Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

yeah the macanics are good i grant you but the whole thing of their attitude is just total crap and that's why i don't go there. lol the only reason why i come here is for new games if i had to have anything to do with the mods on here on a daily basis it would seriously do my head in quite frankly.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Unfortunately, I can't really disagree with that... it's really, really irritating. But there's no better space game right now IMO. Miriani is... Miriani, and while CR was fun in its own right, it just... isn't quite at that level yet.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : darren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

the game is good i'd go back there if the staff weren't such total shits. i had a go at them because they take points away from misspellers and i pointed out that they wer discriminating against people who are dyslexic for example or people that aren't good with english because it's not their primary language. they really didn't like that. not that i care particularly if you're a good member of staff/mod etc then you should be able to take genuine criticism. if you can't take it then don't sit at the helm. now i won't give that game the time of day. i wasn't ever thrown off but i did leave because they annoyed me big time with their attitude towards people.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

I consider myself a pretty decent writer and the profile thing mentioned here is absolute balls.Good game, garbage staff.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

I believe you can find it if you look back far enough through @BlindNinja's signature. I can always upload it myself though if it's too much trouble.Also just something to keep in mind, setting up gags and filters in both VIP and mushclient really isn't all that hard. Not all muds have soundpacks, mainly because they're mostly not designed that way. They're text based games, after all.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Star conquest is a good game.. I sertainly had a lot of fun there..If only we had a working sound pac that was updated well then things would be great.Its umplayable without a soundpack.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Thanks, I'll be sure to do more of that. I certainly like what I see thus far.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

No, you can start on your profile as soon as you want, last I checked. And the reason people aren't as chatty right now is because most of the active playerbase is out on an artifacting trip way, way out of local space. But if you just say hello, you'll probably get at least one or two responses. I'm still awkward out of game... but for myself I find I do fine online. But if nothing else, stay logged in, keep an ear on the tactical channel for someone to ask to do something and you'll be able to join in. Again... it's not like Miri where saying one wrong thing is gonna get someone crawling up your ass and trying to blow you up.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

It's not so much that I dislike grouping, more that I'm about as socially awkward as they come, and people aren't exactly chatty on general so it's not like I'll be talking to many people that way. In miriani, for instance, I was able to make a fair few links with people simply by participating with conversation on chatter. SC, at least from what I've observed thus far, really doesn't have much of that.Also, I was referring mainly to activities I can do as a cadet, though I'll keep those suggestions in mind. I had about 12 or so license points on last check, so I'm getting there, but salvaging gets boring pretty quickly which is why I haven't really been coming back to it much. I also don't think I can actually fill out a profile until I get to 25 license, though I may be wrong on that.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

If you have your mind set on solo stuff... salvaging, asteroids, artifacts, Teslaworld, solo beacon drops, asteroid mining and low priority missions. Otherwise? The whole world of battlesuit work, accord missions, big beacon drops and eventually the glyphmakers opens up to you. But to be honest... if you actively dislike grouping, SC may not be the game for you, because a lot of it actually is group focused. There's definitely solo activities... see above, but it's usually not nearly as fun.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

If you have your mind set on solo stuff... salvaging, asteroids, artifacts, Teslaworld, solo beacon drops and low priority missions. Otherwise? The whole world of battlesuit work, accord missions, big beacon drops and eventually the glyphmakers opens up to you. But to be honest... if you actively dislike grouping, SC may not be the game for you, because a lot of it actually is group focused. There's definitely solo activities... see above, but it's usually not nearly as fun.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Hey all,So I've been playing this thing, admittedly rather infrequently, for the past couple months or so. Are there any other good activities to do as a newb besides debris salvaging? I haven't really been coming back to it much because of how honestly grindy it feels right now. I've also never really been the grouping type, well not in games like these anyway unless I get to know the person / people in an IC manner that doesn't feel forced.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

@4, you failed to mention the fact that on SC, unlike Miriani you don't have to constantly watch your back... or what you say in case you piss someone off. lolI can personally vouch for the profile thing being blown out of proportion... I got mine through on 2 or 3 attempts, changing minor details each time. And I suck absolute shit at writing pretty much anything. All the profile really needs is a brief history... The personality part is what they really want you to flesh out.On soundpacks, I posted a link to the randomcorner one a few weeks ago, look for a link in my post history.Also, do not, I repeat, do not play in the AEU right now, because stuff's locked out and that's bullshit. If you want the hard path though? By all means. But if you want easy mode, play League, because they get pretty much the best and most balanced of everything.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

@4, you failed to mention the fact that on SC, unlike Miriani you don't have to constantly watch your back... or what you say in case you piss someone off. lolI can personally vouch for the profile thing being blown out of proportion... I got mine through on 2 or 3 attempts, changing minor details each time. And I suck absolute shit at writing pretty much anything. All the profile really needs is a brief history... I basically said I grew up, I'd wished I could've helped during the resistance, I trained, I left. In slightly longer form, of course. The personality part is what they really want you to flesh out.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Lol whoever was handling my profile couldnt decide if my 1 sentence was too short or too long. First I tried to include the important bits into 1 sentence, and that was too long. Then I tried to shorten it by only mentioning the absolute essentials and that was too short. Also, that bit about the concept only summarizing your character into 1 sentence was absolutely not mentioned in the help file, and I did not find that out until I had written up a good couple of paragraphs and submitted it, and so had to completely scrap most of what I wrote. Oh and that bit on restricting some equipment and activities for those without a profile definitely still stands. So like I said, dont go in expecting to tell your own story.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BlindNinja via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

@4, you failed to mention the fact that on SC, unlike Miriani you don't have to constantly watch your back... or what you say in case you piss someone off. lolI can personally vouch for the profile thing being blown out of proportion... I got mine through on about 3 attempts, and I suck absolute shit at writing pretty much anything.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Lol whoever was handling my profile couldnt decide if my 1 sentence was too short or too long. First I tried to include the important bits into 1 sentence, and that was too long. Then I tried to shorten it by only mentioning the absolute essentials and that was too short. Also, that bit about the concept only summarizing your character into 1 sentence was absolutely not mentioned in the help file, and I did not find that out until I had written up a good couple of paragraphs and so had to completely scrap most of what I wrote. Oh and that bit on restricting some equipment and activities for those without a profile definitely still stands. So like I said, dont go in expecting to tell your own story.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Ok, about soundpacks. It appears the one at is now gone, I can't access the site anymore, but I'm pretty sure someone knows where to get a working soundpack.As for profile writing, @3 does what most people who can't get into sc because of profiles do, blow the entire thing way out of proportion. The hosts don't expect you to know what plotlines happened on this version of sc, more precisely, the one that's been open since 2009. They only want you to base your profile on what happened in sc classic, which is no longer receiving updates and kept around purely for sentimental value, and all of that info is in the help files. Even then, you by far don't need to know all of it. All information that is directly relevant to profiles is in the profiles help section, and any other info in the background section is there for rp purposes or for those who want to write advanced profiles. There aren't baby steps to writing a profile, if you're reasonably good at writing you can get a character concept and profile through in one attempt. The process itself only consists of two steps. Your concept, which is your character summed up into one sentense, and the profile itself, where you have a clearly defined structure that tells you where to put what.As for the question why sc is better than miri? I would say its activities. Miri has an activity or two more than sc does, but the only really interesting ones are combat missions and asteroid mining, the latter of which takes forever to unlock. Sc's activities, apart from courier and mail delivery, are all different from one another, and almost all of them can be done in a group. for almost every activity there are levels of progress within the activity itself. For example, you can't jus go salvage until you have 5000 industry points then immediately do the hardest ground mining mission there is, because there's a separate point counter for these mining missions that enables you to do harder ones. Another example is how they do asteroid mining. It's basically an rts, with you controling the placement of buildings on a mining sight, and drones that operate the buildings. But you also have to defend it from poachers that try to steal your resources, so you have to send your drones out to fight and operate defensive buildings too.I also find sc's combat to be far more interesting than miriani's system. There's power management, bufs, and to some extent, enemy debufs involved for the gunners, and the engineer actually does more than just type in rep hull or rep turret all day, they are the ones that deploy items that give advantages in combat or restore combat grid energy. I have to say though, one thing I haven't seen anywhere else besides maybe the iron realms games is how fleshed out their ground combat system is. There are multiple types of battlesuits that you can get, with every type specializing in something else. One has healing abilities that no other suit has, another is a tank and has special abilities to draw attention and fuck with enemies, etc. Finally, sc's exploration mechanics are one of the most interesting mechanics I've seen in a space moo so far. When exploring in remote places you use a thing called a rift drive, and using that thing feels a lot more like sailing a ship than just going sector by sector. Exploration trips were actually used to introduce entire new mechanics in the past. I don't think that happens much anymore, but it shows how flexible the system is.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Ok, about soundpacks. It appears the one at is now gone, I can't access the site anymore, but I'm pretty sure someone knows where to get a working soundpack.As for profile writing, @3 does what most people who can't get into sc because of profiles do, blow the entire thing way out of proportion. The hosts don't expect you to know what plotlines happened on this version of sc, more precisely, the one that's been open since 2009. They only want you to base your profile on what happened in sc classic, which is no longer receiving updates and kept around purely for sentimental value, and all of that info is in the help files. Even then, you by far don't need to know all of it. All information that is directly relevant to profiles is in the profiles help section, and any other info in the background section is there for rp purposes or for those who want to write advanced profiles. There aren't baby steps to writing a profile, if you're reasonably good at writing you can get a character concept and profile through in one attempt. The process itself only consists of two steps. Your concept, which is your character summed up into one sentense, and the profile itself, where you have a clearly defined structure that tells you where to put what.As for the question why sc is better than miri? I would say its activities. Miri has an activity or two more than sc does, but the only really interesting ones are combat missions and steroid mining, the latter of which takes forever to unlock. Sc's activities, apart from courier and mail delivery, are all different from one another, and almost all of them can be done in a group. for almost every activity there are levels of progress within the activity itself. For example, you can't jus go salvage until you have 5000 industry points then immediately do the hardest ground mining mission there is, because there's a separate point counter for these mining missions that enables you to do harder ones. I also find sc's combat to be far more interesting than miriani's system. There's power management, bufs, and to some extent, enemy debufs involved for the gunners, and the engineer actually does more than just type in rep hull or rep turret all day, they are the ones that deploy items that give advantages in combat or restore combat grid energy. Finally, sc's exploration mechanics are one of the most interesting mechanics I've seen in a space moo so far. When exploring in remote places you use a thing called a rift drive, and using that thing feels a lot more like sailing a ship than just going sector by sector. Exploration trips were actually used to introduce entire new mechanics in the past. I don't think that happens much anymore, but it shows how flexible the system is.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Yeah expect a lot of back and fourth exchanges when it come to profile creation. They want you to take baby steps, adhere to outlined that are not even in the sample profile, and limit the things you can do until you actually have a profile which you may grow tired of rewriting before it is ever complete. Their history is grounded in things that have actually happened in game, so there is no room for variation or deviation when it comes to the construction of your own history and how it lines up to their. They are the chess board, the center of the universe, and you are just a pawn and a star in an ever expanding galaxy of new players, so dont go in expecting to create your own person and do your own thing. Your star must align with theirs, or you will not get far. That is all.


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Re: Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting started with star conquest

Just bumping this thread back up since it seems to have been consumed by the oncoming mass of forum activity. If I am to try this I really would at the very least like a soundpack, the thought of playing a mud like this with as much spammy text without even so much as gags or anything is not one that appeals to me.


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Getting started with star conquest

2020-04-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Getting started with star conquest

Hi,So lately I've been considering giving SC a try, however I have a few questions.Does anyone know where a good soundpack for the game can be found, one that receives regular updates, etc? I think it's pretty sad / petty that the hosts completely 100 per cent discurrage the use of soundpacks to the point where mentioning them on the ooc channel will earn you a nice little warning, and of course there's no @soundpacks command like there is in miriani, but that's another topic for another day.I've herd absolute horror stories about the profile application process. Is it really as bad as some say it is? I've never been the best at writing storyline or descriptions for anything, so, yeah.What do you guys think makes this game worth playing over something like, say, miriani?And lastly, any other tips / advice you guys have?Thanks,Haily.


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