Re: Linux servers?

2018-04-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Linux servers?

All Linux distributions should be accessible as you really will use SSH. About wich distro you may need to use, it depends. While arch is nice and up to date, I don't know anyone who use it in a production server. If you are talking abou testing, you can take CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo or even Arch. If you want to use the distro in a production environment where you wouldn't want updates breaking things and stuff, then, I'd go with Debian or CentOS. Justt because they have much more community support in servers and their stability is guaranteed.


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Re: Open tween vs chicken nuggits vs tw blue.

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Open tween vs chicken nuggits vs tw blue.

Hello, I won't add anything to this topic, just wanted to say that i probably will be reading reports posted here so I will fill them in github, in case someone wants to report something and don't have github.


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Re: TW Blue Won't Open

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TW Blue Won't Open

hi,@nidza07 We already are working on it. But it would be better to have more info so we can reproduce the problem. Right now If I place a corrupted settings file (or a session directory without settings), TWBlue skips that session and load everything else. In theory, this should happens when a session, for any reason, is not able to be loaded. But it seems it still breaks in certain conditions. Anyway I will keep an eye in this kind of issues.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TW Blue Won't Open

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TW Blue Won't Open

Hello,As others suggested already, you may try to delete your settings folder so TWBlue will create a new, empty settings folder. From time to time new bugs related to this kind of issues are reported with enough information to be fixed in a new stable release. For removing TWBlue's settings, you can do the following:1. Open the run dialog (Windows+r).2. Type %appdata% and press enter.3. Delete the folder called TWBlue in appdata.4. Open TWBlue again, and you should be done.HTH.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2018-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hi,I hope you all are doing well, I just wanted to do Some clarifications.1. I did (almost) all the project's research, and also invested a considerable amount of money in building the first prototype and software that may be included there. Basically it was running in a modified raspbian install with pre-loaded software. As this project was running a donation campaing and didn't get so much funding, eventually I got more things to do at work, my life changed too and I could not keep spending money and time in this project. Hope I will finish this just for my own fun someday. Wether the project was needed or not is another matter I think.2. I understand $80 devices are so interesting, but the project was intended to give everyone a customized experience as these devices couldn't do. In some countries people can't afford devices like notetakers due to different reasons an this project was trying to bring them the same kind of experience (even you would be able to connect a Braille Display via BRLTTY) for a reduced price and being open source, so everyone with a bit of coding skills could get the device and hack it for other purposes (not only education). I see your point but am not agree (notetakers are still being sold for a reason...).Best regards.


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Re: TW Blue is giving me an Exception.

2017-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TW Blue is giving me an Exception.

The reason why I have decided to don't include quoted tweets in that buffer is because i cannot guarantee that these tweets will load with the Rest API. I mean, if you are not using a database, when you are loading your TWBlue, I don't have a way for getting these quoted tweets. I think that does not make much sense (like, they work if the streaming API is active, but when you're starting Blue they cannot be detected or retrieved). The only item that we cannot get via the Rest API are events, just because events are real-time based and only the streaming API is able to serve them. Anyway i think I'll file an issue, so people interested in Blue's development can talk about this topic there and we will get a better solution to this.Regarding your problem, may you send me your logs? If the client never starts, it should generate a file called stderr.log. That file should be located in %tmp% (Windows+R, type %tmp% and press enter).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TW Blue is giving me an Exception.

2017-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TW Blue is giving me an Exception.

Well, not exactly. It may cause problems (especially with the streaming feature) when your PC's time is not synchronised according to your region. Are you using the portable or installable version of TWBlue?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

Hello guitarman,Yes, I think you can learn most off the basics from Python, then if you are feeling confortable you could switch to java (or keep using Python in Desktop ).Basically we are talking about the same concepts. Just these languages have some differences (as every language does), but I think the Java approach is good too, I mean, braces and stuff like that are represented in python as indented lines, but it's the same principle.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

Just think a bit about that. There's no interest in supporting widely AT-spi (the only accessibility Related API provided by gnome). There's KDE and someone developed a bridge between QT libs and AT-SPI because it's not an easy job, at all, to create libraries that can connect to a toolkit and provide accessibility related information in an easy and transparent way. It's not that you will wake up in the morning and say well, I will create my own library in C++, that will know everything about internals of GTK, QT, X11 apps, why not? And I am not sure if you know about it but Orca is part of gnome. I mean, people is being paid for developing orca, and that money comes from Igalia, Redhat and companies that are supporting Gnome. Why They should change orca instead asking to people working in KDE/QT for adding more support to AT-SPI? If other libraries don't have ANY method for orca to get information, what would be best? To apply lots of hacks to the orca
 39;s codebase until it will work under these libraries or, just, connect these libraries to AT_SPI? And I am not saying noone will do it, they have tried, but you see. There's no A11y Team in KDE, same can be said about XFCE, LXDE and other desktops. I don't think you can Ask orca devs (people working for Gnome) to add support. How can you justify that extra time if you are being paid for that job? people have sent lots of emails to people working in KDE and the reply is always the same. Noone is working in A11Y right now, if you want to come, you are welcome.


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Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

Maybe because At-SPI? 


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Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux and Other questions?

Hello,1. You can develop in Android without getting into Java, but you cannot have the system integration and tons of libraries that Java can offer to your program. For example if you would like to use Pyton, you still need to install a package that includes the Python interpreter into Android. In short, it's doable, but I don't think it really worth.2. Python would need something else for understanding touch screen gestures.3. I think java would be the simplest option. This, Or C++, that I don't think could be simpler than Java.4. You can use Eclipse for compiling android apps if you don't want to use (or can't) Android studio. There are plugins for adding full Android project's integration to Eclipse. Also you can use the command line if you wouldn't want to use eclipse.5. If you use eclipse, it will do everything for you. But yes, you would need to rebuild the package and sending it to the tabled by using the USB 
 Debug mode.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

2017-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

Well, sad news. We need more packages up to date. I am using arch too, and am thinking very seriously in using arch too (or a not 100% up to date, but well tested version of arch) for MKSpeech.


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Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

2017-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

Also agree. I'm using Gnome 3.22 in Arch and haven't experienced any issues like what's described in post 3.


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Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

2017-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why Are There So Many Screen Readers For Linux?

Linux has two kind of screen readers, there are some for the console and, currently, one for the graphical desktop environment. In Linux we have "Desktops", that is, a set of programs for making tasks (just like the full GUI in Windows). Every desktop is made by using a toolkit (Like GTK for Gnome Desktop environment, or QT for KDE, there are others that use GTK or QT like LXDE, XFCE, Mate...), the point is that every desktop changes the look and feel of the full graphical environment. Right now there is the Orca screen reader, that comes packaged with Gnome (that's so because GTK is the only toolkit in Linux that comes with a full accessibility library) and I think gnome is the most accessible environment nowadays. There is also Mate, based in and old version of Gnome, that is also accessible with Orca. You can install orca in other desktops because Orca is just another package and you can get it with your package manager, but Orca has been designed as a part of Gn
 ome, and accessibility is guaranteed only for this environment. As mate is based in a version of Gnome, it's very accessible too. Before orca, there was Nopernicus (or however it's named), but due to the differences found in every desktop environment, they discontinued the project and that's when Orca was created for the Gnome Desktop environment Only.Also, there are other kind of screen readers, that are designed to read only the console. You know in Linux you can use the desktop of your choice, or you can just use the console. As usual, there were so many screen readers for the console too, some of them based in different ideas or trying to do different things (yasr, sbl, even BRLTTY can read the screen if I am not mistaken), but currently the screen readers that are still mantained are Speakup and Fenrir. Fenrir is relatively new and is being used mostly in Arch Linux systems, that's why probably it's not so easy to find links to the screen re
 ader so easily. The main difference between speakup and fenrir is that speakup is a Screen Reader Only, made in C, and is, in fact, a Linux kernel Module (it runs in the Kernel space), while Fenrir has been written in Python 3, includes a set of new features (different clipboards, spelling correction, etc) and runs in the user space, it means, you don't need to run anything in the kernel space for getting it to work.Finally, here is the link to fenrir's repo: See fenrir in GithubBest regards,


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Re: a litle surprise!

2017-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a litle surprise!

Sorry but in this world anything can be absolutely free. How the server will be payed at the end of the day?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello,@joshknnd1982 I understand your viewpoint, but In my opinion even if Android is getting well in Accessibility related stuff, I think there are some things we couldn't control (even if they say Talkback is Open source), it needs more hardware resources than almost any Linux distribution, lacks some connectivity in most devices (USB, Ethernet, HDMI ports if needed), and these Linux sistems allows you to modify or write every piece of code that can be improved for adding more accessibility to your environment. As @SLJ said, The device will include a set of accessible applications and these applications will be made based in a Library for handling Graphical interfaces, so it will be easier to extend them or add new applications. I can modify and extend the functionality of the default screen reader (I am working in the development team of Fenrir) and every problem will likely to have a bugfix.@Guitarman now I am totally blind, but I was sighted some years ago. T
 he way I learnt how to work with electronics is not a secret, I learnt the basics when I could see circuitry and diagrams, now I have to ask someone to help me with things that I am not able to do by myself. Usually I am able to read a datasheet and tell to this person (a friend of mine) that I want a circuit with a set of features (inputs, outputs, other boards or GPIO pins in a specified order) and when he is done I can play with them.


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Re: Any free alternatives to qRead?

2017-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any free alternatives  to qRead?

Hello guys. I really didn't expect you could fin that software useful, I did it just for myself a few years ago and didn't updated it due to other projects I had over the time. Let see if I could do something for it after vacations (like jun or jul).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any free alternatives to qRead?

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any free alternatives  to qRead?

No problem, glad you like it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any free alternatives to qRead?

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any free alternatives  to qRead?

I made something called lees. I am not updating this right now, but I think it should be OK for epub: Download here


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

hello,@ironcross32 3d printing is very complex because there are lots and lots of materials and every day new kind of designs are possible. Currently I am working with a guy who is helping me with 3d printing, he has knowledge about this matter because he works exactly in this industry (though he prints circuitry more than cases). We are going to make a case with more than a layer, being the second of a different material so it won't be so easy to break. Right now the design is done, just need to have more funds so we could think in printing them in a prototype and make some tests in real conditions. About the device, it will include fenrir as the console screenreader, though you still will be able to use the full Linux console if you want, so you could install speakup if needed. The operating system will contain the custom applications I am doing for the project, and a section where you will be able to access to some common applications with Orca (3.22.0 at this time) 
 and the mate desktop 1.14. The applications that will be included by default, besides the desktop environment, will be firefox, libreoffice, thunderbird and teamtalk. More can be added later if they work fine. At the moment I don't plan to add a display, because it would be more expensive, hard to implement with the current setup, and the battery drain will increase at least in 200 or 300%.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello,@28 Exactly because it will be open source it's why it will be more protected against this kind of situations. Say that you want to use the operating system, in fact you could. Being the software open source, nothing would stop you for taking the pieces and put them together for making your operating system as you want. You would do that in a VM, so it won't fix any of the problems a notetaker will fix (because you still would need any linux OS, and would need a PC). If you would like to take that code you will have to respect the GPL license, which means that if you use it, you still need to give me credits for that code, any modification must be given back to the original source, and you can't distribute it under a different license. I am planning to make a dual license so commercial use will be linked against another license, and personal use will be licensed under GPL, like MySql does, for example. So if someone would like to take that code for makin
 g his own notetaker and start to sell it without working, this person will have to contact me and talk about the commercial use of the projects that I have done.Finally I don't think it should be needed, but I still need to protect the work I have done and am doing in these set of projects. I think with A dual license I will allow devs to play with the notetaker as they want, they even could make applications (I am writing something like a set of libraries for drawing widgets and stuff with the interface I am creating for the notetaker) and if they want, they could distribute these apps as open source (or, if everything goes well, I would be willing to make like a store where they could offer paid apps if they like). It's not hard to make apps by using the interface, and there are lots of things that you could code. I am pretty sure this kind of opportunities are harder in other kind of systems and will add something different to this product from the user's per
 spective. Not only the person who made the device is able to add apps. At least that's how I see the future of the device and that's why I think open source allows much more this kind of scenarios than proprietary OS'S.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello,@22 didn't know about that software, then it looks much easier to make the SD Card available for windows users. Thank you for the suggestion!@23 yes, It's a raspberry pi and we're designing the different pieces for being printed, yes. So far I have print the board for managing the power (like draining power from batterie, charging battery and let the Pi to know energy remaining), but when donations will reach the goal, we are ready to print the case, the keyboard's board and other useful pieces needed for the development. Yes, as this operating system will be based in Linux, I plan to expose (for those who know how to use it) the Linux command Line and its power (through an option in the main menu).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Yea, I am using only class 10 SD Cards for testing, though I still have to test if another filesystem (windows hates EXT family and it's the default for the Pi) can be supported.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello,@17 it could be possible, of course. But I have to find a point where most of non-technical users will be confortable with the device, and after that I could think about how this could be modified. Sadly this can't be considered, at least right now, a DIY project because It will needs 3d printing, drivers, soldering and other things. Hope this can be easier in the future, though. Windows 10 for IOT does not include audio drivers, and the custom soundcard we have does not include drivers, only for the linux kernel, and exactly the ARM V7 branch, so it is a bit hard to think in Android (not officially supported) or windows 10. Of course I could make the drivers if there are changes in Microsoft's or google's side. anyway it should be easy to create a custom build, the memory will be easy to extract and I plan to provide documentation for flashing operating systems, though I couldn't guarantee accessibility in custom builds.@18 unfortunately it c
 ould be harder, as every board has different pin headers, energy requirements and the soundcard's drivers are not going to be available, I guess. But I can investigate about this possibility later.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello Phil, I will release all custom software as open source when MKSpeech is released.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello,@7 exactly, that's the point. There are lots of situations where a notetaker is still needed and of course, people from lots of countries can't afford them.@8 This operating system is based in a Linux OS, that will be updated every two years (a big update) but new versions of important software (security patches, and new versions for the custom software I am doing) will come even faster. I am planning to release the full software stack as open source, so you could install the base operating system (Debian, arch) in a VM, and install the software I will release so you could use the operating system almost in the same way. The screen reader will be Fenrir, probably, but there are other two apps that are being considered right now. In the MKSpeech's website you'll have a complete list of specifications (Basically LAN, wiFi, Bluetooth 4.1, HDMI, and 3 USB ports) and yes, basically you can modify the full operating system as you want for meeting yo
 ur needs. Right now you can connect Android based Phones, and I plan to work in support for transfering files to iPhone too. You can connect hard drives or flash drives in the 3 USB ports, however you would have to be careful with the energy drain. There is no possibility to update Ram memory and graphics, but it should be Enough (read specs).@11 I am still exploring different sices, so can't be very sure about the final dimensions of the device. It should be compatible with lots of windows based software, though you couldn't install them there (cause it is going to use Linux). I hope the features will be updated for some years and more software will be added after the first release.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello blindndangerous (sorry, didn't see your post until I have sent mine).I am not sure what post you are talking about (I have sent some posts in the last months), but I think you can read this post.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello SLJ,Thank you!I am still thinking and trying to look the best options for making the price even more affordable. Right now the problem will be to produce the device in a good amount of units for decreasing the price. I am estimating that the price will start from (USD) $300 with a keyboard, and up to $450 with 64 GB of memory and the two keyboards. I still have to try to put 128 GB of memory there and see how it works.About the keyboards, this is the funny and difficult part. Right now I have done the circuitry for power management, audio stuff and functions for charging and letting you know the battery's status. If the campaign gets enough donations I will start to work in the case (I made one, but we need to make a custom model and print it in 3d for being easier to produce) and the keyboard, I have developed the keyboards (both QWERTY and Braille) in theory, I mean I have the needed files and drivers, but we would need more money for buying needed p
 ieces and make some prototypes.Unfortunately it's a bit expensive to develop this kind of pieces because I have to print only an unit of each of them, and it's when they cost much more. If I'd ask like 50 or 100 units the price would be cheaper. But I think it is totally doable, and the software part is almost ready.


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MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

2017-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


MKSpeech: Open source, Low cost notetaker

Hello everyone!Today I wanted to show you my most recent project and ask for your support and help for making it a complete device. My goal is to create an open source, low cost notetaker called MKSpeech. When finished, it will allow you to take notes, record audio, play media files (audio and video), manage your files, manage contacts, read email, read ebooks, browse the web and work with office documents (like word and power point presentations). Of course as it will be open source, more applications can be developed later.If you are interested in the project and want to support it, please visit its website. There you will find the complete specifications, as well as some sections (like the blog, roadmap and demos) and a campaign where you can donate for supporting this project.Thank you!MKSpeech website


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Re: TWBlue doesn't open the authorization page?

2017-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TWBlue doesn't open the authorization page?

Please check if she has the right time in her PC, and if the timezone is also set correctly. When pressing in the yes button, press ALT tab some times so you'll check if there are hidden windows or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: TWBlue doesn't open the authorization page?

2017-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TWBlue doesn't open the authorization page?

Please check if she has the right time in her PC, and if the timezone is also set correctly. When pressing in the yes button, press ALT tab some times so you'll check if there are hidden windows or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tw blue

2016-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tw blue

try to look for a file called stderr.log, this file will be in %tmp%.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: tw blue

2015-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumOff-topic room : manuelcortez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: tw blue

What's your windows username? Does it contain non-english characters?


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