Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : chrisnorman7 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I think finding something as an end goal that you want to achieve is really helpful.For me it's this idea of VR, for you it might be washing machine firmware. Don't think it really matters.Break it down into smaller chunks, and hack away on it.Think of a chair: It's got a frame, which is made up of a material, then it's connected together with screws, or rivets, or welds or whatever. It's got a flat surface that you sit on, that could be wood, or more metas, or broken glass (if you're into that sort of thing). It usually has a covering, which is stitched or stapled or glued around the edge, then it may have a back, which is more frame-like stuff, possibly covered in more material stuff.Point is, the whole world is made up of modular bits that form cohesive wholes. Bits can be re-used: bikes, cars, trucks, trains, fire engines, and unicycles all have wheels. Think of the world, and the things you're making in terms of these little bits, and then you can start to break down your coding problems.I read a thing in an objective C book (I never finished learning objective C, in case you care). The author said how their young son was routinely confused by life, and didn't let it bother him. The author asserted that as we get older, we feel more clever, because we are confused less. They postulated that that wasn't necessarily the case, that adults simply avoid situations and ideas that confuse them.So try and be a child. Be happy with your confusion. Revel in the fact that every time you solve a problem, the grey blob in your head forms new connections, and you've just made yourself that little bit better at something.Also, and I know this one sounds a bit daft, but for me it's essential: if you have a partner that understands, that's a massive help! My wife knows nothing about programming, and doesn't want to, but sometimes when she gets the impression that I'm struggling, she'll ask me what the problem is. I explain it to her, as briefly and as unboringly as possible, and it actually helps a lot, to stop thinking like a coder for a while. Also, she accepts that sometimes I go into my head for days, and hardly talk, or forget to eat, and she's cool with that. I'm extremely lucky, and I hope that I repay the favour. But point is, coding is a very insular activity: I read somewhere you need a good 20-30 minutes to "get into the zone", and it's extremely easy to pop out, necessitating another 20-30 minutes to re-enter the zone. If you plan to start (or keep hold of) a relationship, having a person who understands can be so beneficial. Just make sure you do your bit too! Anyways, didn't mean to give relationship and coding advice all in one post, but there you have it. Hope it helps... or something.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I used Microsoft Frontpage 2000, back when HTML was legible and not a million metatags and CSS elements, and would try something, switch to HTML view to see what the code was, change something and see what happened, etc. Then someone linked me to for more HTML basics, and lo, that site also had a _javascript_ section. So I did the same, trying to change things in the examples until I got the results I wanted. Then I ran out of things to do with those examples, so looked up examples from a site called The _javascript_ Source. And simultaneously started a high school CS class that was all about Java. From there, it was just a matter of level-grinding with small projects (mostly text games) and assignments and occasional research.Then I died, and stopped improving, and started posting on instead. Turns out zombies can't make games; who knew?


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

now, I'm telling it to you from another approachin programming, nowadays a interesting field is data scienceI was programming in C++ before i know what data science is and how to grasp it.then when I herd about natural language processing and text to speech which is driven by AI, I was motivated to learn it.this helped me to get scikit-learn, and then mxnet as my first deep learning framework and then pytorch as my second framework, but the primary one.although I've learnt keras and tensorflow a bit (keras is a great tool, I may someday consider it again), but I thaught I am more comfortable with pytorch.then I read about OCR and the development of I knew what different kinds of neural networks were, it was easier for me to grasp about computer vision (you can do this as a blind person, but that will be different for you than a sighted person).the thing is, I am interested on data science and ML, and this motivates me to learn more. consider that you own a car that can drive itself (computer vision), or a chatbot that can answer your questions. all of these are possible with the advent of ai which motivates me.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : bhanuponguru via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

i dont agree to number4 because you dont need to bee a programmer to learn to code. and also you dont need any study. you can learn it independently like i i am 14 and i use to code from the age of 13. if you dont believe me its ok for me.what you need is just will to learn coding. not like just learning. and also i also felt tired whie learning to code. instead of scratching your head by learning every thing at once you can take a small break, have a chocklet, practice the previous coding teqneek and think your own programs rather than using the examples which they provided. experiment with codes. for example change the code a bit and try what happens. and when you fell good to go then go to next session or article what ever you call it and do the same process.i recommend this process to you if you ask me.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Hektor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

There are 2 parts to learning how to code: learning the language and learning how to think like a developer.  Learning computer languages is easy. learning how to think in a way that lets you break down problems and solutions in a way that can be turned into code takes time and practice.As you read through the tutorials, you need to commit to typing out and running every example that the author includes.  When you complete a chapter or section, you should then spend time you should spend time writing up small programs that use what you just learned.  For example, if you just learned how to do for loops--create different types of for loops.  Perhaps ones that count backwards or by a changing incremental value.  As lyou you learn mmore about a language, try coming up with small programming challenges for yourself and writing code.  Spend time refactoring your code--that is take a program you wrote and try to rewrite it in a better way with what you understand now.How I learned is that I started with one programming language andread a good book teaching that language.  I typed out every example in the book.  At the end of each chapter, I would go back and make changes to those examples to check my knowledge on what I learned.  When Ifinished the book, I then located the language reference for the language and started reading through that.  I typed up the examples includined in the language reference.  I wrote my own code playing around with concepts in the language to see how well I understood them.I also started just writing code to create small helpful programs.  For example, I needed to memorize a bunch of information about the periodic table so I wrote a program that would quiz me about the information and tell me how I did each time I ran the program.  I wrote a command line program that let me role dice for an RPG I was playing.  I would then go back later and rewrite those programs.  As you gain experience with coding, you find better ways to do things.I would also read articles about programming or the languages I had learned.  those articles would frequently show me a new way to do something or teach me a new concept.I looked at other people's code and tried to learn from their work.Like most skills, reading a book or taking a course is a good start to learning but the only way you get good at the skill is by using it over and over again.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I learned to code in high school.You know, it's interesting how I got started. I remember starting with the usual stuff, HTML, CSS, and _javascript_. Then, I went all into the Java documentation! Boy, was that a mistake! lol I was not ready for that.I had just learned to use the computer at age 16, and instantly pursued programming. It was ambitious, sure, but I took a dive into things I knew for which I wasn't ready. I listened to lots of podcasts on blind technology and found a couple of Linux podcasts. That kind of steered me to Linux and C. Funnily, I even pursued BGT at one point.It really was just a matter of finding multiple tutorials and sources from which I could learn. Then, I eventually built a small Math tool that worked for my needs in high school. It was a tool to turn in assignments written in a custom plain text Math notation. I wasn't aware of other tools like it at the time, but mine got the job done.During my research for the tool I was making, I learned about MathML and LaTeX and all the wonders of different text-to-speech rule sets and notations. After high school, I was called to do an internship at a major publishing company to work on some Math tools. Wow! I remember hearing how much they were going to pay me and thinking that was a lot for a recent high school graduate!After a summer-long internship with that company, they hired me as a conditional full time employee, since I was also just starting college. But I made some contributions they apparently liked, and I went with it.Truthfully, I had no idea what I was doing in that internship trial! But I got to reading and learning on the job, and experimented with the code base. Thank goodness for Git!For me, college actually did solidify some concepts I wasn't grasping. I remember reading the course outlines for my EE and CS degrees. I was so excited to know I was going to learn about Assembly, compilers, operating systems, Circuits, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, transistors, integrated circuit design, and all of the Math and Physics I had the opportunity to pursue! I then realized this was a long path to essentially getting a career in software engineering. all of that course work was fun and interesting, but certainly I don't use any of it now at my job. But it's an academic way to gain a fundamental understanding of computing, down to the little silicon wafers and even chemical reactions to facilitate the process of controlling the switches we come to know as 0s and 1s. And it worked for me since I like digging deep into a subject I have an interest in.I know people who are self-taught, learning from bootcamp curriculum, or even free courses online. So, certainly college is helpful, but not a hard pre-requisite.I've worked for a number of companies and gone through a rigorous academic program, and I know I still don't know nearly as much as I would like! Tech is a constantly-evolving field, and new things keep popping up, so I dare say even the most of experienced developers might struggle from time to time. But in my opinion, having a strong goal and motivation go a long way! I used to say, "I want to learn to program because I eventually want to earn enough money to live comfortably." That was enough for me. But I also had a deep curiosity for computers, science, math, and electronics. I still have curiosities about many other things!Maybe your motivation is seeing yourself as a developer of a full-fledged multiplayer audiogame with advanced capabilities in a year. Maybe you see yourself running one of the most popular websites on the Internet because of an idea you have. Just go for it!I'm just going off on the motivational stuff now! lolAnyway, pursue what interests you, but also have some sense of a realistic outlook. Experience is key here depending on what you want to do. Build your way up to something, don't just hop into advanced something or other to gain reputation or achieve some arbitrary goal.(insert rest of cliche message here)Anyway, this is just part of my story. Hope it was an interesting read at least.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Dark Eagle via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

While I was interested in computers ever since the age of 13, I didn't start to learn program until I was 19.Also, agreed with the post 4: you really do want to be a programmer, otherwise, you simply won't get it.To be honest though, I am still learning, and I am not learning by going to college. Maybe you should try to find a mentor that did worked out for me. Though a fare warning, many people may dismiss you just because of the blindness, that did happened to me. But I persisted, and found not one, but two mentors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : leibylucw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I did it because I thought it was cool that I could make the computer do something I tell it to. Then I struggled majorly for awhile and didn't have the motivation or patience to work through my confusion. After years, I decided to get back into it out of sheer randomness. I was majoring in music at the time, and figured whatever job I got after graduating was not going to pay the bills or my student debt. Ever since, I've been hauling ass to get a degree in CS which feels very rewarding and has allowed me to become a better problem-solver in my life beyond just computers.


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Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

Keep hitting your head against the wall, and yule get it eventually. I'm dead serious, too.You also need to want to. You dont programme because you need to, you programme because you want to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I lurned by tryingmy motivation was good games that we had


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

I lurned by tryingmy mootivation was good games that we had


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

2020-05-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How Did You Guys Learn to Code

You get motivated and do projects and work your way up.  For me, I got motivated by data structures, algorithms, and compilers and learned assembly, then I got motivated by 3D audio and did the disaster that was camlorn_audio and the not really a disaster that is Libaudioverse, then I did the Rust compiler work which was 6 months of pure mental effort at the absolute upper end of my grange of skill, then i got a job.You can't do it by thinking hard or reading all the time. Those things help.  But you actually have to make the mistakes, and that means finding something that's motivating enough that you're willing to work through the massive frustration of getting started.  It honestly takes 5 to 10 years to become good at programming.  College can help if you go to a good one, if only because they put projects in front of you and say "here, do this" and you can use it to buy time to actually take the 4-5 years necessary.  But at the end of the day you're having to learn to think in a way people aren't exactly meant to.You can get a job in as little as 6 months.  But that's not necessarily being good at programming, that's more just being good enough at programming that if someone above you says "do this. It has these methods" you can, and maybe you can be given a smaller chunk of something unsupervised.  No one will hold that against you though.  Everyone was there once.And if you're young, as many on here are, that also works against you--you're still developing at 15 or 16, you're honestly still developing until 20 or so--and a lot of things you're developing at that age help, for example planning skills or taking algebra in high school.  Basically there's programming, but programming is just a subset of something more general that I think of as formal thought processes.  You'll rarely use algebra in code, for instance, but having learned algebra teaches one how to think in a formal context.  You'll never write a grocery list in C/C++, but learning to plan meals teaches one to figure out the resources necessary for a problem.  In fact, even at 18 or 20 most people are  still working out how to learn things in general--we do go out of our way to teach study skills and that is for a reason.  Etc.  Now maybe you've already learned all those skills and are in your 30s, but given that this is I do think it's worth pointing out that being able to program at 16 or something is rare, and it's not because people aren't interested, it's because a bunch of other things can help you with it that you're not finished learning yet.


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