Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Lyle Taylor
I would think that three servers should be sufficient for a dev environment.  
In that case, I would put MidTier, Apps/AR Server and Analytics all on the same 
box.  In production I would separate them out more, but for development, that 
should be fine.  One caveat is that Analytics and MidTier don't play nicely in 
the same Tomcat instance.  However, you can fairly easily set up a second 
instance of Tomcat on the box and put MidTier in one and Analytics on the 
other, allowing them to share the same physical server without any issues (at 
least that was my experience with 7.1 and BO XIR2).  In that case, make sure 
each Tomcat instance is listening on different ports (edit the server.xml file 
for the second instance and do something like add 100 to each port number you 
find), and then you can configure IIS to redirect to the appropriate instance 
of Tomcat so that users don't know they're running on different instances.  If 
you're not comfortable with that, then I would move Analytics to any of the 
other hosts.  It can share the same database server as the AR server - there's 
no need to have a separate instance of SQL server to support it.  AR Server and 
Analytics will just have separate databases on the same server.  I think where 
you put the database server in development will depend more on the amount of 
memory you have available to you, but I would be inclined to put it on a 
different box than the AR Server and friends, because the AR Server, Mid Tier 
and Analytics can all use up quite a bit of CPU.

As noted before, if you plan to use the web services portion, you'll need to 
put that on a separate server from the AR Server.

Or, what about something liked this:

1) DB & Analytics
2) ARS and MidTier
3) AIE, ADDM, Web Services

Both the Analytics and AR Server databases would be in the same SQL Server 
instance on the first server.  Analytics would be installed with Tomcat on that 
server as well.  I wouldn't do this in production, but for dev it's probably 
fine, and it avoids having to deal with trying to get Analytics to run on the 
same box as the Mid Tier.

ARS and MidTier on the same box in development should also be fine.  I'm not 
aware of any issues besides performance that would matter (that doesn't mean 
that there aren't any issues, though - I just haven't encountered any yet).  
For development, you don't need stellar performance, just good enough.

AIE (for Atrium Discover) can be very processor intensive, so it's probably 
good to throw it off onto another host.  In production, I would have a 
dedicated AR Server as part of a server group to handle all integration and 
back-end processing tasks.  In that case, I would also have an AR Server on 3.  
Note that reconciliation is also a beast and would further warrant separating 
that task from the user-facing AR server (i.e., I wouldn't run recon on server 
2 normally - since this is development, it probably doesn't matter).

If there is a conflict between the web services portion of Remedy and ADDM (due 
to different Java requirements), then I would move ADDM to a different box and 
leave Web Services on 3.

So, this is all based on the idea that this is development.  If it were 
production, I'd go a different route...


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:13 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thanks David and all,

Here is some backgrounds, I am being brought here to do their initial
roll out of Remedy 7.5 and with all these products line up, the best
things that I could do is to convince them of the hardware requirements
that I need.  However, it got shot down pretty quick and I would really
have only three servers to work with, the specs would roughly be two
quad processor at the minimum of 4 GHz, >= 8 GB of memory.  Their
current Remedy system, ARS 7.1/ITSM 6.0/Midtier/and SQL are all being
hosted on the same box, yes only one server.  Here I am coming in
requesting for three + 2 for our dev environment.

Having said that I still have the time to beef up the specs of these
three servers as however I like to in order to support what we have.  SO
if anyone have any suggestion as to the minimum requrement for memory
and CPU I would appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Easter, David
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:53 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

It would also be good to review the BSM Installation overview:

BSM Interoperability 7.5.1 Installation Overview09-Apr-2009


Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Thank you This really help. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of strauss
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 12:05 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Remember that ADDM needs its own SQL Server, using case sensitive
collation instead of the normal (default) case insensitive collation
that is preferred for the ARSystem database.  We have both the SQL
Server and the ADDM server on one box, and it registers some serious CPU
activity when a scheduled scan kicks off.

We evaluated Analytics and Dashboards last spring, and Analytics is
going to want its own SQL Server db, although it could be shared in the
same instance or a different instance of SQL Server on the db server you
use for AR System.  We found that you couldn't/shouldn't put any of the
mid-tier, Analytics, or Dashboards web servers on the same server with
each other; in particular, Analytics and mid-tier would not cohabit.

If I had to do it all on three boxes, I would expect that separating the
web components is the most problematic aspect:

1. AR System/AtriumCore/ITSM, Mid-Tier, Flashboards 2. SQL Server for AR
System, Analytics, and the Analytics server which includes BOXI server
3. SQL Server for ADDM, ADDM, and Dashboards (which points at the
ARSystem db)

If you decide to install the web services for AtriumCore 7.5, that needs
to be separate from the AR/ITSM server (requires Java 1.6) and you might
have problems finding a home for that on the other two boxes.  ADDM
requires Java 1.4.2_13 for its console (that's a whole 'nother topic).

The ideal would be to spin off all of the web servers to 3 separate
servers or VMs (4 with AtriumCore web services) for security and
maintenance reasons.  I have found that it is next to impossible to
upgrade any one BMC web component without disrupting any other that
shares the same web server, unless you run them on separate instances of
tomcat with non-standard ports.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center

> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
> [] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat 
> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:47 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources
> Hi List,
> We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, 
> BMC Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,

> Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products 
> we will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping 
> to get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect 
> that I should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three 
> servers that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.
> I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as 
> the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its 
> own server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the 
> same server.  Initially I was thinking of having ARS 
> 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and Midtier to be on the same server and 
> have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after communicating with BMC support 
> they sound like that may not be a good idea.  Below are questions that

> I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any help or suggestion 
> based on past experience would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you
> ***
> 1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other

> two boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps 
> server, the same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.
> ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is 
> better not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
> Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the 
> reboot would mean bringing down AR Server.
> And you'll need more memory.
> 2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan 
> to install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?
> Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier 
> (and not AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to 
> worry/make sure the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the 
> right spot, for Mid-tier libraries.
> 3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?
> Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of 
> 1.5.0_12 or higher.
> 4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?
> Answ

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Thanks David and all,

Here is some backgrounds, I am being brought here to do their initial
roll out of Remedy 7.5 and with all these products line up, the best
things that I could do is to convince them of the hardware requirements
that I need.  However, it got shot down pretty quick and I would really
have only three servers to work with, the specs would roughly be two
quad processor at the minimum of 4 GHz, >= 8 GB of memory.  Their
current Remedy system, ARS 7.1/ITSM 6.0/Midtier/and SQL are all being
hosted on the same box, yes only one server.  Here I am coming in
requesting for three + 2 for our dev environment.

Having said that I still have the time to beef up the specs of these
three servers as however I like to in order to support what we have.  SO
if anyone have any suggestion as to the minimum requrement for memory
and CPU I would appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Easter, David
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:53 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

It would also be good to review the BSM Installation overview:

BSM Interoperability 7.5.1 Installation Overview09-Apr-2009

You'll note that BMC's recommendation is that Dashboards and Analytics
be placed on an additional server and not placed on the same system as
AR System + apps.

-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Solution Strategy and Development BMC Software,
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed
in this E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.
My voluntary participation in this forum is not intended to convey a
role as a spokesperson, liaison or public relations representative for
BMC Software, Inc.

 -Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:34 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thanks again for sharing this information with me.  With this
information I would likely break out DB on its own and load all the apps
on one box including midtier, I would definitely need one box for just
to toy with ADDM.  Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Even if the move is toward web, DB is still going to be heavy, and
regardless of where the client resides (native or web), it goes through
app, so app still needs plenty of head room, especially with ITSM.I
think dashboard and Mid-Tier will be good roommates on the same box, so
based on that list...the only unknown to me is Analytics...I'm leaning
toward putting it on Box3, but I don't know what sort of overhead 2 and
3 will have on them.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:23 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps,
but from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5
is new to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not
familiar with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2
or 3, depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the
DB on it's own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto
avoid the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same
patch level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to
the java portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one
install of a jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Guillaume Rheault
I meant this one:

-Original Message-
From: Guillaume Rheault
Sent: Thu 09/24/09 12:08 PM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG; arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: RE: 7.5 architect based on system resources
You may want to check out the white paper entitled "Reference Architecture for 
BMC Support Solutions"
It has useful information


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of 
Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Sent: Thu 09/24/09 10:46 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources
Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC 
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM, Atrium 
Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we will only have 
three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to get some assistance in 
deciding on the kind of servers architect that I should setup for these kinds 
of environment based on the three servers that we got.  We will be on a Window 

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as the 
supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own server, and 
ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same server.  Initially I 
was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and Midtier to be on the 
same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after communicating with BMC 
support they sound like that may not be a good idea.  Below are questions that 
I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any help or suggestion based on 
past experience would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other two 
boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server, the same 
box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is better 
not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the reboot 
would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to 
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and not AR 
Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure the PATH or 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for Mid-tier libraries.

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK 
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if you 
have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me know if 
that helps.

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Guillaume Rheault
You may want to check out the white paper entitled "Reference Architecture for 
BMC Support Solutions"
It has useful information


-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) on behalf of 
Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Sent: Thu 09/24/09 10:46 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources
Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC 
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM, Atrium 
Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we will only have 
three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to get some assistance in 
deciding on the kind of servers architect that I should setup for these kinds 
of environment based on the three servers that we got.  We will be on a Window 

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as the 
supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own server, and 
ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same server.  Initially I 
was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and Midtier to be on the 
same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after communicating with BMC 
support they sound like that may not be a good idea.  Below are questions that 
I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any help or suggestion based on 
past experience would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other two 
boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server, the same 
box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is better 
not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the reboot 
would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to 
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and not AR 
Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure the PATH or 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for Mid-tier libraries.

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK 
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if you 
have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me know if 
that helps.

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread strauss
Remember that ADDM needs its own SQL Server, using case sensitive collation 
instead of the normal (default) case insensitive collation that is preferred 
for the ARSystem database.  We have both the SQL Server and the ADDM server on 
one box, and it registers some serious CPU activity when a scheduled scan kicks 

We evaluated Analytics and Dashboards last spring, and Analytics is going to 
want its own SQL Server db, although it could be shared in the same instance or 
a different instance of SQL Server on the db server you use for AR System.  We 
found that you couldn't/shouldn't put any of the mid-tier, Analytics, or 
Dashboards web servers on the same server with each other; in particular, 
Analytics and mid-tier would not cohabit.

If I had to do it all on three boxes, I would expect that separating the web 
components is the most problematic aspect:

1. AR System/AtriumCore/ITSM, Mid-Tier, Flashboards
2. SQL Server for AR System, Analytics, and the Analytics server which includes 
BOXI server
3. SQL Server for ADDM, ADDM, and Dashboards (which points at the ARSystem db)

If you decide to install the web services for AtriumCore 7.5, that needs to be 
separate from the AR/ITSM server (requires Java 1.6) and you might have 
problems finding a home for that on the other two boxes.  ADDM requires Java 
1.4.2_13 for its console (that's a whole 'nother topic).

The ideal would be to spin off all of the web servers to 3 separate servers or 
VMs (4 with AtriumCore web services) for security and maintenance reasons.  I 
have found that it is next to impossible to upgrade any one BMC web component 
without disrupting any other that shares the same web server, unless you run 
them on separate instances of tomcat with non-standard ports.

Christopher Strauss, Ph.D.
Call Tracking Administration Manager
University of North Texas Computing & IT Center

> -Original Message-
> From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
> [] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
> Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:47 AM
> To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
> Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources
> Hi List,
> We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite,
> BMC Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,
> Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we
> will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to
> get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I
> should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three servers
> that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.
> I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as
> the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own
> server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same
> server.  Initially I was thinking of having ARS
> 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and Midtier to be on the same server and
> have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after communicating with BMC support
> they sound like that may not be a good idea.  Below are questions that
> I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any help or suggestion
> based on past experience would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you
> ***
> 1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other
> two boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps
> server, the same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.
> ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is
> better not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
> Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the
> reboot would mean bringing down AR Server.
> And you'll need more memory.
> 2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan
> to install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?
> Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and
> not AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make
> sure the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for
> Mid-tier libraries.
> 3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?
> Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK
> 1.5.0_12 or higher.
> 4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?
> Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK
> if you have MT on same box as AR Server.
> So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me
> know if that helps.

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Easter, David
It would also be good to review the BSM Installation overview:

BSM Interoperability 7.5.1 Installation Overview09-Apr-2009

You'll note that BMC's recommendation is that Dashboards and Analytics be 
placed on an additional server and not placed on the same system as AR System + 

-David J. Easter
Sr. Product Manager, Solution Strategy and Development
BMC Software, Inc.
The opinions, statements, and/or suggested courses of action expressed in this 
E-mail do not necessarily reflect those of BMC Software, Inc.  My voluntary 
participation in this forum is not intended to convey a role as a spokesperson, 
liaison or public relations representative for BMC Software, Inc.

 -Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList) 
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:34 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thanks again for sharing this information with me.  With this
information I would likely break out DB on its own and load all the apps
on one box including midtier, I would definitely need one box for just
to toy with ADDM.  Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Even if the move is toward web, DB is still going to be heavy, and
regardless of where the client resides (native or web), it goes through
app, so app still needs plenty of head room, especially with ITSM.I
think dashboard and Mid-Tier will be good roommates on the same box, so
based on that list...the only unknown to me is Analytics...I'm leaning
toward putting it on Box3, but I don't know what sort of overhead 2 and
3 will have on them.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:23 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps,
but from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5
is new to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not
familiar with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2
or 3, depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the
DB on it's own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto
avoid the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same
patch level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to
the java portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one
install of a jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,
Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we
will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to
get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I
should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three servers
that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as
the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own
server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but
after communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a
good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.
Any help or suggestion base

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Roys, Eric D
Additionally, for environments that expose the web to external resources
or for security conscious environments it wouldn't be the best idea to
run the web apps on the same host as the app server and certainly not on
the db server. Typically these environments would be segregated on the
network via vlans or what have you, much as you would segregate a
production network from a development network. Just a thought.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 10:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Even if the move is toward web, DB is still going to be heavy, and
regardless of where the client resides (native or web), it goes through
app, so app still needs plenty of head room, especially with ITSM.I
think dashboard and Mid-Tier will be good roommates on the same box, so
based on that list...the only unknown to me is Analytics...I'm leaning
toward putting it on Box3, but I don't know what sort of overhead 2 and
3 will have on them.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:23 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps,
but from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5
is new to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not
familiar with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2
or 3, depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the
DB on it's own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto
avoid the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same
patch level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to
the java portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one
install of a jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,
Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we
will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to
get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I
should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three servers
that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as
the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own
server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but
after communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a
good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.
Any help or suggestion based on past experience would be greatly
Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other
two boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server,
the same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is
better not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the
reboot would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and
not AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure
the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, fo

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Thanks again for sharing this information with me.  With this
information I would likely break out DB on its own and load all the apps
on one box including midtier, I would definitely need one box for just
to toy with ADDM.  Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:28 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Even if the move is toward web, DB is still going to be heavy, and
regardless of where the client resides (native or web), it goes through
app, so app still needs plenty of head room, especially with ITSM.I
think dashboard and Mid-Tier will be good roommates on the same box, so
based on that list...the only unknown to me is Analytics...I'm leaning
toward putting it on Box3, but I don't know what sort of overhead 2 and
3 will have on them.

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:23 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps,
but from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5
is new to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not
familiar with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2
or 3, depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the
DB on it's own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto
avoid the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same
patch level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to
the java portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one
install of a jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,
Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we
will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to
get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I
should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three servers
that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as
the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own
server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but
after communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a
good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.
Any help or suggestion based on past experience would be greatly
Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other
two boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server,
the same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is
better not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the
reboot would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and
not AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure
the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for
Mid-tier libraries.

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version 

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread LJ Longwing
Even if the move is toward web, DB is still going to be heavy, and
regardless of where the client resides (native or web), it goes through app,
so app still needs plenty of head room, especially with ITSM.I think
dashboard and Mid-Tier will be good roommates on the same box, so based on
that list...the only unknown to me is Analytics...I'm leaning toward putting
it on Box3, but I don't know what sort of overhead 2 and 3 will have on

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:23 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps, but
from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5 is new
to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web portion. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not familiar
with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2 or 3,
depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the DB on it's
own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto avoid
the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same patch
level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to the java
portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one install of a
jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app server. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM, Atrium
Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we will only
have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to get some
assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I should setup
for these kinds of environment based on the three servers that we got.  We
will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as the
supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own server,
and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same server.
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after
communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.
Any help or suggestion based on past experience would be greatly
Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other two
boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server, the
same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is better
not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the reboot
would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and not
AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure the
PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for Mid-tier

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if you
have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me know
if that helps.

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at www.arsli

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Thank you for your input, I also like to keep DB separate from the apps,
but from BMC support respond that kind of through me off a bit since 7.5
is new to me and I know that it architect is kind of gear toward the web

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of LJ Longwing
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 11:12 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not
familiar with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2
or 3, depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the
DB on it's own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto
avoid the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same
patch level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to
the java portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one
install of a jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM,
Atrium Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we
will only have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to
get some assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I
should setup for these kinds of environment based on the three servers
that we got.  We will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as
the supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own
server, and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but
after communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a
good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.
Any help or suggestion based on past experience would be greatly
Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other
two boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server,
the same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is
better not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the
reboot would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and
not AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure
the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for
Mid-tier libraries.

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if
you have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me
know if that helps.

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

Re: 7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread LJ Longwing
Ok...that's allot...but I'll see if I can make some recommendations that
make sense.  I would put it this way

Box1: DB
Box2: ARS
Box3: Web Stuff

So ITSM is an app in it would go in 2 of course...I'm not familiar
with Analytic or it's resource needs, but I would put it on 2 or 3,
depending on it's resource needs.  I would recommend putting the DB on it's
own server as DB's tend to be heavy

That's about as far as I can go without more in depth knowledge of the
tools.  BTW...I run App/Mid-Tier on the same box all the timeto avoid
the problems listed below I always keep App/Mid-Tier on the same patch
level...if I patch one I always patch the other.  And in regard to the java
portion...I just use the jre that comes with the one install of a
jdk gives me both and it works well for mid-tier AND app server. 

-Original Message-
From: Action Request System discussion list(ARSList)
[] On Behalf Of Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:47 AM
To: arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
Subject: 7.5 architect based on system resources

Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM, Atrium
Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we will only
have three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to get some
assistance in deciding on the kind of servers architect that I should setup
for these kinds of environment based on the three servers that we got.  We
will be on a Window environment.

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as the
supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own server,
and ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same server.
Initially I was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and
Midtier to be on the same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after
communicating with BMC support they sound like that may not be a good idea.
Below are questions that I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any
help or suggestion based on past experience would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other two
boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server, the
same box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is better
not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the reboot
would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and not
AR Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure the
PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for Mid-tier

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if you
have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me know
if that helps.

UNSUBSCRIBE or access ARSlist Archives at
Platinum ARSlist: "Where the Answers Are"

7.5 architect based on system resources

2009-09-24 Thread Wangsameteegoon, Thitiwat CTR JCS DOM
Hi List,

We are planning to do a new install for ARS 7.5 plus the ITSM suite, BMC 
Analytic as well Dashboard.  This roll out will also include ADDM, Atrium 
Discovery and Data Mapping.  Based on these lines of products we will only have 
three beefed up servers to work with.  I was hoping to get some assistance in 
deciding on the kind of servers architect that I should setup for these kinds 
of environment based on the three servers that we got.  We will be on a Window 

I am thinking about having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard as well as the 
supported SQL 2005 installed on the same server, midtier on its own server, and 
ADDM as well as the support SQL 2005 installed on the same server.  Initially I 
was thinking of having ARS 7.5/ITSM/Analytic/Dashboard/and Midtier to be on the 
same server and have SQL 2005 stand alone, but after communicating with BMC 
support they sound like that may not be a good idea.  Below are questions that 
I have asked them along with their Reponses.  Any help or suggestion based on 
past experience would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you

1. Is it better to setup Midtier on the apps server or put it on other two 
boxes I have described? My take is to install in on the apps server, the same 
box as ARS System, ITSM, etc.

ANS: It's your call where to install the MidTier, but as a rule it is better 
not to install it on same system as the AR Server.
Some obvious reasons being if you wanted to recycle MT/Webserver, the reboot 
would mean bringing down AR Server.
And you'll need more memory.

2. Is there any gotcha or things that I need to be aware of if I plan to 
install Midter on the same system as the ARS Server?

Answer: One I can think of is: If applying a new patch to Mid Tier (and not AR 
Server) becomes necessary..--  you'll have to worry/make sure the PATH or 
LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable points to the right spot, for Mid-tier libraries.

3. The recommendation of the SDK version that I should use?

Answer: Our compatibility matrix states: You need 32 bit version of JDK 
1.5.0_12 or higher.

4. Email will also required JRE, will installing SDK conflict with it?

Answer: Yes, that's a concern. You'll have to worry about JRE and JDK if you 
have MT on same box as AR Server.

So in a nutshell, It's better to install MT on a different box. Let me know if 
that helps.