[libreoffice-users] Data filtering with Base

2016-05-13 Thread Egbert Eissing
Hello, I encounter a bigproblem by filtering data in a form by a date. Several days ofexperimenting did not produce any working result. On of many filterstrings I experimented with is as follows:sFilter= chr(34) &sSearchfield & chr(34) & " = " & chr(39) &(sDescription) & chr(39) & " AND " & c

[libreoffice-users] base - reading a field from an open form

2016-03-03 Thread Egbert Eissing
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }I need to read thefield on another open form. To this end I experimented with thefollowing code snipped: oFormMMquotation =ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocuments.getByName("MMquotation") oQt_ID =oFormMMquotation.getByName("MMquotation").getByName("qt_ID

[libreoffice-users] base - getting error when loading a dialog

2016-02-24 Thread Egbert Eissing
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }I am experimentingwith Dialogs.I prepared a dialogcalled TestDialog, which is stored on the dialog organizer windowunder: My Dialogs >Standard > TestDialog. I did not select this position,it was automatically saved there. The code to openthis dial

[libreoffice-users] Base - table control functionality

2016-02-22 Thread Egbert Eissing
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }With the new libreOffice 5.04, Table control has lost it's abilityto configuer columns.On my newly produced forms, integers look like prices, dates show upin the wrong order, price columns are totally un-formated and boolencolumns look like '0.00',o

[libreoffice-users] Base - Function Sequence Error

2016-02-20 Thread Egbert Eissing
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }Function SequenceError. What is that? I have a form linkedto a MySQL server's telephone numbers Table.Whenever a newtelephone number is added three additional data fieldsalso need to betransferred to the new row. Here is a code ssnippet.First the

[libreoffice-users] Base - hiding a push button conditionally

2016-02-06 Thread Egbert Eissing
p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }I have the followingArrangement:The main form of the document is (oForm), and there is a subform (oMangForm).On the subform, thereis a push-button, which I wish to hide under certain conditions.I have carefullyread all the documents available to me

[libreoffice-users] Base - automatically running a macro on form opening

2016-02-03 Thread Egbert Eissing
I need to fire up a macro automatically when I open a form, or when I move to the next record. There is obviously no form event that allows me to do that. I have placed a simple macro, containing nothing but a message box into all relevant event slots, to see whether any one of them will fire.

[libreoffice-users] Base: problem with where clause in a select query.

2016-01-25 Thread Egbert Eissing
I must be doingsomething wrong: Here is the where clause of my select query within amacro: WHERE ""EmployeeID""='" + sEmployeeID + "' AND ""ItemValue""<> '0' AND ""MidOrEndMonth"" = '0'") Instead of returningthe table rows where “ItemValue” IS NOT “0”, it returns therows where the “ItemValue”

[libreoffice-users] Transferrig a parameter to a sub form

2016-01-14 Thread Egbert Eissing
I have a form with atable control which lists all the employees, and a sub-form with atable control that lists the payroll data of each employee. If an employee isselected in the first table, the employeeID should be passed to thesub form to filter the data for the selected employee. The code c

Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Displaying data on an unbound field

2016-01-13 Thread Egbert Eissing
Thanks very much for your replies and your help.I couldn't quite make things work, which prompted me to take another approach. The unbounded text boxes were only to show Information and this can also be done with labels. So I used labels. The last line of my code example would than be: oDiscoun

[libreoffice-users] Displaying data on an unbound field

2016-01-11 Thread Egbert Eissing
I have a form which holds several fields which are not bound to a database table, but are showing data for information purposes only. Consider the following code snippet.     oResultSet = oStatement.executeQuery()     if not isnull(oResultSet)then     oResultSet.next

[libreoffice-users] BaseForms: transferring contents of data fields to the database table

2016-01-04 Thread Egbert Eissing
I have a main form and a sub form. The main form holds one single record, the sub form contains multiple records related to the record in the main form. Both forms are holding alphanumeric and also pure numeric data. I wrote a macro to evaluate and calculate the numeric data in the sub form and