Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

Vladimir Nesov wrote:

On 10/5/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Vladimir Nesov wrote:

On 10/5/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mike Dougherty wrote:

On 10/4/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

All understood.  Remember, though, that the original reason for talking
about GoL was the question:  Can there ever be a scientific theory that
predicts all the interesting creatures given only the rules?

The question of getting something to recognize the existence of the
patterns is a good testbed, for sure.

Given finite rules about a finite world with an en effectively
unlimited resource, it seems that every interesting creature exists
as the subset of all permutations minus the noise that isn't
interesting.  The problem is in a provable definition of interesting
(which was earlier defined for example as 'cyclic')  Also, who is
willing to invest unlimited resource to exhaustively search a toy
domain?  Even if there were parallels that might lead to formalisms
applicable in a larger context, we would probably divert those
resources to other tasks.  I'm not sure this is a bad idea.  Perhaps
our human attention span is a defense measure against wasting life's
resources on searches that promise fitness without delivering useful

I hear you, but let me quickly summarize the reason why I introduced GoL
as an example.

I wanted to use GoL as a nice-and-simple example of a system whose
overall behavior (in this case, the existence of certain patterns that
are stable or interesting) seems impossible to predict from a
knowledge of the rules.

You do predict that behavior by simulating the model. What you
supposedly can't do is to find initial conditions that will lead to
required global behavior. But you actually can - for example by
enumerating possible initial conditions in a brute force way and
looking at what happens when you simulate it. It's just very
inefficient, and as a result you can't enumerate many initial
conditions which will lead to interesting global behavior. And
probably there are tricks to get better results, by restricting search
space. You propose a framework which will help in efficient
enumeration of low-level rules and estimation of high-level behavior,
and restrain possibilities to as close as possible to existing working
system - human mind. All along these same lines. Computational
mathematics deals with this kind of thing all the time.


You keep taking this example out of context!   You are making statements
that are completely oblivious to the actual purpose that the GoL example
serves in the paper:

Given that this purpose is what I'm trying to understand, being
non-oblivious to it at the same time would be strange indeed.

Okay, maybe I have been misunderstanding the level of apparent
dismissiveness in your tone.

I will try to reorient myself and address the issue as carefully as

everything you say above is COMPLETELY impractical
if it is generalized to systems more complex than GoL.

I disagree. It's not specific enough to be of practical use in itself,
but it's general enough to be a correct statement about practically
useful methods. Please don't misunderstand my intention: I find your
way of presenting technical content rather obscure, so I'm trying to
construct descriptions that apply to what you're describing, starting
from simple ones and if necessary adding details. So if they are
overly general, it's OK, but if they are wrong, please point out why.

I started to reply to this directly, but now I think it is better to 
refer you to the answer I have given in a parallel post to Mike 
Dougherty, which addresses the core issue.

Richard Loosemore.

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

Mike Dougherty wrote:

On 10/5/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My stock example:  planetary motion.  Newton (actually Tycho Brahe,
Kepler, et al) observed some global behavior in this system:  the orbits
are elliptical and motion follows Kepler's other laws.  This corresponds
to someone seeing Game of Life for the first time, without knowing how
it works, and observing that the motion is not purely random, but seems
to have some regular patterns in it.

Having noticed the global regularities, the next step, for Newton, was
to try to find a compact explanation for them.  He was looking for the
underlying rules, the low-level mechanisms.  He eventually realised (a
long story of course!) that an inverse square law of gravitation would
predict all of the behavior of these planets.  This corresponds to a
hypothetical case in which a person seeing those Game of Life patterns
would somehow deduce that the rules that must be giving rise to the
patterns are the particular rules that appear in GoL.  And, to be
convincing, they would have to prove that the rules gave rise to the

with GoL you started with the rules and try to predict the behavior.
with planetary motion you observe the behavior and try to discover the rules.

I'm going to stop you here and deal with this alone.

Strictly speaking this is only half the story, because with planetary 
motion you try to discover the rules and then you have to show that the 
the hypothesised rules do indeed predict the behavior.  (Several other 
people besides Newton, if you remember, also suspected the inverse 
square law, but Newton trumped them by inventing calculus and proving 
that the inverse square law predicted elliptical orbits, etc).

Explanation in general is a two part process:  hypothesise the 
mechanism, then demonstrate that the mechanism really does give rise to 
the behavior.

In my use of GoL in the paper I did emphasize the prediction part at 
first, but I then went on (immediately) to talk about the problem of 
finding hypotheses to test.  Crucially, I ask if it is reasonable to 
suppose that Conway could have written down the patterns he *wanted* to 
see emerge, then found the rules that would generate his desired patterns.

It is *that* question that is at the heart of the matter.  That is what 
the paper was all about, and that issue is the only one I want to 
defend.  It is so important that we do not lose sight of that context, 
because if we do ignore that (as many people have done), we just go 
around in circles.

So, yes, i did say that it is extremely hard (read: impossible) to 
predict or explain the patterns in GoL, given the rules ... but what 
is happening right now, in the general discussion going on in this 
thread, is that some people are trying to broaden the sense of predict 
or explain so that it could be said that the patterns in GoL really 
can be xplained or predicted. (In particular, Josh is obstinately trying 
to insist that just doing lots of simulations and searching for the 
patterns is the same thing as explaining or predicting them).

The problem is that this kind of distorted, special-case interpretation 
of explanation is not only atypical of scientific explanations in 
general, but also completely useless in the context of the question I 
raised in the paper:  If Conway had had the goal of inventing GoL rules 
that would generate a specific set of patterns, what good would it have 
done if the only way to predict the patterns from the rules was the kind 
of prediction or explanation that Josh insists on (simulate and 
test)?  If there had been any way at all to find a compact explanation 
of that relationship, the existence of that compact relationship would 
have offered the hope that Conway could have worked backward from his 
patterns to the rules that would generate them.

Similarly, if there did not exist any compact explanation for the shape 
of planetary orbits, Newton would never have been able to guess the 
rules that gave rise to the orbits.  Just imagine that the orbits were 
the result of a massive combination of exhange-interactions between five 
million species of subatomic particles, and that orbits were not 
elliptical, but some other bizarre shape:  if the only way to find out 
the shape was to simulate the five million different types of subatomic 
interactions, how would Newton ever have come up with a hypothesis to 
test?  The existence of compact low-level to high-level relationship was 
what made it possible for him to do that.

The two directions involved in the process of explanation (hypthesising, 
which is going from high level to low level, and testing, which is going 
from low level to high level) are interrelated.

My emphasis on the testing phase of this process, in the specific case 
of GoL, was part of a larger plan to consider its impact on the whole 
explanation process.

And that, in turn, was part of a larger goal about thinking about the 

Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

Linas Vepstas wrote:

On Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 11:06:11AM -0400, Richard Loosemore wrote:
In case anyone else wonders about the same question, I will explain why 
the Turing machine equivalence has no relevance at all.

Re-read what you wrote, substituting the phrase Turing machine, for
each and every occurrance of the phrase GoL.  The semantics of the 
resulting text is unchanged, and states nothing particularly unique 
or original that isn't already (well-)known about Turing machines.

You continue to distort the meaning of the argument by taking it out of 

Richard Loosemore.

You can even substitute finite state machine or pushdown automaton
at every point, and you argument would still be unchanged (although
the result would not actually be Turing complete). That's because
some finite automata are boring (cyclic in trivial ways), and some 
are interesting (generating potentially large and complex patterns).

Most randomly generated finite automata will be simple, i.e. boring,
and some will exhibit surprisingly complex behaviours.  

To be abstract, you could subsitute semi-Thue system, context-free
grammar, first-order logic, Lindenmeyer system, history monoid,
etc. for GoL, and still get an equivalent argument about complexity 
and predicatability.  Singling out GoL as somehow special is a red 
herring; the complexity properties you describe are shared by a variety 
of systems and logics.


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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

Andrew Babian wrote:

Honestly, it seems to me pretty clearly that whatever Richard's thing is with
complexity being the secret sauce for intelligence and therefore everyone
having it wrong is just foolishness.  I've quit paying him any mind.  Everyone
has his own foolishness.  We just wait for the demos.

Why make insulting personal remarkss instead of explaining your reasoning?

Richard Loosemore

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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Lukasz Stafiniak
Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
which will dominate the other.

On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which are as

  Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree

  Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree

 The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule --
 unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
 semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two premises
 with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the conclusion switching S
 and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it appears that from premises which
 appear to make no distinctions between S and P a conclusion is drawn that
 does make such a distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited
 knowledge of the subject, this seems illogical.

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Re: [agi] Schemata

2007-10-06 Thread Mike Tintner

Josh,  I have no idea how new the idea is.  When Schank was talking about
scripts ...

From the MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences (p729):

Schemata are the psychological constructs that are postulated to account 

the molar forms of human generic knowledge. The term *frames*, as introduced
by Marvin Minsky (1975) is essentially synonymous, except that Minsky used
frame as both a psychological construct and a construct in artificial
intelligence. *Scripts* are the subclass of schemata that are used to 

for generic (stereotyped) sequences of actions (Schank and Abelson 1977).


Yes but the image schema of Mark Johnson  co, are literally outline 
graphics - something like, say, a point or blob - an arrow - and another 
point or blob - for X journeys to Y [a goal]  . [See The Body in the Mind]

The schemata of Minsky  co, as I understand, are networks of symbolic 
concepts - and haven't worked. And - correct me, because I only have a vague 
knowledge here - my impression is that everyone who is currently trying to 
draw analogies - e.g. Hofstadter, Gentner, Ben - is also relying on some 
form of symbolic networks.

This whole area is v. confused and difficult to discuss, precisely because 
it involves visual images.  For example, Johnson Laird's mental models, as 
I understand, partake of both visual elements and symbolic concepts - but it 
often isn't clear which. It also often isn't always clear in Minsky's work 
whether he might not mean something more visual by scripts, though in fact 
he definitely works just with symbols.

I - and perhaps Johnson  co - am arguing that this whole area is extremely 
important. You could say that  image schema/ graphics are the mind's 
informal geometry - and are central to its power to do almost all the things 
that AGI is currently incapable of - like drawing analogies, visual object 
recognition and visual thinking AND NLP - and, one might add, the mind's 
technically extraordinary ability to construct altogether new visual scenes 
and scenarios in dreams.

(I -  again, I think, Johnson  co -  don't think the mind works with just 
image schemas, but also with more detailed images - as the example of dreams 
indicates. Schema/graphics are the visual and sensory storyboard which 
allows the mind to then flesh in more detailed images).

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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Pei Wang
Right. See concrete examples in

In induction and abduction, S--P and P--S are usually (though not
always) produced in pair, though usually (though not always) with
different truth values, unless the two premises have the same
truth-value --- as Edward said, it would be illogical to produce
difference from sameness. ;-)

Especially, positive evidence equally support both conclusions, while
negative evidence only deny one of the two --- see the Induction and
Revision example in

For a more focused discussion on induction in NARS, see

The situation for S-P is similar --- see comparison in


On 10/6/07, Lukasz Stafiniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
 interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
 induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
 of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
 orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
 which will dominate the other.

 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which are as
   Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
   Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
  The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule --
  unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
  semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two premises
  with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the conclusion switching S
  and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it appears that from premises which
  appear to make no distinctions between S and P a conclusion is drawn that
  does make such a distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited
  knowledge of the subject, this seems illogical.

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RE: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Edward W. Porter
If you are a machine reasoning from pieces of information you receive in
no particular order how do you know which is the major and which is the
minor premise?

Edward W. Porter
Porter  Associates
24 String Bridge S12
Exeter, NH 03833
(617) 494-1722
Fax (617) 494-1822

-Original Message-
From: Lukasz Stafiniak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 4:30 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not interchangeable.
Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and induction from the
semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering of premises results in
different truth values. Thus while both orderings are applicable, one will
usually give more confident result which will dominate the other.

On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which are

  Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree

  Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree

 The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule --
 unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
 semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
 premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the conclusion
 switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it appears that from
 premises which appear to make no distinctions between S and P a
 conclusion is drawn that does make such a distinction.  At least to
 me, with my current limited knowledge of the subject, this seems

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RE: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Edward W. Porter
So is the following understanding correct?

If you have two statements

Fred is a human
Fred is an animal

And assuming you know nothing more about any of the three
terms in both these statements, then each of the following would be an
appropriate induction

A human is an animal
An animal is a human
A human and an animal are similar

It would only then be from further information that you
would find the first of these two inductions has a larger truth value than
the second and that the third probably has a larger truth value than the

Edward W. Porter
Porter  Associates
24 String Bridge S12
Exeter, NH 03833
(617) 494-1722
Fax (617) 494-1822

-Original Message-
From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 7:03 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

Right. See concrete examples in

In induction and abduction, S--P and P--S are usually (though not
always) produced in pair, though usually (though not always) with
different truth values, unless the two premises have the same truth-value
--- as Edward said, it would be illogical to produce difference from
sameness. ;-)

Especially, positive evidence equally support both conclusions, while
negative evidence only deny one of the two --- see the Induction and
Revision example in

For a more focused discussion on induction in NARS, see

The situation for S-P is similar --- see comparison in


On 10/6/07, Lukasz Stafiniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
 interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
 induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
 of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
 orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
 which will dominate the other.

 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which
  are as
   Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
   Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
  The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule
  -- unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
  semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
  premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the
  conclusion switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it
  appears that from premises which appear to make no distinctions
  between S and P a conclusion is drawn that does make such a
  distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited knowledge of
  the subject, this seems illogical.

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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Pei Wang
The order here isn't the incoming order of the premises. From
M--S(t1) and M--P(t2), where t1 and t2 are truth values, the rule
produces two symmetric conclusions, and which truth function is called
depends on the subject/predicate order in the conclusion. That is,
S--P will use a function f(t1,t2), while P--S will use the symmetric
function f(t2,t1).


On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are a machine reasoning from pieces of information you receive in
 no particular order how do you know which is the major and which is the
 minor premise?

 Edward W. Porter
 Porter  Associates
 24 String Bridge S12
 Exeter, NH 03833
 (617) 494-1722
 Fax (617) 494-1822

 -Original Message-
 From: Lukasz Stafiniak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 4:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

 Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not interchangeable.
 Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and induction from the
 semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering of premises results in
 different truth values. Thus while both orderings are applicable, one will
 usually give more confident result which will dominate the other.

 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which are
   Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
   Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
  The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule --
  unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
  semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
  premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the conclusion
  switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it appears that from
  premises which appear to make no distinctions between S and P a
  conclusion is drawn that does make such a distinction.  At least to
  me, with my current limited knowledge of the subject, this seems

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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Pei Wang
On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So is the following understanding correct?

 If you have two statements

 Fred is a human
 Fred is an animal

 And assuming you know nothing more about any of the three terms in both
 these statements, then each of the following would be an appropriate

 A human is an animal
 An animal is a human
 A human and an animal are similar

Correct, though for technical reasons I don't call the last one
induction but comparison.

 It would only then be from further information that you would find the first
 of these two inductions has a larger truth value than the second and that
 the third probably has a larger truth value than the second..

Right, though the rules immediately assigns truth values to the
conclusion, based on the evidence provided by the current premises.
The role of further information is to revise the previous truth
values. In this way, the system can always form a belief (rather than
waiting for enough information), though the initial beliefs will
have low confidence.


 Edward W. Porter
 Porter  Associates
 24 String Bridge S12
 Exeter, NH 03833
 (617) 494-1722
 Fax (617) 494-1822

 -Original Message-
 From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 7:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

 Right. See concrete examples in

 In induction and abduction, S--P and P--S are usually (though not
 always) produced in pair, though usually (though not always) with different
 truth values, unless the two premises have the same truth-value --- as
 Edward said, it would be illogical to produce difference from sameness. ;-)

 Especially, positive evidence equally support both conclusions, while
 negative evidence only deny one of the two --- see the Induction and
 Revision example in

 For a more focused discussion on induction in NARS, see

 The situation for S-P is similar --- see comparison in


 On 10/6/07, Lukasz Stafiniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
  interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
  induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
  of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
  orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
  which will dominate the other.
  On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which
   are as
Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
   The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule
   -- unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
   semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
   premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the
   conclusion switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it
   appears that from premises which appear to make no distinctions
   between S and P a conclusion is drawn that does make such a
   distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited knowledge of
   the subject, this seems illogical.
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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Pei Wang
On 10/6/07, Pei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So is the following understanding correct?
  If you have two statements
  Fred is a human
  Fred is an animal
  And assuming you know nothing more about any of the three terms in both
  these statements, then each of the following would be an appropriate
  A human is an animal
  An animal is a human
  A human and an animal are similar

 Correct, though for technical reasons I don't call the last one
 induction but comparison.

BTW, in the future you can easily try it yourself, if you want:

(1) start the NARS demo by clicking
(2) open the inference log window by select View/Inference Log from
the main window
(3) copy/paste the following two lines into the input window:

Fred {-- human.
Fred {-- animal.

then click OK.
(4) click Walk in the main window for a few times. For this example,
in the 5th step the three conclusions you mentioned will be produced,
with a bunch of others.

There is a User's Guide for the demo at


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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Mark Waser

Linas Vepstas said:

To amplify: the rules for GoL are simple. The finding what they imply
are not. The rues for gravity are simple. Finding what they impl are

And I would argue that the rules of Friendliness are simple and the finding 
what they imply are not. 

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RE: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Edward W. Porter

So as I understand it, whether a premise is major or minor is defined by
its role of its terms relative to a given conconclusion.  But the same
premise could play a major role relative to once conclusion and a minor
role relative to another.

Edward W. Porter
Porter  Associates
24 String Bridge S12
Exeter, NH 03833
(617) 494-1722
Fax (617) 494-1822

-Original Message-
From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

The order here isn't the incoming order of the premises. From
M--S(t1) and M--P(t2), where t1 and t2 are truth values, the rule
produces two symmetric conclusions, and which truth function is called
depends on the subject/predicate order in the conclusion. That is,
S--P will use a function f(t1,t2), while P--S will use the symmetric
function f(t2,t1).


On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you are a machine reasoning from pieces of information you receive
 in no particular order how do you know which is the major and which is
 the minor premise?

 Edward W. Porter
 Porter  Associates
 24 String Bridge S12
 Exeter, NH 03833
 (617) 494-1722
 Fax (617) 494-1822

 -Original Message-
 From: Lukasz Stafiniak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 4:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make

 Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
 interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
 induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
 of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
 orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
 which will dominate the other.

 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which
  are as
   Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
   Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
  The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule
  -- unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
  semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
  premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the
  conclusion switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it
  appears that from premises which appear to make no distinctions
  between S and P a conclusion is drawn that does make such a
  distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited knowledge of
  the subject, this seems illogical.

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RE: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Edward W. Porter
Great,  I look forward to trying this when I get back from a brief
vacation for the holiday weekend.

Edward W. Porter
Porter  Associates
24 String Bridge S12
Exeter, NH 03833
(617) 494-1722
Fax (617) 494-1822

-Original Message-
From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

On 10/6/07, Pei Wang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So is the following understanding correct?
  If you have two statements
  Fred is a human
  Fred is an animal
  And assuming you know nothing more about any of the three terms in
  both these statements, then each of the following would be an
  appropriate induction
  A human is an animal
  An animal is a human
  A human and an animal are similar

 Correct, though for technical reasons I don't call the last one
 induction but comparison.

BTW, in the future you can easily try it yourself, if you want:

(1) start the NARS demo by clicking
(2) open the inference log window by select View/Inference Log from the
main window
(3) copy/paste the following two lines into the input window:

Fred {-- human.
Fred {-- animal.

then click OK.
(4) click Walk in the main window for a few times. For this example, in
the 5th step the three conclusions you mentioned will be produced, with a
bunch of others.

There is a User's Guide for the demo at


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Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

2007-10-06 Thread Pei Wang
On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 So as I understand it, whether a premise is major or minor is defined by
 its role of its terms relative to a given conconclusion.  But the same
 premise could play a major role relative to once conclusion and a minor
 role relative to another.

Exactly (though I usually don't use the terms major and minor).

Furthermore, the same belief can be used as premise in various types
of inference (deduction, induction, abduction, comparison, analogy,
revision, ...), and plays different roles in each of them.


 Edward W. Porter
 Porter  Associates
 24 String Bridge S12
 Exeter, NH 03833
 (617) 494-1722
 Fax (617) 494-1822

 -Original Message-
 From: Pei Wang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 8:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make sense?

 The order here isn't the incoming order of the premises. From
 M--S(t1) and M--P(t2), where t1 and t2 are truth values, the rule
 produces two symmetric conclusions, and which truth function is called
 depends on the subject/predicate order in the conclusion. That is,
 S--P will use a function f(t1,t2), while P--S will use the symmetric
 function f(t2,t1).


 On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If you are a machine reasoning from pieces of information you receive
  in no particular order how do you know which is the major and which is
  the minor premise?
  Edward W. Porter
  Porter  Associates
  24 String Bridge S12
  Exeter, NH 03833
  (617) 494-1722
  Fax (617) 494-1822
  -Original Message-
  From: Lukasz Stafiniak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 4:30 AM
  Subject: Re: [agi] Do the inference rules of categorical logic make
  Major premise and minor premise in a syllogism are not
  interchangeable. Read the derivation of truth tables for abduction and
  induction from the semantics of NAL to learn that different ordering
  of premises results in different truth values. Thus while both
  orderings are applicable, one will usually give more confident result
  which will dominate the other.
  On 10/6/07, Edward W. Porter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   But I don't understand the rules for induction and abduction which
   are as
Given S -- M and P -- M, this implies S -- P to some degree
Given M -- S and M -- P, this implies S -- P to some degree
   The problem I have is that in both the abduction and induction rule
   -- unlike in the deduction rule -- the roles of S and P appear to be
   semantically identical, i.e., they could be switched in the two
   premises with no apparent change in meaning, and yet in the
   conclusion switching S and P would change in meaning.  Thus, it
   appears that from premises which appear to make no distinctions
   between S and P a conclusion is drawn that does make such a
   distinction.  At least to me, with my current limited knowledge of
   the subject, this seems illogical.
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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Mark Waser

Andrew Babian said:
Honestly, it seems to me pretty clearly that whatever Richard's thing is 

complexity being the secret sauce for intelligence and therefore everyone
having it wrong is just foolishness.  I've quit paying him any mind. 

has his own foolishness.  We just wait for the demos.

   Try the following rephrasing:  Richard believes and is trying to 
convince others that complexity is a necessary pre-condition for 
intelligence.  If that is correct, then virtually every system to date 
cannot rise to intelligence (since they are not complex).

   Where I personally find Richard's statements a little strong (mainly in 
emphasis) is that those systems are certainly useful in the same way that 
Newton's Laws are useful -- as a necessary precondition to the next step --  
and I think that Richard comes across as a bit too negative for his ideas to 
get as much traction as they would on their own merits.  On the other hand, 
if yo don't slap people upside the head, they frequently don't listen.

   A corollary of Richard's statements that is less obvious is that he is 
very much a proponent of bottom-up systems whereas most previous systems are 
mostly to-down.  Top-down designed systems, unless over-hauled or *much* 
less regulated than is usual, generally aren't going to manage to be 
complex.  I, personally, am very much a proponent of bottom-up systems and 
can understand Richard's complexity point but feel that it is actually a 
sidelight to what I believe is his actual best point (which he's not 
succeeding in getting to  :-).

P.S.  Your e-mail did come across as somewhat insulting in my perception --  
but I'm frequently guilty of that as well. 

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Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content breaking the small hardware mindset

2007-10-06 Thread a

Edward W. Porter wrote:

It's also because the average person looses 10 points in IQ between mid
twenties and mid fourties and another ten points between mid fourties and
sixty.  (Help! I'am 59.)  

But this is just the average.  Some people hang on to their marbles as
they age better than others.  And knowledge gained with age can, to some
extent, compensate for less raw computational power.  

The book in which I read this said they age norm IQ tests (presumably to
keep from offending the people older than mid-forties who presumably
largely control most of society's institutions, including the purchase of
IQ tests.)

I disagree with your theory. I primarily see the IQ drop as a  result of 
the Flynn effect, not the age.

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Re: Economic libertarianism [was Re: The first-to-market effect [WAS Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content]

2007-10-06 Thread a

Linas Vepstas wrote:

My objection to economic libertarianism is its lack of discussion of
self-organized criticality.  A common example of self-organized
criticality is a sand-pile at the critical point.  Adding one grain
of sand can trigger an avalanche, which can be small, or maybe
(unboundedly) large. Despite avalanches, a sand-pile will maintain its 
critical shape (a cone at some angle).

The concern is that a self-organized economy is almost by definition 
always operating at the critical point, sloughing off excess production,

encouraging new demand, etc. Small or even medium-sized re-organizations
of the economy are good for it: it maintains the economy at its critical
shape, its free-market-optimal shape. Nothing wrong with that free-market
optimal shape, most everyone agrees.

The issue is that there's no safety net protecting against avalanches 
of unbounded size. The other issue is that its not grains of sand, its

people.  My bank-account and my brains can insulate me from small shocks.
I'd like to have protection against the bigger forces that can wipe me 
I am skeptical that economies follow the self-organized criticality 
There aren't any examples. Some would cite the Great Depression, but it 
was caused by the malinvestment created by Central Banks. e.g. The 
Federal Reserve System. See the Austrian Business Cycle Theory for details.

In conclusion, economics is a bad analogy with complex systems.

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[agi] How many scientists?

2007-10-06 Thread J Storrs Hall, PhD
Does anyone know of any decent estimates of how many scientists are working in 
cog-sci related fields, roughly AI, psychology, and neuroscience?


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Re: Economic libertarianism [was Re: The first-to-market effect [WAS Re: [agi] Religion-free technical content]

2007-10-06 Thread BillK
On 10/6/07, a wrote:
 I am skeptical that economies follow the self-organized criticality
 There aren't any examples. Some would cite the Great Depression, but it
 was caused by the malinvestment created by Central Banks. e.g. The
 Federal Reserve System. See the Austrian Business Cycle Theory for details.
 In conclusion, economics is a bad analogy with complex systems.

My objection to economic libertarianism is that it's not a free
market. A 'free' market is an impossibility. There will always be
somebody who is bigger than me or cleverer than me or better educated
than me, etc. A regulatory environment attempts to reduce the
victimisation of the weaker members of the population and introduces
another set of biases to the economy.

A free market is just a nice intellectual theory that is of no use in
the real world.
(Unless you are in the Mafia, of course).


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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Mike Dougherty
On 10/6/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my use of GoL in the paper I did emphasize the prediction part at
 first, but I then went on (immediately) to talk about the problem of
 finding hypotheses to test.  Crucially, I ask if it is reasonable to
 suppose that Conway could have written down the patterns he *wanted* to
 see emerge, then found the rules that would generate his desired patterns.

 It is *that* question that is at the heart of the matter.  That is what
 the paper was all about, and that issue is the only one I want to
 defend.  It is so important that we do not lose sight of that context,
 because if we do ignore that (as many people have done), we just go
 around in circles.

Is it reasonable:  I doubt precisely stating your goal is enough to
reach it.  (that is, unless you're Oprah and believe very strongly in
The Secret)

I just realized your question is if Conway could have written two
frames of cells, then reverse-engineered the transformations that move
from A to B.  That transformation would be absolutely correct in
getting from A to B, however as a candidate for the Universal ruleset,
it would have to apply to every transformation from B to C or X to Y.
Probably this candidate would prove unusable outside the fragile case
for which is was written.   I can write a very simple loop to output
the records of a table with known fields, it takes much more
consideration to generalize the solution to any number of unknown

Consider states T1 and T5.  Use the same transformation hypothesis
generator employed in the paragraph above.  Given four steps from T1
to T5, there may have been one complete transform and three static
states or four 'normal' transformations.  How can a T1 to T5
transformation rule be written?  Consider a cyclic behavior with a
period of 4 - the transformation rule would have to observe a static
state because it's observation moments are not granular enough to
detect the changes.  A glider with a period below the observation
interval would give rise to a transformation rule describing, Given
this collection of cells, the next observation in open space it will
appear to have moved one unit left  Of course that rule requires open
space, the number of configurations of impact with other cells during
the observation interval give rise to an explosion of possibility.
The hypothesis generation algorithm will have a computational
complexity that is orders of magnitude larger than the classical GoL
rules making observations/computes at each 1 unit of time.

To pull back from the simplistic GoL example, consider the planetary
motion example.  I think I better understand the rules prediction you
were talking about - the true planetary motion rules are as
unavailable to Kepler as an observer in the GoL world.  So by
observation, he detects a regularity to the moon's path around the
earth and works out a theory for why that happens.  Then he uses the
theory to predict the future state of the moon - and he's right.  Has
he found the absolutely Truth in planetary motion?  No.  He has found
a good enough approximation for the purpose of predicting local
observed phenomenon.  Is there an extra term in the True formula, for
which our local observation conveniently sets a value of 1 in a
multiplication process?  Then this predictive function has limitations
on use.  it is still sufficiently useful when the hidden variable
maintains the value of 1 (for our locally observable universe)  Think
of a multidimensional motion function that has been curried down from
higher dimensions, leaving only those dimensions Kepler could observe.

I initially thought we were discussing the patterns than can arise
from examining the actual rules, rather than trying to discover the
rules from observation of states.  In the context of AGI research, I
think the discovery of explanations is a much more interesting
problem.  I think resource limitations make brute force compute every
possible permutation approaches to hypothesis generation absolutely
unfeasible.  Even with only a few known parameters, the combinatorial
explosion will cripple the largest machine we have - but with an
unknown number of parameters, the task of finding every permutation is
impossible.  So the ability to reason about classes and test
hypothesis by proof (without requiring exhaustive search) is important
to working intelligence.  I feel there is a great deal of value in
reasoning about AGI as a class of computation rather than a single
solution or program.

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Vladimir Nesov

Any problem can be stated as search for results that satisfy given
constraints. What you state here doesn't seem to contradict what I
wrote before. In following paragraph you describe it:

On 10/6/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In my use of GoL in the paper I did emphasize the prediction part at
 first, but I then went on (immediately) to talk about the problem of
 finding hypotheses to test.  Crucially, I ask if it is reasonable to
 suppose that Conway could have written down the patterns he *wanted* to
 see emerge, then found the rules that would generate his desired patterns.

So, you ask if it's possible to find local rule given global behavior.
It's obviously possible to get global behavior once you have local
rules. Which essentially what I wrote before, and what Josh
exemplified by his brute force initial conditions enumerator. I try
not to be 'dismissive', which suggests kind of oversight, but I also
try not to ignore inconsistencies.

On 10/5/07, Vladimir Nesov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You do predict that behavior by simulating the model. What you
 supposedly can't do is to find initial conditions that will lead to
 required global behavior. But you actually can - for example by
 enumerating possible initial conditions in a brute force way and
 looking at what happens when you simulate it. It's just very
 inefficient, and as a result you can't enumerate many initial
 conditions which will lead to interesting global behavior. And
 probably there are tricks to get better results, by restricting search
 space. You propose a framework which will help in efficient
 enumeration of low-level rules and estimation of high-level behavior,
 and restrain possibilities to as close as possible to existing working
 system - human mind. All along these same lines. Computational
 mathematics deals with this kind of thing all the time.

Vladimir Nesovmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

William Pearson wrote:

On 05/10/2007, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

William Pearson wrote:

On 05/10/2007, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

We have good reason to believe, after studying systems like GoL, that
even if there exists a compact theory that would let us predict the
patterns from the rules (equivalent to predicting planetary dynamics
given the inverse square law of gravitation), such a theory is going to
be so hard to discover that we may as well give up and say that it is a
waste of time trying.  Heck, maybe it does exist, but that's not the
point:  the point is that there appears to be little practical chance of
finding it.

A few theories. All states which do not three live cells adjacent,
will become cyclic with a cycle length of 0. Or won't be cyclic if you
reject cycle lengths of 0. Similarly all patterns consisting of one or
more groups of three live cells in a row inside an otherwise empty 7x7
box will have a stable cycle.

Will there be a general theory? Nope, You can see that from GoL being
Turing complete.


Sorry, Will, but this not correct, and I explained the entire reason
just yesterday, in a long and thorough post that was the beginning of
this thread.  Just out of interest, did you read that one?

Yup, and my argument is still valid, if this is the one you are
referring to. You said:

Now, finally:  if you choose the initial state of a GoL system very,
VERY carefully, it is possible to make a Turing machine.  So, in the
infinite set of GoL systems, a very small fraction of that set can be
made to implement a Turing machine.

But what does this have to do with explaining the existence of patterns
in the set of ALL POSSIBLE GoL systems??  So what if a few of those GoL
instances have a peculiar property?  bearing in mind the definition of
complexity I have stated above, how would it affect our attempts to
account for patterns that exist across the entire set?

You are asking about the whole space, my argument was to do with a sub
space admittedly. But any theory about the whole space must be valid
on all the sub spaces it contains. All we need to do is find a single
state that we can prove that we cannot predict how it evolves to say
we will never be able to find a theory for all states.

I have a question for you, Will.

Without loss of generality, I can change my use of Game of Life to a new 
system called GoL(-T) which is all of the possible GoL instantiations 
EXCEPT the tiny subset that contain Turing Machine implementations.

Nothing changes in my arguments:  all the known patterns/creatures are 
still observed (except the TM pattern), there are still an infinite 
number of instantiations, the patterns are still just as hard to explain 
 for my purposes GoL(-T) is as good an example as GoL.

So now, my question to you is this:  tell me exactly how the existence 
of the TM implementation in those other instantiations, which are now 
outside the GoL(-T) system, have any effect on questions about the 
explicability of the patterns in GoL(-T)?

Could you please specify the precise way that the TMs now have some 
impact on GoL(-T).

As far as I can see (and this was my original point, of course), they 
have no impact.

Please remember that it is my particular use of the explanation 
concept, in the context of the paper, that has to be referenced.


Richard Loosemore

If it was possible to find a theory, by your definition, then we could
use that theory to predict the admittedly small set of states that
were TMs.

I might reply to the rest if I think we will get anywhere from it.

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore

I am sorry, Mike, I have to give up.

What you say is so far away from what I said in the paper that there is 
just no longer any point of contact.

Best wishes,

Richard Loosemore

Mike Dougherty wrote:

On 10/6/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my use of GoL in the paper I did emphasize the prediction part at
first, but I then went on (immediately) to talk about the problem of
finding hypotheses to test.  Crucially, I ask if it is reasonable to
suppose that Conway could have written down the patterns he *wanted* to
see emerge, then found the rules that would generate his desired patterns.

It is *that* question that is at the heart of the matter.  That is what
the paper was all about, and that issue is the only one I want to
defend.  It is so important that we do not lose sight of that context,
because if we do ignore that (as many people have done), we just go
around in circles.

Is it reasonable:  I doubt precisely stating your goal is enough to
reach it.  (that is, unless you're Oprah and believe very strongly in
The Secret)

I just realized your question is if Conway could have written two
frames of cells, then reverse-engineered the transformations that move
from A to B.  That transformation would be absolutely correct in
getting from A to B, however as a candidate for the Universal ruleset,
it would have to apply to every transformation from B to C or X to Y.
Probably this candidate would prove unusable outside the fragile case
for which is was written.   I can write a very simple loop to output
the records of a table with known fields, it takes much more
consideration to generalize the solution to any number of unknown

Consider states T1 and T5.  Use the same transformation hypothesis
generator employed in the paragraph above.  Given four steps from T1
to T5, there may have been one complete transform and three static
states or four 'normal' transformations.  How can a T1 to T5
transformation rule be written?  Consider a cyclic behavior with a
period of 4 - the transformation rule would have to observe a static
state because it's observation moments are not granular enough to
detect the changes.  A glider with a period below the observation
interval would give rise to a transformation rule describing, Given
this collection of cells, the next observation in open space it will
appear to have moved one unit left  Of course that rule requires open
space, the number of configurations of impact with other cells during
the observation interval give rise to an explosion of possibility.
The hypothesis generation algorithm will have a computational
complexity that is orders of magnitude larger than the classical GoL
rules making observations/computes at each 1 unit of time.

To pull back from the simplistic GoL example, consider the planetary
motion example.  I think I better understand the rules prediction you
were talking about - the true planetary motion rules are as
unavailable to Kepler as an observer in the GoL world.  So by
observation, he detects a regularity to the moon's path around the
earth and works out a theory for why that happens.  Then he uses the
theory to predict the future state of the moon - and he's right.  Has
he found the absolutely Truth in planetary motion?  No.  He has found
a good enough approximation for the purpose of predicting local
observed phenomenon.  Is there an extra term in the True formula, for
which our local observation conveniently sets a value of 1 in a
multiplication process?  Then this predictive function has limitations
on use.  it is still sufficiently useful when the hidden variable
maintains the value of 1 (for our locally observable universe)  Think
of a multidimensional motion function that has been curried down from
higher dimensions, leaving only those dimensions Kepler could observe.

I initially thought we were discussing the patterns than can arise
from examining the actual rules, rather than trying to discover the
rules from observation of states.  In the context of AGI research, I
think the discovery of explanations is a much more interesting
problem.  I think resource limitations make brute force compute every
possible permutation approaches to hypothesis generation absolutely
unfeasible.  Even with only a few known parameters, the combinatorial
explosion will cripple the largest machine we have - but with an
unknown number of parameters, the task of finding every permutation is
impossible.  So the ability to reason about classes and test
hypothesis by proof (without requiring exhaustive search) is important
to working intelligence.  I feel there is a great deal of value in
reasoning about AGI as a class of computation rather than a single
solution or program.

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Richard Loosemore


I say the following without meaning to be critical.

In what I wrote yesterday, I was trying to establish the first point in 
the sequence of points that make up the argument in my paper.

What is happening, in this discussion, is that you are trying to ask me 
to present the entire argument that was in the paper, but only one step 
at a time.  That seems fair enough, by itself, except that .

This is having the unfortunate side-effect that as each point is 
presented, you are interpreting it and (especially) running on ahead 
with it in directions that do not have any relation to my argument.

The paper I wrote was a single coherent whole, and this process of 
breaking it up is getting crazy.  I find myself continually trying to 
explain that this or that argument has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Please ignore the paper.  It is intended for a different audience than 
most of the people on this list.

Richard Loosemore

Vladimir Nesov wrote:


Any problem can be stated as search for results that satisfy given
constraints. What you state here doesn't seem to contradict what I
wrote before. In following paragraph you describe it:

On 10/6/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In my use of GoL in the paper I did emphasize the prediction part at
first, but I then went on (immediately) to talk about the problem of
finding hypotheses to test.  Crucially, I ask if it is reasonable to
suppose that Conway could have written down the patterns he *wanted* to
see emerge, then found the rules that would generate his desired patterns.

So, you ask if it's possible to find local rule given global behavior.
It's obviously possible to get global behavior once you have local
rules. Which essentially what I wrote before, and what Josh
exemplified by his brute force initial conditions enumerator. I try
not to be 'dismissive', which suggests kind of oversight, but I also
try not to ignore inconsistencies.

On 10/5/07, Vladimir Nesov [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You do predict that behavior by simulating the model. What you
supposedly can't do is to find initial conditions that will lead to
required global behavior. But you actually can - for example by
enumerating possible initial conditions in a brute force way and
looking at what happens when you simulate it. It's just very
inefficient, and as a result you can't enumerate many initial
conditions which will lead to interesting global behavior. And
probably there are tricks to get better results, by restricting search
space. You propose a framework which will help in efficient
enumeration of low-level rules and estimation of high-level behavior,
and restrain possibilities to as close as possible to existing working
system - human mind. All along these same lines. Computational
mathematics deals with this kind of thing all the time.

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread William Pearson
On 07/10/2007, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a question for you, Will.

 Without loss of generality, I can change my use of Game of Life to a new
 system called GoL(-T) which is all of the possible GoL instantiations
 EXCEPT the tiny subset that contain Turing Machine implementations.

As far as I am concerned it is not that simple. Turing completeness
has nothing to do with any particular implementation of a TM in that
system. It is a property of the system.

That is the ability to be organised in such as way as to compute
whatever a turing machine could. And there are many, many potential
ways of organising a Turing complete system to compute what a TM

To take an analogous example. Lets say you wanted to take C and make
it no longer turing complete. Well the simple way, you would remove
loops and recursion. Then to be on the safe side self-modifying code
in case it wrote in a loop for itself. Why such drastic measures?
Because otherwise you might be able to write a java/ruby/brainfuck
interpreter and get back to Turing completeness.

So maybe I am throwing the baby out with the bath water. But what is
the alternate method of getting a non-Turing complete subset of C.
Well, you would basically have to test each string to see whether it
implemented a UTM of some variety or other. And discard those that
did. It would have to be done empirically. Automatic ways of
recognising strings that implement UTMs would probably fall foul of
Rice's theorem.

So in imagining GoL-T, you are asking me to do something I do not know
how to find simply without radically changing the system, to prevent
looping patterns. And if I do the complex way of getting rid of UTMs,
I don't know what the states left over from the great UTM purge would
look like. So I can't say whether it would still be Complex
afterwards, to know whether the rest of your reasoning holds.

 Will Pearson

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Re: [agi] Conway's Game of Life and Turing machine equivalence

2007-10-06 Thread Mike Dougherty
On 10/6/07, Richard Loosemore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am sorry, Mike, I have to give up.

 What you say is so far away from what I said in the paper that there is
 just no longer any point of contact.

oh.  So we weren't having a discussion.  You were having a lecture and
I was missing the point.  That's fine.  This is a form of
entertainment for me.  I don't have anything to prove.

thanks for your consideration.

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