Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2021-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

@84 The screen reader should be on by default, are you not hearing any voices? If not, you can press "1" on the menu to force-toggle the screenreader. To navigate the menu, use Up and down arrow keys, and press enter to select.@85 Thanks for giving it a try brad.There is an optional keyboard-only control scheme: you can use Shift and A or D to turn at 45 degree increments: so you can bind your keys to never use mouse at all if you like, or just use the mouse for the buttons and keyboard for rotation. If you ever get "mis-aligned" with the world and find that you can't go through tight hallways (maybe you accidentally moved the mouse), you can always use Shift and Q to snap to a cardinal direction.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

@78 Thanks for the complement pitermach! Fun that your friend managed to get out of bounds: I've bugtested a LOT and even I haven't managed that. Did they dash into a corner at a perfect angle or something? If you have a clip of the stream please do share it with me: I learn so much from checking out how people play the game.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey! I'm sorry to everyone who went to the page to get the free game and signed up to the newsletter without getting a code for the game. I recently gave it a 2$ price tag to incentivize people signing up to an email list for my next game: Monsters of the North, where I use everything I learned from Code Dungeon to make an even more complete experience. So code dungeon is Technically Free, but the title of this thread that was just revived has become a little misleading. I've been stuck on a silly problem getting the codes out: I can send normal emails using Mailchimp, but it costs about 30$ a month to send out person-spesific game keys. So right now I'm rolling my own system for this, and sending out keys manually until it's done, but I have been a little bad during the holidays. so @mojsior, @toto , I'm sending you PM's with gamekeys. Thanks for taking an interest! I'm sorry for the delay.EDIT: @defender very nice of you to offer that. I appreciate it! And @musicalman @68 thanks for the high praise. It really warms my heart reading your experience, and how accurately it matches what I was HOPING the game would do. I really appreciate the feedback.To answer some of your questions:1. The enemy health drops are random, but I believe that different enemies drop health at different rates: Chompers might be the most reliable health source, but I don't remember the exact numbers. Warthogs, on the other hand, can only drop Powerups (if they drop anything at all).2. That is the gist of it: baiting them out, trying to isolate, and trying to clear out a single enemy quickly. When you learn how the sword combo system works, you can very quickly make short work of chompers and archers.  When you hear the fleshy "hit" sound, quickly press the opposite sword button to perform another strike. You can shave off a lot of time killing an enemy if you do a bunch of successive hits. Note that hitting walls or Warthog armor with a sword will break the combo. Using this combo system you can try a strategy I call the woodchipper: your sword has an Arc, and when you have a bunch of enemies in front of you and you successfully start hitting them, you can theoretically walk towards the enemies and aggressively trying to activate the left-right combo and hit several of them each hit. effectively using your combo momentum to eviscerate them (EXCEPT FOR Warthogs, because they will destroy this strategy).If you want to practice this, try hitting torches: when you hear the "hit" sound of your sword going through the torch, press the other sword swing button. You'll notice it's a lot faster than spamming the same sword button over and over. This isn't an obvious mechanic explained in-game.3. Thanks for mentioning the control saving issue: It's been something I've fixed several times, but always comes back. Sorry that's been your experience: I know that stuff is annoying. And to answer a question you didn't ask:Each floor has at least 1 secret room with a powerup, and sometimes a bunch of enemies guarding the powerup. I think the secret room on floor 3 is the hardest to find, and hardest to beat.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey! I'm sorry to everyone who went to the page to get the free game and signed up to the newsletter without getting a code for the game. I recently gave it a 2$ price tag to incentivize people signing up to an email list for my next game: Monsters of the North, where I use everything I learned from Code Dungeon to make an even more complete experience. So code dungeon is Technically Free, but the title of this thread that was just revived has become a little misleading. I've been stuck on a silly problem getting the codes out: I can send normal emails using Mailchimp, but it costs about 30$ a month to send out person-spesific game keys. So right now I'm rolling my own system for this, and sending out keys manually until it's done, but I have been a little bad during the holidays. so @mojsior, @toto , I'm sending you PM's with gamekeys. Thanks for taking an interest! I'm sorry for the delay.And @musicalman @68 thanks for the high praise. It really warms my heart reading your experience, and how accurately it matches what I was HOPING the game would do. I really appreciate the feedback.To answer some of your questions:1. The enemy health drops are random, but I believe that different enemies drop health at different rates: Chompers might be the most reliable health source, but I don't remember the exact numbers. Warthogs, on the other hand, can only drop Powerups (if they drop anything at all).2. That is the gist of it: baiting them out, trying to isolate, and trying to clear out a single enemy quickly. When you learn how the sword combo system works, you can very quickly make short work of chompers and archers.  When you hear the fleshy "hit" sound, quickly press the opposite sword button to perform another strike. You can shave off a lot of time killing an enemy if you do a bunch of successive hits. Note that hitting walls or Warthog armor with a sword will break the combo. Using this combo system you can try a strategy I call the woodchipper: your sword has an Arc, and when you have a bunch of enemies in front of you and you successfully start hitting them, you can theoretically walk towards the enemies and aggressively trying to activate the left-right combo and hit several of them each hit. effectively using your combo momentum to eviscerate them (EXCEPT FOR Warthogs, because they will destroy this strategy).If you want to practice this, try hitting torches: when you hear the "hit" sound of your sword going through the torch, press the other sword swing button. You'll notice it's a lot faster than spamming the same sword button over and over. This isn't an obvious mechanic explained in-game.3. Thanks for mentioning the control saving issue: It's been something I've fixed several times, but always comes back. Sorry that's been your experience: I know that stuff is annoying. And to answer a question you didn't ask:Each floor has at least 1 secret room with a powerup, and sometimes a bunch of enemies guarding the powerup. I think the secret room on floor 3 is the hardest to find, and hardest to beat.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

@59 Blue-Eyed Demon good to know, thanks for the explanation! So it uses the standard TTS then... I assume that it doesn't have your preferred voice speed settings then?@60 Computergamer And you're on the latest version as well? Currently that is 1.2.5. I'm just gonna assume you are; I must have missed something. Thanks for the report!@61  Alright, so there was a crash on a floor late in the game, so it's not just the first floor, it must be something else. @62 Really happy you got to play more of the game defender! thanks for putting in the effort! @63 Zakc It's a bug with the screenreader system I am using; If you bind the movement keys to the arrow keys, you get that issue. The reason is the UI is Hardcoded to use the arrow keys, and I have to untangle the code to make it work. It's the same reason the game doesn't have gamepad support yet; The game doesn't allow the controller to navigate the UI.Movement on WASD should not be a problem if you want to try that.But thanks for the feedback on the way the message buffer works! I could definitely remove messages from player actions (like scanning) from the buffer.Oh, and I'll just share some numbers here;The game has been downloaded 564 times, 560 on Windows4 on Mac (haha)The vast majority of the traffic coming from the AudioGames Forums. Thanks so much for playing the game!


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

@59 Blue-Eyed Demon good to know, thanks for the explanation! So it uses the standard TTS then... I assume that it doesn't have your preferred voice speed settings then?@60 Computergamer And you're on the latest version as well? Currently that is 1.2.5. I'm just gonna assume you are; I must have missed something. Thanks for the report!@61  Alright, so there was a crash on a floor late in the game, so it's not just the first floor, it must be something else. @62 Really happy you got to play more of the game defender! thanks for putting in the effort! @63 Zakc It's a bug with the screenreader system I am using; If you bind the movement keys to the arrow keys, you get that issue. The reason is the UI is Hardcoded to use the arrow keys, and I have to untangle the code to make it work. It's the same reason the game doesn't have gamepad support yet; The game doesn't allow the controller to navigate the UI.Movement on WASD should not be a problem if you want to try that.But thanks for the feedback on the way the message buffer works! I could definitely remove messages from player actions (like scanning) from the buffer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

#56 No worries, I haven't heard any complaints so I hope it's gotten better. The update was just some behind-the-scenes performance tweaks that don't really have any effect on the player.  I also made sure to re-add the Readme file that somehow wasn't included in the latest build. Did you get a notification? In that case I might make it a habit to write a changelog for all updates.#57 Thanks, glad it works! Though I don't quite think I understand what you mean about the TTS. I thought Voiceover is the TTS system that Mac OS uses, and I thought the game would speak through Voiceover on the Mac OS. Are you saying it uses another TTS system on the Mac?


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Thanks for the support defender. #54 pmartin I just added a Mac build of the game to I don't have any machine to test it on, so I haven't prioritized it; please let me know if the game starts or not! I frankly don't even know how you would go about installing it on Mac.As far as I can tell voiceover should work on Mac as well, but the system I'm using doesn't support Linux.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

@defender @JasonBlaze @nolan Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it.  I promise I'm not too hard on myself; I'm just emphasizing that I appreciate people trying to play my game despite bugs that are very time consuming and bothersome, you are giving me your time and trust and I respect that.@potterspotter13 I am working on Gamepad support actually; The main thing holding it back is the TTS plugin I'm using for screenreader support; The plugin has taken over menu navigation and I need to rewrite some parts of it to allow for customization so a gamepad can navigate menus.This behaviour is also what's making the Arrow Keys unusable by key rebinding; the UI always listens for the arrow keys.Thanks for the kind words, Blue-Eyed Demon. I definitely want to revisit the Hogs, but for now; When they see you they start charging towards you in a straight line. Their weakpoint is on their back.Once they stop, they will be facing direction they charged you in, to take a breather. Usually this means their back is facing you. Once they are rested, they will turn to face you again and repeat the pattern. Their weakpoint takes 2 hits to kill.@nolan I'd love to add an Audio Glossary; Over time I've realized a good way I can add it to the game. I actually mentioned it in this video I made that compares our design journey with someone else who made an Audio Dungeon Crawler;  Youtube LinkI'm afraid to claim it, but I THINK I've tracked down the Game Crash Bug;When exiting the hallway and entering the hall close to the second chomper, there is a message that plays saying "The Narrow Hall". This particular message has caused my game to crash multiple times due to an "index out of range exception", despite the fact that the code causing the crash shouldn't be called by that message. The code causing the crash is used in the tutorial to present accurate keybinding information. I have fixed this, and I hope it is the reason defender has been experiencing crashes.I've also fixed the keybindings being saved, and all audio should start the game being "on". So I am tentatively claiming that the bug is fixed.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Thanks again for the detailed feedback defender and Computergamer, really appreciate it.Man it makes me sad to hear that the game still crashes. And that the controls arent saved? Damn, I am sorry. I'm going to spend some time working on stability and fixing the things you've mentioned. I want to work on features and content, but if the game randomly crashes and settings don't save then it's all moot. I'll get some help from some friends trying to debug this.Thanks for letting me know that at least it's consistent after the second chomper; It will definitely help me when I run the debug profiler, so I can search in that area (even if I can't reproduce the crash itself).I won't say it's fixed until I'm certain what caused it.Right now I have a couple suspicions;1. Code stripping; when Unity builds a Game it strips code that is unused from the project. Sometimes this automatic process makes mistakes and removes code that shouldn't be removed.2. Game tries to load too many sound sources at once; This one seems unlikely to me, since the game only ever has 12 mb of sound loaded in Ram at any given time, but sound is the most high-performance taxing thing in the game right now. I'm going to see exactly what happens around the second chomper when it comes to the number of sound sources and if there is a performance or memory spike.3. Some sort of memory leak caused by the animation system. This one seems possible; I've managed to freeze the game by pausing and resuming during an attack. If the game hitches at some point due to an attack, It's possible the consequences of that hitch cause a crash further down the line. I'll post in this thread when I've fixed it, but I won't be responding or keeping this thread alive until I know the game is Stable. My current estimate is in a week's time.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey #41 black_dog; I haven't removed any sounds from the game, I just wasn't able to add a new set of sounds that I was planning to add to make it easier to tell when the player should swing their sword. If the monsters don't make sound, that's a bug and not intentional.I've been testing the game a bunch of times today to make sure that enemies make sounds, and on every play through for me they do; did you remember to delete your old save file folder? This might cause issues.I've tried to play the build version of the game on my Desktop computer and downloaded it on my laptop through, and I can't make the monsters be quiet. I did discover a couple of bugs though; By default, UI sounds and Hallway Swooshes volume is set to 0 now. Don't have a clue how that happens; They should be set to 1 at the start of the game the exact same way every other sound is given max volume. Thanks for your report about the sound getting weird after a long game; I'm gonna leave the game running tomorrow to see what happens with it. Then I'll get to work on improving the game.Thanks for playing, I'm sorry it doesn't feel like a "complete experience". Glad to hear that you still want to check it out when it updates.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Thanks for the positivity, defender! I didn't manage to do everything, but I figured something is better than nothing;Alright, Update is out! This is version 1.2.1This is just a QUALITY OF LIFE update; It does NOT include new gameplay. If you've played through the content already, its gonna be a little longer until there's a content update.Please Delete your old saveFiles before downloading this update: They are incompatible and will cause issues.That means: Delete everything in the folder C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\LocalLow\Wiktor and Benjamin\Code DungeonThis shouldn't be necessary for future patches, but this patch restructured the Saving System. Main Order of business: The game SHOULD Crash less: I haven't been able to crash the game all day.Escape now gets you out of Deep Menus, but will not resume the game. (Should make mistaken UI clicks less frustrating) (Requested by defender)- Scan works on Pickup items. (defender)- Sounds have a ton of options for adjustments. Go into Options > Audio Settings for a list of sliders that you can adjust.-You can turn off Mouse Input- All controls and options and audio settings are saved to Text Files, so if the game DOES crash, it's slightly less annoying. (Requested by defender #24)-You can now rebind the arrow keys (Requested by Ghaith#23)- Game no longer writes text logs for Collisions, attacks and taking damage; this caused a very slight performance hitch, and I don't need that data urgently anymore. Might turn on again at a later point if new features need to be tested.I did not manage to implement the new features I mentioned: sound cue for in-range of enemy, entering new room, cardinal direction, etc. Splitting the Audio mixing and creating a system for updating all those volume settings separately ended up taking all day. I had a bug that was incredibly frustrating to track down that slowed things a lot.I'm taking tomorrow off (Sunday) and continuing on Monday. If the game crashes for anybody, please let me know and I will furrow my brow and call a friend to help track it down. I have no idea what it could be a this point if it still happens.


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey Computergamer; Been working on it for most of today and going to finish this patch tomorrow, so in less than 24 hours I will announce here that I've pushed the update.This is going to be the big Quality of Life fix;All of the options are now Serialized; that means they're saved to a text file so if the game crashes they won't need to be reconfigured. That means control settings and volume options. Options have clearer descriptions. I'm also adding a Bunch of volume sliders for every conceivable thing, so that they can be adjusted based on preference.In general I'm also boosting some sounds that people have found to be too low, so they're higher by default.Theres now a toggle for turning off mouse input; if you're not using a mouse, turn it off so it doesn't affect the character rotation.I am still trying to track down the EXACT crash bug, but I've done a bunch of Optimizations that I might have done it; My game hasnt crashed the last 10 times i ran through the first floor.Here's a list of things I'm working on tomorrow:1. Sound cue when you are close enough to an enemy that you can hit them. This is a big one that I think will improve the game drastically.2. Sound Cue for when you are in range of an enemy attack; This one is something I suspect will make a big difference as well.3. Sound cue for entering a new room4. Fixing the fact that the Cardinal Direction Announcement doesn't speak everytime you turn around.5. Scan should work on pickups, gonna fix it.6. ESCAPE to get out of deep menus! I want this, hope I have time.Going to bed now, it's 2 AM here, have a good one!


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Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

#31 Really sorry to hear that Computergamer;I think this is the same issue that Defender is having with the game crashing. I'm going to Full-Time trying to fix this issue after the 26th of august; currently I'm finishing some work that I can't delay.Please don't try the game until I've pushed the update.I'm sorry your experience in the game has been such a hassle. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

#31 Really sorry to hear that Computergamer;I think this is the same issue that Defender is having with the game crashing.I'm going to Full-Time trying to fix this issue after the 26th of august; currently I'm finishing some work that I can't delay.I'm sorry your experience in the game has been such a hassle. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Great theories #29 defender, thanks for taking so much effort to try to solve it! Been looking into it the past 2 days, and as far as I understand it I think you might be right about the Sounds being a factor. There might be some unintended consequences of a change I made to the sword swing direction audio. I have a theory, but I won't be able to test and fix it until after the 26th; I have some work I need to finish that is taking all my time now. So in about a week I'll be able to focus on this again.#26 haha, that would be the dream Lirian. Definitely wanted a similar vibe to that. We actually have the systems in place for the player using Bows, knives and other weapons, but a bug stopped us from fully implementing it close to the finish line. Would like to try to fix it later.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

EDIT: Found some gamebreaking crash-bugs, Please don't download version 1.1.5, trying to hotfix.EDIT2: Alright, updated game to 1.1.6, removed what I believe to be the source of the crashes. Sorry for the issues caused.#21 mojsior thanks for saying that! #23 Hey Gaith, that's an excellent point! More customization for controls: I've written it down as something we need to fix.#24 Hey defender, glad to hear you're able to get to the warthog and the Camera issue isn't bothering anymore, but Damn, the game keeps crashing? That's only happened to me once during 4 months of development, so I don't know what the source is but I've been trying to stress test today to see what's up. NEVERMIND I just crashed it! And the Saving System seems to have broken as well! Seems this latest patch broke some huge things, gonna do a rollback. I checked the file you mentioned on my own system and it seems to have not bee able to log the source of the crash, so I don't think yours contains anything useful for this crash either. But thanks for suggesting it!Maybe you could try deleting the entire /Wiktor and Benjamin folder. There might be a conflict between previous save files and new save files after the update. Yeah, losing all settings between each crash sounds incredibly tedious. We have planned to add Settings Saving in an update in September, because we didn't have room in our schedule to do it now and wanted to make the game playable. But with these crashes that suddenly sounds a lot more important.A. Hmm, that might be a consequence of the Sound Source Placement and a more recent Sound Occlusion fix we did.We've made sure that monsters have a facing direction, and that their voice audio emanates from their mouths, to try to help the player know when the monster is facing them or not.  As a consequence, where the monster's voice audio comes from vs where they exist physically doesn't always match. Sometimes the monsters mouth is more "behind you", while their body is on your side. The audio-Occlusion might make it so the monster occludes it's own sounds when facing away from you as well, making it sound more distant than it actually is. We previously had Physical Body noises, but cut them because they were too much for the total sound field. The most accurate "source" of a monster is their footsteps, which always comes from directly underneath them. Anyway, I wrote it down, since it makes the game harder in certain cases. B. and C. I'll write that down; Scanning HP and pickups needs audio, Bump noise for Crystal. Thanks!D. Quick Room Announcement; This one has been up in the air for a while; it got cut and replaced with the rudimentary Room Name announcement when you enter a new room. It's on a "we might do it" list currently.E. You're right; that announcement for the Chomper is just the Room Name.F. for position announcements, do you mean the Cardinal Directions or do you mean Wall Tones? Wall tones volume can be adjusted with the Accessibility Volume Slider. That slider affects Wall Tones, Scan Audio, and Hallway Swooshes (when the room opens up).G. Turning 45. degrees always works, but it is not always announced with cardinal directions. Wrote that down as bugfix.H. Huh, you need to reload the game for the Screenreader to turn on again? That doesn't happen for me, it just works. Are you Using NVDA or something else? (or are you just using windows SAPI?) Regardless I'm writing it down; next time I add an option to turn off screen reader in a game, I'll make sure that you have to go through another layer of "are you sure about that?" before confirming.  Nothing worse than suddenly experiencing that the game doesn't respond to any input, and not being able to turn it on again. I. Thats a good point; having some consistent sound for indicating a "New Zone" in addition to the Screen Reader voice is a good idea.  Fun Fact; Most of the Screen Reader text in the game has the attribute "Interuptable=false". We're using a plugin to feed things to the ScreenReader, but I have to dig into the sourcecode so I can understand better what's going on and why it's not working.J. MenuItem Tooltip Delay setting: Great idea, I'll write that down. K. Accessibility Volume Setting controls the WallTones, "Open Space Swooshes" and Scan Volume I believe. I don't think we have Cardinal Direction announcements tied to this, but that might be an oversight. I'll be sure to add this to the Tooltip when you hover over the Accessibility Volume so you can get context. Camera Shake is an On-Off Toggle. The camera shakes when you hit enemies and take damage. Some sighted players get motion sickness when games have camera shake, so we just added the option of turning it off. It doesn't affect audio in any way.Thanks a bunch for donating! Really appreciated. I put you in the credits for your awesome and comprehensive feedback.



Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

EDIT: Found some gamebreaking crash-bugs, Please don't download version 1.1.5, trying to hotfix.EDIT2: Alright, updated game to 1.1.6, removed what I believe to be the source of the crashes. Sorry for the issues caused.#21 mojsior thanks for saying that! #23 Hey Gaith, that's an excellent point! More customization for controls: I've written it down as something we need to fix.#24 Hey defender, glad to hear you're able to get to the warthog and the Camera issue isn't bothering anymore, but Damn, the game keeps crashing? That's only happened to me once during 4 months of development, so I don't know what the source is but I've been trying to stress test today to see what's up. NEVERMIND I just crashed it! And the Saving System seems to have broken as well! Seems this latest patch broke some huge things, gonna do a rollback. I checked the file you mentioned on my own system and it seems to have not bee able to log the source of the crash, so I don't think yours contains anything useful for this crash either. But thanks for suggesting it!Maybe you could try deleting the entire /Wiktor and Benjamin folder. There might be a conflict between previous save files and new save files after the update. Yeah, losing all settings between each crash sounds incredibly tedious. We have planned to add Settings Saving in an update in September, because we didn't have room in our schedule to do it now and wanted to make the game playable. But with these crashes that suddenly sounds a lot more important.A. Hmm, that might be a consequence of the Sound Source Placement and a more recent Sound Occlusion fix we did.We've made sure that monsters have a facing direction, and that their voice audio emanates from their mouths, to try to help the player know when the monster is facing them or not.  As a consequence, where the monster's voice audio comes from vs where they exist physically doesn't always match. Sometimes the monsters mouth is more "behind you", while their body is on your side. The audio-Occlusion might make it so the monster occludes it's own sounds when facing away from you as well, making it sound more distant than it actually is. We previously had Physical Body noises, but cut them because they were too much for the total sound field.The most accurate "source" of a monster is their footsteps, which always comes from directly underneath them. B. and C. I'll write that down; Scanning HP and pickups needs audio, Bump noise for Crystal. Thanks!D. This one has been up in the air for a while; it got cut and replaced with the rudimentary Room Name announcement when you enter a new room. It's on a "we might do it" list currently.E. You're right; that announcement is just the Room Name.F. for position announcements, do you mean the Cardinal Directions or do you mean Wall Tones? Wall tones volume can be adjusted with the Accessibility Volume Slider. That slider affects Wall Tones, Scan Audio, and Hallway Swooshes (when the room opens up).G. Turning 45. degrees always works, but it is not always announced with cardinal directions. Wrote that down as bugfix.H. Huh, you need to reload the game for the Screenreader to turn on again? That doesn't happen for me, it just works. Are you Using NVDA or something else? (or are you just using windows SAPI?) Regardless I'm writing it down; next time I add an option to turn off screen reader in a game, I'll make sure that you have to go through another layer of "are you sure about that?" before confirming.  Nothing worse than suddenly experiencing that the game doesn't respond to any input, and not being able to turn it on again. I. Thats a good point; having some consistent sound for indicating a "New Zone" in addition to the Screen Reader voice is a good idea.  Fun Fact; Most of the Screen Reader text in the game has the attribute "Interuptable=false". We're using a plugin to feed things to the ScreenReader, but I have to dig into the sourcecode so I can understand better what's going on and why it's not working.J. MenuItem Tooltip Delay setting: Great idea, I'll write that down. K. Accessibility Volume Setting controls the WallTones, "Open Space Swooshes" and Scan Volume I believe. I don't think we have Cardinal Direction announcements tied to this, but that might be an oversight. I'll be sure to add this to the Tooltip when you hover over the Accessibility Volume so you can get context. Camera Shake is an On-Off Toggle. The camera shakes when you hit enemies and take damage. Some sighted players get motion sickness when games have camera shake, so we just added the option of turning it off. It doesn't affect audio in any way.Thanks a bunch for donating! Really appreciated. I put you in the credits for your awesome and comprehensive feedback.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

EDIT: Found some gamebreaking crash-bugs, Please don't download version 1.1.5, trying to hotfix.#21 mojsior thanks for saying that! #23 Hey Gaith, that's an excellent point! More customization for controls: I've written it down as something we need to fix.#24 Hey defender, glad to hear you're able to get to the warthog and the Camera issue isn't bothering anymore, but Damn, the game keeps crashing? That's only happened to me once during 4 months of development, so I don't know what the source is but I've been trying to stress test today to see what's up. NEVERMIND I just crashed it! And the Saving System seems to have broken as well! Seems this latest patch broke some huge things, gonna do a rollback. Yes I do think that file should have some information that could help us. Could you send it in an email to ? We would really appreciate it.After you've done that, maybe you could try deleting the entire /Wiktor and Benjamin folder. There might be a conflict between previous save files and new save files after the update. Yeah, losing all settings between each crash sounds incredibly tedious. We have planned to add Settings Saving in an update in September, because we didn't have room in our schedule to do it now and wanted to make the game playable. But with these crashes that suddenly sounds a lot more important.A. Hmm, that might be a consequence of the Sound Source Placement and a more recent Sound Occlusion fix we did.We've made sure that monsters have a facing direction, and that their voice audio emanates from their mouths, to try to help the player know when the monster is facing them or not.  As a consequence, where the monster's voice audio comes from vs where they exist physically doesn't always match. Sometimes the monsters mouth is more "behind you", while their body is on your side. The audio-Occlusion might make it so the monster occludes it's own sounds when facing away from you as well, making it sound more distant than it actually is. We previously had Physical Body noises, but cut them because they were too much for the total sound field.The most accurate "source" of a monster is their footsteps, which always comes from directly underneath them. B. and C. I'll write that down; Scanning HP and pickups needs audio, Bump noise for Crystal. Thanks!D. This one has been up in the air for a while; it got cut and replaced with the rudimentary Room Name announcement when you enter a new room. It's on a "we might do it" list currently.E. You're right; that announcement is just the Room Name.F. for position announcements, do you mean the Cardinal Directions or do you mean Wall Tones? Wall tones volume can be adjusted with the Accessibility Volume Slider. That slider affects Wall Tones, Scan Audio, and Hallway Swooshes (when the room opens up).G. Turning 45. degrees always works, but it is not always announced with cardinal directions. Wrote that down as bugfix.H. Huh, you need to reload the game for the Screenreader to turn on again? That doesn't happen for me, it just works. Are you Using NVDA or something else? (or are you just using windows SAPI?) Regardless I'm writing it down; next time I add an option to turn off screen reader in a game, I'll make sure that you have to go through another layer of "are you sure about that?" before confirming.  Nothing worse than suddenly experiencing that the game doesn't respond to any input, and not being able to turn it on again. I. Thats a good point; having some consistent sound for indicating a "New Zone" in addition to the Screen Reader voice is a good idea.  Fun Fact; Most of the Screen Reader text in the game has the attribute "Interuptable=false". We're using a plugin to feed things to the ScreenReader, but I have to dig into the sourcecode so I can understand better what's going on and why it's not working.J. MenuItem Tooltip Delay setting: Great idea, I'll write that down. K. Accessibility Volume Setting controls the WallTones, "Open Space Swooshes" and Scan Volume I believe. I don't think we have Cardinal Direction announcements tied to this, but that might be an oversight. I'll be sure to add this to the Tooltip when you hover over the Accessibility Volume so you can get context. Camera Shake is an On-Off Toggle. The camera shakes when you hit enemies and take damage. Some sighted players get motion sickness when games have camera shake, so we just added the option of turning it off. It doesn't affect audio in any way.Thanks a bunch for donating! Really appreciated. I put you in the credits for your awesome and comprehensive feedback.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

EDIT: Found some gamebreaking crash-bugs, Please don't download version 1.1.5, trying to hotfix.#21 mojsior thanks for saying that! #23 Hey Gaith, that's an excellent point! More customization for controls: I've written it down as something we need to fix.#24 Hey defender, glad to hear you're able to get to the warthog and the Camera issue isn't bothering anymore, but Damn, the game keeps crashing? That's only happened to me once during 4 months of development, so I don't know what the source is but I've been trying to stress test today to see what's up. NEVERMIND I just crashed it! And the Saving System seems to have broken as well! Seems this latest patch broke some huge things, gonna do a rollback. Yes I do think that file should have some information that could help us. Could you send it in an email to ? We would really appreciate it.After you've done that, maybe you could try deleting the entire /Wiktor and Benjamin folder. There might be a conflict between previous save files and new save files after the update. Yeah, losing all settings between each crash sounds incredibly tedious. We have planned to add Settings Saving in an update in September, because we didn't have room in our schedule to do it now and wanted to make the game playable. But with these crashes that suddenly sounds a lot more important.A. Hmm, that might be a consequence of the Sound Source Placement and a more recent Sound Occlusion fix we did.We've made sure that monsters have a facing direction, and that their voice audio emanates from their mouths, to try to help the player know when the monster is facing them or not.  As a consequence, where the monster's voice audio comes from vs where they exist physically doesn't always match. Sometimes the monsters mouth is more "behind you", while their body is on your side. The audio-Occlusion might make it so the monster occludes it's own sounds when facing away from you as well, making it sound more distant than it actually is. We previously had Physical Body noises, but cut them because they were too much for the total sound field.The most accurate "source" of a monster is their footsteps, which always comes from directly underneath them. B. and C. I'll write that down; Scanning HP and pickups needs audio, Bump noise for Crystal. Thanks!D. This one has been up in the air for a while; it got cut and replaced with the rudimentary Room Name announcement when you enter a new room. It's on a "we might do it" list currently.E. You're right; that announcement is just the Room Name.F. for position announcements, do you mean the Cardinal Directions or do you mean Wall Tones? Wall tones volume can be adjusted with the Accessibility Volume Slider. That slider affects Wall Tones, Scan Audio, and Hallway Swooshes (when the room opens up).G. Turning 45. degrees always works, but it is not always announced with cardinal directions. Wrote that down as bugfix.H. Huh, you need to reload the game for the Screenreader to turn on again? That doesn't happen for me, it just works. Are you Using NVDA or something else? (or are you just using windows SAPI?) Regardless I'm writing it down; next time I add an option to turn off screen reader in a game, I'll make sure that you have to go through another layer of "are you sure about that?" before confirming.  Nothing worse than suddenly experiencing that the game doesn't respond to any input, and not being able to turn it on again. I. Thats a good point; having some consistent sound for indicating a "New Zone" in addition to the Screen Reader voice is a good idea.  Fun Fact; Most of the Screen Reader text in the game has the attribute "Interuptable=false". We're using a plugin to feed things to the ScreenReader, but I have to dig into the sourcecode so I can understand better what's going on and why it's not working.J. MenuItem Tooltip Delay setting: Great idea, I'll write that down. K. Accessibility Volume Setting controls the WallTones, "Open Space Swooshes" and Scan Volume I believe. I don't think we have Cardinal Direction announcements tied to this, but that might be an oversight. I'll be sure to add this to the Tooltip when you hover over the Accessibility Volume so you can get context. Camera Shake is an On-Off Toggle. The camera shakes when you hit enemies and take damage. Some sighted players get motion sickness when games have camera shake, so we just added the option of turning it off. It doesn't affect audio in any way.Thanks a bunch for donating! Really appreciated. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

#21 mojsior thanks for saying that! #23 Hey Gaith, that's an excellent point! More customization for controls: I've written it down as something we need to fix.#24 Hey defender, glad to hear you're able to get to the warthog and the Camera issue isn't bothering anymore, but Damn, the game keeps crashing? That's only happened to me once during 4 months of development, so I don't know what the source is but I've been trying to stress test today to see what's up. NEVERMIND I just crashed it! And the Saving System seems to have broken as well! Seems this latest patch broke some huge things, gonna do a rollback. Yes I do think that file should have some information that could help us. Could you send it in an email to ? We would really appreciate it.After you've done that, maybe you could try deleting the entire /Wiktor and Benjamin folder. There might be a conflict between previous save files and new save files after the update. Yeah, losing all settings between each crash sounds incredibly tedious. We have planned to add Settings Saving in an update in September, because we didn't have room in our schedule to do it now and wanted to make the game playable. But with these crashes that suddenly sounds a lot more important.A. Hmm, that might be a consequence of the Sound Source Placement and a more recent Sound Occlusion fix we did.We've made sure that monsters have a facing direction, and that their voice audio emanates from their mouths, to try to help the player know when the monster is facing them or not.  As a consequence, where the monster's voice audio comes from vs where they exist physically doesn't always match. Sometimes the monsters mouth is more "behind you", while their body is on your side. The audio-Occlusion might make it so the monster occludes it's own sounds when facing away from you as well, making it sound more distant than it actually is. We previously had Physical Body noises, but cut them because they were too much for the total sound field.The most accurate "source" of a monster is their footsteps, which always comes from directly underneath them. B. and C. I'll write that down; Scanning HP and pickups needs audio, Bump noise for Crystal. Thanks!D. This one has been up in the air for a while; it got cut and replaced with the rudimentary Room Name announcement when you enter a new room. It's on a "we might do it" list currently.E. You're right; that announcement is just the Room Name.F. for position announcements, do you mean the Cardinal Directions or do you mean Wall Tones? Wall tones volume can be adjusted with the Accessibility Volume Slider. That slider affects Wall Tones, Scan Audio, and Hallway Swooshes (when the room opens up).G. Turning 45. degrees always works, but it is not always announced with cardinal directions. Wrote that down as bugfix.H. Huh, you need to reload the game for the Screenreader to turn on again? That doesn't happen for me, it just works. Are you Using NVDA or something else? (or are you just using windows SAPI?) Regardless I'm writing it down; next time I add an option to turn off screen reader in a game, I'll make sure that you have to go through another layer of "are you sure about that?" before confirming.  Nothing worse than suddenly experiencing that the game doesn't respond to any input, and not being able to turn it on again. I. Thats a good point; having some consistent sound for indicating a "New Zone" in addition to the Screen Reader voice is a good idea.  Fun Fact; Most of the Screen Reader text in the game has the attribute "Interuptable=false". We're using a plugin to feed things to the ScreenReader, but I have to dig into the sourcecode so I can understand better what's going on and why it's not working.J. MenuItem Tooltip Delay setting: Great idea, I'll write that down. K. Accessibility Volume Setting controls the WallTones, "Open Space Swooshes" and Scan Volume I believe. I don't think we have Cardinal Direction announcements tied to this, but that might be an oversight. I'll be sure to add this to the Tooltip when you hover over the Accessibility Volume so you can get context. Camera Shake is an On-Off Toggle. The camera shakes when you hit enemies and take damage. Some sighted players get motion sickness when games have camera shake, so we just added the option of turning it off. It doesn't affect audio in any way.Thanks a bunch for donating! Really appreciated. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey #18 tayo.bethel, you can open doors by destroying crystals and defeating enemies.The stab is intentionally slower than the swings for balance reasons, but we made it a little quicker in this patch:Just patched the game to version 1.1.4Here are some of the fixes;-You can now use Shift + Q to snap to the closest Cardinal Direction. This is not meant to replace Shift + A and D rotation, but merely get you back into a fixed space if you accidentally move the mouse and become Unaligned with the grid. This is mainly to help players who don't use mice. -Left and Right Swordswing are now a lot more distinct in Audio direction; you can hear the sword is on your left or right, making it more clear why you hit walls with your sword. Hoping this will allow more player mastery over the sword swing mechanics.-If you die on a level, you respawn with full health. Previously there was a bug that respawned you with the amount of health you entered the level with, resulting in people dying frequently on floor 2 and 3.-We turned down the volume on the loud river hallway.-Middle Mouse Button stab is a lot quicker than before.-Made the Warthog Vulnerability period Slightly longer.- If you accidentally turn off Screen Reader Mode, you can now turn it on again using the 1. Key-Plus a bunch of small things behind the scenes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey #18 tayo.bethel, you can open doors by destroying crystals and defeating enemies.The stab is intentionally slower than the swings for balance reasons, but we made it a little quicker in this patch:Just patched the game to version 1.1.4Here are some of the fixes;-You can now use Shift + Q to snap to the closest Cardinal Direction. This is not meant to replace Shift + A and D rotation, but merely get you back into a fixed space if you accidentally move the mouse and become Unaligned with the grid. This is mainly to help players who don't use mice. -Left and Right Swordswing are now a lot more distinct in Audio direction; you can hear the sword is on your left or right, making it more clear why you hit walls with your sword. Hoping this will allow more player mastery over the sword swing mechanics.-If you die on a level, you respawn with full health. Previously there was a bug that respawned you with the amount of health you entered the level with, resulting in people dying frequently on floor 2 and 3.-We turned down the volume on the loud river hallway.-Middle Mouse Button stab is a lot quicker than before.-Made the Warthog Vulnerability period Slightly longer.-Plus a bunch of small things behind the scenes.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

#8 Hey aaron, We removed the ping feature I mentioned because the way we did it was causing huge performance issues, and we got feedback that said people didn't like the implementation. We also made a system that did some elaborate Pinging like a radar around the player, which just turned out to suck. Instead of pinging objects, we opted for making sure that every object in the game has multiple sound cues that play on intervals, but you can press E while facing them to get the object name and distance from you. If you're having a hard time navigating, that's our fault. But it might be a Communication issue and not a Game Design issue, so maybe you'll have an easier time if I explain some of the mechanics.I can't be sure if you broke the crystal to open the first door. Doors are closed at the start of the game, and you open them by defeating monsters and breaking crystals.For doors, we have 5 Audio Cues that we try to train the player to be aware of. The first is the "Clink Clank" noise; doors will make this sound every couple of seconds. The second sound cue is Torches; Most doors have 2 torches placed outside of them. These torches have sound that travels quite the long distance, so you can usually hear the torches in most rooms. The third is when the door actually opens; It makes a sharp Metallic Hinge noise that lasts about 2.5 seconds. The fourth is the Howling Wind noise. If a door is open, it makes a howling wind noise when you are in front of it, and you can usually hear it when walking past it.The fifth noise is part of our "Wall Detection System". When you walk past an Opening, or you walk past a space where the room suddenly opens up on your left or right, you hear a quick "whoosh" sound. This indicates that the distance between the player and a wall has changed drastically; there is an opening.We also have the E key for scanning forward, similar to a feature in Swamp. This forward scan will tell you the object you are facing and the distance between you and the object, which can tell you when you're pointing at a door or a Torch near a Door.  E can be spammed without causing hiccups or  performance issues in the game.Let me know if you still have issues. Right now we're hotfixing some things, but I'll come back to this later.#9 Hey TheBlindSayan. I'd love to add random elements and procedural generation. Currently the whole game is handmade and crafted, but I'd like to create a procedural generated map at some point. But for now we're gonna focus on fixing issues that are stopping people from being able to enjoy the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

THis is a long post so I'm gonna use #NumberHere to reply to Humans, while normal numbers to refer to specific questions raised.#3 WOW thats's some feedback! I'll go through it;1. 90 Degree snapping is an excellent idea, I think we could incorporate that into something like Shift + Q, so that you snap to the currently announced direction! I think that would feel natural, since Shift + A and D rotate you in 45 degree increments.2. I have no idea what this bug is, and I don't think I've ever encountered it. But the difference between FPS mode being On and OFF will ONLY affect how the player controls. It does not affect sound or camera position. Maybe you have entered a room with poor soundmixing or echo that makes it feel like you can't navigate? I'll look into it. FPS mode is easier for blind or visually impaired players, while FPS-OFF mode is a little more familiar for sighted players. 3. Shit, forgot to remove the "ping keys" from the Readme File. They are no longer in the game; they were a patchwork solution to a problem that we wanted to solve through more natural sounds on objects.4. When you move in a direction, then press Spacebar, you will continue moving in that direction but very rapidly for a small duration. You cannot hold Spacebar, only press it. If you are standing still, pressing spacebar does Nothing. 5. Gotcha; The tutorial could be a little clearer. If you've missed some messages, you can use the Right and Left Arrow Keys to scroll through the last 5 messages I think.The tutorial has 3 Rooms and 3 Hallways. The first has a Crystal and a Door, The second has a Bunch of Pillars and a couple of crystals, and the third has 3 Crystals and an Enemy.6. Good point with the escape button; Seems like basic functionality, but you'd be surprised how easy it is to not implement the obvious.7. We wanted the player to be able to light and drop torches on the ground. But it's a good suggestion; I'm looking at some of the data right now to see if many people would want it.8. Haha, You just reminded me to run around the game to make sure all of those names are correct. Thanks defender, I'm really glad you're enjoying the game, this has been a passion project for us for a while now. If anyone would like to donate, please consider giving money instead to the Lebanese Food bank. Sorry, I can't vouch for how accessible that website is.#4 Hey Darkblade, we've got reports of that happening. I thought the game didn't keep track of that option when you closed it and opened again, but apparently it persists. We're gonna do a hotfix today that forces Accessibility mode ON when you open the game again.#5 Hey devinprater, If you can't get into the Hallway it can be a little finicky sometimes; the doorway is only slightly larger than your character. Try to listen when you walk past the door for when the space opens up, then turn and face the door. In the hallway there is a Crystal that blocks your path, you can only destroy it with MiddleMouse button; That is a Stab attack that is useful in tight hallways. #6 SLJ It's an Indie Game with graphics that is also designed from the ground up with blind accessibility in mind. But yeah, it's intended to be a "mainstream" kind of game. I want to make games for a living, and I want to make them playable by everyone. But since this is our first attempt, we decided to release it for free so we could learn as much as we could from it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

2020-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : Stealcase_ via Audiogames-reflector


Code Dungeon - A FREE hack & slash dungeon crawler

Hey, we finally finished Code Dungeon and are releasing it for Free!After a lot of feedback and help from the people over in the DevelopersRoom, we have finally done it!Download here;Code Dungeon LinkThere is a readme file for controls in the download, as well as well as an in-game tutorial.This is me and Wiktor's first Blind Accessible game, so we are eager for you to tell us all the stuff we got wrong (and maybe a couple of things we got right). Please tell us what you think!If you're curious, heres a Youtube video with a short Trailer and Tutorial for the controls.Youtube Tutorial LinkThanks again to amerikranian, camlorn, Haramir and moaddye for all their feedback!music is by Eric Matyas, he makes free sounds over at www.soundimage.orgHere's a link to the old thread if you're curious about the development;Old Thread Link


Audiogames-reflector mailing list