Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, my thoughts.I think we are drawing ever closer to an end to ink. If skidles does indeed cooperate, he could be very valuable.Now, about birt and riley. If you ask me, riley is acting very stupid. Torchering tardust is no way to get information out of him. Infact, that is going to make him want to run away, and not help them at all. And I dont think he does no more than he is letting on. As far as we know, he is telling the whole truth.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

As I said on Twitter yesterday, Im upset with what Riley and Burt, mainly Riley, is about to do. Angels death is fueling her motive to carry out this action.However, I can see the reason why Burt is so suspicious. Whenever any of the group is in the presents of a Maller its just Red Alert instantly. They simply cant be trusted, even if they are telling the truth, the meer fact that Tardust was with the Mallers justifies their actions, so Riley thinks. That and the unnecessary death of Angel.I can see where theyre coming from and what theyre thinking, but only bad can come from this. And I hope Riley learns that with the upcoming actions theyre about to take, since Burt already knows because he actually let Riley choose what she wanted. Also, Burts previous military experience would indicate that he knows that the right answer would be to not go ahead with this torcher.Another thought I have is that, of course,
  Burt is still pissed at Scratch for what she did to him. So that part of him is just itching to see Tardust or Scratch have a taste of their own medicen, Scratch especially. Burt, if he was thinking rationally, shouldve told Riley Were not doing this.Just my two sense.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

As I said on Twitter yesterday, Im upset with what Riley and Burt, mainly Riley, is about to do. Angels death is fueling her motive to carry out this action.However, I can see the reason why Burt is so suspicious. Whenever any of the group is in the presents of a Maller its just Red Alert instantly. They simply cant be trusted, even if they are telling the truth, the meer fact that Tardust was with the Mallers justifies their actions, so Riley thinks. That and the unnecessary death of Angel.I can see where theyre coming from and what theyre thinking, but only bad can come from this. And I hope Riley learns that with the upcoming actions theyre about to take, since Burt already knows because he actually let Riley choose what she wanted. Also, Burts previous military experience would indicate that he knows that the right answer would be to not go ahead with this torchure.Another thought I have is that, of course
 , Burt is still pissed at Scratch for what she did to him. So that part of him is just itching to see Tardust or Scratch have a taste of their own medicen, Scratch especially. Burt, if he was thinking rationally, shouldve told Riley Were not doing this.Just my two sense.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I completely agree. This could turn out to be a big mistake, since tar may be the only chance they have for help right now. Hes the only one that knows scratch the best and has been with her, and im afraid that theyre about to ruin their chance. Maybe tar will just run away, or even worse, rejoin scratch after what they do to him. There are better ways of getting information out of people, and violence isnt always the way to go, particularly, as I said, if tar is indeed telling the truth.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-05-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Lets remember that these people arent living in a rational world anymore. What is it, a year since the outbreak? These are broken, traumatized people who have maintained some semblance of humanity through all this. I think Riley has just reached her breaking point, and maybe Bert is just too tired to fight it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi Guys.Well I just listened to this weeks episode. It was pretty good and sad at the same time. At least we know for sure that Lizzys dead.One thing that I wonder about is if ink injected the prisoners in the jail like tanya said how would nobody notice? I mean it would be pretty hard to miss a bunch of giant zombies walking around a jail. And if ink has the hot spots what does he need injections for?Im just guessing that the giants started the appocalypse by escaping from the jail and attacking normal people. But if thats all that happened I wonder what the explosion was that michael hears at the beginning of the series. Maybe that was the hotspots being created.One thing that Im sure of is that there is a computer somewhere monitoring the hotspots and if michael and the others manage to shut it down maybe some of the zombies will die off.Anyway, what did you guys think of this episode?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Great Episode.Im curious what you guys think about tar. Do you think he is infact telling the truth, or feeding them some story? And do you think that he will stay loyal to them?Reguarding the zombies, im not sure what to think right now, other then ink has some big involvement with this.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Ok, very interesting episode. Why would tar just leave scratch like that? I mean, hes been one of her most loyal followers, and for him just to leave her? But now maybe hell help Birt and Riley out, which is good.Regarding the church, I wonder how the zombies knew that Michael and Victor had been there if they saw no one in those tunnels.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Ok, very interesting episode. i cant believe what Tar did. Why would he just leave scratch like that? I mean, hes been one of her most loyal followers, and for him just to leave her? But now maybe hell help Birt and Riley out, which is good.Regarding the church, I wonder how the zombies knew that Michael and Victor had been there if they saw no one in those tunnels.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, well for those of you who were hoping for some miraculous revival of Lizzie, Berts diary entry ends that hope. Shes dead. Move on. I was unsurprised, though it was affecting, as much for the acting in that scene as for the story. I think that both Lizzies and Datus death were marvelously portrayed and well written, but Ive seen her death coming since we found out she was pregnant. Call it a hunch.And very nice build of suspense with Bert and Riley throughout this weeks episode. Interesting to see where that goes. Brace yourselves for some truly awful things to happen with Scratch following the colony and nobody but Bert and Riley knowing about it with malfunctioning radios.I begin to wonder if theres going to be enough people left to recover, even if the series ends with the end of the outbreak.URL: http

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well just heard chapter 43 part 3 (I was away on monday but got to it today). I actually suspected what would happen to Datu when they reached the arena, what with it having so much significance as related to Sams death. Personally I did find Samanthas death quite a thing just because of the relationship that developed between Datu and Samantha, and the way that things progressed over time and were even revisited in Kolanis story. I did think there would be another death in chapter 43, sinse as has been said Datu pretty much has been expected to die ever sinse the bight, and so it wasnt so much a shock when it happened. This is why as I suspected someone would die later in the chapter, and it was just a question of whether it would be saul, Lizzy or the baby. Im sorry it ended up being Lizzy, especialy with everything they went through, albeit I didnt find myself as much affected by Lizzys death as I did Datu
 ;s affective death earlier or Samanthas, mostly because it was sort of expected (really Life and death was something of a giveaway title). I agree about Pegs, shes always been a bit of a fifth wheel and it never seemed Michaels attraction to her really had much behind it, it also felt a bit too much that the hellicopter thing was stuck in just to give her something to do. Regarding Inc, if this is the last series Im a little worried that we wont get enough answers to be satisfying. While I dont mind mystery, at the same time we keep getting hints that basically havent said much. We know ink was making zombies right from the sceen in the hospital in I believe chapter 23, and that he got a bit more extreme in prison or tried out zombie pregnancy really doesnt add much information. indeed, right from the point the little ones first appeared as sort of baby zombies 
 I thought it was fairly obvious that they had been born in the nromal normal way and Im quite surprised we didnt get to see where they were born earlier in the series. If this werent the last series Id be less worried, but as it is it seems the zombie revelations of what ink is up to are coming a bit slowly. I personally expected to get the information in season 3 especially with the introduction of the military and after the hospital, and then find season 4 to be dealing with it, so I do hope the ending is justified if this is indeed the end. Regarding Ink and zombie creation, well I suspect that the women were indeed pregnant first off and then became infected, which indeed was something I was wondering about the little ones.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Im not surprised at all. Datu was obviously turning, so it was just a question of time before wed lose him. And I had a feeling that one of the parents would die, and when Lizzy started being ill at the end of chapter 43 if seemed obvious that it would be her... When Tanya commented on all the blood right after the birth I was sure.After all the chapters title is Life and Death. A baby is born and the mother dies. Sad to see her go, but I expected it.I love how Datu gets to die in the same place as Samantha, made med shed a lil tear the second time I listened.For me the hardest chapters though have been the one where Datus digging his own grave, the one where Scratch tortures Burt, and the one where the soldiers get killed or Kalanis suicide.Neither Samanthas nor Angels death touched me that much to be honest. We didnt really get to know Samantha, and Angels voice wasnt even heard, so d
 idnt seem that... Angelish to me. Regarding the little ones... The mothers had to be pregnant before the outbreak. Back in chapter 10 when Riley and Angel hide in the body pile you can hear the shrieks of a little one in the background, mixed with other zombie noises. Besides, Skittles saw them around the middle of July, so unless Ink shortened the pregnancy with eight months they were already pregnant before.This show is just getting darker and darker... I love it! URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi Alex.Well it explains why ink can control the little ones so well. Ill have to listen to chapter 10 again and see what I can find out. Does anyone know when the little ones first started appearing? I cant remember but I think it was toward the end of season 2.The zombie babies sure raise a lot of questions like can the babies have sex and reproduce and if they did what kind of monster would it create? I still believe now more than ever that ink started this. I think him getting turned was an accident but I think afterword he had the presence of mind to find some place to continue his work and that was the hockey arena. And now he has the tunnels to create even mor of those monsters. I wonder if baby 13 died accidentally or when scratch blew up the arena? The way they were talking about the original little ones I wonder if they suffer from some sort of rapid aging and thats why they grow up so fast. Also I was thinking and I wonder if michael and th
 e others were able to cut off the hot spots for good if all of the zombies would die off.I really hope that lizzy will survive since if saul can get her heart going again she has a good chance of surviving this. I wish pegs could have been killed off instead. I mean really what does she do? Fly the helicopter and play with plants all day while making michaels life harder.Well if lizzy dies I will still finish the series but I think I wont enjoy it as much as I would have.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

[[wow]], what an ending to this chapter. Do you guys think that lizy is dead for good, or is there some way that she can be brought back? It just doesnt seem right that lizy should die.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi Everyone.This is terrible! I cant remember the last time I cried so much. How could Kc do this! First datu dies and now lizzy. I hate ink so much. He causes so much pain and suffering. I hope at the end of the series all the characters get together and beat him to death.As for the zombie children the thought of that is sickening. But it sure does explain the little ones. I wonder if the women ink used were already pregnant or if he got them pregnant in some strange and disgusting way. I didnt mind that Datu died so much because I was expecting it but why lizzy? She was the best. Well it was an okay chapter but hopefully things will pick up a little in the next chapter. I think this was the saddest chapter of the series at least for me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Honestly, I really dont think that lizzy will die for good. If they are close enough to a landing sight, they might be able to bring her back, but her dying just doesnt make sense. She cant just be killed off like that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-04-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: connor142

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

briant, actually lizy is all ready dead. did you here sauls attempts to revive her? and tonja said that shés gone. personally I dont think she survived. and I, too expected datoo to die. but lizy? I would have expected any of the None mager characters to die, but not her. man I fee sorry for saul at the Moment...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: connor142

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

guitarman, I understood it, what I wroat was simply a what the hell are they thinking? remark.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

@Chris, Im not sure whether ink is actually behind it all. I dont disagree with you that he has power over the zombies and has been experimenting on them, or that he wants to wipe out the last few humans, however given the scope of the desaster and that there are similar cracks and zombies across the world I doubt Ink is the absolute master. I suspect myself ink will just be taking advantage of the situation, but for what reason and what his eventual goal is is something which will hopefully be found out later.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: connor142

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi I agree with dark. besides how can inc control the hole zombie poppulation of the hole world? my guess is that there are more like inc who have power over the zombies in a given area. well but maby its also because of the tatews he has, or simply go along with tonias quote what happens if they turn someone and that someone is all ready a monster? there also might be the possability that inc is the only zombie in the hole world who has power ofver the zombies, and the rest of them run wild?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

If indeed the series is endig at chapter 48, I will listen to the hole lot again afterwards, just so that I can pick up all those connections.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: connor142

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

um, okay, michael went... where? to... what? with... who? and lizzy and tonja, they want to do surgery... where? exactly? KC has got to be joking!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi Connor.Ok, this is very simple. Michael went with datu and victor to the church because datu was able to read the markings on the paper. They investigate and before they can leave zombies surround the church and there only option is to go down into the pit.Lizzy comes in and tells tanya shes not feeling good. She has a fever and her water broke and I think she is also bleeding a little. Saul is terrified but tanya tells him to just calm down and help her. They have to go to kane hospital where the zombies used to be because burt and riley havent been back with the equipment yet.Come on how hard is that to understand.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.I still believe Ink is the mastermind behind all of this, orchestrating the behavior of the others.Listen to Chapter 13 part 3.You will notice that he seems to be making a lot of noise and trying to draw his fellow zombies to rally to a new goal.Also, listen to chapter 36 again. He once again is trying to rally the zombies.There are other areas where I think this is clear.Listen to chapter 5 where they first encounter Ink. He calls a ton of zombies to aid him when Burt tries to shoot him.As to why the other zombies seemed afraid of him when he was changed, I think it may have something to do with the marks or maybe that he just seems far more intelligent than the rest.To me, the rest seem to blindly follow their sense of hunger or what ever it is that drives them.This is just me thinking and I could be completely wrong.Who knows.URL: http://

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

The way I understood it was that he killed them in may 08, since the outbreak is in may 09 and the news reporter says last may.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well I agree with wyvern on this, I dont think ink is the originator of the outbreak, however he is certainly using it to his own ends, albeit other than attacking humans and creating stronger zombies were not sure what those ends are. Am I remembering correctly that Ink got the tattoos in prison after he killed his family? if so its entirely possible that the actual creator of the marks was someone in prison, which also might tie it to Scratch and her family. One thing I do think is significant is the way that different zombies react, sinse we know Randy retains something of his personality, and though Datu has the virus and freaks out when he sees the symbols he hasnt exhibited rage or any desire to hurt people as yet, while ink obviously retains a good degree of intelligence, even if not the direct control of zombies, heck hes even able to speak. I think Datus revelations will be significant 
 though it wouldnt surprise me if the series threw a left hook and had Datu survive but victor get munched, though of course everything points to Datu dying.I dont think any character needs to die for the dramatic flow of the series, but I am certain someone will, though that as I said is what makes the series so fascinating, however I am concerned that if more characters die, we wont get time for the zombie revelations or they will be made in a rush.Another thought that occurs to me, is what is lizzys baby exactly going to be like? Sinse though lizzy hasnt been bitten we do know the cracks emonate air born particles. It wouldnt surprise me if there were some viral complications involved, though again well see.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Yeah, Ink got them in the jail. Not prison The inmate WHO tattooed him was Cohen, whose name Puck and the pals also find on one of the doors in the hallway. They cant make out what stuff Ink gave him though.Further than that, Ink had, as I remember at least, drawn some of the symbols on his walls, or something similar. I should go back and listen to those chapters, really interesting stuff there, especially if you start digging into it and read about the drugs they find at Raydon Labs:StanozololSolmatropinArenespMegaceFollistatinOther drugs worth looking into are the antibiotics Tanya uses on Saul, and the one they just found at Cain Hospital:VancomycinClindamycinSpiramycinNot 100 percent sure about the spellings, but I think most of them are right, I need to go back and check my notes. Have fun researching.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well, to be honest Im kinda glad WND is over, I couldnt really stand Brits voice or their constant joking about her tiny role consisting of one or two lines... I mean... It was funny the first two times, you dont have to bring it up all the time you record. The only person Ill miss is Nick. He could at least be serious.Im not so sure Ink is fully turned though, at least hes got a heck of a lot more control over himself than other biters. I doubt however that he should have started it. I cant see though how the tattoos fit into the Picture. He got them just a few days before the outbreak, so did he know it would happen? And how the f did he know the symbols could protect him? When he exits the transfer van they stair at him in awe or as if they were afraid of him... Couldnt this be because of his tats?I have a feeling were gonna lose either Vic or Datu Down in that darkness... With five chapters left we still n
 eed to lose at least four of the bigger characters in my opinion.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Im leaning towards the Ink is not the creater of this epidemic. First, he kind only has a limited communication range for zombies that we currently know. Unless there is another way down in that nest that says otherwise, there is no way ink could of spread whatever is forcing the change to other countries that fast. As well, note that the last action before getting arrested and the outbreak was him murdering his entire family. Anyone think Ink may of saw something like this coming, knew no one would believe and thought it was better to kill his family then let them see the outbreak. And then the tattoos. Again, if he found something out was was involved in something unintentionally and knew the zombies would react to the symbols, wellIm probably thinking too hard.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.@Violinist, I missed that somehow. I wouldnt be surprised if scratch shows up at the hospital to kidnap Lizzys baby. Toward the end of season 3 when lizzy is getting a check up scratch takes an interest in the baby.@Dark, Ill bet when michael goes down there hell find some kind of computer or device that controls the hotspots. Hopefully they will all make it out of the church alive but I really dont think so. They have got zombies coming in from outside and probably zombies down in the pit also.I still wonder what causes people to become zombies? On the were not dead podcast some people had a theory that the first zombies were built because they had scarring all over there bodies. Im pretty sure this is the last season since it sure seems like their wrapping things up in all these chapters. It would be nice if there was a season 5 but everybody on the wa forum says that the series will end in july with chapter 48

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

This is indeed the last season. Only five more chapters before the end, so yeah Dark, Id probably start listening to the episodes as they comes out, much more fun Chapter 48 will air at their live event arund mid July and will probably be put up for downloading a week or so later. At least thats what Kcs saying in the latest episode of Were Alive Fan Cast where they cover 43.3 in a live stream with some of the other fans.Since the title for chapter 44 will be Life and Death,Im quite sure well see Scratch doing something, or even lose some more characters.Only thing I want is a reasonable explanation of why Datu can suddenly understand the symbols. That seemed a Little too far fetched for me, but well. Kc has at least said that hes not a fan of magic, so doubt they stumple upon a dark sorcerer Down in the tunnel system. Hes currently working on writing chapter 46, as far as I remember, trying to wrap it up as good as possible. Of course we wont get all the answers, but he will give us enough pieces to figure most Things out. Other Things hell explain afterwards if there would be the need to do so, and something hell just keep to himself. As an example, nobody, in the story at least, will ever be able to find out exactly what happened at Ground Zero since everyone WHO was there when hell broke lose died. Of course Kc knows it, hes the writer after all. I guess thats one of the Things hell let us figure out though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Which fancast are you talking about? The last episode I have of were not dead was one from December, and that seems to be the last episode that was put out, unless im missing something. Did they move websites or something? My Iphone wont update the podcast, nor will ITunes on my computer. They both say the latist eposide was from December.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

There is a podcast that is called the Were Alive Fan Cast. WND isnt active anymore as far as Ive understood it. Go to to check the other podcast out, its pretty awesome URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

[[wow]], didnt realize the end was that close. While I dont dislike magic as such, I do think having it be eminations from hell or something would be so inappropriate to the series itd be actively jarring so glad to hear that wont happen. regarding finding out, while Isuspect mystery I would like to know at least a little regarding how the cracks were created and how theyre linked to the zombies, even if we dont know exactly how.As to nobody from ground zero surviving, well that doesnt mean there isnt some kind of reccord, or some degree of clue that people could put together, though if indeed the end is coming in chapter 48 then theyre running out of time and all the more reason to believe Michael will learn something significant down in the nest,  though goodness knows what it will cost. I suspect I might well take up listening weakl if we
 39;re getting that close.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi Dark.Well I still believe that ink started this and that he never intended to make himself a zombie. When michael and the others watch the video of the court house roberts is attacked by zombies and then when he turns the zombies who attacked him seemed to be terrified of him.And that would definitly be disappointing if the virus turned out to be something from hell or supernatural.@Alex, wnd is gone? Well I should have known since there hasnt been a podcast since chapter 40. How disappointing Im really going to miss britt, nick, and greg.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hello Everyone.[[wow]] what a chapter! Just finished it now and loved it and of course scratch is back. She is so horible I would have to invent a new word to describe her lol.Cant wait for the next chapter why do they torture us by making us wait 2 weeks? I think in the next chapter Michael, Datu, and Victor will find ink down in the pit and they will have to battle him to escape the temple. I think that the church and Kane hospital served as inks laboratory before he was turned. One thing that is strange is that ink wrote the language or whatever it is Im assuming before he was turned so he must of had a purpose for creating the writings. Maybe he thinks hes some sort of god. As much as I dont want it to come I cant wait for the finale so that hopefully everything will be revealed.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-03-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well Spoilers as usual for those that havent watched it yet.   You know, Im starting to question what exactly is the infection consisting of. I really eally doubt a purely biological weapon is able to program something as knowing a new writing style. Also it serves as a great way to convey commands among the zombie hordes via using mail like that can be mistakened for random markings. Not only that, doesnt this mean those tattoos mean something? Are the giant ones walking instruction manuals? cackle. It really unique of an affect as I really doubt the zombies can communicate effectively with grunts and yells. Well other then verbal commands like Ink did before.   Just what I thought from the ending of the episodes. that and also this means Tonia and Sol are far from turning as they also thought all those markings from the raydon labs and the like were gibberish
  too. But again Im assuming too much from the ending.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Its kinda amazing that Scratch just conveniently appears outside the Colony when everyone leaves. How did she know to be there and what prompted her to start looking out for things? Pete is also back but I seriously doubt he sides with Scratch and told her that shit was going down.So, Burt will leave and just miss her right under his nose... while the Colony is seceptable. Michael is probably the only trained person staying there. Im pretty sure hes staying for Datu than himself, as if he turns Michael wants to be there to carry out his promise he made. If Datu was okay, I think hed be all for leaving, in fact Im certain of it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-24 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Boring? You cant expect to get someone killed every chapter... We just started the second half of the last season - we need to build up...whatever it is that needs to be build up to make the finale epic...Just remember the beginning of the season? Wasnt exactly action packed either. Give it time. With Scratch and Tardust back Things are going to get funny, Im sure.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well sometimes that is unavoidable, though I do hope itll be up soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Well, Were Alive isnt coming back until February 24 which kind of makes me angry.Oh well, if I managed to wait 8 or so months this wont be bad at all.I know this is slightly off-topic but whats up with Leviathan Chronacles?They havent put chapter 39 or anything up and the last episode was in October or something like that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well Im used to waiting for Were alive, but goodness knows whats happenign with leviathan, I am waiting for the part 2 of the directors cut since I really enjoyed part 1 and at it was not over expensive like most audio either. if they dont come up with it soon I might send a mail just to see whats happening.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

The Leviathan Twitter hasnt been updated in quite a while, but it recently got some updates saying that Christoph, the author, had some personal setbacks and is back to work. As a result, theres a bit of a delay.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well I heard all of chapter 42 tonight, and Im actually rather glad that I did wait and listen to the hole thing sicne part 1 was basically everyone bitching at everyone else, and part to was berts trip proving a wash out .I suspect Bert and riley have done a litle more than they said, or at least had an encounter which well learn more of later since that was a bit of an anticlimax to say the least. On the other hand the jail sequence was awsome! Over the past couple of chapters it seems that the writer has wanted us to realize that zombies are dam scary, which is good. Ill also admit that while the three soldiers were really some of the characters I was least interested in,  they just seemed random interchangeable goof off jarheads, yet at the same moment the deaths really did hit me har
 der than expected,  which was very nice.As to Ink, the question of whether hes working on a cure or modifying zombies is an interesting one. One thought I did have however is that its entirely possible that hes working on a cure for himself alone, or is working on a method to improve himself personally, perhaps make himself immortal or the like, but doesnt particularly give a dam about who he slaughters in the process.That sort of motive would cover him saying help me (which I dont personally remember but Ive only heard the series once), and his brutal treatmenet of the other zombies, it might even explain why he tends to be around in zombi mobs fairly often, though wouldnt cover his military tactics when attacking the colony, eg, sending the little ones in first or his use of them to take out boulder.Either way Im glad we got a bit more of a concrete look at ink and a 
 bit more of an idea of what hes been doing since while Ive enjoyed these past few episodes the dead ends have been slightly frustrating albeit I imagine thats fairly intentional.As to other stories set in the same universe, well personally Im always more of a fan of stories that begin and end, indeed its partly this that keeps Were alive so interesting since it is likely to get to some sort of conclusion, if the story went with another group of survivers after the end and after all the questions (or at least the major ones), were answered itd feel a little too much like retreading old ground.  myself Id prefer a totally different story with another setting but the same writing and production values.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I still have a feeling that he might be searching for a cure, though its starting to look quite unlikely... My only reason to think he would is that he, back in chapter 11, said help us when they first meet him.He is a great character though, and starting to become one of my favorites. I just love the evil stuff. Hehe. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Rory

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

OT. speaking of podcasts, is there a way to listen to the blind cool tech podcasts? All the links are broken.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

One interesting question, do you think Ink is experimenting to figure out how to create or cure? Its not clear to me which.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

well, heres what I think.We know the 2 main zombies involved in this whole thing are Bill Roberts and randy. I am wondering if 1 of them is working for a good cause, and the other is working for a bad cause.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Its pretty obvious to me thanks to this last episode that Ink has evil intensions. Surely he creates, and uses the Jail for testing to see how long his Zombies last as they kill one another.As for Randy, his motivations dont seem entirely clear yet, though I have a hunch hes the good Zombie. Ink was convicted for murder and is classified as a Serial Killer, so its safe to say that his intensions as a Zombie/monster will also be evil, as Burt keeps saying.So with that, I wonder where Randy comes in.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-05 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Its pretty obvious to me thanks to this last episode that Ink/Bill Roberts has evil intensions. Surely he creates, and uses the Jail for testing to see how long his Zombies last as they kill one another. His last testing location was the Arena.As for Randy, his motivations dont seem entirely clear yet, though I have a hunch hes the good Zombie. Ink was convicted for murder and is classified as a Serial Killer, so its safe to say that his intensions as a Zombie/monster will also be evil, as Burt keeps saying.So with that, I wonder where Randy comes in.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

[[wow]], this episode was sure sad. I wonder who the zombie is that killed those 3.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-03 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Well, that was a great episode!completely and utterly awesome!This just confirms the suspicion that Ink is in fact orchestrating this whole thing.Makes me wonder though, if he was experimenting on all these people, why are they so uncontrollable and hungry where as Ink is intelligent?I dont know, this is weird.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Lettsee

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hey allBryant I think the reason arrow head was included there was to just confirm the suspicions of both the listeners, and the characters. If they have clear cut evidence that Ink is doing these things with the people in the jail, then it just makes the characters know for sure where as if they had nothing, both the listener and characters have nothing to go off of apart from Pucks word (which still would be a reputable source). As for Michael being kind of mad at CJ, in my opinion it was because he didn’t want her to say something cold-hearted, or maybe because he didn’t want to be bossed around right then or something. He has had issues with getting along with her in the past, from arguing to use the gun truck to go run around LA in pursuit of the zombies, or after Datu was bit. Furthermore, he wouldn’t be in the happiest mind set, after datu was bit, and all of his trained men (apart from Puck) are dead. So the colony has a dead communications guy, pilot, door gunner and soldier, as well as have had their mechanic bitten. Tough couple of days in the colony. And Jay doesn’t really count as a death as all he seemed to do was either work on the farm, hand the phone to pegs when Michael calls, make interesting names for guns, and ask stupid questions.I hope this post somewhat made sense.Only a couple of days left now!URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Rory

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

OT Yo dude sup! I remember you from swamp! the true zombie! Sorry about getting off topic I just saw your profile and thought to say hi.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-02-01 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Rory

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

This is a little off topic but speaking of podcasts does anyone know where to find links to the blind cool tech podcasts that work?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: dan_c

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I wondered the same thing.these guys are an expert at cliffhangers, Ill say that much!relly should start waiting towards the end of the week to watch these, then I wouldnt have to wait so long. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, my thoughts:I am glad that puck is alive for now. He seems like hes going to be ok, aside from being on bedrest for a few months.Second, is it just me, or is Michael angry at CJ? When he said, do you have something to say to me, he sounded angry. Thrid, how is arrow head important? Hes dead.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-23 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

the only real reason that I will miss those 3 soldiers is the comity. As far as military training, they kind of seemed like idiots. All they seemed to do was sit arround and pick on each other. If it was puck who had died, it would have been a completely different story. Puck is becoming one of my favorite characters, and if he had died It would have had a much greater effect on me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-22 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Cant say Ill particularly miss the soldiers, they werent developed nearly as well as other characters. I also feel like the pacing of this episode was a bit off: nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, cliff-hanger with doom and destruction. yes, ok lots of character development, especially once Bert/Riley are back, but I dont know. Maybe Id feel different if I were doing what Dark does and listen to an hour at a time. Still, I will be anxiously awaiting next Monday.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bradp

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

tony robbins, carel, meldune and it was the prisoners who killed them, probly scratch.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well as is my practice I waited until chapter 41 was complete and heard it, since I tend to prefer over an hours worth of stuff each month and a complete, enclosed chapter to 25 minutes a week.[[wow]]! I agree with Guitarman on this, Datu is awsome and if he died that would be a sad thing, Datu is one of my favourite characters for lots of reasons, though as Ive said before the fact that we cant predict whether he will or not keeps the series interesting.My only concern from a story perspective is that one thing that Datu gave to the series was a main character who wasnt a military hardcase, or the rather pathetic love interest of a military hardcase. This was something that was great at the beginning, having Michael, Saul and angel as the army, with later Bert as well, but having a more general cast of fairly everyday characters as well, indeed thats one thing I loved about Datu, hes just the so
 rt of person that nobody pays attention to in real life, just the foreign man doing a meanial job, yet we realize in were alive hes got a lot more to him both in terms of his tallent with machines, and in terms of his personality. With people like Jay, maldoon and the other military guys though I just dont find myself interested. So theyre army boys who joke around and are hard and shoot things,  meh! I cant even get all their names and characters straight since they just arent people i find Im that interested in since as characters they seem so thin,  after all Michael, Angel, saul and bert all had other aspects to their characters than just being sterriotypical jar heads. This is also why I was sorry to see Glen die, since even though he wasnt a major character, he was at least someone else.I am however glad weve got the gap with randy filled in, thats an interesting plot in itself though i did 
 suspect there was more to itit, and itll make hearing that waterworks section again quite an interesting thing when I listen to everything. About Cj and power, well well see. CJ was very much at the end of the wire with the pump there, and in fairness I can see from her perspective having michael running aropund with their best weaponry being a bad idea,  all things that could be solved with a little communication, but thats not really peoples strongest point especially in stressful situations.Oh, btw, regarding the suggestion about zombification imunity and people who arent caucasian, the one problem with that theory is we know that cracks also opened in the philipeens and Japan, so if those countries were imune wed expect a difference. Im not sure what the cause of Saul and Tanyas slow turning is, but whatever it is it doesnt add up for Datu unfortunately, especially 
 since he is turning much more quickly. Will this result in his death?  well maybe, maybe not, though itll be fascinating to find out, albeit Im looking forward to hearing what Bert and Riley have been up to and whether they have any news of everyones favourite psychopath.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Regarding downloading, well you cant actually download from an rss, but if you put it into a podcatcher such as winamp or the one on Klango you can stream all episodes from the feed. Alternatively, I did download all episodes from the site myself manually, (not too bad for someone who remembers the days when you had to download game soundtracks one track at a time and each track took 15 minutes), so here are some archives for all you lazy people! . These are sendspace pro links, since even split into separate season archives they are pretty huge, (each around 700 mb), and being ss pro links they will download at whatever the normal speed for your connection is even if your not an ss member, oh, and before anyone asks, no I will not put them on dropbox.I will however ask people to not go crazy downloading them multiple times, since unlike standard send
 space links, pro links come with limited bandwidth. Admitedly that limit is 100 gb a month so its pretty huge, but still, if 60 people all downloaded these it could be irritating! . Season 1: 2: 3: 4 (up to chapter 41 at least):

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Brad, we don\t know who killed them. It might as well have been Ink or some of his little ones. Heck, we don\t even know if they\re dead, or if Puck just thinks so. Remember what Angel said after the waterworks: Did you see his body?Unless we have a body, we cant know for sure whether or not a character has died.While its extremely sad, IMO, that Robbins, Carl, and Muldoon are gone, Im glad we finally get to lose more characters. Halfway through the last season... Its about time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-21 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Lettsee

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok here are my thoughts.-  Victor seams to know a bit more than a typical insurance salesman. -  Pucks still funny.-  I really think Burt may be hiding something, either something about scratch, or maybe somehow she got hold of their radio, since Michael says “the radios were too” when Burt asks if the line is secure.-  Some people on the We’re alive forum have been saying that it was a bit odd that Saul, Liz and Tanya were annoyed at Burt and Riley. In my opinion, them being annoyed is completely justified, as they weren’t in contact, and because all the tower folk were close before, they weren’t happy that they didn’t at least say good by-  I don’t believe that scratch and the prisoners killed the soldiers. I honestly doubt that they would hold up in a jail, and I also doubt that they would have the man power to take out 3 trained soldiers. And because Burt and Riley are back, that would be too much of a coincidence. In saying that though, scratch could have lookouts in place, and when they saw people coming she may have set up ambush points.-  I am really sad that they are gone, as there will be less comedy. I’m just happy pucks alive… for now.That’s all for nowURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

[[wow]]. I cant believe it. Who was all with puck, and who do you think could have killed the others? Was victor with him?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi. Well I dont think Pegs would kill scratch even if she doesnt like her. I think that whatever happens scratch has to die at some point in the story.@Violinist why would killing scratch in a flashback be anti-climactic? It wouldnt change much in the story Im pretty sure.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Ok, so now im confused about 2 things. First, why is it that Saul and Tanyas levels went down in their last test? That does not make sense.Second, was that Birt that we heard at the end of the episode? I wonder what he is doing there. I thought he was scratch hunting?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Holy shit! Yes bryant that was definitly Burt. Hopefully hell tell his story in the next chapter. But Ive got a bad feeling where is Riley? I hope shes not dead because that would be a waste. Well I guess Id rather have Riley die then burt be killed. Hopefully scratch is dead and they shoved angels ring down her throat like they promised.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

i agree with madviolinist both about birt and scratch and with the fact that i think the whole datu thing is just building suspense up to find a cure. i dont think datu is gonna die.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

What are the clues weve got so far?Peoples Keratin 18 levels raise in a Fibonacci sequence way. (normal=200, then 3, 5, 8, 13, and turned)At Raydon Labs, where Ink worked, they found Follistatin, Stanozolol, Megace, Aranesp, and Somatropin.Theres a mysterious gas at G0, which (almost) has a color, but Tanyas tests are not showing anything.Her work with Wendy and the behemoth showed that you change inside as early as stage 1, 300 µg K18/ml blood. The behemoth was filled with (what looks like) tumors.Little ones seem to prey on the regulars.Inks tattoos seem to be made with ballpoint pen ink, which someone found out could contain pheromones that termites like to followAnd a lot more I cant think of at the moment... Probably something about Randy too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2014-01-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Just trying to gather the clues weve got so far?Peoples Keratin 18 levels raise in a Fibonacci sequence way. (normal=200, then 3, 5, 8, 13, and turned)At Raydon Labs, where Ink worked, they found Follistatin, Stanozolol, Megace, Aranesp, and Somatropin.Theres a mysterious gas at G0, which (almost) has a color, but Tanyas tests are not showing anything.Her work with Wendy and the behemoth showed that you change inside as early as stage 1, 300 µg K18/ml blood. The behemoth was filled with (what looks like) tumors.Little ones seem to prey on the regulars.Inks tattoos seem to be made with ballpoint pen ink, which someone found out could contain pheromones that termites like to followAnd a lot more I cant think of at the moment... Probably something about Randy too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-30 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well, we now know the answer to 2 long standing questions. We know who randy is, and we know how Michael broke his arm. I thought randy was some bad nasty guy or something. I wasnt expecting this.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-30 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Yes finally these questions have been answered. I dont know why but for some reason I always pictured Randy as a teenager or a younger kid. Hopefully in the next chapters well find out where Burt and Riley have gone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Remember what Kelly said about Dr. Roberts tattoos back in 40.1? That his cellmate Cohen had a needle attached to a Little motor, and a shitload of ball point pens. Im asuming that his tattoos are made using the ink from these pens.And this might explain his immediate Alpha status. A guy on WAs own forum pointed it out, I just dug up the link: … r-control/URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Remember what Kelly said about Dr. Roberts tattoos back in 40.1? That one of his inmates had a Little needle attached to a motor, and a shitload of ball point pens. Im asuming that Cohen made Roberts tattoos using the ink from these pens.And this might explain his immediate Alpha status. A guy on WAs own forum pointed it out, I just dug up the link: … r-control/URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fan

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I would upload the torrent to dropbox. If you downloaded the episodes from the feed 1 by 1, were talking more then 100 episodes. It might take 2 hours or so to extract the torrent, but its easier then downloading all eps from a feed. You can do other things while the torrent is extracting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fan

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I would upload the torrent to dropbox. If you downloaded the episodes from the feed 1 by 1, were talking more then 100 episodes. It might take 2 hours or so to extract the torrent, but its easier then downloading all eps from a feed. You can do other things while the torrent is extracting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: themadviolinist

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Dont be so certain that Datu, Saul and Tanya are doomed. Im not sure we arent working towards some sort of solution that saves them. Its possible were just drawing out the deaths for dramatic license, but Datu gives Tanya an excuse and a way to do research that applies to Saul and herself as well without having to reveal their condition. i wonder if this isnt setting up something to allow at least some of them to live.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-18 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Well I dont think Saul and Tanya are doomed but Im pretty sure its to late for Datu. I dont think Tanya will find a cure fast enough to help Datu but hopefully she will find one to stop her and Saul from turning since she got those samples from the hot spot.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Is there anywhere I can download where alive, as one zip folder with all the episodes in it?Or is that not possible.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Not possible. But whats wrong with downloading them from their podcast feed?? URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I think I have to disagree with the fact that this wasnt CJs fault, because it was, in part. For 1, she could have sent someone better to watch Datu and glen. She could have sent someone better than jay, someone with more experience. It sounds to me like jay wasnt that much of a soldier. Yeah, this was probably the saddest episode for me. This one, chapter 31 part 2, and chapter 24 were all sad. Datu has a chance, a very small chance, of not turning, but things dont look good. I wouldnt count on him not turning. No, I dont want puck to turn. I like him. Hes one of my favorites. He was a bit of a jerk in the begining when Michael and his team first got to the fort, but he was just trying to do his job.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi brad. I have were alive as Mp3 files and could upload them for you in zipped form. This might take me a few days though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fan

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi,I also have them as a zip, but I really dont know how I could upload them. I could upload them as a torrent, but then people would have to seed in order for it to downloadURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Thanks guys for all this help!Well what I would do if I was uploading things, was upload them to dropbox.But before anyone does this, what is a RSS feed?And would it be quicker to download the episodes using it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well folks, it happened. Datu has turned. This shouldnt come as a surprise, though it was still a somber episode. Ah, I wonder how long CJ will last as leader. While she sounded convinced about how much she cares, and I dont doubt that, I dont know how much trust she will have going forward.What do you guys think? While the cause of Datu being turned wasnt CJs fault, she still sent him out at a bad time perhaps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

He has not turned yet, not any more than Tanya or Saul. And if Datus going to die from it, well, then Tanya and Saul probably will too. To be honest I hadnt even expected to hear from Datu until at least chapter 42, I thought we were going to follow Burt and Riley. I guess many of us did, but turned out not to be the case.I still havent listened to it more than once, so I kinda need more time before I can put my thoughts together. Only thing that I can say right now is that this probably is the saddest episode of Were Alive I can remember. Especially the part where Datus digging his own grave touched me a lot.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Agreed. I also think that Datu may be a slow turner. Datu didnt get the treatment Saul was given when he was shot in ch12.Right now, Tanya isnt taking chances, and I could see why.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Agreed. I also think that Datu may be a slow turner. Datu didnt get the treatment Saul was given when he was inadvertently shot in ch12.Right now, Tanya isnt taking chances, and I could see why.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Orin

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Agreed. I also think that Datu may be a slow turner. Datu didnt get the treatment Saul was given when he was inadvertently shot in ch12. I also dont think its possible, the situations are too different.Right now, Tanya isnt taking chances, and I could see why.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Yeah Datu digging his own grave is terrible. I would have rather had Puck or Robins be turned than Datu.It sure is weird that J did not want to kill Datu. Its almost funny when people dont want to be turned or killed they get attacked but when Datu really does want to die the zombies wont kill him.Im sorry if it sounds racist but has anybody noticed that minorities seem to turn slower than white people do. Saul and Tanya are like this and now Datu. Im just guessing that Ink is white since he turned so quickly.I know that in any story major characters have to die at some point but why Datu? Why not Pegs or Cj or anybody else but Datu. I hope they find out who did this so they can kick some zombie ass finally.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Nobe, youre not the only one WHOs thought of that.  Seems like they, at WAs own forum are now speculating in blood type rather than skin color now, though. But yeah. Both Saul and Tanya... have a bit darker skin... And Datus Philipino, I Wonder whatd happen if Riley got bit, shes French... Kalani also said that the Zets at Hawaii were nastier than the ones in LA. Oh, could he just see them now! Lol!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: connor142

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

guitarman, actually it makes scense that the Zombies wont kill datu because, well why would they kill one of theyre own? and yeah its sad that datu has to turn, I mean another one of the main characters gone, that sucks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-16 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Actually, Im kinda glad that we finally might lose some more key characters. Angels death didnt touch me at all, simply because he didnt even speak. He could as well just have been dead since the end of chapter 24. With Datu, we hear his pain as he cries out, we hear how the others help and talk to him, hell, we even hear the man digging his own grave.I will say though, that he probably became one of my favorite characters, I mean, how many people would be able to go through all the things Datus been, the arena, Boulder, then Irwin, now this... And then even be strong enough to make their own last resting place? Thats just [[wow]].Was going to say long live, but doesnt seem that likely, so... Hail king Datu, the resourceful!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Both true, though in both cases the zombies I think were said to be unusually bright, what with Saul being quite close to the hospital and Datu to the arena. We know the zombies are progressing physically, it wouldnt surprise me if they were doing the same mentally, that is unless it is just a case of natural selection at work.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

As far as I remember, Kc has confirmed that the one watching Burt, Lizzy, and Saul in chapter 5, the one Burt tries to shoot, is Ink... I think theyre right at the car trap at that point, or maybe Im wrong. If they were, though, Id say its quite safe to asume that Ink made that trap.Saul being close to the hospital? I dont remember a trap involving Saul and that place... URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I thought he was around the hospital area in that car trap you mention, since I thought the comment was made that Saul going to his house to pick up lady was dangerous for that reason, but I may be wrong. I have only heard the podcast once, and it is now a couple of months ago. I might well hear the hole lot again after season 4 is finished, though equally between Doctor who from big finish each month, Leviathan (which is supposed to have a new directors cut later this year), and yet more good books I have plenty of stuff to read.Next year actually will be particularly good for books, since there is the second way of kings book from Brandon sanderson, and in the zomboacalypse genre, the final novel in the passage series by justin cronin, which I am really! looking forward to.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

it was CJs garden and it was at 8th and grandURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Spiraling Wyvern

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Anyone noticing the zombies are now adopting a strategy of intercepting people from escape paths. I.E: those zombies that leaped out at the end of pt3, and that little one that leaped out out and grabbed that zombie from the truck before that. This shows more of these guys abilities to learn and find more effective ways to hunt down targets, though we knew they were smart anyway. Im just wondering whos going to gt surprised/chomped next with this sneak attack tactic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Well it could be that with zombies now going cannible due to lack of humans, natural selection is whitling out the stupid ones, or it could be that something more distinct and coordinated is at work.URL:

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