Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

It depends I'm just outside of Philly and we have what is known as a Delco accent. A spoof was made and everyone I know of that's also in and around Philly loves it! If the accent can be done well enough or in a way it's humorus then there's no harm. Link below of Delco/Philly accent spoof.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

oh everybody does accents. i'm pretty good at them. I just wouldn't want to use one all the time but each to their own. I use a lot of irish inflections and dialect because my grandparents were all irish and the city I live in has a huge majority of people of irish disent so that kind of thing rubs off.I do find myself using the word after superfluously in centances: as in, i'm just after coming back frm the shops. and I do say feck a lot because you can get away with it without causing afence.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I do accents all the damn time. lol


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Come on guys. You gotta admit at one point you tried an English accent or another. Again, I didnt forget or anything, its just my keyboard. Come on. Ive been using the proper pronouns, didnt you look at and say, ay. Jaidon says hir all the touime.Tried to do a scottsmans accent there


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

If you're sure of pronouns, use them.If you're legit not sure, just ask. If a trans person is mid-transition or if their gender is unclear to you, and you ask, and they explode, that's a bad thing. Your asking implies that you're going to do your best to honour the response you get, after all, so blowing up at that is bad.It happens, but I've never seen it, myself. I actually misgendered a driver yesterday (she was dropping off food). I said, "Thanks, dude", and she said, "I'm not a dude. Used to be though". I apologized, she just laughed. So yeah. Most people will tolerate honest mistakes and just set you straight.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@54 I guess the problem is knowing how to refer to a person depending on physical gender, accepted gender, etc. it does get complicated and it also depends on the person.for a long time, our family friend who transitioned even didn't know for a while until 2 years of hormones etc how people should refer to her. for a while we called her he / him. then him / her. then her / she. I guess things have moved on since then. this was about 25 years ago. but at the same time it's complicated too if you don't know the person's actual gender and if they want to be called him / her or or are fluid about automatically just by the name I would call haily, (I hope I spelled that rite) using the female pro nowns.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Turtlepower, believe me, I don't really get it either. I just figure as long as no one's getting hurt, who am I to judge?If it were me on the receiving end, and someone was trying to mimic my accent, then yes, that would feel a little odd to me. I'm not saying I wouldn't accept it - again, who am I to judge? - but it's not something with which I'm familiar.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Here-Be-Saoirse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

to me, anyone who misgenders someone should be corrected, whether or not it's intentional. not angrily, not anything like that unless it's deliberately malicious. But gender is important, especially to a trans person who has to fight so that their gender might exist.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

That makes a certain amount of sense, and, as I said, far be it from me to judge even if they are trying to mirror someone else. It's something I would personally be uncomfortable with if I were on the receiving end, but if they're happy with the arrangement, that's all that matters. I was simply offering my perspective because it seems like the sort of thing I might have done when I was younger.Also, I believe that vocal dysphoria is a real thing, so I wasn't invalidating her experience. If, however, this person helped her come to terms with it, it would stand to reason that perhaps she would try to adopt their accent first as a means of testing it out to see how it felt, how it might alleviate her dysphoria, etc.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

That makes a certain amount of sense, and, as I said, far be it from me to judge even if they are trying to mirror someone else. It's something I would personally be uncomfortable with if I were on the receiving end, but if they're happy with the arrangement, that's all that matters. I was simply offering my perspective because it seems like the sort of thing I might have done when I was younger.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Ivan wrote:I have a good recommendation.Ready for it?Are you sure you're ready for it?Wait for it...ready?.Be happy with who you are, and stop pretending to be someone else because you talk to them 24/7 or try to be like someone who you're not. Be original, have your own personality.Note the "be happy with who you are" thing, and how Jimmy69 and others have tried to use that phrase before with regard to Haily's gender? That's tipoff #1.Tipoff #2 is the way the post was phrased. If this suggestion truly was made in good faith, then where's the evidence of that? What I see here is someone who sounds either frustrated or contemptuous, and based on available evidence, all I can seize upon is that Ivan thinks that Haily is not being who she really is.Again, though, Haily didn't come here asking if it was okay to use a different accent than the one she's used for most of her life. Why is anyone telling Haily to just be who she is when that's...really not what this topic is about?I'm not suggesting that Ivan is some sort of monster. I'm sure he's not. But to me, at least, I think my assessment of what Ivan said makes a fair degree of sense. Who is Ivan to say who Haily is, or is not? Even if that assumption about her mirroring someone she respects is true, where do folks get off saying that this is wrong? I mean, if you don't wanna do it, then obviously don't, but I'm just not sure why it matters to any of the rest of us.Nah. To me, it just sounds like "transgender person has other related issues that make her seem like she doesn't want to be herself, so...just be yourself and you'll be happy" rhetoric. This is rhetoric that I've already pointed out is toxic depending on its strength and the intentions behind it.If nothing else at all, if Ivan's intentions truly were good, there was just a way, way better means to approach this. How about the following:I'm just curious. Are you trying to adopt the accent of someone you respect or hang around with a lot for some reason?Totally innocent question, and has no hidden agenda buried in it.Zarvox, the problem is that people don't always know whether there's intent. If Haily had jumped down Jaidon's throat about it, then yeah, I'd agree with you. She just set him straight, and he apologized. At this point, it's a done deal. people do make honest mistakes. You're dead right about that. This one appeared to be just such a thing. Unfortunately, we can't always assume the mistake was accidental, especially in cases like this, so a gentle heads-up is not a bad thing.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Ivan wrote:I have a good recommendation.Ready for it?Are you sure you're ready for it?Wait for it...ready?.Be happy with who you are, and stop pretending to be someone else because you talk to them 24/7 or try to be like someone who you're not. Be original, have your own personality.Note the "be happy with who you are" thing, and how Jimmy69 and others have tried to use that phrase before with regard to Haily's gender? That's tipoff #1.Tipoff #2 is the way the post was phrased. If this suggestion truly was made in good faith, then where's the evidence of that? What I see here is someone who sounds either frustrated or contemptuous, and based on available evidence, all I can seize upon is that Ivan thinks that Haily is not being who she really is.Again, though, Haily didn't come here asking if it was okay to use a different accent than the one she's used for most of her life. Why is anyone telling Haily to just be who she is when that's...really not what this topic is about?I'm not suggesting that Ivan is some sort of monster. I'm sure he's not. But to me, at least, I think my assessment of what Ivan said makes a fair degree of sense. Who is Ivan to say who Haily is, or is not? Even if that assumption about her mirroring someone she respects is true, where do folks get off saying that this is wrong? I mean, if you don't wanna do it, then obviously don't, but I'm just not sure why it matters to any of the rest of us.Nah. To me, it just sounds like "transgender person has other related issues that make her seem like she doesn't want to be herself, so...just be yourself and you'll be happy" rhetoric. This is rhetoric that I've already pointed out is toxic depending on its strength and the intentions behind it.If nothing else at all, if Ivan's intentions truly were good, there was just a way, way better means to approach this. How about the following:I'm just curious. Are you trying to adopt the accent of someone you respect or hang around with a lot for some reason?Totally innocent question, and has no hidden agenda buried in it.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@44 wow, that is an interesting and amazing idea.@48 I am correcting your correction to 46.if someone gets a pronoun wrong and you know it wasn't meant to be insulting, or wasn't intentional, don't correct it. Rule number 1. For anything. Correcting people without permission of any kind unless the behavior or action or word is composed of malice or life threatening, is the bigger of the 2 mistakes.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I have to say I've never heard of vocal dysphoria, either. I imagine it's something like the way we're all wired, for lack of a better term, to dislike the sound of our own voices. It has to do with how we sound to ourselves as opposed to how we sound to others, and we hear a slightly altered version when listening to recordings of ourselves because when we speak, our voices sound slightly deeper and more resonant to us than they do to those around us. I'm doing a very poor job of explaining that, but it's easy enough to look up if you're so inclined. Anyway, if vocal dysphoria is that bit of discomfort/embarrassment the average person feels upon realizing they think they sound like a dork times a thousand, well, no wonder it's difficult to deal with.I'm debating whether I want to weigh in with my thoughts on Ivon's post or not. I suppose I will. I think what he might have been getting at, and keep in mind this is purely an outsider's perspective, I don't know any of the parties involved, is that perhaps Haily is emulating a trait she admires in her friend because she feels she owes that person a great deal. Perhaps they helped her come to terms with her own transitioning process, and are still there for her to this day. If so, it seems plausible--mind you, I say plausible, not certain--that she feels she wants to be like this person since they saw her at her most vulnerable. It is often said that people mirror the body language of another when they feel in sync with that person. In fact, it's offered as a tip to build social rapport in some situations. So, maybe, because she identifies so strongly with the experiences of this person who helped her, she's doing the same thing, only with vocal similarities. I have no opinion on whether that's right or wrong--hell, it's probably human nature to a degree--but I will say that dumping on Ivon was a bit premature. Assuming his point was made in bad faith was jumping the gun just a bit, though I fully expect that my opinion will be just as unpopular.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

OMG! Haily, when I type quickly on this phone it leaves out certain letters. Im genuinly sorry


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

46, though I'm sure it was unintentional, just a reminder that the pronouns are she / her. Thank you.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

You know, I never thought of that. Vocal dysphoria amplified by lack of sight. Silly me.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I spent 2 years tweaking my accent. Now I sound like a trinidadian with NY, MA. I see nothing wrong with what he is doing


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Hey @boundto, just replied to your PM. Sorry for the somewhat late response, have had a lot going on in my personal life lately.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@43 thanks for trying to explain. I understand somebody's voice doesn't fit with the person they are or should be, I just find the idea of an accent change hard to understand which is why I was looking for more information.I can understand that people can gain confidence by speaking differently though. there was a guy at my school who had a very pronounced stammer and we discovered he could do impressions of other kids in our class. he never stammered when he did that and so he started talking like he was doing an impression of somebody else when he was nervous and it helped a lot even though people who didn't understand found it a bit odd. eventually he hit on idea I know sounds a bit crazy but he would do an impression of himself not stuttering and it worked.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Here-Be-Saoirse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@41, no, you spelled that right. Um... I don't know if there are any specific things on it, though I would presume for a blind trans person, vocal dysphoria (the dislike of your voice because it's incongruent with your gender identity) is amplified due to the lack of immediate and obvious physical (mirrors, photos, etc.) dysphoria, not to say that doesn't exist though. I can show up on someone's tt server and explain it or something if that would help, I can probably explain it better vocally anyway like.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Damn Jayde, you're freaking awesome! I've never heard a person say sheaple before, besides on videos, and those people were animated cartoon people. Just thought I'd say that.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

just out of interest, are there any websites on this subject? I have tried looking it up on google and I can't find anything about people having the wrong accent, or accent dysphoria. I probably spelled that wrong.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

That's what I've been saying all along. Do your best not to deliberately piss people off, but otherwise be who you are.This whole point that accent is something you're raised with is absolutely true. Do you think that if you gave a three-day-old baby the ability to speak, it would somehow have an accent? No, it absolutely wouldn't. The reality is that people mimic the sounds they hear around them. This is how not only accent, but language works as well. Yes, okay, both language and accent can be a point of pride for people. I do understand this, at least to some extent. This is especially true if heritage is particularly important to a given demographic. But yeah, if that's what it takes to assume an identity you actually feel comfortable with, I'd say go for it.I mean, what we don't have here is people bitching that someone's getting their hair dyed blonde and wearing contacts to change their eye colour, or makeup to change their eye shape and the appearance of their cheekbones. If you're upset by Haily adopting an accent that wasn't hers from birth, then why don't you object to everything she adopts?The reality is actually staring you in the face, and you're probably not going to like it much. Ivan, I'm looking at you.Sorry, my dude, but you failed the quiz. Every one of my questions was rhetorical, and ultimately has the same answer.The reason it matters is because it...doesn't matter.Put another way, the reason that it matters is because you say it does. And the reason you say it does is because someone is daring to step out of the tidy little box that society put them in. Oh, the horror! How dare they! And the reason that's an issue is probably because you've been conditioned to think that sheeple who do something that the other sheeple don't do are bad in some way. It's worth objecting to. It's worth flagging. It's worth calling out, because it represents freedom from convention, a desire to buck the status quo. Do you perhaps resent your own unwillingness or inability to get out of situations you don't like? If so, stop projecting. Do you just assume different = bad? If so, stop assuming.The long and short is that it's really, truly, 100% none of your business. Or my business. Or anybody else's business.Haily didn't come here asking if it was okay for her to do a Scottish accent. She didn't come here looking for anyone's approval. She needs neither permission nor approval, and you know what she really -doesn't need? People coming in and spouting the same "be who you are" crap without a good reason. She came here looking for resources. Cautioning her to be aware that she might hurt feelings or come across as a poser is fine; those are unfortunately very real possibilities. But anything beyond that is just a bad idea.Sorry/not sorry, Ivan. The next time you want to flag something as a problem, enough that you want to criticize someone for it or suggest an alternative form of action, check your bias at the door, please. Because right now it's all you're showing here.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Here-Be-Saoirse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

right, so, another topic where transphobia pops up (seriously, what's with that?) Anyone who knows me IRL will know that over the past few years I've switched accents several times in an attempt to find who I was, who I identified as. At the moment, I have an Irish accent, centering mainly around County Londonderry, with multi-county influinces, an accent of which I can share a recording if anyone is interested. I did have prior, and still can access, a multi-regional Scottish accent as a stepping stone to my current Irish one. Accent, IMO, is not something you were born with - it is something you were raised with. Like religion, or gender identity; I was raised atheist, and as a man. I am now Gaelic Pagan, and a woman. I was raised with a New Zealand accent, and now have an Irish one. Identity is fluid, and my Irish accent, just as Haily's Scottish accent, helps us both feel more comfortable in a body, in a name, in a life that isn't ours. This life I live, until recently, was not mine. It was not Saoirse's lilfe, it was the life of ${deadname}. Same with Haily; ad trust me, living someone else's life - the life of a person that never really existed - hurts. It hurts a lot. Look at the statistics for suicide among transgender youth and then tell me that Haily shouldn't change her accent if it alleviates some of her dysphoria.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Considering that her Teamtalk server is public and anyone can log on and see who her friends are, I would say this is personal information that is very public.I am saying it because I know her personally and I know some of her habits.I'm not even trying to tell someone how they should act, it was meerly a suggestion as OP was asking.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Ivan, honest questions here:Can you define "be who you are" to a satisfactory degree?Do you purport to know who Haily is?Do you purport to know the criteria by which people should judge who they are?If I moved to Ireland and lived there for thirty years, and I developed a slight Irish lilt, did I become someone I'm not?Why are you assuming that you know better than Haily does why she wants to adopt a Scottish accent? After all, there's been no indication till now that she's doing it in order to emulate someone she speaks to a lot. If it's true - and it's possible that it is - you've just divulged some of her personal info by explaining that one of her close friends is Scottish. Were you at liberty to divulge that information, or were you just guessing? And if you were just guessing, what the hell are you actually playing at?Just curious. I'm wondering how you plan to weasel your way off of these hooks. Because there seem to be an awful lot of them...


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I have a good recommendation.Ready for it?Are you sure you're ready for it?Wait for it...ready?.Be happy with who you are, and stop pretending to be someone else because you talk to them 24/7 or try to be like someone who you're not. Be original, have your own personality.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

A good counter arguement to Jimmy here, is think of yourself. Would you like it if you had the opportunity to have functioning eyes transplanted in to you and people say, why do you want to change yourself? God made you so, so live with it. Would you like it? Or lets say your african descent, and people, start saying bad things about you, and treat you poorly, or in your current life, people exclude you from everything, even going to the bathroom by yourself because they don't think you are capable, or people constantly bully you for your problem, would you like it? Then Charlie was not comfortable in his skin, and he decided that transitioning over to Haily is his best course of action. You are attacking Jayd for stealing your freedom of speech, but you are attacking Haily's right to individuality. As I said previously, having a pair of testicles and a male genitillia does not make you a man. Haily, taking that desicion and coming  out on such a forum like this takes loads of courage, because I'm sure Haily knew there would be people like you, she knew that people wouldn't accepted her choice as an individual, yet she still mustered the courage to come out here and talk about her story. Anyway, we're to talk about Scottish Accents and what not. Not Haily's personal life choices.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Jimmy, what you consistently fail to realise here is that the manner in which you express your viewpoint could easily be construed as a personal attack. Telling someone they're wrong for being trans is just like telling someone they're wrong for having the skin colour they have. It's something you're born with and something you can't control. I'd strongly advise you to think a little more before you hit submit and consider the impact your words could have on the people you're attempting to repress.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Hi.Yeah the video I gave wasn't the best.I must admit that when I heard this guy was a voice coatch, my first thought was something like, "oh yeah? show me what you can do then." Then he ends up disappointing me and I wonder why peple would pay to be taught by him.I looked around the profile of the post I gave and found a west English accent, I'm british so thought, why not? Well, it turns out that this guy just took clips from other shows and that's it. Oh and they're taken down now because the account no longer exists, in other words; he linked to other accounts.There are some good voice coatches out there, don't get me wrong. But if you're going to show off an accent and be payed to teach someone, then don't mess up basic pronounciation.It would be like an American voice coatch insisting that in London we say can't, when we don't, it's carn't, most americans would struggle with this because in american english, the r is hard where as in British English, it's soft or almost not there.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

So, Can anyone give me any resources to do a German accent? Thanks.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Jade, I see what you’re saying. However, I am of the belief that as long as I’m not specifically attacking anyone, my opinion holds just as much of a  Weight  as yours, Haleys, or anyone else is on this form. If Haley can express her view every single day in a new topic, why the hell can’t I express mine? She’s posted several topics expressing her beliefs  in   trans gender ism .  That’s perfectly fine. However, if I want to express my belief as long as I’m not personally attacking her, I am well within my rights


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Haily's opinions in these instances are not hurting anyone. She frankly just wants to be left alone. She isn't chasing people in order to antagonize them. She's not going out of her way to bother anyone. If her stance is being defended, it's because she only gets fiery and steps a toe or three over the line when provoked. That doesn't mean everything she says is okay, because it isn't. But her stance, at base, is not problematic. Haily wants to be referred to by that name, and wishes to have her chosen pronouns honoured. This will be supported, because that's only reasonable; to deny her this is spiteful at the least, and transphobic at worst.Haily, do us a favour and don't attack the people who are doing this. It's anger-inducing and it's not okay, but attacking back makes our job a lot harder. If you keep telling them to f off and calling them assholes and such - believe me, I get the anger - that's going to get into the range of personal attacks. Frankly, the only reason I haven't warned you yet is because in nearly every instance I've seen you lash out, you were provoked, but that's not a get-out-of-jail-free card.Your opinion, on the other hand, Jimmy69, is an issue. If you'd just had a problem with transgender and let that be an end to it, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The issue is not that you have the opinion. The issue is that you want this opinion recognized as equal. You want a voice, a platform to spew said opinion, and you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy because I'm turning you aside. You've tried on multiple times to say that you have a problem with this. We heard and essentially dismissed you the first time. What are you trying to prove?If you want to accuse me of letting my beliefs interfere with my moderation duties in this instance, I'll just go ahead and wave proudly and plead guilty. As far as I'm concerned, my beliefs mean that you should be entitled to live your life without being harassed, criticized or exposed to needless hate speech or dissention (yours is more the latter, not the former). However, these aren't the beliefs of only one person. They are, in point of fact, what I think most of us want for the world: the right to live life freely and without prejudice, to be respected as individuals and to have our autonomy respected as well. It's not like I'm picking on you because you like the Redskins or happen to really enjoy Gray's Anatomy or because you're white. If you like either of those things, I don't care, and if you're white, it's only relevant in that it probably contributes to your unaccepted sense of privilege. The point is, I am attempting to attack your actions, not you as an individual. But every time you speak out against transgender people, you are in essence attacking each of them in some way. At the least, you're doing stuff that's likely to provoke them, and I can't see how you don't see that. So...yeah. Am I putting my beliefs into my moderations on this issue? Absolutely I am. But I'm not doing it in a specific, Jayde-centric way. I'm doing it in a way that I imagine most decent human beings will empathize with, and as such, I don't accept it as a valid criticism of what I'm doing. It's a fact, not an indictment. It also should be mentioned that the rules largely reflect my personal beliefs anyway, and I'm operating well within their guidelines. I'm not going against protocol by saying any of this. If you or anyone else is feeling hemmed in or picked on a little bit because of me lately, especially on the trans issue, it's probably because you're skirting right along that line of personal attacks/freedom of belief that we try and support as much as we can. And remember what I told you in a previous thread, in a previous post. If I have to make a choice between honouring the beliefs of a bigot (religious or otherwise) and the beliefs of a trans individual who just wants to live their life, I'm gonna go with the latter every time, no question, no hesitation. Inclusion, acceptance and tolerance first, always. Right up until an intolerant individual wants their stance to hold as much water as everybody else's.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Haily's opinions in these instances are not hurting anyone. She frankly just wants to be left alone. She isn't chasing people in order to antagonize them. She's not going out of her way to bother anyone. If her stance is being defended, it's because she only gets fiery and steps a toe or three over the line when provoked. That doesn't mean everything she says is okay, because it isn't. But her stance, at base, is not problematic. Haily wants to be referred to by that name, and wishes to have her chosen pronouns honoured. This will be supported, because that's only reasonable; to deny her this is spiteful at the least, and transphobic at worst.Haily, do us a favour and don't attack the people who are doing this. It's anger-inducing and it's not okay, but attacking back makes our job a lot harder. If you keep telling them to f off and calling them assholes and such - believe me, I get the anger - that's going to get into the range of personal attacks. Frankly, the only reason I haven't warned you yet is because in nearly every instance I've seen you lash out, you were provoked, but that's not a get-out-of-jail-free card.Your opinion, on the other hand, Jimmy69, is an issue. If you'd just had a problem with transgender and let that be an end to it, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The issue is not that you have the opinion. The issue is that you want this opinion recognized as equal. You want a voice, a platform to spew said opinion, and you're trying to make me out to be the bad guy because I'm turning you aside. You've tried on multiple times to say that you have a problem with this. We heard and essentially dismissed you the first time. What are you trying to prove?If you want to accuse me of letting my beliefs interfere with my moderation duties in this instance, I'll just go ahead and wave proudly and plead guilty. As far as I'm concerned, my beliefs mean that you should be entitled to live your life without being harassed, criticized or exposed to needless hate speech or dissention (yours is more the latter, not the former). However, these aren't the beliefs of only one person. They are, in point of fact, what I think most of us want for the world: the right to live life freely and without prejudice, to be respected as individuals and to have our autonomy respected as well. It's not like I'm picking on you because you like the Redskins or happen to really enjoy Gray's Anatomy or because you're white. If you like either of those things, I don't care, and if you're white, it's only relevant in that it probably contributes to your unaccepted sense of privilege. The point is, I am attempting to attack your actions, not you as an individual. But every time you speak out against transgender people, you are in essence attacking each of them in some way. At the least, you're doing stuff that's likely to provoke them, and I can't see how you don't see that. So...yeah. Am I putting my beliefs into my moderations on this issue? Absolutely I am. But I'm not doing it in a specific, Jayde-centric way. I'm doing it in a way that I imagine most decent human beings will empathize with, and as such, I don't accept it as a valid criticism of what I'm doing. It's a fact, not an indictment.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Moderation:Tadej_Grum_2002, consider this an official warning.If you know that Haily wishes to be called Haily, and yet you call her Charlie anyway, that's directly antagonistic. Don't do it. That's disrespectful as hell.It's also pretty disrespectful to keep on with your "just be the way you're supposed to" thing. This is especially true given that you characterize transitioning as "stupid". Nope. Not going to fly.You don't get wanting to switch gender? Okay, dude, I feel that. I don't get it either. Now let it alone. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean you have to protest. I don't get how makeup actually improves appearance either, but when I was much younger I learned not to pick at people who use it. Ultimately, the choice isn't hurting anyone except maybe (but only maybe) Haily herself. Leave it alone.And Jimmy69, I'm pretty disappointed in you right now. Thanks for showing your hand though. I'm not warning or even cautioning you - you've got a right to the opinion you shared, even if I think it's bogus - but seriously I want  you to consider something here. You're trying to make a stink because I was apt to warn Tadej_Grum_2002 for their comments, which I did. You're trying to frame it under removal of free speech, which it absolutely is not. Please don't try and paint me, or the staff team in general, as the bad guy here. You're the one who is essentially supporting calling someone by their dead name, which as I pointed out is antagonistic at the very least. Let's be clear here. This is a forum that anyone is free to try and join, but ultimately it is a private entity, which is to say that you can be admitted or expelled for any reason. Rules are made and maintained without your direct approval. Put another way, all users being here - and that technically means us admins, too, if Richard or Sander should ever want to remove one or more of us - is a privilege, not a right. Freedom of speech, in the way you're trying to use it, doesn't apply here. You're also not free to spread certain kinds of links, or to use racial slurs, or to engage in personal attacks, and half a dozen other things besides. Those, too, impinge on your so-called freedom of speech, so why don't those things bother you?I personally think the answer is simple. You're at least center-leaning and you have a problem with transgender people, so when someone calls you on it, you respond by suggesting that you're the victim of anti-free-speech prejudice of some kind. it's the only defense you have, but let me tell you, it's not really a defense either. To put it in perspective, the argument you tried to make a week and a half ago, about the religious person vs. the transgender person, held more water, and it was busted as well. I urge you to have a really, really good look at your prejudice here. Why do you have a problem with people and choices that literally have no effect on you as an individual? Why should it even bother you that these people want to be recognized for who and what they are? Right now, Jimmy69, you are the problem, not Haily. I advise you to re-examine your feelings, and re-evaluate your choice to try and throw shade on me, especially, for continuing to defend Haily from folks like you. You want to call me a social justice warrior like it's a bad thing. It's not.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

It’s different, because that is hate speech. I simply have an opinion on transgender. It seems that in your moderation, your political believes come off pretty strongly. Not necessarily saying that’s all you are, but recently and all of your moderation posts against myself and others it’s been solely with Haley. If I want to have a different opinion, I should be able to  haley isn’t the only person here who has beliefs. And it seems lately, hers is the only one the staff team has been up holding


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Moderation:Tadej_Grum_2002, consider this an official warning.If you know that Haily wishes to be called Haily, and yet you call her Charlie anyway, that's directly antagonistic. Don't do it. That's disrespectful as hell.It's also pretty disrespectful to keep on with your "just be the way you're supposed to" thing. You don't get wanting to switch gender? Ookay, dude, I feel that. I don't get it either. Now let it alone. Just because you don't get it doesn't mean you have to protest. I don't get how makeup actually improves appearance either, but when I was much younger I learned not to pick at people who use it. Ultimately, the choice isn't hurting anyone except maybe (but only maybe) Haily herself. Leave it alone.And Jimmy69, I'm pretty disappointed in you right now. Thanks for showing your hand though. I'm not warning or even cautioning you - you've got a right to the opinion you shared, even if I think it's bogus - but seriously I want  you to consider something here. You're trying to make a stink because I was apt to warn Tadej_Grum_2006 for their comments, which I did. You're trying to frame it under removal of free speech, which it absolutely is not. Please don't try and paint me, or the staff team in general, as the bad guy here. You're the one who is essentially supporting calling someone by their dead name, which as I pointed out is antagonistic at the very least. Let's be clear here. This is a forum that anyone is free to try and join, but ultimately it is a private entity, which is to say that you can be admitted or expelled for any reason. Rules are made and maintained without your direct approval. Put another way, all users being here - and that technically means us admins, too, if Richard or Sander should ever want to remove one or more of us - is a privilege, not a right. Freedom of speech, in the way you're trying to use it, doesn't apply here. You're also not free to spread certain kinds of links, or to use racial slurs, or to engage in personal attacks, and half a dozen other things besides. Those, too, impinge on your so-called freedom of speech, so why don't those things bother you?


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I'm sure you only asked for a name change because I called you out on what you said.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Tadej_Grum_2002 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Yes, but i will request for a name change so it is going to be my official name. And also, i just want to know, why are people doing this, i mean, changing accents, just so you look better and are more good viewed in the public and transgenter things.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Seriously Tadej_Grum_2002? Legal name doesn't matter! Haily changed her name to Haily online, so that's what she wants to be called. I suppose by that logic, you wouldn't mind everyone calling you Tadey. That's the first name on your profile, and I'm assuming that's your legal name as well. So what if Tadej_Grum_2002 is your username, it's not your legal name, is it?


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Unfortunately, you can no longer speak your mind. You will probably get a warning We have a social justice warrior is the lead administrator, free-speech is no longer a thing


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Tadej_Grum_2002 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Ok, i really don't get this.Charley ( i can call you charley, as your real name is still not officially changed), first, you wanted to change your gender, well, even that is very stupid, and now, you even want to change your accent? WTF is wrong with you. STay as you are dood, some big changes can cause problems in your lifetime and i am not the first that said this.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Jayde,Let's just say that I've had dysphoria in a lot of areas for most of my life not just including gender. It's a very difficult thing for me to describe but often I feel that most of the things I was born with shouldn't have been mine. I have found over the course of transitioning that my accent, which I always hated to begin with, was a constant anchor to my old life and something that gave me even more insecurities when attempting voice feminization.I don't exactly think I'm Scottish or anything like that in the same way I think about gender, there's just something about that particular manner of speaking that's always worked for me even when joking around with friends or acting out on stage or whatever. There are a few accents I considered adopting but in the end this was the one I decided to try and stick with.If someone did genuinely get offended by what I'm doing or thought I was trying to mock them or something, I would at least try to explain the situation and why I do what I do in the hope they could understand me a little better, or if even that didn't work, just try not to assotiate with that person if at all possible. I would hope people wouldn't get so but hurt as to hold something like that against me though, but then again I've seen the kind of bigotry directed at trans people first hand and I know some people are extremely proud of their heritage / culture and would disapprove of anyone attempting to fake it.@19, thanks, I'll take a look.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@Exodus:I missed that bit because I was originally going to put something else there, then do an @Hailey and hit enter too soon. So basically, PEBCAK


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

1. Listen to Scottish folk music for years.2. Look up all the words you don't understand.3. When you've done that for a while, fire up the Youtube and search for Burnistoun. That would be a Glaswegian accent. Here's a taste, for all you Lovecraft fans. that I'm not Scottish, just really interested. I'm PA Dutch, and nobody knows about our accent, well until now because I'm going to share it with you. This guy's playing it up a bit, but he also sounds a lot like my grandfather did. I don't have it nearly this much but as I get older, it pops up, e.g. nau, haus, and so on. Pennsylvania Dutch (Deitsch) is a dialect of German and has nothing to do with The Netherlands, well except I think there are some potentially similar dialects. Limburgish shares rutsch at elast.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Found a few more resources if you are interested. Check your pm's.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I'm something of an accent mimic. I don't necessarily do it on purpose, but if I hang around talking to someone for more than, say, a week or so, and they've got a different accent than I do, I will oftentimes catch myself mimicking certain sounds. One of my ex-partners came from northern Ireland, but had lived in England for eight or nine years by the time I met her; as a consequence, her accent was pretty soft, but it was still there. Even to this day, sometimes I will say things in an inflection similar to hers; it's enough that my current partner sometimes spots it and teases me over it.The one thing I personally don't do, however, is try really hard to use an accent 24/7 that isn't mine. I will often bust one out when doing a comedy bit or for effect or whatnot, but generally it comes and goes.If you want to have a Scottish accent for some reason, just be sensitive. That's the best advice I can give. You are probably going to piss some people off because whether you mean to or not, they're probably going to think you're a poser. Again, even if it's not true, you may have to climb over that assumption before you get anywhere, and for some, you never will. If you're prepared to deal with that, then have on, and I wish you luck.Jimmy69, please do not antagonize Haily. This is not a warning or even a caution, but just don't do it. You've already been poking at the "just be what you are" thing. We heard you the first two or three times. Cut it out.That being said, Haily, I want to ask something in good faith here. You are, of course, under no obligation to answer.Why, exactly, do you want to change your accent at all? Is there an aspect of your current accent that you find troubling, perhaps some sort of association that you want to distance yourself from in the process of transitioning? I ask because this sort of thing is pretty rare, and I'm trying to gauge what's going on. Not a health professional, obviously, and I'm certainly not part of your support system. But doing this, as I've stated before, may come with some challenges and may upset others who can hear your acquired accent for precisely what it is. I'm not here to gaslight you, but I think this can be a pretty big change and can have some larger ramifications, and I don't think it should be taken up lightly.If there are aspects of this situation that I don't understand and which you feel might enlighten my perspective, please feel free to share them. I'm all ears.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Agree with 16


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

13:No shit Sherlock. Did you miss the part where I said I was Scottish?My work has taken me all over the country also, so I've experienced every accent the country has to give, and trust me, the fakers stick out like a sore thumb.12:My bad on the american assumption, but the rest of my advice still stands. It's better to live with how you sound like and make it work for you rather than faking an accent from some place else. I can understand the hell out of hating how you sound and how that completely saps your confidence. I still sound like a god damn foghorn in certain parts of the country, but I no longer obsess over it.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

See the thing about growing up in the states is that we are a melting pot of peoples and cultures, so we have high tolerance for things like that. If someone from some far off exotic country decided one day that they were gonna try talking to me in an American accent, I'd probably be impressed. But for other people born and raised in other places with not as much ethnic diversity, an accent is seen as a badge of identification. When I go to my father's country and speak with the natives in their own language, they can tell where my father was born, and where he spent his childhood and how he raised me from my accent. So I think that in a situation like that, it's important to show  some respect to the people. In the end, you will garner more respect from them from being who you are, and proud of it.As a side note, I find it a little annoying when people try to speak english with a vietnamese accent because 1: that's not how all vietnamese speak english, and 2: it gives a terrible impression of how capable a person is in communicating in english, and 3, its fake. So just keep this in mind as you proceed.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Haily, you have officially made me read this topic in my brain with a Scottish accent. Nice going lol.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@Exodus:There's no one 'scottish accent'. That's like saying there's a generic 'English acccent'


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Just an FYI, I'm from England @exodus. I've had my fair share of jokes about that accent with friends over the years, a lot of them from Scotland, so I'd like to say I'm a little more well versed in it than if I'd just randomly decided to do it one day without any idea what the different sounds were and what not. I'm of course not native though so you can take that with a huge, huge grain of salt. I have however herd people from the states imitate my native accent with almost perfect accuracy, so I know it can be done. The thing with that accent in particular is you can make fun of it in so many ways people end up focusing more on it's eccentricities than the accent it's self. I've been trying to learn Scottish Gaelic as well for my own personal education so a lot of this has to do with knowing how to pronounce those words correctly without looking like an idiot.One thing I'd also like to mention is voice feminization. You'd be amazed just how much of a difference speaking in a different accent can make, at least in some cases. For me at least, it does make me feel a lot more confident in how I approach social situations and things like that, or at least it has now I've more or less gotten over my initial fear of saying shit wrong.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I completely disagree, Exodus. I may have been born and raised in the southern USA, but my ancestors are German and Irish. I may not have the accent myself, but I would never get upset if someone tried to speak in an Irish accent or even start using one for the rest of their lives. You do you, Haily. Although I must stress, try to train yourself in the accent before sticking with it. It would be cringeworthy hearing someone trying to fake an accent and doing it poorly and that be their voice, if you get what I'm saying.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Scottish person here, Don't do this. You'll just end up sounding like one of these weirdo Americans that swear up and down they are descended from Robert the Bruce or William Wallace.It'd be like me deciding that tomorrow I'm going to trade in my central belt accent to take on the accent of a polish  man speaking English, even though I've never lived a day in the country.1: It would probably sound retarded because of the hole never lived in the country thing and 2: It'd be disrespectful as fuck.You also have to deal with the fact that by on large Americans just can't sound Scottish, too much of the... american? creeps in and it just sounds terrible. Your man in the video in post 5 probably thinks his accent sounds excellent as he's teaching other people how to do it, but spoiler alert... It doesn't. Don't ever take lessons on how to sound Scottish from someone who can't even pronounce the fucking name of Scotland's capital city.By all means joke around with the accent, the wee free men are hilarious and getting someone who isn't Scottish to say something like "square go bawbag" never gets old. Seriously though, stick to the accent you have don't trade it out for a poor imitation of an accent of a people that are far far more than just their fancy accents.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Scottish person here, Don't do this. You'll just end up sounding like one of these weirdo Americans that swear up and down they are descended from Robert the Bruce or William Wallace.It'd be like me deciding that tomorrow I'm going to trade in my central belt accent to take on the accent of a polish  man speaking English, even though I've never lived a day in the country.1: It would probably sound retarded because of the hole never lived in the country thing and 2: It'd be disrespectful as fuck.You also have to deal with the fact that by on large Americans just can't sound Scottish, too much of the... american? creeps in and it just sounds terrible. Your man in the video in post 5 probably thinks his accent is excellent as he's teaching other people how to do it, but spoiler alert... It doesn't. Don't ever take lessons on how to sound Scottish from someone who can't even pronounce the fucking name of Scotland's capital city.By all means joke around with the accent, the wee free men are hilarious and getting someone who isn't Scottish to say something like "square go bawbag" never gets old. Seriously though, stick to the accent you have don't trade it out for a poor imitation of an accent of a people that are far far more than just their fancy accents.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Thanks guys. I've gotten a lot better just by using it most of the time today. I still have to remind myself to do it but I'm hoping that with enough practice I can get it to a point where I won't even need to do that. My one sort of problem is that sometimes I find my accent slipping into this sort of Irish sounding thing, probably comes with the territory when you have a good friend who's used both in the past. One of my main inspirations thus far has been David Tenant, specifically the how to train your dragon audiobooks I listened to as a child and where I got most of my initial Scottish accent from. I've been re listening to them again recently to give myself a slightly better idea of what I'm aiming for. I hated my voice so much with my regular accent.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BoundTo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

This might help. It's an accent I've never practiced before, but videos like this should get you a long way. Again as already stated, people can be very sensitive when it comes to their accents, so a little bit of caution is recommended. Listening to programs or watching movies with speakers in the accent can really go a long way as well. Just approach it as if you were learning a language. You'll get better by using it.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Or Terry Pratchett's We Free Men if you want to really stand out


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I recommend watching braveheart. It's even audio described in the megavault.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

@2, point taken about nationalists though I'm hoping with enough practice I can get it to a point where they won't hear a difference. It's not like I live in that part of the world anyway so it probably wouldn't be much of an issue. The few Scottish people I come into contact with on a regular basis are perfectly okay with it and what I'm doing, so yeah.


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

Hi.i'd recommend this video:


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

How about  Just being happy with who you are. I don’t understand why you feel the need to change everything about yourself


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Re: Doing a Scottish accent

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Doing a Scottish accent

I would be careful, as some nationalists take pride in their accent and hearing someone who is not of their race use it, they may consider it a mockery. I have heard this said of the Irish, not sure what the Scott's opinion on the subject is, but I think it's worth considering.


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