Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi Tjt1234.I didn't know about this website I'm going to have to check it out. I knew dancing dots was a program to translate music into braille but I didn't know they offered lessons of any kind.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

I love air travel and I am very fortunate to have been to several different countries.Ishan, there is braille music, and the company Dancing Dots sells lessons so that you can learn the piano and braille music at the same time. Alternatively, if you want to learn to play by ear, I have heard that has very good lessons.Enjoy your trip.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Thanks guitarman! ya although guitar is not my field but I will love to hear it if I find any accessible lessons. we are going to night. ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hello.I've been meaning to post here for a little while now. It's been a really good week. Last saturday we had to go out and my sister wanted something to eat. She wasn't sure but then we decided to go to a local burger place. I was sitting in the car waiting and all of a sudden I hear somebody calling my name. It was my guitar teacher and he told me he was playing there and asked me if I wanted to come in and listen. I wasn't sure at first but my sister told me she was going to have to wait for her order so I might as well come in. I did and I had a great time. It was a bluegrass band and a really good one too I got to sit right in front of them. Luckily I got to listen to a few songs before we had to leave.Nothing really major has happened this week. I got to go to my guitar lesson on wennesday and learned urgent by foreigner. It was fun but it was a weird song to play.I'm very excited I finised the fireman by joe hill. It was really e
 pic, a great apocalyptic story. I'm very happy to announce for those of you who are interested the city of mirrors by justin cronin is out. For those of you who don't know the passage trilogy is a zombie story slightly similar to we're alive. I haven't read the third yet because I'm waiting since I don't want to finish it too soon. I have to say thank you to dark. Dark, you probably don't remember because it's been so long but you recommended the passage trilogy years ago and I loved the first too a lot. I'm very excited to see how things come out. If any of you haven't read it you really should it's the only zombie story that I've found that can even compare to we're alive.Well that's my ramble for the week I hope you enjoyed it and if not forget you lol!


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

@Guitarman I'm eager to try Straub because I was recommended him years ago by a friend, particularly his stuff related to The Dark tower which I'd like to read, though at the moment I'm reading a set of novellas by the sf writer Kate Wilhelm. the first my lady and I had quite the disagreement about, sinse she read it recently and wanted my reaction. I think we disagreed because she saw it as a psychological piece with an open ending, where as I saw it as a horror story without an adequate payoff or a real conclusion. I'm reading the second novella now and seeing where they go, though I might have a break after this and do the next bf doctor who stuff sinse they have the first tenth doctor series which I'm really! looking forward to as he's probably my favourite of all the modern doctors. Yes, sprinting and weights do improve lung capacity and breathing quite a lot. I don't really have the patience to spend hours running, which is wh
 y I just do my ten minute flat out sprint then time with the weights instead, though that works fairly well sinse I do it every day. I agree on mutual interest, before anything else my lady is my best friend, indeed we can spend hours just reading together or singing or discussing books or music or just chatting or indeed just holding each other and being quiet together.One friend of mine said we acted as if we were living in a disney film, particularly our habbit of bursting into song at inoportune moments :d.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi.@Severestormsteve, yep that's the show. I really miss the older episodes from the 90s and early 2000s since they don't show them on tv anymore. You can get the new seasons on iTunes but never the older ones. I've thought about petitioning fox or spike whichever one owns them now to release the older ones for everybody. I watch  it on tv and my girlfriend gets tired of it she tells me I don't need to watch it 24-7 lol.@Ishan, well maintaining a relationship with a girl is easy as long as you are good for each other, have things in common, things like that. It's easy to meet girls just go out somewhere where girls are like a coffee shop or something like that. Sometimes you get the wrong one but other times you get lucky and find someone who likes similar things and is nice. For example I met an old girlfriend at a breast cancer relay for life that my aunt forced me to go to. She was really nice and sweet but we didn't have much in c
 ommon she was a little too dramatic for me everything would turn out to be a crisis. My current girlfriend is very nice and we like a lot of the same things music, tv, star trek, which is nice. She's very easy to talk to and I write songs for her to play for her on the guitar.@Dark, thanks for the advice. I used to sprint when I was on the track team in high school but I'm not sure I have it in me anymore lol. I love lifting weights and running but I didn't know that helps your lung capacity. Peter Straub is great his books have really terrified me. He and stephen king wrote a couple of books the talisman and black house which are awesome fantasy novels in my opinion. I'm not sure what you would call them the talisman they wrote together years ago and then black house is the sequel. Straub and john saul are 2 of a kind. John Saul is great but I don't know what happened to him he's just stopped writing which is a shame. All of his books are good an
 d scary I just wish he would write some new ones.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

@Guitarman, exercise is generally a good thing, I do a ten minute sprint and another 15 minutes or so with weights each day, anymore and it'd be too much of a pest to do, any less it wouldn't ahve the effect, but it does generally help me feel better and much improve my lung capacity and singing voice. I've not read any John Saul yet, he's on my list of authors to try, my lady enjoys his stuff when she's in a horror mood, though the next person I want to try horror wise is Peter straub. Right now I have King's under the dome on my victor to  have a go at sinse I've not read it yet and as I've been reading a lot of fantasy and a couple of sf novels I will probably want a break. I've just finished Pat O'she's hounds of the morrigan which was really awesome, particularly sinse it was a book I read when I was 10,a sort of commical take on Irish mythology which I'll probably review. well things h
 ave been marginally hechtic sinse I've been seting up my lady's lptop with supernova, windows, winamp and lots of other things, and she's been trying to get used to some of the supernova keys and such, though it seems to be getting sorted now albeit it's been rather stressful, particularly sinse we're still trying to sort out visa applications and such as well. I've not had much gaming time, indeed a bit of alteraeon is about as far as I go, and even that went rather badly yesterday.@Ishen, I'm not sure what you mean by "maintain a relationship with a girl" Really it's not that different to anyone else. Love each other, be the best of friends, be fare and honest with each other, and don't be a scumbag.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hey guitarman, not sure if this is the Cops you are talking about it, but I used to watch one with a theme that went something like Bad boys, bad boys, what you gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you?  Would this happen to be the one you are referring to?


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi guitarman! thanks for the post. I hope you will be going better after the prayers. well it is an off topic but how do you manage to maintain a relationship with a girl? If you don't want to reveal then I will not insist but anyway It will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi.It's been a while since I've been on the forum. I'm doing great. My doctor has been bugging me to lose weight and I think I'm doing okay it's actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be. It's funny a couple of days ago I went for a walk on the treadmill for an hour and it really tired me out. I couldn't believe it, it was a lot of fun but very hard work.I've been a little sad because my favorite tv show cops ended back in april so I've been watching reruns until the new season comes on.I've been having a good time with my girlfriend she's a wonderful woman. She accepts me for who I am which is nice it makes it easier for me to communicate with her.Lately I've been reading a lot of books especially horror novels. I read john saul's the blackstone chronicles and I liked it so much I'm reading anothe one of his, cry for the strangers. Very good his books always scare me to death. A
 nd I'm very happy today because thanks to bookshare the fireman by joe hill was released today and they got it right away. I like joe hill a lot he's stephen king's son and he writes as well as his father. The fireman is an apocalyptic story and I can't wait to read it I love stories like that.I'm very excited tomorrow is my guitar lesson. I don't know what I'm going to learn but whatever it is I always have fun.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Classic Shell does work on Win 10. I know because I'm using it even as we speak.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi TJT Thanksfor the help My exams got over and Now I am free and brouzing for a course and playing the gate. ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

@dark the windows 7 start menu has a programs subdirectory; you need only down arrow and you'll be out of the search box. And, I'll think of upgrading to windows 10 perhaps if classic shell works for it, as that is the only thing keeping me sane on windows 8.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

To remove an app from your device's home screen, double-tap and hold on the app. You will hear a sound consisting of three musical tones. Then, wait until VoiceOver says that you are moving the app. At that point, lift your finger from the screen, find the app and double-tap on it. When you are asked if you are sure you want to delete the app, double-tap on "delete". Then, press the home button.It should be noted that the stock Apple apps cannot be removed at this time.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

I want to remove some item from the home screen how can I do that? ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Dark, remember that the start menu does have more than a search box. What is available will depend on the version of Windows that you are using, but there is more than just a search box. Sometimes I use it; other times I do not, but you are certainly not restricted to it in any way.Ishan, on iOS, to move items in and out of the dock, do the same as you would when moving other items around the home screen. Perhaps Dark likes to browse through games to see what's available and to refresh his memory of old games that he may have forgotten he even had. It is like how you might browse for books in a library, or browse through the leading stories on a news website.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hello dark sir! sorry if my net is too laggy. How do you removes icons from dock in IOS? and why you don't like to type instead of brouzing? ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Glad to hear lists are possible, that's a relief.I didn't like the start menu in windows 7, and the one in 10 is reputedly much worse. Personally I've never liked this hole searchbox thing sinse I always like to look through games or other programs like books on a shelf. So within the programs menu I have a folder for audiogames, a folder for text games, a folder for some graphical games I have etc. Within my audiogames folder is one for gma games, with the program shortcuts in folders for shades of doom, vipmud, gma tank commander etc. Sometimes I think "hay I want to play something" and just browse my game folders within the start menu to see what I might fancy . I only tend to use the desktop for things I specifically want shortcut keys to, eg, I have ctrl p for winamp, ctrl w for ms word Ctrl o for outlook express etc
 . The only game related thing I have on the desktop is vipmud because it's obviously used to play many different muds.I do the same with my favourites and with media. Even on Ios I take the time to drag icons into folders for developer and attempt to keep separate pages for different categories of items, although I do wish things there were a little less messy and I could have say, one huge folder for all my games with subfolders for developer or series, but Ios only lets you have one level of folders, and there isn't really a quicker way of accessing them. What irritated me in windows 7 is that microsoft doesn't let you do this, everything is by searchbox. So if I want gma tank commander I have to type it into the search box, and I might get the shortcut to the exe file for the game, the shortcut to the dox etc. It's just messy and a pain and disorganized. I've actually heard the windows 10 start menu is even worse, sinse it's not 
 even a streight up and down list with sublists but something like those dreadful ribbon controls. Oh, and I freely admit I'll realy! miss outlook express, sinse as I said, I'd much rather have a list of all my contacts than work on random auto complete finding search results or microsoft's needlessly bloated address book protocols in outlook.Indeed, why people can't just make an email program that just! displays email and lists your contacts I don't know .The interface will be something I can either get used to or hammer into shape though, I'm actually more worried about losing access to games and such, sinse there are a good few things I still want to play.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Due to Microsoft's changes to the start menu in Windows 8, you are not able to have folders from within the start menu. But what you could do is to have a shortcut on the desktop which points to a folder hidden in the C-drive which has your sub-folders, or you could just eliminate the shortcut and just have a desktop icon for one folder with sub-folders.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Yeah I haven't come across any restrictions on where things can be placed, so I think someone told you some bad information there.  The file structure is identical to XP on all post XP windows.  The list view is still an available option.  Even in XP you could choose to display your files using list view,  details, tiles, content, or icons.  The same options are in the post XP windows and it just sounds like the one you used had been set on something other than list.  You could have run into the same thing on XP if someone had chosen one of the other settings.As someone who has only worked with windows 10 when fixing broken computers, I'd steer you toward windows 8.1.  I only don't recommend 7 because if you're going to move away from XP, you might as well not jump to the next oldest system.  It would only give you less time before being pressured to jump again.  Windows 8 is very similar to 7, but when they o
 ffered the 8.1 upgrade it made quite a difference in performance.  I've sat at systems before and after the upgrade, and there is a very noticeable boost in reaction time.  You'd think someone swapped in more ram and a better processor, so 8.1 is recommended over 8.  I've fixed enough windows 10 computers already that I don't recommend it to people.  It has a lot of problems that still need to be solved, so I'd say stay away for now.Only my recommendations though.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

@Aprone, I'm still using xp at the moment, this is a question about the next machine I get which probably won't happen until august sinse I've got the hole getting married thing to sort out first. I heard you couldn't install on the c drive or create folders directly in post xp windows versions due to microsoft's security and the hole uac thing, I don't know if that is the case. The folder structure i mean is that in xp I like the list view for files and folders, that way I can just press up and down arrows to brows files, and have only one column to work with. Windows explorer in 7 seemed a bit whackier, especially the start menu which was down right crazy and quite a pain considering that I tend to like program shortcuts in specific places, eg, I have an audiogames folder on my start menu with individual subfolders for each file, indeed I don't use the desktop accept for things I want to create shortcut keys to like winamp and micr
 osoft word.Interface is probably something I could live with in windows 10 if the compatibility is fixed, or at least I could hammer something into shape for the stuff I want, . I'll already have to give up most dos programs which is an arse in the case of eamon deluxe, and in terms of games like fallthru, though I have heard stable talking alternatives for dosbox do now exist which didn't previously, but I wonder about other games I've bought previously, particularly on windows 10.Actually I resent having to do this at all, but we're getting to the point when xp is becoming mildly inconvenient as a system, ie, stuff like youtube and some games not working with it, which is actually why i'm considering windows 10 at all sinse if I'm going to be irritated at a new operating system, I might as well be irritated by one which will be around for longer . Plus microsoft apparently aren't planning any further interface changes or major alterations to windows in the future (learning from their mistakes with xp methinks), though we all know what microsoft's promises are worth.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Dark I'm not sure why you've had trouble installing directly to C.  When it comes to folder and file structure, I had never noticed any difference between XP, win 7, or 8.  I don't use 10 myself (holding out until some far future date), but I've fixed a few windows 10 computers for other people and I didn't notice anything abnormal about those either.  Do you maybe have your account security settings cranked up to some ungodly level?  lol!The start menu is a definite change from XP though.  I hated it at first bug have grown to not really mind it so much.  I tended to just keep my shortcuts on the desktop anyway, which you can still do on windows 7 and 8.Your comment about the logical structure of files and folders with lists has me scratching my head.  I'm wondering if it is something with your screen reader or maybe your folder view options in windows are set to something odd.  There really shoul
 d be no difference to how it was in XP.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

I know Aprones games and Jim kitchins will work on windows 10 thanks to some compatibility fixes, other games like bsc's I'm less sure of, I'll also be sorry to lose access to several dos like programs such as eamon deluxe, which is a concern. Also how about winamp? At a pinch I could use vlc, but I prefer winamp for all of it's plugins and the quick shortcuts for file and folder playback that don't come with all that online library playlist nonsense.The two major! things I'll miss about xp (apart from knowing all my software works on it), are firstly the logical structure for files and folders that gives me lists etc (really I disliked this on windows 7 which is why I never bothered getting the so called upgrade), and secondly outlook express. I really! don't like having a quick contacts list, and while mrs. Dark uses outlook to me it seems a way bloated mail program that really doesn't do much good.Can you reset f
 ile and folder views to something logical in windows 10? Also, can you put stuff where you actually want it? I have a great many folders and subfolders on the start menu (I really dislike relying on search boxes for everything), I also like organizing my folders on the harddrive and on other drives as I like, eg, I have one music folder for all my music, a text games folder etc. I really don't like the way you can't install on the C drive in windows 7, indeed the account security seemed rather silly last I checked. As to favourite food, well many things when prepared well. About the only thing I havewith food is a dislike of things when not cooked, salad and me do not agree though I love cooked vedge. Fortunately, Mrs. Dark has exactly the same preferences as me, it's one thing which has made living together rather easy.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi TJT and everyone. wish you a happy mothers day. I went my school where I have worked and danced with female teacher how pretty they were looking. I cannot express in words. our princi Mrs shahana rehman offered me a judging of singing competition of mothers. it was so nice experience to foster school. but alass I and the princi are both have left now and what happened to me I cannot express. ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Aprone's games and Jim Kitchen's games run quite nicely on Windows 10.Speaking of Windows 10, Microsoft have just announced that their free upgrade offer will be extended to people who use assistive technology over the deadline for the mainstream population, so you still have a while to contemplate the upgrade, or you could just go and buy a new computer with it already installed. It is probably better to start getting used to Windows 10 as Windows 7 is a little outdated.It seems that Microsoft is changing their tactics. First of all, they are urging you to upgrade through constant notifications, then they try and sneak the upgrade onto your computer, and now they're pushing it away from people, except assistive technology users. Why do they want us so badly on Windows 10?It sounds like you and Mrs Dark like trying different cuisines. Which cuisine do you both prefer?


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Lol Bryan, Grandfather clocks are cool! I just finished this month's Big finish Dr. who story which had one as the centerpiece of the plot being as the Master's tardis looks like a clock. I'd be interested to know what runs on windows 10. My own thoughts about upgrades have had to go on hold for a while due to getting married etc, but I'll probably need something as much as I still think Xp is the best os available and microsoft were idiots ever to abandon it, there are points it's becoming somewhat inconvenient to use these days. I was considering mac, but now that it looks like I won't have room for two computers that probably isn't an option, so the question is windows 7 or windows 10. I'm inclined to say sod it and get 10 sinse configuring and finding software for my lady's windows 7 machine has been quite a pest already, but I don't want to do myself out of a huge amount of backwards compatibility with Aprone's games, jim
  kitchin's etc. Then again all this will wait until august.Well Mrs. Dark and I are okay albeit a bit snowed under with jobs for her visa application as well as getting her a new computer, (hence my comment about windows 7). We're currently at my parents, and On thursday we went for an amazing spanish meal at the catering colidge. They train silver service chefs waiting staff for major hotels and the public get to go and have extremely amazing recipes tried out on them in their restaurant. Occasionally they have themed evenings where they get food from a specific place or style, and it was spanish on Thursday and was amazingly awesome! Hopefully all the jobs and things will get sorted, though right now even though I've got more time for my thesis it seems a million and one things constantly crop up one after another, indeed my gaming time is quite limited these days.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

This is the first time I've contributed to one of these. Aside from my parents getting ready to sell their house and move into a camper trailer which they can tow all over the country, I've been thanking whatever higher power there might be that this year I didn't usher in the month of May with a kidney stone the way I did last year. LOL. And for those who've never had them they're just about the most excruciatingly painful things the human body can experience, at least that don't come from debilitating illnesses, torture or gruesome injury. In fact I've frequently heard that the kidney stone is the closest experience a man can have to the pain of giving birth. Having never given birth myself I'm not sure about that but it was pretty damn excruciating nonetheless.  But on a less painful note I find myself being torn between wishing I could afford to buy my parents' house and in so doing keep it in the family and on the other 
 hand being thankful that I can't. I'm not sure I would really want the responsibilities involved in having a house, especially since I'd have to hire someone for the upkeep of the yards at least. And my parents' property is fairly big, almost a full acre and the house itself is nothing to sneer at. It would be too big for just one person and since there's no Mrs. BryanP in the picture it would be overkill to say the least. But at least I got the grandfather clock. LOL.  I've also gotten a new laptop, new for me at any rate, and so getting used to Winblows 10. I've also been thinking of trying to get back into BGT again, but we shall see.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

thanks for this. ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Ishan, I know almost nothing about programming, but my guess would be that Word and PowerPoint will likely not be used.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Guitarman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi.Well I haven't done much for this month yet. I've been thinking about taking up gardening again, maybe growing strawberries and I'm not sure what else. I love gardening but where I live the heat is terrible in the summer. Years ago I had a peach tree and a strawberry plant and a few others. They all died during the summer as much as I tried to protect them they still died. It was cool when it was still springtime I was able to get a few strawberries and I even got some peaches to grow but the son killed them. Strawberries are one of my favorite snacks so I'm thinking of getting another strawberry plant. We have a lot of plants around the house but they usually die during summer or toward's the end of summer.I finished a great book the other day called the mercedes coffin by faye kellerman. It was good very twisty. I thought I knew where the ending was going and I got tricked lol. Now I'm reading the highway by C. J. Box. It's good 
 but I'm not liking it as much as I like his joe pickett series. I've been listening to a lot of rush lately (the band not the political dude) which has been a lot of fun.I haven't been drinking coffee lately which has put me in a weird mood lol. I'm going to my guitar lesson tomorrow to finish learning sweet home alabama. I think I've learned the whole thing and if I have I'll check out some new songs to learn. Like I said I've been listening to rush and I would like to learn their songs but their very complex. I tried to learn one of their songs limelight a few weeks ago but I couldn't get the parts exactly right so that didn't go so well lol.@Dark, thanks for the wheel of time reference in your first post I got a good laugh out of it lol. I really need to finish the series I like it a lot I just get tired of all the arguing and political games.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

No I just ask if they used for I am bit confused. I think that either programming or singing hold my future. Thanks for your suggestion Ishan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Ishan, do you know for certain that Word and PowerPoint will be used? Being a programming course, I am a little surprise, but anything is possible. If they are, you may feel it necessary to learn the parts of the programs that will be of most use to you during the course. There are several resources available on the Internet, both free and paid, that teach screen reader users various parts of these applications.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

@Aprone I'm always amazed at most people with manual skills. Guardening, carpentry, cooking, sewing, knitting, all the things that take a rore amount of random guff and produce something hugely worthwhile. It actually makes me sorry I don't really have the necessary spacial coordination or practical patience to care. I don't mind generic manual tasks like most housework or moving furniture (though hoovering is the invention of satan sinse I can't read while I do it), but things that actually take a degree of knollidge and work and come up with something complete in the end. Speaking of which, had an amazing meal last night, albeit given my random friends' random proclivity  for randomness, it didn't happen until about 1-30, which was whacky and had today being very strange. Then again I've got my lady into the series being human and she's totally hooked, also got a most scary ptrans atlantic phone call from her local priest
  about weddings,  you know this wedding that is happening with me in it, which still seems rather unbelievable .@Nocturnus you should do something about that procrastination right now! . Glad your liking the monthly chat. I'm not experienced with alter but I can say druid mage rocks, and I'm having massive fun on the quests indeed I might go and investigate new thalos when I'm finished writing this, either that or I'll finish with Kay so i can start working on reviews.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

As I browsed this forum, I said to myself, "Self?  You've never posted on any of the monthly topics, though you've had a rather eventful past year or so.  Why is that?"  My self had no reply, thus I currently find myself writing out this random post which may amont to little more than nothing, but may bring someone a laugh or a cry or both, or perhaps it'll simply make you wonder if there is any sanity left in me, or if I ever had it, or if I might possess it in future, or if in fact sanity even exists, or if my overthinking has created a nonsensical post full of nonsense that makes no sense.Florida is warming up; mother's day is coming up, and I still need to figure out what to get my wife.  I won't let you know what that might be until she gets it, in the event that she decides to brows the forum herself.  :dI think I've finally learned enough about macs to use them full time as my primary computers, wh
 ich was a goal I set for myself some three months ago; Windows still has its place, of course.  This, combined with my iPhone, Apple TV and Apple watch has given me a seemingly seamless experience across most of the devices I own; phone and facetime calls as well as texting can be done no matter where I am or where I'm going.  It's the kind of thing I still hope I'll achieve with windows at some point given that I'm so familiar with the OS and dance around on it with exceptional ease.I had to pause for a tiny bit to get the baby a bottle; life is never boring with our little girl.  While I was doing so, I think I noticed a pile of dishes that is slowly but surely climbing its way to the sky... Or at least, to the top of the sink they're sitting in, which means a bit of work for me to do, since I don't quite trust dish washers to do it for me.  What's stopping me from doing it, you ask?  Well, you see, I have this litt
 le thing called Chronic Procrastinitis that afflicts me with all sorts of alergies concerning work and life's harshest realities.  I act like I'm invincible when it comes to just about everything else, but not work... NOOO!Funnily enough, I have a stereo system I'm supposed to be setting up which I can't be bothered to do either; the thing actually kind of scares me, since I've never seen one quite like it.  It's supposed to have bluetooth and some other such functionality for the sake of streaming to it... I don't quite understand it honestly as I didn't purchase the thing but received it as a gift owing to the fact that my 10 year old system is cooked... I'm going to miss that simple but powerful thing.Beyond this, I'm toying with druids for the kagillionth time on Alter Aeon and trying to make them work this time around since I see so many advocating for the class, am engaged in a thirty day study of the 
 psalms, and am slowly but surely getting over the loss of my two cats, two amazing cats I had to give up owing to circumstances beyond my control, mainly losing my old apartment and the new place not allowing pets for anything less than hundreds of dollars in deposits as well as extra hundreds of dollars a month I don't have...  I'm glad they're actually doing alright though and have a loving family to care for them now.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hello TJT and all of my friends! well I haven't enough knowledge of MS power point and excel is this a minus point if I join the course of programming? ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi TJT They are college exams. I am a student of graduation and my main subject is indian classical music. Thank you for your suggestions ThanksIshan


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Ishan, good luck on the rest of your exams, but remember that to maintain optimal performance, it is necessary to sleep at least eight hours every night. Sleeping in the daytime should be restricted to only an hour or so. Failure to sleep will result in struggles with concentration and possibly lower performance that could have simply been avoided by sleeping. To clarify, are they school exams?Joining a computer class would certainly be interesting, but you would need access to all of the tools and technology that would be used.


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Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Hi to all of my friends !nothing much about me in this month. my exams are still going. you know what? only for 3 or 4 hour I can sleep in the night and when the morning it is too drowsy from 7 AM onwords the exam starts and at 10 30 AM it ends. and today I am very happy because my music exam went absolutely right. I did my best to manage my time. as I have previously said in my introduction that I have a little knowledge of indian classical. I revised every lesson and you know what? the question which I revised was come and I wrote 4 and 5 pages through my scribe. well that's for the exams after my exams I usually sleep for an hour or 2 3 hours.Me and my brother Pranshu started playing time adventure and he love this game. he is a big fan of shades of doom and we both pass our time when we both have free time. after my exams I have plans to join a computer course of programming wi
 th mainstreams student. should I join or not? Please right your opinion on this subject. ThanksIshan


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat May 2016

2016-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat May 2016

Now that the weather is finally warming up, most of my free time seems to be being spent on yard work.  Not just my own, but also helping out family and friends with their own outdoor projects.For the past 3 years Jennifer and I have had a pretty good sized vegetable garden in our backyard.  Each year I plant potatoes along our back fence, but I plant and care for them differently each time.  I'm testing to see what will work best, and last year's plan was definitely Not the best!  Haha!  The entire potato "harvest" only brought in enough new potatoes to save for planting this spring.  I think we ate maybe 4 or 5 of the largest ones, but that was it.  The year before that we were giving them away to family and friends, and eating a lot of them ourselves.We haven't started planting anything outside yet (we do have several things planted indoors to get them going), but a few days have already gone into cleanin
 g out the old garden of weeds and all the dried/dead material from last year.  While doing that I noticed several small potato plants already popping up from the ground, which is totally normal because each harvest I undoubtedly miss a small potato here and there, or pieces sheered off from the shovel sprout their own plant in the spring.  So I figured I would dig them up and replant them when I brought out the spuds being saved in my basement.Instead of a shriveled up potato piece at the root of each plant, it was just a long root heading under the fence into my neighbor's yard.  As it turns out, in past years my potatoes had pulled off a prison escape and had spread some of their young under the fence and into the other yard.  These little guys were the offspring of those who were now trying to spread back!  I spent some time looking over into the neighbor's yard, and sure enough, I was able to count dozens of small potato plants popping u
 p in his lawn.  I bet the old man has no idea either, because he is almost never outside.Many of them will die or do poorly since he has someone mow his lawn, and they'll never get very big before being chopped short again, but others have popped up in places that mower will never reach.  Every year those plants will spread out and grow more and more potatoes under his lawn, and each of those will be a whole new adult potato plant the following year.  When someone over there finally discovers what is going on, it's going to be pretty funny!A very large tree branch had been lying across our backyard all winter, and has finally been chopped up and stacked as new firewood.  I don't like using power tools if I can help it, so I actually enjoyed spending the day out there chopping it up and splitting the pieces with a hatchet and an axe.  The sound of an axe is unmistakable, so through the neighborhood it probably sounded like some sc
 ene from a medieval movie.  Adding to the sound was me taking my breaks sitting in a lawn chair cleaning up the axe edges with a large metal file.  Sitting in a chair typing code all day can be fun, but when possible, I deeply enjoy going in the complete opposite direction.  Low tech manual labor, especially outdoors, puts me in a very peaceful mood.  Yesterday my wife and I used a wheelbarrow and shovels to move 2 truck fulls of dirt around her parents' home.  They've hit some point in their old age where they wanted everything (Everything) changed about their house and yard, so we were on landscaping duty.  I don't think it will be long until the next friend or family member calls for aid in their battle with yard work.  Haha!  


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