Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I agree. Topic locked.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I think we are dun with this, we dont want more opinions, do we? and we can expect users and admins to learn from this incident,I think this topic should be closed!


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

forum is going back words, that's all i can say, both admins and users has went too far, things were much   better when dark was in the admin team, whatevver i say, meh


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Tehcnically they do have the right to remove a topic with no reason. It's just not something that is normally if ever done


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

hard to bleave  that no one  removed it, wierd, but honestly   admins doesn't have rights to remove topics with out any   reason ,


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

to the original poster:thankfully you had a back up copy of that deleted topic. That makes you way more suspicious as far as your activity goes, but hey, all of us believe or see things differently. Anyway, I would put that .rar file to good use and read post 23 from that archived copy over and over and over, and apply it to everything I do in my life instead of wasting time here saying that I would leave the forum and blah blah blah and conspiring. I would definitely be a better and smarter person, wouldn't you think? maybe no, I know you will just skip pas this post and then come up with another sort of pointless drama which is actually getting amusing at this point. Its a good stress reliever for some of us but its not the better way.I love how you then would say something is character assassination,  and tell the people who posted there to watch their backs. What are you, exactly, trying to accomplish_ if you are so bored might I suggest playing games, exercising, reading, talking to friends, ETC, plenty of things to do. Its as if I was your very bored neighbor and went to your house and to your parents asking who of all of your siblings were disliked the most.. but oh, as a fun thing, as a silly pass time. That is not going to work at all if your family went through some rough times.. there is a time and place for everything, it is wise and very common knowledge if this was present in everything you did, including posting on an internet forum.I do not agree with just straight up deleting the topic, it was probably not really that urgent or bad, but that was cleaned too and an apology plus an admission of responsibility was accepted, so any more posts here right after this one are also way too pointless.. now, if I might also have some round of bk3 where there is a boat and I have to defeat McTrollerson. with a paddle?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Moderation:Mazen, you can go ahead and consider this a caution. Your question is absolutely, no-doubt-about-it off topic. This is generally not the sort of thing you should be doing. Remember, cautions don't add up and are mostly just a way of saying "hey, watch it". You are being cautioned, not punished.The reason Jimmy69 is not being cautioned is because, while he didn't explain himself, I can see the root of his question regarding the .rar file posted earlier. There is at least some relevancy there. But with yours, Mazen, I fail to see any link at all. Given that this point had already been raised, I can't see ignorance as an excuse.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Whats an accessable program to download videos from Youtube?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

jimmy69 wrote:It is so I can look at the back up of the topic. If it is really that much of an issue I will make a topic in off-topic, but yeah I was just trying to figure out a way to open itThis should do what you want., I'll put rule 5 below so you can see what we're harping about.5. Please do not hijack someone else's topic. Conversations change and evolve, but users who make a habit of derailing other people's conversations may face disciplinary action.It's not a big deal, but you should just keep that in mind. When in doubt, create a new topic.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

As stated by two people, it is an issue, because it is not relevant to the current discussion.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It is so I can look at the back up of the topic. If it is really that much of an issue I will make a topic in off-topic, but yeah I was just trying to figure out a way to open it


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

This is a mistake and a learning experience for all of us. I am extremely glad that Arqmeister came forward. Still not happy that something like this happened though, this isn't how we should role. @Aprone, I promise that this hasn't changed, so I would consider this, very much, a communication error between staff, or at least, one based on impulse.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : TheGreatCarver via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

jimmy69 wrote:A little  of topic, but what is an accessible and easy to use software to open rar filesRule 5. Please create a topic in the off-topic room to ask that.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

That isn't a little off topic, that's a lot off topic, and I shall not answer.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

A little  of topic, but what is an accessible and easy to use software to open rar files


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I've been thinking how to write this for the past day or so. We're at an impasse here, the users and the mods. We really shouldn't be though. It's the moderators' job to make sure the place runs smoothly so that the majority of the user base has a nice place to be. The others are people who stir up trouble. Now, I am about as anti-Jayde as it is possible to be. I tend to think things are this bad right now because of him. I don't think he's mod material and wish he would step down. However, it doesn't make sense to attribute things to him, or any other mod just because I have a problem with them. Going solely off that, every single person would have a problem with him because I said this, that, and the other thing which caused everyone else to go with me. Think about this though, what if the entire team just got cleaned sacked, and a whole new team got put in their place. Would that matter right now? Not really, because the users are so hot and not giving the mods' any space to do their jobs. You can't be effective if most of your active community is battering you about every little thing. The topic deletion, who honestly gives a crap about this? Why are you making it into a big deal? Everyone knows Alireza is a troll, and posted that for the purpose of starting shit. Pranum is keeping the drama alive for no other reason than to watch the fireworks, I think that is obvious.I think a mistake was made in this case, though an honest one. It just tells is all. It suggests that communication is not what it should be between the mods, or the mods and admins. I think things may have been better organized under Dark, and we never got a peek behind the scenes. When the whole thing blew up, we did get that peek and now ever since then, it's been crazy. Well, crazy gotta die down at some point. These people gotta be able to do their jobs without demons breathing fire down their necks.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Just to clarify my position on this. I think it will provide ammo for those who want to fuel the us and them divide between users and admin, though I personally won't use this against them no matter how much I may disagree with any future decisions. The reason being, I don't think just closing a thread is always enough. Jade's shown himself to be tough in the face of criticism, and as has been pointed out, this was just like kids voting against the strictest teacher, so I doubt it'll dent his self-esteem. But what if it were a vote for which person or race you dislike the most? Should a thing like that be allowed to hang around? Any real world place of work, school, etc, would have torn that thing off the message board straight away.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Just to clarify my position on this. I think it will provide ammo for those who want to fuel the us and them divide between users and admin, though I personally won't use this against them no matter how much I may disagree with any future decisions. The reason being, I don't think just closing a thread is always enough. Jade's shown himself to be tough in the face of criticism, and as has been pointed out, this was just like kids voting against the strictest teacher, so I doubt it'll dent his self-esteem. But what if it were a vote for which race you dislike the most? Should a thing like that be allowed to hang around? Any real world place of work, school, etc, would have torn that thing off the message board straight away.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Tin foil hats for everyone. Lol.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

SLJ wrote:1. I thought every moderators and admins agreed that topics shall never be deleted, unless it is spam or any other great reason which have nothing to do with the content of the topic.That's how I remember it too, but maybe things were changed.  As has been said before, a mistake was made.  I can see people on both sides who are going too far.  I disagree with some of the leaps of paranoia just as much as I disagree with those who see no problem with the deletion since they didn't like the thread's contents.  Both of those views will cause nothing but problems.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I can't help but thinking that recreating the topic would be a bad idea, but then what do I know.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

How about we do that to her instead of her own self. Liam wrote:Now let's all go play BK3 and tell Carla to f*ck herself.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

How about we do that instead of her. Liam wrote:Now let's all go play BK3 and tell Carla to f*ck herself.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Wow. What a mess I woke up to... Two things:1. I thought every moderators and admins agreed that topics shall never be deleted, unless it is spam or any other great reason which have nothing to do with the content of the topic.2. Just create the topic again if that's what you want.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

lol, roflroflrofl!that's why people like your streams! or, it is one of the reasons!


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

94 and 96. Agreed. So it's up to us as users to make that happen.A mistake was made, it was owned up to. Okay. A lesson was learned.Now let's all go play BK3 and tell Carla to f*ck herself.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Gotta agree there, Liam. Guys, calm it down. The OP got his curiosity satisfied, Arq deleted the topic apparently by mistake, and apologised for it. In light of the situation, your paranoia regarding admins seeing your private messages, and warmongering regarding the staph team, and Jade in general, becomes irrelevant and pointless. Let's all get bak to gaming, shall we?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@94 Agreed, let's stop and berry this over here, and let's hope for a change.@95 I don't want him to do anything else. I want this forum to be a safe place, where we don't have to deal with such things. I don't want such things repeating again, that's all.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : GauravSharma via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Gotta agree there, Liam. Guys, calm it down. The OP got his curiosity satisfied, Arq deleted the topic apparently by mistake, and apologised for it. In light of the situation, your paranoia regarding admins seeing your private messages, and warmongering regarding the staf team becomes irrelevant and pointless. Let's all get bak to gaming, shall we?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Should he have? yes.I imagine if he had it over to do again he would hav ehandled it differently. He's apologized for it, so I'm not sure what else you're really expecting him to do.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@92 Everyone has a different thought process. You are thinking in your way, and you might be correct in your own way. I know what's going on these days. But the thing is, he should have announced the deletion immediately after deleting the topic, which he didn't do, waiting for what? I don't know. And that's the major thing. Many people didn't see the topic, and the topic got deleted without any warning. What should that mean? And even after he deleted it, he didn't even post in this topic. He did so after people started assuming things. Is it correct to do? Being an admin, he could have hid that for a very long time, until the logs weren't examined, and he might have planned  it...


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Ooo kay.let me break this down a bit.No one went on a topic deletion rampage. So please stop trying to suggest that. Things have been tense here, and I'd have to assume on list. Again. I'm assuming on this second one, but...Arq goes on to the forums, combs through posts. Sees a topic called Which Staff member do you dislike the most?Now I'm going to make quite a leap of imagination here and try to break down what arqs thought process was. I'll base it on what would have caused me to delete the topic. Though in this case I would have just closed it and probably issued a warning.Hm. This topic sounds rather trollish. We're having a lot of user staff conflict right now. Oh it has some reports attached to it as well I see it must be a problem topic. Blam. We don't need it. that the correct course of action? Eh. Probably not, but it's the course of action Arq felt was appropriate. This in no way means that admins are combing through your messages. I don't even know if that's possible. Even if it was, why would they bother? Just because you have the ability to do something, doesn't mean you will do it.I worked for 8 years with all manner of personal data. I saw bank statements, phone bills, itemized purchase lists. You know what I did with it? Not a damn thing. I couldn't care less who shopped here and who bought what and who rented what. it was just part of my job, and was data.When I was a mod I didn't give a crap who messaged who about what. What I cared about was making sure the forums were running smoothly with as little conflict as possible, and that people could have a space to discuss and ask questions.That's an admin and mod's job. they're trying to keep everything running smoothly.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

well the last post was going to be my last post here but I just came to remind jayde that you can't see the votes before voting yourself so that's impossible to do, even if i wanted to.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@87 No, I can't prove it, either. But I never said that all the voters were above certain age or something. I said that there were people other than kids, who voted in the topic.@88 Do you really think that this incident on such a big forum could be taken lightly? Admins have powers to do a lot. What if, one day, they thought, hey let's dig around this user's private messages and let's study what he fucks around with. Does it sound nice? Certainly not. So, my point is, admins can do whatever, whatever they want. It's your wish if you want to take something seriously and if you don't, then it's your mentality. My previous post sums it all. Now, it's time for a change.@89 That, certainly is not the way an admin should do. Hey let's go on a topic deletion rampage, and let's delete all the topics against us!


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@87 No, I can't prove it, either. But I never said that all the voters were above certain age or something. I said that there were people other than kids, who voted in the topic.@88 Do you really think that this incident on such a big forum could be taken lightly? Admins have powers to do a lot. What if, one day, they thought, hey let's dig around this user's private messages and let's study what he fucks around with. Does it sound nice? Certainly not. So, my point is, admins can do whatever, whatever they want. It's your wish if you want to take something seriously and if you don't, then it's your mentality. My previous post sums it all. Now, it's time for a change.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

You guys realize that Arqmeister didn't even look at the topic and just deleted it? he even said o above. So this isn't an admin wanting to silence the crowd. This is an admin who is looking through topics, sees something that looks trollish and reflexively deletes the post. Hopefully it won't happen again, but people are trying to make more out of it than it really is.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It also bears mentioning that sometimes, people go with the herd. If blood is hot, if speculation is rampant, it's easy to just latch onto stuff. I think Alireza may have known this and took advantage. Even if he didn't know it, he should have, in my opinion. It seems a pretty elementary concept.And to the user now talking about how he fears to post and all? Good grief, get over yourself. There have been hundreds of thousands of posts on this forum over the decade and a half or so it's been around. This was one isolated incident which shouldn't have happened. if that's all it takes to silence you, I feel like maybe you've got some weird and skewed priorities, and I feel pretty safe not taking the rest of what you say too seriously.Now I'm done in here unless I need to step back in and moderate. Good luck.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Can you prove that a significant number of the votes were not cast by younger members? Mind you, I can't prove that they were, either, but I can use deductive reasoning and see that most of the people who were going to be attracted to such a topic would be of a certain demographic. A couple of people even said as much in the now archived topic, that they wouldn't have voted if they didn't realize that it was all in supposed fun. There's only one explanation for that, which is impulsiveness, which is much more common in younger people. Those who cast their vote but truly meant it would not come forward to retract it, because they knew the decision that they made would be final, no matter their age.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : pranam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@arqmeister, an admin deleted the topic! Surprising, isn't it? I'm unable to find a good reason to delete a topic, without anyone's consent, and shutting people up. Is there any dictatorship in the forum? There were 34 35 votes against @jayde and a few against other moderators but that doesn't mean that all of them were done by the so called kids in this forum. They included people from all age variants. This is only the forum where we get to know about new games and all, but if an admin of the forum will start deleting topics and posts without any reason, then I think we better off to find a new forum where we can have a trusted staff team. It's enough. Ok, the topic generated heat, it was against a moderator, but no one forced anyone to vote against a certain moderator, it was all done by the people, and there must be a reason behind it. The way of doing so might be wrong, but that, in any condition, didn't warrant the deletion of the topic. There must be a change in the forum staff team or the forum will decline and will die soon which we don't want. Until any change to the staff team doesn't happen, I'm not going to post anything, I'm afraid that someone will come and delete my topic, edit my post or my post count because it is the way forum works nowadays. There might be positive changes in the forum since the staff team appointed new faces, but the negative changes outnumbered the positive changes which is saddening for the forum as well as for our community. I'd really like a change as soon as possible. Till then, take care. Do whatever you want, the staff team. It's your forum after all, who are we to say anything.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Alireza, you seem to be getting upset that I'm accusing you of lying. I'm not. I'm suggesting that whatever your intentions were, you made a mess you should damn well have known not to make. You can't claim you didn't know how that was going to go. You've been here too long and have watched too much toxicity fly to get a free pass there. I can really only conclude that you think saying "hey man, I'm just having fun" somehow excuses anything you do. It...kind of doesn't. Maybe you didn't expect it to explode as much as it did. That's fine, I guess. If the reports from you that I see in the reports log actually pertain to posts in the deleted thread, then you did back yourself up there. I'll give you that much at least. But if you didn't know better, you really should've. And if you think you did deserve the benefit of the doubt, now you no longer do.Just have more consideration when you post, that's essentially what I'm asking. I didn't need that. The rest of the mods didn't need that. The forum didn't need that. I don't agree with the method by which it was removed, but I do agree that it was unnecessary and really served no point except to act as a bastion of immature mob mentality for a brief while.Now, if after all that, you still want to leave, then it's like I said. Door's that way. And while I don't want to kick you out or force you to leave, I also don't feel the need to justify myself to you past this point. I am having trouble keeping hold of my temper, in fact, because no, I really don't appreciate all the negative attention, especially given that a lot of it isn't merited. So you come in here, get upset that a topic got deleted (which I understand) and then still continue to act hurt when we've attempted to redress it. I think this is where the rest of the work belongs to you. I believe there's plenty of good reason to impugn your judgment and to call you out, and if that hurts a little, then perhaps it's time to start pondering the choices you make a little more before you make them, hmm?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Hi, Jade and liam's last posts, plus 1. The topic was not just pointless or atempting to troll as AlirezaNosrati has been known to do, but it was utterly in bad taste, nasty and very disgusting. No matter the results of such a thing, one or the other person was bound to have been hurt, the one that got the most votes, and personally I don't see anything wrong with getting rid of such filth. Threads like these and the ones that are nothing but dribble just to get at someone should really be cracked down upon, to let the users know that this is something we are against and will not stand for and to create an over all friendlier environment. Good thing its gone, and tbh I don't really see it as such a big deal for it to have been deleted as it was, but yes, one last thing, and I will leave you all to think on it...jade wrote:The fact that this forum has existed for a decade and a half, and nowsuddenly we need protocols for things that weren't really a problem in the past, speaks volumesGrryf


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Sorry but I have no pity can be as hurt as you want to, but the topic inthe first place was pretty nasty. It was pointless, and all it did was stir up drama. You'll get over it.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@80 the least he could've done was send me a private message which he didn't, which shows that the forum is in secure.and you are not saying that I posted the topic to ask people to vote for jayde are you? again, acuzing me of lying.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@80 the least he could've done was send me a private message which he didn't, which shows that the forum is in secure.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

AlirezaNosrati,You can leave if you want; the door's that way. But before you do, I advise that you read the following:1. It was possible that you were lying, just as it was possible that anyone was. All those possibilities were on the table, but as it turned out, you and I were both telling the truth. I am sorry that your character was called into question, at least on those grounds.2. That said, I've now read the entirety of the deleted thread, as you've provided it. Thank you for that, by the way, as I find it rather enlightening...but perhaps not in the way you might think. You keep hiding behind the "it was all in fun" argument; people like Flackers, Griff and others have explained how your idea was in bad taste. Regardless of your stated intentions, such a thing was ill-timed and ill-conceived, and while I absolutely do not condone deleting it out of hand with no warning or record given till later, I understand the feelings it generated in those who so strongly objected to it. If that is your idea of fun, then perhaps it is best you take it elsewhere after all.3. It needs to be stated, however, that these actions represent one person, not an entire team. We have yet to decide how things will proceed from  here, but you should absolutely not take this as a sign that people are generally okay with suppression of opinions. Bad faith attacks, character assassination and the like are problems, but dissention in and of itself is not only fine, but straight-up healthy to some extent. Leave if you want, but if your reason is because you're citing this whole free-speech thing, you're barking up the wrong tree.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Well, if the team decides to demote me, that's up to them. Like i said, it won't happen again, but i know that trust is very low right now on this forum. But if you keep calling for blood, you won't have a staf to run this site any more.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

this is the backup of the topic.!AtxpfVw3aIHbh3zprZTisDHoHXJH


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

this is the backup I mentioned in my previous post, thanks firefox and it's developers! … x.rar?dl=0


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@16 I believe you, surely you have no problems with me sending a backup of the post that firefox gave me, you know, to moderate it better, the backup will be in the next post.@19 I'll correct some of the possibilities you have mentioned.1: that didn't happen, because the downtime was like 30 mins after that. I was going to post a topic about it when my post got deleted, then I went and saw That my topic was gong, went to write a text and play some swamp then came back to post a topic about it and woo, forum is down, now i'll mention the possibilities I can think of too.A: some problems happened with the server, which is highly unlikely, because if they did happen, other topics would've been deleted too, and go to the profiles of the users in that topic look at their post counts then go to the link that says read posts, and see that the number there is different.B: a mod deleted it, and then talked to the other mods, and shut the server down to cover it up.3. The original poster erased his own topic, and then created this one to stir up more drama.well, if you can say that the original topic is a liar and deleted his own topic to acuze other admins, so can I, jayde could have been lying and have deleted my topic, but if i did in fact delete my topic surely I wouldn't post the backup in the next post.@20 don't let emotions get in your way, at least not when you write a post, and please read my reply to liam thank you.@24 true.@25 so you don't take my word for me not deleting my topic but you do take jayde's word? i'm going to give you the same advice, don't be blinded by emotions.@28 that's not abusing powers, that's invasion of privacy and shutting you up, @27 can you tell me, why my posts count were modified then? @31 the forum wasn't down an hour before / near when the topic was deleted, it was down like 30 mins after the post being deleted.@32 you are again letting your emotions blind you, if jayde didn't ly what makes it possible that I did? look at my posts, all the 1400 of them and tell me if i lied once since i joined the forum.@34 thumbs up, I think people needed to hear that before judging.@45 thanks for confirming it, and I'll say good bye, to all forum users. i'm leaving this place, how can we be made sure that you don't edit our posts? and if you wanted less heat, you would send me a PM, and ask me to delete the topic myself and I would've done it. I wish they demote you for what you've done because that's the only case in which i'll return to the forum, not that my content is useful to anyone but,also i'm guessing that you were the one who edited our posts number to stop people from getting suspicius?@49 thanks for proving that the topic was deleted.@everyone saying that it was a troll and troll topics need to be deleted: why isn't any topics of the user stevejobs, and joan baez deleted? because most of them were trolling too, look at that one where it says i'm steve jobs and i'm alive.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Jayde, Jayde, now I need to make a list of every time you make me Google something.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Maybe that's one of the reasons we'll always have ructions on here. People of very different ages are on completely different wavelengths and will hardly ever see eye to eye. My idea of what's acceptable is vastly different from what it was when I was 14 or 15. I was borderline sociopathic at that age. I'm probably getting a bit too old for a games forum, and it's time I fucked off, lol.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

AnIdiot, the reference is to trawling (instead of trolling).


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Someone please enlighten me or elaborate. I’m lost.  What boat?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

that deleted topic was prime material for the kids room. Kids talk bad about authroity all the time, and it's just kids talking. They'll always do that. It's a phase of life for a kid. We shouldn't be just squelching that up.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

What? Set him on a Nordic funeral pyre and float him down the sea while the pyre burns beneath him? EDIT: Oops, now I understand what you're going for, Jayde. Never mind.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

What? Set him on a Nordic funeral pyre and float him down the sea while the pyre burns beneath him?


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Yeah, I was sleeping when this topic was apparently picking up steam, so I have no idea what went on. I wish I could have seen it to make a completely informed decision. In any case, I believe wholeheartedly that it needed to be dealt with, but I'm not at all convinced that the action which was taken was justified. I do agree, however, that because of this, there needs to be a topic where if something like this happens again, deletions by mods are reported for the sake of transparency. What happened here was not cool by any stretch of the imagination.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Let me tell you. As someone who actually bore no guilt in this situation, and who's already had the heat dialed up quite a bit in the last while (some of it justified, some of it not, in my opinion), I'm actually pretty pissed just now.But yes, Liam. I'm onto you. We caught Blindy McBlinderson and put out his eyes. We caught Naughty McNaughterson and tied him in knots. If we catch Trolly McTrollerson, maybe we'll do something involving a certain kind of boat.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Whether this was handled this way because of a completely innocent act, or as a way to silence someone, all I can say is that this was a bad move.  When a portion of the community believes, suspects, or even just entertains the thought that moderators misuse their power... a move like this will only look bad.  Even if it was 100% innocent in nature, it was a bad time/place to hit the delete button.To some people this was just a thread being deleted, that they didn't care about anyway.  To others it's a mod owning up to deleting something, after it got a bunch of attention and wasn't showing signs of going away.  This here is a no-win situation, where the mods screwed themselves (or perhaps 1 on behalf of the team) no matter their intention.  I do sympathize with no-win situations like this.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Trolly McTrollerson. Crap. Jayde is on to my second account.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Two things:First, the actions of one person, a person who admitted their fault and apologized for the choice they made, do not necessarily represent the views of the whole team. Yes, it's a problem, and yes, it's something that needs dealing with, but to assume that we are all okay with it is getting the cart ahead of the horse. I, for one, am not.Second, Even if this needed to be deleted - and maybe it did - there was a much better way to handle it. The need for straight-up deleting whole threads is so rare - or so it would seem - that there was no protocol in place for this. Arqmeister went with his gut and he made a bad choice.In future, I believe we should try and lock topics rather than deleting them wherever possible, but if deletion is necessary, a report of some kind should go up for all to see. The report would contain the name of the original thread, its author, the approximate time of thread deletion and the reason for its destruction, which I generally think should be agreed upon by at least two staff members (preferably one admin at least, unless time is of the essence).So it would look something like this:Topic Name: All the Mods SuckTopic Creator: Trolly McTrollersonDate and Time: June 21, 2020, approximately 1:30 GMTReason: This thread picked up steam fast, and existed purely to allow users to vent negative opinion about mods in a destructive way. Warnings and cautions have been given out for bad behaviour within the topic, and the topic creator has been contacted regarding their actions.Something like that, anyway. This is what we generally like to call an edge case. The fact that this forum has existed for a decade and a half, and now suddenly we need protocols for things that weren't really a problem in the past, speaks volumes.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I'm out of ketchup though.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

mazen wrote:Jade is the one who did it and I’M totally sure about that.So... About that.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It was a real stinky turd though Turtle. It needed cleaning away, not just closing. Though maybe it should have been announced straight away why that action had been taken. It still would have acted as kindling for anyone who wants to fuel the fire that the mods are corrupt, but I personally think something as ugly as that had to go.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It was a real stinky turd though Turtle. It needed cleaning away, not just closing. Though it should have been announced straight away why that action had been taken. It still would have acted as kindling for anyone who wants to fuel the fire that the mods are corrupt, but I personally think something as ugly as that had to go.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Well, yes, but spam that you receive in your email is often harmful. Click on the wrong link, and you just might get yourself slammed with a nasty piece of malware. This was, in all likelihood, meant to troll, but I've said this many times before and I'll say it again, if people exercise common sense and simply ignore such topics, they'll go away, no draconian actions required.I don't care that the topic itself is gone. I do care, however, that this could be setting a dangerous precedent for how mods are allowed to behave going forward. If anything, all you had to do if you wanted the topic gone was to add a note to the warnings/bans topic, or make a similar sticky and/or closed topic explaining your position.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

You nailed my thought process exactly. With the power of the admin panel, the delete topic link is so easy to get to. I will be much more considerate next time.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I could see why Arq would have done that though. if you're glancing at topics and see something like that, your gut instinct is. Nuke it it's a troll topic.Again. there's no official protocol for how to deal with this. Aq saw it, and took action. Still though. There should probably be something discussed for how to handle something like this in future. I compare it to looking through your email and seeing spam. You bat it aside without any second thought.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Whatever the topic was or wasn't, that is an unacceptable response by an admin. I don't need to have seen the topic to know that it was pointless, but this is a giant leap too far in my opinion.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I literally just went, god, troll topic, hit delete, then confirm, done. I honestly didn't expect much would come of it. Again, i take responsibility.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

June 12, 2019. Ironcross32 says something complimentary of Jayde. Please mark this date down for posterity.To be fair there is no set process for this. The reason why I personally tended not to erase topics is that there would then be no record of them existing, so if any warnings were given they would be lost for ever.I'm all for deleting topics in extraordinary circumstances, but then is totally up to interpretation.Everyone has a different style, and everyone has different ways to interpret when something should be moved/closed/deleted.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

So now we have an administrator, one who is supposed to lead, to set an example for the moderators going against the process? I'm gonna be blunt here for a second and just say y'all need to get your shit together if this place is gonna survive.@30 No, you aren't sure of it. Even reading through before I read the entire thread, I knew it was not Jayde. He has many annoying qualities, but he is not a liar.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It belonged in the bin anyway, so I for one give zero fucks.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

arqmeister.Thanks for stepping up and letting us know. I'm glad hat is one mystery that is solved.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I was getting ready to reply with Moderation: in that topic, but then I remembered I couldn't. Lol.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Oh, I agree completely. I suspect that Carter was in the process of giving a caution/warning and maybe closing the topic - I didn't see it, I don't know what all was actually there - and I also suspect that if I -had seen it, I'd have done likewise, or at least asked someone else to do so. I was firm when Ironcross was trying to chase off Mason, and this is much the same sort of dumpster fire.So I get the frustration. Impulse-wise I might want to just torch certain things when I see them. But I know how that looks, and given the issues that have been caused, well, I don't think anybody's surprised either.Sigh. I feel like I'm just done sometimes.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I'll be damned


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Personally the topic shouldn't have been a thing in the first place. It was pointless and just causes needless drama. This topic for example.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

For the sake of reference, I found out the truth of this about ten minutes ago as of the writing of this post. I was not withholding information and no one is or was being protected. When Arqmeister announced what he had done, I asked right away that he come and make his actions public knowledge, and thankfully he did so.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@Liam. Thank fuck I didn't say Jade or any other mod. I was going to because I'm extremely surprised it was a mod. Even though I thought the thread was a disgrace, I don't think that was a wise move.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Sorry Jade, I haven't a clue what time it was. Wouldn't even like to guess. It was my second post, and I don't know what time either of them was.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

does that still qualify for Flackers to eat his own balls? I need entertainment.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Sorry Jade, I haven't a clue what time it was. Wouldn't even like to guess. It was my second post, and I don't know what time either of them was. I thought it was a disgrace, and several people were starting to voice that opinion. That's what made me think the OP had deleted it, but now he's complaining about it makes me think he didn't, or he's even slyer than I already thought.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

It was me and i'll take the heat. I simply deleted the topic instead of closing it, to avoid further trolling. That is all, nothing personal, nothing gained by it either.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

flackers wrote:If Jade deleted that topic I'll eat my own balls.I almost wish he had deleted it now. Lol.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@Flackers, do you have a rough time estimate of when this occurred? Obviously I know there's no way to 100% verify this, but I want to cross-reference something, to see if you and Carter were actually trying to post on that thread near along the same time. If this turns out to be the case, we will have at least determined that whatever happened occurred at a particular time. Not much, I know, but it may be a start.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I also was in the middle of posting a response when the thread disappeared. I read the few posts I wasn't up to speed with, typed my message, read it back, then hit submit and it said something like the page you are trying to access no longer exists. It wasn't that exactly, but something along those lines. I then went straight to the off topic room and looked for the thread and it wasn't there. I assumed it had been deleted by the OP in the few minutes I was reading/writing. I don't believe for one minute Jade or any other mod deleted that thread on the sly. That just rings utterly hollow. Say what you like about Jade, but he faces up to stuff, and is not thin skinned or vindictive. If Jade deleted that topic I'll eat my own balls.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Yeah...unfortunately I've been all over my screen and I can't see it. I'm going to have to take this to list, to see if anyone either 1. has a direct URL to get to what I need or 2. can explain better where to find it. Because I'm fairly savvy when it comes to this sort of thing, and I just don't see it. It's getting in the way of further investigation and annoying the hell out of me in the bargain though.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Its pan bb a moded ver of pun bb


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Jayde wrote:we could be talking about two different sets of forum software.That's possible.  I know this forum uses the PunBB forum software, but there are probably different plugins or mods people can use when they set them up.  The default PunBB forum seems to have ways to look up deleted posts (at least soft deleted ones anyway), so even if this one is configured differently it Should still have the same feature somewhere.  I have no idea where, but it would be odd for someone to install forum plugins to specifically remove features such as looking up deleted threads... which is why it's safe to assume the feature is still around (just in a different spot).


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Jayde wrote:we could be talking about two different sets of forum software.That's possible.  I know this forum uses the PunBB forum software, but there are probably different plugins or mods people can use when they set them up.  The default PunBB forum seems to have ways to look up deleted posts (at least soft deleted ones anyway), so even if this one is configured differently it Should still have the same feature somewhere.  I have no idea where, but it would be odd for someone to install forum plugins to specifically remove features such as looking up deleted threads... which is why it's safe to assume the feature is still hiding somewhere.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Does any one know of any topics they posted in right before this went down? If so, and it went to a back up, wouldn't it have deleted said posts? Also, I  Highly doubt any of the moderators did it. Not only is it so brazen an act  That anyone under suspicion wouldn’t dare pull off such a thing, but it serves no  Purpose for the perpetrator if they were a moderator, there stay in power would bee cut quite short, as someone would find out what they were doing and no one on that team is foolish enough to screw up like that. And how the hell would a mod fuck with the server? Also, it went down for me sometime last night.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

I don't see a control panel, as such. This may be an admin-only thing, or I could just be flat-out missing something, or we could be talking about two different sets of forum software. I'm not sure at the moment. I appreciate that you're trying to help though, so thank you.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

If I'm remembering right, on the left side (ugh I guess a visual description isn't helpful here) when you're logged into the control panel you can see deleted threads.  Usually this is only soft deleted threads, since it's sort of like the equivalent of a recycle bin.  They can be further deleted from this, but it may log the official deletion if that second step is done.Trying to see if there was a non-visual way to describe this, and online someone said to follow this path to get there.Settings -> Moderation -> Deleted Items -> Threads


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

@34...I don't think that's a good thing...


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Okay, here are the facts.1. A topic disappeared. The original poster claims that he has no idea how it happened.2. I have stated that I had no knowledge of this occurrence and nothing to do with it.3. Carter has stated on list that he, too, had nothing to do with it, also claiming he was in the process of writing a moderation message before being told he couldn't do so due to the thread being deleted.4. It is possible for users to delete their own posts.5. It is possible for anyone to lie, and the likelihood of a person telling the truth has to be taken into account when weighing their testimony.So here are the possible conclusions I see:1. The server really did have a hiccup. Everyone is telling the truth, and a weird thing happened.2. I am lying, and I sneakily deleted the topic and am now trying to hide it. This runs counter to virtually everything I stand for, and I have never done this before, so there is little to no precedent. However, if the thread contained a great deal of hostility directed at me because of the way I operate, then a little suspicion might naturally fall on me. It should be mentioned, however, that this is not the first time I have dealt with negative opinion, and I have not deleted topics before. It's not impossible and can't be utterly ruled out, but it is not a probable conclusion based on available trends.3. Carter is lying to the staff team, and consequently to the user base now, and sneakily deleted the topic instead of just moderating it as he claimed. Again, Carter does not have a history of bending facts or taking the law into his own hands this way, so while it's possible, it's not likely and there is little to no precedent to support it.4. Alireza, in fact, is lying, and deleted his own topic in order to stir up further drama and unrest. Alireza, to my knowledge, has never done this before, and has not demonstrated a willingness to lie either for his own gain or in pursuit of what he might see as the greater good. However, the topic in question was essentially a means of garnering hostility toward at least one member of the staff team, and as far as I'm aware, there's no record of who deletes a topic, so this might be a foolproof way to cast more doubt either on me directly, or on the staff team as a whole, with virtually no risk. I do think the likelihood that Alireza is lying is quite low, but it's not impossible either. It is no more or less ridiculous than either point #2 or point #3.5. Some as-yet-unnamed member of the staff team with the ability to delete topics did it, and has not yet owned up to it. This is possible as well, but given our general propensity for closing over deleting - and there is precedent for this, see Ironcross's thread about trying to get Mason kicked out of here - it would appear unlikely.Here's what I will tell you though. If there is a way that we can somehow trace who deleted a topic - if there's some sort of internal log somewhere that we can access - we will try and pursue this to the best of our ability. If someone really did attempt to silence Alireza this way, I'm not in favour of the method in which it was handled. At the same time, if Alireza did this in hopes to make people look worse, that's an action done in extremely bad faith and may warrant punishment in its own right. If anyone has any information on this that you can verify, I urge you to come forward with it just as soon as you can. You will not be punished for disclosing information, and if you require anonymity in exchange for said disclosure, I can provide that for you. Please, please do not come forward with info unless it is somehow verifiable, and whatever you do, don't lie in order to further an agenda you support, as that will lead to even worse situations. We're not going to go off half-cocked here and nail anyone to the wall without sufficient evidence, but I don't feel right about shrugging my shoulders and just walking away, either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Okay, here are the facts.1. A topic disappeared. The original poster claims that he has no idea how it happened.2. I have stated that I had no knowledge of this occurrence and nothing to do with it.3. Carter has stated on list that he, too, had nothing to do with it, also claiming he was in the process of taking action of a different sort before being told he couldn't do that.4. It is possible for users to delete their own posts.5. It is possible for anyone to lie, and the likelihood of a person telling the truth has to be taken into account when weighing their testimony.So here are the possible conclusions I see:1. The server really did have a hiccup. Everyone is telling the truth, and a weird thing happened.2. I am lying, and I sneakily deleted the topic and am now trying to hide it. This runs counter to virtually everything I stand for, and I have never done this before, so there is little to no precedent. However, if the thread contained a great deal of hostility directed at me because of the way I operate, then a little suspicion might naturally fall on me. It should be mentioned, however, that this is not the first time I have dealt with negative opinion, and I have not deleted topics before. It's not impossible and can't be utterly ruled out, but it is not a probable conclusion based on available trends.3. Carter is lying to the staff team, and consequently to the user base now, and sneakily deleted the topic instead of just moderating it as he claimed. Again, Carter does not have a history of bending facts or taking the law into his own hands this way, so while it's possible, it's not likely and there is little to no precedent to support it.4. Alireza, in fact, is lying, and deleted his own topic in order to stir up further drama and unrest. Alireza, to my knowledge, has never done this before, and has not demonstrated a willingness to lie either for his own gain or in pursuit of what he might see as the greater good. However, the topic in question was essentially a means of garnering hostility toward at least one member of the staff team, and as far as I'm aware, there's no record of who deletes a topic, so this might be a foolproof way to cast more doubt either on me directly, or on the staff team as a whole, with virtually no risk. I do think the likelihood that Alireza is lying is quite low, but it's not impossible either. It is no more or less ridiculous than either point #2 or point #3.5. Some as-yet-unnamed member of the staff team with the ability to delete topics did it, and has not yet owned up to it. This is possible as well, but given our general propensity for closing over deleting - and there is precedent for this, see Ironcross's thread about trying to get Mason kicked out of here - it would appear unlikely.Here's what I will tell you though. If there is a way that we can somehow trace who deleted a topic - if there's some sort of internal log somewhere that we can access - we will try and pursue this to the best of our ability. If someone really did attempt to silence Alireza this way, I'm not in favour of the method in which it was handled. At the same time, if Alireza did this in hopes to make people look worse, that's an action done in extremely bad faith and may warrant punishment in its own right. If anyone has any information on this that you can verify, I urge you to come forward with it just as soon as you can. You will not be punished for disclosing information, and if you require anonymity in exchange for said disclosure, I can provide that for you. Please, please do not come forward with info unless it is somehow verifiable, and whatever you do, don't lie in order to further an agenda you support, as that will lead to even worse situations. We're not going to go off half-cocked here and nail anyone to the wall without sufficient evidence, but I don't feel right about shrugging my shoulders and just walking away, either.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

mazen wrote:Jade is the one who did it and I’M totally sure about that.No. You are not sure about that. You are making speculations. if Jayde had done it, it would be very counterproductive for him to lie about it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Jayde wrote:So at some point between him settling down to write his moderation, and the moment he clicked "submit", the topic disappeared.Well I suppose that rules out the forum glitch being the cause.  I don't know exactly how long it was out, but I felt like it was a while.  If he had sat down to write his moderation message then the forum was still working at that time.  It could have gone offline while he was typing, and come back up before he hit submit, but it would have been a terribly long time typing out said message.I'm not saying this to put my support behind any of the claims or suspicions made so far in this topic.  I'm just noticing that we are slowly getting closer to some answers, but ruling out one of the things that could have been the issue.Had Carter's experience been that he started writing his moderation message but found that the whole forum was down when he hit submit, and the topic was gone when it returned, that would still leave us with the 3rd possibility.If Carter had sat down to write his moderation message only to find the forum was offline, then once it returned he typed it out and submitting revealed that the topic was gone, that too would still leave us with the 3rd possibility.Assuming we correctly understand how things played out with Carter attempting to post, then some progress has been made.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : mazen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Jade is the one who did it and I’M totally sure about that.


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