Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

@Dark: BSC was certainly a fairly big clue to the dangers of hardware activation, but thats only half the story. You brought up GMA: thats a company that has listened, and now makes activations instantaneous, with the number limited by year, which Im fine with. With GMAs infrastructure in place, Im quite confident to build a gaming VM that will last long enough that key replacement should simply not be a problem. But up to five machines in total? Mmm, no. I buy the game, I own it, regardless of what the clickwrap licence says. Im really quite happy to let developers fight pirates, just as long as it doesnt prejudice and inconvenience me. And having to email a developer to tell them that Ive exceeded a limit really does qualify as inconvenient. The developer has to provide some assurance that my purchase is secure--if not by them, and their servers which they are presumably obligated to run, then their activation system which is eithe
 r not hardware locked, or is locked such that tokens can be saved for later use on that same hardware, effectively transferring responsibility of maintainership to the player. Selling on Apple (or other!) infrastructure solves problem 1, very neatly, by disowning that infrastructure.So yes, I look forward to the iOS and/or Mac releases (Id buy both, you know ...). 


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Well Sebby this again comes down to customer service and responsability. Supernova has a 3 device unlock limit plus an extra key each six months and Ive never once had an issue with them, even when on one occasion i needed to do a system restore and then use another license. Supernova also works via online activation making the actual process easier. The purpose of limited activations (apart from the obvious anti piracy one), is also to prevent a company having to constantly send out unlock keys to certain less than responsable people who like to restore their entire system each month or otherwise bugger up their computer on a regular basis and are constantly harrassing a company for replacements.With respect to apple and the ap store, well on the one hand it is easier to get your stuff on another machine, on the other I do worry what will happen five or 10 years in the future. With hardware activation if a company arent complete scum like bs
 c and do release their stuff as abandonware its easy enough to install and play (accepting compatibilityy shenanigans with future os), this is why games like Tarzan Junior and tare erraformers still very much with us and quite easy to play.Will the same be true for papasangre if something bad happens to somethinelse? especially if I end up changing Iphones in the future. Who knows.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

@Dark: I guess the next logical question is, And why exactly arent people allowed to bugger up their computers on a fairly regular basis if they choose to? No, I understand what youre saying, and agree that Supernova has an all-right system--not perfect, but all right. The question is simply whether or not the dev is committed to it or not, and I just cant countenance the idea of a maximum of five devices and thats that. Surely, piracy cannot claim so many victims unchallenged?As to the future of Apple and game activation generally, well, nobody can possibly know what comes next. Theres no theoretical reason why a developer cant maintain their infrastructure, and indeed, in an ideal world it would be the right course of action. The question is, having seen what we have seen, which do you bet on the most actually still being aro
 und? Apple may be many things, but small and unaccountable isnt one of them.  Of course, youre right that Apple effectively balance forced obsolescence against the benefits of a unified development and distribution platform, and at least for iOS this has very bad potential in case Apple decide to stop supporting some hardware or API, but again, the question is whether it isnt actually worse than a company going under and rendering the games unplayable. My feeling is that this wont be a problem on the Mac, where the App Store is but one channel of distribution and the author can just release the game as abandonware as you describe it (or as, presumably by-now unsupported, software in another channel), but on iOS it will prove to be potentially life-threatening to the games existence at some point after the games abandonment, but not before it becomes u
 navailable for download by those who purchased it. On the other feeler, between the games release and its demise, it will be available with a few taps on any device you own. I dont like Apples control freakery either, but its really a question of priorities.Anyway, as I said, its not so much the conditions of the activation system, merely the certainty that I can unlock my games going forward. If I had to sacrifice a particular piece of hardware to a game in perpetuity, such that I had to maintain it in order to unchain my game, do you know, I might actually do it. Its being held hostage without a guarantee that I find particularly disagreeable.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Micco:Yep Sebby is right. Im okay with the activation system, but I see his point.The puzzles and features Im talking about shouldnt cost much to make in the game, and it should be rather easy to code as well. Im thinking about the following:Attack and stund or kill the guards by pressing the spacebar. You already have the sounds for that.Release the prisseners by pressing the spacebar, or find the right key to unlock the chains and release them. You already have to find keys, so that shouldnt be difficult to make.Puzzles on opening the secret passages: You could move peases of the wall simply by walking into them, and have to push them in the right order to brake the wall, or move peases of the wall to be able to go through. You already have the sounds and most of it in the game.You see? All those suggestions shouldnt cost much because you already have most of it in the game. It should only cost some extra h
 ours of coding.I totally understand that extra features and such do cost time and money, so the trick is to figure out how to improve the game with awesome features without making it very expensive.For many people, I think it would be very important to have a key to press which tells you if you have been in the location before. I found myself getting stuck a lot of time, where I didnt know if I had been there before. This feature shouldnt be expensive or difficult to make either.Just a lot of positive feedback which I hope youll have in mind.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

There is no demo version released. 


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

I think this style of game would work well on a portable platform like Ios, especially with a possible endless mode, however I do like Sljs suggestions for interesting maze elements especially with the chance to generate more maps sinse the more elements a maze contains the more interesting it is to solve, and the more elements a maze contains the more elements it is possible to randomize thus creating greater variety in an endless play mode.On the activation issue to be honest I dont personally agree with Sebby about this, having bought a great many games from developers like Gma over the years with machine specific activations and found the system to be workable. Its an annoyance if new codes must be generated whenever I change machines, but no more so than say buying something in an inconveniently wrapped box, though admitedly I do believe it is more of a problem when running a virtual operating system owing to the changes in virtual os when the emulati
 on software is started. My only reservation with the system is firstly if it is possible to get additional codes or activations for new machines, (one developer is notoriously bad at providing these), and secondly if a developer actually ceases development. for good and fails to release there games as abandonware with ways to unlock them on new machines. One developer (cough bsc cough), recently did this and I do cconfess people arent hapy with them over it. Both of those two circumstances however come down fundamentally to good customer service and being available to actually talk to your customers, and given your own participation on this forum I dont see that as a problem, indeed if I didnt own an Iphone Id have likely already bought pc versions of all your games.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

@SLJ, search Ticonblu on MAS; theyre already there, so they ought to be able to sell without further cost.Did you notice the limitation on the number of times you can register and launch your game? Yeah, thats the part I dont like. 


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : micco67 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

All,the guy speaking Italian will be definitely removed in the next update we release, very soon.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : micco67 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

@SLJ The limit to the number of activations is set to 5, should be plenty for personal use. Do you have more than 5 devices?You said in another comment there could be so much more in the game. Youre right, but to add content means to add development cost, which we need to align with revenue generated by the games. At the moment we find ourselves on a very tight balance, as the game is not selling as we were hoping. Hope it explains.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Sebby wrote:Mac App Store release, please. A release in the Mac app store might make the price even higher if they need to pay for an extra developer account to release the game in the Mac app store. I dont know if they can use their IOS developer account for that. Whats wrong with Paypal?


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

I know Ogom was asking about this game, but sinse he asked what the original was about I thought Id reply as I played it quite recently. I personally enjoyed the original inquisitor, albeit I didnt like the fact that some of the sequences when you were in the shrine pushing secret switches seemed to take so long I thought the game might have crashed.I cant speak about heartbeat sinse Im still waiting for the Ios version, sinse as Ive got the first game on Ios and want the other adventure games on that platform itd be better to have the hole series on my Iphone than splitting them between systems.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kristijan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hello. I have a question for the developer of this game. Is it possible to betatest and translate your games? I didnt play them, because I have no money and in my country, paypal isnt available, but Id like to translate the games to serbian language. I think that many people from my country would be interested in your games, which I believe, are really amazing and revolutionary. If you need any contact infos, tell me what you need in the forum, and Ill give you the infos privately.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Ive just completed the game, and here are my thoughts:The audio is great , really great in my opinion.The voice acting is nice. There could have been more of it. Otherwise, Ill say the game is not worth the price. The only thing you are doing is wandering around in mazes trying to find the exits, and thats it. Nothing more. There are only a few puzzles, but they are very easy to figure out, because the only thing you can do is walk around. The instructions says the spacebar is used to interact with things. Not that I have noticed. Or maybe Ive just completed the game without doing so, I dont know.Some of the mazes are extremely difficult to navigate. not something which Ill call a challenge but rather just annoying. There are not many audio cues or what they are called to help you navigating the mazes, and not much to l
 et you know if you have been there before. You are forced to constantly bump into the walls, trying to find the exits.Im glad I bought the game to support the developers, but the game is only worth the half of the price, if not less. For me, this is a one time play through, and thats it. I find no reason to play the game again.There could have been so much more in this game. So many people to meet, guards to fight, puzzles to solve together with the prisseners etc.I look forward to see more games from you, and Im sorry for all those negative comments.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hello folks! SLJ, Id buy it anyway, as you said, for supporting the developers. Also they can release a future dlc for extra content to the current game.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hi.I think the same as SLJ. Ive played the game, its good, but not great. The acting was good, the music was nice, but as SLJ says youre just using the arrow keys to walk through mazes. Theres no space bar to interact with things, its just basically the arrow keys and thats it.@dark, I think ogomez92 meant this game, not the original. Which by the way I need to get back since I played it but deleted it. having never completed it.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hi.Ive just bought the game and figured out that the download link I got wasnt the latest version. So Im just in here to grab the latest version.  I met the guy who speaks italian.Im enjoying the game so far.


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hi micco. Any news on the Ios version of inquisitors heartbeat? Im looking forward to trying the game. @Ogome, The original Inquisitor is an adventure game. You play as Father Nicholas Eymerich, an inquisitor general in the catholic church in 13th century Italy. The game takes the form of an adventure where you go through menus, pick up objects, solve puzzles and talk to other characters, btw, db page coming soon. What is unique is the high quality voice acting and music, the interesting but not impossible puzzles, and the very interesting main character sinse Nicholas Eymerich is definitely not! a typical hero, actually hes not exactly a nice guy being very dedicated to stamping out (and usually burning out), hericy and willing to do most anything for that cause.For me, I found Nicholas a very interesting character to play as, aprticularly sinse I often needed to sort of think in an inquisitorial mode to solve some o
 f the puzzles .


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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hey all! Oh no, arent you thinking on act in an inquisitore way towards the poor elves, are you, Dark? I cant wait to buy those games!Best regards, Haramir.


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Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : micco67 via Audiogames-reflector

Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hi all!A new version of Inquisitors Heartbeat is available for downloading. Heres the link to request the update: … =IHB01_ENGWhats new on this version:- Fixed a bug causing all sounds helping to orient to disappear in some circumstances- Fixed a bug when sharing you score- Game performance slightly improved- Some maps have been changed- Removed a prisoner still speaking Italian *smile*We hope you are going to enjoy it.LAUDETUR!URL:
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Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

2014-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ogomez92 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Inquisitor's Heartbeat, updated version available

Hi,What is this game about? I was thinking of getting the original game for iOS... Do you guys think its good?URL:

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