Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I'm also from Pennsylvania. I live in Lancaster County, so there are a lot of Amish people near where I'm from. It's not at all unusual to see horse and buggies driving on the roads, and there are farms all around where I live. In the summer and fall, you can go to little produce stands that are run by the Amish that want to sell their goods, so it's easy enough to get locally grown fruits and veggies. Speaking of food, for some reason, Shady Maple, which is a grocery store/buffet-style restaurant, is a tourist trap. Since we live very near there, we often do our grocery shopping there, and it's a nice store. But I don't get why people travel from all over the state to eat at the restaurant. I've been there a couple of times, and I think the food is rather meh. It always used to boggle my mind whenever I'd hear people ranting and raving about going there. I mostly heard stuff like that when I lived in Philadelphia, and I still do on occasion.You also gotta love the names of some of the towns around here. I'm sure that PA is far from the only state that has suggestively named towns, but we have stuff like Blueball, Intercourse, and Bird in Hand. Blueball is actually pretty close to where I'm from, there used to be a neat bowling alley there when I was a kid, but it's since closed down.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I'm about 15 minutes west of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. My local library was a stop on The Underground Railroad. Philadelphia is the home of the cheese take and the Tastee Cake. Tastee cakes are snack cakes that come in packs with chocolate peanut butter and butter scotch crimp it’s among some of the best. We also have soft pretzels and water ice. We have local convenience stores called Wawa founded her with stores as far south as Florida. Around here we also have little drive through stores called Swiss Farms where you can buy milk, ice tea, bread, and desserts. We even have a few trolleys single train cars powered by an eletric where above it. I live 2 blocks down from a park which I used to go to often as a kid to play. Without talking about Philly more that's about it around here.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I envy nomads and feel devastated when their nomadic lives are ruined. They present to me as the most free, most unbound people ever, and I just want to be like that. I want to see both ends of the world, go wherever the wind leads me. But who name this patch of ground city, who name that patch of earth country, who set boundry between us?


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 37 I agree to a point, but I think people who  Live in a rural areas or places like New Orleans tend to have more customs. It's a little close minded to say no one besides the native americans have a culture, but I think, by far, because of what america has turned in to in most places, native americans have the  closest to what we think of as traditional culture. I see where your coming from though. I think everyone has a culture. But I also think, in today’s world, in some it is stronger than others. I regret that I say it, but I feel that, even if I don't like it, it is true.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 37 I agree to a point, but I think people who  Live in a rural areas or places like New Orleans tend to have more customs. It's a little close minded to say no one besides the native americans have a culture, but I think, by far, because of what america has turned in to in most places, native americans have the  closest to what we think of as traditional culture. I see where your coming from though. I think everyone has a culture. But I also think, in today’s world, in some it is stronger than others.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 37 I agree to a point, but I think people who  Live in a rural areas or places like New Orleans tend to have more customs. It's a little close minded to say no one besides the native americans have a culture, but I think, by far, because of what america has turned in to in most places, native americans have the  closest to what we think of as traditional culture. I see where your coming from though.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

This is part of the reason I always felt the need to split parts of myself off from people, and only show the parts of myself that I thought they could handle. I don't generally tell people things like that, for example. The deeper, philosophical part of me is something I only bring out for the right types of people. Most people can't deal with it or don't care. Then I always feel like people are so narrowly focused in their view of things. Even some very intelligent people. They will miss trivial leaps of logic, or not connect the dots when it feels very obvious. I also see how repressed certain people are. I guess how this ties into culture and the like is that tribal folks don't seem that way to me. They seem free and liberated from societal bullshit, and free to be themselves wherever they may be.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hi.@31, yeah, people are like that over here. It depends though on where you are in germany. The people in the north are usually very silent and don't talk much unless you really know them, going southward people get more open, till you meet the southern edge of germany, Bavaria for example where the people again are not really talkative.And yeah, we got a huge array of Sausages, different bread types and this dendency to eat potatoes with almost every kind of meal.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hi.Well, I might step on some peoples feet here, but when it comes to culture in America, the only people who I see having a culture are in fact the native americans and their respecting tribes.Those who now say who are true americans are just people hoos routes still lay in europe because their ancestors imigrated to the US hundrets of years ago.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Check out how inuit throat singing sounds like. It's weird. It makes me feel exhausted just hearing it lol. And while we're talking about throat singing here, I wonder how Mongolians do their throat singing technique. They can even sing doing that.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

By the way, throte singing is fucking awesome.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I feel a connection to the native americans because my father is from mexico, and mostly of native ancestery, although he does not consider himself to be native by culture and he isn't. Despite this, I feel a connection to this continent, and it's native peoples. I take after my dad in appearence as well.this topic has gone in quite a dirrection.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I am supposed to be part Native American, a sub-tribe of the Iroquois. I've always felt a strong connection to the land, and feel like people don't respect it enough. I always feel like I need some time in nature to cleanse out my mind from all the bullshit of the city, and when I get that, it's amazing for me.I was watching Youtube videos on Tuvan throat singing, and it interested me, so I tried to imitate it. I was doing this on teamtalk. Well, it sort of turned into more of a chant, and I was chanting, and not even in words, just syllables that didn't make sense. Now, someone does something like that, they might expect to get laughed at, but people started joining in, and it sort of built up, and then this sort of feeling of great power burst out of me. It was amazing. SO what I plan to do is go to the mountains where my family is from, up at our place there, and go into the woods, and do the same thing. I think the feeling will be more immense because it's the land I feel the strongest ties to, and I'll be in the woods on the mountain where I really do belong.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

The smallpox blankets thingy was around 1600-1700 something. Killed more than 10 million natives on the land, enough for cheaters to set foot and destroy. If they didn't play dirty, I doubt they'd get natives under control as easy as now. See, parts of American lands were historically native americans', but then these English speakers came from nowhere and tried to brutally enforced something on them that was completely incompatible with their lives. I'm not native american myself, but I seriously adore them and their culture. I love their free spirits. I love their tribalism. I love how close to nature they try to be. These pieces of shit colonizers never have these things, and won't ever have. They think they're superior, but sorry, they're much less than inferior. Now they own the land that wasn't theirs, drive the real owners of the land who never even call themselves owners to some worse than shit places. I tell ya, as much land as you think you may own, it's only a hole under the dirt or a spec of ash in the wind when you die. So much for that.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@Simba, The most surprising thing I was faced with when I came to Germany was that people on the street would greet you without knowing  or ever having seen you before. I study in a small town called Vechta and whenever I walk on the street, people keep saying "Moin" to me, which means something like hello. It was so strange in the first days because in my culture randomly saying hello to someone indicates that you want him/her to help you. I really love it. It doesn't matter if you're in an intersection, park, mountain, forest, or whatever, if you come across someone, he/she will say "Moin".The next surprising thing is the unlimited number of sausages you have here in Germany. I've tried more than 15 in just 20 days. It's crazy.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Yeah. Although somethings aren't like what people say. For instance, Two years ago(1396), There was the wedding ceremony of one of my families. Another family of myne lives in china and of course have friends there. He came to Iran and brought some of his friends with him here. After they saw the wedding ceremony they were amazed. They thought Iran is one of those places that everything is war and actually happyness isn't something but their opinions looked changed a lot. They enjoyed the ceremony. Well, one of those loud musics again. I remember I went outside of the salon  that the wedding ceremony was taking place just because of the loud music.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 27 I've heard a little about Iran. I know of a lot of the instruments you spoke of,.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I accidentally stepped in a bed of fire ants when I was nine, and y'all, it made me SO SICK. It was a Saturday, and all I did the rest of that day is lay on the couch!About the American Indians, it is sickening how they were, and still are, treated. The worst one was when .  . maybe it was the Army? . . I can't remember, gave blankets to a tribe, but the blankets were from people infected with smallpox. I cried when I heard that. I keep hoping it was just a myth.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hello. I come from iran. You are very likely to know what's going on here at the moment, the economy status and stuff alike. These are said and are being said so I skip to the good stuff. My country is farely big about 1.648 million km². It's population is around 81.16 milion(2017). Our culture is really different than a lot of countries in europe, america or even asia. For example our new year celebration. It happens in 13 days. Families usually visit their relatives in that time, they get new clothing, Some people try to change themselves and generally there's a kind of joy between people in these 13 days. At the 13th day, people leave their houses and usually go out of their cities and have a lot of fun such as playing, dancing and such cool stuff. Let me say this before I forget. Our year is based on sun and we're currently in the year 1398. This is another special thing about us.As I mentioned above, Iran is a farely big country. It has a lot of planes and jungles which some of them are now really got hurt due to wrong road buildings and stuff like that inside them. It still has a lot of beautiful natural places to visit. Yeah we are muslims but we're a lot different than a lot of other islamic countries out there. E.G when we're supposed to be happy, we really are. One of these events that we're supposed to be happy in, is the wedding cerimonies. People dance a lot in these situations with freekin loud musics that just wanna blow your chest off. I've been in one of them about two hours ago and my ears were making weird tone noises due to the very loud music playing. These are something like techno mixed with iranian style rhythms.People usually play piano, violin guitar,, santoor(an iranian instrument), tar, setar, dotar, ney, tombak, zarb, daf, dariye(which are all local instruments). People here really love wasting their money on certain stuff such as food, luxury mobile devices and such. I'm one of the food boys lol. When I want to order a food I go with the thing I want without paying attention to the price. I even bought two pizzas at once to eat or usually order those big pizzas that are for a family. I have to tell you that the normal sized pizzas here are big enough to make you not wanting to eat anything else after eating one of those pizzas. I still haven't and probably won't be going into detail about the great and beautiful historic museums here, historic places and old stuff like these which Iran is full of.Edit: It looks like I forgot to write about the pronunciations that are so vary here. The actual language that Iranian people speak is persian. Nevertheless We have people that speak turkish and are Iranians, we have people that speak arabic and are Iranians, I think once upon a time we had Iranians that would speak like portugals. I have to say that the turkish language that is being used in iran is different than the turkish language that is being used in turkie. Only a very small number of words are the same.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hello. I come from iran. You are very likely to know what's going on here at the moment, the economy status and stuff alike. These are said and are being said so I skip to the good stuff. My country is farely big about 1.648 million km². It's population is around 81.16 milion(2017). Our culture is really different than a lot of countries in europe, america or even asia. For example our new year celebration. It happens in 13 days. Families usually visit their relatives in that time, they get new clothing, Some people try to change themselves and generally there's a kind of joy between people in these 13 days. At the 13th day, people leave their houses and usually go out of their cities and have a lot of fun such as playing, dancing and such cool stuff. Let me say this before I forget. Our year is based on sun and we're currently in the year 1398. This is another special thing about us.As I mentioned above, Iran is a farely big country. It has a lot of planes and jungles which some of them are now really got hurt due to wrong road buildings and stuff like that inside them. It still has a lot of beautiful natural places to visit. Yeah we are muslims but we're a lot different than a lot of other islamic countries out there. E.G when we're supposed to be happy, we really are. One of these events that we're supposed to be happy in, is the wedding cerimonies. People dance a lot in these situations with freekin loud musics that just wanna blow your chest off. I've been in one of them about two hours ago and my ears were making weird tone noises due to the very loud music playing. These are something like techno mixed with iranian style rhythms.People usually play piano, violin guitar,, santoor(an iranian instrument), tar, setar, dotar, ney, tombak, zarb, daf, dariye(which are all local instruments). People here really love wasting their money on certain stuff such as food, luxury mobile devices and such. I'm one of the food boys lol. When I want to order a food I go with the thing I want without paying attention to the price. I even bought two pizzas at once to eat or usually order those big pizzas that are for a family. I have to tell you that the normal sized pizzas here are big enough to make you not wanting to eat anything else after eating one of those pizzas. I still haven't and probably won't be going into detail about the great and beautiful historic museums here, historic places and old stuff like these which Iran is full of.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kianoosh via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hello. I come from iran. You are very likely to know what's going on here at the moment, the economy status and stuff alike. These are said and are being said so I skip to the good stuff. My country is farely big about 1.648 million km². It's population is around 81.16 milion(2017). Our culture is really different than a lot of countries in europe, america or even asia. For example our new year celebration. It happens in 13 days. Families usually visit their relatives in that time, they get new clothing, Some people try to change themselves and generally there's a kind of joy between people in these 13 days. At the 13th day, people leave their houses and usually go out of their cities and have a lot of fun such as playing, dancing and such cool stuff. Let me say this before I forget. Our year is based on sun and we're currently in the year 1398. This is another special thing about us.As I mentioned above, Iran is a farely big country. It has a lot of planes and jungles which some of them are now really got hurt due to wrong road buildings and stuff like that inside them. It still has a lot of beautiful natural places to visit. Yeah we are muslims but we're a lot different than a lot of other islamic countries out there. E.G when we're supposed to be happy, we really are. One of these events that we're supposed to be happy in, is the wedding cerimonies. People dance a lot in these situations with freekin loud musics that just wanna blow your chest off. I've been in one of them about two hours ago and my ears were making weird tone noises due to the very loud music playing. These are something like techno mixed with iranian style rhythms.People usually play piano, violin guitar,, santoor(an iranian instrument), tar, setar, dotar ney, tombak, zarb, daf, dariye(which are all local instruments). People here really love wasting their money on certain stuff such as food, luxury mobile devices and such. i'm one of the food boys lol. When I want to order a food I go with the thing I want without paying attention to the price. I even bought two pizzas at once to eat or usually order those big pizzas that are for a family. I have to tell you that the normal sized pizzas here are big enough to make you not wanting to eat anything else after eating one of those pizzas. I still haven't and probably won't be going into detail about the great and beautiful historic museums here, historic places and old stuff like these which Iran is full of.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rashad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I live in Quebec, the French speaking part of Canada. You’ve probably come across Poutine (fries with cheese curds and gravy for those who don’t know), which was invented here, and if you speak French you’ve probably seen at least one sit com episode that jokes about how unlike normal French Quebec French sounds. It’s an interesting place, to say the least. Being the biggest non-English speaking area for several thousand KM in any direction creates some interesting oddities, as well as an intense determination to keep the culture and language going even with all the external push back. Quebec produces more French entertainment media than any other place on the planet, including France.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hi.I come from an arria in Germany called the Ruhrgebiet, the Ruhr arria, the Ruhr is a river which encloses this arria of Germany together with the Rhine, it is located in the central of North-Rhine-Westfalia.The Arria is widely known for it's mining activitys which were actually recognized throughout Europe. In fact, the Ruhr Arria was the biggest ore and cole mining place in Europe and was a very big factore in the rebuilding of Germany after the second world war had ended.The mining has now stopped, as a matter of fact, the last mining site has been closed recently.One thing that we are known for is what we call a raw hardiness, you will find someone from the Ruhr Arria talking to you and even though he might sound angry with you, he already could be your best friend. due to the way that the people talk and the expressions they use, you get a really rough sounding German. Things like grammar also follow their own ways.for example, you don't say, it's raining, you would say it is doing raining. You can't really transcribe it well, you would need to listen in comparison to your normal high German. Or, you don't go to your grand mas house, you go to, grand ma her house. Also, when a word ends with an s sounds, we make a t out of the sound. Due to that we speak really fast, you also pull words together, a simple, come on turns into a cmone as an example. The language is also heavily influenced by people from other cuntrys coming hear to find work in the mining sites or the steal industry. Parts of the polish language found their way into modern speak. A Mottek is basically just a mining hammer which you take to work, while a Matka is an elderly round female.  Mostly, people have a hard shell and a soft core so to speak, with a lot of passion for their place of birth, people know that they took a large part in the rebuild of Germany and you can definatelly feel that when talking to older persons, of whom went underground in the 50s to 70s to mine the ore. Friendship plays a large role here. Also, Soccer is really a thing here and you will found two teams which everyone is after, which are local rivals. When these teams are heading for a match in one of the two home towns, you really feel that fire burning and everyone beeing under pressure. Also, and people from berlin might object to that, but we were the inventors of the Currywurst, basically sausages with a curry sauce, french fries and ketchup or mayonaise with the fries, traditionally you drink a beer, mostly a Pils to that.The Ruhgebiet is changing rappitly. The time where the laundry which you hung out to dry and it turned all dirty due to the smoke of the industrial machines is over, more and more green parks and arrias are founded. Well, one nuisance remains though, the famous Autobahn, or rather highway a40 which draws a line through the whole arria is a major pain in the ass because everytime you have to travel it, you sooner or later land in a traffic jam.So, even though the people over hear seam rough and a little blunt, don't be scared and give us a visit if you are in germany, I am happy to show you around.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

This was a little off topic but kind of not. @ 23 Well said. I agree. Of corse, things like tribalism can be a problem, and it is in some places. But for god sakes why did you have to give most of the native americans pieces of shit land?I think honestly native americans are forgotten in the u s today in many places, we seem to act as if they don't exist. Well they do.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I'm facinated by cultures of the tribes. You guys have probably heard me calling myself one of the tribe often. It's not just becauuse I'm of one but I indeed love it, even though most of the world's tribal life is ruined by social structure and everything. I love when I see native americans doing their dancing, and hate to know the fact that they live in reservations instead of being able to roam freely as their spirits call.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hello,I come from Austria and there are some great things about my country.Near where I live, there's an open-air Museum where they've rebuilt houses where ordinary People use to live in in the 50s, 60s, around that time.Also, something that might be pretty arkward to someone visiting Austria in middle to late November or early december are the so-called "krampusläufe".They involve people dressing up in wild customes with masks bearing long horns and in their hands, they are holding mostly small branches and they have very loud bells.In former times, people believed that These would drive pout bad Spirits.In These Events, often fireworks and the beating of the bystanding People are involved, which I don't mind.That's all for now, tell me if I should tell you of more stuff.Edit: @12: Haha, As a native german Speaker, I can tell you that, to me, Dutch sounds like german after a stroke or a heart attack


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Juliantheaudiogamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Hello,I come from Austria and there are some great things about my country.Near where I live, there's an open-air Museum where they've rebuilt houses where ordinary People use to live in in the 50s, 60s, around that time.Also, something that might be pretty arkward to someone visiting Austria in middle to late November or early december are the so-called "krampusläufe".They involve people dressing up in wild customes with masks bearing long horns and in their hands, they are holding mostly small branches and they have very loud bells.In former times, people believed that These would drive pout bad Spirits.In These Events, often fireworks and the beating of the bystanding People are involved, which I don't mind.That's all for now, tell me if I should tell you of more stuff.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Interesting stuff, I'd be particularly interested  if people like  Omar could elaborate on Istanbul and places like that, since I love travelling and hearing about places which are radically  to the UK.Ah, when you said "Frito pie" I thought you meant with pastry . I've occasionally had nachos topped with chilly and cheese, or sometimes whe I've made a chilly we've stuck some corn cchips on the top and stuck some cheese on which is nice. Indeed, there's a local place which sets out to be a mockup of an American diner from the fifties (complete with Elvis and lots of cheesy fifties rock music), who do a pretty amazing chilly with corn chips.I experienced a bit of Pennsylvania Dutch when  was staying with my sister in law over there. My lady feels about the pensylvania dutch accent rather the way I do about the nottingham one . As someone who has spent 17 years in Germany and speaks fluent German, she can also give you a full discourse on the differences between Dutch and German, and how Pennsylvania dutch doesn't sound like German either . Well we don't have fire ants in Britain, about the nastiest thing you'll find in the wild over here insect  is the odd wasp, and fortunately in the Midlands  insects aren't as common as they are in some parts of the country.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Are fire ants even native to the u s. I heard they some how came over from south america some time ago.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Ouch, sounds painful. Who says Asia is an insect filled region should take that and see. But actually no, we have fire ants here too, +a lot of other poisonous things. But that doesn't make me love my region any less, lol. At least we have tasty ants and ant eggs here, and a lot of tasty insects also. We can survive when the other parts of the world start to die.:p


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

6 Flags are all over the country, I was at one and it was in New Jersey. We have daddy long legs too, and they are actually very poisonous, it's just they can't bite you because their jaw doesn't open far enough. Fire ants, oh yeah, we got them. I think it was last summer when I got bit by a bunch of them down at our pond. I didn't realize it at the time, because I had knocked a large rock into the pond trying to work on the pump and unclog it. I had to haul the rock back up, and it was massive. I did that but while I was doing it, I must have been getting bit. I took a shower after, because I was elbow deep in the water and it was scummy and algae filled. About halfway through, I got these pains in both legs and left arm and hand. There were fire ants on my clothing, all over the bathroom, probably a hundred or so. The pain was unimaginable. It came in waves, where the trough of the wave was merely bearable, and the crest of the wave felt like the devil himself was slicing through your very soul with hot plasma.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Here's a few more unique things about Texas.Six Flags Amusement Park - (pretty sure they're only in Texas)chili cookoffsThe Alamodaddy long-legs - these are like spiders, but they won't hurt youfire ants - I thought these were only in Texas, but I may be wrong.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I don't consider myself either of those things I outlined above, but that's the first thing I got thrown in my face each and every time. It's like they try to rock you with this first shot, and maybe it worked in the past, as generally, I don't want to be known as any of those things. It doesn't work any more though, and I just throw it right back at them and say you are ignorant, and you should be ashamed of yourself, and you really ought to know better.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

O Ironcross. ROFL.I'm conservative too, and a big fan of Trump.That would be funny, but you better have liberal friends who really . REALLY love you and can take a joke for that one.And let me clarify before anybody gets ugly, some of the best friends I ever had in this world are gay. I am most definitely not homophobic.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I can tell the difference between German and Dutch. It's hard to explain though. German has more sounds like in Munchen or Leppsich. It seems like in Dutch, those sort of back of the mouth throaty H sounds turn into K sounds. Dutch also  has more rolling R sounds, but it sounds like they use their throat to do it rather than the tongue. I don't really speak either language, but I've heard both enough to tell the differences.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I've heard of it, but I don't know about it.Well, I guess Indiana has the Indy 500... corn...lots of corn.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

I have little  patience for anyone who leans too far in either direction, and honestly I don’t like the way we view politics to begin with. I’ve heard of Pennsylvania Dutch before, although I kind of thought it was German back then. Honestly sometimes it’s hard to tell between the two for a non-native speaker of either like me. Anyone know of Louisiana French?


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Cool stuff, would love to try the Frito pie some time.Well, Pennsylvania Dutch, which I think is more German than actual Dutch. The Apple Harvest in Adams county every year. Williamsport has their thing. York isn't really cultural I mean, its just like a hub for drugs and things like that.OK, I could see myself, and I know this is ass holish but it would be really funny. get into a group of really extreme lefties and be like oh y'all wanna come over on Saturday, we're having a cookout. They say yeah sure, what's ya having, and I'm like, oh, the usual, hot dogs, hamburgers, red beat eggs, oh and we're gonna try roast faggots this year. Oh, my, god, their reaction would be priceless. I would laugh so hard, and of course I say its the justification for them saying things like you're a racist homo/transphobic this and that when they find out I'm a conservative without ever trying to talk to me about it.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 7 That is other worldly. Wow. Really interesting stuff here.I may as well right about places I've been in the u s.  In South Carolina, there is a group of people called the gullah, they are black americans who have  a creole language, some forms are much more like English than others. They have held on to more elements of their African culture than most other black Americans.  Sadly, the islands they’re living on are slowly being bought out by companies and stuff. Here is a gullah story teller I cannot understand at all.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 7 That is other worldly. Wow. Really interesting stuff here.I may as well right about places I've been in the u s.  In South Carolina, there is a group of people called the gullah, they are black americans who have  The creole language, some forms are much more like English than others. They have held on to more elements of their African culture than most other black Americans.  Sadly, the islands they’re living on are slowly being bought out by companies and stuff. G


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@ 7 That is other worldly. Wow. Really interesting stuff here.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

This is the best topic ever! I love reading about everybodys' locations!Dark,Frito pies are made this way. Layer some Fritos corn chips on the bottom, pour chili on top, then add melted cheese over all of it. You can also add onions, peppers, hot sauce, whatever you can think of to do. You can try different brands of chili, different cheeses, etc. SO . GOOD!


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

@Dark: yeah, those are Fritos, and yeah, Frito Chili Pie is literally them + Chili in something resembling pie form. IMO, it's one of the only ways Fritos are all that good (I mean, they literally taste like dog-feet. As in they have the same chemical makeup of dog-feet.)What's special about where I live? ... Umm... nature ... stuff? It use to be nice in the summer but ever since 1998 or so the climate has been in a Cubist phase, which the mosquitos love. I guess I'm not too horribly far from slightly more interesting places, like Memphis (the one with Graceland and the Civil Rights Museum), and a place called Toadsuck. Every year, Toadsuck has a festival based around Toad-sucking, although Idr if literal toad-sucking is involved anymore. There was a relevant backstory to this that made sense when I read it, but that was when I took the SAT or something and I don't remember anything about the SAT other than the part about weird town names. And they left out the weird town names I was actually curious about ("Smackover" sounds like some manner of rowdy holiday, and no one around had any idea where "Possum Grape" came from and I had to go to LCB before I heard someone reference the nigh-forgotten idiom whence it came. Turns out "like a possum eating grapes" was, at one point, similar to "like a bump on a log" in usage. Which apparently means the people of Possum Grape knew exactly how boring the place was back when they named it.).But the only thing anyone ever mentions about the area more immediately at hand is Crolleigh's Ridge. ... Or Croley, I forget how it's spelled. Sounds like the sirname of a certain Allastar. It's... a ridge. With ... forests. Oh, and Parken. Parken's not far. There use to be a moundbuilder city there, 500 years ago. Then Hernando De Soto came and did what Conquistadores do to ancient cities, and now it's an unremarkable plot of nature with some signs, tourguides, and the occasional archaeologist. At some point, the mote was drained, which was pointed out on a fieldtrip via the guide giving their schpiel from in the grass below the bridge, while the visitors stood on said bridge.Otherwise, old and old-assimilated people around here still use the word "yonder", but it's mostly used synonymously with "there", rendering it pointless as the third-person location pronoun. Also, I recently discovered that "in the floor" and "whalago" are regional phrases. The latter being "a while ago" run together with a Southern accent so thoroughly that it now means the opposite of "a while ago". Kinda like "it's been a minute" somehow came to mean "it's been a while" in the past 4 years. As in, it's been a minute since "whalago" didn't mean "within the past few minutes" and "been a minute" meant "roughly a minute or five have passed". Can't wait to see what words get swapped next. Maybe they'll bring back those Poptart commercials, where it's so cool it's hot and so hot it's cool.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Many to name from my region. We're one of the finest producers of skin chips. My hometown is renowned for our signature horse carriages. The region in a hole has many temples, as we've had deep history with Buddhism. There're even temples of other styles, like Burmese ones from dated back when my region was its own kingdom concored by Burmese a few hundred years ago. Besides that, our food is amazing. We have our kind of sausages, curries and more, many of which aren't well known in Thai cuisine for tourists but are just amazing. We have our musical instruments and dances. There's even an instrument nicknamed "the harp of heaven" because of its unique echoing sound whick makes it sound holy. It sounds like this:


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

The weathel in the Midwest United States is painfully random. One day it can be 60° and sunny, the next 30° and sleeting. The cities themselves are nice, but oh my gosh, the weather sucks.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Interesting stuff ther Mirage, frito pies? I thought Freetos were those little crunchy corn chips? Putting them in a pie sounds pretty wacky. Unfortunately, my lady and I moved to Newark in  September of 2017, which it turns out was probably a mistake for various reasons, not the least of which is Newark is a very small market town with not a lot going on, and the closest place  Nottingham which is a huge crime ridden mess! Really, while most people think about robin hood with nottingham, these days its more like robbing hoods .Okay other than the obvious I'll try and think of a few interesting things about the midlands generally. Alright, just across the road from where we are now is newark castle where Prince John's tomb is. yes, the prince John from the Robin hood legends.  The castle was also  HQ for the parliamentarians during the English civil war (that's oliver cromwell).  Another good thing about the Midlands are faggots, which also occur inn Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, but not I think further north than thatt. These are huge spicy meatballs made  pork  beef and grain, and are incredibly nice, my lady has developed quite a fondness for them, plus of course its very amusing to horrify Yankies by telling everyone we're having roast faggots for tea, since of course the term "faggot" over here isn't an insult, whilst a fag is a cigarette. Okay other stuff about  the midlands, well, Nottingham was also the birth place of William booth and the salvation army, since back in the 19th century it  a textile town with Nottingham shire lace being supposedly quite valuable, indeed there is still a lace market region in Nottingham though I don't think they make as much lace now. Other than that I'm not really sure. Newark is a very pretty town with lots of old houses, old churches and a river, (the house where my lady and I live is probably older than the united states of America, and used to be a shop), however there really isn't much else here, whilst Nottingham is a huge concrete jungle full of scummy people and crime, even the local accent is particularly horrible. Okay, didn't mean to turn this into a winj, -  thinks for something nice. alright, we have an apple tree in  back garden with a particularly lovely nightingale who sings each dawn and sunset, that is rather nice, albeit I'm fairly sure there are pretty  birds in less irritating parts of Britain.


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

i'M living in İstanbul, well, aside from the people, the city is glorius, There are still places that i havent abel to visit rofl, so shortly, you cant feel the atmosphere before seeing it yourself, describing is quite hard


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Re: what's something special about region of the country you live in

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's something special  about region of the country you live in

Interesting stuff ther Mirage, frito pies? I thought Freetos were those little crunchy corn chips? Putting them in a pie sounds pretty wacky. Unfortunately, my lady and I moved to Newark in  September of 2017, which it turns out was probably a mistake for various reasons, not the least of which is Newark is a very small market town with not a lot going on, and the closest place  Nottingham which is a huge crime ridden mess! Really, while most people think about robin hood with nottingham, these days its more like robbing hoods .Okay other than the obvious I'll try and think of a few interesting things about the midlands generally. Alright, just across the road from where we are now is newark castle where Prince John's tomb is. yes, the prince John from the Robin hood legends.  The castle was also  HQ for the parliamentarians during the English civil war (that's oliver cromwell).  Another good thing about the Midlands are faggots, which also occur inn Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, but not I think further north than thatt. These are huge spicy meatballs made  pork  beef and grain, and are incredibly nice, my lady has developed quite a fondness for them, plus of course its very amusing to horrify Yankies by telling everyone we're having roast faggots for te,a, since of course the term "faggot" over here isn't an insult, whilst a fag is a cigarette. Okay other stuff about  the midlands, well, Nottingham was also the birth place of William booth and the salvation army, since back in the 19th century it  a textile town with Nottingham shire lace being supposedly quite valuable, indeed there is still a lace market region in Nottingham though I don't think they make as much lace now. Other than that I'm not really sure. Newark is a very pretty town with lots of old houses, old churches and a river, (the house where my lady and I live is probably older than the united states of America, and used to be a shop), however there really isn't much else here, whilst Nottingham is a huge concrete jungle full of scummy people and crime, even the local accent is particularly horrible. Okay, didn't mean to turn this into a winj, -  thinks for something nice. alright, we have an apple tree in  back garden with a particularly lovely nightingale who sings each dawn and sunset, that is rather nice, albeit I'm fairly sure there are pretty  birds in less irritating parts of Britain.


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