Re: rtr server error. Please help!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rtr server error. Please help!

I just had a look, and it doesn't appear that that package is there. They do have a sound pack specifically for the Justin's House map though, so if you haven't, maybe try downloading that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tips for super egg hunt +?

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tips for super egg hunt +?

Yeah, I can agree with the ones you dislike. I always wondered what Super Chicken was referencing. Now I know.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tips for super egg hunt +?

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tips for super egg hunt +?

I might have to pick this game up again. I've never scored anywhere near 300 points in Chicken Coop, I think my highest ever score was 258. The problem for me is that the groups of eggs are really close together, and sometimes it's hard to center them. This isn't just a problem with Chicken Coop, of course, it's just more noticeable in that game.What are some of you guys' favorite trophies? Mine, hands down, is Chicken Nuggets, though Fearsome Phillip is a close second.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: rtr server error. Please help!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rtr server error. Please help!

Do you have that TRTR Entities file that was floating around a few years ago? I think it used to be on the official Dragonapps site, which of course no longer exists. You had to replace the existing entities with those found in the separate folder in order to be able to use more maps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: posting in open sorced games will also fall at unothirised forks?

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: posting in open sorced games will also fall at unothirised forks?

For me, it depends on what kinds of modifications you're doing. What can you do within the framework of this existing game that won't be a stale, recycled concept? If you can pull that off, I say go for it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: undead-assault will be back soon!

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: undead-assault will be back soon!

I'm really excited for this! I never played it when it was around before, since no one I knew played it, but it sounds really good. Also, we need more online games which are ran by reputable people, so this news is quite refreshing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: rs cards against humanity anyone?

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rs cards against humanity anyone?

I'm a fan of that game myself, but a forum topic has the unfortunate disadvantage of having a serious time delay.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Super liam: I just experienced nostalgia

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super liam: I just experienced nostalgia

Lava Lake was always my favorite level. Then again, I tend to like parts of games that everyone else tends to despise, such as games like Extinguish the Wick, Across the Lava, and Extraterrestrial Volcano in Crazy Party. Hell, even the Flying Boat grew on me after awhile.I agree with those who have said that the modified sounds are annoying. I think what's so jarring about them is that it takes you out of the nostalgia, it just seems all wrong to play with different sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Selling my projects

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Selling my projects

Normally I'd agree, but there are a couple factors at play here.First, I think it's reasonable that she could give a list of projects she has for sale. With this community's less than stellar track record of what happens when code changes hands, it would be good to have a public record so that the average person knows exactly who bought what. I agree that the prices are no one's business, but the last thing we need is another he said, she said screaming match where one person says the code is theirs, the next one said they bought it, but has no proof, etc. etc.Second, while I'm willing to believe that Haily said things out of anger in her topic about leaving that she didn't mean, the fact is, it happened less than a day ago. People are understandably going to approach taking over any of her projects after she blatantly called the entire community whiny shits or something similar (I forget the exact wording) with wariness. If they don't, well, that more than likely speaks to their agendas.Bottom line: we absolutely do not need any more clones floating around, or people spreading around code that isn't theirs, because, let's face it, just because someone buys it doesn't mean it will stay with that person. It may, I'm not disputing that, but this whole thing is just too much too soon, in my opinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: RS Games Question

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RS Games Question

Lol yeah, that amuses me greatly when I launch it. That, and the ads, which are, shall we say, outdated.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my new podcast gaming in the dark

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my new podcast gaming in the dark

I honestly agree with the suggestion to not record using the Iphone. The quality isn't going to be as good as it could be that way. however, I strongly disagree with changing the name of your podcast just because Playing in the Dark exists. First of all, I don't think they're making games anymore. Top Speed was discontinued and open sourced years ago, and they've been quiet since, to my knowledge. I wouldn't worry about that too much.As some of you may know, I used to work with the now defunct podcast Blind Access. When we were in the process of coming up with a name, I was aware that a blog existed with that exact title. I was resistant to using it for that reason, thinking the creator (or creators) would come after me for it. Spoiler alert, that never happened, and we're talking about an incidental mirror image, not just a passing resemblance. If the original owners of that blog had come to us respectfully and asked us to change the name, I would have done so in a heartbeat. What the other members of my team would have wanted is another story; I would have done it anyway or abandoned ship. Also, we're not talking about a paid brand here, though I recognize that kinda gets dicey because Anchor can pay you when people listen to your shows. You could switch platforms, or just wait and see what happens. If it really were to become an issue, I very highly doubt a lawsuit would be their first course of action.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Simplistic Games

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Simplistic Games

This is the second time today I stumbled upon someone complaining about card and dice games, the other time being a thread on Twitter. Anyway, I'd like to ask what's wrong with having them? Plenty of sighted folks enjoy a game of poker or yahtzee or what have you. I even recently discovered that dominoes is apparently far more popular than I ever knew. Board games are either making a comeback, or never really did decline all that much in popularity. It's not like those are the only accesible games that exist, far from it. So quit acting like they're infringing on your right to have fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with warsim

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with warsim

I really need to start playing this myself. I bought it around Christmas when it was discounted. I opened it a couple of times, saw the sheer amount of options, and was overwhelmed. I know there's a Wiki, which I bookmarked around the time I bought it, intending to look at it once I do start playing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crazy party micro games listing and guide!

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party micro games listing and guide!

I didn't know that, either. I usually take the upper route, but sometimes the penguin escapes and goes all the way down the tree, and then you're screwed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Good lord, I sure have my work cut out for me lol. I got stuck with two of the best players that currently exist.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any tips for crazy party gems

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any tips for crazy party gems

Yes, that's true, but I'd recommend getting together teams of people you're reasonably sure won't rage quit on you, if possible. Relying on random chance usually has disastrous results, at least in my experience.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: crazy party micro games listing and guide!

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party micro games listing and guide!

I legitimately thought you were meant to spell curry the first time I played that new letters game, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

I couldn't agree more. While I probably have been a bit harsher than I should be at times when it comes to people asking for saves, with Crazy Party in particular, I can't help but have the same reaction. It doesn't make sense to me how someone wouldn't want to experience all that the game has to offer. If you don't care enough to develop your own strategies, or feel compelled to play the games in order to get good at them, then, frankly, why the hell are you playing? For me, personally, getting someone else's save would ruin the game entirely for me. I will take what some others have said into account, though, and try not to be so hard on those who ask for saves in the future, though I do strongly disagree with it, and most likely always will.Also, I agree that CP is no more or less harmful to keyboards than some of the older audio game titles. I would not see handing someone my save file as saving the keyboards, if you will. To me, that concept is silly, and I make no apologies for my stance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

I do agree about unlocking battle cards, especially as someone who isn't into the battle mode all that much. It would suck pretty hard to have to do that all over again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

I've never had any issues while using NVDA.@55, yeah, it would be a pain to have to unlock everything again if you lost your save file, but it's still better than the alternative, which is mooching off someone else. You didn't unlock all those games/cards, they did. I had a friend who lost his save file. I toyed with the idea of giving him mine to help him along, but ultimately, he wanted to get everything unlocked himself. That's the right attitude to have IMO, no matter how much it sucks to have to go through that whole process again. Besides, I'd argue that, for games at least, if you've been playing on a consistent basis, you'll breeze through the worlds a lot quicker than you would have your first go round.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

The change to Top of the Skyscrapers is documented in the latest changelog, it says that the people with the hammers are "less crazy." Essentially, that means they don't do anything anymore. I used to think that the strategy was to climb all the way up to the top of the buildings, and boy, was I wrong. Once someone showed me that all you need to do is hammer the fuck out of your space bar while jumping on the bottom level, perhaps slightly adjusting your position once you get to the right hand side of the map in case of falling bombs, and waiting for the helicopter, I felt dumb. It's pretty obvious once you've done it that way a couple of times.As for games like crossing a studio and the mountainous gorge, I personally enjoy them, but I don't think they're very fun for people with hearing impairments. The same person I mentioned above who taught me how to play top of the skyscrapers the right way falls into that category, and he absolutely cannot play such games. As a result, I've cut them from my lists, at least when we play, because they're unfair for him.And, wow, @45, really? If you can't handle the fact that a topic might stray from the original point, while still being relevant, then don't post at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Yes, the problem you mentioned in oil installation has happened more than I care to admit. I got lucky once and got a really easy map. Now I don't put that game on any of my lists. It even seems cruel to put it on my rage quitter's paradise list, which is designed to be awful lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Yes, that's happened more than I care to admit. I got lucky once and got a really easy map. Now I don't put that game on any of my lists. It even seems cruel to put it on my rage quitter's paradise list, which is designed to be awful lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Oil Installation is a stupid game as it currently is. Instead of messing with something perfectly doable, (top of the skyscrapers) why the hell wasn't something done about that one? I'm still salty about the fact that top of the skyscrapers isn't even fun anymore thanks to the changes that were made to it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Oil Installation is a stupid game as it currently is. Instead of messing with a perfectly doable game, (top of the skyscrapers) why the hell wasn't something done about that one? I'm still salty about the fact that top of the skyscrapers isn't even fun anymore thanks to the changes that were made to it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

So how does the bonus for enemies killed work, exactly? I know stuff that you wouldn't traditionally think of as enemies counts, i.e. smashing walls in the forgotten cold room, but it still confuses me how it's calculated. Is there a strategy for maximizing it, or is it luck of the draw depending on which games come up in a given list?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Well yeah, I do agree that it should start you at 0, but walking diagonally tends to be helpful when escaping the bombs. Unless it's in HC, of course. Fuck that game in HC, it's damn near impossible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Well yeah, I do agree that it should start you at 0, but walking diagonally tends to be helpful when escaping the bombs.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Looks like I'll be practicing with bonuses enabled for the next few weeks then, lol. I too find them very distracting, but I'm sure I can force myself to get used to them again somehow. It's funny, when I first started playing online, I believed they were essential. As my playing improved, I started feeling like they were more of a crutch than anything, and took away from the fun of playing. Now I'm not used to them anymore, so it's hard for me to focus when they're around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Flying Boat is fun for me, though I suck at timing the electricity. It's the same reason I've never been good at electrical path or underground facility, though at least the flying boat and electrical path have other things going for them.I hate numbered slabs with a deep fiery passion, and that reminds me that I also hate numbers quiz. It wouldn't be so bad if some of the questions were easier, but it's just too much guesswork for the average person, at least I think so.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

I'm in full agreement about the special bonuses, especially if we're playing in competition mode. I have only one goal when I play competition, and that's to beat everyone else. Special bonuses only cost you valuable time. I'm ok with it if you guys choose to keep them, but I suspect many people would rather they not be there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

I actually kind of like destroying walking bombs, though I'm not very good at it. Totally agreed about hidden palace, though, and I've never liked underground facility either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

2020-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Crazy Party tournament in February

Just registered, this looks like it will be fun!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

Yeah, Dangerous Frisbees nearly made me rage quit and never come back the first few times I played it. Now, it seems laughably easy compared to some of the other shitty games. Snake charmer, anyone?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: can I have a crazy party save?

2020-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can I have a crazy party save?

I'm one of those who will kick if I see a ridiculous amount of objects, and by that, I mean millions of them. I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I used to do that if someone had 10 or 12,000 when I was first starting out, though. I now know that it's completely plausible to have that amount, so, if you were one of the people I unfairly kicked a year ago or so, I apologize for that. As for the save file discussion, I'm glad several others beat me to the punch, because I always express the same sentiments whenever these discussions come up. Finally, I love how @1's signature is just barely skirting the rules. he says he likes clones, but doesn't say which ones, so technically he isn't doing anything wrong except being a disgrace to the community. No one can say that's not intentional.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What audio games helped you through some tough times?

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What audio games helped you through some tough times?

For me, it was Crazy Party that helped me keep my sanity after a string of bad events happened over the past few years. I didn't get heavily into it until 2018, but once I did, it helped me immensely. Castaways 2 came before that, I'll always be a bit sad that it's never going to be finished because that game held my interest when depression all but sapped my ability to care about much of anything. Finally, it's not an audio game, but Seven Little Words is one I still pick up when I need a quick distraction.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I have a question about the games made by audio

2020-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I have a question about the games made by audio

Which ones, the old experimental games? I think one or two of them were in Dutch, but for the most part they were in English. Weren't those the flash-based games like Big Cahuna and stuff? If so, I haven't been able to get them working on Windows 10.


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Re: a question regarding an article

2020-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a question regarding an article

Is this add-on Python 3 ready yet? I'd hate to lose it, it's very useful.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AudioWizards & Soundtrack Coming to PC on Steam 22nd of January

2020-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioWizards & Soundtrack Coming to PC on Steam 22nd of January

I can't wait for this! I enjoy playing games on the PC far more than on the phone. I didn't expect it to happen so soon, and I'm stoked.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why!

2019-12-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why!

Nice clickbait title there.


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Re: Bookrage's choiceofgames reviews

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bookrage's choiceofgames reviews

I really enjoy Choice of the Cat myself. It was the first COG title I ever played. I never did figure out how to help the guy get his band contract signed, either, so I think I'll give it another play and see if I can make some headway on that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

Ok, look, asking someone to buy you a game isn't always a viable option. I don't like it when that's thrown out as a suggestion as though that's a thing everyone is comfortable doing. I absolutely agree with the sentiment that cracking in the audio gaming scene isn't OK, but let's be real here. Games are a want, not a need, and if you have a lot of pride, which is something I can personally relate to, you wouldn't dare do something that could be taken as grovelling. Some people, especially younger ones with this particular temperament, would rather crack something than be seen as a beggar. Hell, I would have. The difference is that, while I did go through a phase as a teenager where I revelled in all the free stuff I could get, I also recognized that one day, hopefully in the near future, I would pay it forward in other ways, and support those who deserved my patronage. I feel I've done that. If these kinds of topics had existed back in the days when I was first getting into playing audio games, I would never have asked for charity, because, after all, a game is not my shelter or other essentials. I'm not saying this to shame those who do take this route, nor to discourage those who are being generous from providing keys and such. I think it's a great thing, especially in an era where instant gratification is far too prevalent, and it seems like, more than ever, it's every man for himself. All I'm saying is that there are people such as myself who would consider it quite disrespectful to ask for handouts from strangers, so don't expect those people to come forward and do the "right" thing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

2019-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: myTrueSound feedback and some comments related to audiogaming

I think it's perfectly reasonable to sell an audio game on Steam. There's a guide on this forum that should get anyone up and running with it. Besides, while it's certainly convenient to have DRM-free copies of all the digital things we purchase, it's not a right, it's a privilege. Since this dev has expressed concerns about piracy to begin with, I really wouldn't blame him if it's a Steam-only release.I've heard good things about this game, and the only reason I personally did not purchase it is that mobile gaming in general is just not my thing, not unless it's something simple like a dice or card game. I happen to prefer playing on the PC whenever possible, it's just easier and more comfortable for me. So, I would be more than happy to purchase this game and give it a shot once the Windows version is released, regardless of which platform it ultimately ends up on.


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Re: question regarding my approach to Choiceofgames titles.

2019-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: question regarding my approach to Choiceofgames titles.

I think a recommendations thread for these would be cool. I've only played a couple of their titles because the list is so daunting that I don't even know where to start.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Applevis is now taking nominations for the 2019 golden apple awards!

2019-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Applevis is now taking nominations for the 2019 golden apple awards!

I wasn't sure what a lot of the apps were, so I definitely agree that a better system should be put in place to make the voting more fair. Still, the ones that I do know are really useful, and I had to contemplate whether I'd rather support Seeing AI or Voice Dream Scanner for a bit. As for Dice World, the recent two finger double tap to roll the dice feature impressed me so much when it was added that there was no contest. Besides, I haven't played several of the games, like Alt Frequencies and Audio Wizards, though I've heard good things about them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: There was supposed to be a Psycho Strike update, right?

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: There was supposed to be a Psycho Strike update, right?

It would be great if Psycho Strike got updated, but I gave up hope for that a long time ago. I look back at how aggressively I defended it upon its release and shake my head, for if I'd known how quickly it would be abandoned, I wouldn't have done so. Sure, I would have shot down the baseless claims some helicopter parents and hangers-on made of supposed corruption of kids who played it and all that, but I wouldn't have gone to bat for it nearly as fiercely had it not been stated that updates were going to be a thing that happened eventually. Psycho Strike was one of my favorite games at one point. Had the simulation aspects been expanded further, it could have been something great. As it stands, all the naysayers got what they wanted, albeit in a different way to what they were hoping.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: There was supposed to be a Psycho Strike update, right?

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: There was supposed to be a Psycho Strike update, right?

It would be great if Psycho Strike got updated, but I gave up hope for that a long time ago. I look back at how aggressively I defended it upon its release and shake my head, for if I'd known how quickly it would be abandoned, I wouldn't have done so. Sure, I would have defended it from the baseless claims of supposedly corrupting kids who played it and all that, but I wouldn't have gone to bat for it nearly as fiercely had it not been stated that updates were going to be a thing that happened eventually. Psycho Strike was one of my favorite games at one point. Had the simulation aspects been expanded further, it could have been something great. As it stands, all the naysayers got what they wanted, albeit in a different way to what they were hoping.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Saves and decks for Crazy Party

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Saves and decks for Crazy Party

I don't like it when people ask for saves, not even a little bit. Decks, however, are a whole other matter. Most people have spent a lot of time perfecting strategies for those, so spreading them around would be counterproductive at best. As for a save file, even if I lost mine tomorrow and had no backup, as much as it would suck to do so, I'd go back and unlock every game and card. Why? Because then, it's my own effort, not someone else's. It doesn't matter if I have all 230 games unlocked, and someone kindly provides me their save file which also has 230 games unlocked. That's not my work, it's theirs, therefore, it isn't right to ride on the back of their success.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Saves and decks for Crazy Party

2019-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Saves and decks for Crazy Party

I don't like it when people ask for saves, not even a little bit. Decks, however, are a whole other matter. Most people have spent a lot of time perfecting strategies for those, so spreading them around would be counterproductive at best. As for a save file, even if I lost mine tomorrow and had no backup, as much as it would suck to do so, I'd go back and unlock every game. Why? Because then, it's my own effort, not someone else's. It doesn't matter if I have all 230 games unlocked, and someone kindly provides me their save file which also has 230 games unlocked. That's not my work, it's theirs, therefore, it isn't right to ride on the back of their success.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Who is interested in a different and special playroom gameplay stream?

2019-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Who is interested in a different and special playroom gameplay stream?

Oh, I see, that wasn't immediately clear from the description, but that makes sense now. I might be interested, I'd be willing to check it out for sure.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: blind gladiator, is it good, is it bad?

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: blind gladiator, is it good, is it bad?

Audio Moto Championship isn't bad on the PC. I didn't try it on my phone, since I really don't prefer to play games on my phone, unless they're unavailable elsewhere.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audiogames Archive safe browsing issues resolved

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiogames Archive safe browsing issues resolved

That's good to hear. I've always wondered why Classic Pipe has been flagged by every antivirus I've ever used, while the rest of BSC's titles are fine.


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Re: Giving Away Two Copies of Manamon 2

2019-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Giving Away Two Copies of Manamon 2

@3, what's the matter, people stopped taking you seriously every time you raised hell about the administration on here, so you decided to set your sights on a new target? Enough already, I think I speak for the majority of forum members when I say your constant need to criticize everyone and everything is much more offensive than the things that are said on a BSG stream.


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Re: inquisitor 1 2 or 3 its free now

2019-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: inquisitor 1 2 or 3 its free now

The links don't work for me either.


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Re: how can i download the Grizzly Gulch Western Extravaganza?

2019-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how can i download the Grizzly Gulch Western Extravaganza?

It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that someone would still have the original CD if it was purchased for them when the game was released. My mom bought it for me back in 2000 when it came out. While I've since lost the original disk, I would think there are people who still have them floating around.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Grizzly Gulch broke on on Windows 10?

2019-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grizzly Gulch broke on on Windows 10?

Have you installed the patch that came out a few years after the original game was released?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

2019-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

I assumed he meant the BGT version as well. The only thing I miss about that version is Keep the Beat, I really liked that mini game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

2019-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New beatstar has been released, but please be aware of some things

I agree with 5, it's not that hard to unlock packs again. In fact, I lost my save file awhile ago anyway, so I would have had to start over. Beatstar is one of my favorite audio games, so I'm definitely glad it's still being worked on, and excited for whatever new features are coming.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In need of a manamon key.

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In need of a manamon key.

This is why everyone should keep backups of their game registrations. Since they're not terribly sensitive information, you could get away with keeping them in a text file, then backing them up to a different drive/cloud storage as you see fit. I did this myself for several years, because I don't save emails at all if I can help it, so saving the keys felt natural to me whenever I would order something. however, if you use a password manager, which you really should be doing in 2019, adding your registration keys to it makes a lot of sense. This way, you have everything you need in one place, and have the peace of mind of knowing that you're most likely not going to lose them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In need of a manamon key.

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In need of a manamon key.

yeah, that does make sense. I just assumed that when registering all the titles, it has to phone home to do so. I never tried it without internet access, so maybe it doesn't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: In need of a manamon key.

2019-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: In need of a manamon key.

I have a question. How many times can you reinstall these games before they get flagged? I've formatted my computer a couple of times over the years that I've had Psycho Strike, which is the only title I ever bought from VG Storm. In the event that I need to do so again, I don't think it would be fair if I couldn't register the game, particularly because there's no deactivate option.


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Re: the vertuals, asking release date.

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the vertuals, asking release date.

Hey, that's good enough for me. As I said, a lot of you overeager devs should really take a page out of this team's book, if I'm understanding correctly that it is a team.


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Re: Looking For: Latest Release of X-Sight Interactive's Blind Man's Bluff

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking For: Latest Release of X-Sight Interactive's Blind Man's Bluff

That's an interesting concept, lol. I'll download it and give it a shot.


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Re: Looking For: Latest Release of X-Sight Interactive's Blind Man's Bluff

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking For: Latest Release of X-Sight Interactive's Blind Man's Bluff

What is this game? I never heard of it.


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Re: Help with Finding the Properties of a Desktop Icon

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Finding the Properties of a Desktop Icon

Press alt enter on the shortcut.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the vertuals, asking release date.

2019-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the vertuals, asking release date.

It's kinda smart of him to keep it under wraps if it is being developed, though. That way, 28,000 people won't be crawling up his ass begging for a release date, especially since this is such a highly anticipated title. More devs should follow this guy's example in my honest opinion.


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Re: what are people playing these days?

2019-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what are people playing these days?

Crazy Party is the game I  play on a daily basis, but I also enjoy getting a few friends together for some card games on either RS or the Playroom. Other than that, I can't offer too many suggestions. My problem is that I get these bursts of energy, pick up a new game, get bored with it, and run out of steam very quickly. This has been a pattern with me for the past few years, and there are reasons for that, but I won't get into it here. Suffice it to say that many of the newer audio games simply don't interest me, and the ones that do are, as I said, not the kind of thing that can hold my interest long-term.


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Re: AGAIN Archive: 403 Forbidden

2019-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AGAIN Archive: 403 Forbidden

I don't see why both ways couldn't exist concurrently, much like how, for a time, the Blind Cool Tech archive was hosted on the now-defunct Blind Geek Zone site, but also in a BT Sync folder which those who wanted the entire archive at once were encouraged to use.


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Re: how to avoid the police in psycho strike

2019-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how to avoid the police in psycho strike

yeah, it's best to get in and get out as fast as you can when you're first starting out. It's much easier once you have other guys with you.


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Re: Does anyone have a psycho strice save?

2019-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone have a psycho strice save?

yeah, but watching a Let's Play is different. You can stop at any time if you don't want spoilers, and following along isn't required. Taking someone's save really feels like ripping someone off, at least to me. To each their own, I guess, but I personally don't like it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Does anyone have a psycho strice save?

2019-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Does anyone have a psycho strice save?

A. This probably belongs in General Game Discussion.B. Psycho Strike is not a complex game. It's definitely a bit grindy, but wouldn't you rather accomplish the task of playing it yourself? What is the obsession with getting other people's saved games? If you didn't do the work yourself, I can't imagine it would be any fun to play. If I lost my Crazy Party save tomorrow, knock on wood and I hope like hell that wouldn't happen, but I'd build up everything myself, games, gems, cards, the whole lot, because it would be my hard work and effort that I put into it, not piggybacking off of someone else's.


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Re: we need to react -- google is blocking several audiogame websites, inc

2019-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: we need to react -- google is blocking several audiogame websites, inc

Yeah, you can do that, but it would be good if the issue could be fixed, so that less tech-savvy users don't start freaking out and giving the AG Archive an undeserved bad reputation. Also, I can't figure out how to allow downloads in Chrome using NVDA.


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Re: Hunter on Windows 10

2019-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hunter on Windows 10

I've had that issue too. It also tends to crash at the end of levels sometimes, which can be really annoying.


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Re: Confirmed. Echoes from Levia Taken off iOS App Store

2019-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Confirmed. Echoes from Levia Taken off iOS App Store

@6, yeah, there were suspicions about that, but nothing was ever confirmed as far as I'm aware.@9, weren't you the person who was calling for everyone to back off this dev and give them a chance? You've taken a 180 since then. If that wasn't you, I apologize, but I seem to remember a whole topic about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: we need to react -- google is blocking several audiogame websites, inc

2019-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: we need to react -- google is blocking several audiogame websites, inc

I noticed this problem several weeks ago. I had meant to look up the contact info for the person who runs the archive, seeing as how I contributed content in the past, but didn't keep up with it. It kept slipping my mind to do so for one reason or another. All downloads from the AG Archive are being flagged as dangerous files, and I've tried with both Firefox and Chrome, so I can confirm that at least two major browsers are doing this. I don't know what could have possibly triggered this, seeing as how there's nothing wrong with AG Archive or its files.


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Re: Games which are quite good in your opinion but got less attention.

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Games which are quite good in your opinion but got less attention.

Wow, I hadn't heard of Escape Beat, but I'm really enjoying it. The Audio Game Jam stuff was on my list of games to check out, but I never got around to doing so for one reason or another, but now that I have I'm quite impressed. If it had been expanded a little more, I really think it would have made a much bigger splash in this community. Given that these games are basically prototypes, I can see why it wasn't, but I think it still would have gotten a lot more appreciation if it had been a fully developed game.


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Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

I used to listen to sounds from games too, but for different reasons. I just really liked collecting them, renaming them so that they would make a playlist of sorts, and then playing them in the specific order that I'd placed them in. This was especially fun with some of the games that were on CD-Rom's at the time that my sister had. I couldn't play the vast majority of the games myself, but I could hear all the sounds that they contained, and to my 11 or 12-year-old self, that was super cool. I also loved the cheesy midi music from that time which a lot of those games had. In fact, I still have a lot of that stuff on one of my external hard drives, I was always careful to keep it all backed up throughout the years. Yes, I was certainly a weird kid, lol.Speaking of copying and pasting sounds from games, I remember when Tenpin Alley was purchased for me as a birthday gift, and I was playing it on a computer running Windows 98. For some reason, on that machine, the sounds appeared in the game directory. For one reason or another, I didn't copy them to my main sounds folder, thinking I could always go back and get them later. Shortly after, I got a new computer, and when I installed Tenpin Alley there, and every time I have since, the sounds didn't extract to the directory, I'm guessing they're encrypted. I never understood why they were visible the first time around. If I'd known they would disappear, I would have copied the commercials out of there at least.


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Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the Worst Audiogames ever?

To be fair, I never played Chillingham, so I can't comment on that. Grizzly Gulch, though, while repetitive, was the first audio game for Windows. While Jim Kitchen's DOS games were around a little before that, and could technically be classified as audio games, Grizzly Gulch was the game which started it all. For that reason alone, I could never rank it as a bad game, even though the criticisms which are levelled at it are true.


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Re: News on Audio Game Hub?

2019-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: News on Audio Game Hub?

I was very disappointed when Whispering Tunnels was cancelled, and that kinda soured me on playing any of their games after that. That said, I still have the app on my phone, maybe I'll try some of the new games again since I only played each of them a couple of times after they were released, except for Blind Cricket, which I thoroughly enjoyed.


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Re: What ever happened to the sims game for the blind?

2019-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What ever happened to the sims game for the blind?

If this project is as epic as it sounds, I hope you guys intend to take donations at least. I would be more than happy to contribute if I can.


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Re: Game add on for NVDA.

2019-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game add on for NVDA.

No, the Translate add-on is different. Funny, I never even thought about using that to play games, but I don't see why it couldn't be used for that purpose.


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Re: Road to Rage Revived! 6789

2019-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Road to Rage Revived! 6789

I'll probably get destroyed, I haven't played in at least a year. I am so out of practice lol.


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Re: Reviving Road to Rage: Who would play?

2019-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviving Road to Rage: Who would play?

Apartment, Watery, and Mason's Place are my favorites, not necessarily in that order. Ship Dock is also good, but that one can get crowded in a hell of a hurry if there's more than 3 or 4 players around. It is good for two people to brutally kill each other, though, since it's so small. I personally despise Clock Tower, there are a lot of ways to get turned around on that thing, but I get why people like it. It's a good candidate for a reasonably sized map.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Reviving Road to Rage: Who would play?

2019-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Reviving Road to Rage: Who would play?

I'd definitely play, it's getting enough people interested again which I think will be the problem. Ever since most of the public servers went down, it's really hard to find a time when the existing ones have enough players connected to make it worthwhile.


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Re: RS games will be losing a lot of players this fall

2019-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: RS games will be losing a lot of players this fall

Does the playroom have Cards Against Humanity, or is there another accessible place to play it? That's the only way I'd ever give up on RS entirely. The current issue doesn't matter to me since I'm a Windows user, but I do agree that the last couple of releases have been disappointing, and I've been curious about the Playroom for awhile anyway.


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Re: News about games

2019-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: News about games

Option 2 would be the most fair, but I don't mind one way or another because I lost my save file when I reformatted my computer last year, so I have to rebuild it anyway. That's why I haven't played Beatstar in ages, haha.


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Re: CASTAWAYS2 problem

2019-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CASTAWAYS2  problem

Is there still a patch you have to apply? I can't remember if that was added into the full game download or not.


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Re: Is It Posseable To Play With Custom Vehicles Online On Ts3?

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is It Posseable To Play With Custom Vehicles Online On Ts3?

It's honestly been a few years since I tried to connect, let alone play Top Speed at all, so it's possible that it works now. I should try again at some point, although I was never very good at it.


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Re: monkey bizzness bonus level help

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: monkey bizzness bonus level   help

Wow, I feel really dumb right about now. I always assumed that bonus level had been taken out of the final version of the game, because I didn't see it in the menu. I have an old demo version where you can play two levels, the jungle, and that bonus level. So, for many years, I was afraid of losing that version because I thought it was a rarity. Ah well, you learn something new every day.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Old oh shit versions?

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Old oh shit versions?

I'm not sure which version it is that I have, but I play it sometimes because I prefer the bonus spawning system to what it is now. I differentiate between the two by adding better version to the end of the folder name.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

2019-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Invisible Dragons is Back in the App Store

I didn't know Invisible Dragons had been pulled from the app store. Good thing I didn't remove it from my phone, and good thing it's back now anyway. I haven't played it in ages. I got bored with it after awhile, but I definitely see how it has a calming effect, it did that for me too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Is It Posseable To Play with Custum Vehicles online on Ts3?

2019-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is It Posseable To Play with Custum Vehicles online on Ts3?

I agree with the last post, although I could never seem to get online play to work with that particular game anyway. It always crashed before it would connect.


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Re: Installing Classic Troopanum (new version)

2019-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Installing Classic Troopanum (new version)

Can the original Troopanum even run under Windows 10? As far as I can recall, even under Windows 7, that version wouldn't unpack its sounds. If you can, I would seriously love to know how you did it, because I liked the sounds far better in that version. Ditto with the original Pipe. I hate Plumber Joe, to be honest. He's obnoxious AF. Lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

Wait, I'm confused. Are you saying that you extract the exe file that you've downloaded, and then play the game that way? That doesn't sound like it should work, not least because there would be no way to register the game then.Anyway, I can confirm that installing DirectX did not solve my problem. I had installers for version 8 and some other SDK lying around. I'm not sure which version the SDK is exactly, but I think it might be 10. I made sure to reboot after I installed them, even though neither of them asked me to do that. Then, I used CCleaner to clear out dead registry entries, something I rarely do, although I'm not one of the fire and brimstone kind who insist that using a registry cleaner, as long as it's a reputable one, will irreparably damage your system. It's simply not necessary most of the time, but in a fringe case like this, I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I thought that maybe the games had left behind entries even though they had failed to completely install, but even after that, still no go. I'm completely out of ideas at this point. I may have to resign myself to setting up a VM, but considering that the games that won't run are small ones that I hardly ever play anyway, I doubt I'll go to all that trouble.


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Re: Best Destruction Games

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best Destruction Games

Interesting, I never thought of that one as a real game, since all it does is make sounds. You don't get a score or anything. But hey, I suppose it could work.As for acronyms, I agree it would be a good idea to have a topic about them, but I'm not sure if that will happen. I can see how people who are new to the community would get confused by them, though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

2019-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

Blast Chamber should work if you go to the directory where it's installed using the command line. So cd to the directory, and then run pipe.exe. I learned about that trick from a topic on here a long time ago, although strangely, it had stopped working after the Fall Creator's update, or one of these Windows 10 updates which all sound the same, anyway. I decided to try installing all the BSC titles again just for shits and giggles last night, and I was amazed to find that they work again.I'll see if I can find some copies of old DirectX setup files, it's the only thing I haven't tried to fix the error I'm encountering. The directory where they're installed shouldn't be an issue, I'm letting them go to Program Files (X86) which is what I've always done with games.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

2019-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Can someone remind me how to fix this error?

Hi all,So I'm trying to install some old games on my system, namely Deakout and Finger Panic, and I'm getting this error.---Error---C:\Windows\system32\StdOle2.tlbUnable to register the type library: RegisterTypeLib failed; code 0x8002801C.Click Retry to try again, Ignore to proceed anyway (not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation.---Abort   Retry   Ignore   ---The weird thing is, all the other BSC titles work fine, go figure! I hadn't been able to run them under Windows 10 for a couple of years, but I decided to reinstall everything and see what they did, and I can run them all with no problems, yes, including Classic Pipe and Classic Troopanum. Don't ask me how!I've done all the usual troubleshooting steps. I ran Aprone's checkup program, made sure all the Visual Basic libraries were installed, and ran the media components for classic games file that's been floating around for awhile. I've also made sure I have older versions of .net Framework installed. I know I've seen this error before, hell, I may have even asked about it on here a long time ago, but I can't for the life of me remember how to fix it. Can someone solve this mystery for me? Thanks.


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Re: Best Destruction Games

2019-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best Destruction Games

I love Screaming Strike. The original Scrolling Battles is great for a little enemy smashing as well, plus I don't see how you can't laugh at them. The taunts are hilarious to me anyway. The only problem with that game is that once you become massively overpowered, which takes almost no time at all, it kind of loses its appeal. It's still good to break out if you're in a bad mood, though. RTR is good for blowing off steam, too, but it can also backfire if you're getting beaten by other people, even if they're not cheating. Finally, Kringle Crash is pretty humorous, as well as it being far more satisfying than it should be to beat the absolute crap out of those elves. It's a Christmas game, but I do play it on occasion at other times of the year.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best Destruction Games

2019-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best Destruction Games

I love Screaming Strike. The original Scrolling Battles is great for a little enemy smashing as well, plus I don't see how you can't laugh at them. RTR is good for blowing off steam, too, but it can also backfire if you're getting beaten by other people.


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Re: crazy party minigames help

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: crazy party minigames help

It's best to position yourself a step or two before the tree, wait until it starts doing...whatever the hell those trees are doing, and then once it finishes, take off. The good thing is that there's a lot of ice in that game, so you can usually get a good distance away from the tree if you're patient and don't rush.


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