Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

BryanP, I totally agree with you. I cannot stand the u instead of you, r instead of are, and 2 instead of to. Ive seen something like that no more than three times in my life, but my patience for it is virtually gone. Im more lenient about writing lowercase I when it shouldve been uppercase, but the only reason I let it go is because I do it myself in typos. Its a fairly easy typo to make, but when people do it constantly, its clear that they either dont know, or dont care, about this very simple rule that most English speakers learn in kindergarten. Other languages like Spanish, for example, dont have this, so thats the only case where Id truly accept the mistake(s) and not get aggravated about it.But then you have those people who are spelling Nazis, and not the good kind. I speak from experience here because I had to deal with one of those. Those kind of Nazis arent afraid to troll E-mail lists and fo
 rums, only replying to say that someone needs to learn how to spell check or theyre incompetent. I actually defended the guilty ones because I was so tired of the trolling, especially on an informal list, and the only response I got back was, if youre the only one to join this guys fan club, so be it and shut up. So now, I defend no-one and stay out of it. I myself never use spell check and will admit that Ive made spelling mistakes, without batting an eyebrow, assuming that I have actually been able to see well enough to know what that looks like, which I havent. I do agree that proper spelling is needed formally, but so long as were in an informal setting, and I can read what youre saying without going character by character trying to piece it together, Im probably not going to call you on it, and if I do, itll be a brief moment in passing outside of a public board.After high school, I stopped using braille be
 cause I was tired of dealing with the Braille Note. AT the time, it wasnt the device itself that was troubling me, it was just inconvenience. I would be using the Braille Note to write word documents which would then have to be transferred to the PC. I would then have to open them on the PC, check them for translation errors which happened occasionally with ambiguous grade II symbols. Ultimately I would E-mail these proofread documents to my teachers. I figure, why not just write them on the PC to begin with? So no transferring and no unnecessary triple checking for translation errors. Well, that all works out fine, but Ive given up braille for speech because its faster. My spelling has worsened a fair bit, and I have to look up words that I was at least fairly confident in before. And lets face it, if youre in college with a laptop or a Braille Note, its not hard to know what sighted people are going to connect with more. Classmates connect with 
 a laptop more just because they know what it is, and you can engage in conversation about mainstream computer stuff at least to a point. Professors feel better knowing just how close I am to being like their other students who have laptops, and dont have to accommodate the simplistic, now unstable functions of my Apex. I still can read and write braille adequately, and could use it full time with just a few minutes of breaking back in.Another thing comes into play here with spelling, is formal vs informal dialect. I know very few people who write decently in an informal setting. I check some of my friends messages just to see what their writing looks like. Ive even done it with professors too. Ive seen things that are totally appalling to the point where you can barely tell what theyre saying because its full of stupid informal crap that synths hate, to actually well constructed sentences with the occasional typo. Heck, Jaws now has a huge d
 ictionary with the most common informal abbreviations built in, it was either added in Jaws 14 or 15, I cant remember. I still have an old copy of 13 and they arent there.Some random examples of weird spelling/grammar things ive seen. Some people only capitalize the word I if it happens at certain points in a sentence, or only put a period in certain spots but will leave the end of a message with no punctuation at all. For me to do that, I would almost have to learn a new informal rule set, and I dont work that way. So most of my informal messages are mainly the same as my formal ones, the only difference being that formal stuff has better grammar and word choice, and obviously no silly typing mistakes.A funny story about spelling and grammar and then Ill be done. Im writing this post in an almost zombified state, and since Im talking about spelling, I might as well spell check even though I normally dont, so yeah my energy
  is about spent. Anyway, in seventh grade, we would always take these grammar tests. On Monday, we would receive a packet of thirty words and practice drills. Most of these words were simple, like the difference between their, theyre

Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-09-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

It would also help if people learn the correct way to use certain words. I particularly notice this with words like affect and effect. People say that something effects something else when the correct word in that situation would actually be affect, with an A. Affect is the verb while effect is a noun, the effects of the decision.Then of course people confuse words all the time like since and sennse, then and than or due and do. Do to a technical difficulty is incorrect. The correct word there would be due, D U E. Then you get people who say more then instead of more than, could of instead of could have and so-on. Then of course theres the whole to and too thhing, where people say its to late instead of its too late. Ill be the first to admit that my own posts arent always cleanly typed since Ill often miss letters in words (which has actually led to some pretty amusing if also embarrassing misunderstandings), but I at least make the effort to m
 ake sure that overall my posts are coherent. Part of it may be that I use a Britishh speach synthesizer despite not being a Brit myself. But I have found that it helps me catch words that I might not otherwise have caught, words that in an American accent might sound like they have Ds in them but are actually spelled with Ts. It also helps me catch words like Due or Do since the British synthe sort of pronounces the U. The irony of course is that its not just the blind who make these mistakes. The thing that really gets to me though and constantly sets my teeth on edge is that textspeak or netspeak crap people use nowadays. Of course I say nowadays but its actually been in use for at least the last ten years. Im not talking about things like LOL, BTW or BRB since those make remote sense. I mean things like u instead of y, 2 instead of to, that sort of nonsense.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Well, When I am writing, Im also nervous about my mistakes as well. but I hope everyone wouldnt mind me. because obviously English is not my first language... 


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fergregoire94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I fully agree with both KeyIsFull and Tward.Unfortunately I cannot take much care of spelling in English since it is not my native language, but in Spanish Im too perfectionist, even on informal channels like Facebook or text messaging, although using Unicode support for SMS is actually a bit more expensive.Spell correctly not only gives a positive image about us; it also make text to speech conversion more clear. As a person I like translating, I saw that poorly spelled source texts complicate localization a lot.On any website, not only Audiogames, it is not mandatory spelling correctly on forum posts, but in content suited for the general public, in which eventually will be casual visitors, taking care of writing on the content is essential.There are spellchecking functionality in almost any current device, but this doesnt mean those utilities replace user knowledge. For example, in Spanish I often see texts laking accents on verbs which may be with or without accents depending if you want perfect simple past tense or a formal imperative. If this happen one or two times then may be typing errors, but when this is around all a text, I have no doubt that the writer only used the Word spellchecker and selected the first suggestion for all the cases, perhaps also choosing the Change All button.Another frequent error in Spanish, only warned by the computer when the used program checks for grammatical errors, is ignore the opening of questions and exclaims with ¿ and ¡ respectively, which English TTS call inverted marks and, while they arent used in English, in Spanish are mandatory.For those asking about spellchecking on web browsers, in Firefox you must download dictionaries for the language(s) you want, unless Firefox English versions already come with those dicts. When you have installed one or more dictionaries, you can activate spellchecking temporarily by pressing Applications on an edit box and checking the Check spelling menu item, or permanently on the General tab of the advanced options (Tools menu). For non-English native speakers, I recommend to download the US English dictionary.Internet Explorer comes with spellchecking since version 9 and includes many languages built-in. To change the default language, select it on the Manage Add-ins dialog box, accessed from Tools menu or the Programs tab in the Internet Options dialog.Finally, as GorthalonTheDragon says, there are lots of sighted people with angry writing, and the big problem is that many people also misspell at work. I dont have a braille display, but when I read a word whose correct spelling I cant remember or figure based on the linguistic rules, I often stop to spell (read it letter by letter) it. Leaving braille in favor of digital information is as dangerous as leaving handwriting, so although I dont work in braille since I finished the high school on 2011, I sometimes read old papers or make some needed speaker notes with the Perkins typewriter.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : fergregoire94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I fully agree with both KeyIsFull and Tward.Unfortunately I cannot take much care of spelling in English since it is not my native language, but in Spanish Im too perfectionist, even on informal channels like Facebook or text messaging, although using Unicode support for SMS is actually a bit more expensive.Spell correctly not only gives a positive image about us; it also make text to speech conversion more clear. As a person I like translating, I saw that poorly spelled source texts complicate localization a lot.On any website, not only Audiogames, it is not mandatory spelling correctly on forum posts, but in content suited for the general public, in which eventually will be casual visitors, taking care of writing on the content is essential.There are spellchecking functionality in almost any current device, but this doesnt mean those utilities replace user knowledge. For example, in Spanish I often see texts laking accents on verbs which may be with or without accents depending if you want perfect simple past tense or a formal imperative. If this happen one or two times then may be typing errors, but when this is around all a text, I have no doubt that the writer only used the Word spellchecker and selected the first suggestion for all the cases, perhaps also choosing the Change All button.Another frequent error in Spanish, only warned by the computer when the used program checks for grammatical errors, is ignore the opening of questions and exclaims with ¿ and ¡ respectively, which English TTS call inverted marks and, while they arent used in English, in Spanish are mandatory.For those asking about spellchecking on web browsers, in Firefox you must download dictionaries for the language(s) you want, unless Firefox English versions already come with those dicts. When you have installed one or more dictionaries, you can activate spellchecking temporarily by pressing Applications on an edit box and checking the Check spelling menu item, or permanently on the General tab of the advanced options (Tools menu). For non-English native speakers, I recommend to download the US English dictionary.Internet Explorer comes with spellchecking since version 9 and includes many languages built-in. To change the default language, select it on the Manage Add-ins dialog box, accessed from Tools menu or the Programs tab in the Internet Options dialog.Finally, as GorthalonTheDragon says, there are lots of sighted people with ugly writing, and the big problem is that many people also misspell at work. I dont have a braille display, but when I read a word whose correct spelling I cant remember or figure based on the linguistic rules, I often stop to spell (read it letter by letter) it. Leaving braille in favor of digital information is as dangerous as leaving handwriting, so although I dont work in braille since I finished the high school on 2011, I sometimes read old papers or make some needed speaker notes with the Perkins typewriter.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

As an advance placement graduate who spent a fair amount of time being schooled into a grammar and spelling Nazi, there comes a time when I want to thump skulls on the internet regarding these issues, particularly among people I believe are supposed to know better. ON the other hand, that sounds so intolerant I can barely help but wonder whos going to resent me for making such a statement. Part of the problem with vigorous education is that while it gives us knowledge and wisdom to practice the closest thing to perfection we can attain, it also hardens us to the idea that other people have their own comfort zones. As has been pointed out above, news articles and reviews seem like areas that should constantly be monitored for spelling and grammar and possibly punctuation errors, which is something Ive tried my best to do when writing out anything that wasnt a private message. Even then, sometimes I find myself absentmindedly opening word fo
 r the sake of making sure whatever it is Im writing isnt completely doomed to illiteracy. That in itself presents an issue; convincing people that I am a simple person rather than some complex entity that desires everything in orderly fashion and cannot stand imperfection is almost impossible.And then I arrive at a topic like this one and wonder if I havent done enough for fear of being mistaken as something Im not. I ask myself with honesty if I could and should have done better, because I see the critical side of the community and the concern with its image. I marvel at how people cry out in protest at mistakes which have been made over and over again, rather than stopping to think about how the people who are writing today are writing as opposed to not writing at all.Yes, the AP student is advocating for those who dont always choose to make spelling a high priority. Life isnt comprised completely of silver 
 linings. No, I am not being a pessimist; I am being a realist. Ten years ago, it was not uncommon for me to hear people of all ages complain about how frustrating technology was as a whole. Today, my sixty something year old godfather has finally given in and started using botha PC and a smartphone and has even purchased devices for his grandchildren. I shouldnt have to tell any of you that at his age, spelling is far from his mind over all when it comes to updating his facebook, and yet I am thrilled that he is at the very least writing still on top of using technology, rather than giving all of it up as a bad joke. I also believe that there is something to be said for the creativity that has arisen among the younger generations when it comes to shortening writing in general, given the forceful character limits of texting and tweeting. These things do not concern me as much as how society as a whole seems to be heading for social disfunction.
 p; I cant help but wonder where feelings lie when we text and IM, how accurately we can identify and perceive someone else from reading their words on a screen, through a screen reader or braille display, or what we actually teach each other and learn from each other anymore, knowing that in all reality we dont have to because the information is stored away for our convenience at a later time.All that to end my opinionated ramblings on this note; the sighted world is full of many of the same errors. Were pointing fingers at each other in this small community because its easier to do, but I challenge you critics to go to a comments page that isnt generally full of perfectionists and the overall things one might associate with geek-itis, but filled with the writings of every day people, and not find a similar recurring issue or issues to the ones presented here the way, Im a geek too, which is how I justify that last 
 statement. Just figured Id point that out. Perhaps thats why Ive been drawn to Miriani once again. I have my moments; I just finished a JLA book. 


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

It also seems like the person has to actually be willing enough to change their habits, as having good spelling would be useful if you were a prospective employee.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Nocturnus, I have to agree with you. Particularly about higher education. When I was in regular school, grade school through high school, I really didnt pay attention to spelling or give it much thought because most of the teachers were willing to let those spelling errors slide. Once I got to college it began to make a difference in my grades, and then of course I actually had a reason to care. I had this one English instructor who would take 5 points off for every misspelled word in a students composition. So as a result I could write a great composition and actually fail simply because there were too many spelling errors in it. So I became something of a grammar and spelling Nazi determined to be as perfect as I could when composing reports, essays, short stories, speeches, or whatever the assignment happened to be.Now, I am sure there are many who would find that instructor a real ball breaker and would resent what she did. However, I ended up having r
 espect for her extremely strict grading standards. What she was trying to do was prepare students for the real world where if someone goes out into the work force he or she is to conduct themselves with professionalism, what they write can make or brake their chances at getting a job with an employer, and if it is an add for a company, an important document like a manual, etc it can positively or negatively reflect upon the employer you work for. Therefore she had to be strict when it came to grading a students composition.The point I want to make here is that I have gone through the educational equivalent of boot camp, and have come out the other side with a much higher respect for presenting myself as a well educated person. So its irritating to me to see people on various forums, mailing lists, who just dont give a darn and have lots of errors in their posts that could be corrected with a minimal amount of proofreading. Perhaps the greatest irony of all i
 s I often find that people of a foreign nationality, who are not native English speakers, often times have better writing than those who supposedly speak the language as their native tongue. There is something obviously wrong with that picture.I guess for me personally having been through boot camp, per se, I now realize writing is one way in which I can combat age old stereotypes about people who are blind. I am an educated person and therefore there is no reason to be lazy when I can spend a minute or so to proofread everything I write weather it be to a forum, a mailing list, a site, etc because I am consciously aware of the fact weather I want to be or not I am a representative of blind people everywhere the same as if I were publishing some written material for a company. What I write will not only form public opinions about me individually it can have some influence on how people view those of us who are blind as well. It is being aware of that fact that makes me 
 want to thump a few blind members of forums and mailing lists I encounter that unequivocally say spelling, grammar, and proper punctuation doesnt matter as long as they can get their point across.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.As for me. My spelling isnt that good and my punctuation is quite bad. In school it didnt matter that much as tward has said before, but in college it mattered a lot more. But the thing was they never told me off because of my spelling. The courses were bad apart from one college I went to for a year which honestly was the best college Id went to. It was a mainstream college. The teacher Gladieth was a really good teacher. a lot of people thought she was strict but I thought that she was preparing us for the real world. Which is great. I found that the special colleges and schools are quite bad. I dont like them and dont think I ever will. To those blind or v.i people that went to mainstream youre very very lucky. Special schools are good for teaching you Braille and maybe if youre lucky theyll teach you a little bit about JAWS or another screen reader, but apart from that, I found theyre not worth it.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

@brad as someone whos been through mainstreem school and speshel schools I can completely agree with you their. I know my spelling isnt really the best, but I have been slowly improving and making attempts to change it. My brail, however, is far below that. I can write in it, no problem. When it comes to reading it however, its a horible time for me. And as ive told everyone in school, ive been reading it ever since I can remember. Im starting to think it partly has to do with the fact I still have some quite useful vision, so whenever im reading my hands are on the braile but my eyes are focused someware else, making it extremely difficult to focus on what im actualy reading.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Actually Ive heard that literacy among blind people has been dropping like a stone since some idiot came out with a concept that braille didnt matter any more now we have wider access to screen readers, with the addition that major VI organisations arent doing enough to promote braille. Myself I learned English as a sighted person so Im quite fortunate to have escaped the whole mess.Oh and anyone who says could of when they mean could have or couldve needs taking out the back and shooting, Im sorry but its so widespread among all quarters of British society and from what Ive heard at least some amount in US society that it drives me mad. When people in spoken English use it they pronounce the of so distinctly that its glaringly obvious, much less the irritation of it appearing online.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I agree with CX2, and at Brad, what does P 2 mean? Part of the thing to note is that many of the stuff used in short hand lingo I do not understand. Someone asked me if I ever used the internet, because I would act like one of those people from the 1970s (before texting was invented. I still see people writing with lower-case Is instead of upper-case ones such as i am going to miss summer, so that the screenreader, such as eloquence and eSpeak would draw out the vowels instead of blending them together, the way youre supposed to.@Toward, not only does having good spelling and grammar make something look readable and well-educated, but it also poses and makes an impression on the person that the person is on a very good and honest web site. I have been to many sites for products they sold here and there, and right away I knew if they were a fraud by the countless numbers of spelling mistakes they made, and they were made by sighted people. You wo
 uld think that blind people were better than the sighted because we dont see what we need to do, so we pay close attention.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Quite often those fraudulent sites are made by people from non-English speaking countries, this isnt a matter of racism on my part so much as the fact that many smaller countries have a weaker legal and law enforcement system, thus the people running the largest number of scams are not native English speakers. Now it is possible to find scams run by native English speakers but these generally have to be more sophisticated, not to mention going to greater lengths to obscure the operators identity. When native English speakers do run scams they seem capable of making tens or hundreds of thousands out of it before getting caught, while non English speaking scammers like the infamous Nigeria scam seem to be out there in bulk quantities and are very unlikely to get so much as a slapped wrist.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

So far, I agree with everything that has been said. Tward you are definitely right about braille displays and this is something I have also noticed. I am fortunate enough to live in a country where you dont have to pay for your entire display, but countries like the USA have a vast amount of people who cant afford them because the government isnt nearly as supportive.It also doesnt help that braille books are extremely clunky and a general pain to carry around, so the people who want braille to go down do have a point. Reading books in braille simply isnt viable, and as long as braille displays continue to be as expensive as they are they will not be used by everyone.As to spelling in general, sadly there are tons of people who systematically spell words wrong. I wont lie, I am guilty of misspellings sometimes, and frankly who isnt. But all the words somebody uses regularly should at least be spelled correctly most of the time.
  Sometimes I just use less complex words if I forget how something is spelled. But my spelling definitely has gotten better than it used to be. I sometimes check out my very old posts on here and I do feel rather ashamed.I definitely think the news and database entries should be spell checked more, I wont give examples because they have already been given. It is probably also true that bad spelling may affect us in a negative way. Yes it probably shouldnt, but the facts are that it does happen. We can either proclaim that humanity is stupid and shouldnt allow stereotypical opinions like that, and youre probably right if you say this. But the easiest way to prevent this from happening is simply to keep our spelling up to scratch, especially in the DB and news.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

@Green Gables Fan: Its most likely supposed to mean up to. I would never use that sort of language myself, as in writing like that, but Ive seen enough examples of it to at least being able to guess what they mean.Regarding commas and grammar rules in general, they can vary from language to language. As an example Danish seems to use comma a lot more than English. And well, Ill admit that I probably use them a bit too often but I guess Im sort of just using them in the same way Dark puts an exclamation mark after a Word to emphasize it.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I didnt know Danish used a lot of commas, but there must be a reason for that of course.Also, using or not using contractions determines the tone of what the person is trying to convey.I have also seen this on a Spanish website, where none of the acute accents were inserted. Like for instance, a site claiming they can rejuvenate skin using your own stem cells may sound true, but there are a lot of web sites that tell you that ability can be activated with things such as pils, creams, etc. They are the ones that have a lot of spelling mistakes, and is a good way to know if they can be trusted. Also, I avoid using abbreviations as much as possible because it stimulates memory and makes you think, the problem is very few people enforce the rules upon themselves.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

GreenGablesFan, if that wasnt something a lot of people would fall for itd be hilarious. Right up there with girls who get pregnant then worry their babyll drop while theyre on the toilet.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I wont say that Danish uses a lot of commas, but theyre used differently... Or so I believe. Commas can be some tricky bastards at times, so I tend to just put them where ever I think they fit.I just found this link to a Wikipedia article that at least descripes the Danish commas history a Little: Word retskrivningsordbogen is, if translated literally, the right-writing dictionary...Which sounds quite silly, but whatever. 


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.It doesnt mean anything. I made it up on the spot. What I was getting at was that people use stupid short hand sometimes that no one can understand. and p was meant to mean up. as in. hi what are u up to today? I went to the shops and it was fun.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

What I have liked to see was autocorrecting tools for teens. Im not sure what kind of an algorithm would be needed, or if one already exists, but it would detect things that teens like to use and it will change it automatically so that no one will complain, especially people of older generations.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Sebby, my major complaint was that it tried correcting things that didnt need correcting. Changing settings other than simply turning it off wouldnt really help this, I just got fed up of cancelling unnecessary corrections.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.I dont mind things like U for you and R for Are and itz instead of its. and once you know the text speak as people like to call it, its easy as well. I dont mind that and can put up with it. What I do mind is important topics on any webpage not only, that have spelling mistakes in them.Oh and one thing that really really bugs me is than and then. Then it began to rain. On my birthday it was hotter than hell. okay crappy examples but thats all I can come up with for now. I really dont get how people can get those two words confused. Ive seen it so many times in stories, in blog posts, sometimes on here too. I can understand if English isnt your first language but for those that speak English as there first language and do not have a learning difficulty like dyslexia, for example, O just dont get it.Anyway to wrap this up, yes I do believe spelling is very important when it comes to news post
 s and updating the DB. But not so much on the off topic forum and other places like that.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

U/you and r/are really pisses me off for some reason. I mean how hard can it be to write the actual Word? To shorten a Word thats normally only three letters long like that is just pure laziness if you ask me. I can be extremely perfectionistic at times, and I certainly am when it comes to spelling Things correctly. And I bet that theres going to be a mistake hidden somewhere in my own post now that Ive said that, but so it must be then.Another thing that I just cant understand is why some people spell other users names wrong when replying to them. I can understand it if theyre busy and dont have time to check how the names spelled, but when it happens over and over... I try as often as possible to make sure that Ive spelled the name of the person Im talking to right, to me its a question of showing just a Little form of respect, but others might disagree... I can have some messed up opinions at times, and dep
 ending on my mood they might also be slightly different... I guess Im just in a mood for ranting today, and especially about something like this since its a topic that I care a lot if u think im rite u can click the Carma bottun below cuz thatll make me very happy and .Yeah, doesnt look that great, huh? I cant even write like that on purpose.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

U/you and r/are really piss me off for some reason. I mean how hard can it be to write the actual Word? To shorten a Word thats normally only three letters long like that is just pure laziness if you ask me. I can be extremely perfectionistic at times, and I certainly am when it comes to spelling Things correctly. And I bet that theres going to be a mistake hidden somewhere in my own post now that Ive said that, but so it must be then.Another thing that I just dont get is why some people spell other users names wrong when replying to them. I can understand it if theyre busy and dont have time to check how the names are spelled, but when it happens over and over... I try as often as possible to make sure that Ive spelled the name of the person Im talking to right, to me its a question of showing just a Little respect, but others might disagree... I can have some messed up opinions at times, and depending on my mood t
 hey might also be slightly different from what you see here... I guess Im just in a mood for ranting today, and especially about something like this since its a topic that I care a lot if u think im rite u can click the Carma bottun below cuz thatll make me very happy and .Yeah, doesnt look that great, huh? I cant even write like that on purpose.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Thanks for someone pointing the spellcheck function in firefox. I honestly didnt know about it until today lol. So thanks again, no more horrible spelling from arq, well, hope not!


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : balliol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi,I see mention of NVDA + Firefox being able to spell-check entered text, but how is this done? Do you need a Firefox Add-on or an NVDA add-on of some kind? Is it multilingual? Ive never heard of such a thing Regards,Balliol


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.I was talking about more spelling when texting on the IPhone I usually write u for u r for r u r for your and things like that, oh and gd for good and dw for dont worry. But not when writing on a laptop for some reason 


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I agree with AlexM94. If people arent willing to write three letters, then autocorrect would do it. Think about this. Would you feel pissed off if the person wrote the letter U, but autocorrect changed it to y o u? You would never know if the person actually wrote y-o-u or just u, because in either case the spell checker would have corrected it. Also, machines arent smart enough to insert punctuations for you, and I dont like how Internet Explorer and NVDA dont work together, so thats why a third party made something that would work, but Microsoft had to put those stuff in because of competition laws.Anyhow, I think people not only struggle with spelling, but grammar as well, like run-on sentences, not putting commas in the right places, or using too many punction than what is necessary, and of course, commonly confused spellings such as theyre and their, etc.Also, what I tend to do is give constricutive criticism, not pure criticism
 , so that the person wont feel bad about themselves.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I agree with AlexM94. If people arent willing to write three letters, then autocorrect would do it. Think about this. Would you feel pissed off if the person wrote the letter U, but autocorrect changed it to y o u? You would never know if the person actually wrote y-o-u or just u, because in either case the spell checker would have corrected it. Also, machines arent smart enough to insert punctuations for you, and I dont like how Internet Explorer and NVDA dont work together, so thats why a third party made something that would work, but Microsoft had to put those stuff in because of competition laws.Anyhow, I think people not only struggle with spelling, but grammar as well, like run-on sentences, not putting commas in the right places, or using too many punctuations than what is necessary, and of course, commonly confused spellings such as theyre and their, etc.Also, I tend to give constructive criticism, not pure criticism so that
  the person wont feel bad about themselves.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.Actually, with eliquence u can tell when youve wrote u or you. it sounds slightly different.But with voiceover on iphone you canttel the diffirence.and auto correct on iphone doesnt correct u for me, it just puts it as u. which i like to be honest its quicker when youre writing a text to write u and r and all that. As long as you dont go stupid with short hand I think its okay. A stupid example would be. h1 what r u p 2 2day. i wnt 2 de shps nd it ws fn. it would annoy me and Im sure you too. so Im not like that. But I do use some shorthand when texting.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

KeyIsFull, as far as I am concerned good spelling and grammar is mandatory for a site maintainer. Especially, for one writing up news articles, game reviews, etc that will be read by the general public. I dont think we can expect everyone on the forum to have good grammar and spelling, but I would expect any news articles, game reviews, and other aspects of the site itself to be properly spell checked and properly edited for errors. There are many reasons for that not the least of which any reasonably educated person who comes along and sees those mistakes are going to come away with a negative opinion of blind people.Unfortunately, all of us have to face negative stereotypes in one way or another, but when one of us posts a message to a mailing list, a blog, forum, writes a review for a site like that person is a representative of the blind and low vision community. People are not only going to judge that person by what he or she says and does, but tha
 t opinion can reflect badly on the rest of the community. Especially, if the majority of posts on that blog, forum, or mailing list are poorly spelled and have serious grammatical and punctuation errors. At the very least that person will assume blind and low vision people can not spell. However, it is possible they may also assume we are poorly educated, perhaps assume that we are not very smart, and may assume all sorts of other things about us just because we chose not to take spelling and grammar all that serious.The thing that irritates me most about this sort of debate is none of that has to happen. Spell checkers are a dime a dozen. The three major e-mail clients for Windows such as Microsoft Outlook, Windows Mail, and Thunderbird all have spell checkers. There are free word processors like Jarte with a free spell checker as well. So there is no excuse not to have a spell checker and use it. The only reason more blind and low vision users dont is they simpl
 y dont care about their public image or anyone elses. It is easier to be lazy than spend a minute or two to spell check and proofread what they wrote.Something else that I have noticed is those who regularly use braille displays tend to be better spellers than those who exclusively depend on speech output. It may be a case of out of sight out of mind, but I think braille displays offer positive reinforcement as far as spelling goes. With text to speech if someone misspells the word since as sinse the chances are he or she will miss it because most text to speech voices will pronounce both correctly. However, if someone is reading along with a braille display the error will be immediately noticeable. So as the lack of braille literacy increases among the blind its possible that we are seeing that through increased spelling and punctuation errors. I dont know that is going to be something we can solve without forcing blind compute
 r users to be more diligent about spell checking and grammar checking their work with free tools.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Hi.I honestly think spelling matters a lot. Especially when it comes to writing posts on new games in the new releases room or the articles room or the main page.Its okay for people to make mistakes when writing in a informal forum like the off topic forum, but when we have a new release or a news post to me, spelling errors are a big no no. Oh sure if you make a couple then thats fine, but at least either put your post through a spell checker or listen with your screen reader. I think dark wrote about this before and basically said he didnt have time to run through the spell checker or that the HTML would interfere with the spell checker. I disagree with that, if youre going to run a forum then at least spell correctly and use the correct punctuation.yes there might have been spelling errors in my post but Im not important in this forum, well okay maybe my opinions are but I mean I dont run it as in write reviews and updates 
 for games and things like that.Also as for the HTML. write your post in one notepad window. then copy and paste it into the body of the page.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

HTML shouldnt be an issue, just write out whatever youre writing in a word processor and spell check it then add in the tags. If anything this makes it easier to figure out where the tags should go than when youre writing HTML on the fly, as well as making the HTML easier to edit later if you need to make alterations.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shuteye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

In addition to what has been written above, misspelling also effects the site in google search rankings. Also, you can tell who actually reads as opposed to those who just use speech as their primary way of interacting with text and computers.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Not to mention that with NVDA and Firefox at least, youve got a built-in spellchecker thats really simple to use. Spelling errors are clearly indicated and pressing the applications key on them gives suggestions.I think it matters everywhere and isnt just a problem here. Blind people have a notorious inability to spell, at least in my experience. This was a problem for me for years and didnt fix itself until I decided to care instead of having it forced by others. Spelling is unbelievably important. It is worth noting that some of our audio threads are actually highly ranked search results on Google, for example.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Practising and maintaining good spelling and grammar retains your ability to write perfectly in the long run. I know many perfectionists would feel let down when they feel they cannot make every single thing perfect.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GhorthalonTheDragon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Just to quickly encourage people, there are more than enough sighted people out there that dont know/dont care how to spell, so sometimes, their forum posts do seem just like some of the ones I see here. And while mine definitely isnt perfect, I try to keep it at the most perfect level I can keep it. Anyway, youre not the only one, so make them look up at you by being better than them!


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

The Firefox and NVDA spelling checker has saved me from hundreds, if not thousands, of sloppy typos. I know that Dark personally uses Dolphin Hal as his screen reader and I am unsure of what it reports as far as spelling errors are concerned. I know that NVDA reports spelling errors if they are flagged by a spelling checker. So if I just read my post through with NVDA, I can correct all the spelling errors it sees. It doesnt get much easier than that.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

To be sure, its easier to spell correctly when youve got immediate feedback of spelling mistakes.Dark: its time you got that Mac. 


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Ugh no, I turned off auto correct on my Mac because it was driving me mad. If you deal with unusual spellings such as names of people and places from games a lot it gets really, really annoying.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

Try setting it to lower pitch rather than speak. I find that to be a good compromise.


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Re: How much does spelling matter

2014-08-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : malloc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How much does spelling matter

I think that posting a topic or a reply on a topic spelling matters a bit less. This is a more conversational forum and about games -- so, not as professional. The news and database, however, in my oppinion, are slightly different. To me, the people updating said news items and database items are representing the site. Many people who may visit the site might simply wish to read up on a new game or keep up with the news. Since these are more professional and more important, I believe that it should be at least representable and ran through a spellcheck. Does it affect the blind community as a whole? Maybe not, considering the nature of the site. Does it affect the integrity of the Audiogames site? Yes, due to the lack of care when entering information in the more professional and important areas here.


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