Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2016-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi audazalSorry If I write your name incorrect  Sorry from my side but dood I cannot sign up your beta team anyway. It is giving me errors. error please contact the administrater anyway. I don't know the error exactly because the error itself is not exact. I am willing to join Mister developer. Thanksand good luck with your game. Ishan


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : urfx via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

first some replies @Cody_91 yes please@jack correct we are working with three schools in the UK and anybody willing on Earth. @GeneWarner I to sometimes take things literally, driving my friends and family mad. we simply live in the UK, but yes also on earth and absolutely want anyone to be able to get a copy of the game and influence how it develops. @Crashmaster ... since we only have one code slave right now (mainly me) releasing for stacks of platforms is incredibly difficult, but you will hopefully like the rest of the news I'm sharing today. So I'm also adopting unity cloud build to help improve my build productivity . doing my best pal thats all I can do.@Garrett thanks and thanks again, your support really helps . Some days its hard to pick yourself up and keep going so its just good to know your out there rooting for us. guys just email me direct or hook up on skype. apologies for cross posting... this was also po
 sted on another section / topic quick post to say I haven't stopped trying to get a JumpInSauceRS release of better quality out there, and I'm at the point where this is very close. if any audiogamers are willing to try out an array of features and new ways to test/share results please just email 1. we now have a prototype talking scoreboard / "ships computer" that is somewhat of a maverick hence his/her code name is MaverickTTS ... Maverick needs work (and therapy) but having it does mean you can hear your progress and score without relying on a web based TTS. It also means we can put a switch on it to toggle or mute it. 2. thanks to MaverickTTS we were able to finally do a web build (yes that means we are close to a PC build) which I know a few gamers have been asking for. I've been working on web build after web build all day trying to flush out the best way to login as a previous character ( for e very specific te
 ster who loved their Mists of Audazzle character that much... I couldn't say no)3. shouldn't forget to mention the rival challenge thing, [[wow]] that was fun (hmm)... so we have a web based challenge maker and an email based challenge maker, both randomly create a custom challenge in the name of your character... so if you are super lazy then you can simply submit and get a reward...  4. rewards engine... so in the style of the surreal ramblings of Dark Sock... JumpInSauceRS is being backed with lots of details and lots of potential usability issues to find and fix. point is I could be doing this over and over till Christmas, so can anyone spare time to help? ---Q1. Anyone used everyplay? Q1.1. or maybe didn't know they were? -- its a way to record and share playing a game. I embedded this yesterday thought it would help get the best feedback. Q1.2 but us everplay accessible ?anyhow this week and
  next week I just need some people to agree to help me find the issues that must be sorted to get the final version of JumpInSauceRS ... up to fun factor 1 (on a scale of 1 - 10) ... would just love to get to 1. again apologies for cross posting I'll also post this where folks have been discussing Audazzle and on our Facebook page... please help. p.p.s Q2. anybody use twitch ? accessible is it for screen readers?


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

If you are still looking for people to help I would be interested.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

He didnt really mean just in the U K, Gene. Think he said that because they have direct interactions with people in the U K, but really its trying to break down social isolation for blind people in general.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

What you dont understand is, the country has nothing to do with it.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

My heavy apologies, I was really hoping to join the testing team and help you guys, I feal terrible for not getting to this topic in time, Im sorry. And also, Id really love to donate, but do the financial problem that me and my family are going through, I am prevented from being able to do that. I hope theres something I can do to help. I myself am about to get back into school, so all my time will be taken up with woeking, but Id really love to support you guys. Please let me know if theres something I can do. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Audazzle wrote:We’re trying to break down social isolation of blind and visually impaired individuals in the UK by developing inclusive game technology.Interesting concept, wants to be inclusive, but excludes anyone not in the UK.crashmaster wrote:I would stress though that if you are serious on getting inclusive with your games that the stuff be released on windows mac and Linux or at least windows.Agreed, although I have both a Windows based PC and an iPhone, I only play games on the PC, my iPhone is reserved for communication and information acceess.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Audazzle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hey guys, Thanks so much for your patience, we have already released the Google version of the game which you can download from the Google Play store via the following links:Paid have also now released the iOS version too! which you can also download on the iTunes Connect Store via the following links:Free you would like to help us beta test new versions of JumpInSauceRS and Mists of Audazzle, we would absolutely love to have you involved! you can subscribe to beta test via our website on the following link: look forward to having you all on board! The Audazzle Team


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

I wonder when the iOS version is coming. Didnt they say itd come in December 2014?


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Huh? The ios version is in the process of being approved by Apple now.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : revan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

hi!sounds is exciting,   i will wait.  when cames out android for game,  i can support both of them, android and iphone!  ive subscribed as well!   also i have too some sound libraries, if your team need something, click me email button,


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Revan, the android version is already out, free or paid. The ios versions coming very soon, and from what I know the pc version seems to be in early beta.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi Audazzle. I very much approve of and support this approach to unify the gaming community so blind and sighted people can have equal footing on games. Being a particularly obsessive gamer myself Ive also tried various videogames and found them to work because they unintentionally were designed in such a way that the sounds were enough to play it. But that still isnt equal footing as that only applies to a few games, street fighter and mortal combat in particular. Theres also games like Skullgirls, mainstream games that have speech that you can enable, but thats not set up out of the box. This is why I love your mision statement. Ive signed up to beta test your games. Ive already bought jumpin saucers I didnt even bother with the free version, I went right ahead with the paid version, and I honestly do not regret it one bit. The games great. Excited to see it come to pc, and do you have plans to develop this for mac? Best of l
 uck with everything!


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi Audazzle. I very much approve of and support this approach to unify the gaming community so blind and sighted people can have equal footing on games. Being a particularly obsessive gamer myself Ive also tried various videogames and found them to work because they unintentionally were designed in such a way that the sounds were enough to play it. But that still isnt equal footing as that only applies to a few games, street fighter and mortal combat in particular. Theres also games like Skullgirls, mainstream games that have speech that you can enable, but thats not set up out of the box. This is why I love your mision statemtnt. Ive signed up to beta test your games. Ive already bought jumpin saucers I didnt even bother with the free version, I went right ahead with the paid version, and I honestly do not regret it one bit. The games great. Excited to see it come to pc, and do you have plans to develop this for mac? Best of l
 uck with everything!


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi allThis is a small note to all those that want to test for pc.I volunteered on the internal list audazzle has set up for testing to test for pc.Right now part of the shield key does not work so shields will not release.Right now the pc version cant be really played but its coming.So yes if you pc guys want to test its in the works.A paypal button is being set on audazzle site for donations to so hopefully who knows we can start putting in some cash for this.I cant put a constant stream, but I tend to put in a little even though I get the game for free being a tester I will still put in 20-30 dollars because I believe in helping new startups.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-01-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

@Audazzle:You should tell your daughter to join this forum. There are a lot of good people on here (including myself) who would like to help out and get her into the spirit of being with others who are just like herself. As right now, there are over 400 games in the game database, and that should really spark her interest. (Dark, do you mind giving us a full count of how many games are in the database? Im not going through that entire combo box to count them all.)If you would like to contact me, you can do that by one of the following methods:Email: harlydavid...@gmail.comSkype: Ethin39Of course, Im sure many others would like to contribute to the projects you make, and Im sure that Daisy would enjoy the community as well. Again, if you would like to get in touch, just use one of the two contact methods I listed above (Email or Skype).


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Awesome, Audazzle, you found us. Well, to be accurate, you found me, then I had to come here to spread the love, only to find that you already had. I signed up and received my link. Thanks. I will get to it just as soon as time provides.Fully agree with the principles of inclusive gaming. I will pass this on to my contacts. Best of luck with it; we need some new blood in the equal access, multiple modality audiogame genre.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : fluffy solger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi.Ive sined up as George.Will the game work on Ipad minny?And is it age apropryit?I cant wait to be a beta tester


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi.Sounds interesting. I dont have time for testing this Christmas Holiday, but I look very much forward to check out what you come up with. Keep up the good Work Guys.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi,at EG: Thats an interesting idea to look on the system of inclusion, even though that game has still many bugs in it witch have to be squashed. But thats another topic.I just wanted to ask quickly, if there is a release date for the space shooter game witch was announced recently?I am quite curious about the games mechanics and gameplay.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Audazzle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

@crashmaster Unfortunately as of yet Kick Starter doesnt accept Paypal, we are however discussing the possibility of integrating our Kick Starter campaign with Paypal, we have found out that it is possible some other projects have done it in the past. So this is definitely something we are looking into now. Thanks for letting us know about this@EternalGamer it would be great if yo could post it on other sites, unfortunately though the game will only be available in English in the beginning, it will be launched worldwide so we will be looking at expanding to other languages in the future, we are having problems with the text to speech software in English so first we must overcome those difficulties.@Simba Our release date for beta testing is varied, we have submitted the app for review to Apple but are awaiting their approval. Whereas Android is a lot simpler and we will launching for Android on Friday. If you have subscribed we are just sending out confirmation
  emails with more information to everyone about it all.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Audazzle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hello Everyone,Thank you to all who signed up to join our beta testing team, Its the first time we have ever interacted with Audio Games so we are still relatively new to where to post, I hope this is not a burden to the community. We are developing our first game for iOS and Android but we will be looking at doing it for the PC and windows, as you might be aware the code for each is different so we are first releasing for these two platforms. @chasmaster Thank you very much for your interest in donating to our cause, we will be launching a kickstarter campaign soon, we are currently working on getting that started, your contribution will be very welcome. We will also be releasing two versions of the game, one is a free version, the other is a paid version. You can show your support to us by purchasing the paid version of the game, this purchase gives you a medal of honour, it will be shown on your profile and high scores.We will be sending everyon
 e an email with more information on how to beta test, so for anyone that hasnt beta tested before you will know how to do it after our email. We are busy coding away getting the game ready for our launch. @dark Thank you so much for your expertise, we are a start up company so we are still looking at what other platforms/games we can expand into and develop. Our main aim is to create more social inclusion and there are so many ways that this can be done, the same way that there are so many different ways that games can be more accessible. We will look at all possibilities to do this, and with the help of all our beta testers I am sure we will achieve something great.@galaxy Stranger Thanks for the information of AppleVis, we are already aware of them. We will be contacting them soon too. Again a big thank you to everyone who has subscribed, we really appreciate your help and we hope you enjoy the game as much as we do!Warmest Regards,Th
 e Audazzle Team


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : gregorz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hello,I just subscribed yesterday, will take the time to introduce myself here.Your first post here touched me, because its really great to think about a game playable with sighted players. Ive already beta tested several games, and I like to do it.Im a 29 years old man, and would really be interested to donate and pay your game too .Ill post more on me if needed,Greg


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

I am not sure if kickstarter supports paypal, I will need your stuff to be payable with that service as its easier for me to use paypal rather than trying to get a sightling read my credit card info all the time and I dont feel safe having it stuck on my system where I but also other hackers could get it.I apologise for my less than friendly message yesterday, but there have been cases in the past where stuff has been posted in the wrong place, and has been moved not a lot of the time, and I guess in this case it doesnt matter.Its good to see another face on here.Id like to join the beta team and depending on the price I am willing to contribute things.I have access to goldwave and maybe a few sounds to, so if you need anything.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hello,I may be jumping the gun here,but what this community really is missing is a good engine for creating games like Unity or Flash.So, if you looked for eventually putting out an engine, that would be very nice.Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

I agree completely with your mission and want this to succeed!Best of luck!


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : App con via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi i just subscribed i would like to test your game I have a iphone.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Good morning, I would also be willing to give you guys a hand in creating games. I have a standard pc, an Iphone, and if it comes down to this, an androit tablet is also available.I also can help with sounds abit. I have some sound libs and a few programs to edit them.I already signed up for the beta testing spot and I am eager to help you guys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : EternalGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi!Thats an amazing Mission Statement Audazzle, and if any reaction came across as implying something you wrote was a burden to the community, I can assure you this is definitely not the case. Quite the opposite. Inclusive gaming hits a nerve here, and nerves are sometimes sensitive. ;-) In other words, sometimes things like this stimulate memories of shattered hopes in People, leading to paradox effects.Anyway, enough pop psychology. Ill sign up later and with your permission Ill post the link to your site in GamePORT, which is the German-speaking hub of blind gaming.By the way, doesnt it seem that inclusion itself can feel like a game, where you earn Independence Points for every barrier successfully smashed? ;-)Greetings,EG


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Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Audazzle via Audiogames-reflector


Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hello Everyone,We are writing to you as we need your help. We’re trying to break down social isolation of blind and visually impaired individuals in the UK by developing inclusive game technology. Most of the accessible games out there are audio only, which unintentionally exclude the sighted and further marginalize the blind.We have been inspired by our daughter Daisy, who is blind. We have spent our life watching her being left out of games at school, in the playground, and more recently, being excluded from video gaming sessions. Daisy’s dream is to be able to play with her sighted siblings and friends on an equal footing. Last Christmas, we decided to make her dream come true. We formed Audazzle Ltd. to develop video games that use 3D sound and dazzling graphics to attract both the blind and non blind, thus leveling the playing field. All gamers are empowered equally to join in the fun!We can’t do this without Daisy and her friends. We want to unlock the immense potential of the blind and visually impaired and enable them to design their own video-games with us. Daisy, her siblings and her friends were instrumental in co-creating our first game: “JumpinSauceRS”, a space shooter game playable on iOS/Android tablets and mobile devices. “JumpinSauceRS” will be pre-released in the next ten days! So our Christmas resolution is coming true! We are reaching out to you at this stage to ask your help with beta testing, spreading the word and getting a contact list together of people who can help us.We would also love to hear from you about our mission and core values and benefit from your expertise and advice.Finally, we would be immensely grateful if you could suggest names of colleagues, friends or other relevant contacts that may be interested in supporting the Audazzle endeavour. To join our beta testers subscribe via our website: you so much and warmest regards,The Audazzle Team


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

hithis link dont work


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

This really should be in general gaming at least the testing part.I have signed up to show my support is there any donation button Id like to donate to the cause.We have not had inclusive games since the old code factory and the terror formers stuff.I can give you the email address of the guy that develops 1918 heart of winter and a few other guy may or may not be interested.I would stress though that if you are serious on getting inclusive with your games that the stuff be released on windows mac and Linux or at least windows.I am a pc user and currently do not have a smart phone so while I will sign up to show my support for such a project I will be unable to test it.if there is a paypal donation link I am willing to donate 40 bucks to your project initially and more may be coming who knows.Its good to see a new player in any case


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hello.Ive signed up. Cant wait to try this out. 


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

hello, I have signed up using the subscription form as well. unfortunately, my only beta testing experiences have been on a pc, so i do not know how to get the game in its beta stages if I actually do beta test the game. any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Hi,Ill take a look at your website and will subscribe there for sure, since I have an iPhone and will be able to help with testing, which I have done before with other games.Like someone else on here already said, to make it a really inclusive game it should be released at least for Windows, since by far not all blind gamers have a smartphone to play games on.If you would like to get more testers with Ios devices in your project, you could post your project on applevis, which is a site dedicated to blind users of Apple devices. Since your game is mobile only right now, I think you would find more people there who will be able to test your game.Best regardsTikki


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Just letting folks know that he already posted on the eyes free list. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Moderation! @Crashmaster, while it is correct that usually this room is for new releases only, that is not a friendly way to gree new guests to the forum at all, especially with their mission statement and the fact that their first game is due out soon anyway. After all, no problem with bending the rules for a good cause, we do exist to promote audio games anyway. @Audazzle, Welcome to the site. that is an interesting project, and mutual access to games is certainly a good idea, indeed sometimes I feel glad that i grew up in the 80s and early 90s when my limited vision was adequate to playing a number of 8 and 16 bit titles such as Metroid and Donkey Kong country that I could enjoy with friends, where as today with the rise of 3D and complex graphics Id be entirely out of it (the number of games I could play dropped rapidly with the release of the ps1). I will also say however that the number of accessible games is growing all the time, indeed both 
 yourselves and your daughter Dazy would be very welcome to check out this forum and the site database and see what is on offer currently.About the current state of games playable by blind people and by sighted people visually, there are a good few browser based and now Ios mmorpgs such as Solara, Core exiles and Puppet nightmares that provide access to blind and Vi players through good image labelling and the fact they work through interfaces that inherently involve screen reader accessible text, the same is true for muds,  realtime text games, indeed some muds (such as the awsome Alteraeon), have gone out of their way to provide some great Vi access features to assure the same sort of participation you suggest. Obviously however, text gaming is something of a minority interest when compared to games with full 3D graphics. I dont agree that audio games have graphics to alienate sighted players Indeed, there have been some very notable sighte
 d developers of audio games, some for a mainstream gaming markit, such as the games from somethinelse, on the same basis that some sighted people still listen to radio plays, after all there are atmospheric and artistic properties that representing fully in sound has which graphical representation doesnt, Codename Cygnus for Ios or the Inquisitor games are good recent examples. Then again, of course such things are minority interests and often exist as something of a novelty rather than the main focused interest video games are now, so it is an intreaguing idea. There have been some audio games with placeholder style minimalist graphics such as Shades of doom, Time of conflict, Castaways and Swamp, (Swamp indeed the graphics are kept minimal so as not to provide sighted players with too much extra advantage in an online multiplayer fps environment), however to my knolidge, there have only been four real time action audio games with what you could call full graphi
 cs (albeit still limited by an indi development budgit), Sonic zoom, a fairly simple arcade title obviously aimed at younger children, the Gamevial accessible flash web games such as Rally racer and rebound, the Terraformers project and the more recent Ios title Nebula. Terraformers I would highly recommend having a look at. While the gameplay is a little slow, and in some ways it feels more like a highly extended tech demo than a game, at the same time the atmosphere, music, and the uses of descriptions along with sounds to give a Vi player not only the same information but also the same ethos and ambience as a sighted person gets from the graphics is very well done, even if the grapics (at least what I can see of them which likely isnt a lot),are probably a step down from what is possible today (the game is 10 years old). There is then NEbula audio game by Grey company released earlier this year for Ios. (I havent unfortunately added it to the audiogames.
 net database yet, but you can find it on the Ios ap store, the developer is grey company). my problem with the game is that while the concept is interesting, a space invaders game with full graphics but one where nebulae obscure the screen occasionally forcing everyone to rely on audio, I personally didnt find the audio adequate to the task. For example, when an enemy ship fired, the sound of the shot did not indicate its vertical position, so it was possible to hear a shot fired on the right of the sterrio field, think it was safe to move over there with the shot gone and still get hit, further, often the playing area got very crowded with sound sources without distinction. This couldve been fixed with a bit of audio redesign (I actually wonder if the company updated the game to do so), but is one of the problems of trying to replicate information in a fully accessible audio form as well as graphically. I do hope the project goes well, Ive signed up t
 o the beta team and will be interested to try the game. Though sinse audio space invaders games have been

Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2014-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

Moderation! @Crashmaster, while it is correct that usually this room is for new releases only, that is not a friendly way to greet new guests to the forum at all, especially with their mission statement and the fact that their first game is due out soon anyway. After all, no problem with bending the rules for a good cause, we do exist to promote audio games anyway. @Audazzle, Welcome to the site. that is an interesting project, and mutual access to games is certainly a good idea, indeed sometimes I feel glad that i grew up in the 80s and early 90s when my limited vision was adequate to playing a number of 8 and 16 bit titles such as Metroid and Donkey Kong country that I could enjoy with friends, where as today with the rise of 3D and complex graphics Id be entirely out of it (the number of games I could play dropped rapidly with the release of the ps1). I will also say however that the number of accessible games is growing all the time, indeed both
  yourselves and your daughter Dazy would be very welcome to check out this forum and the site database and see what is on offer currently.About the current state of games playable by blind people and by sighted people visually, there are a good few browser based and now Ios mmorpgs such as Solara, Core exiles and Puppet nightmares that provide access to blind and Vi players through good image labelling and the fact they work through interfaces that inherently involve screen reader accessible text, the same is true for muds,  realtime text games, indeed some muds (such as the awsome Alteraeon), have gone out of their way to provide some great Vi access features to assure the same sort of participation you suggest. Obviously however, text gaming is something of a minority interest when compared to games with full 3D graphics. I dont agree that audio games have graphics to alienate sighted players Indeed, there have been some very notable sight
 ed developers of audio games, some for a mainstream gaming markit, such as the games from somethinelse, on the same basis that some sighted people still listen to radio plays, after all there are atmospheric and artistic properties that representing fully in sound has which graphical representation doesnt, Codename Cygnus for Ios or the Inquisitor games are good recent examples. Then again, of course such things are minority interests and often exist as something of a novelty rather than the main focused interest video games are now, so it is an intreaguing idea. There have been some audio games with placeholder style minimalist graphics such as Shades of doom, Time of conflict, Castaways and Swamp, (Swamp indeed the graphics are kept minimal so as not to provide sighted players with too much extra advantage in an online multiplayer fps environment), however to my knolidge, there have only been four real time action audio games with what you could call full graph
 ics (albeit still limited by an indi development budgit), Sonic zoom, a fairly simple arcade title obviously aimed at younger children, the Gamevial accessible flash web games such as Rally racer and rebound, the Terraformers project and the more recent Ios title Nebula. Terraformers I would highly recommend having a look at. While the gameplay is a little slow, and in some ways it feels more like a highly extended tech demo than a game, at the same time the atmosphere, music, and the uses of descriptions along with sounds to give a Vi player not only the same information but also the same ethos and ambience as a sighted person gets from the graphics is very well done, even if the grapics (at least what I can see of them which likely isnt a lot),are probably a step down from what is possible today (the game is 10 years old). There is then NEbula audio game by Grey company released earlier this year for Ios. (I havent unfortunately added it to the audiogames
 .net database yet, but you can find it on the Ios ap store, the developer is grey company). my problem with the game is that while the concept is interesting, a space invaders game with full graphics but one where nebulae obscure the screen occasionally forcing everyone to rely on audio, I personally didnt find the audio adequate to the task. For example, when an enemy ship fired, the sound of the shot did not indicate its vertical position, so it was possible to hear a shot fired on the right of the sterrio field, think it was safe to move over there with the shot gone and still get hit, further, often the playing area got very crowded with sound sources without distinction. This couldve been fixed with a bit of audio redesign (I actually wonder if the company updated the game to do so), but is one of the problems of trying to replicate information in a fully accessible audio form as well as graphically. I do hope the project goes well, Ive signed up 
 to the beta team and will be interested to try the game. Though sinse audio space invaders games have been