May 1st, 2002. A brief KOMINFORM survey. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread sipila


May 1st, 2002

A brief KOMINFORM survey.

USA with its allies prepares to widen military attacks against nations and
countries  all around the world by the pretext "fight against terrorism".

The next target seems at this very moment to  be  Iraq.

The plans for a nuclear attack on the DPRK are ready.

The US military support for Israeli violent occupation politics in Palestine

Arab countries around Israel prepare to defend themselves and Palestinians.

NATO builds permanent military bases in Central Asia targeted against  China
and Russia.

China and Russia forge to military alliance against NATO.

The European Union and its NATO-integrated military machinery prepare for
further penetrating to eastern Europe and to Central Asia.

Fascists go strong in the EU.  The axis Berlusconi - Blair - Le Pen
corresponds the axis Hitler  -Mussolini in the thirties. Who will be the
next fascist German leader?

The US supports dictatory regimes in south America.

The US supports dictatory regimes in Africa.

The US goal is an unipolar wordwide capitalist dictatorship.

This way the world is heading to disaster.

It is up to us to prevent the catastroph.

Down with the undemocratic capitalist governments!

Down with imperialism!

Let us build a strong anti-imperialist front!


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Fascism's firm footprint [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


OUTLOOK INDIA, Magazine | May 06, 2002 ESSAY

Who's she when she's at home?

Last night a friend from Baroda called. Weeping. It took her fifteen minutes
to tell me what the matter was. It wasn't very complicated. Only that
Sayeeda, a friend of hers, had been caught by a mob. Only that her stomach
had been ripped open and stuffed with burning rags. Only that after she
died, someone carved 'OM' on her forehead.

Precisely which Hindu scripture preaches this?

Our Prime Minister justified this as part of the retaliation by outraged
Hindus against Muslim 'terrorists' who burned alive 58 Hindu passengers on
the Sabarmati Express in Godhra. Each of those who died that hideous death
was someone's brother, someone's mother, someone's child. Of course they were.


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Fwd: speechless [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Sandeep Vaidya


>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express Macintosh Edition - 4.5 (0410)
>Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 11:23:22 +0100
>Subject: speechless
>From: "farbuthnot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi -
>On BBC Radio 5 Breakfast this am, the head of Amnesty (whose name I missed)
>was interviewed, her delegation had just got into Jenin. Pretty pathetic she
>was, but I put it down to not wanting to be thrown out again, byt the IDF,
>until she said, the human rights violations they were investigating
>included: 'not giving enough notice to those whose homes were to be
>demolished." Could have been 'not giving notice to those whose homes were
>demolished ..." I was so gobsmacked my mental playback deserted me! Scuse
>me I am 99% certain I didn't mishear, perhaps someone less
>illiterate than I is smart enought to access the BBC and check! best, f.


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Bosnian Serbs Get A Few Marks For Recent NATO Destruction [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic


|SFOR compensates Bosnian villagers for damage in
|operation to get Karadzic
|Friday, 26-Apr-2002 
|SARAJEVO, April 26 (AFP) - NATO-led peacekeepers in
|Bosnia paid some 4,000 convertible marks (2,051 euros)
|to the Serb inhabitants of a village in south-east
|Bosnia to correct "perceived wrongs" in two raids
|aimed at arresting war-crimes indictee Radovan
|Karadzic, a press release said Friday.
|Soldiers from the NATO-led Stabilization Force (SFOR)
|visited the village of Celebici on Thursday in
|response to property damage claims made by villagers
|in the aftermath of the force's so-far fruitless
|search for Karadzic, SFOR said.
|SFOR conducted two consecutive raids in the area on
|February 28 and March 1 in a bid to arrest Bosnian
|Serb wartime leader, but both attempts ended in
|The villagers were initially informed that their
|claims had been rejected, since "claims arising out of combat-related 
|activities are barred from payments" under the Dayton peace agreement 
|that ended Bosnia's 1992-95 war.
|However, the SFOR commander, General John Sylvester,
|had authorized payments unrelated to the villagers'
|claims, to aid them in repairing damage to their
|Meanwhile SFOR troops on Friday airdropped thousands
|of leaflets over four Serb-run towns in eastern
|Bosnia, offering a reward for information about
|The leaflets used in Friday's drop also outlined
|benefits that could be gained from bringing Karadzic
|and other war crimes suspects to justice "such as the
|increase in aid and employment opportunities," SFOR
|Karadzic, the political leader of Bosnia's Serbs
|during the war, is the best-known figure still at
|large who is wanted by the UN's International Criminal
|Court for the former Yugoslavia, which sits in The
|He is notably wanted for the killing of some 7,000
|Bosnian Muslims in the village of Srebrenica in August
|1995, the worst single massacre committed in Europe
|since World War II.


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What about the U.S. role in Croatian atrocities? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



Washington Times

Sunday, April 28, 2002/page B2
Your April 22 article, "Indicted general accuses U.S., Clinton of war 
atrocities," brings to light two problems that should be of concern to all 
Americans: The duplicity and injustice of the International Criminal Tribunal 
for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and shortsighted and unprincipled aspects of 
U.S. foreign policy.
In the article, you report that a Croatian general indicted by the war 
crimes tribunal in The Hague for being responsible for atrocities committed 
against Krajina Serbs during "Operation Storm" in 1995 claimed that leading 
members of the Clinton administration authorized and oversaw the operation. The 
article states that 150,000 Serbs were ethnically cleansed from the region. The 
Croatian general is accused of "command responsibility" for the killing of 150 
Serbian civilians. Other reliable sources put the figure of those ethnically 
cleansed at 250,000 and the number of civilians killed at over 5000. 
A spokeswoman for chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte is quoted as saying,  
"It's not Operation Storm that is being indicted, but the crimes that were 
committed during and afterward" -- in this case, by Croatian soldiers whose 
actions fell under the responsibility of the accused general.
However, the whole object of "Operation Sotrm" was to "ethnically cleanse" 
all Serbs from the Krajina region of Croatia, the same kind of war crimes for 
which Slobodan Milosevic and other defendants have been charged by the 
tribunal.  The main difference is that without U.S. military aid and 
technology, "Operation Storm" may not have been successful.    
In another example of the deceptions that are common from The Hague tribunal, 
Mrs. del Ponte’s spokeswoman stated that U.S. support for the operation 
"has yet to be established. I don’t know that the [Clinton] administration was 
involved." Such bald-face lies from a representative of the ICTY should be a 
warning to anyone who supports the forming of a permanent International Criminal 
Court. The facts of U.S. involvement have been widely reported, albeit ignored. 

A headline in the Aug. 25, 1995 Navy Times read:  "4 Navy jets 
bomb Serb missile sites." The accompanying article reported that the air strike 
took place on Aug. 4, 1995, at the beginning of the Croatian offensive.
The air strike reportedly was in response to a request for air support by a 
contingent of Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers who reported Croatian artillery rounds 
striking near their outpost. When the Navy jets entered the region they were 
picked up by Serbian air defense radar. Upon being "targeted" by the Serbian 
radar, the jets bombed two Serbian surface-to-air missile sites. 
It seems more than a coincident that the air strike eliminated a Serbian 
missile site in the very area which was under attack by the Croatians. The Navy 
Times gave the name of the ship from which two of the planes launched, the 
name of the flight leader and the name of the Italian air base from which the 
other two planes took off.   Both the Chicago Tribune and the 
International Tribune  carried similar articles.
After reading the articles, I called the office of Sen. John W. Warner, 
Virginia Republican, to ask why, when we claimed to be neutral, U.S. 
aircraft had put in an air strike against Serb facilities in 
support of the Croatian offensive in Krajina. After all, the request from the 
Pakistani peacekeepers was because they were endangered by Croatian artillery 
and any aircraft entering Serbian air space should expect to be picked up by air 
defense radar. 
In response to inquiries to the Pentagon, Sen. Warner’s staff assistant was 
told that no air strike was made. The response was the same even after the 
Pentagon official was told of the Navy Times, Chicago Tribune and the 
International Tribune articles.  I pursued the issue by calling NATO’s 
AIRSOUTH headquarters in Naples where I was handed from one person to another 
but never received a satisfactory answer - a classic example of stonewalling. 

Further proof of U.S. involvement which seems to have eluded Ms. 
del Ponte’s staff was in aNov. 25, 1995 story in the Washington Times, 
"Retired U.S. brass sell military expertise," which described the operation 
of Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), which described the operations 
of Military Professional Resources Inc. (MPRI), a group of retired senior 
military officers and NCOs based in Alexandria, VA, that sells 
its expertise to a number of foreign countries. 
The Croatian Defense Ministry was a customer of the company.  Even 
though the officers claim, presumably with straight faces, to have taught the 
Croats "only mundane aspects of leadership and the military’s role in a 
democracy," as you reported, the timing of the training program just prior to 
Operation Storm and the similarity of the Croatian tactics to American doct

How to save the western alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic


How to save the western alliance 

Washington and Europe's disagreements are weakening and endangering
NATO. But America's trend toward unilateralism and Europe's preference
for coalition-building are both necessary parts of an effective western
Henry R. Nau 

Sunday April 28, 2002 

Washington is vilified for acting alone on a range of issues. Europe is
being asked to do more on defence. This peevish debate risks weakening
NATO just at the moment it should be agreeing to create a stronger
alliance to fight terrorism. 

Europe is once again outraged by American unilateralism. Since George
Bush entered office early last year, Europeans have carpet-bombed
Washington with charges of unilateral action on, among other things, the
development of missile defences, global warming, banning landmines, the
international criminal court, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the
biodiversity treaty, a verification mechanism for controlling biological
weapons, the 'axis of evil' speech, and, most recently, steel import

Psychological infirmity 

The North Atlantic allies have been through this battle many times
before. One might wonder if the charges and countercharges have more to
do with the psychological infirmities of the western allies than the
issues that divide them. America needs to shatter the moral lassitude it
associates with western Europe, and Europe needs to ridicule the lack of
subtlety and sophistication it associates with America. Politics, of
course, adds fuel to the firestorm. Republican President George Bush
crashed the cosy party of 'third way' social democrats that governed the
major western countries throughout much of the 1990s. 

The allies should get beyond their emotions and politics. America's
trend toward unilateralism and Europe's preference for multilateralism
are not in opposition to one another. Indeed, both are necessary to
carry out an effective alliance strategy. 
America's unilateralism expresses the need of free nations within a
democratic alliance to act independently when their vital interests are
at stake. Just as national democracies depend on the initiatives of
individual citizens and groups, international democratic communities
depend on national initiatives. Such initiatives are inherently
unilateral. At least initially, they fly in the face of conventional
wisdom and prevailing consensus. Otherwise, there would never be any
change or innovation. 

On the other hand, Europe's tendency toward multilateralism expresses
the place where free people and free nations are committed to end up.
They make decisions by consensus, or in some cases, as democratic
countries grow closer - for example the European Union (EU) - by the
will or vote of the majority. Democracy requires both leadership and
eventual consensus or majority decision-making. Paradoxically, the
unilateral/multilateral debate is a sign of democratic development
within the North Atlantic community, not demagogic neurosis. 
In the lead 

America acts unilaterally more often than Europe because its military
forces are more prominent and vulnerable around the world. And Europe
acts multilaterally more often than the United States because it lacks
independent military capabilities and thus seeks to influence the use of
US might. 
America is the first target in the crosshairs of terrorist groups and
states. When conflicts turn nasty around the world, it is American
forces that are exposed on the frontline in Korea, Taiwan, Southeast
Asia, the Gulf and now Southwest Asia. 

European forces are not available to deploy in large numbers around the
world or to fight sustained conflicts outside Europe. They play a more
central role after the serious fighting is over, as in Bosnia and
Kosovo. Until Europe spends far more on defence and convinces its people
to support action beyond the continent, it will have to acknowledge
America's greater vulnerability to terrorist resentment and concede a
leadership role to Washington. 
If Europe provided the major forces for the defence of Saudi Arabia and
the Gulf, would it be as relaxed as it is today about Iraq and Saddam
Hussein? If Europe had thirty seven thousand troops on the 38th parallel
in Korea and another forty thousand in Japan, would it be as eager to
appease North Korea, abolish landmines, which protect US ground forces
there, or forego theatre missile defence to protect American forces

Europe had a substantial military role in the NATO area during the Cold
War. But it has since played a much weaker part in out-of-area
conflicts. Even in the Balkans, its task is peacekeeping, not fighting.
As long as this is the case, America will take the lead in defining
threats - the axis of evil - and resisting arms control restrictions -
such as those on landmines or nuclear testing - that weaken fighting
capabilities in out-of-area conflicts. 
Europe argues that it needs American forces 

Russian Gov. Alexander Lebed Dies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic


Russian Gov. Alexander Lebed Dies
April 28, 2002

MOSCOW (AP) - Alexander Lebed, the tough-talking former general who
emerged as a strong challenger to former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
and was credited with ending Moscow's 1994-96 war in Chechnya, was
killed Sunday in a helicopter crash. Lebed, 52, was governor of the
Krasnoyarsk region of Russia, and was considered a key regional leader.
But his popularity went far beyond military and regional circles.
There were 19 people, including a three-member crew, aboard the
helicopter when it crashed, the Emergency Situations Ministry in Moscow
said. Seven, including Lebed, died, and 12 were hospitalized in critical
condition, the ministry duty officer said.
Lebed was born in the blue-collar, southern city of Novocherkassk on
April 20, 1950. In 1962, he saw troops shoot striking laborers there.
His father had been incarcerated in Josef Stalin's prison camps for
being late for work and later fought in a punishment battalion during
World War II.
Lebed entered a paratroopers' academy in 1969, and after graduation he
rose swiftly through the military. He was a battalion commander in
1981-82 during the Soviet war in Afghanistan, where he won a top medal.
In 1988, he was put in command of the elite Tula paratroop division. In
1990, he reached the rank of major-general.
During the August 1991 hard-line coup against Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev, coup leaders ordered Lebed's troops to surround Yeltsin's
Moscow stronghold. But Lebed refused to send in his forces.
Praised by reformers when the coup collapsed, Lebed quickly disappointed
his admirers, saying he ``could not care less for democracy,'' but also
could not bring himself to kill Russians.
In 1992, Lebed was sent to command Russian troops in Moldova's breakaway
region of Trans-Dniester, the scene of ethnic conflict between the
Moldovan government and mainly Slav separatists. He was widely praised
for ending the bloodshed and became the darling of hard-liners and the
embittered, cash-strapped army.
In 1995, after a dispute with the defense minister, Lebed was forced to
retire from the military after 25 years of service. He turned to
politics full-time, being elected a member of the lower house of
parliament, the State Duma, in December 1995.
Riding a wave of popular discontent, he came in third in the 1996
presidential elections, pulling in 15 percent of the vote. Communist
Party head Gennady Zyuganov came in second, and Yeltsin, though ailing,
won the election.
Yeltsin made Lebed head of his presidential security council, and during
his four-month term there before the president sacked him, Lebed
brokered an end to Russia's war with separatist Chechnya.
He later used his contacts and experience in that peacemaking effort,
founding a non-governmental organization called the Peacekeeping Mission
in the North Caucasus. The mission is credited with negotiating freedom
for scores of soldiers and others taken hostage in the volatile region.
In May 1998, Lebed won election as governor of Siberia's Krasnoyarsk
region, a region four times the size of France. Many saw the post as a
possible springboard for the 2000 presidential campaign, but Lebed
declined to run.
Lebed is survived by his wife Inna and three children, Alexander,
Yekaterina and Ivan, as well as five grandchildren.


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Le Pen wishes Russia "quick revival", slams USA [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Le Pen wishes Russia "quick revival", 
slams USARIA News AgencyParis, 28 
April, correspondent Leonid Kokovich:French presidential candidate and 
far-right National Front leader Jean-Marie Le Pen wants "quick revival of Great 
Russia"."I never made a secret of my wish that Great Russia revived as 
quickly as possible and restored its peace-loving strength in Eastern Europe," 
Le Pen said in an exclusive interview with RIA on 27 April."The future 
of the world strategic balance depends on this to a big extent," Le Pen said. 
"At present, the only superpower, which strives for hegemony in the world 
affairs and international politics, is pressing it without any 
logic."Being asked why NATO is seeking rapprochement with Russia, Le Pen 
gave a short answer: "To swallow it up".Speaking about future relations 
between Russia and France, Le Pen said: "If, unfortunately, Jacques Chirac is 
re-elected to the post of head of the state, the Russian-French relations will 
remain on the same level which does not correspond to the century-old traditions 
of friendship between our countries"."It will not change until power in France belongs to politicians 
who are pleased with polishing shoes for the Americans," he 
added.Incumbent French President Jacques Chirac and Le Pen 
will participate in the presidential election runoff on 5 

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Easternizing Europe? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic


Walker's World: Easternizing Europe? 

By Martin Walker

UPI Chief International Correspondent

PRAGUE, Czech Republic, April 28 (UPI) -- Already members in good
standing of 
the NATO alliance, by the end of this year the Czech Republic and its
and Hungarian neighbors confidently expect that they will get the nod to
the European Union.

And in this Czech capital of Prague in November, a NATO summit is
expected to 
give a formal welcome to seven more new members of the alliance -- all
them formerly part of the old Soviet empire and Warsaw Pact.

Thirteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Cold War's orphan 
nations finally come home to the West.

That, at least, is the theory. And here in Prague, a center of European 
civilization since the 14th century rule of King Charles IV who built
ancient bridge and university that bear his name, it is easy to feel
that the 
Cold War division of Europe was a hideous aberration. Europe is at last 
becoming, as the first President George Bush pledged in 1989, "whole and


And yet a shadow of unease is starting to drift across this grand and

Partly it stems from the besetting weakness of the post-Communist states
governments of Eastern Europe and the fragility of their new democratic 
institutions. Partly it stems from the spread of organized crime, much
of it 
run by the Russian Mafia. The feeble defenses that Eastern Europe's 
demoralized police and customs services can muster are already allowing
criminal systems to infiltrate Western Europe. 

"We dreamed for so long of the Westernization of Eastern Europe, but
we take great care, we could see the creeping Easternization of Western 
Europe," warns Ognyan Minchev, director of Bulgaria's Institute for 
International Studies, who also chairs Bulgaria's chapter of
International, the anti-corruption watchdog.

"The deep-rooted state and official corruption in the weak state
of Eastern Europe threaten to infect the Western businesses that have 
invested there, and the Western accounting firms that audit Eastern
privatized industries," Minchev adds. "Instead of the invisible hand of
free market, we have the visible fist of the Mafia and corruption."

American business people and officials in Eastern Europe voice similar 
concerns. Ralph Johnson, former U.S. Ambassador to Slovakia, warns that 
corrosive effect of corruption is spreading, with some governments using

local intelligence services to bring pressure on political opponents,
civil society and the media "are still too weak to hold governments 

"There are two new developments of particular concern," Johnson notes.
outside and Western businesses are adopting the local 'rules' of doing 
business -- which means corruption spreads. And we are starting to see 
organized crime getting a political agenda. This is ominous," he added, 
citing mounting Russian influence in Eastern Europe's energy and

Much of the worry comes from the faltering state of the post-Communist 
economies. The average income per head of the current 15 members of the
EU is 
just over $20,000 a year. The average income of the 10 candidate states
Eastern Europe is less than a third of the EU level.

The EU is about to take in the poor relations, and faces a massive
of aid and development for years and probably decades to come. Whatever
there might be of joyous the reunion of a cruelly divided European 
civilization is darkened by the severity of the task ahead, as if the
States were suddenly to merge with a couple of Mexicos.

But the darkest shadow of all is the nagging fear that just as the
Europeans finally achieve their long strategic ambition to join the NATO

alliance, it may no longer be quite the staunch security guarantee they
sought for so long.

Plans to give Russia a privileged place -- although not full membership
- in 
NATO councils deeply troubled many Eastern European participants at a 
security conference organized here over the weekend by the Prague
of National Security.

"It would be a cruel irony if Eastern Europe finally joins NATO just as 
Russia's presence, and the replacement of a hard military alliance with
loose talking shop, makes NATO less worth joining," notes Petr Vancura, 
director of the Prague Institute. 

"And yet NATO's new members, Czechs and Poles and Hungarians, bear much
the responsibility because they have failed to modernize their armed
in a way which add much to NATO's military capability. Moreover, the low

level of defense spending by most European NATO members means that the 
alliance is losing military credibility in the United States," adds
formerly a senior Czech diplomat in Washington. 

"We are at risk here not just of throwing away the fruits of victory 

May Day Statement 2002 - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. [WWW.STOPNATO.

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg

Long Live Red May First!
The First of May 2002 dawns on a world that is different in many ways from what it was only a short time ago. Most importantly, there has been a leap in the world situation -- the forces of imperialism and reaction, headed by the US, and the forces of the people, although often scattered and under different kinds of leadership, are locked in combat on a world scale more sharply than at any time in recent decades.
With the declaration of its "war on terrorism", the US has gone on a rampage against the world’s people for the all but openly avowed purpose of consolidating a global American empire and enforcing what it considers a "favourable environment" in which to squeeze even greater profits out of the labour of the people in the dominated countries. Acting both through their own troops and their puppets who rule these countries, they have launched a global terror campaign to crush anything that could stand in their way.
While the US launched its aerial bombardments and ground special forces killers on Afghanistan, it also unleashed its Zionist guard dogs against the Palestinian people. Operating with American arms and money and US blessings, Israel is carrying out the bloodiest "ethnic cleansing" since the Zionist settlers first stole the land from the Palestinians.
In country after country the ruling classes are trying to stamp out every spark of the people’s resistance. But this is only one aspect of what is becoming an increasingly fierce and more globalised battle on both sides. Every act of resistance by the people to the US war machine is a source of strength for the world-wide revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples and nations. The Palestinian people, numbering only a few million and fighting under desperate circumstances, are taking their place on the frontline of resistance to the US-led offensive, and are daring to stand up and stand fast in the most unequal combat. They have given voice and inspiration to people everywhere and become a major, unexpected and for the imperialists and their flunkies most unwelcome factor in the unfolding of world events. If the US & Co. expected their mechanised "war on terrorism" to be able to simply and smoothly roll over the people, the Palestinian people have shown otherwise.
The Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties have been in the forefront in leading the people in their struggles for liberation. The People’s War under the leadership of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) has persevered for nearly 22 years, holding high the red flag of revolution and representing the hopes of the downtrodden for a world they rule and completely transform. In the Philippines, Turkey, India and elsewhere the revolutionary armed struggle is continuing and coming into more and more direct conflict with the US-led crusade. In Nepal during the last few months the People’s War launched six years ago has reached a critical juncture. On the one hand, great advances of the People’s Liberation Army led by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) have made it possible for millions of peasants and their allies to overthrow the feudal landlords and bureaucrat capitalists in vast areas of the countryside, set up their own political power and begin to build a whole new society based on the interests of the people. On the other hand the increasingly cornered ruling class is lashing out against the masses, sending its army to kill, rape and terrorise the common people and abolishing elementary rights through a declaration of emergency. On this May First we call on all revolutionary and progressive people to step up support for the People’s War in Nepal and to condemn the State of Emergency.
People living in the imperialist countries, including the USA, are increasingly taking a strong and active stand with the peoples of the world against the parasitic imperialist ruling classes who feed on 90% of the world’s people and the proletariat of their own countries. The world-shaking movement against the war in Vietnam is a standard to live up to and surpass in an ever more tumultuous world where resolute and enlightened struggle may open up unprecedented possibilities.
In fact, the US led world-wide reactionary offensive is accelerating the awakening of masses of people across the globe to political life and calling forth its opposite: determined resistance in all its many forms, in a rising spiral of confrontation. The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement supports this resistance wholeheartedly, and will strive to link up its various streams and help lead them into a single raging current that can fully and finally emancipate humanity.
Down with Imperialism! Stop the US-driven War Machine! 
Palestine Will Win!
Support the People’s War in Nepal – End the State of Emergency!
Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!
Build Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties United in RIM to Lead the Struggle!

Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
(For mor

Spanish version of MAY DAY Statement - Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg
¡Viva el Primero de Mayo rojo!
— Comité del Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista
 El Primero de Mayo de 2002 amanece en un mundo con muchas diferencias al mundo de hacía poco tiempo. De mayor importancia, la situación mundial ha dado un salto: las fuerzas del imperialismo y la reacción, encabezadas por el imperialismo yanqui, y las fuerzas del pueblo, con frecuencia dispersas y con líderes de diverso tipo, están trabadas en un combate más agudo a nivel mundial que en ningún momento de las últimas décadas.
    El imperialismo yanqui ha declarado su “guerra contra el terrorismo” y se desboca contra los pueblos del mundo con todo y el propósito de consolidar un imperio global e imponer un “ambiente favorable” a su parecer para exprimir aún mayores ganancias a la mano de obra en los países dominados. Por medio de sus propias tropas y los títeres que gobiernan esos países, ha lanzado una campaña de terror mundial para aplastar a todo el que se interponga en el camino.
    El gobierno yanqui lanzó sus bombardeos aéreos y a sus asesinas fuerzas especiales terrestres contra Afganistán y a su vez soltó a sus perros sionistas contra el pueblo palestino. Con armamento, plata y alabanzas del gobierno yanqui, Israel lleva a cabo la “limpieza étnica” más sangrienta desde que los colonizadores sionistas se robaron las tierras a los palestinos en 1948.
    En país tras país, las clases dominantes luchan por apagar la resistencia del pueblo. No obstante, eso es sólo un aspecto de lo que ha llegado a ser una batalla global y encarnizada de dos lados. Cada acto de resistencia del pueblo contra la máquina de guerra yanqui es una fuente de fuerza para la lucha revolucionaria mundial del proletariado y los pueblos y naciones oprimidos. Unos cuantos millones de palestinos, con una lucha en circunstancias desesperadas, toman su lugar en las primeras filas de la resistencia a la ofensiva encabezada por el gobierno estadounidense y se atreven a alzarse y a no ceder en un combate muy desigual. Han dado voz e inspiración a los pueblos del mundo y llegado a ser un factor importante, inesperado y –para los imperialistas y sus lacayos– muy desagradable en el curso de los acontecimientos mundiales. El imperialismo yanqui y sus secuaces esperaban que su “guerra contra el terrorismo” mecanizada aplastara fácilmente al pueblo, pero el pueblo palestino ha frustrado esa esperanza.
    Los partidos marxista-leninista-maoístas han estado en las primeras filas dirigiendo al pueblo en sus luchas de liberación. La Guerra Popular bajo la dirección del Partido Comunista del Perú (PCP) ha perseverado casi 22 años, con la bandera roja de la revolución en alto y como ejemplo de las esperanzas de los oprimidos para gobernar y transformar el mundo completamente. En las Filipinas, Turquía, la India y otros países, la lucha armada revolucionaria continúa y entra en mayor conflicto con la cruzada encabezada por el imperialismo estadounidense. En los últimos meses, la Guerra Popular que se lanzó en Nepal hace seis años ha alcanzado una coyuntura crítica. De un lado, mediante los grandes avances del Ejército Popular de Liberación dirigido por el Partido Comunista de Nepal (Maoísta) millones de campesinos y sus aliados han podido derrocar a terratenientes feudales y capitalistas burocráticos en vastas zonas del campo, establecer su propio poder político y comenzar a construir una nueva sociedad al servicio de los intereses del pueblo. De otro lado, las clases dominantes, arrinconadas como nunca antes, se desbocan contra las masas, mandan a su ejército para matar, violar y aterrorizar a las masas populares y abolir los derechos básicos con la declaración de emergencia. En este Primero de Mayo, convocamos a todos los revolucionarios y progresistas del mundo a redoblar el apoyo a la Guerra Popular en Nepal y a condenar el estado de emergencia.
    Los habitantes de los países imperialistas, como Estados Unidos, muestran mayor firmeza y entusiasmo en su apoyo a los pueblos del mundo y en contra de las clases dominantes imperialistas parasíticas quienes chupan la sangre del 90% de los pueblos del mundo y del proletariado de sus propios países. El gran movimiento contra la guerra de Vietnam es un ejemplo que hay que recordar y que hay que rebasar en un mundo mucho más tumultuoso en que luchas resueltas y conscientes podrían generar posibilidades sin precedente.
    La ofensiva mundial encabezada por el imperialismo yanqui está jalando a las masas populares del mundo a la vida política y generando su contrario: muy diversas formas de resistencia determinada en una creciente espiral de confrontación. El Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista apoya de todo corazón la resistencia y lucha por vincular sus diversas corrientes y ayuda a dirigirlas hacia un solo torrente incontenible que pueda emancipar plena y finalmente a la humanidad.
¡Abajo el imperialismo! ¡Detener la máquina de guerra impulsada por Est

May Day Event - Organised by Sympathizers Of The Revolutionary Internationalist

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg
 May Day Event -
Organised by Sympathizers Of The Revolutionary Internationalist Movement including the following Parties  - ALL WECOME !
Communist Party Of Iran ( Marxist - Leninist - Maoist ) -
Communist Party Of Turkey ( Marxist - Leninist )
Tuesday 30th April, From 6.45 P.M. Onwards At the Hundred Flowers Centre, 2A, Belgrade Road, Off Stoke Newington Road, London, N16.
Public Transport: Dalston Kingsland BR; Buses: 67, 76, 149, 243
* Wide - Ranging Discussion Of the International Situation today and the need to step up the struggle against the U.S. Led imperialists!
* Video Material  regarding the situation in Palestine!
* Live Revolutionary Music and Food.
Those coming from outside London should bring a sleeping bag if they want to stay the night so as to be able to leave and Join The Maoist Contingent on the May day March the next morning..Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalised at My Yahoo!.

TWO National Protests coming up in LONDON for PALESTINE! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread poblachtach dearg

National Rally for Palestine in Trafalgar Square
Saturday, 18 May 2002, 12:00 Hyde Park, Speakers Corner to  Trafalgar Square

Organised by:  Palestine Solidarity Campaign

March and Rally for Palestine in London
Thursday, 13 June 2002, from 13:00: at Speakers Corner, Hyde Park (nearest tube, Marble Arch)
March from Speakers Corner to Trafalgar Square. Speakers, Jeremy Corbyn MP and others. Supported by UKIM, MCB, PRC, Da'watul Islam and other Muslim/Non-Muslim organisations.
Organised by:  Muslim Association of Britain, Please view this site for more information on transport etc.Do You Yahoo!?
Get personalised at My Yahoo!.

News, 28.4.2002, 16:00 UTC [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic


   Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   April 28th, 2001, 16:00 UTC

   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   "Shoot me, but Look me in the Face!"

   A courageous teacher helped end Friday's shooting at a school in
   Erfurt, Germany. History teacher Rainer Heise confronted the masked
   gunman, a 19-year-old former student, and locked him in a classroom.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1430_A_508184_1_A,00.html

   U.N. Fact-Finding Team Mission Delayed; U.S. Proposal Accepted by

   Israeli cabinet members have decided that the time was "not yet
   right" for recieveing a U.N. fact-finding team in the region. The
   team was waiting in Geneva for the green light in order to probe the
   devastation of the Jenin refugee camp. But political sources said
   Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres informed the group by telephone
   that sending a fact-finding team to Jenin would be pointless. A
   Palestinian security chief called the cabinet decision a retraction
   in the Israeli position. Earlier, Peres had said the main stumbling
   block of the mission was the terms of reference to be used by the
   U.N. team. The Palestinians claimed the Israelis carried out a
   massacre in Jenin, killing possibly hundreds of civilians during a
   three-week long offensive there. On another front, Israeli political
   sources said the Sharon administration had approved a proposal by
   U.S. President George W. Bush which could lead to the end of the
   siege at Yasser Arafat's compound in Ramallah. In a telephone call
   to Sharon, Bush suggested that U.S. or British guards act as jailers
   inside of a Palestinian prison for the killers of an Israeli
   government member. Israeli sources said on Sunday the cabinet had
   voted in favour of Bush's proposal. The U.S. president has also
   invited Sharon to Washington next week for talks.

   Teacher's Story Gives Comfort to a Mourning Country

   In Germany, the story of the 60-year-old art and history teacher who
   stopped the gun-wielding teenager in a highschool shooting brought
   some comfort to a stunned nation on Sunday. Rainer Heise was hailed
   as a hero for confronting the 19-year-old student with kind words and
   then locking him into a classroom after 16 people had already been
   shot. But many Germans continued to wonder how a disgruntled
   teenager could have legally obtained the weapons and ammunition used
   to murder the teachers, two pupils and a policeman. The
   unprecedented highschool shooting has prompted calls for stricter gun
   legislation in Germany as well as tighter controls on violent
   computer and video games. Meanwhile, police in Erfurt, where the
   tragedy took place, have concluded that the teenager acted alone in
   the shooting spree. Students at the highschool had earlier reported
   seeing a second assailant at the scene.

   Egyptian Man Linked to Terrorist Group Sentenced to Hard Labor

   A high court in Egypt has sentenced a man with links to the al Qaeda
   network to 10 years in jail with hard labour. Egypt's official
   Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported that Mohamed Hassan el-Sayyed
   Suleiman had very close contact to a top aide of Osama bin Laden.
   The news agency did not, however, specify the crimes for which
   Suleiman was convicted. Suleiman's charges had included belonging to
   an illegal group aiming to overthrow the government as well as
   forging passports.

   Scores Killed in Ethnic Clashes in Congo

   Ugandan army officials have said scores of people have been
   killed in ethnic clashes between the Hema and Lendu tribes in
   northeast Congo over the past 10 days. A spokesman for the Hema
   community said that 446 members had been massacred on April
   18 in two villages. Another attack reportedly took place on
   Wednesday night in a village on the shores of Lake Albert, leaving
   hundreds dead and floating in the water. There was no independent
   confirmation of the claims. Fighting between the Lendu and Hema
   communities in the Democratic Republic of Congo has killed thousands
   of people in recent years. The clashes stem from conflicts over land
   and natural resources.

   South and North Koreans in emotional family reunions

   Elderly North and South Koreans have been reunited with long-lost kin
   after 50 years of separation across Korea's Cold War divide. The
   reunions in North Korea, after five decades without any contact,
   follow an agreement the two Koreas struck this month to resume
   reconciliation projects. The two Koreas have no postal, telephone
   nor travel links and remain technically at war due to a conflict
   which ended in an armed truce with 

Bulldozers destroy Arafat's cars [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Bulldozers destroy Arafat's cars 

By Saud Abu RamadanFrom 
the International 
4/27/2002 4:11 PM
GAZA, April 27 (UPI) -- Israeli army bulldozers Saturday destroyed cars that 
belong to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's convoy, official Palestinian 
sources at Arafat's office in Ramallah reported. 
The sources said the bulldozers powered into Arafat's compound and destroyed 
seven presidential armored Mercedes.
Witnesses in Arafat's office said the bulldozers also flattened the 
presidential guards' vans and Cherokee jeeps.
Meanwhile, Palestinian National Authority Minister of Information Yasser Abed 
Rabbo lashed out at the military for directing loudspeakers at Arafat's main 
office, describing the measure as "provocative and criminal Israeli army 
He said such measures "proves that Israeli Prime 
Minister Ariel Sharon had failed to get rid of President Arafat," and was 
unable break "his determination to continue his struggle for the Palestinian 
independent state."
Palestinian witnesses said the Israeli army sent more troop reinforcements 
and armored vehicles into the Ramallah, renewing Palestinian fears the Israeli 
army plans to reoccupy the West Bank town.
Residents said they are also afraid the army is planning to raid Arafat's 
headquarters, arrest the militants in his office and bring Arafat to Gaza. 
Copyright © 2002 
United Press International

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Israel bans UN mission to Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Barry Stoller


AP. 28 April 2002. Israel Bans U.N. Mission to Jenin.

JERUSALEM -- Israel's Cabinet decided Sunday not to allow a U.N.
fact-finding team to come to the region to look into the battle in the
Jenin refugee camp, a Cabinet minister said.

Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin, briefing reporters after a
lengthy Cabinet meeting, said that the United Nations had gone back on
its agreements with Israel over the team, and so it would not be allowed
to arrive.

Rivlin, speaking for the Cabinet, criticized the team's composition and
said it was inevitable that the mission's report would blame Israel.

"This awful United Nations committee is out to get us and is likely to
smear Israel and to force us to do things which Israel is not prepared
even to hear about, such as interrogating soldiers and officers who took
part in the fighting," Rivlin said. "No country in the world would agree
to such a thing."

Palestinians have objected to Israel's delay of the fact-finding team,
insisting that the United Nations send it immediately.

The eight-member team, appointed by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
has been waiting in Geneva since Wednesday for Israel's green light to
fly to the region. Annan had refused to delay sending the mission
despite Israel's objections.

Annan did not have immediate comment on the Cabinet's decision, his
spokesman, Fred Eckhard, said in New York.

A U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Annan had
spoken to Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had earlier visited the
region on a peacemaking mission, as well as the team's leader, former
Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari.

The U.N. Security Council, which last week endorsed the mission, was
expected to hold an emergency meeting in New York later Sunday.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller
Last train to Nuremberg


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Le Pen's ex- mentor regrets rise of 'liar' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message


Le Pen's ex- mentor regrets rise of 'liar' The Europe pages - Observer 
special by Paul 
Webster in ParisSunday April 28, 2002The Observer The man who launched Jean-Marie Le Pen on to 
France's national political scene said yesterday that his early support for the 
racist demagogue was 'the worst thing' he had done in his life. 
Pierre Poujade, the militant right-wing shopkeepers' leader and self-styled 
leader of the poujadists - a term revived in last year's British petrol 
blockades as an expression of political abuse - launched Le Pen's political 
career in 1956. Now Poujade has joined the growing ranks of National Front 
opponents after describing the racist politician as a liar. 
Speaking from his country home against the background of one of the biggest 
protest marches since Le Pen won a place in the presidential run-off last 
Sunday, Poujade said his sponsorship of the National Front leader was 'the worst 
thing I did in my life. It would have been better if I'd broken my leg.' 
Poujade, now 81, still runs the union of shopkeepers and craftsmen, the UDCA, 
which attracted 2.6 million voters and won 53 seats in the 1956 general 
elections before being swept aside on De Gaulle's return in 1958. 
Among the union's MPs was Le Pen, a professional army officer, who became the 
country's youngest deputy at 27. 
'He lied to me about his past, giving the impression that his father died in 
the resistance when he was blown up by a British mine in his fishing boat,' 
Poujade said. 'He also glorified his own army career. He now sits up there in 
his chateau at Saint-Cloud, spending the millions he got by heaven knows what 
means and does not represent or care about the little man. I will be voting 
Chirac next Sunday.' 
Poujade's support adds to potentially the most diverse electorate any 
national leader has ever gathered. Chirac is likely to be returned to power next 
Sunday with a far bigger majority than the 55 per cent who backed De Gaulle in 
the first popular presidential election in 1965, François Mitterrand's first 
Elysée bid. 
An opinion poll in yesterday's Le Parisien estimated a result of 77 per cent 
in Chirac's favour - but all polls underestimated the first-round National Front 
The latest demonstrations in Paris and other cities were organised by more 
than 80 human-rights groups, political parties, student movements and trade 
unions. The march was seen as a rehearsal for mass demonstrations on 1 May, when 
both the trade unions and the National Front hold traditional gatherings. 
Thousands of extra riot police are being drafted into the city to avoid a clash 
after Le Pen said he expected at least 100,000 of his supporters to attend a 
celebration of Joan of Arc. 
The National Front leader, whose programme includes expelling immigrants and 
pulling out of the EU, has said that riots would help his cause, which is based 
on law and order and fed by public anxiety over urban crime. 
·A political newcomer campaigning on an anti-immigrant platform could 
be a big winner in next month's Dutch general election. Party Pim Fortuyn - 
named after its leader - is tipped to win enough seats to join a centre-right 
coalition. Fortuynclaims the Netherlands is full and its borders should be shut, 
especially to Muslims.,6903,706577,00.html

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RE: Israel bans UN mission to Jenin [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread cube321


 As to be expected of Israel. I'm sure will hear cries of 
"anti-Semitism" throughout the Zionist/Jewish controlled media. 

Barry Stoller wrote:
> AP. 28 April 2002. Israel Bans U.N. Mission to Jenin.
> JERUSALEM -- Israel's Cabinet decided Sunday not to allow a U.N.
> fact-finding team to come to the region to look into the battle in the
> Jenin refugee camp, a Cabinet minister said.
> Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin, briefing reporters after a
> lengthy Cabinet meeting, said that the United Nations had gone back on
> its agreements with Israel over the team, and so it would not be allowed
> to arrive.
> Rivlin, speaking for the Cabinet, criticized the team's composition and
> said it was inevitable that the mission's report would blame Israel.
> "This awful United Nations committee is out to get us and is likely to
> smear Israel and to force us to do things which Israel is not prepared
> even to hear about, such as interrogating soldiers and officers who took
> part in the fighting," Rivlin said. "No country in the world would agree
> to such a thing."
> Palestinians have objected to Israel's delay of the fact-finding team,
> insisting that the United Nations send it immediately.
> The eight-member team, appointed by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan,
> has been waiting in Geneva since Wednesday for Israel's green light to
> fly to the region. Annan had refused to delay sending the mission
> despite Israel's objections.
> Annan did not have immediate comment on the Cabinet's decision, his
> spokesman, Fred Eckhard, said in New York.
> A U.N. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Annan had
> spoken to Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had earlier visited the
> region on a peacemaking mission, as well as the team's leader, former
> Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari.
> The U.N. Security Council, which last week endorsed the mission, was
> expected to hold an emergency meeting in New York later Sunday.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller
> Last train to Nuremberg


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The international Campaign Against television [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Steve Wagner


"Poor Paranoid's Almanac"

The international Campaign Against television

  Someone is telling me that "its amazing to what extent
the marketeers will strive for this data [he means: data got from
the Internet, cookies, etc.].  The whole digital tv / set top
box thing is a minefield too - digital tv will be yet another
disappointment for the expectant viewer because the real reason it
is being pushed so much is because of the info that can be sent back to
market researchers."
Society for the Eradication of Television

Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or

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Colin Powell has a blind spot when it comes to massacres [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Steve Wagner


The other day Colin Powell said he "saw no evidence of a massacre in
Jenin."  General Powell seems to have a blind spot in this area, as
described in the story referenced below: 


Article by: InDepthNews  
Saturday 27 Apr 2002


Summary:  Powell stories the corporate media doesn't like to cover:

- My Lai Massacre
- Killing Civilians
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- The Gulf War
- Personal Wealth

Parallel processes? My Lai (left) Jenin (right)
My Lai photo essay:

Reference at indymedia website:


Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace.  Weekly peace walks around Lake Merritt in 
Oakland.  Starts & ends at the colonnade between Grand & Lakeshore Avenues, 3 P.M., 
every Sunday.  Info:  (510)763-8712, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> or

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Two Yugoslav Soldiers Injured By KLA Land Mine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rick Rozoff



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Rumsfeld Pulls All C. Asia Into US Military Orbit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, until now the last
holdouts, have joined Kyrgystan, Uzbekistan and
Tajikistan in becoming Central Asian nations harboring
U.S. troops, war planes, military bases and
surveillance facilities. 
They now join the ranks of their three Cental Asian
CIS neighbors as well as Afghanistan (the
Russian-built air base at Bagram is now in U.S. hands)
and Pakistan to the south and Georgia to the west.] 

Rumsfeld meets Central Asian leaders to cement
alliance against global terror 
By Robert Burns
April 28, 2002
ASTANA, Kazakhstan 
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld met Sunday with
the rulers of two former Soviet republics in Central
Asia to bolster support for the war in nearby
Afghanistan and for U.S. efforts to deny new
sanctuaries for al-Qaeda fighters. 
Rumsfeld stopped in Turkmenistan to see President
Saparmurat Niyazov and then flew to Kazakhstan's
capital for talks with President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Kazakhstan's defense chief, Gen. Col. Mukhtar
Altynbayev, said his government planned to increase
its involvement in Afghanistan. He mentioned
transporting and donating humanitarian aid, and
working out an agreement so U.S. and allied aircraft
could use at least one Kazakh airfield in the event of
emergency. Kazakhstan already allows coalition
aircraft to use its airspace. 
"Kazakhstan confirmed its desire and its real
participation in the struggle against terrorism," the
defense chief, speaking through an interpreter, said
at a news conference at the presidential palace.
Rumsfeld was at his side. 
Kazakhstan also will send at least three military
officers to U.S. Central Command headquarters in
Tampa, Fla., to coordinate the humanitarian aid work
for Afghanistan, Altynbayev said. Rumsfeld said
Kazakhstan plays an important role in the
international coalition against terrorism. 
"We are anxious to do everything we possibly can to
see that Afghanistan does not go back to becoming a
haven for terrorists or sanctuary for terrorists,"
Rumsfeld said. 
In Turkmenbashi, a port city on the Caspian Sea,
Rumsfeld thanked Niyazov for allowing U.S. and allied
planes to use Turkmen airspace and for its role in
supporting humanitarian aid to Afghanistan. "Their
humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan have undoubtedly
saved lives of Afghan people," he said. 
In their session at Niyazov's gated, heavily guarded
palace on the shores of the Caspian, Rumsfeld also met
with his Turkmen counterpart, Redzhebai Arazov, and
Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov. Reporters
accompanying Rumsfeld on his Central Asia tour were
not allowed into Niyazov's palace. 
About one-third of all food aid reaching Afghanistan
since the United States launched its war in October
against the Taliban militia and Osama bin Laden's
al-Qaeda network has gone through Turkmenistan, which
shares a border with Afghanistan. 
Rumsfeld said he and Niyazov did not discuss bin Laden
or al-Qaeda. Niyazov, whose portrait is ever-present
in his impoverished desert nation of 5 million people,
refers to himself as Turkmenbashi, which means head of
the Turkmens. A few years ago, he took that name for
the city that had been known as Krasnovodsk. 
The only U.S. military presence in Turkmenistan is a
small group of troops that operate refueling aircraft
for cargo planes that carry aid into Afghanistan. 
The United States has a limited military relationship
with Turkmenistan, although the two interact as a
result of Turkmenistan's membership in NATO's
Partnership for Peace program. 
On Monday, Rumsfeld was to meet with Russian Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov in Moscow to discuss the war on
terrorism, progress toward an arms control agreement
and preparations for President Bush's meeting with
President Vladimir Putin in late May. Turkmenistan was
the third stop on a Central Asian tour that began
Friday in Kyrgyzstan, whose Manas airport has become a
major staging base for American and allied combat and
support flights into Afghanistan. 
On Saturday, Rumsfeld took a whirlwind tour of
Afghanistan. He started at Bagram Air Base, where he
urged U.S. and allied troops to be prepared for a long
war against terrorism. In Kabul, the Afghan capital,
Rumsfeld met with the head of the interim government,
Hamid Karzai, and his top aides. 
Rumsfeld finished his Afghan visit in the western city
of Herat, where he saw Ismail Khan, the warlord who
calls himself the emir of western Afghanistan and has
close ties to neighboring Iran. 

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Re: People who equate Slobodan Milosevic with Ariel Sharon [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2002-04-28 Thread Nancy Hey


I didn't mention this in my earlier message, but some of the signs DID
euqate Sharon with Kissinger, but they also equated both of them with poor
Mr. Milosevic.

Peacefully yours,
Nancy Hey

Barry Stoller wrote:

> ---
> Nancy Hey:  I've noticed a very disturbing trend recently at
> pro-Palestinian rallies that I've been to, and that is the tendency of
> certain people to carry signs with slogans on them like "Sharon =
> Milosevic"...
> Alas, it shows the fatal flaw of thinking, common amongst Palestinians
> (and elsewhere),  that the 'the system' only needs repairing.
> Better analogy: Sharon = Kissinger -- another rat the US will protect to
> the bitter end.
> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
> Barry Stoller
> ---


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Saudis: NATO Troops To Mideast? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rick Rozoff


[Between Ariel Sharon and Prince Saud, heaven help the
Palestinian people.]

Saudi Prince Wants Peacekeeping Force in Israel
April 28, 2002
— DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's foreign minister
said in an interview published Sunday that his country
wanted an international peacekeeping force to be sent
to the Middle East under any deal to end
Israeli-Palestinian violence.
Prince Saud al-Faisal, who has been in the United
States where Crown Prince Abdallah held talks with
President Bush, told the London-based Asharq al-Awsat
newspaper that the oil-rich Arab state no longer
believed observers -- as proposed under a U.S.-
brokered plan -- would be sufficient.
"We now want international forces to protect the
Palestinians and ensure security along the lines of
what was done in the Balkans," he told the paper.
NATO peacekeepers were deployed in the Balkans in
Kosovo, where the United Nations took control in 1999
after Yugoslav forces withdrew after a NATO bombing
campaign, launched to halt Serb repression of the
province's ethnic Albanian majority.
Prince Saud said Saudi Arabia did not support a
proposal for observers to monitor a truce under CIA
Director George Tenet's blueprint agreed last year.
"We think the (magnitude of) events goes beyond the
capabilities of observers," he said.
At least 1,315 Palestinians and 458 Israelis have been
killed since a Palestinian uprising against Israeli
occupation flared in September 2000 after peace talks
Prince Saud said the kingdom presented the United
States with an eight-point plan for the revival of
peace talks, which complements an earlier Saudi
land-for-peace initiative for normalizing Arab
relations with Israel in exchange for full Israeli
withdrawal from Arab land occupied in 1967.
He said Saudi officials had kept in constant telephone
contact with senior Palestinian officials during last
week's talks in the U.S.
He added, without giving details, that the Saudis had
passed on Palestinian proposals for a solution to
Palestinian-Israeli stand-offs in Bethlehem and
Prince Saud repeated Saudi denials of media reports
that Riyadh was considering using its vast oil
resources as a weapon to influence U.S. policy.
Crown Prince Abdallah and the Saudi delegation have
delayed their departure from Texas as talks continued
with the Bush administration about Middle East peace


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Re: Observer: How To Save The Imperialist Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Bill Howard


- Original Message - 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 6:28 AM
Subject: Observer: How To Save The Imperialist Alliance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


>[From the ostensibly 'leftist' Guardian/Observer. The
>Euro-elites have their tongues stuck deeply up the
>arse of Washington and Brussels yet complain because
>their voices aren't heard.
>Small wonder.
>Their major complaint? They aren't cut in for a big
>enough share of the new global colonial carve-up.
>These comic opera imperialists deserve each other.
>Good riddance to the whole lot.]

If only life were so simple. The fact is we are not
in the position of overseeing or commanding events
and the fact remains that if we are to make progress
we may have to pick one of these comics over the
other one and only later can we say: 'good riddance'
to them all.




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The US Can No Longer Lay Claim to Being the Land of Opportunity [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Sunday, April 28, 2002 in the Observer of London 

  Log Cabin to White House? Not 
  Any More The US Can No Longer Lay Claim to Being the Land 
  of Opportunity

  by Will Hutton
America is the most unequal society 
  in the industrialized West. The richest 20 per cent of Americans earn nine 
  times more than the poorest 20 per cent, a scale of inequality half as 
  great again as in Japan, Germany and France. At the very top of American 
  society, incomes and wealth have reached stupendous proportions. The 
  country boasts some three million millionaires, and the richest 1 per cent 
  of the population hold 38 per cent of its wealth, a concentration more 
  marked than in any comparable country. 
  This inequality is the most brutal fact of American life. Nor is it 
  excused by more mobility and opportunity than other societies, America's 
  great conceit. The reality is that US society is polarizing and its social 
  arteries hardening. The sumptuousness and bleakness of the respective 
  lifestyles of rich and poor represent a scale of difference in opportunity 
  and wealth that is almost medieval - and a standing offense to the 
  American expectation that everyone has the opportunity for life, liberty 
  and happiness. 
  The chief means by which contemporary Western societies offer their 
  citizens a chance to reach reasonable living standards and move up the 
  social and economic hierarchy is education. At first sight, the US does 
  well. In the schooling system, its fourth-grade students (the fourth year 
  of primary school) do better than their international counterparts, and 37 
  per cent of its 18- to 21-year-olds go through higher education, one of 
  the highest proportions in the industrialized West. Moreover, the US's 
  university standards, especially in the top 50, are on average the best in 
  the world. Salaries are high and the research record excellent. 
  But take a closer look, using more stringent criteria. As a system that 
  offers every American a chance for educational achievement and the 
  acquisition of formal academic or vocational qualifications - the key 
  instrument for social mobility - the US structure fails. By twelfth grade 
  (the year after GCSE), American students are falling behind their 
  international peers, especially in mathematics and science. 
  And while in Germany, for example, 80 per cent of school-leavers go on 
  to receive either vocational training or a degree and all except 1 per 
  cent receive formal post-secondary education or training, in the US 46 per 
  cent of school-leavers gain no certificate or degree - and an 
  extraordinary 31 per cent have never received formal training or education 
  after leaving school. 
  The message is stark. Those Americans who do not get to college are 
  pushed into the labor market with a poverty of skills, educational and 
  vocational training. Those who do get to college are overwhelmingly 
  students from the higher socio-economic backgrounds, just as they always 
  have been; a study in 1965 found that two-thirds of the explanation for 
  educational achievement was accounted for by family income; a study 30 
  years later found exactly the same figure. 
  As inequality grows, the grip of the wealthy on educational advantage 
  becomes ever more evident, for the cost of going to university over the 
  last 25 years has exploded. The average cost of tuition fees and room and 
  board has risen fourfold since 1977 to an average of $10,315 (£7,264) 
  today; the overall average masks a stark contrast between the average cost 
  of study at private universities at $17,613 (£12,403) and public 
  universities at $7,013 (£4,938). 
  Yet as costs have risen, federal and state support to help fund 
  students' costs has both declined, and been refocused on the middle class. 
  In 1965, the Pell grant, the largest federal program for poor students, 
  covered 85 per cent of the cost of four years at a public university; in 
  2000, it covered just 39 per cent of the bill. Meanwhile, the Hope 
  Scholarship, introduced by President Clinton, provides up to $3,000 of tax 
  credits to fund university education but it goes mainly to families 
  earning between $30,000 and $90,000 (£21,126 to £63,380) whose children 
  would have gone to college anyway. States have cut their support on 
  average by 32 per cent since 1979. 
  The result of this vicious scissor movement - rising costs cutting 
  against falling state and federal support - is a calamitous drop in the 
  chances of a poor student acquiring a uni

430 Heroes in Israel [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Miroslav Antic
Title: Message



  Published on Saturday, April 27, 2002 in the Boston Globe 

  430 Heroes in Israel 

IT IS A TRADITION as old as 
  Antigone's resistance to her king. As long as there has been state power, 
  there have been individuals who say no to that power, appealing to the 
  moral call of conscience as the sole authority for their defiance of the 
  So it is with the 430 Israeli reservists who have signed an open letter 
  to their compatriots declaring that they ''shall not continue to fight 
  this War of the Settlements'' and explaining that they are combat officers 
  in the Israeli Defense Forces who ''understand now that the price of 
  occupation is the loss of the IDF's human character and the corruption of 
  the entire Israeli society.'' 
  In a visit Wednesday to the Globe, one of those 430 reservists, Guy 
  Grossman, said his difficult decision to stand apart from many of his 
  countrymen and his fellow soldiers has nothing to do with what people 
  normally mean when they speak of politics. The reservists' refusal to 
  continue serving was a moral need for each of them. The 430, he noted 
  wryly, had 430 different political views, 430 different ideas of what 
  should be done to achieve security for Israel.
  In the language of the open letter, these reserve officers and soldiers 
  say they ''were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with 
  the security of our country and that had the sole purpose of perpetuating 
  our control over the Palestinian people.''
  Grossman made it plain that he has no tolerance whatsoever for the 
  terrorist tactics that Palestinians have used and that after Israel has 
  ended its occupation, he would expect Israel's military might to be used, 
  with moral justification and the world's support, against any terrorism 
  from an independent Palestinian state. 
  It is precisely to safeguard the long-term security of Israel that 
  Grossman and his fellow reservists are refusing to help prolong the 
  occupation. Continuation of the occupation, he says, ''breeds fear on one 
  side and despair on the other, and that is a recipe for more violence and 
  Grossman is understandably reluctant to dwell on the horrors that he 
  and fellow reservists experienced as enforcers of the occupation. He talks 
  instead about the surfeit of water on an Israeli settlement while in a 
  nearby Palestinian village a woman spends hours to carry sparse water to 
  her family. 
  The fundamental choice Grossman and the other reservists wish to 
  illuminate is not new. It is Israel's choice either to end the occupation 
  and be a democratic Jewish state or to continue the occupation and become 
  an undemocratic state on all the land it may continue to occupy. These 
  Israeli voices of conscience should be heeded in Israel and among Israel's 
  supporters. In response, there ought to be similar moral appeals against 
  terrorism from the Palestinian camp.
  © Copyright 2002 Globe Newspaper Company

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American Navy Helped Venezuelan Coup [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rick Rozoff


American navy 'helped Venezuelan coup' 
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday April 29, 2002
The Guardian

The United States had been considering a coup to
overthrow the elected Venezuelan president, Hugo
Chavez, since last June, a former US intelligence
officer claimed yesterday. 

It is also alleged that the US navy aided the abortive
coup which took place in Venezuela on April 11 with
intelligence from its vessels in the Caribbean.
Evidence is also emerging of US financial backing for
key participants in the coup. 

Both sides in Venezuela have blamed the other for the
violence surrounding the coup. 

Wayne Madsen, a former intelligence officer with the
US navy, told the Guardian yesterday that American
military attaches had been in touch with members of
the Venezuelan military to examine the possibility of
a coup. 

"I first heard of Lieutenant Colonel James Rogers [the
assistant military attache now based at the US embassy
in Caracas] going down there last June to set the
ground," Mr Madsen, an intelligence analyst, said
yesterday. "Some of our counter-narcotics agents were
also involved." 

He said that the navy was in the area for operations
unconnected to the coup, but that he understood they
had assisted with signals intelligence as the coup was
played out. 

Mr Madsen also said that the navy helped with
communications jamming support to the Venezuelan
military, focusing on communications to and from the
diplomatic missions in Caracas belonging to Cuba,
Libya, Iran and Iraq - the four countries which had
expressed support for Mr Chavez. 

Navy vessels on a training exercise in the area were
supposedly put on stand-by in case evacuation of US
citizens in Venezuela was required. 

In Caracas, a congressman has accused the US
ambassador to Venezuela, Charles Shapiro, and two US
embassy military attaches of involvement in the coup. 

Roger Rondon claimed that the military officers, whom
he named as (James) Rogers and (Ronald) MacCammon, had
been at the Fuerte Tiuna military headquarters with
the coup leaders during the night of April 11-12. 

And referring to Mr Shapiro, Mr Rondon said: "We saw
him leaving Miraflores palace, all smiles and
embraces, with the dictator Pedro Carmona Estanga [who
was installed by the military for a day] ... [His]
satisfaction was obvious. Shapiro's participation in
the coup d'état in Venezuela is evident." 

The US embassy dismissed the allegations as
"ridiculous". Mr Shapiro admitted meeting Mr Carmona
the day after the coup, but said he urged him to
restore the national assembly, which had been

Mr Carmona told the Guardian that no such advice was
given, although he agreed that a meeting took place. 

A US embassy spokesman said there were no US military
personnel from the embassy at Fuerte Tiuna during the
crucial periods from April 11 to 13, al though two
members of the embassy's defence attache's office, one
of them Lt Col Rogers, drove around the base on the
afternoon of April 11 to check reports that it was

Mr Rondon has also claimed that two foreign gunmen,
one American and the other Salvadorean, were detained
by security police during the anti-Chavez protest on
April 11 in which around 19 people were killed, many
by unidentified snipers firing from rooftops. 

"They haven't appeared anywhere. We presume these two
gentlemen were given some kind of safe-conduct and
could have left the country," he said. 

The members of the military who coordinated the coup
have claimed that they did so because they feared that
Mr Chavez was intending to attack the civilian
protesters who opposed him. 

Mr Chavez's opponents claim pro-Chavez gunmen shot
protesters while his supporters say the shots were
fired by agents provocateurs . 

In the past year, the United States has channeled
hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to US and
Venezuelan groups opposed to Mr Chavez, including the
labour group whose protests sparked off the coup. The
funds were provided by the National Endowment for
Democracy, a nonprofit agency created and financed by
the US Congress. 

The state department's human rights bureau is now
examining whether one or more recipients of the money
may have actively plotted against Mr Chavez. 

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China to discuss US military presence with Nepal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rick Rozoff


The Times Of India
April 29, 2002

China to discuss US military presence with Nepal 
PTI [ SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2002  11:21:00 AM ] 
BEIJING: China, which is wary of US military presence
in its neighbourhood, is set to raise the sensitive
issue with Nepal when the Himalayan kingdom's foreign
secretary visits Beijing next week, diplomatic sources
here said.

The presence of US military experts in Nepal is likely
to figure during talks between Nepal's foreign
secretary Madhu Raman Acharya and vice foreign
minister Wang Yi next week, the sources said.

They said China was seriously concerned over the
presence of US troops in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Chinese foreign ministry officials say they hope the
US is not seeking a long-term military presence in
Central Asia.

US military experts are touring Nepal to advise the
government on tackling the Maoist insurgency.  

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Re: Chernobyl's Legacy of Radioactive Poisoning Passed On [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rolf Martens


The below is a complete falsification, originating from the worst
reactionaries in the world, with some very bad intentions.

Not even an increase in thyroid cancers were caused by the (of course
nasty, and not accidential either) Chernobyl disaster, let alone genetic
mutations - not even after the Hirosima and Nagaski bombings in 1945
have any such whatsoever been discovered.

It's vital that nobody should be fooled by misinformation of this kind.
This is one part of a sneak "green" warfare by the reactionaries.

So I'm sending two earlier items of my "UNITE! Info" series:

#119en:  More Chernobyl horror hoaxes  (originally of 07.05.2000)
(2 parts)
#163en:  Chernobyl: No thyroid cancers (originally of 11.02.2002)

Rolf M.

At 17:45 2002-04-26 -0400, you wrote:

>---Published on Friday, April 26, 2002 by 
>16 Years Later
>Chernobyl's Legacy of Radioactive Poisoning Passed On
>by Elizabeth Piper
>KIEV - Ukrainian children born with genetic mutations or harmed by 
>radioactive food form a new generation of Chernobyl victims who could pass 
>the accident's tragic legacy on to the next, specialists warned yesterday.
>On the eve of Chernobyl's 16th anniversary, specialists who have worked in 
>the region since a reactor exploded and spewed clouds of radioactivity 
>over much of Europe said the fight against radiation-related illness was 
>far from won.
>''Today, 16 years after the accident, there remain some huge problems in 
>several regions ... especially in terms of children's health and in terms 
>of food,'' Olga Bobylova, deputy secretary of Ukraine's health service, 
>told a news conference.
>An aerial view of Ukraine's Chernobyl nucler power plant, the site of the 
>world's worst nuclear disaster, is seen in this May 1986 file photo made a 
>few days after the April 26 deadly explosion. In front of the chimney is 
>the destroyed 4th reactor. Ukraine commemorates victims of Chernobyl 
>catastrophe Thursday, April 25, 2002, on the eve of the 16th anniversary 
>of the tragedy when a nuclear explosion, many times bigger that Hiroshima 
>and Nagasaki combined, sent a radioactive cloud over parts of then-Soviet 
>Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and parts of Western Europe. The plant was closed 
>for good in 2000, but many environmental problems persist. (AP Photo/STR/FILE)
>''[In areas surrounding Chernobyl] meat and milk in the private sector 
>have high levels of radioactivity. ... There are also problems with the 
>mushrooms and berries in the forests. ... Such food can have a profound 
>effect on health.''
>Thousands of impoverished Ukrainians live in areas affected by radioactive 
>contamination from the plant, which exploded on April 26, 1986 in the 
>world's worst civil nuclear disaster.
>To boost their meager daily meals they gather berries and mushrooms from 
>fields and forests still contaminated by radioactive debris. Many are 
>unaware or reluctant to think that the food remains a health risk so long 
>after the accident.
>''The state tries to give children good, clean food, but it cannot because 
>of a lack of funds,'' Bobylova said.
>''We need this in the future.''
>The specialists urged Ukraine and the rest of the world not to allow 
>Chernobyl to become a forgotten crisis - a term used first by the United 
>Nations which hinted that funds could run out as interest in the disaster 
>Evgeniya Stepanova, a specialist in radiation-linked illnesses, said 
>children were becoming sufferers years after the explosion, which killed 
>few people at the time.
>The true casualty toll in the years since is a matter of intense 
>controversy. Chernobyl has been blamed for thousands of deaths in Ukraine, 
>Belarus, and Russia and for a huge increase in thyroid cancer.
>''[Research] has shown genetic mutations in sufferers of Chernobyl, both 
>adults and children. ... Those children and adults are more likely to get 
>cancer and pass on mutations to their children.''
>Radiation is known to cause genetic mutation, and the rate of certain 
>cancers goes up in areas exposed to nuclear fallout, scientists say.
>Stepanova said it was time to turn the world's attention to those who had 
>no choice but to suffer the consequences and those who could unwittingly 
>become the next victims of Chernobyl.
>''We have not paid enough attention to those people who are suffering,'' 
>she said, almost shouting.
>''Among all the problems caused by Chernobyl, the genetic [mutation] 
>problem should come first. ... It is a huge problem.''
>Copyright 2002 Reuters Ltd


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UNITE! Info #119en: 1/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rolf Martens


Sent 29.04.2002 to the ANTINATO mailing list
because of a recent posting "Chernobyl's Legacy of
Radioactive Poisoning Passed On".

UNITE! Info #119en: 1/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes
[Posted: 07.05.00]

Note / Anmerkung / Note / Nota / Anmärkning:
¡UNIOS! / FÖRENA ER! Info en/de/fr/es/se series:
See information on the last page / Siehe Information auf der
letzten Seite / Verrez information à la dernière page / Ver
información en la última página / Se information på sista sidan.


On the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster in the then Soviet
Union in 1986, which cost some 42 people their lives and caused
considerable material damage and which was obviously the result
of an absolutely non-normal handling of that nuclear power
plant, a large number of totally falsified "reports" have been
disseminated and still are being disseminated all over the
world, wildly exaggerating the scope of that disaster and in
fact causing much more material damage that it itself has
caused, all this out of arch-reactionary political motives.

A case in point is a recent Reuters telegram, on 21.04, in
which some outrageously incorrect statements on this matter by
UN General Secretary Kofi Annan were quoted. It was posted to
the Activist mailing list  yesterday by
one subscriber, and I wrote a brief reply pointing out its
fraudulent character.

In reply to that again, another subscriber, an obviously well-
intentioned but very ignorant person who has been fooled into
embracing the reactionary propaganda against the peaceful use
of nuclear energy, wrote that I "didn't know what was happening
in my own country in this respect" - I do indeed however, and in
fact have been following this scandalous matter rather closely,
over the years - and contributed yet another horror story on the
supposed "effects of Chernobyl" here in Sweden.

For the complete texts of these earlier postings, see Appendix 1
in part 2/2 of this Info. Here's a reply to that other sub-
scriber, which I'm posting to newsgroups too, with some infor-
mation on the technical and political aspects of this matter.
At this time, I can only go into some very few parts of the
entire and really very big "Chernobyl" propaganda syndrome.

I'm including in this Info one article too which I've repro-
duced earlier, concerning the scientific-technical aspects:
"Chernobyl Health Effects" by Rod Adams, USA, published in the
April 1996 issue of the magazine Atomic Energy Insights. See
Appendix 2, in part 2/2. Much more information on the actual
health effects can be found on various websites.

End of intro note


Hello Marco Saba,

Your reply to me yesterday concerning the Chernobyl disaster in
1986 and in particular its so-called effects in Sweden shows
that you still need to learn much about such things as radia-
tion, in the first place - we've discussed similar matters be-
fore - and not least, that you still are being decieved by the
massive bourgeois anti-nuclear energy and other anti-modern
propaganda syndromes in the world. You have no idea of the ac-
tual motives behind this propaganda, do you? Well, unfortunate-
ly, you're not alone in this.

In that ignorant horror story (by Sara Bell) which you brought,
it was stated that here in Sweden, as a result of that event
in the distant Ukraine,

"the Saami's [a people living in the north of Sweden,
Norway, Finland and Russia] reindeer, whose meat they
both eat and trade, became highly radioactive."[!!]

No, that's *not* true at all. Actual facts are, firstly, that
*measurable* amounts of radioactivity, stemming above all from
extremely small amounts of the radioactive isotope caesium-137
released from Chernobyl, were detected here in Sweden, and se-
condly, that the government here, for *no* real such reason at
all which would actually have to do with protection against ra-
diation but purely *for reactionary propaganda reasons*, ban-
ned the use of certain foodstuffs including reindeer meat, if
their content of Cs-137 was above a certain - ridiculously low
- level of radiation.

Even back in 1986, I read the reports of some scientists who
pointed out that there was *no* danger whatsoever to people's
health anywhere here in Sweden resulting from that miniscule
"fallout" here from Chernobyl. I happened to know enough about
radiation in general too to be able to follow their argumenta-
tion, which went straight against that which practically all the
politicians and the media were saying on this matter.

And on 29.11.1994, I publicly asked one also internationally
well-known radiation expert in this country, Professor Gunnar
Walinder, if it wasn't a fact that *all* so-called preventive
measures decided on here in Sweden "on account of Chernobyl"
(which had caused quite large amo

UNITE! Info #119en: 2/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #119en: 2/2 More Chernobyl horror hoaxes
[Posted: 07.05.00]

[Continued from part 1/2]


To my reply to Marco Saba, in part 1/2, I'm appending here,
first, as Appendix 1, those outrageously incorrect "reports"
concerning "effects" today of the Chernobyl disaster in 1986
which appeared yesterday on the Activist mailing list, and a
brief reply of mine to the first of them.

After this, a 1996 article by Rod Adams is reproduced, as
Appendix 2: "Chernobyl health effects".



Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Thu, 4 May 2000 20:23:36 -0700
From:   Beth von Gunten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:[Activist_List] Chernobyl Kills and Cripples
14 Years Later

Chernobyl Kills and Cripples 14 Years Later

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a new UN report on the con-
tinuing effects of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986 which
spread a radioactive cloud over Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and
western Europe, states that:

"Chernobyl is a word we would all like to erase from our memo-
ry... More than 7 million of our fellow human beings do not have
the luxury of forgetting. They are still suffering, everyday, as
a result of what happened... Not until 2016, at the earliest,
will be known the full number of those likely to develop serious
medical conditions."

The report cites 3 million children require treatment and many
will die prematurely.

The Ukraine Minister of Health Olha Bobyleva said that consump-
tion of radioactive food produced in the northern and central
Ukraine regions of Kiev, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, Cherkassy and Riv-
ne pose continuous public health dangers.

(Reuters 4/21/00)


Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Sat, 6 May 2000 20:33:20 +0200 (MET DST)
To: "Activist Mailing List" 
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rolf Martens)
Subject:Re: [Activist_List] Chernobyl Kills and Cripples
14 Years Later

Beth von Gunten,

That which you quoted below, from some people who should know
better, is simply not true and is part of, respectively, a re-
sult of, a certain very nasty bourgeois propaganda campaign.

The Chernobyl disaster in 1986 was serious enough. It cost the
lives of some 41 people and caused considerable damage. (And it
most certainly was no "accident" but a willed event, on the part
of certain people, just as was that near Harrisburg in the US in
1979, as a number of facts show.)

But certain "reports" by media and politicians, such as this
one, in the 14 years since then, have wrongly blown the effects
of this disaster [up] out of all proportion, and *this* has
caused quite enormous damage; in some ways, it has been even
worse than this disaster in itself.

*No* "radioactive cloud" (if by this is meant an actually harm-
ful one) was spread over Russia, Belarus or western Europe, for
instance - nor over most parts of the Ukraine itself either.
This quite contrary to a certain propaganda syndrome in which
many governments have taken part.

As demonstrated (again) in a recent doctor degree thesis, people
in the city of Lund in southern Sweden - just to take one detail
concerning the matter - received tens of times as much radioac-
tive cesium from the atmospheric A-bomb tests in the 60s as
they did from Chernobyl "fallout", and those levels of this
stuff (which they got in the 60s) by no means were harmful

You and others could look up some sites on the actual health ef-
fects from "Chernobyl" where some actual experts are informing
on this, in contrast to what certain politicians are saying for
purely political reasons, which is quite outrageously wrong.

Rolf M.

You wrote:
 >Chernobyl Kills and Cripples 14 Years Later

[Rest of the quote snipped here; see A above]


Mailing-List:   ListBot mailing list contact Activist_List-help
Date:   Sun, 07 May 2000 01:52:07 +0100
From:   Marco Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Activist Mailing List 
Subject:[Activist_List] Chernobyl, another Martens

Mr Rolf Martens from Sweden is carrying out a campaign to tell
that nuclear is safe. But he even don't know what is happening
in his own land. Here an article to open your eyes (from: and a question: Who's behind Rolf

Radioactive Reindeer: the Chernobyl Legacy

Fallout from the Chernobyl disaster has all but exterminated the
last of Norway's original Laplanders.

When reactor 4 of Chernobyl's nuclear power station exploded on
the 26th of April 1986, the whole world panicked. Throughout the
northern hemisphere, whole herds of livestock were systematical-
ly slaughtered, whilst as far afield as Eng

UNITE! Info #163en: Chernobyl: No thyroid cancers [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2002-04-28 Thread Rolf Martens


UNITE! Info #163en: Chernobyl: No thyroid cancers
[Posted: 11.02.02]

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With Anders Eklöf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and also with
others, I've been discussing on NG 'swnet.politik' the ques-
tion of low-dose ionizing radiation.

On the arch-reactionary political motives behind those *enor-
mous lies* on this question which you encounter in *all* the
bourgeois mass media, see various earlier Infos.

I wrote a posting "Varför vi mår bra av lite mer strålning"
("Why a little more radiation is good for us"), citing and
also separately reproducing an article by Myron Pollycove
from 1998 which explained the biological mechanism behind
this, "Human Biology, Epidemology, and Low-Dose Ionizing Ra-
diation", and once more pointing to one excellent website
where this article and others on the subject can be found:

Anders (who, as it turned out, likewise advocates nuclear
energy and who has long studied the question of radiation, in
accordance with the current teachings on it at universities
here in Sweden) replied i.a. that one statement of mine, con-
cerning the actual effects of the nasty reactionary manipula-
tion of one nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in the then Soviet
Union in 1986, was (in translation by me now):

"...a sheer mockery of the Ukraine, where thousands of people
have been made invalids by radiation damage. Also, many have
been hit by leukemia and thyroid cancer".

Or in Swedish:

[Anders E. to 'swnet.politik', 07.02.2002:]
 >Ditt uttalande är ett rent hån mot Ukraina, där tusentals
 >människor har invalidiserats av strålskador. Många har också
 >drabbats av leukemi och sköldkörtelcancer.

I replied in some equally harsh terms - probably unjustified-
ly so, as it later turned out - that these propositions were
part of a very infamous reactionary lying campaign, possibly,
though, with the exception of the one concerning thyroid can-
cers. Some additional cases of such *had* been reported on
also by sources which were not obviously untrustworthy.

According to one article which I've seen later, it seems that
*not even* those extra thyroid cancers which were reported to
be caused by the Chernobyl disaster *were* caused by that
nasty manipulation.

I'd like to bring the relevant part of that article to the
attention of Anders E., to begin with, as part of a perhaps
continued debate, and also to that of others. It's reproduced
below in this Info.

Before that, I shall quote again, for general orientation,
two earlier statements, both as reproduced by me, on Cherno-
byl health effects.

End of intro note

 From "Committee Save Barsebäck: STOP THE DESTRUCTION!" (state-
ment 06.01.2002, posted in English translation from my address
on 09.01.2002):


After the serious so-called accident in a nuclear power plant
at Chernobyl in the then Soviet Union in 1986, the result of a
so-called "experiment", which killed 42 people and caused
large material damage, enormous amounts of foodstuffs were
destroyed without any factual reason whatsoever for this, in
areas rather far away, even some here in Sweden, and Soviet
authorities ordered the evacuation of tens of thousands of
people on account of, they said, "radiation hazards".

For this large forced relocation there were, and are, in re-
ality, only *propagandistic* reasons. That "limit" for evacu-
ation which was set up was designed to prevent anybody from
receiving 350 mSv of radiation during his or her lifetime. But
that is what people here in Sweden on the average are always
getting - and in many other places, the amount is much larger
too, see table above. That is, according to the same "logic",
even everybody here in Sweden would "have to have been evacua-
ted" long ago.

In mass media around the world, it has been maintained that
"thousands" or "tens of thousands" of people "have died" or
"will die" "because of extra radiation from Chernobyl". These
are some really absurd inventions. This scare propaganda and
a large number of purported "countermeasures" which have been
"justified" by it have caused a much larger catastrophe than
that which was caused by this serious event itself.

Precisely contrary to what this and other propaganda wants to
have people believe concerning radiation, it has been demon-
strated that a somewhat larger annual dosis of such than that
most common in the world today - instead of some 2.4 mSv per
year, something like 10-20 mSv per year, or that level which
there was when life arose, some billions of years ago - is
*beneficial* for people's health.


 From "UNITE! Info #119en: Mor