[IslamCity] It's about the Caliphate, stupid!�

2005-07-25 Thread mohammed hafeez
 It's about the Caliphate, stupid!’     It's the word that politicians dare not publicly mention for several decades in the hope it was dead and buried in 1924. Yet the issue has now emerged explicitly such that it is impossible not to mention it. Earlier this year a CIA think tank predicted th

[IslamCity] Download the Exclusive Interview for FREE...

2005-05-30 Thread mohammed hafeez
  Exclusive interview with Mr Craig Murray In this interview, Mr Craig Murray, the former ambassador to Uzbekistan , gives us a shocking account of his experience of the regime of Uzbekistan , headed by Islam Karimov. Under the pretext of ‘war on terror’, he highlights the brutality of Kari

[IslamCity] Video: Crisis in Uzbekistan

2005-05-28 Thread mohammed hafeez
Video: Crisis in Uzbekistan Dr. Imran Waheed, the Representative for Hizb Ut-Tahrir in Britain, discusses the crisis in Uzbekistan as a guest on Islam Channels Ummah Talk show. Part 1 Click here to watch Right click here to download Part 2 Click here to watch Right click here to download

[IslamCity] The rise of Islam in Uzbek..MUST READ

2005-05-16 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum Warahamthullahi Wabarakathuhu   The rise of Islam in Uzbek is surprising to many as it was portrayed in the media. Over 500 innocent protestors have been butchered in cold blood over tens of thousands of Muslims been in prison. The crime they are paying for is for calling tow

[IslamCity] The Muslim Unity March Against Oppression

2005-05-06 Thread mohammed hafeez
The Muslim Unity March Against Oppression    Saturday 30 April 2005 saw an unprecedented co-operation between Muslim groups and personalities attracting thousands of Muslim men, women and children, at relatively short notice. They came to express their unified protest against oppressive a

[IslamCity] Muslims United Against Oppression Demonstration at Marble Arch

2005-05-04 Thread mohammed hafeez
Muslims United Against Oppression Demonstration at Marble Arch    Picture 1 of 20 Picture 2 of 20 Picture 3 of 20 Picture 4 of 20 Picture 5 of 20 Picture 6 of 20 Picture 7 of 20 Picture 8 of 20

[IslamCity] Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain will be supporting the biggest Muslim unity anti-terror march Britain has witnessed

2005-05-02 Thread mohammed hafeez
  "A Muslim is a brother to a Muslim, he neither forsakeshim nor abandons him..." (Bukhari and Muslim)   Muslims united against oppression March this SaturdayTime and Place : 10:30 am Assemble at Marble Arch, London W1March From : Marble Arch to Paddington Green Police Station Hizb

[IslamCity] Poison plot without any poison

2005-04-25 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum "This philosophy was epitomised by Colin Powell, the former US secretary of state, in his dramatic address on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction programme to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003, five weeks before the invasion. He articulated, “every statement I make today

[IslamCity] Muslim Children being raped/tortured in Chechnya

2005-04-14 Thread mohammed hafeez
""Musa" shared a cell for one week with Andrey Babitsky, the Radio Liberty journalist. Among his other cell mates during his 21-day detention, were a man whose hands had been severely burnt by prison guards with cigarette lighters and a 17-year-old youth whose teeth had been sawn off with a me

[IslamCity] The Sunnah: The Islamic Way of Life

2005-04-11 Thread mohammed hafeez
" Most Islamic scholars today, when discussing the Ahadith, speak of reviving the Sunnahs and the extraneous deeds, but overlook the words speaking of the “Islamic method for life”. They take the Sunnah in its Fiqhi meaning, or by its technical meaning with the Muhadditheen, and do not lin

[IslamCity] Shabina Begum talks to Victoria Derbyshire on Radio 5 Live

2005-03-11 Thread mohammed hafeez
Shabina Begum talks to Victoria Derbyshire on Radio 5 Live    Shabina Begum & Dr Nazreen Nawaz, the women's media representative of Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain, talk to Victoria Derbyshire on Radio 5 Live's Morning programme about the decision of the Court of Appeal to allow Shabina the rig

[IslamCity] 81 years since the destruction of the Khilafah – Our voices must be louder for its re-establishment

2005-03-06 Thread mohammed hafeez
81 years since the destruction of the Khilafah – Our voices must be louder for its re-establishment    On 3rd March 1924 (corresponding to 28th Rajab 1342), the Islamic Khilafah in Istanbul was abolished, the Khaleefah was banished into exile, and so the ended the physical authority of A

[IslamCity] Islamic life style magazine is here!!!

2005-02-21 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum my dear brother and sisters.   Check out this new Magazine for the Muslims. MashALLAH it got some great articles, ideas and information for everyone. Sorry its only available in hard copy. So start subscribing soon and hey its only £18 per year.  Fi Amaan ALLAH Your brother

[IslamCity] Ma’al Hijrah – Awwal Muharram Awwal Khilafah[A GOOD READ]

2005-02-15 Thread mohammed hafeez
“Awal Muharram, our New Year of the Islamic lunar calendar commemorates the Hijrah – the emigration of the Believers from Makkah to Madinah. Although, prior to the Hijrah they were tortured and slayed in Makkah for their Islam, the Muslims weren’t emigrating to Madinah merely to escape persecu

[IslamCity] An exercise to legitimise occupation

2005-02-10 Thread mohammed hafeez
"President Bush referred to the Iraqi elections as “a grand moment in Iraqi history”. He also said that the “advent of democracy in Iraq will serve as a powerful example to reformers throughout the entire Middle East. Freedom is on the march, and the world is better for it.”   We should not ob

[IslamCity] Forced Marriages Bride & Prejudice

2005-02-04 Thread mohammed hafeez
 Forced Marriages Bride & Prejudice    ALL-NEW Yahoo! Messenger - all new features - even more fun! *** {Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspi

[IslamCity] The Human cost of War

2005-02-02 Thread mohammed hafeez
  The human cost of warThe Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War This film is our soldiers’ perspective of the Iraq War, and how they are being treated upon returning home. It goes beyond the war stories to look underneath our American tradition of engaging in war and then abandoning the warrior.

[IslamCity] Photos : THE CHILDREN OF IRAQ - A Must See

2005-01-30 Thread mohammed hafeez
THE CHILDREN OF IRAQ http://www.zonaeuropa.com/01467.htm ALL-NEW Yaho

[IslamCity] =?iso-8859-1?q?=93THIS=20IS=20A=20CLEAR=20MESSAGE=20FOR=20MANKIND=20IN=20?= =?iso-8859-1?q?ORDER=20THAT=20THEY=20MAY=20BEWARNED......."=20[14:52]=20?=

2005-01-30 Thread mohammed hafeez
“THIS IS A CLEAR MESSAGE FOR MANKIND IN ORDER THAT THEY MAY BEWARNED..." [14:52] Bismillahi Al-Rahman Al-Raheem Once the Iraqi forces had entered Kuwait the arrogant savagery of the Americans showed its face, and the US went insane. It moved as if crazed. Bush initiated meeting after meetin

[IslamCity] Shocking Pictures of Iraqi Abuse Revealed

2005-01-23 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum   These mischief makers entered our nation to bring peace and security and freedom. Also to free the Iraqis from the torture and dictatorship of Sadam. If still believe that these sons of pigs and apes are there for the good of Ummah then you are still sleeping.   Please Ma

[IslamCity] Eid Mubarak

2005-01-20 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum Dear Ummathul Khilafah Rashida,Haffeez has just sent you a greeting card!To view your card, click on the following linkhttp://www.eidmubarak.com/viewCard.php?cardnumber=8009809026683650You can also pick up your card by visting http://www.eidmubarak.com Your card number is 800

[IslamCity] Kashmiri Women: The Weapon of War...PLZ READ IT..

2005-01-15 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum   The Kuffar Pigs are dishonoring our sisters in Kashmir while the rest of the World is a sleep and specially our Muslim so called Rulers and Armies. What is the use of having nuclear weapons and a big well trained Army if we can’t even protect our women? May ALLAHs (swt) puni

[IslamCity] The establishment of Islam: Victory on a global and individual level

2005-01-13 Thread mohammed hafeez
Not that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala) is in need of us, but rather to test those who believe and those who reject. This deen will ultimately be established in this world, filling every inch of this earth. The Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Allah (subhanahu wa ta'aala) has shown me

[IslamCity] Audio: Problem of evil....TSUNAMI

2005-01-13 Thread mohammed hafeez
Audio: Problem of evil One of the most influential and powerful "proofs" that there is no God proceeds from "The Problem from Evil." Atheists argue thus: If God can prevent evil, but doesn't, then He isn't all-loving. If God intends to prevent evil, but cannot, then He isn't omnipotent. If God

[IslamCity] The right to rule ourselves

2005-01-09 Thread mohammed hafeez
" The Arabs have experienced all sorts of political and ideological groups over the past century. But there is little doubt that if free elections were held today in the Middle East, Islamic movements would reap the fruits. It is not of course that these Islamists are anything like the media u

[IslamCity] British and US Tsunami Aid Snubbed

2005-01-08 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum   How nice and generous of Mr Bush to send 1300+ troops to Sri Lanka to help them in this tough times. He is a GOD fearing and peace loving Christian. How arrogant are these countries who have snubbed US troops who have come to aid them [may be they are linked with Al Qaida to

[IslamCity] Our world has been shaken

2005-01-06 Thread mohammed hafeez
Rasulullah (Salllallahu alaihi wa sallam) warned us that, “The blood of a Muslim is dearer to Allah than the sanctity of the Ka‘bah and its surroundings”. He also said, “The life of a Muslim is dearer to Allah than the whole world”. The Americans and their allies are not interested in the numbe

[IslamCity] In death, imperialism lives on [tsunami]

2005-01-03 Thread mohammed hafeez
In death, imperialism lives on    For the western media, it is clear that a tourist's tragedy is more important than that of the 'locals' Jeremy SeabrookFriday December 31, 2004The number of fishing boats from Sumatra, Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu at sea when the Boxing Day tsunami hit will

[IslamCity] 9/11 "Painful Deceptions"

2004-12-30 Thread mohammed hafeez
Assalamu Alaikum  Some amazing fact on video about the great deception of all time [9/11]. Download and view the free Internet Version of"Painful Deceptions" DVD click on the following links: The Videos are at the bottom of the page. http://reopen911.org/pictures_and_videos.htm   Fi Amaan ALLA

[IslamCity] Who do you idolise?

2004-12-20 Thread mohammed hafeez
"The word idol in the program’s title is highly appropriate, for it is thought that the term has its modern root in the early Christian era. It was associated with the Latin, idolum, and meaning ‘image of a false god’ and entered the language via Old French, idole or idele. So what does an imag

[IslamCity] Check b4 u click

2004-12-12 Thread mohammed hafeez
Respected Brother/Sister in Islam   Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakatuhu   The phenomenal pace with which technology has advanced makes it possible for a person to communicate with thousands of people in a matter of seconds. The simple press of a button enables one

[IslamCity] Privacy in Yahoo

2004-12-09 Thread mohammed hafeez
Subject: Yahoo tracking group users and others.  `Opt out' now Just noticed this on another yahoogroups list.  Suggest you consider "opting out" - see below - and sharing this with others.Yahoo is now using something called "Web Beacons" to track YahooGroup users around the net and see what yo

[IslamCity] A M E R I C A T H E B R U T A L , A M E R I C A T H E U G L Y

2004-12-07 Thread mohammed hafeez
MER FLASHBACK - 27 Nov 1997: 9/11 WAS VERY FORESEEABLE"There are many menaces loose in today's world. Among them is the American military-industrial complex which dominates American society, manipulates its press, controls its political parties, frightens its intellectuals -- the very tyrann

[IslamCity] “Terrorists Tarnish Image of Islam” - Says Abdullah (Arab News - 21 November 2004)

2004-12-04 Thread mohammed hafeez
"The two wars launched against Iraq and the War Against Afghanistan were conducted from the heart of Saudi Arabia. "Going to Iraq and participating in armed acts is not jihad. It will only worsen the security situation there," Adbullah said.He also discouraged people from giving money to Muslims

[IslamCity] 'We Live Like Dogs'

2004-11-28 Thread mohammed hafeez
  Assalamu Alaikum   A must read article about how the Muslim of Fallijah are suffering in the hands of the invaders and oppressors. Plz make duas for my brothers and sisters in Iraq. People in Iraq and the rest of the Muslim work know that they are suffering because of the absent of Islam