secrecy doesn't apply here. The
> > value is in the collaborative effort to improve the shared code. It
> > shouldn't bother you when somebody else builds on your code and gets ahead
> > of you in terms of features, because this is what you wanted when you
> > decided to write the free software! Instead of complaining that this puts
> > you out of the business you should rather seek for opportunities to
> > collaborate and write more code together which would be good for the
> > business too. And if you want to compete, compete in solving new problems
> > (not the ones that have been already solved, there is no need to duplicate
> > the works of others) and charge your customers for doing that.
> > Now, don't get me wrong. I admit it is not as easy to build a business
> > around the free software as it is in case of proprietary software. But it
> > is not impossible or even especially hard. And is much more fun. This is
> > why we shouldn't give up trying new ways just because they are different to
> > what we know from the proprietary world. On the rise of cloud platforms I
> > see future for the AGPL too.
> --
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce 
> Wadehttp://ca.linkedin.com/in/brucelwadehttp://www.wadecybertech.comhttp://www.warplydesigned.comhttp://www.fitnessfriendsfinder.com

[web2py] Customize SQLFORM.grid

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade

In the old framework I would just query the database and loop through the
values manually creating the HTML table etc...

Which allows me to do something like this:
types = {
  'bp': 'Product Bonus',
  'sb': 'Sponsor Bonus',

for row in rows:

Is there a way to use SQLFORM.grid and tell it to display a dictionary
value based on the key stored in the database?
Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: maybe minor bug or just documentation

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 9, 2012 1:28:28 PM UTC-5, Lewis wrote:
> Then why did web2py fail with a run time error?  Or why wasn't the run 
> time error trapped?  Maybe because I had requires on the same table 
> for a different constraint?

I assume there must be an explicit "requires" attribute set for that field 
somewhere, so the automatic setting of "requires" isn't happening. You'll 
have to show more code.

> It doesn't look good when visitors to your site see the web2py error 
> ticket page.

You can generate friendly error pages -- see 
http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Routes-on-error. The error 
page can be a static file, or a dynamically generated page. In the latter 
case, it might be safer to have the error handler in a separate error 
handling application -- that way if the error happens to be in a model file 
of your main app, it won't prevent the error handler from being reached.


Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Mariano Reingart
I bet you'll get better luck in courts if you use a well-known licence.
GPL has been written by lawyers and it has some enforcement
jurisprudence right now.

Mariano Reingart

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:56 PM, Bruno Rocha  wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:52 PM, R. Strusberg  wrote:
>> Bruno,
>> You already wrote it: It is the Movuca License. :-)
> Legally, can I use this as a license? it has any matter? or I need to choose
> an existing license
> (I dont know how this things works, do I need to register it?)
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> Example, I can use joomla to create commercial websites for my clients, 
> also I can use it if I am a hosting provider to offer as a service "create 
> site" tool.
> But I cant use Joomla to create a : *Bruno's joomla commercial platform*to 
> compete with Joomla.
> I think if you are going to keep the code in your server the code is 
> yours, but if you want to redistribute the platform, you have to contribute 
> back to community. The problem is not money, the problem is using open 
> source code to create commercial platforms and not contributing back to the 
> community.
> Can I take web2py source and create "Bruno's commercial framework" ?? 
> extend it and sell to my clients, keeping my improvements closed?

No, you can't do that with web2py because of the LGPL license, but you 
could do that with Django, Flask, Pyramid, and Rails. I guess that still 
doesn't answer the "why" question. If it's OK to use open source code to 
create a commercial website (perhaps even a SaaS model that is essentially 
a "platform") without contributing code back to the community, then why is 
it not OK to use open source code to create a commercial "platform"? Why 
should one warrant code contribution back to the community but not the 
other? Neither the AGPL folks nor the BSD/MIT folks seem to think there 
should be a distinction (AGPL allows neither use case, and BSD/MIT allow 
both). Only GPL really makes the distinction, and the FSF folks seem to 
think that was simply an unfortunate oversight rather than a principled 
position (hence the AGPL).

For what it's worth, most of the Django and Rails based CMSes are BSD/MIT 
licensed (as are Django and Rails themselves). I'm not sure what their 
experience has been getting contributions, or if they have in any way been 
hampered by commercial forks (or if there are even any commercial forks).


Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Mariano Reingart
For this case, LGPL3 or GPL3 are almost indistinguishable in this
context (web app)
AFAIK, LGPL3 is better if you want that subparts of Movuca being
used/distributed in other contexts (i.e., with other closed source
CMS, or with other open source software MIT/BSD licensed)

With web2py it is more complicated to say if you can take it's source
and create "Bruno's commercial framework".
I guess neither with GPL nor with LGPL3 you could do that.
What you can do is use web2py gluon libraries to build third-party
closed-source apps, or use web2py to server closed source web-apps,
but not a web2py propietary derivative.

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Bruce Wade  wrote:
> From your description you are wanting to go with LGPL3.
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Bruno Rocha  wrote:
>> Example, I can use joomla to create commercial websites for my clients,
>> also I can use it if I am a hosting provider to offer as a service "create
>> site" tool.
>> But I cant use Joomla to create a : Bruno's joomla commercial platform to
>> compete with Joomla.
>> I think if you are going to keep the code in your server the code is
>> yours, but if you want to redistribute the platform, you have to contribute
>> back to community. The problem is not money, the problem is using open
>> source code to create commercial platforms and not contributing back to the
>> community.
>> Can I take web2py source and create "Bruno's commercial framework" ??
>> extend it and sell to my clients, keeping my improvements closed?
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Anthony  wrote:

 Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in
 to another apps
 - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I
 dont care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can
 have your own business logic)

 NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
 "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
 a "XPTO Social CMS engine"
 - If you want to create it, you will need to share your source code and
>>> Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep
>>> modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes)
>>> but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via
>>> other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making money
>>> and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not contributing
>>> back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed or
>>> prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.
>>> Anthony
>>> --
>>> mail from:GoogleGroups "web2py-developers" mailing list
>>> make speech: web2py-develop...@googlegroups.com
>>> unsubscribe: web2py-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>>> details : http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers
>>> the project: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/
>>> official : http://www.web2py.com/
>> --
>> Bruno Rocha
>> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]
> --
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Wade
> http://ca.linkedin.com/in/brucelwade
> http://www.wadecybertech.com
> http://www.warplydesigned.com
> http://www.fitnessfriendsfinder.com

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:52 PM, R. Strusberg  wrote:

> Bruno,
> You already wrote it: It is the Movuca License. :-)

Legally, can I use this as a license? it has any matter? or I need to
choose an existing license

(I dont know how this things works, do I need to register it?)


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] Odd hasattr(session, 'blah'). Don't understand it.

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
session is an Storage, Storages always return an attribute, defaults to

You do not have to always access session objects by keys, you can do it by
attribute and it will always return an object, even if the object does not


my_var = getattr(session, request.controller)

Even when you have nothing in session, it will return an object with value

>>> from gluon.storage import Storage
>>> session = Storage()
>>> my_var = getattr(session, "blablabla")
>>> my_var
>>> print my_var
>>> session.anything = "blah"
>>> print getattr(session, "anything")
>>> print session.anything
>>> print session["anything"]
>>> print session.banana
>>> print session["ohohohoho"]
>>> print getattr(session, "jsdnfgkjsdnfjkds")

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:38 PM, Cliff  wrote:

> In an index function I do something like
> session[request.controller].something = 'foo'
> This raises a key error exception on the first visit to the controller
> after restarting the browser.  Session can't find the controller name,
> so I can't add an attribute to it.  So I need to initialize the
> session, but not clobber it if already set.
> After several hours this puzzling behavior emerged:
> print session # request.controller not there, as expected.
> # nothing but auth
> print hasattr(session, str(request.controller)) # Prints True.
> ## Previous result not expected!! Why??
> print request.controller in session # Prints False, as expected
> session[request.controller] = {}
> print hasattr(session, str(request.controller)) # Prints True
> ## As expected this time.
> print request.controller in session # Prints True, as expected
> print session[request.controller] # Prints {}, as expected
> Can someone tell me why hasattr(session, str(request.controller))
> returned true when request.controller was not an attribute of session?
> Thanks,
> Cliff Kachinske


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread R. Strusberg

You already wrote it: It is the Movuca License. :-)


2012/2/9 Bruno Rocha 

> *Movuca goals:*
> *Everybody should be able to use it for free*
> - Use it for creating sites, blogs and social networks (free or commercial)
> *Everybody can sell it as a service*
> - Use it to offer Movuca based websites as a service
> - Use it for developing websites for customers
> *Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in
> to another apps*
> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I dont
> care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can have
> your own business logic)
> *NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
> - If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and
> modifications*!
> *My personal goals:*
> - Offer an open source CMS platform for web2py community.
> - Create a community around this solution
> - Have many contributors and a lot of people helping to code, document and
> improve the project
> - I will use it to create sites for my clients and offer this as a service
> (anybody will be able to do the same)
> I really dont care if big companies do not want to use it because of the
> license, this project targets *free-lancers, small companies, open groups
> and non-profits*. Big companies, experienced developers and people who
> want to raise billions of dollars with software can create their own
> solutions (even looking at Movuca code to copy some ideas). My target is
> not the big ones, I want to have it as open source, but at the same time
> protected to be always open source as a platform (as a product or service I
> don't care about the use)
> If my goal was to make money with this, I would not released it as open
> source, but I really want contributors, feedbacks and I also wanted to
> create a good web2py application to be reference for developers and to be
> included in the hall of good web2py appliances.
> Many people wants create a CMS, I invite everyone to bring their ideas to
> Movuca and we can create a killer general purpose CMS.
> Which license fits better for this?
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]

[web2py] Re: option to move smartgrid buttons to the left side

2012-02-09 Thread peter
Yes, I can not move right on your app. But surely the solution is to
find out your css's problem with android rather than move the buttons
to the left. There might be other reasons for the having the buttons
on the left, but buttons on the right work fine with android if one
can move right.


On Feb 9, 8:05 pm, Adi  wrote:
> Hi Peter...
> I put a simple smartgrid together, with a longer text field... so this one
> doesn't scroll horizontally for me. I'm not sure if it's something that we
> did on css or somewhere, but i noticed it worked on ipad as it should...
> here is the link:http://w2p.thanedev.com/test2/test/test/test1
> Thanks,
> Adnan

[web2py] Odd hasattr(session, 'blah'). Don't understand it.

2012-02-09 Thread Cliff
In an index function I do something like
session[request.controller].something = 'foo'

This raises a key error exception on the first visit to the controller
after restarting the browser.  Session can't find the controller name,
so I can't add an attribute to it.  So I need to initialize the
session, but not clobber it if already set.

After several hours this puzzling behavior emerged:

print session # request.controller not there, as expected.
# nothing but auth
print hasattr(session, str(request.controller)) # Prints True.
## Previous result not expected!! Why??
print request.controller in session # Prints False, as expected
session[request.controller] = {}
print hasattr(session, str(request.controller)) # Prints True
## As expected this time.
print request.controller in session # Prints True, as expected
print session[request.controller] # Prints {}, as expected

Can someone tell me why hasattr(session, str(request.controller))
returned true when request.controller was not an attribute of session?

Cliff Kachinske

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
>From your description you are wanting to go with LGPL3.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 1:21 PM, Bruno Rocha  wrote:

> Example, I can use joomla to create commercial websites for my clients,
> also I can use it if I am a hosting provider to offer as a service "create
> site" tool.
> But I cant use Joomla to create a : *Bruno's joomla commercial platform*to 
> compete with Joomla.
> I think if you are going to keep the code in your server the code is
> yours, but if you want to redistribute the platform, you have to contribute
> back to community. The problem is not money, the problem is using open
> source code to create commercial platforms and not contributing back to the
> community.
> Can I take web2py source and create "Bruno's commercial framework" ??
> extend it and sell to my clients, keeping my improvements closed?
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Anthony  wrote:
>> *Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in
>>> to another apps*
>>> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I
>>> dont care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can
>>> have your own business logic)
>>> *NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
>>> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
>>> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
>>> - If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code
>>> and modifications*!
>> Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep
>> modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes)
>> but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via
>> other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making
>> money and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not
>> contributing back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed
>> or prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.
>> Anthony
>>  --
>> mail from:GoogleGroups "web2py-developers" mailing list
>> make speech: web2py-develop...@googlegroups.com
>> unsubscribe: web2py-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
>> details : http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers
>> the project: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/
>> official : http://www.web2py.com/
> --
> Bruno Rocha
> [http://rochacbruno.com.br]

Bruce Wade

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
Example, I can use joomla to create commercial websites for my clients,
also I can use it if I am a hosting provider to offer as a service "create
site" tool.

But I cant use Joomla to create a : *Bruno's joomla commercial platform* to
compete with Joomla.

I think if you are going to keep the code in your server the code is yours,
but if you want to redistribute the platform, you have to contribute back
to community. The problem is not money, the problem is using open source
code to create commercial platforms and not contributing back to the

Can I take web2py source and create "Bruno's commercial framework" ??
extend it and sell to my clients, keeping my improvements closed?

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:01 PM, Anthony  wrote:

> *Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in
>> to another apps*
>> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I
>> dont care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can
>> have your own business logic)
>> *NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
>> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
>> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
>> - If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and
>> modifications*!
> Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep
> modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes)
> but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via
> other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making
> money and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not
> contributing back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed
> or prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.
> Anthony
>  --
> mail from:GoogleGroups "web2py-developers" mailing list
> make speech: web2py-develop...@googlegroups.com
> unsubscribe: web2py-developers+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com
> details : http://groups.google.com/group/web2py-developers
> the project: http://code.google.com/p/web2py/
> official : http://www.web2py.com/


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
I've been thinking about something like this as well. Instead of a separate 
select_raw() method, maybe we can just add a raw=True|False argument to the 
existing select() method. I like the namedtuple idea as well (I think some 
adapters already provide that as an option -- e.g., psycopg2).


On Thursday, February 9, 2012 3:04:41 PM UTC-5, nick name wrote:
> Yes, that is the basis of what I am suggesting.
> There is not currently such a thing; there is something called 
> 'select_raw' implemented in the GoogleDataStore adapter, but not in 
> anything else, and it isn't exactly what I am proposing.
> To elaborate:
> Assume the table is defined as follows:
> reftable = db.define_table('reftable', Field('a', string))
> table = db.define_table('table', Field('b', reftable))
> In my case, I need to pull all the records (60,000) from the database to 
> compute some aggregation which I cannot compute using sql. There are two 
> alternatives here:
> r1 = db().select(table.ALL) # takes > 6 seconds
> r2 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL)) # takes ~0.1sec
> The records returned in the first instance are much richer; they have 
> record chasing (e.g. I can do r1[0].b.a to select through the foreign key), 
> they have methods like r1[0].update_record() and r1[0].delete_record(), and 
> other nice stuff.
> However, for this use, I don't need the additional records, and I do need 
> the speed, so I would rather use r2. However, r2 is not a direct 
> replacement -- it doesn't have the column names. If I use
> r3 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), as_dict=True) # still takes 
> ~0.1sec
> I can do r3[0]['b'] but I cannot do r3[0].b; and it takes a lot more 
> memory than r2.
> A suggestion: add another parameter, processor=... which, if available, 
> will be called with the db.connection.cursor, returning a function, through 
> which each routine will be passed; example
> def named_tuple_process(name, description):
>from collections import namedtuple
>fields = ' '.join([x[0] for x in description])
>return namedtuple(name, fields)
> r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), process=lambda x: 
> named_tuple_process('tablerec', x))
> r4[0].b # will now work; not a full replacement, but good enough for many 
> uses.
> In fact, you can do that externally - 
> r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL))
> f = named_tuple_process('tablerec', db._adapter.cursor.description)
> r4 = [f(x) for x in r4]
> But this requires reaching into the internals of the db adapter.
> Finally, I propose to define x.raw_select(*args) to do: 
> db.executesql(x._select(*args))
> which would make this a relatively clean replacement.

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> *Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in 
> to another apps*
> - If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I dont 
> care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can have 
> your own business logic)
> *NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based 
> "platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute 
> a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
> - If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and 
> modifications*!

Out of curiosity, why are you OK with the first use case (i.e., keep 
modifications private when deploying on a server for commercial purposes) 
but not the second (i.e., keep modifications private when distributing via 
other means for commercial purposes)? In both cases, someone is making 
money and keeping any modifications they have made private (i.e., not 
contributing back). I'm not arguing that one or the other should be allowed 
or prohibited, just curious about the distinction between these cases.


Re: [web2py] DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread Willoughby
"In my case, I need to pull all the records (60,000) from the database to 
compute some aggregation which I cannot compute using sql"

Are you familiar with window functions in SQL?  I've never met an 
aggregation need that couldn't be met with clever use of windows...

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
Yes exactly what I want.
I should go with GPL3 or LGPL3 ?

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Mariano Reingart  wrote:

> This is not completely true.
> GPL has nothing to do with making money.
> GPL do not forces anyone to recommit their code. It only says that if
> you make a GPL derivative, you have to offer a way to get the source
> code with the modification (only to your customers that received the
> software directly from you).
> You don't even need to publish it, just give it to your customers (of
> course, your customers can give the code to others).
> So, if you just use GPL for a web application, and you don't
> distribute that application, you don't have to give the code to
> anyone, you can keep it closed with all your "trade secrets".
> This will be the use case for most users of Movuca, so they wouldn't
> have to worry on republishing code.
> GPL only protect against anyone wishing to take open source code for
> free, closing it and sell binary only copies.
> That really hurts free software in this case.


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Mariano Reingart
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Bruce Wade  wrote:
> GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code and forces people to
> recommit their code. This is good because everyone gets the code, bad
> because you don't have a choice.

This is not completely true.

GPL has nothing to do with making money.
GPL do not forces anyone to recommit their code. It only says that if
you make a GPL derivative, you have to offer a way to get the source
code with the modification (only to your customers that received the
software directly from you).
You don't even need to publish it, just give it to your customers (of
course, your customers can give the code to others).

So, if you just use GPL for a web application, and you don't
distribute that application, you don't have to give the code to
anyone, you can keep it closed with all your "trade secrets".
This will be the use case for most users of Movuca, so they wouldn't
have to worry on republishing code.

GPL only protect against anyone wishing to take open source code for
free, closing it and sell binary only copies.
That really hurts free software in this case.

Mariano Reingart

[web2py] Re: Update legacy table using primarykey failed

2012-02-09 Thread Omi Chiba
Thank you the help.

So far, I found...

- Ver 1.99.2 doesn't support update for primarykey
- Ver 1.99.4 does support update for primarykey if it's string

So this will fail. If it works for posgres and maybe problem with db2/
mssql. (I use DAL: mssql2). From the syntax error, it's ignore the
'integer' from define_table and always tried with string...

Table on MSSQL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](
[mykey] [int] NOT NULL,
[myvalue] [varchar](50) NULL,
[mykey] ASC

Add Record like



def index():
return dict(form=form)

SyntaxError: user is tampering with form's record_id: {'mykey':
'111'} != {'mykey': 111}

On Feb 9, 1:58 pm, Niphlod  wrote:
> that seems a float vs decimal problem
> bottom line, I didn't get  what is not working right now ?
> PS: post table definition in "raw sql", model of the table as in the
> models.py, and controller, so I can at least try to reproduce with sqlite
> or postgres (again, sorry but I don't have DB2 or MSSQL test db available)

Re: [web2py] uwsgi configuration: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Carlos
I installed uwsgi via:

   add-apt-repository  ppa:uwsgi/release

So there's nothing I can do to turn this logging off?.


[web2py] Re: option to move smartgrid buttons to the left side

2012-02-09 Thread Adi
Hi Peter... 

I put a simple smartgrid together, with a longer text field... so this one 
doesn't scroll horizontally for me. I'm not sure if it's something that we 
did on css or somewhere, but i noticed it worked on ipad as it should... 

here is the link: 


Re: [web2py] DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread nick name
Yes, that is the basis of what I am suggesting.

There is not currently such a thing; there is something called 'select_raw' 
implemented in the GoogleDataStore adapter, but not in anything else, and 
it isn't exactly what I am proposing.

To elaborate:

Assume the table is defined as follows:
reftable = db.define_table('reftable', Field('a', string))
table = db.define_table('table', Field('b', reftable))

In my case, I need to pull all the records (60,000) from the database to 
compute some aggregation which I cannot compute using sql. There are two 
alternatives here:

r1 = db().select(table.ALL) # takes > 6 seconds

r2 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL)) # takes ~0.1sec

The records returned in the first instance are much richer; they have 
record chasing (e.g. I can do r1[0].b.a to select through the foreign key), 
they have methods like r1[0].update_record() and r1[0].delete_record(), and 
other nice stuff.

However, for this use, I don't need the additional records, and I do need 
the speed, so I would rather use r2. However, r2 is not a direct 
replacement -- it doesn't have the column names. If I use

r3 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), as_dict=True) # still takes 

I can do r3[0]['b'] but I cannot do r3[0].b; and it takes a lot more memory 
than r2.

A suggestion: add another parameter, processor=... which, if available, 
will be called with the db.connection.cursor, returning a function, through 
which each routine will be passed; example

def named_tuple_process(name, description):
   from collections import namedtuple
   fields = ' '.join([x[0] for x in description])
   return namedtuple(name, fields)

r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL), process=lambda x: 
named_tuple_process('tablerec', x))

r4[0].b # will now work; not a full replacement, but good enough for many 

In fact, you can do that externally - 

r4 = db.executesql(db._select(table.ALL))
f = named_tuple_process('tablerec', db._adapter.cursor.description)
r4 = [f(x) for x in r4]

But this requires reaching into the internals of the db adapter.

Finally, I propose to define x.raw_select(*args) to do: 

which would make this a relatively clean replacement.

Re: [web2py] Re: keep shared objects permanently in RAM: Is it possible ?

2012-02-09 Thread Sebastian E. Ovide
Thanks for that Michele !
That is a nice trick for sharing information with different processes
reducing to the minimum the FS IO... It still has the IO bottleneck of
read/write from/to file compare with real data permanent in memory... but
still a valid approach...

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:58 AM, Michele Comitini <
michele.comit...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  You can reach a very high level of
> parallelism with lower dead-locking probability than with java
> threads.

any source about that ? (any paper, benchmarks etc...)

Sebastian E. Ovide

[web2py] Re: Update legacy table using primarykey failed

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
that seems a float vs decimal problem

bottom line, I didn't get  what is not working right now ?

PS: post table definition in "raw sql", model of the table as in the 
models.py, and controller, so I can at least try to reproduce with sqlite 
or postgres (again, sorry but I don't have DB2 or MSSQL test db available)

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
*Movuca goals:*

*Everybody should be able to use it for free*
- Use it for creating sites, blogs and social networks (free or commercial)

*Everybody can sell it as a service*
- Use it to offer Movuca based websites as a service
- Use it for developing websites for customers

*Everybody can extend, create plugins and add functionalities or plug in to
another apps*
- If used to deploy a website for you or client, free or commercial I dont
care about modifications, you can keep it as a secret (because it can have
your own business logic)

*NOBODY can create or offer a commercial or closed source Movuca based
"platform", I mean, you can't take the source code to create and distribute
a "XPTO Social CMS engine"*
- If you want to create it, *you will need to share your source code and

*My personal goals:*

- Offer an open source CMS platform for web2py community.
- Create a community around this solution
- Have many contributors and a lot of people helping to code, document and
improve the project
- I will use it to create sites for my clients and offer this as a service
(anybody will be able to do the same)

I really dont care if big companies do not want to use it because of the
license, this project targets *free-lancers, small companies, open groups
and non-profits*. Big companies, experienced developers and people who want
to raise billions of dollars with software can create their own solutions
(even looking at Movuca code to copy some ideas). My target is not the big
ones, I want to have it as open source, but at the same time protected to
be always open source as a platform (as a product or service I don't care
about the use)

If my goal was to make money with this, I would not released it as open
source, but I really want contributors, feedbacks and I also wanted to
create a good web2py application to be reference for developers and to be
included in the hall of good web2py appliances.

Many people wants create a CMS, I invite everyone to bring their ideas to
Movuca and we can create a killer general purpose CMS.

Which license fits better for this?


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] Re: Update legacy table using primarykey failed

2012-02-09 Thread Omi Chiba
You're right !
I thought it doesn't matter but it does.

I define another table which has a same field type for key and
works !!
But I employee table doesn't work even I changed from 'string' to

"SyntaxError: user is tampering with form's record_id:
{'EmployeeCode': '61339.00'} != {'EmployeeCode': Decimal('61339')}"


def index():
form = form=crud.update(db.Dept,db.Dept(db.Dept.DeptCode=='J12'))
return dict(form=form)

On Feb 9, 11:46 am, Niphlod  wrote:
> uhm, this is the relevant part for the form I was asking for
>  value="ce992b3a79f9c18f92ec284b9bd443af"> type="hidden" value="Employee/{'EmployeeCode':
> Decimal('61339')}">
> for the "session" , just put {{=BEAUTIFY(session)}} into the template and
> watch the keys 
> Here the strange part is that it seems that employee code is not an integer
> as defined into the model but a decimal. I don't know if this is the actual
> problem, but it is different from the "normal" way.
> Waiting for the session data to see if formkey is different or equal, that
> is the problem I was addressing in the previous message.

Re: [web2py] uwsgi configuration: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
strange, really :D

I don't mind if that turns out in the logging, but I have the same behaviour

niphlod@platypus:~$ uwsgi-python --version

I use uwsgi-python in production /usr/bin/uwsgi-python . If I recall 
correctly that is a symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/uwsgi-python', and 
that one is afile  symbolic link to `/usr/bin/uwsgi-python2.6' 
I then have a /usr/bin/uwsgi that is the result of pip-installing uwsgi 
package: actually I'm experimenting on dropping the uwsgi-python package 
(some real mess to understand clearly, at least for me, especially with its 
/etc/init.d scripts) . With the emperor mode it's really easier to manage 
apps Maybe some "shared libraries" between versions ? 

Re: [web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
I can see your point even though I don't 100% agree with it. I write most
of my code opensource, however I also have been writing software for a
living for around 14 years so sometimes we don't have the choice between
open and closed source.

We also can't expect only people interested in free software development to
use our software. Considering as you just said the software is there for
others to use and if they add more features faster then you and don't give
you the features you also can't get upset. Also sharing code and sharing
knowledge are not always one and the same.

The freedom in software also comes the freedom of choice, to either give
back or not, that is why a lot of people prefer the BSD thinking over the
GPL thinking.

BSD = Doesn't care if someone makes money off their code or not, they just
want people using their code. They also have the choice to release their
code or not.
GPL = Doesn't want anyone making money off their code and forces people to
recommit their code. This is good because everyone gets the code, bad
because you don't have a choice.

I am more of a BSD thinker.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Wikus van de Merwe <
dupakrop...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> What I see you are trying to say is that by keeping the code secret one
> gains a temporary advantage over the competition. That might be true. But
> this is the way of thinking coming from the proprietary software
> philosophy. How much will I loose by making the software free? If this is
> your line of thinking, then maybe writing free software is not what you
> want to do.
> Because at the core of the free software movement is a believe, that
> sharing the code would make the world better. Free software is not here to
> make us rich. Is not here to make our software easy to (ab)use by business.
> It is here to preserve out freedoms. It represent an ethical view that
> sharing knowledge is more important than making money. If you don't agree
> with that, then the free software is probably not for you.
> Everyone writing free software should understand that the old business
> models of proprietary software based on secrecy doesn't apply here. The
> value is in the collaborative effort to improve the shared code. It
> shouldn't bother you when somebody else builds on your code and gets ahead
> of you in terms of features, because this is what you wanted when you
> decided to write the free software! Instead of complaining that this puts
> you out of the business you should rather seek for opportunities to
> collaborate and write more code together which would be good for the
> business too. And if you want to compete, compete in solving new problems
> (not the ones that have been already solved, there is no need to duplicate
> the works of others) and charge your customers for doing that.
> Now, don't get me wrong. I admit it is not as easy to build a business
> around the free software as it is in case of proprietary software. But it
> is not impossible or even especially hard. And is much more fun. This is
> why we shouldn't give up trying new ways just because they are different to
> what we know from the proprietary world. On the rise of cloud platforms I
> see future for the AGPL too.

Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: markdown

2012-02-09 Thread Lewis
Here is an easier solution:


All I really wanted.  Didn't need the rest of markdown or markmin.

BTW, MARKMIN also pads the top of the text.  Curious why this is so
but got what I wanted:  just use Python.

On Feb 9, 10:22 am, Lewis  wrote:
> Markdown display using the imported WIKI function shifts text down by
> about 1/2em (one half of a line).  This is very annoying in a table
> which no longer lines up vertically.  The markdown rendered text
> column shows up below the other columns across a row.  This just looks
> bad.  Is there any reason for the extra vertical padding before the
> text?  It is not part of the markdown "specification" from Gruber.
> Negative padding on the top doesn't fix this. Even -1px causes most
> the the rows to display nothing in the column at all, probably because
> of a slight collision with the bottom of the preceding row.
> G.  All I want is proper line breaks between paragraphs to display
> and this appeared to be the easiest way to do it without parsing all
> of the text and inserting  tags at every hard return.
> There is also a minor bug in the __init__ function for markdown where
> the WIKI function is defined:
> from markdown2 import *
> from gluon.html import XML
> def WIKI(text, encoding="utf8", safe_mode='escape', html4tags=False,
> **attributes):
>     if not text:
>         test = ''
>     if attributes.has_key('extras'):
>         extras = attributes['extras']
>         del attributes['extras']
>     else:
>         extras=None
>     text = text.decode(encoding,'replace')
>     return XML(markdown(text,extras=extras,
>                         safe_mode=safe_mode, html4tags=html4tags)\
>                    .encode(encoding,'xmlcharrefreplace'),**attributes)
> It's pretty clear that it should be if not text: text = ''

[web2py] Re: [w2py-dev] Re: Movuca - Social CMS beta 0.1

2012-02-09 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
What I see you are trying to say is that by keeping the code secret one 
gains a temporary advantage over the competition. That might be true. But 
this is the way of thinking coming from the proprietary software 
philosophy. How much will I loose by making the software free? If this is 
your line of thinking, then maybe writing free software is not what you 
want to do.

Because at the core of the free software movement is a believe, that 
sharing the code would make the world better. Free software is not here to 
make us rich. Is not here to make our software easy to (ab)use by business. 
It is here to preserve out freedoms. It represent an ethical view that 
sharing knowledge is more important than making money. If you don't agree 
with that, then the free software is probably not for you.

Everyone writing free software should understand that the old business 
models of proprietary software based on secrecy doesn't apply here. The 
value is in the collaborative effort to improve the shared code. It 
shouldn't bother you when somebody else builds on your code and gets ahead 
of you in terms of features, because this is what you wanted when you 
decided to write the free software! Instead of complaining that this puts 
you out of the business you should rather seek for opportunities to 
collaborate and write more code together which would be good for the 
business too. And if you want to compete, compete in solving new problems 
(not the ones that have been already solved, there is no need to duplicate 
the works of others) and charge your customers for doing that.

Now, don't get me wrong. I admit it is not as easy to build a business 
around the free software as it is in case of proprietary software. But it 
is not impossible or even especially hard. And is much more fun. This is 
why we shouldn't give up trying new ways just because they are different to 
what we know from the proprietary world. On the rise of cloud platforms I 
see future for the AGPL too.

Re: [web2py] DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
You mean using the generated SQL command to fire execute_sql and returns as
a named tuple?

>>> db(db.query).raw_select()

it is the same as doing

command = db(db.query)._select()
result = db.execute_sql(command)

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:51 PM, nick name wrote:

> One of my controllers need to go through a lot of records to provide a
> meaningful answer -- as in, 60k records.
> Just loading them from the database takes about 100ms
> (db.executesql("select * from table order by id;")); Doing the same through
> DAL takes over 6 seconds. I realize that the DAL does do a lot of
> additional work, which in general is helpful -- but I can do without all
> the parsing / Rows() generation for this.
> What do people here think about adding a db.rawselect(...), which is a
> slim rapper for db.executesql(db._select())  that wraps everything with
> a named tuple? It solves most of the speed problem when it is needed, but
> still maintains a lot of the features of the SQL DAL processing.


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] DAL speed - an idea

2012-02-09 Thread nick name
One of my controllers need to go through a lot of records to provide a 
meaningful answer -- as in, 60k records.

Just loading them from the database takes about 100ms 
(db.executesql("select * from table order by id;")); Doing the same through 
DAL takes over 6 seconds. I realize that the DAL does do a lot of 
additional work, which in general is helpful -- but I can do without all 
the parsing / Rows() generation for this.

What do people here think about adding a db.rawselect(...), which is a slim 
rapper for db.executesql(db._select())  that wraps everything with a 
named tuple? It solves most of the speed problem when it is needed, but 
still maintains a lot of the features of the SQL DAL processing.

Re: [web2py] uwsgi configuration: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Roberto De Ioris

> ok,
> this line is dne by uwsgi, and I don't know how to turn it off.
> Thu Feb  9 17:58:12 2012 - routing 0 routes 0
> if you have memory report on, there will be also a line like
> {address space usage: 46809088 bytes/44MB} {rss usage: 34369536
> bytes/32MB}
> [pid: 17838|app: 0|req: 23/90] () {44 vars in 901 bytes}
> [Thu
> Feb  9 17:58:12 2012] GET /app/default/index => generated 12313 bytes in
> 420 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 6 headers in 308 bytes (0 async switches on async
> core 0)
> let's wait for someone better than me or roberto himself to know if also
> the routing 0 routes 0 can be toggled by some directive :D

Those lines are printed when UWSGI_ROUTING c constant is defined and the
only way to do that is passing -DUWSGI_ROUTING to the makefile. The funny
thing is that uWSGI routing has been only really added in 1.1 (still
unreleased) so i really do not know why you have that flag turned on :)

Roberto De Ioris

[web2py] Re: maybe minor bug or just documentation

2012-02-09 Thread Lewis
Then why did web2py fail with a run time error?  Or why wasn't the run
time error trapped?  Maybe because I had requires on the same table
for a different constraint?

It doesn't look good when visitors to your site see the web2py error
ticket page.  Adding the explicit constraint prevented that.  Without
the explicit constraint, attempting to add a duplicate category
produced an error because postgresql threw the error (correctly--it
was doing what is was told to do by rejecting a duplicate).

Should be easy to repro.

Thanks, Anthony.

P.S. - I am hanging in there and investing...

On Feb 8, 4:51 pm, Anthony  wrote:
> > In line 14, db.image.title represents the field "title" of table
> > "image". The
> > attribute requires allows you to set requirements/constraints that
> > will be
> > enforced by web2py forms. Here we require that the "title" is unique:
> > IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, db.image.title)
> > Notice this is optional because it is set automatically given that
> > Field(’title’,
> > unique=True).
> The book says that explicitly adding the IS_NOT_IN_DB validator is optional
> because if you specify unique=True but do not explicitly specify any
> validators at all, the IS_NOT_IN_DB validator will be assigned
> automatically. For example:
> >>> db.define_table('user', Field('username', unique=True))
> >>> print db.user.username.requires
> [,
> ]
> Notice that I did not specify the IS_NOT_IN_DB validator in the field
> definition, but it was added anyway because I set unique=True. Note, this
> only happens if you don't specify "requires" at all.
> Anthony

[web2py] markdown

2012-02-09 Thread Lewis
Markdown display using the imported WIKI function shifts text down by
about 1/2em (one half of a line).  This is very annoying in a table
which no longer lines up vertically.  The markdown rendered text
column shows up below the other columns across a row.  This just looks
bad.  Is there any reason for the extra vertical padding before the
text?  It is not part of the markdown "specification" from Gruber.

Negative padding on the top doesn't fix this. Even -1px causes most
the the rows to display nothing in the column at all, probably because
of a slight collision with the bottom of the preceding row.

G.  All I want is proper line breaks between paragraphs to display
and this appeared to be the easiest way to do it without parsing all
of the text and inserting  tags at every hard return.

There is also a minor bug in the __init__ function for markdown where
the WIKI function is defined:

from markdown2 import *
from gluon.html import XML

def WIKI(text, encoding="utf8", safe_mode='escape', html4tags=False,
if not text:
test = ''
if attributes.has_key('extras'):
extras = attributes['extras']
del attributes['extras']
text = text.decode(encoding,'replace')

return XML(markdown(text,extras=extras,
safe_mode=safe_mode, html4tags=html4tags)\

It's pretty clear that it should be if not text: text = ''

[web2py] uwsgi configuration: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
this line is dne by uwsgi, and I don't know how to turn it off.
Thu Feb  9 17:58:12 2012 - routing 0 routes 0

if you have memory report on, there will be also a line like

{address space usage: 46809088 bytes/44MB} {rss usage: 34369536 bytes/32MB} 
[pid: 17838|app: 0|req: 23/90] () {44 vars in 901 bytes} [Thu 
Feb  9 17:58:12 2012] GET /app/default/index => generated 12313 bytes in 
420 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 6 headers in 308 bytes (0 async switches on async 
core 0)

let's wait for someone better than me or roberto himself to know if also 
the routing 0 routes 0 can be toggled by some directive :D

[web2py] Re: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Carlos
This is my config for uwsgi-python:


Note that I use routes.py, so I'm not sure if these logging lines comes 
from here (although I have logging = 'off' )?.


[web2py] Re: option to move smartgrid buttons to the left side

2012-02-09 Thread peter
I use sqlform.grid, I use 'links' for edit and delete. These appear as
buttons on the right hand column. I have no problem accessing these
buttons on my android phone. Are you sure you are attributing the
problem correctly? My web2py website is identical on my android phone
to what appears on a computer. I have not had to do anything special
to achieve this. The website is ukjazz.net. I cannot direct you to the
edit buttons unforunately as these are just used by me for admin.

If you send me a link to your site I can see what happens on my
android phone.


On Feb 9, 3:32 pm, Adi  wrote:
> Thanks Ross. I'm not sure how to do it, plus to assign the same
> functionality as existing buttons. Do you have some sample from your code?
> Just tried the application also on the iphone, and (smartgrid) horizontal
> scroll doesn't work there either... Practically, can't reach buttons :)
> Anyone else has the similar problem, or advice that could help?

Re: [web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Richard Vézina
I just check gluon/dal.py and if it is the count() code location it's not
have cache argument... Also I notice that there seems to have many
differents implementations of count... I wouder why it could not be a
generic function reused everywhere, it would be more DRY...


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:48 PM, Anthony  wrote:

> I don't think a count can be cached that way, but since it just returns a
> number, it can be cached in the usual way instead:
> count = cache.ram('count', lambda: db(query).count(), time_expire=60)
> Anthony
> On Thursday, February 9, 2012 12:42:02 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
>> Is it just me ?
>> db(query).count(cache=(cache.**ram, 60))
>> Won't work...
>> I get :
>> TypeError: count() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'
>> Richard

[web2py] Re: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
can you post your conf ?If we don't come up with a solution we can rely on 
roberto de ioris, that is one of uwsgi developers and every now and then 
joins this list :D

Re: [web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
I don't think a count can be cached that way, but since it just returns a 
number, it can be cached in the usual way instead:

count = cache.ram('count', lambda: db(query).count(), time_expire=60)


On Thursday, February 9, 2012 12:42:02 PM UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Is it just me ?
> db(query).count(cache=(cache.ram, 60))
> Won't work...
> I get :
> TypeError: count() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'
> Richard

[web2py] Re: Update legacy table using primarykey failed

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
uhm, this is the relevant part for the form I was asking for

for the "session" , just put {{=BEAUTIFY(session)}} into the template and 
watch the keys  

Here the strange part is that it seems that employee code is not an integer 
as defined into the model but a decimal. I don't know if this is the actual 
problem, but it is different from the "normal" way. 

Waiting for the session data to see if formkey is different or equal, that 
is the problem I was addressing in the previous message.

Re: [web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Richard Vézina
Under web2py 1.99.4


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Richard Vézina  wrote:

> Is it just me ?
> db(query).count(cache=(cache.ram, 60))
> Won't work...
> I get :
> TypeError: count() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'
> Richard
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Anthony  wrote:
>> I can think of two ways to do it, but I don't like either one.  First
>>> is to formulate the query without the limitby clause and do a
>>> db(query).count().  That would give me the total number of records in
>>> the set.  Then add the limitby clause to the query to get the records
>>> of interest.
>> FYI, I think this is how SQLFORM.grid does it.
>> Anthony

Re: [web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Richard Vézina
Is it just me ?

db(query).count(cache=(cache.ram, 60))

Won't work...

I get :

TypeError: count() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache'


On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Anthony  wrote:

> I can think of two ways to do it, but I don't like either one.  First
>> is to formulate the query without the limitby clause and do a
>> db(query).count().  That would give me the total number of records in
>> the set.  Then add the limitby clause to the query to get the records
>> of interest.
> FYI, I think this is how SQLFORM.grid does it.
> Anthony

[web2py] Re: response.google_analytics_id

2012-02-09 Thread Niphlod
if you watch the layout.html you'll find the snippet. 

{{if response.google_analytics_id:}} var 
_gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 
'{{=response.google_analytics_id}}']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); 
(function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 
'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == 
document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + 
'.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = 
document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, 
s); })();  {{pass}}

just before the closing  tag.

Short version: if you set response.google_analytics_id, that snippet is 
inserted into the page and  allows tracking from google analytics, without 
any additional code.

[web2py] Re: query on a JOIN

2012-02-09 Thread shartha
Thank you so much. I  will try this and let you know how it works. =)

On Feb 9, 6:48 am, Manuele Pesenti  wrote:
> Il 09/02/2012 12:33, shartha ha scritto:> how can you write a query that only 
> returns the dogs that Alex has?
> you can add your filter condition to the join condition usch as:
> rows = db((db.person.id==db.dog.owner)&(db.person.id==1)).select()
> If I understand the quest...
>      M.

[web2py] Re: how to deploy web2py not in the apache root (help with url rewriting)

2012-02-09 Thread Wikus van de Merwe
If you have just one application all you need to do is set the web2py WSGI 
script alias and serve files from the web2py folder excluding admin parts.

WSGIDaemonProcess web2py display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIProcessGroup web2py
WSGIScriptAlias /prefix /var/www/web2py/wsgihandler.py

Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all

  Allow from all


  AliasMatch ^/prefix/([^/]+)/static/(.*) 

Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Deny from all

Deny from all

Then set path prefix and the default application in your web2py/routes.py 

routers = dict(
# base router
BASE = dict(
default_application = "app",
path_prefix = "prefix",

As a result you will get "domain/prefix" pointing to the default 
application "app".

[web2py] Re: xml-rpc code causes compile error in mywiki default.py

2012-02-09 Thread bill.tha...@live.com
Thanks Ross. Found that this morning. It's a typo in the book.

For future readers finding this post on a search; Make sure you put the 
closing paren in the correct spot or your new error is a bit more 
substantial. (Python shell returns an error saying, 'Query' object has no 
attribute 'select' ).

Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
I dont know exactly how it works, but I had problems serializing db in to
current, so Massimo said to always pass it explicitly to classes ad
functions, I remember that SQLITE worked, but not Postgres.


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> based on advice on the group long ago i am using a pattern like this:
> in db.py:
>current.myapp = Storage()
>current.myapp.db = db #after db is inited

If that works, then current.db should work as well, no (I understand the 
idea behind putting everything app-specific in current.myapp to avoid 
possible future namespace conflicts, I'm just saying in theory current.db 
should work, shouldn't it)?


[web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread howesc
based on advice on the group long ago i am using a pattern like this:

in db.py:

   current.myapp = Storage()
   current.myapp.db = db #after db is inited

then in my module refrencing db as:


i'm using this on GAE and it has been working like a champ.  the key is to 
add the just defined version of the db variable to current on each request, 
and not cache it as a static variable.  remember that db changes on each 
request (new connection from the pool, different default and requests for 
table fields etc), so you can't keep db a static module variable or a 
static global variable and have it work for more then 1 request.

[web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 9, 2012 10:30:12 AM UTC-5, omicron wrote:
> With the last version, you can do this :
> from gluon import current
> dba = current.globalenv['db']

I wonder why current.globalenv['db'] would work but current.db would not. 

Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Now that is a lot nicer then passing in the db to every module class. Does
this only work with trunk? Or the latest stable release?

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:30 AM, omicron  wrote:

> With the last version, you can do this :
> from gluon import current
> dba = current.globalenv['db']

Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: option to move smartgrid buttons to the left side

2012-02-09 Thread Adi
Thanks Ross. I'm not sure how to do it, plus to assign the same 
functionality as existing buttons. Do you have some sample from your code? 

Just tried the application also on the iphone, and (smartgrid) horizontal 
scroll doesn't work there either... Practically, can't reach buttons :) 

Anyone else has the similar problem, or advice that could help?

[web2py] Re: Update record in session

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
On Thursday, February 9, 2012 3:10:52 AM UTC-5, scausten wrote:
> Is is possible to hold a record in session, something like: 
> id = db.transactions.insert() 
> session.transaction = db.transactions[id] 
> and directly update_record the session.transaction, 
> session.transaction.update_record(x=y)# This throws KeyError: 
> 'update_record'

When a Row is stored in the session, it is converted to a dict and loses 
its update_record() method (only the field values are stored in the dict). 
Upon retrieval from the session, it is converted back to a Row object but 
no longer has the update_record() method, hence the KeyError.


[web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread omicron
With the last version, you can do this :

from gluon import current

dba = current.globalenv['db']

[web2py] Re: Script to generate schema (models) from mysql

2012-02-09 Thread KMax
I was trying to create model/db.py for RequestTracker mysql schema, and was 
I found quite good plugin_legacymysql and fixed for my needs 

   - added few types
   - remove 'SET' lines same as remarks
   - mysql data types without params (like text,)
   - import form_factory from sqlhtml

Please find fixed py attached.

Create the web2py code needed to access your mysql legacy db.

To make this work all the legacy tables you want to access need to have an "id" field.

This plugin needs:
installed and globally available.

Under Windows you will probably need to add the mysql executable directory to the PATH variable,
you will also need to modify mysql to mysql.exe and mysqldump to mysqldump.exe below.
Just guessing here :)

Access your tables with:

If the script crashes this is might be due to that fact that the data_type_map dictionary below is incomplete.
Please complete it, improve it and continue.

Created by Falko Krause
from gluon.sqlhtml  import form_factory
import subprocess
import re
data_type_map = dict(
varchar = 'string',
int = 'integer',
tinyint = 'integer',
smallint = 'integer',
mediumint = 'integer',
binary = 'text',
varbinary = 'text',
text = 'text',
longtext = 'text',
date = 'date',
float = 'double',
char = 'string',
decimal = 'integer',
timestamp = 'datetime',
datetime = 'datetime',
blob = 'text',
longblob = 'text',

def index():
table2sql = ''
if not request.vars.database_name:
form = form_factory(
Field('database_name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('user_name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('password', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
p = subprocess.Popen(['mysql','--user=%s'%request.vars.user_name, '--password=%s'%request.vars.password, '--execute=show tables;', request.vars.database_name],stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
sql_showtables, stderr = p.communicate()
form = form_factory(
Field('database_name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), default = request.vars.database_name),
Field('user_name', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), default = request.vars.user_name),
Field('password', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY(), default = request.vars.password),
Field('write_to', default = 'db_legacymysql.py', requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
Field('write', 'boolean', default = False),
Field('tables', requires = IS_IN_SET([re.sub('\|\s+([^\|*])\s+.*', '\1', x) for x in sql_showtables.split()[1:]], multiple = True)),
if form.accepts(request.vars, session, keepvalues = True):
#get a list of tables that should be copied
connection_string = "legacy_db = DAL('mysql://%s:%s@localhost/%s')"%(form.vars.user_name, form.vars.password, form.vars.database_name)
table2sql = {'connection string': CODE(connection_string)}
legacy_db_table_web2py_code = []
for table_name in form.vars.tables:
#get the sql create statement
p = subprocess.Popen(['mysqldump','--user=%s'%form.vars.user_name, '--password=%s'%form.vars.password, '--skip-add-drop-table', '--no-data', form.vars.database_name, table_name],stdin=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
sql_create_stmnt,stderr = p.communicate()
if stderr:
table2sql[table_name] = stderr
if 'CREATE' in sql_create_stmnt:#check if the table exists
#table2sql[table_name] = stdout if stdout else stderr #DEBUG
#remove garbage lines from sql statement
sql_lines = sql_create_stmnt.split('\n') 
sql_lines = [x for x in sql_lines if not(x.startswith('--') or x.startswith('/*') or x =='' or x.startswith('SET'))]
table2sql[table_name] = XML(''.join(sql_lines) ) #DEBUG
#generate the web2py code from the create statement
web2py_table_code = ''
table_name = re.search('CREATE TABLE .(\S+). \(', sql_lines[0]).group(1)
fields = []
for line in sql_lines[1:-1]:
if re.search('KEY', line) or re.search('PRIMARY', line) or re.search(' ID', line) or line.startswith(')'):
hit = re.search('(\S+) (\S+) .*', re.sub(',',' ',line))
name, d_type = hit.group(1), hit.group(2)

[web2py] response.google_analytics_id

2012-02-09 Thread Web2Py Freak
Dear All,

How can i use response.google_analytics_id in menu.py  as i understand
i need to have a script with my analytics id  , but why is the
response.google_analytics_id in menu.py and how can i use it ?

[web2py] Re: best way to fetch data from multiple tables?

2012-02-09 Thread Omi Chiba
> Also will it possible for me put filters on table 1(say Employees) and> then 
> perform join with other tables?
I'm not sure. I think it's more like join then filter.
Something like below...

query = (db.person.id==db.dog.owner) & (db.person.name.like('Omi%'))
rows = db(query).select()

On Feb 9, 8:53 am, Sonal_b  wrote:
> Thanks Omi.
> I will give it a try.
> Also will it possible for me put filters on table 1(say Employees) and
> then perform join with other tables?
> On Feb 9, 7:34 pm, Omi Chiba  wrote:
> > Sound like you're looping all the records to connect different table.
> > I use join for the purpose and working fine though I only have about
> > 1 records.
> >http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/6?search=join#Inner-joins
> > On Feb 9, 8:19 am, Sonal_b  wrote:
> > > I have to query 3tableswhich contains large number ofdata
> > > I have to come up with report which displays
> > > Employee Firstname, Lastname, Manager's FirstName, Manager's Lastname
> > > and Organisation name.
> > > Table Structure/Details:
> > > 1. Employee table: which contains employee information(First name,
> > > lastname), Organisation id and manager's id.
> > > 2. Manager Table: Which contains firstname, lastname etc.
> > > 3. Organisation table: which contains organisation's name.
> > > The process i follow is:
> > > 1.Fetchall the employees
> > >    1.a for each employee get the manager id
> > >        1.b  For the manager id get the manager's firstname and
> > > lastname by querying the Manager table
> > >     1.c for each employee get the organisation id
> > >      1.d For each organisation id get the Organisation name by
> > > querying the Organisation table.
> > > When I try tofetchthe records from 3tablesfollowing the above
> > > approach, I get deadlineexceedederror as my request could not complete
> > > in 30 seconds time.
> > > Please suggest a betterwayto do this. Also what should i use which
> > > can improve performance and also get me the result in the 30 second
> > > timeframe.

[web2py] response.google_analytics_id

2012-02-09 Thread Web2Py Freak
Dear ALL,

How do i use response.google_analytics_id in menu.py : my google
analytics id is Tracking ID: UA-29069723-1 ,

[web2py] Re: best way to fetch data from multiple tables?

2012-02-09 Thread Sonal_b
Thanks Omi.

I will give it a try.

Also will it possible for me put filters on table 1(say Employees) and
then perform join with other tables?

On Feb 9, 7:34 pm, Omi Chiba  wrote:
> Sound like you're looping all the records to connect different table.
> I use join for the purpose and working fine though I only have about
> 1 records.
> http://www.web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/6?search=join#Inner-joins
> On Feb 9, 8:19 am, Sonal_b  wrote:
> > I have to query 3tableswhich contains large number ofdata
> > I have to come up with report which displays
> > Employee Firstname, Lastname, Manager's FirstName, Manager's Lastname
> > and Organisation name.
> > Table Structure/Details:
> > 1. Employee table: which contains employee information(First name,
> > lastname), Organisation id and manager's id.
> > 2. Manager Table: Which contains firstname, lastname etc.
> > 3. Organisation table: which contains organisation's name.
> > The process i follow is:
> > 1.Fetchall the employees
> >    1.a for each employee get the manager id
> >        1.b  For the manager id get the manager's firstname and
> > lastname by querying the Manager table
> >     1.c for each employee get the organisation id
> >      1.d For each organisation id get the Organisation name by
> > querying the Organisation table.
> > When I try tofetchthe records from 3tablesfollowing the above
> > approach, I get deadlineexceedederror as my request could not complete
> > in 30 seconds time.
> > Please suggest a betterwayto do this. Also what should i use which
> > can improve performance and also get me the result in the 30 second
> > timeframe.

Re: [web2py] Re: How to replace this native query with DAL

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
To answer your question, happen_time is a column of cash_journal. The point
of this call, is we allow people to cancel the site within 72 hours so any
money they have made in that time if they cancel they do not get. IE:
= ['s','p'], s = sponsor bonus, p = product bonus

We use seconds to be more accurate so if you join at 5pm we count the 72
hours from 5pm now the full day etc..

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:40 AM, Bruce Wade  wrote:

> Sorry I just seen this message now, I ended up deleting it by accident and
> wondering why no-one responded.
> I will try this today. I didn't know there was a seconds() method attached
> to the date. Will respond back in a couple of hours when I get to work.
> --
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 4:51 AM, Niphlod  wrote:
>> hum happen_time is a column of db.cash_journal ?
>> and you want only the records that satisfy the conditions on the
>> query, and in addition, that the difference in seconds between
>> happen_time and now is less than "seconds" (259200) ?
>> Without a test db I can't confirm, but can you try something along the
>> way of (db.cash_journal.happen_time.seconds() <
>> time.mktime(now.timetuple()) - seconds)
>> ?
> --
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Wade
> http://ca.linkedin.com/in/brucelwade
> http://www.wadecybertech.com
> http://www.warplydesigned.com
> http://www.fitnessfriendsfinder.com

Bruce Wade

[web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> I can think of two ways to do it, but I don't like either one.  First 
> is to formulate the query without the limitby clause and do a 
> db(query).count().  That would give me the total number of records in 
> the set.  Then add the limitby clause to the query to get the records 
> of interest.

FYI, I think this is how SQLFORM.grid does it.


[web2py] Re: Folder inside controller dosen't work.

2012-02-09 Thread Ross Peoples
Not sure on the subfolder thing, but is it possible for you to put most of 
your code into modules and just use controllers as the gateway to your 

Re: [web2py] Re: How to replace this native query with DAL

2012-02-09 Thread Bruce Wade
Sorry I just seen this message now, I ended up deleting it by accident and
wondering why no-one responded.

I will try this today. I didn't know there was a seconds() method attached
to the date. Will respond back in a couple of hours when I get to work.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 4:51 AM, Niphlod  wrote:

> hum happen_time is a column of db.cash_journal ?
> and you want only the records that satisfy the conditions on the
> query, and in addition, that the difference in seconds between
> happen_time and now is less than "seconds" (259200) ?
> Without a test db I can't confirm, but can you try something along the
> way of (db.cash_journal.happen_time.seconds() <
> time.mktime(now.timetuple()) - seconds)
> ?

Bruce Wade

Re: [web2py] Re: Folder inside controller dosen't work.

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
The main problem is the routing, web2py routes the second arg in url to the
function, how would web2py knows if it has to be a function or a subfolder?

IMO, controllers have to be small, less code, only code which decide the
workflow, the long code I prefer to put in modules, and there I can have

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 12:05 PM, Phyo Arkar wrote:

> I saw other people requested long ago since  2009.
> Why it would be a bad addition to web2py , i cant understand.
> There are many uses cases for it , my case is one very good example :
> To separate WEB CONTROLLER code from JSON/XML RPC Services.
> On 2/9/12, Phyo Arkar  wrote:
> > Is that a bug or by design?
> >
> > I am using JSONRPC of web2py , i want to keep JSONRPC services int its
> own
> > subfolder so not mixed with controllers for html. But web2py is not
> > allowing me to do so.
> >
> >
> > Here is my web2py's conttrolelr path:
> >
> > /home/v3ss/web2py/applications/FastTract/controllers/
> >
> > i want to put caselist.py (which is to deal with case table part of the
> > project)
> > inside services folder. so it should look like this :
> >
> > /home/v3ss/web2py/applications/FastTract/controllers/services/case.py
> >
> >
> > All jsonRPC related services will go inside that folder.
> >
> > But when i tried to call :
> >
> http://localhost:8000/FastTract/services/case/call/jsonrpc?nocache=1328793441550
> >
> > invalid controller (services/case)
> > What can i do? I believe code folder organisation is very important
> feature
> > for Large complex systems. My Project is growing big and should be able
> to
> > organize code.
> > 50 files of code spreading inside just one controller folder is a
> > management nightmare.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >


Bruno Rocha

Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Bruno Rocha
On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:45 AM, Anthony  wrote:

> from gluon import current
> current.db = db

I dont think that adding db to current will work properly, it can work in
SQLITE, but for sure will raise problems with another databases.

I realized that db needs to be instantiated inside a module or passed
explicitly as an arg, it is not possible to serialize it in to current.  It
works in the first request, but not for the subsequents.

Another advice is that you never have to assign variables to current
outside functions and methods



from gluon import current
> request = current.request
> def myfunction(db):
> if request.args... # HERE BE THE DRAGONS!

To work you need to do


from gluon import current

def myfunction(db):
request = current.request
if request.args   # IT WORKS

It happens because if you assign outside the function, it will be evaluated
only at the first request, and for the subsequents, the request object will
always be the same.


Bruno Rocha

[web2py] Re: best way to fetch data from multiple tables?

2012-02-09 Thread Omi Chiba
Sound like you're looping all the records to connect different table.
I use join for the purpose and working fine though I only have about
1 records.


On Feb 9, 8:19 am, Sonal_b  wrote:
> I have to query 3 tables which contains large number of data
> I have to come up with report which displays
> Employee Firstname, Lastname, Manager's FirstName, Manager's Lastname
> and Organisation name.
> Table Structure/Details:
> 1. Employee table: which contains employee information(First name,
> lastname), Organisation id and manager's id.
> 2. Manager Table: Which contains firstname, lastname etc.
> 3. Organisation table: which contains organisation's name.
> The process i follow is:
> 1. Fetch all the employees
>    1.a for each employee get the manager id
>        1.b  For the manager id get the manager's firstname and
> lastname by querying the Manager table
>     1.c for each employee get the organisation id
>      1.d For each organisation id get the Organisation name by
> querying the Organisation table.
> When I try to fetch the records from 3 tables following the above
> approach, I get deadlineexceedederror as my request could not complete
> in 30 seconds time.
> Please suggest a better way to do this. Also what should i use which
> can improve performance and also get me the result in the 30 second
> timeframe.

Re: [web2py] Select Where first letter is A

2012-02-09 Thread Javier Pepe
>From manual:



On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Web2Py Freak wrote:

> Dear All ,
> How Can i select everything in the table the starts with A
> Best Regards,
> Hassan Alnatour

[web2py] best way to fetch data from multiple tables?

2012-02-09 Thread Sonal_b
I have to query 3 tables which contains large number of data

I have to come up with report which displays

Employee Firstname, Lastname, Manager's FirstName, Manager's Lastname
and Organisation name.

Table Structure/Details:

1. Employee table: which contains employee information(First name,
lastname), Organisation id and manager's id.
2. Manager Table: Which contains firstname, lastname etc.
3. Organisation table: which contains organisation's name.

The process i follow is:
1. Fetch all the employees
   1.a for each employee get the manager id
   1.b  For the manager id get the manager's firstname and
lastname by querying the Manager table
1.c for each employee get the organisation id
 1.d For each organisation id get the Organisation name by
querying the Organisation table.

When I try to fetch the records from 3 tables following the above
approach, I get deadlineexceedederror as my request could not complete
in 30 seconds time.

Please suggest a better way to do this. Also what should i use which
can improve performance and also get me the result in the 30 second

[web2py] Re: Advice please: best way to count records?

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony
Would another option be to cache the entire select and pull out the needed 
records based on the "page" requested:

records = db(db.pages.active==True).select(cache=(cache.ram, 300))

I suppose that wouldn't be a good idea if there are likely to be enough 
records and/or enough simultaneous users with different cached queries to 
start pushing the limits on available ram, but may be workable for moderate 


On Thursday, February 9, 2012 5:17:52 AM UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
> The two methods you described are the only available methods to achieve 
> such a thing.
> If you have 100 records returned and you want to paginate by 20 (5 pages), 
> then the difference between one method or the other is negligible.
> If you have 1000 records returned and you want to paginate by 20 (50 
> pages), then the best method is fire a "count" and a separated limitby for 
> retrieving the records.
> Remember you can fire a db(query).count() and cache that: the record count 
> will be fetched one time only and from then on from the cache and the db 
> will be hitted only by the limitby query.
> e.g.
> total = db(db.pages.active==True).count(cache=(cache.ram,120))
> records = db(db.pages.active==True).select(limitby=(0,20))

[web2py] Re: Multiple different problems - Dealing with "Integrity Error" for nutnull=True and unique=True database fields

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> Problem1 - (Primary issue) 
>   I have a table as below - How do I handle unique = True and 
> notnull= True fields i.e when I am doing negative testing and adding 
> similar fields, it throws me an exception. 

If you set unique=True and notnull=True and then try to insert non-unique 
or null values, respectively, it is supposed to throw an exception. If you 
want to enter non-unique or null values, then don't set those arguments to 
true. On the other hand, if you want to catch those errors more gracefully 
during form submission, then you should use field validators. For 
unique=True, use the IS_NOT_IN_DB validator, and for notnull=True, use the 
IS_NOT_EMPTY validator. Note, if you don't specify any "requires" attribute 
for the field, these validators should be added automatically. However, the 
validators will only be used for form submissions when using SQLFORM or 
when using the validate_and_insert() method for making inserts. If you are 
doing manual inserts via the insert() method, the validators won't have any 

Another option is to put your insert in a try...except, and catch the 

> Problem2: 
> How can I cache images that I have added for users who have added 
> comments. 
> Example- 
> I have a web page where I have users comment over my posts. These 
> users have id's defined and photos specified, how can I prevent 
> loading one image at a time?

If it is OK for the images to be publicly accessible, you could upload them 
to the /static folder instead of /uploads -- in that case, once initially 
loaded by the browser, the browser should cache them for subsequent 
displays. Otherwise, if you are using the download() function to download 
from the /uploads folder, you could add some logic to the download function 
to have it set the response headers to tell the browser to cache the images 
(i.e., same as static files) -- you could use a URL arg or var as a flag to 
tell the download function to do that.

> Problem3: 
> How to restrict upload of files (any files including images) to say 
> 512 kb or any size there of?

Use the IS_LENGTH validator:

Field('image', 'upload', requires=IS_LENGTH(524288))

The first argument to IS_LENGTH is the maximum file size in bytes (512KB = 
524288 bytes). You can also specify a minimum size as the second argument 
if needed (default is 0).


[web2py] Select Where first letter is A

2012-02-09 Thread Web2Py Freak
Dear All ,

How Can i select everything in the table the starts with A

Best Regards,
Hassan Alnatour

[web2py] Re: Folder inside controller dosen't work.

2012-02-09 Thread Phyo Arkar
I saw other people requested long ago since  2009.
Why it would be a bad addition to web2py , i cant understand.

There are many uses cases for it , my case is one very good example :
To separate WEB CONTROLLER code from JSON/XML RPC Services.

On 2/9/12, Phyo Arkar  wrote:
> Is that a bug or by design?
> I am using JSONRPC of web2py , i want to keep JSONRPC services int its own
> subfolder so not mixed with controllers for html. But web2py is not
> allowing me to do so.
> Here is my web2py's conttrolelr path:
> /home/v3ss/web2py/applications/FastTract/controllers/
> i want to put caselist.py (which is to deal with case table part of the
> project)
> inside services folder. so it should look like this :
> /home/v3ss/web2py/applications/FastTract/controllers/services/case.py
> All jsonRPC related services will go inside that folder.
> But when i tried to call :
> http://localhost:8000/FastTract/services/case/call/jsonrpc?nocache=1328793441550
> invalid controller (services/case)
> What can i do? I believe code folder organisation is very important feature
> for Large complex systems. My Project is growing big and should be able to
> organize code.
> 50 files of code spreading inside just one controller folder is a
> management nightmare.
> Thanks.

Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Johann Spies
On 9 February 2012 15:45, Anthony  wrote:

> I do not understand this properly.
>> After explicitly importing 'current' in the controller, I made some
>> progress.  But why is the class definition necessary and how does it
>> initialise db when db is not available in the module?
> You don't necessarily need a class. The point is just that you need to
> pass in the db instance, either via an __init__ method of a class, or
> simply as an argument to your function. In your case:
> def number_of_records(db, table):
> And when you call that function, pass in your db object as the first
> argument. Another option is to add the db object to "current" -- for
> example, in the db.py model file:
> from gluon import current
> current.db = db
> Then when you import current in your module, you can refer to current.db.
Thanks Anthony.  That clears up a few things for me.


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Anthony

> I do not understand this properly. 
> After explicitly importing 'current' in the controller, I made some 
> progress.  But why is the class definition necessary and how does it 
> initialise db when db is not available in the module?

You don't necessarily need a class. The point is just that you need to pass 
in the db instance, either via an __init__ method of a class, or simply as 
an argument to your function. In your case:

def number_of_records(db, table):

And when you call that function, pass in your db object as the first 
argument. Another option is to add the db object to "current" -- for 
example, in the db.py model file:

from gluon import current
current.db = db

Then when you import current in your module, you can refer to current.db.


Re: [web2py] Re: Modules: how to access db

2012-02-09 Thread Johann Spies
Thanks Ross.

On 9 February 2012 14:39, Ross Peoples  wrote:

> from gluon import *
> This should give you the "current" object which has these:
> current.request
> current.response
> current.cache
> You must initialize your modules with a db instance though. So I usually
> do this:
> class MyModule(object):
> def __init__(self, db, ...)

I do not understand this properly.

After explicitly importing 'current' in the controller, I made some
progress.  But why is the class definition necessary and how does it
initialise db when db is not available in the module?


Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself,
my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)

[web2py] Folder inside controller dosen't work.

2012-02-09 Thread Phyo Arkar
Is that a bug or by design?

I am using JSONRPC of web2py , i want to keep JSONRPC services int its own
subfolder so not mixed with controllers for html. But web2py is not
allowing me to do so.

Here is my web2py's conttrolelr path:


i want to put caselist.py (which is to deal with case table part of the
inside services folder. so it should look like this :


All jsonRPC related services will go inside that folder.

But when i tried to call :

invalid controller (services/case)
What can i do? I believe code folder organisation is very important feature
for Large complex systems. My Project is growing big and should be able to
organize code.
50 files of code spreading inside just one controller folder is a
management nightmare.


[web2py] Multiple different problems - Dealing with "Integrity Error" for nutnull=True and unique=True database fields

2012-02-09 Thread Rahul
Hi All,
I have three problems - Please help me understand how to
troubleshoot these

Problem1 - (Primary issue)
  I have a table as below - How do I handle unique = True and
notnull= True fields i.e when I am doing negative testing and adding
similar fields, it throws me an exception. I am using web2py 1.99.4 ,
win7 and sqlite3

#users will be registered using email and password
Field('first_name', length=128),
Field('last_name', length=128),
Field('marital_status', length=10,
Field('gender', requires=IS_IN_SET(["Male", "Female",
Field('cell_no', length=15),
Field('email', length=512, unique=True, notnull=True),
Field('address', length=512),
Field('city', length=256),
Field('zip', length=10),
Field('unique_code', length=128, unique=True ), #,
comment='Eg. Architects code'
Field('profile_pic', 'upload'),
Field('created_on', 'date' , default= now,
Field('user_type', requires=IS_IN_SET(user_types)),
Field('user_status', requires=IS_IN_SET(user_status)),
Field('user_name', length=128, label='Display Name'),
Field('password', 'password'),
Field('password_question', length=128),
Field('answer', length=128)

Error Message-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\restricted.py", line 204, in
restrictedexec ccode in environment
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\applications\Build_Connect\controllers/
default.py", line 998, in 
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\globals.py", line 172, in 
self._caller = lambda f: f()
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\applications\Build_Connect\controllers/
default.py", line 86, in sysloginform = crud.create(db.reguser)
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 3126, in create
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\tools.py", line 3069, in update
detect_record_change = self.settings.detect_record_change):
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\sqlhtml.py", line 1267, in accepts
self.vars.id = self.table.insert(**fields)
 File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 5597, in insertreturn
File "D:\WEB2PY\web2py\gluon\dal.py", line 914, in insertraise
eIntegrityError: column email is not unique
How can I cache images that I have added for users who have added
I have a web page where I have users comment over my posts. These
users have id's defined and photos specified, how can I prevent
loading one image at a time?

How to restrict upload of files (any files including images) to say
512 kb or any size there of?

Regards, Rahul (www.flockbird.com)

[web2py] Re: why many lines in /root/var/log/uwsgi-python/web2py log : routing 0 routes 0 ?

2012-02-09 Thread Carlos
Hi Niphlod,

No, I do not have that option / directive on.

What other directive could be the problem?.

Btw I do have: 

Thanks again,


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