Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

2021-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sci-fi muds, wayfar1444.

Is there a way to turn off all the ascii art?


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Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

2020-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DnD - Running official Modules as a blind person

If I want to play by post.  What is the best way to start doing that and where should I go?


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Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-07-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

Hi,I am an accessibility consultant who is blind.  I use to work at a Fortune 50 company before I decided to work for a business where we focus on accessibility.  So I have both experience with the frustration of wanting to use accessible software and also trying to make software accessible.  I just wanted to briefly speak to some of the complaints.When any company or developer asks our community to give them feedback on the accessibility of one of their products, it is invaluable for us to do that (if you are so inclined to want to put in the effort.)  First, you need to understand that typically the people who are asking us for that feedback are the people who really want to make their software accessible to us.  Developers, designers, and people who work on accessibility tend to be people who passionately believe in it.  By providing useful feedback, you are encouraging them to do even more work on accessibility.  By providing them with useful feedback, you also give them information that they can use to convince other developers and designers that accessibility is meaningful and worthwhile to do.Typically, the first software they may try to make accessible may not be the one you care most about.  There are a number of factors that go into deciding which application they are going to try to make accessible first.  Blizzard is probably starting with Battlenet because it is a gateway to playing their games.  If it isn't accessible to some degree, trying to get feedback on accessibility efforts in a game may be more difficult.  They may also be starting there because it might be easier to make it accessible--and it is always easier for someone new to accessibility to learn how by starting off with something easier.For those of us who want to provide useful feedback, we probably ought to make sure those developers and designers know they are going to get some not so useful negative feedback.  Chances are they are already use to this if they have looked for feedback from any of their other users (disabilities or not.)  However, it might be important to help them understand that this negative feedback often comes from the frustration that comes from dealing with other inaccessible products or from past experiences where a company seemed to ask for feedback and then did nothing with it.   the skepticism may not be useful but it is understandable--especially early on when we don't know the people who are asking for feedback so we are uncertain if the feedback is going to lead to any concrete results.Just some thoughts for consideration.


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Re: An annoying problem in eurofly

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An annoying problem in eurofly

TThe issue I run into is that the tower seems to instruct me to take off from non-existent runways.  I'll get instructions to take off from a runway (let's say 2A) and I will taxi all the way past all the runways and never find a 2A.  I assume I must be missing something, but can't figure out what.


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Re: I'm noticing a Pattern for Audio FPSs

2019-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm noticing a Pattern for Audio FPSs

@dan_gero, I am not sure what your intent is.In #9, you wrote: "...the developers brought it upon themselves. If they had left things as they were, so many of the problems were having now would not exist."  To me, that sounded like developers were at fault for being hacked because they did something that hackers didn't like--and if they want to avoid those problems in the future, they should only make those changes that are agreeable to hackers.In #13, it sounds like you are saying that the developers are not being hacked, but instead giving access to the code to people with malicious intent and the problem is the developers are trusting strangers.SO are you saying the problem is developers are making changes that hackers dislike or developers are giving access to people they shouldn't trust?  Or is your intent something else?


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Re: I'm noticing a Pattern for Audio FPSs

2019-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm noticing a Pattern for Audio FPSs

Does it matter why someone chooses to hack a game?


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Re: Madden NFL 20 beta access codes

2019-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden NFL 20 beta access codes

Xbox one


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Re: Help Us Get 3D Audio Back (aka the Libaudioverse thread)

2017-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help Us Get 3D Audio Back (aka the Libaudioverse thread)

I am using Python 3.6 on Windows 10. What is the best way for me to go about trying out this library as a developer?


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Re: Writing an up-to-date steam guide

2017-04-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Writing an up-to-date steam guide

I would be interested in a guide--particularly if it takes the user from having no account and not having steam on their system to playing a game.


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Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

When I listened to the recording, I had problems with the part where 5 , 4, and 3 notes were played simultaneously. However, if the pitches of the notes were further apart or they were different sounds, I might be able to tell them apart more easily. Also, in the recording, all the notes had the same origin point/came from the same direction. If they each came from a different origin point/direction, it might be easier to seperate the sounds. For example, I might have trouble identifying the notes C, G, and A if all played in front of me. However, if the C was played in the left speaker, A in the right speaker, and G in the center, I might be able to identify the tones better. I also talked with some friends who are involved in music. They said they think the rule of fourths may actually be called the circle of fifths. One comment they made that might be helpful is that differentiating musical notes can take some training depending on the notes. For example, most people can easily
  differentiate between a low C, C, and high C note. But they may have more difficulty telling the difference between a B, C, and C#. Differentiating at that level may require some training.  Most people probably find it easier to differentiate between types of sounds than pitches of musical notes. Also, there are different types of note identification.  Does someone need to identify a specific note or that notes relationship to other notes? Play a E note and most people can't identify that it is an E. But if you play 2 notes, most people can recognizewhether one note is higher or lower than the other--though the closer in pitch the sounds are, the more difficulty they might have with that task.So, if you want to use 5 notes, you might need to use notes that are a bit further apart. However, if the sounds of the notes are coming from different directions, the differences in the pitch of notes may not need to be as much. Another potential idea is to use a combinat
 ion of sound types and pitches. For example, the A button is a low quick chime, the B button is a high quick chime, the X button is a low quick beep, and the Y is a high quick beep. The fifth button could be a different sound type or perhaps one of the 2 previous sound types played in a mid range.


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Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

I think I need some additional clarification. there are 5 possible indicators. Am I correct in understanding that only 1 indicator will appear over the head of 1 player, but multiple players could be available to receive a pass so multiple indicators could be present at the same time? Also, another part of this idea would be to play the indicators in such a way that would indicate whether the pass receiver was left, in front of, or right of the passer?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

One thing to keep in mind is that accessibility is a journey. There are problems that won't seem solvable today, but which will become solvable as people develop more experience with solving these types of problems. Some solutions will work fantastic the first time. Other solutions will be replaced with better ones over time. And yet other solutions will turn out to be dead ends and we'll stop using them. I think it is wise to start looking for common solutions that can be used across games. However, it is probably better to focus on solving specific problems, build some experience, and then look for commonalities between solutions. The problem @ea_accessible poses at the beginning of this thread is a good place to start. it is a very specific problem--and specific problems are much easier to solve than generalized problems. Thanks to the later post about vibrations not having a standard approach across controllers, I think using different sounds as indicators is 
 a good idea. I think starting off with the tone scale described is a good starting position.  I will admit I am not comfortable with saying that it will absolutely work--but that is because I'm having problems picturing the implementation. There is also the question of how many simultaneous tones the player can process. One tone, no problem. two tones, seems possible.  Three tones, maybe? Four tones, not sure... five tones, probably not but I don't have any facts to back that viewpoint up.


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Re: Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

2017-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

I plan on trying a new cable. I just used a cable I had handy. I was trying to folow the instructions provided by Microsoft which mention using Xbox Accessories to connect the controler.I can try the bind button. I assume that is the button on the front, between the bumpers, and next to the micro usb port?


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Re: Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

2017-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

I am trying both. When I connect the controller via the usb, the controller does vibrate. However, in Xbox Accessories, it seems to indicate that I don't have any controllers connected. I also tried with Blue Tooth. In the Blue Tooth settings, the controller appears to be connected, but still nothing with Xbox Accessories. At least, according to the screen reader's reading of the app.


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Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Setting up an XBox 1 Controller on Windows 10

I am trying to set up an XBox 1 controller to work on a Windows 10 laptop, but I do not appear to be having any luck. Can anyone provide instructions or tips for doing this?


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Re: dungeons and dragons or, DND as many call it.

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dungeons and dragons or, DND as many call it.

I use Roll20 for a bi-weekly game. Unfortunately, I find it pretty much useless do to its accessibility proboems.  I think there is an accessibility setting you can toggle in your account, but it appears to be about adding keystrokes--not making the content more readable. Also, in our group, we have ditched using their communications tools. It turns out to be easier to use Skype for the chat and audio and just use Roll 20 for the maps and other things. I would strongly suggest people sign up for the DD Beyond beta test and provide as much feedback as possible. I posted a concern to their Facebook page mentioning concerns about accessibility--I did get a positive response--but I have a feeling any accessibility improvements in DD Beyond will depend heavily upon people with accessibility needs making them aware of all the accessibility issues.


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Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Identifying possible console audible indicators

This idea might work, but it is also obvious that there are some questions about it. How will this work in the context of other sounds? If tones are played simultaneously, will players be able to untangle the tones quickly enough, decipher which buttons to press, and do that quickly? Maybe? I do not know if this is an option, but this might be a situation where testing a prototype with some users might help. Perhaps something as simple as playing the sounds randomly and having the player use the corresponding contrl--while the program records information on which controls were used and how long it took before a control was used after the sound played.  It might be possible to prototype that as a Windows app or maybe a web app.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

@ea_accessible, I was talking to a accessibility colleague today about this forum thread. He has evidently been playing Madden from the early days. He has a mobility impairment, not a visual impairment--but we had a good discussion about the challenge you are taking on. We ended up talking about potential ways to solve particular problems as well as thoughts on how to tackle Madden as a whole--in our work, we frequently end up having to figure out an approach to making a complex application accessible while working with a project team that may not know a lot about accessibility yet. If you want, I would be glad to try to spend a few days trying to write down the things we covered and that he mentioned either as solutions or potential problems that might need to be solved.  Also, if at some point you would think it would be useful to have a conversation, we would both be willing to try to offer whatever advice or assistance you might think you need.  Honestly, we are typi
 cally glad to offer help to anyone who wants to make the world a bit more accessible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

@ea_accessible, let me make sure I understand...During a running play for the offense, it is important that the player know:* Which is the optimum direction to run -- indicated by an arrow that works like a compass.* Where nearby defenders are--the direction the defender is in relative to the player.* How close defenders are--the range the defender is from the player.So if I were only using sound. I might use a tone to indicate which direction to run--with the idea that the player wants to keep that tone in front of them and centered as much as possible. There might be a couple ways to do that.  One might be a floating tone that moves relative to the player.  The other might be to use just a few tones to indicate if the player is on course or if they need to turn left or right to be on course. I probably should explain the second option. If the runner is faced in the correct direction, they would hear a sound telling them they are 
 on track or possibly they would hear no sound.  If they are off track, they would hear different sounds or tones. For example, if it would be faster for the runner to turn left to get back on course, they would hear a tone/sound from the left or a tone/sound that indicates they should turn to the left. It might also be possible to indicate how far off the track they are by varying the volume or pitch of the tone/sound. The louder/higher the further they need to turn in that direction to be on track. The lower/softer the pitch/tone, the closer they are to being on track. To indicate the direction and range of defenders, you might be able to do something similar. This is just an example. Each defender will emit a breathing or footstep sound.  The player knows where the defender is by the direction of the sound and knows how close the defender is by the loudness of the sound. I suppose you could also use vibration to indicate the range of the nearest defender--kind of 
 like feeling the vibrations of footsteps.Just in case you are unaware, I feel I also should mention that we do have a few people on these forums who specifically design games for the blind and they might also be able to provide ideas. For instance, @aprone is one who's work I am most familiar with. His FPS Swamp is fairly popular and I expect he dealt with some of these types of issues in designing his game. I also think he has tried at least to incorporate vibration and possibly other feedback in his games. He is not the only one--just the one I am most familiar with.Is there any articles that explain what capability controllers have for vibration? I am assuming they allow you to vary the types of vibration, strength, and duration. I am not sure what else they allow you to do.  I will admit that I am most familiar with the use of vibration as a feedback mechanism for ultrasound devices that give someone who is blind an idea how far and object is that is in f
 ront of them.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

@ea_accessible, I am trying to keep up with these posts. I want you to know that, from my perspective, I think you are doing the right things. These actually would be the kind of questions I would be asking in my job.  With regards to the arrow, I would ask some more questions--but you might already have the feedback you need from the other great responses to your question. I would ask some details about how the arrow indicating direction works. Are we talking about an arrow that paints a path on the field or one that appears soewhere on the screen? Are the directions it can point in almost infinite or is there a very finite number of directions it can point? Just reiterating some of the other great ideas...  One option is to have a 3D sound come from the direction the arrow is pointing. In this case, the player would want to try to center the sound to tell them they are on the optimal path. Vibrations could also work for this--it sounds like. No vibrations means 
 you are on the correct path. Minimal to maximum vibrations depending on how far you are off the path. If vibrations can be differentiated from sides of the controller, you could use that like souds.  The player starts moving too far right and the right side of the control vibrates more than the left side.Of course, you may need to consider what other things the runner needs to know at the same time. I am going to guess that you will only be able to use vibrations to indicate one thing at a time?  And you might be able to use audio to indicate multiple pieces of information simultaneously.   With sound you also have the option of changing the position of sounds, changing the volume of sounds, changing the pitch of sounds, and changing the type of sounds.  What aspects of vibration can you control and vary?


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Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

Yes, publishers do have a major impact on what is published. How does that impact your dialog with developers? Realize that the developers you are talking with typically don't have the authority to do anything they want. Making a game accessible, may involve more than convincing the developers. This is part of the reason why developing good amicable relationships with people at that company can be invaluable. they may feel more comfortable explaining why something might not be accessible--which improves your chance to provide the appropriate information. A developer may be moved to incorporate accessibility for one reason. A publisher may need another reason to convince them.With regards to NDA's, I think there are a few things to be aware of.  The primary purpose of an NDA is to help try to protect information a company thinks gives them an advantage against their competitors. Realize when you are talking with a developer that they likely have signed an NDA-
 -so if they are unwilling to share certain information with you, there is a good reason for it. Also, there is always a possibility that you might be asked to sign an NDA. This typically is a good sign. It means they think you can be trusted and they also think that sharing this additional information with you will provide them with something beneficial--likely it means they find your accessibility feedback to be useful.Typically, NDA's end up covering information about future plans or detailed technical aspects of current products. It would be rare to find an NDA that prevents a developer from discussing current features of a game from a player's perspective.I probably should mention something else.  There is a tendency to think companies are soley motivated by money and that is all they think about when they make decisions. Money is definitely a major motivation for companies, but it is important to understand that it isn't the sole factor in how 
 companies make decisions.  It is typically a very important factor in decisions, but not necessarily the only factor.


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Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

2017-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I'm going to do my best to advocate to make Star citizen accessible

I do not see anywhere in this thread where people have said making games accessible is easy. My full time professional job is to work with people to help them make their user interfaces accessible.  I can tell you from experience that accessibility never happens if there are no discussions about it. @karate25, @SLJ, and others try to make those conversations happen.  Certainly, they may frequently run into deadends. But they do not always find a dead end. Their results can sometimes bare fruit--but that only happens because they are willing to spend their own time and effort to try to start something. By all means, it is important to share stories and information about past challenges and barriers to accessibility. But let's not discourage them from trying. After all it hurts nothing for them to try, while it actually makes it possible that we will end up with more accessible games.


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Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

2017-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hello from EA - Madden NFL feedback

Thanks to ea_accessible for asking for feedback and trying to help improve the accessibility of mianstream electronic games. Also thanks to @addolis for sharing your experiences.I actually work full time on making user interfaces accessible--though my focus is web and native mobile applications for business use. But I might have a couple ideas that might be useful here.It might be a good idea to try to come up with a list of outputs available to the game that would be accessible to someone who is blind.  For example 3D audio and vibration have been mentioned.  people have also mentioned the use of pitched tones and speech output. It might make it a little easier to solve some of the problems if you feel you have a fair idea of how information might be conveyed accessibly.If possible, I would suggest recording both the audio and video for gaming sessions. I think it is also great that you are explaining how you do things currently and what problems yo
 u are having. I think it is definitely a good idea to provide suggestions. With the video and audio, it makes it possible for people without the game to provide feedback. The video might be useful to people with sight--since it may help them spot some aspects of the problems we are having that aren't apparent to those of us who are blind.As a big NFL fan, I am really excited to hear that there is a chance at a possible accessible football game in the future. I am also interested in fifa--I am not really a soccer fan, but I have a few sighted friends that constantly talk about playing it. It would actually be nice to be able to join them in playing some of those games.


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Re: "game accessibility is happening"

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "game accessibility is happening"

I personally think the biggest challenge is that people directly involved in the software gaming industry likely have little or no idea how to make their games accessible.  I think part of the answer to that question are people in our community. Ask most industry game developers how they would create an accessible first person shooter for blind people and they likely would have no ideas or really bad ideas.  But we have people like Aprone and others in this community that have done just that.  We have people in our community that solve those types of problems all the time.  I have a feeling if someone like Aprone, Dave Greenwood, Sam, or others was part of a game design meeting, they would have many ideas how to make those games accessible.  For me, the question would be is how might we get the computer gaming industry to utilize the knowledge of those people?  I also admit I wouldn't mind seeing those folks in our community financially rewarded 
 for the knowledge and skills they have gained by developing games for this community.


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Re: Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

2017-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old text and Ascii RPG or roguelikes for dos

So, I have a question related to this. I think there are quite a few people that like or would like a rogue-like game. One of the things I like is solving some of the tactical problems--you have to deal with a mob of monsters and how do you best accomplish that with what you have and the layout of the current dungeon. There are also other aspects people enjoy. But the problem with most rogue-likes seems to be the interface.  What would a rogue-like be like if we reimagined the interface to be accessible while retaining the things we like about rogue-likes?


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Re: star traders 2, unfortunate news

2016-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: star traders 2, unfortunate news

Honestly, it is always a challenge to assign blame in these kinds of situation. My job involves working with project teams to help them create accessible applications. I have seen situations like this before and it is equally possible the developers made bad choices during the project and end up with something inaccessible or they tried to make good choices but still ended up with something inaccessible.My assumption is that, when these developers picked a game engine, they had a list of requirements. Those things might have included cost, features, platform support, and language support. I have not worked on game engine accessibility, but I imagine the situation is similar to accessibility as it relates to other frameworks. Available accessibility information on frameworks can be non-existent, poor, contrary, or out of date--even if accessibility is something specifically addressed by the framework. I suspect the Trese brothers also were only looking at a subset of all the
  available game engines because they had requirements for the game engine that would limit their choices. That might mean they didn't have a choice of a game engine that provides good information on its accessibility. Often with frameworks the only good way to know how accessible it is, is to start developing using that framework.Then there is the Trese brother's past experience. They made previous games accessible and it is possible they felt they could handle any accessibility challenges that came up this time.One other thing I probably ought to mention. Just because the game engine is OpenSource does not mean that these developers can fix it. One of the major reasons to pick a game engine is to cut down on development time. However, peple often use framework or game engines because they either don't currently have the ability, time, or skills to create a framework or game engine. In these situations, fixing the OpenSource code might not be an option.<
 /p>However, in some ways, it does not really matter whose fault it is. What matters is the game won't be accessible. My own guess is they are not quite sure how to handle this because they assumed they would be abel to make the game accessible--but they have run into a wall. What people do next depends on what they think the possible outcomes might be. If you feel there is no way to make the game accessible, then, due to the nature of Kickstarters, you might just let this one go or you might talk with them about a refund or other option. If you wonder if there might be other options for making this game accessible, you might want to talk with them. Figuring out accessibility problems like this can be difficult, so it is possible someone in our community might know something that might help them solve the problem.I will admit I was greatly disappointed at this news. I was looking forward to this game. When I had some sight, these were the types of games I enjoyed playi
 ng. Unfortunately, it seems like these types of games are rarely accessible so we don't have a lot of options in our community. Though I will admit that I think we have a lot more gaming options today than we did even just a couple years ago--so at least we've seen some over all improvement. Hopefully, this community can continue to assist and push the wider gaming industry to provide us with more accessible options--because honestly we would buy them if they would make them. And once people have some good gaming engine options, there really shouldn't be much more work in designing an accessible game than there is in designing one that is inaccessible.In my own case, I will likely let this one go. I'm not sure I know anything that would contribute to the Trese brothers being able to deliver an accessible game. Also, the nature of Kickstarter is that projects I fund aren't guaranteed to deliver. While I definitely would have problems with some projects
  failing, it sounds like they made a good faith effort to deliver an accessible game. Perhaps one of the outcomes of this situation is our community will have a better idea of what types of questions to ask about future Kickstarters which might increase the chance they will be successful in delivering accessible games.


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Re: D&D groups

2016-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: D&D groups

I would also be interested in joining the group--depending on when you meet to play. I would also possibly be willing to GM.  I've played D&D 1st ed, 3.5 ed, and a little bit of 5e. I have also played Pathfinder. I suspect learning MM would not be too dificult.


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