Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible baseball game for pc

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: accessible baseball game for pc

Id love to find an accessible baseball game for Windows. I know back in the DOS days we had Jim Kitchens game and the PCS game, but those were severely limited by the sound playback methods in use for audiogames of that time period. Id love to see something taking full advantage of modern techniques.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] accessible baseball game for pc

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: accessible baseball game for pc

That link seems to be broken, I get a 404 not found. Any thoughts?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-06 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

Youre looking for Big Bad Bob. Here are some hints to get that puzzle solved.HIntsJust ask around, like he said! Its not that difficult.Go to all the different places in town. If anybody knows anything, theyll tell you.Once you find the right person, he or she will give you a long message, which you really dont need to hear.Once you hear the message, go back and try to do your mission again. Now youll be able to do it.SpoIlersThe person you seek is in the saloon.His name is Doug...And he mans the slot machine!So just act like youre going to play some slots, and youll get the information you need.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

You dont need to do anything. If youre told to talk to a particular person, just go to the place where that person works. Theres one part of the game where youre not given specifics about who to talk to, and youll need to talk to several different people to solve the puzzle. But in general...If you want to see if someone at a particular place E.G. hotel, bank, store, etc. knows anything, just go to that place.If you want to see if one of the saloon dealers knows anything, just go to the game where he works.Youll never hear you asking any question, youll just get the persons usual greeting, then if they have anything to say, youll hear it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

2014-03-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Grizzly gulch walkthrough?

Someone found a cheat years ago that can make your life a bit easier at times. At least on the Cow Poke level, if you go into the bank and either it doesnt get robbed or after the gunfight, win or lose, youre sitting at the bank menu, hit the letter s. Youll hear the sound of a bit of money coming your way...and thats exactly whats happened. You can hit the letter s one time during each visit to the bank, when youre sitting at the main bank menu, and youll get a hundred bucks. Not much I know, but it can certainly help you out!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Here you go. This list is pretty long, as I explain step-by-step procedures for each cheat. This is a file I wrote back in 2011.These cheats require you to be good at manipulating files, and to know where Entombed keeps your game saves. On a Windows XP machine at least, the saves are deep within your documents folder, which on XP is c:\documents and settings\your username goes here\my documents. Within that folder, navigate to SavedGames\EntombedSaves\AllPlayers and youll find several files of interest. The two of interest to cheaters are EntombedSave.sav and EntombedWorld.dat. What makes these cheats possible is that the information about your characters and, more importantly, what theyre holding is stored separately from the information about the dungeon and, again important, the enemies and objects within. In this discussion, when I talk about the save file, I mean EntombedSave.sav and when I talk about the world file, I mean EntombedWorld.dat. You will need 
 a folder or several folders to stash copies of save and world files, and you will need to be extra careful not to accidentally overwrite something youll need later.Another thing to say about these cheats. Some of them involve taking your party out of the world theyre in now and tossing them into a different world. Since the world file contains the map of the dungeon levels, its entirely possible that youll end up inside a wall I.E. in a location inaccessible to the character which was supposed to occupy that world. If this happens, youll hear wall type sounds if you try to move in any direction. The easiest thing to do in this case is probably to throw away that world and create a new character as appropriate in order to hopefully get a different map. And now, the cheats!The original army cheat! This is what, as far as I know, got this whole thing started. I did not come up with this one, but it certainly got me to thinking about the impli
 cations and allowed me to come up with lots more! This cheat gives you a party of as many rescued characters as you want. Heres my rewriting of this cheat.1. Start a game with a character you want to play. Go to the second floor and rescue your first character. Save. Copy the save and world files somewhere safe.2. Exit that game and start a new game. The character youre creating here is a total throwaway. You do not actually want to play this character, but you do want a different rescue. As soon as the game begins and you find yourself on the first level, save.3. Copy your original save file, but not the world file! back into EntombedSave.sav. Reload the game.4. As I stated earlier, if youre inside a wall, just go back to step 2 above. That character was a throwaway anyway, so no great loss. Note that, since youre in a totally different world, the map has changed, so your information about unexplored spaces may be inaccurate, and 
 if youve discovered a stairway, it wont be where you think it is. Anyway, go and find the new character and rescue them.5. Save again, copy the save file elsewhere, and go back to step 2 above if you want another rescue. This can be repeated as many times as you like.6. When you want to get on with it, have the game freshly saved after your final rescue, then put your original world file back in place as EntombedWorld.dat. Reload. Now you can keep playing.Note, the characters you get to rescue depend on the race of the throwaway you started with in order for that world to be generated. I dont know the exact correlation.The Easier Army cheat! Heres my answer to the original army cheat above. Its easier in that no new game is required, but there is one disadvantage. Youll get the same thing each time. Here goes.1. Start a new game. This should be a character you want to play. At any time between when the game first
  starts and just before you do the rescue on the second floor, save your game and copy the world file somewhere safe. You dont need to copy the save out, but if you want to be extra safe it might not hurt. Id suggest doing this either when you first start or when you go down to the second floor. Once the rescue has happened, it is too late.2. Once you have your first rescue, leave that room, then save. Copy the world file you copied in step 1 back into place, then reload. Go back into the room and do the rescue again. Watch out, as youll have to fight the enemies again. Once the rescue is done, leave the room and save. Repeat this step as many times as desired.3. Since you never switched to a totally different world, nothing needs to be copied back into place when you have all the rescued characters you want. Just keep playing as usual. You will probably want to rename your rescued characters so you can tell them apart, since theyll all be the s
 ame, and have the same name!The original item multiplier cheat! Again, I didnt come up with this one, and I assume this is an outright bug in the game itself, not a cheat. This one 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-25 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

And then, on the other side of the coin, are all the wonderful unintentional cheats involving exchanging world and player files in creative ways. I actually created a list of some cheats you could do that way.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] grizzly gulch and chillingham exe

2014-02-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: grizzly gulch and chillingham exe

I think you need more than the .exe files, I dont think the game files are actually stored in the setup executable. Could be wrong though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help with adventure at c:

2014-02-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: help with adventure at c:

Afaik there are no cheat codes in AAC. Just run/jump really, really fast.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: i want to create audio games

I cant get the file to download, Im not a Sendspace member so cant use Wizard. I start the free download, it tells me to wait 0 seconds, but the download just never starts. Sounds interesting though.Ive always maintained that what the BGT community needs is a full-scale, open-source BGT game, where anyone is free to use bits and pieces of the games code as and where appropriate, as long as they give credit where appropriate.And no, programming is nothing like school work. You dont tell the computer what to do in English sentences unless youre using something like the Inform7 text adventure creation system. Even then, you have to use specific words and phrases.Heres a very simple example program in C-like languages.void main () {}If this looks foreign to you, Google it. Now, what does this program do? The answer is, it does absolutely nothing! Its the most pointless program possible to wr
 ite, because nothing whatsoever is accomplished by having run it. It just starts, then immediately exits.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] i want to create audio games

2014-02-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: i want to create audio games

Good description of programming there! One thing I might add is that computers, along with having absolutely no idea what you want to do and how the world works or even that there is a world, are also literal machines. You can be the most talented programmer in the known universe, and if you make just one tiny typo such as leaving out a semicolon or misspelling a function or variable name, at best some part of your program wont work properly, and at worst the entire program, all the millions and millions of lines of its code, will absolutely refuse to compile or run, all because of that one little typo. Computers have absolutely no concept of, Oh come on, you know what I meant! So just do it! Computers havent the foggiest idea what you mean when they run into problems with your code. Consider this fictional example:prnit(Hello, world!);Any human reading that line of code knows exactly what was intended. But when a computer sees the
  same line, it will look for a function called prnit and, not finding it, report an error and stop processing the program.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

2014-01-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

Its not you who has to run DOS programs, its the BBS. All you do is connect to the BBS. So yes, it will work just fine.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

2014-01-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

I have to agree, web games just arent the same.A brief history lesson. Back before the Internet was available in homes, people ran so-called bulletin board systems. A bulletin board system, or BBS, was a piece of software running on a computer connected to one or more modems, but usually just one. People could call in and participate in message bases which are like what we now call forums, upload and download files, and play all sorts of online games. If you were lucky enough to belong to a multi-line BBS, you could even chat with other users of the board in realtime. But most BBSs run by individuals only had one phone line, so only one person could be on at the same time. Many BBSs were free, but some, usually the more elaborate ones, charged a subscription fee for a higher level of access. Upload/download ratios were a common thing, where you couldnt download a ton of files without uploading files of your own in return. This encouraged the sharing 
 of freeware/shareware programs and other files. Of course there were BBSs for people into illegal activities, E.G. hacking, phone phreaking, distribution of pirated commercial software, etc.If you belonged to a popular BBS, you were bound to get frustrated trying to dial in when the line was busy. Some BBSs didnt even have a dedicated phone line, so while the line was used for voice purposes during the day, the BBS would only be operational weeknights and weekends. This, of course, covers only the mostly hobbiest-run BBS scene, and doesnt touch on the commercial online services like CompuServe.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

2014-01-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Coming Soon NER BBS Returns

A mud client definitely wont work in situations involving hotkeys, where you are supposed to press just one key to get something to happen. Out of curiosity, what BBS software are you using?@SLJ, let me try to explain what is meant when we talk about inter-BBS communication. Lets say theres a game youre playing, and you want to buy something from some user on another BBS. What happens behind the scenes is, the BBS youre on sends out a message to the other BBS saying, in effect, Hey, I have this guy over here, he wants to buy this item from this user. Heres the payment. and the other system comes back with a message saying, in effect, Thanks for your purchase, Ill let him know he made a sale. Now, heres your item, hope your user enjoys it. That was just a demonstrative example, but the point is, the systems talk to each other without you needing to know how or where the whole thing happens.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

2014-01-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

Bringing up this old topic to say Ive extracted all the sounds from a NSF file of Super Mario Brothers. I dont like how NSFplayer handles loops, but here you go, 41 wav files. Im sure any Mario geek can tell you where every one of them is used. There are a few alternate versions, etc. … sounds.zipHope this helps!URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] lose weight

2014-01-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: lose weight

Um, dont bother saying that, this is almost certainly a spam account and will be deleted no matter what. Notice it only has one post? Yup.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying to learn BGT again

2014-01-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Trying to learn BGT again

The sound positioning object is included in BGT as an include file. There are several of these libraries which are included in BGT, but need to be included in your source code.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Trying to learn BGT again

2014-01-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Trying to learn BGT again

Heres a more elaborate example, it actually has a bit of game to it. Comments are sprinkled liberally throughout. Its more elaborate than you need, but hopefully it will help you. Keep in mind, though, that computers are very literal machines. Forget one semicolon, fail to capitalize something that needs to be capitalized, etc. and the whole thing will come crashing down./* Simple Example by Jayson SmithThe concept behind this game is very simple. The player is confined to a game world consisting of fifty positions, numbered 0 through 49 from left to right. The player uses his or her right arrow to move one space to the right, and the left arrow to move one space to the left. The game keeps track of how many times the player has moved successfully. However, if the player is at the left edge (position 0) and attempts to walk left, or at the right edge (position 49) and attempts to walk right, he or she fails, and bumps the edge of the world. The game also 
 keeps track of how many times the player has bumped up against an edge of the world. The objective of the game is to move successfully from one position to another 100 times before bumping an edge more than five times.A sound is played before the game starts. This is where a company name or logo would be heard. Then a looping background sound is played. Sounds are played to indicate walking, and to indicate bumping up against either edge of the world. A sound is played if the player wins, and another sound is played if the player loses. Upon either victory or defeat, the game exits.*//* Now we define sound objects. Think of a sound object like a high-tech cassette player. You put a cassette in the player, then you can play, rewind, set the volume, and other functions. At this point we create several of these virtual cassette players, each of which will eventually be loaded with a different sound the game needs. It is not important at this point to know just what 
 is going on under the hood. All you need to know is that the following lines define these sound objects, which we will refer to by name later in the code. */sound logo; // Starting sound.sound amb; // Background sound.sound walk; // Movement sound.sound bumpl; // Bump left edge.sound bumpr; // Bump right edge.sound youlose;sound youwin;/* Now we set up some variables well be using later. You can think of a variable as a place in the computers memory set aside to store one number of our choosing, and which we can change as we see fit. For now, dont worry about the int designation. */int position=0; // The players position on the bumps=0; // How many times weve bumped an moves=0; // How many times weve moved successfully./* Now we write our first function. You can think of a function as a set of instructions to the computer to have it carry out
  some task. In this case, however, the main function is the place where execution of our game code will begin. For this reason, every game written in BGT must have a main function. */void main() {/* Remember those sound objects we defined earlier? Those virtual cassette players? Now were going to put tapes in all those players. This is very easy, we dont have to know or worry about exactly how its done. All we have to do is tell the sound objects what to do, as follows. */amb.load(amb.wav);bumpl.load(bumpl.wav);bumpr.load(bumpr.wav);logo.load(logo.wav);walk.load(walk.wav);youlose.load(youlose.wav);youwin.load(youwin.wav);/* Now were going to tell one of our freshly-loaded sound objects to play. But while its playing, we dont want the game to do anything else. In other words, we 
 want to start this sound playing, then just sit there doing nothing until its done. */logo.play_wait();// Wait a second after the logo finishes playing before going on.wait(1000);/* First we want to make it easier for JAWS users to play our game, so we install the keyhook. Once thats done, we want to show the game window, since the games about to begin. */install_keyhook();show_game_window(Jaysons Test Game);/* Now we give a few commands to another one of our sound objects. First we tell it to turn down its volume to a softer level than normal. Then we tell it to play in an endless loop, over and over and over again. Naturally, we go on to do other stuff while its playing. */amb.volume = -10.0;amb.play_looped();/* Here comes the main game loop. This is a piece of game code which will run forever and ever and ever, without end, until we tell it to stop by saying weve won 
 or lost. Some of this might get a bit technical, but here we go. */while (true) { // This seems a bit strange at first glance. What were saying here, in effect, is to do something while 1 is equal to 1. This seems silly, since 1 will always and forever be equal to 1, but thats the whole point. Weve just made a loop which will run forever, until something happens to break it, which well see soon.if (bumps  5) { // Now were checking to see if our bumps variable 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2013-12-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

I dont think Q9 has an impact sound when you fall in a pit.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2013-12-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

In Shades of Doom, I think you just hear the player yelling, then nothing. In Super Liam I, it depends on the type of pit. On levels 2 and 6, you hear a yell and then a splash in water sound. In level 7, you hear a yell, then nothing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2013-12-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

I agree about pits being important to add to the challenge. The only game Ive played on the list youre wondering about is Adventure at C:. In that game, there are so-called corrupt sectors, which amount to pits. Theres a different walking sound when youre on the edge of one, and if you fall in, you just hear your character make a weird vocal noise, then a weird electronic noise, and then you lose a life or the game ends. Theres no sound of hitting bottom.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

2013-12-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

I just found a .nsf file containing the Super Mario songs and most if not all sound effects used in the audio edition. I dont know if you have a good way to convert .nsf files to .wav, but if so, Ill give a link here. Ive been using Winamp, which BTW is supposed to be discontinued on Friday! to play this file, but dont really like its implementation when it comes to looping, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Experiences with blind Adrenalines card playing rooms

2013-12-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Experiences with blind Adrenalines card playing rooms

Correction for anyone reading this thread. You do *not* need to download separate programs to play each game using RSGames. Its all done in one application, the RSGames Client. It downloads sounds for each game only when theyre needed, when you play a particular game for the first time or when a flag is set on the server indicating that sounds for that game have changed, and need updating.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

2013-12-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: about the Super MarioBros audio edition download

Anyone got links to high-quality wavs of the Super Mario sounds? I noticed that some of the sounds in this zip are of lesser quality than others. Not that Ive ever played the game, I just like the music and sounds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Experiences with blind Adrenalines card playing rooms

2013-12-17 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Experiences with blind Adrenalines card playing rooms

I tried these games years ago, and at that time, each game required a separate program, just like All in Play. Not sure if thats still true, but that is one advantage of RSGames, all the games can be played using just one piece of software on Windows, Mac, or Linux.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] super liam 2 being developed!

2013-12-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: super liam 2 being developed!

Id love to see a modern port of the original Super Liam to use an automated registration system and be set up to work on computers for years to come. Same with Judgment Day.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Abandonware Games Archive

2013-12-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Abandonware Games Archive

I just downloaded it, thanks! Ill back it up to my external drive. I keep pretty good backups, including one in an off-site location. As soon as that gets updated, my house could burn down and I wouldnt lose this. The more people who have this, the less likely it is to just disappear like it almost did.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A cheater in our midst

2013-12-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: A cheater in our midst

I think a better solution is for games themselves to monitor all values which would be advantageous to cheat, and if something doesnt seem quite right, take appropriate action. I wont name any names here, but theres one game that does this. However, there is one particular frequently-updated value which is *not* subject to this monitoring, and is thus freely cheatable. Also, the monitoring stops as soon as the game ends, so there are certain other values which become open to quick preset hotkey cheating for a few precious seconds.Another approach is to encrypt or otherwise obfuscate values so theyre not recognizable to cheating programs. When a user requests a value, decode the encoded value and report that. If you cant find it, you cant cheat it. Again, in one game that does this, there are certain very frequently-updated values where I guess the author didnt want to have to go to the trouble to decode, update, then reencode, so th
 ese values are open to cheating.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] abandonware central

2013-12-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: abandonware central

If its the same CD Im thinking about, the PCS games on that disk were demos, not full registered versions.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Christmas Games

2013-11-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Christmas Games

This isnt a Christmas game, but it is holiday-related. This year, Hanukkah starts Wednesday night. I coded up a Dreidel game on RSGames. Dreidel is the game traditionally played during Hanukkah. You can find it on the RSGames service. If you need more info about RSGames, visit

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Curb game

2013-11-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: The Curb game

Probably means the domain expired at some point and the owner didnt renew it. Theres no solution to this particular problem. Hopefully someone has a copy, if not, it may be impossible to track down.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] is there any interest in tradewars?

2013-11-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: is there any interest in tradewars?

A few more things. In the olden days, assuming you werent running MajorBBS, TradeWars was a single-player affair, at least as far as players playing at the same time. Remember, back in those days, most BBSs only had one phone line, so there was only one person dialed in at any given time. Thats probably also why TradeWars has a turn limit, and back then, it was absolute. Youd have a certain number of turns per day. One or more turns are used every time your ship moves from one sector to another, and one turn is used for some other activities. Back in those days, the turn limit was absolute. Youd get X number of turns per day, and when you used those up, you were done until the next day. Now, if there is a turn limit, turns regenerate every so often, so you arent just dead in the water until tomorrow. Some games have low turn limits, some have high limits, and I think some games in this modern time of multiple users being able to play at once hav
 e no turn limit.Another thing is that theres endless customizability in the game. Ship names, ship specs, planet types and specs, many different settings, even custom alien races if you want them! I think you have to buy a more advanced version to get some of these features though.TradeWars has recently gone to a model where running a one-connection game can be done for free. That is, just like in the old BBS days, only one player can be on at the same time. This free version may also be restricted to hosting only one game. But send in your registration, and you can suddenly host multiple games on the same server, all independent of each other but selectable from a menu, and any of which can have multiple players on at the same time.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-11-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Yes, just like all other platforms, there are programs and games for the Apple II which are accessible, and those which arent. There are many reasons for inaccessibility, both technical and less technical, E.G. the game is just too visual to be accessible. And unlike modern programs, all these Apple II games are decades old, so theres no contacting the developers about accessibility. Even if a developer was still around, and still had the source code, there just wouldnt be any great benefit to doing so, even if it could be done which in many cases it couldnt.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-10-29 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Ive seen that happen on one of my computers, but not my main one. I have no idea whats causing it. Anyone else?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Upcoming technology for game music rendering

2013-10-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: Upcoming technology for game music rendering

This sounds cool! Will it be integrated into BGT or will we BGT users need to use the DLL?Also, will it provide for transitions from one music composition to a totally different one? For example, youre walking across the bridge, minding your own business, not getting in anyone elses way. Then suddenly, without warning, your foot steps on a teleport pad and you find yourself in an alien jungle!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm affraid of the drakes breathing in entombed.

2013-10-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: I'm affraid of the drakes breathing in entombed.

Actually I think Entombeds sounds are in some weird file I dont know how to open. No idea if theyre encrypted. Would love to play around with the sounds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

This is about the Dropbox folder. there are some folks on the Blindapple mailing list who would like to join, but dont know how. Id also like to talk about the folder in the Readme. I dont assume Dropbox allows for people asking for an invite via some automated method. So whats the best way to tell them to get connected?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

No, you dont need to own an Echo, its emulated in software. Not that theres an Echo synthesizer that would work on probably any version of Windows that the emulator would work on.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

I prepared a talking EAMON main hall disk for DOS 3.3 years ago. I just put it in the Dropbox folder, in a brand new folder called Eamon within the disks folder. Enjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Yes you can. The emulator emulates the Echo II, the old speech synthesizer hardware used back in the day. It doesnt matter in the least what if any access technology you use on the modern machine doing the emulation.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

In order to image them, youll need to send them to someone who has working Apple equipment. Id be willing to do imaging work, if people in the US have old disks. However, Id need to know if any of these programs are copy protected.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Yeah, does anyone have contact info for Doug at GWMicro? Itd be interesting to know if he still has any of his Apple stuff like disks, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

At Chuckles. Howd you get SEC DEMO to run? It seems to have a malformed BASIC line or something.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] future of Bavisoft games

2013-09-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: future of Bavisoft games

One thing I didnt like about Chillingham, aside from the cliffhanger ending with no sequel anywhere in sight, was the silly and stupid Simon game you have to play with the hermits allergic reactions.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-09 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Okay, it seems we need a new launcher. Ive had several people complain about the long command line, or just plain not be able to understand it without a lot of help. Heres what I invision this launcher being like.It should use standard Windows dialogs, so as to be usable with any screen reader or even by a sighted person. For this reason, it wont need to use a SAPI voice.It should allow for the selection of disk images for floppy drives 1 and 2, as well as a save state for situations where you need to switch disks and restore from a save state.It should allow for easy navigation of file lists by letter or digit where appropriate, rather than having to arrow around.I invision something like one dialog with five buttons. One selects the image for drive one, another for drive two, a third for the save state, a Go! button, and a Quit button. For the selection dialogs for images/save states, use standard Windows file open dialogs, since the
 y already do everything we need. Put it in the disks or sta\apple2ee folder, as appropriate. All file selections should default to no file in that slot, I.E. it shouldnt remember your selections from last time. Given all your selections, the Go! button would construct a command to run the emulator, and launch it. Would anyone be willing to take on this task?What do you think?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

The problem I see is that the Apple II series had virtually nothing to do with the Mac series. They werent Macs. On the final model the IIgs, they made some of the devices compatible with those for the Mac, but thats about it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] emmulators

2013-09-07 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: emmulators

Okay, let me try to explain this in an easy way.Your computer has a component youve no doubt heard a lot about. Its the CPU, or Central Processing Unit, also called the Processor. The CPU is absolutely necessary for the computer to do anything at all. The CPU is programmed at a very low level, referred to as machine language. Unless youre a hard-core geek who knows your CPU inside out and upside down, you dont speak machine language. Machine language is just raw data, bytes representing instructions and parameters, looking like random garbage to most human beings. If you want to program in machine language, you usually do it in a higher level language called Assembly language. In Assembly language, the cryptic bytes are replaced by instructions that make sense to a human. Then you run that code through a program called an assembler. This program translates the human-readable instructions youve written into machine-readable gibberish. Most peopl
 e dont program at even as low a level as Assembly. Numerous programming languages exist, but somehow, somewhere, some way, every instruction executed by the CPU is translated into the raw machine language it understands.The first Apple II computers, for example, use a CPU called the 6502. The 6502 is completely incompatible with modern processors. They speak totally different machine languages. If you try to run a program designed for the 6502 on a modern processor, it wont work, and the other way around.So first, an emulator has to mimic the functionality of a foreign processor, in the Apples case, the 6502 and its cousins. Then it has to mimic special features the target computer has. To give a very simple example, in the Apple II series of computers, theres a certain address ($C030 for those of you who know your Apple II stuff) that causes the speaker to make a tiny click. In fact, on Apple II systems before the IIgs, this is the only way of 
 making sound through the internal speaker, clicking it, possibly thousands of times per second. So an emulator has to mimic that function if its going to emulate an Apple II.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Unfortunately, that probably means Mess is throwing some kind of error, but youre unable to read it before the command line window goes away. Without that error message, I cant help you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

As pseudo-maintainer of this thing, Id love to be added to the Dropbox folder. jayb...@bluegrasspals.comA new version of the emulator package, and also a package compiled for Mac, will be available at the same URL once it gets redirected. For now, still goes to the zip file from a few nights ago. Also, the Readme is now an HTML document that is unified for both Windows and Mac platforms.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Hi,Wo, wo, wo! Slow down a moment there! I didnt do any of the work to get the Echo II emulated. But heres a very brief overview of how it works.The Echo cards use a particular speech chip from Texas Instruments, the TMS5220, to actually generate speech. As it turns out, other computers use this chip as well, so someone decided to create a piece of software to emulate it within MESS, the emulator Im using. So naturally, it was only a matter of time until someone decided to emulate the Echo cards, since they use the same chip.So as you can see, this is the real deal. This is not a dirty trick, bogus, or a fake using dummy disk images that trigger wav files at appropriate points. This is the real thing. If you run a program that asks for your name, you can enter your real name, whatever it is, and when appropriate, it will spit it right back out at you. In the same situation, randomly mash on the keyboard, and itll throw a ton of silly-so
 unding nonsense at you. No parlor trick using wav files could do that.To answer another question, the software called Textalker, present on every disk Ive included, is responsible for converting English text into control signals to be sent to the Echo, and thus, the TMS5220. So the Echo card doesnt even have English phonemes (word sounds) on it, thats all done by the Textalker software.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Echocric.dsk is not freezing. It just takes a long time to load the program to give you the lessons. Just give it some more time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

I think the possible words are bang, blam, pow, and wham.JaysonURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] wanting to buy judgementday from l-works, any things to keep in mind?

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: wanting to buy judgementday from l-works, any things to keep in mind?

A few clarifications.At least when I ordered Judgment Day, you enter the product ID for your computer, but Liam has to generate and Email you the key to go along with it.Also, a product ID is specific to exactly one computer, the computer from which it came. So no, you cant use the same product ID over and over and over again on different systems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

The MESS application is not a DOS program, its a Windows binary that works on 64-bit systems, Im using it on my own 64-bit system so I know.As for the really weird error, could you tell me what the error message actually is? That would help a lot. Just saying there was a really weird error doesnt give me anything to go on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

A bit of history: Back in 1977 came the Apple I, the first computer ever built by Apple. Only about 200 of them were ever built, although there are several replica Apple I projects out there now. It was a very simple computer, with 4K of RAM, expandable to 48K. It had a single expansion slot, and when it first came out, there was nothing to go in this slot. It had absolutely no means of storing anything beyond the memory, which was erased when it was powered off. Eventually Apple released a cassette interface that plugged into the expansion slot. There was no BASIC in the ROM, that had to be loaded from cassette if you had the cassette interface. From this description, I would imagine there was little that could be done to make this computer usable by a totally blind person, since it had so few expansion options. Remember, back in those days, those computers didnt come with built-in serial or parallel ports, and USB was many years away from being invented.Then came th
 e Apple II. It had eight expansion slots, a built-in cassette interface, a speaker for playing sound, and other improvements. But one big thing it had was BASIC in ROM, available as soon as the power was turned on... well, almost. Now, if you just got your brand new Apple II system, which still didnt support disk drives, after some reading of the various manuals, you could start creating your own programs and saving them to cassettes, or load programs others had saved to cassette. This BASIC was more limited than the BASIC were familiar with, and is what would mater come to be called Integer BASIC. Soon, the Disk II card was released, along with the disk drives. Now things were really getting interesting.And then along came the Apple II+. This one had some improvements over the II, and had a new BASIC called Applesoft, which is the BASIC we all know and love from our childhood days playing with Apples.And then came the Apple IIe, with more memory, and other
  improvements. The next version of the IIe, the Enhanced IIe, is the system this emulator emulates.The Macintosh was a completely different project done by the same company, Apple Computer. So yes, the Apple II series is totally different from the Mac, except that when they did the final Apple II, the IIgs, they created a GUI for the main operating system, GS/OS.And yes, the very first Apple I with 4K of RAM was made by the same company that makes our Macs, iPods, and iPhones today.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

As for some disks just leaving you at a prompt, thats because some of them dont have a menu.Now, a person or company who really didnt have a good support system would say, If you do not know what to do in this situation, please refer to your Apple owners manual, and leave it at that. But heres some more useful information.If you get stuck at a Ready prompt with no idea what to do, shut the emulator down, and start it up again, this time booting egames.dsk. It will first ask if you want slow speech, hit y or n depending on your preference. It will then tell you that the disk contains games and programs in DOS 3.3, and ask, Do you want notes about using them? Hit Y at this point, and it will tell you everything you need to know, including an option to learn how to catalog a disk if you dont know how.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

A bit of history: Back in 1977 came the Apple I, the first computer ever built by Apple. Only about 200 of them were ever built, although there are several replica Apple I projects out there now. It was a very simple computer, with 4K of RAM, expandable to 48K. It had a single expansion slot, and when it first came out, there was nothing to go in this slot. It had absolutely no means of storing anything beyond the memory, which was erased when it was powered off. Eventually Apple released a cassette interface that plugged into the expansion slot. There was no BASIC in the ROM, that had to be loaded from cassette if you had the cassette interface. From this description, I would imagine there was little that could be done to make this computer usable by a totally blind person, since it had so few expansion options. Remember, back in those days, those computers didnt come with built-in serial or parallel ports, and USB was many years away from being invented.Then came th
 e Apple II. It had eight expansion slots, a built-in cassette interface, a speaker for playing sound, and other improvements. But one big thing it had was BASIC in ROM, available as soon as the power was turned on... well, almost. Now, if you just got your brand new Apple II system, which still didnt support disk drives, after some reading of the various manuals, you could start creating your own programs and saving them to cassettes, or load programs others had saved to cassette. You could do this immediately, right out of the box, without having to buy a BASIC interpreter, compiler, or anything of the like. BASIC was built-in, right there, ready to use. This BASIC was more limited than the BASIC were familiar with, and is what would later come to be called Integer BASIC. Soon, the Disk II card was released, along with the disk drives. Now things were really getting interesting.And then along came the Apple II+. This one had some improvements over the II, and had
  a new BASIC called Applesoft, which is the BASIC we all know and love from our childhood days playing with Apples.And then came the Apple IIe, with more memory, and other improvements. The next version of the IIe, the Enhanced IIe, is the system this emulator emulates.The Macintosh was a completely different project done by the same company, Apple Computer. So yes, the Apple II series is totally different from the Mac, except that when they did the final Apple II, the IIgs, they created a GUI for the main operating system, GS/OS.And yes, the very first Apple I with 4K of RAM was made by the same company that makes our Macs, iPods, and iPhones today.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Correction. Brun is not used to run Integer programs. You have to brun integer to load the Integer Basic interpreter into the computers memory. Then you can run Integer programs just like youd run Applesoft programs. This lasts until you reboot or until you run an Applesoft program. Once you switch back into Applesoft, the computer forgets Integer, so if you want to run another Integer program, you have to brun integer to teach it again.As for reviewing the screen, yes, there is a way. Here are some general pointers.To enter review, hit Ctrl+L and the speech says, Review. Now enter a letter from a to x, a is the top line of the screen, x is the bottom line. Hit Enter to read whatever line youre on. Use up and down arrows to move line by line, left and right arrows to move word by word. To move character by character, hit t. Hit t again to switch back to moving word by word with the left and right arrows. If you need all punctuation, hit a. Since som
 e letters do different things once youre on a line, you can only use letters to select a screen line when you first enter review mode. To exit review, hit escape.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Okay, since someone mentioned Type Talk, I have to ask... Does anyone here still have a working Type Talk diskette? I have a Type Talk disk, and by the way, that program is very much copy protected. Unfortunately, my only copy has a bad sector in one of the programs, and Ive yet to locate another copy, despite looking for years.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

I just uploaded a new Messapple package. It has a few performance tweaks, and a much more detailed Readme. Enjoy!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-01 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Okay, so maybe a few of you are going, Whats this all about? Whats all this Apple stuff? For those of you, let me just say that, as far as my childhood goes, the games playable with this emulator, and games like them, were the first audio games. Literally. This is where the whole accessible computer game concept got started. In many cases, all you had was the robotic speech of the Echo II speech synthesizer. Commands were entered from a menu or as inputs such as single letters, words, numbers, etc. Some games played simple tunes on the system speaker, only one note at a time. If you were really lucky, youd get a game such as Typing Game, Dragon Maze, or Space Invaders which made creative use of the system speaker to generate interesting sound effects. There was no stereo, no lossless audio, no full 3D environment. For someone whos never used an Apple, this might seem boring and pointless, but its what we had, and that was that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Weird. Maybe youre not entering the name of the disk properly? I know this sounds stupid, but open up the readme in Notepad and look over that command line example character by character just to make sure youre doing it right.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

That program errors out for me, I run it, and get an Autoit error, line 1174, subscript used with non-array variable.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Completely disregard the following, stupid me ran it from the wrong directory! Go on to the next message.That program errors out for me, I run it, and get an Autoit error, line 1174, subscript used with non-array variable.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Try just sitting there once it beeps, dont switch windows, dont do anything at all. The emulator doesnt like it if you switch away from it. All disks should start talking within fifteen seconds or so after the beep.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-08-31 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Yes, system tray applications can still run. You just dont want to alt+tab away from the emulator window, hit the Windows key to open the start menu, or do something else to switch away from the emulator window. The only instance where this would become a problem is if some other application running in the background brought up a dialog box of its own accord.As for load times, most disks included in the package should start talking within fifteen seconds of the initial system beep.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] wanting to buy judgementday from l-works, any things to keep in mind?

2013-08-28 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: wanting to buy judgementday from l-works, any things to keep in mind?

Judgment Day does use a manual key generation process. You have to install the game, run it, get your Computer ID, and send that along with your payment. This is because Judgment Day is copy protected, in that the key you get, assuming you get a key at all, will be unique to your particular computer system, and will not work on any other computer. This is the type of registration I especially dislike. Did you just have to reformat and reinstall? You need a new key. Get a new computer? You need a new key. Do either of the above, and cant get a new key from the developer for some reason? Youre out of luck forever, unless the developer starts sending out keys again, releases the game as freeware, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] gamecheater registration key

2013-08-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: gamecheater registration key

I purchased GameCheater legit back in early 2007. It took several days to receive my registration key, and I even warned people on this forum not to buy the program until I resolved the situation one way or another. However, it does seem the program is very outdated.URL:

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