Re: [analog-help] Logformat trouble

2000-08-24 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> httpd conf##
> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\""
> combined
> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
> LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
> LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %v \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"
> \"%{Cookie}n\"" wusage
> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %v \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"
> \"%{Cookie}n\""

Unfortunately you didn't provide the CustomeLog line to show which format is in
use. But you can us Analog's APACHELOGFORMAT command with any of the above. For
example, if the last format is being used, then you could say

APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %v "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Time spent on site and path through site

2000-08-24 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ian Stong wrote:

> What utilities or methods can you use to record the time a user spends on
> your site (stickiness) and the path(s) through your site.

Ian, see docs/webworks.html in Analog's documentation about why you can't
(accurately) get this kind of information and why Analog does not, therefore,
offer it.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Time spent on site and path through site

2000-08-25 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Stephen Turner wrote:

> I get lots of mails like this defending "approximations", or as you put
> it "fuzziness". The problem is, I don't think they're approximations. I
> strongly suspect they're often closer to 5 or 10 times out. Think of it this
> way and you'll perhaps realise why analog doesn't provide them.

In the marketing world, 5% accuracy is considered the holy grail. 10% - 20%
accuracy (if I understand what "5 or 10 times out" means) would be phenomenal.
In marketing systems, data mining techniques are used to increase the
essentially random 2% - 3% response to as good as 5%. If some data can be
gleaned from logfiles that helps improve this result, why not use it?

This isn't to say that Analog should be the product to do this. Analog's goal is
website logfile analysis and reporting and it is (many time proven) the most
accurate tool available for such. Too many hosting companies offer other
products which claim to include specious data, such as Visitor tracking, without
properly understanding or even educating their clients on the inaccuracy of such

Jim Sander wrote:

>If you're going to commit to a "fudge factor" then why not simply use
> that factor against some concrete metric- a ratio of requests for pages to
> unique IP addresses during your site's busiest 15 minutes maybe? I'd say
> that number would be at least as valid a measure of "stickiness" as
> anything else and is a TON less intensive computationally.

I find this a much more helpful response then the Random Number Generator
(sorry, Aengus). In business and marketing, there are a plethora of quotients
and ratios, such as ROI, used to make assessments of the quality of data,
values, investment potential, response potential, etc. Rather than limiting
ourselves to known quantities and basic derived values (like average pages per
day), why not consider the value of some more advanced (yet less speculative)
derived values that may provide insight to web site performance, especially, as
Jason suggested, when compared to similar quantities in other time periods or on
other sites.

Last count, I think there were estimated to be on the order of 10,000 sites
running Analog (and you want to talk about inaccurate numbers :). What if all
these webmasters started looking at quantities such as "maximal page-ip ratio"
(to coin a term :) and comparing them to other results. Say a webmaster runs a
dozen sites. Certainly these numbers, at first, would mean nothing to her. But
when she compares them to different sites and different periods, some meanings
would eventually come out of some of the quantities.

Analog may not be the "testing ground" to determine which quantities are helpful
and which aren't, but it may provide a springboard to begin developing this kind
of result. If we can provide marketing people with new "web quantities" rather
than trying to fit stateless http data into marketing quantities, like
"stickiness", "cum", and "score", we might actually develop results that are
useful for everybody.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Time spent on site and path through sit

2000-08-25 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Aengus Lawlor wrote:

> But even Jims suggestion only gives you a site specific metric. Some
> sites are far more likely to be visited by AOL users than others, for
> example, and the ratio for a site with a lot of AOL users will be
> severely skewed by AOLs proxy configuration. And that's the whole point
> - there is no way to express this in a general fashion.

I'm not saying that this ratio has anything to do with known quantities. I
don't think, as you say, it bears any relation to "visit" metrics. Rather,
this is an example of a quantity that can be measuerd and may provide insight
that wasn't there before. Perhaps, after experience and analysis of the
metric, it will be determined to provide a good, fast metric for how balanced
the load is on the site -- something entirely different than "visit" data.

> And I recognize that there can be value in such metrics. But a measure
> such as ROI is only valuable as a "rule of thumb" metric because it's
> based on very solid data. Log files just don't contain accurate
> information on the things that your are proposing to measure. I can be
> reasonably sure that a site that records 100,000 page requests a day
> gets more traffic than one that gets 10,000, but I can't reasonably make
> the same judgement about a site that records 12,000 requests, without
> digging in a lot deeper.

Log files do contain very solid data. In fact, no matter how much you audit
your books, it's likely that you web logs may be more accurate than your
financials. This could be completely wrong too. One of the problems with web
log data is precissely that no one ever does look at it. There could be
glaring errors (how many of us have seen stats that start long before the
server was set up or that contain requests dated in the future).

My suggestions is merely, that if we use quantities that we can trust than we
might be able to come up with "rule of thumb" metrics that provide insight
faster and more accurately than data mining, or heuristic approximations.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] using analog to read from server

2000-08-28 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Marc Delehanty wrote:

> I normally download my logfile from my (virtual) server
> and run analog locally (win98).
> However my logfile is rather large, is there anyway that I
> can run analog on the server?
> I put it (analog + files) in the folder with the access_log
> and try to run analog.exe using telnet (the server is linux).
> However it comes up with the following error message:
> [marc analog]$ run analog.exe
> run: "analog.exe" is not an object file: File format not recognized
> How do I run it properly?
> How do I specify the logfile?
> a) /home/sites/site33/logs/access
> or
> b) ../logs/access
> I don't have permission to put anything in the logs folder.
> Also, can I run a dns lookup without qdns?
> If, no could someone give me an example of a batch file and how to compile
> it.

Uh, Marc, your server is a cobalt linux system. Not a windows system. So you
can't run a windows version of Analog on it. You will need to download the
source and compile it on the linux box. It should be as easy as 'make' after
editing anlghead.h (all described in the docs).

qdns is also a windows program. Look to dnstran or other linux compiled
programs. Or just use DNS lookup built into Analog -- add DNS WRITE to your
config (see the docs for this too).


Jeremy Wadsack
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2000-08-28 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

> So the question is how do I convert
> LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %v \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-agent}i\"
> \"%{Cookie}n\"" wusage
> Into the correct logformat for analog?

APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %v "%{Referer}i" "%{User-agent}i"


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] unwanted logfile entries

2000-08-28 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Geraldine Golveo wrote:

> Thanks for all the prior help, Jeremy and Aengus, with my log rotation
> problems.  I'm back on track now, except for one more item.
> Attached is a sample output from one of my daily reports.  I'm pulling logs
> from two servers, and can't tell whether or not I should be concerned that
> the "unwanted logfile entries" is such a large number in comparison to the
> rest of the stats.  Is there a way to exclude this line from the General
> Summary Report?
> ...
> --
> Successful requests: 625
> ...
> Unwanted logfile entries: 16,736

Unwanted logfile entries are one you have specifically excluded with
EXCLUDE/INCLUDE commands. Depending on the target of this report, this might be
a problem (i.e. if this is meant to describe complete site-wide activity, then
you need to change your exclusions).

I don't think there's anyway to remove lines from the General Summary, in
Analog. If you're sending output to Report Magic, you can set options there to
do that. Otherwise, a simple grep line or sed or perl script could pull it out
for you.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Data Transfer Reporting

2000-08-29 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"g. tyler koblasa" wrote:

> Hello All,
> I scoured most of the docs and faqs i could find and thought this is the place to 
>find my answer.
> I have been poking around and need to find a way to get the daily report feature 
>(FULLDAILY) .. or some other summary/report solution to provide more info regarding 
>DATA TRANSFER and throughput.
> I see the % of data transfer broken up and a total transfer for summary period.. but 
>where is: "Kilobytes transferred per day"

You can add 'B' to the columns in FULLDAILY to get bytes transfered for each day. e.g.


> .. maybe average daily data transfer.. or average throughput in "kB/s" ...

Average data trasfered in in the general summary.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Wonky Host Values

2000-08-29 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Charlotte Latimer wrote:

> I am seeing something deeply weird in my analog report and wonder if anyone
> can state the obvious that is undoubtedly staring me in the face.
> A client has asked for distinct host data on a certain group of pages for a
> monthly period over the last 3 years.
> The structure of the site has changed and used to be simpler, so to start
> with I was lazy and just grepped the logfiles for the right pages. Then I
> ran analog to get the host info etc. What happened was that I got about 2000
> hits and about 1000 distinct hosts. Not likely. Then for last month I ran
> analog directly on the logfiles and got about 1600 hits and 80 distinct
> hosts which I think is much more likely (there's a _lot_ of graphics on
> this). Can anyone postulate what I might have done to scupper the results
> previously? (I know it's not 100% an analog issue, so thanks). tia.
> charl

When you grepped the logfiles, you probably found all lines containing the pages
-- whether as a request or a referrer. I would speculate, then, that most of the
site probably came through as those specific pages were referrers for the rest
of the site.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] FILEEXCLUDE and the form interface

2000-09-02 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Aengus Lawlor wrote:

> I've set up the form interface to Analog on a colleagues website, so
> that they can keep an eye on the usage patterns on a new website.
> The form uses the "cg" variable to point at a .CFG file where Various
> defaults have been set, including FILEEXCLUDEing all the FrontPage
> entries, images, and stylesheet requests.
> FILEEXCLUDE *_vti*,*.jpg,*.gif,*.css
> Of course this causes Analog to do an implicit FILEINCLUDE on everything
> first, so that when you try to use the "Only certain files" section of
> the form to restrict the analysis to just a single file, or
> subdirectory, it doesn't work, because the implicit FILEINCLUDE also
> includes everything else. I can do that restricted analysis by putting
> FILEINCLUDE /some/file
> in the CFG file before the FILEEXCLUDE, but that's a bit more work than
> the user wants to do.
> I can also make it work by removing the FILEEXCLUDE from the CFG file,
> and making it the default value for the FILEEXCLUDE field in the form
> instead, but I'd rather keep all the default settings in the CFG file,
> so that if I'm asked to look at this form again in 6 months, I don't
> have to remember that there's a setting way down at the bottom of the
> form where I never look that's causing a change!
> Any suggestions

How about adding the FrontPage file excludes into a new config file and
adding it as the last entry in the form (in a hidden 'cg' field). I'm not
sure that all browsers maintain form item order, but it's worth a try.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Windows Me

2000-09-02 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ales Trtnik wrote:

> Windows Me leaves signiture like "Windows+98;+Win+9x+4.90;" in user
> agent. I would like to translate it to "Windows Me", but following
> examples don't work.

> BROWALIAS *Windows+98;+Win+9x+4.90;* $1Windows+Me;$2

> + is translated to space.

I assume you mean it's not translated to a space.

> BROWALIAS *Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;* $1Windows Me;$2

> to many parameters

Yu need to use something like this and put quote (or parentheses or
other delimeters) around each argument. Otherwise Analog doesn't know
where the first argument/parameter ends and the second begins.


BROWALIAS "*Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90;*" "$1Windows Me;$2"


Jeremy Wadsack
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2000-09-02 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Paolo Modesti wrote:

> I just moved a website from one server to another one and changed some paths
> On my old server the files were on an subdir, on the new one they are in
> the root. So I trying to play with FILEINCLUDE/EXCLUDE in order to read all
> log lines on my new server and read only /mysubdir/* lines on old server
> logfiles
> Unfortunately this below does not work. Is there anybody who had same
> problem before?
> LOGFILE \websites\logfiles\newserver\ex*.log
> FILEINCLUDE /mysubdir/*
> LOGFILE \websites\logfiles\oldserver\ex*.log

AFAIK, Exclusions don't work like this. Why don't you use an ALIAS command, e.g.

FILEALIAS /mysubdur/* /$1


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] FLOOR

2000-09-02 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Paolo Modesti wrote:

> is there any way to setup *FLOOR in order to satisfy to criterias.
> For instance last week hosts with at least 1 page
> How can be combined together this lines in order to work?
> HOSTFLOOR -00-00-07d # last week
> HOSTFLOOR 1p  # at least 1 page

No you can only have one FLOOR per report. But you can setup a run of analog
to produce just that report using the FROM command. e.g.

FROM -00-00-07


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] FrontPage intrusion

2000-09-04 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Massimo Mezzini wrote:

> the question is not strictly Analog related, but I found some
> puzzling entries in one of my logs.
> This visitor came through a search engine, requested a few pages,
> downloaded a file, using IE5.
> Then IE is gone, and I get first a GET request for a non existent
> file, produced through FrontPage, followed by a POST request, still
> with wrong reference.
> Can anybody help me to understand what the user was trying to do?
> - - [01/Sep/2000:03:28:04 -0400] "GET /documenti/olio-
> oscar_2000.rtf HTTP/1.1" 200 2401
> "" "Mozilla/4.0
> (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)"
> - - [01/Sep/2000:03:28:34 -0400] "GET /_vti_inf.html
> HTTP/1.1" 404 1100 "-" "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MS FrontPage 4.0)"
> - - [01/Sep/2000:03:28:37 -0400] "POST
> /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc HTTP/1.1" 404 1100 "-" "MSFrontPage/4.0"

These are the front page (dev studio) file replecation tools. The user is
trying to edit your page and save it back to the original server. This is
either (a) an inexperienced FrontPage user who didn't think to choose "Save
As" instead of "Save" from front page or (b) someone trying to check the
security of your system (by determining if FrontPage extensions have been


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Windows Me

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ales Trtnik wrote:

> So quotation is the answer. Stupid me. Thanks.
> But now another problem:
> analog classifies it as "Unknown Windows" instead of "Windows Me".
> Are windows wersions bult into exe file.

Yes, you'll have to wait for an update for that to change.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] BROWALIAS query

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Watson Paul wrote:

> Please bare with me I'm new to this and I have read the RTFM :-))
> I have 'standard' install (if there is such a thing) and have not altered
> the as shipped BROWALIAS settings.  Everything is fine and I get a nice
> browser breakdown, detect Unix, WebTV etc no problems, but it fails on
> "Nokia-Communicator-WWW-Browser/3.0 (Geos 3.0 Nokia-9110)"
> and reports this as unknown.  The question I suppose is why??

Because there are way too many WAP devices and their naming convention is not very
organized yet. There was a thread discussing this a couple months back. Check the list
archives starting at


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Re: [analog-help] various questions........

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Jaume Teixi wrote:

> a. there are plans to make real stats ?  f.ex. if you log and generate
> stats on a dedicated machine..

What do you mean "real stats". I think most people who use Analog consider
the statistics pretty 'real' (at least compared to the numbers produces by
some commercial products :).

> b. I've the rule REFREPEXCLUDE*
> But I'm still seeing  on REFERRER and REFERSITE
> repports

Are you OUTPUTALIASing something to The OUTPUTALIAS will
get applied after the EXCLUDE command.

> c. on REFERSITE I can see  localhost:1234
> I've not enabled this port, why appears ?

I believe this has something to do with IE caching. There was a thread on
this awhile back, might check the list archives.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] various questions........

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Michael Roberts wrote:

> Jeremy Wadsack wrote:
> > Jaume Teixi wrote:
> >
> > > a. there are plans to make real stats ?  f.ex. if you log and generate
> > > stats on a dedicated machine..
> >
> > What do you mean "real stats". I think most people who use Analog consider
> > the statistics pretty 'real' (at least compared to the numbers produces by
> > some commercial products :).
> I think maybe he means "real-time".  As in, have a report which shows the
> up-to-the-minute stats.  Jaume, you could kind of get that now simply by
> running stats every couple of minutes.  If you cache the DNS queries, Analog
> runs pretty quickly, so you wouldn't necessarily have too much overhead.
> I could also imagine a kind of mod_analog which would function as a log
> processor and always have current totals in memory.  Then a hit to a stats
> page would cause mod_analog to create a report reflecting those.  I have no
> idea what the overhead would be, but it seems more trouble than it would be
> worth.

The form interface that ships with Analog provides this kind of ability. It runs
analog on the logs to produce the report you request. However, for many sites,
log processing requires too many resources and is too time consuming to make
this feasable.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] out of memory on monthly run

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Dennis Miller wrote:

> I have a set of 31 daily cache files which I need to process into a
> monthlyfile.  Each day of the month in question, analog ran and
> created theoutput HTML file and the cache file. When I try to run the
> monthly collection, just from cache files,I get the infamous:
> ./analog: Fatal error: Ran out of memory: cannot continue: exiting I
> have whittled the reports down to just the request report (floor
> 5K)and general.  It does not occur at the same point each time,
> butsomewhere between the 18th and the 28th day of the month's cache
> triedREQLOWMEM set to 3, all to no avail.

Did you set all LOWMEM commands to '3' at the same time? (Of course
you'd only get time reports and general summary). If all LOWMEM commands
are set to '3' and you are still running out of memery, then you will
need to get more memory on your log processing machine. If you can run
stats with all LOWMEM at three, and one at a time at two, you can piece
together the reports from the output to generate a complete report.

REQLOWMEM 3 is not a valid command. FILELOWMEM 3 is the appropriate one.

>   I even turned off the request report, and it failed just trying to
> the general
>   report.

Turning off the request report isn't going to affect the memory usage.
Setting FILELOWMEM 3 will turn off the Request Report and reduce the
memory usage for requests.

>   I expect the page count to be around 62 million for the month, and
> there
>   are not any "image" requests in the logfiles, just HTML and CGI.

Do you mean your number of unique files is 62 million? Or your number of
page requests? I have produce reports with over 100 million requests on
sufficient hardware (Solaris Enterprise Server). But I'm not sure how
large the file database can really get. You would need a lot of memory
to store 62 million unique files!


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] out of memory on monthly run

2000-09-05 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Dennis Miller wrote:

> It is 62 million pages, not all unique.
> I would suspect about 100K unique pages might occur,

It take this to mean 62 million 'page views' or 'requests for pages.'

Setting FILELOWMEM controls the number of unique requests (pages in your case)
that are stored in memory at different phases of the processing. It has no
effect on the number of requests for pages (since these are just aggregate
values for each unique page).

> our reqfloor is set at 5K (I tried 10 and 15K as well, with no
> change in results).

Setting the floor will also not change memory requirements. In order to get
accurate counts, Analog must count every unique file requested. Only after all
the totals have been collected for the entire month can it apply a floor and
trim the reports. (Consider a marketing campaing that drive 5 thousand users to
a normally low traffic page at the end of the month. If Analog had dumped the
low traffic page earlier because it was less than the floor, it would show up
with an incorrect count in the report, conceivably off by as much as 3000%).

> I am running on Sun Ultra II, 512MB RAM, and nothing else
> active at the time of analog running.  Rebooted, and same condition.
> I really need to get the request report with a "low" floor (1K is best,
> but I can live with up to 15K).

Setting the floor, as I said before, has very little effect on the memory
usage. It only determines how big the report file will be (do you really want
to look through all 100 thousand unique files that tallied over a thousand

Can you up the server to 1GB? Unfortunately, if you've tried setting all
*LOWMEM commands to '3' and still run out of memory, upgrading the server is
probably your only option. (And, BTW, AFAIK, there is no batch processor, that
can do this more efficiently that Analog.)

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] [semi-off] apache showing reports

2000-09-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Jaume Teixi wrote:

> I've setup Document Root for each virtual host on
>  /var/www/
> I made stats for each virtual host on
>  /var/reports/
> On Apache I want to forward to
> /var/reports/
> I've setup:
> Alias/reports/ /var/reports/
> RewriteRule  ^/stats(.*) /reports/%{SERVER_NAME}$1
> but Alias has no effect on rewrite and is looking from default Document
> Root:
> /var/www/
> and produces a 404  :(

How about

ln -s /var/reports/ /var/reports/

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] pointing analog to configuration file

2000-09-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Voitenko, Denis" wrote:

> I know it might sound silly, but I can not seem to figure out how to
> point analog to a file... say I have a number of virtual hosts in
> /www/
> /www/
> and they have a analog.cfg in their directories. When I run from CRON
> I'd like to say analog /www/ but it's not
> working. Anyone?

analog +g/www/

See docs/syntax.html#CONFIGFILE for details.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] [Q] Estimated User Sessions and Tracking.

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Sean D. Ackley" wrote:

> Hello, I am looking for Estimated User Sessions or the Estimated number of Visits 
>that people make to the site.
> I have my Apache using session cookies in order to track this.  I know the count 
>will not be 100% accurate, but it should give a good idea.  Between using the IP 
>address, time delay, and the session cookie, we can get close.
> Does anyone have any idea how to implement this within Analog?  Is there any other 
>code that will generate these results?  Or is anyone else running with these stats?

If you aren't using the (Authenticated) User Report or Virtual Host Report you can 
'hijack' one of these to work on a different data quantity. You do this by configuring 
Apache to log the session cookie (part of the custom
logging), and then, in an Analog custom log format use %u or %v to match the data.

Using %u is better, because you can get a General Summary item that matches the total 
count (which is more interesting that each individual cookie, that you'll get in the 

You can then change you language files (or Report Magic language files, if you are 
running that) to reflect the change in the data, with a label like "Estimated Vists," 
"Estimated Sessions," "Number of Session Cookies
Delivered," "Some Number Partway Between Total Requests and Unique Hosts," ... :)

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] I need a little configuration help

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Cosimo Vagarini wrote:

> I've read the FAQ and the documentation I've found on analog site, but nothing
> seems to address me to the solution.
> The problem:
>  %rich: #pag.:  %byte: direttorio
>  --: -: --: --
>  50.00%: 40811: 50.00%: http://
>   6.87%: 9: 12.51%: /cgi-bin/
>   0.61%: 0:  0.48%:   /cgi-bin/chat/
>   0.02%: 0:  0.15%:   /cgi-bin/ch/
>   ...
> So I get everything DOUBLED.
> The http:// get 50.00% of the hits and the sum of any other directoy get another
> 50% of the hits.
> I think it's something in the configuration file, but it's only few days i've
> been working with analog, and if someone could help me...

If you get 'http://' in your directory report, then you must have used the second
parameter to the LOGFILE command for some of you logfiles or else your logfiles
contain fully qualified requests (e.g. In the
first case, you need to make sure that all your LOGFILE command contain the second
parameter, so Analog knows what server to assign to each set of requests. In the
second case, that means you logformat changed. You can overcome this problem by
assigning a url to the logfiles that don't have this in it using the second paramter
to the LOGFILE command. See docs/logfile.html.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Time spent on site and path through site

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Sean D. Ackley" wrote:

> Jeremy, I think you basically hit the nail on the head with this one.  I use the 
>following LOGFORMAT:
> APACHELOGFORMAT (%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" 
> With this, I can track cookies, IP address, and time.  Using this data, one should 
>be able to extract data that will more than resemble the marketing data a company 
>wants.  Now, is to just write the code.

Yes, but as I think I also stated in that message, Analog may not be the tool to do 
that. There is a difference between what you get from Analog (results) and what you 
get from software that delivers these
data (vague estimates). The code has been written. It's available in commerical 
packages, that, like Aengus said, "will tell you what you want to know".

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:

> I'll give this a look and try.. But remember, I said I am hosting several sites _on 
>the same IP_... So if analog tries to resolve by IP, it won't be breaking this down.  
>How can I make this work?

The domain, host and organization report ("unresolved numerical address") are all 
dependent on DNS lookups. This is different that the IP number or DNS name of the 
server that sends the request. If
you are running a report across several sites, you can use the second parameter to the 
LOGFILE command, as you described, to assign requests to given domains in the request 
and directory reports.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] anomolies

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ron Woodall wrote:

> My June analog report shows 427,976 successful page requests from a log
> file of 161MB. My August analog report shows 442,612 successful page
> requests from a log file of 667MB. Don't even ask about july - it is very
> messed up.
> It is quite obvious that my August report should show closer to 4 times
> the traffic than the June one. This increase is quite plausable due to
> specific marketing efforts. Has anyone run into this before? What is the
> problem and how is it resolved? I've tried the FAQ with no luck.

Perhaps there are four times as many request for non-page items (graphics). Have
you compared total Succesful Requests? If those are similar then look to Corrupt
Log File Lines, Redirected Requests, Failed Requests, and Unwanted Logfile Lines
for the balance of your logfile. It should all be in there somewhere.

If you still don't see four times the requests, then perhaps each request line is
four times as long. Did you change from common log format in June to Combined (or
Combined + cookie or vhost) in August? That would easily tripple the size of your
logfiles with the same number of requests.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:

> > then that field
> > will be %v in your LOGFORMAT, and you can use turn on the Virtual Host
> > report with
> >
> >
> > in your config file
> I did put VHOST ON in my config file, but it still isn't breaking it down.  (you can 
>see the file at: )

You need to specify your logformat with the %v telling where Analog can find the 
virtual host info. I belive only W3C extended format can
include a virtual host field that Analog will automatically recognize. Logformats are 
discussed in docs/logfmt.html. If you are having trouble
coming up with a custom format line, you can post a couple lines of the logfile here 
and we can help you.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Help regarding Pageviews

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ian Stong wrote:

> I notice at the top of the report is a summary of pageviews (requests for
> pages) for the sites that we run analog against.
> I need to provide stats indicating the pageviews for each
> directory/subdirectory.  Perhaps it's already there but I don't see it.  How
> do you go about generating that info?  I suppose outside of analog you could
> extract .htm requests for pages, sort and summarize that way - just want to
> see if analog does it before I use an approach like that.

Add 'P' to your columns for your directory report. The default columns are Rb,
so you could just add the line


to you config file. See docs/othreps.html#othCOLS for details.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] include problems

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Silviu Dicu wrote:

> i have a real server log file which I use to make reports, but when I
> try to make reports any for a specific directory it gives me unwanted nr
> of files and nothing for that dir
> I have in my conf file
> FILEINCLUDE /encoder/* ---this is the dir from where I want to make the
> report
> any ideas are appreciated

Do you have a FILEEXCLUDE command elsewhere that excludes this directory?
Otherwise you may need to adjut your floor, if it's below the default.
Something like REQFLOOR 1r should list all entries.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] anomolies

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ron Woodall wrote:

> >  Did you change from common log format in June to Combined (or
> >Combined + cookie or vhost) in August?
>  Ok, this is interesting. I have no control over how the server
> works or how it generates a log file. In july I went through a change-over
> to where the server automatically compresses the files daily instead of me
> trying to compress them monthly. However, I thought I took this into
> account when I ran the reports. First, I downloaded the latest analog.
> Then, I re-ran the reports for June and got an error message. I set
> "logformat = combined" and reran the reports and got the same results as my
> previous version of analog (2.90b4.) Then I ran the August logs. I compared
> the log structures of the two months and found them identical in their
> field structure.

Well, obviously compression is coming into play or else Analog wouldn't even give
you a report. And if you were comparing compressed and uncompressed logfile
sizes, then June (which would likely be uncomressed) would be larger.

> >  That would easily tripple the size of your
> >logfiles with the same number of requests.
>  There is nothing to indicate that such is the case. Other options?

What about ranges of dates? Does the August report include requests from Aug 1st
to Aug 31st? Does the file include any requests outside of this range?

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help

2000-09-07 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:

> Ok, I am trying to put in the LOGFORMAT, as I wasn't specifying this before.  I'm 
>using Apache 1.3.12.  I don't see any default log formats for Apache.  The 
>APACHELOGFORMAT wants parameters, so how does this differ from the basic LOGFORMAT?
> What do I use?

Somewhere in your apache httpd.conf file should be a CustomLog line listing a format 
and a LogFormat line that defines it. If not then you don't have virtual host data 
logged in your logs and you might as well through them out (unless you just
want aggregate numbers) and start over with a custom log format. See the docs for 
apache at

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help]

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

istong wrote:

> Looking for information on how to utilize (i.e. understand) the following
> commands listed in the help file under docs/othreps.html#othCOLS .
> The full list of COLS commands for non-time reports is HOSTCOLS, ORGCOLS,
> column is allowed in every report, but if you specify an illegal one,
> analog will warn you about it.

"Each time report can contain columns listing the requests, requests for pages,
and bytes transferred at that time, using the
following code letters.

RNumber of requests
rPercentage of the requests
PNumber of page requests
pPercentage of the page requests
BNumber of bytes transferred
bPercentage of the bytes

"Which columns appear in which reports is controlled by various COLS commands."

-- docs/timereps.html#timeCOLS


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help - Apache woes?

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:

> Got it!  Wow, this stuff is NOT intuitive!  It would help greatly if the docs had 
>something like:
> If you're running apache on unix with virtual servers,
> place these commands in your httpd.conf file:
> LogFormat "%h %l %t \"%r\" %>s %b %v \"%{referer}i\" \"%{user-Agent}i\"" 
> LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
> LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
> CustomLog logs/access_log combined
> Then place these files in your analog.cfg file:
> LOGFORMAT (%s - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j] "%j %r %j" %c %b %v "%f" "%B")
> I finally have it figuring out the domains.

Well, I don't think that Analog is the place for documentation on Apache. It is 
assumed that you (or someone involved in setting up web servers on your system) has 
familiarity with Apache configuration and can handle this.

Also, the above (without typos) ships in almost every default Apache install, but may 
not be the way a user want to configure apache.

> NOW... On to ANALOG's configuration...  It's sorting out the domains, and giving me 
>a % of usage.  I'd like to see actual bytes as well.  Where is all the reporting 

In the docs. :) See docs/timereps.html#timeCOLS and docs/othreps.html#othCOLS for 
details on column information.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] wish list for mass virtual hosting

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Jaume Teixi wrote:

> I just wanted to know if was any plans to implement any virtual host map file
> or as apache thath using pointers can build each virtual host directly from
> directories

This is best handled with a script around Analog, since there are so many
possible things that could be done for each virtual host (do they all use the
same settings? Does each get a %0.conf config file? etc.)

> As I've told ond a previous email, I've scripted that each month analog runs
> on each virtual host from previous cache and new logs, then generates output
> and new cache, log rotates and then rmagic reports each virtual host and then
> generates email to each customer indicating new stats as generated.
> I'll report a url soon when have some time to document all this
> ...but allways is better to have a single file for vhost than multiples

If you have this working, why not generalize the script and submit it for
inclusion on the Helper Applications page?

> just from a previous email, this is correct ? anybody use a method like this
> to build global stats, running analog over all caches from vhosts:
> d. I've cached reports for all my customer's virtual hosts under
> /var/cache/  and for my own virtual hosts under /var/cache/myown/
> I run analog_global with CACHEFILE /var/cache/*  in order to process
> global stats from all customer's virtual hosts
> It seems that works and I've stats for each virtual host and then global
> stats !

This should work fine except for your problem ->

> Then I run analog_total with:
> CACHEFILE /var/cache/*
> CACHEFILE /var/cache/myown/*
> In order to have stats from all customers and my own virtual hosts, it
> seems to work except for:

> Number of machines (cannot disctint between machines that have browse
> myown doms and customer doms and thinks that are different machines)
> and Transmited Data and Succesfull Requests are OK ;-)

The best solution would be to keep a separate cache file that totals everything
(i.e one for each vhost and one for a cumulative) and report the server wide
stats off the cumulative total cahce files.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] analog.cfg commands for log file sort by hostwith file-request sub-sorts

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Mary's Gardens wrote:

> I am able to get this desired output from the weblog stats program,
> but since weblog is not supported by my server, and analog is, I
> would prefer to obtain it, or an acceptable equivalent, on analog.
> If, as you state, and the docs and FAQ's seem to indicate, the output
> I desire cannot be processed by the existing analog code, my request
> then becomes one to the author to consider writing some additional
> code to accomplish this - thus enlarging the capabilities of analog.

This multi-variate reporting requires huge databases -- especially since you
are choosing to cross-compare the hosts (likely the largest data table) with
requests (likely the third largest). The memory requirements for this type of
analysis would be exorbitant and would degrade the performance of Analog
immensely and rapidly.

This is discussed in docs/faq.html item B18.

> While the requested output is not of much interest to commercial
> websites seeking to correlate sales with hits, it is very important
> to instructional/inspirational websites such as ours, which, for the
> continuing perfection of home page arrangement and file title
> selection, wish to examine qualitatively the e-trails by which hosts
> move, or don't move, sequentially from requested file to requested
> file.

These may also not correspond to "trails" of traffic by your users. Any given
host from AOL will be a set of lateral requests across many users (AOL's proxy
server request all parts of a page at once and AOL users go to the lowest
traffic proxy at each new request). So don't be fooled into thinking this may
have any bearing on traffic patterns or usage of your site.

This is discussed in docs/faq.html item B21 and docs/webworks.html.

> An acceptable equivalent analog output for these purposes - as the
> host files do not have to be alphanumerically sorted for this
> analysis, but could sequential - would be a sequential listing of
> hosts with added columns for
>   date:time:request
> and everything else from the raw log non-selected
> In this, the equivalent for the sample above would be outputted as:
>  26/May/1999:18:38:35   /CMG-LC-1.gif
>  26/May/1999:18:38:35   /CMG-LC-2.gif
>  26/May/1999:18:38:35   /JS-PCMG-MG.html
>  26/May/1999:18:38:36   /CMG-LC-3.gif
> which would still give the desired sequential "e-trail" of each
> host's requests, albeit with repetition of the host URL.
> Due to the numbers of requests, such analysis would only be made by
> us on occasion and for a brief time interval - viz. of one day for
> our small, 500 host accesses a day, volume.

And the finally point (IMHO): Do you really look at the traffic patterns of 500
hosts every day? The point of Analog (and all other web log analyzers and
similar statistics systems) is to provide summary information to help you
understand large volumes of data. Sure it would be nice to be able to
'drill-down' to each host, but how often do you have time to do this and what
does it gain you? Do you Actually look at the entire host report or only the
top 50? For most of the report I configure, we don't even use the host report.
We're not really interested in what the specific host IPs were, just aggregate
summaries, like the domain and organization reports.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] is there a way ?

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Silviu Dicu wrote:

> is a way to change the Title Web Server Statistics ?
> i need to put webcast statistics

You can modify the language files in the lang directory of you distribution.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] analog + username + ip address

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Chris Wopat wrote:

> OK, I searched the FAQ's and mail archives but found no answer to this:
> Has anyone managed to get analog to give any type of report that will show
> username (htaccess) along with their IP?

See FAQ item B18. This also was discussed in a separate thread today (with
regard to file and IP).

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help - Apache woes?

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:

> > Also, the above (without typos) ships in almost every default Apache install, but 
>may not be the way a user want to
> > configure apache.
> What typos?  That's exactly what I have now, running.  And no, it is NOT the default 
>Apache setting - I had to add the %v in there.

I stand corrected. I didn't see the %v (which of course was the whole point of the 
thread). What I meant by typos, was:

   LogFormat "%h %l %t \"%r\" %>s %b %v \"%{referer}i\" \"%{user-Agent}i\"" 
   CustomLog logs/access_log combined

Will produce a logformat in "combined" format (assumably defined elsewhere in your 
httpd.conf). Not the "combination" logformat that you want. I has assumed that you 
to write

   CustomLog logs/access_log combination

> The biggest thing the online docs need are examples, and defaults.

Well, docs/logfmt.html has examples. docs/report.html is examples. There are also some 
(limited, yes, but some) examples in examples directory.

> For example, if none of the reports are expressly turned on or off, what reports are 
>generated by default?
> For each of the different reports, what are the valid COLS commands for them?  What 
>are the default COLS?

Both of these items can be gleaned from reading the examples/big.cfg file that ships 
with the distribution. But I agree, that this should be documented in the docs as

> In the FAQ, I'm sure many users would benefit from the main question I had: How come 
>the Virtual Domain report doesn't work?  The answer turned out to be three things:
> 1. Add a VHOST ON in /etc/analog.cfg
> 2. Modify Apache's httpd.conf file as shown above to log the vhost domain
> 3. Define LOGFORMAT in /etc/analog.cfg as shown above.

What, item D7 isn't helpful enough:

7.I host lots of virtual domains. How should I set up analog?
There's a file in the examples directory which discusses this issue.

: - )

> There are a lot of us newbies out there that just need a little more direction than 
>man pages without examples.

Such as a (well written) HOWTO? Man pages are generally designed to work as 
references. The Analog docs are designed to be a guide (with reference ability through 
index and report references). Perhaps a series of good HOWTOs would be helpful to the 
Analog community. Does any one on the list have experience in technical writing and
want to donate their time?

"Chris D.Halverson" wrote:

> Then help the "cause" and write documentation. Analog is written by a
> developer (duh!), not a writer. I'm able to grok what I need out of
> it, but sometimes it takes some investigation. Projects like these,
> ie. free ones, usually need better docs, however, the developers are
> rarely the "best" choice for this job as they are too intimate with
> the product and "know" how it's supposed to work, and/or they just
> aren't good writers.

As a developer who also writes his own documentation, I will say what all developers 
say: No matter how good or bad I may be at documentation, writing user docs is not as
fun as writing code. So it becomes last priority.  The open-source 
community could be helped greatly by technical writers (there are people out there who 
writing users docs is fun, right?) donated some of their time to the 

> That being said, the docs are pretty good, just very technical.

I disagree (sorry, no offense Stephen, but I suppose that's why you're a post-doc in 
statistics not technical writing). I think the organization of the docs is hard to
understand. On the other hand, I view the world in a different way that you, Chris or 
Bob, (or Stephen or anyone else). That's why well documented products allow you to
learn in different ways. And well designed products don't require documentation (but 
still provide it all). At least that's the goal. Most consumer products are like this
(your toaster came with a manual, but you never had to read it). Most consumer 
products are exceedingly less complicated as well.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] HTTP/1.0 vs. HTTP/1.1 GET requests

2000-09-08 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"McDaniels, Chuck" wrote:

> How does Analog deal with HTTP/1.0 vs. HTTP/1.1 requests, in terms of
> counting them as pages?  As an example, one of our sites has lines that
> reference both protocols.  My reading of the RFC indicates that HTTP/1.1
> introduces a "Get-If-Modified" mechanism into the protocol that HTTP/1.0 did
> not have.  It appears that Analog considers only the HTTP/1.0 requests to be
> valid page requests.  Is that everyone else's experience as well?

AFAIK, Analog counts all requests regardless of protocol. If someone come to
your site, hits it with an 'If-Modified-Since' header and chooses to pull it
from the local cache instead, don't you want to count that as a hit? Since
headers are recorded, Analog can't know if it was an HTTP/1.1 GET request or an
HTTP/1.1 GET If-Modified-Since request.

>  Here are a few samples to show you what I mean:
> - - [07/Sep/2000:00:10:45 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2012 "-"
> "Mo zilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)" GET / - "HTTP/1.1"
> - - [07/Sep/2000:00:10:54 -0700] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 245
> "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0;
> Windows 98; DigExt)" GET / - "HTTP/1.1"

In the case of these two, the status codes distinguish the response. The first
sent the full page (2012 bytes) and the second sent a 302-Found (temporary
redirection). This should have no relationship to the HTTP version.

> The bottom line question is if it is correct to count GET requests for /
> (under HTTP/1.1) as valid page requests or not.   Analog does not appear to
> consider them valid.  Please advise via e-mail, and I'll share my results
> with the list.

Analog can also read a 304-Not Modified response (usually sent by a GET request
with If-Modified-Since header when the file is not modified). By default, it
treats these as successful requests. This can be changed with the 304ISSUCCESS
command. See docs/include.html#304.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] logrotate

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Brian Clifton wrote:

> Dear All
> I am currently using crontab/logrotate to rotate my logfiles and Analog
> reports. However the syntax format appends a number to the filename e.g.
> report.html -> report.html.1 etc...
> Does anyone know of a way to change this e.g.

mv report.html.1

You can add postrotate commands to the end of the section of your
logrotate.conf (or logrotate.d/*) configuration file.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Refering page and counters

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Helmer Aslaksen wrote:

> The Apache log file contains lines of the type
> - - [10/Sep/2000:04:21:31 +0800] "GET
> /aslaksen/calendar/chinese.shtml HTTP/1.1" 200 16137 "http://dir.ya
> (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4
> .90)"
> My analog.cfg has
> Still, nothing appears about referring on

Then perhaps there aren't any pages to which
refers. This would seem likely if this is an Analog report.html, since it doesn't link 
any other pages on your server.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Analog/Sendmail

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Carlos Santos wrote:

> I need to analyse my mail logs (Linux/Sendmail) so that i can figure out which of my 
>domains are generating the most traffic (KBs). Can i use Analog to do this ?

Probably. I have no idea what the Sendmail logs look like or what type of data they 
contain, but with a custom logformat (and perhaps some appropriate modifications
to the language files) you ought to be able to get it to work. If you get something 
useful consider posting the results to the helper applications page.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Multiple Reports creation.

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Graham Shelton wrote:

> We are running NT4 and want to use analog4.11to create reports for the 50
> websites that we host. I have two issues to resolve, the first is getting NT
> to save log files onto our stats server rather thanon the "live box" as this
> is where Analog is installed

You can map a drive or use an SMB reference (e.g.
\\STATS_COMPUTER\Share_Name\Analog\) to link between the two, then, in the IIS
MMC settings for each web site go to the logfiles tab and change the location of
where the files are stored.

> and secondly is there an update of analog
> availabe that will let me create an output.dat file for each logfile without
> having to run a seperate config file for each logfile?

One run, one report. That's the way analog works. It's a batch processor. You
can easily write a batch file with custom config files (or even command-line
options) to run Analog for each client's site.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] HOSTFLOOR ???

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Silviu Dicu wrote:

> I want to list all the host wich have a request on my server, I do
> something like:
> but it doesn't work
> any ideas ???

First, the syntax for the floor that you want is


Second, if you have HOSTEXCLUDE or HOSTINCLUDE somewhere in you config, that
would affect the report.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Recording hits to external sites

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

HQWEB wrote:

> Hi, we are just starting out with Analog and find it great. At the moment
> we are using Microsoft IIS Log file format, and we notice it does not log
> hits going from our website to external websites. Is this normal? Should
> we be using another log file format to record this?

Didn't we just cover this thread? (I can't find it in the archives though, so
you get it again :)

Your logfiles can not record any information about requests to other sites.
That would be in there logfiles. (See docs/webworks.html). In order to gather
this kind of information you would need to write a CGI redirector script (or
grab on of the thousands on the 'Net) and relink every link off your site
through that script. Then you can look at your Redirections report to see
those results.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] logrotate

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Brian Clifton wrote:

> Nice thinking Jeremy :-)
> Only one small caveat (question)...Wouldn't this destroy the ability to
> keep x number of reports before over-writing??
> I keep 4 weeks worth of reports, so after report.html.4, logrotate starts
> over-writing. I haven't tried yet, but I think re-naming would stop this.
> How about cp??

Yeah, logroate pushes each log down the stack, so you'd need to do something

cp report.html.1
cp report.html.2
cp report.html.3
cp report.html.4

after the logration is completed

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] REFARGSFLOOR

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Mike Mohr wrote:

> We have an application which has a number of cgi references needing
> further analysis.  I've tried setting REFARGSFLOOR to a volume limit
> which yields tons of detail, but nothing useable.  I've also tried
> setting REFARGSFLOOR to a percentage limit, but wind up with little or
> nothing since the percentage limit operates as a percentage of the
> total number of references, not as a percentage within REFFLOOR
> limits.  Any recommendations?

First, don't you want REQARGSFLOOR? If not (i.e. if you're analysing this as
a referrer) then you can build a SEARCHENGINE argument for the cgi and use
the Search Word and Search Query reports for further analysis.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Referrals from

2000-09-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Kev Place wrote:

> I've just started using Marco Bernardini's excellent srch.cfg file to
> check my server logs for SE referrals. It seems that the wildcard
> entries for Google and Yahoo cause referrals from> to be wiped from the subsequent results.
> An example referral string is:
> Is Analog automatically converting this kind of referral to hits from
> Yahoo? Or doing a mix and match?
> Any ideas how I can change Marco's srch.cfg file to ensure that separate
> referrals from Yahoo, Google, and are accurately reflected?

You can put a SEARCHENGINE command in your config file before you include
srch.cfg (or in the top of the srch.cfg) for this engine. Something like



Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Failure Report (FAILCOLS) option for host address available for security audits?

2000-09-13 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Ballard,Lowell" wrote:

> Certain things listed below I know are hack attempts (e.g., /cgi-bin/phf ).
> Is it possible for Analog to report to me the IP/DNS entry for this person?

Sure, you can setup a config file (say hack.conf) with lines like

FILEINCLUDE /cgi-bin/phf
FILEINCLUDE /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc

Then run it and look at the host report. You can do these one at a time to get
the host->request correlation. Analog doesn't provide this kind of two-variable
cross-reporting, however. See FAQ item B18 (or B19 depending on your version of


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] wich Linux Version ?

2000-09-14 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Cvrtila Kruno wrote:

> we would like to use your product, but we do not know if it works with
> Debian Linux together...
> please help us out

There is a debian package for Analog (both stable and unstable). You can also
just download the tarball and make it. It build without a hitch on debian.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] help with solaris compile from 4.11.tar.gz

2000-09-14 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

David Dennis wrote:

> what is needed to port this to solaris (2.6) with gcc ( ..
> results of first compile of Makefile included in tar source--
> ...
> Undefined   first referenced
>  symbol in file
> gethostbyaddr   alias.o
> inet_addr   alias.o
> ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to analog
> make: *** [analog] Error 1

In the top of the Makefile are instructions for the modification necessary to compile 
on Solaris. You need to add the line

LIBS = -lnsl

so that Solaris cam find these libraries.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Logformat of the MS IIS 5.0

2000-09-14 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Scherner Norbert wrote:

> I can't get the rigth LOGFORMAT for MS IIS 5.0.
> Who can help me ?
> #Fields: date time c-ip cs-username s-sitename s-computername s-ip s-port cs-method 
>cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-win32-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken 
>cs-version cs-host cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referer)
> 2000-09-14 12:58:02 - W3SVC3 M66971PP 81 GET 
>/haensse2/Default.asp - 200 0 0 217 15 HTTP/1.1 
>Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+5.0) - -

Analog 4.11 should detect this automatically with no need to set a logformat by hand. 
The items s-ip and cs-host are identical and might be confusing Analog (though it's 
supposed to handle that now). It's also using up disck
space uselessly. Try removing one from the fields you are logging.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Newbie help - Apache woes?

2000-09-18 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Jeremy Wadsack wrote:
> >
> > "Bob Puff@NLE" wrote:
> > > That being said, the docs are pretty good, just very technical.
> >
> > I disagree (sorry, no offense Stephen, but I suppose that's why you're a
> > post-doc in statistics not technical writing). I think the organization of
> > the docs is hard to understand. On the other hand, I view the world in a
> > different way that you, Chris or Bob, (or Stephen or anyone else). That's
> > why well documented products allow you to learn in different ways. And
> > well designed products don't require documentation (but still provide it
> > all). At least that's the goal. Most consumer products are like this (your
> > toaster came with a manual, but you never had to read it). Most consumer
> > products are exceedingly less complicated as well.
> >
> Actually, unlike many free software authors, I do take the documentation
> seriously, and work hard on it.

Sorry, I'm not denying that you've put a lot of work into it. I can see that. And it's 
always up to date, which is more than can be said for much of the free software out
there. (Anyone ever looked at the documentation for PHP? Arrgh!)

> But I have a very wide audience, from people
> who want ten pictures of the buttons to press for each task, to sysadmins
> with ten years of experience. It's very difficult to write docs to satisfy
> both. In fact I get about as many comments that the documentation was
> unusually easy to follow as complaints that it was unreadable. Not that I
> don't continue to strive to improve them.

Here's my take on this: Sysadmins (either by necessity or by selection) are good at 
learning from references. Most other people learn well from tutorials and guides. Many
people like examples to learn from. Some people still learn well by "playing" (most of 
us had this drilled out of us in grammar school :).

Ideally documentation should be provided in all these methods. A comprehensive 
reference to all commands, arguments, etc. (that can be printed out, including 
defaults). A
quick-start tutorial that walks a new user, step by step, through the process of 
getting the first report. A series of HOWTOs to provide topical guides for specific, 
tasks (virtual hosts, scheduling and rotating, etc.). A collection of applicable and 
interesting examples. Descriptive messages and output to help users know what their
changes are doing.

Analog provides most of this (in fact, I can think of a certain other software package 
that could benefit from much of this :). I think that there's still (and always will
be) room for improvement. Here are some examples from my own experience (this might 
not be representative of other users, so perhaps it's not worht listing, but just in

It took me several months to discover that there was a complete list of all commands 
in the index. The "Quick Reference" was added after I was already familiar with most of
the commands. I never read "Analog's definitions." Rather I learned from responses of 
helpful users on this list. For some reason, it never ocurred to me to read the
documentation "front-to-back". I always skipped around and read different pages, never 
used the "next" link on each page.

Anyway, I hope that's of some use.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] FrontPage intrusion

2000-09-18 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Massimo Mezzini wrote:

> Hi;
> On 4 Sep 2000, at 14:23, Jeremy Wadsack wrote:
> > > - - [01/Sep/2000:03:28:34 -0400] "GET /_vti_inf.html
> > > HTTP/1.1" 404 1100 "-" "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MS FrontPage 4.0)"
> > > - - [01/Sep/2000:03:28:37 -0400] "POST
> > > /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc HTTP/1.1" 404 1100 "-"
> > > "MSFrontPage/4.0"
> > These are the front page (dev studio) file replecation tools. The user
> > is trying to edit your page and save it back to the original server.
> > This is either (a) an inexperienced FrontPage user who didn't think to
> > choose "Save As" instead of "Save" from front page
> can FP be launched right out of IE5, the same way I can launch
> Homesite from Opera, to "view source"?

Yes. File|Edit Page or something. It launches FrontPage Express if FrontPage
isn't installed.

> I guess my question gave away my secret, uh?
> Well, I must admit it... I never used Frontpage
> Am I disqualified?;-))

No. Rather I think that qaulifies you. I never use it either, but have worked
with enought sites that have it isntalled (or support VisualInterDev which
uses the same interface).

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] does %q works ???

2000-09-18 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Silviu Dicu wrote:

> LOGFORMAT (%S - - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j]%w"%j %r%q %j" %c %b %j)
> LOGFORMAT (%S - - [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j %j]%w"%j %r %q %j" %c %b %j)

You only need to use %q if the query portion of the uri is stored in a separate field 
from the
request. If it is included in the request portion, as your logformat has, then Analog
automatically analyses it.

If you aren't getting any arguments in your request report then you need to change your
ARGSINCLUDE or *ARGSFLOOR line. This should get them all:


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] How to create +v reports for /all/ vhosts (no more"not listed")

2000-09-19 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Kevin Ying wrote:

> Answered my own question... I had been playing around with the wrong
> "FLOOR" setting.  I used the VHOSTFLOOR 1b to display all vhosts that sent
> out at least 1 byte.  This will work beautifully.



will show ALL virtual hosts that received any requests. Even those that sent out
zero byte responses.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Failed Login Attempts

2000-09-20 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Brian Staubach wrote:

> I am trying to report on failed login attempts.  I'm using Site Server 3.0 with HTML 
>Forms Authentication.  If the user fails the login they are sent to formserror.asp.  
>The log entry is:
> 2000-09-18 00:09:30 - GET /secure1/Formserror.asp 
>Url=/FormFrame.htm&Username=Brian 200 1622 
>Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.5;+Windows+95) SITESERVER=ID...
> Notice that the log entry gets passed the Username that was attempted.  I would like 
>to report on who tried to login and failed, how many times, at what times, etc.
> I searched the docs and the faqs, but didn't find this type of customization.  Is it 
>possible?  Perhaps you might recommend an alternative way to accomplish this.

You could run a report set with

FILEINCLUDE /secure1/Formserror.asp
    ARGSINCLUDE /secure1/Formserror.asp

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Directories Within Time Report?

2000-09-20 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Kevin Hemenway wrote:

> Good day, I'm a new Analog user, and have successfully set up a few sites
> for it. However, I have a curious question that I couldn't find in the FAQ
> and saw some leeway in an answer on the web archive, but nothing "here it is".
> My situation:
> I do ebay hosting for people under a certain domain. They each have their
> own directory. Currently, I can see a total amount of traffic for the whole
> domain during day, week, or month. Tis very helpful. I can also see the
> total traffic for one directory for the time period of the report.
> This is my problem/question:
> I'd like to be able to say "well, you had 3 gigs this week, 2 gigs this
> week, and 4 gigs on that week, so you own me this much extra traffic money."
> Is this possible? For me to get a week based/month based report of
> different subdirectories, AS WELL as the totals? I know I can INCLUDE just
> the directory I want, and run multiple reports for multiple directories,
> but that's an awful lot of config files and reports to go through if I have
> a thousand subdirectories.
> Basically, I'm looking/hoping for some way where I can see per
> week/month/etc. transfer on various subdirectories, as well as see the
> totals for the whole domain. The only way I can think of doing this is to
> run weekly reports that don't look at any sort of cache file - just the
> latest weekly logfile, and then I can pick what I want from the Directory
> Report.

Kevin, you're on the right track. The way to do this is to run weekly reports,
using the directory report to get info for each client for that week's period. You
can set SUBDIR levels if you need to drill futher than one level.

If you employ cache files, you can create a cache file at the same time as you
generate your weekly reports, then run a report on all the cache files each week
(or day, month, etc.) to get a cumulative total.

This is the only way Analog can produce this. This doesn't do "cross-reference"
reports (FAQ item B18 in 4.10 or realier or B19 in 4.11). If you want to run them
side-by-side you could probably produce OUTPUT COMPUTER reports in CSV and pump
the results into a spreadsheet, pulling up running summaries, etc. This would take
a little scripting and soem spreadsheet magic to work smoothly but shouldn't be
that hard.

Good luck,

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Trying to run monthly Analog reports.version 4.11 (Unix)

2000-09-20 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Anand Dalvi wrote:

> i am very new when it comes to this my prior apologies. i
> have been trying to generate Analog monthly reports.there seems to be a
> problem with the LOGFORMAT in my config file. i have tried turning DEBUG on
> as well as SETTINGS on, but cannot fathom what i need to put into LOGFORMAT
> entry in the config file. i am producing the output message that i get when
> i execute the /usr/local/analogmonth/ script below. The
> command line within the script takes care of reading the correct config file
> instead of the default config file with the suggested -G+g combination
> flags. i am sorry again for having attached more than 10 lines of this
> message, but pls. try and help

1] The command line is "-G +g", but I assume you got this right in your script
since Analog didn't complain about "too many paramters for -G command" or

2] DEBUG C will tell you exactly what lines in the logfile are corrupt and show
an asterisk below the first character that doesn't match your format. However,
your output says "S: Corrupt lines: 0" for the logfile, so it's likely that it's
not a logformat problem but a logfile problem. Analog didn't reports any errors
when opening or closing the logfile so it must exists. The next question is to
see whether there really is any data in
/logs/files/2000-08/ and see if
the gzip command is working right. Try "gzip -cd
/logs/files/2000-08/" from a
command-line and see if you get any output.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] User-Agent parsing and robot/agent detection

2000-09-20 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Cunningham, Colin A" wrote:

> I'm looking for additional information w/ respect to parsing the user-agent
> field of the web log (IIS for now) in
> (a) for identifying Operating System (and flavors)
> (b) for identifying Browser type (and version)
> (c) in identifying likely robots or agents
> For (a) and (b), I was wondering if the logic used by Analog is available.
> (Should I just look in the Analog source code?)


> Furthermore, does this
> follow some sort of standard format that different OS and Browsers follow in
> filling the user-agent field.  If so, would someone kindly give me a
> pointer.

Well, IE uses 'Compaptible; IE X.XX' for browser version number. Most OSes are
listed at the end of the () set after the initial Agent_name/version part of the
string. There is no de-jure standard just a de-facto one used by most agents
(but not by most robots, and not by many WAP devices, unfortunately).

> I'm actually more interested in being able to identify for potential
> exclusion--at least from some reports--robots and agents that access the
> sites I'm analysing.  The interpretation of the traffic statistics is often
> heavily influenced by bot/agent requests.  E.g., on one site I'm monitoring,
> roughly 25% of page requests come from KeyNote agents, identifiable by
> user-agent="Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+Keynote-Perspective+4.0)".
> I've looked into the information on robot exclusion proposals (see
> and
> but these have weaknesses in reality as they are
> non-obligatory.  I also don't know much about the currency or degree of
> completeness were I to use the Web Robots Database on the webcrawler site.

There was discussion here back in June/July of completing a lits of robots that
would be generated from that database. I'm not certain the project ever went
anywhere. I think Marco was also working on a hand-built robots file. But I
haven't heard anything on this since June.

> Has anyone made much progress in detecting robots in conjunction w/ Analog
> reports?

The problem with 'detecting' robots is that it's inaccurate. You'll only catch
the well behaved and obvious ones. You could start with the list at the Web
Robots Database, I'm sure it contains most of the ones you'll see. If you want
to go further, you could make assumptions like "include all hosts that ever
requested robots.txt" but this isn't necessarily always valid.

> Also, are other Analog users interested in adding some sort of
> robot/agent reporting capability, or at least a Robot/Agent category in
> Analog's browser reports?

I think there has been significant interest in this in the past, but every time
someone looks into trying to do the project "completely" they suddenly realize
it's an immense job. If you're up to it, especially parsing the database into a
config file, I think a lot of Analog users would find it useful.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] WebStar Page Request 0?

2000-09-21 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Webmaster wrote:

> PAGEINCLUDE *.shtml, *.html

By default pages include "*/,*.html,*.htm". The above command should have
produced a warning: you can't put a space in the list. You need a command like

PAGEINCLUDE *.shtml,*.html

although, since *.html is already included, you could just use


Given your report, you may also want to include *.fm.


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Trouble getting to work

2000-09-26 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Philip Clever wrote:

> I am running Red Hat 6.1
> Perl 5.*
> and the latest build of Apache.
> I have tried EVERYTHING in the troubleshooting guide.  The analog executable
> works fine from the command line.  Even the works fine from the
> command line, as it spits out HTML code when I run it.  All ownerships and
> permission are set correctly on everything from the perl script to the .cfg
> file.   And there are no errors to be found in the server logs.

What is not working about it then? What happens when you try to access it from
the web server?

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Search Word+Query

2000-09-26 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ben Blackmore wrote:

> I'm having a problem! For some reason search query & search word are not
> showing up in the report! I know I've had it before. I have set the
> SEARCHQUERY & SEARCHWORD to ON in the .cfg file, and I know that search
> words/querys must exist because there are refering sites from Altavista
> and other search engins! Can anyone help?

Do you have the SEARCHENGINE statements in your config file? Do you have
FLOORs set sufficiently low enough so that records will show? Are you posibly
excluding all requests that match any search engine?


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Trouble getting to work

2000-09-26 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Philip Clever wrote:

> It will not run from the browser... :(

Meaning what? What exactly do you get in the browser? What does the error
message say?

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] combining operators, and configuration syntax

2000-09-26 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Chris Rutter wrote:

> Is there, or is there any planned way of being able to chain a sequence
> of predicates (like BROWEXCLUDE, or whatever) together with logic to
> form an compound?  I'd like to exclude User-Agent `htdig', but only from
> localhost, for instance.
> If there were a generic way of doing this, it could be powerful, I think.

Intersting thought. Essentially you want to do something like this?


I think this could potentially make the processing much more complicated,
taking a longer time and using more memory. But then, if you run out of memory
or processing takes too long, then you could remove all these phrases.

The next problem you'd run into would be that people would expect the
correlations available in the processing phase to be available in the
reporting phase, which of course they aren't (FAQ item B18/B19).


Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Trouble getting to work

2000-09-26 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Philip Clever wrote:

> 500 Internal Server Error
> The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable
> to complete your request.
> Please contact the server administrator, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and inform
> them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that
> may have caused the error.
> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Unless (a) you've changed the error message text in or (b) you're
server somehow intercepts 500 errors inserting its own text, this appears to be
a problem with the server running the cgi script. Not a problem with the script
or with Analog.

Have you been able to run other scripts from this server? When you submit
anlgform.html are you sure that the ACTION attribute of the FORM element is
pointing to the right place?

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] LOGFORMAT error?

2000-09-27 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Russell McOrmond wrote:

>   I have a number of sites where the following warning is coming up:
> analog: Warning M: Logfile /home/mike/logs/access_log.openconcept contains
>   lines with no referrers, which are being filtered
> I'm using analog version 4.11/Unix
> In the Analog config file I'm using:
> And in my Apache config file it is currently output using (But I have some
> old logs there which are just in COMMON format which is why the COMMON
> reference)
> CustomLog "|/usr/sbin/rotatelogs  /home/mike/logs/access_log.openconcept 86400" 
>   These warnings seem to be showing up once the "REFERRER ON" is used in
> the Analog config which gives me the referrer report I want, but that also
> seems to mess up the other reports in that they report fewer requests than
> they otherwise would.  Is it possible that it is having a problem on
> referrer lines which have "-" as the referrer?

It is having problems with your old COMMON logformat files, since these have no 
information. I'm not sure why it filters these lines rather than just reducing the 
count of
referrers, is there a REFEXCLUDE/REFINCLUDE command that it's trying to match?

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help]

2000-09-28 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Özen Dürüst wrote:

> I'm runing orionserver/analog 4.11 with using Windows2000.
> When I run analog it generates the statistisc, and when I run from
> the command line (perl my.log) it generates the statistisc too,
> but when I run
> anlgform.html I'm getting nothing:(
> I have put the form, logfile and configuration file in as follows:
> u:cvs\..\web\analog\anlgform.html
> u:cvs\..\web\analog\my.cfg

You probably want to use absolute paths here. e.g. u:\path\to\cvs\...

> u:\log\mylog.log
> In anlgform.html:
> In
> $analog = 'C:\analog\analog.exe'
> Can anyone help me??

What error messages do you get from the server (if you're using IE5+, go into
advanced internet properties and turn off 'friendly error messages' or whatever
it's called so you can see what the real message was from the server)?

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] What's "+DigExt" in useragent field mean?

2000-10-02 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Cunningham, Colin A" wrote:

> Can someone tell me what the "+DigExt" substring sometimes found in the
> useragent field of the log indicate?  I've only seen it accompany Windows
> and the IE browser.  I'm guessing it's some kind of plug-in.
> E.g. Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.0;+Windows+95;+DigExt)

DigExt is the provider of the brower. In this case one of the largest
providers of "free" Internet access. They are located in th UK, I believe.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Analog errors out unless run in debug mode

2000-10-03 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> When I select October ("current month" in my drop down box) I get results
> too.  We're only on the third day of this month.  Try September or August.
> Those files are 2 1/2 GB each.  What seems to happen is that in the early
> days of a month we can get reports, but at a certain point the only result
> we can see, except in debug mode, is "ok an error has occured".   If you
> can get a report for September from England while I can't sitting across
> the hall from our web server I'm going to be quite frustrated.

When I run it with September, I get:

/www/cgi-bin/analog/analog: Warning F: Failed to open logfile
/opt/app/netscape/suitespot/https-www/logs/access.01Oct2000-12AM: ignoring it
(For help on all errors and warnings,
see docs/errors.html)

Does that help?

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] dnsfile.txt is being ignored from cgi

2000-10-03 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Drenning Bruce wrote:

> I'm running analog on win32. I've set up my .cfg file to my liking &
> everything runs successfully from the command line. However, when I use the
> form, the organisations & domains show up as unresolved IPs. Why is it
> reading the dnsfile.txt from the command line but not from the perl script?
> seems odd.

First, Analog won't do any DNS lookups when running in CGI mode. It will only
read the already existing DNS records. Second, when run in CGI mode, it may be
running in a different directory than from the command line. Try usig an
absolute reference in your config file for defining the location of the


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Problems running a job...

2000-10-03 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

mjn wrote:

> /bin/sh: DBA.PLU.txt: command not found

I don't think this has anything to do with Analog. This is not an Analog
file. The only external command that I can think of that Analog might run
would be the UNCOMPRESS command, but I would expect you'd get the same error
from cron or the script.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help]What can i do for the server logfiles?

2000-10-04 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Özen Dürüst wrote:

> What can i do for the server logfiles? Can i get analog working for the
> server logfiles like:
> [],[Thu Sep 28 17:04:11
> GMT+02:00
> [],[Thu Sep 28 17:04:11
> GMT+02:00
> [],[Thu Sep 28 17:04:11
> GMT+02:00

Sure, just write a custom log format. See docs/logfmt.html for details. I can't really 
offer any
suggestions, because I don't know what most of that data is.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] looking for command-line parameter reference

2000-10-04 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Steven Boothe wrote:

> I am running analog.exe on a windows machine, but have so far been unable to 
>determine what command line options are available. I've typed "analog /?", "analog 
>--help", and neither have offered any listing of supported command-line syntax.
> After this I began looking through the readme and userguides. But still I couldn't 
>find any reference... Can someone please help?

There's a list of command-line options in the index under "Command line arguments". 
This is the best that Analog has.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help]What can i do for the server logfiles?

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Özen Dürüst wrote:

> > > [],[Thu Sep 28 17:04:11
> > > GMT+02:00
> > >
> > 
> >
> >Sure, just write a custom log format. See docs/logfmt.html for details. I
> >can't really offer any
> >suggestions, because I don't know what most of that data is.
> I tried a format like:
> LOGFORMAT ([%S],[%d/%M/%Y %h:%n:%j],[%q],"%u",%T,%T,%T,%T,%b,%T)
> for line:
> [] , [28/Sep/2000 17:04:01] ,
> [GetBinary],  "1",   17,  31,12,  20, 0,  68
>  hostdate /time  %q? u_id,  upload,
> auth,  parse,   handle   download  total
> but no results:( Analog doesn't like my logformats...

You need tp have a %r (request) field in your logfile for Analog to do anything with 
it. Also, it can
only have one processing time -- the time it took to send the request.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Quarter-hour summary (not Report!)

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

John Gray wrote:

> I've looked through the documentation and the list archives and I can't
> find any suggestion of how to do this.
> I would like a quarter-hour summary (equivalent to the hourly summary,
> but in 15 minute intervals :) - I have a set of logs in which the majority
> of accesses are probably by UK schoolteachers accessing the site during
> their lunch hour, and a finer-grained report would help me assess this.
> Is there any way to do this via the configuration, or is this a matter for
> changing the source?

There is no configuration option for this. This came up in a thread a while
back (starts at I
still think it might be as useful as teh QUARTER and FIVE reports.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Analog errors out unless run in debug mode

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> I asked our server admistrator to increase the Accept Timeout parameter in
> our server config files to 3 seconds (up from the default of 30s).
> He said he had already done this months ago.  Thats 500 minutes. Analog
> takes up to 8 minutes to process our 2 1/2 GB log files.   I'm not positive
> this was the right parameter to adjust on our Netscape Enterprise Server
> 3.5.1.  While it does seem like the server times out, I'm wondering why it
> doesn't do this in debug mode.  Do you have any other ideas or should I
> just resign myself to running it in debug mode?  Thank you,

The "timeout" period is a length of inacitivity from a script that the server
decides is a failure. In debug mode, the script is constantly generating debug
notices while running, so it is continually producing output and the server
doesn't have an inactivity period to timeout in.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] log file errors, and other stuff

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Doug Nelson wrote:

> I read steps 1-6 of the faq file.
> I am getting a bunch of log file errors.

Using DEBUG settings you can see exactly what lines are producing errors and
work from there to correct your log format, if needed.

> Mostly default settings, and it seems to be reading the log file, since
> it does give something.
> Also, no referrer or browser reports come through.
> Does this need to get configured in Analog or Apache?
> What files and lines contain this?

You need to have referrer data in your log files. If they are Common format,
try Combined. This is setup in your apache httpd.conf. More details at

> Also, do I need to run separate error log file?

Analog doesn't parse the error log. (FAQ item F.7)

> setup:
> IBM compatible PC server
> Slackware Linux
> Apache (current version)
> Analog 4.11
> dnstran 1.3.1
> Also using Webmin. Anyone use Analog with this?

I'm not sure that what you could do with webmin other than perhaps setting up
an icon that starts the process running. There isn't any interface for
modifying the config file (though you could set an icon to link to the form
interface). If you do come up with something like that, consider contributing
it to the helper applications.

> Also, how do I make Analog and DNStran work automatically overnight?

>From your cron file. (FAQ item D.5) Or by adding a script to the cron.daily

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] log file errors, and other stuff

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Doug Nelson wrote:

> Jeremy Wadsack wrote:
> >
> > Doug Nelson wrote:
> >
> >
> > Using DEBUG settings you can see exactly what lines are producing errors and
> > work from there to correct your log format, if needed.
> I tried that, and no luck. Maybe I did the debug wrong? How does this go
> again?

DEBUG C lists all corrupt logfile lines. Or DEBUG ON lists all debugging. See
docs/debug.html for details.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: FW: [analog-help] discrepancy in total requests and monthly total. Analog 4.11 : Un ix.

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Anand Dalvi wrote:

> Successful requests: 589,593,598
> Successful requests for pages: 245,485,005

The numbers provided in the General Summary, above, add up to the numbers listed
in the Daily Summary below...

> Daily Summary
> day: reqs:pages:
> ---: : :
> Sun: 98361025: 42117950:  <<...>>  <<...>>  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Mon: 83790660: 35039697:  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Tue: 77601014: 32998672:  <<...>>  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Wed: 65735825: 26893024:  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Thu: 80608071: 32069642:  <<...>>  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Fri: 84530614: 34563191:  <<...>>  <<...>>
> Sat: 98966389: 41802830:  <<...>>  <<...>>  <<...>>

So this report is consitent within itself.

> *   in the report, the field-
> Successful requests: 589,593,598.
> *   Manually adding up the successful requests for each day in the month
> of june( from daily analog reports),it adds up  to only 550,325,393.- diff.
> of about 39 million.
> *   is there anything wrong with this (obviously)and if so, can you
> point it out to me?

So I suppose you mean you ran an Analog report for each day of the month, then
took the Successful Requests from each of those days' General Summaries and
added them together to check for consistency.

If you analyse the difference, it comes out to 47.95 "average hours" of loss.
The fact that this is so close to 48 hours makes me think that you missed two
days' reports when adding the numbers. Are you certain you got them all?

The other thing to check is whether you are missing perhaps an hour per day.
Does each daily report cover traffic from 00:00 to 23:59 (or 00:00 the following


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: FW: [analog-help] discrepancy in total requests and monthly total. Analog 4.11 : Un ix.

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Anand Dalvi wrote:

> > So I suppose you mean you ran an Analog report for each day of the month,
> > then
> > took the Successful Requests from each of those days' General Summaries >
> and
> > added them together to check for consistency.
> > The other thing to check is whether you are missing perhaps an hour per >
> day.
> > Does each daily report cover traffic from 00:00 to 23:59 (or 00:00 the
> > following
> > day)?
> we are running daily analog as a cron job at 3 a.m. to plot for details for
> a day.
> e.g. for a day, say, for 6th june, we have at the top of the daily report
> the following:
> Program started at Wed-07-Jun-2000 03:30.
> Analysed requests from Tue-06-Jun-2000 00:00 to Wed-07-Jun-2000 00:00 (1.0
> days).

I wonder if this is a scaling issue. As no one has reported this kind of
inconsistency before (AFAIK) it might be due to the huge volume of request that
you're dealing with. It's possible that it's a rounding error, but I woudn't
think that would be that big. Did you compile this as a 32-bit or 64-bit app (I
assume this is a Solaris machine)?

> > If you analyse the difference, it comes out to 47.95 "average hours" of
> > loss.
> > The fact that this is so close to 48 hours makes me think that you missed
> > two
> > days' reports when adding the numbers. Are you certain you got them all?
> i am not sure how you arrived at 47.95 average hours. could you pls.
> explain?
> also, i am pretty sure i got all the days while manually adding up all of
> june, but will
> double check.

The difference is approximately 39 million requests. If you divide the total
request (from the monthly report) by (30*24) (the number of hours in June) you
get a value for the average number of requests per hour. If you divide the 39
million number by this average number it comes to 47.95. It just seemed like
this was really close to two average days. But that could also be a coincidence.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Combining reports

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Greg Gowins wrote:

> I'm brand spanking new to this product.  I've been demoing it for a
> couple of weeks, and have one big question.  Can you combine reports?
> Specifically I'm talking about the Browser Summary and Operating
> System report.  I've searched through the docs, and queried the past
> postings, but couldn't find reference to it.

Analog doesn't quite do what you're looking for. You can use the Browser
Report to get all the original User Agent strings. It's essentially the
same information that you're looking for, just not ordered
hierarchically. The problem I foresee in such a report is deciding which
information gets superiority -- does the operating system or the browser
come first.

>  What I'm looking for is a report like the following:
> no.: reqs: OS/Browser
> ---: : --
>   1: 9870: Windows/IE
>: 5706:   Windows 98/IE
>: 1957:   Windows 95/IE
>: 1645:   Windows NT/IE
>:  428:   Windows 2000/IE
>:  127:   Windows Me/IE
>:4:   Windows 16-bit/IE
>:2:   Unknown Windows/IE
>:1:   Windows 32-bit/IE

BTW, not all Windows users use Internet Explorer. :)

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: FW: [analog-help] discrepancy in total requests and monthly total. Analog 4.11 : Un ix.

2000-10-06 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Anand Dalvi wrote:

> > I wonder if this is a scaling issue. As no one has reported this kind of
> > inconsistency before (AFAIK) it might be due to the huge volume of request
> > that
> > you're dealing with. It's possible that it's a rounding error, but I woudn't
> > think that would be that big. Did you compile this as a 32-bit or 64-bit app
> > (I
> > assume this is a Solaris machine)?
> yes, it is a solaris machine and what is interesting is that it ran
> correctly for the month of august 2000., showed an error of 1 million for
> july and then this 39 million for june.

I just confirmed this inconsistency on a similarly large site starting when it
reached about 300 million requests.

Stephen, if you need more details (like exact numbers), contact me personally.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Waiting for external program"

2000-10-09 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Tony wrote:

> When I press the "Analyze" button in Analog Helper, a message reports
> "Waiting for external program" and it doesn't find the program.
> How can I fix this?
> I called my ISP, thinking maybe there's a logfile Analog is looking for
> on the Web site, but the tech support guy didn't know and said he would
> ask the system administrator.
> I also checked this in the "errors.doc" file and searched for "Waiting
> for external program", but that phrase isn't in the file.

This is an error message produced by Analog Helper, not by Analog. You should
check through the Analog Helper documentation for any reference to this. I
suspect what this means is that Analog is either not running or not producing
the expected output to Analog Helper. This is most likely a system problem
and your system administrator should be able to fix it.

Jeremy Wadsack
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Re: [analog-help] Help in configuring analog.cfg for off-Internet Domains Reports

2000-10-09 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Mary's Gardens wrote:

> I am currently using the analog.cfg configurations on Internet
> DNSFILE dnsfile.txt
> and on-Internet obtain the daily Domain reports ok (along with the
> others), with the host names in the Host and Organization reports -
> but the dnscache file is not created nor accumulating as it was
> before in my server analog directory.

Could this be as simple as the fact you're telling Analog to create
"dnsfile.txt" not "dnscache"?

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Error compiling

2000-10-09 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Ernesto Freyre wrote:

> /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0f/2.95.2/include/va-alpha.h:36:
> warning: redefinition of `va_list'
> /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0f/2.95.2/include/va_list.h:7:
> warning: `va_list' previously declared here

This seems to be an error in your header files on your system, not Analog.

> In file included from alias.c:9:
> anlghea3.h:262: conflicting types for `in_addr_t'
> /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/alphaev56-dec-osf4.0f/2.95.2/include/sys/types.h:616:
> previous declaration of `in_addr_t'

When you fix the previous error, this may go away.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Help with Lotus Notes Server logs

2000-10-10 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> A client is running Lotus notes.  It creates 4 logfiles each day
> which is kept in the same directory.
> The logfiles are named
> log-access09222000.log
> log-agent09222000.log
> log-referer09222000.log
> log-err09222000.log
> I'm only interested in analysing the access and referer logs.
> I can analyse a file at a time, but need to analyse the series of files
> into a single report - and struggle to get this done.

You just need two LOGFILE commands:

LOGFILE log-access*.log
LOGFILE log-referrer*.log

> -
> [22/Sep/2000:00:16:50 -0200] "GET / HTTP/1.0"
> 200 6317
> -
> [22/Sep/2000:00:25:06 -0200] "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"
> 200 0
> Referrer
> [26/Sep/2000:00:01:11 -0200]
> "
> +milk&btnG=Google+Search"
> [26/Sep/2000:00:01:13 -0200]
> "
> htm"
> [26/Sep/2000:00:01:15 -0200]
> "
> htm"

You may also need LOGFORMAT commands:


will parse the first one, though you'll get a User Report with data from your
virtual hosts (If that's what that is). The referrer should be as simple as:

LOGFORMAT ([%j] "%f")

See docs/logfmt.html and docs/logfile.html for details.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] html in output file?

2000-10-10 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Anatoly Pugachev wrote:

> how do i have insert two meta's in output file?
> meta's :

You can't insert these into the  section where they should go, but you
can use the HEADER command to insert them near the top of the body. You can
also use the NOROBOTS command to insert a standard robots meta tag.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Logformat ...

2000-10-10 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Philip, Tim" wrote:

> First of all, I have set "LOGFORMAT" in my analog.cfg file, but when I turn
> "SETTINGS ON" it says:
> Reading logfiles:
>   logfile.log
> Logfile format:
>   \n
> And when I try to process my file, the debug information says:
> F:   Detect that it's in NCSA combined format
> I can change my LOGFORMAT line to look like anything I want, it never seems
> to listen to me!

LOGFORMAT applies to LOGFILE lines in the same config file. If you are
specifying a LOGFILE in a different config file or on the command line, then you

> My apache format is:
> #APACHELOGFORMAT ("%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
> \"%{User-Agent}i\"")

However, Analog will auto-detect combined log format, so you shouldn't need a
logformat command in the first place.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Logformat ...

2000-10-10 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

"Philip, Tim" wrote:

> Given my log file and the default analog.cfg (no logformat specification), I
> get exactly the same errors as if I try to specify a logformat.
> I don't recall seeing DEFAULTLOGFORMAT in the docs anywhere, but I just
> tried it and my "just ignore it" logformat appears to work.


> I just played with it some more and analog is very weird.  If there is a
> "logfile.log" in my directory, it processes it no matter what.  Even if it
> isn't listed in the config file.  But if I delete it, and specify both a
> logformat and a logfile, that works.  Note that it must be deleted before it
> will work.

If you recall from your SunOS install, there are some defaults that Analog
understands, that are defined in the fiel anlghead.h. On the Windows version,
these are predefined, as the program is already compiled. One of the defaults if
LOGFILE logfile.log. So if Analog finds 'logfile.log' in the current directory,
it uses it along with any other LOGFILE commands it finds.

> At any rate, any idea why the default "combined" format is bombing on those
> extra fields?
> > > #APACHELOGFORMAT ("%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b \"%{Referer}i\"
> > > \"%{User-Agent}i\"")

Going back to read you're previous email, I see that the logfile lines you
provided are not the same as the logformat you've defined above. Which is why
Analog is bombing on the extra fields.

> - - [21/Sep/2000:01:11:33 -0700] "GET /webcheck.html
> HTTP/1.0" 200 74 "-" "-" - - 0
> - - [21/Sep/2000:05:31:44 -0700] "GET /images/alogo.jpg HTTP/1.1"
> 304 - "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5;
> Windows NT 4.0)" SSLv3 RC4-MD5 0

So, back to defining a logformat. I think these should work (you need both to
handle HTTP < 1.0 and HTTP >= 1.0):

LOGFORMAT (%S %j %u [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%j%w%r%wHTTP%j" %c %b "%f" "%B" %j)
LOGFORMAT (%S %j %u [%d/%M/%Y:%h:%n:%j] "%j%w%r" %c %b "%f" "%B" %j)

Of course, you may need to make them DEFAULTLOGFORMAT. And you also need to put
*LOGFORMAT commands before LOGFILE command that need those formats.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] .sys.Z files: a newbie writes..

2000-10-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Tom Roper wrote:
> > I promise I have read the FAQ and documentation, but have either failed to
> > understand it or can't find anything specific enough to my problem.
> > I'm running analog 4.12 under W95, to analyse logfiles generated on a
> > Solaris server running Apache. The problem I have is that analog doesn't
> > seem to be able to open the log files. On our server the files are
> > consolidated into monthly files with filenames such as 29.sys.Z. I sense
> > that it is theses strange double extensions that are the problem, but would
> > very much appreciate any ideas from list members.
> >
> .Z means a compressed file. In theory, you can use an UNCOMPRESS command in
> your analog.cfg to tell analog how to uncompress them. The problem is, under
> Windows you probably don't have the standard "uncompress" program to turn .Z
> files back into plain text.
> Does anyone know where he might get such a program from?

Winzip will do this. It also has a command line interface (downloaded separately).
But it's not free; it's about $35.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] Special logformat

2000-10-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Jason Linhart wrote:

> On 10/11/00 11:45 AM Morten Helgaland ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >owanders;Navno9x_2.exe;2000-10-11;Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01;
> >Windows 95);27482881
> >
> >"pseudocode" for the format would be:
> >
> >username;file requested;-mm-dd;user-agent;number of bytes
> >
> >My best guess at a logformat is this:
> >
> >LOGFORMAT (%u;%r;%Y-%m-%d;%B;%b)
> >
> >But analog gives me this errormessage:
> >
> >analog: Warning C: Bad argument in configuration command: ignoring it:
> >   LOGFORMAT %u;%r;%Y-%m-%d;%B;%b
> >analog: ...cont..:   (reason: time without date or vice versa)
> Analog requires both the date and time, as it said in the error message.
> It won't work with a format that only has the date, as your does.

If you can change the format that the files are logged in to include the
time, then you need to change the record separator while you're at it. Using
a ';' to separate records is going t bite you, as that's a common character
in user agents (as in the one you show). You can either quote the user agent
or choose some more unique separator character.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] .sys.Z files: a newbie writes..

2000-10-11 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Stephen Turner wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Oct 2000, Jeremy Wadsack wrote:
> >
> > Winzip will do this. It also has a command line interface (downloaded separately).
> > But it's not free; it's about $35.
> >
> Can it decompress to stdout though?

UNCOMPRESS *.gz.*.Z,*.zip ("c:\Program Files\WinZip\WZUNZIP" -c)

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] time problems...

2000-10-12 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> For some strange reason, my Apache is logging 1 hour behind the system
> time. I have changed the Time Zone recently and it reflected on the system
> time but not on Apache (which WAS restarted):
> ds21:/var/log/httpd# date
> Thu Oct 12 16:26:49 EDT 2000
> ds21:/var/log/httpd# cat /etc/timezone
> America/New_York
> ds21:/var/log/httpd# tail -1 access-10-12.log
> - - [12/Oct/2000:15:26:58 -0500] "GET
> /images/il66x16_buscar.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 304 ""
> "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)" "-" - 0
> ds21:/var/log/httpd#

have you verified that requests are actually being logged with the wrong time.
It's possible that Apach is just an hour behind in it's log cache and the
entries getting into the logs are not the most recent requests.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] time problems...

2000-10-12 Thread Jeremy Wadsack


> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > For some strange reason, my Apache is logging 1 hour behind the system
> > > time. I have changed the Time Zone recently and it reflected on the system
> > > time but not on Apache (which WAS restarted):
> > >
> > > ds21:/var/log/httpd# date
> > > Thu Oct 12 16:26:49 EDT 2000
> > > ds21:/var/log/httpd# cat /etc/timezone
> > > America/New_York
> > > ds21:/var/log/httpd# tail -1 access-10-12.log
> > > - - [12/Oct/2000:15:26:58 -0500] "GET
> > > /images/il66x16_buscar.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 304 ""
> > > "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)" "-" - 0
> > > ds21:/var/log/httpd#
> >
> > have you verified that requests are actually being logged with the wrong time.
> > It's possible that Apach is just an hour behind in it's log cache and the
> > entries getting into the logs are not the most recent requests.
> Hi Jeremy, thanks.
> Yes, I have verified that (tail -f).

While you were accessing the site, I assume, to see your own requests hit the logs.

> Any other ideas would be appreciated.

Try to recompile Apache? I wouldn't think the time zone would be a compile option,
and since there's binay distributions (RPMs) that woudn't make sense.

Sorry, I guess I'm out of ideas.

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] anlgform help NEEDED

2000-10-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

David Hinckle wrote:

> I'm at my wits end here and could use some help... If I change:
> use CGI;
> to
> CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

I don't know why you would do this. These are separate, unlreated modules and
the syntax of the second one appears to be incorrect.

> I at least get this clue as to what's going on (or not)" but it doesn't
> help *ME* at all. Could someone clue me in???
> "Can't locate object method "new" via package "CGI" at
> J:\Inetpub\clients\\www\cgi-bin\ line 38."

Perl is telling you that it doesn't know how to create a CGI object because
you have removed the definition.

I suspect what you meant to say was something like

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );

But on IIS, all messages go to the browser anyway and doesn't use
Carp, so you shouldn't have to have made that change.

For more information try `perldoc perltoot`.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] problem with " within a field

2000-10-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

Tore Haugland wrote:

> I started to get more and more corrupt logfile lines, so I used two good
> configuration commands; "DEBUG C" and "ERRFILE errors.txt" to find out what
> the problem was.
> I discovered that these errors was due to that some referrer and/or browser
> info had a " within the "" that marked the border of the field.
> --- Two examples:
> - - [27/Aug/2000:08:54:07 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.0"
> 304 - "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; AOL 5.0;
> Windows 98; DigExt; Mozilla/4.0 (compatable; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; by:
> "SysTec a Better Brand of Internet Access")"
> - - [02/Sep/1999:18:13:48 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
> 5672
> ""play+station+cheats""
> "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)"
> ---
> The log format is detected to be in "NCSA combined format". I get the
> logfiles from my webspace provider, so i have no way to change the logging
> by the webserver.
> Is there any way to fix this?

1] Preprocess the logfiles to convert them to a different format either removing the
quotes or using a different delimiter to set off the browser field (and writing a 
LOGFORMAT to coincide).

2] Email the folks at altavista and systek and tell them to learn to properly escape
URLs and abide by User Agent standards, respectively.


> TIA for any help,
> Tore Haugland
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Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] anlgform help NEEDED

2000-10-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

David Hinckle wrote:

> Thanks for the help - it's obviously needed...

Well, no, because it doesn't do what you expect.

> If I leave "use CGI;" alone, I get the following error message back:

You need to leave "use CGI;" in because that's the only way will
get CGI arguments. It won't work without it.

> Program Failure
> Analog failed to run or returned an error code.
> Maybe your server's error log will give a clue why. [Mon Oct 16 12:57:17
> 2000] J:\Inetpub\clients\\www\cgi-bin\
> "C:\PROGRA~1\analog\analog.exe" failed to run or returned an error code.
> Died at J:\Inetpub\clients\\www\cgi-bin\
> line 112.

Did you try running analog from the command line and from the
command line as discussed in the docs. The point where has
stopped indicates a failure in Analog. Perhaps running Analog from the
command line with the same settings can give you more insight.


Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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Re: [analog-help] anlgform help NEEDED

2000-10-16 Thread Jeremy Wadsack

David Hinckle wrote:

> > Did you try running analog from the command line and from
> the command line as discussed in the docs. The point where
> has stopped indicates a failure in Analog. Perhaps running Analog from
> the command line with the same settings can give you more insight.
> When I do this, it looks like the script is printing the results to the
> screen but it doesn't save them to the OUTFILE location I specified in
> the cfg file
> Again, thank you for the help...

Well, in CGI mode it will go to the screen. That's the same as going to the
browser under a web server. If you've run it using the same settings from the
command line in the same location that resides and are producing
a valid report, then I'm not sure what else to suggest. This is exactly what does. Do you have other Perl/CGI scripts running on your server?

Jeremy Wadsack
Wadsack-Allen Digital Group

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