On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, Ben Goertzel wrote: 
> Charles Hixson wrote (in response to me):
> > May I suggest that if you are even close to what you are attempting,
> > that you have the start of a dandy personal secretary.  With so much
> > correspondence coming via e-mail these days, this would create a very
> > simplified environment in which the entity would need to operate.  In
> > this limited environment you wouldn't need full meanings for most words,
> > only categories and valuations.
> As I said in a recent post, I prefer to stay away from natural language
> processing at this stage, until the system has acquired a rudimentary
> understanding of natural language thru its own experience.  We're not quite
> there yet ;)
That's where the Mentifex AI and Novamente differ (and probably also
where A.T. Murray the linguist and Ben Goertzel the mathematician differ).

If you're not aiming for language, you're aiming for a smart animal.

A.T. Murray
http://www.scn.org/~mentifex/aisource.html is the cluster of Mind
programs described in the AI textbook "AI4U" based on AI Mind-1.1
by Arthur T. Murray which may be pre-ordered from bookstores with
hardcover ISBN 0-595-65437-1 and ODP softcover ISBN 0-595-25922-7.

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