Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Hmm, interesting topic. I hear tones on occasion, my hearing will temporarily get dim and Ill hear a tone thats probably around 900 or 1000 hertz sometimes, but it only lasts maximum 30 seconds so I just dismiss it. It doesnt happen too often though. Also I find I have head rushes if I get really stressed. Basically, when that occurs, I have to lay down for about a minute or two and it passes. That doesnt happen too often; I had one on Thursday , another last month, and I cant remember when the last time before that was.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Hmm, interesting topic. I hear tones on occasion, my hearing will temporarily get dim and Ill hear a tone thats probably around 900 or 1000 hertz sometimes, but it only lasts maximum 30 seconds so I just dismiss it. It doesnt happen too often though. Also I find I have head rushes if I get really stressed. Basically, when that occurs, I have to lay down for about a minute or two and it passes. That doesnt happen too often; I had one on Thursday , another last month, and I cant remember when the last time before that was. As for the falling down sensation when asleep, its happened before, and when it does I wake up with a racing heart and well startled. I think that what it is, though, is when Im half asleep, and move my body a little bit to whatever side I feel like Im falling to, and my brain interprets the sudden movement as falling because hey, its asleep! Oh well, if I ever fall off of my top bunkbe
 d, Ill be awake when it happens.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

For me, the tones happen continuously I believe. Gosh I wish I could find out at least what HZ its close to. Well above 1000 though. Maybe 1100 or so, probably a little less than that. I can focus on them, which makes them louder. Sometimes, there is a different, lower tone at the left or right ear. Sometimes, when my muscles in a part of my skull is tense, there is a very low tone.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

This is all very bizarre and I probably have no idea what most of you are talking about. I really dont associate sounds with texture and such at all. But I do get the random tones in my head sometimes, but Ive had that for as long as I can remember. I really dont know how often it happens, I sometimes go weeks without them but there really isnt any pattern to it.The falling down sensation while asleep I have experienced too. For the rest, I dont even know what synaesthesia is lol. Is that the associating sounds with other stuff?


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

I have suffered from tinnitus before but now it doesnt happen anymore. It sounded like there was a mosquito in my room all the time. it was very annoying and frightening at night.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

I noticed that listening to very loud sounds can disturb the fluid in the vestibular canal, so you would feel as if you were sinking or tilting. I especially noticed this after my first flight on a et several years ago. Also, if you shake your head quickly the tinnitus sound would increase.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : enes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

hi,tinnitus isnt always caused by hearing loss. I have tinnitus in both ears (more in the right ear). I had my hearing tested due to this and the results were normal. Though I do find moving my head or hearing low pitched loud sounds worsens it during the duration of the sound.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

I have it equally in both ears, sometimes it is worse than others, but then, that could be due to what Im doing, so if Im really busy, I wont tend to notice it.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Hi, I experience tinnitus too, its not that bad, it never gets so loud like I have heard other people describe. Hearing sounds above 10,000Hz does aggravate it, but only as long as the sound is and maybe a few seconds more. Its been that way for so long, I hardly ever notice it though. My synesthesia involves hearing of colors. I never gave it a second thought until I was about 25 and saw a TV show about it, until then, I thought it was something everyone did. My range is gradually declining, I used to hear around 23k now, that has dropped into the 18k range. The falling dreams are normal, and I have one every once in a while. I have had sleep paralysis which, despite my having heard of the condition, was scary the first time, but since that, its not bad, I hardly ever get it anymore.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : paddy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Hi, I dont really exprienced these kinds of symptoms, however I think a few years ago, I also experienced those weird dreams in which you fall down rapidly, wake up, feeling a strange feeling in my stummack, also having a high note in my ear.I do still have a kind of Tinnitus, depending on how stressed I am, its sometimes so loud that I cant stand it anymore!I mostly hear a very quiet tone, sometimes higher, sometimes deeper, and nobody could tell me why this could be.It has been discovered that I have an inner-ear hearing disability and recently got earpieces.The Tinnitus, thats what the doctors said, can also cause a disorder in your body, so its also considered to be a kind of alarm.The inner-ear disability really sucks, nobody can fix inner-ear issues yet and they fortunately cant be caused by you. It may be caused due to a genetic disorder, or in case of a heavy middle-ear ignition.I am not scared anymore
  of wearing those earpieces, the tinnitus also fades a bit because of that, I am actually more scared of the fact that it even could get worse.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

LOL, whats the thing on your signature?Anyhow, I also have a sensoryneural hearing loss, and I also wear ear pieces, but I realy hate them. Most of these are caused when there isnt enough protein to supply nutrients to the cochlear hair cells, so they eventually die out and never get replaced. Thats something were still trying to change. Our only nerves that are capable of regenerating is in our olfactory cavity.Anyhow, to go back to the main topic, tinnitus is caused when you lose more and more hearing. Its our brains way of audiating, I think. Have you heard of phantom vibes? Well, its like that. But I think you and I have had similar dreams where we sometimes fell in our dreams and we heard a high-pitch sound. If you notice the next time you have a dream like that, pay attention to your ears. Are you twitching the muscles in the middle ear? If you raise them all the way up in reality, youll hear nothing, except for som
 e clicks. But when youre sleeping, the two paralyzing agents released by your brain weakens the muscles in your body, so when you start twitching your ears in your sleep you may hear a rumbling sound, which signifies a contraction and relaxation.And like I said in my initial post, now that Ive gone sky-diving, I no longer get a heavy sensation in my stomach when I fall. I simply fall until I land elsewhere in my dream. I no longer wake up when I fall.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

I always seem to have a high frequency note in my head. Its a pure note, like on a Nintendo triangle, but its a softer kind of note than that. And no, its not the pounding of the blood flowing through me, its seperate from that. Once a month, also, I hear a kind of louder, lower pitched sound in one ear that also makes sounds around that frequency seem strange and warped in a way. Some other tines I get this shock within my head. Its like my mind pulses sort of. Its also, the pounding becomes in rhythm with the pulses. It seems random, the times they happen another thing rhat happens with the pulses is that I see flashes of light which are also in sync with the flashes of the mind. I dont get any auditory things in the flashes other than the soft pounding of blood, which sounds more like someone walking in sand than any kind of pound.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Thatd be something I would be very interested in for sure. O:-) I used to think of temperature and sound as having keys, but I discovered that wasnt always the case, so I experimented with certain kinds of hums, drones, beatings, etc to make me feel the way I do.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Interesting. I have a friend who associates temperatures with sounds. I think of lower sounds as being warm, like 120 HZ makes me think of hot, since thatt the sound associated with mains hum. However, if I heard a sound around 80-HZ, it would make me think of a cold, empty sky, and If I went down to 50-HZ sine, I would think about a dark night. On the other hand if I hear higher sounds, the more beatings there are, the colder it feels. I do agree that roughness and smoothness vary directly with frequencies, and the number of harmonic content and their respective amplitudes helps to determine what kind of texture or substance it would make me achieve. I dont mind the twangs produced by grand pianos, although I think the concert grands have a lot of darkness to them, which is good for meditation purposes. What I hate are pianos that have brightness to them.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

[[wow]], thats very interesting and makes sense. Though I experience temperature more with key and not the pitch of the sound.Actually brightness on a concert grand doesnt bother me, I actually like it. Now on a smaller piano, the more brightness it has, the more twangy it sounds to me. I do remember though, there is a junky upright at school in one of the practice rooms which for some reason doesnt have that character to me, even on the low notes, and if it does, its not much at all. It has a very dark tone and the low notes actually sound pretty deep and mature down there.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Yep I have synesthesia but its not as strong as i wish it was. I ignored it from an early age when I realized nobody else I knew had it and thought it was weird and now its kind of hard for me to bring it back into consciousness. It occasionally comes to the surface though, I once caught myself rambling about electrically charged potatoes when I was half asleep, because the texture of the potatoes I was eating had me thinking of 200 HZ saw waves with some kind of ugly distortion on them.The texture of things is related to the pitches of the sounds i hear, rough textures are lower and smooth textures are higher. Starting at around c6, I start hearing some creamy, more liquidy sounds, and once we get to around e8, its all just watery liquid.Sometimes I get those associations but I cant quite tell what the sounds are. Like if I hold my girlfriends hand, theres a synesthetic association there, I can hear a sound triggered from it... she 
 does know about it btw... but I cant place the sound. Maybe in the fifth octave, so the octave above middle C. No, thats like smooth wood, this is smoother than that. Maybe 6? Hmm, a bit too smooth, its more like shiny metal. And a bit creamy too. Once we get into octaves 7 and 8, its either like really smooth glass or just thick liquid like creamy ice cream. And whats the character of the sound? That changes the texture too. Sine wave? No, not enough character, too solid. Maybe a square? No, too hollow, reminds me of a glass cup. An fm bell? Reminds me of metallic things so no. Saw wave with filter? Too chunky, sounds like wood. I dont have a sound I can think of for flesh, and Im like, sheesh, all of this just by the texture of someones hands. I hate it. I do believe FM is the closest I can get though, as subtractive synthesis is often sort of crunchy and solid, FM is more ellastic, bendible and sometimes springy. Theres some o
 verlap though. Not sure why but thats what I get, and its for that reason I only like FM sometimes and not always. I prefer the more solid sound but yeah.Now there are other images which i have no problem coming up with things for. Like pianos sound very wooden to me in the middle register, as notes around middle c are very woody to me and the thunk of the hammers sound helps with that image. The lower notes sound springy even on a 7 foot grand, which is why I dont like the sounds of those pianos as I dont like that twangy sound in my music. Some snare drums either sound like smooth wood or smooth metal to me because of their high overtones, toms sound like rough wood but not the splintery kind. Things with ridges remind me of really low bass notes with a lot of high end.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Yep I have synesthesia but its not as strong as i wish it was. I ignored it from an early age when I realized nobody else I knew had it and thought it was weird and now its kind of hard for me to bring it back into consciousness. It occasionally comes to the surface though, I once caught myself rambling about electrically charged potatoes when I was half asleep, because the texture of the potatoes I was eating had me thinking of 200 HZ saw waves with some kind of ugly distortion on them.The texture of things is related to the pitches of the sounds i hear, rough textures are lower and smooth textures are higher. Starting at around c6, I start getting some creamy, more liquidy textural things, and once we get to around e8, its all just watery liquid.Sometimes I get those associations but I cant quite tell what the sounds are. Like if I hold my girlfriends hand, theres a synesthetic association there, I can hear a sound triggered from i
 t... she does know about it btw... but I cant place the sound. Maybe in the fifth octave, so the octave above middle C. No, thats like smooth wood, this is smoother than that. Maybe 6? Hmm, a bit too smooth, its more like shiny metal. And a bit creamy too. Once we get into octaves 7 and 8, its either like really smooth glass or just thick liquid like creamy ice cream. And whats the character of the sound? That changes the texture too. Sine wave? No, not enough character, too solid. Maybe a square? No, too hollow, reminds me of a glass cup. An fm bell? Reminds me of metallic things so no. Saw wave with filter? Too chunky, sounds like wood. I dont have a sound I can think of for flesh, and Im like, sheesh, all of this just by the texture of someones hands. I hate it. I do believe FM is the closest I can get though, as subtractive synthesis is often sort of crunchy and solid, FM is more ellastic, bendible and sometimes springy. There
 ;s some overlap though. Not sure why but thats what I get, and its for that reason I only like FM sometimes and not always. I prefer the more solid sound but yeah.Now there are other images which i have no problem coming up with things for. Like pianos sound very wooden to me in the middle register, as notes around middle c are very woody to me and the thunk of the hammers sound helps with that image. The lower notes sound springy even on a 7 foot grand, which is why I dont like the sounds of those pianos as I dont like that twangy sound in my music. Some snare drums either sound like smooth wood or smooth metal to me because of their high overtones, toms sound like rough wood but not the splintery kind. Things with ridges remind me of really low bass notes with a lot of high end.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Ive never had anything like that, though when Its really quiet I hear a very loud whooshing noise in my ears accompanied by what feels like a huge amount of pressure in my head. It doesnt take much to silence those sounds though, just a quiet computer fan in the room is enough. I also periodically hear loud tones, sometimes dominantly in one side or sometimes inside my head at different pitches. The occur maybe 3 times a month and each episode lasts about 10 to 30 seconds. It makes all frequencies in that range sound really distorted and kind of painful to my head. Not sure if that has anything to do with EHS but its not something Im afraid of or nervous about, as the episodes pass quickly and normally happen when I have headphones on.Oddly enough I can still hear up to 20K with pure tones and 19 with some white noise in the background, and I am about to turn 22, Ive heard by that age most people cant hear above 17 or 18, not sure th
 ough. Which brings me to my next point, I get this weird illusion when hearing 16K or frequencies very close to that. It makes me see light. I do have a small amount of light perception. And when I was little, Id often listen to the whine of the old TV tubes at about 15.75 K, and see the light coming from the TV. So I still have that illusion of light now, every time I hear a tone like that. The tone doesnt have to be loud, just loud enough for me to hear it clearly. 60 HZ makes me feel hot, probably because its the ground frequency here in the US and I always associate it with electricity because thats what grounding is. But I do get a sensation of warmth or at least relaxed when I hear the tone. At the same time its just above a B flat, which used to scare me as a little kid. I hated B flat, particularly dense B flat chords, though light stuff in B Flat I could take okay. A flat makes me see bright sunlight. Okay I think Im done now though I cou
 ld come up with many more things... not related to EHS but still.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Ive never had anything like that, though when Its really quiet I hear a very loud whooshing noise in my ears accompanied by what feels like a huge amount of pressure in my head. It doesnt take much to silence those sounds though, just a quiet computer fan in the room is enough. I also periodically hear loud tones, sometimes dominantly in one side or sometimes inside my head at different pitches. The occur maybe 3 times a month and each episode lasts about 10 to 30 seconds. It makes all frequencies in that range sound really distorted and kind of painful to my head. Not sure if that has anything to do with EHS but its not something Im afraid of or nervous about, as the episodes pass quickly and normally happen when I have headphones on.Oddly enough I can still hear up to 20K with pure tones and 19 with some white noise in the background, and I am about to turn 22, Ive heard by that age most people cant hear above 17 or 18, not sure th
 ough. Which brings me to my next point, I get this weird illusion when hearing 16K or frequencies very close to that. It makes me see light. I do have a small amount of light perception. And when I was little, Id often listen to the whine of the old TV tubes at about 15.75 K, and see the light coming from the TV. So I still have that illusion of light now, every time I hear a tone like that. The tone doesnt have to be loud, just loud enough for me to hear it clearly. 60 HZ makes me feel hot, probably because its the ground frequency here in the US and I always associate it with electricity because thats what grounding is. But I do get a sensation of warmth or at least relaxed when I hear the tone. At the same time its just above a B flat, which used to scare me as a little kid. I hated B flat, particularly dense B flat chords, though light stuff in B Flat I could take okay. flat makes me see bright sunlight. Okay I think Im done now though I
  could come up with many more things... not necessarily related to EHS but still.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

@Raygrote, do you have synaesthesia too? Ive had that when I was little, though mine was more associative with certain musical notes, intervals and chords.Hmm, not sure if that could be tinnitus. It happens while youre asleep, not when youre awake, unless you said you were wearing headphones the whole time you were out cold. If thats the case sometimes I would modify parts of my dream. Like if I was reading a book about the Wizard of Oz, which I actually did one time, I would have a dream thats closely related, and I would hear someone talking in the background. ONe time I dreamt that I was trying to stop the talking, but no matter where I went, what I did, I couldnt get the voice to stop talking inside my head.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

@Raygrote, do you have synaesthesia too? Ive had that when I was little, though mine was more associative with certain musical notes, intervals and chords.Hmm, not sure if that could be tinnitus. It happens while youre asleep, not when youre awake, unless you said you were wearing headphones the whole time you were out cold. If thats the case sometimes I would modify parts of my dream. Like if I was reading a book about the Wizard of Oz, which I actually did one time, I would have a dream thats closely related, and I would hear someone talking in the background. ONe time I dreamt that I was trying to stop the talking, but no matter where I went, what I did, I couldnt get the voice to stop talking inside my head.The 60-120-180-240-300-HZ and so on is called mains hum.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Its not the same as tinnitus though. I can only hear up to about ten thousand HZ, maybe a bit lower.Im not sure if its the same thing, but right when I woke up this morning I heard someone shout a word, as if they were a few inches awy from my ear. What was interesting was that I didnt twitch my ears at all.


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Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : johnabreu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Ive had similar experiences, but not quite on that level. Though, if I do manipulate the muscles in my mouth and ears, and I focus it enough, I can hear a 16 or so kHz tone.


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Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Okay, for those of you who dont know, EHS, as is sometimes abbreviated, is a phenomenon similar to an out of body experience. The sufferer usually hears a loud series of sounds. For me, I often hear the sound of a 1000-HZ tone or the rumbling of my muscles contracting and relaxing.People dont know what causes it, but I think I do. This is because,quite unexpectedly I had a recurring episode one day after I heard aboutit. The dream was something like this. I was going to some kind ofbuilding that somebody told me about in one of the novels Ive beenreading. But I soon realised I was out in the open and I was lost.Before I could do anything, however, I was made aware that the insidesof my ears were twitching in a weird fashion. Thats when the soundsstarted. In my dream, I said to myself, oh no, not again! So I stuck myfinger inside my left ear and I discovered the sound was mostly on theright side. I 
 started to fall down rapidly, but since I have gonesky-diving, and because I knew I was having an episode of EHS, I did notwake up, or so I thought. I woke up inside another dream. I was usingmy laptop, and I discovered that if I twitched the muscles in the middleear, I would hear the sound, so I tried to control it until I foundmyself slipping out of the dream, and soon I was on my bed.


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Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

2015-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Anyone here experienced Exploding Head Syndrome

Okay, for those of you who dont know, EHS, as is sometimes abbreviated, is a phenomenon similar to an out of body experience. The sufferer usually hears a loud series of sounds. For me, I often hear the sound of a 1000-HZ tone or the rumbling of my muscles contracting and relaxing.People dont know what causes it, but I think I do. This is because,quite unexpectedly I had a recurring episode one day after I heard aboutit. The dream was something like this. I was going to some kind ofbuilding that somebody told me about in one of the novels Ive beenreading. But I soon realised I was out in the open and I was lost.Before I could do anything, however, I was made aware that the insidesof my ears were twitching in a weird fashion. Thats when the soundsstarted. In my dream, I said to myself, oh no, not again! So I stuck myfinger inside my left ear and I discovered the sound was mostly on theright side. I 
 started to fall down rapidly, but since I have gonesky-diving, and because I knew I was having an episode of EHS, I did notwake up, or so I thought. I woke up inside another dream. I was usingmy laptop, and I discovered that if I twitched the muscles in the middleear, I would hear the sound, so I tried to control it until I foundmyself slipping out of the dream, and soon I was on my bed.Please note that although it may sound frightening, its not dangerous, although some people get disturbed and they develop a fear of sleeping. Im fortunate enough to recover from them. I usually have one or two of them a year, but for some background I had two in the same week. That never happened before.


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