BUS: hi its me again

2020-05-27 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I flip my master switch to myself.

I publish the following Notice of Honour:
+1 Agora (i have no clue what's going on so i don't know who else 
to pick)
-1 ATMunn (pretending to come back and then disappearing again for 
6 months)

So yeah it's summer again, therefore I have free time again, therefore 

Like I said, I have no idea what's happening right now. I did some quick 
skimming of recent messages and basically what I got is this:

- Agora has a dragon now (?!?)
- Someone made a million-year pledge or something
- There are like 4 people whose names I do not recognize
- yeah idk

but yeah I'll try to stick around for more than 2 weeks this time :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8388-8404

2020-05-27 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8388f  nch  1.0   The Webmastor


8389f  G.   2.0   Just Impeach instead


8390*  R. Lee   3.0   Registror


8391*  R. Lee   3.0   Notory (Vote Labour)

AGAINST [not too crazy about the name change stuff]

8392j  Jason2.0   Prior violations


8393f  Aris 2.0   Elections Aren't Over Till They End


8394f  Jason2.0   8228 retry


8395l  Jason1.1   Editorial what?


8396e  grok, G. 1.0   Auction End Clarification


8397l  P.S.S.   2.0   Referral


8398*  Murphy, nch, G.  3.0   More conservative implicit announcements

FOR [if I could vote FOR this multiple times I would]

8399j  R. Lee   1.0   E had two months!


8400l  R. Lee   1.0   Clinton v City of New York


8401j  Aris, P.S.S. 1.0   Defense Against the Dark Arts

FOR [mostly because of the crime names :D]

8402*  Aris, Falsifian  3.0   Promises
PRESENT [sounds like an interesting idea but i'm not quite sure what it 
does. open to change my vote]

8403*  Trigon   4.0   1698 shortening


8404j  P.S.S., [1]  1.7   High Crimes and Treason


BUS: Re: OFF: [Tailor] The Ribbon Bar

2020-05-31 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

CoE: I'm not a zombie anymore

On 5/31/2020 6:51 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-official 

 The Ribbon Bar (Tailor's Monthly Report)

Date of this report: 2020-05-31
Date of last report: 2020-04-25
(all times UTC)


No Festival is ongoing; that is, Agora's Festivity is 0.

RIBBON OWNERSHIP (self-ratifies)

Baron von Vaderham   A
CuddleBeam C M V P W A
Falsifian  ROGECBMUV P   AT
Gaelan CBMUV A
grokO   BMUV
Murphy R   CBMUVKA
omdC  UVKA
R. Lee C MU   LWK
Telnaior M VKA
twg O EC  U IP W AT
aranea ROG CBM V PLW A
babelian  U
Bayushi  MU
Bede M W
Bernie ROM
Corona   M VK
Ienpw III UV
K  W
Kenyon   A
ØrjanM V A
pokes   K
Quazie  O  C MUVKA
Rance  C
Roujo  V
SprocklemMUV   W A
Tekneek   M
TenhigitsuneO UV A
Tiger   BM
Veggiekeks C  UV
Walker   M
Warrigal   C M
Zachary Watterson U

GLITTER   (does not self-ratify)

Currently, Glitter rewards are as follows:

Red  15 coins
Orange   13 coins
Green16 coins
Emerald  16 coins
Cyan  8 coins
Blue 11 coins
Magenta   8 coins
Ultraviolet   8 coins
Violet7 coins
Indigo   19 coins
Platinum 13 coins
Lime 19 coins
White16 coins  (not earnable)
blacK15 coins  (not earnable except via proposal/scam)
grAy  6 coins  (not earnable)
Transparent  14 coins

RULES SUMMARY (does not self-ratify)

The rules for Ribbons are set out in detail in Rule 2438, but to
summarise, you can be awarded each different colour of Ribbon for
different achievements within Agora, usually within 7 days after the
chievement. If you come to qualify for a Ribbon that you already have,
you can instead award yourself Glitter, which provides you a small coin
bonus based on the Ribbon's rarity.

When you have collected all 16 Ribbons, you can use them to win the game
by Renaissance. After winning by Renaissance, you can't collect any more
Ribbons (or Glitter) for 7 days.

Approximate summary of how to collect each type of Ribbon:

Red  Successfully propose a rule change at Power 3 or higher
Orange   Your proposal is unanimously adopted
GreenHold an elected office for 30 days, without Tardiness
Emerald  Win an election
Cyan Deputise for an officer
Blue Judge a CFJ within the time limit
Magenta  Claim on Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet  Become Champion (usually by winning the game)
Violet   Receive a Patent Title (other than Champion or a degree)
Indigo   Receive a degree
Platinum Be the Speaker of Agora
Lime Co-author three adopted proposals within 7 days
WhiteNever own a White Ribbon before; or, receive from someone
who has never gifted a White Ribbon before
blacKN/A; only possible by proposal or scam
grAy Awarded monthly by the Tailor
Transparent  Receive or qualify for 5 Ribbons w

Re: BUS: Notary Election

2020-05-31 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I become a candidate for the Notary election.

vote me because im poor

On 5/31/2020 9:56 AM, Rebecca via agora-business wrote:

A player may start an election by announcement if e is the holder of the
office being elected.
I initiate an election for the office of Notary and become a candidate.

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: Re: Free Tournament Intent

2020-06-01 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I support the below intent.

On 5/31/2020 12:08 PM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:

On Mon, Jun 1, 2020 at 1:58 AM Kerim Aydin via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 5/31/2020 7:39 AM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:

Sorry, I intend with 3 Agoran consent to host a Free Tournament with the
following Regulations (i fixed a typo)

I object to this, and to the previous intent.

Nothing against the idea, but given the confusion over the consent level,
and also that the scoror can win, and the scoror is choosing the weapon,
just want to make sure there's enough interested supporters (assumed
competitors?) to make it sporting.


Okay this time I intend to create a Free Tournament with the following

Regulations, with TWO Agoran Consent.
1. Introduction (this section has no legal effect)
Agora is one of the great inventions of the internet as it comes to human
play. Agora has lasted 20 years and provided enjoyment to the people who
have played this game, who surely number in the hundreds. As a longstanding
game, Agora is saddened by the fact that another great platform of
internet gaming, adobe flash, will end at the end of 2018. We hereby
resolve to play one of the greatest and most influential online games of
the just-ended decade, namely flappy bird, to celebrate the legacy of play
that we all share.
2. Scoror
R. Lee is the Scoror of this Tournament. In a timely fashion after this
Tournament's Submission Period ends, the Scoror SHALL and CAN by
announcement certify each Score and determine the winner as set out later
in these Regulations (section 7). If R. Lee does not timely do this, e is
disqualified from this Tournament and is ineligible to win this Tournament
or to have a certified score. If R. Lee does not perform eir duties as
Scoror in a timely fashion, any other player may deputize for the Scoror to
complete the Scoror's duties in accordance with the deputization rules in
the Agoran ruleset.
3. Joining this Tournament
Any player of Agora may join this Tournament by submitting a Score by the
methods defined later (due to the Free Tournament rules, non-players cannot
4. Submission Period
This Tournament's Submission Period shall begin 24 hours after this
Tournament is initiated, and it shall end 7 days after it begins.
5. Method of Play
Each competitor in this Tournament, throughout the Submission Period, shall
attempt to achieve the highest score possible in the game found at the
following online link: https://flappybird.io/ . No other version of the
game flappy bird is to be used apart from that found at that link.
6. Method of Submission
During the submission period, players can submit Scores by sending emails
to the public forum. Scores must be contained within screenshots, attached
to the player's email or linked to in that email. These screenshots must be
accessible to all players and must depict both a completed game of Flappy
Bird, played by the above listed link, and an additional internet tab open
in which the player's Agoran username is typed. Players may submit as many
Scores as they want, but when a player submits a higher score than eir
previous Score, the previous Score ceases to be a Score and the higher
Score becomes that player's Score
7. Certification and Victory
If the Scoror is satisfied that any submitted Score satisfies the
conditions set out in sections 5 and 6, and the Scoror does not have strong
and articulable reasons to believe a Score has been obtained through
methods other than legitimate Flappy Bird play by the Agoran player that
submitted the Score, the Scorer shall certify that score after the end of
the Submission Period, as described in section 2. The player with the
highest certified Score is the winner of this Tournament, which shall be
determined by the Scoror only after the certification of all legitimately
submitted Scores.
8. Safety Valve
When the Scoror determines the winner of this Tournament, that player (the
player with the highest Score) immediately wins this Tournament  unless the
determined winner is the Scoror. If the determined winner is the Scoror,
the Scoror may win this Tournament with Agoran Consent. If this happens
each player SHOULD check if the Scoror's Score is indeed the highest score
and if it is legitimate and complies with these rules, and if that is so,
support the Scoror's intent to win this Tournament, and if not, object to
this intent.

BUS: [CFJ] ¿Puedo realizar acciónes en español?

2020-06-02 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Yo transfiero una moneda a Agora.

CFJ: En la declaración anterior, transferí una moneda a Agora.

CFJ: In the above statement, I issued a Call for Judgement on whether
I transferred a coin to Agora in the statement preceding that one.

Caller's Arguments (first [attempted] CFJ): If the second CFJ is judged
TRUE (arguments below), then the first attempted CFJ is, in fact, a CFJ.
By the precedent set by the second CFJ, the first should then be judged
TRUE. The only thing preventing it from being judged TRUE if the second
one is also is the fact that when put into Google Translate, the word
"moneda," intended to mean "coin," is translated as "currency." Because
of this, I think that the outcome of this CFJ should probably be linked
to the outcome of CFJ 3838.

Caller's Arguments (second CFJ): Nothing in the rules states that
statements of intent must be in English. Rule 478 states that a person
performs an action by "unambiguously and clearly specifying the action
and announcing that e performs it." Though not everyone may be able to
understand Spanish, it is clear that the message is in Spanish, and,
when translated online, the message unambiguously and clearly specifies
the action. For this reason, I think that this CFJ should be judged
TRUE. However, an argument for judging it FALSE is that Agora has, since
its beginning, always been conducted in English. The actual statement
itself in its current form, therefore, could be interpreted as being
very unclear and ambiguous, since most readers will not understand its
meaning without a translator.

[There's a good chance this has been tried before, but I thought I would
go ahead with it anyway. I opted not to try to use the Spanish for "Call
for Judgment" because a) I'm not that good at Spanish and b) it would
probably be more confusing. CFJ is an accepted standard abbreviation, so
I decided to stick with that.]

Re: BUS: [Contract] The Needlessly Abstract Exchange

2020-06-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I become a party to the quoted contract below.

On 6/3/2020 12:25 AM, nch via agora-business wrote:



Contract: Needlessly Abstract Exchange

Part I: Definitions

The Needlessly Abstract Exchange (also known as NAX) is a contract which
facilitates trading among Agorans by providing a fair third party to
manage assets mid-trade.

Any party to this contract is a trader. Any player CAN become or cease
to be a party to this contract by announcement.

The Exchange Manager is a title belonging to a specific trader. If there
is no Exchange Manager or the Exchange Manager would be an entity that
is not a trader, the entity that has been a trader for the longest
(continuously) becomes the Exchange Manager.

The Purse is an integer. If the value of The Purse is indeterminate or
ambiguous, it becomes 0.

An Order represents a trade. Orders have a Creater, a Fulfiller, Goods,
Fullfillment Conditions, and may have an Expiration Condition (if none
is specified, an order has no Expiration Condition). Goods is a list of
assets, and Fulfillment Conditions can be any text that describes or
could at some point describe any combination of assets, actions, or
other conditions. Orders may be closed, pending, or open and are open
when created.

Part II: Order Creation and Fulfillment

For every order a trader Creates or attempts to Fulfill, e must first
pay 1 coin to this contract (not as part of an order creation or
fulfillment) in the same message; otherwise it is INEFFECTIVE. For every
coin paid to the contract this way the Purse is increased by 1.

Any trader CAN create an order by paying any (non-zero) number of assets
to this contract, specifying Fulfillment Conditions, and optionally
specifying Expiration Conditions. E becomes the Creator of the order,
and all assets paid become the Goods of the order.

Any trader CAN attempt to fulfill a specified open order by
announcement, and by additionally paying any number of assets to the
contract, specifying any actions e does in the same message, and
specifying any other evidence e has successfully fulfilled the order.
The order becomes pending and e becomes the Fulfiller of the order.

PART III: Resolving Orders

For each pending order, the Exchange Manager SHALL, in a timely fashion
and by announcement, declare the attempt to fulfill Successful or
Unsuccessful. E SHALL only declare the attempt Successful if e believes
the Fullfillment Conditions have been met and SHALL NOT declare the
attempt Unsuccessful unless e believes the Fullfillment Conditions have
not been met.

When the Exchange Manager declares an attempt Successful, e CAN and
SHALL transfer the Goods of the order from this contract to the
Fulfiller and transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract
as part of the fulfillment attempt to the Creater of the order. The
order becomes closed.

When the Exchange Manager declares an attempt Unsuccessful, e CAN and
SHALL transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract as part
of the fulfillment attempt to the Fulfiller. The order becomes open.

PART IV: Annulling Orders

When the Exchange Manager believes that it would be impossible to
fulfill an open order or that the expiration conditions of an open order
have been met, e CAN and SHALL, in a timely fashion, Annul the order by
transfering all Goods to the Creater of the order. The order becomes
closed. When e does so, the Exchange Manager CAN transfer 1 coin from
this contract to the creater and SHOULD do so if e believes the reason
the order should be annulled was an error, such as a typo or
misunderstanding of this contract; if e does the Purse is decreased by

The Exchange Manager CAN annul an open order without reason by
transferring 1 coin from this contract to the creater. E SHOULD NOT do so
unless the creater has made more than 2 orders in the last 7 days.

PART V: NAX Reports

Once a week the Exchange Manager SHALL publish a report. This report
SHALL contain a list of any outstanding orders and a list of any orders
that have closed in the last week. If it has been more than a week since
the last NAX report, this report SHOULD contain all orders that have
closed since the last such report. When e publishes such a report, e CAN
transfer X coins from this contract to emself, where X is the current
value of the purse. When e does so, the purse becomes 0.

PART VI: Election and Management

Any trader may elect any other trader to be the Exchange Manager,
replacing the current Exchange Manager, with X support where X is 1 more
than half (rounded up) of the number of traders.

The Exchange Manager CAN cap any trader who has created more than 2
orders in the last 7 days by announcement. A trader who has been capped
CANNOT create new orders for 7 days from when e made eir last order.


Re: BUS: Election Time

2020-06-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I support all of the below intents.

On 6/2/2020 11:42 PM, Rebecca via agora-business wrote:

The rules say that anyone can start an election when a 90 days elapse.
I intend to start an election for the following offices with 2 support

(Note: I would be happy to actually initiate and contest the Registrar and
ADoP elections, at least one, so you should probably support those. The
other intents are in case anyone else wants to)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8405-8408

2020-06-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

ID Author(s)AITitle
8405*  Jason3.0   Generic private assets


8406f  Murphy   2.0   Remove churn


8407e  G.   2.0   no stinking auction definitions
PRESENT. I like the idea of minifying rules but I just haven't looked at 
it closely enough.

8408*  nch, [1] 3.0   Sets v1.4


Re: BUS: Prime Minister Election Attempt

2020-06-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I become a candidate for the prime minister election.

On 6/6/2020 6:51 AM, Rebecca via agora-business wrote:

I initiate the said prime minister election and become a candidate

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 7:44 PM Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-business  wrote:

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 2:48 AM Aris Merchant via agora-business

On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 11:42 PM Rebecca via agora-business

Hey, nobody was biting at my attempt to elect other offices, but the


minister election is also due (it has been 91 days). And surely


agrees we should elect that office as often as possible, right??

I intend with 2 support to initiate a prime minister election

I support. In accordance with tradition, I will not run for a second
consecutive term (well, the tradition is actually that we don't elect
someone for two terms in a row, but same difference). I suppose it
will be my successor who gets to exercise all of the interesting
powers I'm about to give em. :)


I support as well.

BUS: [Proposal] The dumbest idea I've ever had...?

2020-06-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
There's absolutely no way this will pass, but I'm going to try it 
anyways. Aris, I don't remember exactly when the midweek distribution 
deadline is, but don't worry about including this proposal in it.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Bank Robbery
AI: 1.0
Author: ATMunn

Enact a rule entitled "Heists" with the following text:
At any time, any player CAN, by announcement, perform a Heist. Upon 
doing so, e CAN transfer up to half of the coins owned by Agora, rounded 
down, to emself. However, players MAY NOT perform a Heist. Doing so is 
the Class 3 Crime of Robbery.


Re: BUS: [Thesis] On the Continuity of the Agoran Judicial System

2020-06-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I also support both intents.

On 6/6/2020 11:49 AM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 6/6/20 11:48 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business

Thank you, G..

I certify that the peer review process has occurred and intend, with 2
Agoran consent, to award G. the degree of Juris Doctor of Nomic. In
case the title has been changed by the time I resolve this, I also
intend, with 2 Agoran consent, to award G. the degree of Juris
Doctorate of Nomic.

I support both intents.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Proposal] The dumbest idea I've ever had...?

2020-06-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 6/6/2020 11:56 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via 
agora-discussion wrote:

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 11:53 AM ATMunn via agora-discussion

On 6/6/2020 11:34 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-discussion wrote:

On Sat, Jun 6, 2020 at 11:19 AM ATMunn via agora-business

There's absolutely no way this will pass, but I'm going to try it
anyways. Aris, I don't remember exactly when the midweek distribution
deadline is, but don't worry about including this proposal in it.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Bank Robbery
AI: 1.0
Author: ATMunn

Enact a rule entitled "Heists" with the following text:
At any time, any player CAN, by announcement, perform a Heist. Upon
doing so, e CAN transfer up to half of the coins owned by Agora, rounded
down, to emself. However, players MAY NOT perform a Heist. Doing so is
the Class 3 Crime of Robbery.

Doesn't this give a huge advantage to the Assessor? I like the general
idea and would be interested in experimenting with it, but this gives
a significant advantage to the Assessor and actually uses Agora. If we
were going to do this, I would prefer that we establish some entity to
hold the money separately.

How does it give an advantage to the Assessor? What am I missing?

E will have the first opportunity to do so and could do so as many
times as necessary to cause Agora to have no coins in the same message
in which e resolves the proposal.

Ah, okay.

I retract the proposal entitled "Bank Robbery."

I will think about it a little more and then propose a second version.

Re: BUS: [NAX] Bugfixing

2020-06-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I give my consent.

On 6/6/2020 2:30 PM, nch via agora-business wrote:

I intend, with the consent of all other NAX members, to replace Part IV of the
NAX contract with the following


PART IV: Annulling and Refunding Orders

To annul an order is to transfer all Goods from the order to its
creater. When an order is annulled it becomes closed. Only an open order
can be annulled.

To refund an order is to annul an order and to transfer 1 coin from this
contract to the order's creater. When an order is refunded the Purse is
decreased by 1.

The Exchange Manager CAN annul an order by announcement when it would be
impossible to ever fulfill the order or when the expiration conditions
of the order have been met.

The Exchange Manager CAN refund an order:

* whenever that order could be annulled. E SHOULD do this instead of
just annul if e believes the order contains an error, such as a typo or
misunderstanding of the contract or rules.

* if the Creater of the order has made more than 2 orders in the last 7
days or the order is more than 30 days old.

Whenever an order can be annulled, the Exchange Manager SHALL in a
timely fashion either annul or refund the order.


I believe according to the contract rules, that I will be able to do so
immediately with explicit consent from the other party members.

BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Notary Election Enters Next phase

2020-06-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote for myself.

On 6/7/2020 6:16 AM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:

I, the ADoP, note that the Nomination Period for the Notary election is

I initiate an Agoran Decision to select the winner of this election. The
voting method is instant run-off, the valid options are the candidates for
this election (these candidates include R. Lee and ATMunn, but others may
join while the election is still ongoing), the vote collector is the ADoP
and the quorum is 8.

I note that I do not wish to stand for this election and am only a
candidate because the rules make me. Please vote for ATMunn.

I vote for ATMunn in this Notary election.

Re: BUS: [NAX] Improved Amendment Procedures

2020-06-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 6/7/2020 12:31 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business 

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 12:07 PM nch via agora-business

With the consent of all NAX members, I intend to append the following to the
NAX contract:


PART VII: Self Amendment

Any trader CAN change the text of the contract by announcement if e has
specified in an earlier message (published to a public Agoran forum) the
exact changes to make to the contract and has received explicit consent
(published to a public Agoran forum) to these changes from at least 1
more than half, rounded down, of all traders.



I consent to this change.

I consent.

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8409-8430

2020-06-08 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8409*  Aris 3.0   College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences


8410e  Aris 2.2   Promise Powers Patch


8411p  R. Lee   1.0   Contract Lawyers


8412j  R. Lee   1.7   Small Pledge Amendments

AGAINST, apparently there's a bug

8413l  Aris 1.0   Why Track Pendency?


8414l  Aris 2.0   Ministerial Reshuffling


8415*  Aris 3.0   Proposal Recycling Initiative


8416*  Falsifian, G., P.S.S.3.1   Identity theft protection act v1.1


8417l  Aris, G. 1.0   PP [1]


8418*  Aris 3.0   Referenda

PRESENT, I'm fine with the change but others seem to be against it.

8419f  Aris 2.0   Executive Expansion

FOR, seems interesting

8420f  G.   2.0   Checks and balances


8421e  nch, Trigon  1.0   Transmutation


8422*  P.S.S., [2]  3.0   No More Numbers!


8423f  P.S.S., G.   2.0   Removing Repetition


8424l  Aris, nch, P.S.S.1.0   Certifiable Patches


8425j  Aris 2.0   Impossibility Defense


8426j  Aris 2.0   Impracticability Defense


8427j  R. Lee   2.0   Slap on the wrist


8428*  Aris 3.0   Pending Pends

PRESENT, I don't get the purpose of this one

8429j  Aris 1.7   Why Limit Clemency?


8430p  P.S.S., G.   2.0   Silver Quill 2016


Re: BUS: Judicial Service [Attn. Arbitor]

2020-06-09 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

[oh why not, I'm not very good at judging CFJs but I'll try anyways.]

I also become interested in judging cases.

On 6/9/2020 2:22 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

[People appear to be getting a tad overwhelmed by my endless stream of
proposals (I was running out of ideas anyway), and I'd like to help out
somehow, so...]

I become interested in judging cases.


BUS: Re: DIS: [Reportor] Last Week in Agora

2020-06-09 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
I really like how this report is done. Previous versions of the Reportor 
(including myself) were never as comprehensive as this.

I transfer 5 coins to Falsifian.

On 6/9/2020 1:27 PM, James Cook via agora-discussion wrote:

Archived at https://github.com/AgoraNomic/Reportor/tree/master/weekly_summaries

Report for the week of 2020-06-01..07:

# Summary

Welcome, Tyler!

A very busy week. With nch's new "Sets" economy coming, there's a rush
to submit proposals while submitting them is still free, leading the
Promotor to perform an unusual second distribution within the week.
Plenty of interesting ones, summarized in the sections below.

nch creates the Needlessly Abstract Exchange in anticipation of the new
economy, and the Dragon Corporation president promises new plans to

Many proposals were adopted this week, including the office of the
Webmastor (filled by nch), outlawing actions dangerous to Agora, and
another attempt to fix auctions (with a wild auction experiment coming
on its heels). Let's see if we finally get a working zombie auction.

R. Lee seized the office of ADoP by deputizing this week, and many
office elections are under way.

What does negative karma mean? Is issuing blots a rebuke? Discussion on
these and other topics, and on treating each other well, referenced in
the "Honour, minor crimes, being nice to each other, gaming" section

The Flappy Bird tournament isn't happening, but Agora's Birthday
tournament is coming up, and it looks like it will be Diplonomic. On the
subject of birthdays, happy birthday to Jason!

Agora's scholarly traditions continue. G. transforms eir earlier
arguments about the status of the ancient CFJ 7 into a thesis, and many
rules questions are discussed in other threads, including one in

Some other topics this week: rules about player intent; choosing good
terminology; continued discussion whether players should follow the
rules (including bringing back a crime/infraction distinction).

# Registrations

* New player Tyler registers.

# Voting and elections

* ATMunn becomes a candidate for Notary, and R. Lee tries to withdraw
   but it's pointed out there's no mechanism for doing that. Voting
   begins. Threads: "Notary Election", "Notary Election Enters Next

   * P.S.S. proposes to add a mechanism for withdrawing candidacy
 (thread: "Termination of Candidacy").

   * R. Lee resigns as Notary.

* R. Lee takes the office of ADoP from Murphy by deputisation, and
   initiates elections for Prime Minister, ADoP, and Webmastor.

   * The Prime Minister election was actually initiated before e took
 over ADoP; e also attempted to start elections for Promotor, ADoP,
 Assessor, Arbitor and Registrar, saying e's interested in ADoP and
 Registrar. Threads: "Election Time", "Prime Minister Election

   * The current H. Prime Minister says e will not run for a second term,
 in accordance with tradition.

* Due to a large number of proposals in flight, there are two proposal
   distributions this week. Voting begins on the following:

   * Proposals 8405-8408:

 * A small fix (8405)

 * Replace the Line-item Veto rule with a Cabinet Order. (8406)

   * After 8406 was composed, proposal 8400 repealed Line-item Veto.

 * Repeal auction definitions and defer the mechanism to the auctineer
   and Treasuror instead. (8407)

 * A new game / economy! (8408)

   * Proposals 8409-8430:

 * Fixes and other small changes (8410, 8412, 8413, 8415, 8416, 8417,
   8422, 8423, 8428)

 * Academic reform (8409)

 * New patent title about contracts (8411)

 * Change ministry descriptions (8414)

 * Define a new term "Referenda" for proposal decisions (8418)

 * Define new executive orders (8419) but allow the Prime Minister to
   be recalled when that happens (8420)

 * Allow exchanging any 3 Cards for 1 of a specified type (8421)

 * Allow pending fixes without paying a Pendant (8424)

 * Decreasing or removing punishment in certain cases: (8425, 8426,
   8427, 8429)

 * Back-award the 2016 Silver Quill (8430)

* The decisions on whether to adopt proposals 8388-8404 are resolved.

   * The office of the Webmastor (8388)

   * Strip old rule text including the Editor and Line-item Veto (8389,
 8395, 8399, 8400)

   * Make crimes are punishable according to the rules at the time of the
 event (8392)

   * Allow late nominations to otherwise uncontested elections. (8393)

   * Ban zombies from office (8394; originally attempted in 8228)

   * Fix auctions (8396)

   * Define "to refer" (8397)

   * Outlaw doing things that would harm Agora if it were not for R1698,
 and introduce a new process for "high crimes" (8401, 8404)

   * Bring back Promises (8402)

# History and Academics

* R. Lee pledges a bounty for filling in all the gaps in the CFJ
   database in the years 2018 and 2019. Thread: "Pledge (attention COTC)"


BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8431-8441

2020-06-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8431l  Aris, ais523 1.0   Proposal Reward Trimming


8432*  Aris, Alexis, Falsifian  3.0   The Administrative State

PRESENT, what exactly does this do?

8433p  Aris, [1]1.5   Simpler Heraldry

If the outcome of 8432 is ADOPTED, then I vote FOR; otherwise, AGAINST.

8434f  Aris 1.0   Majoritarian Confidence


8435f  Aris, nch, Trigon1.0   No Confidence Isn't Personal


8436f  Aris 2.0   Stately Officiation


8437l  R. Lee, G.   1.0   Guilderoy Lockhart


8438e  R. Lee   1.0   Tailor Pay


8439f  P.S.S.   2.0   Termination of Candidacy


8440j  R. Lee, P.S.S.   1.7   0 blots patch


8441e  nch, Trigon  1.0   Transmutation


BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8431-8441

2020-06-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 6/10/2020 10:24 AM, ATMunn wrote:

I vote as follows:


8441e  nch, Trigon  1.0   Transmutation


I change my vote on proposal 8441, "Transmutation", to PRESENT.

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Prime Minister Election Voting Phase

2020-06-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

As do I.

On 6/10/2020 8:13 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 6/10/20 8:06 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

I vote [ATMunn, nch, R. Lee].

As do I.

Re: BUS: [NAX] Exchange Manager's Report (ATTN: Treasuror)

2020-06-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 6/13/2020 9:28 AM, nch via agora-business wrote:

Order 1
- Creater: nch
- Goods: 20 coins
- Fulfillment Conditions: "Transfer any card to NAX."

I pay 1 coin to NAX and transfer a Justice Card to NAX in order to 
fulfill this order.

Did I do it right?

BUS: CFJ 3847 found TRUE

2020-06-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Caller's Arguments:

There's seemingly nothing stopping an impure person from Raising a 
Banner if eir ribbon ownership allows, even though e's prevented from 
winning. It's unclear whether the ribbon reset is a result of raising 
the banner on its own, or whether failure to win prevents the reset.

Caller's Evidence:

From Rule 2438/18 (Power=3) Ribbons:
>  While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
>  Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
>  That person's Ribbon Ownership becomes the empty set.

From Rule 2556/1 (Power=3) Penalties:
>  Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, an impure person CANNOT
>  win the game.

Judge's Arguments:

Since the statement in rule 2438 stating that a person's Ribbon 
Ownership becomes the empty set upon Raising a Banner is not conditional 
upon the preceding statement that e wins the game, one can happen 
without the other. Therefore, e CANNOT win the game due to the "Rules to 
the contrary notwithstanding" clause in Rule 2556, but eir Ribbon 
Ownership is still reset.

As per the caller's arguments and mine, I find this CFJ TRUE.

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: CFJ 3847 found TRUE

2020-06-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Cool. I claim a Blue Ribbon for my on-time judgment of CFJ 3847.

On 6/13/2020 8:16 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via 
agora-discussion wrote:

On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 8:13 PM ATMunn via agora-discussion

Speaking of ribbons, do I have to wait at all or can I immediately claim
a Blue Ribbon for this?

You can do it immediately.

future notary here :)

Re: BUS: [LoAFER] I guess it's my turn

2020-06-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 6/13/2020 9:13 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-business wrote:

On 2020-06-13 19:10, Reuben Staley via agora-business wrote:
Parties to this contract should signal their own messages. They 
should also, if a message that should be signaled lacks signaling, 
reply to that message, signaling their own message and stating

that the quoted message contains actions that should be signaled.

Actually, before anyone else joins, I amend this contract by removing
 the final sentence of the quoted text. In full, it should now read:


thank you for supplying the full new text after the amendment, much
appreciated :) (fits in the spirit of the contract actually)

Also, I become a party to LoAFER.

future notary here :)

BUS: [Ribbon] Re: OFF: [ADoP] Resolving Notary Election

2020-06-14 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I earn an Emerald Ribbon for winning this election.

On 6/14/2020 8:05 PM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:

I resolve the Agoran Decision for the election of the Notary. The quorum
was 7, voting system was IRV.

The first preference votes were

ATMunn (8): R. Lee, PSS, Bogtil, Jason, Aris, Trigon, Falsifian, ATMunn

R. Lee (0)

Aris and Trigon voted to endorse ATMunn, who voted for emself. ATMunn won
in the first round, I declare em the winner of this election, e is
installed as Notary.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Prime Minister] Speaker Appointment! All Hail the Speaker!

2020-06-15 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I hail the Speaker.

(what? the subject line told me to!)

On 6/15/2020 5:17 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:

A Proclamation

WHEREAS the rules require the Prime Minister, upon the beginning
of a new Round, to install a laureled player as Speaker; and

WHEREAS the Honorable Herald has certified G.'s victory by installing
em as Champion;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE KNOWN that I now hereby appoint G.,
victorious and laureled, as the Speaker of Agora Nomic.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, whereunto I have applied my will and caused the
Great Seal of Agora Nomic to be affixed.

At agora-official, this fifteenth day of June in the Year of our
proleptic Gregorian Calendar two thousand and twenty.

Prime Minister

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: DracoLotto

2020-06-17 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Oh alright. I transfer one Legislative Card to DracoLotto.

On 6/17/2020 2:21 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 11:44 AM James Cook via agora-business

I transfer one Legislative Card to DracoLotto.

As do I.

I'll probably close the pools tomorrow (so, at least ~12 hours from
now). If anyone wants to get in or up their contribution, now would be
a good time to do it.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: Cleaning [attn. Rulekeepor]

2020-06-18 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
I intend to clean Rule 2576 "Ownership" without objection, replacing 
"Department.." with "Department." [first sentence of the second paragraph]

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] ADoP election enters next phase

2020-06-19 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote for Murphy.

On 6/19/2020 5:12 AM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:

I initiate the voting phase for the ADoP election. The voting system is
IRV, the valid options are the candidates who are currently R. Lee and
Murphy. The quorum is 9.0 (which is a lot so get 'em in).

I vote for R. Lee and act on behalf of tcbapo to also vote for R. Lee.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Contract] We all need some bananas in our lives

2020-06-19 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

This is such a stupid idea, but I'm doing it anyway.

I create and consent to the following contract, entitled "The
Institution of Banana Management":



Welcome to the Institution of Banana Management (aka IBM). We are an
organization created to suit all of your banana-related needs. If you
are interested in becoming a member, please read on.


All parties to this contract are known as IBM Members, or simply
Members. Any player CAN become a party to this contract (become a
Member) by announcement. Any Member CAN cease being a party to this
contract by announcement.

The IBM Member who has been a Member the longest is known as the
President of Bananas.


Trees are a class of assets, tracked by the President of Bananas. Each
Tree has a particular size; sizes are small, medium, and large. Maturity
is a switch of Trees with possible values of immature (default) and
mature. Depending on its size, each Tree becomes mature a certain amount
of time after its creation. Small Trees become mature after 2 weeks;
medium Trees become mature after 4 weeks; and large Trees become mature
after 6 weeks.


Bananas are a currency. They are produced by mature Trees. At the start
of each Agoran week, each Member earns a number of Bananas according to
the number of Trees of each size e owns:
- For each small Tree, e earns one Banana;
- For each medium Tree, e earns two Bananas;
- For each large Tree, e earns three Bananas.


Any IBM Member CAN purchase a Tree at any time by announcement by
transferring the required number of coins (the cost of that type) to
this contract. Small Trees cost 10 coins; medium Trees cost 20 coins;
and large Trees cost 30 coins. Upon doing so, a Tree of the specified
type is created in eir posession.

Banana Demand is an integer switch of this contract, tracked by the
President of Bananas. At any time, a Member CAN sell any number of
Bananas by announcement. To do so, e must own at least number of Bananas
specified, and destroy them; e then CAN transfer a number of coins from
this contract to emself equal to the number of Bananas destroyed times
the current Banana Demand, so long as this contract owns that many coins.


Every week, the President of Bananas SHALL publish a Banana Report. This
report contains the amount, type, and Maturity of Trees and amount of
Bananas owned by all players that own any, as well as the current Banana
Demand. The Banana Report also SHOULD contain a log of recent events
relating to IBM. In the same message that e publishes the Banana Report,
e CAN and SHALL update the Banana Demand.

Upon publishing a Banana Report, the President of Bananas CAN transfer a
coin from this contract to emself by announcement.


Any IBM Member CAN propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. Once at least one more than half (rounded down) of all
Members have publicly announced their consent to the amendment, any
Member CAN, by announcement, cause the terms of this contract to be
amended in the way originally stated. If it has been at least 7 days
since an amendment was proposed and fewer than the required number of
Members have consented, the amendment is cancelled and cannot occur.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: [Contract] We all need some bananas in our lives

2020-06-20 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On second thought...

I destroy this contract.

On 6/19/2020 4:25 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

This is such a stupid idea, but I'm doing it anyway.

I create and consent to the following contract, entitled "The
Institution of Banana Management":



Welcome to the Institution of Banana Management (aka IBM). We are an
organization created to suit all of your banana-related needs. If you
are interested in becoming a member, please read on.


All parties to this contract are known as IBM Members, or simply
Members. Any player CAN become a party to this contract (become a
Member) by announcement. Any Member CAN cease being a party to this
contract by announcement.

The IBM Member who has been a Member the longest is known as the
President of Bananas.


Trees are a class of assets, tracked by the President of Bananas. Each
Tree has a particular size; sizes are small, medium, and large. Maturity
is a switch of Trees with possible values of immature (default) and
mature. Depending on its size, each Tree becomes mature a certain amount
of time after its creation. Small Trees become mature after 2 weeks;
medium Trees become mature after 4 weeks; and large Trees become mature
after 6 weeks.


Bananas are a currency. They are produced by mature Trees. At the start
of each Agoran week, each Member earns a number of Bananas according to
the number of Trees of each size e owns:
- For each small Tree, e earns one Banana;
- For each medium Tree, e earns two Bananas;
- For each large Tree, e earns three Bananas.


Any IBM Member CAN purchase a Tree at any time by announcement by
transferring the required number of coins (the cost of that type) to
this contract. Small Trees cost 10 coins; medium Trees cost 20 coins;
and large Trees cost 30 coins. Upon doing so, a Tree of the specified
type is created in eir posession.

Banana Demand is an integer switch of this contract, tracked by the
President of Bananas. At any time, a Member CAN sell any number of
Bananas by announcement. To do so, e must own at least number of Bananas
specified, and destroy them; e then CAN transfer a number of coins from
this contract to emself equal to the number of Bananas destroyed times
the current Banana Demand, so long as this contract owns that many coins.


Every week, the President of Bananas SHALL publish a Banana Report. This
report contains the amount, type, and Maturity of Trees and amount of
Bananas owned by all players that own any, as well as the current Banana
Demand. The Banana Report also SHOULD contain a log of recent events
relating to IBM. In the same message that e publishes the Banana Report,
e CAN and SHALL update the Banana Demand.

Upon publishing a Banana Report, the President of Bananas CAN transfer a
coin from this contract to emself by announcement.


Any IBM Member CAN propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. Once at least one more than half (rounded down) of all
Members have publicly announced their consent to the amendment, any
Member CAN, by announcement, cause the terms of this contract to be
amended in the way originally stated. If it has been at least 7 days
since an amendment was proposed and fewer than the required number of
Members have consented, the amendment is cancelled and cannot occur.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Piracy

2020-06-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I do so as well.

On 6/21/2020 2:30 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

I consent to The Plunder Partnership. I become a pirate.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8442-8457

2020-06-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8442e  G.   1.0   Barrel Barrel Badger Barrel


8443f  G.   2.0   Term Limit

AGAINST, I agree that traditions should not be codified

8444f  Aris 2.0   Sedate Officiation

AGAINST. Still don't get the point of this. What does "officially"
in "officially timely fashion" mean anyways? Why can't it just be "in a
timely fashion"? Removing the timely fashion part makes it even less

8445*  Aris 3.0   Easier Retitling


8446e  G., nch  1.0   Victory Auctions


8447p  CB   1.0   Rule Infancy


8448*  Aris, Alexis, Falsifian  3.0   Populist Administration


8449p  Aris, [1]1.5   Simpler Heraldry


8450j  G.   1.7   CFJ extensions




8452j  P.S.S., Jason, Trigon1.0   Indictment Fixes


8453p  G.   1.0   win indirection


8454j  G., Jason, P.S.S.2.0   Judicial non-person fixes


8455j  G., Jason2.0   old judgements are good


8456p  G.   1.0   namings

FOR even though this is a joke because lol

8457f  R. Lee, P.S.S.   2.0   CHILL BRO

AGAINST. I don't mind the idea of "excess proposals" not granting
rewards, but I don't like the idea that the Promotor can just get rid of

[i remembered that endorse exists lol]
friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Doubloon Redemption [attn. Treasuror]

2020-06-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

As Notary, I can confirm that there are 7 parties to the Plundership.

I do the same as Jason in the quoted message below.

On 6/21/2020 9:26 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

Let N be the number of Doubloons in my possession (according to R. Lee's
math, 71).

I perform the following action N times: { Under the DOUBLOONS section of
the Pirate Plundership, I transfer 1 coin from the plundership to
myself, thus causing 1 Doubloon in my possession to be destroyed. }

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Proposal] let's at least put it out there

2020-06-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

[Disclaimer: I am not personally in favor of this option. As it is, I
would vote PRESENT or AGAINST on this. But I want to get it out there so
that it can be voted on.]

I propose (but do not pend) the following proposal:

Title: the simple option
AI: 1.0
Author: ATMunn

Repeal Rule 2626 "Certifiable Patches".

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: is this too morbid?

2020-06-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I feel like I vaguely recall this being discussed at some point
previously, but I thought I would go for it anyways.

I initiate a Call for Judgement on the following statement: "If a player
dies unbeknownst to all persons involved in Agora, e is still a person."

Rule 869 states that
  Any organism that is generally capable of freely originating and
  communicating independent thoughts and ideas is a person. Rules to
  the contrary notwithstanding, no other entities are persons.

If someone dies, e is no longer capable of freely originating and
communicating independent thoughts and ideas; therefore, e is not a
person. FALSE.

...but if nobody knows that e died, then e has to still be a person. We
can't assume without proof that anyone is dead and declare em not a
person. So PARADOXICAL? Maybe?

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

[attn Treasuror] Re: BUS: [Contract] Agoran officer monetizes signature

2020-06-22 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
I join SEAMSTRESS, transfer 3 coins to SEAMSTRESS, and specify the text 

On 6/21/2020 9:14 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-business wrote:

On 2020-06-21 18:57, Reuben Staley wrote:
This is not a signature suggestion defined by this contract (hereby 
abbreviated SEAMSTRESS) as it does not come from a party to this 
contract. Therefore, I cannot act on it.

As the only member of SEAMSTRESS, I amend it so that it reads:


(there are actions after this block)

I amend SEAMSTRESS again so it reads as follows:

Players can join and leave this contract at any time.

Any party to this contract CAN submit a signature suggestion by paying 3
coins to this contract and stating a short body of text no longer than
10 words.

Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL, within 4 days of the signature
suggestion's submission, either approve or deny a signature
suggestion. E SHALL NOT deny a suggestion unless the suggestion breaks
one of the rejection criteria, which are enumerated at the end of this

When Trigon approves a signature suggestion, e adds the suggestion to
eir signature which is included at the end of all of eir messages, then
e transfers 3 coins from this contract to emself.

When Trigon denies a signature suggestion, e transfers 3 coins from this
contract to the player that submitted the signature suggestion.

If assets were transferred to this contract by any mechanism not
described above, Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL within 4 days,
transfer the coins to their owner before said transfer.

Trigon is only obligated to keep each suggestion in eir signature for a
period of two weeks. After that period elapses, e may remove the
suggestion at any time.

The rejection criteria are as follows:

1. The suggestion includes swear words.
2. The suggestion includes serious, intentional insult to a person.
3. The suggestion treats real-world and/or in-game issues lightly.
4. The suggestion is otherwise in poor taste.
5. The suggestion contains a sentence that could be interpreted as a
    game action.

I transfer 3 coins to nch.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)


2020-06-23 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I object.

On 6/22/2020 10:51 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I intend, with Agoran consent, to cause the office of Prime Minister to
become vacant.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [NoH] Unspecified Honour

2020-06-23 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I publish the following Notice of Honour:
  +1 Agora (Agora has negative karma right now)
  -1 Unspecified Behavior (for being suspicious and mysterious and weird)
friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Contract: SNOCS (Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets)

2020-06-29 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I consent to, and become a party to, this contract.

On 6/28/2020 8:07 PM, omd via agora-business wrote:

I agree to the following contract.

Contract: SNOCS (Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets)

Pooling Cards refers to the following procedure:

1. A party collects 4 Cards of the same type as follows:

E nominates a total of 4 Cards of the same type in any party's possession,
which must include at least 1 of eir own Cards.

Then e acts on behalf of the owners of those Cards (except emself) to
transfer the Cards from them to emself.

2. E pays those 4 Cards as a set to get 10 Products.

3. E distributes the just-earned Products evenly as follows:

If the 4 Cards consisted of 2 from em and 2 from a single other party,
then e transfers 5 of the Products to that other party for a truly even

Otherwise, e transfers 2 of the Products to the original owner of each of
the Cards, for a total of 8 Products.  As for the remaining 2 Products, e
transfers each to the original owner of a random one of the Cards.

For the purposes of the above paragraph, to transfer Products to oneself is
to do nothing.

The random choice shall be made following the guidelines in Rule 2505.

Any party CAN at any time Pool Cards.

  - The other parties consent to that party acting on behalf of them as
specified in the procedure, as long as (a) e attempts to perform all actions
in the procedure, in order, in a single message; (b) e does not intersperse
them with any other attempted actions; (c) in that message e labels the
attempted actions as an attempt to Pool Cards, and (d) all of the actions
would be successful assuming the aforementioned consent is given.

Any player CAN join the contract by announcement; any party CAN leave the
contract by announcement.  Any party CAN remove another party from the contract
without objection.  Each party consents to the aforementioned membership

Comparison to other Card-related contracts:

- Compared to CCCA: doesn't require giving up cards in advance in the hope of a
   future reward (hence "no-opportunity-cost").
- Compared to DracoLotto: avoids randomness whereas DracoLotto embraces it,
   which could be a plus or minus, depending on your preferences.
- Compared to Dragon QuickExchange: better exchange rate; simpler, at the cost
   of fewer features.

Also does not privilege the Dragon Corporation.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: [Glitter] Happy Birthday!

2020-06-29 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Happy birthday, Agora!

I award myself a Magenta ribbon.

On 6/29/2020 10:02 AM, James Cook via agora-business wrote:

Happy Birthday, Agora!

I award myself Magenta glitter.

- Falsifian

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: [Herald, attn: PM, Speaker] Long Service Awards

2020-06-29 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 6/29/2020 12:11 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via 
agora-business wrote:

On 6/29/20 12:06 PM, Ed Strange via agora-business wrote:

I support the intent regarding Trigon. I object to the intent regarding PSS
as the award is not for eir service as Herald, it is for Referee.

On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 2:04 AM Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-business  wrote:

To the Honorable Associate Director of Personnel, the Honorable Jason
and the Agoran Public, the Honorable Herald replies thusly:

WHEREAS the Honorable Associate Director of Personnel has identified an
individual eligible for Long Service Awards;

WHEREAS the Honorable Jason has identified a previous officeholder who
served meritoriously;

WHEREAS the Honorable Associate Director of Personnel has certified that
these candidates have effectively and fully executed the duties of their
offices for the durations recommended; and

WHEREAS the Honorable Herald is empowered to award these awards with
Agoran Consent;

LET IT BE KNOWN that the Honorable Herald intends with 2 Agoran Consent
to award to Publius Scribonius Scholasticus the patent title of "Long
Service Award" in the class of "Three Months" for eir meritorious
service as Herald;

LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that the Honorable Herald intends with 2 Agoran
Consent to award to Trigon the patent title of "Long Service Award" in
the class of "Twelve Months" for eir meritorious service as Rulekeepor;

LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that the Honorable Herald thanks the Honorable
Associate Director of Personnel and the Honorable Jason for eir

LET IT BE FURTHER KNOWN that the Honorable Herald petitions and
instructs the Right Honorable Speaker and the Right Honorable Prime
Minister to express their opinions on each of the above intents in
fulfillment of their ceremonial duties and in the spirit of Rule 2581.

In WITNESS WHEREOF, whereunto I have applied my will and caused the Seal
of the Office of the Herald to be affixed.

At agora-official, this great Agoran Birthday, the twenty-ninth day of
June in the Year of our Agoran Calendar two thousand and twenty.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

Yes, that is correct; I think I got it confused because of the subject:
I won't resolve that intent. I intend, with 2 Agoran Consent, to award
to Publius Scribonius Scholasticus the patent title of "Long Service
Award" in the class of "Three Months" for eir meritorious service as

I support this intent and the intent regarding Trigon.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)


2020-06-29 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

i got pinged on discord to consent so

I consent to the below Parley.

On 6/29/2020 1:52 PM, Becca Lee via agora-business wrote:

I propose this following Parley (reminder, Parleys need 2/3s to pass and
there are 9 pirates,  Cuddlebeam, nch, R. Lee, P.S.S., Bögtil, Jason,
Falsifian, Aris and ATMunn. So we need 6 of those).

{Insert a new heading to the end of the Pirate Partnership Contract named
"Recordkeeping" and below that heading add the text "R. Lee is the
recordkeepor of doubloons. Any doubloons that existed before the addition
of this section are hereby destroyed}

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament Regulations v1.1

2020-06-30 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 6/29/2020 6:07 PM, James Cook via agora-business wrote:

On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 17:22, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-business  wrote:

I intend, Without 3 Objections, to enact the following — modified from
previous Birthday regulations and a variety of rulesets for Diplomacy,
primarily those of EPCC [0] and the official rules [1] and corrected
according to feedback — as the regulations for this year's Birthday

  Thanks, looks great! I object to your intent to enact the previous
version (but support your intent to enact this version).

- Falsifian

I do the same.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8459-8472

2020-06-30 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8459*  Jason, [1]   3.0   Talismans


8460*  G., ais523   3.0   UV-G Sunblock


8461l  R. Lee, Aris 2.0   Redoing Adopted Proposals


8462*  Jason, Falsifian 3.0   Fee-based methods


8463*  Jason3.0   Future-proofing black ribbons


8464j  R. Lee   1.0   You can certify, but you can't win ever!


8465j  Jason, P.S.S.1.0   Public defense


8466l  ATMunn   1.0   the simple option


8467e  Jason, Trigon2.0   Talismans auction patch


8468*  Jason, nch, G.   3.0   Decision resolution patch


8469f  Aris, [1]2.0   Bureaucratic Reengineering


8470l  nch, G., Trigon  1.0   Sponsored Proposals

FOR. I personally think this is the best solution to the problem.

8471j  R. Lee, Aris 1.7   Only the PM can be arbitrary!


8472p  Aris 2.0   Welcoming Back Outlaws, etc.


BUS: CFJ 3860 judged FALSE

2020-07-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

After some feedback (mainly from G., thank you!) and after looking at
prior cases, I have finished my final arguments for CFJ 3860. It's ended
up being way longer than I ever intended, but I'm satisfied with it.
It's my first real time doing a case of this scale. Even if it turns out
my arguments are terrible and it gets reconsidered, I'm glad I put the
effort into it.

Without further ado, I deliver the following judgement:

=== CFJ: “G. cast a valid ballot on Proposal 8458.” 

Judge's Arguments:

tl;dr: Hiding a ballot 500 lines into a report with no indication that
there's a ballot there is not very "clear"; precedent sort of agrees but
the situations weren't to the same extreme. FALSE.

Judge's Actual Arguments:

In the message in question, G. attempted to vote on Proposal 8458. E
quoted the (very long) Herald's report, with the following text on lines

This is a break in the quoted portion of this message.
I, G., vote FOR the referendum on Proposal Eight Four Five Eight.
You are now returned to the quoted portion of this message.

It was clearly intended to be hidden so as to not be noticed by the
average player. The message also contained an obvious Notice of Honour
at the top. Unless a player is suspecting something, e would likely see
that and assume there were no other actions in the message.

As per the caller's arguments and prior discussion, this obviously does
not constitute a conspicuous attempt at voting. The question, then, is
whether it is "clear." In fact, this is really the only question
involved, as the Agoran rules for submitting a ballot do not actually
use the word "conspicuous." The conditions for publishing a valid
ballot, from rule 683, are as follows:

  1. The ballot is submitted during the voting period for the

  2. The entity casting the ballot (the voter) was, at the
 initiation of the decision, a player.

  3. The ballot clearly identifies the matter to be decided.

  4. The ballot clearly identifies a valid vote, as determined by
 the voting method.

  5. The ballot clearly sets forth the voter's intent to place
 the identified vote.

  6. The voter has no other valid ballots on the same decision.

#1-#4 and #6 are all satisfied without question. The issue is #5. Did G.
clearly set forth eir intent to place the identified vote?

This comes down to the definition of "clear" again. From the caller's

"For example, Google’s dictionary definition of “clear” is:

1. easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.

However, the ballot in question went out of its way to make it hard for 

to perceive it, or understand or interpret that it was a ballot."

The message certainly did try to make it hard for players to perceive
it. One could disagree with the second half of the statement, as it is
easy to understand and interpret that it was a ballot - but only if it
is perceived. Let us look at another definition of clear.

Merriam-Webster defines "clear" the following way:

3 a : easily heard
  "a loud and clear sound"
  b : easily visible : plain
  "a clear signal"
  c : free from obscurity or ambiguity : easily understood : unmistakable
  "a clear explanation"

The ballot is certainly not easily visible or plain. It is not free from
obscurity, nor is it unmistakable. Even if you were to disagree and
claim that the ballot complies with some parts of or some definitions of
clear, one would agree that does not satisfy enough of the definition to
truly be clear.

Concerning the second piece of evidence provider by the caller (see
below): I would say that it is over-exaggerating the situation somewhat,
but it gets the point across. A notice, however clear the notice itself
may be, if it is hidden in an obscure place, does not do much good at
all. If Arthur had said, somewhere visible to all, "hey, I put a notice
on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused
lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard,'" though
it would be inconvenient, the notice would have still been useful.

Likewise, if G. had placed a piece of text near the top of the message
saying something to the effect of "there is a ballot lower down in this
message," then despite the text being hidden, it would be easily
understood that one should look there, therefore it would be clear.
However, e made no such mention (that would have defeated the purpose of
eir ballot).

We should, however, look at precedent before jumping to conclusions. To
my knowledge, there are 3 prior CFJs dealing with this type of issue,
those being CFJs 3667, 3670, and 3676.

In CFJ 3667 [3], after a self-filed Motion to Reconsider due to a
misunderstanding, judge G. found that an action taken inside a 

[Glitter] Re: BUS: CFJ 3860 judged FALSE

2020-07-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I award myself blue glitter for this timely judgement.

On 7/3/2020 4:45 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

Without further ado, I deliver the following judgement:

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: OFF: Re: BUS: Birthday Tournament Regulations v1.1

2020-07-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I enter the contest, becoming a Contestant.

On 7/3/2020 6:00 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-official 

I resolve the below intent, enacting and promulgating the below regulations.

On 6/29/20 1:22 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business

I intend, Without 3 Objections, to enact the following — modified from
previous Birthday regulations and a variety of rulesets for Diplomacy,
primarily those of EPCC [0] and the official rules [1] and corrected
according to feedback — as the regulations for this year's Birthday

0. P.S.S. CANNOT win this Tournament or become a Contestant. P.S.S. is
the Gamemaster and Judge of this game.

1. Until July 7 or 7 days after the promulgation of these regulations,
whichever is later, any person CAN enter the contest (becoming a
Contestant) by announcement, acting as emself, as long as no more than
six other persons have already done so.

2. The Gamemaster CAN cause any person to cease to be a Contestant by
announcement. The Gamemaster CAN cause any consenting person to become a
Contestant by announcement. The Gamemaster CAN, by announcement, amend
the gamestate by substituting one Contestant into all instances of
another Contestant. If fewer than seven persons have become Contestants,
the Gamemaster CAN replace the text of these regulations with
appropriate regulations for a Nomic-inspired game, such as FRC, an
experimental Nomic, or a sub-Nomic. The Gamemaster CAN amend the text of
these regulations arbitrarily in order to prevent breaches of Agoran
custom or rules. The Gamemaster SHOULD NOT take any actions permitted by
this section unless it is in the best interests of the game.

3. When all contestants except one have been eliminated from the
contest, the victor is the last contestant remaining. The judge SHALL
then, with 2 days notice, announce them as winners, whereupon they win
the tournament and the tournament is concluded. If the judge believes
that more than one person is deserving of the win, e CAN announce them
all as winners. The judge SHOULD award a badge to all participants in
the Tournament, broadly construed, after the conclusion of the
Tournament unless it has not been completed in a satisfactory manner.

4. The judge is the final arbitor on matters of this tournament, and eir
decisions can be overturned if and only if a CFJ finds eir decisions
were made with arbitrary or capricious disregard for the terms of these
regulations. The judge shall adjudicate these regulations in an
equitable manner, with emphasis placed on the intent of the clauses and
the fair treatment of all parties.

5. Sections numbered 0 through 5 CANNOT be amended except according to
the procedures established by Section 2 or the rules of Agora.

6. The game SHALL be conducted on a map mechanically indistinguishable
from that appearing at [2]. The Gamemaster SHALL assign Great Powers to
Contestants according to an equitable and random method.

7. Contestants may seek the assistance of non-Contestants. If any do so,
they SHALL notify the Judge and publicly announce the identities of any
such non-Contestants and what assistance they will provide. This could
include negotiating on eir behalf, providing feedback on orders, or
drafting proposals on eir behalf.

8. At any time, any Contestant CAN submit a Proposal to change these
regulations by announcement. Any Contestant CAN withdraw any Proposal e
has submitted by announcement. When a Proposal has been submitted but
not withdrawn, any Contestant other than the Proposer CAN privately send
a vote to the Judge. When a Proposal has received a number of
non-withdrawn votes in favor greater than half the number of
Contestants, the Judge SHALL, in a timely fashion, and CAN enact the
proposal by publishing the new text of the regulations and the number of
votes in favor and against. The Judge SHALL NOT reveal the votes of
specific Contestants.

9. If in the past three game-years, no province has changed ownership,
the Gamemaster CAN declare the game a draw, with 2 days notice,
concluding the Tournament and announcing all remaining Contestants as

10. Contestants SHALL NOT offer favors outside of this Tournament in
order to influence the outcome of it. Contestants CAN and SHOULD lie and
engage in deceit for personal gain. Contestants SHALL not make pledges,
promises, or contracts about the game.

11. There are two types of units: Armies and Fleets.

12. All units have the same strength.

13. There can only be one unit in a province at a time.

14. At the start of the game, each Great Power controls three supply
centers, with the exception of Russia, which controls four. These are
allocated according to the table shown in the official rules.

15. At the beginning of each turn, there is a period, lasting from 0:00
UTC until 24:00 UTC on the same calendar day, in which negotiations
should occur. Following this, there is a period until 12:00 UTC on the
following day, during which orders CAN b

Re: BUS: Registration - Fred

2020-07-03 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
Welcome, Fred! I cause Fred to receive a Welcome Package if e has not 
received one already.

On 7/3/2020 7:00 PM, Ca B via agora-business wrote:

I register. My preferred name is Fred.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Pledge] Contract Summaries

2020-07-04 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
I pledge to transfer 3 coins to every person who submits a 1-2 sentence 
summary of a contract e is party to. If a person submits summaries for 
multiple contracts, I will transfer 3 coins for every contract e 
submitted a summary for. Multiple summaries for the same contract do not 

The time window for this pledge shall be 14 days. The title of this 
pledge shall be "Contract Summaries".

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

[@Treasuror] Re: BUS: [Pledge] Contract Summaries

2020-07-04 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/4/2020 1:27 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 7/4/20 1:08 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

I pledge to transfer 3 coins to every person who submits a 1-2 sentence
summary of a contract e is party to. If a person submits summaries for
multiple contracts, I will transfer 3 coins for every contract e
submitted a summary for. Multiple summaries for the same contract do not

The time window for this pledge shall be 14 days. The title of this
pledge shall be "Contract Summaries".

I submit the following summary for AAA:

AAA provides a way for contracts to allow penalties above the Class-2
crime provided by the rules. Accusations are made by parties to opted-in
contracts, assigned to independent Arbitrators by the Head Arbitrator,
and then resolved either by dismissing them or by granting blots to the

Thank you!

I transfer 3 coins to Jason.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Proposal, not pended] Warmer Welcomes

2020-07-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I submit (but do not pend) the following proposal:

Title: "Warmer Welcomes"
AI: 1.0
Author: ATMunn
Co-author: nch

Amend rule 2499 "Welcome Packages" by replacing the sentence that reads:

"When a player receives a Welcome Package, e earns 10 coins and one of
each type of Card defined in the rules."

with the following:

"When a player receives a Welcome Package, e earns 25 coins and one of
each type of Card defined in the rules.

Create 15 coins in the possession of every player who received a Welcome
Package for the first time in the past 30 days before this proposal was

[This came from a discussion on Discord in which nch mentioned that the
current 10 coin welcome packages really don't help that much. 25 may
still be on the low side, but I think it's a lot better. I added in the
last clause because I felt it unfair to the players who just recently
registered to get the lesser Welcome Packages. It would be as if they
were cheated out of those coins just because they wanted to start
playing the game. The "for the first time" should stop any extra coins
going to the scammers if somehow it turns out the scam was successful.]

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: [NAX] [@Treasuror] Shutting down for now

2020-07-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/6/2020 2:49 PM, nch via agora-business wrote:

The NAX needs some reworks to be easier to use. I'm not entirely sure
when I will get to that so I'm going to close the exchange and submit a
new version later. I intend to, with the consent of the members of the
NAX to destroy it. The current members according to the most recent
notes are: nch, PSS, ATMunn, and Jason.

I can't annul the two orders so I'm just gonna fulfill my own orders as

I pay 2 coins to the NAX. The purse is now 2.

I transfer 1 pendant to NAX to fulfill order 3. As Exchange Manager I
rule this successful and transfer 1 pendant and 10 coins from NAX to me.

I transfer 1 pendant to NAX to fulfill order 4. As Exchange Manager I
rule this successful and transfer 1 pendant and 10 coins from NAX to me.

I consent.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Notary] More Pledge Destruction

2020-07-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/6/2020 4:01 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:

I object to the "Treasure" promise transfer intent (pls separate personal
business from official business, either by marking or separate messages).  -G.

sorry, I put it in here to try to sneak it past everybody.

I pledge not to include anything other than official duties in the same 
message any official duties. This pledge shall be called "Honest 
officiating" and shall have a time window of 6 months.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Victory Auction: July 2020

2020-07-06 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/6/2020 8:01 PM, Kerim Aydin via agora-business wrote:

On 7/6/2020 4:56 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

Whereas the Lost and Found Department owns no cards or products, the
lots of this auction are as follows: (1) a new Victory Card.

I bid 11 coins.  -G.

I bid 20 coins.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Victory Auction: July 2020

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I bid 31.4159 coins.

On 7/7/2020 9:08 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I bid 31 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM N. S. via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 30 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:19 AM Reuben Staley via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 2020-07-06 17:56, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

Having been authorized by Rule 2629/0, which is entitled "Victory
Auctions" and reads, in part:

The Treasuror CAN conduct an auction (a "victory auction") if no
victory auction is ongoing.  The Treasuror MUST do so at least
once a month, and SHOULD do so at least twice each month.

I, Trigon, the Treasuror of Agora Nomic, hereby initiate an auction.

Whereas the Lost and Found Department owns no cards or products, the
lots of this auction are as follows: (1) a new Victory Card.

This auction will be held in the official currency of Agora, coins.

For this auction, I will adhere to the restrictions described by the
second draft of my Forward Auction regulations, enumerated below:

As an aside, this auction is very much a trial run. I meant to add this
bit to the text, so I'll just bring it up now. Unless anyone has any
major objections, I plan on nulling any bids that exploit loopholes in
these rules or are generally unfair play.


transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

 From R. Lee

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Victory Auction: July 2020

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I bid 35 coins.

On 7/7/2020 11:34 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I bid 31.42 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 31.4159 coins.

On 7/7/2020 9:08 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I bid 31 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM N. S. via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 30 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:19 AM Reuben Staley via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 2020-07-06 17:56, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

Having been authorized by Rule 2629/0, which is entitled "Victory
Auctions" and reads, in part:

The Treasuror CAN conduct an auction (a "victory auction") if no
victory auction is ongoing.  The Treasuror MUST do so at least
once a month, and SHOULD do so at least twice each month.

I, Trigon, the Treasuror of Agora Nomic, hereby initiate an auction.

Whereas the Lost and Found Department owns no cards or products, the
lots of this auction are as follows: (1) a new Victory Card.

This auction will be held in the official currency of Agora, coins.

For this auction, I will adhere to the restrictions described by the
second draft of my Forward Auction regulations, enumerated below:

As an aside, this auction is very much a trial run. I meant to add this
bit to the text, so I'll just bring it up now. Unless anyone has any
major objections, I plan on nulling any bids that exploit loopholes in
these rules or are generally unfair play.


transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending this

  From R. Lee

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Pledge] Contract Summaries

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 5:04 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-discussion wrote:

On 2020-07-04 11:08, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
I pledge to transfer 3 coins to every person who submits a 1-2 
sentence summary of a contract e is party to. If a person submits 
summaries for multiple contracts, I will transfer 3 coins for every 
contract e submitted a summary for. Multiple summaries for the same 
contract do not count.

The time window for this pledge shall be 14 days. The title of this 
pledge shall be "Contract Summaries".

Summaries for Secret Contracts 1-6: "It's a secret to everybody"

18 coins please!


I transfer 18 coins to Trigon.
friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Pledge] Contract Summaries

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 5:15 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-business wrote:

On 2020-07-07 15:08, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

On 7/7/2020 5:04 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-discussion wrote:

On 2020-07-04 11:08, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
I pledge to transfer 3 coins to every person who submits a 1-2 
sentence summary of a contract e is party to. If a person submits 
summaries for multiple contracts, I will transfer 3 coins for every 
contract e submitted a summary for. Multiple summaries for the same 
contract do not count.

The time window for this pledge shall be 14 days. The title of this 
pledge shall be "Contract Summaries".

Summaries for Secret Contracts 1-6: "It's a secret to everybody"

18 coins please!


I transfer 18 coins to Trigon.

I transfer 18 coins back to ATMunn. (Sorry, I just had to.)


Okay. In all seriousness, here are some real summaries:

LoAFER: "Officers' lives are hard sometimes, but we can make them 
easier. Parties to this contract follow a few practices to simplify 

SEAMSTRESS: "With this stupid contract, you can buy space in Trigon's 
signature at the end of every message. What could possibly go wrong?"

I transfer 6 coins to Trigon.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Contract] Public Lockers

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I've noticed a few people making "locker" contracts for themselves to
hold their assets. I thought it might be nice to have one contract that
everyone can use instead of everybody making their own contracts. Let me
know if there's any issues with the wording here.

I create, consent to, and become a party to the following contract,
entitled "The Bank":


Any person CAN become a party, or cease to be a party, to this contract
by announcement.

When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract CAN
transfer any number of assets from eir account to emself. Attempts to
transfer more assets to emself than are in eir account are INEFFECTIVE.

The person who has been party to this contract the longest is known as
the Bankor. The Bankor SHOULD publish the contents of all accounts in a
report weekly.

Any party to this contract CAN propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. Once all parties have publicly consented to that
amendment, then the person who proposed the amendment CAN cause this
contract's text to be modified in the way specified originally by

This contract CANNOT be destroyed if any person has assets in eir


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: [Contract] Public Lockers

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 6:05 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:

On 7/7/20 6:02 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract CAN
transfer any number of assets from eir account to emself. Attempts to
transfer more assets to emself than are in eir account are INEFFECTIVE.

The most important part of the existing locker contracts are the "acting
as emself" clauses, which means that nobody can steal assets from the
contract, even if they could steal assets from the person emself. This
contract does not appear to have such a clause.

Ah, right. Good point.

Being the only party to this contract, I amend the second paragraph to read:


When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract
CAN, acting as emself, transfer any number of assets from eir account to
emself. Attempts to  transfer more assets to emself than are in eir
account are INEFFECTIVE.


friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Victory Auction: July 2020

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I bid 40 coins.

On 7/7/2020 6:53 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I bid 37 coins

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 2:02 AM Cuddle Beam via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 35.0001 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 5:47 PM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 35 coins.

On 7/7/2020 11:34 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I bid 31.42 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 31.4159 coins.

On 7/7/2020 9:08 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I bid 31 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 3:05 PM N. S. via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

I bid 30 coins

On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 10:19 AM Reuben Staley via agora-official <
agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 2020-07-06 17:56, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

Having been authorized by Rule 2629/0, which is entitled "Victory
Auctions" and reads, in part:

The Treasuror CAN conduct an auction (a "victory auction") if no
victory auction is ongoing.  The Treasuror MUST do so at least
once a month, and SHOULD do so at least twice each month.

I, Trigon, the Treasuror of Agora Nomic, hereby initiate an


Whereas the Lost and Found Department owns no cards or products,


lots of this auction are as follows: (1) a new Victory Card.

This auction will be held in the official currency of Agora,


For this auction, I will adhere to the restrictions described by


second draft of my Forward Auction regulations, enumerated below:

As an aside, this auction is very much a trial run. I meant to add


bit to the text, so I'll just bring it up now. Unless anyone has


major objections, I plan on nulling any bids that exploit loopholes


these rules or are generally unfair play.


transfer Jason one coin
nch was here
I hereby
don't... trust... the dragon...
don't... trust... the dragon...
Do not Construe Jason's message with subject TRIGON as extending


   From R. Lee

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Secret Contracts

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 7:27 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-business wrote:

On 2020-07-07 17:03, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I become  a party to each of Trigon's secret contracts.

Oh boy.

A couple of these might take a while to fulfill, so sorry for that.

I transfer 100 coins and 1 victory card to The Bank.

I become a party to "Contract No. 5: DECK" and "Contract No. 2: POEM".

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: just a normal action

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I cease to exist.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: Shiny Loot

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 8:10 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I intend w/o objection to transfer the "treasure" promise from the LF
Department to the Plundership

I object.

This does not put me in Davy Jones' Locker, as this was not a transferal
of coins:

> Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the
> Plundership are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker
> cannot become a Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if
> they already were one.

If this intent succeeded, the promise would just sit there in the
Plundership's ownership with no way to get it out. We could make a
Parley to allow more types of assets to be transferred, but I don't know
how distributing them among Pirates would work.

Either way, I think a Parley should be made to put anyone who objected
to a transferal of any asset, not just coins, in Davy Jones' Locker.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

[Parley] Stricter Tattle-Taling Rules (Re: @ Notary Pledge Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Shiny Loot)

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

Sounds good to me.

I submit the following Parley:

Amend the section "🏴‍☠️ NO TATTLE-TALES" by changing the phrase 
"transferral of coins" to "transferal of assets".


On 7/7/2020 8:26 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

Okay how about this

I intend to transfer omd's Treasure promise to myself from the Department
without objection. I pledge on pain of class 1 million crime that if this
intent succeeds, I will distribute X coins to each member of the
Plundership where X is the number of coins from that promise divided by the
number of members of the Plundership rounded down to the nearest integer,
then I will transfer any remaining coins to the Plundership.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 10:20 AM N. S. via agora-discussion <
agora-discuss...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

Distributing this promise would be easy because it's just 200 coins, which
we could Parley to extract from omd and then evenly distribute that.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 10:18 AM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

On 7/7/2020 8:10 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I intend w/o objection to transfer the "treasure" promise from the LF
Department to the Plundership

I object.

This does not put me in Davy Jones' Locker, as this was not a transferal
of coins:

  > Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the
  > Plundership are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker
  > cannot become a Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if
  > they already were one.

If this intent succeeded, the promise would just sit there in the
Plundership's ownership with no way to get it out. We could make a
Parley to allow more types of assets to be transferred, but I don't know
how distributing them among Pirates would work.

Either way, I think a Parley should be made to put anyone who objected
to a transferal of any asset, not just coins, in Davy Jones' Locker.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

 From R. Lee

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: [Parley] Stricter Tattle-Taling Rules (Re: @ Notary Pledge Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Shiny Loot)

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 7/7/2020 8:43 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business 

On 7/7/20 8:38 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I consent to that Parley (10 parties, 6 to amend)

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 10:36 AM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

Sounds good to me.

I submit the following Parley:

Amend the section "🏴‍☠️ NO TATTLE-TALES" by changing the phrase
"transferral of coins" to "transferal of assets".

As do I.

[Almost forgot I need to consent as well.] I consent.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: [Parley] Stricter Tattle-Taling Rules (Re: @ Notary Pledge Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Shiny Loot)

2020-07-07 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/7/2020 8:45 PM, ATMunn wrote:
On 7/7/2020 8:43 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business 

On 7/7/20 8:38 PM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I consent to that Parley (10 parties, 6 to amend)

On Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 10:36 AM ATMunn via agora-business <
agora-business@agoranomic.org> wrote:

Sounds good to me.

I submit the following Parley:

Amend the section "🏴‍☠️ NO TATTLE-TALES" by changing the phrase
"transferral of coins" to "transferal of assets".

As do I.

[Almost forgot I need to consent as well.] I consent.

It was pointed out that this parley would kick me out of the Plunder
Partnership. I withdraw my consent from the Parley and also withdraw my
objection to the transferal of the promise.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer creates life [Attn. Notary]

2020-07-08 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/8/2020 1:59 AM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

Cuddlebeam is the sole member to this contract. After 24 hours have
passed since this instance of this contract has been created, a copy of
this contact (a new instance of it) is made. Cuddlebeam consents and agrees
with themselves that these new contracts are made in this specific way.

I'd like to point out that this says "a copy of this *contact*", not 
contract. I know our custom tends to be that typos don't matter if you 
know what the person meant, but this might be significant enough to 
break it.

Sending this to a-b so it can be considered a gratuitous argument for 
the CFJ that will inevitably be called.

friendly neighborhood notary here :)

BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Order Clarification

2020-07-09 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I submit the following as a Diplonomic Proposal:

Amend Diplonomic Rule 17 to read in full:

17. There are four possible orders: Hold, Move, Support, and Convoy. Not
giving a unit an order is interpreted as ordering it to hold.

A Hold order orders a unit to stay where it is.

A Move order orders a unit to move to a different province. Armies can 
only move onto adjacent inland or coastal provinces. Fleets can only 
move to adjacent water or coastal provinces. A Move order making use of 
a Convoy must specify what Convoy paths it will use or conditionals to 
determine such.

Support orders help another unit's action, whether or not it is a unit 
of the same Great Power. An Army or Fleet can provide support to another 
Army or Fleet. Support can be offensive or defensive. A unit cannot 
support an order to or on a province which the supporting unit could not 
move to itself.

A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from 
an adjacent coastal province to another adjacent coastal province. 
Multiple fleets may be used to convoy the same army, allowing an army to 
be convoyed over multiple water provinces. If any fleet involved in a 
convoy is dislodged, the convoy fails.


[The Diplonomic Rules were somewhat unclear specifically about Support 
and Convoys. I had to look up how they both worked. This should clarify 
things as well as bring them in line with official Diplomacy rules. I 
know the rules state that where they're unclear, the official Diplomacy 
rules and/or common sense take over, but this should help to keep 
everyone on the same page. I also separated each move into a separate 
paragraph to help with readability.]

friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

Re: BUS: [Proposal & Pend Intent] Saving Sponsorship

2020-07-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/10/2020 6:55 AM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 7:35 PM Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via
agora-business  wrote:

On 7/10/20 1:15 AM, Aris Merchant via agora-business wrote:

These proposals were pended using pendants. However, because the rules
at the time did not render them sponsored, they did not become so. It is,
in my opinion, an error that they were not rendered sponsored


as Promotor, I feel an obligation to mop things up, and this proposal


do so. I've checked the way the reward rules are phrased, and it looks


this should work.

I submit the following proposal. For N from 2 to 5, I intend with N


to cause the following proposal to become pending.

Title: Saving Sponsorship
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

Each of the following proposals is hereby rendered sponsored:
- "Plain Old Bribery", by Jason
- "Agora the karma bank", by G.

I support.


Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

I, too, support

I support.

friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

BUS: [Proposal] Contract Charities version 3 or something

2020-07-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
I submit the following proposal, paying a Pendant to cause it to become 

Title: Contract charities
Co-authors: G., Falsifian, P.S.S.
AI: 1
[Comment: The original version was by G., then resubmitted by Falsifian,
then again by me. :) P.S.S. also suggested a minor change, so I included
em as a coauthor as well.]

Enact the following rule, Charities:

  Donation Level is a natural switch for contracts, tracked by the
  Notary, with a default of 0 and a maximum of 25.  A contract with
  nonzero donation level is called a Charity.

  The Notary CAN flip a contract's donation level to a non-default
  value with 3 Agoran consent.  This SHOULD only be done if the
  contract's provisions ensure that its funds received from Agora
  will be used solely for the betterment of Agora.  Any player CAN
  flip a contract's donation level to 0 with Agoran consent.

  Whenever a payday occurs, half of each charity's coin holdings
  (rounded down) are destroyed, and then each charity earns a
  number of coins equal to its donation level.

friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

BUS: [Diplonomic Proposal] Further Order Clarification

2020-07-10 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I submit the following as a Diplonomic Proposal:

If the previous Diplonomic Proposal submitted by ATMunn has not passed, 
then amend Diplonomic Rule 17 by replacing the last sentence with the 
following paragraph:

A Convoy order orders a fleet in a water province to move an army from 
one coastal province to another. All fleets that have convoy orders 
listing the same source and destination provinces are "participating" in 
that convoy, with the exception that if a fleet is dislodged, it is not 
participating. A convoy is successful if the army in question makes a 
move order consistent with that convoy, and the fleets participating in 
the convoy form an unbroken chain connecting the two coastal provinces. 
(Extra participating fleets / multiple chains are okay.) When a convoy 
is successful, that army's move order, and any support orders for that 
move, are interpreted as if the source and destination provinces were 
adjacent: for example, if the destination province holds one unsupported 
unit with a Hold order, and another army is supporting the move into the 
destination, then the move succeeds and dislodges that unsupported unit.


If the previous Diplonomic Proposal submitted by ATMunn has passed, then 
amend Diplonomic Rule 17 by replacing the last paragraph with the 
paragraph above.

friendly neighborhood russian notary here :)

Re: BUS: @Treasuror Weekly Doubloon Report

2020-07-12 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 7/12/2020 6:11 AM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business 

On 7/12/20 1:49 AM, N. S. via agora-business wrote:

I destroy my 12 doubloons in exchange for the plundership coins.

As do I.

I do so as well.

friendly neighborhood notary, also Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [ADoP] Voting for Coopor

2020-07-12 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/12/2020 12:17 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-official wrote:

I initiate an Agoran decision to select the winner of the Coopor
election. The Vote Collector is the ADoP (me), the valid options
are the candidates (G. and R. Lee and anyone else who becomes
one), and the voting method is instant runoff.

I become a candidate, and vote [ATMunn, R. Lee, G.].
friendly neighborhood notary, also Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 8473-8476

2020-07-12 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote as follows:

8473p   Jason, G.1.0   Plain Old Bribery

FOR, might as well get the glitter

8474p   G., omd  1.0   Agora the karma bank


8475p   Aris 1.0   Saving Sponsorship


8476e^  ATMunn, [1]  1.0   Contract charities


friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

Re: BUS: Contract: A Rival Ship Appears

2020-07-12 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/12/2020 8:30 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 7/12/20 8:29 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business

On 7/12/20 8:22 PM, Nch via agora-business wrote:

I consent to the following contract:


The Platonic Parrot

I see no prohibition on dual citirateship, so I join The Platonic Parrot.

As do I.

I join the Platonic Parrot, and cease to be a Pirate. (i.e., leave the 

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

[@Treasuror] Re: BUS: Re: DIS: [Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune

2020-07-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/13/2020 4:41 AM, omd via agora-business wrote:
at 1:10 AM, Mysterious Figure via agora-discussion 


I consent to the following contract, titled "I bet that was written by 
G.", and transfer 25 coins to it:


1. Joining: If this contract has only one party, anyone CAN join it by 
publicly consenting after transferring 25 coins to the contract.

2. Bet: omd CAN transfer coins from this contract by announcement.  If 
this contract has two parties, e SHALL do so only as follows:

- In a timely fashion after it becomes reasonably clear which person 
sent a message titled "[Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune" 
to agora-discussion on or about 13 July 2020 08:10, e SHALL transfer all 
this contract's coins to emself if that person was G., or to the other 
party otherwise.

- Alternately, if this contract has existed for at least 60 days, and 
the identity of the aforementioned author is still not reasonably clear, 
omd MAY transfer this contract's coins in a way that divides them as 
equally as possible between the parties.

3. Termination: If this contract has no coins, omd CAN terminate it by 

4. Self-Dealing Encouraged: The aforementioned author SHOULD NOT 
hesitate to join the contract emself if e sees fit to reveal eir identity.


I transfer 25 coins to myself from my account (i.e. from The Bank contract).

I transfer 25 coins to the contract "I bet that was written by G."

I consent to and join that contract.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: [Notary] Contract Awards: Week 1

2020-07-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

[Skip to the big "THE CONTRACT AWARDS" header if you just want to see
the actual awards.]

I create and consent to the following contract, entitled "The Contract
Awards: The Contract]:


Contract Points are a fixed, indestructible currency with ownership
restricted to persons, tracked by the Notary. Once per week, the Notary
SHOULD publish a list of all Contract Point balances.

To award a gold medal to a person is to cause em to earn 3 Contract
Points; to award a silver medal to a person is to cause em to earn 2
Contract Points; and to award a bronze medal to a person is to cause em
to earn 1 Contract Point.

If e has not done so already in the current week, the Notary CAN award
gold, silver, and bronze medals. E SHALL NOT do so except in accordance
with the following set of guidelines:

1. There are three award categories: Participation, Popularity, and

2. The Participation Award shall be given to the persons who are party
to the greatest number of contracts.

3. The Popularity Award shall be given to the persons who are creators
of contracts with the greatest numbers of parties.

4. The Opulence Award shall be given to the persons who are creators of
contracts with the greatest number of coins.

5. In each category, a gold medal shall be awarded to the single person
who came in first place; a silver medal shall be awarded to the single
person who came in second place; and a bronze medal shall be awarded to
the single person who came in third place.

6. If two or more players would qualify for a gold, silver, or bronze
medal in a particular category, no medal of that type shall be awarded
in that category.

The Notary is ENCOURAGED to publish the list of Contract Point balances
and award medals soon after e publishes eir weekly report.

If any person has at least 30 Contract Points, the Notary SHOULD award
em the Terms of Service Patent Title. Unless the Notary deems that a
particular person has created an exceptionally outstanding contract
worthy of bypassing this system, e SHOULD NOT award any player the Terms
of Service Patent Title for reasons outside of this contract.

When a person is awarded the Terms of Service Patent Title, all of eir
Contract Points are destroyed.

Any player CAN become a party, or cease to be a party, to this contract
by announcement.



Welcome, fellow citizens of Agora, to THE CONTRACT AWARDS!

Each week, we award medals in several different categories:
Participation, Popularity, and Opulence. Those who collect enough medals
just might be able to win the grand prize: their very own Patent Title!

For those of you in the audience, we have something for you too: if you
think you have a good idea for a Contract Awards category, let us know
and it might just happen!

Well, without further ado, let the awards begin!


First, we have the Participation Awards. This is for people who have
joined many different contracts.

Ironically, we actually only have a gold medal to award for this one
this week. We'll still mention those tied for second and third place:

Jason, Falsifian, nch, and omd are all members to 4 different contracts
(that have at least 2 members). Well done to them!

P.S.S., Trigon, and ATMunn are all members to 5 different contracts
(that have at least 2 parties). Well done to them as well!

But regardless, there's one person who has participated in far more
contracts than anyone else. Being party to a whopping 11 contracts, I
award the gold medal to... R. Lee! Let's give em a round of applause!


Next, we have the Popularity Awards. This is for the creators of
contracts with the most members.

First, I award the bronze medal to... Trigon! E created the contract
"LoAFER", which currently has 5 members. Congratulations Trigon!

Next, I award the silver medal to... nch! E is the creator of the
contract "The Platonic Parrot", with 6 members as of right now. (note: 7
are shown in the latest Notary report, however Jason left after the
report was published) Congratulations nch!

Finally, the gold medal goes to... Cuddlebeam! E has the incredible
achievement of having created a contract with 8 members, even despite a
rival contract. For the contract "The Plunder Partnership", I award the
gold medal to Cuddlebeam. Let's give a round of applause for our gold
medal winner this week!


Last, but not least, we have the Opulence Awards. This one's pretty
simple: it goes to people who created the richest contracts out there.

It's worth noting that the Treasuror hasn't put out eir report yet this
week due to the holiday, so the numbers may be slightly out of date.

Regardless, let's get on with the awards.

First, I award the bronze medal to... Cuddlebeam! As of the latest
Treasuror report, eir contra

Re: BUS: humble agoran farmer makes a blind deposit and summarizies [attn. Treasuror, Notary]

2020-07-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/13/2020 4:49 PM, Cuddle Beam via agora-business wrote:

I transfer all of my assets to my locker.

This is the summary for Cuddlebeam's Locker: "A deposit of assets that only
Cuddlebeam, acting as emself, can take from; as a protection against
possible acting-on-behalf scams that may puppeteer them."

I transfer 3 coins to Cuddlebeam for this summary.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

Re: BUS: Contract: A Rival Ship Appears

2020-07-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/12/2020 8:22 PM, Nch via agora-business wrote:

I consent to the following contract:


The Platonic Parrot

A party to this contract is also known as a Platonic Pirate. Any player
who is not currently Marked can join this contract by announcement. Any
player can leave this contract by announcement. When someone is
deregistered, e automatically leaves the contract.

If a Platonic Pirate objects to an intent to transfer assets to this
contract, e ceases to be a party to the contract. If a player has
objected to an intent to transfer assets to this contract in the last 7
days, e is Marked.

When the Platonic Parrot has assets, any Platonic Pirate CAN by
announcement divy them in the following way:

* Where X is the total number of coins owned by the Platonic Parrot and
Y is the number of Platonic Pirates, e transfers each Platonic Pirate
X/Y (rounded down) coins from the Platonic Parrot.

* If there are still coins owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfer
emself all the remaining coins.

* If there are any other assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e
transfers emself one of them of eir own choice.

* If there are still assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfers
them to other Platonic Pirates such that no Platonic Pirate receives
more than 1 more asset than any other Platonic Pirate (excluding the
coins e gave emself in the earlier step). As long as this constraint
is met, e may choose who gets what assets.

This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates.



I propose the following amendment to The Platonic Parrot:

Replace the following text:

"This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates."

with the following:

"Any Platonic Pirate may propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. If at least 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates
have consented to the amendment, and at least 2 days have passed since
the amendment was proposed, any Platonic Pirate can cause this contract
to be amended in this way by announcement."

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

[attn. Platonic Pirates] Re: BUS: Contract: A Rival Ship Appears

2020-07-13 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/13/2020 6:02 PM, ATMunn wrote:

On 7/12/2020 8:22 PM, Nch via agora-business wrote:

I consent to the following contract:


The Platonic Parrot

A party to this contract is also known as a Platonic Pirate. Any player
who is not currently Marked can join this contract by announcement. Any
player can leave this contract by announcement. When someone is
deregistered, e automatically leaves the contract.

If a Platonic Pirate objects to an intent to transfer assets to this
contract, e ceases to be a party to the contract. If a player has
objected to an intent to transfer assets to this contract in the last 7
days, e is Marked.

When the Platonic Parrot has assets, any Platonic Pirate CAN by
announcement divy them in the following way:

* Where X is the total number of coins owned by the Platonic Parrot and
Y is the number of Platonic Pirates, e transfers each Platonic Pirate
X/Y (rounded down) coins from the Platonic Parrot.

* If there are still coins owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfer
emself all the remaining coins.

* If there are any other assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e
transfers emself one of them of eir own choice.

* If there are still assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfers
them to other Platonic Pirates such that no Platonic Pirate receives
more than 1 more asset than any other Platonic Pirate (excluding the
coins e gave emself in the earlier step). As long as this constraint
is met, e may choose who gets what assets.

This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates.



I propose the following amendment to The Platonic Parrot:

Replace the following text:

"This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates."

with the following:

"Any Platonic Pirate may propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. If at least 2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates
have consented to the amendment, and at least 2 days have passed since
the amendment was proposed, any Platonic Pirate can cause this contract
to be amended in this way by announcement."

I consent to this amendment.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Resolution of Victory Auctions of July 2020

2020-07-14 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/14/2020 9:25 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

   Resolution of Victory Auctions of July 2020

Pursuant to the regulations which I said I would follow, I publish this
termination message for the most recent victory auction. First, here is
a list of bids:

Date   Bidder Amount
2020-07-07 00:01   Jason 1cn
2020-07-07 00:01   G.    11cn
2020-07-07 00:03   nch 2cn
2020-07-07 00:07   ATMunn   20cn
2020-07-07 00:34   nch  25cn
2020-07-07 08:21   Cuddlebeam 26cn
2020-07-07 13:04   R. Lee   30cn
2020-07-07 13:06   Cuddlebeam   31cn
2020-07-07 15:46   ATMunn    35cn
2020-07-07 22:53   R. Lee 37cn
2020-07-07 23:27   ATMunn   40cn

As such, this auction ended at 23:27 on 2020-07-11.

The awardees are as such:

1. ATMunn: 1 new victory card, which can be created in your possession
    by paying a fee of 40 coins.

Thank you all for participating. I will tweak the rules and have another
auction later.

oh i won!

I pay a fee of 40 coins to create 1 victory card in my possession.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Treasuror] Resolution of Victory Auctions of July 2020

2020-07-14 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/14/2020 9:49 PM, ATMunn wrote:

On 7/14/2020 9:25 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:

   Resolution of Victory Auctions of July 2020

Pursuant to the regulations which I said I would follow, I publish this
termination message for the most recent victory auction. First, here is
a list of bids:

Date   Bidder Amount
2020-07-07 00:01   Jason 1cn
2020-07-07 00:01   G.    11cn
2020-07-07 00:03   nch 2cn
2020-07-07 00:07   ATMunn   20cn
2020-07-07 00:34   nch  25cn
2020-07-07 08:21   Cuddlebeam 26cn
2020-07-07 13:04   R. Lee   30cn
2020-07-07 13:06   Cuddlebeam   31cn
2020-07-07 15:46   ATMunn    35cn
2020-07-07 22:53   R. Lee 37cn
2020-07-07 23:27   ATMunn   40cn

As such, this auction ended at 23:27 on 2020-07-11.

The awardees are as such:

1. ATMunn: 1 new victory card, which can be created in your possession
    by paying a fee of 40 coins.

Thank you all for participating. I will tweak the rules and have another
auction later.

oh i won!

I pay a fee of 40 coins to create 1 victory card in my possession.

I forget if I actually have enough coins.

I transfer all assets from my account to myself.

If I have not successfully done so already, I pay a fee of 40 coins to 
create 1 victory card in my possession.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

@Treasuror Re: BUS: [Pledge] Contract Summaries

2020-07-15 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/15/2020 5:15 PM, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:

On 2020-07-04 5:08 p.m., ATMunn via agora-business wrote:
I pledge to transfer 3 coins to every person who submits a 1-2 
sentence summary of a contract e is party to. If a person submits 
summaries for multiple contracts, I will transfer 3 coins for every 
contract e submitted a summary for. Multiple summaries for the same 
contract do not count.

The time window for this pledge shall be 14 days. The title of this 
pledge shall be "Contract Summaries".

Three more summaries (I think these aren't summarized yet):

The Dragon Corporation:

Founded by Warrigal in March 2020 with the purpose of making as much 
money as possible for its shareholders. Look for subsidiary Dragon 
contracts offering services.

Dragon QuickExchange:

Simple and fast card-to-product exchange, with an opportunity for 
unaffiliated traders to profit by converting in the other direction.

Dragon Political Outreach:

Provides a way for Officers to grant Cards to the Dragon Corporation.

Thank you for the summaries!

I transfer 9 coins to Falsifian.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Pledge Shenanigans

2020-07-16 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I pledge to not say the word "tacos" in any context for the next 24
hours. The time window of this pledge is 24 hours and breaking the
pledge shall be a class 1 crime.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

Re: DIS: Re: BUS: Pledge Shenanigans

2020-07-16 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/16/2020 1:43 PM, ATMunn via agora-discussion wrote:

On 7/16/2020 1:42 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

I pledge to not say the word "tacos" in any context for the next 24
hours. The time window of this pledge is 24 hours and breaking the
pledge shall be a class 1 crime.

I like tacos.

CFJ: In the above message, I broke a pledge.

Arguments: Though I did say the word I am forbidden to say due to the
pledge, it was 1) not a public message and 2) not an action. So, FALSE
would be logical. However, the pledge does say "in any context." Does
that still make it binding, even outside of public forums?


Rule 2450/9 (Power=1.7)

  If a Player makes a clear public pledge (syn. Oath) to perform (or
  refrain from performing) certain actions, then breaking the pledge
  within the pledge's time window is the Class N crime of
  Oathbreaking, where N is 2 unless the pledge explicitly states
  otherwise. It is also Oathbreaking for a player to let a pledge
  expire without taking an action e pledged to do in that pledge.
  The time window of a pledge is 60 days, unless the pledge
  explicitly states otherwise. A pledge ceases to exist at the end
  of its time window.

  If breaking the pledge harms specific other parties, the Referee
  SHOULD solicit the opinion of those parties in determining an
  appropriate fine.

  The Notary CAN destroy a pledge Without Objection, but SHOULD NOT
  do so unless the pledge no longer serves any significant purpose.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: [Ribbon] friendly neighborhood notary has done eir job responsibly

2020-07-16 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I award myself a Green Ribbon.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: CFJ 3868 judged FALSE

2020-07-17 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

My CFJ judgement formatting is consistently inconsistent.

I deliver the following judgement on CFJ 3868:

===  CFJ 3868  =

  The above-quoted message created an Agoran proposal.

Judge: ATMunn
Judgement: FALSE

Caller's Evidence: (The above-quoted message):

On Sun, 2020-07-12 at 16:02 +, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
> I submit the following Diplonomic Proposal, titled "Judicial Veto":
> {
> To the end of Rule 8, append: "If enacting a proposal would
> interfere
> with the Judge's ability to ensure the smooth running of the game in
> accordance with these rules, then e NEED NOT enact that proposal, so
> long as e publishes an explanation of the problem, and this
> exception
> overrides any requirement for em to enact that proposal."
> }
> (This also gives the Judge a way out if a proposal would make eir
> job very difficult.)

Caller's Arguments:

The quoted body of text appears to satisfy the requirements
to be a proposal in the Agoran sense, and its author has stated that e
is submitting it as a proposal; it was sent to a public forum, thus
appears to meet the requirements for acting by announcement (the
standard for creating a proposal). It is stated to be a Diplonomic
Proposal; however, I don't see any reason why a Diplonomic Proposal
can't also be an Agoran proposal, as this proposal appears to match
both sets of requirements.

Weighing against this is the fact that it obviously wasn't intended to
create an Agoran proposal. Is that relevant, when establishing whether
an action by announcement has occurred?

Judge's Arguments:

Let's first examine the rules involved here. The main rule involved is
Rule 2350, "Proposals":

  A proposal is a type of entity consisting of a body of text and
  other attributes. A player CAN create a proposal by announcement,
  specifying its text and optionally specifying any of the following

  * An associated title.

  * A list of coauthors (which must be persons other than the

  * An adoption index.

  * A chamber to which the proposal shall be assigned upon its

By this definition, the only thing required for a proposal to be a valid
proposal is for it to have a body of text. Other attributes can be
added, but are not mandatory. The message in question clearly fulfils
the definition of a proposal. The true question is: Did Falsifian
"create a proposal by announcement"?

Let us return to our old friend, Rule 478.

  Where the rules define an action that a person CAN perform "by
  announcement", that person performs that action by unambiguously
  and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs

This is where the argument for TRUE falls apart. While I will not go
in-depth on the word "clearly", as I have done that previously and am
quite frankly tired of the word, I think that "unambiguously" is the key

To better understand what is going on here, let us substitute the
definition of "by announcement" from Rule 478 into Rule 2350. Doing so
gives us this:

  A player CAN create a proposal by unambiguously and clearly
  specifying the action of creating a proposal and announcing that e
  performs it, specifying ...

Falsifian did not unambiguously specify the action of creating a
proposal. E did unambiguously specify the action of creating a
Diplonomic proposal. That phrasing does, of course, contain the word
"proposal", but it also contains the word "Diplonomic", and the
Diplnomic rules clearly define a method of creating proposals associated
with Diplonomic. Though neither "Diplonomic proposal" nor "Agoran
proposal" are actually defined, the use of one word or the other clearly
designates which sense of "proposal" is to be used.

The fact that a CFJ was called in the first place indicates that it is
ambiguous as to whether e created a proposal, thereby failing the
definition of "by announcement" in Rule 478, thereby making it not a

I judge CFJ 3868 to be FALSE.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

[Glitter] Re: BUS: CFJ 3868 judged FALSE

2020-07-17 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I award myself blue glitter for this timely judgement.

On 7/17/2020 12:26 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

My CFJ judgement formatting is consistently inconsistent.

I deliver the following judgement on CFJ 3868:

===  CFJ 3868  =

   The above-quoted message created an Agoran proposal.

Caller:    ais523
Judge: ATMunn
Judgement: FALSE

Caller's Evidence: (The above-quoted message):

On Sun, 2020-07-12 at 16:02 +, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
 > I submit the following Diplonomic Proposal, titled "Judicial Veto":
 > {
 > To the end of Rule 8, append: "If enacting a proposal would
 > interfere
 > with the Judge's ability to ensure the smooth running of the game in
 > accordance with these rules, then e NEED NOT enact that proposal, so
 > long as e publishes an explanation of the problem, and this
 > exception
 > overrides any requirement for em to enact that proposal."
 > }
 > (This also gives the Judge a way out if a proposal would make eir
 > job very difficult.)

Caller's Arguments:

The quoted body of text appears to satisfy the requirements
to be a proposal in the Agoran sense, and its author has stated that e
is submitting it as a proposal; it was sent to a public forum, thus
appears to meet the requirements for acting by announcement (the
standard for creating a proposal). It is stated to be a Diplonomic
Proposal; however, I don't see any reason why a Diplonomic Proposal
can't also be an Agoran proposal, as this proposal appears to match
both sets of requirements.

Weighing against this is the fact that it obviously wasn't intended to
create an Agoran proposal. Is that relevant, when establishing whether
an action by announcement has occurred?

Judge's Arguments:

Let's first examine the rules involved here. The main rule involved is
Rule 2350, "Proposals":

   A proposal is a type of entity consisting of a body of text and
   other attributes. A player CAN create a proposal by announcement,
   specifying its text and optionally specifying any of the following

   * An associated title.

   * A list of coauthors (which must be persons other than the

   * An adoption index.

   * A chamber to which the proposal shall be assigned upon its

By this definition, the only thing required for a proposal to be a valid
proposal is for it to have a body of text. Other attributes can be
added, but are not mandatory. The message in question clearly fulfils
the definition of a proposal. The true question is: Did Falsifian
"create a proposal by announcement"?

Let us return to our old friend, Rule 478.

   Where the rules define an action that a person CAN perform "by
   announcement", that person performs that action by unambiguously
   and clearly specifying the action and announcing that e performs

This is where the argument for TRUE falls apart. While I will not go
in-depth on the word "clearly", as I have done that previously and am
quite frankly tired of the word, I think that "unambiguously" is the key

To better understand what is going on here, let us substitute the
definition of "by announcement" from Rule 478 into Rule 2350. Doing so
gives us this:

   A player CAN create a proposal by unambiguously and clearly
   specifying the action of creating a proposal and announcing that e
   performs it, specifying ...

Falsifian did not unambiguously specify the action of creating a
proposal. E did unambiguously specify the action of creating a
Diplonomic proposal. That phrasing does, of course, contain the word
"proposal", but it also contains the word "Diplonomic", and the
Diplnomic rules clearly define a method of creating proposals associated
with Diplonomic. Though neither "Diplonomic proposal" nor "Agoran
proposal" are actually defined, the use of one word or the other clearly
designates which sense of "proposal" is to be used.

The fact that a CFJ was called in the first place indicates that it is
ambiguous as to whether e created a proposal, thereby failing the
definition of "by announcement" in Rule 478, thereby making it not a

I judge CFJ 3868 to be FALSE.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: definitely not bribery

2020-07-17 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I pledge that when the proposal "Contract Charities" passes, if no votes
were evaluated to AGAINST, I will transfer 100 coins to R. Lee.

[For those wondering, I told R. Lee on Discord that I would do this if e
voted for my proposal. The proposal would already pass, but if it passed
unanimously, I would be able to claim an orange ribbon, which would give
me enough to get a transparent ribbon. Though e did change eir vote
immediately, I want to 1) live up to my word and 2) ensure e doesn't
change eir vote at the last moment. 100 coins is a lot, and I'm not
super happy about losing them, but to me, the long term investment is
worth it. Transparent is one of the hardest ribbons to get, and if I
don't take this opportunity now, it could be a long time before I can
get it again.]

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

Re: [attn. Treasuror] Re: BUS: A wild Ponzi scheme appears [attn. Notary]

2020-07-17 Thread ATMunn via agora-business
On 7/17/2020 8:50 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-business 

On 7/17/20 8:45 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 7/17/20 8:41 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

I consent to and create the following contract:

Being the only party, I amend the Ponzi scheme by appending the
following paragraph to Section 1:


If an investor's investment is less than or equal to 1, the
Administrator CAN by announcement remove em from the bread line.


I become a party to this contract and transfer ten coins to it.

I become a party to this contract and transfer two coins to it.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

Re: BUS: [@Platonic Pirates] Platonic Parrot Amendment

2020-07-18 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/18/2020 3:03 PM, nix via agora-business wrote:

On 7/18/20 1:58 PM, nix via agora-business wrote:


Replace the following text:

"This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates."


"Any Platonic Pirate CAN propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. If an amendment was proposed between 2 and 7 days ago,
hasn't already been applied, and at least 2/3rds (rounded up) of Platonic
Pirates have consented to it, then any Platonic Pirate CAN amend this
contract as described in the proposal."


I consent to the above amendment to the Platonic Parrot.

As do I.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: [Ribbon] transparency

2020-07-19 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I award myself black glitter.

I award myself an orange ribbon for the adoption of Proposal 8476.

As I have never owned one before, I award myself a white ribbon.

I award myself a transparent ribbon (for Green, Blue, Black, Orange, White).

that's ribbons!™

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: [@Treasuror] being an honest person

2020-07-19 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/19/2020 8:28 PM, ATMunn via agora-business wrote:

I award myself black glitter.

I award myself an orange ribbon for the adoption of Proposal 8476.

As I have never owned one before, I award myself a white ribbon.

I award myself a transparent ribbon (for Green, Blue, Black, Orange, 

that's ribbons!™

because of my pledge...

I transfer 100 coins to R. Lee.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: Re: OFF: [Promotor] Distribution of Proposal 8477

2020-07-20 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I vote FOR Proposal 8477.

On 7/19/2020 7:48 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-official wrote:


I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote collector
is the Assessor, the quorum is 8, the voting method is AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID  Author(s)AITitle
8477e^  Jason1.0   More officer cards

The proposal pool contains the following proposals:

Murphy, R. Lee   3.0   Simpler ribbon switches
Murphy, CB   3.0   Clarify asset ownership

Legend: * : Democratic proposal.
 # : Ordinary proposal, unset chamber.
 e : Economy ministry proposal.
 f : Efficiency ministry proposal.
 j : Justice ministry proposal.
 l : Legislation ministry proposal.
 p : Participation ministry proposal.
 ^ : Sponsored proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8477
Title: More officer cards
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2624 (Card Administration) by replacing the final paragraph
(including the list) with the following:


   The officeholder of an office CAN by announcement grant another player a
   specified type of card, specifying that office, under the following

   * e has not done so in reference to that office in the current Agoran month,

   * that office's interests includes the card's associated ministry,

   * the player receiving the card does not hold an office with the card's
   associated ministry in its interests, and

   * the player receiving the card is not a zombie.


Title: Simpler ribbon switches
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: R. Lee

Amend Rule 2438 (Ribbons) by replacing this text:

   Ribbon Ownership is a secured person switch, tracked by the
   Tailor in eir monthly report, whose values are the subsets of
   the set of types of Ribbon, defaulting to the empty set. If the
   rules are amended to change the types of Ribbon, if a player's
   Ribbon Ownership is subsequently illegal, then it is updated by
   removing all nonexistent types rather than resetting the entire
   value to default.

   To "award a person a " is to add that type of Ribbon
   to that person's Ribbon Ownership. A person "owns a "
   if that type of Ribbon is an element of eir Ribbon Ownership.

with this text:

   For each type of Ribbon,  Ribbon Ownership is a secured
   negative boolean person switch, tracked by the Tailor in eir
   monthly report.

   To "award a person a " is to flip that person's
Ribbon Ownership to True. A person "owns a " if eir  Ribbon Ownership is True.

and by replacing this text:

   While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
   Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
   That person's Ribbon Ownership becomes the empty set.

with this text:

   While a person owns all types of Ribbon, that person can Raise a
   Banner by announcement. This causes that person to win the game.
   When a person wins this way, for each type of Ribbon, that
   person's  Ribbon Ownership is flipped to False.

For each type of Ribbon, for each person whose Ribbon Ownership prior to
the adoption of this proposal included that type, flip eir 
Ribbon Ownership to True.

Title: Clarify asset ownership
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Murphy
Co-authors: CuddleBeam

Amend Rule 2576 (Ownership) to read:

   Each asset has exactly one owner.

   If ownership of an asset is restricted to a class of entities,
   then that asset CANNOT be gained by or transferred to an entity
   outside that class. By default, ownership of an asset is
   restricted to Agora, players, and contracts, but an asset's
   backing document may modify this.

   If an asset's owner would otherwise be nonexistent, indeterminate,
   or invalid, then it is owned by the Lost and Found Department (if
   possible) or destroyed (otherwise), subject to modification by its
   backing document. Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Lost
   and Found Department can own assets of every type. Assets owned by
   the Lost and Found Department can be transferred or destroyed by
   any player without objection.



Re: BUS: Registration

2020-07-20 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

On 7/20/2020 6:06 PM, ais523 via agora-business wrote:

On Mon, 2020-07-20 at 18:01 -0400, Jason Cobb via agora-business wrote:

On 7/20/20 5:50 PM, Jason Cobb wrote:

On 7/20/20 5:46 PM, Greg P. Thomas II via agora-business wrote:

I hereby register as a player.

I hereby change my name to G.

I point my finger at the player who sent the above message for
knowingly making an INEFFECTIVE attempt to register.

Oh, and I affirm that this isn't me (because I feel like some people
will be suspicious given my recent anonymous shenanigans).

It isn't me either. (If it were, the message would have caused me to
register, so this message would be Faking.) Registering anonymously is
the sort of thing I might do, but trying to cause confusion with an
existing player isn't.

For what it's worth, I suspect it's a new player rather than someone
who's previously been active on the lists, but this is just a guess and
might well be wrong.

I'll jump on the "it's not me because this is a public message and it
would violate No Faking if proven false" train.

For clarity: it's not me because this is a public message and it would
violate No Faking if proven false.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

BUS: [Notary] The Notes: Tuesday Edition

2020-07-21 Thread ATMunn via agora-business

I publish the following weekly report:

   ██   ██ ███   ███   ██  █   ███  ██
 ████   ██ ██  ██ ██   ██████  ██
 █████ █ ██ ██ ██ ██   ██████
 ████   ██ ████   ██   ██████   ██
 ████   ██ ███   ██   ███  █ █████ ██

 -~= Notary's weekly report =~-

   ~~ Tuesday is better than Monday anyway. ~~

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 13 Jul 2020
Date of this report: 21 Jul 2020

Abbreviations used in this report:
P.S.S.   |   Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
CB   |   Cuddlebeam
con. |   contract

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.


 Title   Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"  Aris, Jason, Falsifian, P.S.S.
"GRBaSTttPF"[1] Gaelan, twg, Warrigal, Falsifian
"TPP"[2]   CB, R. Lee, P.S.S., G., Bögtil, Jason ... [3]
"AAA"[4]  Jason, P.S.S., R. Lee, nix
"LoAFER"[5]Trigon, Jason, R. Lee, ATMunn, P.S.S.
"Co Dependents"  nix, R. Lee
"Cuddlebeam's Locker" Cuddlebeam
"Card Collective Contract, Agoran"Murphy, R. Lee
"Contract No. 1: GIFT"Trigon, R. Lee
"Contract No. 2: POEM"Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 3: CARD"R. Lee
"Contract No. 5: DECK"Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 6: BOON"Trigon
"SEAMSTRESS"[6]   Trigon, nix, Jason
"Dragon QuickExchange" Falsifian
"Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo"R. Lee
"SNOCS"[7]   omd, ATMunn, R. Lee
"Dragon Political Outreach"Falsifian
"Amusing Test Case" Aris
"The Bank"ATMunn
"The Platonic Parrot"  nix, P.S.S., ATMunn, omd, ... [8]
"I bet that was written by G."   omd, ATMunn
"The Contract Awards: The Contract"   ATMunn
"Ponzi Scheme" Jason, P.S.S., ATMunn, R. Lee, Trigon
"The Agoran Underground Betting Ring" Gaelan

[1] Gaelan's Really Bad At Sending Things To The Public Forum
[2] The Plunder Partnership
[3] also Falsifian, Aris
[4] The Agoran Arbitration Association
[5] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[6] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[7] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
[8] also R. Lee, Cuddlebeam


The following 26 contracts exist:

"The Dragon Corporation" (revision 4)
Parties: Aris, Jason, Falsifian, P.S.S.


## Bylaw 1: Definition

This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its

All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.

Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
share is known as a shareholder.

If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.

Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
this contract is known as a member.

Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
contract or ceases to be 

  1   2   3   4   >