Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2021-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jescat277 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I tried with like 3 different names.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2021-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

My only thought is that maybe you chose a name that is already taken?I used VipMud when I played, and I never had any problem creating a character.Maybe try with a different character name and see if you still get stuck in that loop, although I would think if it was a character that already existed, it should tell you that.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jescat277 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

SO can someone tell me how your supposed to create a character on this game now. I tried creating on mud rammer, mush, and their completely graphical online  client, and after I enter my password I get stuck in an infinite loop of typing, "Enter your character name, type yes or no, and password." Is there some other port that I need to connect to in order to create, because I am connecting right now with 23. I tried playing years ago, with a friend, but I really want a character that I can identify with more, now that my concept of role play has grown, and I am hoping that creating isn't impossible for us blind folks.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

The magic square thing was real hard for me too, but the knocker one is easy. It should work if you zoom knocker, get knocker and then zoom Krempton and go 2 west and throw knocker in lake, then get gem after it tells you that something is gleaming when the lake calms down. The gem is one of those items which sells for a LOT of gold.To display the instructions for a certain task again, I think you type DO  , and then DO . If you forget the exact name of a task, assuming you're already doing the badge it's in, you can type REMEMBER or TODO and it'll tell you.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

Putting all the past drama aside that this game have had, Whether they were not true or not, Don't consider playing the game for PVP. You need to make or buy good scripts to be able to do high end pvp and not die.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I have been getting back into things and have all my skills that the guild told me to do up to respected, so now all I need to do is complete my badges. I have like 10 of them from the old system, but I like this new system. although some of the tasks are real hard, like the magic square one, I had no idea what a magic square was, luckily I found someone to help me do it. but now I am stuck on this task called thrullknocker, I have to get this stone peace and throw it into a lake, but whenever I throw it into the lake, nothing happens. Also, How do I see what I have to do for a certain part of the task without starting the task over?


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

@13, there are numerous ways to make money. One of the most common ones, especially for beginners, is to try to complete quests which yeeld gold as a reward. The entire goldquestor badge is just experiences that contain useful information regarding those quests, while the pioneer one's got some as well. Some of the best-known ones are the killing of the wight, the scarecrow, the coffin and rock as well as the knocker of Bedillam quests. If the information given by the badges autoguide isn't enough, you can often find something related to solving them in city libraries or via the cityhelp files, which are different for each city and contain useful info about various aspects of Avalon. Type CH to access a full list. Mercinae had some excellent ones last time I checked, not sure about other cities. Note that, while some quests reward you just with gold, there are others that give you items that are quite valuable (e.g. the ear of corn and crow-shaped diamond that appear after you've made the scarecrow in Nassau(. Those items may be offered to the gods or sold to the city merchant who can be found if you zoom home and then zoom merchant. Other solutions to the lack of gold issue might include panning for gold ingots and then minting them into gold coins or selling commodities to other towns, villages, or even your own city market, which I personally recommend, as the prices you're going to be selling them for are generally higher in cities rather than small NPC-ran  settlements.@12, the guide can sometimes be vague, but glad you figured it out. Well done on choosing Mercinae, by the way. 


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I just did the communicator badge as well. but I was looking at my guild help files, and so much of what I need had decayed, so I need to get all my herbs, potions, poisons and so on back. I don't even know how to make gold. I am getting crowns from those chapter things, but I suspect I will need those for other things.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I enjoy the game so far. I found out the issue with msg. I had to send a private message to a player which got me confused, because the task asked me to send a message to my guildmaster which I did. I´ve chosen Mercinae as my city. Doing some of the badges. I just completed the Communicator badge yesterday.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

damn, that sucks. sponsorship made it worth it to play. I don't want to subscribe monthly or pay to play basically. Oh well, the game had a lot of potential.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

It was called sponsorship I believe but it should be down. You used to need to contact your guildmaster or the city authorities to get it but it's no longer possible. A shame, really, because your city/guild used to benefit greatly from your actions a lot more than you did from their sponsorship, or so I've heard. You'll either have to subscribe monthly or annually or just play creditted and buy crowns whenever you think you need them, else you kind of can't advance skills-wise. Also, if you're not subscribed I believe you can't run for baron or guildmaster. I think you'll need to use the umbra shop to subscribe though, which I don't know how accessible it is.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

so I logged back in last night and wow, so much has changed. they have all these tasks to get you back into the game and I presume they go through doing the badges and stuff as well? How do I get the free subscription thing by the city? or city sponsorship or whatever its called? or is that not a thing anymore


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

@6, like you said, I feel like the novice system has totally been reworked, as according to some older players these badges are relatively new. There is an entire autoguide now, which teaches you basic commands and explains your badge tasks in great detail so you don't have to "hang out in chat" For long and ask others. While completing a number of tasks does depend entirely on other players (e.g. witnessing an earthquake ritual that has to be done by a mage), there are a lot more that you can just figure out by yourself. One of the game's meta is just adventuring and questing, so obviously while you can definitely be an active member of a city/guild/divine order and work with others to make it the best in the world, there are many ways to advance solo. A great number of players, especially those of the ranger and druid profession, choose to renounce citizenship at some point and just go alone. Being in a city does have advantages (protection, many resources etc), but if you work hard enough you can get these on your own.An yes, the number system is annoying as heck, but it makes finding the correct item loads easier sometimes, especially when zooming or trying to locate it.Oh and as for all the different skills and what their use is, if you were to type AB  you would get a list of all the abilities in that skill, and then AB   should provide a detailed explanation on what it does. Sometimes you can even get away with using this feature with abilities you have only heard of that belong to other professions and you'd like to know more about.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

@6, like you said, I feel like the novice system has totally been reworked, as according to some older players these badges are relatively new. There is an entire autoguide now, which teaches you basic commands and explains your badge tasks in great detail so you don't have to "hang out in chat" For long and ask others. While completing a number of tasks does depend entirely on other players (e.g. witnessing an earthquake ritual that has to be done by a mage), there are a lot more that you can just figure out by yourself. One of the game's meta is just adventuring and questing, so obviously while you can definitely be an active member of a city/guild/divine order and work with others to make it the best in the world, there are many ways to advance solo. A great number of players, especially those of the ranger and druid profession, choose to renounce citizenship at some point and just go alone. Being in a city does have advantages (protection, many resources etc), but if you work hard enough you can get these on your own.An yes, the number system is annoying as heck, but it makes finding the correct item loads easier sometimes, especially when zooming or trying to locate it.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

totally agree @6. I started out doing all the newbie stuff, the sorcerer class sounded interesting, so I joined the guild, I did like 10 badges and then got stuck for some reason and stopped playing. I haven't touched the game in like 3 years, so all my stuff is probably gone. But I liked the descriptions and all that.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I found avalon perfectly accessible myself with Vipmud, since vipmud would read incoming text automatically, and after I went through the standard VI access type of options like turning off ascii maps etc, I found the game quite accessible. what always puts me off with avalon is the fact that so much of the game revolves around other players. whenever I've tried the game I loved the newbie quests, loved the description and the complexity of the world, then as soon as I actually join a guild things fall off since I'm always unsure of what to do next. Oh I get there are badge things, but since they're all given by other players, most of the time I ended up hanging out on chat and either having people asking me "which badge do you want to do" or telling me "train this, rain that, and train the other" when there didn't seem to be anything to do with all these skills and I wasn't really sure why I was training them and would frankly rather go off, explore on my own, do quests and find things out. its a shame, the writing is some of the best I've ever seen in a mud, and I absolutely love some of the little systems like runes etc, and the fact that you can't see stuff as a character until you've got certain skills, which makes the game an entire learning experience. I also confess interface wise, ahving to type out full commands and object  names, or the rather clunky numbers system did get a bit draggy too, though nothing I couldn't get used to with time.I did hear they'd reconfigured early parts of the game, adding more to the mosaic  bit and making newbie experiences a bit more free form, so I might try again at some point, since there was a lot in the game I really liked the look of. I will freely admit of course, while I don't mind dropping someone a heal occasionally or doing a light bit of trading, I'm not really the  team playing type, neither  do I care for pvp  even in online games. When I raised this concern on the avalon chat, people  did say it was possible to be a bit more solo later on, so its entirely possible I just didn't persist long enough, or that the game has slightly changed emphasis to encompass anti social people like me . any thoughts appreciated.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

Yup, umbra is sure tricky. It actually was the first client I got around to using with Avalon, and early on it started sending random commands to the mud, wich was fortunately resolved later. What I've also noticed while playing Avalon with umbra is that, after a while, NVDA would stop being as responsive and eventually become downright unbearably laggy. Restarting the browser was my favourite workaround for this. I'm not sure why it won't read text, automatic reading of output is impossible in Umbra as far as I'm aware, but you should be able to read new text as it arrives if you arrow up from the edit field past the prompt thhing. You might want to ask on the novice channel (nov ), and if there are any visually impared people I'm sure they'll be able to help.As for VIP mud, I'm actually not sure, never used this one before, but I'm assuming you're just going to have to navigate between the output/input windows and maybe set sounds to play for different things if that's more convenient for you. Like Dark said earlier, Avalon is not incredibly fast-paced, but if say a sorcerer attacks you with their entire demonic entourage it might get completely crazy. So that's one instance where sounds might come in handy.As for ways to keep upwith text n mush client, like I've already said, I use the output functions commands in NVDA to read text on the screen, and the mush reader plugin helps me automatically get the output as it arrives. This plugin comes with the portable version of the client which should be on their website.There are also options in the game itself which help screen reader users, for example I believe BVF activates some sort of brief mode, while the concentrate ability in scholarship helps focus on your own activity.So yeah, not the most accessible mud ever, especially if you're used to stuff like Alter Aeon, but in my opinion it's perfectly doable. I believe all the blind people that I've met on this game either are or have been guildmasters, except of course for myself but that's a whole other topic.Hopefully, you'll beable to make a good Avalonian as well. Just out of curiosity, which city are you in? 


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Computergamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

I´ve tried using their web client Umbra which worked for a while, but now it stopped showing me any text. I had some issue sending a message to a player in the game. I can´t get it to work. Tried logging out and logging in again, but nothing happened. It won´t accept any of my commands when I type them out. I have tried using mush client, but had a problem keeping up with the text. Didn´t realy find a way to read the text. SO what you´re saying is that there´s no working sound pack for this game? How does the game work on vip mud?


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

Hello,I happen to have a little bit of experience with Avalon myself. I guess the answer to whether you should give it a chance or not depends on whether you are a fan of this kind of game. Like Dark said, it's got some truly awesome location descriptions, but the game history/myths/legends are pretty rich too, which is cool if you're into roleplaying. The two main things that seem to put people off are the complexity of the world, which makes it quite intimidating, and the amount of player interaction involved, which for me was not an issue, as there was a large number of both friendly individuals who proved to be very good allies and people who just seemed to want to destroy you and your city resulting in a bit of conflict.As for the soundpack, last time I checked the link in the blind support page of the Avalon website just leads to an old dropbox file that doesn't work. That being said, it was okay using mushclient with Avalon. The method I used was object navigation with NVDA to read the output on the screen and a couple of other plugins such as mush reader.Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, I have been absent from Avalon for a time (not that my presence had much of an impact on the land but whatever). I am glad to hear that audio gamers are still interested in this game, though. Best of luck with that.


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Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : randomuser via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

Hello,I happen to have a little bit of experience with Avalon myself. I guess the answer to whether you should give it a chance or not depends on whether you are a fan of this kind of game. Like Dark said, it's got some truly awesome location descriptions, but the game history/myths/legends are pretty rich too, which is cool if you're into roleplaying. The two main things that seem to put people off are the complexity of the world, which makes it quite intimidating, and the amount of player interaction involved, which for me was not an issue, as there was a large number of both friendly individuals who proved to be very good allies and people who just seemed to want to destroy you and your city resulting in a bit of conflict.As for the soundpack, last time I checked the link in the blind support page of the Avalon website just leads to an old dropbox file that doesn't work. That being said, it was okay using mushclient with Avalon. The method I used was object navigation with NVDA to read the output on the screen and a couple of other plugins such as mush reader.Unfortunately, due to techncal difficulties, I have been absent from Avalon for a time (not that my presence had much of an impact on the land but whatever). I am glad to hear that audio gamers are still interested in this game, though. Best of luck with that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

2019-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering playing Avalon: the legend lives.

First have a look at This page on the avalon website which details some of the more common options for reducing text, though I don't know if the mushclient plugin is working or not as I only ever tried Avalon with Vipmud. I didn't find Avalon any more difficult than many muds, and not as tough to play speed wise as some muds like cyber assault, though the mud itself is extremely complex and getting into it is rather difficult, as you have to type out commands in full sentences, be quite specific with what your doing. Also, much of Avalon is based around player interaction, which is slightly what put me off the game despite the gorgious descriptions (some of the best I've ever seen in any mud).as for soundpacks, very few muds have them, and even fewer have soundpacks as complex and detailed as the Alteraeon pack, indeed in many ways Alteraeon doesn't play like a mud at all, but like an audiogame. If your not prepared to play games in pure text, mudding probably isn't for you, though if you can enjoy text games, there are some pretty awesome muds kicking around. hth.


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