Re: It seems the main page of the forum is blank

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: It seems the main page of the forum is blank

Hmmm now we get "The constant FORUM_ROOT must be defined and point to a valid PunBB installation root directory." 


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It seems the main page of the forum is blank

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


It seems the main page of the forum is blank

I imagine people already know, but if somehow you don't I want to make you aware that when accessing, the page is completely blank. Accessing index.php predictably does the same thing. You can still access the forum by using an existing topic link and then navigating by links and the combo box, but not by visiting And if you do know already as I asume? Out of curiosity what happened? 


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Re: wtf is going on?

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: wtf is going on?

idk I hate that we can just delete topics and thus other user's posts just like that. I think a similar discussion happened when bladestorm360 deleted all his topics a few years ago, people were mad about the posts they lost and that will now never be returned


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Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

2018-11-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Seeking Input on New Additions to the Staff Team

Liam or carter would be the people I would be the most comfortable with


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

pretty much my thoughts. covering it up with humor is all fine and good, maybe I'll even participate. But we all know that unless this gets solved, here and now, us trying to forget about it and avoid it is just going to make it come crashing down 10 times harder in the near future. Look what happened when dark thought he could just ignore the Walter issue. Things appeared fine for a while, and then, boom. If we are going to fix things around here, I just hope we do as much as we can now, so that maybe a year or less, maybe a bit more in the future, something like this doesn't happen again with 10 times more severity. I know I played a part in instigating it, but I'm speaking for what I believe and so is everyone else. I want this solved, all of it, including jades threats. I continue to post and fight now because I know if we all just forget about it it will certainly cause a much larger problem later.OK whoa that was repetitive


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

pretty much my thoughts. covering it up with humor is all fine and good, maybe I'll even participate. But we all know that unless this gets solved, here and now, us trying to forget about it and avoid it is just going to make it come crashing down 10 times harder in the near future. Look what happened when dark thought he could just ignore the Walter issue. Things appeared fine for a while, and then, boom. If we are going to fix things around here, I just hope we do as much as we can now, so that maybe a year or less, maybe a bit more in the future, something like this doesn't happen again with 10 times ore severity. I know I played a part in instigating it, but I'm speaking for what I believe and so is everyone else. I want this solved, all of it, including jades threats. I continue to post and fight now because I know if we all just forget about it will will certainly cause a much larger problem later.


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

Keep in mind I don't want to instigate things and I know that that is partially what I'm doing, but I was just so disgusted when I read those posts I can't really help myself here.


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

OK, here is the thing jade. You say you need time to catch your breath. You mention that we are, howling. Am I allowed to consider that offensive if you consider people suggesting where to post topics offensive? We're, howling? howling. Is that really what you get out of our posts? that we're, howling? Don't think I took that in the wrong way, I know you don't mean it literally. But what that applies is just... Maybe it's just me, but it's babies and whiners that, howl. We're not whining. we are trying to get you to understand what we mean and what you want. Maybe I'm the only one who has this view, but blah. I really don't like that. The thing is though, you can't stop these protests. Being silent or thinking or whatever yall mods are doing, if this many people are against it, it must not be the right thing to do.


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Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

I didn't even read this entire topic, because I need to reply to post 2. Am I to understand that I am going to get banned if I protest about the moderation team? Or did I read that wrong. What is this place turning into. sorry, oh masters, if I just broke a rule and am going to get banned for saying such a horrible thing.


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Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

2018-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

We are not trying to take over moderation of the forum. We just want dark and if possible Lori to be brought to justice for doing what they did. Banning someone without reason is one thing, having 2 rules section is another etc, but IMO, and apparently many others as well, it's just not OK to use your rank, your status and your reputation to knowingly participate in ruining an innocent person's online reputation while you knew they were innocent. That's most of our issue here. We of course want the rules fixed, we want less of these bans, but I think the big overshadowing here is Walter. There is just nothing remotely even kind of OK about that situation, and the evidence shows that dark was involved in doing it. We don't want to take over moderation. Do we want dark gone? yes, yes we do. That's because you can't just say sorry and move on from destroying someone like that. No one innocent deserves that, and Walter got it.


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Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

2018-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

@SirBadger under normal circumstances we wouldn't even be having this topic. but now it has been exposed that dark was involved in casting someone out of the community. Ruining there reputation. There is no way that that is OK. This isn't politics, this is only the truth. Weather you think a mod that allows peoples online lives in a given community to be destroyed and even helps make it happen is acceptable is your choice, but as you can see most of the posters here don't agree with the actions that have been clearly proven. Remember, you can view the posts mentioned in the blog post to see that we are not making anything up.


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Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

2018-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: update to rules regarding copyright violations

So I want again to stress something I said in my earlier post, undeniable proof. So what you say about hashes makes sence, so I wouldn't use them unless you guys could easily reproduce the same hashes on your end to make sure that I didn't forge the data. In this case though of the blood rain, what other proof do you need other than the dev admitting that he is using my work, something that I am absolutely not ok with. Please, look at the blood rain topic your self, right after my post on the matter SkyLoard the developer admits to doing it, blaming it on my security, which, using BGT, I couldn't make any better. Really I hope that you verify the cinsarity of your post by doing something about that topic, using again, that proof that is 100 percent.


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Re: I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

2016-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

Hi. Yes, I totally understand and am glad that everyone is trying to make the forum as good as possible. Of course I know you are just human and everyone makes mistakes. Also, I know that aprone is completely right about one thing, but slightly wrong on one stance. I got my self farther into the bad guys than I wanted to, maybe that just has to do with me trying to figure out everything I shouldn't even be touching. But weather it is a conversation I got randomly added into or something I saw in a chat or whatevs, these guys like blink wizard and others, they don't think there is going to be mod action. They don't make these choices because they think the mods are going to make a bad choice, they do it because they feel the rediculis need to proove that the moderation teem is terible. Do I agree? No, I don't, of course. I feel that there have been a fiew situations that even now I question aka walter, but i'd never do what they're doing. What they do 
 lowers the forum morale, simply because they post this stuff then go around off the forum saying to everyone possible, hey, look what I did. The mods arn't doing anything. Again, I totally disagree with all this. I understand that you guys are actually propper humans who have both a life off of the internet and that you have to agree on things. However, harsh as this may sound they don't. They sleep, wake up, eat, then go right back to hacking one guy or another. I say this out of what i've scene, none of it is asumption, but so as to not start anything, I won't say anything more about that. One of everyones biggest problems right now, why these people are getting away with it, why the walter situation started everything, was because of how walter was just boom! gone. No one quite knows what he did. Then, when the ultrapower clones and all these other flame wars started, and nothing happened, people thought they could get away with what ever, and then started try
 ing to get the inisent people banned, to ruin there reputation as walters was ruined. Like I said, I understand that dark has is reasons for doing what he did, and the mod reasons for not being able to do something, but asdly this changes nothing from the actual users. The more mature people will realise you have stuff going on, but even to them, even to me before I actually read your guyses posts, the one sentence, walter was banned with out a reason and these people are geting a way free, oh, red flag, bad moderation! That's what everyone thinks instantly. That's why everyone wants the walter proof so badly. Speaking of which dark, if it's ok with you, I may contact you privately about the matter. Again though, I feel as if personally I get it, your busy and have to agree on things, dark has his reasons for banning walter and the busyness stopps the action on these guys trying to ruin the forum, but I hope you understand ware i'm coming from in terms of what i&
 #039;ve heard from the general comunity. before I can do what I always do and repeat my self, based on what I've heard so far from you guys and others I can't think of anything else to say right now. At least, I think a topic should be created in a room that's a bit more public to tell people your side of what's going on. Problem is, that could start a lot of stuff if it isn't put out there in just the right way.


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I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

2016-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


I really wish there could be a couple of mod changes

So. First. Know that I am not writing this to harm anyone, but to meerly start a discussion about this and bring it up, and to get some opinions. I understand moderaters are busy and have more than an online life and that people have stressful days, also that with the AG forum, we are getting a completely free service. I write this for the discussion and wellfair of the forum. Were this to be one case, I wouldn't be writing this at all, but it has to do with many general things, that many people are concerned about. No one wanted to bring this up, so I decided I would. As most of you know, a lot has happened in the passed few months. Everything from ultrapower clones to random banns, to loads of flame war topics, and I just wanted to talk about things, and ask for as well as put out my own opinions. Some things will be brought up again that some of you guys may wish to just leave behind, but my personal opinion is that some things really need to happen. Basicly, it goes back 
 to the walter situation. Things had been going down hill before that, but this was the major first point. For reasons unknown to us, walter was banned from the forum nearly permanently. On the forum, he never once personally tried insulting anyone please tell me if I was rong, and apparently it was about stuff happening on survive the wild, as well as darks thinking that he was going to ruin the comunity or something. I am the developer of survive the wild and have posted many logs and much info to show this didn't happen. Sadly only text, and I understand that. Text logs are sometimes not enough. And walter was banned. Dark feels that he has his reasoning and wishes not to share it with us. Ok, I thought, I am very frusterated and don't like it, but i'll let it slide. Then, more ultrapower topics were created, and only one or 2 mods on the forum were trying to do anything about it. Most recently, blink_wizard's beyond the bullet. The topic was requested to not b
 e deleted, and it wasn't. Instead, ivan aka blink_wizard was apparently banned for 6 weeks, or months or what ever the duration was. I just know it wasn't 6 days. But, 2 days later, he was back apparently because a moderater sympithised with the fact that he didn't read the rules. And all this time, reguardless of reports, topics have been falling into the flames left and right recently, and I am hearing more and more negative comments on the forums moderation each day. Let's take this walter thing for example, reguardless of any rules or anything, just, snap, gone. Hardly any warnings, nothing. Just a couple of reports. But then, we report ivan aka blink_wizard who has done a lot more than walter to the forum, and knowtisabbly so. I don't even know what walter did. If me and my friends decided to ruin someones life by all reporting all these lies with forged logs to dark, would that person instantly get banned and the general public would not get very much 
 reason as to why aside from random reports? Why is ivan who has clearly done everything rong, has even told me if he hacked the forum, he would delete this entire dramafield, why is he getting off scotch free. Why are the moderaters accepting excuses like, oh, I didn't read the rules. Maybe dark did have propper reasoning, but because we don't know what it is, at least to me and a lot of people I know, the fact that people like hmmm. Names. blink wizard, lascarlaslm or how ever you spell it, they are causing many issues. They have been reported many times. One got banned for about a day and a half, the other has received many mod warnings, but they are still aloud to do what ever they want, breaking forum rules, calling people mother fuckers and dicks, and recently, there has been no mod action. I say all this because many people are thinking, that this forum is going down hill very very fast. Me and select people honestly consider just making a forum for me them and frien
 ds and anyone who wishes to join to talk about this stuff, with better spam filtering than my last one heh. At least for me, I don't really feel comfortable hanging out in a comunity ware the bad people are aloud to roam free, while the inisent people or at least the people we currently think of being inisent are banned because of less than 15 reports. What if someone decides they hate me, and posts a bunch of reports. I'll probably get banned. So, i'd like to close by saying that this topic isn't ment for offense, and I am at least hoping to get a conversation started on the matter. I say this stuff as no more than a forum user, though I know I am writing the opinion of more than one person here. I am hoping something can be done. If I were just an utter protester, i'd say either ban these people or give us better reasoning for banning someone who to our knowledge, hasn't broken any rules. But instead i'm only hoping we can talk about things and g
 et an understanding of everything going 

Re: What the... did the database just get reverted?

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What the... did the database just get reverted?

yeah, now it's all back to normal for me. That was really wierd. My browser seemed to forget a password quite soon after that, so it could have been firefox going nuts, but everything was reverted, even when I went to the topic it's self so... who knows.


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What the... did the database just get reverted?

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Sam_Tupy via Audiogames-reflector


What the... did the database just get reverted?

Hi. Only curious, was browsing the forum, and noticed that my time setting was completely whiped and it is now showing times as it does for guests, etc. Also my lets code topic lost it's new subject and got reverted to the original while the post count went from 11 to 6. Did the DB get restored from a previous backup or something?


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