Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Jon LaBadie
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 02:34:17PM -0500, upengan78 wrote:
> Thanks for the advise.
While Amanda can be used for your needs, it may not be
an optimal choice.  Amanda is a backup manager, she makes
choices about what and how to backup your DLEs.  But you
are trying to do most or all of Amanda's job for her.
OTOH, your environment is simple enough (one host, one DLE,
50GB data) that self-management is not unreasonable.

Amanda's design addressed a problem that can be seen even
in your scheme; a monster dump once a week, tiny incrementals
the other days.  Amanda tries to balance the amount of data
dumped each day by spreading the level 0 dumps out over the
entire dumpcycle.  So each day some DLEs get incrementals
and a few others get full dumps.  Obviously with only one
DLE, it is difficult to spread the fulls out.

Sizing your vtapes is a concern.  Make them large enough to
hold a full dump and you waste lots of space on incremental
days.  To deal with this, choose a relatively small size
and tell Amanda that she can use multiple tapes if needed
(i.e. set runtapes to an appropriate number).  You will also
have to allow tape spanning, otherwise the media has to be
big enough to hold the entire DLE.  Spanning is not default.

You can create multiple DLEs from your current single DLE.
This is done using include and exclude directives.  For
example, you could have /var, /home, /usr/share, /usr ex-
cluding /usr/share, /opt, etc. Then a final DLE that starts
at / and is a catch-all which excludes the directories in
the other DLEs.

You asked what someone meant by oversubscribing your vtapes.
It means your vtapes are sized to use more than one per dump
and recognizing that, on average, the last one each day is
only half full.  My setup has 2300GB of space for vtapes
and I've created 100 x 25GB tapes, i.e. 2500GB if all are
full.  But because of those partially full tapes I actually
have 270GB of free space, only about 85% full.  I could
push it and add another 5 or 10 vtapes :)).

Jon H. LaBadie
 JG Computing
 12027 Creekbend Drive  (703) 787-0884
 Reston, VA  20194  (703) 787-0922 (fax)

Re: slightly OT: track following errors?

2010-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 18:00:54 -0500
gene heskett  wrote:

> Charles, I think your idea is even better, but does your offsite
> drives have a pair of files per directory that are all the amanda
> config and indice entries current to that days use of each vtape?


Not quite, but something similar. Each day I tarball the config files
and stuff them into a sister directory to the vtape directory. I use a
script like so:

#! /bin/bash

# Run the amanda dumps and back up key amanda data. Run this as the
# backup user.


/usr/sbin/amdump ${config}

umask 0066
cd /
tar cjf /media/backs/amanda/back.var/var.lib.amanda.${config}.$(date
+\%a).tar.bz2 \ var/lib/amanda/ --exclude=*~
tar cjf /media/backs/amanda/back.etc/etc.amanda.${config}.$(date
+\%a).tar.bz2 \ etc/amanda/ --exclude=*~
tar cjf /media/backs/amanda/back.log/log.amanda.$(date +\%a).tar.bz2 \
var/log/amanda/ --exclude=*~

I think that gets everything. The naming scheme should work with
multiple configurations. It also ensures a week's worth of backups.


Charles Curley  /"\ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Looking for fine software   \ /Respect for open standards
and/or writing?  X No HTML/RTF in email \No M$ Word docs in email

Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0  809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB

Re: ZWC crashes

2010-11-23 Thread Paddy Sreenivasan
Good to hear that the backup worked this time.

Of course, Windows client should not crash.  If it happens again,
please do the following:

1. Remove "maxdumps 1" from the dumptype. We used to have this
problem. I think it is fixed but I would
prefer to avoid it since the default for maxdumps is 1.

2. Windows client uses VSS. Apply Windows 2003 VSS hot fix.


Re: Wrong error for execute_on

2010-11-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Marc Muehlfeld wrote:

Am 23.11.2010 21:04, schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

Which wiki page.

Thanks, I fixed it.


Re: Wrong error for execute_on

2010-11-23 Thread Marc Muehlfeld

Am 23.11.2010 21:04, schrieb Jean-Louis Martineau:

Which wiki page.

Why amcheck says "Execute_on" instead of "execute-on"?

They are equivalent.

Just got confused, because nowhere I could find "Execute_on" the manpage and 
the wiki. Just the error showed this spelling.


Marc Muehlfeld (IT-Leiter)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-780

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:34:17 -0500
upengan78  wrote:

> One thing I am confused about and want to confirm do I really need to
> use spanning in Virtual tapes ? 
> This document here mentions that one doesn't need to configure
> 'runtapes' variable with vtapes but looking at amdump o/p in previous
> email I think I must mention 'runtape' 

You don't have to use it, but you will find you get more efficient use
of your storage space if you do. If all your DLEs are the same size,
you won't need it because Amanda will even out the level 0 backups
across the dump cycle, and then all the dumps will be of similar size.

But that's a rare situation. More often there are one or two huge DLEs
and the rest are small. Then you have to accommodate the occasional
huge dump without wasting much space the rest of the time. Tape
spanning lets you accommodate the huge DLEs by spreading them across
multiple tapes. The rest of the time you use fewer tapes.


Charles Curley  /"\ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Looking for fine software   \ /Respect for open standards
and/or writing?  X No HTML/RTF in email \No M$ Word docs in email

Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0  809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Brian Cuttler

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 02:34:17PM -0500, upengan78 wrote:
> Thanks for the advise.
> I understand you have asked me some questions and that is actually making me 
> think of more points to be considered while sizing and make correct 
> decisions. Some of the points that you have mentioned I did not really think 
> of them when I started. Thanks for pointing them out.

Pretty much that is what I do. I ask or re-ask refined questions
and often lead conversations in that mode.

> One thing I am confused about and want to confirm do I really need to use 
> spanning in Virtual tapes ? 

My assumption was that with 50 Gig of data you'd be backing up
DLEs that where more than 4 gig. Since they clearly fit on DVD
at that size you either don't use, will not need, spanning or
you are allowing your dump/tar mechanism to roll your dumps onto
secondary volumes.

Er, vocabulary. DLEs traditionally had to fit on a tape volume.
DLE-size <= backup_media_size

This causes problems when your backup segments are larger than
your media, tape spanning was invented to handle this, it allowed
the larger dumps to span across your output media.

I guess in the earliest sense of it, dumps where unix partitions
and they where small relative to physical tape. With increases
in disk size and the advent of raid the partitions are allowed
to become 'large' relative to the tape media.

I don't know how you do your backups now, you may have included
that information in your details but I have not absorbed it.
If you have many small partitions to backup you can treat them
each as a DLE and DUMP them to vtape. If you have larger partitions
and have been TAR'ing segments then you can tell amanda that you
are backing up a segment of the partition with TAR, actually gtar
in most cases and continue to dump these small DLEs to your vtapes.

You may, with the vtapes want to restructure your sementation of
the data so that you have fewer but larger DLEs and increase the
size of the vtapes accordingly.

> This document here mentions that one doesn't need to configure 'runtapes' 
> variable with vtapes but looking at amdump o/p in previous email I think I 
> must mention 'runtape' 

With jukeboxes, vtapes (where you can think of your vtapes as being
in a virtual-jukebox) or attended backups where you can have an
operator swap media for you, you can have more than one run-tape
volumes written per amdump run.

You must have some mechanism now to dump your data to multiple
DVD each night, so in effect your backup schema utilizes a
runtapes value greater than 1.

> Now back to the questions.
> @Charles
> * Are you planning to back up vtapes to DVD? If not, I'd say, don't worry 
> about the 4 G size and pick something that suits your data set.
> No I am not planning on that. I think I better make tapesize larger like 40G 
> or so
> @Brian
> *You talk in terms of 'new data' each day, do you touch existing 
> files ?
> It will be modification of exsiting files as well as addition of directories 
> and more files and may involve removal of directories/files.

Traditional unix dump is the default for amdump, non-level 0 dumps
utilize the well known level 1, 2... dumps. A level one will select
files that have been modified since the most recent level 0, so any
files that are either new or modified since the most recent lower
level number will be selected.

You have to expect in this case to backup more data than you are
adding to your system, but also remember that its segregated by
the DLE which in effect partitions your data.

> *How many DLEs, disklist entries, will you have, what are their
> relative sizes ? 
> Only 1 entry for a amanda-network client server. Size is about 50G and grows 
> by 100M-200M a day or data size sometimes stays as it is for 2-3 days.

So, what mechanism do you use to back it up ?

You are using either Tar or dump and allowing it to span output volumes ?

> *Did you plan on using the VTape pool for anything else ?
> No but I think I did not mention that actual filesystem size of RAID5 storage 
> mounted is 300G and I only created 20 tapes of 4.x G size on it. I don't plan 
> to use the remaining space for anything else.

If you are backing up 50 Gig at one time you need to either have a
50 Gig vtape or you need to tell amanda it can span the output data
across multiple vtape volumes. You need to enable tape spanning as
well as set runtapes accordingly.

If its practical I'd think in terms of dividing your data into
different DLE, different backup partitions, perhaps by selecting
a set of top level directories on the raid partition and treating
them as separate partitions and telling amanda to dump with gtar
rather than dump (which only dumps in partition level segments).

There are many examples of this in the amanda wiki and on the
internet in general, I can send you my own working examples.

> *How large are your DLEs ? Are they actually all small enough to expect level 
> 0 dumps to fit on 4

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Chris Hoogendyk

On 11/23/10 2:34 PM, upengan78 wrote:

One thing I am confused about and want to confirm do I really need to use 
spanning in Virtual tapes ?

*How many DLEs, disklist entries, will you have, what are their
relative sizes ?

Only 1 entry for a amanda-network client server. Size is about 50G and grows by 
100M-200M a day or data size sometimes stays as it is for 2-3 days.

Just a comment that this isn't making good use of Amanda. You will get a full backup of 50G, and 
then incrementals of 100M-200M on all the other days of the dump cycle. Making your vtapes all one 
size then wastes a lot of space, not to mention that the load is virtually all on one day of the 
cycle when the full backup is done.

You should break up the 50G into multiple pieces. Suppose there are, say, 10 directories in there, 
and that stays the same. Make each of those directories a disklist entry. Then Amanda's planner will 
decide when to do a full of each directory in such a way as to smooth out the load and the usage of 
space in the vtapes over the span of the dump cycle. If it works out well, and you have a 7 day dump 
cycle, then you should end up getting about 7G+/- every day after it gets started. Since each dle 
has to have a full backup before it can do incrementals, you could add one dle each day to your 
disklist to get a smoother start. Otherwise, the first time you run it, it will want to do a full of 
everything anyway.

Since you are not going to be using the space for anything else, make your vtapes about 10G. Give 
yourself, say, 21 of those. You will have some space left. If you set up a holding disk, then Amanda 
can run multiple dle's in parallel. Ideally, your holding disk should be somewhere else, but you 
could use the remaining 90G or so if you don't have anything else. I like to have a separate drive 
for a holding disk so that I'm not in competition for i/o bandwidth with anything that I might be 
backing up, or in your case with the vtapes.

That's just an example of how to go about it. It would give you a typecycle with 3 weeks of backup 
with 3 full dump cycles of 7 days.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__   Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology&  Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst


Erdös 4

Re: Wrong error for execute_on

2010-11-23 Thread Jean-Louis Martineau

Marc Muehlfeld wrote:


the wiki says, that there are *-selfcheck values for "execute_on". 
This seams to be wrong and has to be *-amcheck. I haven't changed the 
wiki, because I don't know if maybe older version had *-selfcheck and 
when it was renamed.

Which wiki page.

But if the "execute_on" value is wrong (like mine was, because of the 
wrong wiki entry), I get

"/etc/amanda/TestSet/amanda.conf", line 195: Execute_on expected

Why amcheck says "Execute_on" instead of "execute-on"?

They are equivalent.


Re: slightly OT: track following errors?

2010-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 18:46:56 +0100
"Stefan G. Weichinger"  wrote:

> > For those that need off-site secure storage, just rotate the drive
> > out for another identically prepared one at the end of say every
> > other dumpcycle.  

Gene, I thought about this approach, and wasn't sure it would work.

* Amanda would assume it was only using one drive, so its metadata
  wouldn't agree with either drive.

* Each drive would have every other dumpcycle, so you could find
  yourself switching drive in the middle of a backup, and I suspect
  neither Amanda nor the OS would like that.

My solution is a bit different: three drives, one of which stays put
and the other two of which rotate to the offsite location.

And encrypt the files using ecryptfs.


Charles Curley  /"\ASCII Ribbon Campaign
Looking for fine software   \ /Respect for open standards
and/or writing?  X No HTML/RTF in email \No M$ Word docs in email

Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0  809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB

[Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread upengan78
Thanks for the advise.

I understand you have asked me some questions and that is actually making me 
think of more points to be considered while sizing and make correct decisions. 
Some of the points that you have mentioned I did not really think of them when 
I started. Thanks for pointing them out.

One thing I am confused about and want to confirm do I really need to use 
spanning in Virtual tapes ? 

This document here mentions that one doesn't need to configure 'runtapes' 
variable with vtapes but looking at amdump o/p in previous email I think I must 
mention 'runtape' 

Now back to the questions.

* Are you planning to back up vtapes to DVD? If not, I'd say, don't worry 
about the 4 G size and pick something that suits your data set.

No I am not planning on that. I think I better make tapesize larger like 40G or 

*You talk in terms of 'new data' each day, do you touch existing 
files ?

It will be modification of exsiting files as well as addition of directories 
and more files and may involve removal of directories/files.

*How many DLEs, disklist entries, will you have, what are their
relative sizes ? 

Only 1 entry for a amanda-network client server. Size is about 50G and grows by 
100M-200M a day or data size sometimes stays as it is for 2-3 days.

*Did you plan on using the VTape pool for anything else ?
No but I think I did not mention that actual filesystem size of RAID5 storage 
mounted is 300G and I only created 20 tapes of 4.x G size on it. I don't plan 
to use the remaining space for anything else.

*How large are your DLEs ? Are they actually all small enough to expect level 0 
dumps to fit on 4 gig volumes ?

I have only 1 DLE in disklist and DUMP 0 will be of about 50G therefore won't 
fit on a single 4GB volume(vtape) however Ithought Amanda will span it 
automatically for Virtual tapes.

*Ah - how many DVD do you typically write per day now ? 
*Is that all level 0 or a mix of 0 and non-0 dumps ? 

No I don't write DVDs actually, it is just named DVD as per the wiki example. I 
have tried taking manual dumps using amdump and they fail as in my earlier 
email :( . Once it is confirmed amdump works manually I will let Amanda do this 

*Are you manually intermixing the levels now to even out dump 
times across your week ? 

No I don't plan on doing that. I am only trying to do amdump for testing if a 
Backup job works or no.

*What is the structure of your vtape pool ? 

It is a directory with 1 slot and 20 vtaps. This directory resides on a sotrage 
mount which itself is RAID5 configured.

size of /blah is 300GB

lrwxrwxrwx   1 amanda   sys   50 Nov 23 12:32 data -> 
-rw---   1 amanda   sys   15 Nov 23 13:13 info
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 11:07 slot1
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot10
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot11
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot12
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot13
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot14
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot15
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot16
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot17
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot18
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot19
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 13:13 slot2
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot20
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot3
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot4
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot5
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot6
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot7
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot8
drwxr-xr-x   2 amanda   sys  512 Nov 23 10:27 slot9

cat tapelist

0 TEST-20 reuse
0 TEST-19 reuse
0 TEST-18 reuse
0 TEST-17 reuse
0 TEST-16 reuse
0 TEST-15 reuse
0 TEST-14 reuse
0 TEST-13 reuse
0 TEST-12 reuse
0 TEST-11 reuse
0 TEST-10 reuse
0 TEST-9 reuse
0 TEST-8 reuse
0 TEST-7 reuse
0 TEST-6 reuse
0 TEST-5 reuse
0 TEST-4 reuse
0 TEST-3 reuse
0 TEST-2 reuse
0 TEST-1 reuse

*Do you need to think in terms of off-site storage for 
disaster recovery ?

No I don't think I will be doing that. Don't want any redundancy for now 
because there is already RAID5 on DAS.

*Are you worried about data recovery if you lose the vtape 
Nope, Mount is RAID 5 so don't think it will be a big problem
pool as well as files/drives in your data pool ?

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Re: ZWC crashes

2010-11-23 Thread Albrecht Dreß

Am 23.11.10 02:26 schrieb(en) Paddy Sreenivasan:

Windows client 3.1.3 has not been tested with 2.5.2p1 release.

I know... but I use a bunch of production Linux boxes (with Ubuntu 8.04, SuSE 
and RHEL) and I didn't want to upgrade them all.  And even *if* the 2.5.2p1 
server sends crap to zwc, it shouldn't crash, right?

Do you use maxdumps parameter in the dumptype?


define dumptype zwc-compress {
   auth "bsdtcp"
   maxdumps 1
   compress client fast
   program "DUMP"

define dumptype zwc-compress-o {
   auth "bsdtcp"
   maxdumps 1
   compress client fast
   program "DUMP"
   exclude "DSI*.zip"

Can you check the log files on the  Windows Client?

Umm.  Last night the backup has been successful, and thus the logs of the 
previous crashed one are gone.  I'll check again if the service shows the issue 

Thanks, Albrecht.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Brian Cuttler
On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 12:35:10PM -0500, upengan78 wrote:
> Firstly, thanks for the response!
> 1. You have 50 gig under backup/amanda control, but how much data 
> are you currently backing up per week ? 
> Currently not doing any backups through Amanda. I am trying to understand 
> this whole theory of numbers involved in configuration.
> I want to start backing up a 50G partition with a Full backup on Monday and 
> incrementals on each day till next week's Monday. So I think for 7 days I 
> will have to backup 50G + 200M x 6 days = 50.6G . Let's say 55G a week. 

When you first run amanda it will see that you have no dumps
of any of the DLEs (DiskList Entries) and will want to dump
level 0 for all of them.

Not knowing the physical config - local drives, networked amanda
clients, bus architecture, you might consider starting with only
a few DLE in your disklist file and adding a couple each day.

Once you have a 'recent' dump, that is a level 0 without one
dumpcycle, you will (tend to) perform non-0 dumps for other days.

You talk in terms of 'new data' each day, do you touch existing
files ? Its not a block level dump, its a file level dump so if
you are appending to existing files or modifying existing files
other than those you are creating with new data you will be backing
them up also, so you may backup more data than you expect.

How many DLEs, disklist entries, will you have, what are their
relative sizes ?

> My original configuration is with little idea.
> dumpcycle 7
> runspercycle 7
> tapecycle 20
> I though above would yield me 7 Days of backup including 1 Full and 6 
> incrementals in 1 dumpcycle and all 20 tapes will be used. I don't know if I 
> am right.

Correct in principle, in practice its a little more complicated.

Once amanda gets a handle on the DLE sizes it will try to level
the amanda of data across each day of dumps in the dumpcycle.
This will take a while and you will find that if you have 'lots'
of free space in your tape pool amanda may promote level 0 dumps
and perform them for any given DLE in less than dumpcycle days.

> 2. With current settings, tapecycle and dumpcycle you will have 
> between 2 and 3 full dumps per partition "on tape" at any one 
> time, 2.x X 50 Gig >> 80 Gig so you are already short on (vtape) space. 
> Correct I think I also think I am short of Vtapes. I wonder if I should add 
> more 4.xx G size tapes or redo Vtapes of 40G size each to utilize whole 300GB 
> of disk space.

Did you plan on using the VTape pool for anything else ?

How large are your DLEs ? Are they actually all small enough to
expect level 0 dumps to fit on 4 gig volumes ?

> 3. I believe that vtape size is an upper bound, unused space on 
> the vtape is actually free space on the disk, so you can actually 
> oversubscribe the 300 gig pool by some percentage (depending on 
> numerous factors that we currently do NOT have a handle on). 
> I am not sure I understand what oversubscribe actually is but I wonder if I 
> really need it. could you tell me what it will actually do in my case?

Oversubscribe the vtape pool drive...

I think if you, for instance, use vtapes of 10 gig and on some day
write 6 gig that you have 4 gig of real space free. I don't think
the vtapes are fixed size containers. This would leave 4 gig free
that day and ultimately enough free space to have, 300/10 = 30 vtapes,
perhaps 35 vtapes in the tape pool.

Actual numbers depend on how full each tape will be, compression
ration if you use it, that sort of thing.

> 4. With 4 Gig tapes... how large are your DLEs ? 4 Gig is relatively 
> small, are you using tape spanning or are all of the DLE's small ? 
> I don't believe Tape spanning is configured. I just used Vtapes document from 
> Amanda wiki and so used 4GB dvd size as it is  mentioned there. that's why I 
> am here now to tweak it. DLEs in my disklist are as below,
>   /backup/location comp-tar

Ah - how many DVD do you typically write per day now ?
Is that all level 0 or a mix of 0 and non-0 dumps ?

Are you manually intermixing the levels now to even out dump
times across your week ?

If so, you can achieve the same result with amanda, but the
scheduling becomes automatic. You don't normally want to force
the levels but let amanda choose them for you.

> 5. With 4-gig tapes and 50 gig under backup you must use 12 tapes 
> for a complete dump of the system, with a pool of 20 tapes you 
> can not have two complete dump cycles... 
> Okay. that makes sense.

> 6. It seems that either I'm badly misunderstanding your config or 
> you are badly underconfiguring your tape pool. 
> Yes, I can provide you whatever is required. I know even 300G may not very 
> large but then I'd like to have best possible that I can make use of it as of 
> now. Thanks for helping me out!

300 Gig is more than large enough to manage backups on 50 Gig of data.

What is the structure of your vtape pool ?

One large spind

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Charles Curley
On Tue, 23 Nov 2010 12:35:10 -0500
upengan78  wrote:

> Firstly, thanks for the response!
> 1. You have 50 gig under backup/amanda control, but how much data 
> are you currently backing up per week ? 
> Currently not doing any backups through Amanda. I am trying to
> understand this whole theory of numbers involved in configuration. I
> want to start backing up a 50G partition with a Full backup on Monday
> and incrementals on each day till next week's Monday. So I think for
> 7 days I will have to backup 50G + 200M x 6 days = 50.6G . Let's say
> 55G a week.

If you have a dump cycle of 7, and expect 50 G per, then you need 50 x
3 G, or 150 G, plus some spare.

> My original configuration is with little idea.
> dumpcycle 7
> runspercycle 7
> tapecycle 20
> I though above would yield me 7 Days of backup including 1 Full and 6
> incrementals in 1 dumpcycle and all 20 tapes will be used. I don't
> know if I am right.

You need 3 x dump cycle tapes plus some spares, so I'd bump that up to
25, a nice integer factor of 150.

The reason you need three times dump cycle is that Amanda spreads out
level 0 (full) backups across the dump cycle, and this ensures that you
always have at least the most recent level 0 backup for any DLE.

> 2. With current settings, tapecycle and dumpcycle you will have 
> between 2 and 3 full dumps per partition "on tape" at any one 
> time, 2.x X 50 Gig >> 80 Gig so you are already short on (vtape)
> space. 
> Correct I think I also think I am short of Vtapes. I wonder if I
> should add more 4.xx G size tapes or redo Vtapes of 40G size each to
> utilize whole 300GB of disk space.

I use tapes of 10 G and find that a convenient size. I also set
runtapes to 2, but be warned that that introduces a new and potentially
messy factor into your tape requirements calculation.

I also set tape_splitsize to 900 mb, which splits up large dumps into
smaller chunks. 11of them will barely fit onto a 10 G vtape, so I get
maximum use of each one.

> 3. I believe that vtape size is an upper bound, unused space on 
> the vtape is actually free space on the disk, so you can actually 
> oversubscribe the 300 gig pool by some percentage (depending on 
> numerous factors that we currently do NOT have a handle on). 

Correct, and I have not looked into the calculation.

> I am not sure I understand what oversubscribe actually is but I
> wonder if I really need it. could you tell me what it will actually
> do in my case?

Let's say you have 25 4 G tapes, for a theoretical supply of 100 G, so
you give Amanda a partition of 100 G. But you notice that the runs tend
to under-use each tape, by an average of 10%. So you are actually using
90 G. You could (in theory) add two more tapes to that partition.

I recommend against it; I prefer to play with the tape size and
tape_splitsize to make things better emulate tapes.

> 4. With 4 Gig tapes... how large are your DLEs ? 4 Gig is relatively 
> small, are you using tape spanning or are all of the DLE's small ? 
> I don't believe Tape spanning is configured. I just used Vtapes
> document from Amanda wiki and so used 4GB dvd size as it is
> mentioned there.

Are you planning to back up vtapes to DVD? If not, I'd say, don't worry
about the 4 G size and pick something that suits your data set.


Charles Curley  /"\ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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[Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread upengan78
Firstly, thanks for the response!

1. You have 50 gig under backup/amanda control, but how much data 
are you currently backing up per week ? 

Currently not doing any backups through Amanda. I am trying to understand this 
whole theory of numbers involved in configuration.
I want to start backing up a 50G partition with a Full backup on Monday and 
incrementals on each day till next week's Monday. So I think for 7 days I will 
have to backup 50G + 200M x 6 days = 50.6G . Let's say 55G a week. 

My original configuration is with little idea.
dumpcycle 7
runspercycle 7
tapecycle 20
I though above would yield me 7 Days of backup including 1 Full and 6 
incrementals in 1 dumpcycle and all 20 tapes will be used. I don't know if I am 

2. With current settings, tapecycle and dumpcycle you will have 
between 2 and 3 full dumps per partition "on tape" at any one 
time, 2.x X 50 Gig >> 80 Gig so you are already short on (vtape) space. 

Correct I think I also think I am short of Vtapes. I wonder if I should add 
more 4.xx G size tapes or redo Vtapes of 40G size each to utilize whole 300GB 
of disk space.

3. I believe that vtape size is an upper bound, unused space on 
the vtape is actually free space on the disk, so you can actually 
oversubscribe the 300 gig pool by some percentage (depending on 
numerous factors that we currently do NOT have a handle on). 

I am not sure I understand what oversubscribe actually is but I wonder if I 
really need it. could you tell me what it will actually do in my case?

4. With 4 Gig tapes... how large are your DLEs ? 4 Gig is relatively 
small, are you using tape spanning or are all of the DLE's small ? 

I don't believe Tape spanning is configured. I just used Vtapes document from 
Amanda wiki and so used 4GB dvd size as it is  mentioned there. that's why I am 
here now to tweak it. DLEs in my disklist are as below,   /backup/location comp-tar

5. With 4-gig tapes and 50 gig under backup you must use 12 tapes 
for a complete dump of the system, with a pool of 20 tapes you 
can not have two complete dump cycles... 

Okay. that makes sense.

6. It seems that either I'm badly misunderstanding your config or 
you are badly underconfiguring your tape pool. 

Yes, I can provide you whatever is required. I know even 300G may not very 
large but then I'd like to have best possible that I can make use of it as of 
now. Thanks for helping me out!


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Wrong error for execute_on

2010-11-23 Thread Marc Muehlfeld


the wiki says, that there are *-selfcheck values for "execute_on". This seams 
to be wrong and has to be *-amcheck. I haven't changed the wiki, because I 
don't know if maybe older version had *-selfcheck and when it was renamed.

But if the "execute_on" value is wrong (like mine was, because of the wrong 
wiki entry), I get

"/etc/amanda/TestSet/amanda.conf", line 195: Execute_on expected

Why amcheck says "Execute_on" instead of "execute-on"?

Im using 3.2.0


Marc Muehlfeld (IT-Leiter)
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-780

Re: [Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread Brian Cuttler


You have 50 gig under backup/amanda control, but how much data
are you currently backing up per week ?

With current settings, tapecycle and dumpcycle you will have
between 2 and 3 full dumps per partition "on tape" at any one
time, 2.x X 50 Gig >> 80 Gig so you are already short on (vtape) space.

I believe that vtape size is an upper bound, unused space on
the vtape is actually free space on the disk, so you can actually
oversubscribe the 300 gig pool by some percentage (depending on
numerous factors that we currently do NOT have a handle on).

With 4 Gig tapes... how large are your DLEs ? 4 Gig is relatively
small, are you using tape spanning or are all of the DLE's small ?

With 4-gig tapes and 50 gig under backup you must use 12 tapes
for a complete dump of the system, with a pool of 20 tapes you
can not have two complete dump cycles... 

It seems that either I'm badly misunderstanding your config or
you are badly underconfiguring your tape pool.

There is probably more stuff we could address in your email
but I want to make sure I've understood this much before digging


On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 10:27:15AM -0500, upengan78 wrote:
> Hi,
> Using Amanda on Solaris 10 "2.5.2p1,REV=2008.05.21" and amanda client on a 
> solaris 8 which I beleive has same version of Amanda.
> I am not sure what settings for tapecycle dumpcycle should be used for 
> efficient usage of Vtapes. I'd like advise in setting those parameters in 
> amanda.conf
> Here is the situation,
> Data to be backed up is around 50G and grows by about 100-200MB each day.
> I have 20 Vtapes and each tape is 4G size on the server.  I do have total 
> 300G available on server disk but I just decided to start with 80G to start 
> with.
> Current settings in Amanda.conf are,
> dumpcycle 7
> runspercycle 7
> tapecycle 20 
> dumpuser "amanda"
> tpchanger "chg-disk"# a virtual tape changer
> tapedev "file:/export/amanda/vtapes/test/slots"
> changerfile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/changerfile"
> labelstr "TEST-.*"
> #label_new_tapes "TEST-%%"
> #autolabel "TEST-%%"
> tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK
> logdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test"
> infofile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/curinfo"
> indexdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/index"
> tapelist "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/tapelist"
> #etimeout 600 # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> etimeout 3600 # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
> #etimeout -600   # total number of seconds for estimates.
> # a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
> # each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
> # The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.
> #dtimeout 1800# number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> dtimeout 3600# number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
> ctimeout 30  # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
>  # for each client host
> holdingdisk hd1 {
> directory "/random/amanda/amandahold/test"
> }
> define dumptype comp-tar {
> program "GNUTAR"
> compress fast
> index yes
> record yes  # Important! avoid interfering with production runs
> }  
> define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
> filemark 4 KB
> length 4482 MB
> }
> I'd like to retain backup for a month if that's possible by doing some 
> modifications in amanda.conf and adding more tapes of modifying tape size or 
> so..
> Please advise..
> Thanks
> +--
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   Brian R Cuttler
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

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[Amanda-users] amanda.conf config help

2010-11-23 Thread upengan78

Using Amanda on Solaris 10 "2.5.2p1,REV=2008.05.21" and amanda client on a 
solaris 8 which I beleive has same version of Amanda.

I am not sure what settings for tapecycle dumpcycle should be used for 
efficient usage of Vtapes. I'd like advise in setting those parameters in 

Here is the situation,

Data to be backed up is around 50G and grows by about 100-200MB each day.

I have 20 Vtapes and each tape is 4G size on the server.  I do have total 300G 
available on server disk but I just decided to start with 80G to start with.

Current settings in Amanda.conf are,

dumpcycle 7
runspercycle 7
tapecycle 20 
dumpuser "amanda"
tpchanger "chg-disk"# a virtual tape changer
tapedev "file:/export/amanda/vtapes/test/slots"
changerfile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/changerfile"
labelstr "TEST-.*"
#label_new_tapes "TEST-%%"
#autolabel "TEST-%%"
logdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test"
infofile "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/curinfo"
indexdir "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/index"
tapelist "/opt/csw/etc/amanda/test/tapelist"
#etimeout 600 # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
etimeout 3600 # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
#etimeout -600   # total number of seconds for estimates.
# a positive number will be multiplied by the number of filesystems on
# each host; a negative number will be taken as an absolute total time-out.
# The default is 5 minutes per filesystem.
#dtimeout 1800# number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
dtimeout 3600# number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30  # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
 # for each client host

holdingdisk hd1 {
directory "/random/amanda/amandahold/test"

define dumptype comp-tar {
program "GNUTAR"
compress fast
index yes
record yes  # Important! avoid interfering with production runs

define tapetype DVD_SIZED_DISK {
filemark 4 KB
length 4482 MB

I'd like to retain backup for a month if that's possible by doing some 
modifications in amanda.conf and adding more tapes of modifying tape size or 

Please advise..


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Re: amanda 3.2.0 build

2010-11-23 Thread Brian Cuttler

Hi Dan,

I think they might have been harmless, but eliminated
entirely when I remembered to use # gmake rather than # make.



On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 01:10:15AM -0600, Dan Locks wrote:
> On 11/09/2010 03:25 PM, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> >
> >I'm building amanda 3.2.0 on a Solaris 10 Sparc system last
> >build performed on this system was for amanda-2.6.1p1
> >
> >I'm seeing a lot of egrep syntax errors ?
> >
> >Should I worry ?
> >
> >Can I provide any information for diagnostics ?
> >
> >
> >   
> Oy.  I hate these.  They're harmless, AFAIK.  I ignore them.
> Better late than never, right?
> Dan Locks
   Brian R Cuttler
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

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distribute, copy or use it or any attachments.  Please notify the
sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this from your
system. Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: amanda 3.2.0 build

2010-11-23 Thread Brian Cuttler

Thanks Sean, I'll remember that too.

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 02:28:28AM -0500, Sean Walmsley wrote:
> We set EGREP to the gnu version in /usr/sfw/bin to avoid these messages 
> using the following addition to the configure command line:
> EGREP=/usr/sfw/bin/gegrep
> i.e.
> ./configure --with-group=sys \
> blah blah blah \
> --without-ipv6 \
> EGREP=/usr/sfw/bin/gegrep \
> CC=/home/compilers/SUNWspro/bin/cc
> This is mostly to improve the build output signal to noise ratio since 
> the grep errors don't actually seem to cause any problems.
> On 11/23/10 02:10, Dan Locks wrote:
> >On 11/09/2010 03:25 PM, Brian Cuttler wrote:
> >>
> >>I'm building amanda 3.2.0 on a Solaris 10 Sparc system last
> >>build performed on this system was for amanda-2.6.1p1
> >>
> >>I'm seeing a lot of egrep syntax errors ?
> >>
> >>Should I worry ?
> >>
> >>Can I provide any information for diagnostics ?
> >>
> >>
> >Oy. I hate these. They're harmless, AFAIK. I ignore them.
> >
> >Better late than never, right?
> >Dan Locks
   Brian R Cuttler
   Computer Systems Support(v) 518 486-1697
   Wadsworth Center(f) 518 473-6384
   NYS Department of HealthHelp Desk 518 473-0773

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from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, please do not
distribute, copy or use it or any attachments.  Please notify the
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system. Thank you for your cooperation.