Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore those who read braille and enjoy the silence that's awesome! I can't personally do that, I guess I'm to used to noise.Even when meditating, I have music on.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Reading the Bible in braille is one of the things I love the most. The ability to just hover of a word or two, or read a phrase multiple times without having to rewind is one of the best feelings. I enjoy audio bibles. But the understanding is much deeper when you can see the words and they don't just fly by.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The silence of braille is absolute bliss and less of a strain on my ears that have to take in everything else anyway. Indeed you can take your time with braille, which is also why I like it. Back in the day I used to spend a ton of time studying outside among nature in between classes in college, and if I wasnt doing that, I was playing interactive fiction on the braillenote, and I didnt need to have a screen reader jabbering into my ears all day. Nothing will ever replace that, or the thousands of silent hours I spent reading my braille bible or homework or textbooks in bed in the dead of night.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The silence of braille is absolute bliss and less of a strain on my ears that have to take in everything else anyway. Indeed you can take your time with braille, which is also why I like it. Back in the day I used to spend a ton of time studying in between classes in college, and if I wasnt doing that, I was playing interactive fiction on the braillenote, and I didnt need to have a screen reader jabbering into my ears all day. Nothing will ever replace that, or the thousands of silent hours I spent reading my braille bible or homework or textbooks in bed in the dead of night.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

So, going through and writing my thoughts as I read the posts, cause my brain doesn’t have much RAM. Anyone have more brain RAM? I’ll pay you for it, lol.About the braille erasing, yeah, at first I thought that it’s pretty bad and shouldn’t be done at all, but if its old magazines, its not going to be used anyway, and is probably archived in braille somewhere else in the first place.About the word entitled, how much longer until we have to give definitions for every word we use, each time we use them? Because unfortunately, the way we use words is changing so much from what they once were, even words like freedom, entitlement, rights, its all rather bad how language changes and we don’t really notice until we’re misunderstanding each other because each of our definitions is a little different, or our preconceptions are different.On reading braille/audio, you read braille, you listen to audio. For those who want to say audio is reading too, why not leave it at listening? Isn’t listening just as good as reading? If so, why do you need audio to be reading as well? For me, braille is silence. This may not mean much to many people, but sometimes I find it so helpful to just go outside, with just my iPhone and braille display, and read whichever beginning Python programming book I find that reads well. I should check out that list on the developer forum. Being able to think about what I’m reading, and read at a speed where my slow, small mind can understand and take in, even helps my mental health. Like, after I read braille, I feel… like I can understand things more clearly, as if less things are being shoved into my cognition so it has time to… empty a little? Like speech is a waterfall trying to fit into a small space, where braille is just a calm stream. I know, its probably dumb to y’all, who are probably much more capable than I am. Anyway, being in control of the reading process is so helpful, too. Well, until my fingers start tingling and I have to read as lightly as possible. But most blind people can read for hours, so maybe I’m just pressing too hard on the braille display. I have a Focus 14 fifth generation, if y’all’er curious.Another great thing, which isn’t really a part of digital braille anymore, is formatting. The use of italics, bold, paragraph indentation, heading spacing, all that, is very important to me. Of course, iOS, Android, Linux, and mostly Windows, don’t show that information, so that sucks, but most blind people don’t know that it’s supposed to be there, so they don’t miss it, so they don’t complain to Apple, Microsoft, ETC. about it.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Boo15mario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@55 that is how I go about Math I see it as a game that needs to have a lot of work to make sure you do not get bad grades


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.Well, to each his or her own I guess. If someone likes destroying braille books, let him, it's not like he's taking away anything from me. And if someone tasks me to rub out braille dots from a paper and pay me, hell why not, easy money is good money.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.I agree with KenshiraTheTrinity. I think it's either just a guy who doesn't speak very good english or is someone messing around.Honestly it doesn't bother me at all.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Right, except they haven't even responded to Brad's emails. What if it's a troll looking to get people riled up, like someone pointed out earlier?


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kaigoku via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I'm just saying, have you guys considered this is easy money? Ethical dilemmas and all is fine, but the guy is willing to pay for something that literally requires minimal effort! And I might offend, but we know many members of this community could use some extra cash.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : soren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Also with the right tools maps do work, on mac on windows i don't know.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : soren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Accman wrote:Okay, I've seen where people have been saying that producing braille is perhaps a wasteful thing now, and that almost everything can be found online. However, let's look at the case where a student is looking at a lesson where maps, diagrams, or graphs are being used. As far along as screen-reading technology has come, it can't read those things. My daughter is just now finishing up her fifth grade year, and, because of what I have mentioned, somewhere between a quarter and one half of the math work was almost completely inaccessible because the screen-reader couldn't read it. So, the argument that braille is a wasteful thing is not exactly a viable point to stand by when it doesn't take into account all cases where it is essential. I will agree that there are many cases where braille is not really needed, but until screen-readers can somehow be programmed with optical image recognition and better optical character recognition, we'd be in good shape and I could get behind the idea of not using braille for most documents. I can read diagrams without any issues on the Mac with voiceover.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@Draq, not me.I'll go outside or something and if that's not an option, well; I'll just sit there.@the person who mentioned graphs, yeah' that's true, tacktile graphs are a lot better than using a screen reader.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Another thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that technology can and will fail eventually. If your technology fails, you're more than likely going to want Braille as a backup.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I have the sort of perfect pitch that lets me learn songs easily on piano or by voice without reading music. I suspect that really difficult passages would be easier in braille; a friend of mine who is blind swears by this, and her musical experience went higher than mine (she's a flautist and was doing stuff in university).


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I feel like I used to have perfect pitch but my progressive hearing loss has pretty much killed it.  But I think there are different levels of pefect pitch. I'm able to play things back but sometimes I'm one half step off and just have to go to the rite one. Idk, it's strange. I haven't been in bands for a while now though and I do primarily Hip-Hop music and when you deal with sampling and stuff that's actually recorded, and  not perfection  (real human instruments tuned a tiny bit off or differently) you pretty much lose the idea of conforming to a standard of what a note is.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I've never used braille music, ironically enough. And I've been in music for the past 20 years playing guitar and being involved in choirs. But I guess perfect pitch was my saving grace there, and just enough music theory to get by.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

How do you guys read music without braille? I guess you could listen to someone play and try to replicate, but somehow it's not the same as having an actual sheet of music in front of you.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

awaiting the day where big pharma has no power and science is allowed to be used to it's full extent and help us all!*falls back asleep*


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Math is definitely the application where tactile is better. Though I learned it more readily with a larger tactile representation like strings/ pegs on a board as opposed to a braille diagram.I can't help but wonder how effectively you could represent graphs musically? I mean, you could do bar charts with tones which last for different durations depending on the length of the bar. You could probably do something similar with a pie chart. I can imagine a musical representation of a scatter plot as well using beeps and panning.I don't miss braille text books. Heavy, bulky, slow and fatiguing to consume.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : NevEd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Ok, that guy definitely has a weird thing going on with him. Don't think it'sreally harmful, though. No one hand types books anymore, thankfully. I'm sure whoever writes them out are being financially compensated. Still odd. Woopie, erased braille... Get some fucking sandpaper lol.Honestly the only thing I'd find braille useful for me nowadays is math. I can't even remember the last time I read something with braille, be it on a display or on a paper in a book. Probably in high school. Print isn't like braille because blind people can't see braille. It's a writing system for sure and anyone who has to should learn it, as with print. But everything online just makes everything so goddamn easier. The day colleges don't charge anyone out the ass for books after they paid for classes will be a good day for me. Braille books are big and bulky, and for one math book, theirs like 10 braille ones. I know I said braille is useful for math, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's been hte same for some other books like history and such. Come on, that's ridiculous.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Okay, I've seen where people have been saying that producing braille is perhaps a wasteful thing now, and that almost everything can be found online. However, let's look at the case where a student is looking at a lesson where maps, diagrams, or graphs are being used. As far along as screen-reading technology has come, it can't read those things. My daughter is just now finishing up her fifth grade year, and, because of what I have mentioned, somewhere between a quarter and one half of the math work was almost completely inaccessible because the screen-reader couldn't read it. So, the argument that braille is a wasteful thing is not exactly a viable point to stand by when it doesn't take into account all cases where it is essential. I will agree that there are many cases where braille is not really needed, but until screen-readers can somehow be programmed with optical image recognition and better optical character recognition, we'd be in good shape and I could get behind the idea of not using braille for most documents.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Yeah. There's no such thing as normal. We're all different in our own special way.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@65I'm kind of the resident "I didn't know that was a fetish" person, up to and including that accidentally attended a branding story, and I don't know what yours are nor do I particularly care, but you probably can date.  If you're not 18, wait till then, then get on FetLife or something.  I don't particularly think I should go listing off example FetLife groups or anything, but suffice it to say that it's pretty trivial to find people who want to literally be hung up-side-down from the ceiling and beaten and that's basically kink vanilla.Threads like this annoy me because everyone who needs to feel normal always decides to pick a fetish and "well at least I'm not" and it's just like seriously: 400 gay guys meet a block from here every month because they enjoy dressing up like dogs (and being treated like dogs, to one extent or another) and it's public, you can just be at the bar at the right night and there it is.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

To the original topic:If this person is spending their own money on books and then erasing them, that's their business. If they're erasing borrowed materials/ stuff belonging to the general public then that's a different story.I have a multitude of weird fetishes, possibly caused by impairment of multiple senses. Some are sexual, some are not. While I don't care to admit to what these are in public, suffice it to say that while harmless, they make dating a bad idea.I think braille is important to learn. Personally I have limited use for it beyond labeling the buttons on the microwave etc. I used braille exclusively in school until grade 5. Come grade 9 or so, most everything was computer. For me, reading was never a pleasurable activity. It was tedious as hell. As fast as I listen to my synth I doubt very much it raises a candle to being able to glance at a page and get most of the pertinent information in seconds, but it sure is better than 30 - 45 words per minute.The behaviour described in the OP just sounds like typical sensory compensation to me. Is it any more unusual than say, ASMR? I don't think so. Yet that's not a blind specific thing.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : MyDearWatson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Nyce to see so many people sharing there braille stories.Here's mine:I began my academics with a bit of confusion about whether to go with braille or go with large font. I could read and right with sketch pens, those with a thicker tip. However, the reading speed wasn't satisfactory and lots of dependencies such as lighting, positioning of paper, the thickness of lines being drawn, the whiteness of paper affected my ability to read large print. And then after 2nd standard, i switched to a blind-school and they completely shifted my focus from large-print to braille. I still ponder whether it was a good move. Switching to braille has enabled me to read much more then what was I reading in large-print, but i was reading large-print in 2nd standard, so. Now i see people with a bit of sight blazing through digital interfaces with magnifiers and even reading with digital magnifiers, which makes me a bit jealous as now using my eyes to read has gone completely out of habit and have to depend on this chatty screen-reader to read and right.Coming back to my Braille story, I raced through my academics with braille, even math was way simpler in braille. But, when college began, i realized that Braille is not a portable solution and traveling with braille notes through the crowded trains and rainy season was out of the question. And thus began my story about doing academics with technology. It was cool, being the only 1 with fancy gadgets in a class full of hundreds of sighted students, it definitely got me some attention from peers. But math was another story. I found it way tougher, numbers on a notepad application or microsoft word wasn't easy to make sence of. And i struggled with brackets and various math symbols which weren't on the keyboard. On that note, anyone knows how to type symbol "delta" without going through some list of symbols or typing some long string of codes to get to? Braille display would have solved this issue i guess. But it simply wasn't available to me at that time due to some reasons.I also realized that text in these digital systems was more like audio than the text itself, since most of time, we are listening to it rather than reading the words. And no, I am too lazy to make NVDA or talkback to read passages character by character. Now, i simply ask Google assistant to spell any word that i come across and don't know the spelling or meaning.Braille is amazing in the sense that it gives us the pleasure of reading even if we can't see. It's way easier to solve maths with braille than it is to go through numbers on notepad or MS word. Also, reading that gigantic novel on my study table just by the window gives me a very nostalgic feeling. So yeah, long live brailleThanks,


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@connor142 oh yeah, I totally forgot!I take that back about punctuation, i've used eloquence for so long that I forgot other speech symths don't use the same inflection.Honestly now I think about it, most speech symths are crap wehn it comes to explomations and questionmarks.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The problem with screen readers and punctuation is that most voices don't respond well to different symbols. Eloquence does a very good job, but while eloquence is pretty popular it's not all that's out there. Voices like Alex for the mac, the windows 10 voices, the vocalizer and at&t voices, they're terrible with punctuation. They do the same thing for exclamation marks as they do for full stops or comma symbols.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

brad wrote:Hi.Spelling I'll accept but formatting? Like what? Putting a capital letter before the beginning of a word at the beginning of a sentence? You can hear the pitch change when doing that with a screen reader. Punctuation? Again; the screen reader will tell you what you need to know, or; you can read it online or get help from a teacher.I'm not saying braillle is useless but I do think you can learn the same amount of things if you put in the work and use the internet as you could with braille.Agreed: I mean, until inline spellchecking yes, but now people can choose not to be lazy with speech and retain the same information. I mean I learned how to spell encryption without Braille, however I could multitask if I use it, so everything has it's use cases. I'm waiting until I can get a bluetooth 5 braille display, but by the time it happens I will want bluetooth 6 version. Don't want to waste money on old technology blind ghetto 2.0!


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I was a bit confused because you put the wrong spelling in brackets but I get it now, you're saying that both spellings sound the same.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@58 What do you mean? Yes, versus is the correct spelling. That's what I said. 


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@targon versus is the correct spellling, from what I understand: for than and then being used a lot, I don't think it is, that's why people seam to get it confused.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The than and then argument is not really what I'm saying because the two words are both used very often. In Germany, we have the words "dass" and "das", and I know lots of sighted people who don't use them correctly. I speak of spellings which aren't other often used words. And the examples I found earlier all may sound correctly when spoken by a computer voice. Sighted people have much more possibilities to learn the correct spelling of words through reading than blind ones. Whether they can or want to use this advantage is another problem. But we blind people have a disadvantage here, and this disadvantage is even greater if we don't at least learn to read braille. You give a great example here @Brad: The way you spell versus (verces) makes almost no difference to my screen reader, because the pronounciation rules are nearly the same for the sounds "ces" and "sus".The Tetris thing sounds great. Have to try this. 


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The than and then argument is not really what I'm saying because the two words are both used very often. In Germany, we have the words "dass" and "das", and I know lots of sighted people who don't use them correctly. I speak of spellings which aren't other often used words. And the examples I found earlier all may sound correctly when spoken by a computer voice. Sighted people have much more possibilities to learn the correct spelling of words through reading than blind ones. Whether they can or want to use this advantage is another problem. But we blind people have a disadvantage here, and this disadvantage is even greater if we don't at least learn to read braille. You give a great example here @Brad: The way you spell versus (verces) makes almost no difference to my screen reader, because the pronounciation rules are nearly the same for the sounds "ces" and "sus".


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

ah, I can't do that but it sounds fun.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Lol whenever I'm solving an algebraic problem, I have the gameboy tetris theme going in my head as I try to arrange these numbers to try and make the problems go away. When it finally does, I imagine a full line of tetris blocks matching up and being cleared from the screen. Thinking of math like that actually makes it fun and interesting for me, even though it is not at all my favorite subject. Sometimes all you need to do, especially if you are a gamer, is to gamify something you find dull and boring if you want to try to get into it. In that way, since I like games and puzzle games, I just made math problems into puzzles to solve.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@KenshiraTheTrinity, the languages thing does make sense, tu and vous in French, you'd not know by listening to a screen reader that vous is pronounced vu, unless you switched to the french version and even then you might miss out on sounds.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

hi.@KenshiraTheTrinity, that's interesting; I've never thought of maths being a visual thing, I've read it in braille but it didn't become visual in my head.Although I do think in braille sometimes for letters, maybe i'm just not good at visualising things like this. I can "touch" things that I've touched a lot in my head, and now I'm thinking of maths; I'm thinking of the dot 3 6 lines? I think it was to go to the 5 6 g for equals, if I remember correctly but that's as far as I can go with it.I don't know why but I just don't find maths interesting, fractions, percentages, and things like that. I think it's cause I thought I'd never have to use it in real life.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.Spelling I'll accept but formatting? Like what? Putting a capital letter before the beginning of a word at the beginning of a sentence? You can hear the pitch change when doing that with a screen reader. Punctuation? Again; the screen reader will tell you what you need to know, or; you can read it online or get help from a teacher.I'm not saying braillle is useless but I do think you can learn the same amount of things if you put in the work and use the internet as you could with braille.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Good stuff @46 and @47. I dont think I would have been able to get through my math classes without braille, because I was actually reading and engaging with the numbers, and arranging them in a tactile and meaningful way. I also dont think I would be able to spell as well without braille, because feeling how something is actually spelled is very different than listening to a spoken word. This is especially true when referring to a language where the sound of things are not always as is spelled. For sure I am behind kids needing to learn their letters and numbers in braille and be able to make sense out of them before jumping over to note takers, especially those that rely solely on audio. Carrying around a braille rider is cumbersome for sure, but you still have a slate and stylus, which actually forces you to see the signs in a different way. I used a braille note through the better part of my college years, and I will confess that it was more beneficial for me to have that over a laptop because of the braillenote's built in display. So take it from us when we say that braille should never go obsolete in the same way that print should not.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

You really only learn spelling and formatting through braille, and there's no way around that.  Also the highest levels of mathematics stop being visual because no one can visualize 5d space or polynomials of the 10th degree.Whether or not you use Braille long-term (and I don't use it anymore), it's pretty important to at least learn it.  Speech is faster though, if you bother to specifically learn to listen to synths at a fast rate.Anyone who wants to argue against braille will have to first argue that they're good at spelling, and let's be honest, 90% of this site doesn't have a leg to stand on there.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@Jayde, what do you think about the children learnign grade 1 and then being shown the computer? I think that's fare as they'd have ok spelling but the problem is that most braille letters and things like that are written in grade 2.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@Nocturnus, personally I'd rather have stuff read to me than have myself read it, I find reading boring and prefer to take words in through a screen reader. As for maths, I was never very good at it and don't find it to be useful but I'll give you that maths in braille might be better as you could feel it and figure out what is being said. Although from what I understand of some maths stuff it's quite visual and that's how sighted people learn it on papoer or PC, me? I don't care for it.reading in braille is alright, but let's say you have headphones and plug it into a ATM, the ATM will give you the same infomation as the braille would, so for me; listening is a lot easier than reading.I don't think one is worse than the other, it's just that some people prefer braille and that's fine.As for the argument that punctuation can only be learnt through braille, that's simpley not true; you can learn punctuation through using a screen reader. Listen to the way it pauses with a comma verces a full stop or semicolan.It's just a different way to read infomation. I prefer screen readers while others prefer braille, there are times when braille is more useful visually, as it were, I'm thinking about using a table but even then there's keystrokes for this kind of stuff so perhaps not.For you, braille works and that's awesome but for me, I'll always prefer a screen reader.I'm thinking back and i don't think I took in punctuation as much if at all when reading braille; but when I use a computer, I almost have an idea of where punctuation should go in my head while writing.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I've read a lot of things written by blind people, and a lot written by the sighted. Obviously, bad spelling is not the sole purview of blind people. However, in my own admittedly informal findings, you're going to have trouble spelling properly if you don't know braille. If you don't know braille, you'll often find yourself spelling things the way they sound. Someone from England might write "ferver" instead of "further". Someone in a Slavic country might write "sharevare" instead of "shareware". There are certain types of spelling mistakes that give you away as a screenreader user, IMO, and others which give you away as, say, a dyslexic.And I'm not trying to demonize anyone here, either. Braille is expensive, but I don't think it should just be straight-up ignored either. I feel that every blind child should be taught braille and expected to become proficient in it before being allowed to switch to straight text on a computer or notetaker. If you don't have the building blocks of proper spelling, your communication is going to suffer, and the only way to really get those building-blocks is to learn the language in a similar way to others, letter by letter and word by word.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

If you believe in decency, in kindness, in any semblance of compassion, I urge you to read this post and please pass it on to anyone you believes that we should do away with braille.  I'm not going to sugarcoat this one and so I sincerely beg your attention.  The idea that people believe braille should be considered obsolete hurts me personally for a few reasons.1.  I spent the better part of 10 years learning it.2.  While those ten years weren't exactly enjoyable, the next 10 years I spent reading it once fully learned were some of the most rewarding.3.  Since not having had access to braile material on a regular basis my ability to even come close to "looking" at a word has gone out the window.  I had braille throughout all of my education, but getting it now is limited to books from the library of congress, which I don't personally want to do as my life is so unpredictable that I honestly would feel horrible if I accidentally destroyed any of the property they produce and make available, thus I generally stick to audiobooks.  This, however, means that I'm soley dependent on my already acquired knowledge of English and writing when it comes to proper spelling, punctuation and grammar, or I'm dependent on Microsoft and the internet of things to provide me with the ability to correct.And yes, my spelling has gone out the window... I can't tell you how many times I've massacred words I otherwise should have known how to spell and how many mistakes I make because I don't get to see the actual word as it is written.  Commonly confusing TIA for CIA, TION for SION and or forgetting things like how many of a certain letter a word might have, such as profit which may contain two F's simply because off does and the word to me would read like pruhvit if I were to write it the other way given the word of?  All of these mistakes are to me personally unacceptable!And no... for the life of me, you will never be able to convince me that you're seriously reading when you're using audio so much as listening, the same way you would listen to a news report, a delivered speech or any other kind of presentation.  Yes, you can learn doing both, and some people learn better through listening than through reading, but there is a huge difference, and if you haven't learned it yet, you should probably go back to the writing board and start trying to figure out why written material even became a thing!Answer this question and answer it honestly... No, you don't have to answer it on this forum.  Why are so many blind people failing at math?  If reading and listening are the same stupid thing then it stands to reason that people all around the world should be able to simply take a math problem as it is spoken and understand it for what it is!  The fact is?  This is not true.  Even something as simple as 1+1 is not simply taken at face value.  that is, as a child, unless you are an absolute ninnyhammer or there is some other disability that does not allow you to process information properly, 1+1 equalls two because of something, and that something has to be shown/explained  to you through some medium, otherwise you're simply falling on the words of someone else and that concept is something like anything else that you can parrot.  On the other hand, parents and teachers don't leave it that way; they involve you in the process so that you can figure it out.  One hand on the table is one hand.  Put another hand on the table and you have 2 hands on the table.  Are the hands different?  Yes, but the hands are still refered to as hands, thus making them two hands.  A plate on a table is just 1 plate.  Put another on the table and you end up with two.  thus,, what is the difference?  Keyword; engagement.  No book, no matter how impressive it is is going to read itself.  Your audiobook is simply a written book being read by another person and what you are doing is listening to spoken word.  that word will continue no matter how much you concentrate on it until you hit the pause or stop button or otherwise hault the progress of that recording.  Conversely, you can sit near the book, look at the book, touch the book, open the book, but until you start reading the book, you are not reading that book, and that book is not reading itself.  It is no different to your parent reading you a bedtime story you did not actually read yourself.You can tell me one is better than the other and you would be wrong on all counts, because to compare them to one another would be the same as comparing a book to a movie, and we all know the two are completely different intended for different audiences and settings and with different intents in mind.  The question is what if anything you hope to get from the experience.  A written book has no narrator other than the one in your mind, and how 

Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@JaceK, oh no, this forum is ok. I was talking more about blogs and fan fictions.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@Brad: Having gone through university student think this forum is bad?Nah. Go through uni student dissertations when they aren't even caring. It's both hilarious and terrifying.EDIT:As for the whole reliance on speech part, I feel like a lot of it is English may not be somebody's first language. It'd likely be the same if you tried to, say, write in German on a German forum when that's not your native tongue. I've noted it more from certain areas of the worldand now I'll get braned omg, JaceK's a racist. You know what? FIght me. I've noticed it more from Arabic members on the forum, though that could just be because they post more and there's a bigger sample size however.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@Brad: Having gone through university student think this forum is bad?Nah. Go through uni student dissertations when they aren't even caring. It's both hilarious and terrifying.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

This isn't entitlement. Though, this is weird. but there are weird people in the sighted community too.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

This isn't entitlement. Though, weird I agree with.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@targor, I do. after all, centre and center, colour and color, armor and armour, sound the same but are spelt diffirently.Plus, you're reading letter by letter with braille anyway.It's not only blind people that make spelling mistakes, trust me; the amount of time I've seen then instead of than or than instead of then is amazing.@KenshiraTheTrinity, I got in contact with the person and he didn't reply so I moved on.I agree; people need to leave people alone. Let them do what they're going to do.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@39 Yeah, but honestly, who would do that? Going through words with the left and right arrow keys, that is so tedious nobody would do it really. This forum is the prime example of what this complete dependence on speech synthesis does. Just now, on the topic lists there appear words like spasific, brotcast, lirn, langwiches ... the list goes on.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I also feel like braille is still a very important part of the blind individual's upbringing, as advanced as our world has become. After all, we aren't going to have electricity or a pc or internet connectivity or a phone wherever we go or life takes us. Having said that though, I believe that the individual in question here is just an isolated case. If you really care, get in contact with them and find out their motives. If not, shrug and move on. There are worse things to be doing, and I did not see an encouragement for anymore people to join the braille scrubbing cult. Things like these let me to the conclusion that we have to start putting disclaimers in what we do because if we don't, someone will get upset with it for one reason or another.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@KenshiraTheTrinity, I agree.@connor, I see what you're saying, it is useful for spelling but screen readers can help with that too, you can use your left and right arrows to spell the word out.I think kids should learn to write and read braille but use both braille and computers if they can to get the best of both perhaps I'm wrong, in fact I know I am. Braille isn't faiding out, in fact; braille displays are getting cheaper.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

This doesn’t surprise me that much to be honest. I find that each one can have his/her very weird hobbies/preferences/likings, irrespective of being blind or sighted. What I find quite problematic is the behaviour of a considerable part of our community. Some blind individuals do not really look like normal, with normal meaning something that is widely accepted and/or common in an inclusive community. They are too sensitive, cannot hold a normal conversation, are too deep into their world, exhibit actions such as rocking, nocking, eccessive touching, and so on. Another thing that I’m more and more seeing is the lack of ambition and aspiration. While I totally agree that there is lack of support in many educational institutions, there are very few companies/organisations that are willing to employ people with disabilities even if we are more qualified than non-disabled employees, there are few examples of success that could inspire us in our community; however, it is important to look ahead, to believe, to aspire, to create, and live with the attitude why not me. What I wrote above might sound too cliché, but I still hold these beliefs. In my very humble opinion, these are things that should be tackled in the blind communities around the world.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@Connor I completely agree with you, braille is a necessary thing to learn for every blind individual, especially the children. Learning how to write and read by using braille or any alphabet structures the mind in a way as to facilitate future knowledge. It's like the building blocks of something much bigger. I know such a person, she never learned to write and read because her parents weren't able or willing to send her to school. She knows to read and write on a PC but this doesn't even compare with learning an alphabet because, if you learn just typing on a keyboard and reading by using a voice, your spelling is practically inexistent and your grammar tends to be very poor making you in essence an illiterate person. In today's world, it's very difficult to function as an iliterate person because you wont be able to access many opportunities and facilities.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I think human machine is on the rise. If you look at how people get bullied for being different these days then you would see. You could argue that bullying has always been around, but since the birth of the internet we have only just gained more ways to bullet people for being weird. Some day in the distant future, when full dive virtual reality is a thing, that will be just another means for bullying. I am not in favor of this 0 tolerance trend at all.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@25:Blind/blindness related fetishes are real. I don't have the link to hand (thankfully), but I mentioned blindsimming last night in my postand that sent me down a rabbit hole that I really wish I hadn't gone down. Mostly since I'm out of brain bleach thanks...


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

To those who say braille is on the way out and people shouldn't be learning it anymore. No and no. I do not understand this. Why don't you expect blind kids to learn the blind version of print, when everyone who is sighted has to learn to read? Let me tell you something. When governments and organisations around the world finally catch on and start making important places (menus, signs, displays etc) accessible, guess what they're going to do? They're going to put braille on it because that's the universally accepted substitute for print. They're not going to put little speakers in these areas that speak the content to you, because just like everyone else, you're expected to be litterate. For me, this means you can both read braille and at the very least write it passably using either the controls on a braille display or a perkins brailler. If you don't know these things, you should be officially considered ilitterate, with all the implications that come with it.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.Yep. I understand wanting to turn your brain off for a while when watching tv or something, in other words; not thinking to criticly about the show you're watching, but the more people just folow what people say and don't form their own oppinions, the more lazy we as human beings will get.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Exactly. And that's what normality is based on: manipulating and hording masses of creatures not thinking for themselves.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@ManFromTheDark, yeah; normal doesn't exist. Every one of us is diffirent, yes we may like the same things but we're not all the same. If we were; the world would be boring and full of human like machines that agreed with everything the other person says and goes along with whatever it is because they have no thoughts of there own.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Now, I'm not willing to be sharp/evil/whatever, just express my personal point of view and it is, that in my book normality itself is actually the weirdest thing and it's just about time for humankind to start may-be slowly, but surely stepping over it. Of course I'm not saying, that "Go out and kill somebody!" is to be considered acceptable - no way, but in regard to personal prefferences and likings, a heck yes! Obviously no harm policy shall stay in place, but outside that, what's the problem?In fact this friggin' normality is definitely one of those things existing only mathematically, because - hey, if we start to compare just anybody to that model, how many actually will fit? I bet, not so many, if any at all.In the end it all comes down to the obvious, but still not enough accentuated fact, that we all are different - very very different and that's it.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.I agree, yes it's great we can read braille but honestly it's not needed as much as it used to be.Most if not all the info you need can be found online and that stuff that can't be read, like a badly formatted PDF document, can be put into a notepad file and changed to be read easier. It's a pain but it can be done.Braille isn't needed as much as it used to be and I'm completely fine with that.As for this guy; I've emailed him and he hasn't replied.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I agree. I  think braille paper materials is just waisting at this point. In the end almost everything they print can be found online either through textbook websites, teacher presented slides, etc. when it comes to textbooks, and the rest you can probably find if you type in the title on google. Sure if its a book you might have to pay for it in some way, but meh. Braille at least for reading in my opinion id dying over all though because we went from people going I haven't used braille to read this book because its not written in braillle, to this book is written in braille in multiple languages, but like i got muh audible version anyway so we right.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

So, my first instinct about this is also to say it's trolling and move on. It's kind of a weird troll, but many trolls are weird (people asking for others to destroy their computers over NVDARemote). But whether it's a troll or not, I can't make myself move on from the issue entirely because of what I saw in this thread.First, let me start off with the definition for Vandalism. Vandalism is the action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. I'm not a lawyer or anyone else who has a good understanding of the law, but I'm pretty sure vandalism doesn't apply if you own the property in question. Maybe this person does not own the property in question, but there's nothing to indicate that in the listing given in post #1. So it's not vandalism.Even if it's not technically vandalism though, it's still wrong, right? I don't think so. It doesn't really matter what it is, if you purchased the item or otherwise obtained it in a manner that makes it legally yours, you should be able to do whatever you want with it. Might it have taken someone a bunch of time to produce it? Sure, but they probably got compinsated for that even if not directly by this person, so the transaction was completed and the person who produced it got payed an amount that they probably decided the work was worth.I also have to give credit to this thread for one thing. It kinda made me laugh a little when people started comparing this to destroying information with the intent to keep people from reading it. It's 2020, you can probably find that information in a million different places. But really, this just underscores the point for me that braille is dying, at least in paper format. If there are so few braille documents in the world that destroying this one is going to keep a child from learning to read braille for whatever reason, maybe they don't need braille in the first place. This is obviously not the case, but people are treating it like this is something many blind people do, just rub out braille and get pleasure out of that. If you're in a developed country, there's probably an organization that can get you a braille display anyways, and then you don't have to deal with all this physical paper copy crap.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I am coming at this from the perspective of a blind parent who is trying to promote braille literacy for blind students like my daughter, so, knowing this, what follows may come as no surprise. The fact that someone would be willing to either pay for something like this, or hire out to do something like this, is a slap in the face, and not only for other blind people. It is a personal insult to those who worked so hard to make texts like this available. I would love to say I can't believe this, but nothing is beyond belief any more. Imagine if the various organizations who make these texts available for the blind were to find out about this. There are some terms I would use in reference to what I think about this, but if I used them here I'd be banned so fast that it would go down in the record books. Anyway, who ever it is that is doing this is one very poor representation of the blind community, and I just hope that others don't follow the pathetic example that sets. Thanks to the original poster for sharing the info.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@24Frankly this entire thread is tame w.r.t. fetishes. Even your example. Google vorarephilia at your own risk, and also in kink circles brandings happen often enough that there was that time I accidentally attended one without meaning to (long story, but suffice it to say that it is possible to do this accidentally while not drunk, and while most kink people aren't into it, it happens more often than you think).Erased braille is practically vanilla, if it's genuine. But I still maintain troll.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Now, where is the surprise me button. Oh yes, here it is, and I am going to press it. LOL. Speaking of fetishes, I have seen online where adult, yes sighted adults, that really do enjoy wearing diapers just for the fun of it. Do not ask how I found that out. You really do not want to know how I found that out. Ok ok ok, I came across a news article online that talked about a store that is and or was set up for people that like that kind of thing. At this time, I do not know of any blind person that goes into that kind of thing. On the other hand, I heard of and or seen blind people with other disabilities. I also heard of and or seen blind people that were either gay or straight, very religious, and some that were not religious at all. In short I have seen enough to know that blind people varies just like the sighted and can get quite mean to each other, or do something very kind out of the blue.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Frankly, I don't find everything listed in post 1 overall too odd. In fact, if there's one thing I criticize the blind community for the most is how fast they condemn others for certain actions. Showing a sign that they are trying to distance themselves from just interacting with that community, but making it evident that they are extremely green in interacting with society as an overall whole.    Weird actions generally fall under the perception of the viewer, and many cultures, racial groups, fandom groups, and geographical areas have their own weird things that some might find bizarre. I.e.  Rocking: This might be more a mental state problem than a blindness problem. And considering that going visually impaired, especially when once having sight, can be a traumatic and altering experience. I see this also manfesting in people who take an extremely long time to accept using a cane in public, usually after eating one too many metal poles to the face. As well, populations with disabilities tend to have multiple disabilities, and I've met my share of visually impared folk with other disabilities. As well, considering research is being done that recognizes that a lot more people in this world have variations of mental illnesses, especially autism and Aspergers, that I'm not surprised rocking and other behaviors are done by the visually impaired. Not helping that if one is completely blind and not paying attention, they will not realize they're doing it in front of someone.  Speaking like a Synth:  I see this, and raise you people speaking in Clingong in public. People emulate things they have a lot of experience with or enjoy. I see a lot of people speaking and talking a lot like characters from their favorite books, shows and movies. Heck, the sighted community have conventions where these people converge to do this for many days straight. Now, considering many people with visual impairments use text to speech software for phones, computers and media players, the one thing they come into contact with are speech synths. And there are entire communities that help develop and create new ones. So, amongst blind friends, this might be something that come up, just like how Star Treck fans may speak in Clingong if into that faction, or another group might emulate the speech patterns from a favorite abridged series. Check the Youtube comments on a lot of videos of such series, and see this in action at least in text. I think the Speech synth talking can be classified as enjoying a blindness related meme.    ...Also there's now a growing group of sighted folk now emulating hilariously the same vocal oddities synths have due to a growing popularity of Ask reddit videos that usually have Microsoft Dave and friends reading out reddit threads. Hilarity occurs with a combination of profanity filters and tTS screw ups like making no come out as number.   Poking Self in Eye:  This one is understandable, and hard to break for people. Not just with eyes, but anyone who's lost function of a body part. Spend time with an amputee, and notice their hands sometime go to where a limb used to be. Or where a non-functioning arm lays limply to their side. It seems liek an instinctual thing to do for people when the body doesn't know the status of itself. Though possible to break out of if brought up, just like someone who picks their nose.   the visually impaired community seems to be prone to quickly condemning others for actions and habits that are odd, ignoring the myriad of freakishly weird habits, fettishes and customs of the entire world. Though, not surprised either. minority communities seem to condemn their own members far harsher than any other group, as sort of a method of representation in society. Kind of dumb though, since humans are aready prone to stereotyping, and such things will be constant even if 99% of the group don't do said actions anymore. People do not generally interact with minorities in a constant bases, and all they have to go by are long living or long outdated stereotypes.  I.e:  Insert thousandth time Jews are considered greedy money-focused paracites, or that every single Latino male is a rapist murderer in the making.    To the original concern of that ad. Meh, I've seen weirder. People do realize if you have a braile embosser or printer at hand, you can easily fulfill this request and then scratch out the braile to earn a quick buck. This is like crying about someone smashing an i-phone by throwing it off the roof of a building to check durability. Or buying used underwear as someone posted before. If the person buys something, and the other party agrees to sell it, and no one is harmed in the process, what's wrong with that? Frankly, that got some attention because oh, look a blind person is doing something weird again. I just think that if you find this weird, 

Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Another interesting part about these days, is that matters are so black and white. Why exactly do people either have to say they completely accept something and it's fine, or condemn it utterly and it be the worst thing ever. Imagine someone having a very loud and continuous telephone conversation on a mobile phone on a bus or train. This is not an "immoral!" action, they aren't harming anyone or indulging in some terrible practice, equally however, they are being less than considerate to their fellow passengers, and likely would be bloody annoying to be around. so, why does this person's fettish for erasing braille have to either be "wrong! with a capital "bad",  absolutely, complete and totally okay either. Myself, I'd say it is vandalism at the least, and the person involved is being a bit of an idiot, but on the other hand, as long as it's braille that nobody actually wants to read, EG last years newspaper or a circula letter or something, then the person isn't exactly harming anyone by indulging either. If however the person wanted to erase braille in a bradberry esque sense to stop people from reading it, now that of course would be another matter entirely.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Well I did consider that, Camlorn. Then went straight back to nah, it's probably a fetish. After all, if it exists, somebody, somewhere, has it as a fetish


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I just have to say, has it occurred to anyone yet that this is probably trolling?  There are certainly fetishes this weird or maybe even weirder out there, but everyone is getting all enraged and it honestly feels like the point isn't get Braille erased, but rather let's enrage the people and see who bites.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Oh. Facebook comments. Gotcha.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

On further reflection, I dont really see a problem with this, granted that the material belongs to that individual and isnt hurting anyone else or starting a braille scrubbing revolution. One fetish is as another,, I say. A braille scrubbed fetish is no different than a foot fetish. Sure both are weird in the eyes are some, but sometimes people get creeped out and get authorities involved over nothing, or the individual takes the obsession far enough to be harmful to those around them. Going to either extremes is where we really start running into problems, so I think it's just best to avoid either extremes altogether.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The touching part was in the comments. I saw this somewhere on facebook initially and from the comments it looked like the person really liked to touch paper that had braille erased from it. The person said that she doesn't like the paper that she erases because it's predictable and she wants to touch paper erased by other people.Yeah, the world seems like fahrenheit 451 to me too. The places where you can speak freely are disappearing, even showing disagreement tends to not be encouraged these days, look at facebook removing the dislike button a few years ago. Ah and let's not forget, removing the thumbs down button heh.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Yeah, with at 15 here.  I'm weird.  I make noise almost regularly.  I'm a noise making machine and always have been.  Is that because I'm blind?  Nope.  There are plenty of sighted people out there who do it, though that guy's one of my favorites, because he's honestly not afraid of expressing it and has gained popularity for doing it.  Fact is?  Every time I listen to people like him, I feel I haven't pushed my boundaries far enough!


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

The weirdness probably has nothing to do with being blind itself and more to do with mental state. Whether that mental state is due to being blind or some other factor is up for debate, but there are weird blind people, and there are blind people who are completely normal and label the weird ones as, well, weird. Let's just say humans can be weird and leave it at that.As an aside, in my opinion there's nothing wrong with being a little weird. Sure you'll want to know where and when you shouldn't be weird and the weirdness shouldn't harm anyone, but overall it's just how some people are.As for that link, I can't see anything about this person wanting to touch it. Only that they want it erased. Also, magazines get recycled after they're read whether they're print or Braille anyway, unless someone likes to collect them.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

This reminds me of farenhight 451, but on a small scale, yet we are already seeing signs of it happening in censorship and what the media is feeding the people. Suffice it to say that this individual is not the only one, let alone blind individual destroying reading material. There was a reason farenhight 451 was banned in some schools. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend doing so. It's not an overly long book, but consider that it was written during mid 20th century and think of how far we've come and how accurate the predictions were, if not in form, then in concept.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Am entitled.  I'm entitled to believe that everything Dark has written is a load of poppycock!  and I mean everything!  Including his name on here!  It's all a load of unmitigated, bogus nonsensical balderdash!  Even the stuff that has helped me personally!  NONSENSE, I TELL YOU!but to showcase that I myself am not entirely into the nonsensical, the real reason I was writing in on 13 was to say thumbs up to 12.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Am entitled.  I'm entitled to believe that everything Dark has written is a load of poppycock!  and I mean everything!  Including his name on here!  It's all a load of unmitigated, bogus nonsensical balderdash!  Even the stuff that has helped me personally!  NONSENSE, I TELL YOU!


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

i have noticed recently that "entitled", is becoming the new insult on this website. I am fairly sure that if a blind terrorist bombed a building, people would be calling them "entitled." You know, just thinking buildings are there as a convenience that can be taken for granted because someone is blind, and forgetting all the effort it takes to build them . if a sighted person wanted to chuck paint all over a magazine, thus utterly ruining it's content, you wouldn't call them entitled. You could certainly call them a vandal, and a thug, and a pointless idiot wasting their time destroying things for no good reason, but "entitled?", probably not.This isn't to say that the blind community, like any community doesn't have it's misfits, oddballs and arseholes, I'll also say I've noticed myself that there are even certain groups of blind people who foster certain bad attitudes, cliques, or even odd behaviours (believe me, I went to a specialist school for two years), however when discussing these sorts of things it's important to remember that firstly, all communities have their quirks, memes and extreme elements, and secondly, that even when discussing such things, it's more helpful to be clear, than simply assign a one size damns all label, and call anything one doesn't like about a blind individual or set of behaviours "entitled."This isn't to say btw, that I think ruining braille materials for the hell of it is okay, I certainly don't, but neither do I think it is in any sense entitled.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

i have noticed recently that "entitled", is becoming the new insult on this website. I am fairly sure that if a blind terrorist bombed a building, people would be calling them "entitled." You know, just thinking buildings are there as a convenience that can be taken for granted because someone is blind, and forgetting all the effort it takes to build them . if a sighted person wanted to chuck paint all over a magazine, thus utterly ruining it's content, you wouldn't call them entitled. You could certainly call them a vandal, and a thug, and a pointless idiot wasting their time destroying things for no good reason, but "entitled?", probably not.This isn't to say that the blind community, like any community doesn't have it's misfits, oddballs and arseholes, I'll also say I've noticed myself that there are even certain groups of blind people who foster certain bad attitudes, cliques, or even odd behaviours (believe me, I went to a specialist school for two years), however when discussing these sorts of things it's important to remember that firstly, all communities have their quirks, memes and extreme elements, and secondly, that even when discussing such things, it's more helpful to be clear, than simply assign a one size damns all label, and call anything one doesn't like about a blind individual or set of behaviours "entitled."


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ManFromTheDark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Heheh, I wish I could talk like a synthesizer!!!


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@2 and 7, what you say is true, that's why I distanced myself from the blind community for a few years now. I was too tired of the constant bitching about when the next dissability check will come and why isn't this "put here what you want" free for us because we are blind and we need it.I guess my feelings come from the fact that when I was in school, anything written in braille was like a treasure for us because it was very rare. I still have the novel I received as a token of appreciation from my teachers when I finished secondary school and it was the most amazing thing that could happen to me, I couldn't believe that I could have this book for myself to read whenever I please.@3 I don't have a problem with it, it just strikes me that this person doesn't do this for the first time and probably not the last. This person could do much more usefull things than destroying it, he or she could donate it for example. I just think that anyone who doesn't respect and appreciate the work someone has done for their benefit and decides to destroy it should be called entitled.Perhaps you got used to everything being served on a plate whenever you demand but for some people there's hard work involved in order to obtain braille materials if they are even available. Even the thought that this person might destroy a book makes me cringe. If you have grown so used to what you have that you can't appreciate these things maybe you are the one entitled.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.@7 Thanks, you just reminded me that kind of stuff exists... MMM, dusty fries.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

@7 Exactly.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

I suppose I could keep asking why?  But honestly, people are weird all the way around, from people who go around collecting used underwear to people who purchase celebrity eaten food because celebrity eaten; wonder how many tubs of half eaten fries are collecting bacteria in this world?:  I dunno, but people do it, and they pay outrageous prices to get this otherwise useless stuff.So no, it's not just blind people; you're just noticing it more because you're hanging out around blind people a bit too much.  I hope that doesn't hurt you too badly, but if it does hit a bit too close to home, chances are that you now know why.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi.I don't see the issue with this. From the way the person writes, I can safely assume that English isn't their first language, they could mean something completely different from what you're thinking.Admitedly I don't know what but there's always a chance it could be non sexual.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Hi there,@1: rofl, I would be also interested, what does this guy want to do with an erased braille paper.I personally don't see this as enraging. The hardest work when converting things to braille isn't printing, but actually preparing the material for one of the most inefficient writing systems in the world. When you already figure out a suitable formatting to not have 10 books per one page of text, the rest is easy.We have a braille printer at home, although I don't read this stuff myself. All you need to do is to insert paper, and you can have a full room of braille texts if you want, in less than few hours.I would be rather curious, what usage did this guy find out for the paper. I doub't it regards touching it. May be he has wrote a scanning program for braille material, but relief version wouldn't be visible on scanner, so he needs to flatten it.may be he wants to use it as... perhaps some filtration mechanism? I have no idea.Anyway, thanks for sharing, I didn't see this yet either. And yeah, blind community is definitely weird. @2: when I think of societies from previous milenia - nazist, communists, british and ammerican slavers, ammerican color segregacy, postmillenial kids seem quite acceptable to me.Yes, there is always place for improvement, but the overal situation is much much better, than it used to be. From my point of view, people who criticise the current generation are those, who don't realise, what it took to build the world as we know it today.Plus we don't even know why does this guy want what he does, so talking about degrading things seems somewhat blindy to me. He may have a very good reason to do it.But it matters opinion I guess.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

...what...theshit.I've an idea on why. Touching things and such is a way for people to get pleasure and, ahem, 'pleasure' from things. If you can do it, there's a kink for it. Do I think this is a kink? Yes, going by your post @1:Not that I'm wanting to think of whoever put that getting turned on by it...and ye fucking gods now I want that image out of my head.anyone got brain bleach? Though as for other weird blindisms? The weirdest I've seen is...Blindsimming. Look it up and be prepared to probably cringe. It's people who want to or pretend to be blind. Which, no idea, no idea at all on that but it's by far the weirdest one I've run across. I thought arousal from TTS voices was the weirdest, then no, blindsimming blows it out the water by a long, long way.Hey. You asked for weird. I gave you weird (and admittedly cringe)leach?


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

Okay, so...I think this is kind of weird, but what's the big deal?This person owns something that he ostensibly wants you to deface for him. How does this make him entitled?He is not asking for you to buy magazines and then erase them. He's not asking that all magazines be erased. He's not making any impact whatsoever on anyone except himself. He's defacing his own property.If you have a problem with this, then I think you're the entitled one.


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Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

2020-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When I thought the blind community can't surprise me anymore

There are entitled people in every community, not just the blind community. I am tempted to say that many of them are post millenials who do not know what it is like to not have the things that we have today, and I do not think I am wrong. When you look at ads hugs like what you showed, just think about the idiots who abuse social media, and use it to cyber bully people, or abuse the internet to scam people out of thousands of dollars. Believe me, weird people that complain a ton are not restricted to blind schools. Take it from someone who went to public school all their life. I went to live at a blind independence school for a year after I graduated and guess what I learned? There were no differences between us in the end. We all have our up days and down days. We still had people who liked to do stupid things. We still had peoples with tempers. We still had people who couldnt get along. We still had people who were driven by their hormones. Kids act weird because they are kids, but they grow out of it, and if not, then well, we still have people that act weird as well. So no, I dont think it's the majority of blind community that think they are entitled to everything. It's just how humans have come to be. If you are a post millenial, then I apologize..


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