Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

You should feel excited and accomplished; my wife doesn't even send me PM's!  Boo hoo hoo!  


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@jsenter!Thank you so much for making such wonderful, accessible games! My husband (Nocturnus) and I have been enjoying them since Nano empire and look forward to more to come. I sent you a PM, by the way. 


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

And The game now has a db page found here.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nolly via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Little late to write this and if it's been mentioned before I apologize as I didn't see it on my read through of this topic, however there is a way to play this game hands free if you want to play while performing another task.Someone earlier had commented earlier how they didn't like having to click so much using either the double tap or split tap. Well there is an alternative to this so long as you have IOS 13. You can use voice control to both navigate and tap the buttons for you with minimal issues providing you use the proper phrases.If you have voice control turned on there are a few commands you can use to jump to and perform tasks, however you will have to be very specific in the wording you use. I tend to do this when I want to play the game but have to do something like say washing dishes which takes your hands.To navigate you can either say "Voice over select " to jump to the item or "Tap ". Personally I just use the tap and then the name as it's just quicker and saves you a step. Once in the task screen you can say "Tap work", then "Repeat X times" to have it tap the button multiple times. Once it's complete say "Tap continue". You can even use the phrase "Voice over select progress" to monitor how much progress has been complete..There are however limitations with using voice control, especially if there are tasks that have similar titles such as Pick Pumpkins and Pick Apples. It is possible however to tap on a task just by stating the first word in the title, such as Read instead of the full read the documents.It is not a perfect method and occasionally it won't be able to understand you, however it for the most part works extremely well. The key is to remember that what you say as well as the command you try to use is very, very important.I don't recommend using this mthod to replace your game play entirely, but it is a way to do something else while playing.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think submissions are currently broken. Only one who can fix them are the head admins, who have long standing track records of being MIA for months if not years on end. Sucks but that's just the way of things. We really need a new site TBH.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jsenter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Dark could you please add Evelyn's Farm to the game database?@Nightshade to the best of my knowledge, no one has solved it yet. A hint (spoiler warning): it involves the Great Clown Head.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nightshade via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I still wanna know the secret for Nano empire. its been out for so long and I still don't know and I'm so sad. if someone would tell us with a spoiler alert, or pm it or something...


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Updated post 44 with my endings thus far.  That post is basically a huge spoiler, so if you don't want the endings or in fact the game itself spoiled for ya, don't read it.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Beware! spoielrs for the neuclear ending.@jsenter, thanks for that, I was wondering if I needed to raise strength given the ending didn't seem perfectly happy and I honestly wasn't sure whether I won the impossible fight or not. In that case I'll try and put resources into other things and see where they go to explore the other endings.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jsenter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Thanks for catching the evacuation bug. It somehow slipped through testing. Hopefully the game is still playable if you reload.I feel like I owe you some information about the extent of the endings so that you don't spend too much time trying to find things that aren't there. So if you wish to learn the total number of endings, read on...SPOILER WARNING!There are 7 endings, including the easy one.Additional spoilers for that ending where you face an impossible fight:It doesn't matter whether you can actually win the fight. Its main purpose is to scare you. You always succeed, and the ending is always the same.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Damn it!SpoilersI just finished the transfer technology ending. Not entirely unexpected, but still sad.Dark, you can get a lot of strength by conducting military research... a lot of it.I really hated the end portions of the game, partially do to being forced to click click click click click on the work button. Sigh.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Dark, post 42,***SPOILER! SPACE! BELOW!***Glad I wasn't the only one who experienced that bug concerning the nuclear ending.  Interestingly enough I managed to defeat the priestess and her army even though I only had 20k strength myself, which made it kind of fun in some senses.  The reason I say that is that I've fought things that were only 2000 strong themselves and seen that I had an 80 or 90 percent chance at winning, and still lost!  That does make things somewhat amusing and more playworthy as far as I'm concerned, since as you've stated before about nano empires, it almost feels like some games just give you the power hammer and let you run with it and you never ever die because of said seeming omnipotence.  I'm glad to see this is not the case here though.As to how to gain strength quickly, the only way I've seen of managing it would be to conduct a ton of military research.  When I managed to build the nuclear factory I thought I was going to end up with tons of strength if that in itself didn't end the game.  Sadly that was obviously not the case.  I'm going to have to play around with some of the other endings though.  So far I have the following down, and if you're still reading because you didn't notice the spoiler space alert above this is entirely your fault!  I have warned you!  1.  Transfer technology, AKA the bad ending... I really got suckered into that one by Miss Reasonable.2.  Starting an immortality business; Ivan apparently thought he had a really awesome selling point and scored so big that even the priestess bowed down to him and they all lived happily ever after.3.  Peaceful protest; I still can't believe Lucy went the way she did, but that always seems to be the way of things when you are a pacifist.4.  Researching nuclear technology, AKA destroying the gate from all three sides as the original Evelyn had desired, allowing her final wishes to be fulfilled.  Sadly, the authorities didn't really seem to like her all that much to begin with and thus ordered any evidence concerning everything that happened be destroyed.I'm going for a fifth which should be done in a few minutes and will update this post for anyone who has read thus far and who is interested in the endings.  Sadly?  I will not give you the full dialogues; if you want those you'll have to finish the game yourself!  :d


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Hi.I experienced one of the bad endings yesterday. I didn't got any reward or bonuses for doing so. The only thing I could do was to start from scratch. I still enjoy the game.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Lol Nocturnus, I had the same experience as regards the bad ending, but I didn't mind myself. I've now completed the neuclear ending and got some nice rewards, well "completed" is sort of putting it a bit oddly. Beware spoiling spoilers of spoilage! If you haven't encountered anything nuclear in the game so far, don't read on. I developed nuclear weapons in order to close the gate. Firstly this lead to a bug, since once "manage the evacuations" became repeatable, if it hit %100 the game would crash. Second however, when I followed this option through, I got into a fight with the priestess's hoard at 10 strength with no option but to continue. I'm guessing I lost that fight given the ending was sort of ambiguously dark, and i was fighting with eight thousand strength (as I lost Ivan). So I am guessing that the ultimate good ending probably involves winning that fight, and winning that fight without Ivan, though how you do that goodness knows since yee gods that's a lot of strength. Still, I've other paths to explore including the immortality business, oh and the timewarp unlockable is pretty cool, actually I do wonder if that is intended as some sort of final ultimate good ending, though I'm guessing there are some hidden mechanics I've not seen in order for you to get to such a ridiculously high level of strength.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

The bad ending really is bad, but, especially if you get suckered into it early you can't help but have a laugh at it.  I mean, that was my first ending, after like, six hours of investing and trying and doing and working and hammering my screen.  There's no reward for finishing with the bad ending other than the satisfaction of knowing that you can start over.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Nocturnus, I've not seen that ending yet since I've not wracked up the resources, though in this game i think I'm going to go for the neuclear option and see what happens. I am guessing that whilst their are multiple endings, the intention is that one or other ending is much happier and serves as a conclusion of sorts, just as with winning the campaign in Nano empire as opposed to either outcome of defeating the battle station, though of course in this sort of game it's always fun to see everything.zakc93, my best advice is just try all the choices, since that is what makes the game fun, even in the bad ends. @amerikranian, 1: you can know which tasks increase stats by, , doing them. Really, this game is all about the exploration and understanding what choices go where. 2: increasing Ivan and Lucy's strength will add to your party's strength and help you in fights, whilst increasing their knowledge will let them do tasks while you do something else, meaning you can do more things at once, not to mention that if you lose a fight and get wounded, you don't completely have to stop playing if Ivan and Lucy can go for you.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

zakc93, my best advice is just try all the choices, since that is what makes the game fun, even in the bad ends. @amerikranian, 1: you can know which tasks increase stats by, , doing them. Really, this game is all about the exploration and understanding what choices go where. 2: increasing Ivan and Lucy's strength will add to your party's strength and help you in fights, whilst increasing their knowledge will let them do tasks while you do something else, meaning you can do more things at once, not to mention that if you lose a fight and get wounded, you don't completely have to stop playing if Ivan and Lucy can go for you.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I just picked this up, and here are a few of my questions:1. How do I know that a task has a chance of increasing a stat?2. Why should I bother with buffing Ivan and Lucy?Other than this, I like it so far. Just went to college and got the easiest endings of them all.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Still on my first playthrough but really enjoying the game so far.Spoilers ahead!I have a few options in two of the worlds which might lead to endings, not sure which of them will though. I can assassinate the priestess, which I'm guessing is the most likely to be an ending. Then I can transfer technology, which I suspect might be the bad ending you guys are talking about, will probably lead to it being weaponised and conquest of the other worlds. Also I can organise a peaceful march, which sounds like a terrible idea but not sure if it will lead to an ending. Then in the initially peaceful world I can develop nuclear weapons, or start an immortality business (not sure if that will lead to an ending though). Not sure which one to go for.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

***SPOILER! SPACE! BELOW!***At Dark, that actually wasn't the one I was thinking about.  the one I was thinking about was the peaceful protest one, which is just as sad in my opinion, if not worse.  I don't know if there's any ending that doesn't involve Lucy as a martered hero if you're trying to accomplish something with her, but I sincerely hope there is.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@nocturnus I am not sure. Beware! spoiling spoilers of spoileriness! if you don't know who the preistess is, do not read any further.I got the ending where I assassinated the Priestess, which also seemed to lock me out of a couple of other ending paths. The two options after that seemed to be to either start a war and attempt world domination, or install Lucy as the new priestess, so I chose option 2. There was a revelution and it didn't do well, also definitely nice to see  christian in a game who actually isn't a nutter, but yee gods the final ending was rather dour. I'm hoping this time around to get the cash either to develop neuclear weapons or start the peaceful protest against the priestess, since both times I didn't quite have a high enough cash flow to make either option feasible.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@nocturnus I am not sure. Beware! spoiling spoilers of spoileriness! if you don't know who the preistess is, do not read any further.I got the ending where I assassinated the Priestess, which also seemed to lock me out of a couple of other ending paths. The two options after that seemed to be to either start a war and attempt world domination, or install Lucy as the new priestess, so I chose option 2. There was a revelution and it didn't do well, also definitely nice to see  christian in a game who actually isn't a nutter, but yee gods the final ending was rather dour. I'm hoping this time around to get the cash either to develop neuclear weapons or start the peaceful protest against the priestess, since both times I didn't quite have a high enough cash flow to make either option faesible.All in all, that's three endings. Go to college, exchange technology  the priestess (which really is a game over, your dead style bad end), and now this one.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Dark, if it's the ending I think it is it is a rather sad one indeed.  I would have liked to see a different outcome...


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Aaron, Nocturnus is correct, however two things to bare in mind are firstly that there are always ways to increase stats if you look around, and the section your coming to is no exception, the second is to note that even if your strength is less than the enemy's your not necessarily doomed. First time I got  one of the forest fights, I had a %40 chance of winning, but won anyway. Of course the same is also true, I just now lost a fight I had a %93 chance of winning as well .Well that's another ending down, albeit not exactly a %100 happy one, and for the first time I got the game plus reward, which was nice, and might well help me try a couple of the paths I wasn't able to in this playthru due to lack of resources, or at least my impatience to go through lack of resources, ;D.I'll be interested to see where some more options lead to.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@aaron, you're not doing badly at all.   strenght of 97 is actually somewhat commendable at your stage but for one little thing...***SPOILER! SPACE! BELOW!***You will temporarily lose Ivan and Lucy and may, as a result of the decreased strength and knowledge, find things just a bit harder during that time.  The only way around this is to asign yourself as leader so that you can gain the strength and knowledge necessary to continue at whatever pace you desire.  More knowledge means easier exploration; more strength means greater chance at winning battles and easier labor.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Just wondering from those who've played, how am I doing so far? Putting this as a spoilerspoilerMy team strength total is around 97 but I've been sniped. Just liberated a fourt in the road, and so I probably have a looong while yet. Still searching the forest, and the text is saying about the gate must be destroyed in all three sides.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

beware the spoiling spoilers of spoilage! No, building a robot factory or establishing a school are a long! way from the bad end I mean, you have many more things to do first. Just as a hint if your looking for the bad end, if someone completely and utterly evil suggests something, don't do it, - or at least do it if you want to see the bad end .End spoilage! I admit this game is going faster, partly because I know what some of the task rewards are, partly because of the amazing finger drumming technique which lets me complete some tasks super quick, even with  requirements for them grow really high, albeit in a way I'd prefer not to need to have to do this as I said.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Really?SPOILERSI've gotten to the point where it seems like there is an obvious end for the other two worlds you find, or at least I think that's what it probably is. Establishing a school or building a robot factory. So either I have unknowingly dodged the ending that shall not be spoken, or I haven't gotten as far as I thought. Either way, the game is fun, so I really don't mind.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Believe us; there is a bad ending, and you can easily get suckered into it if you're not careful.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Love the game so far, haven't completed it yet though. Haven't noticed the bad end everybody is talking about either, but it is getting quite interesting.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@Dark, if you get the bonuses I spoke of in 24 you kind of sort of get a bit of freedom from the work button.  Perhaps it still isn't quite as satisfying as the option you suggested, but it kind of sort of works.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

It's quite deceptive, at the start I thought the  game would wind up being comparatively short, indeed after the first milestone was completed I thought I was on to an extended ending sequence then was quite amused to find it was anything but. I also wondered if we'd get more mechanics introduced later in terms of extra helpers etc, but no, it's just all about the time, story   management of resources. I'll try for the longr ending this time, indeed I did sort of suspect the option I took would lead to a bad end, but as I'd been playing for a good few hours then  was happy to leave it at that, even if it was a myserably bad end . The only thing I do wish as I said, is that there were some game plus features or a record of what endings you'd got by achievements etc, though whether these turn  with one of the later endings I don't know.I also would like a fix to the work button to  need to hammer away when completing tasks myself rather than getting Ivan and Lucy to do them.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

It's quite deceptive, at the start I thought the  game would wind up being comparatively short, indeed after the first milestone was completed I thought I was on to an extended ending sequence then was quite amused to find it was anything but. I also wondered if we'd get more mechanics introduced later in terms of extra helpers etc, but no, it's just all about the time, story   management of resources. I'll try for the longr ending this time, indeed I did sort of suspect the option I took would lead to a bad end, but as I'd been playing for a good few hours then I suspected as much. The only thing I do wish as I said, is that there were some game plus features or a reccord of what endings you'd got by achievements etc, though whether these turn up if you go for one of the none premature endings I don't know. I also would like a fix to the work button to  need to hammer away when completing tasks myself rather than getting Ivan and Lucy to do them.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

It's quite deceptive, at the start I thought the  would wind up being comparatively short. I also wondered if we'd get more mechanics introduced later in terms of extra helpers etc, but no, it's just all about the time, story   management of resources. I'll try for the longr ending this time, indeed I did sort of suspect the option I took would lead to a bad end, but as I'd been playing for a good few hours then I suspected as much. The only thing I do wish as I said, is that there were some game plus features or a reccord of what endings you'd got by achievements etc, though whether these turn up if you go for one of the none premature endings I don't know. I also would like a fix to the work button to  need to hammer away when completing tasks myself rather than getting Ivan and Lucy to do them.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Hi.I've completed the game once. I think I have seen the path to the second ending, and I'm currently trying to get the long ending. Wow, this game is much more than it seems like at the beginning.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@23 No, and that's ok.Two endings down, will complete a third in a few minutes, so if anyone posts before then just a friendly reminder to please either don't give out spoilers, or if you must for the sake of assistance to put spoiler spaces somewhere in your message.  Dark makes the whole thing sound intriguing if you just read his posts because you get the feeling, especially from the first one that there's nothing to it; you just go raise some vegies and maybe some cattle or sheep to go to college.  This much, I'm sure we can both say, it was certainly unexpected.  Random encounters, different places to go, various outcomes depending on actions you take, and yes, there are bonuses... I'll just leave it at that.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

does it has sounds btw?


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Hi.Wow this game is amazing. I haven't completed the game yet, but I really like it so far.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I didn't go for the  obvious ending myself first time since I wanted to explore, but after running into the bad end I thought I'd try it just for the sake of trying before I  for better endings later. Hope you like the game mirage, you've got a long way to go .Oh, and I've now submitted evelyn's farm to Applevis and you can Find it's page here.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I found the "go to college" ending first, and I am looking forward to the other endings.It may not be a typical farm game, but I am enjoying it thoroughly!


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, first ending found, and as it took me about five rl hours, that is pretty good going, indeed this one is a longer play than Nano Empire, I think..Interestingly enough, the ending I got (the first I've seen so far), it was likely the most extreme bad end, but I have ideas of where to go next time, indeed in a way having that end as essentialy a death trap was quite fitting.My only miner disappointment is that there doesn't seem to be either a record of what endings you've found , or any game plus features to make the second playthru a little different from the first, the way that even games like universal paperclips have, or at least if there are they're possibly hidden, . These were elements missing from Nano empire, which I was hoping to see in Evelyn's farm, since having some sort of achievements to work towards and some rewards for finishing the game multiple times would be a nice insentive to discover all the endings and different story paths, EG perhaps for each new ending you lock you get a boost to either strength, knowledge or money.Still, I can tell that getting all the endings will be an achievement in itself, even if not one tracked by the game. In general though, this is awesome! Basically a newly improved nano empire withh characters with distinct personality, a really interesting story, better balanced    gameplay that doesn't make the player invincible in the   endgame and a system of mechanics that is just plane adictive, , , heck I've been up all night playing . So a five star from me on the ap store and hope everyone else has as much fun wandering evelyn's farm as I have, and likely will continue to have until I've got all the endings. Indeed, I'll say from a personal perspective, I'll be doing a lot of sitting around in hospital with my lady this week, so this game will be very welcome.Edit: okay, second ending now found, or rather the obvious and boring "go to college" ending .A Gain, I'm really wishing there was  a better clicking mechanic. The most efficient way I've found is to rest the index finger of one hand on the "work" button, and drum the fingers of the other hand repeatedly on the screen. On the one hand, this means I can complete tasks pretty quickly, even when the cost has grown fairly steep (it took about twenty seconds of drumming for my character with 17 strength to get to seven thousand strength to complete the corn  harvesting just now when going for  the boring ending), on the other, it gives me finger ache, and occasionally activates the rotor if I'm not careful .I'd definitely like a multy click over longer time option if possible, since the alternatives are either repetitive strain injuries or lots of waiting around and no clicking at all, since clicking the normal way with double taps for buttons is so long winded.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, first ending found, and as it took me about five rl hours, that is pretty good going, indeed this one is a longer play than Nano Empire, I think..Interestingly enough, the ending I got (the first I've seen so far), it was likely the most extreme bad end, but I have ideas of where to go next time, indeed in a way having that end as essentialy a death trap was quite fitting.My only miner disappointment is that there doesn't seem to be either a record of what endings you've found , or any game plus features to make the second playthru a little different from the first, the way that even games like universal paperclips have, or at least if there are they're possibly hidden, . These were elements missing from Nano empire, which I was hoping to see in Evelyn's farm, since having some sort of achievements to work towards and some rewards for finishing the game multiple times would be a nice insentive to discover all the endings and different story paths, EG perhaps for each new ending you lock you get a boost to either strength, knowledge or money.Still, I can tell that getting all the endings will be an achievement in itself, even if not one tracked by the game. In general though, this is awesome! Basically a newly improved nano empire withh characters with distinct personality, a really interesting story, better balanced    gameplay that doesn't make the player invincible in the   endgame and a system of mechanics that is just plane adictive, , , heck I've been up all night playing . So a five star from me on the ap store and hope everyone else has as much fun wandering evelyn's farm as I have, and likely will continue to have until I've got all the endings. Indeed, I'll say from a personal perspective, I'll be doing a lot of sitting around in hospital with my lady this week, so this game will be very welcome.Edit: okay, second ending now found, or rather the obvious and boring "go to college" ending .AGain, I'm really wishing there wass a better clicking mechanic. The most efficient way I've found is to rest the finger of one hand on the "work" button, and drum the fingers of the other hand repeatedly. On the one hand, this means I can complete tasks pretty quickly, even when the cost has grown fairly steep (it took about twenty seconds of drumming for my character with 17 strength to get to seven thousand strength to complete the corn  harvesting just now when going for  the boring ending), on the other, it gives me finger ache, and occasionally activates the rotor if I'm not careful .I'd definitely like a multy click over longer time option if possible, since the alternatives are either repetitive strain injuries or lots of waiting around and no clicking at all .


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, first ending found, and as it took me about five rl hours, that is pretty good going, indeed this one is a longer play than Nano Empire, I think..Interestingly enough, the ending I got (the first I've seen so far), it was likely the most extreme bad end, but I have ideas of where to go next time, indeed in a way having that end as essentialy a death trap was quite fitting.My only miner disappointment is that there doesn't seem to be either a record of what endings you've found , or any game plus features to make the second playthru a little different from the first, the way that even games like universal paperclips have, or at least if there are they're possibly hidden, . These were elements missing from Nano empire, which I was hoping to see in Evelyn's farm, since having some sort of achievements to work towards and some rewards for finishing the game multiple times would be a nice insentive to discover all the endings and different story paths, EG perhaps for each new ending you lock you get a boost to either strength, knowledge or money.Still, I can tell that getting all the endings will be an achievement in itself, even if not one tracked by the game. In general though, this is awesome! Basically a newly improved nano empire withh characters with distinct personality, a really interesting story, better balanced    gameplay that doesn't make the player invincible in the   endgame and a system of mechanics that is just plane adictive, , , heck I've been up all night playing . So a five star from me on the ap store and hope everyone else has as much fun wandering evelyn's farm as I have, and likely will continue to have until I've got all the endings. Indeed, I'll say from a personal perspective, I'll be doing a lot of sitting around in hospital with my lady this week, so this game will be very welcome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, first ending found, and as it took me about five rl hours, that is pretty good going, indeed this one is a longer play than Nano empir I think.Interestingly enough, it was likely the most extreme bad end, but I have ideas of how to get other endings.My only miner disappointment is that there doesn't seem to be either a record of what endings you've found , or any game plus features to make the second playthru a little different from the first, the way that even games like universal paperclips have, or at least if there are they're possibly hidden, . These were elements missing from Nano empire, which I was hoping to see in Evelyn's farm, since having some sort of achievements to work towards and some rewards for finishing the game multiple times would be a nice insentive to discover all the endings, EG perhaps for each new ending you lock you get a boost to either strength, knowledge or money.Still, I can tell that getting all the endings will be an achievement in itself, even if not one tracked by the game. In general though, this is awesome! basically a newly improved nano empire with  really interesting story, and very simple, highly addictive mechanics, heck I've been up all night playing . So a five star from me on the ap store and hope everyone else has as much fun wandering evelyn's farm as I dhave.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, as I seem to be awake at weird times I'm just trying this now. I'm definitely liking how things are working, although I seem to be quite a ways through after a comparatively short time, still I gather there is a lot to discover with the various tasks, I also wouldn't be surprised if there is more to find after the game ends. I will admit I didn't quite get how fights work, mostly by not seeing the strength rating, so for anyone planning to play, make sure you check things out carefully, also remember that there are other benefits to working than getting cash, and unlike nano empire, things in this game don't seem to keep running unless you physically assign someone, or at least I don't think they do.One question I do have, is do the exclamation marks mean that a task will progress the story? I thought so but wasn't exactly sure. I also wonder what series this is based on. Thus far the text is sort of giving me a sort of children of the corn vibe, which is a good thing, though I'm guessing when a tv series  mentioned in the guide there is something specific in mind. Oh well, back to work I go.Edit: okay ignore my above comment on being only a short ways through. Whilst I guess there is a chicken out early ending, I didn't go for that one and things are definitely getting interesting, albeit  a chance combat knocked me out of the game for 15 minutes, though since in 15 minutes my auto timers will probably have let me progress more in other areas, this isn't quite as dire as it sounds. I am also guessing that I might still! not be on the endgame, given the stupidly high stats of one encounter I ran into, unless that's just intended as a wandering hazard. Whilst I don't think this one will quite satisfy the desire of people who wanted a farm game, as a really interesting story with incremental elements and lots to explore in the vane of Nano empire, this one should definitely hit the spot.Edit the second: Yee gods this game is waaay! longer than I thought, and there is so much to discover it's not funny.Again I might or might not be coming up on one of the endings, but I'm not sure, since it'll take a lot of resources. The only thing I do not like, is the actual clicking mechanic of the work button, and that is more to do with the way Ios handles taps with voiceove. When playing an incremental game on pc with a click mechanic, it's easy enough to hammer a keyboard key down and get a good quick click rate. However with voiceover, since you need to double tap or split tap to activate buttons, your rate is either slower or more clunky (when I try split tapping, i always seem to end up either hitting too many times or taps not registering). I do gather that for each hit of the work button, you do 2x the value required, EG if you have 20 strength, you'll do 40 per click, as opposed to your companions who do 1x value per second. Whilst your various production values in the game change, the percentage increase from clicking does not. It'd be nice if there was an option (say in option settings), to have the work button do a greater amount of total value clicks on a slower timer. I don't know what most people's average is, but say have   5 x value on a 2 second timer, that way instead of trying to hammer away like a lunatic clicking the button, or double tap slowly, you could just tap in a regular rhythm at a couple of seconds and get a similar rate of increase, which would be much  comfortable on the fingers. Perhaps, if this couldn't be part of the game's upgrades, this could be added as an option, since I don't imagine it'd be too hard to add? Either way, really looking forward to finishing the game, though goodness knows when that will be, really this one is like the magic tree, it just keeps on growing .


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jsenter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Out now: you for helping to make this day possible! If you enjoy the game, please don't forget to rate and review as that can make a big difference.@Dark: Yes, the exclamation marks mean a task will advance the story. The show I was thinking of is Stranger Things...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, as I seem to be awake at weird times I'm just trying this now. I'm definitely liking how things are working, although I seem to be quite a ways through after a comparatively short time, still I gather there is a lot to discover with the various tasks, I also wouldn't be surprised if there is more to find after the game ends. I will admit I didn't quite get how fights work, mostly by not seeing the strength rating, so for anyone planning to play, make sure you check things out carefully, also remember that there are other benefits to working than getting cash, and unlike nano empire, things in this game don't seem to keep running unless you physically assign someone, or at least I don't think they do.One question I do have, is do the exclamation marks mean that a task will progress the story? I thought so but wasn't exactly sure. I also wonder what series this is based on. Thus far the text is sort of giving me a sort of children of the corn vibe, which is a good thing, though I'm guessing when a tv series  mentioned in the guide there is something specific in mind. Oh well, back to work I go.Edit: okay ignore my above comment on being only a short ways through. Whilst I guess there is a chicken out early ending, I didn't go for that one and things are definitely getting interesting, albeit  a chance combat knocked me out of the game for 15 minutes, though since in 15 minutes my auto timers will probably have let me progress more in other areas, this isn't quite as dire as it sounds. I am also guessing that I might still! not be on the endgame, given the stupidly high stats of one encounter I ran into, unless that's just intended as a wandering hazard. Whilst I don't think this one will quite satisfy the desire of people who wanted a farm game, as a really interesting story with incremental elements and lots to explore in the vane of Nano empire, this one should definitely hit the spot.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Okay, as I seem to be awake at weird times I'm just trying this now. I'm definitely liking how things are working, although I seem to be quite a ways through after a comparatively short time, still I gather there is a lot to discover with the various tasks, I also wouldn't be surprised if there is more to find after the game ends. I will admit I didn't quite get how fights work, mostly by not seeing the strength rating, so for anyone planning to play, make sure you check things out carefully, also remember that there are other benefits to working than getting cash, and unlike nano empire, things in this game don't seem to keep running unless you physically assign someone, or at least I don't think they do.One question I do have, is do the exclamation marks mean that a task will progress the story? I thought so but wasn't exactly sure. I also wonder what series this is based on. Thus far the text is sort of giving me a sort of children of the corn vibe, which is a good thing, though I'm guessing when a tv series  mentioned in the guide there is something specific in mind. Oh well, back to work I go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : matt1211 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I'm also looking forward to this, yeah. Definitely loved nano empire, so I'm hoping for something similarly awesome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I preordered this, and I'm excited.It releases Monday!


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Nano empire and a few minutes of glory are both $1.99, and I believe the same in pounds. Friends of the prince is free but has a similarly low cost in ap purchice to make what you do matter less. Actually I should try FOTP again, I played for a while, but since progress is so dictated by what others do it often felt a little didficult to get anywhere, though there did seem to be secrets as a single player which I didn't get all of.


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : starlord2017 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

what is the cost for the games?


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

@10 Thank you for considering the android platform. Here's hoping for your success, then. We woulin the audiogame community in the android market would be very appreciative of your efforts. Got a thumbs from me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I just played through nano empire again, and the idea of a similar but more expanded game really is good. In particular, I'm a little sorry nano empire doesn't have an actual game plus feature, particularly since it has three different possible. endings to get, and running through with bonuses would be good. Yee gods though, there is so much to do actually you usually end up trying to try everything once than grinding, especially when your worlds get to level 3 and 4. I'll be doubly looking forward to this one in a couple of weeks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jsenter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Thank you for all the beta responses!I just released a new update which should fix the focus issues everyone was having.If any of my games becomes financially successful on iOS, I'll consider porting it to Android...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : music097 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

hello, i sent you an email about beta test request. please check it  out. thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

I can't wait for this one!I love incremental games, and I've wanted a farm game, plus I love Nano Empire.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

hey. I sent you an email. Looking forward to this one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Sounds awesome, I'm quite the fan of incremental games, and lots of people have fancied a farm game. I've always really liked nano empire and have run through it several times just for fun.I'll certainly be signing up to the preorder. Congrats for getting another game out the door which I'm sure will be fantastic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Hi.I've just preordered the game, looking forward to give it a try.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Sounds awesome I'm quite the fan of incremental games, and lots of people have fancied a farm game. I'll certainly be signing up to the preorder. Congrats for getting another great game out the door.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Seems interesting. As my preceder said, any way it could be available for the Green Robot too?


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Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Hi.@jsenter, i've emailed you to test the game, it sounds like tuns of fun.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

2020-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Evelyn's Farm: iOS Idle Paranormal Adventure from maker of Nano Empire

Any chance of these coming to android?


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