Re: Monthly chat January 2016

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lauren . downie96 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat January 2016

Seing as this topic doesn't seem to be very busy right now, I thought I'd post my own reply.So far, January's been a rather "interesting" month. I wouldn't say it's been the best ever, as whilst it's gone okay so far for me, there's been a lot going on in the world that hasn't made a good start to the New Year.Last week was a prime example of this; first David Bowie died, then Alan Rickman. Though I am sad about both, I feld worse about the latter as I've always thought Alan Rickman to be a great actor and known him to play roles in many things besides Snape in the Harry Potter series, all of which were (in my opinion) rather well played.In my own life though, I've had a rather boring start to the new year. So far, all I've really done is go back to college for one of the last times (I finish in June), do my mock exams, reply to a few university offers and get a horrible headcold.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The future Mrs. Dark

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future Mrs. Dark

Thanks Cody,  amazing indeed!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

That's the great thing about this thread: it exposes all the blatant MS fanboys. Of course, we must be very careful not to be elitist about this whole situation. It's just that we're right, that's all. Computing should be accessible to all, but *NOT* at the cost of the concerns of the few. That's no more right than expecting everybody (not in the power-user group) to understand how computers work. Obviously. And my understanding of business needs is far divergent from the fantasy that Microsoft is living out. Indeed, a lot of the business IT community is directing just as much hatred at MS for what they are doing, just for different reasons.So yes, commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloo
 dy well deliver.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Hello,Would it be possible to put the Talking PE environment on the Mac drive on an MBR fat32 partition and then boot from that?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a request of latest version of return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a request of latest version of return of the king

is it a self-voicing style audiogame? or a text based one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Introducing: Out of Sight Games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introducing: Out of Sight Games

The project is far from dead. I can't tell you exactly what we're waiting on, but I can tell you that it involved a little work from an outside contractor, who due to some unexpected medical difficulty in the family had to request a little bit of a delay. Things are still progressing, but something I was hoping to be able to announce by the start of January is now going to be a little later, obviously. Apologies to all for the delay.Also, I can tell you that while we've been waiting, our sound designer has been steadily cranking out some really killer audio. I think you guys are really going to enjoy the combat sound design in this game. At least I hope you will.So, that's the state of things. We still have every intention of releasing the game sometime in 2016...we had been hoping for spring/summer; due to the recent delay, that may get pushed back to late summer/fall, I'm not sure. But in the meantime, the major announcement we were hoping 
 to make at the start of the year should be coming within the next month. Stay tuned!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

That's the great thing about this thread: it exposes all the blatant MS fanboys. Of course, we must be very careful not to be elitist about this whole situation. It's just that we're right, that's all. Computing should be accessible to all, but *NOT* at the cost of the concerns of the few. That's no more right than expecting everybody (not in the power-user group) to understand how computers work. Obviously. And my understanding of business needs is far divergent from the fantasy that Microsoft is living out. Indeed, a lot of the business IT community is directing just as much hatred at MS for what they are doing, just for different reasons. Telling users to edit the registry to turn off spyware is unacceptable. In business especially.
 MS have made some positive steps for accessibility, I'll grant you that. Unfortunately they are losing the technical crown to Apple, especially on mobile but also on desktop too. I have hope that they will wake up and realise this before it's too late, but right now Windows accessibility is worse than it's ever been. And yeah I'll be glad to tell M$ what I think of them just as soon as they provide a version of Windows with a usable screen reader that gives me the control I need.Summary: commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloody well deliver.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

I wouldn't be as cryptic as I'm being if the guide was closer to being complete (there are a lot of sections that aren't complete).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Sebby wrote:That's the great thing about this thread: it exposes all the blatant MS fanboys. Well, I've been a windows user since 2002. with all the ups and downs and trashy choices of Microsoft,  IT helped me to produce content; scan and OCR a huge amount of books; Try my shot at audio games (also a bit of video games). It's not worth mentioning listening to music/browsing web and using social platforms because that's not the purpose of a general desktop computer, but IT's always doable with it. With all of that, I think That gives me a right to defend Microsoft at some point and also to bitch about them at places that they suck. Now, You can define this as a fanboyism; I Also  have launched and scaled  some small amount of servers all powered by linux -Where it sh
 ines at the most- and Also praised and bitched about,  . Sebby wrote:Computing should be accessible to all, but *NOT* at the cost of the concerns of the few. That's no more right than expecting everybody (not in the power-user group) to understand how computers work. Obviously. And my understanding of business needs is far divergent from the fantasy that Microsoft is living out. Indeed, a lot of the business IT community is directing just as much hatred at MS for what they are doing, just for different reasons. Telling users to edit the registry to turn off spyware is unacceptable. In business especially.Well, define inaccepteble in today's world of control and domination. Microsoft is just following other big company's footprints specially now that It has the most desktop and laptop user base (what is that 98%?) So they could get more and
  more money. And I doubt that It's user Base is going to decrease soon unless Linux steps out in desktop features  / or Apple scales down it's prices and gets video games developed for it. (which is not going to happen very soon).Well, That's true, Microsoft is that big evil corperation that steals data off computers, But I don't think It's the only one; If you think your ISP or other perpriotary software kindly respects your delicious data, You're deadly wrong. But at that point you gotta wear the tinfoil hat and hide somewhere in the dark. Microsoft is going to force windows 10 apon its users and the best way to stop them from tracking you and your friend's data is to  spread the news about the scripts and  things that you can do to close down those stuff.Sebby wrote:MS have made some positive steps for accessibility, I'll grant you that. Unfortunately they are losing
  the technical crown to Apple, especially on mobile but also on desktop too. I have hope that they will wake up and realise this before it's too late, but right now Windows accessibility is worse than it's ever been. And yeah I'll be glad to tell M$ what I think of them just as soon as they provide a version of Windows with a usable screen reader that gives me the control I need.Agree with you 100% about Apple accessibility; They've made the choice to make all of their devices (watch, tv and whatever) accessible  for visually and hearing impaired. Now, I'm just waiting to see if they make their smart autodrive cars accessible as well!The problem with apple is that It's expensive IMO and regarding userbase, It doesn't support video games. It also forces down some options apon users which for those who care is terrible. I also agree that windows is not even installable without having  eye sight which is
   really terrible; But  We've got friends who can help us and free software such as NVDA, since we have access;  Why not put down the pressure much more tighter on Microsoft for an accessible windows installerSebby wrote:Summary: commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloody well deliver.Ok, I have to laugh at your statement here; I will tell you why. Just go and read  the feedback of a general windows customer in the time of  prerelease win10. I can  give you some examples:User puts a feedback on accessibility section: "Please, I want the UI larger and brighter. and a bit more beautiful". "Hi, Why can't i snap the windows with one click instead of two clicks" "Hey, Can the icons be not like in 1970's? I want cool icons!" "This is terrible, make my screen more brighter&
 quot; "The top bar looks childish, make it "Well, There you go, general customer. I hope you get the irony.TBH, While this is  extremely horrible to say, But I just have to laugh at people who connect to internet and expect that their precious data is safe and sound. It's bad I agree, But If you want your sensetive data to be never touched, Best option is maybe running a  machine on a virtualized software such as what qube OS implements, Buy a deticated server and run a vpn from your computer to that server hoping that the provider never touches your info, Then go through tor; Although that's still not safe but that'd give you another layor of protection; That's only the software side, 

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Sebby wrote:That's the great thing about this thread: it exposes all the blatant MS fanboys. Well, I've been a windows user since 2002. with all the ups and downs and trashy choices of Microsoft,  IT helped me to produce content; scan and OCR a huge amount of books; Try my shot at audio games (also a bit of video games). It's not worth mentioning listening to music/browsing web and using social platforms because that's not the purpose of a general desktop computer, but IT's always doable with it. With all of that, I think That gives me a right to defend Microsoft at some point and also to bitch about them at places that they suck. Now, You can define this as a fanboyism; I Also  have launched and scaled  some small amount of servers all powered by linux -Where it sh
 ines at the most- and Also praised and bitched about,  . Sebby wrote:Computing should be accessible to all, but *NOT* at the cost of the concerns of the few. That's no more right than expecting everybody (not in the power-user group) to understand how computers work. Obviously. And my understanding of business needs is far divergent from the fantasy that Microsoft is living out. Indeed, a lot of the business IT community is directing just as much hatred at MS for what they are doing, just for different reasons. Telling users to edit the registry to turn off spyware is unacceptable. In business especially.Well, define inaccepteble in today's world of control and domination. Microsoft is just following other big company's footprints specially now that It has the most desktop and laptop user base (what is that 98%?) So they could get more and
  more money. And I doubt that It's user Base is going to decrease soon unless Linux steps out in desktop features  / or Apple scales down it's prices and gets video games developed for it. (which is not going to happen very soon).Well, That's true, Microsoft is that big evil corperation that steals data off computers, But I don't think It's the only one; If you think your ISP or other perpriotary software kindly respects your delicious data, You're deadly wrong. But at that point you gotta wear the tinfoil hat and hide somewhere in the dark. Microsoft is going to force windows 10 apon its users and the best way to stop them from tracking you and your friend's data is to  spread the news about the scripts and  things that you can do to close down those stuff.Sebby wrote:MS have made some positive steps for accessibility, I'll grant you that. Unfortunately they are losing
  the technical crown to Apple, especially on mobile but also on desktop too. I have hope that they will wake up and realise this before it's too late, but right now Windows accessibility is worse than it's ever been. And yeah I'll be glad to tell M$ what I think of them just as soon as they provide a version of Windows with a usable screen reader that gives me the control I need.Agree with you 100% about Apple accessibility; They've made the choice to make all of their devices (watch, tv and whatever) accessible  for visually and hearing impaired. Now, I'm just waiting to see if they make their smart autodrive cars accessible as well!The problem with apple is that It's expensive IMO and regarding userbase, It doesn't support video games. It also forces down some options apon users which for those who care is terrible. I also agree that windows is not even installable without having  eye sight which is
   really terrible; But  We've got friends who can help us and free software such as NVDA, since we have access;  Why not put down the pressure much more tighter on Microsoft for an accessible windows installerSebby wrote:Summary: commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloody well deliver.Ok, I have to laugh at your statement here; I will tell you why. Just go and read  the feedback of a general windows customer in the time of  prerelease win10. I can  give you some examples:User puts a feedback on accessibility section: "Please, I want the UI larger and brighter. and a bit more beautiful". "Hi, Why can't i snap the windows with one click instead of two clicks" "Hey, Can the icons be not like in 1970's? I want cool icons!" "This is terrible, make my screen more brighter&
 quot; "The top bar looks childish, make it "Well, There you go, general customer.TBH, While this is  extremely horrible to say, But I just have to laugh at people who connect to internet and expect that their precious data is safe and sound. It's bad I agree, But If you want your sensetive data to be never touched, Best option is maybe running a  machine on a virtualized software such as what qube OS implements, Buy a deticated server and run a vpn from your computer to that server hoping that the provider never touches your info, Then go through tor; Although that's still not safe but that'd give you another layor of protection; That's only the software side, You gotta buy one other 

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Sebby wrote:That's the great thing about this thread: it exposes all the blatant MS fanboys. Well, I've been a windows user since 2002. with all the ups and downs and trashy choices of Microsoft,  IT helped me to produce content; scan and OCR a huge amount of books; Try my shot at audio games (also a bit of video games). It's not worth mentioning listening to music/browsing web and using social platforms because that's not the purpose of a general desktop computer, but IT's always doable with it. With all of that, I think That gives me a right to defend Microsoft at some point and also to bitch about them at places that they suck. Now, You can define this as a fanboyism; I Also  have launched and scaled  some small amount of servers all powered by linux -Where it sh
 ines at the most- and Also praised and bitched about,  . Sebby wrote:Computing should be accessible to all, but *NOT* at the cost of the concerns of the few. That's no more right than expecting everybody (not in the power-user group) to understand how computers work. Obviously. And my understanding of business needs is far divergent from the fantasy that Microsoft is living out. Indeed, a lot of the business IT community is directing just as much hatred at MS for what they are doing, just for different reasons. Telling users to edit the registry to turn off spyware is unacceptable. In business especially.Well, define inaccepteble in today's world of control and domination. Microsoft is just following other big company's footprints specially now that It has the most desktop and laptop user base (what is that 98%?) So they could get more and
  more money. And I doubt that It's user Base is going to decrease soon unless Linux steps out in desktop features  / or Apple scales down it's prices and gets video games developed for it. (which is not going to happen very soon).Well, That's true, Microsoft is that big evil corperation that steals data off computers, But I don't think It's the only one; If you think your ISP or other perpriotary software kindly respects your delicious data, You're deadly wrong. But at that point you gotta wear the tinfoil hat and hide somewhere in the dark. Microsoft is going to force windows 10 apon its users and the best way to stop them from tracking you and your friend's data is to  spread the news about the scripts and  things that you can do to close down those stuff.Sebby wrote:MS have made some positive steps for accessibility, I'll grant you that. Unfortunately they are losing
  the technical crown to Apple, especially on mobile but also on desktop too. I have hope that they will wake up and realise this before it's too late, but right now Windows accessibility is worse than it's ever been. And yeah I'll be glad to tell M$ what I think of them just as soon as they provide a version of Windows with a usable screen reader that gives me the control I need.Agree with you 100% about Apple accessibility; They've made the choice to make all of their devices (watch, tv and whatever) accessible  for visually and hearing impaired. Now, I'm just waiting to see if they make their smart autodrive cars accessible as well!The problem with apple is that It's expensive IMO and regarding userbase, It doesn't support video games. It also forces down some options apon users which for those who care is terrible. I also agree that windows is not even installable without having  eye sight which is
   really terrible; But  We've got friends who can help us and free software such as NVDA, since we have access;  Why not put down the pressure much more tighter on Microsoft for an accessible windows installerSebby wrote:Summary: commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloody well deliver.Ok, I have to laugh at your statement here; I will tell you why. Just go and read  the feedback of a general windows customer in the time of  prerelease win10. I can  give you some examples:User puts a feedback on accessibility section: "Please, I want the UI larger and brighter. and a bit more beautiful". "Hi, Why can't i snap the windows with one click instead of two clicks" "Hey, Can the icons be not like in 1970's? I want cool icons!" "This is terrible, make my screen more brighter&
 quot; "The top bar looks childish, make it "Well, There you go, general customer. I hope you get the irony.TBH, While this is  extremely horrible to say, But I just have to laugh at people who connect to internet and expect that their precious data is safe and sound. It's bad I agree, But If you want your sensetive data to be more lightly touched, Best option is maybe running a  machine on a virtualized software such as what qube OS implements, Buy a deticated server and run a vpn from your computer to that server hoping that the provider never touches your info, Then go through tor; Although that's still not safe but that'd give you another layor of protection; That's only the software 

Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

I definitely agree about a game menu to adjust things like the output mode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

That makes sense. I've certainly never been able to stop on a dime the way a lot of game protagonists apparently can.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

HiI'm thinking of two options here:- Create a usb drive with rufus, picking mrb for bios or uefi computers and using winpe 7, the one from bryan smart. It's using a 32-bit environment so xp will install just fine.- Create an answer file for xp and use that to fully install xp and so onit's not much, i know, but it's late here and i'm getting sleepy so forgive my shortness ... HTH


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows10 PE is here

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows10 PE is here

Agree on that one, also why the .exe extention? I'm not often curious, but this does raize suspision on my part since you can easyly use ,iso?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

brad wrote:Hello;If you go to the link posted above and then click on the link that says 下载(26.8M,) You'll hear the clip.I think this game would be awesome translated into English.Thanks a lot. Well, as I'm writing this post, the site doesn't seem to load. It only displays the title and no links.Yep, it would be fantastic to have the game translated, but sounds like it would take extremely long time, if it even would happen.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: how to start out with making a game

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to start out with making a game

If you'd like to learn Python, then yes. The book covers topics like how to install Python, explains the various functions and gives examples, and provides questions for you to practice and help learn how to use the language. For the sake of convience a link to the Python installer has been provided above, which you'll need to run any scripts you write.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows10 PE is here

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows10 PE is here

Also, and sorry for the double poast: one should also note that the installation of xp only works on 32 bit Winpe (winpe x86) not the 65-bit (x64) one. Unless you can find an image of xp 64-bit (wich i wouldn't advice since it was the first ever 64-bit windows, and not sure how well screenreaders react on that)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Dvd's aren't actually that expensive, in dded I've seen rewriteables for only a few bucks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pontes GameZone 1.3.1 was released, Slot Machine and Scopa were added

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Manu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pontes GameZone 1.3.1 was released, Slot Machine and Scopa were added

I updated again Pontes GameZone.The Spanish translation is available, thanks for Miguel Pacheco for its great work. First day after this release 50 new phones had GameZone installed in countries like Mexic, Argentina, Colombia etc.A new version including new things will be available soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Nearly 100 posts and thousands of words; You guys seem to care for your own daily needs and ignore the rest of the world. You guys know that there are gamers; musicians; composers of (any) art; companies with extreme amount of  Employees and generally all other desktop users around who appreciate windows and Windows 10 has brought up some good amount of features for them (direct X 12, more driver compatibility with audio interfaces, lots of hardware improvements), but You guys like rambling i guess.You might wanna mention that You don't give a  sh** about music/composing/gaming and how about windows being  actually good at accessibility, having a strong foothold on it?Well, We had the chance to flud the accessibility section of windows 10 feedback before windows 10 release But I guess nun of us didn't actually try doing that. The only thing that windows 10  has achieved in  accessibility is windows apps in appstore, which now have an 
 accessibility section (e.g a developer can set whether his app is accessible or not in the appstore).I'm pretty sure More things could be achieved if We actually rambled and wined about windows on the feedback section which was a major part of windows insider. Sure Microsoft is heading in the direction that i also personally hate, all that crap on gathering data; cortana;  one drive and the tendancy to go toward the cloud, I mean, I never care for cloud and will never put my data and rely on cloud for personal usage. It's all bull*** and by the way, You can turn them all off if you just spare a little time to use google. You just have to download some scripts. I don't think compared to desktop users on linux you'd be actually doing any tinkering.(By the way, I have lots of criticism for those people who think that linux is a good choice for desktop use; but this is not a topic for linux so)So any way, I'm not saying that, "
 omg i love windows, you can turn all the terrible things in it and enjoy". I'm saying that I also dislike win 10 comparing it to windows 7, and I absolutely hate to see that Microsoft is focusing on features that I don't care  (livin' on  oneDrive cloud anyone?)And as a final note, It'd be cool If you guys started annoying the hell of Microsoft (the feedback app, twitter, facebook, the microsoft forums, whatever) instead of just writing  general hatred "omgomg windows sucks" thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

The idea of taking an extra step before you stop is actually good, I'll probably implement that and lower the full running time from 7 to 5 steps


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

hiyes please uploadnew versionand please maybe who can recording how registration in this gameand how playthanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Dvd's aren't actually that expensive, in dded I've seen rewriteables for only a few bucks. All you need to do is find a retail iso of xp, burn it to disk, and get the product key out of the xp virtual machine.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

It's a project I've been working on with a number of varying individuals for a good while.  All I can say as to a "release date" is that when it's done, it's done.  Might not even be until after Season 3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

hello all*sigh* am stilll awaiting the delivering of the console ... it is 19:45 in the Netherlands now, and i don't thing it will be delivered today, while it was the appointment ...Am glad there is a menu guide being worked on and the information already given here is also valuable.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

I won't say how large this guide is, other than it's not just a menu guide.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

Would be nice to have more info instead of so much criptic stuff though. Should be like gamefaq where the guide is released and updated as more information is available. Just so that those of us who don't have the game or console yet don't have to hunt down or constantly pester people for information. lol But I'm looking forward to it whenever it's released!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mrpibb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

The gym is being blocked until you clear out the rockets in the well. Go to Kurt's house and talk to him and he will clear the well entrance for you. Take out all of the Rockets in the well and the gym entrance will be cleared.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

It's a project I've been working on with a number of varying individuals for a good while.  All I can say as to a "release date" is that when it's done, it's done.  Might not evenbe until after Season 3.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a new teamtalk 5 server I've created

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a new teamtalk 5 server I've created

Hello,The easiest is going to probably amount to trying to host it at home on a windows machine, if you only want to host it while your radio show is streaming live.If your not wanting to set one up, I, and probably other people, would be more than happy to provide you with a private team talk server of your own.If you want to set one up, its easy to do if you know what your doing. Here's how it works.First grab team talk client and server. If you already have an installer for team talk, opt to install client and server.Next, click start, programs, team talk version, team talk version nt service, install team talk nt service.A command prompt window will open. Try running as admin though, instead of pressing enter on install, press the applications key and select run as admin.If it asks if you want to install, press y then enter.Now, just follow the prompts. Unless your on a linux box or your setup requires it, IP binding should 
 not be required.Ports I always have trouble getting the default ones to work. If your like me, then change it to something like 6789 or even 1234 which mostly work for me.The rest is pretty simple to set up. If it works fine, you will see team talk service installed successfullyNow, the tricky part. Here is what most people have trouble with.If windows firewall asks you to allow or deny the new service, allow it through.Teamtalk service or even the app, never work properly with windows firewall off, for me for whatever reason.Now, you need to log into your router.Press windows plus r, type cmd, then enter.In the prompt you will get, type ipconfig.Pay attention to. Local IPV4 address, and gateway.The gateway is what you will need to log into your router.If this information does not display first try, type the command in several times until you get the information required. Now, type exit.Open up a internet explor
 er/firefox/google chrome window.In your address bar, type the gateway address into it.It could look a bit like:,, or something like that.If you entered your gateway correctly, log in.If you don't know what the default credentials are, go find them on a website could probably help.Assuming your logged in, now is kind of where your on your own for a bit.Most of the routers/modems I've dealt with have had port forwarding under advanced options, security, port forwarding.Most routers and modems vary though, so you will have to do a bit of experimenting to find it. Look in its documentation if it has one which most do these days.Now, assuming you've found it, let's get dirty.Specify start port the port you set in your team talk configuration.Specify end same as start, but I always do 5 from the start port. So my port ranges look a bit like 6789 to 6794, just
  to be absolutely sure.It's going to ask you for an IP. Some have a device selector, but most don't. If it does, find your device in the listIf it does not, type in the IP you got from ipconfig, the IPV4 address.For port protocol select tcp/UDP (I always do that.) Some routers call it "tcp/UDP", or "both"Now, you should be able to click save, or done, or apply, whatever the router calls the button to confirm your changes.In most cases it will take a few seconds then take you to a screen to review the ports that you have set up.Click log out, but don't quite close the tab just yet.Go to whatismyip.orgGo to just below the second heading, and copy the IP address there. It looks like a sequence of numbers just like the IP's you seen before, only it can vary what it looks like, depending on where you live, your ISP, etc.Copy it, and close the tab. Distribute this IP to your listeners/friends/who
  ever will be joining the server.Something you should note. If power goes out or you pull your device from the network for an extended time this will break the IP configuration. All you will need to do is edit the rule in your router and update it so that it has the new IP.I did not and will not cover static local IP's, as that is a lot more complicated.In addition, your public IP can sometimes and will change from time to time depending on your ISP.To compensate for this, I use no-ip and the respective utility (dynamic update client), to give something like out, instead of my IP.Setting both of these up is beyond the scope of this article, but I suspect you should be able to work it out yourself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

There used to be a post that detailed all kinds of stuff like that, and other secrets, but I have no idea where it is now. Also, there is a bug with the higher level needle launchers. It locks up the game on several stages. The music still plays but everything else stops dead in place. You don't get any errors or dialogs, but you have to restart it just the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some descriptive movies if anyone has them

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some descriptive movies if anyone has them

I'm also looking for the movie Warm Bodies.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mehgcap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I found a Vulcan on map 2 recently. I assumed the Vulcan, as a standard weapon, had been changed to be findable on any map. Maybe that isn't supposed to be the case, though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Kickstarter - RELESS, 3D audio positioning system

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kickstarter - RELESS, 3D audio positioning system

Hi.As I understand it, the engine can make sounds to reflect against the walls like in realtime, which means the sounds echoes towards walls and other objects. The volume of the sounds are not just going down when you walk away, but the sound is getting thinner as well, just like in real life.Regarding panning, will the engine be able to play sounds behind and in front of the player, just like the Papa sangre games on IOS? This company have also made a sound engine, but I don't know the status of this, since the company will take their games off the app store. I look forward to hear more about the project for sure. I'm mostly interested in the audio game, but the engine itself does also sounds cool.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

I thought Sebby said that you can't boot those old intel macs with MBR partition schemes. I tried using that Windows program once but it made an NTFS drive. I just tired to run the XP iso I have in Vmware. It opens the install program, but pressing enter or space on the install button just has NVDA speak press. Is this the thingwhere I need to do the command line?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

I thought Sebby said that you can't boot those old intel macs with MBR partition schemes. I tried using that Windows program once but it made an NTFS drive.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Well, I've been a windows user since 2002.1994 here.Windows ME was the first version that I complained about. I eventually sorta-kinda tamed it and I suspect most of my problems were not the OS itself.XP was the first version I found downright impressive (at least until the Malware screwed it up).Vista and 8.1 are still irritating, but my 98 computer stopped booting so wound up in storage somewhere, my XP laptop got heat damage and now I have no idea where it is even if I could get it fixed (never mind the horrible McAfee products that IT put on there under the mistaken impression that they were better than wild malware), and every time I get out the ME laptop I realize that, for all that 8.1 is littered with annoyances, I can actually notice the difference in responsiveness in a side-by-side comparison (but that might just be the decade gap between the hardware). So... somehow I got stuck with my o
 nly usable computers containing my least favorite versions of Windows.I just want a computer that doesn't feel like it's fighting me every time I try to do anything more complicated than typing in Notepad (and sometimes even then).(I haven't tried Windows7, so can't comment on it. I'd consider looking for a Win7 device if I ever get a new one, except this thread opened by suggesting that I'll have to pretty much disable updates entirely to avoid getting pushed toward Windows10 every time I turn it on. ... Although the fact that I need to worry about downloading updates in the first place is a bit annoying when we're talking about a whole operating system, but I don't suppose I can fault them for that in general.)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Mmm, you still need a bootable Windows OS to get it going. That means a CD. Trust me, my 2011 iMac couldn't do MBR USB boot, either. Although I'm not exactly sure what might happen if you try to start the UEFI loader on the Mac from USB. Maybe, if you did, and it worked, and maybe if you could run diskpart and XP's winnt32, you might at least be able to put an XP Setup directory on the internal disk, if not entirely complete the install. Then the next time you rebooted the box, you'd be in XP Setup, which you could have unattended, or a complete install, which you could get going with USB audio.Or better! You could, if you have the CD and floppy drive, make the entire process unattended, from a blank internal drive.I have to admit, at this point I'd need to call on lots of esoteric knowledge that I might not have. Will have to look into it, but hopefully others on here have input.NVDA says "Press"? Where does it say that?
 Will the 32-bit Bryan Smart installer boot from DVD? Ah, the DVD again ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows10 PE is here

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows10 PE is here

Hey guys, I've got two questions,The first one is also the one that  critic said, Why is this not an iso file?The second, Are these updated files that have update files till jan 2016? or these are original win 10 installers.And finally, Thanks and cheers for developing and providing these installers,  your're the best


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Scratch scratch scratch... xp is so old and long gone, that i don't even remember how i installed it all those years ago ... rofl Theoretically any intel mac should boot at least from an mbr partition scheme, even if it has a hybrid one. There's no hurt in trying a winpe from a usb drive to see if it boots or not, no permanent changes to hardware done ... If the winpe boots, you can easyly take it from there, just make sure the drive is partitioned before from within osx and that's it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

hanif you may be correct on striter, ill still check it out and ill let you guys determine if a walk through will help or if its just impossible


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows10 PE is here

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : criticview via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows10 PE is here

I hope for the dev's sake that these are updated pe's from jan 2016 onwards, otherwise installing latest win10 will fail due to imagex drivers or some thing or other being too old.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows10 PE is here

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows10 PE is here

Hey guys, I've got two questions,The first one is also the one that  critic said, Why is this not an iso file?The second, Are these updated files that have update files till jan 2016? or these are original win 10 installers.And finally, Thanks and cheers for developing and providing these installers,  your're the bestedit: I think the exe files are compressed e.g  they will uncompress and you'll get an iso file... am i right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

@slj1. ill have mad man killer do some more of the recording up to the point where you are at with the bomb so you can get past it2. yes you can turn down the music because I did it, ill do a recording on that as well3. if I remember correctly, the recording mentions in detail how to level up and spen your points towards different skills, check it out and let me know5. ill check out the shop in the village as well6. O is to throw the bird if im not mistaken, you throw im at enimies, so he is useful


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Precisely, though in fairness not everyone has the time to constantly tweak and maintain. There should be a balance between intuitiveness and practicallity, and frankly if a person can't wrap their head around the concept of an executable file or have at least a basic understanding of what the Internet they use and take for granted every day is, they should not be using computers. Life would be so, so much better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

Hello@sightlessmy xbox will be delivered within a few hours, but i will pm you when i have my xbox tag.Thanks in advance.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Becoming a computer programmer

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Becoming a computer programmer

I'll address the challenges you'll face doing CS.1. Accessible math. You'll need to be able to read mathematical content which requires the material to be prepared using MathML or the math expressions to be in latex. I find that fluency in latex helps tremendously not just for reading (latex is used a lot by professors) but also for writing. If you can't find a latex/MathML version, you'll need to hope that InftyReader is able to convert the math content for you. If you have a disability office that takes care of this for you,  this would be a lot easier.2. Accessible diagrams. It's very difficult (if not impossible) to explain some concepts without use of diagrams such as binary search tree rotations, graphs, etc. You'll need some way of getting access to these.3. Accessible tools. You'll need to use things like integrated development environments, which accessibility range from OK to non-existent. How much trouble y
 ou have with this would depend on what tools your course requires you to use. There's always the command line if all else fails. Eclipse is the most accessible IDE i've used. Visual studio is tolerable with JAWS but unbearable with NVDA.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

@Chris: yes. Macs can boot from GPT-format USB media, but only the newest Macs (starting with MacBook Airs, I believe) know how to boot MBR, which is what you need for Windows. I wasn't wrong, I'm afraid. You'll need that ISO burned to a CD.To get the drive nice and formatted, use one of your Snow Leopard installs to either clone or install a bootable USB device. Boot into that device, and use Disk Utility. Set the scheme to be MBR, and the format to be "MS-DOS (FAT)". That will give you a Windows-recognised FAT partition which you will then reformat during Windows Setup. (You could try leaving it at FAT32 for a bit of extra speed and convenience, but it's probably not worth that.)Make sure that your XP CD and product key agree. If you have an OEM disc, you have to have an OEM key. Ditto for retail. There are reports, too, that doing an SP3 install directly (and not through an upgrade from a prior service pack) might result in a post-set
 up step failing. Be prepared for the remotest contingencies. The PE images can be burned, though yes you will need a disc. We could figure out the simplest route to installing XP from such an image, from a USB drive accessible from within that PE. You would only need one blank CD. But yeah, not from USB.


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Re: New Game for IOS LifeLine

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Game for IOS LifeLine

Hi.I'm really impressed how long the story in the first game is. [[wow]]. I'm still playing and I've only restarted the story once.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

It began with trying to cater to a subset of people that really shouldn't have been allowed to exist; this is honestly the only thing I can say regarding how I feel about MS's strategies.  I remember a time when only those who were courageous owned computers.  Then everyone wanted one but didn't want to put in the effort, the effort involved in maintaining, in learning, in dealing with and continually being productive and creative with it. Around the same time, the mobile device was gaining poppularity; even windows tried pocket PC for a season.  Icons got flashier; mouse clicks got easier; software became more instructive and held your hand more often.  Little by little, the control that had been given to a base of power users dwindled away until what we were left with were devices running operating systems that withheld permissions, requested more information, and promised to deliver an experience based on collective results.  It's th
 e average Joe's haven; wherever he goes and whatever he does with technology is covered because of this nebulous thing called cloud computing.  Contacts, addressbooks, calendars, notifications, shopping preferences, health and fitness, new movie and music listings based on things you've already seen or heard, book titles closely related to what you've read, ideas on who to like, on who to follow, on who to hang with, on who to do what with where you go and how you get there and when you're doing it and why.  Welcome to the future; almost.


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Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frandum via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Frandum, a primarily quest-based exploration Mud

Hi,It's been a while but we just wanted to let you know that we have added a set of cool features for screenreader users, including an ascii command to remove those nasty decorations. We also had the pleasure of welcoming a new screen-reader Wizard who did it all by himself, so we are confident your experience in Frandum will be quite fruitful and enjoyable. Feel free to report issues in game or here, should you dare face the new Frandum...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

I'd be happy to help with this - the guide itself is not complete, but depending on what you want to know, I might be able to assistPM me with your gamertag and we can talk through details there - it'll be easier to explain.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The fires of the Revina - a new RPG from the creators of Elten app!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The fires of the Revina - a new RPG from the creators of Elten app!

It's awesome to hear that the project is going well. Thanks for the awesome update.Regarding people who are spamming you with beta request: Just ignore them. Ignore the private messages and tell them to post here on the topic instead.  I wish you the best of luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Kickstarter - RELESS, 3D audio positioning system

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Kickstarter - RELESS, 3D audio positioning system

This sounds like HRTF and occlusion, both of which already exist.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some descriptive movies if anyone has them

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some descriptive movies if anyone has them

Hello,I can't say I've heard of these movies. What type of series/movie is it? The name sounds interesting.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Ladies and gentlemen, long time no see, recently very busy, no time to update, I am sorry.The current version of this update the content of the two, the first increase Gang territory battle. Each week, Beijing time 10 start of gang territory battle, duration of up to one hour, victory will occupy the territory Monday, while enjoying the victory after a variety of incentives. The second major content is to increase the waterway map systemYou can choose in the calm water free fishing fishing and earn a handful of gold coins, also can choose deep deep waters of various challenges and super big devil monster. Before you start you should first find a fisherman to buy a If there is no props to rush into waters would be drowned. Fishing skill, can listen to fish bubble and slap the water to determine if there is a fish, if fleas walk can also listen to come out. A single rod picked up after, switching to basic skills, select the appropriate range press spacebar to throw rod, wait a moment if there is no fish bite can once again throw rod.After the fish bite may also need patience and luck run away again. If you want more efficient fishing can also choose the use of nets, than the coverage of the rod more widely, a most can also catch 20 fish. Different fish have different prices, the higher the value of the more rare fish.如果运气足够好,还有可能捞出神秘物品哦。海洋地图才刚刚开始,更多的玩儿法敬请期待。If you are lucky enough, may also remove the mysterious object. Ocean map is only just beginning, more fun to look forward to.对翻译结果不满意?点此修改双语对照继续查词清空内容意见反馈  ©2016 Baidu使用百度前必读|百度翻译API|翻译协议|建议与反馈|帮助关注微博关注微信手机版联系我们点击查看微博这里有关于国外、旅游最有趣、有品、有料的资讯扫描二维码,即刻关注百度翻译官方微博这里有关于国外、旅游最有趣、有品、有料的资讯扫描二维码,即刻订阅百度翻译手机端随说随译。离线翻译,无网使用。一切尽在百度翻译APP。扫描二维码,即可下载百度翻译查询努力翻译中...点击下载APP版百度翻译Ladies and gentlemen, long time no see, recently very busy, no time to update, I am sorry.The current version of this update the content of the two, the first increase Gang territory battle. Each week, Beijing time 10 start of gang territory battle, duration of up to one hour, victory will occupy the territory Monday, while enjoying the victory after a variety of incentives. The second major content is to increase the waterway map systemYou can choose in the calm water free fishing fishing and earn a handful of gold coins, also can choose deep deep waters of various challenges and super big devil monster. Before you start you should first find a fisherman to buy a swimming ring, which is essential to the water action props.If there is no props to rush into waters would be drowned. Fishing skill, can listen to fish bubble and slap the water to determine if there is a fish, if fleas walk can also listen to come out. A single rod picked up after, switching to basic skills, select the appropriate range press spacebar to throw rod, wait a moment if there is no fish bite can once again throw rod.After the fish bite may also need patience and luck run away again. If you want more efficient fishing can also choose the use of nets, than the coverage of the rod more widely, a most can also catch 20 fish. Different fish have different prices, the higher the value of the more rare fish.If you are lucky enough, may also remove the mysterious object. Ocean map is only just beginning, more fun to look forward to.download


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

Hello,I'll list a few things here as well.In this game, most of the menus wrap around, so if you press down arrow from the bottom option you go back to the top.When you first get your xbox you will have to sign in and then install the game on your account along with all the different adons you want, the ultra edition is a bundle so you have to install all the different things in the bundle like the characters then the edition. Once that's done, launch the game, and after the logos, if you press the start button (called the menu button) on your controler it will say killer instinct then it will check for downloadable content, which will take a little while.Eventually you'll hear a whoosh type sound and the music will pick up a bit, sounding more like a tune. This means you are in the main menu.From here I'll let sightless explain some stuff to you, but I actually think it would be nic to put some things here in the topic as well bec
 ause I think a lot of people will be asking about menu guides soon enough. I can also help with this too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The fires of the Revina - a new RPG from the creators of Elten app!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The fires of the Revina - a new RPG from the creators of Elten app!

Hello,[[wow]], this really does sound great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bootcamping my Mac Mini

Well, that just stops everything. I don't really have DVDs and don't feel like buying any. At this point, I don't even know if putting XP on this is worth it anymore. So, I don't know. It's sad that Snow Leopard (which is just about as old is Windows 7) is more obsolete even though SL is a superior OS.Well, now what? Is this machine just lost?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adventure To Fate : Future Apocalypse (upcoming iOS game)

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure To Fate : Future Apocalypse (upcoming iOS game)

The endqess arena sounds cool. Do you think you can add it to Battle Arena? Picking the monsters wouldbe nice, or is it already in and I don't know about it?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

Five steps is still too much in my opinion. Three is the most that would be realistic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Adventure To Fate : Future Apocalypse (upcoming iOS game)

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adventure To Fate : Future Apocalypse (upcoming iOS game)

Hmm, there's no way an elevation integer could just be set for each tile and that it could be read for voiceover?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Yep. Windows 3.0 for me. 95 good, 98 rotten, 98 SE good, Windows ME pretty awful, Win NT/2K double-plus good, XP initially awful but then got to pretty damned excellent at about SP1, really at SP2. Vista made me switch to OS X. 7 was just Vista with a lick of paint; not so good, really. 8/8.1 terrible until people figured out Classic Shell, then much better than 7. 10? Ugh!@hadi.gsf: I don't mind your blatant fanboyism at all, as long as you're being objective. You have a right to praise and a right to bitch, just as I do. And you will notice that I'm not above tearing Apple a new hole every now and again, either. I too run Linux only on servers. Clearly though, we do have different tolerances for what we're willing to put up with, and I'm afraid I just can't help thinking MS have got me into a darker corner than ever. Just as the Linux fanboys fail to understand the needs of practical desktop users, I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding why people would support MS's present-day practices.habi.gsf wrote:Well, define inaccepteble in today's world of control and domination. Microsoft is just following other big company's footprints specially now that It has the most desktop and laptop user base (what is that 98%?) So they could get more and more money. And I doubt that It's user Base is going to decrease soon unless Linux steps out in desktop features  / or Apple scales down it's prices and gets video games developed for it. (which is not going to happen very soon). Well, That's true, Microsoft is that big evil corperation that steals data off computers, But I don't think It's the only one; If you think your ISP or other perpriotary software kindly respects your delicious data, You're deadly wrong. But at that point you gotta wear the tinfoil hat and hide somewhere in the dark. Microsoft is going to force windows 10 apon its users and the best way to stop them from tracking you and your friend's data is to  spread the news about the scripts and  things that you can do to close down those stuff.No, I think it's different. M$ are well aware how much control they now hold, on the desktop, entirely unlike those other companies that use different business models which rely on user data apart from in the normal course of operation (so your ISP really doesn't count, and anyway we have encryption if that's what you need), and are exploiting that to gain their userbase. So maybe you accept the loss of privacy. Fair enough. I don't. Do you remember Scroogled? Not only does MS fail to realise just how much trust they are burning with Win10, but also the claims they made, that consumers were being "Misled" by Google and Facebook, could not possibly apply more to M$ now if they tried! Your desktop uses its Internet connection to spy on you just because it can, and there's nothing you as an ordinary user can do about it. It is the purest form of hypocrisy. The greedy bastards even want your money at the end of the "Free"* one-year upgrade offer. It's so incredible, you almost have to imagine that M$ are teaming up with Apple and Google to cover the market: Google at the bottom, MickeySoft somewhere in the middle, and Apple at the "Premium" end. The mind just boggles that people can simply roll over and tolerate it.habi.gsf wrote:Sebby wrote:Summary: commend the good. But the customer is always right, and right now M$ are failing to bloody well deliver.Ok, I have to laugh at your statement here; I will tell you why. Just go and read  the feedback of a general windows customer in the time of  prerelease win10. I can  give you some examples:User puts a feedback on accessibility section: "Please, I want the UI larger and brighter. and a bit more beautiful". "Hi, Why can't i snap the windows with one click instead of two clicks" "Hey, Can the icons be not like in 1970's? I want cool icons!" "This is terrible, make my screen more brighter" "The top bar looks childish, make it "Well, There you go, general customer. I hope you get the irony.Irony? If by "Irony" you mean the apparent disconnect between my insistence of users being right and asking for superficial features as opposed to privacy, then yes, maybe that could be considered ironic. But, since it is precisely these concerns that M$ are so good at ignoring, with the result that Windows never actually ends up being of any great use to anybody (remember Metro?), perhaps that "Irony" is better reserved for MS fanboys who keep revising their opinions depending on whatever M$ happens to think is a good-looking user interface at the time. Users may not be aware that their privacy is being invaded; that still doesn't make it any more right for M$ to do it, and if users were ever motivated to ask, they'd meet with just as much disdain in that regard as they would in regard of the right size and shape of icons. I hope you can see the irony in trying to make the case that users should be ignored in one respect, while they are also 

tdv recordings file

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Douglas1 via Audiogames-reflector


tdv recordings file

Hello! Anyone still have the tdv audio walktrhough file? i wanted it. Thanks.


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Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

It might not be realistic, but I think that it will probably be balanced, and okay. If you only have a 3 step momentum thing you might as well not have one at all. I mean I think perilous hearts had maybe 4.


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Re: how to start out with making a game

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to start out with making a game

All righty thank you


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Re: Becoming a computer programmer

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Becoming a computer programmer

It is an integrated development environment. Think of it as a word processor but one meant for programming.


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Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

I like the blades, especially when you can hit the enemy into them.I don't know if this is a bug or not, sometimes the levels are reversed, in other words you walk left instead of right.It's not really a big issue, just thought I'd point it out just in case it is a bug.


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Re: positive discrimination?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: positive discrimination?

I can't get this. What do you mean by positive discrimination?n


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access  the way, I am now at ilex forest, and am specificly at the part where I have to return a lost farfeched to it's owner. how do I do that. If I remember correctly, the loor balls (and pokey bals in general) can't be used in the overworld.


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Re: Introducing: Out of Sight Games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introducing: Out of Sight Games

It's really great to hear that you're still working on the project. I look very much forward to hear more about it.


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Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

Thank you Smoothgunner. For me, it would be fine if you just explain things in text rather than a recording.Yes, you explained very nicely how to level up. But the thing is that I for some reason haven't got this cutseen yet, which is quite confusing.So, can you explain in text how to get up and blow up the second wall, and turn down the music? Regarding the music and other menus, I will get some sighted help tomorrow, and then I think I'll write all the menus I have access to so far.


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Re: Becoming a computer programmer

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Becoming a computer programmer

What exactly is Eclipse?


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Guide for Playing Japanese Audiogames

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Articles Room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Guide for Playing Japanese Audiogames

Introductionthis is the original guide published by bladestorm360however, i made some modifications because InstantTranslate not work anymore, and have put new download links to all programs that are needed to play Japanese games.clarification. I would not take credit for this, all credit is for bladestorm360I just publish this guide so that everyone can continue to enjoy the Japanese games.This guide will cover, in detail, how to play japanese audio games without knowing a single bit of the language. It is my hope that after reading it, you will be able to pick up any untranslated japanese game and play it with no trouble. Japanese audio games are easily some of the best around, far above what we've got available in the english market, and I hate to see people missing out on playing these masterpieces. There are several utilities out there that make playing these games very possible without knowing the language at all, and this guide will show you what they are, and how to get and use them.Note that this translation method is not perfect. Because japanese grammar structure is so much different than english grammar, words are often scrambled and ocasionally mistranslated. I can tell you from experience though, that it is very possible to understand the storyline, puzzles and mechanics of these games with a great degree of accuracy. I have beaten every game created by these 3 developers, and have understood the storyline of them all. Try not to be put off by the scrambled nature of the wording, it takes some practice but it can definitely be unscrambled into something that makes sense.Things you'll need:NVDA: http://www.nvda-project.orgInstantTranslate NVDA AddOn: … te.en.htmlQ Translate (See below for understanding the current status of these tools and their use) … 9.exe?dl=0Other Useful Utilities:ProTalker English NVDA AddOn: … talker.rarApLocale: … x?id=13209ClipBoard2Sapi: … d2sapi.rarClipCopy: … p-copy.rarClipReader: … reader.rarSayTools: Virtual Midi Synth: game patch: … -patch.zipNotepad2: NyanChan: … MM: … Morokuma: … ;sandbox=1Some websites are better browsed using NVDA and InstantTranslate, by selecting text and translating them line by line. However, most of them can be browsed just using google translate. NyanChan will not allow you to download certain files through google translate, however. So you can either use instant translate, or browse to the download page with google translate, copy the link to the japanese website from there and find the link on the actual page that way.Setup:This will get you up and running with all of the japanese games. Some steps are fairly complex, so please only do what you're comfortable with. If something seems overcomplicated or you just don't want to mess with it, you shouldn't have to. Only the first 3 steps are necessary to play everything but the text games, all other steps are completely optional.1. Install NVDA. If you've never used it before, you may wish to read a bit of documentation or experiment to get a feel for the screen reader.2. Install the InstantTranslate AddOn package. If you have NVDA running, you can simply navigate to the directory you saved these in and press enter on it.3. Download the Textgame patch. This was initially only for the text games, but it helps with the regular games as well. This prevents you from having to install the japanese keyboard and IME, unless you want to.Once downloaded, unzip the patch somewhere, and then copy the hook.dll and Launch files into the folder of the game you want to play. Now make sure that the games executable is renamed to play.For many of the games, this is already the case. But if not, you'll need to rename it for launch to work properly. Once done, run launch and the game will start.Note that if playing Morokuma's Text Games, or if you want window titles or the first menu of Shadow Line to translate correctly, you will need to either change your system locale or run launch through AppLocale. More on this later.You should now have everything installed that you need to play games such as Bokurano Daiboukenn and Brave of Cloudia. However, there is one optional step that may help you out:4. Download and 

Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

True that. I'm just saying it's hard enough to find information... might as well have a guide where contributions can be made so people who find out things in the game can help fill in those missing sections. But I definitely get that... there are guides I've started and just don't say anything about because they're far from complete.


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

In combat, the release of the skills are cool, and some skills to cool 2 seconds, and some longer.


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

hiwhen this game to be inglish?thanks


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

At present, we can not translate into English, we are working on the development of translation functions


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Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

That's a good plan - both of us helping together.Considering I just attained Killer rank (the highest possible rankin the game that you get an achievement for, the other technically being top 32), I think I have enough knowledge to at the very least get you started.You start on single player by default when the game launches.  Under that is Multiplayer, and under that is Shadow Lab.  Under that I believe is Store, which you shouldn't need to tweak/poke around as the unlocks happen as you play.In single player you have fight, and within that menu you have player vs cpu, story (which I can explain later), Survival and Cpu VS CPU.There's a couple of procedures that you'll need to go through to get the optimum experience, namely turning down music and turning the HUD up.Taken from a guide I'm helping in compiling:Turn music down As driving and fitting as Mick Gordon, Celldweller and Atlas Plug's scores for Killer Instinct's stages and menus are, to be able to hear absolutely everything in the game it is necessary that you turn the music down all the way. Once you've grown accustomed to the sounds, you can turn it up a couple of clicks, but here's how to do arguably the more important of the two. • From the main screen, press a on single player. • Now press up one and press A to access help and options • Now go down 4 to audio options and press A. • Now go down 4 to music and move the slider all the way to the left with the left arrow. Turn up HUD volume • From the audio screen, go down to music, where you were for the previous set of instructions. Then go up one. This is the HUD volume slider. • By default it's all the way to the left, so turn it up 10 clicks to the right as that's half way (and adjust as needed).


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

The following is a battle of the territory of the territory of the gang war clips, we can listen to


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Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

that's exactly what I'm saying!  It's one thing to want to make things easy, another to want to circumvent education.  Parents love to act shellshocked, for instance, when their beloved son or daughter is found doing something online they really shouldn't be doing, usually as the result of some action or conversation that directly or indirectly reveals the matter, all the while ignoring the fact that they themselves haven't bothered to study up on what the child has been accessing or for how long.  Computers are much like cars; they run their course and require some supervision.  As they get older they end up with wear and tear.  Powerful and versatile, they can do anything ranging from playing music and videos to analyzing data, to simply looking good on your table, which is what my mother buys them for.  Why she spends money on laptops I don't know, since she hardly uses them and they make for expensive bills.  Her
  reasoning?  "It looked nice..."  Or else, "My friend got one and I saw it on sale."But it's not just her I've seen this irritating trend with.  What's worse is that if I sat around and talked about the many incidents I've been called to fix on other people's computers because I'm deemed as computer literate or tech savvy we could be here for hours, discussing idiotic situations that could have been avoided by simply using a bit of common sense!  I had a girlfriend who called me up on a school night at 1 in the morning balling and in complete panic mode because her computer, with all her dearest most prized possessions had quit working; omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg i can't talk 2anyone my music my email my chatrooms my AOL!  The solution?  Check the power cord.  Seriously?  Yeah, seriously.  No joke; true story.


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Audio sounds nice, I like it. But the gameplay doesn't sound very smooth or precise especially during battles... I would continue to try this, but it's annoying having to switch region and or locale every time I want to play just to get SAPI to work.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

To anyone who wants to know, position 3 or 4 on the dial in 18-3 will change the landing spot in 18-2 so it drops items you'd find in the UFO catcher minigame.I'll update this post with more findings on the dial as I find them.Later!


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

I can't access Dropbox and sendspace here, so I can only use it at home.


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Re: Space Encounter is available for iOS!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dousi96 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Space Encounter is available for iOS!

Now i'm working on a Fix for the iOS version but i have some difficulties to find it...Maybe i will upload a fixed version on the Appstore tonight (release aprox 6-7 days).The bug is not present in the PC/MAC version too!


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Hi.Thanks for the great news. Well, I don't know what to click to play the audio you've posted, but it would be interesting to hear it.  A dropbox link or if you could upload it to sendspace would be awesome.


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Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

hi smoothgunner, a demo of the naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 is cool, also strider is awesome too. but I think strider won't be playable for us, there is too many complex platforming, not just beating things around.


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Re: Monthly chat January 2016

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lauren . downie96 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat January 2016

Seing as this topic doesn't seem to be very busy right now, I though I'd post my own reply.So far, January's been a rather "interesting" month. I wouldn't say it's been the best ever, as whilst it's gone okay so far for me, there's been a lot going on in the world that hasn't made a good start to the New Year.Last week was a prime example of this; first David Bowie died, then Alan Rickman. Though I am sad about both, I feld worse about the latter as I've always though Alan Rickman to be a great actor and known him to play roles in many things besides Snape in the Harry Potter series, all of which were (in my opinion) rather good.In my own life though, I've had a rather boring start to the new year. So far, all I've really done is go back to college for one of the last times (I finish in June), do my mock exams, reply to a few university offers and get a horrible headcold.


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Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: main stream walkthroughs for playstation xbox and pc games

Hi Smoothgunner.So, I have got Dust, and I like it a lot. I have a lot of questions, which I hope you can answer:1: I'm stuck at the part where you have to blow up the wall with a bomb. I did it once, got the key and then I can't seem to find the other wall which I need to blow up.2: I find it very difficult to hear the sounds in the game because of the music. Do you know how to turn it down?3: I'm not sure on what I have messed up. For some reason, I haven't got the explaination on how to level up yet. Do you have any clue on what I have done wrong?4: I think I have found a way to make the items and the shop accessible. I need to got that confirmed by a sighted person.5: When do I have to press circle? This power seems to be pretty bad.I hope you can help by answering some of those questions. I love that tbe prolog is so long, and I like the way the game is forcing the player to learn how it works. I had a lot of fun p
 laying with the bomb. 


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

can some one upload latest version to dropbox I can not download that


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Hello;If you go to the link posted above and then click on the link that says 下载(26.8M,) You'll hear the clip.I think this game would be awesome translated into English.


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Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: has someone a menu guide for killer instinct?

There's an actual guide being compiled huh? Looking forward to reading the whole thing whenever it gets done...


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Can some one tell me how todownload this game, I dont know how do that, or if some one have that, can you upload it to dropbox or somewhere


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

Still sounds nice, and I'd love to try playing it more. I just don't think there's enough helpful information to start playing, and as I said, there's too much configuration that has to happen before it works.


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Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Merry Battle Zoness from Game Madness Interactive!

I definitely aree about a game menu to adjust things like the output mode.


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Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

Honestly, I've had it with microsoft. As far as I'm concerned, they're a money grubbing company with no respect for their users. I'll still have a win XP vm, but it's primarily OSX and linux for me from here on out. BTW, if you use Ubuntu, you're getting spied on as well.


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Re: positive discrimination?

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: positive discrimination?

If discrimination means treating people differently based on some stereotype or generalization and, if said stereotype or generalization makes one attempt to filter out those things that are deemed as beeing of good quality compared to those that aren't, then I believe positive discrimination is an oxymoron. If there's something I'm missing, someone feel free to clarify.


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Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Windows 10 New World Order

@blindncool: which Linux?And re Ubuntu: not for much longer, happily. Dash's Amazon integration will soon be retired. Then Linux really will be the final refuge.


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Re: New game - the return of the king

2016-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New game - the return of the king

helloit is ok.thanks for your regards.


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