Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal: Removal of AUID (i= tag/value)

2011-04-01 Thread Hector Santos
Just trying to connect the dots.

SM wrote:
 Hi Hector,
 At 11:18 01-04-2011, Hector Santos wrote:
 Off hand, and I have to go back, I believe seeing some systems using
 Authetication-Results to always include a i= as part of its A-R header
 result whether it was defined or not and when not, a default value is
 displayed.  For example, this is the A-R result for my signature into
 this IETF-DKIM list:

 dkim=pass (1024-bit key)
 Does that mean, a proposal to remove i= in DKIM-BASE, would imply an
 update to the A-R draft is necessary?
 RFC 5451 is a proposed standard.  It is not a product of the DKIM WG.  
 It's up to the author of that RFC to see whether an update is necessary.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] If DKIM would ignore [] at the beginning of the subject line

2011-03-31 Thread Hector Santos
J.D. Falk wrote:
 On Mar 31, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Al Iverson wrote:
 I think the MLM document makes all of this stuff pretty clear already.
 It does to me; it seems like dropping the original signature and
 signing with the list manager site signature is the appropriate way to
 Yup.  The problem isn't that we haven't made this advice public (though 
 it may carry more weight after last call.)  The problem is that it takes a 
 long time for these ideas to disseminate to all list software deployed 
 everywhere -- especially the outdated versions of MailMan that many sites 
 run on autopilot.
 FWIW, here's how I got DKIM signatures on messages resent by the lists 
 I host with MailMan two years ago, without needing to wait for MailMan 
 to update anything at all:

This is cool J.D.

The DKIM integration for our MLS was very simple and the outline I 
provided in DSAP (ideas covered in MLM as well) was written with the 
idea for a minimal software design,  no failure points promoted by the 
changes and simply plug and play with existing software.  It had only 
two MLS change considerations:

   - Restrict POLICY restricted domains as part of the list subscription
 process.  At the time DSAP was written, this meant disallow 
 for a domain using an exclusive signing practice which included a
 3rd party signing restriction.  If the policy allowed 3rd party 
 to exist, then the user was allowed to join the list.

   - If mail changes will be done, strip old signatures and resign the
 message before redistribution.

We finally added this logic last year and the only MLS change was to 
add the subscription logic because we designed the framework for 
signing is done on the outbound MTA server.

The big change item I originally expected would need to be done in the 
MLS adding new DKIM signing options per list turned out to be 
unnecessary.  We avoided this big software by using the common list 
template file used to add additional headers such as all the LIST-* 
headers. I used a META header to trigger when a list should be signed. 
For example, the template file has:

List-Id: {LT} {LN}.{LD}
List-Post: mailto:{LE}
List-Unsubscribe: mailto:{LN}-unsubscribe@{LD}
List-Subscribe: mailto:{LN}-subscribe@{LD}
List-Help: mailto:{CN}@{LD}?body=help
WCLS-Signthis: {LD}

So the MLS will do its normal thing of preparing a list distribution, 
adding the list-* headers carrying the  meta header WLCS-SIGNTHIS: 
expanded with the list domain.  When the outbound MTA gets this 
internal feed, it looks for this meta header, extracts the 
list-domain, checks another setup file to signing options for the 
list-domain, if any. If found, any header striping options are 
followed and the list message message is signed.

So I guess the point is that you can make a MLS DKIM aware by using 
meta headers to current setup files and using that information as feed 
for edge software.


Hector Santos

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Work group future

2011-03-29 Thread Hector Santos
 for non list mail worked fine for me for a 
period of time
 and then I started regularly getting DKIM=FAIL in the smtptrace 
log so I have
 not looked at again for some months.

   - Customer comment on using our new DKIM implementation

Do we really want DKIM to get into a common situation where lacking a 
protective layer for  domain DKIM signed mail becomes ignored as 
wasted overhead and bandwidth?

I hope not.

I perfectly understand the DKIM-REPUTATION model promotes the idea 
that only VALID mail (Good Mail, white listing model) should be 
considered when its signed by a trusted source.  Everything else is 
basically undefined by DKIM.

Fine, I won't debate the GOOD MAIL Trusted Source model.  The job was 
well done by the WG promoters of this model.  VBR seems to be 
promising as an open protocol.

But maybe the POLICY promoters can be given a chance to address a 
layer that helps protect the unsecured abusive undefined block 
ignored by REPUTATION.


Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Comments on draft-ietf-dkim-rfc4871bis-03

2011-03-11 Thread Hector Santos
Dave CROCKER wrote:

 Not only is it confusing, it's wrong. Wildcard records work just fine when 
 wildcard is below the _domainkey label, e.g. *.foo._domainkey.example. They 
 less fine in other cases.

 The modified text I offered is intended to handle several coverage problems 
 the original text, including the one you cite.  Are you suggesting that it 
 not succeed?  If so, what text do you instead suggest?


I believe the text needs to include guidelines not just for DKIM
clients but for DNS software manager authors or administrators.  This
issue started (by me) because a ISP vendor (one of the largest) that
did not offer a clear way in their web based DNS Manager for their
customers to add explicit DKIM TXT records and the method offered
lumped TXT records subdomains with wild cards.As a result, the
order was such that SPF records were returned as well.

So its not just about the DKIM clients being aware of multiple TXT
segments. The spec audience will probably include HOSTING sites people
that will look into how DKIM records is implemented and offered to
this customers.

I think text as simple as follows should be considered (note, I am
just providing a starter, not saying these are the exact words)

 DNS hosting administrator and developers should offer the ability
 to add DKIM records that will not conflict with another other DNS
 (TXT?) query protocols and is not part of the wild card results.

PS: As I recall, the issue for the customer was resolved with the
vendor after the support incident was raised beyond the normal help
desk level.  Keeping the same interface, a new undocumented input
format syntax was provided for adding the TXT subdomain record that
was not part of the wild card results.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Are arbitrary From addresses in the physical world following DKIM?

2010-12-08 Thread Hector Santos

Mark Delany wrote:

 Forgive me for a bit of an aside, sortof.
 A lot of people have long used the Postal Service analogy of being
 able to supply an arbitrary return address as a justification for
 doing the same in email (DC I'm looking at you, buddy).
 So did anyone catch the news today that are planning to verify
 the return address of a package against your drivers license? And that
 other postal services may soon follow suit?
 In other words, the days of providing an unauthenticated author
 address may be numbered in the physical world.
 It's all in the name of security theater of course, but nonetheless,
 somewhat amusing in the DKIM context.


At least for us, the return path concept has the basis for our WCSAP 
(Wildcat! Sender Authentication Protocol) SMTP Level Filter.  Since 
2003 it has been a persistent and huge chuck of our total SMTP level 
filters around %60 for the CBV (Callback Verification).

Logs are generated every night,

RFC 2821/5321 does provide an opening for validating the return path 
in section 3.3:

3.3 Mail Transactions


Despite the apparent scope of this requirement, there are
circumstances in which the acceptability of the reverse-path may
not be determined until one or more forward-paths (in RCPT
commands) can be examined.  In those cases, the server MAY
reasonably accept the reverse-path (with a 250 reply) and then
report problems after the forward-paths are received and
examined.  Normally, failures produce 550 or 553 replies.

What we did was delay any checking for MAIL FROM: until the RCPT TO: 
is valid because we also found a HUGE failure with RCPT TO also around 
%60+.  This was important to reduce all the DNS lookup with WCSAP when 
it validates the return path.   So no checking is done until a RCPT 
TO: is valid.  Other SPF sysops have carried on this delay SPF 
verification concept and I also got comments from Barricada people 
that it was a good idea to do this, especially the anti-relay checking 
where a random bad address is checked to see if the remote will accept 

That said, I don't advocate wide spread usage for a CBV (Call Back 
Verification) but the fact remains most of the time they are BAD from 
bad guys.

Also, I don't think an EXTENSION for SMTP to do a proper CBV will 
work because the beauty of the current logic is that it addresses the 
legacy spoofers. Anything new will only address the NEW PEOPLE doing 
it wrong, it will not address the legacy SMTP clients and that is what 
CBV addresses.

As it related to DKIM, well, it just goes to show it really has 
nothing to do with DKIM because it is a RFC 5322 technology.  i.e. for 
us, DKIM will never trump SMTP level filtering by other means. At 
best, skip smtp checking, and do it at the DATA level or post SMTP 
acceptance, requires that the SMTP receiver stamp the spooled file 
with a Return-Path which was not always the case, but it is 
increasingly the case IMV.

Any hoo, I do believe that when a sender does issue the MAIL FROM: it 
should be 100% correct at that point in time, not later because the 
SMTP assumption is that it is correct for the purposes of a BOUNCE 
potential.  But I have heard arguments the the validity of the return 
path is only when the bounce is necessary.  I don't agree with that. 
IMV, at the precise SMTP moment it is issued at MAIL FROM:, it *MUST* 
be valid at the time point.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DKIM Japan has been set up

2010-11-21 Thread Hector Santos
Tsuneki Ohnishi wrote:

 So, my point is that what do you think of the idea to have
 an new entry in ADSP discard-if-no-sig, which allows
 senders to declare messages without DKIM signature should
 be discarded?

 If that's possible, it makes our job a lot easier and faster.


You are basically asking to make a distinct difference between:

   1) a real no signature message versus
   2) a message who's signature is broken (invalid).

The DKIM specification says that a broken signature is the same as no 
signature message.

It is important to know the difference because if you are concern 
about a Real No-Sig versus a Broken one where a Real No-SIG is 
discarded but a Broken one is not, then whats to stop the Bad Guy from 
adding a broken signature by design and for the sole purpose of making 
sure the message is now indeterminate and you don't filter it?

The problem with DKIM is the is the stuff in the middle - A real 
no-sig message can be made to work, as well as when there is a valid 

It the faults of the system that is challenging - what do you do with 
failures and what makes it even more difficult is the specifications 
has evolved to one where where any system, middle-ware or hop, can 
break or remove an author domain signature without restrictions.  This 
was done to appease the LIST managers, 3rd party signer and the 
reputation market.

IMO, I think DISCARD should cover what you want, but you have to view 
it as a strong policy with no exceptions, i.e., a broken signature is 
just as bad as no-signature and more importantly, no interference or 
3rd party signers can override the message author domain security 

If you allow for broken signatures to be acceptable partially or 
otherwise in an ADSP setup, then it just confuses the intent and it 
potentially feeds bad guys to give you broken signatures because that 
is OK by you.

Right now, there is no incentive for bad guys to adapt or change. They 
can remain in legacy operations (no signature) because there is no 
wide adoption or foundation for DKIM policies or the handling of 
policy faults.

Having a MUST SIGN policy widely adopted (and supported) would begin 
to make a change in legacy operations.  They will most likely avoid 
your POLICY protected domain.  But if you allow for broken ones, then 
they can adapt by adding a spoofed but broken signature.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Getting resolution on the double header issue

2010-11-08 Thread Hector Santos
Barry Leiba wrote:

 Who is responsible for dealing with this situation?  If the DKIM spec
 is at least partially responsible, to what extent, and what should it

Whether we have the guts to do what is correct as oppose of trying to 
work it in due to IETF meeting mile stones and time deadlines, is 
entirely different issue.

IMO, DKIM is responsible for the input that are part of is formula. 
Parts it MUST make sure are RFC5322 correct for consumption with its 
purported trust signature, especially its sole single input header 
requirement, 5322.From.

 1. The DKIM spec is responsible for describing the problem in terms of
 how it relates to signed and unsigned versions of the fields.  That's
 the stuff in 8.14.

Who's version?

 2. The DKIM spec should probably say that signers need to sign valid
 messages, and, therefore, SHOULD NOT sign things like this.  Text
 along the line of this might work well:
 Signers SHOULD take reasonable steps to ensure
 that the messages they're signing are valid according to [RFC 5322,
 etc].  Leaving the definition of reasonable out allows flexibility.  It
 may be waffly, but I like the approach in this case.


 3. It'd be reasonable for the DKIM spec to remind verifiers that
 signers aren't supposed to sign stuff like this, so they might
 consider that when deciding what to do with it after verification.
 It'd be reasonable to remind them of this particular case.  But
 I think that all ought to be informative text.


 4. We should agree to this or some variant of it, and then move on.
 This is not meant to satisfy everyone.  In fact, it isn't what I'd prefer,
 if I had my full choice.  But it takes care of the problem in a way
 that I think is sufficient, and allows us to resolve the issue.


I believe I provided good text with the original ISSUE posting I made 
and also modifications along the threads.   This focus mainly with 
following up with the logic for the last header begins in Section 
5.4 and where the corrective text should be made.   Its a do this 
, but keep in mind that  semantic.

Overall I prefer to see an updated specification that will help 
developers write software consider options to deal with this 
correctness issue directly and independently from another protocol 
logic.  IMO, this is the proper Software Engineering approach to 
maximize a fix across all MTA of all kinds.   I prefer not to read 
text that tries to pass the buck, push the burden on to MTAs or MUAs 
solely.  That will minimize the adoption rate because they could be 
legitimate MTAs that are not capable to satisfy the outside RFC5322 
correctness requirement or mandate in order for DKIM to provide 
workable results.

At the end of the day, I believe that it is major goal to get ALL DKIM 
software to work with the same expectation here and not get into 
situations in the future where there are deviations.  It MUST become a 
mandate in order to build the initial trust required for DKIM.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Getting resolution on the double header issue

2010-11-08 Thread Hector Santos
Alessandro Vesely wrote:

 2. The DKIM spec should probably say that signers need to sign valid
 messages, and, therefore, SHOULD NOT sign things like this.  Text
 along the line of this might work well:
 Signers SHOULD take reasonable steps to ensure
 that the messages they're signing are valid according to [RFC 5322,
 etc].  Leaving the definition of reasonable out allows flexibility.  It
 may be waffly, but I like the approach in this case.
 +1.  Enforcing some RFC conformance is a task that many MTAs can 
 (optionally) do natively.  

But DKIM can not make that presumption that is the prevailing nature 
of many MTAs.   At best, it can RECOMMEND that integration DKIM into 
a mail system that for BEST results, a general filter would address 
this issue.  But it can't assume that will be possible as it might 
mean a software change. Hence the better DKIM software will offer a 
direct solution that COULD be turned off when the MTA is capable of 
doing the filter itself.

For example, OpenDKIM is a package mainly for the Sendmail MTA. It may 
have or will have a MTA milter to check for RFC 5322 compliance. 
However, the I believe the software also allows has a DKIM only 
component that can be used in other MTAs.  You don't know if these 
other MTAs will have the same kind of filter DKIM is expecting in 
order to have clean results.

Now take Alt-N pure C/C++ DKIM API with no tie-ins to any MTA.  It has 
an non-overhead DKIM verifier option that deals this multiple 
5322.From issue  directly and independently from any other layered 

To me, the latter is the best approach for the specification to take. 
Allow Readers of this document to decide how they will implement DKIM 
based on the MTA they are using or MTAs they are targeting.

 Perhaps this is an issue about MTA 
 configuration, rather than specifically for the signing module.  

Which is just as equal of saying MTAs may or may having RFC5322 
compliance checking.  DKIM can not be dependent for providing valid 
results only when working with MTA that have RFC5322 compliance checking.

 example, I'm quite happy that such tweaking occurs before signing, so 
 that the signer signs the revised version.  

Tampering with mail is not justified here.   Either the mail is good 
to sign or bad to sign when it comes to DKIM signing.

 3. It'd be reasonable for the DKIM spec to remind verifiers that
 signers aren't supposed to sign stuff like this, so they might
 consider that when deciding what to do with it after verification.
 It'd be reasonable to remind them of this particular case.  But
 I think that all ought to be informative text.
 This is again a question of roles.  John has (correctly) recommended 
 that verifiers don't tamper with the message content, except for 
 possibly adding an A-R field.  However, a DKIM verifier does not 
 /have/ to act as a verifier only.  An additional role is the umbrella 
 under which a filter module may discard suspicious messages, suppress 
 unsigned singleton fields that occur more than once, or anything it 
 deems cool.

Generally, the caller of the DKIM procedure would act on its results.

I prefer to see a blackbox model for DKIM where its interface points 
are well defined.  Its input was well described with stated boundary 
conditions and its output is well defined and described with a view on 
being a feed for possible message filters/handlers.


Hector Santos

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for new text about multiple header issues (why multiple h= singleton listing is an ineffective hack, why RFC 5322 compliance is a fuzzy term, and what about malformed MIME str

2010-11-05 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

 It boggles my mind that a specification called DomainKeys Identified _MAIL_ 
 has to be explicit about the fact that the input is expected to be formatted 
 like a mail message, and that there's even pressure to say in a normative way 
 that someone implementing this has to make sure that's the case.
 Security Considerations of RFC5451 was updated to include language about 
 hardening against input deliberately crafted to try to confuse or crash 
 applications, and I was surprised that they (secdir) felt that was necessary; 
 I expected that to be fairly obvious to anyone in the audience of a standards 
 track RFC.
 (It wasn't required to be normative, however.)

In my view of the IETF RFC documents, its a matter of technical 
writing style.
They are neither a 100% Functional Specification nor 100% Technical 
Specification, but a blend to help reach a wider audience of disciplines.

A good amount of expertise and/or experience is required to get the 
message across and it also requires a good amount of 
expertise/experience to be able to read the message to both a) extract 
and b) extend the engineering insights required to produce the protocol.

In this case, in my technical opinion, Section 5.4 has incomplete 
implementation insights regarding the single field requirements for 
RFC 5322.  It is an insight that would of been included if we had 
seen the issue when it was first written four years ago, especially 
when we went through the TA process.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] The Total Solution is an Integrated One.

2010-11-04 Thread Hector Santos
Charles Lindsey wrote:
 On Thu, 04 Nov 2010 02:04:16 -, Hector Santos wrote:
 It is (A) that is most important here and this is where the corrective
 text should be added.  The original ISSUE Posting included proposed
 text to follow the last header paragraph in Section 5.4:

 Special Consideration for Verifying and Signing From: Header

 As an exception, header hash verification MUST be done for all
 5322.From fields and not just the last one.  Signing MUST be done
 for all 5322.From fields found, even though RFC5322 recommends
 only one 5322.From should be used. This will mitigate any
 replay that prepends a new 5322.From header to a DKIM signature
 valid message.  Some MUAs have shown to display only the first
 5322.From header found.
 + 1/2
 You seem to imply that hash verification MUST be done for all From 
 fields both during signing AND verification. Fine! You say exactly what 
 is to be done when signing, but leave it unclear what to do if a 
 verifier hashes all the From:s it can find, but finds there are 
 insufficient of them listed in the 'h=' tag.
 So I suggest you add the following:
   Verification MUST check that all 5322.From fields found have been
   included in the signature. This will mitigate any deliberate omission
   to sign some 5322.From (such as the first, which might be the only
   one displayed by some MUA) by a malicious signer.


I guess I as a bit bias because the DKIM API I was using had already 
resolve this issue with an option:

 Allow Unsigned From Headers

which was an extra option and by default is zero (OFF, FALSE,
DISABLED) hence each 5322.From header found were checked against the
h= list of tag values.

Think of how a verifier migh parse this stuff. While there could be
different methods, a typical model is a streaming line parser:

while ReadNextLine(line) do

As it reads the headers line by line, it checks the h= tags to do the
hashing. The method used in this DKIM API is to remove the h= tag
value as it matched and rehashed the header as it rebuilding the
signature hash.

So when it found the first 5322.From, it checked, hashed and removed
the from tag from the list of tags in h=.

If another 5322.From was streamed in, the special IF statement for
Allow Unsigned From Headers checked to make sure there was still a
h=from tag for it. If not, an invalid signature result was immediately

Think of this option as a plug and play extra requirement which
allowed an operator to revert to the original 4871 described behavior
if the option was enabled.  When enabled, the presence of a 2nd
5322.From did not violate the 4871 Section 5.4 logic.

My text was basically trying to keep with the idea that its
(erroneously) possible to have an extra 5322.From header but the DKIM
protocol extra requirement would enforce only one to be hashed.  So
by saying header hash verification MUST be done for all
5322.From fields and not just the last one, it will help keep with
the current logic in Section 5.4 but also help create the invalid
signature we are looking for from a plug and play aspect.

 And furthermore, I would suggest replacing 5322.From fields by 
 once-only fields (where once-only is defined as some explicit list 
 of headers derived from RFCs 5322, 4045 and maybe others - precise 
 contents to be discussed separately).

True. I'm on the fence with that though to the extent here required as
I think the main focus should be with the security issue here which is
mostly with 5322.from since it is the only required DKIM binding for
headers and arguably the #1 Display Header to be concern about.

But sure, even if generic text is used here, it should probably have
an i.e, or e.g, for 5322.from to make sure the prime focus is the main
security reason for these extra considerations.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] The Total Solution is an Integrated One.

2010-11-03 Thread Hector Santos
provided depending on what the other integrated parts can do or not do.

The total solution is an integrated one and since this belated 
highlighted ISSUE has now shown it is also a problem for non-DKIM 
streams, integrators are now smarter about the issue and will most 
systems will begin to do more RFC5322 checking prior to any DKIM 
processing or display to users.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for new text about multiple header issues

2010-11-03 Thread Hector Santos

Overall, we should emphasize that all DKIM verifiers SHOULD perform 
this check or offer an option to check for this specific double 
5322.From violation to address integration models where it is not 
possible for MTA receivers to perform this checking.

The above is all I would need as a software person to weigh all design 
and integration decisions and/or what to make available to operators.

For us, we learned that we can best address this a 
SMTPFILTER-CHECK-RFC5322 filter at our MTA receiver for all inbound 
messages.  Like Murray, I believe this is prudent and the best 
approach.  But unlike Murray, from a generalize protocol standpoint 
adding DKIM to a product line, I know I can not enforce this method 
with all MTA systems which may not have the capability or level of 
software options to do this checking at a MTA.  So the DKIM verifier 
and signer protocol components or API SHOULD also provide a mitigating 
solution when specific MTA integration models does not provide an answer.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] Absolving Domain Responsibility

2010-11-02 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:
 Putting on my native speaker of American dialect hat, I don't see a useful 
 difference between responsibility and some responsibility in this 
 context.  In practice they mean the same thing, and neither means total 


 If someone goes to the effort of signing a message and publishing a 
 validation key, they have taken some responsibility for the message.  On 
 the other hand, if you then complain to them about it, and they tell you 
 to get stuffed, that's the end of it.  (You might stop accepting their 
 mail, but that's outside the scope of DKIM.)  It's some responsibility, 
 but it may not be very much.
 So pick one and be done with it.  It doesn't matter which one.

The issue is that its too vague and incomplete especially when there 
is an unknown and unrestricted RE-signers involved as part of the 

What does responsibility actually mean?  Does it mean that the last 
signer is the blame or part of the blame for any harm caused?

Does the last signer absolve all previous signer(s) responsibility? 
Is this something the original domain signer is aware of?

 INFORMATIVE NOTE:  DKIM allows resigners to operate. When a
  resigning takes place, all previous signer domains no longer
  have a responsibility for the message.

Of course, in a perfect integrated protocol world, one could add 
statements about POLICY restrictions, but that would be a taboo here 
at this point.  Maybe it can be stated another way to provide the 
concept of absolving domain responsibility.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Some responsibility

2010-11-01 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

 Graham Murray
 claims to do the opposite.  What it does provide is assurance of
 acceptance of liability for messages which are signed. ie if a message
 is DKIM signed, the signer cannot later claim It was nothing to do with
 me, it must have been a forgery
 Moreover, I think we tread on dangerous ground when we make assertions 
 in any direction that are legal rather than technical.

Yet there is exist an assertion of an ambiguous legal term that raise 
more questions than not about the potential risk factors for a signing 
service or organization can assume with a blind responsibility for the 
signing of a domain for any message.

 We're about as expert in law as we are in MUAs, which is to say 
 not at all.

Speak for yourself.

There are those with commercial product development, legal and 
liability understanding to have very keen realistic view of the 
concept and a quick grasp for have a legitimate concern for the 
responsibility term in DKIM. It is a closer reality than what you 
are expressing.

DKIM is an unprotected protocol and it is NO position to suggest to 
anyone that it can assume a responsibility that can easily by 
violated.   As you ready to take BLAME for a poor signing of a faulty 
message that can predictably harm an END-USER based on added 
DKIM-based confidence by yet another 3rd party?   I don't think so.

We have MUAs in the market place and for nearly 30 years.  Do You? 
Mind you, one doesn't really need to have direct MUA design 
experiences to gain good insight and understanding and input.  Gods 
know, you think you now more than others regardless your silly 
statement.  But the fact remains, whether you care or not, there are 
some here that do have real MUA product design experiences.

Have a good day

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Some responsibility

2010-10-30 Thread Hector Santos
Rolf E. Sonneveld wrote:
 unfortunately I didn't have the time to do a full review of 4871bis, but 
 there's one thing I'd like to draw attention to.
 In the original text of RFC4871 DKIM was described as:
 DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) defines a mechanism by which email
 messages can be cryptographically signed, permitting a signing domain
 to claim responsibility for the introduction of a message into the
 mail stream.
 In draft 2 of RFC4871bis DKIM is described as:
 DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) permits a person, role, or 
 organization that owns the signing domain to claim some responsibility 
 for a message by associating the domain with the message.
 I'm not very happy with the introduction of the word 'some' in front of 
 'responsibility'. The way it is mentioned now is like one can say 
 'somewhat dead' or 'a bit pregnant'. More or less undefined. And yes, 
 this 'some' can be determined by reading the entire doc and depends on 
 how DKIM is used, what fields are used for signing etc. But the words 
 'some responsibility' will not sound very exact nor very attractive to 
 organizations who have to determine whether to invest in DKIM or not.
 So I suggest to either remove the word 'some' or describe in the same 
 paragraph what this 'some responsibility' exactly means.


I would go further to suggest to remove the usage of the term 
responsibility from the DKIM specification all together!


DKIM is no position today to provide any assurance to or for anyone to 
be indemnified from liabilities.

With an unprotected raw Domain Signing protocol layer, all it does is 
give a potential plaintiff weight for a claim of willful Negligence 
when everything was done by the plaintiff to protect a domain (i.e. 
using ADSP) and a DKIM compliant receiver INTENTIONALLY ignored ADSP 
(on purpose) creating a situation where an end-user was HARM due to 
the receiver NEGLECT of a highly detectable malicious spoofed DKIM domain.

I never like the usage of term responsibility, especially when there 
was a lack of a focus to protect exclusive domain signed messages from 

I highly recommend that the term is removed from the specification.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] running code, wildcard dep't

2010-10-29 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:
 For a couple of days, I've been using a wildcard keys and putting a 
 different selector on every message.  It works great.  Looking at the 
 logs, I can see one key got looked up 32 times on my local server, so 
 since I have three servers the total number was probably about 100.  Now I 
 just need better logs to figure out what message that was.

What is your goal here?

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for new text about multiple header issues

2010-10-27 Thread Hector Santos
Douglas Otis wrote:

  I'm having trouble parsing that. Please propose alternate text, or
  show an example of what you're describing.
 I'll repeat the example given previously.  The multiple listing of a 
 header in the h= parameter can not mitigate exploitation of DKIM PASS 
 results where a valuable domain is prefixed to that of large domain.  
 The large domain is unlikely concerned by possible presence of a 
 pre-pended header field, where their decision not to include multiple 
 listing for a message clearly not compliant with RFC5322.  In other 
 words, this leaves DKIM results open to exploitation.
 DKIM-Signature: h=from,, ...
 Reputation can not fix this problem.  Fobbing this onto the consumers of 
 DKIM results goes against the goal of increasing trust in email, and 
 against the spirit of doing our best at providing accurate results.  
 Let's fix our mistake.

The lack of focus for 1st party domain protection is what allowed this 
issue to fall through the crack.  We tried our best to make DKIM a 
pure signing mechanism with an open ended implicit policy of 
unrestricted resigners, remolding the specs with out of scope wink 
wink design goals.  MLM allowance or tolerance became a dominant 
goal over the principle benefit DKIM can provide - 1st party DOMAIN 

The solution is an integrated solution.  DKIM itself can not solve 
this.  At this point, what's missing are HANDLING provisions for DKIM 
verifiers.  A real POLICY protocol with 3rd party considerations is 
really the only thing that can help resolve this problem.  Even 
Reputation Vendors can help here but they need to support POLICY too. 
Instead, the pressure has been to eliminate it.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Take two (was Re: Proposal for new text about multiple header issues)

2010-10-26 Thread Hector Santos
these non-compliant RFC 5322 messages not be determined until
it is known how messages are first passed or reach integrated
DKIM processors.

With an increase alertness of the possibility for these
non-conforming RFC5322 yet DKIM compliant messages, receiver
MTA may begin to perform this filtering at an increase level.
This form of processing will minimize any implementation
requirement for DKIM to perform this non-compliant mail check.

In addition, enhanced MUA operations can address the situation
as well with attentive awareness of non-compliant message displays.

 Senders concerned that their messages might be particularly vulnerable to 
 this sort of attack and do not wish to rely on receiver filtering of 
 invalid messages can ensure that adding additional header fields will 
 break the DKIM signature by including two copies of the header fields 
 about which they are concerned in the signature (e.g. 
 h= ... from:from:to:to:subject:subject ...). See Sections 3.5 
 and 5.4 for further discussion of this mechanism.

I would change this to:

To address current or legacy email implementations that may not
aware of these non-compliant RFC 5322 double header messages, DKIM
Signers concerned their signed outbound messages might be
particularly vulnerable to this form of attack can ensure that
adding unexpected additional header fields will break the DKIM
signature by including two copies of the header fields about
which they are concerned in the signature h= tag e.g. h= ...
from:from:to:to: subject:subject See Sections 3.5 and 5.4
for further discussion of this mechanism.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] Take Three - Section 8.14

2010-10-26 Thread Hector Santos
For readability, I will propose my 8.14 text change suggestions as a 

8.14 Non-Compliant RFC5322 Messages

   There are known conditions which can alter the originality of a
   DKIM signed message without breaking the existing signature validity.

   Since it is possible to maintain the integrity of the signature with
   known non-compliant RFC5322 message altered conditions, there is an
   increase possibility of abuse and exploitation of MUA displaying
   information which were not validated by the signature.  Examples may
   be non-compliant RFC 5322 messages containing a 2nd 5322.From or
   2nd Subject headers which were not hash bound to the DKIM signature,
   yet due to the nature of MUAs, the wrong header could be displayed
   to end-users.

   It is unknown how these non-compliant RFC5322 messages will be
   handled by backend MTA receivers and how MUAs will display them.
   It is conceivable, some MTAs will reject these messages while other
   MTAs may accept it but only after it has sanitize the message for
   user display.  Yet other MTAs may be unaware of the multiple
   headers in these non-compliant RFC5322 messages.

   Under unchecked conditions, this can allow an attacker to
   replay a previously sent, signed message with a different Subject,
   From or To field.

   Despite the apparent scope of this requirement, there are
   implementation circumstances in which how DKIM processes
   these non-compliant RFC 5322 messages can not be determined
   until it is known how these messages are first passed or
   reach integrated DKIM processors.

   With an increase alertness of the possibility for these
   non-conforming RFC5322 yet DKIM compliant messages, receiver
   MTA may begin to perform this filtering at an increase level.
   This recommended form of processing will minimize any
   implementation requirement for DKIM to perform this non-compliant
   mail check.

   In addition, enhanced MUA operations can address the situation
   as well with attentive awareness of non-compliant message displays.

   To address current or legacy email implementations that may not
   aware of these non-compliant RFC 5322 double header messages, DKIM
   Signers concerned their signed outbound messages might be
   particularly vulnerable to this form of attack can ensure that
   adding unexpected additional header fields will break the DKIM
   signature by including two copies of the header fields about
   which they are concerned in the signature h= tag e.g. h= ...
   from:from:to:to: subject:subject See Sections 3.5 and 5.4
   for further discussion of this mechanism.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Take two (was Re: Proposal for new text about multiple header issues)

2010-10-26 Thread Hector Santos
Alessandro Vesely wrote:
 On 26/Oct/10 06:58, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 a verifying module might return a syntax error code or arrange not to
 return a positive result even if the signature technically validates.
 -1.  How does might differ from MAY?

I think it creates an IETF procedural bug and will promote another 
round of reviews or something like that. :)

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Take two (was Re: Proposal for new text about multiple header issues)

2010-10-26 Thread Hector Santos
Steve Atkins wrote:
 On Oct 26, 2010, at 1:49 AM, Hector Santos wrote:

 Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 8.14 Malformed Inputs

 DKIM allows additional header fields to be added to a 
 signed message without breaking the signature.  
 This tolerance can be abused..

 DKIM does not allow additional header fields.
 Yes, it does. Section 5.4 of 4871 goes into quite a lot of detail about that, 
 and explains explicitly that you should list a header n+1 times if there are 
 n copies of it already if you don't want to allow more headers to be added, 
 or not if you do.

I see the intent but it can reworded.  I think my nit which I did not 
express, was how the immediate tolerance sentence that followed the 
opening text negatively alters its implied meaning.

There is no tolerance. Its a DKIM feature and also a nature act of 
email operations for additional unsigned fields to exist, i.e. 
transport trace fields added to the already signed message.

Maybe a better text might be:

   Per section 5.4, DKIM signed message allows the existence of
   unsigned header fields or additional unsigned headers added
   to the message during the transport process without breaking the
   original signature. This natural email functionality can be abused with
   the introduction of non-compliant RFC 5322 messages with two or
   more headers that can only exist once per RFC 5322.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] wildcards, was Focusing on 4871bis

2010-10-25 Thread Hector Santos

The reported issue was about *mixed* TXT usage caused by wildcards. 
And it amounted to a large Domain Hosting vendor ONLY offering this 
for spf:

   *  IN TXT v=spf1 ..

And that created mixed query results after adding DKIM related TXT 

The proposed correction text is a) reminder to avoid using them and b) 
for verifiers to be ready to deal with it. i.e. be able to parse for 
the right DKIM related text string.


John R. Levine wrote:
 Forgive me if I repeat myself, but I still don't see anything wrong 
 with this:
 *  IN TXT v=DKIM1; p=; n=revoked
 Do you have an actual use case for that sort of thing, or is it just 
 an example to poke at the thou shalt not wildcard wording?
 That example above revokes all unknown keys.
 On this message, I've encoded a timestamp and the pid into the DKIM 
 signature selector, so I can use my DNS query logs to get an idea of 
 who's checking the signatures on what messages.
 These may not be fabulous uses of wildcards, but they are at worst 
 harmless.  There's a lot of places in the DKIM spec where we say if you 
 do so-and-so, you'll be sorry.  I'd like to avoid saying that unless we 
 have a good reason to do so, and I only see problems with wildcards 
 above the _domainkey label.
 John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of The Internet for 
 Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.
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Re: [ietf-dkim] the usual misunderstanding about what DKIM promises

2010-10-24 Thread Hector Santos
 then say that the From address in those messages
 is valid?  I wouldn't.  You might say, Well, they shouldn't oughta
 do that.  Maybe wise people would advise them not to.  But maybe
 they're not wise.  DKIM doesn't weigh in on that.

I will state that the DKIM process is making a series of statements of 
validity for all the parts (which includes the 5322.From) it hashes 
and binds to create and add a purportedly valid DKIM signature.

When the DKIM verifier reproduces a valid signature from the bound 
parts, this is implicitly making a series of validity statements for 
these parts, including 5322.From.

It is only a higher layer, i.e., POLICY and/or the out of scope 
reputation engines which take two different DKIM validated input feeds:

  POLICY_RESULT  = POLICY(Author-Domain)

that can do any truth or DKIM validity confidence related concept.

 The fact is that probably 99% of their users just use the proper
 domain in their From fields, and it doesn't matter.  The fact, for
 John Levine's domains, is that he knows and trusts his users, so he
 lets them do what he wants.  Now, if his signing domain started
 developing a bad reputation because some of his users were sending
 mail as or whatever, he might change his policy.  As
 might my service provider, if they started signing and saw their
 domain's reputation go south.

I was not speaking of the invalid or unexpected or authorized usage. I 
am saying that what DKIM binds and signs are all parts of its validity 

 But that's all outside the scope of DKIM.  DKIM only provides
 assurance of the *signing* domain, and that the message has arrived
 substantially unchanged from when it was signed (modulo h= and c=).

And IMO, these are statements of validity, and it doesn't imply they 
are actually true.

The point is that even if you wish to just use one side of the 
(market) coin where the signer is independent of the authors with a 
blind unrestricted signing practice, and your intent is to use the 
signing domain for some high layer evaluation, the validity of its 
bound parts MAY BE part or in whole of the total assurance the DKIM 
valid message wishes to provide, not just that of the signer 
information, but that of the authors as well.

What is not being taking into account is that the author is still a 
fundamental essential part of the message and it is these DKIM 
adopters who will decide not only what fields are hashed and bound to 
the signature, but also what domain will be used for the signer (d=).

My nit is one of a technical sales pov.

 One group is only focusing on a signer domain to satisfy
 some out of scope design goals and continues to water down
 the validity of the From that is required to be hashed bound
 to a VALID DKIM signature.

 Another group, and I believe one that most people will better
 understand is that DKIM will help protect the validity of the
 author address.

To help increase DKIM adoption, IMO we should not water down the 
inherent DKIM statement of validity for the hash bound 5322.From which 
is another way of saying that there is a market of originating domains 
that decide what is signed and what signer domain will be used to 
represent them in some future out of scope reputation or currently 
possible VBR feeds.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] the usual misunderstanding about what DKIM promises

2010-10-24 Thread Hector Santos
Dave CROCKER wrote:
I have two
 submission domains that I use.  One,, which does DKIM
 signing, will only allow me to use a From address after it has sent
 a test message to that address and seen that I can access the test
 message.  So it's made *some* level of confirmation that I owned the
 address at the time I set it up.
 Well, this is a reasonably common type of example.  I think it confuses the 
 difference between a signer's policies, versus DKIM semantics.  It is 
 true that different signers have wildly different meanings behind their 
 behavior.  However there is nothing in DKIM that communicates a signer's 
 policies.  (Obviously, ADSP is an example of a value-added semantic, but as 
 all have been reminding ourselves, that's an additional function.)
 The critical point, here, is the question:  What can the verifier know?  They 
 cannot know about differential policies and in particular the choice of what 
 parts of the message are covered by the signature communicates no additional 

I think that is a different question but one that is based on a 
fundamental premise of having statements of validity for 
cryptographically protected parts of the message.

Does all this suggest that one must begin with a presumption of false 

In other words before you can ask the question How/what can the 
verifier know? it has to begin with the validity claims made by the 
signature and its bound parts.

So when you sign a message with signer-domain and it has a required 
bind for a author domain, these are two minimal statements of validity 
to be verified and perhaps confirmed by some higher power.  Perhaps 
Policy with its author-domain feed, and/or perhaps out of scope 
reputation engines with its signer-domain feed.

I think it is the latter that you are pushing for. I would like to 
keep DKIM pure  and open to not just be about the signer domain.  I 
believe that as long we continue to minimize the statement of validity 
a valid DKIM signature provides for 5322.From, the more these usual 
misunderstandings will persist.  There is a reason why it doesn't go 
away and might we are trying to promote an obscure and abstract 
concept of an independent signer domain that today it is still very 
hard to grasp, especially with the lack of application demonstration. 
  On the other hand, the majority of the industry can grasp and feel 
the issues regarding a 5322.From and can better understand the idea 
that DKIM might be a technology to help protect it.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Proposal for new text about multiple header issues

2010-10-24 Thread Hector Santos
Mark Delany wrote:
 The universe of email is replete with software that forgives
 messages which do not conform strictly to the grammar that defines
 what valid email looks like.  This is a long-standing practice known
 informally as the robustness principle, originally coined by Jon
 Postel: Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you
 accept from others.
 Well, I'm clearly the outlier here, but I think be liberal is
 protocol nonsense that has been accepted as conventional wisdom for
 far too long now.

 Put another way, Accept crud and pass it on constitutes good
 protocol design? Gimme a break.
 More particularly, DKIM is a security protocol which means that being
 liberal is entirely antithetical and highly risky to boot.
 In short, I don't think any part of DKIM should be based on be
 liberal because it always trades off security.

Really, its an inappropriate attempt in a history lesson and it 
actually doesn't apply here.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] Focusing on 4871bis

2010-10-22 Thread Hector Santos
Based on the discussions, and the recent entry to produce a counter 
proposal I would like to ask if we can trying to avoid putting this 
document through another cycle of review vs doing the job right with 
the correct technical information.

For example, IDEALLY per your itemize list:

1) g=

I owe you some data here. I don't know either way other than I have 
not seen (or focused on) any particular importance in the API we are 

2) TXT Records

This requires a code adjustment for DKIM DNS clients to parse for 
the v=DKIM1.  This is required for SPF so any implementation that 
supports SPF and wishes to add DKIM will not be at a terrible lost 
with this adjustment.

3) Section 5.4

I think Jim's text makes the technical adjustments.  But personally, I 
still believe there needs to be an 5322.From exception paragraph 
following the section 5.4 last header rule stipulated in the section.

I think the choice has to been made on giving this to Team A to get 
the job done tomorrow, or giving this to Team B to get the job done 
right even though it may take longer.  I personally do not see why the 
rush is trumping the need to do this right.

All this began with a post I made providing Field Experience input 
regarding how a major MTA had already change how it implemented 4871 
with an additional requirement for a single 5322.From and later 
finding out why they did this, leading to the security loophole 
discovery issue.

This MTA's C/C++ open source API is not locked down to a particular 
vendor SMTP software and probably represents many other MTAs DKIM 
implementations, including ours.

I just feel we are wasting time with semantics, as important as that 
may be IETF wise, but I'm afraid it seems to attempt to minimize the 
importance of having a straight forward technical correction 
description which may include code change requirements.

Thanks for listening.

Hector Santos, CTO

Barry Leiba wrote:
 We seem to be bush-whacking again, rather than staying on the trail.
 I don't mind (actually I like) some level of general discussion, but
 the chairs would like to focus on our immediate goal for now, so I'm
 asking folks to refrain, for the moment, from discussion that isn't
 directly addressing the text of 4871bis.
 That includes discussion of MUA issues.  We can go back to talking
 about that later, but 4871bis is not the place for that, either from a
 protocol point of view or from a procedural one.
 We have reviews from Jim, SM, and John that the editors are working on
 responding to (John's is new enough that I haven't digested it all
 yet, and I'm sure the editors haven't either).  We also have three
 significant issues that we need to make sure we have resolved
 1. How to handle a key record with empty g= and absent v= (section
 6.1.2, list item 6).
 Proposed change: Remove g= altogether, along with all references to
 it.  Surveys of what's out there show vanishingly few cases that use
 g= with any value other than * or empty, so this can be removed as
 an unused feature.
 2. Advice about wildcards in TXT records.
 Proposed change: Add a note in section 6.1.2 warning about the effect
 of wildcard TXT records on finding DKIM key records.
 3. The issue of multiple occurrences of header fields that may only occur 
 Proposed change: Add text to section 5.3 recommending that verifiers
 check that the message complies with specs, and that they not validate
 a non-compliant message.  Add a new section 8.14 to the Security
 Considerations, explaining the attacks that can be done using this
 We ask the editors to consider the latest batches of comments, respond
 to them as necessary, produce an -03 version, and post it when they
 have it ready.
 We ask all participants to speak up specifically about the three
 issues above, and let us know whether or not the proposed change is
 acceptable.  The editors can post the specific text they're using, if
 we have anything to discuss about them.  I believe we have agreement
 on the text for number 2, so we should be set on that one.  I haven't
 seen a definitive poll about removing g= (number 1), but I *think*
 we have consensus on that.  Text for number 3 is still being worked
 Please start new threads for these discussions, rather than responding
 directly to this one, and let's keep the threads for the three items
 above separate.
 And, again, we particularly ask all participants to refrain from other
 discussions that are not specifically about text for 4871bis, so we
 can get that document done.
 Thanks, everyone.
 Barry, as chair
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Re: [ietf-dkim] the usual misunderstanding about what DKIM promises

2010-10-22 Thread Hector Santos
John Levine wrote:
 DKIM makes no statement about the validity of a sender address.
 I guess I should have said Author address.
 DKIM makes no statement about the validity of an Author address.

I keep reading this but there is no technical merit to show there is 
any truth to it, and in fact the only thing that is probably the 
strongest validity is the Author Address.

No matter how many times it is stated and repeated, it will never be 
true. If one wants this to be true, then remove the required binding 
the Author Address, A.K.A 5322.From.

I will go on to suggest that this ongoing design confusion of trying 
to water it down with unrestricted resigners is what got this WG all 
bogged down in trying to teach the world that the From really means 
nothing but only the signer does.  It even reduces the incentive for 
adopters to invest in Domain DKIM Signing because they really have no 
power over controlling who can take control of their own messages or 
those that purports to be from them.  They have really little payoff.

My point is it really hasn't help DKIM to continue to water down the 
validity of the author address.  If it wasn't a required binding, then 
there begins some truth to the statement.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] More on layer violations

2010-10-21 Thread Hector Santos

This is not a LAYER violation.  DKIM is a  protocol for RFC 
822/2822/5322 data to:

   a) verify a message signature, and/or
   b) create a message signature.

In order to do either requires INPUT that MUST be valid for the 
protocol to be fundamentally correct with its OUTPUT.

Therefore it MUST make sure its input is 100% valid.

This is not different than any function generator that checks its 
boundary conditions.  A robust function generator MUST check its input 
otherwise you have faults, chaos, aborts, GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out.

DKIM is fundamentally a security protocol and it will be insane to 
believe that it should allow GIGO to occur due to not checking it 
input validity.

A Layer Violation is when you are asking for data bits that in 
821/2821/5321 (or another our feed) and/or also producing BITS that 
other layers like a MUA might use.

We are not doing the former but would be if we bind bits like a 
Return-Path. We are differently doing the latter with the creating of 
more bits for other LAYERS to use.

DKIM validating its INPUT is not a layer violation and in practice, it 
will be extremely bad product engineering. In fact, I would go as far 
to make it an ethical engineering responsibility for ALL DKIM 
components to make sure its not a GIGO engine.

Now, if that doesn't jive with the IETF DOCS well, thats an entirely 
different issue. Most implementators are not going to GAS (Give a 
S$$$) what that docs says or doesn't say if it not providing what is 
fundamentally necessary.

The DKIM component MUST check its input and at least one independent 
API has done so (on the verify side for 5322.From only).  It could not 
pass the buck to 822/2822/5322 message generators or verifiers.

Hector Santos, CTO

Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 You can add OpenDKIM to that list.  Like I said, it already does do the 
 validation, but that's because RFC5322 says so, not because RFC4871 says so.  
 And I think that's the way it should stay.
 Take a tour through the eleven parts of Section 7 of RFC5451, and then 
 Appendices A and C.  They provide all kinds of warnings about misinterpreting 
 the data provided, which amounts to pretty firm implementation advice, and 
 identifies ways you can shoot yourself in the foot.  But none of those 
 sections are normative.  (Actually there are two SHOULDs in 7.4, but in 
 retrospect they shouldn't really be there.)
 That's what I'm advocating here: The normative stuff defines the core 
 mechanics of the protocol itself, and the informative stuff explains why it's 
 done that way, detailed implementation advice including stuff about other 
 layers, and how one should (and shouldn't) interpret the output.
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[ietf-dkim] FIX THE (DOC) PROBLEM!

2010-10-21 Thread Hector Santos
That is a different issue all together.  We are talking about a 
security threat that fell through the cracks during the RFC 5016 
production in this group.

It MUST be corrected - pronto, not later, not in another I-D, not in 
another WG.  No - in 4871bis.

It is rather tiring to seeing the rationalization on how to try to 
avoid not directly talking about the security loophole and resolution. 
  Whether its MUST, SHOULD or it should not do anything and pass the 
buck to a lower layer.  That is all nonsense.  While in an integrated 
environment, you have all sorts of ways to resolve this, a DKIM is an 
independent RFC 5322 Protocol Technology - therefore it inherent all 
the design requirements to  make sure that GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage 
Out) does not occur.

Lets fix the DOC BUG and be done with it - thats forward progress.

Hector Santos, CTO

J.D. Falk wrote:
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 11:13 AM, John R. Levine wrote:
 The verifier MAY treat unsigned header fields with extreme
 skepticism, including marking them as untrusted or even deleting them
 before display to the end user.
 That's an example of the bad advice that I think we should drop from 
 4871bis.  It does nothing to improve robustness or interoperability, just 
 offers unsolicited advice to MUA developers.
 As this conversation has continued, I'm increasingly convinced that the only 
 sane path forwards is to have a separate Informational or BCP document 
 containing MUA considerations.  The only question is whether that'd be 
 restricted to considerations we've discovered while discussing DKIM (in which 
 case it might fit in this WG), or open to all the stupid MUA tricks this 
 community has seen since rfc733 (which should probably be a new WG.)
 Either way, I'd be interested in participating in the effort.
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Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-20 Thread Hector Santos
MH Michael Hammer (5304) wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:ietf-dkim-] On Behalf Of Murray S. Kucherawy
 Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

 There has been talk of applying DKIM to technologies like 
 Usenet and HTTP output.  Packing DKIM with mail-specific 
 verification requirements could prevent such things from happening.  
 Shall we also add a but only when used in the email context clause?

 Seeing as the M in DKIM stands for Mail, we don't have to put a but
 only when used in the email context clause. If a DKIM like approach is
 used for other protocols then we might reasonably text specific to those
 protocols - DKIH (Domain Keys Identified HTML as an example). 

I guess because we are already integrated with different mail formats, 
I don't see the difference other than having implementation specific 
setup features.

For example a signing setup with a target rule

 Signer Domain::Target Domain

where the association will enforce certain headers to be signed.

In the case of usenet (or nntp specifically), the considerations might be:

- enforce Path: header
- enforce (maybe) Newsgroups: header
- relaxed signing To: header (since its To: ALL for news)

But if you want to see how email is gated into public newsgroup areas, 
check out


(use an anonymous account to login).

You will see how newsgroups are used for various list. One for the 
IETF-DRAFT submissions and other list areas shown as local public 

One of interest where DKIM is used is the SPF-DISCUSS list/newsgroup 
where you can see the 10/17/2010 article titled:

   [spf-discuss] SPF Mail Summary Report

and if you view the message source and headers, you will see the 
Authorization-Results: header:

   dkim=pass header.s=launch;
   adsp=fail policy=all 
(unauthorized signer);
   dkim=fail (DKIM_BODY_HASH_MISMATCH) header.s=tms1;
   adsp=pass policy=all 
(originating signer);

When our system generated the weekly Summary Report, it was DKIM 
signed and exported  to the spf-discuss mailing list. The list server 
than broke and resigned it and when the copy came back to us, it will 
DKIM verified and put into the newsgroup area.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] What shows up with duplicated headers?

2010-10-20 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:
 Here's another batch of spam with extra From or Subject
 lines.  I see the same thing as last time, the extra
 subjects are all the same, and the extra From lines look
 like bugs, not attempts to evade filters.
 The spam with 6,981 From lines is impressive in a wacky way.

wow!  I definitely have to pencil in time this weekend to scan the 
archives (I think I have some as far as 1998) to see how pervasive was 
this issue.

Good show john.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-19 Thread Hector Santos
John Levine wrote:

 OTOH, we already have a SHOULD that tells MUA writers
 to splatter the d= field somewhere in the GUI where the user
 can't ignore it
 Ugh, you're right.  Now that I look at it, I'd like to completely
 delete Appendix D, since it says some things that are just wrong,
 i.e. language that implies that the signature contains someone's email
 address, and some stuff that hasn't been implemented and quite
 possibly never will be, e.g., highlighting the signed parts of the
 Personally, I have no idea which signing domains are credible and
 which aren't, and I have no interest in my MUA showing them to me so I
 can try and guess.  That's much better handled in the MTA or MDA,
 using something like VBR to check the signer's credibility.


Please take a step back (into the balcony) to reflect on what you are 
saying here.  I personally appreciated your recent input in the 
threads hitting the right notes.

I think Appendix D touches base with some impractical MUA 
considerations regarding different bits - its either good or bad.

I've written several (long) drafts of a response and concluded with 
something I believe we already discussed in years past:

   MUA trust of the Backend Information provided.

Its a simplistic statement but hopefully one can see based on the 
realistic backend/MUA operations.

Overall, we have two types of MUAs:

   - Online MUA with complete backend control of what is rendered
 based on a suite of backend available information.

   - Offline MUA where the backend has to pass information to
 the MUA in a common standard data format we call RFC 5322.

Lets use gmail or yahoo as an example as you once reference these as 
quick ways to test verify signature generations.

These were online MUA methods and both systems had control on how to 
convey valid DKIM signatures with their online GUI display.

But as you are aware, the user can also setup his account to pick yup 
mail via POP3 (or IMAP) for users who wish to use an RFC-based offline 
mail reader (like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc).

In this case, we have yet to developed a way to convey the same online 
experience in a time-shifted offline manner.

Gmail can only pass the A-R (Authentication-Results) header. But I 
believe we concluded long ago the general MUA can not trust headers 
like A-R. The offline MUA developer is not going adding support for 
A-R unless he is 100% sure it is a trusted header generated by the 
back end host. ISP, ESP, etc.

If the offline MUA does not get what is needed from an authenticated 
mail pickup, then it may redundantly repeat the DKIM verification.  It 
might do this anyway to cover the market of non-DKIM supportive mail 
pickup host.

Overall, the point is the backend has complete control of what to 
display for its online access user interfaces. But for the offline 
MUA, there wasn't muuc we done to give them trust and avoid repeating 
the DKIM verification.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-19 Thread Hector Santos
These are not MSA or MDAs so its a different set of assumed preconditions.

Hector Santos, CTO

Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of John R. Levine
 Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 2:47 PM
 To: DKIM List
 Subject: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

 So it establishes a false sense of resolving a security issue.
 Hmmn.  I could reiterate for a fourth time why the double header thing
 is only a security issue in the context of DKIM, but there's clearly
 something else going on that prevents people from getting it.
 Obviously you believe your view is unassailable, but please stop asserting 
 that people who don't see it your way are automatically thick.
 Here's a question: in the absence of DKIM, does anyone think that
 doubled headers present a security problem?
 I have also repeatedly said yes to this question.
 If so, what is the
 problem, and how has it been addressed in the past?
 Any filter or agent that makes any kind of filtering, routing or sorting 
 decision based on any header field which in turn presumes there's only one 
 such field without actually checking is a potential security concern.  That 
 extends not only to routing and filtering of messages, but also to their 
 - procmail, which by default acts on the first match it finds without first 
 confirming RFC5322 validity, so if I know or can figure out your rule sets I 
 can do something that will get bad mail into a good folder or other internal 
 mail stream, and then an MUA could render the From: or whatever field that 
 wasn't the one subjected to filtering (as your own experiment showed)
 - SpamAssassin, which can reformat possible spam by wrapping it in MIME 
 content using new header fields extracted from the original message, but only 
 takes one (the last) of each of the ones listed in its man page when doing 
 so, meaning a filtering action can be taken that results in false data being 
 rendered in the report; then the user sees that something he/she wanted was 
 tagged as spam and complains (there may be worse exploits, that's just the 
 most obvious one after my code review)
 - Mailman authenticates postings and subscription requests based on the first 
 instance of From or Sender it finds, but relays both so a downstream filter 
 or MUA would see both and thus potentially make a wrong handling 
 (rendering/filtering/routing) decision
 - majordomo, same as Mailman
 There were several instances I found as well in other lesser-known filtering 
 tools, but these ones will hopefully provide some context.  And since those 
 problems are there in the code for each I just downloaded and reviewed, I 
 would say they have not yet been addressed.
 Since the issue is an attempt to fool users, those seem to me to be in the 
 same family as the other thing we're talking about.  And none of them have 
 anything at all to do with DKIM.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] double header reality check

2010-10-19 Thread Hector Santos
Mark Delany wrote:

 Only once tools and UAs take advantage of DKIM, do these attacks
 become relevant. That's why I think this is a DKIM problem. We are
 wanting tools and UAs to take advantage of DKIM but by doing so they
 are possibly making themselves more vulnerable to attackers.


And this is why

1) we MUST establish the DKIM boundary conditions for 100% success and 
100% failure.  You have to move all parties into the same playing 
field and those that are not compliant are pushed out.

2) the conflict in the deployment to allow for unrestrictive resigners 
with no willingness to establish 3rd party policies simply makes 
everything even more indeterminate.  How can we tell when the 
valuable signer identity is good, bad and/or exploiting the 
originating domain?

Unless we get an solid anchor for 100% Zero False Positive boundary 
conditions, it makes all this very hard in what is already very complex.

DKIM has the high potential to become the next relaxed Return Path 
dilemma the industry knew since the 80s was insecure, but not yet 
highly exploited where we didn't do much about it.

Every good idea has a solid well defined problem it solves.  DKIM was 
one suppose to be the alternative to SPF because it has the PATH 

By deemphasizing policy and opening the door for unrestricted 
resigners, its now become a last signer authentication protocol.

Anyway, to get back to the problem, we need to do less subjective 
analysis and just try to get the deterministic bits of DKIM well 
defined - valid input and it needs to check it probably is only thing 

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] What shows up with duplicated headers?

2010-10-19 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:

 I dunno what that tells us, other than that whatever attack is enabled by 
 duplicated headers, it doesn't appear to have happened yet.  

Maybe it has and it is the best kept secret loophole by spammers and 
spoofers. Maybe there should be more research into the site mail 
archives to see how much of this was among us fooling users for a long 

Maybe it slowed down as the larger ISPs or ESPs began to filter 
invalid RFC 822, 2822/5322 messages like does now.  But then 
again, is relatively new entry.

I can tell you that in our 25+ year old mail package which was the top 
5 BBS mail packages in the 80s and early 90s never looked for this as 
far as I recall and only recently I added a server script to check for 
it after discovering why Alt-N modified their API to check for the 
multiple non-hashed From: headers.

Alt-N input on this was they did not see any evidence of wide usage 
other than the fact it was a customer report and they updated their 
DKIM API to add a new requirement for verification - all 5322.From 
must be hashed.

That is why the President Obama message got into here.  It had two 
5322.From headers which was signed by my system when it sent the 
message to Dave's system.   Dave's system validated the double from 
and resigned without hesitation.

However when I sent the double from without a valid signature, it 
barfed the message.

What your research shows the problem is REAL.  What we don't know is 
how much it has effected the end-users as part the phishing and 
spoofing schemes because I will venture that most systems do not check 
for this.

Thanks to DKIM - now they will and for the legacy systems adding a 
DKIM standalone component, the DKIM component MUST also check for this 

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue: 4871bis - section 5.4/5.5 clarify 5322.From requirement

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
Charles, I was showing what already is written and suggesting that it 
might need clarification.

Charles Lindsey wrote:
 On Sat, 16 Oct 2010 05:09:53 +0100, Hector Santos wrote:
 This probably means that it should clarified what that 5.4 sentence
 means and also the next section 5.5

 5.5.  Recommended Signature Content


 The following header fields SHOULD be included in the signature, if
 they are present in the message being signed:

 o  From (REQUIRED in all signatures)

 But that is weaker what what it already says, which implies saying  
 h=from even if NO from is (contrary t0 5322) present.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos

SM wrote:
 Hi Hector,
 At 09:28 16-10-10, Hector Santos wrote:
  From an IETF procedural angle.  :)
 I'll comment on how I read what the WG Chairs said in general terms.  If 
 you believe that the process followed is not fair, you could discuss the 
 matter with the WG Chairs.  I'll quote a message from a WG Chair [1]:

SM, I think you made a correlation I did not expect.

 But my question was:

 If 4871 does not speak of requiring the DKIM client of parsing merged
 TXT records to look for its specific inputs, then section
 needs to make up for this dearth of verifier design information.

 I ask because in Murray's suggested text:

   The use of wildcard TXT records in the DNS often result in
   something coming back from a query that isn't a valid DKIM key
   record (and ADSP will encounter the same thing).  Verifiers 
   should expect  this to occur and plan accordingly.

 I like it, but from an IETF standpoint, doesn't the last sentence
 imply a 'change of code' thing that we try to avoid here?
 There is, for example, a should in the text you quoted and some people 
 may nit about it.  Would the above text force a change of code in your 
 implementation of DKIM?
 I think the way it is stated was design to avoid this.  Right?
 Yes, it could be so.

That is all I wanted to point out or ask about.

My original text did not try to make any additional Verifier 
requirement even though I knew that that is what is required because 
DKIM failed or at least inadequately envision the mixed TXT issues.

I'm not saying the text below should be used, but to point out it was 
addressed as a DNS management guideline.

The DKIM public key TXT record MUST not be mixed or merged
with other TXT records, i.e.  SPF. In addition, make sure other
TXT records with Wildcards do not conflict with DKIM public
key lookups.

I was trying to appease the IETF procedure here but not saying 
anything more about a verifier needs to do.  But technically I do 
agree that we should be more specific and as Murray wrote

 Verifiers should expect this to occur and plan accordingly.

I was just wondering is this was going to be a contentious point.

Again, the posted issue was about the mixed TXT issue.  I understood 
that DKIM was not specific regarding dealing with mixed TXT.  What I 
don't know if that was on purpose, a presumption that was well 
understood a verifier will look for v=DKIM1 or just fell through the 
crack.  In any case, I didn't want to post an issue that would add 
more requirements, but simply highlight for DNS management people to 
not make it difficult for DKIM adopters.

But I think that might not be good enough and we might need to go 
ahead and add text about a verifier looking for the right string in a 
merged TXT response, just like SPF specification provides for its 

I am just wondering if you guys (the editors) recognize what appears 
to be a technical need conflicted with IETF procedure time lines to 
get this doc out the door.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] How MUAs render mail

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
Wietse Venema wrote:
 Mark Delany:
 My problem is that if some valuable domain like paypal sends me a
 bunch of bits that I or my MUA or my MTA ties to then the
 end goal of DKIM is, IMO, that those bunch of bits I see are the
 ones that paypal sent. No more, no less.
 But the user does not see a bunch of bits. The user sees the combined
 result of software layers that render those bits.  DKIM has no
 control over that rendering process.

Well, not widely yet, but you do have Gmail and Yahoo Online MUA show
info regarding valid signatures.  That is a DKIM controlled input bit.

We are almost ready to begin similar MUA changes as well starting with
our Online MUA. But before we do that, we need to get a 100% clear
indication of the expectations.  Right now, it seems to be a low key item.

 DKIM can only guarantee that what you RECEIVED is what I signed.
 To get what you SEE is what I signed semantics, one could do the


I see you have a funny bone in you. :)

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
MH Michael Hammer (5304) wrote:

 This is no more presumptuous than expecting that MUAs will adapt to
 consume the output of DKIM as it stands now. The question is the value
 equation. I'm not in a position to answer that question. Perhaps we
 should try to get some of the MUA folks to join the conversation. It may
 be that some of the well known ones go... hey, never thought about this
 issue and yeah, we will look into fixing it based on the wider scope.
 On the other hand they might inquire if we are smoking crack (Just
 trying to give the two extremes of responses).

I'm a MUA author of BOTH types and people forget that there are TWO 
kinds here.  We have:

Console based Mail Reader/Writers Online Interface (Dialup/Telnet)


A Frontend Native GUI ONLINE Interface

A Frontend Web-based ONLINE Interface  (you have to log in)

Two QWK, RFC 822/2822/5322 Offline Mail Reader/Writers:

Two Administrator Report Reader/Writer Online Interfaces

A Outlook Exchange Component

And very important

 NNTP (News) and POP3 (Email) Mail Servers to support ALL RFC
 based Store and forward offline mail reader/writers.

All MUAs, including are feed by the backend.  It is the BACKEND that 
feeds the children what it will eat (see).   We can ALTER and DO 
whatever we please to give whatever the ILLUSION we want the MUA to see.

This issue is a BACKEND issue whether we want to deal with it at a:

MSAAuthenticated Submission (For Local or Remote User/Relay)
MDANon-Authenticated Submission to LOCAL USER ONLY

or at some DKIM integrated component.

To assume that this is should be PUSHED first to MUAs is BAD 
engineering and NAIVE.

But that doesn't mean they don't have to look for it just in case an 
3rd party interface software (like an RFC-based mail/writer) whats to 
make sure that all backends are correct.

So as I said in an earlier post, technically, all parts need to deal 
with this but more so the DKIM API because this is part of their 
Reason For Living in the first place - mail integrity.

Its like a Neighborhood Watch Program vs Real Cops.  Everyone will 
need to deal with it.  But the BACKEND is the #1 place to deal with 
this especially for systems that only have Online Interface devices 
and/or Legacy Online or Offline mail readers who require (and don't 
even think about it) that the backend mommy give them clean food to 
eat - not poison, dirty food.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

[ietf-dkim] DKIM Component Responsibility

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

 Current implementations, especially the two library ones that 
 are referenced most often in here, haven't the functionality to 
 cause header fields to be removed, prefixed, reordered, modified, 
 etc.  This change would require them to be overhauled to extend 
 their reach into what the MTA can do.  That expansion of scope 
 of DKIM process to me requires a recycle at Proposed Standard.

What started all this is one of these API dealing with it with the 
verification and I pointing this out.  However, we did not know why it 
did this and we later found out.

Their solution was only on the verification side with an added 
requirement that all 5322.From be signed - the default behavior.

So any belated injection of a 5322.From header would invalidate the 
signature which I believe will cover the majority of the loophole.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
FWIW, the telnet mail interface typo fix should be:



Hector Santos wrote:

 I'm a MUA author of BOTH types and people forget that there are TWO 
 kinds here.  We have:
 Console based Mail Reader/Writers Online Interface (Dialup/Telnet)
 A Frontend Native GUI ONLINE Interface
 A Frontend Web-based ONLINE Interface  (you have to log in)
 Two QWK, RFC 822/2822/5322 Offline Mail Reader/Writers:
 Two Administrator Report Reader/Writer Online Interfaces
 A Outlook Exchange Component
 And very important
  NNTP (News) and POP3 (Email) Mail Servers to support ALL RFC
  based Store and forward offline mail reader/writers.
 All MUAs, including are feed by the backend.  It is the BACKEND that 
 feeds the children what it will eat (see).   We can ALTER and DO 
 whatever we please to give whatever the ILLUSION we want the MUA to see.
 This issue is a BACKEND issue whether we want to deal with it at a:
 MSAAuthenticated Submission (For Local or Remote User/Relay)
 MDANon-Authenticated Submission to LOCAL USER ONLY
 or at some DKIM integrated component.
 To assume that this is should be PUSHED first to MUAs is BAD 
 engineering and NAIVE.
 But that doesn't mean they don't have to look for it just in case an 
 3rd party interface software (like an RFC-based mail/writer) whats to 
 make sure that all backends are correct.
 So as I said in an earlier post, technically, all parts need to deal 
 with this but more so the DKIM API because this is part of their 
 Reason For Living in the first place - mail integrity.
 Its like a Neighborhood Watch Program vs Real Cops.  Everyone will 
 need to deal with it.  But the BACKEND is the #1 place to deal with 
 this especially for systems that only have Online Interface devices 
 and/or Legacy Online or Offline mail readers who require (and don't 
 even think about it) that the backend mommy give them clean food to 
 eat - not poison, dirty food.

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of Charles Lindsey
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 4:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations 
 after signing

 Irrelevant for the current discussion.
 On the contrary, that is precisely the attack of interest, so it is
 supremely relevant. You claim it can be thwarted by other means, but have
 failed to explain exactly how those other means would work.
 On the contrary, none of this is within the prescribed scope of DKIM.  ADSP 
 and reputation (the latter of which is explicitly out of scope) are 
 predicated on DKIM's output, not part of its input or its mechanics.

 From an IETF standpoint it might not be, but from an engineering
standpoint, I beg to differ.

 These topics are distractions from the effort of solidifying the DKIM 
 specification for advancement along the standards track.  That's what I 
 believe he means by irrelevant for the current discussion.

We need to stop blaming others. Borrowing an old QA engineering motto:

  Getting it Right. The First Time!

Otherwise, you get what you have today.  Note, that is not about
perfection, but rather proper engineering to minimize customer
issues even it if means a little more upfront cost.

In my view, a good bit of the issue was manifested by the on-going out
of scope design considerations with a) defocusing of Policy and b)
greater allowance for unrestricted resigners and participants were 
input that there was an engineering problem with this.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

[ietf-dkim] Invalid RFC5322 related DKIM Implementation requirements

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
I think most people understand this:

- DKIM SHOULD be checking its input,

- With increase awareness, the backend MTA receivers SHOULD
  checking for these Special RFC5322 multiple header issues.

Whether SHOULD should be changed to MUST is not a concern to me, 
either way, there is guidelines the DKIM component and the system it 
is integrated into needs to address as a new consideration to lock 
down related implementation requirements.

How this is done (written) in 4871bis, I leave the RFC doc experts to 
do this and if they need to write it in a way that will not slow 
down DKIM to draft standard, as long as the above semantics are 
provided, I think the job is done.

The h=from:from kludge I see as a temporary solution for engines 
that are able to work with that preparation and I am on the fence if 
this should be added to the 4871bis.  I see it as a short term note 
because ultimately, even will be on the same plane to understand the 
RFC 5322 mail bots need to do this, especially on the receiver side.

But more important, I think it does require code change and its not 
just an Operator DKIM options.

SSI and ALT-N has agreed that SSI can enhance the library for general 
purpose usage with the updated DKIM flexibility needs, especially on 
the ADSP extension side as it was hard coded for ADSP as it is written 
today with a subjective but hard coded rule  on how DKIM=ALL is 

The changes have not be submitted to the version control system yet 
and won't be until Alt-N final approval.

I changed ALT-N DKIM API (LIBDKIM) and it would able to now offer the 
h=from:from kludge but this was not the reason for the change.

I can't say how OpenDKIM does it, but the LIBDKIM default minimum API 
usage behavior is to sign all the headers and it is hard coded to skip 
these headers only:


Howwer, the LIBDKIM API provides two application level methods on what 
headers to sign or skip:

1) Call Back per Header with a boolean result.

   return true  - sign it
   return false - skip it (don't sign it)

2) optional string szRequiredHeaders

For general purpose usage of the API, the callback method will not be 
possible for embedded p-code server side languages, so the only other 
way is to pass the optional szRequiredHeaders string.

However,  szRequiredHeaders only allows you to set the headers to 
include it might have skipped.  It is not a way to define the 
exclusive specific headers to sign only.

So I added a logical flag option:

int nUseRequiredHeadersOnly; // 1 - used szRequireHeaders and
 // exclude the rest. 0 - fallback
 // to default sign all headers
 // behavior

that allows you use szRequiredHeader as the only headers to sign.

I did this because it was signing headers I didn't think it sign 
including Received: which 4871 recommends as a SHOULD NOT.

I wanted operator defined local policy options to specified headers it 
wanted to sign on a per DKIM author/signer domain setup basis.  From 
an product engineering standpoint, it needs this flexibility.

But the current open source version is not capable of using this 
h=from:from kludge and that probably means any implementation of this 
API can't do it as well unless it has altered it to do something like 
we did.

Anyway, my main point is that I don't think we will cover all possible 
methods to resolves without deeper working group analysis and hence 
delays.  But we can say the basic ideas as above:

- DKIM SHOULD|MUST checks it main inputs

- Receiver MTA SHOULD|MUST check RFC5322 more strongly with
  a specific guidance on what it should focus on in order for
  DKIM to be protected.

Hector Santos, CTO

Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of Douglas Otis
 Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 3:33 PM
 Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

 Should the charter of a security related protocol need to anticipate
 minor modifications to a verification process, that appears essential
 for ensuring a DKIM signature is not inappropriately associated with an
 incorrect From header field?
 Any effort, security or otherwise, needs to scope itself correctly.  We, for 
 very good reasons, chartered ourselves originally to come up with a system 
 that requires minimal infrastructure changes.
 I claim that inserting an Authentication-Results field is minimal, as it is 
 incremental.  But if we also claim MUAs and users pretty much ignore that, 
 which is the case today, then it (or any solution that is strictly an 
 annotation of some kind) fails to have the protective impact you're seeking.  
 The only option then is to obstruct delivery in some

Re: [ietf-dkim] Protecting messages, not MUAs, MTAs, or anything else

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:

 So, uh, can we agree that Jim's SHOULD language to tell people to do 
 this is a good idea?

Yes. +1.  I think I was the first to agree with Jim's input and didn't 
see much follow up except you and maybe another person.

Maybe Barry can provide a repeat of the exact change proposal and get 
a preliminary show of hands.


I think from a reader standpoint:

   Additional 5322.From Exception Paragraph in Section 5.4 after
   the paragraph about use the last field found

That is where a reader/developer will begin to scratch his header on 
what headers to sign and verify.  So it needs a quick by the way 
paragraph regarding a special exception for 5322.From against the use 
the last field rule in the previous paragraph.

But in the name of moving forward, Jim's text does the job.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] FYI: TXT Record setup resolved by Domain Hosting Provider

2010-10-18 Thread Hector Santos

Maybe there are lurkers here from Network Solutions reading my recent 
posts, but the issue with their web-based DNS Records Manager 
inability to allow domain customer to make TXT records without a 
sub-domain has been resolved.

It was done by allowing a special sub-domain input:

@ (none)

This allowed the removal of wildcard results and the separation of SPF 
records from DKIM TXT sub-domain records!

Our customer using our new DKIM system is happy (the bottom line) and 
I'm happy because we were ready to take over their domain name server 

I think this shows whether or not there were vendor engineers lurking 
the DKIM WG and read the post I made, having some insight in the DKIM 
4871bis regarding mixed or wildcard TXT responses will preempt issues 
for future DNS management developers and help increase DKIM adoption 
by small to mid size domains with less pain.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-16 Thread Hector Santos
SM wrote:

 You can tell me if I am wrong here cause I am trying to make sure I
 It is not up to me to determine whether you are wrong. :-)

 From an IETF procedural angle.  :)

 1) Verifier TXT record parsing

 I checked for this, but did not find it, but was a quick scan.

 If the DKIM specs says that verifiers MUST be ready for different TXT
 records merged in the DNS Query response, it MUST parse for the string


 If this is the case, then I don't think we need to add anything. Its
 all good.
 That tag isn't always included in the DNS record for backward 
 compatibility with DomainKeys.  And it is optional.  As you are doing a 
 query for a TXT RR, expect garbage.
 However, in my personal engineering opinion, it probably should add a
 note for verifiers to be ready for multiple string responses.
  From RFC 3833:
Much discussion has taken place over whether and how to provide data
integrity and data origin authentication for wildcard DNS names.
Conceptually, RRs with wildcard names are patterns for synthesizing
RRs on the fly according to the matching rules described in section
4.3.2 of RFC 1034.  While the rules that control the behavior of
wildcard names have a few quirks that can make them a trap for the
unwary zone administrator, it's clear that a number of sites make
heavy use of wildcard RRs, particularly wildcard MX RRs.

The difference is that MX records are well structured fixed RR 
records, where merged TXT records have a multi-technology mix with 
multiple non-fixed structured definitions.  So the client has to be 
aware of all of them or be savy enough to look for what for what it wants.

But my question was:

If 4871 does not speak of requiring the DKIM client of parsing merged 
TXT records to look for its specific inputs, then section 
needs to make up for this dearth of verifier design information.

I ask because in Murray's suggested text:

 The use of wildcard TXT records in the DNS often result in
  something coming back from a query that isn't a valid DKIM key 
 (and ADSP will encounter the same thing).  Verifiers should expect
 this to occur and plan accordingly.

I like it, but from an IETF standpoint, doesn't the last sentence 
imply a 'change of code' thing that we try to avoid here?

I think the way it is stated was design to avoid this.  Right?


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Ian Eiloart wrote:
 I think the emphasis in John's email was on expect reasonable results with 
 existing MUAs If DKIM is any part of the evaluation process, then that's 
 all thrown away if MUAs are showing the wrong email address as 

MUAs are like children. They eat what we feed them and they can't 
exist without a backend.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] layer violations, was detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

 Levine wrote:
 Aw, come on.  How many millions of people still use Outlook Express on
 Windows XP?  Switching MUAs is painful, people rarely do it.

 ...meaning MUA developers won't bother to do something about 
 it once the attack is plainly visible and they're used as 
 examples, because since users won't switch anyway, there's no motivation?

The backend will address it first before the MUA needs too.

Murray, most people are not haters and don't draw a line between good 
and bad because one isn't perfect and therefore begin to switch 
software like cheap wine.

Since DKIM is betting its future on increase mail integrity and 
verified identities, it is a fundamental requirement that it checks 
key parts to make sure the integrity stays in tack.   Passing the buck 
(or assuming others are better suited to deal with it) is not 
practical and bad PR for DKIM.

In reality, all parts need to check for this, the MUAs, the backends 
and above all because of the extra special needs for trust - DKIM.

The backends can't presume all the different MUAs used will address 
this, so it needs to address it.

The DKIM components can't assume the backend or MUAs will address it, 
so it needs to address it itself.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with SPF TXT records

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Folks, I really think we should use the opportunity to add a note 
about DKIM adopters having potential DNS setup issues due to wildcard 
SPF records.

When section, SPF was probably still growing and not wide 
spread with  Web-Based DNS managements from ISPs.  Today, a special 
Add SPF record option is available.

At least at one ISP/Domain Registrar (one of the original biggest), it 
only allows a wildcard TXT record to cover the non-prefix SPF query. 
This conflicts with added DKIM and ADSP dns records.

The section already has an INFORMATIVE OPERATIONAL NOTE advising not 
to use wildcards for DKIM public keys records.

What I am suggesting is another short INFORMATIVE OPERATIONAL NOTE, 
not about a tutorial on DNS management, but maybe just saying:

   records may conflict with DKIM TXT sub-domain TXT records.
   DNS management software should not require only Wildcard SPF
   entries and should allow for non-prefix SPF TXT enries.

The readers of this document will include web developers for DNS zone 
file management when considering DKIM record support and having this 
new informative note will guide them in not being conflictive with 
DKIM TXT record lookups.

The only reason I like for people to consider this is because I got an 
email today that Network Solutions isn't going to address this issue 
for the customer.

So like Murray likes to admonish those for lack of compliancy and to 
encourage to fix problems, having the helpful information operational 
node will help admonish DNS management software developers to maybe 
correct their current implementations.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos

I believe its about protocol consistency.  While the main focus is 
DKIM progress, its issues and resolutions are related to ADSP as well 
as its a WG product as well.

For example, ADSP implementations now know that they need to make 
there is only one 5322.From as well. Like most software, when it has a

  header = GetMailHeader(From:)

it is not expected to return a list of headers, but a single entry and 
that generally done by finding the first one.

In short, we have marked this on the WG to-do list for ADSP 
updates if any, and implementations now know what they need to add 
to their ADSP support.

Its all about synergism.  We can't just completely ignore it and then 
miss something that needs to be done later.


Steve Atkins wrote:
 On Oct 15, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Charles Lindsey
 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 7:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

 And if we are not going to fix ADSP (yet), then the only way we can stop
 that particular exploit is to fix DKIM.

 Arguing that ADSP is a completely separate discussion will achieve
 If that's consensus, then we're on the slippery slope of fixing DKIM to 
 deal with flaws at all layers above it.  And we'll never be done.
 Any bug fixes for ADSP need to be done at the ADSP level.
 If there's a bug that needs fixing at the DKIM level then if
 should be something that clearly needs fixing based on
 DKIM usage. (And I think that the very narrow case of
 messages that violate 5322 through multiple headers
 *may* be such, but any justification of that relying on ADSP
 isn't helpful).
 NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Last call comment: Changing the g= definition

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
For the record, what you were told was that if your childish action of 
filtering me extended to telling others to filter me, that would be 
grounds for tort.

Apparently, I am not the only one who feels the consensus process is 
being skewed by key editors filtering of WG Participants that don't 
always agree with with the direction or changes to the WG documents.

While you have all the right to filter your WG mail, that doesn't 
sound like good IETF engineering with the requirement of being open 
minded.  You being a key editor of the nearly all the documents know 
requires you to BACK OFF and take in all the input and try to block 
them in their inputs.

Hector Santos, CTO

Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: [] 
 On Behalf Of Hector Santos
 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 10:17 AM
 Cc: Barry Leiba
 Subject: Re: [ietf-dkim] Last call comment: Changing the g= definition

 So I strongly object on procedural grounds for authors who kill file
 people in general, and for those asking for consensus in particular.
 In fact, I have been looking at RFC 2026 Section 6.5.1 (a) as an
 reason to appeal based on the principal key editors are knowingly
 filtering input from WG participants.  I know both Dave and Murray are
 doing this and both are key editors of this document.  This creates
 problems and also unnecessarily increasing the volume of input from
 people who don't believe they are being heard.
 I was threatened with legal action on the basis of tortious interference if I 
 continued to disagree with one participant's technical arguments or 
 professional conduct on this list.  I have thus elected not to engage that 
 person any further in any discourse whatsoever on the list absent a 
 withdrawal of that threat and some kind of guarantee of future civility.
 I have serious doubts the IESG would find fault in that choice on appeal.  
 The IETF has dealt severely with other participants that have taken that 
 attitude in the past.
 NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] 2 Day Collection Stats

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 And, anticipating the next question(s):
 Signatures with other l= values that were in turn larger than the message 
 received: 10389
 Subset of those that still passed: 9870 (95%)
 Subset of those that still passed and looked like list traffic: 5504 (53%)
 Based on that it looks like l= is pretty effective, but not 
 very widely used.

I did a short testing on this (but turned if off for now) where for 
one domain, I prepared the signing to:

 - use l=
 - excluded Subject in h=

and the list mail survived with the original signature and the new 
resign signature.

What it basically told me that we (my implementation) might have to 
add feature for a Target signing rule:

if target is for a list then use
   - use l=
   - excluded Subject in h=
   - don't use l=
   - subject is in the h=

But right now, list mail resigning strips the original.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
SM wrote:

 This is just to jump start suggested text. Others can add/change
 whether they think helps:

  The DKIM public key TXT record MUST not be mixed or merged
  with other TXT records, i.e.  SPF. In addition, make sure other
  TXT records with Wildcards do not conflict with DKIM public
  key lookups.
 That text adds a requirement in an informative note.


You can tell me if I am wrong here cause I am trying to make sure I 
understand the IETF angle to this but I also a product developer and 
have to look at the customer support angles as well.

1) Verifier TXT record parsing

I checked for this, but did not find it, but was a quick scan.

If the DKIM specs says that verifiers MUST be ready for different TXT 
records merged in the DNS Query response, it MUST parse for the string


If this is the case, then I don't think we need to add anything. Its 
all good.

This would be an implementation bug in our software if indeed that is 
what happening with invalid selector DKIM fails.

2) If #1 isn't part of the specs..

then I think there should be some note regarding working with other 
TXT records and to provide guidelines to DNS management software 
people to not enforce a wildcat only TXT record management solution 
for their customers.

The note should not add a requirement for verifiers though (if this is 
going to an IETF RFC issue).

However, in my personal engineering opinion, it probably should add a 
note for verifiers to be ready for multiple string responses.

  Note: For SPF, verifiers are already expecting and looking
for the v=spfxxx strings in merged TXT records responses.
This is required to support SPF and SENDERID.

I see this as one of those things of an aged document drafted 4-5 
years ago at the time where SPF was viewed as a competitive solution 
to DKIM and mentioning SPF or giving it credit for existing was 
probably not on editors mind.

But today, SPF is real. Domain Hosting sites have tools to support it 
for the small to mid size market that are using their domain hosting 
name servers. DKIM should realize its wide presence from a DNS public 
key standpoint, not in a How to but to provide insight about the 
possible conflictive issues and I think its really just about those 
pesky wildcard DNS feature as Crocker put it.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
MH Michael Hammer (5304) wrote:

 And this is where I angst. In all the discussions of a broken signature
 being morally equivalent to unsigned, the thrust has been that it was
 likely broken in transit. We failed to have the discussion of it being
 intentionally broken in transit as an attempt to game the system. For
 header mutations after signing (which are likely to be a malicious
 attempt in the specific cases we have been discussing) I feel that
 treating it as simply the same as unsigned is ignoring the potential
 I recognize what Murray and Dave have said on this point but it grates.
 The reason we are going through the exercise of creating a stable
 identifier associated with a signing domain is because we perceive some
 value whether it be policy associated with the stable identifier or
 reputation associated with the stable identifier. 
 To simply ignore this and say it is the same as if it wasn't signed is
 kind of like saying 0=1.

I view this from a Fault Analysis standpoint and the first thing to 
establish are your boundary conditions and it is difficult to have 
boundary conditions without a policy framework (or process expectations).

Part of the modeling do include invalid signatures and we have shown 
that you can fold many of these invalid signature conditions into a 
single never signed condition.

This why I continue to have a problem with the 4871 policy of 
transforming an invalid state point to never signed state point.  It 
was fine when POLICY was still part of the framework. When we insisted 
on separating the two, that 4871 inherent policy should of been removed.

This is not the first time, but I would love to re-issue the 
suggestion to remove that statement from 4871 iff we want to continue 
to separate policy into another layer.  In that case, the higher layer 
needs all trace information available.

The difference is that there is higher weight with deterministic 
boundary conditions when there is no real signature vs the 
indeterminate conditions with failed signatures.  But depending on the 
domain expectation, these failed conditions can be folder to the no 
signature condition.

I always come back to an image of an old patented idea of using a 
perfect circle to represent the optimal boundary conditions for a 
process.  When that circle is skewed, you are off the optimal plane. 
It may not represent an emergency, but there is a shape or limits 
that tells you something is not right and alerts need to be signaled.

For DKIM, we can only do this with Domain Expectations to help 
verifiers and local policy be molded.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] Data integrity claims

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

 There might be a better way to characterize it, but I think the answer comes 
 from the errata RFC upon which we reached consensus a while back: The primary 
 payload delivered by a DKIM validation is the validated domain name.  
 Reputation, for example, would be checked against that, and not against the 
 body hash or some other part of the message.

That does not exclude any other functionalities.

 The claim that it binds elements related to the RFC5322 header fields with 
 the message body is the means of the algorithm, not the end.

But the associations are still binding.  They are direct associations, 
especially 5322.FROM hence why author policy is still of interest for 
the framework (and a WG work product).

I think these discussions get a little lost of how applications 
should be applied.   The out of scope Reputation Application is just 
one of them, but it is not the only one.  We got policy to work out at 
some point and thats a WG item.

I posted this a while back but you will have input of various kinds 
for the various evaluators:


But these are not the only ones.  You will see Expert System like 
designs take place or systems with flexible rule based scripting 
available to allow for local policy to be molded.

For example, an expert rule can be:

if a signature fails and has TESTING flag enabled,
   then see if he stilling testing after __12__ months
   then if so, negative classify this signer domain.

I indicated a long time ago that we be careful with t=y flag and add 
guidelines track the usage.  It was added.

Note, I think the focus with signer domain is fine for trust but it 
must be recognize that there are other associations and efforts to 
minimize it, I don't think will be well accepted to the layman market 
place.  Most will see what they see and DKIM signatures are passive 
extra information.

All I like to distinguish is that attempting to only extract the valid 
signer domain as good useful information must be mirrored with its faults.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
John Levine wrote:

 By the way, has everyone tested their signing code to see what happens
 if there's no From: header at all?  Do we even agree what the right
 thing is?  I'd think it'd be approximately the same as if the private
 signing key (the only other mandatory input I can think of at the
 moment) wasn't present.

For our DKIM implementation, it will fail to sign and fail to verify.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Steve Atkins wrote:

 I'd think it'd be approximately the same as if the private
 signing key (the only other mandatory input I can think of at the
 moment) wasn't present.
 If it fails, it's broken, I think. There's nothing special about the
From field, other than it having to be one of the signed headers.

The spec says

5.4.  Determine the Header Fields to Sign

The From header field MUST be signed (that is, included in the h=
tag of the resulting DKIM-Signature header field).

That means to me it MUST exist to be signed.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

[ietf-dkim] Issue: 4871bis - section 5.4/5.5 clarify 5322.From requirement

2010-10-15 Thread Hector Santos
Steve Atkins wrote:

 Hector wrote:
 The spec says

 5.4.  Determine the Header Fields to Sign

The From header field MUST be signed (that is, included in the h=
tag of the resulting DKIM-Signature header field).

 That means to me it MUST exist to be signed.
 h=From for a message that has no From: header when signed
 means that the message must have no From: header when the
 signature is validated, I think? And 5.4 just says you must include
From in the h= tag, not that it must exist.
 A missing From: field makes the message not a 5322 message,
 but I'm not sure what that implies for DKIM.

I see your point.

Since a 5322.From is a required header for a valid RFC5322 message 
(From and Date are the two that required by RFC2822 and RFC5322, for 
RFC822, it requires the To (or BC) as well), I believe the expectation 
that it exist in the message for DKIM to imply it must exist in h=From.

For our MDA/MSA, it will definitely invalidate an incoming message 
header but I don't recall the details.  From old discussions in 
IETF-SMTP, I am pretty sure most MDA/MSA will enforce a 5322.From as 
well.  I think the exception if when the client is local (internal) or 
maybe authenticated.

The Alt-N DKIM API we are using will definitely fail to sign the 
message if a From is missing and it will fail to verify as well 
because there has to be a h=from and matching 5322.From.

This probably means that it should clarified what that 5.4 sentence 
means and also the next section 5.5

5.5.  Recommended Signature Content


The following header fields SHOULD be included in the signature, if
they are present in the message being signed:

o  From (REQUIRED in all signatures)

It reads to me that From is the SHOULD exception to a MUST.

But I can definitely see what you mean, because if it means that you 
have to add  h=from without a real 5322.From, then a signature might 
be signed and be technical DKIM valid but only against those systems 
that are not enforcing a 5322.from header.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
SM wrote:

 That text adds a requirement in an informative note.
 My proposal to add more informative notes to help minimize this for
 the systems with the lack of DNS admin expertise on board. In
 particular for those with currently one existing need for a TXT record
 and that is SPF and incorrectly believe since its a TXT record, adding
 the DKIM public key data to it will work.
 There is an assumption that people managing DNS zones will have a basic 
 understanding of DNS.  I don't think that the DKIM specification should 
 get into badly designed GUIs.
 RFC 4871 discusses about DNS in various sections.  Unfortunately, there 
 is no reference to the DNS specifications.

I don't think I am suggesting to get into the bad DNS managements 
tools.  But the section is short on what are possible error issues. 
One of them is making sure other TXT records don't conflict.  I think 
that can be a general, generic statement that does not get into poor 
DNS management tools implementation.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
Alessandro Vesely wrote:
 Correct.  And the way that it fails to verify is h=from:from.
 The only way that DKIM can consistently account for this exploit is by 
 amending section 5.5 Recommended Signature Content, and spell what 
 fields MUST/SHOULD be duplicated in the h= tag.


This is a kludge.  Its good to help, possibly, existing systems that 
is capable of defining the N+1 h=from values in their setup.  The 
problem is you don't know if they can.

The real solution is to fix up section 5.4 general paragraph regarding 
signing and
verifying the last header because it ignored the exception in regards 
to 5322.From which fundamentally there can only be one.

It needs to add the exception clause to that paragraph or in a follow 
up paragraph.

Both verifiers and signers MUST make sure its DKIM input, especially 
the headers it will bind, are technically correct.

Only DKIM can do that to close legacy loopholes.

The h=from:from kludge should be seen as a temporary solution until 
verifiers and signers catch up with the Double From problem.  It can't 
depend on other mail bots to do this.


NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
Barry Leiba wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:45 AM, SM wrote:
 At 17:31 13-10-10, Hector Santos wrote:
 My proposal to add more informative notes to help minimize this for
 the systems with the lack of DNS admin expertise on board. In
 particular for those with currently one existing need for a TXT record
 and that is SPF and incorrectly believe since its a TXT record, adding
 the DKIM public key data to it will work.
 There is an assumption that people managing DNS zones will have a
 basic understanding of DNS. �I don't think that the DKIM
 specification should get into badly designed GUIs.
 I agree, more generally, that the DKIM spec can't tell people the
 right way to manage their DNS records.  DKIM already separates its TXT
 records with the _domainkey identifier, as SPF does with _spf.  If,
 given that separation, people still merge the TXT records and whatnot,
 that problem's well beyond the scope of our work to fix.
 I appreciate the desire to put more information in there to help, but
 we really can't be writing a tutorial on managing DNS records.

I know you realize I was not advocating information on managing DNS 

But what happen today, is further evidence that even DNS 
administrators or software developers who are asked to write a 
WEB-BASED manager for their service to support SPF and now DKIM, are 
not aware of how mixing it is can be in conflict.

All I ask is that possible a simple statement or sentence in that 
short section provide some insight regarding not mixing it up with 
other TXT records and that wildcards should not be used for other TXT 
records because this can fail the DKIM public key lookup.

In this case, a customer is using Network Solutions and in their add 
TXT record, it doesn't allow a blank sub domain.   The only way to do 
it is to have a

 subdomain:   * (ALL OTHERS)
 value:   v=spf1 .

Clearly, this a software bug and the customer called NS about how to 
get a non-wildcard SPF record because it was interfering with their 
new DKIM public and ADSP records setup.  NS's (first level support) 
answer was (erroneous) - not possible. It doesn't work that way.

So sure, this has to be fixed by NS, but what I am saying is that ISP 
people will also be reading the specs too perhaps to see what is 
required to implement Web-based DNS Records Management tools with DKIM 
and SPF support and what I am proposing is helpful insight on the 
design guidelines that would avoid conflicts.

BTW, the customer (a government newsletter bulk spammer) had to delete 
his SPF record to get our DKIM implementation running with verifiable 
signatures.  With the conflict, they were getting dkim invalid 
signatures with selector DNS errors.

I'm sure they will be many customers who may not want to delete their 
SPF record in order to get DKIM working.  So my suggestion is to help 
avoid these potential conflicts.

It is not about going deep into DNS management issues.  Just the basic 
DKIM public key integration issues with existing TXT records.

If you don't think that is possible, ok.  I think it is, but... :)

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
Scott Kitterman wrote:
 Just as a note of clarification, SPF doesn't prefix TXT records, but I don't 
 think that affects the analysis.

The Network Solutions DNS Records manager does not allow you to add a 
TXT record without a sub-domain, so to add one, you have to add * 
which when saved, it shows up as

* (All Others)

for the sub-domain column.

For the new DKIM customer, we were assisting in adding the DKIM public 
key and ADSP records and this conflicted with the lookups return SPF 
records for all DKIM/ADSP record queries.

Clearly, this is a problem with Network Solutions web tool.

What I proposing is provide insight into potential conflicts with 
existing SPF (or other records) that might have a wild card associated 
with it.

The audience will include ISPs that need guidelines as well and 
already have a SPF wizard or something or only allow * sub-domains to 
get a non-prefix domain query.   These notes will help provide them 
and future implementations of DKIM DNS records support the insight to 
do it correctly.

I hope DKIM is about catering to all sites small to large, not just 
large systems with DBA and DNS administrators.  The insights should 
help adoptions without pains.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
Barry Leiba wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:45 AM, SM wrote:
 At 17:31 13-10-10, Hector Santos wrote:
 My proposal to add more informative notes to help minimize this for
 the systems with the lack of DNS admin expertise on board. In
 particular for those with currently one existing need for a TXT record
 and that is SPF and incorrectly believe since its a TXT record, adding
 the DKIM public key data to it will work.
 There is an assumption that people managing DNS zones will have a
 basic understanding of DNS. �I don't think that the DKIM
 specification should get into badly designed GUIs.
 I agree, more generally, that the DKIM spec can't tell people the
 right way to manage their DNS records.  DKIM already separates its TXT
 records with the _domainkey identifier, as SPF does with _spf.  If,
 given that separation, people still merge the TXT records and whatnot,
 that problem's well beyond the scope of our work to fix.
 I appreciate the desire to put more information in there to help, but
 we really can't be writing a tutorial on managing DNS records.

I missed your statement above:

... as SPF does with _spf.

SPF is a no prefix lookup.

This is why it became a conflict because its possible domains are 
using wildcards and in at least in one case discovered today, Network 
Solutions does not allow you to add a TXT record without a sub-domain. 
  You have to get around it with an asterisk (*) and it shows it as 
All Others.

Maybe related, but I have not checked, does 4871 talk about parsing 
multiple records looking for the v=DKIM1 string?

If not, then this is needs to be written about because if we don't 
want to see anything about wildcard SPF records, then we have 
implementations that will need to change their wares to only parse the 
v=DKIM1 string.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

[ietf-dkim] 2 Day Collection Stats

2010-10-14 Thread Hector Santos
This is a small 2 days collection break down of the signed mail coming in:

- total msgs  :67028
- dkim_sign   : 1779  (2.7% signed)

- dkim_pass   : 89.9%
- dkim_fail   : 10.1%
   --25.9% : dkim_body_hash_mismatch
   --14.0% : dkim_signature_bad
   --37.6% : dkim_signature_bad_but_testing
   --15.2% : dkim_selector_dns_perm_failure
   -- 2.8% : dkim_selector_invalid
   -- 4.5% : dkim_selector_granularity_mismatch

- ADSP domains: 10.7% (of the signed messages)

   --38.5% : unknown  (78.2% Third Party)
   --61.5% : all  (13.3% Third Party)
   -- 0.0% : discardable

I should probably add a recording which of these has List-IDs, but I 
think the high body hash failures are most list systems.  Its 
interesting to see such a high selector failure. I think the 2.8% 
invalid selector has to do with mix ups with SPF records.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis-02 - Section 8.14 comments

2010-10-13 Thread Hector Santos

Barry, as the original issue submitter and I only provided suggested 
text to jump start WG input with better text, I am very happy with Jim 
Fenton's text.  It doesn't lay blame and straight to the key points.

Folks, this is really a simple solution and in my opinion, DKIM can 
gain from this issue resolution with a powerful new marketing angle in 
how DKIM raises the bar for Email Compliancy to further protect 
against current spoofing and phishing of user mail agents than any 
other email technology since the annals of electronic mail.

This is something that I can add to my technical marketing of DKIM for 
our customers. It provides a payoff  for customers to support DKIM 
and to upgrade their software to further harden it.

A win win for all.

Thanks Jim for stepping in and providing excellent text I hope 
everyone can compromise and agree with.

Hector Santos, CTO

Jim Fenton wrote:
   On 10/12/10 7:58 PM, Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 You're right, it's not limited to From:, but 8.14 only uses that as an 
 example. It does also contain a more general description of the issue.
 If the diff from RFC4871 doesn't say the right thing, can you propose 
 alternate text?
 Here's some text I propose for section 8.14, in place of the current 
 text. Bear in mind that this is in the context of the Security 
 Considerations section of the spec, so it is really a discussion of the 
 threat and how it is dealt with, rather than normative text.
 I went back and looked at the corrected text Dave Crocker sent for 
 section 5.3.  Most of this is good advice, but section 5.3 is in the 
 context of section 5, Signer Actions, and is therefore the wrong place 
 to add normative language for verifiers.  So I have added a new section 
 6.1.1 that adds the requirement for message syntax checking to 
 verifiers.  I'm open to suggestions on the strength of the verification 
 requirement; I made it a SHOULD, but perhaps it should be a MUST.  I'm 
 reluctant, however, to point at three sizable specifications and say 
 that the verifier MUST check everything; that sounds like an 
 unverifiable requirement.  I'm open to ideas.
 8.14.  Attacks Involving Addition of Header Fields
 Many email implementations do not strictly enforce the message syntax 
 specified in [RFC5322]. One potentially exploitable consequence of this 
 is that an attacker who is capable of modifying a message in transit 
 could insert additional header fields that, if properly placed, could be 
 rendered to the recipient in preference to the originally signed header 
 According to [RFC5322] section 3.6, certain header fields, including 
  From and Subject, MUST appear a maximum of once per message.  It is 
 therefore possible for a verifier to detect the insertion and as 
 discussed in Section 6.1.2, DKIM verifiers are expected to return a 
 verification failure when the invalid insertion of signed header fields 
 Multiple occurrences of other header fields are not similarly 
 constrained.  Should the signer wish to render a signature invalid if a 
 particular header field is added, the signer has the option of listing 
 the name of that header field (or an additional instance of it) in the 
 h= value as discussed in Section 3.5.
 Suggested update to paragraph 2 of section 5.3:
 Similarly, a message not compliant with [RFC5322], [RFC2045], and 
 [RFC2047] can be subject to attempts by intermediaries to correct or 
 interpret such content. See the Section 8 of [RFC4409] for examples of 
 changes that are commonly made. Such corrections may break DKIM 
 signatures or have other undesirable effects. Therefore, a DKIM signer 
 SHOULD confirm that a message is compliant with those specifications 
 prior to processing. /t
 Insert prior to current section 6.1.2 (which becomes 6.1.3, etc.):
 6.1.1 Validate the Message Syntax
 The verifier SHOULD meticulously validate the format of the message 
 being verified against the requirements specified in [RFC5322], 
 [RFC2045], and [RFC2047].  In particular, limitations on the number of 
 occurrences of particular header fields specified in [RFC5322] section 
 3.6 SHOULD be verified. Messages found to be in violation of these 
 checks MUST return a PERMFAIL (message syntax error) verification result.
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Re: [ietf-dkim] Collected data

2010-10-13 Thread Hector Santos
Jim Fenton wrote:

 It also adds more complexity to the specification and to 
 implementations.  Besides, DK compatibility should become less of an 
 issue with time since it is a legacy protocol.


IMO, DKIM is already a complex technology to properly implement and 
integrate into a system, especially with key management. We decided 
not to deal with DomainKeys. We don't add it or verify it.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] ISSUE: - Working with other TXT records

2010-10-13 Thread Hector Santos

I know section has this informative note:

  * do not make sense in this context
  and should not be used.  Note also that wildcards within domains
  (e.g., s._domainkey.* are not supported by the DNS.

But I think the section may need information about working with 
multiple or existing TXT records, i.e. SPF and the possibility that 
there could be a wildcard for other TXT records and this can provide a 
lookup error for DKIM public key records.

This is just to jump start suggested text. Others can add/change 
whether they think helps:

 The DKIM public key TXT record MUST not be mixed or merged
 with other TXT records, i.e.  SPF. In addition, make sure other
 TXT records with Wildcards do not conflict with DKIM public
 key lookups.

Background reason:

Today we got our 3rd field testers who ran into mixed up TXT records. 
All of them manage their DNS setup with ISP web based DNS managers for 
their small business but they are not DNS administrators.

They did not understand how the DKIM public key TXT record is separate 
from other TXT records, like SPF.

Two of them merged it with their existing SPF record and one of them 
had a wildcard SPF setup and this was always the result of DKIM public 
key lookups. When informed of this, he removed the wildcard setup for 
SPF but he merged his DKIM public key with his SPF record.

My proposal to add more informative notes to help minimize this for 
the systems with the lack of DNS admin expertise on board. In 
particular for those with currently one existing need for a TXT record 
and that is SPF and incorrectly believe since its a TXT record, adding 
the DKIM public key data to it will work.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-13 Thread Hector Santos
+1, well said Mark.

Its a real potential situation that is on par, IMTO, with what the 
DKIM technology was suppose to help with.  It was unfortunate it fell 
through the cracks during the Threats Analysis RFC 5016 production. If 
it was realized back then, I don't think anyone would be debating who 
is the blame and what was needed to be done (written into the RFC 4871 

In retrospect, I recall most discussions was around multiple addresses 
possible in the single 5322.From header and how to deal with that, 
especially in regards to redundant POLICY lookups.

If I recall, the consensus was that only the first address in the 
potetial list of from addresses in the single 5322.From header was the 
only important author domain for POLICY considerations.

Hector Santos, CTO

Mark Delany wrote:

 Murray wrote:
 My objection isn't so much layering within the software, 
 because I know that gets mushy real quick, but layering among 
 the protocol specifications.  For example, we wouldn't include 
 in an SMTP specification some text about dealing with fuzzy 
 TCP implementations, and what people are talking about here 
 makes just as much sense to me.

 The problem is that I don't think we are really just talking about
 getting a protocol right from a bits perspective.
 If DKIM has any value it's that it ultimately affects the user mail
 experience for the better. Consequently, to remain silent on matters
 that we know will adversely affect that experience seems
 contradictory. Similarly to not offer guidance to implementors on the
 sorts of things they can do to maximize the value of DKIM seems
 similarly to miss the point.
 Furthermore, DKIM specifically came into existence to deal with an
 adversarial environment whereas 821/822 and the like have very
 specific just get the bits right goals.
 So guiding verifiers to assume the worst seems consistent with our
 intent or at least our genesis.
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[ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis-02 - Section 8.14 comments

2010-10-12 Thread Hector Santos
In the new section 8.14, I believe there is many statements that are 
hardly true, but subjective and written by someone begging to pass the 
buck with conflictive arguments.

DKIM is part of the SYSTEM, DKIM is NOT the SYSTEM.  Lets play fair 
with all parties.

1) Contradiction

  Many email implementations do not enforce [RFC5322] with 
  As discussed in Section 5.3 DKIM processing is predicated on a 
  mail message as its input.

If DKIM designers knew there were many email implementations with less 
than strict enforcement and strictness was an requirement, then DKIM 
started with a problem it ignored to address.  Either it was ignorant 
or poor engineering.

Reword this.

2) There is no intent.

 With the intent of providing a better user experience, many 
agents tolerate
 these violations and deliver the message anyway.

There is no intent by anyone to allow violations. This isn't a game. 
People have commercial systems and do not just say Hell, lets not 
follow rules.  There are just things that are not expected just like 
DKIM didn't expect it.

Also keep in mind, many systems do reject or flag bad RFC 
822/8222/5322 messages.  The issue here is that DKIM was a loophole 
even against compliant RFC5322 checking systems as the President Obama 
message shown.

Reword this.

3) Philosophical conflictive parenthetical sentence:

   (This can also be taken as a  demonstration that DKIM is not designed
to support author validation.)

It demonstrated the opposite. Please, DKIM *does not reduce* the long 
historical power of author of the message in any shape or form.   The 
AUTHOR will always be a powerful part of the message. DKIM does 
validate the author and this requirement is reaffirmed by its special 
consideration - the only REQUIRED header binding.  Until the 5322.From 
binding is made optional, it will always continue to be very important.

In addition, the statement is protocol inconsistent with other 
existing and new internet protocols that do and continue to make the 
author a powerful part of the message.

Please STOP trying to disassociate the 5322.From from the long time 
email message communication between parties.

Please remove this Oh by the way.. parenthetical statement.

Here is my reworded text. I would not give the How to Exploit. Let 
the bad guy figure it out.  No blaming anyone.

   8.14.  Attacks Involving Addition of Header Fields

   Historically, email implementations have been tolerant of less than 
   strict RFC822, RFC2822 and RFC5322 formatted messages.  There are
   certain elements within DKIM predicated on having a valid RFC
   5322 messages.

   For example, a message with a single From: header field is expected and
   required by DKIM.  Having more than one From: header violates
   Section 3.6 of [RFC5322] and should be rejected or flagged by
   receiving MTA systems and not passed on to DKIM signing engines.

   A signer wishing to be resistant to any specific multiple header
   attacks can include in the signed header field list an additional
   instance of each field that was present at signing.  For example, a
   proper message with one From: field could be signed using 
   Because of the way header fields are canonicalized for input to the
   hash function, this would prevent additional fields from being added,
   after signing,  as this would render the signature invalid.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-12 Thread Hector Santos wrote:
 50% of the spam we see is RFC compliant DKIM signed, DKIM isnt the issue in 
 your example its the operator and how they determine reputation

Please read what was said.

No Signature, Double From --- Trapped/rejected by
DKIM signed Double From   Accepted, Resigned by

If is going to an example of many systems, then we have 
a unfortunate problem until current systems are updated to prevent the 
DKIM loophole for what is otherwise RFC5322 checking systems.

What it means for most systems that they need to change a model based 
on this:


To this:


Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] Example of DKIM bypasses RFC5322 Checking

2010-10-12 Thread Hector Santos
Ian Eiloart wrote:

 Hector Santos wrote:

   DKIM signed Double From   Accepted, Resigned by

 Yes, we saw that.

   No Signature, Double From --- Trapped/rejected by
 Really? You tested this? I assumed the message was accepted because it 
 contained a From: header belonging to a list member. Not because it was 

The list checks the 5321.Mail From address (return path), not the 

Yes, tested twice.  I got a bounce back from the list saying it was 
waiting moderator approval and it gave me the opportunity to click a 
URL to cancel the submission.

GMAIL imports it the spam box as a NO SUBJECT message because it 
stripped all headers and recreates its own.

You will find this common with many MTA that use a Valid 822 or 
2822/5322 detector.

Let me try it again...  Yup.  I created a 5322 message with two 
5322.From and no signature:


From: President Obama
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2010 12:24:11 -0400
From: Hector Santos
Subject: Non-signed, double from
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)
MIME-Version: 1.0

Non-signed, double from


When I put that message in the router outbound spool, the MTA routed 
it to and this is the list approval message I just received:

Received: by (Wildcat! SMTP Router v6.3.453.5)
   for; Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:45:33 -0400
   dkim=pass header.s=k1;
Received: from ( [])
   by (Wildcat! SMTP v6.3.453.5) with ESMTP
   id 1159772343; Tue, 12 Oct 2010 12:45:29 -0400
Received: from ( [])
by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id o9CGk3pR011186
for; Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:46:08 -0700
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha1; c=simple/simple;;
s=k1; t=1286901968; bh=GkF+Zni/AmU95QUngEpyvADEq+U=;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Your message to ietf-dkim awaits moderator approval
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:46:01 -0700
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.9
List-Id: IETF DKIM Discussion List
X-List-Administrivia: yes
X-Greylist: Sender IP whitelisted, not delayed by milter-greylist-4.0 
( []); Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:46:08 -0700 (PDT)

Your mail to 'ietf-dkim' with the subject

 (no subject)

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

 Message has implicit destination

Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
notification of the moderator's decision.  If you would like to cancel
this posting, please visit the following URL:

So this is to show you that it isn't about a receiving MTA not being 
compliant with RFC 5322, it is about a DKIM loophole.  Thats not to 
say any component in the integrated mail network is not responsible 
for RFC5322 checking, but DKIM can not expect everyone to do it right, 
thus it needs to check for itself.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis-02 - Section 8.14 comments

2010-10-12 Thread Hector Santos
The next post with the example DKIM bypass exemplifies the point that 
it is about DKIM fitting into the system, not the other way around. 
The current text tries to too hard to pass the buck on other systems 
when in fact, hate to say it, its about DKIM faults not anyone else. 
This is especially the case when it states it knows that many email 
implementations violates RFC5322 and thats simply not true.  This 
offends  developers quite frankly.

Lets stop rationalization and lets call it for what it is. This issue 
fell through the (Threat Analysis) crack.  If we realized it back in 
2005/206 during the TA work, I think it is pretty safe to say we would 
of closed this loop more above and beyond just simply saying Requires 
RFC 5322 compliance

IMO, it really has nothing to do with user experiences per se, 
although that might be the end result.  Many, if not most, existing 
systems do already check for valid 822, 2822/5322 messages, especially 
ones that are blatant as this double 5322.From issue. I'm sure even 
the better  ones missed this one.  But many systems also do 
corrections, like add a missing Date: (a violations) or even a To:. 
All that does is make sure things are correct.   Other systems might 
not like having a missing Date for example.

The point is this is par for the course and DKIM should recognized it 
to fit into it, not for others to fit into DKIM.


Barry Leiba wrote:
 Hector says...
 If DKIM designers knew there were many email implementations with less
 than strict enforcement and strictness was an requirement, then DKIM
 started with a problem it ignored to address. �Either it was ignorant
 or poor engineering.
 That's not true at all.  It's common and reasonable for newer
 protocols to tighten things up and require stricter adherence to the
 older protocols.  New features often make it unwise or incorrect to
 treat earlier requirements loosely.  This is one of those cases, and
 in earlier versions of DKIM work there was certainly wording about
 requiring valid RFC 2822 (at the time) messages.
 2) There is no intent.
 There is, quite often.  It's very often the case that things on the
 receiving side tolerate malformed messages *specifically* to avoid
 rejecting more messages than necessary.  With the intent of providing
 a better user experience, is absolutely correct in a great many
 cases.  And we're telling verifiers that when you add DKIM, that
 tolerance might now be unwise.
 3) Philosophical conflictive parenthetical sentence:

 � (This can also be taken as a �demonstration that DKIM is not designed
 � �to support author validation.)
 Yeh, that's the only part I agree on (though not with the reasoning
 that follows).  I'm ambivalent about having that parenthetical
 statement in there.  I'd like to see some consensus about whether to
 leave it or keep it.
 Here is my reworded text. I would not give the How to Exploit. Let
 the bad guy figure it out. �No blaming anyone.
 -1; I like the wording that's there.
 I also look at the description of the attack not as helping bad
 guys, but as giving a clear explanation of what the problem is, so
 implementers understand the problem, and the difficulty that
 tolerating multiple instances of single-instance fields can create.
 Barry, as participant
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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis-02 - Section 8.14 comments

2010-10-12 Thread Hector Santos
Sounds like you agree with me. :)

Its incomplete security analysis and if you going to touch base with 
it regarding one attack method you need to take about the others, like 
I shown here:

This shows its not only a matter of bad messages, but also bypassing 
existing RFC 5322 checking.

Is this not important?

It clearly shows that DKIM needs to check its own DKIM requirements 
and not rely on other layer.

Verification is not even mentioned in this new section.

Why not?

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-11 Thread Hector Santos
Dave CROCKER wrote:
 On 10/11/2010 3:05 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
 If you believe that sending mail with a valid bad guy signature is
 an interesting attack on DKIM, then that implies that you're willing
 to believe mail that is signed by arbitrary strangers.
 But it's not an attack on DKIM.
 It's not really an 'attack' on anything, but the most one could claim is that 
 it's an attack on the recipient's reputation data base, or failure to use one.
 The DKIM part is used correctly and works fine.  So there's no 'attack'.

Thats poster framing material.

I sure hope you are right.  After all, President Obama did get by your 
defenses on your list.

   No Signature, Double From --- Trapped/rejected by
   DKIM signed Double From   Accepted, Resigned by

So without DKIM, 100% RFC5322 compliant - trapped multiple 5322.From 
headers.  With DKIM, there is a loophole.  Go figure.

Lets hope this DKIM exploit does not become common place and surprises 
a bunch of layman operators.  At the point, you can say you were aware 
about it.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-09 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:

 So here's a 0th cut at a list of headers where we should recommend 
 N+1 entries in the h=
 rfc 5322
Reply-To  (maybe not, since often smashed by mailing lists)
Cc(not Bcc even though it's 0/1)
 rfc 4021

I would focus on the main rendering items, the ones common across the 
mail universe of devices, gated systems, etc.

 From:required by 822/2822/5322
 Date:required by 822/2822/5322
 Subject: optional 822/2822/5322
 To:  required by 822, optional 2822/5322

The others are related to Network Control Lines and are generally 
hidden and only the ones necessary for a reply (if different than 
the From) may be kludged in.  I know this is old school but it still 
applies today.

Many systems do a Valid Header check in order to see if a header 
block needs to be generated.  This is what allows a human or simple 
mail bot (print, fax job, etc) to enter no headers in a DATA state and 
still get mail through because the fields can be filled:

 From:--- 5321.MAIL FROM
 To:  --- 5321.RCPT TO
 Date:--- Local Computer Timestamp
 Subject: --- left blank or filled with (NO SUBJECT)

That said

I don't see incentives to spoof:


What are the gains?

The Sender: can change too, like in a list.

Not sure about CC:  I guess it should be included.

I think for 4871bis, we should keep it simple with focusing on the 
main security hole, 5322.From (and also make a statement that 
regarding RFC5322).


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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-09 Thread Hector Santos
John R. Levine wrote:
 I don't see incentives to spoof:


 What are the gains?
 This has been discussed at great length.  Please consult the list archives.

Thanks - you couldn't summarize or its too hard to explain?

I can search, certainly not consult.   But let me consult GOOGLE:

  MIME-Version Exploits IETF-DKIM

Without going nuts looking all the results, I see whats in 4871 section

 8.1.1.  Addition of New MIME Parts to Multipart/*

and this seems about the l= body size issue which most people already 
agreed is a bad idea.

I don't see how the 5322.Mime-Version header can be exploited.

Anyway, never mind.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-08 Thread Hector Santos
Michael Thomas wrote:
 On 10/07/2010 05:01 PM, John R. Levine wrote:

 Nobody has signed a non-compliant message, so while there is nothing wrong
 with Mike's advice, it completely misses the point.
 You're right, it does miss the point. What I'm trying to get my
 head around is whether this is a real problem in the real world.

Not yet, but this has a higher risk of occurrence in the future than 
let's say, SHA1 exploits which required us to incorporate SHA256 into 
the options mix.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-08 Thread Hector Santos
Wietse Venema wrote:

 With this signer-side configuration solution, the verifier can
 detect attempts to spoof any header that was covered by the DKIM
 signature (spoof as in add a forged header, and hope that naive
 programs will use the forged header instead of the authentic one).
 So the solution is already available in DKIM. We just need to use
 the solution, and make it part of routine DKIM tests.
 Having the signer put the extra junk in h= should make existing verifiers 
 do the right thing, although I doubt the bit of verification code that 
 checks for the non-existence of the N+1st header for N0 is well tested in 
 DKIM implementations.
 To address this, make this solution part of routine DKIM test suites.

+1, however.

This is only part of the solution.  A temporary one to allow current 
operators to cover themselves using their Required Header 
configuration, if any.

The real solution is to void double 5322.From messages. Either the 
DKIM compliant MSA, MDA do it or the better DKIM signer/verification 
engine does it to cover for legacy MSA, MDA or to make sure customers 
using a 3rd party signing engine are sending the proper mail to sign.

Can someone come up with IETF amenable copy text for Dave to add to 
4871bis that won't prohibit or slow it down its progress?

IMV, all would be implementers need to read is a basic idea of:

 Make sure there are no two or more 5322.From headers when signing
  or verifying.  These messages should be voided.

and thats it.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-08 Thread Hector Santos

I wanted to ability to always have the List-ID to handle both type of 
streams, private email and list email with one default setup.  It 
would also help to protect against replay by a foreign list server.

What I can do now with our setup is change the default to:

  RequiredHeaders = 

So the kludge idea is good, but we don't know if most other DKIM 
application implementations offer this.  I believe Levine is correct 
on this point that most implementations may not be this flexible.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] detecting header mutations after signing

2010-10-08 Thread Hector Santos
Scott Kitterman wrote:

  Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 Doesn't DKIM try to detect modification of the portion covered by the
 hashes, which is unchanged in this scenario?

 For what I view as a very abstract definition of unchanged, sure.  I think 
 adding additional From or Subject does change the content of the message From 
 or Subject.  If one takes the view that we've defined things such that this 
 OK from a protocol definition perspective, so it's not an issue, I think 
 lost sight of the original goal of this requirement in the protocol.
 I think that this can be dealt with through an additional security 
 consideration and doesn't have to disrupt the rush to get this advanced 
 through the standards process.


Well, then again, one side of my is trying to be cooperative and 
sensitive of those who want to rush the document.  Minimize text 
with not saying too much.

But the other side is saying technically Fix this ASAP - get the 
proper protocol semantics in in the 4871bis specs and use this 
incident or at least prepare a response ready against any negative PR 
that could emerge as a plus to enhancing the marketability of DKIM as 
a tool that helps solved a 25+ year old problem.

Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] Inadvertent Spoof

2010-10-08 Thread Hector Santos
Jeff Macdonald wrote:
 Hence my original post with the suggested special consideration text 
 for section 5.4 in regards to 5322.from.

My apology to Jeff.  It was not Jeff Macdonald who wrote the text 
above. This was not an attempt at a spoof.  I somehow replied to the 
wrong message and my MUA (ThunderBird) somehow used the wrong From: 
address with the text I was writing.  My Apology to Jeff.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-07 Thread Hector Santos

Michael Thomas wrote:
 On 10/07/2010 03:40 AM, Charles Lindsey wrote:
 On Wed, 06 Oct 2010 13:00:25 +0100, Steve

 On Oct 6, 2010, at 1:47 AM, Mark Delany wrote:
 Right. We could attempt to enumerate the 1,000 edge-cases we know
 today and then re-bis 4871 for the additional 1,000 edge-cases we
 learn tomorrow, or we could simply say that invalid 2822 messages
 MUST never verify and call it a day.
 To comply with that MUST every DKIM verifier would have to
 include a full 5322 verifier. That's a fairly high bar.
 No, that is not true, as I have demonstrated in the text I have proposed.

 You only need to look at whatever headers are actually mentioned in the
 h= tag of the signature, and you only need to verify those properties of
 those headers that could lead to trouble, and that would seem to be a
 simple count of the number of occurrences of those headers.
 I'm with Steve on this one. Forcing implementations of DKIM to
 determine whether a message is compliant is a pretty high bar. I
 for one wouldn't be in any particular big hurry to add a batch of
 code to insure that that MUST was fulfilled. I doubt anyone else
 would be either. The net effect of this MUST would be to make a
 lot of compliant DKIM implementations non-compliant. And for what?
 I'd say that it would be better to just say that if you sign a
 non-compliant 5322 message that its verification is undefined,
 and move on. That at least matches reality, and hasn't hurt
 anything that I'm aware of.

This is a half full, half empty issue.   Lets look at the positive side.

DKIM by its very nature has already raised the bar of legacy mail by 
adding a new level of considerations that mandates certain parts, 
especially the 5322.From (since its the only requirement for hashing), 
be valid.  We never (afaik) had any technology that does this at the 
MTA level.  DKIM serves that purpose, thus the beauty of it.

Before DKIM, RFC5322 has this major problem today.  DKIM can leverage 
this RFC5322 vulnerability by helping address attention to it and 
close the loophole.  It does raise the bar for wannabe DKIM 
compliant systems to do more than what is normally done. A implicit 
presumption that mail is RFC5322 compliant is not a safe presumption.

The beauty of DKIM is that it moves us away from the legacy system 
exploits - by raising the email compliancy bar.   In that vain this 
multiple 5322.From issue is directly related to a DKIM purpose to 
secure it.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-07 Thread Hector Santos
Michael Thomas wrote:

 Generally I agree, but does saying verification is undefined satisfy those 
 concerned that this is a security vulnerability?  The example of 
 double-From: shows verification succeeds.  It's the interpretation of those 
 results that is the problem.
 These are two separate questions, I think. I'm only commenting on whether
 DKIM should be the SMTP police.

I don't think so, but it should inspect its own protocol requirements 
and within those requirements is its crown jewel - 5322.FROM, the only 
header that is required binding.

Now lets consider if its wasn't a requirement, would it matter then?

   I think it greatly matters to the MUA participants.

Note, the 5322.Subject is also a victim here, but its optional and its 
security threat is not even close that what a multiple 5322.From 
reveals.  So I think it warrants adding a check for that too.  But not 
as much as the From.

The point is DKIM took on the job of providing a mail integrity and 
authentication work and raised the about what is expected. Included in 
that job is protecting its primary header - 5322.From.

Keep in mind that not protecting it will also hurt ADSP which I 
already showed that implementation may look for the first one as well. 
  In the spoofed Obama message, this is the authentication results 
generated here:


It picked up the wrong one.

So we have TWO protocols that are affected by this.  The irony in all 
this is that this Multiple 5322.From could be used to solve the MLM 
3rd party issue. :)

The verifier MUST check for invalid 5322.From messages if only because 
its part of the DKIM and ADSP formula and mechanics.

Anyway, I hope the right decision is made and address it before it 
widely discovered and becomes a problem.  Even without DKIM, MTA 
should be more aware about this and deal with it.  But only DKIM can 
close the loophole for legacy operations.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-06 Thread Hector Santos
Mark Delany wrote:
 That this is not in 4871 seems to be mostly a WG assumption that
 should be made explicit.
 I think several of us thought it was in there, but on review it apparently 
 was indeed lost somewhere along the way.  We've certainly, as I understand 
 it, been proceeding from that assumption for a very long time.

 I like the idea of saying so explicitly in 4871bis, and applying it both to 
 signers and to verifiers.
 Agreed. Though frankly I couldn't care less about signers. It's always
 the verifier that really counts.
 I don't like the idea of being any more specific than that.  That
 is, I don't want to create specific text for specific cases we know
 about because that means anything we don't list could be perceived
 as less critical.  A blanket admonishment to implementers is
 sufficient and appropriate.
 Right. We could attempt to enumerate the 1,000 edge-cases we know
 today and then re-bis 4871 for the additional 1,000 edge-cases we
 learn tomorrow, or we could simply say that invalid 2822 messages
 MUST never verify and call it a day.


However, the rat hole is when we are not specific and leave it open 

The proposed text can be:

 Verifiers MUST make sure only check valid RFC 5322 messages
 are verified. Specifically verifiers MUST check for multiple
 5322.From headers in the message and if found, the verifier MUST
 invalidate the signature [and reject|discard the message].

If we remain focus with this specific issue on hand - multiple 
5322.From, which is critical in the mail infrastructure in every 
network and is used for every Online or Offline MUA,  and today 
related to DKIM with the required 5322.From hashing, this is one 
specific invalid mail case that can be easily addressed and doesn't 
have to be a rat hole nor delay 4871bis progress to draft standard.

The funny thing is, I am not even a hacker and I was able to take an 
archived 5322 message text file, prepend a 5322.From line and resubmit 
back into the stream with perfect DKIM validity and resigning by 
another MTA/MLM.  It was too easy and I am not smart enough to 
determine what real hackers can imagine to come up with.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-06 Thread Hector Santos
Charles Lindsey wrote:
 On Mon, 04 Oct 2010 23:24:11 +0100, President Obama  
 Interestingly, my MUA (Opera) displayed both of those From headers, But I  
 can quite well understand that many other MUAs don't, and even where they  
 do I would expect many phishees would  not notice the second one.

dkim=pass header.s=k1;

And for ADSP, our verifier picked up the first (top) 5322.From domain
as well.   Since I whitelist, I get all its output.

Mind you, that I had to do this twice to get a copy because I had
already added a multiple 5322.From rejector script at the SMTP DATA
session. I had to turn it off and repeat it to get a copy that I see
here from spoofed President Obama.

So the 5321/5322 filtering layer approach works fine (but we lose
interesting mail g). But I would not have done this if I was not
made aware of this problem by Alt-N who discovered this security hole.

And that is the main gist of this, and I don't care how the IETF cats
wants to do this:

 Engineering AWARENESS must be added to the 4871bis.


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2010-10-06 Thread Hector Santos
 Dave CROCKER wrote:

 In particular, it makes the multiple From: issue entirely 
 irrelevant to DKIM.

Scott Kitterman wrote:

 In a normative sense, perhaps, but in real world terms, it doesn't. 
 Since this does away with It's not valid 5322, so it can't 
 be valid DKIM, it puts the question of how implementors should 
 deal with such things back on the table.


 I'd like to see us include a general helpful note to 
 implementors about covering the case where a duplicate header 
 field is added after signing. Maybe this is an added item 
 for security considerations?

+1. This is where I thought it would go.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] Issue: implementation Report v02 - Removal of 1st vs 3rd party statistics

2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Ian Eiloart wrote:


 It is extremely relevant.
 The data is there. The numbers can be calculated from the sample size 
 (~500k) and the proportions. They're nowhere near the numbers 
 (Originator signatures: 1.2 billion Third-party signatures:  184 
 million) that you quoted in another email, which also don't match the 
 proportions that you quoted. Where did 1.2 billion come from?

Sounds like revision v02 is already having its intended effect.

Ian, see the previous revision v01 section 4.2

In fact, what was left in rev 02 was Murry's 78.9% for the OpenDKIM 
observation of 1st vs 3rd.  What was removed was the AOL data point. I 
stated it as 86% here:

 Third party is somewhat of a leap from the domains don't match.

Third party per RFC 5016 is well defined.

 For example, if the from header is in the domain and we see, is that really a third party signature? Perhaps 
 some clarity of whether subdomains were permitted to match would be 

It doesn't matter.  The Observed data is what counts. Per RFC 5016 
definitions, this is what we got X for that, Y for this.

 Oh, and are you thinking this is about implementation of ADSP? 

As an engineer I look at data, look for patterns, see how they 
correlate to logical protocols and even justify experiments and 
problem solving.

To me, the data points show there is a strong 1st party stream of 
mail.  POLICY would be important here.  But that is not what the 
report is about.

For example, if the report showed the opposite, over 70% of the mail 
stream was 3rd party (5322.From != DKIM.d per RFC 5016), rest assured, 
we would be hearing how much POLICY or ADSP is insignificant and 
should be deprecated - and I would AGREE.

The reality is the overwhelming 1st party mail continues to justify a 
need for policy.  But that is my interpretation, not what the report 
is about.

 I think 
 it's supposed to be about implementation of DKIM, so that DKIM can be 
 progressed. Please don't let a misunderstanding hold that process up.

Its not an mis-understanding.  There is nothing holding back DKIM but 
this constant interference with the reality.  Embrace and see how 
things change. What the factoid removal does is goes against chartered 
itemize goals of #2, #3 and #4.

 * It would be interesting to know what proportions of author addresses 
 were subdomains of the d= value, and vice-versa. Even to know if the 
 domains share common whois registrations (like and would be nice, though harder to do. Having said all 
 that, I have my own log files that I could analyze, so I'll shut up.

Your, all data would be welcomed too.

Soon I will have accumulated data as well.  Currently working out how 
to present them in our web-view of the statistics.  IOW, adding 
DKIM/POLICY related columns to these statistics:


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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis - Security Loop hole with Multiple 5322.From

2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Julian Mehnle wrote:
 Hector Santos wrote:
 It has been observed by implementations that is it possible to replay
 a message with a 2nd 5322.From header at the top which wouldn't break
 the DKIM signature validity, but would often be displayed by MUAs to
 display the new 5322.From display rather than the signature bound
 5322.From header.

 No.  The trick is to list From twice in h=.  This ensures more From 
 headers cannot be added without breaking the signature.

Julian, this was explored and it does not matter.  You can add N 
number of h=from: and N+1 is all that is needed in the security hole.

 Perhaps this could be mentioned in the spec with a specific reference to 
 the From header, but in general terms the spec is pretty clear about how 
 to prevent the addition of a header field.

If you referring having duplicate from: in h= mitigate this issue, see 

As I proposed, the semantics must include an exception clause for the 
Verifier and Signer signing 5322.From binding logic as described in 
section 5.4 to address this.  It also needs to recommend that MTAs do 
RFC5322 validating  as well - but you are not going to find this in 
the wild unless the MTA is DKIM compliant and is aware of this situation.

It has to be documented in 4871bis for DKIM standardization to make 
implementations now and the future aware of it and deal with it.


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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis - Security Loop hole with Multiple 5322.From

2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Ian Eiloart wrote:
 --On 4 October 2010 18:24:11 -0400 Hector Santos wrote:
 It has been observed by implementations that is it possible to replay
 a message with a 2nd 5322.From header at the top which wouldn't break
 the DKIM signature validity, but would often be displayed by MUAs to
 display the new 5322.From display rather than the signature bound
 5322.From header.
 Ouch. That's nasty. But wouldn't it be better to advise MUA vendors to 
 display the signed header? Are there really MUA's that will display the 
 unsigned headers *and* assert that it was validated? If so, that's 
 surely a bug in the implementation of the MUA.

Ian,  it would be not practical to expect MUAs to address this.  But 
sure a recommendation for MTAs and MUA to validate RFC522 specifically 
in regards to 5322.From would suffice.

As Keith Moore recently stated in IETF-822:

Okay, I'll state it with more precision: The checking of
 headers should only occur when such a feature is actually being
 used: e.g. when the message is actually being submitted, being
 filtered for spam specifically on behalf of a sender or recipient,
 or being gatewayed into (or out of) a foreign (non-Internet)
 mail system.

His point, in IMV, is that you are not going to find many MTA doing 
RFC 822/2822/5322 checking unless it has a specific purpose.

A DKIM ready ADMD or MTA receiver might be able to reject/drop invalid 
mail with multiple 5322.From lines.   We added a script for this 

But to cover all loopholes the DKIM-verifier MUST have an additional 
requirement to  fault a message with 2 or more 5322.From lines.

That is exactly what the ALT-N open source DKIM/ADSP API did - added 
an additional requirement for DKIM verification that is above and 
beyond what the current specs says and currently allows.

The whole point of a BIS is to help codify the implementation field 
testing and experiences which alter or fine tunes the proposed draft 

This one chalks up as on par with what we are seeking.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] ISSUE: 4871bis - Security Loop hole with Multiple 5322.From

2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Julian Mehnle wrote:

 Hector Santos wrote:
 Julian Mehnle wrote:

 The trick is to list From twice in h=.  This ensures more From headers
 cannot be added without breaking the signature.

 Julian, this was explored and it does not matter.  You can add N
 number of h=from: and N+1 is all that is needed in the security hole.
 I don't get what you're saying.
 I interpret RFC 4871, section 5.4 (actually, exactly the part you quoted 
 originally), such that signing a message that has a dingle From field 
 with h=From:From ensures that adding another From field will break the 
 signature.  If you're saying there is a way to add a second From field a 
 message thusly signed without breaking the signature, could you please 
 explain to me how?

You are correct. Adding a second from: to the h= tag:


can address this.   But no implementation does that.  Instead the 
ALT-N open source code library counts the 2nd in the verification 
process and invalidates the signature.

My earlier response to you got mixed up with SIGNING test cases where 
there was multiple 5322.From and multiple from: adding to the h=.


 From:  --- Injected, Replayed and MUA Display
 From:  --- satisfy 2rd hash binding
 DKIM-Signature: h=from:from:
 From: --- satisfy 1rd hash binding and EXPECTED MUA Display

So you have N number of h=from SIGNER binding, and you need N+1 to 
exploit it in the VERIFICATION.

Of course, you would have violate 5322 in the first place to have a 
2nd bound 5322.From.  So no good guy will do this.  But bad guys will 
see your typical single 5322.From and one from: in the h= tag.

Either way, there is a security issue and a new requirement to secure 
it either with your suggestion or changes to the guidelines to check 
for this exception.

Obviously, the ease of this exploit is a concern.  Any high value 
domain mail can now be found and replayed with a phished or spooked 
2nd or more 5322.From:

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] signing and verifying invalid messages

2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Michael Thomas wrote:
 On 10/05/2010 01:36 PM, John Levine wrote:
 Still, though, it's a solution to deal with malformations to which
 MUAs are susceptible, and not strictly a DKIM problem.
 Would it be a good idea to recommend in 4871bis that DKIM
 implementations should not sign or verify invalid messages?  I
 cheerfully admit that I haven't thought out all the implications
 I'd suggest that it would be better to take that up with
 rfc5822-bis since this is hardly a dkim-specific problem.

In my engineering opinion, it was a security hole that fell through 
the cracks during the development of the RFC 4886 Threat Analysis.

If it was presented back then, we would be dealing with the semantics 
as I propose  to deal with it simply because we can't ignore it or 
blame RFC 822/2822/5322 implementation or MUAs.

This is a DKIM issue and it needs to get addressed.  Any system today 
that displays:

 signed by:

but displays a spoofed 2nd From can produce a major confidence problem 
for DKIM.

I have a problem understanding the blow back to the security issue. 
4871bis is active.   Something needs to be added to 4871bist so that 
implementations and operators are made aware of it, now and into the 

I highly recommend that the key editors embrace this and deal with it 
or risk negative DKIM public relations if this gets into the media or 
into the mind set of any hackers and potential DKIM exploiters.  You 
need to deal with it.  Not ignore it or pass the buck to other layers 
of email.

Hector Santos, CTO


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2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Julian Mehnle wrote:
 President Obama wrote:
 Funny, but this shows nothing because resigns messages 
 (  (Oh, and it even included *two* Froms in h= on your 

Right. Does this add signer reputation weight for the injected 

Not good. If is being vouched by some 3rd party 
reputation service.  The user sees a signed valid message possibly 
vouched by trusted service with a signature hash bound spoofed 5322.From.

 I propose the following addition text by adding to 48721bis to address
 this serious issue;

Special Consideration for Verifying and Signing From: Header

As an exception, header hash verification MUST be done for all
5322.From fields and not just the last one.  Signing MUST be done
for all 5322.From fields found, even though RFC5322 recommends
only one 5322.From should be used. This will mitigate any
replay that prepends a new 5322.From header to a DKIM signature
valid message.  Some MUAs have shown to display only the first
5322.From header found.
 -1.  Why do you insist on changing the hashing semantics to special-case
 From?  Recommending that one more From be added to h= (and hashed) 
 than From headers are initially placed in the message should be enough.  
 There is no need to change the semantics of the spec.

Not proposing a to change the semantics.  But rather to add insight 
about the issue so that implementators can deal with it.

For example, when I received the echo back from the list, my MTA 
rejected it.

18:46:07 C: MAIL SIZE=5329
18:46:07 S: 250
18:46:07 C: RCPT
18:46:08 S: 250 Recipient ok
18:46:08 C: DATA
18:46:08 S: 354 Start mail input; end with CRLF.CRLF
18:46:08 ** end of data received. (bytes: 5738)
18:46:08 ** WCX Process: SmtpFilterHookLoader  ret: 0
18:46:08 ** Invalid 5322 Message - multiple From: headers not allowed
18:46:08 S: 551 Message Not Accepted by filter.
18:46:10 C: QUIT
18:46:10 S: 221 closing connection

Personally, -1 on suggesting a h=from:from, because you are assuming 
that operators are actually defining a h= tag.  If its blank, its 
falls back to the semantics written - use the LAST header found.

However, if you are suggesting that it needs to be explicitly defined 
to mitigate this problem, then the specs needs to be updated to 
address the security issues.

The fact,, stripped my original header and signed with 
the double from: lines, one real, one an injected spoofed, proves 
exactly what the problem here is.

I would not be surprised if testing this with shows the same 
thing which the online gmail MUA will have an indicator:

 signed by: some signer domain

but will it display the injected spoofed unbounded 5322.From?

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Hector Santos wrote:

 I would not be surprised if testing this with shows the same 
 thing which the online gmail MUA will have an indicator:
  signed by: some signer domain
 but will it display the injected spoofed unbounded 5322.From?

For the records, from my gmail testing, it will spambox the RFC 5322 
message with one or more 5322 lines.  But it also does one other thing 
- it removes ALL the headers and recreates its own with no subject. 
It doesn't matter if its signed or not.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Julian Mehnle wrote:
 Hector Santos wrote:
 Right. Does this add signer reputation weight for the injected
 Probably not.  

How do you know what the heuristic systems are doing?

 AFAICT doesn't verify DKIM sigs on list 

it does.  It verifies, adds an Authentication-Results: header, 
strip the original signature, add a fooder and a [list] to the subject 
and resigns.

 and even if it did, a verified DKIM sig (such as one created by 
 the original author of the message) doesn't tell anything about the 
 legitimacy of the use of the From identity.

Not sure what that means Julian.

 Personally, -1 on suggesting a h=from:from, because you are assuming
 that operators are actually defining a h= tag.  If its blank, its
 falls back to the semantics written - use the LAST header found.
 No.  h= must not be empty.  The spec explicitly forbids this.

You misunderstood.  What that means is that the signing function MUST 
add a h= to the 5322.DKIM-Signature line for the 5322.headers it 
decides to hash and bind to the signature.

The operators with their DKIM implementation can set what headers to 
sign or they can choose NOTHING and allow the default behavior for the 

In other words, the operator can set (in whatever way the software 
does it):

   RequiredHeaders From:To:Date:Message-Id:Organization:Subject

Now the signing engine will follow this.  If not set, then it has its 
own default rules.  The recommendation is presented in RFC 4871.

What you are suggestion is that implementation had their defautlt to 
include From:From, like above:

   RequiredHeaders From:From:To:Date:Message-Id:Organization:Subject

 As for a possible change in RFC 4871bis, if you look at page 41 of 
 4871bis-01 (page 36 in RFC 4871), it already has this nice little note:
 |   INFORMATIVE NOTE: A header field name need only be listed once
 |   more than the actual number of that header field in a message at
 |   the time of signing in order to prevent any further additions.
 |   For example, if there is a single Comments header field at the
 |   time of signing, listing Comments twice in the h= tag is
 |   sufficient to prevent any number of Comments header fields from
 |   being appended; it is not necessary (but is legal) to list
 |   Comments three or more times in the h= tag.
 I suggest replacing Comments with From.  That should solve the 

I did notice this too and thought the same idea. :)

What the specs need in whatever IETF method you guys like to do things:

  1) Semantics that DKIM-compliant MTA doing stonger RFC 5322 checking
 and at a minimum, checking for multiple 5322.From (and
 possible even 5322.Subject).

  2) To close the loophole to #1 (legacy software), the DKIM verifier
 SHOULD void messages with 5322.From which are not bound to the

  3) To close the loophole to #1 (legacy software), the DKIM signer
 MAY consider adding a h=from:from to the DKIM-Signature.

Hector Santos, CTO

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2010-10-05 Thread Hector Santos
Stephen Farrell wrote:
 On 05/10/10 23:54, Julian Mehnle wrote:
 Recommending that one more From be added to h= (and hashed) 
 than From headers are initially placed in the message should be enough.  
 There is no need to change the semantics of the spec.
 Assuming that recommending above maps to a (putative)
 MUST/SHOULD statement in 4871bis, I'd be interested in
 opinions as to whether such a change might slow progress
 to draft standard, or be detrimental to current deployments.

 So in terms of meeting our chartered goals, this specific
 addition might have undesirable side effects were it to
 represent the WG's opinion. (Much as the chairs love you
 all, starting right in on a 4871ter is not attractive:-)

To address current implementations,  guidelines should be considered:

  1) Suggest MTA do stonger RFC 5322 checking and at a minimum,
 checking for multiple 5322.From (and possible even 5322.Subject).

  2) To close the loophole to #1 (legacy software), the DKIM signer
 MAY consider adding a h=from:from to the DKIM-Signature.

  3) To close the loophole to #1 (legacy software), the DKIM verifier
 SHOULD void messages with 5322.From which are not bound to the

#1 is words and a remember for MTA especially those that are with a 
DKIM environment to tighten up there wares.

#2 can be done with current implementation operators. I am assuming 
all or not most of DKIM signing engines will allow operators to set 
Required Headers to sign.  It would be rather inflexible if it did not.

#3 is already done by at least one open source DKIM API developed
by a large MTA vendor.  Not sure how OpenDKIM is will do it, but 
Murray did speak of the layer (#1) approach.

#1 and #2 will allow most implementations to close this loophole until 
software vendors catch up with #3.

That said, I don't think writing #1, #2 or #3 text for 4871bis should 
slow down progress to draft standard.


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[ietf-dkim] DSN with signature replay

2010-10-04 Thread Hector Santos
I am wondering or under what scenario would a DSN (bounce) agent keep 
the original signature in its bounce notification 5322 headers?

It was a legitimate bounce for a non-delivery address.  But it kept 
several headers from the original message in the DSN message headers:


What logic is there to this?

Of course, the signature was invalid.

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DSN with signature replay

2010-10-04 Thread Hector Santos
Sonneveld, Rolf wrote:
 On 04-10-10, *Hector Santos * wrote:
 I am wondering or under what scenario would a DSN (bounce) agent keep
 the original signature in its bounce notification 5322 headers?

 It was a legitimate bounce for a non-delivery address.� But it kept
 several headers from the original message in the DSN message headers:

 ��� DKIM-Signature:
 ��� Organization:
 ��� X-Mailer:

 What logic is there to this?
 RFC 3462, chapter 2.
 �� The Text/RFC822-Headers body part should contain all the RFC822
 �� header lines from the message which caused the report.� The RFC822
 �� headers include all lines prior to the blank line in the message.
 �� They include the MIME-Version and MIME Content-Headers.

The report does contain the original message. I speak of the actual 
bounce message from the mailer-daemon contain a copy of above headers:

DKIM-Signature:; --- copy
Organization: Santronics Software, Inc.   --- copy
X-Mailer: wcMail v6.3.453.4   --- copy
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:18:26 -0400

The rest of the DSN body message with the message/rfc822 report 
attachment containing the original message was fine.

Am I still missing something?

Hector Santos, CTO

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Re: [ietf-dkim] DSN with signature replay

2010-10-04 Thread Hector Santos
Very odd.

It might be the same software, but what I am seeing is the bouncer doing:

   1) Copies the original headers minus Received trace headers,
   2) Change From:  to the mailer daemon address
   3) Change To: to the return path address
   3) Adds headers for DSN mime parts.

The only reason I am seeing this because we are signing mail now and 
I'm seeing the new invalid signature logging with these type of bounces.


Hector Santos wrote:
 Sonneveld, Rolf wrote:
 On 04-10-10, *Hector Santos * wrote:
 I am wondering or under what scenario would a DSN (bounce) agent keep
 the original signature in its bounce notification 5322 headers?

 It was a legitimate bounce for a non-delivery address.� But it kept
 several headers from the original message in the DSN message headers:

 ��� DKIM-Signature:
 ��� Organization:
 ��� X-Mailer:

 What logic is there to this?
 RFC 3462, chapter 2.


 �� The Text/RFC822-Headers body part should contain all the RFC822
 �� header lines from the message which caused the report.� The RFC822
 �� headers include all lines prior to the blank line in the message.
 �� They include the MIME-Version and MIME Content-Headers.

 The report does contain the original message. I speak of the actual 
 bounce message from the mailer-daemon contain a copy of above headers:
 DKIM-Signature:; --- copy
 Organization: Santronics Software, Inc.   --- copy
 X-Mailer: wcMail v6.3.453.4   --- copy
 Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:18:26 -0400
 The rest of the DSN body message with the message/rfc822 report 
 attachment containing the original message was fine.
 Am I still missing something?

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Re: [ietf-dkim] I-D Action:draft-ietf-dkim-implementation-report-02.txt

2010-10-04 Thread Hector Santos
Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:
 This version makes minor editorial corrections to AOL's data, adds Gmail's 
 data, updates OpenDKIM's data, and applies feedback recently sent to the list.
 I propose a WGLC on this at the chairs' discretion.  I don't have any 
 additional data pending to add, and it sounds like the AD is already happy 
 with the information that's currently there.

Wow! SMUDGING OF DATA by removing one of the most significant data points:

   Author vs. Third-Party:  73% of the signatures observed were author
   signatures, meaning the d= value in the signature matched the
   domain found in the From: header field.  The remainder, therefore,
   were third-party signatures.

Originator signatures:  1.2 billion
Third-party signatures:  184 million


Hector Santos, CTO

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[ietf-dkim] Issue: implementation Report v02 - Removal of 1st vs 3rd party statistics

2010-10-04 Thread Hector Santos
Barry Leiba wrote:
 Thus begins working group last call on the DKIM implementation and
 interoperability report, draft-ietf-dkim-implementation-report-02:
 The working group last call will run through Friday, 22 October, 2010.
 This implementation report will be used to advance the DKIM base spec
 to Draft Standard.  Everyone please review it, and post
 comments/issues. Please also post here if you've reviewed it and think
 it's ready to go.

I have only one comment.  The removal of very significant data points 
from this last revision:

   Author vs. Third-Party:  73% of the signatures observed were author
signatures, meaning the d= value in the signature matched the
domain found in the From: header field.  The remainder, therefore,
were third-party signatures.

   Originator signatures:  1.2 billion
   Third-party signatures:  184 million

This is signification information.

Why was it removed?  Why hide this significant fact?


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