Re: [AMRadio] Old Lafayette Parts Wanted

2004-10-06 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Thanks, Pete, for the clarification on the differences between the 410 and 
the comstat connectors.

If I can find a manual, I may have a power connector that I can convert.


Re: [AMRadio] 10m AM anyone?

2004-10-08 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
How much for the BR-21?

That is, I'm guessing the model of the Sonar amp.

Mike, K5XU 

[AMRadio] List Observation

2004-10-08 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The welcome message that I received after subscribing last week says that 
replies go only to the originator of the message.

I just noticed that replies I have sent are landing on the list.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

Re: [AMRadio] 10 meter AM

2004-11-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

Don't let the low power of the cb rigs discourage you. Get one going on 29.0 
or above up to 29.1, and keep trying for contacts.

I have had 2 different converted rigs, one old Radio Shack 23 channel ssb/am 
unit in the late 70s with which I worked almost all states and many 
countries with a dipole. The other is an 40 channel am only Sharp unit from 
about 1980. I still have it, and it works very well. It tunes from 28.965 - 
29.405, using the standard cb channel spacing.

Someday I will get ambitious and add at least one extra crystal so that I 
can park it on 29.0 for monitoring purposes.

I also have an old Viking Messenger, but it needs lots of work. 
Unfortunately, it was the cb model, not the original one for 10 meters.

Mike, K5XU

Re: [AMRadio] 10 meter AM

2004-11-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Jim and others,

I too have made a few contacts above 29.1 and below 29.0 near the peak of 
good conditions.

I haven't made any am contacts near 28.8 since the early 70s. I still have 
my old crystal that I ran for 28.825 with my original Viking Ranger when I 
was in high school.

These days, unless there's a contest or unless conditions are really great, 
you won't find much ssb above 28.6, and even less above 28.7.

I bet it won't take one weekend of operating much below 29.0 for some ssb 
cop to start screaming about us being illegal because we're out of our band 

Let'um holler! If I find any AM on 10 meters, I'll answer it.

Re: [AMRadio] 10 meter AM

2004-11-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

The HTX10 will bring you lots of AM qsos too, but the tube rigs will indeed 
sound much better.

I'm curious which cb model you will be converting.

[AMRadio] National Receiver Question

2004-12-02 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Did National ever make a receiver on which the tuning knob pulled out
slightly to become the band switch?

If they didn't, who might have made such a mechanical monster?

I am trying to help a friend identify a receiver which he has acquired that
has this unusual band switch arrangement. All of the model information is
gone from the unit.

I asked about the National because there is a bit of paper label remaining
on the bottom of the unit with the letters NC.

Any ideas?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] AM Window on 15 Meters?

2004-12-22 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
As 10 meters began its decline a few years ago, I would often ask AM 
operators if they ever used 15 meters. With very few exceptions, the answer 
would usually go something like: No, because I never hear anyone else down 

There was AM activity for a brief time around 21.400, and on 21.430. But, in 
casual tuning on the weekends, I have heard less than 5 AM stations on 15 
meters within the past year.

I say all that to ask just where is the AM window on 15 meters?

And, why don't more of us operate there?

Unless there's a contest, 15 meters is usually not crowded. Those of us who 
run rice boxes or similar power can usually hold our own there once a 
contact is established.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs 

[AMRadio] Safe Metering for Blind Operators

2005-01-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
K4KYV wrote:

In my homebrew rigs with triode finals, I place the plate meters between 
common point for grid leak/bias supply and PA filament, and ground.  The
Gates BC1-T does it the same way, with no HV on the meter.

I've been reading the discussion of safe metering with great interest, as 
perhaps explained by my subject line and signature.

I would love to find a good plate modulated transmitter in the power class 
of a DX100 or Valiant, in which the plate meter would not have the full 
plate voltage across its terminals. Is anyone aware of a commercial or 
surplus transmitter with this design feature?

I could easily and safely tune such a transmitter by connecting an audible 
meter-reading device across the meter terminals. I still have the circuit 
which I used successfully with a DX60, and very cautiously with a Viking 
Ranger from 1969 - 1974. I learned quickly that the ranger meter is at full 
plate potential. The good news is that I lived to tell about the experience.

I also recall reading somewhere of using a voltage divider in order to 
obtain a safe potential level in the external audible reader. If anyone on 
this list has ever encountered a transmitter which was modified in this way, 
I'd like to know more about how it was done, since I'd love to put a Ranger 
on the air in order to re-create my first station.

The point can be made that the easiest route is to put a rice box and linear 
combination on the air. Yes, that would be the easiest thing for anyone, 
but, not nearly as much fun!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] Novice Days

2005-02-24 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Ah, yes!

There was activity on 40 meters 24/7, despite Radio Moscow, Voice of 
America, BBC, etc.

While my old Viking Ranger has long since gone to who knows where, I still 
have most of my Novice crystals, including my two favorite frequencies, 
71.75, and 71.95.

I also still have the HQ110-A/VHF which was bought new for me at Christmas, 

The other thing I remember the most about that station was the antenna, a 40 
meter folded dipole made from and fed with tv twin lead bought at my local 
tv repair shop. That antenna worked better than any other 40 meter dipole 
I've ever had since.

It was in a nearly perfect flat top at about 35 feet.

One of these days I'll build another one just like it just so I can hear 
these new guys say what's that?

The only thing I didn't like about that antenna was that when it rained, the 
transmitter had to be re-tuned many times until the antenna dried. Until I 
acquired the necessary equipment for making auditory meter readings, this 
was a real problem whenever my dad was not home.

I later added a rotatable 15 meter dipole dubbed A 1 Element Beam, by the 
1968 ARRL Handbook. It worked okay, but 40 meters was still my favorite 

Once I upgraded to General in the summer of 1970, I went to 10 meter AM 
since my signal from the Ranger kept getting clobbered by the SSB 
power-brokers on 80 and 40 meters. Despite being the underdog, AM was then, 
and is now, still very much fun to operate.

American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

Re: [AMRadio] new AM rig

2005-03-17 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
That's great.

Keep us posted.

Mike Duke, K5XU

[AMRadio] AM Frequencies

2005-05-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Oddly enough, one of the clearest frequencies lately here in Mississippi has 
been 14.286. Sometimes there is ssb competition, but more often than not, 
it's pretty clear.

Last night, for instance, Ve4BX, along with Brian in the Ucon, and Ve6CQ 
were all pounding in on an absolutely clear frequency.

The signals were so clear that they reminded me of the days when Fred, W6QS, 
ran God only knows how much power, and Les, K6HQI could run his 833s at full 

Both of those guys are long gone, but I spent many a happy hour listening to 
their rock-crushing signals as a kid. I actually did talk with Les once 
about a year before he died.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Don't forget 10 Meters

2005-05-21 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The 10 meter E season has begun.

On Thursday and Friday of this week, I made an AM contact each day near 6 PM 
on 29.0 with my HTX10. Yesterday, I heard 3 other AM stations, but had a 
dinner engagement, and was unable to stay near the rig.

Remember to check 29.0 often during the summer E season. Don't just listen; 
occasionally identify or call cq. If we all only listen, we'll all hear 

Also remember that if 10 is open even marginly, 15 will also be open.

See you on the bands.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] AMPS for LP 10 Meter Rigss

2005-05-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I've seen one or two of the Lafayette HA250 amps on Ebay over the past year 
or so.

Another possibility is the Knight TL175 which also shows up occasionally.

If anybody will admit to having one, the old Sonar BR21 should also work 
well as long as you watch the drive level. Okay, so, that dates the time of 
my pre-ham radio activity!

To their credit, the FCC has made Ebay be more careful of amplifier sales, 
so you don't see nearly as much of the CB trash amps there as was once the 
case. I'm sure some are there disguised one way or another.

For the ambitious builder, when the novice power level was raised to the 250 
watt level, there was a sweep tube linear in QST and in a few editions of 
the Handbook. I think it was in the late 70s or early 80s, and ran a pair of 
6kd6 tubes. I was running a Yaesu FT7 at the time, and considered getting a 
friend to help me build one, but we never got around to it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] LP AM on 10 or 15 Meters

2005-05-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The HTX10, a converted CB rig, etc, will make many good contacts. Of course, 
with heavy qsb or poor band conditions, you will lose a seemingly 
disproportionant number of contacts. However, if low power is all you have 
for 10 meter AM, QRP certainly beats QRT!

While one doesn't often find CB rigs converted to 15 meters any more, low 
power works very well there too. So set the rice box for that 25 watt 
carrier output and get on the air!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Low Level Modulation in Gonsets

2005-07-16 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
You're probably thinking about the Communicator series, or the G28 or G50. 
These rigs used a different modulation scheme.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs 

[AMRadio] Mods for Heath HG10 VFO?

2005-08-13 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I have just acquired the DX60 and HG10 which belonged to my Elmer, and were 
part of the first station I ever saw.

These are the original models with no letter following the number.

I know about numerous modulation and other mods for the DX60, and plan to 
make some of them as the transmitter is being restored. But, are there any 
mods which I should consider for the HG10?

Mike Duke, K5XU

American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs 

[AMRadio] Upper Bands Open for E skip

2005-09-11 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The bands are open through 6 meters from the mid Atlantic and mid west into 
Mississippi, but I'm not hearing any AM.

I'll check 21.430 regularly for the rest of the evening just in case someone 
wants to prove that AM works on 15 meters.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs 

[AMRadio] NCT12 fs/trade

2005-10-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I just acquired one of these transmitters in an equipment deal. It has no 
power supply, and probably hasn't been touched by human hands for at least 
35 years until last Saturday.

While I'd like to put it on the air myself, there's no telling when I'd get 
around to having it restored.

So, if anyone is interested, make me an offer.

Mike Duke, K5XU

Re: [AMRadio] NCT12 fs/trade

2005-10-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It was apparently made by Collins for the navy. When I typed NCT12 into 
Google, I got a British website which showed a picture, and told me that it 
used a pair of 1625s in a push-pull modulator. I just got it yesterday, so 
haven't popped the case to see what else is inside.

[AMRadio] Long-Winded Transmitions

2005-12-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Does anyone in the southeast remember Paul, WA5FHP, from Dequincy, La?

Excluding the broadcasts of K1 You Know Who, Paul was responsible for the 
two longest transmitions I have ever heard on the ham bands. Both occurred 
on 75 meters.

During one of these radio half hours, he read the transcript of a 
conservative radio program called Life Line. This program was only 15 
minutes including the commercial breaks. But, in a style which would make 
Rush proud, he concluded the transmition by telling all who were listening 
just what we were to think of what he had read. That one lasted at least 25 

His other marathon occurred one newyear's eve when he was obviously very 
much into the egg nog. I don't know what he was using for a transmitter that 
night, but that signal was also the widest non-cb am signal I have ever 

He would often play portions of Justin Wilson or Dave Gardner comedy records 
during his qsos.

When I was first licensed, he was one of about 4 AM stations who could hear 
my Ranger and very low dipole from Mississippi. When he was not on his 
soapbox, or up to his ears in the pickle barrel, he was actually a pretty 
good qso.

It's hard to believe that those incidents occurred nearly 40 years ago!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

Re: [AMRadio] 15 M AM Sun 12/54

2005-12-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I heard Mark faintly in Ms, but lost him before he finished his qso.

John is now coming in good, but I couldn't hear him earlier.

[AMRadio] 15 Meter AM QSO!

2005-12-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's a good day when I have an AM QSO on 15 meters.

I just signed with John, Wa0FDV, from Fargo.

When he was talking with Mark, I couldn't hear him, and lost Mark during the 

We managed about 10 minutes, with me running my TS570 at 25 watts.

I'm glad to see people trying 15 meters. Most of the time, 15 meter AM is a 
giant myth in my part of the country.

Maybe we should start trying to populate at least the top 25 KHZ with AM 
signals whenever the band is open. It would be even better to go for the top 

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Keep Trying 15 Meters

2005-12-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
John, Wa0FDV, is still calling cq on 21.422 if anyone else wants to try to 
work him.

It's now 22:05Z, and I am also hearing a few 6 land stations on ssb.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Meter for Heath DX60

2005-12-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Anyone have a meter for the older DX60? It's the one that mounts behind the 

A friend and I are restoring the DX60 from my late Elmer, K5ZFM, and need a 
replacement meter.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 10 Open

2005-12-10 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Ten meters is full of ssb and cw for the 10 meter contest.

I heard someone calling cq on 21.425 AM about 21:15Z, but they were too weak 
for me to pull out their call.

Looks like E skip, as I am hearing mainly mid Atlantic, and Mid West from 
here in Mississippi.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Meters

2005-12-17 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's open from MS into VE6 and 7, plus a few W7 stations on ssb.

I'll leave the receiver on 21.425 while I'm home this afternoon just in case 
someone makes some good AM noise.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Meters Open

2005-12-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's 15:20Z, and I have just finished a qso with K2UTC on 15 ssb. We had 
peaks of 15 over pretty consistently throughout the qso.

This may be a good day to try AM, so I'll keep an ear on 21.425.

K2UTC and I talked many times on 10 meter AM during the early 70s.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] BC Image on 21.425

2005-12-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing what appears to be a mixing of 2 shortwave BC stations right on 
21.425. Both the audio and carriers are pretty ragged, and I can't tell from 
whence they may be originating.

I'll check 21.420 as the splatter is less there than it is on 21.430.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 80 Meters Hot

2005-12-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's just after 10 PM central time, and 3880 is full of 80 meter 

From Mississippi, I am hearing Ko6NM, Wa3VJB, W5OD, W7ID, and several 
others, all with reasonable signals, some with amazing signals for my 80 
meter qth.

There's also some activity on 3885, but it's not nearly as strong here as 
the guys on 3880.

Happy listening!

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Open

2005-12-31 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing numerous European signals on cw and ssb into Mississippi at 

May be a good day for 15 meters.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] FS/Trade Heath HP13B

2006-01-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
This is the mobile supply for the Heath HW and SB series rigs. Currently set 
for an HW12, but can be configured to run several other models.

It was working when taken out of service by my late Elmer, K5ZFM, about 10 
years ago.

Make cash or trade offer.

My possible wish list includes a Heath HR10 receiver, Hw22A or Hw32A.

I'll ship, or you may pick up at the Jackson, MS ham fest on February 3 and 

Mike Duke, K5XU

[AMRadio] FS/Trade, Train Wreck S38 Receiver

2006-01-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
This one will need lots of TLC, or to be converted into a parts unit.

The Band Spread knob is missing.

Make offer.

I'll ship, or you may pick up at the Jackson, MS ham fest on February 3 and 

Mike Duke, K5XU

[AMRadio] 15 10 Meters

2006-01-02 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Europe and the east coast are all over 15 here this morning.

I'm also hearing the 3 watt 10 meter beacon from VE1, Henry Island, on 
28.271 at 559 with qsb.

Perhaps some of us can make AM contacts on at least 15 today since 80 and 40 
are useless here today due to qrn.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Meters

2006-01-07 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm monitoring 21.425, and calling an occasional cq.

I'll be here for at least the next 20 minutes.

I'm hearing strong ssb signals from w1 and ve6 into Ms.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Open, Perhaps?

2006-01-15 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing SSB out of W8 on 15.

I assume that's from Ohio, because I just tuned across 11 meters where a guy 
from Cleveland was pounding in on channel 6. He said he was running a 
barefoot Johnson Viking Valiant. To his credit, it was sounding good, was 
not splattering, and did not have one of those God-awful echo boxes 

So, I'll hang around 21.425 for a little while to see what gives.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Propogation Report for Saturday

2006-01-24 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Go ahead and plan to clean the garage, wash the car, straighten the sock 
drawer, etc this Saturday, especially if you are within normal upper band 
range of Mississippi.


Because I am installing a new A3 tribander, and should be ready to test it 
near noon.

My 36 years of experience says that there is an almost certain guarantee of 
dead bands whenever I attempt to test a new antenna.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

Re: [AMRadio] CQ CQ AM on 14.286 Right now, de WD5JKO

2006-01-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

I'm there listening now, and can remain until about 2:30 central time.


Re: [AMRadio] CQ CQ AM on 14.286 Right now, de WD5JKO

2006-01-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Not a peep out of Jim here into Mississippi, but I did hear a DL on ssb.

[AMRadio] The DL on 14.286.85

2006-01-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Turns out she is portable in the Caribbean, but she's still the only signal 
I am hearing near 14.286 into Mississippi.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 15 Open

2006-02-05 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing the West coast pretty strong into Mississippi on SSB.

Anyone want to try AM on 21.425?

I'll listen there for the next 15 minutes.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Another FM Stereo XMTR

2006-03-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Check out

This company sells several kits and assembled units.

I have one, and know where another may be available if anyone is interested.

They are fully tuneable, but not synthesized. Thus, they do drift somewhat 

They even sell a little power supply to go with the transmitter, but you 
don't really need that if you already have a 12 volt dc supply available.

Mine will cover my entire house and city lot yard with only one or two noisy 

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] AM Linear Operation

2006-03-17 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I've been reading this AM linear thread with great interest.

I currently run a TS570 which gives me no more than 25 watts of carrier, 
plus a bit more on modulation peaks. I have an unmodified DX60 that I intend 
to put back in service later this summer after a shack painting project is 
finished. (No need to move it twice!)

Because I enjoy operating, and would like to do so with enough signal to be 
heard reasonably well on 80 and 40 meters, I too have been considering which 
linear to run on AM.

This discussion of linears on AM has caused me to reason that there is no 
exact magic combination of carrier drive level and audio level which is 
guaranteed to produce a cleanly amplified AM signal. For me, at least, this 
apparent fact is most unfortunate indeed. My signature will give you a hint 
of the usefulness of a scope in my shack.

So, do I sit on my hands and wait for better propogation on the higher 
bands, or do I continue serving as the pin-drop test for all those restored 
75A4's, HQ170's etc?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Switching between multiple rigs

2006-03-26 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I want to be able to select between my current 3 rigs via a switch. Since 
rice boxes are included, I want the best isolation possible for the 
unselected equipment.

Recommendations, please.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] k1man fined

2006-03-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
This may be old news, but I just saw it.


GLENN A. BAXTER.   Issued a monetary forfeiture in the
amount of
$21,000 to Glenn A. Baxter, for violation of Sections
97.113(a)(3), 97.105(a) and 97.113(b) of the
Commission Rules, and for
failure to file required information pursuant to a
Bureau directive.
Action by:  Regional Director, Northeast Region,
Enforcement Bureau.
Adopted:  03/27/2006 by Forfeiture Order. (DA No.
06-663).  EB

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] cb to 10 meters

2006-04-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Most of the older 23 channel units used a mixing scheme which involved one 
set of 4 crystals, and one set of 6.

The standard conversion was to shift the set of 6 crystals up by 2 mhz each. 
Back then, the crystals were cheap. Now, I doubt you will find them for less 
than $10 or more each. Of course, you could only change one or two crystals, 
and you would have a similar number of new frequencies (4 per crystal).

Moving these crystals upward by 2 mhz placed channel 1 at 28.965, etc. As 
someone has already mentioned, this pattern skips right over 29.0, but does 
fall onto 29.005 for channel 4.

The later 23 channel pll units, and every 40 channel unit that I saw from 
the late 70s and early 80s could be converted by moving one crystal upward 
by whatever amount you wanted to move the rig.

I have a 1980ish Sharp 40 channel rig converted this way, using the standard 
2 mhz upward move, and it works great when the band is open. I bought it 
from a BC engineer who did a really neat job with the conversion, and it is 
otherwise unmodified. My first contact with it in 1998 was with a kh6.

Someday, I may ask someone to add at least one more crystal, 5 khz higher or 
lower than the one currently in the unit. This will give me 40 more 
channels, and allow operation on 29.0, 29.010, etc.

I bought a new pll board for a late 90s Maxon rig, and it fell flat as a 
pancake. The receiver worked fine, but the transmitter wave form and audio 
were awful. Having already spent more money that the thing was worth in the 
first place, I scrapped it and bought an HTX10.

It's amazing what the converted cb sets will do with the right band 
conditions. If you have one, drag it out, change it over, and have it ready 
to go when the band comes back. If nothing else, it will be a wonderful 
monitor complete with a good squelch circuit.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] CB Conversion to 15 Meters Anyone?

2006-04-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
In my junkbox, I have an old Johnson Messenger. This is the Messenger that 
was born on the citizens band, not the one originally built for 10 meters. I 
have encountered a few people who have converted these units, but they are 
limited to a crystal controled receiver along with the transmitter. What I'd 
really like to do with mine is convert it down to 15 meters. Has anyone ever 
done such a thing with any cb model?

If so, I'd like to know about it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Why Convert CB to 10?

2006-04-04 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
To me, that question is kind of like Why run military gear?

Of course, one reason is because it's fun.

However, the better CB rigs, especially the older classic models, will blow 
the HTX10, etc right off the table when it comes to receiver and transmitter 
specs other than perhaps power and frequency tuning steps.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 10 meters open

2006-05-20 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing SSB from Florida, and a half watt beacon from EM81 in Georgia 
into my Jackson, Ms qth.

May be a good morning for AM on 10 or 15 meters.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 10 Meters Open

2006-05-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's open from Mississippi to w9 and w0 land.

I'll monitor 29.0 for the next little while in case someone wants to try an 
AM qso there.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 10 Meter AM QSO

2006-05-26 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I just completed a 10 minute chat with W8AW in Mi on 29.0. Signals were 
pounding in at both ends of the path.

I'll leave the rig there for as long as I can.

Come on up and make some noise.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs


2006-05-26 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Actually, the frequencies Rick was referring too are:

29.000, 29.010, and 29.020.

[AMRadio] 10 Meters

2006-05-27 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Both the W1OJ repeater near Boston, and the one in New York are pounding 
into my Mississippi qth on 29.620 at 2050Z.

That said, I'm monitoring 29.0, and have called a few cq's with no results.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] White Face Johnson

2006-05-27 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
All this talk about the White Face Johnson, has me thinking more about 
restoring the one I acquired about 5 years ago. The first thing it needs is 
a good bath!

Like Pete, I have an HA410, plus a 40 channel solid state converted Sharp 
rig, but it would be neat to convert the Messenger back to its original 
design frequency.

I still, however, think it would be fun to put one on 15 meters since that 
band will wake up before 10. As someone indicated, that would take a bit 
more work, but probably not as much as putting one on 160.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Another Good Day for 10 Meters?

2006-05-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
at 6:45 AM central time on Sunday morning, the cw beacon band has at least a 
dozen beacons. I'm hearing as close as Raleigh, NC, and as far away as 
Onterio into my Mississippi qth.

I'll return from church near 10 AM, and will then have a rig sitting on 29.0 
for the remainder of the day.

This will also be a good day to try short skip conditions on 15 meters too.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 6 10 meter qsos this morning

2006-05-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Since returning from church, 10 has been busy around 29.0. I've had 6 qsos, 
as far up the band as 29.050.

Keep those AM rigs running.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Double Hop E Skip on 10

2006-05-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm now hearing both Oklahoma and Phoenix on 10 meter ssb. I'm still 
listening on 29.0 just in case other AM signals appear. The count thus far 
todayis 7 completed contacts.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] For W5SUM

2006-05-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Ronnie, I thought I had saved your e-mail address, but guess not, so I'll 
ask the forgiveness of the list for this one.

I'm hearing the N5DUH beacon from Bossier City on 28.287 with consistant 56 
to 57 signals.

That's amazingly short from there to Jackson, Ms.

I'll listen for you on 29.025 just to see if we can make it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Really Good QSO

2006-05-29 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I just completed a 10 meter qso with W5SUM. That's a distance of right at 
200 miles from my Jackson, Ms qth. It doesn't get that short very often.

He was peaking 20 over, and his ranger sounded really good.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] A 20 Meter AM Surprise

2006-06-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
When I turned the rig on upon arriving home from work, I heard W4MDL in Va 
running AM on 14.167.

I didn't get which rig he was using, but it sounded really fine in Ms, and 
the frequency was clear on my end.

He's now on SSB on 14.173 working dx.

All that to say what's going down on 14.286? I've heard no one, not even 
W8VYZ up there in the evenings for the past 2 weeks or so.

Have we given that frequency back to the ssb crowd?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 10 Meters Open

2006-07-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm about to go to lunch, but will monitor 29.0 after about a half hour.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] 10 Meters Open

2006-07-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing FM from W2 land into Mississippi.

Anyone for AM?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

[AMRadio] Heath Hp13B DC Supply fs/trade

2006-08-06 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
This is the mobile supply for the Heath HW and SB series rigs. Currently set
for an HW12, but can be configured to run several other models. Manual 

Mike Duke, K5XU 

[AMRadio] Re: Vintage recordings and preservation

2006-09-18 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Somewhere I think I still have a recording of Alton, W5FAP, as heard on 20 
meters in Mississippi one Sunday afternoon in the early 70s.

If I can find it, I'll transfer it to mp3 and make it available to whomever 
does such an archive.

It's too bad I didn't keep recordings I made of W9ZKN, W6QS, and other 20 
meter big guns in the late 60s. Those guys gave a whole new meaning to the 
phrase full quieting.

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[AMRadio] AM on 3970?

2006-10-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It's about 9:20 AM central time on Sunday morning as I write this. I'm 
normally not around the rig at this time.

However, twice on Sundays when I have been here, I have found an AM qso on 

The signals are too weak into my Mississippi qth for me to pick out specific 
calls in order to determine where this activity is coming from.

If you are part of that group, please know that you are at least being 
detected by someone whose ears perk up whenever an AM signal is located.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] 3970 AM Update

2006-10-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
If I copied a call sign correctly, these guys are in Arkansas.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] FCC Acts on Many Amateur Proposals

2006-10-11 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I just saw this from another list, and haven't even had the time to look at 
it myself yet.


Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Why and Where I Operate AM

2006-10-13 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

Why we operate a given mode can be a never-ending discussion.

For me, the very basic reason that I operate AM is because it is simply fun.
This applies to both the mode and most of the personalities who operate it, 
regardless of band or frequency.

As for where, I operate pretty much anywhere I can find activity on a 
frequency that is clear enough for my meager rice box signal to be heard.

It should be a given that amateurs who operate AM must have clear input into 
any band plan which proposes to suggest or dictate where such operation 
generally occurs.

To get a grasp on the numbers of AM operators, and an understanding of why 
the 75 meter AM window must be expanded into at least a doorway, all one 
needs to do is listen to 3885 early on Tuesday or Thursday evenings.

Last night, for instance, I could hear 3 different groups operating at once 
on 3885 at approximately 6:30 PM central time.

Despite all that crowded noise, I was able to clearly hear a station in 
northwest Florida who was using a 2e26 rig barefoot.

Of course, he would have sounded much better on a clear frequency.

More about that unusual transmitter in a separate post.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] New Old Rig Heard

2006-10-13 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
In my earlier post, I mentioned a station on 3885 that was using a 2e26 rig 
despite all of the qrm.

After 37 years as an active ham, plus over 3 years as a mostly ham band swl 
prior to that, I get excited whenever I hear an older rig on the air that I 
have not heard of before.

Last night was one of those rare occurrences. The 2e26 rig I heard was a 
Subraco transmitter.

The only internet references I've found are to a higher power 80 - 10 meter 
transmitter, and to a 30 watt 10/11 meter mobile rig. Of course, that was 30 
watts input.

I didn't get the model number of the one I heard, but the audio sounded 
good, especially for 10 watts of carrier on a crowded frequency.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] 75 Meters Very Long

2006-10-13 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
At 10 PM central time, Don, K4KYV was in a qso on 3878. I could bearly hear 
Don, and couldn't hear the other station at all here in Ms.

It's very unusual when I lose Don due to band conditions.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] An Idea for 15 Meters

2006-10-14 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Those of us who depend on the upper hf bands for much of our AM operation 
due to limited power or antennas are eagerly awaiting better conditions on 
15 and 10 meters.

Since 15 meters will become more useable first, and since the General 
allocation on that band will soon increase by 25 khz, let's begin thinking 
of how we, the amateurs who regularly operate and enjoy AM, can tell the 
League, and every other amateur how we intend to define space for us in the 
voice portion of this band. Toward that end, here are my two cents.

When it comes to 15 meters, I've found the most common operating frequency 
appears to be 21.425. So, why not use 21.425 as a rallying point, and then 
move upward in 5 KHZ steps through 21.445 as conditions improve and activity 

Of course, we can move downward too, but as we approach 21.400 and below, we 
may run into whatever is left of the long-established missionary and mobile 

With a good amateur AM signal on 21.445, and a strong bc signal on 21.455, 
an SSB operator would have a tough time hugging the top edge of the band.

As I said, this is only my two cents on the issue. Feel free to take it, 
leave it, or kick it around on the list for awhile.

If nothing else comes of the idea, maybe it will at least give the 75 meter 
boat anchor guys a short break in the list traffic.


Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] 10 meter frequencies

2006-10-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
It sounds like you have the voice frequencies covered well.

One possible cw frequency is 28.060. That's the QRP operating frequency. 
Those of us who operate qrp will often call cq there just to test the 

Most of the other cw is in the first 25 khz of the band unless there is a 

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] 15 10 meters

2006-10-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Ever wondered how a contest will cause the bands to open for the duration of 
the event, then immediately die again? Excluding 6 meters, you rarely see 
the bands dead during a contest, and full of life afterwards.

As was mentioned in another post, both 15 and 10 were open today. Judging by 
the strength of the ssb signals into Mississippi, AM would have probably 
been marginal at best.

However, I suspect some good AM contacts could have occurred on 15 if we 
could have plowed through the piles of contesters.

I'll try to monitor 21.425 as much as possible on Sunday just in case any AM 
appears. Then, I'll move up the band if necessary.

How's that for optimism?

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] New Rules Now Published In Register

2006-11-15 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The ARRL web site is reporting that the FCC Omnibus Amateur Radio RO has
been published in the Federal Register today. The rules changes take effect
on Friday, December 15, 2006 at 12:01 EST.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] 75 Meters Long Already

2006-11-26 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
at 4:45 PM central time, Dave, W9AD is stronger into my Mississippi qth on 
3885 than he usually is on 20 meters during the summer. While I don't do S 
meter readings, that translates into a pretty much totally quieting signal.

It will be interesting (or perhaps frustrating do some) to see where the 
band goes over the next few hours.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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[AMRadio] ARRL asks for modification of 80 meter plan

2006-12-11 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU


This was posted on the ARRL site today, see


League Asks FCC to Postpone, Modify Part of 75-Meter
Band Change

NEWINGTON, CT, Dec 11, 2006 -- In separate petitions
today, the ARRL asked the FCC to postpone the change
in allocation for 3600 to 3635 kHz while it considers
a request to maintain the status quo in the segment.
The so-called omnibus Report and Order (RO) in WT
Docket 04-140, which included moving the lower edge of
the Amateur Extra 75-meter phone band to 3600 kHz, is
set to go into effect Friday, December 15. The League
wants the Commission to rectify the unintended
consequence of the expansion by moving the dividing
line between the narrowband and wideband segments of
80/75 meters to 3635 kHz. This would keep 3600 to 3635
kHz available to General and higher licensees for
RTTY, data and CW and open to Novice and Tech Plus
licensees for CW. The requested change also would
maintain access to the automatically controlled
digital subband, 3620 to 3635 kHz. In a Petition for
Reconsideration, the League emphasized that it was not
seeking reconsideration of the entire 75-meter phone
band expansion.

Rather, we ask only that the Commission restore the
privileges unintentionally withdrawn from those who
operate and who utilize automatically controlled
narrowband digital stations between 3620 and 3635
kHz, the League said. The ARRL pointed out that while
the RO left unchanged rules permitting automatically
controlled narrowband digital in that segment, it
eliminated RTTY and data as permitted emissions above
3600 kHz. The ARRL also filed a Petition for Partial
Stay of Effective Date of Rule pending final action on
its reconsideration petition.

To justify its far greater-than-requested expansion,
the League asserted, the FCC relied on the flawed
logic of a handful of commenters who specifically
asked for a 3600 to 4000 kHz phone band. Some
commenters had made the case during the proceeding
that the CW subband is vastly underutilized while
space for SSB is at a premium.

It affects considerably more than just those two
operating modes, the ARRL said of the expansion.
Narrowband RTTY and data modes are increasingly used
at 80 meters as well, and substantial numbers of RTTY
and data users stand to be displaced, as well as
precluded entirely, by the extent of the telephony
subband expansion there.

The League contends the FCC contradicted itself by
saying the rule revisions wouldn't result in any
licensee losing spectrum privileges. But operating
privileges have been lost by the extent of the
expansion at 80 meters, the reconsideration petition
states. The expansion also significantly burdens and
adversely impacts CW nets above 3600 kHz -- including
emergency and public service nets -- most, if not all,
of which will have to cease operating or change
frequency, the League added.

Most important, however, is the loss of spectrum for
automatically controlled digital modes. The ARRL
petition cites the comments of several League members
decrying the loss of spectrum for PACTOR, CW and RTTY.
The Winlink 2000 system was cited as a best practice
by several post-Hurricane Katrina reviews, including
the Congressional 'Failure of Initiative' report,
remarked ARRL South Texas Section Emergency
Coordinator Jerry Reimer, KK5CA.

The ARRL says shifting the band edge slightly upward
would provide a simple and equitable fix to the
obvious error in the RO.

This is neither a minor matter nor an academic
exercise in future band planning, the ARRL concluded.
It is an urgent problem which, unless corrected,
affects a substantial number of existing Amateur Radio
fixed facilities and an even more substantial number
of mobile facilities.

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[AMRadio] Band Warming Signals

2006-12-14 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
The ones I can hear sound really good, but the aurora is killing most 
signals here in Mississippi.

The strongest is a Colorado station on 3680.

For the second time this year, K4KYV is barely audible at my qth on 3626.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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2006-12-15 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
So, is this all effective immediately?

I didn't see any references to when.

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[AMRadio] Expanded AM Options!

2006-12-16 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I wish to thank all those AM operators who went out of their way to get on 
the air, many with special calls, in order to ensure a strong AM presence in 
the new voice bands.

While I was unable to contact anyone during the first hour due to band 
conditions, I had 3 very nice contacts just after sundown on Friday.

Of those 3 contacts, only the final one with Larry, NE1S, crashed due to the 
combination of band conditions and my low power.

You may also be certain that our presence in the new territory was noticed 
by others. While most of the comments were positive, I did hear one band cop 

That National AM Congress of Social Misfits has once again taken it upon 
themselves to appropriate territory to promote their own arrested 

Just think! This guy allegedly knows the code too!

Well, if this is indeed the National AM Congress, please keep up the good 
leadership work.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Telephone Wiring RFI Treatment

2006-12-17 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Here's one for those wishing a break from the current hot topic!

I need to do some maintenance on the telephone wiring in my house in order 
to cure a hum that is now constant on all phones.

While I'm at it, I'd like to take appropriate measures to eliminate, or at 
least reduce the rfi that occurs whenever I operate on 80 or 40 meters with 
any mode.

Which ferrite beads or filtering should I use, and should I place any such 
devices on the house side of the entry box rather than, or in addition to at 
the connection point for each phone?

The rfi was present before the hum appeared, so I doubt curing the hum will 
cure the rfi, although it certainly might at least reduce it.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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Re: [AMRadio] RE:Telephone Wiring RFI Treatment

2006-12-17 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

Thanks for the reminder about checking the devices before going into the 

Unfortunately, I've done that already.

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Re: [AMRadio] Odd signals in lower 80 meters

2006-12-19 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I've heard them here in Mississippi.

I also have heard them between 3600 and 3625, and sometimes around 3530 - 

The scrambler explanation sounds reasonable, as they remind me of the 
scrambled audio often used by law enforcement agencies in the early and mid 

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[AMRadio] AM in Expanded Bands

2007-02-15 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Is it just me, or is the AM activity in the new voice territory declining 

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] The Complaint against W8VYZ

2007-04-03 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Don mentioned that item in his post about the gardians of the airways.

What is its current status?

I haven't read anything about it since it was posted widely via AR Newsline, 

Mike, K5XU

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Re: 40m am

2007-04-21 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Don't apologize for running a Rice Box. Just set it up properly, and enjoy 
our wonderful part of the hobby.

If the Saturday morning group happens, I'll jump in from Mississippi with my 
TS570 whenever the propagation and I are on the band at the same time.

Mike, K5XU

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[AMRadio] 10 Meters Making Noise

2007-05-05 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
From Mississippi, it's open to the northeast as far south as Virginia.

I just tried to work wa4wrz on 29.0, but he couldn't pull me out of the qsb.

He wasn't strong here, but was 90% readable.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] 10 Meter AM Success

2007-05-06 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I completed 3 contacts between 6:45 and 7:30 central time this evening. They 
were in New York City, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Counting my contact from yesterday, it's been a long time since I made 4 AM 
contacts in 24 hours on 10 meters.

I'll check both 10 and 15 after work on Monday to see if I can stretch the 
good fortune into another day.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] 10 and 15 Open to Midwest/Northeast

2007-05-10 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
That's from my Jackson, MS qth.

I won't be on for the moment, as we are tuning up for a thunder storm.

Now, if said storm will bring us more rain than thunder, I'll gladly skip 
the opening.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Whose on 7290 at 0215?

2007-05-12 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm hearing a word or two from an AM station on 7290. I don't think it's a 
bc station, but it's way down in the noise.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] 7290 Last Night

2007-05-13 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

Yes, I worked Bill briefly about a half hour after I sent the question about
who was on 7290.

 The station I couldn't dig out was not him. He came on a little later, and
called several cq's with a pretty decent signal despite my local noise.

He was able to pull out most of my 25 watt rice box mumblings!


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[AMRadio] 10 Meter AM Open

2007-05-28 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Beginning just after 11:30 AM central time, I had a 15 minute qso with Bob, 
K0RDF in Mo.

I had to bale out when the phone rang. Haven't heard any other AM on 10, and 
none on 15.

He was running a great sounding Ranger, and I was on my usual Kenwood TS570.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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Re: [AMRadio] My Current EF Johnson Messenger 2 Audio

2007-05-30 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU

That's incredible!

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[AMRadio] 20 Meter AM Lives

2007-06-01 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Approximately 30 minutes ago, I answered a cq from W8VYZ.

During our qso, I worked 2 stations near Pittsburgh, and one in Toronto. 
They could all hear me, but were all skipping over Mr. Bill.

So, activate those long idle 20 meter crystals, and generate some Angel 

Don't be bashful; I did this with my 25 watts and 3 element tri-bander.

I'm still also checking 15 and 10 meters whenever the SSB activity gets 

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] 10 15 Meter QSOs tonight

2007-06-19 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
At about 8:15 PM local time, I called cq on 29.0.

I was answered by 2 or 3 stations, but managed to dig kg4ODX out of the 
noise. He's in NC.

We talked for a few minutes, but my ongoing noise problem was making it 
really tough.

We then moved to 21.425, where I could hear him much better. While there, I 
also talked with N4CZT, also in NC.

We were all using barefoot Kenwoods.

So, watch the 10 meter beacons and the ssb between 28.3 and 28.5. When the 
signals get good there, crank up the carriers and make some noise on either 
15 or 10 meters.

Who knows? I just might hear you!

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Popular Electronics Info?

2007-08-22 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
I'm trying to track down one or two articles from Popular Electronics.

If you have a collection of these magazines that include the years 1963, 64, 
67, and 68, please e-mail me off list.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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Re: [AMRadio] Frequency Question

2007-09-11 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
There is a group in Louisiana that meets on 3663 several times a week.

I sometimes hear them finishing up just as I get in from work. They are 
generally done by 5 or shortly after. I think they also meet some during the 
morning, but I'm not sure when. Some days they are on ssb.

I also hear Louie out of Arkansas, along with some of the same Louisiana 
bunch on 7160 around mid afternoon on Saturday or Sunday, but not every 

When the 75 meter phone band first expanded, I heard some activity on 3685, 
3710, and 3730. However, I have been battling a very noisy power pole 
lightning arrester since April, so I really can't address whose where down 
there right now.

Hopefully Entergy will make good on their promise to replace the defective 
unit soon, and I'll be able to hear beyond my back fence again in time for 
the fall season.

Mike, K5XU
Jackson, Ms

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[AMRadio] Receivers

2007-09-19 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Somehow, I've managed to hang on to the HQ110A/VHF that my folks gave me for 
Christmas in 1968.

It needs a good alignment job, and will hopefully have that soon. Then, it 
will be paired with a DX60.

Anyone remember the Lafayette HA500? I almost settled for that one, but 
chose the HQ110A/VHF because it covered both 160 and 2 meters.

I also have a recently acquired HQ170 that needs a thorough going through, 
as it only likes to work on 80 meters.

In my earlier days, I started with a borrowed S120. That one is still with 
its original owner, who had no idea what he was starting when he loaned it 
to an 11-year-old for the summer back in 1966.

For Christmas that year I received a Zenith, the model number of which 
escapes me, but it had a slide rule dial and band spread much like the S120, 
and drifted like an S40 on the higher bands.

For brief periods I also used an RME4350A, a BC348Q, an SX62A, and an NC300.

I also operated the station of a friend several times when he was using one 
of the HBR series of receivers that his dad had built from QST. His dad 
still has it, and it still works great.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Old-Timer AMers?

2007-11-20 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
Funny, SSB operators were making the same stereotypical statements about AM 
operators when I was a new SWL with a borrowed S120 in 1966.

And these guys think they're modern!

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Another Get on the Air Night

2007-11-22 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
We have the anniversary date of the expansion coming up on December 16.

Why not take to the air down there in the new territory again that evening 
as was done last year.

I'll be there if my local utility gets rid of the noise they finally located 
last week.

Mike Duke, K5XU
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[AMRadio] Getting on the Air

2007-11-23 Thread Mike Duke, K5XU
W5OMR is right in saying that we don't have to wait for a special event to 
come out of the woodwork.

Lots of us will be around the house for the remainder of the weekend, 
including today.

If this noise will let me, I'll be on 40, and will check 20 regularly.

Too bad the 15 meter propagation isn't with us yet.

Mike Duke, K5XU
American Council of Blind Radio Amateurs

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