Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : zakc93 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Was this an islamist attack though? I'm not that clewed in about the details of what happened but america is known for these kinds of mass shootings, and from what I've heard usually the perpetrators have some kind of mental illness, which is generally what the attacks are attributed to rather than their stated motives. I'm thinking of the Sydney siege in australia where the attacker claimed to be doing it for isis but it was later found he was a lone, mentally unstable individual with no actual links to isis.Regardless though, it is a horrible incident. It's scary to think what one person who loses it can do. Also sad that in the 21st century people who happened to have been born with a certain sexual orientation are still the victim of such widespread hatred.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Update:Christopher Leinonen, the son of the mother in the video I linked to, was confirmed as being among the dead this morning.Also, yeah, that sounds about right Ghost Rider, if a bit overly pessimistic; then again, it's also true, so...Just allot of talk and not much action, and it's been that way ever since 9 11, when America got it's collective cherry popped and lost some of it's invincibility complex in the process.I guess I can't really blame anyone for such a natural reaction, but it's been going on for far too long at this point. And it's continuing to cause problems even today.It really feels as though the NATO member nations, especially those in the west are moving backwards rather than forwards on the social/geopolitical scale sometimes...I just hope it's not as much of a slippery slope as it seems to be, and that we can collectively recover from this nosedive before we end up exactly li
 ke what the extreme right wing politicians mistakenly envision the middle east as being like.Wouldn't that be an irony for the history books...


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Update:Christopher Leinonen, the son of the mother in the video I linked to, was confirmed as being one of the dead this morning.Also, yeah, that sounds about right Ghost Rider, if a bit overly pessimistic; then again, it's also true, so...Just allot of talk and not much action, and it's been that way ever since 9 11, when America got it's collective cherry popped and lost some of it's invincibility complex in the process.I guess I can't really blame anyone for such a natural reaction, but it's been going on for far too long at this point. And it's continuing to cause problems even today.It really feels as though the NATO member nations, especially those in the west are moving backwards rather than forwards on the social/geopolitical scale sometimes...I just hope it's not as much of a slippery slope as it seems to be, and that we can collectively recover from this nosedive before we end up exactly l
 ike what the extreme right wing politicians mistakenly envision the middle east as being like.Wouldn't that be an irony for the history books...


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Update:Christopher Leinonen, the son of the mother in the video I linked to, was confirmed as being one of the dead this morning.Also, yeah, that sounds about right Ghost Rider, if a bit overly pessimistic; then again, it's also true, so...Just allot of talk and not much action, and it's been that way ever since 9 11, when America got it's collective cherry popped and lost some of it's invincibility complex in the process.I guess I can't really blame anyone for such a natural reaction, but it's been going on for far too long at this point. And it's continuing to cause problems even today.It seems like we're moving backwards rather than forwards on the social scale in the west sometimes...


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ghost rider via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Here is a post my friend wrote on Facebook that Defender and his like-minded friends may find agreeable...Ok... Only going to weigh in on the Orlando shooting once. It's a crying shame it happened. It's not okay. It's wrong. It's not going to inspire change. It's already been talked about entirely too much. The media in this joke of a country of ours will progressively get more one sided in regard to this story. Our pathetic excuse for a government won't do anything about it. Then some other travesty will occur and we will move on with our lives. It happened. We can't bring the people back. Nothing will change or end this cycle, so why dwell on it? Pray for the families of those who died or were hurt. That's all we can do. Let's shorten the cycle by not wasting your time trying to change human nature. It won't work. The hatred is only fueled by our insignificant efforts to quell it. Sadly, that's how the world works.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

It isn't my permission to give, it's the original creators. I don't personally mind at all though, just for the record... I posted them here for people to see, after all.Either way, as you aren't a for profit entity like a TV news source, than you can do what ever you like with these videos since they are in the public domain.And yeah, your right, it wasn't so fun posting these, I felt kinda like an attention seeker, even though that's not what I was trying to do; really I just wanted to share the full impact of the situation. I find that raw, unedited personal accounts have allot more weight behind them than what gets filtered down and presented on TV, not that that information isn't relevant, mind you, but it doesn't quite give the whole picture either, since it's often just used as a talking point.I'm glad
  to help find good sources, but I wish that the situation was different.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

It isn't my permission to give, it's the original creators. I don't personally mind at all though, just for the record... I posted them here for people to see, after all.Either way, as you aren't a for profit entity like a TV news source, than you can do what ever you like with these videos since they are in the public domain.And yeah, your right, it wasn't so fun posting these, I felt kinda like an attention seeker, even though that's not what I was trying to do; really I just wanted to share the full impact of the situation. I find that raw, unedited personal accounts have allot more weight behind them than what gets filtered down and presented on TV, not that that information isn't relevant, mind you, but it doesn't quite give the whole picture either, since it's often just used as a talking point.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

A mass shooting is horrific horrible and just messed up on so many levels. Why would we ever ever want to try and compare them. *shakes head. A Mass shooting is a loss of many lives and I also think that this topic was miss titled. That's what the media does for ratings and its dehumanizing its wrong. Every shooting is a tragedy. Every mass shooting is a tragedy. And to try and compare them to which one is worse is disrespectful to those that have lost their lives, and their families. Now that said may God take those that died into his arms and hold them close. May prayers be with the victim’s friends and families. And may God protect us.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

A mass shooting is horrific horrible and just messed up on so many levels. Why would we ever ever want to try and compare them. *shakes head. A Mass shooting is a loss of many lives and I also think that this topic was miss titled. That's what the media does for ratings and its dehumanizing its wrong. Every shooting is a tragedy. Every mass shooting is a tragedy. And to try and compare them to which one is worse is disrespectful to those that have lost their lives, and their families. Now that said my God take those that died into his arms and hold them close. May prayers be with the victim’s friends and families? And may God protect us.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamesmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Columbine the worst mass shooting in American history?


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gamesmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Columbine the worst mass shooting in American history?I am a American, so please cut slack for me


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Sorry for the double post. But may I with your permission post these videos to my facebook for people to watch? Though I'm not eager too, but the purpose is simply to keep people out of any sort of denial.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I live 60 miles from Orlando. My friend was born there. It could have happened anywhere. Thank you to whoever posted these videos Not that I'm sure you were eager too either. But the audio on some of these was very good and for the Poor Poor Poor Mother, I cried at that one too. LGB people need the Gospel more than anything else. They don't need some Terrorist targeting them or anyone for that matter. This post just broke my hart over all.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

@afrimThere's a difference between knowing about and being able to act upon, what with the whole due process thing as suspicions do not facts make. They have a list of several thousand people who may or may not have terrorist leaning's and connections but haven't actually done anything illegal, if they start rounding people up in gitmo because of suspected terrorism, the entire gun-toting lobby would flip out and turn cities into an open warzone. Not to mention the whole Nazi Germany thing and the fact their watch lists are horribly innaccurate.There's a laundry list of issues, basically the US is a powder keg at a Pyro convention.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I also care about the lives lost. The way I see it, the media and or some people over all will see this as a chance to take away freedoms in our country be of fears real or proceed. Yes something needs to be done, but the question is what? Knowing who is responsible can help a lot here. So I ask you, my agenda is to hijack this topic to promote my hate of the media? It is true that I do question the media over all. I do wonder what they don’t cover, but that doesn’t take away from the fear that people get from this event, and guess what? It is covered in the media. Anyway back on topic, this number of killings does have me a bit on the worried side. I do find it sickening that someone had a desire to kill that many.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

@Figment, Which is my agenda? To destroy the media?I'm simply putting here the information presented by the media you're loving. They say that the person had been on the FBI's radar, and they didn't took a step to cut him off. If this is true, why doesn't this media hide this information so as not to create hatred towards her and the intelligence agency?I'm not trying to promote any type of my agenda as much as I'm caring for the life of those 52 innocent people killed.I don't either care about who comes or goes on the government, whether Clinton or Trump will win, the reaction will be identically the same, "this terrorist act, not only has it hurt our nation, but it has strongly damaged the braveness and the freedom of our people and we must urgently do something."When this "must do something" will be done? More and more innocent lives are being taken away.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen (the lone gunman who carried out the attack) recorded from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.They apparently rammed a bearcat armored vehicle through an outer wall, then lobbed two flashbang grenades in and opened up with their semiautomatic M4 style carbines.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

@Sebby I agree, and when a friend of mine who is himself employed by an American company is stopped and strip searched at the airport because he "looks arabic" (despite him actually being half jewish by race, Christian by faith and very very English by nationality), with zero evidence against hm besides his skin colour and facial features I do have to wonder what those in power are doing.And of course, over reaction is just what the terrorists want. I just hope people remember there is a line between prevention and paranoyer. @Nocturnus,  I know what you mean about scary stuff. My brother had been planning to go to paris last year on the same weekend the shootings happened there. As it turned out he ended up in Holland instead, but it was worrying how close he nearly was.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

@Afrim and CWHow are you two different from the news media? This is a tread about the Orlando Terrorist attack and both of you try to hijack to promote your own agendas of hate against the news media?The way I see it, both of you are no different than the news media you hate so much.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen (the lone gunman who carried out the attack) recorded from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.They apparently rammed a bearcat armored vehicle through an outer wall, then lobbed two flashbang grenades in and opened up with their semiautomatic style carbines.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen (the lone gunman who carried out the attack) recorded from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.Only the first 30 seconds are really relevant though.They apparently rammed a bearcat armored vehicle through an outer wall, then lobbed two flashbang grenades in and opened up with their semiautomatic style carbines.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen, recorded from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.Only the first 30 seconds are really relevant though.They apparently rammed a bearcat armored vehicle through an outer wall, then lobbed two flashbang grenades in and opened up with their semiautomatic style carbines.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen, videoed from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.Only the first 30 seconds are really relevant though.They apparently rammed a bearcat armored vehicle through an outer wall, then lobbed two flashbang grenades in and opened up with their M4 style carbines.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I missed this video before, because CNN was using it as a background loop but very quietly, and I had no idea where they got it from, but here is the original, I've also updated my first post on this thread with the link.It's the moment that SWAT took down Omar Mateen, videoed from the balcony of a townhouse across the street.Only the first 30 seconds are really relevant though.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

As Dark said, I just hope there's no overreaction. The ever-widening surveillance net is built on the foundations of tragedies like this one, and the politicians will exploit it ruthlessly to that end. It just makes me sick to see the booing and hissing that always follows on the heels of "terrorism", because in reality the world's governments are just as capable of taking away our freedoms as the terrorists are. So I just hope to God that justice is done, and the responsible people are found and punished, and not that this will be yet another assault on all of the people, in the name of the few who, as has been mentioned, may even already have been under the eye of the intelligence apparatus and could have been stopped.No words, and all that.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

It really is interesting, honestly, to be so much closer to this act of terrorism than I have been to any of the others I've heard of in my life.  We tel ourselves it'll never come to our doorstep, but this one happened in Orlando, which isn't all that far from where I am.  I'm praying, long and hard.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I can tell you this, the American one, as you put it dark, will have a knee jerk reaction. You can be sure of that.  Remember, it was the shooter that decided to do the crime. If someone wishes to do killing that badly, they will find away at some point. It doesn’t make it right. Don’t get me wrong. Seeing that I have to live in this country, I have to deal with any reaction the government make. Yes, it is tragic. I think that a lot of us in this country will be trying to figure out how to prevent this in the future, and or helping the family’s out.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Defender said: This is the kind of thing that actually matters in my opinion, stuff that should actually be remembered, and not the ultimately meaningless and long wordedscripted speeches by the politicians and the attention grabbing shock tactics of the extreme left and right wing media outlets that will drag on for months,who's only purpose is to farther an agenda and make money off of additional viewers anyway.Finally somebody thinks like me!It is said that the bloody FBI knew the shooter before committing the mass murder, so why the hell in the world didn't they bloody react? The same schema again. The intelligence agency is on track of the murderer and it gives him the opportunity to play trouble-free.Very disgusting and questionable to me.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Some eye witness video accounts here that I've linked to, they really brought the whole thing into personal perspective, for me at least.First time I've cried in a while to be honest...Here's some actual footage from outside the club during the shooting, it's pretty short though.'s the first eye witness, the poor guy sounds totally warn out, also the video is a bit quiet so you might want to turn up your volume some. is an interview with a guy who was driving down the street when the shooting started, he ran out to help, and unfortunately seems totally ruined mentally by the experience.'s the one that made me cry, and I imagine I'm not the only one, either.  It's an interview with the mother of one of the people who was at the club when everything went to shit, his whereabouts and condition are still unknown. man has a long and detailed account of the chaos inside the club it's self, and if this is actually real then he is a hero for helping to save a couple of injured people, but recently it's come to light that he's a small time actor and even has a page on IMDB, so I'm hoping against hope that this guy isn't just trying to get attention for him self. is the kind of thing that actually matters in my opinion, stuff that should actually be remembered, and not the
  ultimately meaningless and long worded scripted speeches by the politicians and the attention grabbing shock tactics of the extreme left and right wing media outlets that will drag on for months, who's only purpose is to farther an agenda and make money off of additional viewers anyway.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Yep, heard about this one today, quite the contrast to buying wedding Clothes.  bloody insane as per usual, I hope the families of the victims can find a way to live with what happened, though I also hope it doesn't lead to too much paranoid draconian over response on behalf of the world's governments (in this case particularly the American one).


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : RTR_Assassin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

I can tell you one thing, it sure looks likely to be yet another Jihadist attack on all of us who are different than the terrorists. The tentacles of ISIS have spread all across the globe, which resulted in attacks in Paris and now Orlando. This is a crooked, seventh-century fundamentalist ideology that seeks to dominate all who oppose it. Remember we are still quite fortunate, people in Iraq, Syria, and Pakistan aren't. They deal with bombings, shootings, and honor killings. Despite the violence we have seen, we don't have to live in war zones, at least most of us don't.


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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History



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Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

2016-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Worst Mass Shooting In American History

Yeah, this is very sad, it's been the only story on CNN all day long.Thoughts and prayers to all the affected families.


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