Re: SGIs not backing up

2001-03-15 Thread Ross Macintyre

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001 17:54:50 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >I've taken over the amanda backups of a number of machines. They seem 
> >to be working now except that 3 machines fail with this error message 
> >like this:
> >  FAIL planner glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 0 [Request to glenord failed: 
> >  timeout waiting for ACK]
> Based on that message, your server appears to be running the main CVS
> code, otherwise known as "2.5" or the development (i.e. "expermental")
> branch.  Is that correct and did you realize that?  

It is correct. I was unaware of this. You see I am trying to 
fix this for a network that I am not familiar with. And the person who 
set it up has left. The server is running  "Amanda-2.5.0-19990816"
and the SGI clients "Amanda-2.4.2-19990203".

> If you don't want
> to be on the bleeding edge you might consider going back to 2.4.2p1,
> the latest stable release.

I certainly don't want to be on the bleeding edge, but I'm not sure how 
much effort will be required to reconfigure the server and all the Sun 
clients to the earlier version. I mean I have the configuration file 
amanda.conf, so will there be much effort involved in getting 2.4.2p1, 
installing the client and server side, and then could I just use the 
old amanda.conf file with the tapelist and disklist files and it should 
continue from where it left off? ie I just replace the the 2.5 binaries 
with the older 2.4.2 ones?

> I've seen a timeout problem where clients were not at 2.5.0 and the
> server was.  It has to do with the new protocol engine in the security
> code in 2.5, but I didn't bother working on it at the time (although I
> seem to recall posting to amanda-hackers, with no reply).
> >... The fix is probably fairly obvious ...
> Actually, I suspect the fix is going to require some reasonably
> good coding, C level and protocol debugging experience on your part.

I'm afraid I can't spare the time to do this.

> You might search the amanda-hackers archive for my post and see if that
> gets you started.

I'll have alook.
Thanks for your time,

> >Is it got something to do with the fact that it has xfs type 
> >filesystems and an efs filesystem? Do I have to tell amanada (somehow) 
> >about this?
> No, this isn't the problem and no, you don't have tell Amanda about this.
> It figures it out for itself.
> >Ross
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

SGIs not backing up

2001-03-14 Thread Ross Macintyre

I've taken over the amanda backups of a number of machines. They seem 
to be working now except that 3 machines fail with this error message 
like this:
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 0 [Request to glenord failed: 
  timeout waiting for ACK]
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/usr 0 [Request to glenord failed: timeout 
  waiting for ACK]
  FAIL planner glenord /dev/root 0 [Request to glenord failed: timeout 
  waiting for ACK]

Now the thing is that these machines that fail are all SGIs whereas all 
the machines that work are solaris Suns. The fix is probably fairly 
obvious but I'm afraid I don't know. Here is the entry for the machine 
in question in disklist:
  glenord /dev/root   nocomp-user
  glenord /dev/usrnocomp-user
  glenord /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7   nocomp-user
and the machine glenord has an fstab like so:
  /dev/root / xfs rw,raw=/dev/rroot 0 0
  /dev/usr /usr xfs rw,raw=/dev/rusr 0 0
  /dev/dsk/dks1d5s7 /export/home2 efs rw,raw=/dev/rdsk/dks1d5s7 0 0  
Is it got something to do with the fact that it has xfs type 
filesystems and an efs filesystem? Do I have to tell amanada (somehow) 
about this?

Well thnks for any help or advice in advance,


Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

Re: Tapelist

2001-03-09 Thread Ross Macintyre

On Thu, 08 Mar 2001 17:18:37 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >In other backup systems I've used, I have always kept certain level 0's 
> >out of the rotation so's that I could alway go back quite a bit if 
> >necessary.
> That's harder to do with Amanda because when a level 0 is done is not
> deterministic (well, it is, but it's much more complicated than "it's
> Thursday").
> >Can I add as many new ones as I want then?  ...
> Yup.
> >And yet there are over 100 tapes in the tapelist file! 
> That just means the tapecycle value didn't get updated when more tapes
> were added.  If tapelist has less entries than tapecycle, Amanda will
> ask for new tapes.  But if it has more, Amanda just cycles through them
> and pays no attention to tapecycle.
> Tapecycle is used for some other things (how long to keep some log files).
> >Do these figures mean that a level 0 must be done on each file system 
> >at least once every 4 weeks? 
> Yes.  But notice what you said.  "At least", not "Every".  In other words,
> it might only be a couple of days between doing level 0's or it might be
> the full four weeks.  It's all up to how Amanda wants to balance the load.

one last question (promise) and this is what I've been trying to figure 
out all along, is how does amanda figure out what to dump and when to 
dump? I mean what is the algorithm? I haven't been able to figure this 
out and yet it must be documented somewhere. 
Thanks again,

> >And I guess if all the tapes are being reused then these backups are 
> >just for emergencies and if you wanted to look at something from say 3 
> >years ago, you couldn't.
> Correct, without taking other action to save that data.
> >Ross
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

Re: Tapelist

2001-03-08 Thread Ross Macintyre

On Tue, 06 Mar 2001 16:18:02 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >so I moved tape1_131 to the bottom, expecting amanda to look for 
> >tape1_131. It wasn't a big deal but when I ran amflush(the previous 
> >night's had failed) the message was that it expected tape1_132, but it 
> >still ran. So how did it know to expect tape1_132?
> The primary key is the date string, not the VSN.  Amanda doesn't care if
> you label your tapes "larry", "moe" and "curly", so VSN is not a valid
> sort criteria.
> The secondary sort key is the position within the file.  So to "move"
> a tape back into what a human wants for order, you need to send it to
> the bottom and change the datestring to match the previous line.
> You can test this with "amadmin  tape" which will show you the
> next tape(s) expected.

thanks for this information - this is very helpful

> >The other question I have is this:
> >all the lines in the file tapelist say 'reuse'. So how are we expected 
> >to know which tapes to keep?
> What do you mean by "which tapes to keep"?

In other backup systems I've used, I have always kept certain level 0's 
out of the rotation so's that I could alway go back quite a bit if 

> The "reuse" flag tells Amanda it may use this tape again when it is
> the next one in the list.  You can tell Amanda to not reuse a tape with
> "amadmin  no-reuse  ...".  When Amanda looks at that tape
> it will skip over it.
> Note that if you mark some tapes as "no-reuse", Amanda will ask for "new"
> tapes until there are "tapecycle" reusable ones again.

Can I add as many new ones as I want then? At the moment the 
configuration is like this:

dumpcycle 4 weeks   # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 20 # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
# (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 40 tapes  # the number of tapes in rotation
# 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week 

I didn't set these; the previous administrator did.
And yet there are over 100 tapes in the tapelist file! 
Do these figures mean that a level 0 must be done on each file system 
at least once every 4 weeks? 
And I guess if all the tapes are being reused then these backups are 
just for emergencies and if you wanted to look at something from say 3 
years ago, you couldn't.
I guess what I'm saying is: I think it would be a good idea to keep all 
the tapes in the tapelist for recycling but on top of this Iwould like 
to do a one-off level 0 of everything and keep that aside.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Thanks agian for your help on this.

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

Re: Tapelist

2001-03-06 Thread Ross Macintyre

On 06 Mar 2001 06:47:28 -0300 Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Mar  6, 2001, Olivier Collet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can I just change it manually
> Yep
> > Also I would like to get ride of one tape called backup00 which was use
> > for tests.  Can I just wipe it out from this file ?
> Yep.  Or amrmtape it.

I'm in a similar situation. I've taken over someone else's installation 
of amanda and am just learning about it. I noticed that the tapes in 
the file tapelist were not in order; in particular the end of the list 
looked like this:

so I moved tape1_131 to the bottom, expecting amanda to look for 
tape1_131. It wasn't a big deal but when I ran amflush(the previous 
night's had failed) the message was that it expected tape1_132, but it 
still ran. So how did it know to expect tape1_132?

The other question I have is this:
all the lines in the file tapelist say 'reuse'. So how are we expected 
to know which tapes to keep?


Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

Re: printout of dump says 0Kb

2001-02-26 Thread Ross Macintyre

On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 19:26:58 -0500 "John R. Jackson" 

> >I'm still tyring to get someone else's setup of amanda running ...
> >... I put in the right tape and ran 'diskflush tape1'.  ...
> "diskflush"?  Do you mean amflush?

sorry I was rushing

> >This seemed to 
> >work fine but the printout of the dump says:
> > Total size  0.0MB
> > Tape Used   29.2%
> > Compression Ratio --%
> > Filesystems dumped  0
> What version of Amanda is this???


> >Ross
> John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

printout of dump says 0Kb

2001-02-23 Thread Ross Macintyre

I wonder if someone can help me here?
I'm still tyring to get someone else's setup of amanda running and I 
feel I'm nearly there. But I'm confused by this:
2 night's worth of dumps failed (because I hadn't the correct tape in) 
and I put in the right tape and ran 'diskflush tape1'. This seemed to 
work fine but the printout of the dump says:
Total size  0.0MB
Tape Used   29.2%
Compression Ratio --%
Filesystems dumped  0
It then goes on to list lots of Filesystems that I think were dumped.
I did the flush manually and it certainly wrote a lot to tape, and the 
2 logs(amflush.1 and log.20010222.0) look ok. The end of the log says:
SUCCESS taper hennion /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 20010222 1 [sec 0.059 kb 160 kps 2694.6 
{wr: writers 5 rdwait 0.000 wrwait 0.038 filemark 0.018}]
INFO taper tape Tape1_125 kb 5956064 fm 146 [OK]
FINISH amflush date 20010222 time 4164.489

Does the 5956064 represent the Kb written to tape?
I would like also to know how to control the printed output.
Thanks in advance,

Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University

Help please for (very) novice user

2001-02-15 Thread Ross Macintyre

  first of all let me explain my position. I have been asked to help 
sort out some systems by giving a few hours a week. The first problem I 
have is to fix their backup system, which is 'amanda'.
I am familiar with Unix but this is the first time I've come across 
amanda. I have had a quick look at how amanda works and I've had a look 
at the log files on the failing system.
The first error that appears in the log is this:
[label tape1_125 or new tape not found in rack]

Now I had a quick try at running the backup script that was in cron 
(runs as user 'ops') and it gave this error. But I had just inserted 
blank new tapes! Does it need pre-labelled tapes? (The next thing I'll 
try is to re-use some of the old tapes).
Also I noticed that the "main holding disk" is 100% full. Would this 
cause this error? Next thing to try is clearing this out.
I am not even sure if the software is seeing the tape. In the file 
amanda.conf(and I'm *assuming* this is the configuration file) there is 
a line:
tapedev "/dev/rmt/0bn"
and if I run 'mt -f /dev/rmt/0bn' it says no such device.
Maybe I need to reboot and specify -r to rebuild the kernel (this 
machine is a Sparc running SunOS 5.5.1) I looked in 'dmesg' but I 
couldn't see a reference to a tape unit.
Just before I left I desided to run amcheck, here is what happened:
$ amcheck DailySet1
amcheck: could not cd to confdir /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda/DailySet1: No such
 file or directory
$ ls /usr/local/amanda/etc/amanda
amanda   amanda.conf  tape1tape2
$ amcheck tape1
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
ERROR: holding disk /disk/home3/AMANDA/tape1: statfs: No such file or directory
amcheck-server: slot 2: slot is empty
amcheck-server: slot 2: slot is empty
ERROR: new tape not found in rack
   (expecting a new tape)
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/amanda/logs/tape1/laphroaig: does not exist
NOTE: info dir /usr/local/amanda/logs/tape1/alcyone: does not exist
etc etc

Well I know this is all a bit vague but I'd just like to get this going 
again as it is currently a real mess.
Anyway, I'll have a bash at getting things working tonight but if 
anyone can shed any light, or give me some useful advice, I'd be very 


Ross Macintyre
Heriot-Watt University