Adwords API Error parse_ini_file(/reporting/adsapi_php.ini): failed to open stream: Too many open files

2018-08-06 Thread Ronak Shah

We are using the Adwords API v201802 PHP Client Library  for our reporting 
application and our automated process loads the data from adwords API every 
hour, but we are facing a strange issue in middle of data updates "*Error 
Occured parse_ini_file(/var/www/html/production/reporting/adsapi_php.ini): 
failed to open stream: Too many open files, on 
line number 87*" 

When we restart the server and re-enabled the data updates again it will 
work for few hours and then again API will start throwing errors again.

Please check


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AdWords API to get YouTube earned actions?

2018-08-06 Thread Muhammad Nafees
Hi AdWords Team,

Is there any way to get YouTube earned actions metrics in AdWords API? I 
have read an old thread that was ended with no solution. Any update to get 
these result will be highly appreciated.


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Adwords API for target Ideas is not providing average cpc value and reach for certain keywords.

2018-08-06 Thread parvathy . h

I use TargetingIdeaService  generate new keyword ideas based on the 
following parameters:
   *searchParameters*: [{
'xsi:type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
queries: []
}, {
'xsi:type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
languages: [{ 'cm:id':  }]
'xsi:type': 'LocationSearchParameter',
locations: [{ 'cm:id': }]
*requestType*: 'IDEAS',
*requestedAttributeTypes*: ['KEYWORD_TEXT', 'AVERAGE_CPC', 
*paging*: {
startIndex: 0,

I provided search query parameter as a seed keyword
But i get the result with some keywords missing the average cpc 
,comeptition,search volume.

Even if I try using *requestType *as STATUS also i dnot get the details.

And i tried the KEYWORD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT of the customer account to get 
the keyword details if it is already using one.But i cannot find the 
details in the report too.

Please suggest a way to get the keyword cpc,reach resulted by the targeting 
idea service api.

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Adwords API for target Ideas is not providing average cpc value and reach for certain keywords

2018-08-06 Thread parvathy . h
I use TargetingIdeaService  generate new keyword ideas based on the 
following parameters:
   searchParameters: [{
'xsi:type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',
queries: []
}, {
'xsi:type': 'LanguageSearchParameter',
languages: [{ 'cm:id':  }]
'xsi:type': 'LocationSearchParameter',
locations: [{ 'cm:id': }]
requestType: 'IDEAS',
requestedAttributeTypes: ['KEYWORD_TEXT', 'AVERAGE_CPC', 
paging: {
startIndex: 0,

I provided search query parameter as a seed keyword
But i get the result with some keywords missing the average cpc 
,comeptition,search volume.

Even if I try using requestType as STATUS also i dnot get the details.

And i tried the KEYWORD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT of the customer account to get 
the keyword details if it is already using one.But i cannot find the 
details in the report too.

Please suggest a way to get the keyword cpc,reach resulted by the targeting 
idea service api.

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Re: Can we request huge amount of keywords?

2018-08-06 Thread Hashimoto
My only idea is insert sleep function into my python code. 

1. done 1st get() operation 
2. sleep several second 
3. do 2nd get() opearation

2018年8月7日火曜日 12時52分49秒 UTC+9 Hashimoto:
> Hi Milind,
> Thank you for quick response. If I want to get monthly average volume of 
> 100k keywords, I need to divide 100k KW into many keyword 
> groups(100k/700~143groups) and use *TargetingIdeaService.get() 
>  *with 
> STATS frequently. In this case how can I avoid rate limit error? According 
> to official document 
>  , 
> Google recommended to use *BatchJobSerive *, *mutate()*  etc. But 
> TargetingIdeaService do not have mutate operation. 
> Cheers,
> Kimiaki 

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Re: Can we request huge amount of keywords?

2018-08-06 Thread Hashimoto
Hi Milind,

Thank you for quick response. If I want to get monthly average volume of 
100k keywords, I need to divide 100k KW into many keyword 
groups(100k/700~143groups) and use *TargetingIdeaService.get() 

STATS frequently. In this case how can I avoid rate limit error? According 
to official document 
Google recommended to use *BatchJobSerive *, *mutate()*  etc. But 
TargetingIdeaService do not have mutate operation. 


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Re: Some questions about creating a UNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN ad?(With annex)

2018-08-06 Thread jia zheng
I just want to know the interface that calls Apple app list and google app 
list? Can you tell me where the interface documentation is?

在 2018年8月7日星期二 UTC+8上午2:59:09,Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)写道:
> Hello Jia, 
> It looks like you're looking at the content file in the AdWords web 
> interface. You will not be able to use these parameters to make the AdWords 
> API call. If you're concern is specific to the parameters in the content 
> file, we recommend that you post your Advertisers Community forum 
>  so 
> the product experts can take a look for you. 
> Thanks,
> Bharani, AdWords API Team
> On Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 6:00:00 AM UTC-4, jia zheng wrote:
>> 1. After selecting the universal application, how to choose the mobile 
>> application platform (IOS/Android), which service should be set in that 
>> field?
>> 2. How do I implement an application that searches Google Play category 
>> in my app, can I call it?
>> 3. How do I get a list of apps in my account? Is it necessary for me to 
>> save the record or have an interface to call? If it is my app save, what 
>> should I save (the download address of the app installer?)?
>> 4. Which field of the service is called to set the application 
>> installation package?
>> 5, Creative assets (Your candidate text / image / video) how to set up? 
>> Which field of which service should I call?
>> 6. Can I call the YouToBe video interface in my application? What is the 
>> interface?
>> 7, video and picture settings, is not written ID? How do I get the id of 
>> the video, which field of which service to use to set this id?
>> 8. If I want to set the install amount and user type as shown in the 
>> screenshot, which field of the service should I call?
>> I am now in a hurry to use my app to create the UNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN.
>> I look forward to your patience and answer one by one, thank you very 
>> much.
>> All the questions are shown in the annex below, thanks again!

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Re: ad customizer with IF functions not working

2018-08-06 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Thanks for sharing this. It would be really helpful for other users on this 
forum facing the same issue. 

Sreelakshmi, AdWords API Team

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Re: about the refresh token

2018-08-06 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Dian,

Could you please confirm whether you followed OAuth2 authentication guide 

setup OAuth credentials? the refresh token must be created using the 
credentials of the same account that is used to generate OAuth credentials 
at the same time the account must have access to the account you are making 
API calls to get campaigns. If the problem still persists, could you please 
share the complete error logs along with the .net client library version 
 you are using 
to investigate further on this issue?   

Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 6:25:56 AM UTC-4, advisor managers wrote:
> hi peter
> well i try to get my refresh key but i have a problem with that .
> i use a visual studio and i need that api for my website i cant execute 
> the ConsoleExample.cs 
> to get my refresh key 
> what should i do?
> that the problem that i get :
> Google.Api.Ads.Common.Lib.AdsOAuthException
>   HResult=0x80131500
>   Message=Failed to refresh access token. See inner exception for details.
>   Source=
>   StackTrace:
> Inner Exception 1:
> AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.
> Inner Exception 2:
> TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 
> 'Google.Apis.Json.NewtonsoftJsonSerializer' threw an exception.
> Inner Exception 3:
> FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, 
> Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one 
> of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not 
> match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
> thanks dian

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Re: Negative Keywords date added

2018-08-06 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Mihai,

If you set the includeZeroImpressions field to true, this will include all 
the keywords that have zero impressions. If you're looking to get the 
keywords that have impressions greater than zero, you will have to make 
sure that includeZeroImpressions field is set to false. It is currently not 
possible to pull the negative keywords that were added for a specific date 
range. To pull only the negative keywords irrespective of the date range, 
you could also try using the Campaign Negative Keywords Performance Report 


Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Bharani, AdWords API Team

On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 7:27:46 AM UTC-4, Mihai Iliescu wrote:
> Hello
> I'm trying to get the negative keywords that were added in the last 90 
> days at campaign/adgroup level. 
> This is what I tried :
> possible (no daterange segment is available).
> 2. Downloaded the KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT with IsNegative->true 
> condition on the last 90 days, but it shows all negative keywords, not 
> taking the date range into account..
> 3. Also tried to look at the account change history 
> via CustomerSyncSelector but there is no info on negative keywords (only 
> removed keywords).
> Does anyone know a solution for this ?

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Re: Understanding the "Criteria Usage" table

2018-08-06 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Ramanan, 

That's right, it is possible to exclude the Age range and Gender AdGroup 
criterion. There have been several changes to the AdWords API services and 
the current Criteria Usage table is not up-to-date. I have shared this with 
the team. Meanwhile, we recommend that you test each criteria that you want 
to target or exclude. 

Let me know if you have any other questions. 

Bharani, AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 6:00:42 AM UTC-4, Ramanan Subramanian wrote:
> Hello AdWords API team,
> Referring to this table: 
> From the above table, I was under the impression that AGE_RANGE or GENDER 
> exclusions/targeting at Ad Group level are not possible for Search 
> campaigns, through the API (no green tick on the corresponding column). 
> However, I was able to achieve the same through the API, via 
> NegativeAdGroupCriterion. In that case, how do I understand this table? Are 
> there certain things possible for display-network campaigns that are not 
> possible for Search Network campaigns?
> Cheers,
> Ramanan

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Re: Failed to get campaigns

2018-08-06 Thread 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Looks like the error is related to OAuth credentials and refresh token. 
Could you please confirm that you are following the guide 

create OAuth credentials and refresh token? Please note that the account 
owning OAuth credentials must have access to the account for which API call 
is made to get campaigns. If the problem persists please share the error 
logs without redacting any data also specify the client library 
 you are 
using. You could use* reply privately to author* option while sharing the 

Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 6:00:42 AM UTC-4, wrote:
> Hello everyone
> Each API topic is new to me
> I have a problem creating a first API call
> When I click on Show Campaigns it gives me this error
> "Failed to get campaigns. Exception says "Failed to refresh access token. 
> See inner exception for details."

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Re: Can we request huge amount of keywords?

2018-08-06 Thread 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kimiaki,

Please find my *inline* response below:

   1. Can we request huge amount of keywords(1~100k KWs) at same time? This 
   mean a size of 'queries' array at inside selector['searchParameters'] 
   become 1~100k. 

*The maximum number of results for TargetingIdeaService.get() 

   700. That said, for stats, you can request maximum 700 keywords at a time. 
   For keywords idea, you can request maximum 200 keywords at a time. For more 
   information please refer to the guide 
   limits .  *
   2. According to following document, API server count 100 search KWs as 1 
   operation. So if we request 1000 KWs at same time, is number of counted 
   operations 10 operations?
   *You could either request for 700 or 200 seed keywords (depending on if 
   your request is for STATS or IDEAS) in one API operation. This will be 
   counted as 1 API operation. But in order to make API calls for 1000 
   keywords, you will need to split the request into as many API calls and 
   each will be treated as 1 API operation. For instance, if you are trying to 
   get keyword IDEAS, you will need to have 5 API calls to accommodate the 
   1000 keywords. This will be counted as 5 API operations.*

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Milind, AdWords API Team

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Re: Some questions about creating a UNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN ad?(With annex)

2018-08-06 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jia, 

It looks like you're looking at the content file in the AdWords web 
interface. You will not be able to use these parameters to make the AdWords 
API call. If you're concern is specific to the parameters in the content 
file, we recommend that you post your Advertisers Community forum 
the product experts can take a look for you. 

Bharani, AdWords API Team

On Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 6:00:00 AM UTC-4, jia zheng wrote:
> 1. After selecting the universal application, how to choose the mobile 
> application platform (IOS/Android), which service should be set in that 
> field?
> 2. How do I implement an application that searches Google Play category in 
> my app, can I call it?
> 3. How do I get a list of apps in my account? Is it necessary for me to 
> save the record or have an interface to call? If it is my app save, what 
> should I save (the download address of the app installer?)?
> 4. Which field of the service is called to set the application 
> installation package?
> 5, Creative assets (Your candidate text / image / video) how to set up? 
> Which field of which service should I call?
> 6. Can I call the YouToBe video interface in my application? What is the 
> interface?
> 7, video and picture settings, is not written ID? How do I get the id of 
> the video, which field of which service to use to set this id?
> 8. If I want to set the install amount and user type as shown in the 
> screenshot, which field of the service should I call?
> I am now in a hurry to use my app to create the UNIVERSAL_APP_CAMPAIGN.
> I look forward to your patience and answer one by one, thank you very much.
> All the questions are shown in the annex below, thanks again!

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Re: CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT with predicate Labels CONTAINS_ANY results in a 500 Internal Server Error

2018-08-06 Thread jpuckett via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Thanks, that's helpful!

I was confused because the documentation here 

says that specific attribute is filterable. Secondly, I'd expect the API to 
return a 400 bad request response, not a 500 internal server error - even the 
SDK message 

says this is a temporary problem and to retry the request in a few minutes. 
Normally, we'd see a bad predicate or related error message.

I really appreciate your quick response.

Jeff P.

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 2:35:51 AM UTC-5, Dannison Yao (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> Unfortunately, filtering of labels by name is not supported in the AdWords 
> API as stated in this guide 
> .
> It is only recommended to use the label Id for filtering.
> Let me know if you have further clarifications.
> Regards,
> Dannison
> AdWords API Team
> On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 1:22:32 PM UTC+8, 
>  wrote:
>> How can I filter reports for campaigns that have a given label's name?
>> Attempting to use the predicate Labels CONTAINS_ANY labelName fails with 
>> a server error. The predicate LabelIds CONTAINS_ANY with the label ID works 
>> just fine, but I would rather not have to make an additional network call 
>> just to first look up the Label ID given the Label name.
>> Thanks,
>> Jeff
>> POST /api/adwords/reportdownload/v201802 HTTP/1.1
>> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>> Host:
>> Authorization: REDACTED
>> developerToken: REDACTED
>> clientCustomerId: 4625294097
>> User-Agent: FUEL API (AwApi-PHP, googleads-php-lib/34.0.0, PHP/7.1.3, 
>> GuzzleHttp/6.3.3, curl/7.38.0)
>> skipReportHeader: true
>> skipColumnHeader: true
>> skipReportSummary: true
>> useRawEnumValues: false
>> includeZeroImpressions: true
>> __rdxml=
>> CampaignIdCostLabelsCampaignStatusBudgetIdLabelIdsLabelsCONTAINS_ANYVideoCampaign
>>  Budget Report for AdWords Client 
>> Response:
>> Error:
>> Server error: `POST 
>>  resulted in 
>> a `500 Internal Server Error` response

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Re: I have a question in use CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2018-08-06 Thread Максим
Could you please say for which period should i rerun the reports?

суббота, 4 августа 2018 г., 0:00:01 UTC+3 пользователь Максим написал:
> Hi! I need help in use CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT. I have 2 questions: 
> Question1: I did query in API Google Adwords with parameters: 
> _fmt=TSV&__rdquery=SELECT CriteriaId,GclId,Slot FROM 
> ' This guery returned answer, where is not the same data in gclid, if i 
> delete from query parameters "Slot", it returnes all data. Why? If Slot is 
> in conflict with other parameters? I think it's related to campaigns "KMS". 
> Question2: When I used this query in bigger account Google Adwords, api 
> returned always 56774 rows. Is it a limit ? I did not find this limit in 
> support google adwords api. 

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Re: I have a question in use CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2018-08-06 Thread Максим
Today we tried  do query to API Google. We used the same parametrs in query 
and it returned everything  data.  Was problems in Google? 

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Re: Identifying Campaigns Using Customer Match Lists

2018-08-06 Thread 'Tim Tsai' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
I see, thanks for the quick response Luis!

On Monday, 6 August 2018 01:08:28 UTC-4, Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Tim,
>  I'm afraid that there is no direct way to determine if your 
> CriterionUserList 
>  is 
> of type Customer Match through the TargetingSettingDetail 
>  of 
> your campaign. You have to get first the userListId 
>  of 
> that criterion by using the CampaignCriterionService.get() 
>  method. 
> Then, you could use the AdWordsUserListService.get() 
>  method 
> to find out the type 
>  of 
> your user list.
> Let me know if you have further clarifications.
> Thanks and regards,
> Luis
> AdWords API Team
> On Saturday, August 4, 2018 at 5:39:31 AM UTC+8, Tim Tsai wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I know that you can use the API 
>>  to 
>> create Customer Match Lists, and that Customer Match Lists live in the 
>> AdWordsUserListService 
>> .
>> What if I want to determine if a campaign is employing a Customer Match 
>> Audience List? From looking at the documentation for CriterionUserList 
>> in the CampaignCriterionService, it does not look like the 
>> CriterionUserList distinguishes Customer Match lists from other user lists. 
>> Is there a way to read a campaign's settings via the API and determine if 
>> it is employing a Customer Match user list?
>> Thanks,
>> Tim

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Re: I have a question in use CLICK_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

2018-08-06 Thread Максим
Today we tried try do query to api google adwords. We used the same 
parametrs in query and it returned everything  data.  Was problems in 

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Re: Negative Keywords date added

2018-08-06 Thread Mihai Iliescu
Hello Bharani,

I pulled the data from the  Keywords Performance Report 

 using IsNegative 

 and Date 

*. *

Then I tried adding the column *Impressions, *but i got thousands of rows 
all with value 0 for impressions.
The idea was that if there is a row with impressions >0 it would mean that 
it was added in the specified daterange, but they all come back zero.
Also if there were negative keywords added before they had an impression, 
this approach would not work.

I understand that this report shows all the data it has on Keywords from a 
specific date range, segmented by day, but I don't know how this data could 
be used to determine the number of keywords added in the last X days.


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Re: Invite email google adwords

2018-08-06 Thread 'Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I'm going to check to see if the policy on this has changed recently, but 
until I find out otherwise it's probably safe to assume that we are still 
not accepting new accounts onto this whitelist.

I will update here if I find out differently.

Mike, AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 6:00:42 AM UTC-4, Алексей Ягла wrote:
> Hello.
> I have the same problem.
> You still can not accept new accounts in the whitelist?
> What should I do if I need to automatically send invites?
> Regards, Alexey
> пятница, 8 июня 2018 г., 20:26:35 UTC+5 пользователь Michael Cloonan 
> (AdWords API Team) написал:
>> Hello,
>> We are not currently accepting new accounts onto this whitelist. I 
>> apologize for the inconvenience.
>> Regards,
>> Mike, AdWords API Team
>> On Friday, June 8, 2018 at 10:40:33 AM UTC-4, Michael Cloonan (AdWords 
>> API Team) wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am going to look into the possibility of adding new accounts to this 
>>> whitelist. The last I heard we are not widely accepting new accounts into 
>>> the whitelist, but I'll let you know what I hear back.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mike, AdWords API Team
>>> On Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 11:24:08 PM UTC-4, Trường Nguyễn Xuân wrote:

 Hi  Dhanya's,

 Thanks for you support. This is my CID: 1806016198, this is production 
 accounts but I can not use API  inviteeEmail and inviteeRole 
  , please 
 add the CID in to  Whitelisting. Thank you very much.

 Best Regards,

 *Truong Nguyen,*
 Developer Team of Haravan
 E: | M: 0989030791 | Skype:

 On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 12:51 AM, 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API 
 Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum <> wrote:

> Hi Trường,
> I am Dhanya's colleague and will be following up on this thread as she 
> is unavailable today. Whitelisting for such features are usually 
> available 
> only for production accounts. If there is a production account that you 
> would like to be whitelisted, please share the CID with me.
> Thanks,
> Milind, AdWords API Team.
> -- 
> -- 
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
> Also find us on our blog:
> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~
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about the refresh token

2018-08-06 Thread advisor managers
hi peter

well i try to get my refresh key but i have a problem with that .
i use a visual studio and i need that api for my website i cant execute the
to get my refresh key
what should i do?

that the problem that i get :

  Message=Failed to refresh access token. See inner exception for details.

Inner Exception 1:
AggregateException: One or more errors occurred.

Inner Exception 2:
TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for
'Google.Apis.Json.NewtonsoftJsonSerializer' threw an exception.

Inner Exception 3:
FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one
of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not
match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

thanks dian

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Failed to get campaigns

2018-08-06 Thread advisor . managers . il

Hello everyone
Each API topic is new to me
I have a problem creating a first API call
When I click on Show Campaigns it gives me this error

"Failed to get campaigns. Exception says "Failed to refresh access token. 
See inner exception for details."

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Re: Invite email google adwords

2018-08-06 Thread Алексей Ягла

I have the same problem.
You still can not accept new accounts in the whitelist?
What should I do if I need to automatically send invites?

Regards, Alexey

пятница, 8 июня 2018 г., 20:26:35 UTC+5 пользователь Michael Cloonan 
(AdWords API Team) написал:
> Hello,
> We are not currently accepting new accounts onto this whitelist. I 
> apologize for the inconvenience.
> Regards,
> Mike, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, June 8, 2018 at 10:40:33 AM UTC-4, Michael Cloonan (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am going to look into the possibility of adding new accounts to this 
>> whitelist. The last I heard we are not widely accepting new accounts into 
>> the whitelist, but I'll let you know what I hear back.
>> Regards,
>> Mike, AdWords API Team
>> On Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 11:24:08 PM UTC-4, Trường Nguyễn Xuân wrote:
>>> Hi  Dhanya's,
>>> Thanks for you support. This is my CID: 1806016198, this is production 
>>> accounts but I can not use API  inviteeEmail and inviteeRole 
>>>  , please 
>>> add the CID in to  Whitelisting. Thank you very much.
>>> Best Regards,
>>> *Truong Nguyen,*
>>> Developer Team of Haravan
>>> E:  | M: 0989030791 | Skype: 
>>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 12:51 AM, 'Milind Sankeshware (AdWords API Team)' 
>>> via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum >> > wrote:
 Hi Trường,

 I am Dhanya's colleague and will be following up on this thread as she 
 is unavailable today. Whitelisting for such features are usually available 
 only for production accounts. If there is a production account that you 
 would like to be whitelisted, please share the CID with me.

 Milind, AdWords API Team.

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Understanding the "Criteria Usage" table

2018-08-06 Thread Ramanan Subramanian
Hello AdWords API team,

Referring to this 

>From the above table, I was under the impression that AGE_RANGE or GENDER 
exclusions/targeting at Ad Group level are not possible for Search 
campaigns, through the API (no green tick on the corresponding column). 
However, I was able to achieve the same through the API, via 
NegativeAdGroupCriterion. In that case, how do I understand this table? Are 
there certain things possible for display-network campaigns that are not 
possible for Search Network campaigns?


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Can we request huge amount of keywords?

2018-08-06 Thread Hashimoto

I have stared to use Adwords API. According to official document, we can 
request many search keywords at same time. For example,

  selector['searchParameters'] = [{

   'xsi_type': 'RelatedToQuerySearchParameter',

   'queries': ['google','google C++','google python']


I have a few questions related to requesting search keywords from python.

Can we request  huge amount of keywords(1~100k KWs)  at same time? This 
mean a size of 'queries' array at inside selector['searchParameters'] become 

According to following document, API server count 100 search KWs as 1 
operation. So if we request 1000 KWs at same time, is number of counted 
operations 10 operations?

Kimiaki Hashimoto

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Re: error in first api call

2018-08-06 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Could you confirm if you also provided the refreshToken in the properties 
file? If you are unable to find the refreshToken, you may just generate a 
new one by referring to this guide 
I hope this helps and feel free to write back should the issue persist.

Thanks and regards,
AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 3:19:13 PM UTC+8, advisor managers wrote:
> I've inherited a google adwords project which is using OAuth 2.0 for 
> Installed Applications to connect to the google adwords API.
> I'm falling over on the first hurdle; I've downloaded the following 
> example project from github;
> When I place all the details into the web.config as directed it doesn't 
> work. I've put in;
>- the developer token
>- the customer Id
>- OAuth2ClientId
>- OAuth2ClientSecret
>- This is all brand new to me
> [image: screengrab of the sample app] 
> The above image shows the sample app interface, when I click on the "Get 
> campaigns" link receive an exception message; that says "Failed to get 
> campaigns. Exception says "Failed to refresh access token. See inner 
> exception for details."
> Could someone offer any further?

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Re: How to get UAC media reporting data?

2018-08-06 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Gilbert,

I can see from your screenshot that you are using Universal App Campaigns. 
The AdWords API only support limited report types 

UACs as mentioned before. Unfortunately, Ad Assets report under UAC is not 
supported in the AdWords API. You could keep an eye on our blog 
updates within the AdWords API.

AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 2:09:49 PM UTC+8, 
> hi:Dannison
> Thanks for you reply.I want the report looks like: 
> The links show in the pictuer,including video impression,clicks data.
> So if i can get these data through api?
> On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 4:27:51 PM UTC+8, Dannison Yao (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Gilbert,
>> You may refer to this guide 
>>  on 
>> reports that support UACs in the AdWords API. The fields you mentioned 
>> should be readily available in the listed reports. Since you mentioned that 
>> you wish to retrieve media reporting data, you might consider in using the 
>> Campaign 
>> Location Target Report 
>>  as 
>> it is the only report type available that has video related fields. 
>> Let me know if you have further clarifications.
>> Regards,
>> Dannison
>> AdWords API Team
>> On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 2:57:26 PM UTC+8, 
>> wrote:
>>> hi:
>>> how can i get UAC media(video,image) reporting data through api?
>>> data some like: 
>>> "click_through_rate", "clicks", "cost", "cost_per_click", "impressions"
>>> Is there any api i can use to get the data? 

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Re: CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT with predicate Labels CONTAINS_ANY results in a 500 Internal Server Error

2018-08-06 Thread 'Dannison Yao (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jeff,

Unfortunately, filtering of labels by name is not supported in the AdWords 
API as stated in this guide 
It is only recommended to use the label Id for filtering.

Let me know if you have further clarifications.

AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 1:22:32 PM UTC+8, 
> How can I filter reports for campaigns that have a given label's name?
> Attempting to use the predicate Labels CONTAINS_ANY labelName fails with a 
> server error. The predicate LabelIds CONTAINS_ANY with the label ID works 
> just fine, but I would rather not have to make an additional network call 
> just to first look up the Label ID given the Label name.
> Thanks,
> Jeff
> POST /api/adwords/reportdownload/v201802 HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Host:
> Authorization: REDACTED
> developerToken: REDACTED
> clientCustomerId: 4625294097
> User-Agent: FUEL API (AwApi-PHP, googleads-php-lib/34.0.0, PHP/7.1.3, 
> GuzzleHttp/6.3.3, curl/7.38.0)
> skipReportHeader: true
> skipColumnHeader: true
> skipReportSummary: true
> useRawEnumValues: false
> includeZeroImpressions: true
> __rdxml=
> CampaignIdCostLabelsCampaignStatusBudgetIdLabelIdsLabelsCONTAINS_ANYVideoCampaign
>  Budget Report for AdWords Client 
> Response:
> Error:
> Server error: `POST 
>  resulted in a 
> `500 Internal Server Error` response

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error in first api call

2018-08-06 Thread advisor managers
I've inherited a google adwords project which is using OAuth 2.0 for
Installed Applications to connect to the google adwords API.

I'm falling over on the first hurdle; I've downloaded the following example
project from github;

When I place all the details into the web.config as directed it doesn't
work. I've put in;

   - the developer token
   - the customer Id
   - OAuth2ClientId
   - OAuth2ClientSecret
   - This is all brand new to me

[image: screengrab of the sample app] 

The above image shows the sample app interface, when I click on the "Get
campaigns" link receive an exception message; that says "Failed to get
campaigns. Exception says "Failed to refresh access token. See inner
exception for details."

Could someone offer any further?

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Re: How to add dummy data to my test account

2018-08-06 Thread mymanagerforgads
Any Update on this ?

On Monday, April 15, 2013 at 8:29:21 PM UTC+5:30, Kevin Winter (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> We're working on a mini-guide explaining how to approach this.  In the 
> meantime, here's a draft:
> Test accounts will not serve impressions, therefore they will not have any 
> metrics.  It is still possible to download structural reports 
> - but you will only see zero-impression rows, which means that segments 
> will not work.  To get around this limitation, we suggest displaying fake 
> data.  The Token Review team needs to see that your application can 
> interact with and display report data.  By mocking out the report call 
> (i.e. pretending the report call succeeded and using a locally stored file 
> containing fake report data), you can work with report data without 
> actually having such data come back from the API.
> The reports come back in a predictable format.  Let's say you wanted to 
> run a Campaign Performance Report pulling Date, Campaign Name, Id, 
> Impressions, Clicks, Cost. An example file could look like this:
> "CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT (Mar 20, 2013-Mar 23, 2013)"
> Day,Campaign,Campaign ID,Impressions,Clicks,Cost
> 20130320,Widgets,123,1211,19,14.92
> 20130320,Sprockets,456,300,4,2.92
> 20130321,Widgets,123,901,12,9.86
> 20130321,Sprockets,456,340,5,3.86
> 20130322,Widgets,123,1065,16,11.23
> 20130322,Sprockets,456,509,6,5.23
> 20130323,Widgets,123,1005,15,10.12
> 20130323,Sprockets,456,287,3,1.12
> By constructing such a file and storing it locally, you could have your 
> application mock the call to the API - when the report is requested, return 
> the stored file and process that rather than making an actual API call. 
>  You can create one file like this for each report you’d like to display.
> - Kevin Winter
> AdWords API Team
> On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:08:45 AM UTC-4, William Rufino wrote:
>> Can anyone give me an idea how to test report api without data?
>> Em segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013 11h17min19s UTC-3, William Rufino 
>> escreveu:
>>> How do we test the api if we can't have data in it?
>>> Does anyone can help with that?
>>> Em sexta-feira, 5 de abril de 2013 11h04min22s UTC-3, Paul Matthews 
>>> (AdWords API Team) escreveu:

 Hi Jonathan,

 There is currently no way to add test data to your test account. We are 
 aware of this feature request and we're looking into it.


 - Paul, AdWords API Team.

 On Monday, 25 March 2013 03:15:41 UTC, Jonathan Sosa wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to get the Campaign Performance Report for my test account, 
> but it returns no rows.
> I think the reason is adding the required segment field ClickType. 
> (All my test campaigns have no clicks)
> Is there a way to add dummy data Clicks/Impressions/etc to my test 
> campaigns?
> Best
> Jonathan

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error in first api call

2018-08-06 Thread advisor . managers . il

I've inherited a google adwords project which is using OAuth 2.0 for 
Installed Applications to connect to the google adwords API.

I'm falling over on the first hurdle; I've downloaded the following example 
project from github;

When I place all the details into the web.config as directed it doesn't 
work. I've put in;

   - the developer token
   - the customer Id
   - OAuth2ClientId
   - OAuth2ClientSecret
   - This is all brand new to me
[image: screengrab of the sample app] 

The above image shows the sample app interface, when I click on the "Get 
campaigns" link receive an exception message; that says "Failed to get 
campaigns. Exception says "Failed to refresh access token. See inner 
exception for details."

Could someone offer any further?

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Re: Got NoSuchKey error upon OAuth2 callback

2018-08-06 Thread 'Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Lulu,

To better investigate your issue, could you first confirm if you are 
setting up OAuth2 credentials 
the AdWords API 
 or if you are 
already making a call using one of the services and encountered an error? 
If you are indeed using the AdWords API, could you provide more context 
about the issue and if possible, send to me the complete SOAP request and 
response logs when you encountered the error? Please reply via *Reply 
privately to author*.

Thanks and regards,
AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 1:22:32 PM UTC+8, lulu8117 wrote:
> Hello!
> I need help debug this OAuth2 NoSuchKey error:
> NoSuchKey
> The specified key does not exist.
> googleoauth/oauth2callback
> 21CE435612A36DEE
> I got this error in our production env, but I didn't get this while 
> testing using the same Google AdWords account in QA env.
> Thanks in advance.
> - lulu

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Re: When creating UAC ads, create them separately through the AdWords API and the AdWords UI, and see the results in the AdWords UI for a different display.

2018-08-06 Thread 'Peter Oliquino (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Jia,

So I can better investigate the issue, could you provide to me the complete 
SOAP request and response and your clientCustomerId? You may reply to me 
using the *Reply privately to author* option.

Thanks and regards,
AdWords API Team

On Monday, August 6, 2018 at 11:53:13 AM UTC+8, jia zheng wrote:
> Create UAC ads from the AdWords UI and display all the material on the 
> CREATIVE ASSETS page. For UAC ads created through the AdWords API, you will 
> see any donate on the CREATIVE ASSETS page.
> why? 
> The screenshots are attached as above (UACtest1 is created by the AdWords 
> UI and Here is the series name 6 created by the AdWords API).
> The xml log is as follows:
> Here is the series name 6
> ***
> xsi:type="ns2:UniversalAppCampaignSetting">
> Shopping
> GearBest
> Online Shopping
> Internet Shopping
> ***
> **
> xsi:type="ns2:TargetCpaBiddingScheme">
> 10

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Re: How to get UAC media reporting data?

2018-08-06 Thread gilbertmmiller2017

Thanks for you reply.I want the report looks like:

The links show in the pictuer,including video impression,clicks data.

So if i can get these data through api?

On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 4:27:51 PM UTC+8, Dannison Yao (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Gilbert,
> You may refer to this guide 
>  on 
> reports that support UACs in the AdWords API. The fields you mentioned 
> should be readily available in the listed reports. Since you mentioned that 
> you wish to retrieve media reporting data, you might consider in using the 
> Campaign 
> Location Target Report 
>  as 
> it is the only report type available that has video related fields. 
> Let me know if you have further clarifications.
> Regards,
> Dannison
> AdWords API Team
> On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 2:57:26 PM UTC+8, 
>  wrote:
>> hi:
>> how can i get UAC media(video,image) reporting data through api?
>> data some like: 
>> "click_through_rate", "clicks", "cost", "cost_per_click", "impressions"
>> Is there any api i can use to get the data? 

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Re: How to get UAC media reporting data?

2018-08-06 Thread gilbertmmiller2017

Thanks for you reply.I want the report looks like:

The links show in the pictuer,including video impression,clicks data.

So if i can get these data through api?

On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 4:27:51 PM UTC+8, Dannison Yao (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Gilbert,
> You may refer to this guide 
>  on 
> reports that support UACs in the AdWords API. The fields you mentioned 
> should be readily available in the listed reports. Since you mentioned that 
> you wish to retrieve media reporting data, you might consider in using the 
> Campaign 
> Location Target Report 
>  as 
> it is the only report type available that has video related fields. 
> Let me know if you have further clarifications.
> Regards,
> Dannison
> AdWords API Team
> On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 2:57:26 PM UTC+8, 
>  wrote:
>> hi:
>> how can i get UAC media(video,image) reporting data through api?
>> data some like: 
>> "click_through_rate", "clicks", "cost", "cost_per_click", "impressions"
>> Is there any api i can use to get the data? 

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