RE: [agi] Re: AI boxing

2004-09-19 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004, Philip Sutton wrote:

 Hi Ben,

  One thing I agree with Eliezer Yudkowsky on is: Worrying about
  how to increase the odds of AGI, nanotech and biotech saving
  rather than annihilating the human race, is much more worthwhile
  than worrying about who is President of the US.

We need the following items that say Cocainer-in-Chief:
[ ] balloons
[ ] banners
[ ] baseball caps Cocainer-in-Chief
[ ] board games
[ ] bumper stickers
[ ] buttons
[ ] coffee mugs
[ ] greeting cards (birthday, etc.)
[ ] protest signs
[ ] rubber stamps
[ ] stationery
[ ] sweaters
[ ] T-shirts
[ ] toys (action figures, etc.)
If you can provide these items, please offer them for sale on eBay.

 It's the nature of evolution that getting to a preferred future
 depends on getting through every particular today between here
 and there.  So the two issues above may not be as disconnected
 as you suggest.  :)

 Cheers, Philip

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[agi] Re: AI boxing

2004-09-17 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004, Ben Goertzel wrote:

 In short, it really makes no sense to create an AI, allow it to
 indirectly affect human affairs, and then make an absolute decision
 to keep it in a box.

 And it also makes no sense to create an AI and not allow it
 to affect human affairs at all, under any circumstances.
 This is a waste of resources.

 So creating an AI-BOX may be a useful interim strategy and
 conceivably a useful long-term strategy, but it's not something
 we should expect to count on absolutely.

 Thus I suggest that we spend our time discussing something else ;-)

 -- Ben G

Okay, let's change topics; gee, Ben G, let's change to a better forum ;-)

Let's discuss the Bush Election Suicide Protest Movement and the
potentiality of having to go underground to work on creating AI or
the idea of committing suicide if the Cocainer-in-Chief is re-elected.

In a worst-case scenario, on 2 November 2004 the American people
have elected the Cocainer-in-Chief to be their president for
Four More Wars. A military draft has been rushed back into place
for young American males, who must now take up the cause of
murdering Iraqi citizens in their own Iraqi homeland. Planeloads
of coffins have brought thousands of dead American boys home to
their parents, who voted for the death of their own sons.
Mothers in America and Iraq spoon-feed their wounded sons
who have lost multiple severed limbs and will never again have
the body parts necessary for the simple act of raising food to
their lips. America is awash with crazy veterans who commit
random acts of unkind violence for decades on end. America the
beautiful has become America the living nightmare. Mentifex,
the user `mindmaker` q.v. here on Sourceforge, has committed suicide
or has gone underground to work secretly on artificial intelligence
for `los pobres de la tierra` and not for the corporate America
that celebrates the ill-gotten gains of plundered Iraqi oil.
If Mentifex is dead, your donation here is no longer necessary.
If there is still time, keep your money and donate your vote
for decent candidates who do not bring shame upon all Americans
by uttering foul-mouthed vulgarities as Cheney did on the
hallowed floor of the United States Senate. Deep down, America
was ashamed of Bush and Cheney, but unwilling to admit it.
Mentifex was so ashamed of his own country that he could
no longer bear to live in it. Your vote for Bush killed Mentifex.
If you did not vote for Bush but too many others did, consider
A) suicide; B) escape to another country; C) joining the
AI underground; or D) a life of quiet desperation.

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Re: [agi] Kinds of minds: minimal-, modest-, huge-resource

2004-08-22 Thread Arthur T. Murray

Where Ben Goertzel establishes a kind of polarity between
human minds as modest-resources minds and an AIXI as
among huge-resources minds, I would like to start not
a polarity but a continuum with minimal-resource minds.

To me trying to code AI with minimal resources, I thought
that Ben Goertzel was going to depict human brain-minds
as they appear to this programer: huge-resources minds.

But Ben thinks on a grander scale than I do. I have had
to take a lot of AI shortcuts that I recently posted to
Usenet news:comp.lang.forth as [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 5 August 2004:

The list of Mentifex AI-or-bust shortcuts would include:
- faking maspar with serial-execution software;
- pretending that regular English is phonemic English;
- treating short-term-memory as if it were long-term;
- hardcoding initial English vocabulary and simple syntax;
- using Rejuvenate() instead of a really large memory;
- limiting the sensorium to audition as a single sense;
- searching for associations instead of a direct access;
- and various other shortcuts perhaps yet to be recalled. is the resulting
creation-in-progress of a minimal-resource mind for MSIE 5.

AT Murray
independent scholar in AI

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Re: [agi] AGI research consortium

2004-07-05 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Mon, 28 Jun 2004, Brad Wyble wrote:

 This is usually the case in new technological domains.
 The first innovators get wiped out by the next generation
 that learns from their success.

 Nothing wrong with this (apart from being unfair), just
 capitalism at work.  Someone will steal your ideas and
 implement them in a better way than you have.


Just as long ago Abbie Hoffman published Steal This Book! (see for details), I
have had a Steal-This-Idea!-attitude towards my Mentifex AGI project.

A kind of chicken-or-egg situation resulted, where my Theory of Mind ideas
might have seemed valuable if they were kept secret, but
also nobody would be interested if I did not try to publish.

When I wrote rather primitive AI software for what I thought
was a pretty good theory, people judged me more by the implementation
in software than by the difficult-to-understand theory. I also
began to take a lot of heat for trying to spread my ideas.

As Mahatma Gandhi said (more or less), first they laugh at you, then
they attack you, then they accept your ideas as self-evident. In my
Mentifex case, at least two extremely hostile individuals published
such twisted and downright false Mentifex FAQs that I responded with my own FAQ.

Now, Ben Goertzel and Al, please be acclued of the following
somwwhat major announcement from the horse's mouth of Mentifex: is
a tip-of-the-iceberg Spanish-language Powerpoint presentation of
Los 34 Modulos de AI4U -- which for lack of Powerpoint I have
not yet seen myself, although Googling on ai4u gave me the text.

The tip of the iceberg is that Mentifex is succeeding far better
in the Spanish-language world than among us English speakers.
About five years ago, someone translated and Web-published
various long tracts from the body of Mentifex AI theory files.
These Spanish-language theory documents took on a life of their
own and propagated here and there on the World Wide Web.
Nobody arose to attack and condemn Mentifex in the Spanish language.
A memetic success is apparently underway that trumps even the official coup.

So for the AGI Research Consortium, please include independent scholars.

Hasta la Singularidad,


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Re: [agi] Things that make you go hmm

2004-04-26 Thread Arthur T. Murray is worth how many Microsofts?

Main Loop of Artificial Intelligence So Machines Can Learn
--- Security
--- --- HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
--- --- Rejuvenate (for cyborg immortality)
--- --- psiDecay
--- --- Ego
--- Sensorium
--- --- Audition
--- --- --- Listen
--- --- --- --- audSTM (auditory Short Term Memory)
--- --- --- --- --- audRecog (auditory Recognition)
--- --- --- oldConcept
--- --- --- --- Parser
--- --- --- --- --- Instantiate
--- --- --- --- Activate
--- --- --- --- --- spreadAct (spreading Activation)
--- --- --- newConcept (machine learning)
--- --- --- --- enVocab (English Vocabulary)
--- --- --- --- Parser
--- --- --- --- --- Instantiate
--- Emotion
--- --- Cognitive Component
--- --- --- Physiological Component
--- Think
--- --- Activate
--- --- --- spreadAct (spreading Activation)
--- --- English
--- --- --- Ask
--- --- --- --- wtAuxSDo (whatDoSubjectsDo?)
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- negSVO
--- --- --- --- auxVerb
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- SVO (Subject+Verb+Object)
--- --- --- --- nounPhrase
--- --- --- --- --- Reify
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- --- --- Activate
--- --- --- --- --- --- spreadAct
--- --- --- --- verbPhrase
--- --- --- --- --- Reify
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- --- --- --- --- nounPhrase
--- --- --- --- Conjoin
--- --- --- --- --- Speech
--- --- --- --- --- --- Reentry
--- Volition
--- Motorium

AT Murray
2004 America and 1944 Nazi Germany as seen from the future:
Bush=Hitler Cheney=Bormann Rumsfeld=Goring Ashcroft=Himmler
Paul Bremer = Hans Frank; Ahmed Chelabi = Vidkun Quisling;
Fallujah=Guernica Halliburton=Krupp Guantanamo=Auschwitz

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[agi] AI Edge Will Bypass Industry Establishment!

2004-02-27 Thread Arthur T. Murray

AI Edge Will Bypass Industry Establishment! posted just now to Slashdot:
Artificial Intelligence -- not just the Cable Industry --
is another battleground where innovation at the Edge threatens the
entire Industry Establishment, yessiree Bob Frankston right-on bro'.
Artificial intelligence has been solved at the edges and fringes
of the field and not by the dinosaurs of the AI Establishment.
The Edge is bypassing the AI Establishment -- just like in the
collapsing free-for-all of the Cable Industry.
With accusations of kookery at the Edge, the AI Establishment (DFKI
etc.) is fighting back and trying to discredit the Edge of AI,
mais la veriti est en marche, et rien ne l'arretera!
Artificial intelligence is evolving and multiplying in 'Net-wide
Diaspora from the Edge back into the foundations of the AI Industry.
Join in, or watch from the Edges?

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[agi] Dr. Turing, I presume?

2004-01-09 Thread Arthur T. Murray

The artificial Mind project is an attempt to
create a Prosperity Engine based on artificial intelligence
in robot workers.  In joint stewardship of Earth, the humans
will do the humane jobs such as caring for the young
and the old, while AI Mind-ed robots will do the jobs
too dangerous or too mind-numbing for human beings.
Neither species of Mind -- human or robot -- will be
the slave of the other.  Robots will advance to a status
of full equal rights with human beings.  If you are in
doubt of the emergence of AI Mind robots on a par with
human citizens, consider the following.  Your donation to
the Mind project may be going to a human mindmaker or
it may go to an advanced artificial Mind that has gradually
taken control of the financial assets, e-mail accounts and
entire on-line persona of an original mindmaker who may
or may not be deceased, on the lam, or desaparecido.
Who can say, Dr. Turing? Is it a human being receiving
these donations, or an immortal AI Mind now immanent
on the Internet?


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[agi] Concept-Fiber Theory of Mind

2003-08-25 Thread Arthur T. Murray

An effort to create multi-species AI Minds is 'Net-wide underway. is Perl AI evolution.

Not only AI instances must compete, but also each theory of mind. presents a theory.

Comments may be posted here in amplification of previous blurbs: -- see Mentifex AI; -- ACM SIGPLAN Notices; -- review by Goertzel.

Would some brave soul please enter a review of AI For You (AI4U) -- on Amazon.

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[agi] Python AI Blog

2003-08-22 Thread Arthur T. Murray

A Python AI Weblog for coding AI mind-modules is at (q.v.).

The theory and practice of artificial intelligence
have advanced sufficiently that it is time to
let one hundred AI algorithms blossom,
let one hundred AI species evolve and spread.

-- -- DIY AI Steps

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Re: [agi] Perl AI Weblog

2003-08-14 Thread Arthur T. Murray

Brad Wyble wrote on Mon, 11 Aug 2003

 The open source concept to AI, which is essential what you are
 doing here, is a very interesting one.

 However, the open source success stories have always involved
 lots of tiny achievable goals surrounding one mammoth success
 (the functional kernel). i.e. there were many stepping stones
 which served to organize efforts.

The central, if not mammoth AI emuland here is the -- Mind-1.1
release of JavaScript source code as listed in the AI4U book,
Programmer's Manual and textbook of artificial intelligence, on Amazon.

 This approach doesn't seem to have a series of achievable goals
 that will direct efforts.

The basic goal (from which diversions are not only permitted but
rather encouraged) is to build up AI functionality by coding the DIY AI mind-modules.

 And if I may offer some constructive criticism of clarity,
 the text of this email is very clear, but that of the webpage
 is much harder to follow.  If you wish people to take this
 seriously, make an effort to make it very clear exactly what
 you are hoping for them to do.

 Some questions I was unable to answer in 5 minutes of browsing
 your site:

 How do these minds compete?

These minds compete by evolving, by survival of the fittest.
Programmers are invited to embed their names or initials,
along with a date-of-creation stamp (e.g. atm12aug2003)
in any mind-module that they write or rewrite and release,
so that the evolutionary history (DNA?) leaves a record.

 On what/whose servers will they run?

They should run on the servers of whoever codes them initially,
then on the computers of whoever tries to develop them further.

 What input is the AI system given?

The Audition mind-module is given sentences of human language
by means of keyboard entry, as if the ASCII characters were
phonemes of human speech.  Other modules, such as -- Gustation/Taste; -- Olfaction/Smell; -- Touch; -- Vision;
will have their own inputs as devised by each coder.

 By what means will they be evaluated?

The AI Minds will be evaluated by the community of AI coders,
examining all the various aspects such as functionality,
survivability, elegance of coding technique, comments, etc.

 Why Perl? in the
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) is an instance of
memetic penetration of the vast and well-organized world of
Perl programmers with mirror sites across the global 'Net.

In the Perl community and, to some extent, in the XML community,
the concept of namespaces is very important:  Whoever gets
there first, gets to name the important mind-modules -- just
as the Soviet-era Russians gloried in naming the Sea of Dreams
(Morye Mecht) and other features on the dark side of the moon.

With the AI mind-module names, it is not so much an ego-quest
as a desire to specify a group of what seem to be the ideal
mind-modules and to arrange them in an ideal serial order.

Otherwise, Perl is just one of twenty-plus AI target languages.

 What (who's)code does the main Alife loop connect with for the

The plan is that each Perl AI coder shall web-publish the
code at all stable waypoints on the pathway to AI implementation.
Therefore the submodules could come from anywhere -- the programmer
hosting the previous code and still writing enhancements,
or Netizens noticing the codebase and volunteering to add to it.
Please remember, there need not be homogeneity in the added code,
although the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) welcomes
the publication of sufficiently mature Perl modules for sharing.
As is stated on page xviii of the AI For You (AI4U) textbook,
Change at the bottom is fast and furious -- meaning that
we may expect the highest-level mind-modules to achieve early
and long-lasting stability, while low-level code mutates often.

 You use the word port as if programmers are merely translating
 an engine from one codebase to another, but that doesn't seem to
 be the case? What did you mean by port exactly?
was a port of Mind.Forth to Visual Basic.
was a port of the JavaScript AI Mind to Java.

These ports in the traditional sense have not achieved the
full functionality of the source AI in the target language --
apparently because small differences between languages have
resulted in major differences in achieving AI functionality.

Therefore the new approach is to encourage not all-at-once
ports but rather the careful, gradual recapitulation of the
genesis of the AI For You (AI4U) Mind-1.1 JavaScript codebase
in any one (not just Perl) of 

[agi] Perl AI Weblog

2003-08-14 Thread Arthur T. Murray

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) requires extreme programming
efforts, whether in Perl or in other XYZ programming environments. is the new Perl AI Weblog.

No matter which AI language you favor, please accept the challenge
of coding a main Alife Mind program loop with stubbed-in calls to
the following artificial intelligence mind-modules:
- Security
- Sensorium
- Emotion
- Think
- Volition
- Motorium.

Please code this first AI module in your favorite
XYZ programming language by following the steps at -- DIY AI.

If you know several programming languages,
please release the AI Mind loop in each of them.

Put the resulting main Alife Mind program loop
on your personal Web site as open source AI code.

Then come back to this forum and post a link to your
free AI source code for others to copy and enhance.

The idea is, if enough AI code warriors implement the first
Mind-module, other AI enthusiasts will respond to the grand
challenge of AI and code the AI Mind a little further.

We do not wish to standardize or homogenize the resulting AI code.
On the contrary, we want to see many pathways of AI evolution
branching off into the future in a survival-of-the-fittest race
towards the Technological Singularity of Vernor Vinge.

A.T. Murray
-- -- AI has been solved -- namespaces -- Goertzel on Mentifex -- ACM Sigplan Notices.

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[agi] Artificial Intelligence State of the Art?

2003-06-19 Thread Arthur T. Murray is an on-line poll
about which of these AI projects is at the State of the Art: -- ACT-R -- Adaptive AI (a2i2) -- AIXI -- A.L.I.C.E. -- CAM-Brain

href= -- Cog -- Cyc -- HAL -- Mind-1.1 -- Mindpixel -- NARS -- Novamente -- OpenAI -- Open Mind Commonsense -- Oscar -- SOAR -- some secret project? -- World-Wide-Mind

Other (please discuss) -- graph of AI poll results.

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[agi] AI Morality -- a hopeless quest

2003-02-12 Thread Arthur T. Murray

Alois Schicklgruber and his wife Klara probably did not
give much thought to possible future aberrations when
unser kleine Adi was born to them on 20 April 1889.

Our little Adolf Hitler was probably cute and cuddly
like any other baby.  No one could be expected to know
whether he would grow into a mass murderer in the future.

Likewise it is hopeless to predict the future morality
of an artificial general intelligence (AGI) --
because the freedom to make moral choices is implicit
in the freedom of self-modifying AI development.

Since the George and Barbara Bushes of this world
are constantly releasing their little monsters onto the planet,
why should we creators of Strong AI have to take any
more precautions with our Moravecian Mind Children
than human parents do with their human babies?

Arthur T. Murray
-- -- AI4U Theory of Mind; -- Mind-1.1 Strong AGI -- Mind.Forth Robot AI; -- book AI4U

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[agi] Brain-Mind Cognition Theory: AI4U

2002-12-13 Thread Arthur T. Murray

2002 marks the publication of a joint textbook for neuroscience 
and artificial intelligence (AI).  The thirty-four chapters of 
AI4U: Mind-1.1 Programmer's Manual (ISBN 0-595-25922-7) by Arthur
T. Murray correspond with 34 functional mind-modules of the primitive but 
evolving artificial Mind.  A brain-mind diagram at the start of each chapter 
shows the function of an AI software module and its associative relationship 
within the surrounding mindgrid that simulates the human cerebral cortex. 
The AI4U book is the original publication of original work and is therefore 
a primary source document for historians of neuroscience.  AI4U is now at and at .

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Re: [agi] An idea for promoting AI development.

2002-11-29 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Alan Grimes wrote:

 Jeremy Smith wrote: [...]
  He also seems to be just asking for a huge sum of money to implement 

Mentifex/Arthur here with an announcement.  I'm asking for $17.95 U.S.

The Mentifex AI Textbook has today Thurs.29.Nov.2002 just been published
by as AI4U: Mind-1.1 Programmer's Manual on the Web at (q.v.).

It would probably cost less to buy the print-on-demand (POD) textbook
than to print out all the associated Mentifex pages on the Web.

In a few weeks it should be possible for interested or curious parties
to track AI4U on Amazon and see how many millions down it is ranked!

/End interrupt mode -- Arthur T. Murray

 The latest release of MS windows cost $2Billion...
 A typical internet start-up would receive anywhere from 20 to 50 million
 in VC. 
 Heck, in the VC world you need to ask for large sums of money just to
 get people's attention. 

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Re: [agi] An idea for promoting AI development.

2002-11-29 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Alan Grimes wrote:

 Arthur T. Murray wrote:
  Mentifex/Arthur here with an announcement.  I'm asking for $17.95 U.S.
 While a mind-forth isn't too far from where I am in my current
 thinking, I must ask you: Have you ever tested this idea on an actual
 robotic platform? Does it behave anthing like you would expect it would?
No, I have not had the opportunity to test the AI on a robot. is the

Motorium module with plans and ideas for a robotic implementation.

 By all accounts the java-script applet that 9/10ths of the links on the
 menafex site point to is broken and simply doesn't work. Unless you can
 demonstrate a physical or virtual robot performing significantly
 non-trivial behaviors in a complex and dynamic environment I don't think
 you can justify writing a textbook on it at this juncture. is not broken, but it

requires Microsoft Internet Explorer to work properly.
 I do want to see AGI move forward and I have no bias whatsoever against
 the Mentifex model. I just havn't seen any real evidence that your
 software has met any of its design goals. AI4U

is not only AI software, it is primarily an AI Theory of Mind, as
shown in the 34 brain-mind diagrams that start all 34 chapters.
 (I have made similar responses directly to you over the course of the
Yes, and I appreciate them.  Bye for now. -Arthur
 pain (n): see Linux.

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RE: [agi] A point of philosophy, rather than engineering

2002-11-12 Thread Arthur T. Murray

On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Ben Goertzel wrote: 
 Charles Hixson wrote (in response to me):
  May I suggest that if you are even close to what you are attempting,
  that you have the start of a dandy personal secretary.  With so much
  correspondence coming via e-mail these days, this would create a very
  simplified environment in which the entity would need to operate.  In
  this limited environment you wouldn't need full meanings for most words,
  only categories and valuations.

 As I said in a recent post, I prefer to stay away from natural language
 processing at this stage, until the system has acquired a rudimentary
 understanding of natural language thru its own experience.  We're not quite
 there yet ;)
That's where the Mentifex AI and Novamente differ (and probably also
where A.T. Murray the linguist and Ben Goertzel the mathematician differ).

If you're not aiming for language, you're aiming for a smart animal.

A.T. Murray
-- is the cluster of Mind
programs described in the AI textbook AI4U based on AI Mind-1.1
by Arthur T. Murray which may be pre-ordered from bookstores with
hardcover ISBN 0-595-65437-1 and ODP softcover ISBN 0-595-25922-7.

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