IRSP: INLA Prisoners Go On Solidarity Hunger Strike [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-30 Thread Bill Howard

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- Original Message -
From: James Tait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kominform <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 11:18 PM
Subject: IRSP: INLA Prisoners Go On Solidarity Hunger Strike

Irish Republican Socialist Party
International Department

30 July 2001

INLA Prisoners Go on Sympathy Hunger Strike

The International Department of the Irish Republican Socialist Party
issued a statement stating that Irish National Liberation Army
prisoners of war have begun a hunger strike to demonstrate solidarity
with the Left-wing prisoners on hunger strike in Turkey.

The Hunger Strike started at 12:00 midnight Sunday night and will go
on until Friday. All nine INLA prisoners in Portlaoise, Maghaberry,
and Magilligan prisons will take part in the protest.

The international office of the IRSP began a campaign to target
travel agencies across Ireland and England with poster showing images
of the hunger strikers. This campaign has already been taken up by
the IRSP in Derry and Strabane.

Terry hEarcain, spokesman for the IRSP in London, speaking to the
Derry Journal, said the public in the Derry city should answer the
call to boycott holiday destinations in Turkey, because they know
well the loss that takes accompanies a hunger strike, since two Derry
men died on hunger strike in Long Kesh in 1981. Mr. hEarcain recently
travelled to Turkey to demonstrate solidarity with the hunger strike
and visited with several of those on hunger strike, on of whom died
within twelve hours of the visit.

The IRSP have been active throughout the 32 counties of Ireland, as
well as in England, Scotland, the United States, and Canada in
support of the Turkish hunger strike.


Relevant news articles below:

The Mirror
30 July 2001

By Tom Tuite

Border Fox Dessie O'Hare was due to go on hunger strike from midnight
last night in support of Turkish political prisoners.

O'Hare and eight other INLA inmates at Portloaise Prison want to
highlight the plight of the Turks.

Sixty Turkish political prisoners have already starved themselves to

The INLA strike is expected to continue until Friday.

O'Hare and the others are also calling for international pressure on
the Turkish government to respect the political prisoners' human

The Border Fox has described himself as the officer commanding the
INLA group in Portlaoise Prison.

In 1987 he was given a 40-year life sentence by the Special Criminal
Court for the kidnapping and assault of Dublin dentist John O'Grady.

O'Hare has also been campaigning for release from his sentence under
the provisions of the Good Friday Agreement.

Earlier this year the High Court was told that O'Hare qualified for

In his application to be released the court was told that O'Hare was a
member of a group who had maintained a ceasefire.

Irish News
30 July 2001

INLA prisoners begin five-day hunger strike
By Kieran McDaid

INLA prisoners in jail in Ireland have begun a five-day hunger strike
in support of prisoners in Turkey.

Nine inmates at the high-security Portlaoise jail in Co Laois began
the fast at midnight last night and have vowed not to eat until
midnight on Friday.

They have launched the protest as an act of solidarity with political
prisoners in Turkey, who have gone on hunger strike in protest at
prison conditions there.

Almost 30 prisoners and their relatives have died since the protest
against conditions in Turkish jails began last year.

Several hundred prisoners from left-wing groups are on hunger strike
to protest against their transfer in December from large dormitory
wards into small "isolation" cells.

The INLA hunger strike in Portlaoise prison is being led by commanding
officer Dessie O'Hare.

Known as the 'Border Fox', he was once one of Ireland's most wanted
men, with a £90,000 reward on his head after kidnapping Dublin
dentist John O'Grady in November 1987.

After several weeks on the run, O'Hare was caught after being wounded
in a shoot-out with gardai and Irish soldiers.

Speaking from prison last night, O'Hare explained why he was leading
the hunger strike.

"The INLA and other political prisoners in Portlaoise feel a deep
affinity with our comrades in the DHKPC, TIAD and TIKB who are giving
their lives so valiantly in the struggle against the introduction of
the isolation F-Type prisons," he said.

"This is just a token fast but we hope to draw the public's attention
to this ongoing hum-anitarian disaster and, through their attention,
force the Free State government to act."

Meanwhile, Gerry Adams has called on Belfast republicans to support
the hunger strikers in Turkey.

Speaking at the unveiling of a memorial to hunger striker Kieran
Doherty, Mr Adams said: "Twenty-nine prisoners and relatives of
prisoners have died in Turkey and we c

Iraq. Let¹s Shatter the American Siege onIraqis [WWW.STOPNAT

2001-07-30 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[What is the impact that the embargo is having
upon the People of US in terms of loss of trade
and services leading to unemployment, hardship
and worse... Bill]

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:26 PM
Subject: Iraq. Let¹s Shatter the American Siege onIraqis

From: "Khaled" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 21:13:27 +0300
To: "Heikki Sipila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sanction

Let¹s Shatter the American Siege on Iraqis

11 Years of Pressive Economic Sanctions Against Iraq

11 years of sanctions and:

The workers and toilers of Iraq have been exposing to waves of hunger,
unemployment and tragedies affecting hundreds of thousands of people taking
democracy, human rights and ousting the regime as a plea.  Wide spreading
diseases have been affecting children and pregnant women while death is a
threat to other hundreds of thousands. The United Nations according to the
American and Western policies continues its bombardment and starvation on a
daily basis against the Iraqis, and iterates Hiroshima and Alanfal
disasters.  And the eventual outcome is the annihilation of more than a
million Iraqis so far.

11 years of sanctions and:

The Islamic and nationalist parties with the Iraqi bourgeois opposition have
been making use of the starvation, prevalent unemployment, low wages, and
mass lay-off of workers as a daily political reality of the people in Iraq.

The lack of health, social and other services has become a pivot of the
conflict amongst the Baath regime, U.S. and the West.  The Baath government
has dismissed thousands of working women and forced them to stay home and
raise children as their only responsibilities.  As a result, women have
become victims of the reactionaries who enforce atmospheres of oppression,
terror and brutality on every day life.

11 years of sanctions and:

The capitalist Baath regime has been taking advantage of the economic
sanctions as an excuse to justify unemployment, oppression, and absence of
civil and social laws of the people in Iraq.

All freedom defenders all over the world!

All the humanitarian and labour organizations and trade unions!

Voice your rejection against the most tragic crimes of the history and the
mass genocide the U.S., the United Nations and the West have carried out
against the people of Iraq.  All freedom seekers should not stay silent in
front of these barbaric and brutal massacres which are being committed
against the people of Iraq.  You are the people and organizations who
defended the social, political and civil laws of the people in Kurdistan,
disclosed the Baath regime¹s crimes and stood up against the bombing of
people in Iraq by the U.S. and the West.

The time has come for your serious solidarity with the people in Iraq to
abolish the economic sanctions and put an end to the American and western
domination that impose starvation, deprivation of medication and the basic
requirements of life.

On the 11th anniversary of imposing the economic sanctions on Iraq, let¹s
unite our ranks against this brutal policy and take a serious step to stop
the sanctions.  Let¹s chant together

³ No to economic sanctions against Iraq

 Unconditional lifting of the economic sanctions².

The Worker Communist Party of Iraq is holding numerous political activities
and events all over the world with the participation of other parties and
organizations.  On August 6, 2001, huge rallies will be marched in front of
the American embassies in Europe, Australia, North America and other
countries to announce our protest and indignation against this barbaric
policy and to stop it.

We call upon all of you to stand for strengthening the humanitarian front to
put an end to the American arrogance and mass killing against the people in

Long-live the movement to lift the economic sanctions on Iraq
Long-live the Socialist Republic

Worker Communist Party of Iraq/Abroad Organization
July 30/2001


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081

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Waging War From California [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-30 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... 
- Original Message - 
From: Walter 
To: CubaNews 
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 2:33 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Waging War From California 

This sounds very much like the 
Cuban groupings in Miami who are allowed full freedom 

of action by Washington. Read this all the way 
Waging War From 
CaliforniaVietnam, Cambodia Urge U.S. to Curb Exile 
GroupsBy Rajiv ChandrasekaranWashington Post Foreign 
ServiceMonday, July 30, 2001; Page A01 



  Le Chi Thuc, spokesman of the Government of Free Vietnam 
stands in from of an oversized map of the world at the GFUN Main 
Liaison Office in Garden Grove, California. (Steven Lewis - The Washington Post) 
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia -- Armed with antiquated AK-47 assault 
rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, the ragtag band of 
self-proclaimed freedom fighters set off shortly after midnight, marching in 
columns along one of this city's main boulevards to storm the Defense 
Ministry.It was supposed to be the first stage of Operation Volcano, a 
quixotic plan concocted by a Cambodian American accountant in Long Beach, 
Calif., to topple the government here by recruiting peasants with no military 
training to attackmilitary installations and other strategic locations 
acrossthe country.But the 50 guerrillas were quickly repulsed by 
scores ofheavily armed government troops behind a three-foot-thickstone 
wall ringing the ministry. When the shooting ended anhour later, three 
rebels and a civilian lay dead.Although the raid last November was a 
spectacular failure, theaccountant, Yasith Chhun, has vowed to try again. 
"We'll beback," he said. "We're planning another one."A little more than a quarter-century after Communist 
forcesswept to power in Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos, fringe groups 
ofU.S.-based dissidents have stepped up militant campaigns toforce 
political change in the three countries. Their ranks arerelatively 
small and their attacks have not amounted to much,but the groups are viewed as significant security threats 
bySoutheast Asian governments, which accuse the United States ofdoing 
little to clamp down on violence-minded emigres.The Government of 
Free Vietnam, an exile organizationheadquartered in Southern California that 
wants to overthrowthe leadership in Hanoi, said it has secret bases 
alongVietnam's border with Cambodia and Laos where rebel fightersare 
training.The group's leader, Nguyen Huu Chanh, one 
of the most wantedmen in Vietnam, boasted in an interview that his 
supportersplaced several bombs around Hanoi last month to protest 
thearrest of a prominent dissident. Chanh said the bombs, 
whosetiming devices were not operational, were intended to send amessage 
about the group's growing clout.Vietnam recently 
sentenced several members of the organizationto long prison terms for 
attempting to blow up landmarks andgovernment buildings in Ho Chi Minh City, 
formerly Saigon.Thai authorities said that in response to the 
convictions thegroup planted two bombs outside the Vietnamese Embassy 
inBangkok last month.Vietnamese officials also 
contend that recent anti-governmentprotests by members of the Montagnard 
ethnic group in thecountry's Central Highlands were instigated by 
Montagnards wholive in the United States. The Montagnards were 
recruited bythe CIA during the Vietnam War and fought against 
NorthVietnamese forces alongside U.S. and South Vietnamese 
troops.Although American Montagnard leaders denied 
the Vietnameseallegations, U.S. officials said telephone and 
e-mailcommunication between Montagnards in the United States andthose in 
Vietnam played a role in sparking the demonstrations.In Laos, the 
biggest anti-government attack in years -- a raidon a customs post 
last year by fighters who briefly raised theold royalist flag -- reportedly was partially funded byLaotians living in the 
United States.Exile leaders said they have stepped up their 
efforts tooverthrow governments because of political changes 
across the region -- and in Washington.The ruling Communist Party 
in Vietnam recently appointed ageneral secretary who is regarded as more 
moderate than hispredecessors, while the party's counterpart in Laos has 
beenbeset with factional infighting for a year.Although Cambodia has 
a democratically elected government,critics like Yasith Chhun contend that 
Prime Minister Hun Senwon because of rampant ballot-box fraud."Part 
of what's going on is an attempt to push thesegovernments because they see 
this as a moment of 
political transition," said a U.S. diplomat in Southeast Asia. 
"But it is also an opportunity for them to test the Bushadministration, 
to s

U.S. destruction of Korea during Korean War beyond human imagination [WWW.STOPNA

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.U.S. destruction of Korea during Korean War beyond human imagination
  Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- Foreigners are unanimous in saying that
"we have never seen such a magnificent city with so many monumental edifices
anywhere in the world" while enjoying a bird's-eye view of Pyongyang from
the balcony atop the tower of the Juche idea standing on the bank of the
River Taedong. It is quite natural for them to say so.
48 years ago, however, Pyongyang was severely destroyed during the war
as was the case with all other places in the country.
During their temporary occupation of Pyongyang the U.S. imperialist
aggressors blew up or burned industrial and cultural establishments and
other buildings in the city.
Pyongyang had a population of 420,000 at the time the war broke out. the
U.S. imperialists dropped more than 428,700 bombs over the city.
UN forces commander Clark and other brasshats who directly commanded
their battles in Korea orchestrated a "scorched earth operation" and
"strangulation operation," bluffing they would erase North Korea from the
In the period from June to the end of October 1950 alone a total of
50,000 planes made sorties, destroying everything in rural and mountanious
areas, to say nothing of those in urban areas.
During the three-year long Korean war the U.S. dropped more than 564,400
tons of bombs and over 32,300 tons of napalm bombs over North Korea, 18
bombs per square km.
More than 8,700 factories and enterprises, over 5,000 schools, at least
1,000 hospitals and clinics and more than 260 cultural establishments were
completely destroyed during the war. Hundreds of thousands of hectares of
arable lands were rendered unfit for cultivation and many irrigation
facilities and river embankments destroyed.
The U.S. barbarous destruction baffled human imagination.
Cuban woman lawyer Candelaria Rodriguez Hernandez who witnessed GIs'
mass killings and destruction in spring 1951 said that Korea was literally
reduced to debris and a heap of ashes, adding that even land lost its shape
as it was severely destroyed by all kinds of bullets and splinters.

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Anti-imp Camp: support all from of struggle [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: Anti-imp Camp: support all from of struggle

Anti-imperialist Camp to support all forms of popular resistance against globalisation

After the political earthquake created by the international mobilisation in Genoa and
by the massive repression unleashed by the capitalist Berlusconi government
(apparently being inspired by Pinochet's methods) the need for a common discussion and
reflexion on the perspectives of the anti-globalisation movement has been expressed.
In the main assembly, which was enriched by the intensive participation of the
international delegations, one thing has been made clear again and again: the only one
responsible for violence is imperialism because it is forcing poverty, misery and
starvation upon a growing majority of the world's polulation- just look at the most
appalling example, the barbarous and genocidal war and embargo against Iraq. Therefore
the popular forces of the camp reaffirm commonly that all forms of resistance against
global capitalism are legitimate both in the West and in the oppressed countries.

A special session was dedicated to the defense of the political prisoners which suffer
in the prisons of the regimes supporting the "New World Order". The delegations from
Turkey (part of NATO that pretends to be the policeman for human rights all around the
world), from the the Basque country (part of the European Union which pretends to be
the judge for human rights all around the world) and from Mexico (there the ongoing
neo-liberal social massacre is called "democratisation") explained their bitter but
heroic experiences.

Filipino migrants spoke on the importance of the struggle of migrants in the West and
their contribution to develop an anti-imperialist movement in the imperialist
fortresses themselves.

The African delegations called upon the world wide movement to support the
revolutionary forces on their continent who are fighting under very hard conditions
because of the social devastation brought by imperialist domination. They stressed the
need for African unity and to overcome both artificial state borders and religious and
cultural conflicts instigated by the Western rulers and their neo-colonial puppets.

The revolutionary women from Afghanistan sought to create awareness of the barbarity
of the Taliban regime which is actually being backed by the US imperialism via

Finally, utmost attention was dedicated to the new Intifada on which a report was
given by the forces of the Palestinian left. A strong Arab and international
solidarity movement was urged for to defend the elementary right to self-determination
of the Palestinian people. More than ten minutes of applause showed the tremendous
support of our international movement for the rebellion against the Zionist occupation
which is considered as a signal to the poor masses of the entire region and the world
to rise against imperialist domination.

Final international press conference
Saturday, August 5, 12 am
Italy, Assisi, Campo Fontemaggio

The rearranged programme Programme, July 31

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
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Farm Bureau backs trade with Cuba [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[US farmers suffering as a result of their own
governments embargo of Cuba make their plans...  Bill]

- Original Message - 
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] Farm Bureau backs trade with Cuba 

Farm Bureau backs trade with Cuba
(Published: Monday, July 30, 2001)

   Cuba's economy is in shambles, but the American Farm Bureau
Federation believes the isolated island country could be a
future market for U.S. farmers.

   The farm group is lobbying Congress to repeal several
regulations, part of the Cuban Democracy Act, that restrict
agriculture's ability to trade with Cuba.

   "Every market is important to American farmers when
commodity prices are as low as they are today," said Audrae
Erickson, the bureau's senior director for international trade
policy. "We're seeing some of the lowest prices in two

   Cuba imports $700 million to $1 billion in farm products
each year, including wheat from France; rice from Asia;
fruits, vegetables and meat from Latin America; and feed
grains from Europe.

   Exports are a major contributor to the health of California
agriculture. California was the U.S. export leader in fiscal
year 2000, with overseas sales of $7.6 billion, more than a
quarter of the state's total ag revenues.

   The state's biggest export items are almonds, wine, cotton,
dairy products and processing tomatoes, primary commodities in
the San Joaquin Valley.

   The bid to boost trade to Cuba has the support of Rep. Gary
Condit, D-Ceres, and likely will be backed by many other
members of Condit's Blue Dog Coalition in Congress.

   "Most of the Blue Dog members come from ag regions, and as
a rule of thumb, if you're from an agricultural region, you're
for opening ag markets," said Christine Robbins, a legislative
assistant in Condit's Washington, D.C., office. "Formally, the
Blue Dogs haven't come on this issue, but (Condit) is
supportive of it."

   The three clauses the Farm Bureau wants removed --
third-party financing, a prohibition on ships re-entering U.S.
ports and travel restrictions to Cuba -- are in an amendment
to the agricultural appropriations bill.

   Cuba has been the subject of U.S. trade sanctions for
nearly 40 years, dating back to the communist takeover of the

   Sens. Bryon Dorgan, D-N.D., and Pat Roberts, R-Kan., are
carrying the amendment. Both represent large grain-producing
states that would be among the first to benefit from ag trade
with Cuba.

   The Farm Bureau tried to have the regulations repealed a
year ago, but was unsuccessful.

   "We were forced to swallow a compromise bill so farmers
could get improved access to Iran, Libya and Sudan," Erickson

   Agriculture points to significant trade barriers posed by
each of the three Cuban clauses:

   Third-party financing impedes farmers hoping to export
crops and livestock to Cuba. It requires exporters to perform
their financial transaction -- even if it doesn't involve a
credit line -- through a foreign bank.

   The shipping clause prohibits vessels that go to Cuba from
entering U.S. ports for 180 days, making it difficult to use
ships to get U.S. ag products into Cuba.

   Increased tourist travel to Cuba is necessary to generate
demand for U.S. ag products to supply the growing hotel
industry in that country, as well as bolster Cuba's dormant

   A trade-friendly approach to Cuba could allow farmers to
take advantage of export incentives and food aid credits
backed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Commerce
Department and other government agencies.

   The Farm Bureau's position is that agricultural products
should be exempt from embargoes and sanctions, except during
armed conflicts.

   If an embargo or sanction is enacted, the farm group said,
farmers should be compensated by direct payments for any
resulting loss.

   "Cuba used to be a strong trading partner for the American
farmer," Erickson said. "We'd like to see a return to that."

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Russian newspaper on U.S. moves to ignite second Korean war [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

2001-07-31 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Russian newspaper on U.S. moves to ignite second Korean war
  Pyongyang, July 30 (KCNA) -- The Russian newspaper Pravda carried an
article headlined "New aggression is prepared" on July 27. The United States
is about to set up four new combat brigades allegedly to cope with a
possible dispute in the Asia-Pacific region, which proves its preparations
for a second Korean war, the newspaper pointed out, and went on:
It is 48 years since the armistice agreement was signed, but the Korean
peninsula has not yet been freed from the danger of war.
Its main cause lies in the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK and the
U.S. troops' presence in South Korea.
Reconciliation and reunification between the north and south of the
Korean peninsula depend on when the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK
comes to an end. 

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:35 PM

July 30, 2001

U.S. Looks at Russian Missile Test

By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - A Russian test of a long-range missile is getting a close
look from the Bush administration to determine if it is part of a program
designed to foil a U.S. anti-missile shield.

For intelligence reasons, U.S. officials are reluctant to discuss the test
except to say a long-range missile was tested about two weeks ago.

Among the questions under review are whether the missile's flight took an
unusual path and whether it carried new technology designed to overcome
missile defense plans being explored by the Bush administration.

Officials briefed senators and the House Appropriations Committee's defense
panel in separate closed sessions Monday on the accelerated U.S. program.

Various options are under consideration, including a land-based system of
100 interceptors that would be based in Alaska and guided by a long-range
radar station in the Aleutian Islands.

Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security advisor, declined to
comment on specifics after her top secret meeting with senators, calling it
simply ``a great time for consultation.''

She rejected last week's criticism by Democratic senators that some
administration officials seemed overly trustful of the Russians.

``The Cold War is clearly over,'' she said in an interview. ``That was with
the Soviet Union. I think the administration has a realistic posture toward
Russia, which is a country I've known for a long time, and understand pretty

Sen. George Allen, R-Va., said he was impressed by Rice and her approach,
which is ``respectful of the Russians as well as respectful of the role that
Congress plays as they go forward with negotiations to get to a more
realistic, up-to-date agreement.''

Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee hope to cut at least $1
billion out of the $8.3 billion President Bush wants to spend next year on
missile defense, Rep. Ike Skelton of Missouri, the committee's top Democrat,
said Monday. The committee is to complete its version of the budget - which
tracks Bush's request - on Wednesday.

``The thing is, I'm for it,'' Skelton said of national missile defense.
``But let's do it right.''

Skelton and Reps. John Spratt Jr., D-S.C., the Budget Committee's top
Democrat, and Norman Dicks, D-Wash., on defense appropriations, cautioned a
top Defense Department official about plans to start building five silos at
Fort Greely in Alaska next month, saying it needs congressional

Money allocated for Alaska construction this year was not for test
facilities, they told Lt. Gen. Ronald Kadish, director of the Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization, in a letter Friday. And if the silos are for
missile defense deployment, not tests, ``your activities appear to be on a
collision course with the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty'' that bars creation
of such a system.

The Pentagon's Compliance Review Group was to determine Monday whether
several steps it has planned - including the Alaska construction and use of
certain radar to track missiles - would violate the 1972 treaty, Douglas
Feith, undersecretary of defense for policy, told the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee last week.

However, that analysis was still not complete Monday afternoon, Pentagon
officials said.

Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, one of the officials briefing
lawmakers Monday, hoped to have it on his desk by the end of the day, and he
was expected to discuss it with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on
Tuesday when he returns from Australia, one official said.

The Russian missile test was disclosed Monday by The Washington Times, which
said a road-mobile SS25 with a new jet-powered last stage was launched from
central Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a meeting with Bush July 22 in Genoa,
Italy, agreed to hold talks simultaneously on offensive and defensive

Bush sent Rice to Moscow to make arrangements for the talks.

She set a stretched-out timetable for strategic arms talks through
mid-September. Russian specialists are due here next week and Rumsfeld and
Assistant Secretary of State John Bolton will go to Moscow for parallel
talks in late August.

In mid-September, Secretary of State Colin Powell  will take up the
discussions in New York with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov.

Both Rice and Vladimir Rushailo, head of Russia's National Security Council,
said they want to move from confrontation to cooperation.

But Rice said U.S. testing for a missile defense s

No Compromise With US on ABM Treaty: Russian Defence Minister [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.No Compromise With US on ABM Treaty: Russian Defence Minister
Moscow is not prepared to make any concessions on the Anti-Ballistic Missile
accord which bars Washington from building a missile defense shield, Russian
Defense minister Sergey Ivanov said Tuesday.
Reports in the Russian press last week that Russia was ready to strike a
deal with the United States to amend the cornerstone 1972 ABM agreement
which both countries signed in 1972 "are not in the least justified," Ivanov
told the Interfax news agency.
"There exists no agreement between Russia and the United States on
anti-missile defense or strategic offensive weapons, since there haven't
been any negotiations to speak of so far," Ivanov said.
"We are waiting for the United States to tell us what it is they have in
mind when they talk about this limited missile defense shield they plan to
build," he added. 
The United States intends to build a national missile defense system (NMD),
at odds with the ABM Treaty, which it says would protect it from attacks
from so-called "rogue states" , but would not be able to stop Russian
US National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice was in Moscow last week in a
bid to impress on Russia the need to move beyond the ABM agreement.
Moscow declared on Friday that Rice had offered no new or convincing
arguments in favor of missile defense and that Russia remained strictly
opposed to the idea.

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China Vows to Build Modern Army [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.China Vows to Build Modern Army
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is speeding up its technological
modernization, and remarkable achievements have been attained in this
respect, according to a senior army official.
Promoting military technologies is the top priority of the military
modernization, said Senior Colonel Su Zhirong, who is also a research fellow
with the Academy of Military Science of the PLA.
China reconstructed its national defense industry in 1999 and established 10
sectors including the nuclear industry, aviation, shipping and weaponry.
Around 1000 award-winning scientific breakthroughs have been introduced to
the ground forces, greatly promoting their self- defense capabilities and
the accuracy of long-distance strike. The navy and air forces have also
improved their readiness by employing high-tech systems.
The Chinese army is purely to pursue self-defense and will not pose a threat
to other countries. "The Chinese army will never take part in any arms race,
or will it seek hegemony or external expansion," Su said, quoted by
Wednesday's China Daily.
Su said the country's military budget has been increasing at 6.2 percent
annually for the last decade and a half, even slower than the average yearly
inflation of 7.3 percent.
To improve the quality of its staff, the army has signed contracts with top
universities such as Peking University and Tsinghua University. According to
the contracts, the army gives financial aid to university students who in
turn agree to serve the army after graduation.

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US & EU at odds over Trade Embargoes of Iran & Libya [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[What impact is the US embargo of Iran & Liyba
having upon the US People through loss of trade
and services?...   Bill.]

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 12:12 AM
Subject: Libya News And Views Aug 1

Libya News and Views

Wednesday, 1 August, 2001: The European Union's head office warned
Washington on Tuesday that it would complain to the World Trade Organization
if the U.S. tried to penalize Europeans who do business with Iran and Libya.
EU Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten expressed regret at the
U.S. Congress' vote to extend the 1996 sanctions law. While both sides agree
on the need to fight international terrorism, he said, "the EU is concerned
that this important joint effort could be damaged by continuing U.S.
attempts to promote the goal through unilateral laws." [AP]

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Russia. KPRF control over half Russian regions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 12:27 AM
Subject: Russia. KPRF control over half Russian regions

From: "Jari-Pekka Raitamaa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 00:38:46 +0300
Subject: [luokkataistelu] Fw: [ISKRA] KPRF control over half Russian regions

> Izvestia -July 31, 2001
> From now on, the Communists will control more than half of Russian regions
> Author: Pyotr Akopov
> [from WPS Monitoring Agency,]
>  On Sunday, gubernatorial elections took place in the Nizhny
> Novgorod and Irkutsk Regions. The results of the elections in both
> regions demonstrate the main electoral tendencies of modern Russia.
> Gennady Khodyrev, former senior secretary of the Gorky (the name of
> Nizhny Novgorod in the Soviet era - translator's note) Regional
> Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (KPSS), won the
> election in Nizhny Novgorod. This is a symbolic event in one of the
> most non-communist regions of the country.
>  It is also symbolic that on the eve of the tenth anniversary of
> the events of August 1991 45 of 89 federation subjects are controlled
> by the Communists in Russia.
>  In Nizhny Novgorod only 35% of voters came to the polling
> stations. In the Irkutsk Region this figure was 37%. Flows of
> compromising materials fear non-politicized voters, whereas
> representatives of the Communist electorate have a distinct political
> line and always take part in elections.
>  Khodyrev's victory would not have been a sensation in any other
> region. This victory also looks strange against the background of the
> ideological coloring given to the election by Presidential Envoy for
> the Volga Federal District Sergei Kirienko. Over the past ten years
> Nizhny Novgorod has been reputed to be the regional bulwark of
> reforms. The Communists have been supported by fewer voters than in
> the country on an average. A lot of foreign money has been invested in
> the region. Boris Nemtsov and Sergei Kirienko, who come from Nizhny
> Novgorod, have always been talking about democratic views of residents
> of the city.
>  When Kirienko called the duel between Sklyarov and Khodyrev an
> ideological competition, his colleagues asserted that it was not clear
> whose viewpoints were more communistic. However, voters chose Khodyrev
> as a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian federation
> (CPRF). Currently, CPRF leader Gennady Zyuganov is announcing
> contentedly that the decade of reforms has not given any fruits and
> people support the Communists again. Formally he is right, since in 37
> regions the CPRF controls the executive branch and in eight regions
> the legislative branch.
>  However, the number of Communist governors does not imply their
> devotedness to the communist ideology. Only ten of them may be called
> actual adherents to this ideology. Others have to fluctuate together
> with the Communists' policy. It is noteworthy that Communist governors
> actively participated in foundation of the pro-presidential movement
> Unity. Khodyrev has also announced that he will suspend his CPRF
> membership "for the sake of the better work." It is noteworthy that
> Khodyrev has referred to President Vladimir Putin, "who does not lead
> any political party and is thus an example to follow." It is clear
> that it makes no difference for the Kremlin "what color the governor
> is": the main point is that he should be loyal to the president and
> the government.

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Nepal. Rebels follow Mao's path [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 12:45 AM
Subject: Nepal. Rebels follow Mao's path

From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Nepalese rebels follow Mao's path

Guerrillas subduing the countryside before moving on cities

Dermot Tatlow, Chronicle Foreign Service Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Jajarkot, Nepal --
Deputy Police Superintendent Maya Kumar Shah sits in a sandbagged hilltop
headquarters, unsure who among his 450 officers is loyal to the crown and
to a surging Maoist guerrilla army. Sentries keep an eye on the valley
ever fearful of an attack.
"We were not meant to fight a war," said Shah, who conceded that morale had
improved because of an extra $50 in "danger money" to supplement his
$70-a-month salary. "It is only four years since Nepali police routinely
started to carry guns. How can we fight guerrillas?"
Shah's lament is a chilling reminder that the Nepali government is slowly
losing control of the countryside to a rebel army whose strength is
at 4,000 men and women.
"Only when we have guns do the capitalists and big landlords run away,"
said a 23-year-old rebel squadron leader named Comrade Muktee.
Nepal's constitutional monarchy, which is still reeling from the effects of
the killings last month of King Birendra and seven members of the royal
by the crown prince in a drug-induced drunken rage, is facing its worst
political crisis in years. The Maoists, who model themselves on Peru's
Path guerrillas, now run parallel governments in eight of Nepal's 75
and are active in 62 others, according to official sources.
After the latest skirmish last week, in which guerrillas killed at least 17
police officers in the western village of Pandusen and captured their
of rifles, pistols and ammunition, both sides announced that they had
to peace talks for the first time since the insurgency began.
The revolt is rooted in abject poverty. More than 80 percent of Nepal's 24
million inhabitants are subsistence farmers who live without electricity,
piped water or sewage systems. The per capita gross domestic product (GDP)
just $1,100, according to the World Factbook 2000.
"There is not enough arable land here," said Shah of his impoverished
western Jajarkot district, referring to a major reason for the rebels'
"Young people used to go to India for work. Now they join the Maoist army."
The conflict is also seen as a rejection of the political infighting in
Nepal's fledgling multiparty democracy, which has seen 10 different
governments in the past 10 years, and of rampant corruption from a regime
shows no interest in anything but enriching itself.
The insurgency began in 1996 after the Maoist faction of the Communist
Party of Nepal was banned from contesting a general election because of its
opposition to the constitutional monarchy. Its members soon began a
war," assassinating landlords and rural officials, robbing banks and
police stations. In the past five years, some 1,700 people have been
The guerrillas' strategy, which is based on Mao Zedong's revolutionary
teachings, is to take over the countryside by wooing peasants with promises
land, then surround the cities, including the capital, Kathmandu.
Baburam Bhattarai, the movement's intellectual inspiration, has vowed to
"hoist the hammer and sickle atop Mount Everest." And Maoist supreme leader
Prachanda boasted to the Associated Press last week that he had formed an
alliance with other South Asian guerrilla groups and that "the people's
revolution shall be completed very soon, not in the remote future."
The birthplace of Maoism, however, is not amused. In fact, Chinese leaders
have gone to great lengths to assure Nepal that they will not give the
guerrillas any assistance. For their part, the insurgents scoff at China's
leadership for dragging its people down the road of capitalism.
"We are not swimming against the tide," said Comrade Jiwan, 36, a pistol-
packing former primary school teacher who is the party chief in Jajarkot.
want to bring the rest of the world that's against us to the right
If there is any doubt who runs Jajarkot, ask K.B. Rana, 43, a local civil
servant in charge of district development. He says the government controls
less than one square mile, while the rebels command 820.
Jajarkot has neither cars nor roads. The annual per capita income is $110,
and the average schooling is 1.3 years. Thirty percent of the district's
schools have no buildings. Many peasants live in crude mud-walled houses
thatched with rice straw.
"Frankly speaking, the government has not done enough," said Rana. "Very

German goverment marches into the next war - consistently although zigziagging!

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Verlag Neue Einheit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Howard Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject: Neue Einheit: German goverment marches into the next war - consistently
although zigziagging!

*Although Zigzagging:*

*Consistently the German Government Marches Into the Next War!*

As everybody could foresee, in Macedonia the next center of
conflict is developing, and the German federal government of social
democrats and Greens is pushing the deployment of the German army
for a war which is to be a robust one this time. The foreign
minister Fischer even asserted on the 6th of July in the Bundestag
(parliament) that by a deployment one would be able here to prevent
a civil war, and therefore - how noble! - one should send the
troops. Well, the tense political situation in Macedonia is nothing
else than what NATO's strategy has created. The NLA which is active
also in Macedonia is nothing else than what was massively sponsored
in the 1999 war. Bombing small Serbia by the most modern NATO
weaponry has in fact served nothing but the so-called liberation of
Kosovo in the way this organization, which is world-widely accused
of trafficking in drugs and human beings, wished it.

This time, however, it is to be a deployment for the German
military, the Bundeswehr, in the course of which direct military
intervention is planned. A new stage of making the population get
used to war. And all of that is publicly presented, and no, almost
no reaction for weeks from the usual forces which are dominating
the public opinion. Didn't we have quite a large "anti war"
movement in this country with a certain clout? It is completely
integrated, though. The opposition by the so-called left becomes
weaker and weaker because it is in cahoots with the social
democracy, because it is itself green in its substance. Every force
which here is referred to as the left or the new left, as for
example the so-called ecology movement, the human rights movement,
in reality adapts completely to this new belligerent policy.

This is even harder, more distinct in July 2001 than in the war
against Yugoslavia in 1999. The ecology movement, the anti nuclear
movement, the same sex liberators and what else has shaken this
scene, is fit into this imperialist concept and does not make a
sound. This is no wonder as they themselves absolutely get along
with the international exploitation, the translocation of an
important part of the heavy bodily work to the peoples and nations
of the former colonial world, furthermore to Eastern Europe,
resulting finally in the deprivation of rights of wage labor all
around the globe. This whole political scene which poses as a left
one and as "opposed to any form of repression" strives in the first
place to safeguard this society against a possible spreading of
revolutions, and it strives to make the revolutionary left blind
for the basic contradictions governing politics.

One must read it twice: Fischer, formerly an "autonomist" (activist
of an anarchist current labeling itself "autonomists", tr.s
remark),in July 2001 is criticizing the Christian Democrats (CDU)
for inadequately following NATO's demands. The CDU raises only
minor matters, as the inadequate military finances and the need for
a longer preparation, but nevertheless Fischer admonishes to
proceed with decision and to be strictly loyal to NATO! The
pretension in this strategy is that one wants to collect weapons,
but nobody believes that it will be confined to that, nobody
believes either that it will take only thirty days.

Immediately following is the statement that, in case it should take
longer, one has to prepare for more and for a larger deployment,
and already talk is about tens of thousands of soldiers from Europe
who are to take part there and who have to take into account direct
fighting. And how many people show off! Schroeder, the chancellor,
is all the time standing up for unconditionally safeguarding the
Federal Republic's loyalty to NATO. One really has to ask what are
his afterthoughts. The foreign minister Fischer, the former
"autonomist" raises his finger accordingly, and the pacifist Ruehe,
a former defense minister from the CDU, together with Fischer says
Yes to this whole basic strategy. And still on the 23th of July the
Greens decide that they basically support a deployment of the
German military in the Balkans based on NATO's schemes, the so-
called voluntary handing over of the weapons by the NLA.

Where were the "autonomists", the so-called undogmatic people who
for years came to the fore in so-called struggles when the
seriousness of the matters was not at all yet comparable to now?
How does it come that exactly when the Federal Republic actually is
marching into the imperialist war, they 

Cuban president meets Vietnam's defence minister [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Cuban president meets Vietnam's defence minister

Cuban President Fidel Castro on July 30 received Defence Minister Pham Van
Tra, who is leading a Vietnamese military delegation on an official visit to
Cuba at the invitation of General Raul Castro, second secretary of the
Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and minister of the armed forces.

President Castro welcomed the Cuba visit by Vietnam's high-level military
delegation, which takes place at the time when Cuba celebrates the 48th
anniversary of the offensive on Moncada barracks. He briefed the guests on
the Cuban people's current ideological struggle, particularly the meetings
involving a large number of people of all strata on the island.

The Cuban president spoke highly of the achievements recorded by the
Vietnamese people in economic development and national defence.

Senior Lieutenant General Tra conveyed the best regards from Party General
Secretary Nong DucManh, State President Tran Duc Luong and Prime Minister
Phan Van Khai to President Castro. He wished the Cuban people new and
greater successes in national construction and defence.

Mr Tra spoke of the Vietnamese people's economic achievements in recent
years as well as their determination to make the resolution passed by the
Ninth Party Congress a success in order to build Vietnam into a strong
country with a prosperous people and an equitable, democratic and civilised

He also expressed his admiration for the Cuban people's firm revolutionary
spirit and their important achievements in economic recovery.

The delegation held talks with a delegation of the Cuban Ministry of the
Armed Forces, led by General Raul Castro, during which both delegations
informed each other of their respective countries' political, economic and
military situation. They also discussed measures to increase the friendship
and co-operation between the two armies.

They also visited some military units and historical and cultural sites in
Cuba. (VNA)

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Carlo's Way - Mumia Abu Jamal [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:23 AM
Subject: Carlo's Way - Mumia Abu Jamal

From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [L-I] Carlo's Way  - Mumia Abu Jamal

Carlo's Way
For opposing the rule of capital, for opposing the Empire of Wealth, Carlo
Giuliani was shot by the hit-men of capital, and, as if this were not
enough, a
police vehicle rolled over his prone, wounded body.

The recent police shooting of 23-year-old Carlo Giuliani in the riotous
of Genoa has sent shock waves around the globe.

Giuliani, son of a Rome labor leader, was one of tens of thousands of
anti-globalist demonstrators who fell on the latest place where politicians
corporate representatives gathered to insure their continued dominance of
world's economy. Carlo was part of a growing movement, uniting the youth of
so-called first world countries with the aspirations of many in the
third world. It was this movement that shook Seattle, and made the anagram,
known throughout the earth.

For opposing the rule of capital, for opposing the Empire of Wealth, Carlo
Giuliani was shot by the hit-men of capital, and, as if this were not
enough, a
police vehicle rolled over his prone, wounded body.

With the brutal state slaughter of Carlo Giuliani, the message goes forth
anti-globalism is a capital crime. This is but the latest escalation by the
armed forces of capital, which has utilized increasing levels of state
to intimidate the swelling hordes of anti-globalists.

The blood on the asphalt of Genoa did not begin when a cop pointed his
semi-automatic into the face of a masked Roman anarchist. The blood of Genoa
flows from the streets of Gothenburg, in Sweden, when the European Union was
holding its summit meeting. There, police fired live rounds at protestors,
wounding three, one seriously.

Now, an anarchist, anti-globalist lies dead.

As soon as the news hit the wire, cane the words of the Irish playwright,
Bernard Shaw, who once quipped, "Anarchism is a game at which the police can
beat you." Shaw, an ardent socialist, would perhaps amend his comments in
of recent events (if he could).

What is most telling is how the representatives of the state and their
propaganda arm, the media, has reacted to this vicious tragedy.

While politicians uniformly spoke with forked tongues about the "tragedy,"
not a
single syllable was uttered in criticism of the police, was it?

For the media, however, a different game was played. In virtually every
the coverage told of violent protestors -- and suggested that they were
uninformed, or simply stupid for daring to care about the poor in Africa,
or Latin America. Examine their biased, corporate-centered coverage, and ask
yourself one, simple question:

What would they have written if a Genoan cop had been shot, and run over
with a
Land Rover driven by anarchists? Every corporate outlet would've blared
how "vicious" and "violent" the anti-globalist "terrorists" were. Of this
is no question!

Instead, a muted silence.

Silence, when the terrorists are the cops.

Silence, when the killers are the cops.

Silence, when the hitmen for the corporations act out.

You hear the fractured lectures of politicians talking about "assaults on
democratic process," and the like.

Yet, how democratic is the G-8 (Group of 8)?

This group, which is self-selected, is seven of the wealthiest nations on
(plus Russia).

If there are about 193 nations in the world, what's "democratic" about 4% of
that number making all of the rules governing the rest of the world's

Look at it another way: The G-8 consists of representatives for Canada,
Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States -- and Russia.
you were to count all of the people in each nation, and add them up, you'd
up with around 824 million people. That's a lot of folks.

But there are 6,000,000,000+ people on earth!

How can 14% of the world's population set down the rules for 86% of the rest
the people of the world?

Carlo Giuliani wasn't "assaulting the democratic process." He was protesting
profoundly anti-democractic process.

He was fighting on behalf of most of the people in the world.
© 2001

By Mumia Abu-Jamal - 7/25/01
Text (c) copyright 2001 by Mumia Abu-Jamal. All rights reserved. Reprinted
permission of the author.
Tuesday, July 31, 2001

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.

Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.

Nepal. Ruling class trembles [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-01 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:25 AM
Subject: Nepal. Ruling class trembles 

From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Tuesday July 31, 10:06 PM

Nepal PM praises Maoist leader
KATHMANDU, July 31 (AFP) -
In a further sign that an end to Nepal's bloody five year Maoist insurgency
could be in sight, the country's new prime minister Sher Bahadur Deuba said
Tuesday the head of the rebel group was a "brave leader".

In his first public speech since being elected as the leader of the ruling
Nepali Congress (NC), Deuba said: "I regard Prachand as a brave leader and
take his press releases positively."

Prachand, whose real name is Pushp Kamal Dahal, is the chairman of the
Maoists, who have been fighting to overthrow the constitutional monarchy

On Sunday he released a statement saying his party was committed to finding
a political solution to the insurgency problem.

Deuba's comments, at a meeting with journalists and public figures, came
after the government and the rebels called a truce last week in the
violence that has killed more than 1,700 people in the past five years.

The Maoists had stepped up their attacks against the police in the
aftermath of the massacre of almost the entire royal family on June 1.

But last week Deuba, who took over from former prime minister Girija Prasad
Koirala, offered to sit down with the rebels.

And the Nepalese government released 15 detained Maoists as a
confidence-building measure for the talks.

At the meeting, Deuba admitted that a lack of sincerity from politicians
and their tendency to work only for power provoked the Maoists to rebel
against democracy in Nepal.

He said many of the leaders who helped to re-establish the multi-party
system in Nepal following a people's movement in 1990, had forgotten to
listen to the voice of the people.

"We have wasted over a decade doing nothing. Let's now do something for the
people," he said.

Leader of the opposition Nepal Communist Party-United Marxist and Leninist,
Madhav Kumar Nepal, said the Maoist insurgency was a direct result of the
government's excessive exercise of power during its tenure.

"The problem would be solved only if the government could explore the root
of the problem," Nepal said.

"The problem of Maoist insurgency is deep-rooted and associated with the
social and economic disparity as well as the chaotic political
environment," he said.

But he said the Maoist rebels were "as autocratic" as the NC party.

"We have seen that they want to uproot other political parties and their
beliefs by terrorizing the people nor are they sympathetic to the people,"
Nepal charged.

"What we have seen till today does not indicate that the government of
Maoists, if it comes some day, will give relief to the crisis-stricken
people," the communist leader said.

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Israel Rejects International Criticism of Attack on Hamas [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-02 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Israel Rejects International Criticism of Attack on Hamas
Israel has rejected international criticism of its attack on the Palestinian
Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) office in the West Bank City of Nablus,
the Internet edition of Ha'aretz, a leading Israeli newspaper, reported
The attack, launched by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at about 2 p.m. Tuesday,
has killed eight Palestinians, including two senior Hamas leaders and two
children, making it one of the deadliest attacks in the 10-month-long
violence between the Palestinians and Israel.
A senior Israeli diplomatic source said Israel will continue its policy of
liquidations because Israel needs to protects its citizens in every possible
way, according to the report.
The United States, Israel's long-term ally, issued a strong statement
Tuesday, describing the attack as "provocative," " excessive," and "an
obstacle to efforts to restore calm," in the region.
State Department spokesman Charles F. Hunter termed the attack " a dangerous
escalation of violence," saying the U.S. opposes Israel's policy of
assassinations, which, in this case, has led to the killing of innocent
Ari Fleischer, spokesman for U.S. President George W. Bush, called the
attack a violation of the U.S.-brokered Israeli- Palestinian cease-fire,
which took effect on June 13, but has failed to hold.
In a strongly-worded statement, British Foreign Office Minister Ben Bradshaw
said "Britain cannot accept the targeted assassination by Israel of
Palestinian militants."
He said "We and our European Union colleagues have repeatedly made clear
that such assassinations are wrong and illegal under international
law...These assassinations create an environment in which atrocities are
seen as justified and lead to further violence."
French Foreign Ministry on Tuesday noted that the attack has constituted a
"There is no other option than to resume a political process and to
immediately implement the recommendations of the Mitchell Report," the
ministry said. 
The mitchell report, released in May by an international fact- finding panel
led by former U.S. senator George Mitchell, calls on Israel and the
Palestinians to end violence, take confidence- building measures and finally
resume their peace talks.
More than 670 people, most of them Palestinians, have been killed since the
bloody clashes erupted last September between the Palestinians and Israel.

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China Condemns Israel's Suppression of Palestinian Civilians [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2001-08-02 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.China Condemns Israel's Suppression of Palestinian Civilians
China condemns Israel's suppression of Palestinian civilians by randomly
using force, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday.
Spokesman Zhu Bangzao said the Chinese government is seriously concerned
about the continued escalation of the conflict between Israel and Palestine
over the past few days.
Israel used armed helicopters and heavy weapons, the Palestinian side has
suffered serious casualties and property losses, and the regional situation
continues to deteriorate, Zhu said.
He said the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has lasted for 10 months,
has made the regional situation even worse and aroused extensive concern in
the international community.
Although the two sides committed themselves to a cease-fire not long ago,
the conflict has never stopped and the situation has deteriorated even more
recently, Zhu said.
The spokesman called on the Israeli and Palestinian sides, the Israeli side
in particular, to take prompt measures to stop all unilateral actions
detrimental to the peace process in the Middle East, earnestly implement the
cease-fire agreement and create an appropriate atmosphere for resuming peace
talks at an early date.

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UN Demands US Payment of Back Dues [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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UN Demands US Payment of Back Dues
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the United States risks eroding its
standing in the 189- member United Nations if it does not pay 582 million US
dollars in back dues before the convocation of the annual General Assembly
session in September.
Annan conveyed this message in a recent phone conversation with
Representative Henry Hyde, who heads the House International Relations
Committee, UN spokesman Fred Eckhard told a press conference here Wednesday.
"The secretary-general told Hyde that if (US) President George W. Bush comes
to the General Assembly at its plenary in September, it would be good if the
US arrears payment had come in by then," Eckhard said .
As part of a deal last December to lower its share of the UN financial
assessment, the United States agreed to pay part of its debt to the world
body, but US Congress has not yet passed legislation authorizing the release
of the money. 
Annan, during the conversation, warned that other UN members "find it
difficult to understand why, seven months after agreement was reached
check has been put in the mail," he said.
"He said recently that for a country in the US's position, this failure
undermines its leadership and its effectiveness in the UN"
The Bush administration has angered many countries by rejecting a 1997 UN
pact to fight global warming, expressing its unwillingness to join in other
international agreements.
On the same day in May this year, the United States was voted off a UN human
rights commission and an anti-drug body.

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Saddam Says Iraq's Enemy Has Failed in Confrontations [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.Saddam Says Iraq's Enemy Has Failed in Confrontations
The enemy of Iraq "have failed in their confrontations with Baghdad," while
Iraq's military "has done a good job," Iraqi President Saddam Hussein said
on Wednesday. 
Saddam made the remarks during a meeting with Tawab Mullah Hwaish, Iraqi
deputy prime minister and minister of military industrialization, and Iraqi
Air Defense Commander Shahin Yassin Mohammad, the official Iraqi News Agency
(INA) reported. 
The Iraqi leader expressed satisfaction with the achievements of the
Military Industrialization Commission and the Iraqi Air Defense, the INA
"The enemy has failed and will lose more," Saddam told the two top military
aides, saying that the enemy has exposed its modern technology through its
daily aggressions against Iraq and that this will inspire Iraqi soldiers'
will power to protect their country.
Saddam did not specify the enemy, but he was apparently alluding to the
United States, which, supported by Britain, has been sending warplanes to
patrol the no-fly zones in northern and southern Iraq since 1991 to
allegedly protect the Kurds and the Shiite Muslims from possible attacks by
the Iraqi government troops.
The Iraqi air defense force, which has regularly fired missiles at the U.S.
and British aircraft overflying the two air exclusion zones, has mustered
more and more efforts to shoot down the hostile planes.
U.S. President George W. Bush and the Pentagon said on July 26 that Iraqi
air defense force nearly hit a high-flying U-2 spy plane and threatened to
launch a major air strike against Iraq's air defense system.
Iraq has since vowed to continue challenging the U.S. and British jets
monitoring the two no-fly zones.

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DPRK Condemns US for Refusal of North-South Joint Declaration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.

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.DPRK Condemns US for Refusal of North-South Joint Declaration
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
 ) condemned the United
States   Wednesday for
refusing the North-South Joint Declaration and hindering its implementation.

Yang Hyong Sop, vice president of the Presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's
Assembly, said at a meeting that the United States is not ready to recognize
the spirit of the June 15 North- South joint declaration which has been
supported by the world since its adoption a year ago, and still hamstrings
its implementation in every way.

He said that inter-Korean multi-faceted dialogues are now in a state of
abeyance and the atmosphere of the Cold War is prevailing again on the
Korean Peninsula, which is entirely attributable to the U.S. moves of
aggression and intervention.

Discontent with talks of "missile threat from the DPRK," the Bush
administration is ballyhooing about the "threat" of its conventional
weapons. This is a preposterous and blatant challenge to the DPRK, Yang

He reaffirmed that the DPRK's missile program is of pure peaceful nature and
threatens nobody. It is the legitimate sovereign right of the DPRK to push
forward its peaceful missile program.

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Iraq Vows to Use "All Means" in Self-Defense Against US Attacks [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

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.Iraq Vows to Use "All Means" in Self-Defense Against US Attacks
Iraq has the legal rights to defend itself "by all means" against any
possible US attacks, a senior Iraqi official said Thursday.
"Iraq will defend its sovereignty by all means under the international law,"
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Naji Sabri Ahmed told Iraqi
Ahmed made the remarks after the United States threatened recently to launch
fresh military attacks on Iraq.
The threats showed the "foolishness and bankruptcy" of the US policy toward
Iraq, he said. 
Last week, US President George W. Bush and the Pentagon threatened to launch
air strikes on the Iraqi air defense system after the Iraqi air defense
force nearly hit a US high-flying U-2 spy plane.
Pentagon sources said on Tuesday that the US was drawing up plans for a
military response to Iraq, which is reportedly stepping up a campaign to
shoot down a US plane patrolling the no-fly zones in southern and northern
Iraq, whose air defense force has regularly fired missiles at US and British
aircraft overflying the two air exclusion zones, has since repeated its
resolve to challenge the US and British jets.
The Western allies imposed the no-fly zones in 1991 to allegedly protect the
Kurds in the north and the Shiite Muslims in the south from possible attacks
by Iraqi government troops.
Iraq does not recognized the two zones, which are not covered by any United
Nations Security Council resolutions.

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Vietnam "deeply worried" about attacks on Palestine [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.Vietnam "deeply worried" about attacks on Palestine

Vietnam deeply worries about Israel's recent military attacks on a number of
Palestinian-controlled areas in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, said
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Phan Thuy Thanh on August 2.

"These attacks," she stressed, "have seriously violated the Israel-Palestine
cease-fire agreement signed on June 13 this year."

The spokeswoman was answering correspondents' questions about Vietnam's
reaction to the increasing violence in the Middle East.

"We call for an immediate end to the violence and a return to the
negotiating table to hammer out a fair and long-term solution to the
Palestine-Israel conflict, for the benefit of both parties," Ms Thanh said
in conclusion. (VNA)

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International Solidarity Conference with Colombia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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- Original Message - 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 12:09 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] International Solidarity Conference with Colombia

[WW] International Solidarity Conference
with Colombia
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 23:17:53 -0400

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Aug. 9, 2001
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Rebeca Toledo
San Salvador, El Salvador

Over 400 people from 35 countries, representing
about 50
organizations, made the First International
Gathering in
Solidarity and for Peace in Colombia and Latin
America a
resounding success.

All of Central and South America was represented,
as well as
countries in the Caribbean, Europe and North

The overwhelmingly youthful crowd cheered, waved
chanted and applauded the many international
speakers who
spoke out against Washington's Plan Colombia, for
peace with
social justice, and in defense of the
revolutionary movement
in that country.

The Faribundo Marti National Liberation (FMLN) of
Salvador managed to host the event despite extreme
The U.S. government, through its embassy in the
country, put
pressure on the University of El Salvador to
cancel the
event. A week before the event, some university
pulled out, leaving FMLN organizers scrambling for
a new

It was a particularly treacherous move on the part
university officials, given the long, heroic
history of
struggle at the university. Even so, the FMLN
managed to
arrange to shuttle all participants to the event
despite the
fact that each day's session had to be held at a

The opening night's fiery speeches set the tone of
gathering. Dr. Fabio Castillo, general coordinator
of the
FMLN, said: "The world has been globalized. But it
is not an
irreversible globalization of neoliberalism. It
will become
a globalization of the left."

As speeches continued, a big screen flashed
pictures of Che
Guevara and Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was one of the
conveners of
the meeting.

Comandante Arturo Campos, member of the
Commission of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Peoples Army (FARC-EP), opened his talk by
proclaiming, "We
do not renounce the fight for power and

He continued: "The struggle against imperialism
strengthened the left and can be seen in the
revolution in Venezuela, led by President Hugo
Chavez; the
Indigenous and popular uprisings in Ecuador; the
strikes in
Argentina; the struggle in Puerto Rico to end the
military practices on Vieques; the resistance of
the people
of the Dominican Republic and the Caribbean.

"It can be seen in the advances of the Sandinistas
Nicaragua, the strength of the FMLN, the heroic
of the people of Cuba against the criminal U.S.
blockade and
the continental resistance to Plan Colombia."


Speaking of the talks with the Colombian
government of
Andres Pastrana, he said: "We have proposed a
government of
national reconciliation-pluralist, patriotic and
where more diverse sectors of society can be
including the armed insurgents, ethnic, Indigenous
mestizo people. For this we have constructed a

"This first gathering is the place to create a
and international movement whose fundamental
objective will
not only be solidarity, but will also be to build
to the degradation of the environment,
privatization, the
national debt, and FTAA [Free Trade Area of the
and to secure democratic participation and

Angela Torres Torres from the National Liberation
Army of
Colombia also spoke, to a rousing standing
ovation. Bringing
her organization's solidarity to the gathering,
she said,
"We will continue to fight and we will be on the

On the second day participants presented position
papers and
working groups hashed out conference resolutions.
Heinz Dieterich, president of the Forum for
Emancipation and
Identity of Latin America in Mexico, spoke on Plan
and the economies of Latin America.

Dieterich mapped out the U.S. strategy to isolate
countries in the region such as Venezuela,
Colombia and
Ecuador. He said Washington's reasons for
escalation are
both political and economic. And he said that the
rise of
Bolivarism is a direct threat to imperialist
designs on the

Angel Ibarre, president of UNES, spoke about Plan
effects on the ecology and the environment. He
said the
environmental struggle is connected to the
struggle for
solidarity and peace.


Turkey: TKP-ML Death-Faster Dies [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Red Rebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 2:25 AM
Subject: [red_activism] Turkey: TKP-ML Death-Faster Dies

Turkish prisoner hunger strike death toll hits 30

August 3, 2001 Posted: 12:23 PM EDT (1623 GMT)

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- A hunger striker protesting Turkey's prison
system starved to death Friday, raising the number of prisoners who have
died in the months-long protest to 30, the Anatolia news agency

The hunger strikers, all members of banned leftist groups, are
protesting new maximum-security prisons with small cells that, they say,
leave prisoners isolated and open to abuse by guards. The prisoners were
transferred to the new prisons from large dormitory-style wards late
last year.


Muharrem Horoz, 28, a member of the banned Turkish Workers Communist
Liberation Army/Marxist-Leninist or TKP-ML TIKKO, died at Izmit
hospital, in northwest Turkey, Anatolia said.

Ozgur Gelecek, a leftist newspaper close to the TKP-ML TIKKO, confirmed
Horoz's death.

Some 200 prisoners from leftist groups and their relatives have been
fasting since last year, taking sugared or salted water with vitamins to
keep themselves alive and prolong the fast.

Horoz had been fasting for 236 days at northwest Kandira prison. He was
taken to Izmit hospital 10 days ago after his condition deteriorated,
Anatolia and Ozgur Gelecek said.

Anatolia said Horoz was in prison pending the outcome of a trial in
which he is accused of involvement in a 1999 bomb attack that injured a
provincial governor and killed three people, including the governor's
bodyguard. Prosecutors had demanded the death sentence for Horoz and 28
other defendants.

The government has introduced laws that allow prisoners limited communal
activity and opens prisons to independent inspections -- moves which
human rights groups have said do not go far enough.

The government has ruled out a return to a system of large wards that
were often run by leftist, Kurdish or radical Islamic groups.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material
may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey

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CIA paid millions to Montesinos [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 1:08 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] CIA paid millions to Montesinos

Published Friday, August 3, 2001
in the Miami Herald
CIA paid millions to Montesinos
Herald World Staff

LIMA, Peru -- The Central Intelligence Agency paid the
Peruvian intelligence organization run by fallen spymaster
Vladimiro Montesinos $1 million a year for 10 years to fight
drug trafficking, despite evidence that Montesinos was also
in business with Colombian narcotraffickers, The Herald has

Montesinos, 56 and in jail near Lima on corruption charges, is
now dragging the CIA into his legal battles, asking Peruvian
court officials to interrogate two CIA officers as part of his
defense against charges that he helped smuggle guns to
guerrillas who provide protection to Colombian

Despite attempts by the U.S. government to distance itself
from the powerful Peruvian intelligence chief, years of
cooperation with Montesinos dating to the mid-1970s may
be coming back to haunt the United States.

New documents obtained by The Herald show how the CIA and
State Department first cultivated Montesinos decades ago, and
how the U.S. government maintained a relationship with him for
a quarter-century despite warnings that he was working for
both sides in the drug war.

In a document dated July 27, 1991, the U.S. Army Intelligence
and Threat Policy Center reported that Peruvian Gen. Luis
Palomino Rodríguez had showed up at a U.S. defense attache's
home wearing a bulletproof vest and warned that Montesinos was
trying to ``frustrate joint U.S.-Peruvian counter-drug

By then Montesinos was already receiving large sums of CIA
cash. Officials speaking on condition of anonymity said that
the CIA has told Peruvian investigators that the agency gave
Montesinos' National Intelligence Service $1 million annually
from 1990 to 2000. The CIA declined to comment.

Now Montesinos is looking for CIA help again to defend himself
against charges of selling arms to narcotrafficking guerrillas
in Colombia. Judge Jimena Cayo Rivera-Schreiber, one of six
judges on a special Peruvian anti-corruption court that's
probing alleged illicit activity by Montesinos, said the
former intelligence chief has given court officials the names
of two CIA officers who can provide him with an alibi.

Cayo would not name the officers, but said Montesinos
claims they can vouch that he had nothing to do with a ring
that smuggled arms from Jordan through Peru to guerrillas
in the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

``He says it's the CIA that told him about this,'' Cayo said,
adding that court officials are trying to get sworn statements
from the CIA officials.

Investigators are trying to determine whether Montesinos
diverted any of the money the CIA provided for anti-drug
efforts into his own pockets. At least $270 million allegedly
belonging to Montesinos has been found in secret bank
accounts around the globe.

The judges who are investigating Montesinos, and are able
to provide some of the first public glimpses of this highly
secretive man, describe him as compulsive, orderly and
accustomed to stature.

In prison, he has insisted on dining on Gerber baby food
 -- to soothe his gastritis -- with fancy cutlery brought by his
family. Appearing to forget that he is in prison, he sought
unsuccessfully to persuade his keepers to allow him a
different menu each day, and to be served separate courses.

Once a key ally of former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori
and the architect of Peru's successful war against leftist
rebels, Montesinos now faces 57 cases against him and at least
168 criminal investigations, divided among the six
anti-corruption judges.

The probes cover 24 crimes from money laundering, illicit
enrichment and corruption to organizing death squads,
protecting drug lords and illegal arms trafficking.

Since his capture, speculation has been intense that
Montesinos would try to link the United States to his illicit
activities. The CIA and U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
have privately defended him against detractors in the past.

A declassified DEA document written on Aug. 27, 1996, shows
U.S. authorities were aware of allegations that Montesinos and
the chairman of Peru's joint chiefs of staff, Gen. Nicolás
Hermoza Ríos, also in jail now, were taking protection money
from drug traffickers.

Newly declassified U.S. government documents provided to The
Herald show that the State Department and the CIA cultivated
Montesinos as early as 1974.

State Department documents obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act by the National Security Archive, a Washington
foreign policy research center, indicate that the U.S. Emba

Macedonia Prepares for Military Solution: President [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
Macedonia Prepares for Military Solution: President
Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski said Thursday "an efficient military
solution" will not be ruled out as an option to end his country's
months-long crisis, said reports reaching in Tirana from Skopje, capital of
In a televised address to the nation marking the national day, Trajkovski
said, "We give preference to a political solution, but we're completely
ready for an efficient military solution."
"Macedonia will defend every inch of its territory and we will do that in a
way that requires a minimum of casualties and destruction," said the
The agreement, reached Tuesday on the future status of the Albanian
language, has yet to be signed, said Trajkovski. But he described the deal
as a minor progress in the peace talks between the Macedonian government and
ethnic Albanian rebels.
After days of marathon talks, Macedonian and Albanian negotiators Tuesday
reached an agreement on the status of the Albanian language, one of the most
contentious issues between the two sides. However, the makeup of the police
forces in the Albanian-dominated areas still remains as a stumbling block in
the talks. 
Moreover, Macedonian Prime Minister Ljupco Georgievski and President of the
National Assembly Stojan Andov also called for disarming the ethnic Albanian

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DPRK's stand to boost its relations with Russia hailed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.DPRK's stand to boost its relations with Russia hailed
  Pyongyang, August 3 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il clarified the
DPRK-Russia relations and prospect of its development in his answers to
questions raised by Itar-Tass. The Pyongyang summit of the leaders of the
two countries held last year was a landmark event in developing the friendly
relations between the DPRK and Russia onto a new higher stage.
The DPRK-Russia joint declaration signed during the visit of the Russian
President to the DPRK as well as the DPRK-Russia treaty of friendship,
good-neighborliness and cooperation signed in February last year are
historic documents that provide a guarantee for promoting the friendly
relations between the two countries.
Practical measures have been taken by the two countries concerning
cooperation in the fields of the economy, military affairs, science,
technology, education and culture.
There are ample conditions for boosting the bilateral friendly and
cooperative relations and their prospect is very bright.
Kim Jong Il noted in the answers that the development of the relations
is of great significance in ensuring peace and security in Asia and the rest
of the world. Officials of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries made pledges to make energetic efforts for the development
of the relations, true to his foreign policy.
Its vice-chairman Jon Yong Jin resolved to take the lead in implementing
the independent foreign policy of the Workers' Party of Korea so as to
devote himself to enhancing the DPRK's international prestige and creating
favorable international environment for the Korean revolution.
Its vice-chairman Ho Hae Ryong vowed to loyally uphold the WPK's foreign
policy for global independence in the efforts to glorify the immortal
exploits performed by Kim Jong Il for the development of the relations.

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Colombia: "Infrared Video" Military Surveillance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 6:07 AM
Subject: Colombia: "Infrared Video" Military Surveillance [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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 Colombian Army Kills More Than 60

.c The Associated Press

"Infrared video reportedly taken from a military surveillance plane showed
the ghostly images of rebels caught in the open - some sprawled on the ground
and others attempting to run away. The video was shown on TV newscasts here.

The local resident said he saw more than 60 wounded rebels, some with their
legs blown off, being helped out of Juan Jose by fellow guerrillas. Others
carried away the bodies of dead rebels in body bags and hammocks."

  08/02: AOL News:
Colombian Army Kills More Than 60

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Government troops pursued a battered guerrilla column
through the mountains Thursday after reportedly killing about 60 rebels in
one of the military's biggest battlefield victories in years.

Colombian commanders were jubilant at how a combined air and ground assault
had blunted a rebel attack in the village of Juan Jose and then decimated the

``The country has seen an army on the offensive, an army chasing and battling
these bandits,'' Gen. Enrique Mora, the commander of the army, told reporters
Wednesday evening.

Witnesses said the rebels on Tuesday had been attacking an army outpost in
Juan Jose, 250 miles northwest of Bogota, when U.S.-made Blackhawk
helicopters came to the rescue, sweeping over the town and unleashing a
barrage of rockets and machine-gun fire.

``When the helicopters began firing from above, the guerrillas ran around
like mad, and then ran into homes to hide,'' one unidentified resident told
El Meridiano, a local newspaper.

Warplanes also joined the counterattack, strafing and bombing the guerrillas,
said Gen. Fernando Tapias, chief of Colombia's armed forces. About 60 rebels
were killed and 13 soldiers died in the fighting, Tapias said.

Infrared video reportedly taken from a military surveillance plane showed the
ghostly images of rebels caught in the open - some sprawled on the ground and
others attempting to run away. The video was shown on TV newscasts here.

The local resident said he saw more than 60 wounded rebels, some with their
legs blown off, being helped out of Juan Jose by fellow guerrillas. Others
carried away the bodies of dead rebels in body bags and hammocks.

The mayor of the biggest town in the area, Puerto Libertador, said he
approached Juan Jose on Wednesday to find out what was happening and got
within 20 minutes from the village.

``I could hear lots of firing and explosions,'' Mayor Julio Sanchez said in a
telephone interview. ``Many planes and helicopters were also passing overhead
- you could tell there was a big operation going on.''

Sanchez said it was quiet in the area on Thursday. Troops were chasing the
surviving guerrillas farther into the surrounding forests, Tapias said.
Thirteen government soldiers were reported killed in the fighting.

A spokeswoman at an office of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or
FARC, said the rebels were assessing the military situation and had no
immediate comment on the fighting. The spokeswoman was reached at a FARC
office inside a safe haven in southern Colombia that President Andres
Pastrana granted to the rebels in order to jump-start peace talks. After more
than two years, peace talks with Colombia's biggest rebel group have produced
few results.

Tapias said ``technical intelligence'' allowed the military to track the
rebel column before the battle erupted, and that another column of 500 to 600
rebels was being tracked in eastern Colombia. The army was mobilizing troops
to attack that column, which Tapias said recently departed from the FARC safe

Tapias did not say where the technical intelligence was coming from. The
United States can gain such information from its spy planes and satellite
imagery. The U.S. Embassy said it had no immediate comment on whether the
United States was providing this information to the Colombian military.

The Blackhawks used in the fighting around Juan Jose were purchased from the
United States and were not part of the fleet of helicopters that is being
donated by Washington as part of a 1.3 billion anti-narcotics aid package,
Colombian military sources said.

The FARC, as well as a right-wing paramilitary group, is earning huge profits
by ``taxing'' cocaine and heroin producers. The money is fueling Colombia's
37-year civil war by allowing the illegal armed groups to better equip
themselves and recruit more combatants.


Anti-imperialist/anti-authoritarian converge to denver, CO, directly after IMF/

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 2:30 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Anti-imperialist/anti-authoritarian converge to denver,
CO, directly after IMF/WB

anti-imperialist/anti-authoritarian converge to
denver,CO directly after IMF/WB
 Fri, 03 Aug 2001 21:06:53 -

howdy. organizing efforts are underway for a large
after the IMF/world bank actions in DC. we are
trying to spread the
as much ans possible, and anything you can do to
help is awesome too.
we are asking groups to endorse/ participate in
the revolutionary
bloc. as this is openly an indigenous people's
issue, feel it is
(and have been invited) for anarchists( growing
in philosophy) to show solidarity, and offer a
full critque of the
that creates and perpetuates colonialism, and
domination of all

 On October 5th through the 8th there will be an
ongoing series of
against the columbus day parade and moreover
against colonialism and
imperialism in Denver, Colorado. American Indian
Movement, along with
the Direct Action Network, Barrio Warriors and
many other activist
will be trying to, as much as possible, transform
columbus day into a
festival of resistance in the streets. After the
massive police
from last year when 1000 people protested columbus
day, we have chosen
to organize our own revolutionary-anti-imperialist

The Columbus Day Parade is a celebration of
genocide, of imperialism,
of racism, and the deep roots of what is now being
or neoCOLONIALISM. It is the landing of Columbus
which began the
annihilation of all things wild, and began a
culture of domination and
hierarchy in the Americas.

We are calling for a large scale international
mobilization of all
of anti-authoritarian anti-imperialist
revolutionaries to descend on
Denver, Colorado in a bloc and help finally end
Columbus day. We feel
it is imperative to offer not only a critique of
columbus day but of
all forms of colonialism and imperialism and
hierarchy and also to
the revolutionary vision that advocates the
radical transformation of
society based on pure freedom, mutual aid direct
democracy, and
community. a society where there would be no
columbus day.

We feel it is important that each group has its
own power to organize

We recognize a diversity of tactics, and would
like mutual respect for

We wish for a giant carnival against colonialism
to erupt and end any
hope that there could ever be another columbus

The columbus day parade started in Colorado, and
it will end in

for all your anti-imperialist desires and dreams.
For hope of a new
join us!

solidarity and freedom.

RAIB (Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Bloc)

Colorado Anarchist Network (liaison)
(303) 285-3481 x9759 - voicemail/fax

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Clash over bombing site turns violent in Vieques [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 7:44 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Clash over bombing site turns violent in Vieques

Published Saturday, August 4, 2001
in the Miami Herald
Clash over bombing site
turns violent in Vieques
Rubber bullets fired at crowd

A clash between protesters and U.S. security personnel that
involved the firing of rubber bullets at civilians heightened
tensions Friday between the U.S. Navy and opponents of
its use of a target range in Puerto Rico.

The latest clashes on Vieques island ended in the predawn
hours Friday when U.S. marshals assisting the Navy with
security along the range's perimeter fired ``rubber foam
ballistics,'' bean bags and tear gas at a group consisting of
protesters and journalists. Another round of bombing
maneuvers had started hours earlier.

No one was seriously hurt, but the fact that someone -- in
this case, a photographer for the Associated Press -- was
struck raised concern over the escalating drama.

``It is very clear the Navy will use whatever is necessary to
make this [protests] go away,'' said Félix Matos-Rodríguez,
director for the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter
College in New York.

Navy officials said security personnel retaliated after hooded
protesters shook the fence surrounding the northern part of
the range and threw rocks, Molotov cocktails and other objects
at armed security guards.

Authorities also detained at least 19 protesters Friday who
were caught trespassing restricted areas of the 900-acre
range. Activists deny they were hostile.

Authorities said the use of rubber bullets is one of several
options they can use for crowd control, but it was not clear
if this particular type had been employed before to quell
disturbances by civilians at military installations.

``I don't know if we've used these foam rubber ballistics
before or when was the last time we've used them,'' said
Melyssa Webb, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Marshals Service in

The disturbance again placed a national spotlight on a debate
that could force President Bush into a politically precarious

``This is not just a Puerto Rico issue,'' Matos-Rodríguez
said. ``It has become a Latino civil rights, environmental and
social justice issue.''

Bush has promised the Navy will leave Vieques by 2003, a move
that was viewed by critics as a way to boost support among
Hispanic voters. But in a nonbinding local referendum earlier
this week, nearly 70 percent of Vieques' voters
If the Puerto Rican police `would provide the protection they
have agreed to, we would not get into these unfortunate

``Any change in the 2003 deadline is going to be seen as an
even more aggressive way to pander to the Latino vote,''
Matos-Rodríguez said. ``But Bush also runs the risk of the
situation in Vieques continuing to escalate.''

An early pullout also could undermine the president's
Republican support.

Several members of Congress have been vocal about the
military's need to train, including Rep. Curt Weldon,
R-Pennsylvania, chairman of the House Readiness Subcommittee
and a senior member of the Armed Services Committee.

Earlier this week, the committee recommended that the Navy
continue bombing practices until an equal or better site
becomes available.

``You can't just get rid of a major facility without finding a
suitable alternative site,'' said Bud DeFlaviis, a spokesman
for Weldon. ``Congressman Weldon is committed to ensuring that
our troops are properly trained, that our military is ready
when they are called upon.''

Over the past two years, protest organizers have stepped up
their campaign to oust the Navy by including celebrities and
high-profile politicians in groups penetrating the target
range in an effort to disrupt practices.

Puerto Rico's Gov. Sila Calderón also has backed the effort to
shut down the target range with full-page ads in some of the
nation's largest newspapers at a cost of at least $400,000.

Her administration also has matched a $50 million pledge tied
to a binding referendum in November.

If the referendum takes place, Vieques voters will determine
if the Navy must leave by May 2003.

If it is allowed to stay, it can resume using live ammunition
and the Vieques municipality of 9,300 would have access to $50
million to be used for economic development, housing and

Calderón also has stressed that protests must remain peaceful
and has ordered additional police officers to maintain order
in Vieques.

But police presence in the hilly area where the disturbance
occurred remains sparse, Navy officials complained.

``They know that this has been a problem area,'' said Bob
Nelson, a Navy spokesman at Roosevelt 

Last WWI "Xmas in the trenches" vet dies at 106 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[Here is the poem which was written about
the incident in the article below... Bill]

Christmas in the Trenches  by John McCutcheon

My name is Francis Tolliver, I come from Liverpool.
Two years ago the war was waiting for me after school.
To Belgium and to Flanders, to Germany to here
I fought for King and country I love dear.
'Twas Christmas in the trenches, where the frost so bitter hung,
The frozen fields of France were still, no Christmas song was sung
Our families back in England were toasting us that day
Their brave and glorious lads so far away.

I was lying with my messmate on the cold and rocky ground
When across the lines of battle came a most peculiar sound
Says I, "Now listen up, me boys!" each soldier strained to hear
As one young German voice sang out so clear.
"He's singing bloody well, you know!" my partner says to me
Soon, one by one, each German voice joined in harmony
The cannons rested silent, the gas clouds rolled no more
As Christmas brought us respite from the war

As soon as they were finished and a reverent pause was spent
"God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen" struck up some lads from Kent
The next they sang was "Stille Nacht." "Tis 'Silent Night'," says I
And in two tongues one song filled up that sky
"There's someone coming toward us!" the front line sentry cried
All sights were fixed on one lone figure trudging from their side
His truce flag, like a Christmas star, shown on that plain so bright
As he, bravely, strode unarmed into the night

Soon one by one on either side walked into No Man's Land
With neither gun nor bayonet we met there hand to hand
We shared some secret brandy and we wished each other well
And in a flare-lit soccer game we gave 'em hell
We traded chocolates, cigarettes, and photographs from home
These sons and fathers far away from families of their own
Young Sanders played his squeezebox and they had a violin
This curious and unlikely band of men

Soon daylight stole upon us and France was France once more
With sad farewells we each prepared to settle back to war
But the question haunted every heart that lived that wonderous night
"Whose family have I fixed within my sights?"
'Twas Christmas in the trenches where the frost, so bitter hung
The frozen fields of France were warmed as songs of peace were sung
For the walls they'd kept between us to exact the work of war
Had been crumbled and were gone forevermore

My name is Francis Tolliver, in Liverpool I dwell
Each Christmas come since World War I, I've learned its lessons well
That the ones who call the shots won't be among the dead and lame
And on each end of the rifle we're the same

[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Steve Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: Last WWI "Xmas in the trenches" vet dies at 106 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

The New York Times

Bertie Felstead, Soldier Who Joined a Timeout in
War, Dies at 106


 Bertie Felstead, the last known surviving member of
the British battalion in World War I that laid down
its weapons to play soccer with the Germans in a
spontaneous and long-remembered Christmas truce of
1915, died July 22 in Gloucester, England. He was 106.

 The truce lasted perhaps half an hour and it meant
nothing in the grand schemes of the Western Front
generals. But the gesture by Private Felstead's Royal
Welch Fusiliers and the Bavarian infantrymen who faced
them resonates in the British consciousness as a
poignant interlude of civility during a time of
unrelenting carnage.

 On Christmas Day 1914, there were many instances of
British and German soldiers emerging from their
trenches to fraternize. Commanders on both sides
warned that this was never to happen again.

 But it did happen the next year, on Christmas Day,
near the snowy village of Laventie, France, west of

 As Mr. Felstead recalled it two years ago, his
mortar battalion was shivering in its trenches on
Christmas Eve when it heard "All Through the Night" in
the German lines 100 yards away.

 "It wasn't long before we were singing as well,
`Good King Wenceslas,' I think it was," he remembered.
"You couldn't hear each other sing like that without
it affecting your feelings for the
other side.

 "Christmas Day, there was shouting between the
trenches, `Hello Tommy, Hello Fritz,' and that broke a
lot more ice. A few of the Germans came out first and
started walking over. A whole mass of us went out to
meet them. Nothing was planned.

 "Some of them were smoking cigars and offered us
cigarettes. We offered them some of ours and we

Kim Meets Putin After Visiting Lenin's Tomb [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-04 Thread Bill Howard

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Macdonald Stainsby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 12:03 PM
Subject: Kim Meets Putin After Visiting Lenin's Tomb

Kim Meets Putin After Visiting Lenin's Tomb

Filed at 5:11 a.m. ET

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin met North Korea's Kim
Jong-il in Moscow on Saturday, with trade ties top of the declared agenda but
Western eyes on Stalinist Pyongyang's ballistic missile ambitions.

The ``Dear Leader'' visited the tomb of embalmed Bolshevik revolutionary
Vladimir Lenin before sweeping out of a cordoned-off Red Square in his
Russian-made Zil limousine and heading for the Kremlin to meet Putin.

Putin congratulated Kim on completing his nine-day train journey across Siberia
to Moscow and said the visit would give a ``good boost'' to relations between
Russia and North Korea, which the United States calls a dangerous ``rogue

``I have really looked forward to this day,'' Interfax news agency quoted Kim as
saying. Both men lauded the development of relations between Pyongyang and
Moscow since Putin's trip to North Korea last year.

``Since our meeting, relations between our countries have developed very
positively,'' Itar-Tass news agency quoted Putin said. ``And the Moscow
declaration which will be signed today is also a result of this year's work.''

Russian officials have not ruled out an arms deal being agreed over the weekend,
but they have focused on the development of trade ties, which Moscow says can
help foster stability on the Korean peninsula.


The day began with an eerie echo of Russia's Communist days, as Kim's convoy of
more than 15 black cars pulled into Red Square and Kim stepped up to the Lenin's
red and black mausoleum.

Beneath sharp-shooters stationed on the Kremlin towers, Kim laid a wreath at
Lenin's tomb, with a band that said in Korean: ''Kim Jong-il -- V.I. Lenin.''

Kim entered the mausoleum for a few minutes before returning to his limousine
and heading for talks with Putin.

Kim arrived on Friday night in Moscow after a nine-day train ride across
Siberia. He swapped his 21-carriage armored carriage for a suite in the Kremlin,
where he slept in the suite occupied by his father Kim Il-sung in 1984.

``I now know Russia as well, perhaps better, than a few Russian politicians,''
Interfax quoted Kim as telling Putin of his train trip ``And I managed to get to
know the nature and the feelings of the Russian people.''

Russia's efforts to court Kim send a strong signal to Washington that Moscow is
not afraid to deal with countries on a U.S. list of ``rogue states.''

Kim's trips to arms and space-related factories will also do little to allay
U.S. concerns about Pyongyang modernizing its Soviet-equipped armed forces, and
its supply of ballistic missile know-how to nuclear threshold states.

North Korea tops the list of states which Washington says could threaten it with
missiles and which justify its plan to build a multi-billion dollar rocket
shield. Russia says the plan would wreck three decades of arms control and start
a costly new arms race.

But during Kim's visit, Russian officials have played down the arms issue and
emphasized their desire to involve North Korea in opening up gas and trade links
to the booming economy of capitalist South Korea.

One ambitious plan touted by Russia would open the Trans-Siberian Railway to
Seoul's exports and Moscow is working on plans for a gas pipeline to China and
South Korea, which could provide the North with energy and transport fees.

Pyongyang's $1.7 billion dollar debt could also feature in talks, some in Moscow
talking of a partial write-off and rescheduling deal designed to boost trade.

On Sunday Kim is scheduled to visit Russia's mission control center and the
Khrunichev space technology firm, both near Moscow, before heading for Russia's
second city, St. Petersburg.

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.

Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.

In the contradiction lies the hope.
 --Bertholt Brecht

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2001-08-05 Thread Bill Howard

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- Original Message - 
To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 12:59 AM


>This is Raimondo bullshit at its best.  Obviously Bush's SAYING he has 
>European interests at heart doesn't actually MEAN he has European interests 
>at heart.  I mean like du-uh, even if Raimondo is stoned on grass 24 hours a 
>day (which he is) and is in bed with  former Voice of America "writer"( i.e., 
>cia employee) Trifkovic and that fascist Fleming at Rockford Institute  
>(which he is ) - still, does he think that makes us morons who will believe 
>anything?  Let's see. 

Lets see if we can stick to the issues. Is the split between EU
and FTAA widening - as we have seen on SN
yes it is by the day! Is the contention between
the 2 intensifying? Likewise by the hour!

What is the primary contradiction of the World
today - is it still the old 'East - West divide' or 
the new EU - FTAA antagonism?

What is at stake here is our understanding of
the class struggle as it is expressed at the global level
and accordingly exactly which course of action
to follow.



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Kyrgystan and the Shanghai Forum [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-05 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 1:11 AM
Subject: Kyrgystan and the Shanghai Forum 


 KYRGYZ IMU FEARS MOUNT  Two attacks in one week in the Batken region point
 to a new campaign by Islamic militants. Sultan Jumagulov and Kubat Otorbaev
 reports from Bishkek
 Uzbekistan say the authorities are prosecuting a fiercely independent
 journalist in an attempt to silence the independent media. Galima
 Bukharbaeva reports from Tashkent
 CASPIAN OIL FEUD  Ashgabat ups the ante in its Caspian Sea oilfield dispute
 with Azerbaijan. Nazik Ataeva reports from Ashgabat
 TAJIK BORDER HARDSHIP  Life in the once prosperous Khatlon province is now
 an exercise in surviving natural and man-made disasters. Saida Nazarova
 reports from Dushanbe
 Two attacks in one week in the Batken region point to a new campaign by
 Islamic militants 
 By Sultan Jumagulov and Kubat Otorbaev in Bishkek
 The second attack in a week in Kyrgystan's Batken region has raised fears
 that fighters belonging to the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, IMU, are
 launching a new campaign of violence in the region.
 Militants attempted to break into radio transmitter station, near Chauvai,
 in the Kadamjai district, on July 30. A small group of them tried to cut
 through a perimeter fence, but fled after security guards opened fire.
 were no reports of any casualties.
 The IMU's spokesman , Zubair ibn Abdurahim, confirmed that the insurgents
 were members of the guerrilla group. "These are our mujahidin," he said, in
 an exclusive telephone interview with IWPR. He added that Islamic fighters
 affiliated to the IMU were responsible for an earlier raid on a border post
 in the same region on July 24.
 In an interview with the BBC, the IMU's political leader, Takhir Yuldash,
 said the Islamic fighters had not crossed into Kyrgyztsan, but were in fact
 based in the country, a grave embarrassment for the Bishkek authorities, if
 the claim turns out to be true.
 Officials, however, have preferred to blame the two incidents on other
 parties. "It's difficult to say at the moment who these men are," Kyrgyz
 security minister Bolot Januzakov told IWPR. "But we think this might be a
 group of criminals. Maybe drug-traffickers." He suggested that they may
 been after the equipment in the station.
 But Abdurahim backs up people's worst fears in the region "We are
 to continue our jihad (holy war) against the regimes in Uzbekistan and
 Kyrgyzstan," he said, adding that while their main target is Uzbekistan,
 they now treat Kyrgyzstan as an enemy because of its opposition to the IMU.
 Asked for further information on the recent incidents, defence ministry
 spokesman Bolot Imanaliev restricted himself to commenting that," The
 situation is under control." Such mute reaction contrasts starkly with
 reports that the emergency evacuation of thousands of villagers from the
 mountains to Batken has commenced.
 The situation, though, is not so clear-cut in Batken itself, it seems. "No
 one knows what information to believe," Batken governor Mamat Aibalaev told
 IWPR. He feels, as do others, that a lack of coordination between the
 various ministries is leading to ambiguous and conflicting announcements.
 "It's more than a week since these attacks started, and the military say
 they are still finding out who is responsible," said Kyrgyz deputy Alisher
 Abdimomunov. "I have a feeling that law enforcement agencies are not in
 control, and I am more inclined to see the latest incidents as sabotage
 Omurbek Tekebaev, also a deputy, is equally concern with the current
 situation. "We spend a lot of money on defence, but these expenses don't
 seem to be justified," he said. "The mere fact that the latest inicident
 occurred 30-50 km inside Kyrgyz territory is worrying."
 Another deputy Tursunbai Bakir uulu said the attacks might have been a
 reaction to Kyrgyzstan's participation in the Shanghai Forum - an
 organisation which has dedicated itself to combating terrorism and armed
 Islamic groups in the region. "Kyrgyzstan should have abstained from
 this organisation," he said.
  "The mujahidin won't forgive us for this." Although officials are trying
 not to spread panic among the public, there are signs that the Kyrgyz and
 Uzbek military are taking the incidents seriously. In the last week, there
 have been a number of high-level meetings between the military leadership
 Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan a

Russia: Novosti Reports On Kim Jong Il Visit [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-05 Thread Bill Howard

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, August 05, 2001 1:01 AM
Subject: Russia: Novosti Reports On Kim Jong Il Visit

From: "Juche 86" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 03:20:54 +0100
To: "Juche Insurrection" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Juche Insurrection] Russia: Novosti Reports On Kim Jong Il Visit

Russian Informationtion Agency - Novosti


Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, welcomes the visit
by North Korean leader Kim Chong-Il to Russia, but is surprised with the
unprecedented security measures. Speaking at a Moscow press conference, Mr
Gorbachev approved of Russian top officials' dialogue with their North
Korean counterparts.

Mikhail Gorbachev added that Russia's opinion was heeded in North Korea.
According to the former USSR president, the dialogue will be useful,
especially considering the current situation on the Korean Peninsula.

At the same time, Gorbachev is surprised at the unprecedented security
measures taken along the route of the North Korean leader. This arouses
concern, said the former USSR president, adding that these tightened
security measures smacked of the Stalin times.


authorities have prepared a busy program for the North Korean leader, Kim

The North Korean head of state will arrive in the city by a reserved train
in the wee hours of Monday, August 6. The guest of honour is expected to
stay at the presidential room de luxe of the Sheraton-Nevsky Palace hotel.

On the official agenda of the visit is a meeting with St. Pete's governor
Vladimir Yakovlev in Smolny.

According to a RIA Novosti correspondent, upon the arrival in the city, Kim
Chong-Il is expected to head for the Piskaryovskoye cemetery where victims
of the 1941-44 Leningrad Blockade by Nazi troops are buried. There he will
lay wreaths to the Statue of the Motherland near the graves of nearly
500,000 people.

Afterwards, the North Korean leader is to visit Hermitage--a largest museum
of history and arts. The Hermitage press service has told RIA that Hermitage
Director Mikhail Piotrovsky will show Kim Chong-Il around the halls of
Italian paintings, and the high-profile guest will have the chance to see
authentic Leonardo da Vincis. The North Korean head of state is also
expected to visit the Malachite and Throne Halls of the Winter Palace
/formerly the residence of Russian tsars, now housing Hermitage

During his St. Pete visit, the North Korean leader will not only see the
sights of the city but visit its industrial behemoths--the Leningrad metal
works /LMZ/ and the Kirov plant. The press service of the Silovye Machiny
concern, including LMZ, told RIA Novosti that the North Korean leader would
not sign any documents but would simply inspect the enterprise's work.

On Monday evening Kim Chong-Il might go to the Mariinsky Theatre to see the
La Sylphide ballet. Tickets to this performance can be easily bought in the
theatre's ticket windows, as RIA Novosti was told in the Mariinsky Theatre.


Russian president Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Chong-Il have
outlined areas and ways of developing bilateral cooperation in political,
economic, military, science-technical and cultural domains. This is what the
Moscow declaration that the two leaders signed in the Kremlin on Saturday

The sides agreed to first realise the projects of reconstructing jointly
built enterprises, in particular, energy-generating ones, on the basis of
solving the problems of the past in the bilateral calculations, and gave
corresponding instructions to their governments.

The Russian side, runs the document, reiterated its intention to attract
foreign funds for the realisation of some bilateral projects, and this
initiative was welcomed with understanding by the Korean delegation.

In addition, the parties pledged to spare no effort to implement the project
of constructing a railway transport corridor linking the North and the South
of the Korean Peninsula with Russia and Europe, on the basis of the
principles of mutual advantage recognised worldwide. They added that the
project of linking Korean and Russian railways was being taken off the

Imperialism & Communism: Old Allies? - New Enemies! [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-06 Thread Bill Howard

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: JUSTIN RAIMONDO and (on the other hand) the world [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

>I think those who rely on the EU-FTAA "antagonism" to save us make a big 
>mistake.  Only the mobilization of ordinary people, who are not (like the US 
>and Europe) PRIMARILY united in going on an international sitttck-up, can 
>save us.  

It is not only the question of our unity against
our common enemy but also the question of
the disparity within our enemy which has to 
be understood and acted upon.

Up until now NATO has chosen only to launch
attacks upon comparitively small, weak countries
such as Yugoslavia but even now the antagonism
within the Wests social system, expressed as
internal competition is rising to the fore.

As as been pointed out on the List many times
these attacks are merely an aspect of a general
thrust toward the East gravitating toward the
capture of Russia via China or the capture of
China via Russia, even on this strategic goal
the twin heads of NATO appear to be in disagreement.

Should the old 'East/West divide', which as we
all know means; Imperialism/Communism be
superceded at a critical moment by the new NATO/FTAA antagonism this
will bound to be given full expression in Yugoslavia,
Iraq, Colombia, Cuba, China, Russia and all over
the World.

We would be best placed to know exactly when
that moment occurs.



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Allies Join US in Developing Theater Missile Defense [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-06 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Allies Join US in Developing Theater Missile Defense
At least half a dozen countries are now working together with the United
States   on theater
missile defense which the Bush administration expects to be integrated into
a "layered" shield eventually to protect against intercontinental ballistic
missiles, The Washington Post reported on Saturday.

The Washington Post said that the United States has undertaken joint
research with Germany
 , Italy
 , Japan
 , Israel
  and some other
countries on theater missile defense, a shield system that is meant to cover
"a modest amount of territory or a cluster of warships" from short- and
medium-range missiles.

Germany and Italy have joined the US defense department in research on the
development of the Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS), a highly
mobile system designed to strike down short-range missiles to protect
far-flung troops in hot spots. The three countries entered a 216 million
dollars contract last month for the initial design of MEADS, and this is
"the first defense initiative ever started on the basis of technical
requirements devised by the Pentagon and its international partners," the
newspaper said. 

The US Navy is working with Germany, Italy and the Netherlands
  for research
on sea-based theater missile defense. The four countries met in April 1999
and agreed to cooperate on the program, said The Washington Post,
attributing the information to a senior US Navy official.

According to the Navy official, the US Navy also has discussed with its
British counterparts on the development of software for a tracking system
that combines S-band radar, used for detecting missile launches, and X-band
radar, used to distinguish among multiple objects in a "cluttered"

Meanwhile, in August 1999, Washington and Tokyo signed a memorandum of
understanding, which calls for Japanese scientists to seek technologies for
an advanced sea-based interceptor, including ceramics for lightweight nose
cones and two-color infrared sensors.

"But the Pentagon's most advanced partnership on missile defenses is with
Israel. The two countries have developed the Arrow to shoot down
medium-range ballistic missiles," The Washington Post said.

In a test last September, the Arrow intercepted a missile launched from an
F-15 over the Mediterranean in a trajectory simulating a Scud B missile.

The United States has provided 60 percent of the 2 billion dollars cost of
the Arrow program, which was designed to shoot down Iran
 's Shahab missiles
with a range of about 1,200 miles.

The United States and Israel also have devised the Tactical High Energy
Laser, and in recent tests at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico
 , the laser weapon has
successfully knocked down more than 20 Katyushas, The Washington Post said.

It added that Israel may soon deploy the laser weapon in its northern border
to protest against Katyusha rockets fired from neighboring Lebanon

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China Concerned about US -Japan-Australia Security Talks:Spokesman [WWW.STOPNATO

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.China Concerned about US -Japan-Australia Security Talks:Spokesman
China is concerned about the proposed regular multilateral security talks
between the United States
 , Japan
  and Australia
 , Foreign
Ministry Spokesman Zhu Bangzao said Friday.

When asked to comment on the security dialogue setups between the three
countries proposed at a recent US-Australia ministerial meeting, the
spokesman said that China has "noticed" news reports on the issue, and is
"concerned about it."

"We believe that a dialogue mechanism of any kind should be aimed at
maintaining the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region," he said.

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NPC Chairman Meets Vietnamese Delegation [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.NPC Chairman Meets Vietnamese Delegation
Li Peng  ,
chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress
(NPC  ), met
Saturday morning with Vice Chairman of the Vietnam
 ese National
Assembly (VNA) Mai Thuc Lan and his party in Beidaihe, Hebei

Extending a welcome, Li spoke highly of the important role played by the VNA
in promoting Sino-Vietnamese friendship in the past years.

He voiced his pleasure at the important progress scored, under the guidance
of the principles set by the general secretaries of the two communist
parties, in the development of relations between the two countries and the
two parties, as well as the increasing exchanges in various fields and at
different levels between the two sides.

Li listed the principles as "long-term, stable, future-oriented,
good-neighborly friendship and all-round cooperation."

The two countries have also kept close cooperation in regional and
international affairs, added Li, noting that China is pleased with the
steady and healthy development of bilateral ties.

Voicing that China and Vietnam have similar conditions and identical social
systems, Li pointed out that continuous consolidation and development of
bilateral good-neighborly friendship are the firm policies pursued by the
Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese government.

He said he is convinced that under the direction of the joint statement of
the two countries, bilateral friendship and cooperation in various fields
will be further strengthened in the new century.

At the request of the visitors, Li briefed them on the organization,
election, legislation and supervision of China's people's congress.

Li went on to say that in the past few years, the NPC and the VNA have kept
frequent and good cooperation and exchanges, and the NPC will continue to
work with the VNA to learn from each other in the building of socialist
democracy and legal system.

Mai pointed to the warm reception his delegation received during their
visits to China's economically developed areas including Shenzhen, Guangzhou
and Shanghai 
before arriving in Beijing

He spoke highly of China's economic progress and changes, adding that
Beijing's success in its bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games
  fully demonstrates the acceptance of
China's international status and role by the international community.

He also noted that Vietnam treasures bilateral friendship cultivated by
Chairman Mao Zedong and President Ho Chi Minh, and it appreciates the
important progress made in the past few years in the development of
relations between the two parties and the two countries.

The VNA attaches importance to its friendship and cooperation with China's
people's congress, and will strengthen exchanges with the Chinese side,
noted Mai. 

The Vietnamese side is ready to learn from China's experiences in
legislation and supervision, pointed out Mai.

He conveyed Vietnamese Communist Party General-Secretary Nong Duc Manh's and
VNA Chairman Nguyen Van An's greetings to Li, saying that they are expecting
Li's visit to the country in the near future.

Li asked Mai to pass on his regards to Nong and Nguyen and said he is also
looking forward to the visit.

The delegation started its visit to China on July 31 at the invitation of
the NPC Standing Committee.

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Cuba Demands US Free Five Imprisoned Nationals [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.Cuba Demands US Free Five Imprisoned Nationals
Cuba's National Assembly of People 's Power, the highest legislative body in
the island country, demanded on Friday that the US government immediately
release five Cuban nationals jailed in a Miami prison.

In a statement adopted at its seventh session, the assembly said the five
Cubans were arrested in the United States
  because they tried to
protect Cuba   from
terrorist activities and maintain the dignity, values and morals of their

The five were arrested in September 1998 on charges of spying and
jeopardizing US national security. A court in Florida upheld the accusation
in June this year and the five accused face long prison terms or even life

The Assembly insisted that the five are innocent people who committed no
crimes but fell victims to anti-Cuban activities by some right-wing forces
in the United States.

Even the prosecutors had to admit that the accused committed no crime of
espionage, and obtained no classified information, the Assembly noted in the

It urged Washington to stop terrorist activities against Cuba and its
nationals residing overseas and stop the persecution and threat against US
citizens who oppose the US embargo against Cuba.

The two peoples can and should live in peace, it added.

Cuban leaders Fidel Castro and Raul Castro attended the Assembly's session.
Family members of the imprisoned Cuban nationals spoke at the meeting. They
slammed the unjustified activities of right-wing forces in the United States
and pledged their unremitting efforts to fight for the release of their
loved ones. 

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Kim Jong Il Leaves Moscow for St. Petersburg [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.Kim Jong Il Leaves Moscow for St. Petersburg
Ending his two-day official visit to Moscow, Kim Jong Il, leader of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), left for Russia's second
largest city of St. Petersburg on Sunday night to continue his journey by
special train across Russia.
Kim, who entered the Russian territory from the Far East city of Vladivostok
on July 26 and made visits to cities along the Trans-Siberian Railway before
arriving here last Friday, toured the space center in Korolyov outside
Moscow on Sunday morning.
On Saturday, Kim met Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. They
signed k a key political document -- the Moscow Declaration -- to boost the
traditional relations between their countries.
The document reiterated the intention of the two countries to contribute to
the preservation of global stability. Kim assured Putin that DPRK's rocket
program is peaceful and that it does not threaten any country that respects
its sovereignty. 
During the Sunday visit to the Mission Control Center in Korolyov, Kim was
shown the hall from which the center's personnel were controlling the Mir
space station for 15 years. Kim Jong Il also saw "One Day of Cosmonaut," a
film about life in Zvyozdny Gorodok (Star City).
Kim will stay in St. Petersburg for two days, and return to Moscow on
Tuesday. He will head for the city of Novosibirsk on Wednesday for going

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DPRK-Russia Moscow Declaration [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.DPRK-Russia Moscow Declaration
  Moscow, August 4 (KCNA) -- The Moscow declaration of the DPRK and the
Russian Federation was released here today. The declaration reads:
Comrade Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, stayed in Russia from July 26, 2001,
and paid an official visit to it on August 4-5 at the invitation of his
excellency V.V. Putin, President of the Russian Federation.
The meeting and talks of the top leaders of the DPRK and Russia held in
Moscow in the first year of the new century are an event of special
significance in the history of the bilateral friendly relations. And they
have marked a historic landmark that will be conducive to strengthening
peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world.
The top leaders of the two countries had a wide-range exchange of views
on the matters related to the bilateral relationship and the international
issues of mutual concern in a friendly and candid atmosphere, and have
agreed as follows: 
1. The DPRK and the Russian Federation will contribute to establishing a
just, new world system based on the principle of priority of law, equality,
mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation in order to preserve
global stability in the new century and ensure reliable security of all the
members of the international community in political, economic, social and
cultural, information and other fields.
Both sides recognized the importance of strengthening the major role of
the United Nations in world affairs and the need to prevent any attempts
detrimental to the UN Charter and the principles and norms of the
international law. 
Disputes existing in the world should be settled through peaceful and
political negotiations, not by confrontation.
Recognizing that independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity
should be strictly ensured in international relations, the DPRK and the
Russian Federation confirm that each state has the right to have an equal
degree of security.
The two sides stressed the importance for the international community to
join efforts to oppose the threat of spread of international terrorism and
belligerent separatism.
2. Taking note of the fact that the 1972 ABM treaty serves as a
cornerstone of strategic stability and a basis for further reduction of
strategic offensive weapons, the top leaders of the two countries expressed
the resolution to make every possible contribution to strengthening the
international security in the new century, too.
The side of the DPRK affirmed that its missile program is of peaceful
nature and, accordingly, poses no threat to any country that respects its
The Russian side welcomed this stand of the DPRK.
3. The two top leaders unanimously recognized that to further develop
the traditional dprk-russia friendly and cooperative relations with deep
historical roots conforms to the fundamental interests of the two peoples in
the new century and is greatly conducive to ensuring peace and security of
asia and the rest of the world.
Both sides reconfirmed the historic significance of the DPRK-Russia
joint declaration signed by the two top leaders on July 19, 2000, and the
DPRK-Russia treaty of friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation
signed on february 9, 2000, and agreed to expand and develop on the basis of
these documents the friendly relations for peace and stability in northeast
asia and the rest of the world and for prosperity and equally and mutually
beneficial cooperation between the two countries.
4. The two top leaders agreed on detailed orientation and measures to
further develop the bilateral cooperation in politics, the economy,
military, science and technology, culture and other fields and expressed
satisfaction at a series of relevant agreements concluded.
5. Both sides promised to give concrete shape to the agreements already
reached between them on cooperation in trade and economy and settle the
issues of the past related to bilateral clearance and, on this basis, carry
out on a priority basis the plans for the reconstruction of the enterprises
built by joint efforts, those in the field of electricity in particular, and
gave their governments instructions in this regard.
In order to carry out a series of bilateral plans, the russian side
confirmed its intention to use the method of drawing financial resources
from outsiders on the basis of understanding of the Korean side.
6. Both sides declared that the work of linking the DPRK-Russia railways
has entered the full-scale stage, committing themselves to exert all
necessary efforts to carry out the plan for building railways linking the
north and the south of the Korean peninsula, Russia and Europe on the
principle of the mutual interests recognized in the worldwide pract

Jong Il and Putin Toast [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.Speech of Kim Jong Il at banquet
  Moscow, August 4 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Il, Chairman of the National
Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, made a
speech at the banquet given by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of
the Russian Federation, this evening. He said:
I would like to thank you President Putin for kindly inviting us to this
grand banquet and making a good speech.
We have come to visit your country when witnessing a bright prospect of
Korea-Russia friendship in the new century.
I am very pleased that my russia visit provides me with an opportunity
to see for myself your country full of patriotic enthusiasm to build a
powerful Russia. 
The Russian Federation is now drawing the great attention of the
international community for its positive foreign policy and energetic
efforts to defend world peace and stability and establish a friendly and
cooperative atmosphere in the overall international relations.
We are well aware of your excellency's splendid leadership ability
displayed in the work to build up the country's defence capability and
economic potential and achieve socio-political stability and national
prosperity and sincerely wish your people great success in this work.
It is the common desire of our two peoples to glorify the Korea-Russia
friendship with a long history and tradition century after century.
The DPRK government and people will make positive efforts to strengthen
and develop the Korea-Russia friendship still further in the hopeful new
century, too. 
Convinced that the meeting with you President Putin here in Moscow in
the first significant year of the new century will be of weighty
significance in making closer traditional ties between the two governments
and the two peoples, I would like to propose a toast:
To the strengthening and development of the Korea-Russia relations of
friendship, to the health of your excellency esteemed President Vladimir
Vladimirovich Putin, to the health of all of you present here.

Speech of V.V. Putin at banquet
  Moscow, August 4 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of
the Russian Federation, made a speech at the banquet given this evening in
honour of Kim JongIil, Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea. he said:
Allow me to warmly and sincerely welcome you in kremlin in Moscow, the
heart of Russia. It was of symbolic significance that banquets took place
here in this hall in 1984 and 1986 in welcome of president of the DPRK Kim
Il Sung. The first visit paid by Kim Jong Il to our country as the leader of
the DPRK, I believe, will mark a new stage in the development of the
relations between the two countries and provide an opportunity to continue
to develop the candid and fruitful political dialogue between us.
There is the old Korean saying "ten years are enough to change mountains
and rivers." indeed, there is a time when the people and their life
themselves change in a short period and there come a new era and priorities.
This makes the long-standing and invariable traditions of
good-neighborliness and multi-faceted cooperation between the two peoples
more precious for us. These traditions stood the trials of the times and got
stronger in the period of founding an independent state in Korea and
enriched in the period of its postwar rehabilitation.
Precisely these traditions served as a basis of the treaty of
friendship, good-neighbourliness and cooperation signed between the two
countries one and half years ago.
This historic document confirmed the common desire of the peoples of
Russia and the DPRK to develop the relations in the spirit of mutual respect
and creative partnership and provided a main foundation for deepening
collaboration between us.
Today we have signed the Moscow declaration to confirm the common
attitude of Russia and the DPRK towards pressing international issues and
thus added to the treasure house of the bilateral agreement.
Russia is ready to render cooperation in the efforts to establish a fair
and safe system of international relations.
Therefore, it is important for us that this attitude towards
international issues is in line with the goal and principle of the foreign
policy of the DPRK.
One of the key issues concerning Russia-DPRK cooperation is to expand
the trade and economic relations. We are convinced that the economic
cooperation including cooperation involving the two countries' neighbours
will not only exert strong financial effect but have a good impact on
ensuring a sound situation in northeast Asia.
I would like to stress that Russia is ready to have diverse effective
cooperation with both the DPRK and the ROK. This attitude, I believe, is in
full line with the interests of 

Call For Euro- Riot Force - Guardian (UK) [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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- Original Message - 
From: James Tait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Kominform <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:12 AM
Subject: EU: Call For Euro- Riot Force - Guardian (UK),7369,532672,00.html

Call for Europe to form anti-riot force

Rory Carroll in Rome and Rebecca Allison
Monday August 6, 2001
The Guardian

A dedicated pan-European police squad trained in latest riot control
techniques was proposed yesterday because of fears that anti-globalisation
protesters - spurred on by the recent policing fiasco in Genoa during the G8
meeting of world leader - could prevent international summits being held in
major cities.
Senior ministers in the German and Italian governments called for a mobile
strike force to ensure that leaders could continue to meet where and when
they want. The two governments want EU partners to join them in setting up a
multi-lingual force to pool intelligence, monitor borders, intercept riot
ringleaders and develop tactics to contain rioting.

Germany's interior minister, Otto Schily, won the backing of his Italian
counterpart, Claudio Scajola, after two days of talks in Rome. They will
tell other EU states this week that only coordinated policing can prevent
repeats of the bloodsoaked events in Genoa.

Mr Scajola said: "There is the need for a new and stronger collaboration
among European countries, a different formation of men to confront this
problem and a European anti-riot force that could manage the phenomenon with
the contribution of local police."

Mr Schily said the new force could move swiftly to potential flashpoints.
"We cannot allow violence from militant activists to dictate where and how
democratically elected state leaders hold their meetings."

British police are unlikely to go along with an international anti-riot
force. The Association of Chief Police Officers gave the idea a cool
reception yesterday, indicating there would have to be a lot of debate at a
high level if such a corps were ever to be a reality.

"We would approach any proposals for the UK police to be involved in an EU
riot corps for policing summits with a great deal of caution," a spokesman
said. "Whilst we already provide advice and guidance to many foreign forces,
we do not have an international operational role."

Britain's operational relationship with other specialised policing units on
the continent is currently limited to providing intelligence and "spotters"
to help prevent trouble at international football matches.

Italy's security blunders at Genoa last month allowed several hundred
anarchists to wreak havoc while police assaulted peaceful protesters,
wounding hundreds and provoking an international outcry. A poorly trained
conscript in the carabiniere shot a rioter dead, giving the
anti-globalisation movement a martyr. The conscript had been abandoned by
colleagues and left isolated.

Mr Schily said the new force could be modelled on the European border police
who are being trained to work in European countries that allow travel
without passports.

In an interview with the German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag, the
minister advocated setting up a European database of demonstrators who
advocate violence. About 400 of Germany's 33,000 leftwing radicals fitted
that description, he said.

The proposals were expected to provoke criticism from civil liberties
groups, which have condemned previous initiatives to contain protests, such
as suspending the free travel between borders enshrined in the Schengen
accords, to which several continental EU members are signatories.

Swedish police were accused of being unprepared for the violence which
marred an EU summit in Gothenburg in June; but the chaos in Genoa made
governments worry that militant protesters could cause mayhem at will.

Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, has suggested that the UN's food
agency, the Food and Agriculture Organisation, should move its November
summit out of Rome - preferably to Africa. No formal request for a move has
been lodged, so the venue is unclear.

Four of Italy's eight judicial inquiries into Genoa's violence are focusing
on the police. Mr Scajola, who survived a parliamentary vote of
no-confidence for his ministry's handling of security at the G8 summit, last
week transferred three senior police commanders said to be implicated in the

Dozens of German protesters, along with Italians and Britons, accused the
police of torture. Mr Schily conceded the police had not behaved correctly
in every case, but he expressed confidence in Italian justice.

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Castro Lauds Anti-Globalization Protests [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-06 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 3:04 PM
Subject: [CubaNews] Castro Lauds Anti-Globalization Protests

Sunday August 5 11:41 PM ET
Castro Lauds Anti-Globalization Protests
By Marc Frank

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Fidel Castro on Sunday
praised the large protests at meetings of world leaders in
recent years and joked the heads of rich nations may soon have
to meet on the International Space Station to avoid them.

Castro, in a short but militant speech to 600 young people who
will attend an international youth and student gathering next
week in Algeria, urged them to fan the flames of world
rebellion against ``imperialism,'' which he said threatened
humanity's survival.

The veteran revolutionary has been condemning wealthy nations'
policies toward poor countries since coming to power 42 years

Demonstrations at the Group of Eight summit in Italy last
month left one protester dead and hundreds of people injured
and arrested. It was the latest in a series of sometimes
violent demonstrations around the world protesting

Castro said the demonstrations proved ``the growing
consciousness of thousands and thousands of leaders and
representatives of the whole world'' that ``imperialism'' was
leading humanity to the brink of extinction, and the awakening
of ``left and progressive forces after the terrible blow''
they suffered with the collapse of the Soviet Union a decade

During Sunday night's televised speech from Havana's
Convention Palace, Castro ridiculed G8 leaders for planning to
hold the 2002 summit in Canada's mountains to avoid protests,
saying someday the meetings might be held on the International
Space Station.

The G8 is made up of the seven leading industrialized
nations -- Canada, France, the United States, Italy, Japan,
Britain and Germany -- as well as Russia.

The speech was the latest in over a dozen public appearances
by Castro since he suffered a brief fainting spell six weeks
ago at a political rally.

``Open the eyes of the people, unmask the false ones and their
lies and hypocrisy, tell the truth to the people,'' Castro
urged Cuba's delegation to the 15th World Youth and Student
Festival, which includes over 200 students from 56 countries
studying in Cuba.

The left-leaning festivals began some 50 years ago under the
auspices of the former Soviet Union, and there was speculation
they might disappear along with European communism.

Cuba and some other nations have worked hard to continue the
youth gatherings, with Cuba hosting the 14th festival in 1997.

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US & EU in Alcoholic Punch Up [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Walter Lippmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:57 AM
Subject: [CubaNews] No resolution of rum dispute at WTO meeting

There's some useful tracing of the history
of this trademark fight, but it's evident that
the WTO decided not to decide about this.
Monday August 6 12:38 PM ET
WTO Sides With EU in Rum Dispute
Associated Press Writer

GENEVA (AP) - U.S. officials said Monday that a World Trade
Organization ruling in a trademark law dispute affecting
alcoholic beverage giants Bacardi and Pernod Ricard was a
defeat for the European Union.

A trade official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a
WTO panel had found that ``U.S. law is not inconsistent with
WTO agreements.''

The 142-nation WTO, which oversees global trade rules, sided
with one EU objection to a U.S. law, known as Section 211,
which denies protection for trademarks linked to businesses
confiscated by the Cuban government since the 1959 communist
takeover. But it turned down 13 other EU objections.

Bermuda-based Bacardi has used the 1998 Section 211 law in its
strategy to wrestle and keep control of U.S. rights to the
``Havana Club'' rum trademark away from Havana Club Holding, a
joint venture between French firm Pernod Ricard and the Cuban

The panel said Section 211 prevents parties from accessing
U.S. courts to settle a trademark dispute, thereby stripping
WTO members of rights set out under the WTO's Agreement on
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, known

``The WTO panel only found fault with the procedural issue,''
said the U.S. official. ``They said the U.S. needs to allow an
opportunity to go to court - but not that the law itself is

The European Commission, which represents the 15-member EU in
trade matters, welcomed the ruling and said it paves the way
for Pernod Ricard to take up the case in the U.S. courts.

But it said it will appeal part of decision because the WTO
panel concluded that ``trade names are not covered by the
TRIPS discipline and that TRIPS doesn't regulate the question
of the determination of the ownership of intellectual property

``This very narrow interpretation of TRIPS could significantly
reduce the level of trademark protection around the world by
leaving each WTO member complete freedom on determining who is
the owner of trademark as long as it respects the procedural
requirements of TRIPS,'' the Commission said.

Section 211 bars U.S. courts from recognizing or enforcing
trademarks or trade names substantially similar to those used
in connection with Cuban businesses or assets confiscated by
Castro, unless the original owner has given consent. The law
was attached as an appropriations rider to a 1999 omnibus
spending bill in late 1998, after intense lobbying by Bacardi.

The Havana Club trademark was confiscated by the Cuban
revolutionary government in 1960 from its original owners,
Jose Arechabala S.A. The Arechabala family continued to own
the U.S. registration of the Havana Club trade name through
1973, when they allowed ownership to expire.

The Cuban-owned company that took over the Arechabala 
family's property in 1960 applied for the rights to the name in the
United States and took possession in 1976.

In 1993, Pernod Ricard and the Cuban-owned company formed a
joint-venture, Havana Club Holding, to combine Pernod's
distribution network with the Cuban company's rights to the
Havana Club name and sell this brand of rum in all parts of
the world except the U.S. - where sales are prohibited by the
U.S. embargo against all Cuban imports.

Still, Pernod Ricard wanted to hold onto U.S. registration of
the Havana Club name in case the embargo is ever lifted.

While adversaries in almost every realm, the United States 
and Cuba have agreed to recognize each other's intellectual
property rights under the Inter-American Trademark Convention.
In 1994, Bacardi tried to register the Havana Club mark in the
United States, but failed because of Havana Club Holding owned

In 1996, Bacardi began anyway to sell Havana Club rum,
distilled outside of Cuba, prompting Havana Club Holding to
file a lawsuit.

In 1997, Bacardi reached an agreement with the Arechabala
family to pay them for the rights to the name, and argued that
they are the rightful owners of the name. Havana Club Holding
disagreed, citing its own U.S. registration, and the dispute
continued through the courts.

Monday August 6, 11:37 am Eastern Time
Trade panel leaves EU-
U.S. Cuban rum row in limbo
By Robert Evans

GENEVA, Aug 6 (Reuters) - The World Trade Organisation (WTO)
said on Monday that a disputes panel looking into an EU-U.S.
row over a major Cuban rum label had found that th

N.Korea: 'Counter Measure' to New Missile Defence [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.U.S. interceptor missile test under fire
  Pyongyang, August 6 (KCNA) -- The interceptor missile test conducted by
the United States in July comes under fire by a signed commentary of Rodong
Sinmun today. The commentary says:
The recent interceptor missile test proves that the U.S. "Missile
Defence" system (MD) has gone over to the full-fledged stage of
establishment from the phase of discussion.
The U.S. is keen to rapidly push forward the missile modernization in a
bid to go absolutely superior to other big powers in the field of nuclear
and missile development.
The U.S. is now peddling the non-existent "missile threat" from the DPRK
to hide its ulterior intention.
The U.S. insists that as the DPRK "threatens it" with missiles, it
should establish the MD as soon as possible to cope with it.
Washington is accusing the DPRK of being a "state posing missile threat"
and a "rogue state" in a bid to justify its moves for domination.
But facts go to prove that the U.S. is the state posing the biggest
nuclear and missile threat and the most dangerous rogue state in the world.
It is none other than the U.S. which conducted interceptor missile test
despite the unanimous protest at home and abroad, thus arousing uneasiness
and worry among the world public.
The DPRK is left with no option but to take a counter-measure for
self-defence now that the U.S. is going ahead with the MD under the pretext
of the "missile threat" from the DPRK and posing a real threat to it.
The DPRK will have nothing to lose although all the items agreed upon
between the DPRK and the U.S. collapse.

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Kim Jong Il Meets St. Petersburg Governor on Economic Cooperation [WWW.STOPNATO.

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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.Kim Jong Il Meets St. Petersburg Governor on Economic Cooperation
Kim Jong Il, leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), met
Russian St. Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev in the city Monday to
discuss ways of boosting the economic cooperation between DPRK and the
Russian region. 
The St. Petersburg region and DPRK have great potential for economic
cooperation, especially in the fields of machine building and energy
industry, and St. Petersburg is ready to provide military and fishing boats
for DPRK, Yakovlev told Kim at their meeting in the Smolny Palace.
Yakovlev also proposed that the two sides cooperate in the sphere of optics,
laser equipment, instrument and missile building, information technologies
and telecommunications, according to Russian mass media.
The governor said his city's higher schools are ready to enroll DPRK
students for training in a wide range of technical and humanitarian
professions. He promised to offer assistance in organizing guest
performances in DPRK.
After the conversation, Kim, who arrived in St. Petersburg on Monday morning
by special train following a two-day official visit to Moscow, visited the
Lenin Museum in the Smolny palace, the Ermitage Museum (Winter Palace) and
the Leningrad Metal Plant.
The visit to the plant began with a meeting with its director, Viktor
Shevchenko, who told Kim about the enterprise, its products and prospects
for the future. 
In an exclusive interview with Itar-Tass, the plant's first deputy executive
director Valery Kondratyev told Itar-Tass that the plant is ready to
cooperate with Pyongyang, including in the field of nuclear power

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Belarus To Hold Large-Scale Maneuvers, Contra NATO Threat [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: Belarus To Hold Large-Scale Maneuvers, Contra NATO Threat

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Belarus to Hold Maneuvers, Warn off Aggressors, Says

MINSK, Aug 7, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) Belarus
will hold large-scale military maneuvers to warn off
any potential aggressor and prepare its army for
modern warfare, Belarus's defense minister said.

The massive maneuvers, which would involve interior
and emergency ministry troops and border guards as
well as the regular army, were scheduled to start on
August 26, barely a fortnight before the September 9
presidential poll.

"This would be a serious test for all participants,
and if you will, it's a test for (President Alexander
Lukashenko) as well," Defense Minister Leonid Maltsev
told Belarussian television late Monday.

"The fact that he had decided to take this test in
today's complicated situation means we are sure of
what we're doing," he added.

The Belarussian military aim to examine the army's
readiness to tackle modern-style warfare, including
local conflicts, and to test new types of weapons,
Maltsev said.

Some 10,000 troops, as well as over 60 tanks, 60
missile and artillery systems, and 40 military
airplanes and helicopters would participate in the

The unprecedented scale of the maneuvers was prompted
by "alarming tendencies we note in Europe," Belarus's
authoritarian leader Lukashenko said, adding that such
training sessions should be held annually.

"Foreign countries boost their military activity close
to Belarussian borders. Belarussian people must be
convinced that their army can defend their peace,"
Lukashenko said.

"Even when we have no war, our army must learn so that
not only our people, but also foreign hawks knew that
our troops can withstand any aggressor at any given
time," he added.

Belarus, which had been largely isolated from the West
by its authoritarian leader's hostile policies, is
actively updating its army, and a massive overhaul is
due to be completed by 2005.

Minsk had been particularly alarmed at the fact that
Belarus's neighbors Poland, Latvia and Lithuania are
stepping up their armed forces in hopes of joining the
NATO military alliance. ((c) 2001 Agence France

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: Argentina Doubts Market Wisdom and Capitalism [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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[Has Argentina, member of the newly formed
FTAA given up the ghost already... Bill]

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 11:47 PM
Subject: Argentina Doubts Market Wisdom and Capitalism

From: "Walter Lippmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:23:42 -0700
To: "CubaNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CubaNews] Argentina Doubts Market Wisdom and Capitalism

This article has two amazing parts: The portrait it
paints of a country being ravaged by so-called
"free market" economics, and the final paragraph
which concludes by recommending as a solution,
even more of the same disastrous policies! This is
printed in the Washington Post, and not Granma!
Argentina Doubts Market Wisdom
Crisis Weakens Region's Embrace of Capitalism, Many Say
By Anthony Faiola
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, August 6, 2001; Page A01

BUENOS AIRES -- Rusting hulks of abandoned factories line
the barren industrial landscape of this metropolis. On one
desolate stretch of highway, a few lights still shine in the
sparse office of Pablo Siano, the mustachioed, stocky director
of the La Candeuse mattress factory, who is trying to keep his
company afloat as Argentina faces a roiling financial crisis.

"Look outside my window and you can see all the reasons we
have lost faith in the free market," said Siano, motioning to
the roadway where jobless workers warmed their hands over a
fire in the Southern Hemisphere winter air. "Here we all are
now, back struggling to survive."

The bleak tableau offers a glimpse of a powerful sentiment now
running through Latin America. After a decade of free market
reforms, many workers, politicians and business leaders are
deeply discouraged by the outcome, and doubting the very
wisdom of the capitalist model they once embraced.

The backlash is especially acute here in Argentina, which is
teetering on the edge of default on its $128 billion debt,
threatening a global financial crisis that could shake
neighboring Brazil and other such emerging markets as Russia
and Turkey. On Friday, the managing director of the
International Monetary Fund, hoping to bolster investor
confidence, announced the lender was preparing to grant a
$15 billion emergency line of credit to Brazil and accelerate a
$1.2 billion loan installment to Argentina that is part of a
$13.7 billion package already approved. But some analysts say
Argentina may need billions of dollars more in fresh loans to
climb out of its difficulties.

The disillusionment with free markets in Argentina and
elsewhere could influence how the United States and
international financial organizations respond to the latest
crisis. It could also deal a blow to the Bush administration's
proposal for an expansion of market principles in a massive
initiative called the Free Trade Area of the Americas,
stretching from Tierra del Fuego to the Arctic Circle, to be
put in place no later than 2005.

Leading economists and political analysts now say that if
Argentina defaults on its debt or is forced to devalue its
currency -- which would plunge the country and perhaps the
region into a deeper crisis -- the anger and disappointment
with market reforms could spread.

"If Argentina collapses, we're not talking about just an
economic contagion in emerging markets, but a political one,"
said Daniel Artana, chief economist at FIEL, a Buenos
Aires-based research organization. "The real danger is that
rather than see it as just one nation's failure, restless left
wingers will point to Argentina, a country that went full
thrust with the free market, and say it is evidence that
capitalist reforms simply don't work."

Free Trade Protests
Today, Latin America is battling its highest unemployment rate
in almost two decades, and its third major economic slowdown
in six years. Many countries in the region are coping with
ailing industries and, in some cases, soaring poverty rates.

The current troubles stem in part from the faulty
implementation of free market policies, many economists say,
including runaway public spending and pervasive corruption.
They say it will take more time for Argentina and other
countries to recover from decades of inefficiency and the
big-state model that drove their economies into the ground
before reforms were embraced.

But with globalization linking emerging markets as never
before, countries such as Argentina have also faced severe
setbacks from crises in Asia, Russia and other Latin American

That has also soured political moods on capitalism. A public
opinion poll by Equis Consultants shows opposition to a
further reduction in trade barriers in Argentina is now
running at 70 percent, the highest in a decade. Meanwhile,

DPRK Officials Hail Kim Jong Il's Russia Trip [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-07 Thread Bill Howard

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.DPRK Officials Hail Kim Jong Il's Russia Trip
Officials of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK
 ) have spoken highly of
their top leader Kim Jong Il's Moscow trip, describing it as a historic
event in bilateral relations, the Korean Central News Agency reported

Education Minister Pyon Yong Rip said that as stated in the DPRK-Russia
declaration, the meeting held between the top leaders of the two countries
in the first year of the new century is an event of special significance in
the history of friendly relations between the DPRK and Russia and that it is
a historic landmark in strengthening peace and security in the Asian-Pacific
region and the rest of the world.

Vice Foreign Minister Kung Sok Ung said that developing the DPRK-Russia
relations is in full accord with the interests of the two peoples.

The friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries will be
further developed in all fields in the spirit of the DPRK-Russia joint
declaration, the DPRK-Russia treaty of friendship, and the DPRK-Russian
Moscow declaration, he said.

Ryang Man Gil, chairman of Pyongyang City People's Committee, said that the
city is seething with excitement.

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Results and Resolutions of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: Results and Resolutions of the Anti-imperialist Camp 2001

Once again Assisi turned into the capital of anti-imperialism during one week. From
July 28th until August 5th more than 500 people gathered at the anti-imperialist camp
listening to the reports of the delegations from organisations and parties from all
over the world, discussing about the struggles against capitalist globalisation, in
particular the experiences and consequences from Genoa and preparing international
days of action against imperialism.

The Camp was supported by  about 90 quite different anti-imperialist and revolutionary
organisations. Delegations from 35 organisations were able to participate in the camp.
Many of the other delegations did not receive visa from the Italian embassy or could
not take part because of economic problems, but nevertheless they sent their greetings
and confirmed their readiness to continue our common struggle against imperialism.

The discussions took place in the spirit of anti-imperialist fraternity and solidarity
between the participants. Even though their political background and their experiences
with imperialist globalisation were quite different, all participants agreed on the
necessity to continue the struggle, to build an international anti-imperialist front
and to build people's power, socialism. There was a broad consent regarding the
continuation and strenghtening of the anti-imperialist unity and regarding the
international common actions during the year concerning topics that are considered
most important by the anti-imperialist movement. All participants agreed on organizing
the Anti-imperialist Camp 2002 commonly.

The Anti-imperialist Camp 2001 was dedicated to Carlo Guilani, the young man, who was
murdered by the police forces of the imperialist italian state in the streets of
Genoa. The Camp contributed to step forward organizing the people's resistance and the
international revolutionary struggle against globalisation, to unite the struggles of
the oppressed peoples and the new protest movement against globalisation in the west,
and to reconstruct an anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, and socialist perspective, as
only alternative to globalised capitalism.

Global Intifada against globalisation
Final resolution of the Anti-imperialist Camp Assisi, 2001

The struggle against globalisation must become a popular and anti-imperialist one - a
global Intifada is necessary
The Anti-imperialist Camp schedules international actions
to support the Palestinian and Colombian peoples in their just struggle against

At Assisi, representatives of popular anti-imperialist forces have been meeting from
July 28 to August 4 with the support of more than a hundred organisations from all
around the world. This genuine counter-summit of the oppressed and exploited peoples
together with anti-imperialists of the West took place only one week after the massive
anti-globalisation mobilisation against the G8 in Genoa. As an integral part of the
movement, we, the anti-imperialist forces of the world, insist that our movement has
to remain unified against the massive repression of the capitalist state and has to
defend all the protesters. Therefore the camp has been dedicated to the first martyr
of our movement, Carlo Giuliani, assassinated by the police in Genoa. The capitalist
class is intending to split our movement and to integrate one part in the capitalist
system trying to use it as a fig leaf camouflaging the devastating impact of
capitalist globalisation. They fear that the continuation of the global social
massacre caused by savage neo-liberalism will sooner or later evoke turmoil and
resistance which will in turn seriously threaten imperialist domination. We express
our concerns about slogans calling for a "globalisation from below" and for the
"control of the civil society over globalisation", slogans which neither question
capitalism nor imperialism. On the contrary, they could be used to give capitalist
globalisation a social cover. The Anti-imperialist Camp will concentrate all its
forces to develop the movement against globalisation into one directed against
capitalism and imperialism and to form step by step, a solid international
anti-imperialist front with the final aim to defeat and overthrow capitalism and to
establish popular power...

Resolution on political prisoners

Resolution on the revolutionary political pri

Reds call the shots in Sri Lanka political crisis [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Charles F. Moreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: [MLL] Reds call the shots in Sri Lanka political crisis


The last two paragraphs of this story isn't all that great but this is an
interesting development anyway.




Sunday August 12

Reds call the shots in Sri Lanka political crisis
Amal Jayasinghe

4:55pm, Sun: COLOMBO (AFP) - Sri Lanka's Marxists, who have failed twice to
seize power, have become the country's most potent political force offering
a life-line to beleaguered President Chandrika Kumaratunga, political
sources said today.

The radical JVP, or People's Liberation Front, which tried to overthrow the
government of prime minister Sirima Bandaranaike in 1971, is now is holding
talks to help a salvage a shaky coalition of her daughter, Kumaratunga.

The JVP said their talks last Friday with President Kumaratunga resulted in
most of their demands being met by her and they agreed to continue a
dialogue on other matters.

Sri Lanka's unprecedented political crisis was triggered when seven Muslim
allies walked out of Kumaratunga's government turning her administration
into a minority in the 225-member parliament on June 20.

Battling to prevent a humiliating defeat of her nine-month old government,
Kumaratunga shut down parliament until Sept 7. But she is now running out of

Political sources said Kumaratunga will have no choice but to swallow a
bitter pill and cut a deal with the Marxists to at least remain in power for
another year promising the reforms demanded by the reds.

"It is very easy to negotiate with the JVP," President Kumaratunga told
business leaders at a meeting here on Thursday. "They don't waver their
stand and it is up to us whether we want to accept what they say or not."

Sweeping democratic reforms

The JVP is insisting that the right-wing government halt its ambitious
privatisation plan, stop the Norwegian-backed peace bid, reduce the number
of cabinet portfolios from 45 to 20 and introduce sweeping democratic

"What we say is that if you can't put a full stop in the Norwegian process,
at least mark a comma," JVP spokesman and their parliamentary group leader
Wimal Weerawansa said.

The JVP's 10 seats in parliament have given the party more power than it
ever wielded with guns and bullets in 1971 and their second insurrection
which lasted from 1987 to 1990.

President Kumaratunga's mother, Prime Minister Bandaranaike crushed the
first JVP uprising within a week that saw some 20,000 people killed by
police and security forces.

The second JVP insurrection saw at least 6,000 main stream politicians
killed by the JVP. Security forces and pro-government vigilante groups
killed some 60,000 people according to a report by European

The JVP said it wants to subject Kumaratunga's government to a "one-year
probation period" to introduce sweeping reforms and then go for early

Political sources said President Kumaratunga has asked for more time to
agree on the JVP's conditions.

Marx, Lenin and Engels

It will be easier for the government to accept the JVP demand to stop
privatisation given the poor economic conditions in the troubled island and
the predicament of having no takers for what is offered for sale.

The government promised the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that it will
raise 275 million dollars in privatisation proceeds this year, but the plan
has gone haywire due to a lack of takers.

The prospect of the JVP's entry into a new coalition could have an added
dimension for the economic crisis.

Campaigning at the October elections, the JVP put on a colourful display
with red flags and decorative floats of Marx, Lenin and Engels paraded
around the country to promote a socialist message tempered with free-market

>From a position of die-hard leftist ideology and an anti-western stance, the
JVP has recently began preaching private ownership of property and vowing to
propagate the colonial game of cricket. Sri Lankans are cricket crazy.

With a government propped up by the JVP, it will be the JVP's turn to call
all the shots.

Last modified:Sunday August 12, 5:00 pm

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Netstrike shutdown by Italian police [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 7:57 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Netstrike shutdown by Italian police

 [UK_Left_Network] Netstrike shutdown by
Italian police
 Sun, 12 Aug 2001 17:24:59 -
 "Niniane Mackenzie"

Netstrike shutdown by Italian police

An Italian judge has ordered the ISP to shutdown
the online protest
site It was taken down by their ISP
at 3:15pm local
time. The judge claimed that the site was an
invitation to break the
law. According to NetStrike their software and the
activities of the
users of the software are not illegal in Italy.
NetStrike demands
that they get their day in court before their
servers are shutdown.
The NetStrike site has been up for a year and a
half and has
conducted approximately 6 actions including recent
direct online
actions against Lufthansa and the G8 in Genoa.
They see this attack
as attempt to stop legal forms of dissent using
the net. The judge
has stated to the corporate papers that this is
the first of a list
of Italian activists sites he intends to shut

>From IMC website

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'CIA passed names of Communists...' [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-12 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: YPKP 65/ 66 - Nederland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2001 11:26 PM
WHICH KILLED AT LEAST 105,000 IN 1965-66

  Gelman Library, Suite 701
  2130 H Street, N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20037
  Phone: 202 / 994-7000
  Fax: 202 / 994-7005
  Friday, 27 July 2001 -

  For immediate release, 27 July 2001 For
more information:
director Tom Blanton, 994-7000




  WASHINGTON, D.C., 27 July - George Washington University's National
Security Archive today posted on the Web ( one of two
State Department documentary histories whose release the U.S. Central
Intelligence Agency is stalling, even though the documents included in the
volumes were officially declassified in 1998 and 1999, according to public
State Department records.  The two disputed State Department volumes cover
Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines in the years 1964-68 and Greece-Turkey-Cyprus
in the same period.
  The CIA, as well as action officers at the State Department, have
prevented the official release of either volume, already printed and bound
by the Government Printing Office.  The National Security Archive obtained
the Indonesia volume posted today when the GPO, apparently by mistake,
shipped copies to various GPO bookstores; but the Greece volume is still
locked up in GPO warehouses.

  The Indonesia volume includes significant new documentation on the
Indonesian Army's campaign against the Indonesia Communist Party (PKI) in
1965-66, which brought to power the dictator Suharto.  (Ironically, Suharto'
s successor, ex-President Wahid, is on his way to Baltimore this week for
medical treatment, and has been replaced by his vice-president, who is the
daughter of the man Suharto overthrew.)  For example, U.S. Embassy reporting
on November 13, 1965 passed on information from the police that "from 50 to
100 PKI members were being killed every night in East and Central Java..";
and the Embassy admitted in an April 15, 1966 airgram to Washington that "We
frankly do not know whether the real figure [of PKI killed] is closer to
100,000 or 1,000,000 but believe it wiser to err on the side of the lower
estimates, especially when questioned by the press."  On page 339, the
volume seems to endorse the figure of 105,000 killed that was proposed in
1970 by foreign service officer Richard Cabot Howland in a classified CIA

  On another highly controversial issue - that of U.S. involvement in the
killings - the volume includes an "Editorial Note" on page 387 describing
Ambassador Marshall Green's August 10, 1966 airgram to Washington reporting
that an Embassy-prepared list of top Communist leaders with Embassy
attribution removed "is apparently being used by Indonesian security
authorities who seem to lack even the simplest overt information on PKI
leadership at the time.." On December 2, 1965, Green endorsed a 50 million
rupiah covert payment to the Kap-Gestapu movement leading the repression;
but the December 3 CIA response to State is withheld in full (pp. 379-380).

  The CIA's intervention in the State Department publication is only the
latest in a series of such controversies, dating back to 1990 when the CIA
censored a State volume on Iran in the early 1950s to leave out any
reference to the CIA-backed coup that overthrew Mossadegh in 1953.  The
chair of the State Department historical advisory committee resigned in
protest, producing an outcry among academics and journalists (see "History
Bleached at State," New York Times editorial, May 16, 1990, p. A26:  "At the
very moment that Moscow is coming clean on Stalin's massacre of Polish
officers, Washington is putting out history in the old Soviet mode.").
Congress then passed a law in 1991 requiring the State Department volumes to
include covert operations as well as overt diplomacy, so as to provide an
accurate historical picture of U.S. foreign policy, 30 years after the



  1. Editorial note from the Indonesia volume on the number of Indonesian
PKI members who were killed in 1965-66, pp. 338-340.

  2. Editorial note from the Indonesia volume on the U.S. Embassy's role in
providing lists to the Indonesian Army of PKI members, pp. 386-387.

  2a. Ambassador Green's December 2, 1965 endorsement of a 50 million rupia

Aerial espionage on over 130 occasions [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Aerial espionage on over 130 occasions
  Pyongyang, August 1 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists committed aerial
espionage against the DPRK by strategic and tactical reconnaissance planes
of different missions on over 130 occasions in July, according to military
sources. Espionage by U-2 high-altitude strategic reconnaissance aircraft
numbered at least 30 and espionage by reconnaissance planes of various kinds
from overseas bases more than 10.
The U.S. imperialists mobilized 3 or 4 South Korea-based RC-12 and RC-7B
tactical reconnaissance planes on a daily average to spy on the front line
area and the east and west coasts.

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Our protest yesterday was excellent [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Taimor Hazou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: OzPales <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; solidarity_palestine
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 1:14 AM
Subject: [solidarity_palestine] (unknown)

Dear everybody, (including for Sydney comrades).

Our protest yesterday was excellent. We had according
to the media approximately 200 people, though I think
it was close to 130-150.

Friends Of Palestine, turned out in full colours, and
a special thanks is need for Jacob Grech, Bill Deller,
Serena O'Meley, Leigh Riley, Dave Muller for helping
in the build up and putting in a great effort on the
day. We also had a large number of Palestinian who
showed enthusiasm and restraint when needed.

I'd also like to acknowledge the presence of all left
groups: DSP, ISO, SA, AS, and more... usually I
complain about this groups or that groups turning up,,
but this time we had the whole spectrum of left
parties... a great thing.

A very big mention to the Peace Marshall volunteers
who were called at the last minute to form a buffer
between us the extremist after we received many death
threats and intimidating phone calls,,, some extremely
serious, of which the marshals were informed and still
volunteer to be in the middle of it all... Thank fully
there was no violence,,, and we didnt need there
disciplined pacificsim. Thanks.

Last, but not least I would like to acknowledge and
thank Women in Black a Jewish based group, and all
progressive Jews who were present on our side of the
rally. It is unfortunate, that the AJDS pulled out
officially,,, but a lot of there members were there in
person. They deserve a big thanks, because like our
ogansiers they received deaths threats, and
intitimidating phone calls, and some serious pressure
from the JCCV not to be there. They are in a difficult
position and we acknowledge that. Thanks.


The Protest was great, we had a lot of media
interviews, and lot of symbolic gestures, eg. olive
banches in the path of cars, people holding branches,
slogans, banners, placards, in Hebrew, Arabic and
English, Palestinian flags, and a Palestinian and
Israeli flag tied together.

Despite there being lots of media coverage, I dont
thin it was very good. the extremism of netanyahu and
gutnick was not really delved into, and you would be
forgive to think we had threatened Bibi according to
one of the reports.

With the second bombing the Palestinian s are getting
a bashing in the media, and we need to moblise letters
and our media presence. As an eg. The pic in the age
today over the orient house protest was of wounded
Israeli soldier form the protest pretty

Anyway People, NOW more than ever is when we need,
letters, interviews, etc. please lend your support,
and keep in touch for what we organise in the next

Lets End the Violence.
Lets Free Palestine.

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United Steelworkers of America Sue Coca Cola Charging Use of Death Squads to Int

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 7:56 PM
Subject: Gkuhl:Coke to be charged in US for Human Rights abuses

subject:Gkuhl:Coke to be charged in US for Human Rights abuses
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 16:32:48 EDT
Subject: Coke to be Sued in U.S. Court for Human Rights Abuses in

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (t r u t h o u t)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (t r u t h o u t)

t r u t h o u t | 8.10

The CUnited Steelworkers of America Sue Coca Cola
Charging Use of Death Squads to Intimidate Workers in Colombia";>


Coke to be Sued in U.S. Court for Human Rights Abuses in Colombia

PITTSBURGH, Penn. -- 07.19.01 | The United Steelworkers of America
(USWA) and  the International Labor Rights Fund will file suit
tomorrow, July 20, in U.S.  District Court for the Southern District of
Florida (Miami) against Coke and  Panamerican Beverages, Inc., the
primary bottler of Coke products in Latin  America. Additional
defendants include owners of a bottling plant in Colombia  where trade
union leaders have been murdered.

The case was initiated by SINALTRAINAL, the trade union that represents
 workers at Coke facilities in Colombia. SINALTRAINAL has long
maintained that  Coke is among the most notorious employers in Colombia
and that the company  maintains open relations with murderous death
squads as part of a program to  intimidate trade union leaders.

SINALTRAINAL is filing the case on July 20, Colombian Independence Day,
to  renew its campaign to highlight that Colombia holds the terrible
distinction  of being ranked number one in the world for the number of
trade union leaders  murdered each year. The suit alleges that Coke
plays a key role in  maintaining that distinction.

Other Plaintiffs include the Estate of Isidro Segundo Gil, a trade
union  leader who was murdered while working at the Coke bottling plant
in Carepa,  Colombia. The suit alleges that the manager of that
facility, owned by an  American, Richard Kirby, who is also a defendant
in this case, specifically  threatened to kill the leaders of the union
if they continued their union  activities, and that he made good on the
threat and ordered the murder of Mr.  Gil.

The other Plaintiffs are Luis Eduardo Garcia, Alvaro Gonzalez, Jose
Domingo  Flores, Jorge Humberto Leal and Juan Carlos Galvis, all
leaders of  SINALTRAINAL, who, while employed by Coke, were allegedly
subjected to  torture, kidnapping, and/or unlawful detention in order
to intimidate them  into ceasing their trade union activities. These
Plaintiffs allege that Coke  employees either ordered the violence
directly, or delegated the job to  paramilitary death squads that were
acting as agents for Coke.

"This case is extremely important for trade union and human rights,"
said  Steelworkers President Leo Gerard. "If we can't get Coke, one of
the best  known companies in the world, to protect the lives and human
rights of the  workers at its world-wide bottling facilities, then we
certainly have a long  way to go in making the global economy safe for
trade unionists.

"While the offenses detailed in the Complaint occurred in an industry
outside  the Steelworkers' core jurisdiction," he added, "we are filing
this case to  show our solidarity with the embattled trade unions of
Colombia. We  absolutely must stand together to stop such criminal
activity against our  union brothers and sisters, regardless of where
or in what industry it  occurs."

"The case is extremely strong from a legal perspective," said Terry
 Collingsworth, general counsel of the Washington, D.C.-based
International  Labor Rights Fund, who is co-counsel for the Plaintiffs,
and has brought  similar cases against Exxon Mobil and Unocal
Corporation for human rights  violations in Aceh, Indonesia and Burma,
respectively. "There is no question  that Coke knew about and benefits
from the systematic repression of trade union rights at its bottling
plants in Colombia, and this case will make the company accountable."

The case is based on the Alien Tort Claims Act (ATCA), a law passed by
Congress in 1789 aimed at protecting the new nation's international
reputation by enabling non-citizens to use federal courts to hold
Americans  accountable for violations of international law.

"The Plaintiffs allege that Coke and the other defendants violated
clear standards of international law by maintaining a willful campaign
of terror against members and leaders of SINALTRAINAL," explained Dan
Kovalik, a lawyer with the Steelworkers, who is co-counsel for

Fidel Castro's Birthday -Venezuela Pt 1 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:13 PM
Subject: Jose: Fidel Castro's Birthday -Venezuela Pt 1

subject: Jose: Fidel Castro's birthday -Venezuela Pt 1
From: "Jose G. Perez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001
Subject: [CubaNews] Miami Herald: Castro kicks off 75th birthday

Published Sunday, August 12, 2001

Castro kicks off 75th birthday celebration
Thousands of flag-waving Venezuelans cheer Cuban leader.

CIUDAD BOLIVAR, Venezuela -- Fidel Castro, in his first foreign trip
since fainting in the heat at a rally six weeks ago, cracked jokes
about the weather Saturday as he kicked off a three-day celebration of
his birthday -- which is Monday -- before an adoring, flag-waving crowd
here in the cradle of South American independence from Spain.

Making jokes about how hot it was, ostentatiously fanning himself with
his military cap, and making a great show of drinking a glass of tea,
Castro seemed anything but feeble or infirm in a joint appearance with
Venezuela's leftist President Hugo Chvez.

Thousands of Venezuelans crowded into the city's central plaza to laugh
at Castro's jokes, cheer his speech on the liberation of South America
from Spanish rule, and sing Happy Birthday to the Cuban ruler.

``He's the only one who has stood up to the United States, and his
country has been able to move forward despite the blockade and all the
obstacles that have been put before him,'' said Carleth Gmez, 27, a
medical analyst. ``You have to admire that.''

Even more enthusiastic was Chvez himself. ``We welcome our brother, we
welcome our friend, we welcome our revolutionary soldier who has been
an example of dignity for all the continent,'' he said, draping an arm
around ``this 75-year-old boy.''

``I wanted to celebrate my 75 years in the land of the Liberator,''
replied Castro, referring to Simn Bolvar, who led the struggle for
South American independence. ``It will be very emotional to visit so
many historic sites associated with Venezuela and Simon Bolvar.''

Castro's visit here was ostensibly about Bolvar. He received an award
named after the South American general, and most of his 40-minute
speech concerned Bolvar. But the real subjects on everyone's mind was
Castro's health and stamina as he reached his 75th birthday.

Castro did stumble briefly in a crush of reporters at the Caracas
airport, but otherwise showed no sign of the myriad ailments from which
he has been rumored to suffer from.

His demeanor Saturday was a stark contrast to his appearance during the
June 23 collapse, when Castro succumbed to mid-80 degree heat. He had
to be carried off stage about two hours into a speech lashing out
against the convictions of five Cubans on espionage charges in Miami.

Cuban officials, and Castro himself, wrote off the spectacle as nothing
more than fatigue. But the incident created a flurry of speculation
over his health and the future of Cuba without Castro.

Rumors of prostate cancer, heart troubles, Parkinson's disease and
other ailments have been swirling around for years. Although Castro
recently has appeared distracted during speeches, sometimes fumbling
over notes and repeating himself, those who have been keeping watch
attribute the uncharacteristic blunders to age, not poor health.

``There is no evidence that suggests he is ill,'' said a U.S. official
in Washington.

Castro reportedly takes extremely good care of himself. He is said to
exercise regularly, keep a nutritious diet and drink in moderation. He
gave up cigars a long time ago.

His mental state also has been questioned. But all indications are that
he is sharp and remains in control. Castro can still rattle off reams
of arcane statistics, give detailed accounts of decades-old incidents,
and strike fear in the hearts of anyone who dares to oppose him.

``No one should think that now that he is in his mid-70s he will be
different,'' said Castro biographer Georgie Anne Geyer. ``Nothing has
changed. He is in total power, in total control and he could be there
for another 15 years. I don't think there's massive resistance to

The extent of support for Castro inside Cuba is hard to measure, since
he doesn't permit either Western-style free elections or even
independent polls. But there is no doubt that he has a loyal following
both on and off the island.

In Venezuela, as in many other Latin American countries, many leftists
-- especially Chvez supporters -- consider Castro a hero of the masses
and protector of the underprivileged, despite Cuba's well-documented
economic problems.

``I know of no other Latin American leader who ha

One Iraqi Killed, 11 Injured in US, British Airstrike: Spokesman [WWW.STOPNATO.O

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.One Iraqi Killed, 11 Injured in US, British Airstrike: Spokesman
One Iraqi was killed and 11 others injured Friday in the US-British warplane
attacks in the no-fly zone in southern Iraq, an Iraqi military spokesman was
quoted as saying by the official INA agency.
Some 50 aircraft participated in the attack, which targeted Iraq's air
defense installations.
This was the largest attack against Iraq since February when US and British
jets bombed southern outskirts of the Iraqi capital. Baghdad said two people
were killed and 20 others injured in that attack.
Friday's airstrike was in response to Iraq's stepped-up campaign to shoot
down a U.S. or British plane patrolling the two no-fly zones over northern
and southern Iraq. 

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Kim Jong Il's Russia visit hailed [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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Kim Jong Il's Russia visit hailed
pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's official Russia
visit is warmly supported and welcomed by world public circles. The
Socialist Unionist Party of Syria in a statement released on August 7 noted
that the party has followed with keen attention leader Kim Jong Il's
historic official visit to the Russian Federation. Now that the U.S. moves
for "globalization" and world domination are getting pronounced, we regard
his visit as a historic one of opening a new prospect of leading socialism
to progress and development worldwide, the statement said.
The Arab and International Committee for Solidarity with the Korean
People and for Supporting the Reunification of Korea in a statement issued
on August 6 said it is a striking demonstration of the traditional
friendship and solidarity between the DPRK and Russia that Kim Jong Il went
to Russia and met with President V.V. Putin.
Organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people are
convinced that people's Korea and Russia will contribute to genuine peace
and security of asia and the rest of the world and the solidarity and
progress of the world people, it stressed.

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Action camp against Lockheed Martin in Russia [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 3:38 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Action camp against Lockheed Martin in Russia

-- Forwarded message --

Please distribute this message to your contacts. Lockheed Martin is the
most important arm producer in the world and one of the most powerful
companies, they for instance bought up the Japanese government not long ago.

Subject: Protest actioncamp against Lockheed Martin in Udmurtia, Russia -
full info
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 12:23:34 +0400

Protest actioncamp against Lockheed Martin in Udmurtia, Russia

 Protest actioncamp organized by social ecological movement
Rainbow Keepers and local activists from city of Votkinsk started on the
18th of July 2001. Camp is a part of campaign against the construction of
a plant for utilization of missile fuel. American corporation Lockheed
Martin is building the plant nearby Votkinsk, city with over 100 000
inhabitants. The project is strongly lobbed and financially supported by
the government of USA.

 About 50 protestors from all around Russia and Finland are
constantly living in the camp. The camp is daily visited by local
inhabitants, who support the camp, even financially. On the 26th of July
the campaign against plant organized a demonstration against the
construction of a plant for utilization of missile fuel with over 2500
participants. The protestors are also holding daily infotable in the
centre of Votkinsk.

 Even though according to the statistics 98% of local inhabitants
are against the plant, the protest camp also faced resistance. On the 30th
of July the camp was attacked and one tent was burned with gasoline.
Fortunately local youth who slept in the tent woke up in time and noone
was injured. Next day the camp was visited by a group of aggressive men
who hit one protestor and drove over three tents, which were luckily empty
at the moment.

 Police is also daily visiting the camp and checking protestors
identity. On the 1st of August traffic guide didn't let the bus of the
protestors theatre group drive in to Izhevsk, capital of Udmurtia.
Directly after the show in the centre of Izhevsk three actors and four
members of audience were arrested about participation in illegal meeting.
Six of them spent 20 hours in the police department, after the trial
everyone was released. One Finnish citizen got warned about possible
deportation from Russia. During the same day five holders of infotable in
Votkinsk were also arrested and detained by the police for three hours
only for checking their identitities.

On the 3rd of August Rainbow Keepers together with local people organized
a blockade in front of the office of Lockheed Martin in the city of
Votkinsk. The main entrance was blocked for four hours. Two activists held
banderols from the roof of the house next to office. They were both
caught, but one managed to run away with support of locals, the other one
got beaten and arrested. When police tried to drive out from the area with
the arrested activist, the road was spontanously blocked for half an hour
by activists and local people. Police violently threw people away from the
street and drove away with the arrested activist. After that police
arrested three more people who drove by cars in the direction of police

 After that the mayor of the city came to the place of the action by the
call of protestors and had negotiations wth police and protestors. The
solution was to release arrested activists and to end the blockade of the

The next action on the 7th of August was planned to happen in front of the
court to support the mayor of the city V. L. Fridrich who was accused for
giving permission to the demonstration against the construction of a plant
for utilization of missile fuel on the 26th July.

Violence in Votkinsk continues, police arrests more Rainbow Keepers

On 7th of August at 10 o'clock 11 police officers came to the protest camp
and arrested one Rainbow Keepers activist and journalist from Izhevsk.

 About noon at the central square of Votkinsk during the youth festival
two more people were arrested when police officers began checking the
documents of the activists taking part in the street theater. one activist
from Samara was arrested for taking part in the action at 3rd of August
(see press-release 03rd August 2001). Another activist from Tampere,
Finland, was taken to Izhevsk city, the capital of Udmurtia, for
deportation from Russia. Other participants of the theater were caught at
the street and warned not to go to the meeting in front of the court.

 Trial against the Rainbow Keepers activists

 On 7th of August the trial against 5 activists t

U.S. moves to provoke war denounced [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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.U.S. moves to provoke war denounced
Pyongyang, August 12 (KCNA) -- Abudl Kader, chairman of the central
committee of the National Workers' Federation of Bangladesh, issued a
statement on august 5 in support of the Korean people's cause of national
reunification. He in the statement said:
Leader Kim Jong Il formulated the three principles of independence,
peaceful reunification and great national unity, the ten-point programme of
the great unity of the whole nation and the proposal for founding the
Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo as the three charters for national
reunification and has wisely led the Korean people's struggle to realize
Under these circumstances, the historic Pyongyang summit meeting was
held and the north-south joint declaration was published in June last year.
The U.S. imperialists and their stooges are now scheming to thwart the
peaceful solution of the Korean issue.
We denounce the U.S. forces' occupation of South Korea and their moves
to ignite a new war, and demand the immediate withdrawal of the U.S. troops
from South Korea. 
The chairman called upon all the peace-loving people of the world to
extend support and solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle to put
an end to the U.S. forces' presence in South Korea and reunify the country

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Colombia. Rebels Cripple Colombia Oil Industry [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]

[If you are you a long suffering Oil Magnate then
you need to read this...Bill]

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:08 PM
Subject: Colombia. Rebels Cripple Colombia Oil Industry

From: Colombian Labor Monitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 08:03:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: CLM: Weekend Digest 12 August 2001


Sunday, 12 August 2001

 ASSOCIATED PRESS -- Friday, 10 August 2001
Rebels Cripple Colombia Oil Industry
By Juan Pablo Toro


Friday, 10 August 2001

Rebels Cripple Colombia Oil Industry

By Juan Pablo Toro

ARAUQUITA, Colombia -- Viewed from a helicopter circling over a guerrilla
bomb attack on a major oil pipeline, thick black smoke from burning crude
obscured the verdant plains.

The following day, a repair crew guarded by army troops was fixing the
ruptured pipeline, which serves a field run by U.S. oil giant Occidental
Petroleum. The men worked hurriedly in a landscape of blackened trees and
the carcasses of fish, lizards and rodents killed when the oil spilled
across fields and ponds.

The men wore hard hats, but these wouldn't stop the potshots the rebels
occasionally take at them. ''They told me I would be working in the
wilderness,'' a repairman grumbled. ''They never said people would be
shooting at me.'' 

In Colombia's lawless oil frontier, braving rebel bombings, kidnappings,
sniping and extortion are part of the price of developing this South
American country's most important legal export.

The attack last month was the 111th guerrilla bombing this year against
the Cano Limon pipeline, which carries crude 470 miles from eastern Arauca
state to a Caribbean port.

Two leftist rebel groups, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and
the National Liberation Army, are stepping up attacks as part of a
blackmail scheme and, they maintain, a protest against government
subservience to foreign oil interests.

Exasperated officials say the guerrillas are bleeding away the country's
economic future and causing ecological catastrophe.

Cano Limon, Colombia's second largest pipeline, has taken more than 800
hits since it opened in 1986. The bombings have forced the closure of the
pipeline for all but two weeks since February. Two attacks last week left
a 50 mile oil spill along the region's main river and forced the state
capital, also called Arauca, to shut its water supply for two days.

The government blames the bombings for a 30 percent drop in oil exports
this year, and say they have cost federal coffers and Occidental more than
$400 million in lost tax revenues and sales.

Arauca state, which gets 90 percent of its budget from oil taxes, is
hurting the most. Teachers and public hospital workers haven't been paid
since February, prompting protests and cutbacks in services.

Dubbed ''Saudi Arauca'' after the discovery of oil set off a development
boom in the mid-1980s, the state now regrets its dependence on crude. An
amusement park with a wave pool and an Olympic cycling track in the state
capital symbolize the promise that oil held out for Arauca.

''If so much violence is the price of what we call development, then maybe
it would be better to live in peace and go more slowly,'' said the mayor
of the state capital, Jorge Cedeno.

The bombings are not the first headache in Colombia for Los Angeles-based
Occidental. An exploration project near an Indian reservation has brought
embarrassing international criticism. The tiny U'wa tribe once threatened
mass suicide to stop the project, which it says will draw guerrilla
violence to its lands.

The FARC rebels threaten to continue attacks until Occidental agrees to
pay a ransom. In a phone interview from Los Angeles, Occidental vice
president Lawrence Meriage said the company has refused to cave in.

President Andres Pastrana pledged last month to create an army battalion
exclusively dedicated to defending the pipelines. But relief may
ultimately hinge on faltering peace talks with both rebel groups.

Among their many conditions for ending their 37-year war, the rebels are
demanding that more of the oil profits go to Colombia's social
development. Skeptics believe the guerrillas are mainly after the
industry's money for themselves.

Col. Gustavo Matamoros of the army's Arauca-based 18th Brigade doubts more
troops will make a difference. His 500-man, helicopter-equipped unit has
been run ragged by the rebels, who strike quickly in remote stretches of
the pipeline. 

''It only takes three guerrillas to blow up the pipeline,'' Matamo

Party leader lauds army's achievements [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-13 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
.Party leader lauds army's achievements

Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) General Secretary Nong Duc Manh on August
11, emphasised the need to build Vietnam's army into a loyal and reliable
force of the Party and people to ensure the survival and development of
Vietnam's socialist state, socio-political stability as well as economic and
cultural development.

Addressing an all-army conference held in Hanoi to study the Resolution
passed by the recent Ninth National CPV Congress, the Party leader also
lauded the remarkable achievements the Vietnam People's Army and its Party
organisation had recorded in the recent past.

Mr Manh, who is also the secretary of the Army's Party Committee, devoted
much time to analysing the significance of the study and implementation of
the Party resolution, saying that the most important issue was how to
translate the viewpoint and guideline adopted by the Ninth Party Congress
into reality. 

The Army's Party Committee must firmly grasp the Party's viewpoint and
guidelines while building Vietnam's all-people defence, reinforcing the
people's armed forces and the revolutionary army to fulfil the tasks of
national construction and defence in the new period, the Party chief said.

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China Not in Favor of US Anti-Missile System Test: Jiang [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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.China Not in Favor of US Anti-Missile System Test: Jiang

Chinese President Jiang Zemin has said that China is not in favor of the US
test of the anti-missile system.
Jiang's remarks were put in his interview with the New York Times on August
8 in Beidaihe, a summer resort 240 km away from Beijing.
Jiang said that "We share the worries of many other countries that this move
may cause a series of negative effects and thus impair world strategic
Jiang stressed that China stands for working out, through dialogues,
solutions that would not harm security interests of any side
China's possession of the very limited nuclear weapons is solely for
self-defence and poses no threat to any country, Jiang stressed.
"In order to safeguard our national security interests, we need to ensure
the effectiveness of our nuclear force," he said.

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US & EU at odds over Genetics [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-14 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 7:16 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] US may provoke row over gmo labeling

On 14 Aug 2001, at 9:27, Biotech Activists wrote:

Biotech Activists ([EMAIL PROTECTED])Posted: 

The Independent (London) 

August 14, 2001


BY Marie Woolf Chief Political Correspondent 

AMERICA AND Europe are heading for a damaging dispute over 
Union plans to label imported food that has been contaminated by
genetically modified crops. 

A leaked memo recording talks between British ministers and 
officials in the Bush administration shows America is furious at
EU-wide plans to insist that all food containing more than 1 per cent
GM ingredients be labelled with the fact. 

The memo shows that Washington, under pressure from GM crop 
is considering challenging the EU plans under world trade law and
wants Britain to make the US case in the EU. 

A leaked record of discussions at the highest level of the Bush
administration shows that the proposals for an EU directive on
labelling GM food are causing concern in the President's inner circle
of most trusted advisers. 

The document records discussions involving Dylan Glenn, Special
Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the White House. 

It shows that Patricia Hewitt, the Trade and Industry Secretary,
encountered American opposition to the GM plans on her first trade
visit to America shortly after taking office last month. 

The leaked document records a conversation between Alan Larson, the US
Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural
Affairs, and Mrs Hewitt in late July. The memo shows that Ms Hewitt
said Britain favours giving consumers the right to choose whether to
buy GM crops through clear labelling. She told America that consumers
had concerns over GM food. 

"Larson told Mrs Hewitt on 24 July that he feared that the proposals
on traceability and labelling would be inconsistent with WTO rules on
national treatment and would establish a separate regime with no basis
in science or fact," the memo says. 

"This could effectively block $ 4bn (pounds 2.8bn) of US exports to
Europe and would undermine, not reinforce, efforts to restore public
confidence in agricultural biotechnology. Mrs Hewitt explained the
strength of public views and EU consumers' demand for the right to
make their own decisions on the basis of labelling." 

The rules will mean that conventional crops that become contaminated
by neighbouring GM crops would have to be labelled. 

Environmental groups seized on the memo, saying that it showed Britain
was being pressured by America to water down the EU proposals. 

"This leak shows how much pressure the US is now putting on the
British Government to back its move to force GM products into the
European market," said Carol Kearney of Friends of the Earth. 

"President Bush obviously hopes that Britain will play its usual role
as a Trojan horse for US interests inside the EU." 

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Ireland: Irish Republican Army withdraws Arms Decomissioning Proposal [WWW.STOP

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- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:43 PM
Subject: Ireland. IRA statement

From: "Magnus Bernhardsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 12:41:37 +0200
Subject: [Peoples War] IRA statement

IRA statement 

Tuesday August 14, 2001

On Thursday August 8 we confirmed that the IRA leadership had agreed a
scheme with the IICD [Independent International Commission on
Decommissioning] to put arms completely and verifiably beyond use.
Our initiative was a result of lengthy discussions with the IICD over a
protracted period. 

This was an unprecedented development which involved a very difficult
decision by us, and problems for our organisation.

While mindful of these concerns, our decision was aimed at enhancing the
peace process. 

We recognised the very broad welcome which the IICD statement received.

However the outright rejection of the IICD statement by the UUP leadership,
compounded by the setting of preconditions, are totally unacceptable.

The subsequent actions of the British government, including their failure
to fulfil their commitments, is also totally unacceptable.

The conditions therefore do not exist for progressing our proposition. We
are withdrawing our proposal.

The IRA leadership will continue to monitor developments. Peacekeeping is a
collective effort. 

Signed: P O'Neill

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Turkey: DHKP-C Death-Faster Dies. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-14 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Red Rebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:18 PM
Subject: [red_activism] Turkey: DHKP-C Death-Faster Dies.

DHKP-C Death-Faster Dies

   ANKARA, Aug 14 (AFP) - A 10-month hunger strike to protest at  
jail reforms in Turkey claimed its 31st victim on Tuesday, the dead 
man's lawyer told AFP. 

   Osman Osmanagaoglu, 44, died in Istanbul on the 299th day of his  
fast, two months after he was granted a six-month temporary release 
due to his deteriorating health, lawyer Behic Asci said. 

   Osmanagaoglu, who was sentenced to jail for belonging to the  
far-left underground People's Revolutionary Liberation Front 
(DHKP-C), had spent 11 years in jail. 

   He perished in a house in the Kucuk Armutlu district of  
Istanbul, where he had continued to fast with several other 

   The hunger strikers are taking sugared water and vitamins to  
prolong their protest, which began last October against the 
introduction of new prisons, where cells for a maximum of three 
people have replaced large dormitories for up to 60 inmates. 

   Prisoners and human rights activists claim that confinement in  
smaller units will alienate inmates from fellow prisoners and leave 
them more vulnerable to mistreatment and torture. 

   But the government has categorically refused to return to the  
dormitory system, arguing that the packed compounds were the main 
factor behind frequent riots and hostage-taking in its unruly 

   Most of the 31 hunger strikers who have died were prisoners,  
although several former prisoners and inmates' relatives have also 
starved themselves to death in solidarity. 

   Despite the mounting death toll and international pressure, the  
government is refusing to hold talks with strikers to end the 

   Ankara recently adopted a series of laws in a bid to meet  
prisoner demands. These allow prisoners to use common recreational 
areas, as well as introducing special judges to deal with prisoner 
complaints and civic commissions to inspect prison conditions. 

   But the legislation has failed to satisfy the protestors.  

   More than 1,000 prisoners have been transferred to the new jails  
since last December, when security forces raided 20 prisons across 
Turkey to break the hunger strike. 

   The four-day crackdown left 30 prisoners and two paramilitary  
police officers dead but failed to end the strike. 

   Human rights groups say some 200 inmates are still refusing  
Press Agency Ozgurluk
In Support of the Revolutionary Peoples Liberation Struggle in Turkey

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Ireland: Sinn Fein Leader To Visit Cuba - Daily Telegraph [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 5:08 AM
Subject: Ireland: Sinn Fein Leader To Visit Cuba - Daily Telegraph

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 02:14:51 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Ireland: Sinn Fein Leader To Visit Cuba - Daily

Adams set to anger US with visit to Cuba

Daily Telegraph
(Filed: 15/08/2001)

Until now, Sinn Fein's support for Castro's regime has been played down,
says David Sharrock

GERRY ADAMS, the Sinn Fein president, plans to visit Cuba next month in a
move that will further damage the special relationship between the
republican movement and the White House.

Details of Mr Adams's visit to the communist Caribbean state, where he will
meet President Castro, first emerged on Monday when it was announced that he
was embarking on a tour of South America at the end of this month.

No details were given of the countries he would visit except that he would
fly to Cuba. In the spring of this year he was expected to visit Castro, but
the trip was cancelled.

Sinn Fein has long been a supporter of Castro's regime, although its
enthusiasm for the Soviet-style country has been played down in recent years
for fear of upsetting the party's friends in the White House under President

The fact that Mr Adams has now decided to go ahead with the visit in the
face of certain disapproval from President Bush suggests that this
Irish-American relationship is beginning to cool.

President Bush will be furious that the military arm of a party which
continues to receive not just political but extensive financial support from
America is sharing terrorist tradecraft with a sworn enemy.

Castro spoke out in support of the IRA hunger strikers in 1981 and it is
known that Mr Adams is keen to thank the Cuban president during the 20th
anniversary of that event.

In September 1981, Castro caused a walkout by the British and American
delegations to the 63rd conference of the Interparliamentary Union in Havana
when he made a speech strongly supporting the hunger strikers.

Castro said: "We cannot ignore what is happening in Northern Ireland. I feel
it is my duty to refer to this problem. In my opinion, Irish patriots are
writing one of the most heroic chapters in human history."

An Phoblacht, the republican movement's official newspaper, has been an
outspoken critic of "US imperialism" and Washington's decades-long trade
embargo of Cuba.

When President Reagan used a St Patrick's Day speech to attack the
Provisionals, Mr Adams said: "It is President Reagan whose administration
finances international terrorism and destabilises democratically elected

In January 1989, a US Defence Intelligence Agency document listed the
Provisional IRA as one of the world's most notorious terrorist groups,
naming Mr Adams and Martin McGuinness, the Mid Ulster MP and Stormont
education minister, as its leaders.

A Pentagon offical said at the time: "As far as we're concerned there is no
distinction between the Provisional IRA and Sinn Fein."

During the 1991 Gulf War Mr Adams publicly attacked the first President
Bush, the present White House incumbent's father, criticising the "hypocrisy
of those who, while condemning the armed struggle of the IRA, support the
use of wholesale violence against the Iraqi people".

While in Cuba Mr Adams may visit Calle O'Reilly in Havana's old Spanish
colonial quarter, where a plaque on a wall reads, in Spanish, Gaelic and
English: "Two island nations on the same sea of hope and struggle, Cuba and

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Rodong Sinmun on U.S. real purpose of establishing MD [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard

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Pyongyang, August 15 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today runs a signed
article on the real purpose of the bush administration in establishing the
Missile Defense System. The U.S. is persistently calling for MD in a bid to
create war fear, stop the popular masses from rising up in the anti-U.S.
struggle, contain independent countries and big powers with its nuclear
superiority and have world supremacy.
The U.S. is seeking to seize the military strategic initiative and put
political and military pressure upon China, Russia, the European Union and
Asian countries. It also seeks to spark a new global arms race.
It aims to establish a powerful missile offensive network to prevent the
appearance of a new superpower and a regional powerful state by its military
edge and stifle by force of arms those countries which disobey its
instructions. The U.S. moves to establish the missile defense system are a
very dangerous and adventurous attempt to modernize its missile equipment
still further and achieve its aggressive military and political purpose with
its nuclear advantage.
The U.S. is trying to expand and strengthen the aggressive military bloc
through the establishment of the missile defense system and inveigle more
countries into this system so as to make them dependent on it militarily.
Through the MD establishment the u.s. also seeks to save its economy
from a crisis. 
The Bush administration is pushing ahead with the establishment of the
Missile Defense System under the pretext of "threat" from the DPRK. This is
sheer sophism. 
Nuclear weapons, missiles and other sophisticated combat equipment
amassed in and around South Korea are always aiming at the DPRK. However,
the Bush administration is using "threat" from the DPRK as a pretext to
threaten it militarily and make a forestalling missile attack on it any
moment. The U.S. MD is a product of its ambition to suffocate the DPRK by
force of arms. 

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Imperialists March to War in Macedonia! World War on the agenda? [WWW.STOPNATO.

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 3:31 PM
Subject: Imperialists March to War in Macedonia! World War on the agenda?

From: poblachtach dearg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 15:21:10 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Peoples War] Imperialists March to War in Macedonia!  World War on
the agenda?

*Consistently the German Government Marches Into the Next War!*

As everybody could foresee, in Macedonia the next center of
conflict is developing, and the German federal government of social
democrats and Greens is pushing the deployment of the German army
for a war which is to be a robust one this time. The foreign
minister Fischer even asserted on the 6th of July in the Bundestag
(parliament) that by a deployment one would be able here to prevent
a civil war, and therefore - how noble! - one should send the
troops. Well, the tense political situation in Macedonia is nothing
else than what NATO's strategy has created. The NLA which is active
also in Macedonia is nothing else than what was massively sponsored
in the 1999 war. Bombing small Serbia by the most modern NATO
weaponry has in fact served nothing but the so-called liberation of
Kosovo in the way this organization, which is world-widely accused
of trafficking in drugs and human beings, wished it.

This time, however, it is to be a deployment for the German
military, the Bundeswehr, in the course of which direct military
intervention is planned. A new stage of making the population get
used to war. And all of that is publicly presented, and no, almost
no reaction for weeks from the usual forces which are dominating
the public opinion. Didn't we have quite a large "anti war"
movement in this country with a certain clout? It is completely
integrated, though. The opposition by the so-called left becomes
weaker and weaker because it is in cahoots with the social
democracy, because it is itself green in its substance. Every force
which here is referred to as the left or the new left, as for
example the so-called ecology movement, the human rights movement,
in reality adapts completely to this new belligerent policy.

This is even harder, more distinct in July 2001 than in the war
against Yugoslavia in 1999. The ecology movement, the anti nuclear
movement, the same sex liberators and what else has shaken this
scene, is fit into this imperialist concept and does not make a
sound. This is no wonder as they themselves absolutely get along
with the international exploitation, the translocation of an
important part of the heavy bodily work to the peoples and nations
of the former colonial world, furthermore to Eastern Europe,
resulting finally in the deprivation of rights of wage labor all
around the globe. This whole political scene which poses as a left
one and as "opposed to any form of repression" strives in the first
place to safeguard this society against a possible spreading of
revolutions, and it strives to make the revolutionary left blind
for the basic contradictions governing politics.

One must read it twice: Fischer, formerly an "autonomist" (activist
of an anarchist current labeling itself "autonomists", tr.s
remark),in July 2001 is criticizing the Christian Democrats (CDU)
for inadequately following NATO's demands. The CDU raises only
minor matters, as the inadequate military finances and the need for
a longer preparation, but nevertheless Fischer admonishes to
proceed with decision and to be strictly loyal to NATO! The
pretension in this strategy is that one wants to collect weapons,
but nobody believes that it will be confined to that, nobody
believes either that it will take only thirty days.

Immediately following is the statement that, in case it should take
longer, one has to prepare for more and for a larger deployment,
and already talk is about tens of thousands of soldiers from Europe
who are to take part there and who have to take into account direct
fighting. And how many people show off! Schroeder, the chancellor,
is all the time standing up for unconditionally safeguarding the
Federal Republic's loyalty to NATO. One really has to ask what are
his afterthoughts. The foreign minister Fischer, the former
"autonomist" raises his finger accordingly, and the pacifist Ruehe,
a former defense minister from the CDU, together with Fischer says
Yes to this whole basic strategy. And still on the 23th of July the
Greens decide that they basically support a deployment of the
German military in the Balkans based on NATO's schemes, the so-
called voluntary handing over of the weapons by the NLA.

Where were the "autonomists", the so-called undogmatic people who
for years came to the fore in so-called struggles when the
seriousness of th

"The Buck Stops Here" [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-16 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 1:37 AM
Subject: Butler: 2 Forwards on US $.Hang on for dear life

subject: Butler: 2 forwards on the $. Hang on for dear life
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 From: "Butler Crittenden, Ph.D."
Subject: 2 forwards from Mike--hang on for dear life
To: Bob Bertucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Philip J. Keating" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: SFpcUG
MIME-version: 1.0
X-Priority: 3

>From Mike Swanson in Virginia. And he reported a
few days earler that Greenspan is resigning soon.
Looks like the rats are abandoning ship. Or jumping
to a war ship. Butler

Dollar tumbles after IMF warning

FEARS of a slump in the dollar were reignited yesterday by a strongly
worded warning from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that sent the
US currency tumbling on the foreign exchanges.

The dollar dropped to its lowest level in almost four months against
the euro, and also lost ground against the yen and the pound, after the
IMF said that Americas ballooning current account deficit had put
the currency at serious risk.

The influential institution argued that the US economic outlook
was highly uncertain, unnerving a market that was already pessimistic
about the prospects for an American bounceback.

The IMF urged the Federal Reserve to stand ready to cut interest
rates again, and highlighted Americas record-breaking current account
deficit as a key risk in the months ahead. Directors (of the IMF)
indicated that the size of the US external current account deficit did
not appear sustainable in the longer term, the institutions annual
assessment read. It (the deficit) raised concerns that the dollar
might be at risk for a sharp depreciation, particularly if productivity
performance remained disappointing.

The report welcomed President Bushs recent tax cut as appropriate
and timely, but gave warning that the cost of the programme could
easily exceed White House forecasts. The IMF argued that with
government expenditure at risk of overshooting offical targets, the
Government ought to be prepared to reconsider its stance on future tax
reductions and spending rises.

News of a marginally better-than-expected July on the US high
street, where retail sales were unchanged, did little to boost the
dollar, which weakened as far as 90.35 cents against the euro. The
single currency was also bolstered by a drop in French and Spanish
inflation, which raised hopes of a cut in eurozone interest rates at
the end of the month.

Against the yen, the dollar dropped to a fresh two-month low of
Y121.20 in the wake of the IMF assessment, with the yen benefiting from
a modest easing of monetary policy.

In an unexpected move, the Bank of Japan voted to put more money
into circulation in an effort to make the cost of borrowing cheaper.
The yen initially weakened on the news but later reversed these losses
on hopes that the move would bolster Japanese growth.

In London, the pound closed little changed against the dollar
at $1.4210, and stayed near Mondays five-month euro lows. Sterling
gained ground against the dollar in New York trade, rising as far as

'The Party Is Over for the Dollar'
by Lothar Komp

There is a red alert for the U.S. dollar. In July, for the first
month this year, the dollar fell significantly against other
leading currencies. And this is presumably only the beginning. There
are increasing signs that the huge capital flows from abroad into the
United Statesa half-trillion dollars a year or morethat have
protected the excessively indebted U.S. economy from collapse for some
time, have slowed down in recent weeks. To quote the Danish financial
paper Brsen, "The party is over for the dollar."

Brsen editorialized on July 31 that the dollar is now "on its way
to collapse," and this "will totally destroy the already weakened
world economy." Even the populist American economist Paul Krugman
recognizes the signs of the times, and warns of the imminent bursting
of the dollar bubble. Krugman, writing in the International Herald
Tribune, referred to the recent statements by Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill, that concerns about the enormous U.S. trade deficit were based
on "trivial and wrong notions." "You know the end [of the bubble] is
nigh," he wrote, "when white-haired executives reject old-fashioned

Every official statement on American economic policy is suddenly
weighed carefully. When President George W. Bush expressed vague
understanding for the concerns of American exporters about the high
dollar exchang

A Visit to N Korea [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-17 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Democratic Korea moves forward

 [pttp] Democratic Korea moves forward
 Fri, 17 Aug 2001 09:20:37 +0100
 New Worker Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

New Worker special feature - 17/8/2001.

Democratic Korea moves forward

 A New Communist Party Study Tour of the
Democratic Peoples' Republic of
Korea, took place last month. The delegation was
headed by National Chair
Alex Kempshall and included Central Committee
members Ray Jones and Daphne
Liddle, and included Yvonne Wilkin.

 During their stay they travelled extensively
throughout the country and
held talks with Korean communists. DAPHNE LIDDLE
writes about her
impressions of life in socialist Korea today.
Further reports will follow.

OUR FIRST view of the Democratic Republic of
Korea, as our Air Koryo flight
descended at Pyongyang airport, was of a very
lush, green countryside with
crops growing in every possible scrap of land in
and around the airport.

 We had come at the beginning of the rainy season
and this year the rains
have not disappointed. So long as they don't
become too heavy and cause
flooding, all bodes well for the DPRK on the food
front this year.

  We were met at the airport by comrades from the
Workers' Party of Korea,
presented with flowers and then driven to our
hotel in the centre of

  Our Korean comrades had worked out a heavy
schedule of visits and
sightseeing for us, there was so much they were
proud of and wanted us to
see and so little time.

  Our first visit was to the Kumsusan Memorial
Palace -- a Mausoleum for
the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung -- to pay our
respects to one of the
giants of communism, a man who led the people in a
war of liberation from
Japanese occupation which was won in 1945 and then
defended that victory
against invasion by the United States and its
allies, using the fledgling
United Nations as a puppet.

 He then went on to lead his country in building
its own, independent
socialism, steering a careful path during the
period of Sino-Soviet
ideological conflict and managing to remain on
good terms with both parties.

  And after the demise of the Soviet Union and the
loss of the eastern
European socialist countries, an enormous setback
for communism globally,
when parties were becoming demoralised and failing
around the world, Kim Il
Sung stopped the rot by summoning a global
conference of communist and
workers parties in Pyongyang in 1993.

 At the end of the conference the parties,
including the NCP, signed the
Pyongyang Agreement and went back to their homes
with renewed determination
to fight on and confidence in the justice of the
socialist cause. Since
then, many other parties have also added their
signatures to the agreement.

  After that we visited dozens of museums,
memorials and splendid public
buildings, as well as a school, the metro, a
maternity hospital, a circus
theatre, a farm, a school for party cadres, the
Grand People's Study House
and the Schoolchildren's Palace.

  Most of these buildings involve a lot of
highly-polished marble which
provided coolness and shade in the hot, humid
weather. Just about the only
exception to this was the party cadre school,
which is constructed of the
usual building materials.

 From the top of the Juche Tower, a monument to
the Korean socialist
philosophy of independence and self-reliance, we
could see the whole
panorama of the city of Pyongyang below us.

 There are very few old buildings. The city was
totally levelled at the end
of the 1951-53 war against the US invaders and had
to be rebuilt fast --
thousands were homeless. Many Soviet-style blocks
of flats were erected
quickly. Korean weather has not treated them
kindly (frozen winters and hot
summers with very heavy rain) and those that
remain are not looking as good
as they once did.

  A large rebuilding campaign was embarked on in
the 70s to replace them
with better quality flats and that process is
still continuing today, with
large areas to the north and west of the city
earmarked for expansion.

  But there are no slums of the kind that would be
expected in most other
Asian countries and there are certainlv no
homeless people on the streets.

  One of the most striking elements of a view of
the whole city is the vast
amount of space given over to parks and gardens,
many alongside the river
Taedong and the wide streets. Many of the main
routes are bordered by
grassy strips with flowers. These are constantly
being tended and weeded.
We were told that housewi

US sabre rattling in South China Sea. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
From: Charles F. Moreira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 8:10 AM
Subject: [MLL] US sabre rattling in South China Sea.


US sabre rattling in South China Sea.


Saturday August 18

US navy stages big show of force in South China Sea
Alan Low

2:04pm, Sat: HONG KONG, (AFP) - Two US aircraft carrier battle groups have
staged a rare exercise in the South China Sea in an apparent show of support
for Taiwan as China conducts its biggest ever war games.

The USS Carl Vinson and the USS Constellation led Friday's one-day exercise
involving 13 other vessels including three submarines, about 150 aircraft
and more than 15,000 personnel.

The exercise was a "rare meeting at sea" for two US battle groups, an
official report on the US 7th Fleet's Internet website said.

The "passing exercise" was believed to have comprised the launching of
fighter jets and joint operations between crews from the giant aircraft

"Along with the valuable training benefits achieved during the exercise,the
meeting of the two aircraft carrier battle groups on the high seas
demonstrates a commitment to providing peace and cooperation in the region
while preserving the right to freedom of navigation."

The website report did not give the exact location in the South China Sea
for the exercises. The Constellation is due to arrive in Hong Kong on Monday
for a port call.

Pointed message

A spokesman for the 7th Fleet told the South China Morning Post the
exercises were not intended to send a "specific message" to China, but
analysts quoted by the newspaper were doubtful.

They said the rare US show of force was a pointed message to Beijing as the
People's Liberation Army conducts big war games on the southern coast facing

"There are no coincidences around the Taiwan Strait and the Americans would
have been fully aware of the PLA exercises when they planned this," said
Paul Beaver, an independent defence analyst in Britain.

"They are demonstrating to the PLA that they have an interest in the future
of Taiwan," he said.

The Constellation is making its way home to San Diego in California
following a six-month deployment that included operations in the Gulf.

The Carl Vinson has commenced a six-month deployment.

"It is a very obvious response to the (mainland) exercise," said Joanna
Kidd, a naval analyst at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in

Simulated invasion

China has begun final preparations for its largest ever military exercises
which would simulate an invasion of the Taiwan-controlled Penghu islands,
the Beijing-backed Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po said today.

In the third phase of the "Liberation No 1" drill on Dongshan island on the
Chinese side of the Taiwan Strait, PLA troops will try to "strongly resist
US intervention" over Taiwan, the daily said.

The drills, which started in April, involve more than 100,000 troops from
military divisions across China as well naval and air forces, it said.

Apart from occupying an outlying Taiwanese island, the Chinese exercises are
aimed at "fighting off an aircraft carrier", the South China Morning Post

Taiwan does not have any aircraft carriers.

Exercises involving two US aircraft carriers last took place in the region
in August 1999, after then-Taiwanese president Lee Teng-hui said relations
between China and Taiwan should be on a "state-to-state basis".

The remarks sparked fury in Beijing, which regards Taiwan as a renegade
province, to be reunited with the mainland by force if necessary.

In a previous crisis in 1996 when Beijing fired test missiles into the
Taiwan Straits, Washington sent two battle carrier groups to waters off the
island in a thinly veiled warning to China.

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Iraq: Jerusalem Liberation Army Set Up - Xinhua [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Iraq: Jerusalem Liberation Army Set Up - Xinhua

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 06:28:23 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Iraq: Jerusalem Liberation Army Set Up - Xinhua

Iraqis Take to Streets to Support Palestinians

Xinhuanet 2001.08.16 02:17:53

   BAGHDAD, August 15 (Xinhuanet) -- Tens of thousands of Iraqis, in
response to President Saddam Hussein's call, took to the streets in the
Iraqi capital Wednesday afternoon to show solidarity with the  Palestinians
and protest against Israel's aggressive policies.

   Demonstrations began as early as 2:00 p.m. (1000 GMT) in some  districts
in Baghdad and are expected to end on 10:00 p.m. (1800  GMT).

   Mohammad Abdul Mohsen, 23, was one of the several thousand  Iraqis taking
part in the demonstration held in Baghdad's  northwestern Al-Shaab District.

   "Iraq and Palestine are one nation. We are ready to sacrifice  our blood,
even lives for the liberation of Palestine from Israeli  occupation," said

   Mohsen was echoed by Najma Zehra, who participated in the  demonstration
with her 12-year-old daughter Zena.
   "Since I have taken a two-month military training and I know how to to
use weapons, I am ready to fight," said Zehra, who was in her forties.

   Even her daughter, Zena, underwent military training for one  month,
Zehra added.

   "The demonstrations are to make clear to the world that we  support the
Palestinian cause," said Sadys al-Hamdany, an official  of Iraq's ruling
Arab Baath Sociality Party.

   A majority of the demonstrators, who were members of Iraq's  Jerusalem
Liberation Army, came by themselves, Hamdany said.

   Iraq has formed a 21-division "Jerusalem Liberation Army" in  readiness
to fight along with the Palestinians against Israel.
   Baghdad said that more than 6.5 million Iraqis have volunteered  to join
the Palestinians in their fighting against Israeli  aggressions.

   Saddam on Tuesday called on all Iraqis "who are able to walk" to go to
streets Wednesday afternoon to demonstrate against the  Israeli "genocide"
and show solidarity with the Palestinians.

   Saddam's call was made after Israeli army entered the
Palestinian-controlled city of Jenin in the West Bank early Tuesday morning,
destroying several buildings and two police stations.

   The deadly clashes between the Palestinians and Israelis have  killed
nearly 700 people, mostly Palestinians, since the  Palestinian intifada
(uprising) against Israeli occupation erupted  late last September.

   To show its vehement support, Iraq has organized a number of
demonstrations to support the Palestinians and condemn Israel.

   Moreover, Iraq has pledged 1 billion euros (some 930 million U. S.
dollars) to support the intifada, and has dispatched shipments  of relief
aid to Jordan, where the aid was supposed to be  transferred to the
palestinians.  Enditem

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses."
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung

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Palestine: Hezbollah Vows to Counter Israeli Infringement UponLebanon - Xinhua [

2001-08-18 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: Palestine: Hezbollah Vows to Counter Israeli Infringement UponLebanon -

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 06:36:23 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Palestine: Hezbollah Vows to Counter Israeli
Infringement Upon Lebanon - Xinhua

Xinhua : 18 August 2001

Hezbollah Vows to Counter Israeli Infringement Upon Lebanon

Lebanese resistance guerrilla group Hezbollah on Thursday vowed to counter
Israeli infringement upon Lebanon, the official NNA news agency reported.

"We will take necessary measures to prevent the Jewish state from
infiltrating into Lebanon," Hezbollah, or Party of God, said in a statement.
"Israel is nothing but a threat to the Arab world in terms of policy,
economy, culture and security," it added.

Hezbollah also called on Arab countries to take a firm stand in the face of
Israeli challenge.

The statement followed a report by Lebanese Oriental radio that Israeli
planes flew over Lebanese air space and broke sound barrier over central

Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer earlier claimed that Hezbollah
was posing a "direct threat to the free world and Israel's interests."

He said Hezbollah has deployed about 8,000 Katyusha rocket- launchers and
long-range missiles aimed at Israeli targets between Haifa and Tel Aviv.
Ben Eliezer even claimed that Hezbollah could build a nuclear bomb within
four years.

Hezbollah spearheaded a guerrilla war to force Israel to end its 22-year
occupation of southern Lebanon in May 2000.


"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses."
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung


P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
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Colombia: Army pursue guerrillas in jungle - Ananova [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-20 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 4:54 AM
Subject: Colombia: Army pursue guerrillas in jungle - Ananova

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 03:04:27 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Colombia: Army pursue guerrillas in jungle - Ananova

Colombian army pursue guerrillas in jungle - Ananova

Thousands of soldiers backed by jets and helicopter gunships have pursued a
column of guerrillas through Colombia's southern jungle.

The military said at least 15 rebels and three soldiers were killed.

Joining the army's 3,500 soldiers was a flotilla of helicopters and fighter

The move came after more than 1,000 members of the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia, or FARC, were found in the jungle near San Jose del

Military pilots claimed that more than 100 guerrillas had been killed, but
General Carlos Alberto Fracica, commander of the Rapid Response Force, would
not confirm the figure.

The guerrillas were located a week ago, after they left a rebel-controlled
region where informal peace talks had been staged.

The military began sending in troops and hardware last week before launching
its attack.

The army said the guerrillas had been planning to attack military bases in
the south east as well as the communities of Barrancominas, San Jose del
Guaviare, Mapripan and Puerto Alvira.

See this story on the web at

"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a
struggle to the death between the future and the
Fidel Castro

"The Marxist-Leninist doctrine on class struggle and the dictatorship of
the proletariat affirms the role of violence in revolution, makes a
distinction between unjust, counter-revolutionary violence and just,
revolutionary violence, between the violence of the exploiting classes,
and that of the masses."
General Vo Nguyen Giap

"Without a Peoples Army the people have nothing"
Mao Tse-Tung

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
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U.S. has no right to talk about human rights [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-20 Thread Bill Howard

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Pyongyang, August 18 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
describes the U.S. as a country with the poorest human rights record and its
loudmouthed "defense of human rights" as a means of aggression and
interference. Citing facts to prove the poor human rights situation in the
U.S., the article says:
Human rights are wantonly violated in the U.S. almost everyday.
According to information released by the U.S. authorities, 265 people
are shot and 87 of them are reported dead on a daily average.
A bill on banning sales of arms was submitted to the congress, but
monopoly capitalists, well aware that if the bill is passed, it will deprive
them of chances of money making, blocked the passage of the bill by bribing
In the U.S. 0.02 percent of the population holds 60 percent of the U.S.
46 million people, or 17 percent of the U.S. population, live below
poverty line. 
The U.S. imperialists obsessed by the vaulting ambition for world
supremacy use "human rights issues" as means of interference in the internal
affairs of other countries and hegemonism.
It is well known to the world that under the pretext of "defense of
democracy" and "defense of human rights" the U.S. dispatched aggression
forces to invade Grenada and kill the prime minister of the country and
invaded Panama to kidnap the head of state of the country.
Iraq and Yugoslavia, too, fell victim to the U.S. lever called "defense
of human rights." 

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Annette Lu: Engages in Splittism and Confrontation under Cover of Peace [WWW.STO

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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Annette Lu: Engages in Splittism and Confrontation under Cover of Peace
Recently, "Taiwan 
element Annette Lu carefully engineered and organized so-called "world
peace, Taiwan voice" activity in the Island. This is another farce of
splittism and confrontation by which she advocates "Taiwan independence"
under the signboard of "peace".

It is well known that as early as after the conclusion of World War II,
Taiwan was returned to China both de jure and de facto, the Taiwan issue is
a product left over from the civil war between China's Kuomintang and the
Communist Party, the fact that the Taiwan issue long remains unresolved is
the result of the "Taiwan independence" and splittist force and certain
external forces' sedulous obstruction and intervention done out of the
consideration of their own interests. The Communist Party of China (CPC) and
the Chinese government have since the 1950s striven to settle the Taiwan
question peacefully, for example: in 1955, on behalf of the CPC Central
Committee, the late Premier Zhou Enlai openly expressed the wish of
"peacefully liberating Taiwan"; in the early 1960s, the CPC Central
Committee summed up the tentative plan as "one outline and four items" for
peacefully solving the Taiwan issue; after 1979 it further put forward the
"peaceful reunification, one country, two systems" program; in 1995, General
Secretary Jiang Zemin
  set forth
a more concrete and practical eight-point proposal for promoting the process
of developing cross-Strait relationship and the peaceful reunification of
the motherland". In recent years, the mainland has made tremendous efforts
for boosting the development of cross-Strait relationship and gradually
realizing the goal of peaceful reunification and the practical work such as
cross-Strait people-to-people exchange and business negotiation, all these
have given full expression to the sincerity and goodwill of the Chinese
government for the peaceful solution of the Taiwan issue.

However, some "Taiwan independence" elements and separatists in Taiwan
Island, working hand in glove with international anti-China forces, have
deliberately tried to separate Taiwan from the Chinese territory. They
refuse to accept the one-China principle, reject the "1992 Consensus"
reached between the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits
(ARATS) and the Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) and even do not admit that
they themselves are Chinese, this has greatly hurt the feelings of the
entire Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, goes against the
long-term interest and development of the Chinese nation, and endangers
China's national security and peace between the two sides of the Straits. In
view of this, the Chinese government, while basing itself on peacefully
solving the Taiwan issue, cannot promise to renounce the use of force, but
this is by no means directed against the Taiwan people, but against
anti-China and anti-Communist external forces and Taiwan splitting forces.
Apparently, without the anti-China and anti-Communist forces and the
splitting forces, there would not be such a problem as "not renouncing the
use of force". Force aims entirely at defending the integrity and sacredness
and inviolability of the Chinese territory. This is the necessary security
precaution of any sovereign State. Annette Lu reverses cause and effect,
obstinately clings to her "Taiwan independence" splittist advocacy, ferments
feelings of estrangement between natives of Taiwan and those from other
provinces in the Island, splits up clansmen, creates tension in cross-Strait
relations, undermines the foundation of cross-Strait peace and causes secret
worry about peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region, this fire player
who recklessly practices splittism shifts the blame "threat to peace" onto
the mainland and dresses up the "Taiwan independence" separatist force as
"peace emissary", this is really an act of blaspheming peace!

At the conference, Annette Lu sedulously arranged a discussion among
participants on questions such as whether the CPC's 'one China' is a road to
peace, or an obstacle to the march toward peace? And how can this obstacle
be removed?" "How should the international community first make commitment
to Taiwan before Taiwan can join the international community?" And "In what
form can the international community get involved in cross-Strait mediation
and assistance and maintain long-lasting world peace?" Obviously, her real
aim is not to find any solution to the issue, but instead deliberately
fabricate a question and include the answer in the question and induce the
participants into the trap she has set up in advance, thereby giving them
the impression that "Taiwan is a peace maker, not a trouble maker", an

Israeli President Backs Unilateral Separation From Palestinians [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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Israeli President Moshe Katsav on Monday expressed support for a proposed
unilateral separation from the Palestinians, the website of the leading
Israeli Ha'aretz daily reported.
Katsav said that Israel had "no choice" but to adopt separation, which has
won growing political and public support in recent months.
He proposed the line of the unilateral separation be drawn in the
Israeli-ruled Area C and that the aim was to enhance security. He added that
the final border, however, would be determined in negotiations.
The Israeli president stressed that he was "speaking of a military
separation," but not a diplomatic separation, "in order to better defend
Israeli civilians."
Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Almert, together with other four Knesset (parliament)
members Dan Meridor, Michael Eitan, Haim Ramon and Dalia Itzik, earlier
voiced support for the proposed unilateral separation.
But former Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami on Sunday criticized the plan for
potential dangers of a perpetual war between Israel and the Palestinians and
even the Arab and Muslim world.
"Instead of land for peace, they are offering land for nothing and the
creation of conditions for a continued war with the Palestinians," Ben-Ami
Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer and Foreign Minister Shimon
Peres have both opposed the plan, saying that such a separation would
eventually lead to a "mortar battle" rather than an end to shooting at
Israeli targets. 

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China Condemns All Violent Activities in Mideast [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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[Can both an aggressor and a defender both be
painted with the same brush?... Bill]

China Monday condemned all violent activities that worsened the tensions
between Palestinians and Israelis, calling on the two sides to exercise
The condemnation came as Wang Yingfan, the Chinese permanent representative
to the United Nations, was speaking at an open U.N. Security Council
meeting, which began on Monday morning.
"The Chinese delegation condemns all violent activities that lead to the
escalation of the conflict and civilian casualty," Wang said. "We appeal
strongly to the two sides to exercise restraint and stop all forms of
"We call on the Israeli Government to return the Orient House and other
occupied Palestinian buildings to the Palestinian side immediately," he
"The two sides should, with the help from the international community,
implement as soon as possible relevant recommendations of the Mitchell
Report and create favorable conditions for the resumption of peace talks,"
he said. 
Recently, there has been an escalation of the Israeli- Palestinian conflict,
he said, adding that recent suicide explosions inside Israel have resulted
in heavy civilian casualties.
"The Israeli side, however, has resorted, time and again, to an excessive
use of arms, closed the Orient House by force," which homes the office of
the Palestine Liberation Organization in East Jerusalem and, "for a time,
even sent troops to occupy the self- governed Palestinian City of Jenin on
the West Bank, leading to the further exacerbation of the situation," he
"These latest developments have caused deep worries in the international
community," he said. "We support the Security Council to convene this public
"The United Nations should make active efforts to end the bloodshed of the
conflict between Israel and Palestine and ease the tensions in the region as
soon as possible," he said.
In recent years, the Security Council has held discussions and adopted
resolutions or presidential statements on issues such as the prevention of
armed conflict and the protection of civilians in armed conflict, he said.
"Now the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is escalating, the international
community have placed high expectations on the United Nations, it is our
hope that council members will be able to make an active, practical and
constructive effort, in the spirit of resolutions and presidential
statements already adopted, to hold serious consultations on the grave
situation of the Israeli-Palestinian violent conflict as well as necessary
measures that should be immediately taken," he said.
"The council members should put aside differences, and work to achieve a
consensus as soon as possible so as to send a strong message to both sides
of the conflict and the entire international community that violence must be
stopped and tensions eased," he said.
The Security Council has already held many discussions on the issue of
sending international observers to the region, Wang said, adding that the
idea has gained more and more attention and support from the international
"We hope that the Israeli side will respond positively to the appeal and
advice from the international community and take this appeal and advice from
the international community and take this recommendation into earnest
consideration," he said.
"Faced with the serious situation where the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is
getting worse and worse, we believe that efforts from a third party,
especially from those with influence on both sides of the conflict, are
indispensable to make the two sides cool down, stop violence and come back
to the negotiation table," he said.
"This is clear to every outsider," he said. "We also believe that, as a U.N.
body that shoulders the prime responsibility for maintaining international
peace and security, it is only right and natural for the Security Council to
pay close attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," he added.

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S. Korean, U.S. troops launch war games [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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South Korea and the United States began a 12-day joint military exercise
yesterday to test their preparedness in the event of war with North Korea.

The exercise, Ulchi Focus Lens, is largely a computer-simulated war game
that has been conducted annually since 1976.

The joint operation involves 10,000 U.S. soldiers including experts in
computer simulation games from Japan, Guam and the United States.

The exercise usually requires South Korean government officials and army
headquarters officers of the two allies based in Seoul to work around the
clock in simulated war conditions.

The two Koreas never technically ended the 1950-53 Korean War with a full
peace treaty and Ulchi Focus is one of three main joint drills conducted
every year under the mutual U.S.-South Korea defense pact.

South Korea and the United States have said past exercises were defensive,
but North Korea has denounced them as rehearsals for a northward invasion.

Hwang Eui-don, a spokesman for Seoul's Defense Ministry, said this year's
exercise will be conducted without any cuts in its programs.

"It is designed to evaluate and improve combined and joint coordination,
procedures, plans and systems for the conduct of contingency operations by
U.S. and South Korean forces," a U.S. military spokesman said.

Following the inter-Korean summit in June 2000, South Korea scaled back that
year's Ulchi Focus Lens two months later in a gesture aimed at further
easing tension with North Korea.

Seoul has shunned publicity in a bid to avoid the collapse of its
reconciliation process with the communist North. It refused to disclose the
number of South Korean soldiers mobilized for this year's exercise.

The North has generally eased its propaganda war against the South since the
meeting between their leaders last year.

But the North halted inter-Korean talks in March, after U.S. President
George W. Bush ordered a review of policy toward Pyongyang.

The United States has said it would like talks on the North's nuclear and
missile programs and its huge army on the border with South Korea.

The North's official Rodong Sinmun warned on Saturday that it would not
resume talks with the United States unless Washington dropped its "hostile"
policy" and removed U.S.-imposed conditions for dialogue.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il resumed calls for the withdrawal of U.S.
troops in the South during his recent trip to Moscow. He called the troop
withdrawal a "pressing problem" for peace in the region.

Seoul is becoming increasingly exasperated over the impasse, which deepened
last week over the participation of South Korean labor, religious and civic
group activists in a reunification festival in Pyongyang.

Some radical members of the 337-strong South Korean delegation went to the
festival, despite having signed a pledge before leaving they would not get
involved in political activities.

Top security officials in Seoul were to hold the National Security Council
meeting in Seoul Monday to discuss the festival while the delegation faces a
criminal investigation when it returns on Tuesday. (AP, AFP

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American planes strafed civilians in Nogun-ri: U.S. documents [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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Declassified U.S. documents show that American air force planes strafed
South Korean civilians on three occasions in and around Nogun-ri, a hamlet
some 250km south of Seoul, during the early days of the Korean War

The U.S. military documents proving the three aerial attacks were made
public through the Web site of the U.S. publication firm, Henry Holt.

An after-mission report, posted on the Nogun-ri home page of Henry Holt
(, showed that between "50 to 100 troops were
killed or wounded by U.S. air force planes three miles south of Yongam-ri
(misspelled as Yonsan-ni) July 26, 1950," when Nogun-ri survivors estimate
100 refugees were killed by strafing planes four and one half miles
southeast of Yongsan-ni.

"The initial attack on the refugees occurred around mid-day; this mission
flew in early evening. But some survivors say they were strafed again later
that day, or the next day, or both," the report said.

Another after-mission report also said that U.S. planes were ordered to
strafe an "unidentified object" one mile west of Hwanggan July 27, 1950. The
Nogun-ri trestle, which some survivors say was strafed that day, is a mile
and a half west-southwest of Hwanggan. The results of the attack on the
"unidentified" target were recorded as "good."

The documents show that the U.S. side omitted crucial information during a
joint inquiry with South Korean officials, the outcome of which was
announced in a report earlier this year.

The U.S. side has consistently denied strafing by U.S. air force planes on
Koreans near Nogun-ri July 26. It said there was only one air raid the
following day. 

The report, which was released Jan. 12 after 15 months of joint probes and
consultations between the two sides, ended inconclusively on the strafing
case. It said: "Strafing may have been occurred near Nogun-ri the last week
of July 1950 and could have injured or killed Korean civilians but that any
such air strikes were not deliberate attacks on Korean civilians."

The U.S. report, however, acknowledged for the first time that U.S. soldiers
killed or injured an unconfirmed number of South Korean refugees at

Then-U.S. President Bill Clinton issued a written statement of regret over
the civilian deaths and promised to offer a scholarship fund and build a
memorial to Nogun-ri victims and other innocent Korean civilians killed
during the war. 

But the U.S. side refused to admit its responsibility for the incident,
saying their commanders did not issue oral or written orders to shoot and
kill Korean civilians.

Nogun-ri survivors and local civic groups claim that about 300 to 400 South
Korean civilians were killed by retreating U.S. troops and U.S. air force
planes at Nogun-ri.

In September 1999, a team of Associated Press (AP) investigative reporters
broke the story that U.S. troops had killed a large number of South Korean
refugees, including women and children, early in the war.

The Nogun-ri story made headlines around the world and sparked an official
investigation by the Pentagon that confirmed the allegations the U.S.
military had previously dismissed.

Henry Holt plans to publish a book on the incident, titled "The Bridge at No
Gun Ri," Sept. 6. The authors of the book are Charles J. Hanley, Choe
Sang-hun and Martha Mendoza, all AP writers, who were awarded the Pulitzer
Prize for investigative reporting.

([EMAIL PROTECTED] By Kang Seok-jae Staff reporter

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USA. OAKLAND PORT - Action in Solidarity with Carlo Guiliani [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.U

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 4:19 AM
Subject: USA. OAKLAND PORT - Action in Solidarity with Carlo Guiliani

From: "Macdonald Stainsby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 15:14:58 -0700
To: "Rad Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [R-G] OAKLAND PORT - Action in Solidarity with Carlo Guiliani

VICTORY AT THE OAKLAND PORT - Action in Solidarity with Carlo Guiliani

Grassroots reports from the Bay Area and Portland on solidarity actions
against Italian freighter, sent by: Michael Eisenscher
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; on August 18

2. Portland report, from Steve Ongerth, IWW, August 16

3. Leaflets used in Oakland demonstration
   Email alert which was used in Oakland

4. Background information sources

In response to an email alert, in fewer than 12 hours a spirited
picketline was thrown up at the gate to the Howard Terminal at Berth 68
in the Port of Oakland Friday in protest of the arrival of the Italian
ship Cielo di San Francisco and its sister ship which arrived just ahead
of it. 20-40 pickets arrived at the terminal early Friday morning after
receiving notice Thursday night that the Cielo di San Francisco was due
to arrive from Portland, where it also had been picketed. After the
initial alert went out, it was learned that the ship would not arrive
until this afternoon. But this news came too late for those who showed
up at 7:00 a.m. When they arrived, however, they discovered that another
Italian vessel also owned in part by the Italian government was already
in port. The morning picket succeeded in delaying unloading of the ship
for a couple of hours until an arbitrator ruled that the picketline did
not constitute a health and safety hazard to longshore workers as
members of ILWU Local 10 had claimed in refusing to cross. The ship was
then unloaded and departed Oakland.

This afternoon the Cielo di San Francisco arrived and docked around 4:00
p.m. It too was greeted by a pickeline which grew to about 75 people
over the next few hours. When the longshore gang arrived to unload the
ship, the union members refused to cross the picketline, again citing
their apprehension that doing so would constitute a health and safety
risk. Management once again demanded instant arbitration. An arbitrator
was dispatched to the port. This time, however, he ruled that the larger
more militant picketline did pose a health and safety risk. The
longshore workers were not required to cross but were ordered to stand
by in the event that the picketline diminished to a point where they
would not be able to claim a well founded fear for their safety.
Meanwhile the union members were collecting full pay for standing by.

Picketing continued until after 10:00 p.m. at which time the union
business agent informed his members that the gang had been released to
go home. This is a tremendous victory and sends a message to the Italian
government that the brutalization of protesters and murder of Carlo
Guiliani at the hands of the Italian state security forces and police
will have real consequences for Italy's trade with the U.S.

We have learned that the ship has been ordered to remain docked until
10:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Management will try to recruit a new
longshore gang to unload the ship in the morning. To prevent this from
happening, a picketline must again be established at 7:00 a.m. to greet
the dockworkers as they arrive for their 8:00 a.m. shift -- if
management can find enough union members willing to come in at overtime
rates to do this work.

The Cielo di San Francisco is scheduled to go next to Los Angeles. If an
LA picketline can be organized, it is possible that the ship will have
to leave the West Coast without ever discharging its cargo. This is
reminiscent of the sage of the Neptune Jade, a ship from England that
had been loaded by scab labor during the docker strike in Liverpool a
few years ago when the Thatcher government sought to break the dockers
union by privatizing the ports. Pickets at the Port of Oakland succeeded
in forcing the Neptune Jade to leave port without discharging its cargo.
Their example was emulated by protesters in Vancouver. Again the ship
left port with its cargo still aboard. In Japan, its next port of call,
the Neptune Jade again had to leave without off loading its cargo after
Japanese dock workers refused to unload it. The Neptune Jade was
subsequently sold with its cargo still aboard. The Cielo di San
Francisco can become a pariah ship like the Neptune Jade.

Carlo Guiliani was martyred for his principles. Hundreds of others were
savagely beaten and terrorized for the simple act of demonstrating
against the corporate globalization agenda of the G-8. Anti-

15 Face Felonies In Missile Protest; U.S. Raises Stakes for Delayed Launch [WWW.

2001-08-21 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] 15 Face Felonies In Missile Protest; U.S. Raises Stakes
for Delayed Launch

[IMF-WB-Protest-Discuss] Wash. Post: 15
Face Felonies In Missile Protest; U.S. Raises
Stakes for Delayed Launch
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 04:04:02 -0700
(Recipient list suppressed)

"Frances Olsen, a UCLA law professor who teaches a
class on civil disobedience,
called the felony charges "draconian" and "saber
rattling," aimed at producing
a chilling effect on future protests of this

at today's press conference, i think it was brian
becker who pointed out that
*never* -- even at the height of the Vietnam War
protests when protesters were
torching ROTC buildings -- did cops create the
kind of exclusion zones they
want to create in Wash. DC for the IMF/WB

if law enforcement gets the $30 mm they are after,
and if 20,000 protesters
show up for the unpermitted protests, that works
out to $1500 per protester!


The Washington Post
August 19, 2001, Sunday, Final Edition

LENGTH: 885 words

HEADLINE: 15 Face Felonies In Missile Protest;
U.S. Raises Stakes for Delayed

BYLINE: Jeff Adler and William Booth, Washington
Post Staff Writers


When a group of Greenpeace activists, protesting a
Star Wars missile defense
test, entered a restricted area at Vandenberg Air
Force Base last month, they
assumed they would be arrested, held for a few
hours and charged with
misdemeanor trespass -- just as others have before
them, including the actor
Martin Sheen.

But the international group of 15 protesters and
two journalists say they were
shocked to find themselves facing felony charges
of "conspiracy to violate a
safety zone," as well as the lesser offense of
violating a direct order.

If found guilty, the protesters face a maximum
sentence of six years in prison
and fines of $ 250,000. The group was arraigned in
federal court here on Monday
and pleaded not guilty. Trial was set for Sept.
25, but the case will likely be
delayed for months. "I didn't even know what a
felony was," said Nic Clyde, 32,
a Greenpeace leader from Australia, who is freed
on $ 20,000 bond but ordered
to remain in Los Angeles after spending six nights
in jail. "But I knew it
sounded bad."

The felony charges are highly unusual for protests
that are nonviolent and in
which no property is destroyed, said several legal
experts not involved in the

Frances Olsen, a UCLA law professor who teaches a
class on civil disobedience,
called the felony charges "draconian" and "saber
rattling," aimed at producing
a chilling effect on future protests of this kind.

Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney in
Los Angeles, said the
protesters warranted felony charges because they
knowingly proceeded into a
federally restricted marine area, delaying the
missile launch and endangering
the safety of the protesters and those sent to
arrest them. Mrozek said the
felony charges did not represent any policy change
by the administration.

"They violated the safety zone despite repeated
oral and written warnings by
the United States Coast Guard," Mrozek said.

The serious nature of the charges have garnered
widespread media attention,
especially outside the United States and in the
home countries of the 15
protesters, who, including six Americans, are from
Sweden, England, Australia,
Germany, Canada and India.

The journalists, who documented the protest, are
photographer Stephen
Fitzpatrick Morgan from the United Kingdom and
videographer Jorge Torres from
Spain. They also face felony charges.

The 15 protesters are either employees or
volunteers who work with Greenpeace,
a well-funded international environmental
organization that opposes testing and
implementing a space-based anti-missile shield,
saying it increases the
likelihood of a nuclear exchange.

Because of the felony charges and the threats of
long prison terms,
Greenpeace's publicity machine is gearing up to
make "The Stop Star Wars 17"
into international celebrities and perhaps martyrs
to the cause.

The foreign protesters are staying together at a
group house in Los Angeles,
accompanied by a public relations manager, as they
have been ordered by the
court not to leave the country.

This is the first time in 30 years of protests
that the government has charged
Greenpeace demonstrators with felonies, said Carol
Gregory, a Greenpeace

But protests are nothing new to Vandenberg Air
Force Base, a center and launch
site of missile defense tests.

In the last year, three other groups of protesters
were arrested at Vandenberg

China. People´s Daily Aug 22 [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:02 AM
Subject: China. People´s Daily Aug 22


Arafat to Visit China

At the invitation of Chinese President Jiang Zemin, President of the State
of Palestine and Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority Yasser
Arafat will come to China on a working visit from August 23.
During his visit, Arafat will brief Chinese leaders on the current
situations of the Middle East, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Sun Yuxi
said Tuesday in Beijing.
The trip was announced shortly after Arafat agreed earlier in the day to
meet Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in Berlin in an effort to quell
the violence.
Sadi Jaber, the Palestinian diplomatic representative in Beijing, said
Arafat would likely leave China on Saturday.
He said Arafat would be pushing for continued Chinese support for a
Palestinian demand for international peacekeepers to be sent to the Middle
East to "protect the Palestinians".
"This invitation came from the Chinese side. It is to discuss the situation
in Palestine and the violence in Palestine," he told reporters.
Arafat last visited China in August last year, just days before Peres.
A senior Beijing-based Western diplomat said Arafat's visit to China would
be part of an Asian tour that would also include India.
"His purpose is like he's doing in the last 10 months -- to mobilize
international support for the Palestinian position," said the diplomat.

Arafat Is Ready to Hold Truce Talks in Berlin

Amid frantic diplomatic efforts to bring an end to nearly 11 months of
violence in the Middle East, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat Aug.21 said he
was ready to meet Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres in Berlin.
Speaking at a news conference after meeting with German Foreign Minister
Joschka Fischer in the West Bank city of Ramallah today, Arafat acknowledged
Germany's recent efforts to establish cease-fire talks between the two
"I welcome your [Fischer's] good ideas and I welcome meeting ... Shimon
Peres in your office in Berlin," Arafat said.
Reacting to Arafat's call during an official visit to East Europe today,
Peres said he would discuss details of a possible meeting when he returned
home. However Israeli radio Aug.21 reported the meeting would take place
early next week.
The latest moves to hold truce talks came amid a flurry of diplomatic
activity by Fischer this week.
Hours after holding talks with Arafat, the German foreign minister met with
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon Aug.21, in an attempt to bring an end to
the current stalemate.
Speaking to reporters after his meeting with Fischer, Sharon said he had
asked the Fischer to help bring an end to the violence. He made no reference
to a likely Peres-Arafat meeting.

U.S. Backs Israel at U.N. Meeting

Siding with Israel, the United States made clear Monday it would not support
Arab efforts to get Security Council endorsement for a resolution dealing
with the Middle East crisis.
Without backing from the United States ¡ª a veto-wielding member of the
council ¡ª it was unlikely that a draft resolution circulated by the
Palestinians last week would go for a vote in the council.
The draft, backed by Arab and Muslim states, calls for an end to the Israeli
takeover of Orient House ¡ª the unofficial Palestinian headquarters in east
Jerusalem ¡ª an immediate cessation of violence, and the creation of a
``monitoring mechanism,'' which Israeli opposes.
Acting U.S. Ambassador James Cunningham said the gravity of events on the
ground led the United States to ``question the appropriateness and
effectiveness of any action here in New York.''
``What is required now is not rhetoric, not debate that polarizes an already
volatile situation, and certainly not an effort to condemn one side with
unbalanced charges or to impose unworkable ideas that will not change the
reality on the ground,'' Cunningham said.
Security Council meetings are normally reserved for its 15 members, but at
the request of Arab states, Monday's session was open to any representative
¡ª including Israel and the Palestinians.

Palestinian representative Nasser al-Kidwa and Israeli Ambassador Yehuda
Lancry sat at opposite ends of the Security Council table Monday exchanging
blame for 11 months of bloodshed.
Lancry lamented the ``lost language of peace,'' and said Israel remained
opposed to monitors that he argued would be ``totally ineffective in
preventing terror attacks.''
Al-Kidwa said ``there is no other mechanism or organized and sustained
efforts to halt the violence.'' council will be able to fulfill its duties
and adopt the resolution,'' he said.
The draft provides for monitors to help both sides take the steps to peace
recommended by an inte

Lawyers for Nogun-ri survivors to file suit against Washington [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Howard

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Representatives and attorneys for Nogun-ri survivors said yesterday they
will file a lawsuit against the Bush administration with a U.S. court early
next week. 

They are also pushing for a congressional hearing on the Nogun-ri incident
in the United States, along with the enactment of a special act.

The moves came one day after a number of declassified U.S. military
documents showed that U.S. Air Force planes strafed South Korean civilians
on three occasions in and around Nogun-ri, a hamlet about 250 km south of
Seoul, during the early days of the Korean War (1950-53).

The new documents were put on the Web site of U.S. publication company,
Henry Holt, which will publish a book authored by a team of Associated Press
reporters on the Nogun-ri incident early next month.

"Our attorneys in the United States, including Michael Choi, told me that
they will file a lawsuit against the U.S. administration with a Washington
court as early as next week on charges of violating the U.S. Freedom of
Information Act," said Jung Eun-yong, chairman of the Committee for
Unveiling Truth about the Nogun-ri Massacre.

The private committee, representing the Nogun-ri victims and survivors, was
set up in 1994 to investigate the incident, in which it claims that some 300
South Korean civilians were killed or injured by retreating U.S. soldiers
and U.S. Air Force planes in and around Nogun-ri.

"If we win the lawsuit, then we will file another suit with a U.S. court
against U.S. military officials deeply involved in their investigation of
the Nogun-ri incident on charges of omitting or covering up crucial
information," Jung said.

In June, the U.S. attorneys asked the U.S. government to disclose its
estimated 1 million documents and testimonies of Nogun-ri survivors, which
the U.S. investigative team reviewed during its 15 months-long inquiry.

Citing lack of time, the U.S. side asked for the delay of the information
disclosure for 45 days and then another seven days, Jung said.

"The deadline for the second delay was this past Sunday and if the U.S.
government continues to refuse to disclose the information in question, then
we have no choice but to file a suit," Jung said.

If the attorneys successfully prove the United States intentionally omitted
information, he said, then the U.S. government should be held responsible
for the Nogun-ri incident.

After 15 months of joint inquiries into the Nogun-ri case, South Korea and
the United States announced their joint report in January, which ended
inconclusively on the strafing case. The U.S. military has consistently
denied strafing by U.S. air force planes on South Korean civilians in and
around Nogun-ri on July 26, 1950.

"Along with the lawsuit, we are also pushing for a congressional hearing and
the enactment of a special act on the incident this fall," Jung said.


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India: Milosevic has been abducted [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 6:01 AM
Subject: India: Milosevic has been abducted 

Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 06:09:05 +0200
Subject: Milosevic has been abducted'

URL for this article:

'Milosevic has been abducted'
Hindustan Times Correspondent
New Delhi, August 16

INDIA ON Thursday described the recent extradition of former Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic to The Hague to stand trial as an "abduction",
making it clear that it disapproves strongly of the action of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).

External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh told the Rajya Sabha during
question hour, "How can we approve that the citizen of one country
(Milosevic) be abducted and taken to trial in a third country?" This was
the strongest condemnation of the ICTY and, by implication, of the western
countries by India ever since the fall of Milosevic. The unprecedented
harsh words came when the minister was explaining why India had continued
to abstain from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

A strong case for India's reconsideration of its stand on the ICC was made,
one after another, by Ram Jethmalani, Fali S Nariman and Kapil Sibal,
obliging Singh to state that the government would "readdress" itself to the
question and would even welcome a discussion in the House.

Explaining why New Delhi had continued to be cold to the concept of the
ICC, Singh said that while the court would try "international crimes",
there was no global unanimity yet on what constituted such crimes. There
was not even unanimity over what constituted human rights; it were
civilisational and cultural divides that gave rise to various
interpretations of such subjects.

Claiming that the MEA had seriously thought about the ICC, he said it
remained of the view that in its present form, the court would encroach on
the rights of sovereign states.

(c) Hindustan Times 2001 Reprinted for Fair Use Only

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Colombian Army's Sweeping Powers. [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 5:32 AM
Subject: Colombian Army's Sweeping Powers.

From: "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Original Message -
From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:56 AM
Subject: Rozoff: Colombian Army's Sweeping Powers. 3 IRA Men

 Subject: Rights Groups Alarmed As Colombian Army Given Sweeping Powers
Aug. 16, 08:28 EDT

 Colombian army given sweeping powers  New legislation alarms human-
 rights groups  BOGOTA (AP) ó Brushing aside human-rights
 concerns, Colombian President Andres Pastrana signed war legislation
 granting the U.S.-backed military expanded powers to battle guerrillas,
 his office announced Thursday.

 UN rights monitors, human-rights groups and some members of the U.S.
 Congress have criticized the measure, fearing it will lead to abuses in
 Colombia's 37-year civil war.

 The law, which Pastrana signed without fanfare Monday, is expected to
 be challenged by opponents in Colombia's Constitutional Court and could
 affect deliberations on future U.S. military aid to the South American

 One of the law's most criticized articles allows the president to set
 up martial-law zones called "theatres of operations," in which local
 civilian officials would be subordinate to regional police and
 military commanders.

 The law also allows soldiers to detain suspects longer before handing
 them over to a judge.

 Amnesty International, in a statement from New York City, said: ``There
 is serious concern that these provisions could facilitate torture or
 other forms of human-rights violations of those captured
 during counter-insurgency operations."

 The law also shortens the time allowed for completing investigations
 into alleged human-rights abuses by security force members and requires
 civilian prosecutors to report to the military on their investigations
 into terrorism and war crimes including torture.

 A leading Colombian human-rights activist said the measure would
 militarize the country.

 "There will be arrests without warrants, interrogations of civilians on
 military bases and impunity for soldiers and police who have
 violated human rights," predicted Gustavo Gallon, director of the
 Colombian Jurists' Commission.

 Pastrana has not spoken publicly on his decision to sign the National
 Defence and Security Law, which Colombia's congress approved in June.

 But one of the law's authors said Colombia needs tougher legislation
 given the country's serious crisis.

 "The Colombian people are cornered by violence," Senator German Vargas
 "We need instruments to defend ourselves."

 The military, which pushed hard for the legislation, said Colombia's
 laws have hamstrung its ability to fight guerrillas.

 Generals complain top officers are tied up in lengthy human-rights
 investigations and the military often must free guerrilla suspects
 because they are captured in remote areas where there are no
 judicial authorities.

 Pastrana faces conflicting pressure to give the military greater rein
 in the war, while also curbing its human-rights abuses ó the latter a
 condition for receiving military aid from Washington.

 Elected on a peace platform three year ago, one of the president's
 legacies may be helping the military gird for war. In addition to
 tougher legislation, Pastrana's tenure has brought the armed forces
 dozens more combat helicopters, high-technology intelligence aids and
 is more than doubling the number of professional troops.

 UN rights monitors last month objected to seven of the law's 69
 provisions, saying they are either unconstitutional or violate
 international human-rights treaties.

 Democrats in the U.S. Congress also raised concerns last month during
 hearings about future aid to Colombia. They spoke of possible aid
 cutbacks and called for U.S. State Department monitoring of the law's

 Washington is providing $1.3 billion in mostly military aid to


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Caspian pipeline getting closer... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-22 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: Lee Mager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:10 PM
Subject: Caspian pipeline getting closer... [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

>From Financial Times website:

Pipeline to ease Europe's reliance on North Sea
By Daniel Dombey in Brussels
Published: August 20 2001 19:00GMT | Last Updated: August 21 2001 11:04GMT

The European Commission on Monday hailed the construction of a 300km oil
pipeline in Ukraine as a crucial step in reducing Europe's dependence on
North Sea oil. The pipeline from Odessa to Brody, which was officially
opened on Sunday, links up with existing infrastructure to supply Slovakia
and central Europe with oil from the Caspian region. An extension of the
pipeline to the Polish city of Gdansk, expected by 2003, would open up a
supply for the Baltic region.  Odessa will be supplied by tankers from the
oil wells. Up to now production from the Caspian has suffered from severe
The European Union has been providing technical assistance to the new
pipeline and has certified that it conforms to European standards.
"If you take the European Union, the only oil source is the North Sea, which
is in decline," an official in Brussels said. "The evaluation which has been
done on the Caspian Sea confirms that it could be a replacement. For those
reasons this pipeline is strategically important for European energy supply,
in addition to the supply of the Russian federation." Romano Prodi, the
Commission president, launched an initiative last year to reduce the EU's
dependence on outside energy supplies through greater co-operation with
Russia. The Commission estimates North Sea oil and gas deposits will be
within 25 yeas, while EU enlargement will do nothing to increase internal
supply. The Commission is also evaluating industry responses to a green
paper it issued late last year on security of energy supply. The paper
mooted greater controls of energy demand, more use of renewable energy
resources and new import routes for oil and gas.
The Ukrainian project has been supported since 1995 by the EU's interstate
oil and gas transport to Europe programme.

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US Debt to UN Reaches Record High [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Howard

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The debt owed by the United States to the United Nations has reached a
record high of 2.33 billion U.S. dollars as of July 31, a UN spokesman said
Spokesman Fred Eckhard told a briefing that "the United States, the biggest
debtor, now owes more than 2.33 billion dollars, including more than 462
million for the regular budget and more than 1.8 billion for peacekeeping
Member states owe the United Nations a total of 4.295 billion dollars in
unpaid contributions, four-fifths of it to the peacekeeping account,
according to the spokesman.
Last week, the U.N. said its cash flow was "extremely precarious," and it
would be forced to cross-borrow from the peacekeeping account to pay staff
salaries this month.
Leaders of the Republican Party in the U.S. congress have threatened to hold
up payment of 582 million dollars in arrears, which they agreed in last
December to deliver to the U.N. by the end of this year, seeking to attach
the funds to a bill that bars American cooperation with a new International
Criminal Court. 
The 189-member U.N. General Assembly agreed last December to cut the U.S.
share of the annual U.N. administrative budget to 22 percent from 25 percent
and its share of the peacekeeping budget to 25 percent from 31 percent in
several years. 
In return, Washington, under a deal arranged by former U.S. ambassador to
the U.N. Richard Holbrooke, was to keep up its payments and release the 582
million dollars in arrears.

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CIS Collective Rapid Forces Hold Exercise in Kyrgyzstan [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

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The Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS) began a command-post exercise in Kyrgyzstan
  on Wednesday,
according to reports reaching here from the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek.

The main purpose of the Friendship 2001 exercise held under the CIS
Collective Security Treaty is to train the collective forces to crush
international terrorist groups in Central Asia, said Kyrgyz Defense Ministry
spokesman Merbek Koilubayev.

"Terrorism, extremism and separatism are creating an instability curve in
the world," Kyrgyz Defense Minister Esen Topoyev said at the opening

The CIS leaders' efforts to create rapid-deployment forces in line with the
Collective Security Treaty are of great significance to the security of the
CIS and the world as a whole, he said.

Topoyev stressed that the situation on the southern frontiers of the CIS is
tranquil due to measures "taken by the Kyrgyz armed forces and the
collective forces of the CIS."

Commanding officers from Kazakhstan
 , Kyrgyzstan,
Russia   and
Tajikistan   are
taking part in the drill, which will end Friday. Uzbekistan
  has been
invited to send observers to the exercise.

The CIS Collective Security Treaty involves Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan,
Armenia  , Belarus
  and Tajikistan.

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Iraq: Saddam Tells Cubans Iraq Ready To Confront US Enemy - EFE [WWW.STOPNATO.OR

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 10:06 AM
Subject: Iraq: Saddam Tells Cubans Iraq Ready To Confront US Enemy - EFE

From: "Stasi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 06:09:47 +0100
To: "Peoples War" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Peoples War] Iraq: Saddam Tells Cubans Iraq Ready To Confront US
Enemy - EFE

"The Americans are continuing their known hatred to Iraq ... (and)
have allocated money for traitors out of Iraq, (but) we are not
annoyed because America is an enemy." ... on Iraqi-American
Saddam Hussein Iraqi president.


Baghdad, Aug 22, 2001 (EFE via COMTEX) - Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein has told a visiting Cuban delegation that his
country has rebuilt its arsenal and the armed forces are
prepared to confront "the U.S. enemy", local news reports said

"Our military capacity is much better than in years past and
politically we are also in better shape, as our relations with the
Arab countries and the rest of the world has improved
immensely," Saddam said.

He made the comments late Tuesday to a visiting delegation of
Cuban politicians who brought a message to Saddam from
President Fidel Castro, the state news agency INA reported.

"The battle continues on the political, economic and military
fronts but we are confident in a final victory," he told his visitors.
Saddam also expressed Baghdad's support for Havana "against
any U.S. attempt to harm Cuba" and blasted Washington's policy
of providing funds for exiled Cuban and Iraqi opposition groups.
The Iraqi leader took a swipe at neighboring Saudi Arabia and
Kuwait which he accused of collaboring with the air campaign by
the United States and Britain against his country.

Both neighbors provide bases for the U.S. and British warplanes
which patrol the U.N.-imposed no-fly zones over southern Iraq
and occasionally strike at Iraqi air defense sites. EFE

Copyright (c) 2001. Agencia EFE S.A

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Large-scale naval maneuver staged in S. Korea [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Howard

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Pyongyang, August 21 (KCNA) -- A large-scale naval maneuver was staged
in the East Sea of Korea from August 16 to 18, according to a report of
Yonhap News from Seoul. The maneuver staged with a fleet of the South Korean
navy involved was allegedly aimed to counter "infiltration" of somebody's
planes and warships.
It was participated in by more than ten warships and submarines
including a destroyer and different types of aircraft.
Even live bullets and shells were used in the four-phased drill "aimed
to defeat enemies coming in attack from air, sea and underwater."
It also involved an exercise to search for submarine with planes and
others involved. 
A naval officer concerned disclosed that "there is a plan to conduct
such a maneuver on a regular basis in the future."

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Israel's use of force against Palestine under fire [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Howard

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Pyongyang, August 21 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of
the DPRK answered a question put by KCNA today as regards the deteriorating
situation in the Palestinian area. It says:
Israel is now escalating the recourse to arms. It mounted a missile
attack on a Palestinian police station in the west bank and closed by force
Palestinian institutions including an office of the Palestine Liberation
Organization in east Kuds in retaliation against Palestine's recent suicidal
bomb attack. 
More and more innocent people fall victim and undergo pain and tensions
are increasing in the region due to the escalating conflicts. This is
arousing serious apprehension of the international community.
Israel's occupation of the PLO office in east Kuds by force and
continued missile attacks on Palestinian institutions are an undisguised
provocation to Palestine and the Arab people and a grave challenge to the
mideast peace process.
Israel should not resort to reckless "policy of strength" but
immediately stop all military actions against the Palestinian people and
respond as early as possible to the demand of the Arab people and the
international community for the comprehensive and fair settlement of the
mideast issue. 

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S. Korean and U.S. joint military exercise against DPRK under fire [WWW.STOPNATO

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Howard

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Pyongyang, August 22 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry
today issued the following statement assailing the united states and the
South Korean military authorities for staging "Ulji-Focus Lense" joint
military exercise in South Korea: The U.S. and the South Korean military
authorities launched "Ulji-Focus Lense" joint military exercise in South
Korea on August 20 to fan up war hysteria against the DPRK.
The exercise reportedly includes not only landing operation and
river-crossing exercise previously held but a mock "cyber warfare" drill,
the first of its kind, to "minimize" damage done by enemies' attack to
various information facilities including the computer network and wire or
wireless network system and to mount virus attack and hacking against the
The joint military exercise for aggression staged one after another by
the united states goes to clearly prove that it is, in reality, pushing
forward its attempt to stifle the DPRK by force of arms any time by
resorting to more modern means and methods although it is loudmouthed about
"dialogue with the DPRK."
The hard-won peace and reconciliation process on the Korean peninsula
has been derailed today due to the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.
The renewed sabre-rattling launched by the U.S. against the DPRK is
posing a grave threat to the peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.
If lasting peace and security are to be ensured on the Korean peninsula
and in northeast Asia, the U.S. must withdraw all its troops from South
Korea and totally drop its hostile policy toward the DPRK.
If the U.S. truly wishes dialogue with the DPRK, it should withdraw all
preconditions unilaterally put up by it and make efforts to create an
atmosphere favourable for dialogue.
The joint exercise staged by the South Korean authorities together with
the U.S. is in contravention of the June 15 north-south joint declaration
and it is a challenge to the DPRK. They should behave with discretion
bearing in mind that they will be held responsible for all the ensuing
consequences before the history and the nation.

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UK Prisoners call for Solidarity Action with Turkish Hunger Strikers [WWW.STOPNA

2001-08-23 Thread Bill Howard

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[Via Communist Internet... ]
- Original Message -
From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] UK Prisoners call for Solidarity Action with Turkish
Hunger Strikers

 [jailsupport] UK
Prisoners call for Solidarity
Action with Turkish Hunger Strikers
 Wed, 22 Aug 2001
16:30:25 -0400
 "scott campbell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


UK Prisoners call for
Solidarity Action with Turkish
Hunger Strikers

Miscarriages of JusticeUK (MOJUK)
Tele: 0121-554-6947
Fax: 0870-055-4570
Web site:";

UK Prisoners call for
Solidarity Action with Turkish
Hunger Strikers

Prisoner-activists Mark
Barnsley (HMP Wakefield) and
John Bowden (HMP
Bristol) have issued the
following statement:-

Solidarity with the Turkish Prisoners

On 30 June 22 year old Zehra
Kulaksic died following 221
days without
solid food. She was the fifth
person to die on the hunger strike
being staged by TAYAD (the
Association of Families and
Friends of
Political Prisoners) in
solidarity with Turkish
political prisoners.
Her death brings to 53 the
total of those who have either
died on the
death fast or were mudered by
the state in its vicious onslaught
against protesting prisoners
on 19 December 2000. The
prisoners are
continuing their protest
against the regime's attempts
to destroy
them by confining them to
isolation cells in the new
F-type prisons.

Call for International Solidarity

Many of you will be following
the courageous life and death struggle
currently taking place in the
Turkish prisons.In the FIES
units of
Spain (equivalent to our CSC
units) prisoners have recently launched
an initiative in support of
the Turkish prison struggle
and in
support of their own 3
demands. This initiative,which
is supported by
prisoners in France,Greece and
by Basque and Kurdish
prisoners,is in
the form of a hunger protest
on the first Saturday of each month.The
three demands of the FIES
prisoners are as follows:

1.An end to the FIES units

2.An end to
"dispersion",whereby prisoners
are moved away from their

3.The release of all
terminally ill prisoners,and
those who have
spent more than 220 years in
prison because of their political
beliefs and militant attitude.

In solidarity with our
comrades in the Turkish
prisons and those
fighting for justice
throughout the world,we
propose the launch of an
initiative along the same
lines as the Spanish
prisoners; a food
strike on the first Saturday
of every month.

Since the Whitemoor and
Parkhurst escapes of 1994 and
1995 thre has
been a concerted attempt to
crush the British prison
struggle once
and for all;a war of attrition
the state has all but won.By making
this simple act of solidarity
we are taking the first step towards
renewing the struggle abd
asserting our humanity and our defiance.

Like the FIES prisoners,we are
proposing three reasonable and
achievable demands of our own:

1. A mimimum of one hour's
daily exercise in the open
air. It is
appalling that at a time when
prisoners are once again being locked
two and three to a cell,the
stautory allowance of daily
exercise has
been reduced to  only  half an hour.

2.The right of all prisoners
to wear their own
clothes.Twenty years
after Bobby Sands and his
comrades died on hunger
strike,the right of
prisoners to wear their own
clothes is still not enshrined
in the
prison rules.Beacuse of this
,governors regard the wearing of
civilian clothes as a
"privilege" which can be
withdrawn at any
time.This is increasingly
happening with prisoners
placed on "basic."
3. The abolition of compulsory
prison work.We are currently seeing
the growing exploitation of
prisoners labour by private
companies and
by the state. If prisoners
choose to work in return for remuneration
they should have that
choice-ut compulsory work is
nothing less than

These are the three demands
that we propose.We ask that
all militant
prisoners,all those who have
not been crushed by state repression,all
those not bought off by the
arse-lickers charter of the Incentives
and Earned Privileges
Scheme,all those who have an
instinct for
solidarity and the courage to
stand upagainst
oppression,support this
proposal. Our numbers may be
few but they have the
potential to grow.
Spread the word. Support the
protest. The fightback starts here.

Mark Barnsley  and John Bowden.

For more information,contact
Nick (Justice for Mark Barnsley
Campaign) on 07944 522001.

Letters of solidarity to John
and Mark:

John Bowden
HMP Bristol
19 Cambridge Road

Mark Barnsley
HMP Wakefield
5 Lo

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