Re: Space reclamation of offsite copy pool takes forever

2002-11-11 Thread Steve Harris

IMHO, you are working too hard.  
66% reclaim level will reclaim 3 tapes to get 2 scratches, so must write 1 full tape's 
worth of data.
80% will reclaim 5 tapes to get 4 scratches, so must write 1 full tape...
90% will reclaim 10 tapes to get 9 scratches, so must write 1 full tape ...

So, number1 recommendation from me would be to buy some more tapes and increase your 
reclaim level.

Now the reclaim process will process lots of individual tapes to build that 1 output 
tape,as you have noted.  Thus run it as infrequently as possible to get the maximum 
value from each pass.
I'd suggest kicking it off over the weekend and just letting it go till Monday morning 
- depending on your load of course.  Cancel it then if it hasn't finished.
After all, the easiest way to reclaim data is to just let it expire.

Steve Harris
AIX and TSM Admin
Queensland Health, Brisbane Australia.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/11/2002 9:44:27 >>>
Reclamation of our offsite copy pool is taking forever.  Right now, we have
200+ volumes in that pool.  Normally, threshold is set at 60% and I get
maybe 8 or 9 volumes returned after processing for 7 hours (on beefy AIX,
with TSM at 5.1.5).  Lately I've tried setting the threshold at 99, then
98, then 97, etc., but I don't see much improvement in overall freeing up
of tapes.  It appears that most of the time is taken up with mounting input
volumes.  Even though we have a 3494, I'd say 80% of the time is spent
waiting for tape mounts.  Is there any way to get space reclamation to free
up offsite tapes faster?  Note, for my onsite tape pool, I do not see this
problem (e.g., I can easily free up 30 tapes in 5 hours or less).

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

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Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch

2002-11-11 Thread Roger Deschner
I hope to clear this up since a bunch of folks seem to be unclear on

The most common way of running an ITSM server's tape pool is to check
them all in as SCRATCH, and then when a new tape is needed for any
reason, it is taken from the list of scratch tapes. So, a tape can be in
one of four states:

1. SCRATCH (A volume can go from here to either 2 or 4)

2. In a Tape Storage Pool containing backed-up data. (A volume goes from
here to State 3 if REUSEDELAY is 1 or longer, or from here back to

3. PENDING, that is it was in state 2, and it got reclaimed or deleted,
and the REUSEDELAY period has not yet expired. (A volume from here goes
back to State 1.) You can manually use DELETE VOL to short circuit the
REUSEDELAY and return PENDING tapes to SCRATCH status immediately, which
you might want to do if you are running out of scratch tapes.

4. Listed in the Volume History File, because they have been used for
Database Backups for instance. Tapes listed in the Volume History File
are not in a Storage Pool per se, although they could be considered to
be in their own different kind of storage pool. When you run the DELETE
VOLHIST command, or when the DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS interval expires,
tapes that are no longer listed in the Volume History File go directly
to state 1 - SCRATCH. This occurs immediately - the REUSEDELAY is not an
applicable concept here.

5. (I know, I said four) PRIVATE. I use PRIVATE status for tapes that
are of suspicious media quality and are waiting for me to get off my
lazy rear end and check them out of the library and ship them off to the
recertifier. The only way a tape is in PRIVATE status and is not also in
State 2, 3, or 4, is if I put it there manually. I have an SQL query
that checks this daily and sends me the result in email. The signature
for tapes in this status is that the LASTUSE is blank.

There seems to be some confusion as to what happens to tapes in state 4.
The doc is very clear about DELETE VOLHIST:

"When you delete records for volumes that are not in storage pools (for
example, database backup or export volumes), the volumes return to
scratch status even if TSM acquired them as private volumes."

Therefore this statement is incorrect:

>private.  They return to their original state.

There is one exception here - if you use Disaster Recovery Manager,
which adds a whole new layer of complication. If you are using DRM, you
hopefully understand how it impacts this process.

This whole area is glitchy - so much so that it has its own error
message numbers. (This happened to me several times in the last couple
days, and I had to look them up.) The messages manual says that one
thing that can clear out tapes stuck in limbo like this is a simple
server restart. Or, if the tape was PENDING when it got stuck, DELETE
VOL will work to clear it back to SCRATCH status.

Roger Deschner  University of Illinois at Chicago [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Have you ever, like, tried to put together a bicycle in public? Or a
grill?" Astronauts David Wolf and Piers Sellers, explaining the
difficulties encountered in attaching equipment to the Space Station

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Michelle Wiedeman wrote:

>I cant remember what its called under tsm but i know there is an option in
>which u tell tsm NOT to claim a tape just as dbb tape. Is it possible this
>happened and ur dbb tape also containes other data? That would explain why
>it doesnt return to scratch.
>-Original Message-
>From: Paul Miller [mailto:Paul_Miller@;CARGILL.COM]
>Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:40 AM
>Subject: Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch
>Thanks, everyone for your replies.  I migrated one of the problem TSM
>servers to new hardware today (was going to do it anyway), and it seems
>to be working fine.  I just noticed this problem on one of my HP-UX
>servers today, as well, though, and that one's running 5.1.  Curiouser
>and curiouser...
>Etienne, I check all my tapes in as scratch and let TSM take care of
>doling them out, so that wasn't it.  Good question, though.
>Mark, I don't think dbb tapes go into a pool, do they?
>-Original Message-
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:ebrodeur@;SERTI.COM]
>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 14:31
>Subject: Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch
>Did you perhaps label it and check it in the library as private?  I seem
>to recall I had similar thing happen with tapes I originally checked in
>private.  They return to their original state.
>Etienne Brodeur
>Mark Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>11/08/2002 02:21 PM
>Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
>Subject:Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
>Paul Mill

Gigabit Utilization

2002-11-11 Thread Gill, Geoffrey L.
Does anyone who has access to any port utilizations statistics on a TSM
server using a GIG adapter have anything they could send me as a sampling
during heavy backup traffic? I've asked the people here to take a look at
mine so I can get an idea of how busy it's peak load to see if there are any
bottlenecks. I'd also like to compare the numbers of connections you have to
mine during that time. I don't know if we have any issues I'm just checking
at the moment.
In case it's needed I'm on AIX 4.3.3and TSM This computer does
nothing else.

Geoff Gill
TSM Administrator
NT Systems Support Engineer
Phone:  (858) 826-4062
Pager:   (877) 905-7154

Re: TSM Client server and data migration

2002-11-11 Thread Seay, Paul
When you say cleanup, I presume you mean cleanup backupgroups to correct the
windows system objects issue.  The database size is a hardware dependent
issue.  Mine is 90GB and growing.  It takes me a little more than an hour to
back it up, but I have really good hardware.  So the answer to your question
is it depends.  If you provide the exact configuration of the hardware you
are going to someone here can answer your question or at least give you an
estimate based on experience.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-Original Message-
From: bizzorg [mailto:i.hunley@;ATTBI.COM]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: TSM Client server and data migration

I'm hearing that 20GB is the optimal size for a TSM database.  I've also
heard that 40GB is the optimal size.  Is either number correct?  What is the
correct optimal TSM database size?  The TSM servers, with the exception of
one, are running at fix test on z/OS 1.2.

We are moving client servers from a TSM with a 100+ GB database to TSM
servers with 20GB databases.  There is data on the older TSM server that was
backed up by TSM 4.1.x.  When we worked with IBM on a previous problem, it
was suggested by IBM that we run a CLEANUP process against the 4.1.x data.

CLEANUP is a long running process and all sessions must be disabled while
running cleanup.  Because of this, CLEANUP cannot run on production TSM
servers.  We've run reports against the older TSM and discovered 4.88TB of
file spaces we think we can delete.  The list of file spaces has been
distributed for written approval.

Here's my plan of action...

1.) Complete the client server migration.
2.) Obtain written approval to delete the old backup file spaces(CYA).
3.) Delete the file spaces.
4.) Run the CLEANUP process on the decommissioned TSM.
5.) EXPORT the data from the decommissioned TSM.
6.) IMPORT the data to the new TSM servers.

It just doesn't make sense to me to run the CLEANUP process against file
spaces that could be deleted.  It also seems unwise to me to EXPORT/IMPORT
data that could be deleted, but believe it or not, someone here wants to do
just that.  I'm looking for Pros and Cons.  After all, it's possible that my
plan is the one that doesn't make sense and I just can't see it.

Re: Storage Agent tape drive problems

2002-11-11 Thread Seay, Paul
What kind of drives are these?

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Poland, Neil [mailto:Neil.Poland@;ACS-INC.COM]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: Storage Agent tape drive problems

I have the Storage Agent running on two seperate servers. They are the same
level 4.2.20 and are configured the same.

One of them is working great but the other is having problems mounting
tapes. It will attempt to mount a tape and if a drive is not available it
will generate a "server media mount not possible" error and go on to another
file to back up.

The activity log shows "unable to open drive /dev/rmt*".

Did I miss something in the configuration?


Re: Space reclamation of offsite copy pool takes forever

2002-11-11 Thread Seay, Paul
This is why I do not use the reclaimation process.  I have written a process
that does MOVE DATA vv reconstruct=yes commands for the volumes that
have less than a reclamation number.  I set the reclamation in the storage
pool to 100 so they will not reclaim.

Then I can run as many simultaneously as my drives can handle, usually 5 to
6.  Yes, from the same storage pool.

We actually do this because we use closed box and the tapes may return
before they are empty, so 14 days before there return I move the data to new
volumes going offsite.  I also have a second threshold.  If the tape has
been offsite more than say 14 days and is less than say 10% utilized I
reclaim them as well.

There are many beauties to this process and only a couple negatives.  You
get your tapes refreshed at the offsite no matter what.  You can use closed
box.  Keeps the tapes full at whatever level you want.  Allows you to have a
built in scratch pool for disaster recovery.  Keeps collocated volumes down
to a minimum (fewer mounts).  On the negative side, it requires tape drives.
The process is home grown using TSM selects and AIX KSH scripts.

We use separate pools for database and exchange backups or similar type
data.  Those backups do not have to be recycled before return because there
are always full copies of these offsite.

Maybe ITSM development will take a look at doing something like this in the
future.  This is the case for smaller storage pools and more of them.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Brazner, Bob [mailto:Bob.Brazner@;JCI.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 6:44 PM
Subject: Space reclamation of offsite copy pool takes forever

Reclamation of our offsite copy pool is taking forever.  Right now, we have
200+ volumes in that pool.  Normally, threshold is set at 60% and I get
maybe 8 or 9 volumes returned after processing for 7 hours (on beefy AIX,
with TSM at 5.1.5).  Lately I've tried setting the threshold at 99, then 98,
then 97, etc., but I don't see much improvement in overall freeing up of
tapes.  It appears that most of the time is taken up with mounting input
volumes.  Even though we have a 3494, I'd say 80% of the time is spent
waiting for tape mounts.  Is there any way to get space reclamation to free
up offsite tapes faster?  Note, for my onsite tape pool, I do not see this
problem (e.g., I can easily free up 30 tapes in 5 hours or less).

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

Re: Space reclamation of offsite copy pool takes forever

2002-11-11 Thread Sung Y Lee

Have you first tried to see what current reclaimable spaces are available
for offsite volumes.

Here's a select command which will list all the offsite volumes in the
order of pct_reclaimable.

Command: select volume_name, stgpool_name, access, pct_reclaim from volumes
where stgpool_name='OFF3494' order by pct_reclaim desc
Modify the stgpool name for your server

It is possible that you don't have any offsite volumes reach are
reclaimable at your reclaimable threshold and yes reclaimable process can
take a very long time.  Sometimes, I was lucky to get even 3 tapes back
running thru the night.   Also make sure expiration is running.

Sung Y. Lee

  "Brazner, Bob"
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject:  Space reclamation of offsite 
copy pool takes forever
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 05:44
  Please respond to
  "ADSM: Dist Stor

Reclamation of our offsite copy pool is taking forever.  Right now, we have
200+ volumes in that pool.  Normally, threshold is set at 60% and I get
maybe 8 or 9 volumes returned after processing for 7 hours (on beefy AIX,
with TSM at 5.1.5).  Lately I've tried setting the threshold at 99, then
98, then 97, etc., but I don't see much improvement in overall freeing up
of tapes.  It appears that most of the time is taken up with mounting input
volumes.  Even though we have a 3494, I'd say 80% of the time is spent
waiting for tape mounts.  Is there any way to get space reclamation to free
up offsite tapes faster?  Note, for my onsite tape pool, I do not see this
problem (e.g., I can easily free up 30 tapes in 5 hours or less).

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

Re: DB2 Backups on Solaris 8 Wrong documentation?

2002-11-11 Thread Seay, Paul
I believe if you look at the client for Solaris that is at
ftp:\\ you will find the correct information in the
client readme.

Paul D. Seay, Jr.
Technical Specialist
Naptheon Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Wichmann [mailto:gwichman@;ZANTAZ.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 9:32 PM
Subject: DB2 Backups on Solaris 8 Wrong documentation?

According to the Backing up DB2 PDF for backing up DB2 on Solaris, on page
92 step 2 it says:

2. The /etc/system must have, as a minimum, the following values. Modify
them as necessary, then reboot. set lwp_default_stksize = 0x4000 set
rpcmod:svc_run_stksize = 0x4000 set semsys:seminfo_semmap = 50 set
semsys:seminfo_semmni = 50 set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 300 set
semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 150 set semsys:seminfo_semopm = 50 set
semsys:seminfo_semume = 50 set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 125

The above svc_run_stksize parameter throws an error during Solaris boot that
says something to the effect of it being an invalid parameter. Is this a
typo in the book? Should it actually be svc_default_stksize?

Looking at ->

I don't see an svc_run_stksize

Anyone?  IBM??

Gerald Wichmann
Senior Systems Development Engineer
Zantaz, Inc.
925.598.3099 (w)

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Space reclamation of offsite copy pool takes forever

2002-11-11 Thread Brazner, Bob
Reclamation of our offsite copy pool is taking forever.  Right now, we have
200+ volumes in that pool.  Normally, threshold is set at 60% and I get
maybe 8 or 9 volumes returned after processing for 7 hours (on beefy AIX,
with TSM at 5.1.5).  Lately I've tried setting the threshold at 99, then
98, then 97, etc., but I don't see much improvement in overall freeing up
of tapes.  It appears that most of the time is taken up with mounting input
volumes.  Even though we have a 3494, I'd say 80% of the time is spent
waiting for tape mounts.  Is there any way to get space reclamation to free
up offsite tapes faster?  Note, for my onsite tape pool, I do not see this
problem (e.g., I can easily free up 30 tapes in 5 hours or less).

Bob Brazner
Johnson Controls, Inc.
(414) 524-2570

DB2 Backups on Solaris 8 Wrong documentation?

2002-11-11 Thread Gerald Wichmann
According to the Backing up DB2 PDF for backing up DB2 on Solaris, on page
92 step 2 it says:

2. The /etc/system must have, as a minimum, the following values. Modify
them as necessary, then reboot.
set lwp_default_stksize = 0x4000
set rpcmod:svc_run_stksize = 0x4000
set semsys:seminfo_semmap = 50
set semsys:seminfo_semmni = 50
set semsys:seminfo_semmns = 300
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu = 150
set semsys:seminfo_semopm = 50
set semsys:seminfo_semume = 50
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl = 125

The above svc_run_stksize parameter throws an error during Solaris boot that
says something to the effect of it being an invalid parameter. Is this a
typo in the book? Should it actually be svc_default_stksize?

Looking at ->

I don't see an svc_run_stksize

Anyone?  IBM??

Gerald Wichmann
Senior Systems Development Engineer
Zantaz, Inc.
925.598.3099 (w)

This e-mail has been captured and archived by the ZANTAZ Digital Safe(tm)
service.  For more information, visit us at
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recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received
this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately by
telephone or directly reply to the original message(s) sent.  Thank you.

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Bob McCole
You'll need to set 2 thingsI think I read where you already have
maxnummp set to 4. Now you need to set resourceutilization to10. The ru
formula is described in the performance tuning guide.

Bob McCole
Manager, Computing Services
American Management Systems, Inc.

Kent Monthei
Sent by: Subject: Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit 
- performance tuning
"ADSM: Dist   question
Stor Manager"

06:11 PM
Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

Mark, thanks.  However, this is the initial full/cold backup of 20
populated mountpoints.  Also, the CopyGroup CopyMode is set to Absolute,
not Modified.


Kent Monthei

"Mark Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11-Nov-2002 17:39
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance
tuning question

>>We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
>>multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
>>consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape. ResourceUtilization
>>is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
>>However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
>>backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Ricardo Ribeiro
> Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update
> your client
> node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

You also have to remember that you're not going to be able to keep four
threads continuously open during the entire backup session, unless you're
backing up a large number of large files (>1 GB). Threads normally open
close due to demand from the client; setting resourceutilization to 8
guarantees a *maximum* of four data threads.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Ricardo Ribeiro
The only other thing that I can suggest is to see if they have a new ptf
version available... Sometimes they correct problems and don't tell you.

  Kent Monthei
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 
64-bit - performance tuning question
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 04:04
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"

Ricardo, thanks.  However, MaxNumMP is already set to 4 for this node.

I should add that the database is spread across approx 20 filesystem
volumes/mountpoints.  All are configured to go direct-to-tape via INCLEXCL
management class bindings.  Presently, I see 4 server sessions for the
node, but still only see 2 mounted tape volumes, and only 2 of the 4
sessions are sending substantial amounts of data to the server.  The other
2 sessions are in IDLEW status, with wait-times of 25-40 minutes.

Kent Monthei

"Ricardo Ribeiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11-Nov-2002 15:13
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance
tuning question

Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update your
node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

  Kent Monthei
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: TSM 5.1 on Solaris
8 64-bit - performance tuning question
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 11:49
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"

We have a 1.2TB (& growing) Oracle Data Warehouse on one domain of a Sun
Enterprise 1 (E10K) Server.  The same E10K domain also has TSM
Server and TSM Client installed and backs itself up to a
locally-attached SCSI tape library with 4 DLT7000 Drives.

We perform a database shutdown, a full cold backup of the OS filesystem,
then a database restart (no RMAN or TDP for Oracle involved).  The full
cold backup goes direct-to-tape.  Our objective is to keep all 4 drives
active near-100% of the time, to achieve the shortest possible backup

We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape.  ResourceUtilization
is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

Right now, we are not using Shared Memory protocol (disabled due to some
'dsmserv' crashes that failed to release shared memory).  We are using
tcpip protocol, and are using TCPServerAddress= (localhost) for
all tcpip sessions.

Does anyone know a way to force a single 'dsmc sched' process to start a
minimum number of threads (>= #tape drives), or know probable reasons why
configuration isn't doing it now?

- rsvp with comments & tuning tips, thanks.

Kent Monthei

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Ricardo Ribeiro
Well, there we many different issues. The main one that I can think of is
the PCI scsi adapters and their performance.
We had 4 scsi adapters (PCI 64bit), they could not keep up with the demand
of clients, in terms of data transfers, they time out in more then a few
Sending out library to space...

  "William F.
  Colwell" To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Server AIX vs NT
  Sent by: "ADSM:
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 03:38
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"


I will be rehosting soon from OS/390 to either W2k or sun.
What precisely was your capacity issue?  We are leaning to W2k
right now, if our requirements are below your problem we may be
OK with W2k.



At 03:39 PM 11/11/2002, you wrote:
>Not to mention the uptime difference that you will gain from an AIX box.
>We had an NT TSM server that we had to replace with an industrial strength
>box due to capacity and down time issues running on NT.
>Hopefully this will help.
>  "Whitlow, Don"
>COM> cc:
>  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: Re: Server AIX vs
>  Dist Stor
>  Manager"
>  T.EDU>
>  11/11/2002 11:23
>  AM
>  Please respond
>  to "ADSM: Dist
>  Stor Manager"
> From what we've seen, the difference between Wintel and RS6K/pSeries
>hardware has been the I/O thruput. In our experience, Wintel
>hardware/software just cannot push I/O through like our RS6K hardware
>running AIX. That may be in large part due to the fact that Win32 seems to
>be the limiting factor, so Linux on Intel may be ok, but we see generally
>least 2x the I/O thruput on the AIX boxes vs. NT.
>Just my 2 cents...
>Don Whitlow
>Quad/Graphics, Inc.
>Manager - Enterprise Computing
>-Original Message-
>From: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
>Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:46 AM
>Subject: Server AIX vs NT
>We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently
>the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
>server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
>needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
>experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
>have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
>Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Ray Baughman
>Engineering Systems Administrator
>TSM Administrator
>National Machinery LLC
>Phone 419-443-2257
>Fax 419-443-2376

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Kent Monthei
Mark, thanks.  However, this is the initial full/cold backup of 20
populated mountpoints.  Also, the CopyGroup CopyMode is set to Absolute,
not Modified.


Kent Monthei

"Mark Stapleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11-Nov-2002 17:39
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

>>We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
>>multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
>>consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape. ResourceUtilization
>>is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
>>However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
>>backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Ricardo Ribeiro
> Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update
> your client
> node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

You also have to remember that you're not going to be able to keep four
threads continuously open during the entire backup session, unless you're
backing up a large number of large files (>1 GB). Threads normally open
close due to demand from the client; setting resourceutilization to 8
guarantees a *maximum* of four data threads.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Kent Monthei
Ricardo, thanks.  However, MaxNumMP is already set to 4 for this node.

I should add that the database is spread across approx 20 filesystem
volumes/mountpoints.  All are configured to go direct-to-tape via INCLEXCL
management class bindings.  Presently, I see 4 server sessions for the
node, but still only see 2 mounted tape volumes, and only 2 of the 4
sessions are sending substantial amounts of data to the server.  The other
2 sessions are in IDLEW status, with wait-times of 25-40 minutes.

Kent Monthei

"Ricardo Ribeiro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11-Nov-2002 15:13
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update your
node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

  Kent Monthei
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: TSM 5.1 on Solaris
8 64-bit - performance tuning question
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 11:49
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"

We have a 1.2TB (& growing) Oracle Data Warehouse on one domain of a Sun
Enterprise 1 (E10K) Server.  The same E10K domain also has TSM
Server and TSM Client installed and backs itself up to a
locally-attached SCSI tape library with 4 DLT7000 Drives.

We perform a database shutdown, a full cold backup of the OS filesystem,
then a database restart (no RMAN or TDP for Oracle involved).  The full
cold backup goes direct-to-tape.  Our objective is to keep all 4 drives
active near-100% of the time, to achieve the shortest possible backup

We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape.  ResourceUtilization
is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

Right now, we are not using Shared Memory protocol (disabled due to some
'dsmserv' crashes that failed to release shared memory).  We are using
tcpip protocol, and are using TCPServerAddress= (localhost) for
all tcpip sessions.

Does anyone know a way to force a single 'dsmc sched' process to start a
minimum number of threads (>= #tape drives), or know probable reasons why
configuration isn't doing it now?

- rsvp with comments & tuning tips, thanks.

Kent Monthei

Re: performace figure Gigabit network

2002-11-11 Thread Mark Stapleton
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Koen Willems
> Can anybody give me an performance figure on restores speeds of a w2k
> user directory with lots of small files on a Gigabit ethernet work.
> I am tunnin resores and want to know wich performance is to be
> expected on gigabit...
> W2k + LTO + GB

As with any performance question, it entirely depends upon the file and
network environment. There are so many variables that asking a generic "how
fast should it be?" is rather a pointless pursuit.

Instead, follow good practices all around. Tune your server OS to optimum
file I/O, clear your network of bottlenecks with best practice standards,
and schedule TSM activities to even out the load as much as possible. If
you're buying a new server for TSM, buy one with decent memory and CPU

If you don't do these things (or don't know how), no amount of fiddling with
TSM is going to give you quality throughput speeds. The #1 reason (in my
experience) for poor throughput in TSM is bad and/or poorly maintained

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

Raid 5 or 0?

2002-11-11 Thread Luke Dahl
We're considering changing from RAID5 to RAID0.  Info:
Solaris 5.8
TSM Server
Storage array 21 36Gb disks (currently RAID5.

Is this a wise move?  If we make the change, any recommendations on the
stripe setting?  Default is 64Kb, but it can be set while we
configure...  Performance seems quite slow with RAID5 and we have  a
development box we're going to throw this at.  Any thoughts or
recommendations are much appreciated.

Luke Dahl
NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Mark Stapleton
>>We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
>>multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
>>consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape.  ResourceUtilization
>>is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
>>However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
>>backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Ricardo Ribeiro
> Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update
> your client
> node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

You also have to remember that you're not going to be able to keep four data
threads continuously open during the entire backup session, unless you're
backing up a large number of large files (>1 GB). Threads normally open and
close due to demand from the client; setting resourceutilization to 8 merely
guarantees a *maximum* of four data threads.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread William F. Colwell

I will be rehosting soon from OS/390 to either W2k or sun.
What precisely was your capacity issue?  We are leaning to W2k
right now, if our requirements are below your problem we may be
OK with W2k.



At 03:39 PM 11/11/2002, you wrote:
>Not to mention the uptime difference that you will gain from an AIX box.
>We had an NT TSM server that we had to replace with an industrial strength
>box due to capacity and down time issues running on NT.
>Hopefully this will help.
>  "Whitlow, Don"
>COM> cc:
>  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: Re: Server AIX vs NT
>  Dist Stor
>  Manager"
>  T.EDU>
>  11/11/2002 11:23
>  AM
>  Please respond
>  to "ADSM: Dist
>  Stor Manager"
> From what we've seen, the difference between Wintel and RS6K/pSeries
>hardware has been the I/O thruput. In our experience, Wintel
>hardware/software just cannot push I/O through like our RS6K hardware
>running AIX. That may be in large part due to the fact that Win32 seems to
>be the limiting factor, so Linux on Intel may be ok, but we see generally
>least 2x the I/O thruput on the AIX boxes vs. NT.
>Just my 2 cents...
>Don Whitlow
>Quad/Graphics, Inc.
>Manager - Enterprise Computing
>-Original Message-
>From: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
>Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:46 AM
>Subject: Server AIX vs NT
>We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
>the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
>server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
>needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
>experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
>have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
>Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.
>Any help would be appreciated.
>Ray Baughman
>Engineering Systems Administrator
>TSM Administrator
>National Machinery LLC
>Phone 419-443-2257
>Fax 419-443-2376

Bill Colwell
C. S. Draper Lab
Cambridge Ma.

Re: Cleanup for APAR IC32075

2002-11-11 Thread Andrew Raibeck

The procedures are undocumented and should be done only with the
assistance of support.

What kind of run-around are you getting? It certainly should NOT be
because the problem client happens to be running 4.1, as the version
number is immaterial.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/IBM@IBMUS
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (change eye to i to reply)

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Thomas Denier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/11/2002 13:48
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Cleanup for APAR IC32075

I have a Windows 2000 client system that is unable to do backups because
of the problem described in APAR IC32075. The client has 4.1 client
software. I connected to the TSM server from my own desktop machine,
using the virtualnodename option to log on as the client. My desktop
has 5.1 client software. Even though I only performed queries, sessions
from the real client are failing with the message:

ANR0428W Session 60077 for node X (WinNT) refused -
 client is down-level with this server version.

TSM support has been giving me the run-around since Thursday. Are
instructions for resetting the client level in the TSM database
available from any other source?

performace figure Gigabit network

2002-11-11 Thread Koen Willems
Dear listers,

Can anybody give me an performance figure on restores speeds of a w2k

user directory with lots of small files on a Gigabit ethernet work.

I am tunnin resores and want to know wich performance is to be

expected on gigabit...

W2k + LTO + GB

Best Regards,

Koen Willems

Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Ricardo Ribeiro
Not to mention the uptime difference that you will gain from an AIX box.
We had an NT TSM server that we had to replace with an industrial strength
box due to capacity and down time issues running on NT.
Hopefully this will help.

  "Whitlow, Don"
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: Re: Server AIX vs NT
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 11:23
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"

>From what we've seen, the difference between Wintel and RS6K/pSeries
hardware has been the I/O thruput. In our experience, Wintel
hardware/software just cannot push I/O through like our RS6K hardware
running AIX. That may be in large part due to the fact that Win32 seems to
be the limiting factor, so Linux on Intel may be ok, but we see generally
least 2x the I/O thruput on the AIX boxes vs. NT.

Just my 2 cents...

Don Whitlow
Quad/Graphics, Inc.
Manager - Enterprise Computing

-Original Message-
From: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Server AIX vs NT


We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ray Baughman
Engineering Systems Administrator
TSM Administrator
National Machinery LLC
Phone 419-443-2257
Fax 419-443-2376

Re: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Ricardo Ribeiro
Try using this value "Maximum Mount Points Allowed=4" to update your client
node, this should tell the client to use this many drives...

  Kent Monthei
  Sent by: "ADSM:  Subject: TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - 
performance tuning question
  Dist Stor

  11/11/2002 11:49
  Please respond
  to "ADSM: Dist
  Stor Manager"

We have a 1.2TB (& growing) Oracle Data Warehouse on one domain of a Sun
Enterprise 1 (E10K) Server.  The same E10K domain also has TSM
Server and TSM Client installed and backs itself up to a
locally-attached SCSI tape library with 4 DLT7000 Drives.

We perform a database shutdown, a full cold backup of the OS filesystem,
then a database restart (no RMAN or TDP for Oracle involved).  The full
cold backup goes direct-to-tape.  Our objective is to keep all 4 drives
active near-100% of the time, to achieve the shortest possible backup

We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape.  ResourceUtilization
is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

Right now, we are not using Shared Memory protocol (disabled due to some
'dsmserv' crashes that failed to release shared memory).  We are using
tcpip protocol, and are using TCPServerAddress= (localhost) for
all tcpip sessions.

Does anyone know a way to force a single 'dsmc sched' process to start a
minimum number of threads (>= #tape drives), or know probable reasons why
configuration isn't doing it now?

- rsvp with comments & tuning tips, thanks.

Kent Monthei

Re: NDS Backups and restore syntax?

2002-11-11 Thread Daniele Moretti
Hi Etienne...
I'm interested in your problem...
enyone have replied to your question?
Thank you

Daniele Moretti

Distributed IT Operations
Cribisnet S.p.A.
Via Fantin 1/3 - Bologna
Tel. 051 417-5691

-Original Message-
From: Etienne Brodeur [mailto:ebrodeur@;SERTI.COM]
Sent: giovedì 31 ottobre 2002 21.09
Subject: NDS Backups and restore syntax?

TSM Client 4.2.1
Novell 5.1

Let's say I want to backup a container in the NDS what is the correct

I tried this

 i nds:0=org.ou=suborg.*

It seemed to work as I got 13 files backed up.

I i tried to restore like this


I get files doesn't exist.  I also don't see the NDS objects through the
web client, altough if I do a QUERY BACKUP NDS: I get the list of objects
inlcuding the "test" one.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the help,

Etienne Brodeur

Re: Adding Gigabit adapters

2002-11-11 Thread Bob Booth - UIUC
Use caution with Jumbo Frames, some switches/routers do not support them (yet).


On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 02:38:58PM -0600, PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI) wrote:
> Enable Jumbo Frames on your adapter.Smitty devices>>>communications
> Check for MTU size at your switch level and on Network Interface.
> Switch size should not be smaller ,else it will be very slow.

Cleanup for APAR IC32075

2002-11-11 Thread Thomas Denier
I have a Windows 2000 client system that is unable to do backups because
of the problem described in APAR IC32075. The client has 4.1 client
software. I connected to the TSM server from my own desktop machine,
using the virtualnodename option to log on as the client. My desktop
has 5.1 client software. Even though I only performed queries, sessions
from the real client are failing with the message:

ANR0428W Session 60077 for node X (WinNT) refused -
 client is down-level with this server version.

TSM support has been giving me the run-around since Thursday. Are
instructions for resetting the client level in the TSM database
available from any other source?

Re: Adding Gigabit adapters

2002-11-11 Thread PINNI, BALANAND (SBCSI)
Enable Jumbo Frames on your adapter.Smitty devices>>>communications
Check for MTU size at your switch level and on Network Interface.
Switch size should not be smaller ,else it will be very slow.

Balanand Pinni
SBC Services Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] e.mail pager

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Kamp [mailto:bkamp@;MHS.NET]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:29 AM
Subject: Adding Gigabit adapters

Just installed a gigabit adapter in my TSM server & will be rolling them out
to our larger servers.
Any suggestions for tuning them for TSM (tcpbuffsize & tcpwindowsize)?
TSM server is AIX & clients will be AIX, NT/2000 & Netware.

Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954) 987-2020 x4597
F: (954) 985-1404

TSM 5.1 on Solaris 8 64-bit - performance tuning question

2002-11-11 Thread Kent Monthei
We have a 1.2TB (& growing) Oracle Data Warehouse on one domain of a Sun
Enterprise 1 (E10K) Server.  The same E10K domain also has TSM
Server and TSM Client installed and backs itself up to a
locally-attached SCSI tape library with 4 DLT7000 Drives.

We perform a database shutdown, a full cold backup of the OS filesystem,
then a database restart (no RMAN or TDP for Oracle involved).  The full
cold backup goes direct-to-tape.  Our objective is to keep all 4 drives
active near-100% of the time, to achieve the shortest possible backup

We're trying to take advantage of ResourceUtilization in the newer
multi-threaded TSM Client, but I'm having trouble getting the Client to
consistently start/maintain 4 data sessions to tape.  ResourceUtilization
is set to 8.  Throughout most of the backup, 5-6 sessions are active.
However we are only seeing 2 mounted tapes most of the time, and the
backup duration is nearly twice what it should be.

Right now, we are not using Shared Memory protocol (disabled due to some
'dsmserv' crashes that failed to release shared memory).  We are using
tcpip protocol, and are using TCPServerAddress= (localhost) for
all tcpip sessions.

Does anyone know a way to force a single 'dsmc sched' process to start a minimum 
number of threads (>= #tape drives), or know probable reasons why our
configuration isn't doing it now?

- rsvp with comments & tuning tips, thanks.

Kent Monthei

Re: warning: before you update fw V2_80_41 of IBM 3583 library, read this first please!!!

2002-11-11 Thread Peter Pijpelink - P.L.C.S. BV Storage Consultants
No, i still could check in a cleaningtape and do a clean drive libname
drivename with success.

so this should still work, as i would like to see tsm doing the cleaning
instead of a piece of hardware which chooses for itselfs.



"this one is for setting the autoclean function on so you get an extra slot
free in your library"
Is THAT why I can't check in a cleaning tape since we updated the firmware?
3583 on TSM on AIX 4.3.3 ML8 Atape

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram Corporation

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Whitlow, Don
>From what we've seen, the difference between Wintel and RS6K/pSeries
hardware has been the I/O thruput. In our experience, Wintel
hardware/software just cannot push I/O through like our RS6K hardware
running AIX. That may be in large part due to the fact that Win32 seems to
be the limiting factor, so Linux on Intel may be ok, but we see generally at
least 2x the I/O thruput on the AIX boxes vs. NT.

Just my 2 cents...

Don Whitlow
Quad/Graphics, Inc.
Manager - Enterprise Computing

-Original Message-
From: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Server AIX vs NT


We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ray Baughman
Engineering Systems Administrator
TSM Administrator
National Machinery LLC
Phone 419-443-2257
Fax 419-443-2376

Re: TSM cost cutting measures...

2002-11-11 Thread Sias Dealy
I heard about TSM server being license by the physical machine.
I thought that Tivoli/IBM was going to do this with 5.1 . Since
this did not happen, I wonder if it is in the works for the
next version.

I discovered VMware about a year ago. I wish I found out about
VMware sooner. I manage to convince my company to get VMware.
We save money by not getting another system for testing purpose.
I have multiple virtual test/training machines.

Sias Dealy

Get your own "800" number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more

 On, Cook, Dwight E ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> OK, one would need to verify with Tivoli/IBM but I seem to
recall hearing
> TSM servers being licensed by physical machine.
> IF that is the case then multiple virtual machines under
VMware opens up a
> whole new world of possibilities as far as cost savings go!
> AND where you could run multiple windows based servers on
virtual machines,
> you could cut costs even more with multiple virtual Linux
> just some thoughts
> Dwight

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Sias Dealy
The biggest thing that I have notice between the AIX and the NT
server. The NT box are rebooted more often than the AIX box.
The AIX box was reboot once and that was about three or four
years ago. The NT box gets rebooted once every four to six
months. I have this one NT box when ever the NT box does not
act like the way it should, I reboot the NT box and this clear
things up. Then again some one else may not experience the
amount of reboots as I have with the NT.

Also I don't suppose any one know if there is a TSM server for

Sias Dealy

Get your own "800" number
Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more

 On, Ray Baughman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

> Hello,
> We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are
currently running
> the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying
that an NT
> server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have
decided it
> needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has
anyone had any
> experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what
information do you
> have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the
> Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end
up on NT.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Ray Baughman
> Engineering Systems Administrator
> TSM Administrator
> National Machinery LLC
> Phone 419-443-2257
> Fax 419-443-2376

Re: Upgrade 3590 E-model to H-model

2002-11-11 Thread Julian Armendariz
We just upgraded our drives to H-models and you don't have to relabel any of the 
scratch tapes.  They will immediately start writing 384 tracks.

Julian Armendariz
System Analyst - UNIX
H.B. Fuller
(651) 236-4043

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/11/02 05:41AM >>>

We want upgrade the drives in our 3494-library from E-models to H-models

in the next weeks.
After the upgrade we have only H-models in the library with "J" and "K"
We will change the access to READONLY for all filling,full tapes.

My question concerns the scratch volumes.

In my opinion it isn't necessary to relabel the scratch tapes with
384-tracks. The VCR will do that with the first mount on the
H-drive automatically.

I'm right or ???

Joachim Glauer
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany
Phone:+49 (0)331 288 2608
Fax:  +49 (0)331 288 2600
Note: If you need to send attachements to me, PLEASE!
Avoid sending MS-Word.doc files (send *.rtf / *.pdf instead)

Re: TDP for Oracle

2002-11-11 Thread Marcel J.E. Mol
On Mon, Nov 11, 2002 at 11:31:02AM -0500, Brian Dade wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> I'm not so sure they can run concurrently.  I have two versions of Oracle
> on a server with one being 32 bit and the other being 64 bit.  Someone may
> be able to tell you how to get around the link of libobk.a to
> /usr/lib/libobk.a, but I think that's part of the problem.  Originally, I
> tested backing up the 32 bit version and then I proceeded to test the 64
> bit version.  My 64 bit backup wouldn't work until I set the link of
> libobk.a properly.

You might get around by directly linking libobk.a in $ORACLE_HOME/lib and
remove the link in /usr/lib. But then you might have to some extra
tricks to make tdposync et al to run (e..g set LD_LIBRBRY_PATH).

We played with this last week to get oracle 9.0.1 rman working o AIX 4.3.3.
It seemed to start fine but got an error somwhere down the road. I
probably continue testing in the next couple of days.

 == Marcel J.E. MolMESA Consulting B.V.
===-ph. +31-(0)6-54724868  P.O. Box 112
===-[EMAIL PROTECTED] 2630 AC  Nootdorp
__ ---U_n_i_x__I_n_t_e_r_n_e_t The Netherlands 
 They couldn't think of a number,   Linux user 1148  --
so they gave me a name!  -- Rupert Hine  --

TSM cost cutting measures...

2002-11-11 Thread Cook, Dwight E
OK, one would need to verify with Tivoli/IBM but I seem to recall hearing
TSM servers being licensed by physical machine.
IF that is the case then multiple virtual machines under VMware opens up a
whole new world of possibilities as far as cost savings go!
AND where you could run multiple windows based servers on virtual machines,
you could cut costs even more with multiple virtual Linux servers.
just some thoughts


Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Williams, Tim P {PBSG}
You may find that AIX handles the IP stack better than NT...opinion..

-Original Message-
From: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: Server AIX vs NT


We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ray Baughman
Engineering Systems Administrator
TSM Administrator
National Machinery LLC
Phone 419-443-2257
Fax 419-443-2376

Re: Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Karel Bos

We are running TSM on both a NSM (H70) and on Win2000 (IBM X Serie). At the
moment the AIX server has more clients but the both boxes are storing nearly
the same amount of data. Due to lack of performance from the NSM we are
moving the big clients (# stored files) to the wintel box. Its just a matter
of time before we are replacing the NSM with a wintel box. Our cause was not
based on the cost only, but it helped.

Karel Bos

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Ray Baughman [mailto:rbaughman@;NATIONALMACHINERY.COM]
Verzonden: maandag 11 november 2002 17:46
Onderwerp: Server AIX vs NT


We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ray Baughman
Engineering Systems Administrator
TSM Administrator
National Machinery LLC
Phone 419-443-2257
Fax 419-443-2376

Re: TDP for Oracle

2002-11-11 Thread David Longo
I think they can.  I know they can both be installed on AIX, as we have
If you want to actually RUN both (say with 2 Oracle instances), you
have to be careful about your config setup and double check that
each is going to the right place.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/11/02 09:48AM >>>
Can the 32 bit verstion of TDP co-exist with the 64 bit version.  i.e.
can they run concurrently on the same client?

"MMS " made the following
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the entity to give such views or opinions.


Server AIX vs NT

2002-11-11 Thread Ray Baughman

We are looking to replace our TSM server hardware, we are currently running
the TSM server on an IBM H50.  The bean counters are saying that an NT
server would be a lot cheaper than a UNIX server.  They have decided it
needs to be either an IBM UNIX server or an NT server.  Has anyone had any
experience with both NT and AIX servers, and if so what information do you
have regarding performance, stability etc. with one over the other.
Basically I've be told to either cost justify AIX or I'll end up on NT.

Any help would be appreciated.

Ray Baughman
Engineering Systems Administrator
TSM Administrator
National Machinery LLC
Phone 419-443-2257
Fax 419-443-2376

Re: TDP for Oracle

2002-11-11 Thread Brian Dade
Hi Joseph,

I'm not so sure they can run concurrently.  I have two versions of Oracle
on a server with one being 32 bit and the other being 64 bit.  Someone may
be able to tell you how to get around the link of libobk.a to
/usr/lib/libobk.a, but I think that's part of the problem.  Originally, I
tested backing up the 32 bit version and then I proceeded to test the 64
bit version.  My 64 bit backup wouldn't work until I set the link of
libobk.a properly.

If someone knows of a way to do it, I'd really be interested in knowing


11/11/2002 09:48:24 AM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:TDP for Oracle

Can the 32 bit verstion of TDP co-exist with the 64 bit version.  i.e. can
they run concurrently on the same client?

Adding Gigabit adapters

2002-11-11 Thread Bruce Kamp
Just installed a gigabit adapter in my TSM server & will be rolling them out
to our larger servers.
Any suggestions for tuning them for TSM (tcpbuffsize & tcpwindowsize)?
TSM server is AIX & clients will be AIX, NT/2000 & Netware.

Bruce Kamp
Midrange Systems Analyst II
Memorial Healthcare System
P: (954) 987-2020 x4597
F: (954) 985-1404

SV: Checkin reply

2002-11-11 Thread Henrik Olesen, PDI
This script will do.

dsmadmc -id=YOUR_ID -pa=YOUR_PASS checkin libv scalar status=scratch search=bulk 
sleep 20
dsmadmc -id=YOUR_ID -pa=YOUR_PASS 'q req' | tee $FNAME > /dev/null
while read line1
  print $line1|grep 'ANR8373I'>/dev/null
  if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] then
msg=`print $line1|tr -s ' '|tr ':' ' '|cut -f2 -d' '`
done < $FNAME
dsmadmc -id=YOUR_ID -pa=YOUR_PASS reply $msg

Henrik Olesen
Post Denmark

-Oprindelig meddelelse-
Fra: Robert Ouzen [mailto:rouzen@;UNIV.HAIFA.AC.IL]
Sendt: 11. november 2002 11:41
Emne: Checkin reply


I run this command to checkin some scratch tapes to my library:

checkin libv scalar status=scratch search=bulk checklabel=barcode

But It will run just after I reply the number request. Did is a way to do it
automatically without a reply ??

Regards Robert Ouzen

TDP for Oracle

2002-11-11 Thread Wholey, Joseph (TGA\\MLOL)
Can the 32 bit verstion of TDP co-exist with the 64 bit version.  i.e. can they run 
concurrently on the same client?

Re: warning: before you update fw V2_80_41 of IBM 3583 library, read this first please!!!

2002-11-11 Thread Tab Trepagnier
"this one is for setting the autoclean function on so you get an extra slot
free in your library"

Is THAT why I can't check in a cleaning tape since we updated the

3583 on TSM on AIX 4.3.3 ML8  Atape

Tab Trepagnier
TSM Administrator
Laitram Corporation

Miscellaneous / Scary Backup Stories

2002-11-11 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
Two nice stories. Replace random parts of the text with ADSM, TSM or ITSM
and the moral will be just the same

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Re: Comments on Server Graph or other like utilities

2002-11-11 Thread Sean McNamara

We have not used it yet (bringing in a demo) but there is a product called
Bocada that might fit your needs -

Sean McNamara
Senior Analyst
PJM Interconnection, LLC
955 Jefferson Avenue
Norristown, PA  19403

-Original Message-
From: Curtis Stewart [mailto:curtis.stewart@;ATTBI.COM]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 11:42 PM
Subject: Comments on Server Graph or other like utilities

Hello List:

I administer a rather large TSM system in the financial industry. We are
considering the implementation of Server Graph for monitoring our multiple TSM
servers located all over the country (USA). I'm interested in any experiences
the members of this list may have with this product, good and bad. Also, are
there any other competing products that, in your experience, work better?

We are looking for a tool that we can use from a central server that provides
TSM monitoring / Alerting, as well as reporting, and analysis information.
Ultimately, we'd like to be able to turn over the day to day TSM stuff
(restores, restarting / troubleshooting hung backups and other basic tasks) to
our 24x7 operations team so we can concentrate on new TSM implementations,
performance tuning etc... We'd like a tool that will allow us to do both.
Essentially we want to automate notification of our operations team when
something goes wrong, as well as use the tool for in depth reporting and
analysis of our site. We understand we could accomplish this will a bunch of
shell or Perl scripts, but we are looking for something that's already put
together and just works. We don't have the time to reinvent the wheel here.

Our company uses OpenView and we will need to tie into this system as tightly as
possible. I understand that Server Graph claims to integrate easily with
OpenView. Do any of you have any experience with this application? If so, will
you please share your experiences?

Curtis Stewart
TSM Administrator

Re: Study Guide for TSM

2002-11-11 Thread Ken Sedlacek
I communicated with: [EMAIL PROTECTED] back in August 2002.

They told me there were no certification guides for the ITSM certification
exam and that it was too expensive to produce one.

Maybe that Tivoli is now more a part of IBM, they can produce one.

Ken Sedlacek
AIX/TSM/UNIX Administrator

IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 AIX v4.3 Support
IBM Certified Specialist: RS/6000 SP & PSSP 3
Tivoli Certified Consultant - Tivoli Storage Manager v4.1

   Subject: Re: Study Guide for TSM
Sent by:
"ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

03:24 PM
Please respond
to "ADSM: Dist
Stor Manager"

Personnaly I used the Tech Guide, and implementation Redbooks, checking
the Admin Reference to check the commands options.

So far as I know there are no IBM/Tivoli Certification guides for TSM

Etienne Brodeur

Lars Bebensee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/08/2002 10:07 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Study Guide for TSM

Hi guys and girls,

I will be doing my TSM certification exam soon. Any suggestions what to
for preparing myself? Like, for the AIX certification there are
certification study guides. Is there anything like that for TSM??



Poor Performance

2002-11-11 Thread Lawrie Scott
Hi All
I am backing up a file server cluster disk to my backup server. Both
servers have 1gigabit cards. My server is a Compaq with 2CPU's 1 gig
Memory TSM 5.1.1 and to SAN attached Compaq Drive DLT8000 installed in a
Compaq TL891 10 Cartridge Library.
Journaling is enabled on the file server which has 2gig memory and 4
CPU's. Both servers have teamed Compaq pairs with the 1gigabit card
being the primary and a 100mb/s as the failover card. There are some
stats at the end. My average Incremental backup is 27Gig and will take
anywhere from 2-4 days to complete. Both servers are on a SAN so are the
cluster disks, however the backups are done across the LAN at this
stage. Both machines run Windows 2000 with the latest service packs.
I have had the Compaq guys check the hardware and the network staff look
for failures with no success. Any help with this would be greatly
My DSM.OPT File is as follows:-
commmethod   TCPIP
tcpport  1500
passwordaccess   generate

domain   all-local
tcpbuff  32
txnbytel 2097152
compression  on
compressalways   no
errorlogret  14
schedlogret  14
subdir   yes
schedmode  prompted
scrolllines  20
scrollprompt   no
memoryefficientbackup no
* EXclude and INclude
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\tsm_images" 
EXCLUDE.DIR "C:\Program Files\Tivoli"
EXCLUDE.DIR "D:\tsm_images"
exclude.dir "D:\tsmdata"  
EXCLUDE "C:\Documents and Settings\ialbktv\Local Settings\Application
EXCLUDE "C:\Documents and Settings\ialbktv\Local Settings\Application
EXCLUDE "C:\Documents and Settings\ialbktv\ntuser.dat.LOG" 
Exclude "C:\Documents and Settings\IALclad\Local Settings\Application
Exclude "C:\WINNT\system32\Perflib_Perfdata_4a0.dat"
exclude *:\...\pagefile.sys
exclude *:\...\netlogon.chg
exclude *:\...\system32\config\...\*
exclude *:\...\ntuser.dat
exclude *:\...\ntuser.dat.log
exclude *:\...\temp\...\*
exclude *:\...\cache\*
exclude *:\...\recycler\...\*
exclude *:\...\
exclude *:\...\
exclude *:\...\msdos.sys
exclude *:\...\io.sys
exclude.archive *:\...\pagefile.sys
exclude.archive *:\...\netlogon.chg
exclude.archive *:\...\system32\config\...\*
exclude.archive *:\...\ntuser.dat
exclude.archive *:\...\ntuser.dat.log
exclude.archive *:\...\temp\...\*
exclude.archive *:\...\cache\*
exclude.archive *:\...\recycler\...\*
exclude.archive *:\...\
exclude.archive *:\...\
exclude.archive *:\...\msdos.sys
exclude.archive *:\...\io.sys
include.archive *:\...\*.xls
include.archive *:\...\*.doc
include.archive *:\...\*.pps
include *:\...\*.xls
include *:\...\*.doc
include *:\...\*.pps
Here are some statistics:-
DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4952
   MESSAGE: ANE4952I Total number of objects inspected:  156,034 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4954
   MESSAGE: ANE4954I Total number of objects backed up:  155,947 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4958
   MESSAGE: ANE4958I Total number of objects updated:  0 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4960
   MESSAGE: ANE4960I Total number of objects rebound:  0 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4957
   MESSAGE: ANE4957I Total number of objects deleted:  0 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4970
   MESSAGE: ANE4970I Total number of objects expired:  0 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4959
   MESSAGE: ANE4959I Total number of objects failed:  13 
SESSID: 25866

DATE_TIME: 2002-11-03 22:54:31.00
 MSGNO: 4961
   MESSAGE: ANE4961I Total number of bytes transferred:43.63 GB 

warning: before you update fw V2_80_41 of IBM 3583 library, read this first please!!!

2002-11-11 Thread Peter Pijpelink - P.L.C.S. BV Storage Consultants
Hello everyone,

Before you update your firmware of your 3583 library read this:

Library code: V2_80_41.lif

There are two important issues here, one is the length of the barcode. When
you apply this firmware, the standard length is set to 6 characters. So a
label as 01L1 will be seen as 01

TSM will not like this as you check them in and sets them to private.

Here is what you need to do:

read these two pdf files

to set the barcode length to extended:

this one is for setting the autoclean function on so you get an extra slot
free in your library

There is nothing about this mentioned on the ftp server where you can
download the update tool and the firmware. Maybe a good tip for IBM to set
either a link or mention something in the readme file.

also: use a serial link if you do not have a rmu board installed, the
ntutil has a bug and will fail to work correctly.

good luck


Upgrade 3590 E-model to H-model

2002-11-11 Thread J. Glauer

We want upgrade the drives in our 3494-library from E-models to H-models

in the next weeks.
After the upgrade we have only H-models in the library with "J" and "K"
We will change the access to READONLY for all filling,full tapes.

My question concerns the scratch volumes.

In my opinion it isn't necessary to relabel the scratch tapes with
384-tracks. The VCR will do that with the first mount on the
H-drive automatically.

I'm right or ???

Joachim Glauer
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK)
P.O. Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany
Phone:+49 (0)331 288 2608
Fax:  +49 (0)331 288 2600
Note: If you need to send attachements to me, PLEASE!
Avoid sending MS-Word.doc files (send *.rtf / *.pdf instead)

Re: Automating RMAN Backup Through TSM

2002-11-11 Thread Brian Dade

  I wanted to let you know that my scheduling configuration is working
well...  Thank you very much for the solution you forwarded to me.


Jin Bae Chi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 10/30/2002 12:20:30 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Subject:Re: Automating RMAN Backup Through TSM

I had the same problem and folks from this group helped me on that.
Here is what I got from Neil. I followed what he said and it's working!
Hope this help.


I have here our preferred method for starting Rman with the TSM

When using the TSM scheduler to automate the TDP Oracle backups, the
differences in how these two clients work must be taken into account.
 - The scheduler runs as root and would need passwordaccess generate.
 - The TDP Oracle backup runs as an Oracle user and need

Since the TDP client requires passwordaccess prompt, automating the
scheduler process on the client machine often encounters various
The following steps should assist with clarifying how to setup this
of configuration for a working environment.

To setup the TSM Scheduler for the TDP Oracle node, it is critical
the password for the node on the TSM Server be set so that the
will not expire.  Then setup the TDP Oracle to use PasswordAccess
and setup the TSM Scheduler (for the tdp oracle backup) to use
PasswordAccess generate.

To use only one dsm.sys file, ensure there is a symbolic link to this
single dsm.sys file so it can be seen from the API
directory (/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin)
and the TDP can find and use this dsm.sys.

In this one dsm.sys file, there will normally be more than one
stanza when using the TDP Oracle on the same machine.  One ServerName
stanza for the filesystem backups and another ServerName stanza for
TDP Oracle backups (which need passwordaccess prompt).  To assist with
setting up the TSM Scheduler for the TDP Oracle node, you would need
create a third ServerName stanza in this dsm.sys file.

In general, the dsm.sys file would be similar to the following:
   servername   TSMbackup
   COMMMETHOD   tcpip
   NODENAME   Client

  servername   TSMOracle
   COMMMETHOD   tcpip

   servername   TDPSched
   COMMMETHOD   tcpip

You would have three dsm.opt files.  One for the Backup/Archive client
would normally be located in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
Based on the dsm.sys example above,  this would contain the line:
  servername   TSMbackup

There would be a second dsm.opt file (which could have a different
filename, such as dsmoracle.opt) for the TDP for Oracle.  Based on the
dsm.sys example this user option file for the Oracle client would
the line:
   servername TSMOracle
and would have passwordaccess prompt.

There would be a third dsm.opt file (which could have a different
filename, such as dsmsched.opt) for the TDP for Oracle scheduler.
on the dsm.sys example this user option file for the Oracle client
contain the line:
   servername TDPSched
and would have passwordaccess generate and have the NodeName for the
client specified.

Environment variables would need to be utilized with the Oracle backup
point to the user option file.  This would be specified in the
with the DSMI_ORC_CONFIG variable.  For example:
  DSMI_ORC_CONFIG  /opt/tivol/tsm/client/oracle/bin/dsmoracle.opt

When starting the TSM Scheduler for the TDP Oracle backups, you will
to use the -SErvername parameter and specify which stanza should be
Based on the example dsm.sys the scheduler command would be such as:
   dsmc sched -SE=TDPSched

For the TDP backup, the script file for the command schedule backup
launched by the scheduler daemon.  Then within the command script
RMAN backup script.


Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
TDP for Oracle

Jin Bae Chi (Gus)
System Admin/Tivoli
Data Center
614-287-5488 Fax

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/30/02 11:13AM >>>
Hi All:

I'm currently running my TDP for Oracle backup manually from a UNIX
I'd like to automate this through TSM.  I 'm confused.  Has anyone
automated this process?  If so, I'd like to hear some suggestions or
recommendations on setting it up.

OS:  AIX 4.3.3
TDP:  2.2.1


Checkin reply

2002-11-11 Thread Robert Ouzen

I run this command to checkin some scratch tapes to my library:

checkin libv scalar status=scratch search=bulk checklabel=barcode

But It will run just after I reply the number request. Did is a way to do it
automatically without a reply ??

Regards Robert Ouzen

Re: q libv just stopped working?

2002-11-11 Thread Lars Bebensee
On 11/09/2002 02:19:23 AM "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote:

Hi guys,

where the heck does one change the barcode label length for the 3583? On
the libraries' display?

Thanks Lars

> Got it working. ... When updating the microcode to 2.80.41 on the 3583
> library,
> it sets the barcode length to 'normal' (6 CHARACTER) from 'extended' (8
> character).
> After setting it to 'extended' I should have pulled all my tapes out of
> library,
> inventoried the library, then check all the tapes back in.
> It took a while but it is now working!
> Why the cleaning tape? ... Don't know. ... JC
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 4:45 PM
> > Subject:  q libv just stopped working?
> >
> > we just upgraded our IBM3583 library.
> >
> > Things were going OK but all of a sudden q libv just stopped working.
> >
> > Only one volume ( a cleaning tape, is seen in the library ) ... bummer.
> >
> > Suggestions?
> >
> > TSM 4.1.3 on Windows NT4 SP6

Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch

2002-11-11 Thread Michelle Wiedeman
I cant remember what its called under tsm but i know there is an option in
which u tell tsm NOT to claim a tape just as dbb tape. Is it possible this
happened and ur dbb tape also containes other data? That would explain why
it doesnt return to scratch.


-Original Message-
From: Paul Miller [mailto:Paul_Miller@;CARGILL.COM]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch

Thanks, everyone for your replies.  I migrated one of the problem TSM
servers to new hardware today (was going to do it anyway), and it seems
to be working fine.  I just noticed this problem on one of my HP-UX
servers today, as well, though, and that one's running 5.1.  Curiouser
and curiouser...

Etienne, I check all my tapes in as scratch and let TSM take care of
doling them out, so that wasn't it.  Good question, though.

Mark, I don't think dbb tapes go into a pool, do they?

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:ebrodeur@;SERTI.COM]
Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 14:31
Subject: Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to scratch

Did you perhaps label it and check it in the library as private?  I seem
to recall I had similar thing happen with tapes I originally checked in
private.  They return to their original state.

Etienne Brodeur

Mark Stapleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11/08/2002 02:21 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: delete volhist doesn't return volume to

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Paul Miller
> No, it's not the last one.  It leaves the last one as it should.
> I run the command, the volume history is indeed deleted, but the tape
> remains "private" with a last use of "dbbackup".  I can update the
> libvolume and make it scratch, but that's not what's supposed to

Do you have a REUSEDELAY setting for your tape pool?

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Certified TSM consultant
Certified AIX system engineer

Re: backup primary stgpool to different library

2002-11-11 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
Hi Zlatko!
We used the 3494 as primary library in the past. The main reasons for
replacing it with a 3584 were capacity and price.
Our 3494 was full and the amount of drives in the base frame (two) proofed
to be a bottleneck. We could do two things at that time:
1) Buy two more drives and an expansion frame for the 3494
2) Replace a 3494 with a 3584 equipped with 6 drives.
Option 2 was the cheapest one! And one side affect was that it almost
tripled our total storage capacity.
My personal experiences are VERY positive. With the 3494 I experienced a few
I/O errors (on almost new tapes) and drives going offline every now ant then
(mount/unmount failures, probably because of communication failures between
lmcp daemon and the library manager). I haven't had any error whatsoever on
the 3584 yet!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-Original Message-
From: Zlatko Krastev/ACIT [mailto:acit@;ATTGLOBAL.NET]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 19:22
Subject: Re: backup primary stgpool to different library


just from curiosity - what argumented such a choice?
I think it ought to be better if 3494 is primary and 3584 is for copy.
Even with 3590B drives 3494 ought to be faster for many types of loads.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

"Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
07.11.2002 15:06
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: backup primary stgpool to different library

Hi Kurt!
It sure is! We do this too and we even use different libraries (a 3584 as
primary and a 3494 as copy library).
If you want, you can contact me directly, even in Dutch :-)
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:kurt.beyers@;PANDORA.BE]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 13:54
Subject: backup primary stgpool to different library


I would like to check the following. We will have two identical libraries
connected via SAN to the TSM server. The second library will be in a
different room than the TSM server and the first library.

I would like to have the primary storage pool on the first library and the
copy storage pools on the second library. Is it possible to have a backup
a primary storage pool residing in library A to a copy storage pool
in library B?  I guess it has to be possible as the two libraries are
identical but I want to be sure.


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Re: BRMS question (sorry)

2002-11-11 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
Hi Don!
What PASE announcement are you referring to? The page
l mentions a TSM server for AS/400 PASE. Mark and Del were talking about a
TSM client for AS/400.
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

-Original Message-
From: DFrance [mailto:DFrance-TSM@;ATT.NET]
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 08:02
Subject: Re: BRMS question (sorry)

Check out the PASE announcement;  I just attended a web-conf on the PASE for
OS/400 announcement, as it relates to TSM.

There's info on the BRMS web site and (only basic) info in the announcement
letter for v5.1 of TSM server (April 12, 2002).

Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037
mailto:don_france@; (change aye to a for replies)

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. --

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Del Hoobler
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: BRMS question (sorry)

>> There is an upgraded TSM API for OS/400,
>> but there are no current plans for a TSM BA client for OS/400.

> That's interesting. The presentation sent to our company by IBM early
> year told of the coming of both an OS/400 client and a Linux86 server
> "sometime in 2002".


Please follow-up with the source of that presentation.
Have them research where they obtained that info.
Maybe the slide was supposed to be referring to
the TSM "API" client for OS/400 - not the client itself.
There isn't a TSM "BA" client on OS/400 in current plans.



Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

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Re: TSM-Server V 4

2002-11-11 Thread Zlatko Krastev/ACIT
There is no TSM 4.3 and wouldn't be. The latest maintenance for 4.2 is
4.2.3 and you can get it from

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Christoph Pilgram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
11.11.2002 09:58
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:TSM-Server V 4

Hi all

due to the changes in the download-procedures from the TSM-WEB-Server I
problems with login on that side. Because my call at IBM has not yet
the problems I ask here :
What is the newest maintenance-level on TSM Server Version 4 for AIX ?
I see a level of but I have heard there is 4.2.3 or 4.3



Re: Question about dirmc

2002-11-11 Thread DFrance
Ooops, I mis-spoke... It's the output from "Q OCC " (from dsmadmc
prompt) that would confirm whether you are storing data into the DIRMC
storage pool.

Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037
mailto:don_france@; (change aye to a for replies)

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. --

-Original Message-
From: DFrance [mailto:DFrance-TSM@;]
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 4:40 PM
To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager'
Subject: RE: Question about dirmc

Nope... all the versions of the directories should be rebound (as indicated
by the messages in the dsmsched.log -- presume you use client scheduler to
run the daily backups).

BTW, did you verify that this helps you for your Netware environment (by
query the filespace to see if any data is getting sent to DIRMC storage
pool)???  I don't recall for sure, but I thought the ACL's for Netware were
not that large, so might (mostly) not exceed the space reserved for that
info in the TSM db.


Don France
Technical Architect -- Tivoli Certified Consultant
Tivoli Storage Manager, WinNT/2K, AIX/Unix, OS/390
San Jose, Ca
(408) 257-3037
mailto:don_france@; (change aye to a for replies)

Professional Association of Contract Employees
(P.A.C.E. --

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@;VM.MARIST.EDU]On Behalf Of
Robert Ouzen
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 7:59 AM
Subject: Question about dirmc

Hi to all

I implant a dirmc management class for the directories of my Netware clients
on disk. My question is did the next incremental backup will rebound all the
directories to new management class or I need to do a full backup ???

T.I.A Regards
Ouzen Robert

Re: PostSchedCMD sendmail on W2K

2002-11-11 Thread Halvorsen Geirr Gulbrand
I've used Blat.exe for this a few times, but I think mailto.exe  is better,
because you can more easily put several attachments to the mail you want to

Geirr G. Halvorsen

-Original Message-
From: Adams, Matt (US - Hermitage) [mailto:maadams@;DELOITTE.COM]
Sent: 7. november 2002 15:09
Subject: Re: PostSchedCMD sendmail on W2K

You can use a tool called blat.exe that can accomplish the same thing.  I
would check the help for it before trusting my syntax below.

Syntax example

blat c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsmsched.log -t [EMAIL PROTECTED] -s
"%computername% Backup status" -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -server smtp

-Original Message-
From: Salak Juraj [mailto:j.salak@;ASAMER.AT]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:55 AM
Subject: PostSchedCMD sendmail on W2K


this is a NT2000 related question
but anyone else might had had same headache:

I try to mail a (grep of) tsmsched.log
to backup admin
via PostSchedCMD under W2K.

On my W2K workstation,
having Outlook installed, configured and running
and using small sendmail utility
I fail to mail the results because of MAPI logon failure,
event if all TSM services run under my local account
and I am logged on.

Maybe someone out there does succesfully
use another tool or equivalent reporting method?

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Re: Backup of Domino R6

2002-11-11 Thread Halvorsen Geirr Gulbrand
I believe TDP for Domino v. 5.1.5 is the only version supporting Domino R6.
Check the documentation for this version of TDP.

G. Halvorsen

-Original Message-
From: Jozef Zatko [mailto:zatko@;LOGIN.SK]
Sent: 8. november 2002 14:33
Subject: Backup of Domino R6

Hi TSMers,
I have one simple (I hope) question.
Is it possible to use TDP for Domino 1.1.2 with Domino R6 (W2K) or I have
to upgrade to TDP for Mail 5.1.5? On Tivoli web I am not able to find this
kind of information.

Thank you in advance

Ing. Jozef Zatko
Login a.s.
Dlha 2, Stupava
tel.: (421) (2) 60252618

TSM-Server V 4

2002-11-11 Thread Christoph Pilgram
Hi all

due to the changes in the download-procedures from the TSM-WEB-Server I have
problems with login on that side. Because my call at IBM has not yet solved
the problems I ask here :
What is the newest maintenance-level on TSM Server Version 4 for AIX ?
I see a level of but I have heard there is 4.2.3 or 4.3 available.

