Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@138 Yeah I'm confused too.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@137, um. OK. Then. That... was unexpected.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

The point I was trying to make was that although I do find Mac in many ways preferable to Windows, I in no way think Mac is better than Jesus.. Thats all. Technology is ever changing, and who knows whats coming in the future.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I do see validation in both arguments, I just want to say that.. There are functions Macs can't perform, but you just learn to get along without them. haha


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I've never been an Apple fan boy, but a big selling point was having voiceover built right into the computer, and not having to spend a grand on Jaws.. I even said in my post from a few days back that Apple's $100 a year charge to developers is a bit harsh when some are not charging for the programs they're developing.. I can still see, and I get to watch TV and movies in HD, I produce music that sounds professional, I like Apple music just fine, and I don't have to take this thing into an IT at all. My Mac does what I need it to, and I'm happy with it.. I believe the more noise that visually impaired Apple users make, the better. For users, and developers. I heard many times that Macs are much more sicure than PCs also. For three years I've had a better experience than I had than the passed 15 or so I had using a PC, but still I'm not waving any Apple flags.. All I'm saying is use what works for you. Don't be upset at others who don't agree with you, because in America they have the right to their own thoughts. I could go back to windows if the issues I had are rectified, and Apple keeps going downhill. What happend to freedom of speech?


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

IT is a good idea, unfortunately doesn't make financial sense though because it, quote, doesn't satisfy the masses.PR has the advantage of going straight to the engineers. Customer feedback winds up in an endless void.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@Jack: Point taken. It would be nice to know just how many blind people report things like VoiceOver clunkiness on the Mac or no reliable way to find accessible games on the App Store directly to someone in Apple who can do some moving and shaking, though. I remember listening to an AppleVis podcast the other day where they were talking about the new features coming in iOS 13, and the public relations officer or some such was blind. He made a comment that caught my attention. He said that as a VoiceOver user he could go straight to the engineers and say this and that doesn’t work, and sometimes he would get a reaction like “you really use this? OMG!” Or a reaction along those lines. Everyone laughed politely, of course, but that sounded like a communication link was missing somewhere. So to me, the idea of sitting down with the people who build accessible games  seems not just a good idea, but just plain common sense, even if Apple isn’t exactly known for it’s openness to customer feedback.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

There's a big difference between Apple noticing games and Apple actually helping with infrastructure. Apple knows that these games are around, they're just the ones sitting back and enjoying the entertainment and reporting on it as far as games are concerned. They've never taken the initiative. The closest we got is Craconis, since Josh does actually work at Apple, which does give an advantage in familiarity with the Mac and IOS.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@129:Note: I never said that any company has ever done it; that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. All of us who use Apple products know Apple's always been big on accessibility. So why can't a company that's been so supportive in regards to accessibility be approached on the subject of games? I'd say now would be a good time to try, right when their gaming service is just taking off. Not later when it either doesn't pan out or is so popular that our voices don't have a chance in heaven of being heard over all the noise being generated by rolling coins. At the least maybe some Indy developers would like to try their hand at making accessible video games for the Arcade. Sorry if this post seems to ramble, but seeing all the "Apple doesn't care about us: is a bit wearing. If, after Apple is approached on the subject and either says no flat out or prevaricates on something till it never happens, then the complaints will be justified. Until then, talking to Apple about game accessibility is still an idea worth pursuing, in my opinion. Perhaps I'm just an optimist, but I still think it's worth a try at least.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@JackI use C and C++, leaning towards pure C, so I will have no trouble building on more or less any platform that I can get my hands on as long as I can access its libraries and so on. I have been spending time this year building new infrastructure for sound, text to speech and all the other obvious things like keyboard/mouse/joystick input etc, and I have made sure to make it cross platform from the start. So really my ownly issue is lack of experience developing for the mobile market. But I'll get there. Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

tayo.bethel wrote:How many audiogame developers have worked directly with Apple? I'm betting the answer is very few, aside from the long review process of getting the games on the App store. How many VoiceOver users are actual Apple engineers who can correct things as soon as they come up? I understand MS has someone like that on staff who's helping with Narrator. Maybe it's time blind game developers sat down with Apple, now that they've woken up to the fact that games are an important part of  the reason people use computers, and had a week or two of heart to heart.Other than Microsoft, what company really does sit down with a developer and have a little heart-to-heart? Apple has never been a games company until just recently in their service spree of a presentation in March. Accessibility, sure, but not game accessibility. Even Microsoft obviously hasn't been involved in accessibility, let alone game accessibility, for as long as they have been involved in the gaming market.Let me be clear. Unless you represent a known company, good luck getting a lunch-in with the bigwigs as it were. No companies is going to take time out of their busy schedule to sit down with home-guys making a game unless they make a name for themselves that makes everyone stop and take notice. And if they market their game as being just for the blind, then getting mainstream attention from corporations is wishful thinking. The industry is changing.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@PhilipBennefall:As far as I'm concerned there has never been a better time to jump into ios development, considering Swift UI has gotten a major rework. Voiceover accessibility is finally center stage to an XCode update, so if you're coding in Swift you will have a much better experience than you would have a few years back (scripting in Swift was always possible, but the ui and your source files were often not completely connected so as to make avoiding drag-and-drop next to impossible. Beyond that, we have seen the beginning of a few libraries for Swift such as audiogame utils. The god thing, though, is Swift is obviously not your only option. You have Visual Studio available for IOS development, though you will obviously still need a mac to access the connect store. The problem with third party tools is that not all of them use standard ui elements, but that should go without saying knowing how many mainstream games are written in engines that have their own control structure, particularly the cross-platform ones.@tayo.bethel: Fair point, though I wouldn't swear behind Apple as far as being fullproof. No company ever is, really, but almost all of the screwups that Apple has had, ironically, have been catastrophic. Group Facetime loopholes, and the Siri grading system just to name a few. While the other companies are *starting to get better* at aggregating data, we always kind of knew it was happening to a degree.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : philip_bennefall via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I don't have a Mac and have never really used one, but we deal a lot with Apple at my work where I am the lead developer. We have had a good experience for the most part. In terms of audio games, if you make commercial products the $100 a year really is not that bad. You'll make it back in no time. I am not particularly interested in writing games for the Mac given the small user base, but I am seriously considering buying a Mac and an iPhone just so I can make iOS games as well as Windows ones.Kind regards,Philip Bennefall


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@Jack: I think it all comes down to two things, security and trust. With Google, it's basically we'll give you this software and for the right to look over your shoulder on a frequent basis you can do whatever you like, so long as you care to let as in on your business when you do it. See, we trust you that much, Apple is just the opposite: we don't trust you not to break something vital, so we'll put child safety locks on so you won't trip, fall and hurt yourself and us too. Also, if something breaks, you come to us to fix it, and no one else. Which approach one prefers is up to the individual. Which is to say, that's probably the reason why there is no iOS runtime for developers to work with, at least not yet. Now, time for another question. How many audiogame developers have worked directly with Apple? I'm betting the answer is very few, aside from the long review process of getting the games on the App store. How many VoiceOver users are actual Apple engineers who can correct things as soon as they come up? I understand MS has someone like that on staff who's helping with Narrator. Maybe it's time blind game developers sat down with Apple, now that they've woken up to the fact that games are an important part of  the reason people use computers, and had a week or two of heart to heart.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

It'll make a difference for whoever takes advantage of it. The way they do things is so off it's not even funny. Any app coded in Swift UI and developed to be cross-platform will work just fine. Many games probably use custom engines or Unity, even some newer games for the blind, so those won't work on the mac through Project Catalyst directly. IF they had just done in like Google did and just released the runtime, any app would work on it. But alas, that would mean people potentially would not want to spend money on an iPhone if Apple just released an IOS virtual runtime for mac, right?


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Hi:Does anyone think that Project Catalyst will make a difference to audiogaming? Would blind developers be willing to work with it to bring iOS apps to the Mac? Or is this just a case of games for everyone else? Would like to see an accessible Mac version of KODP, for example. (Yes, I know, the developer of KODP isn't blind, but he's a good example of a developer who went out of his way to make his games accessible to VoiceOver users, when so many developers haven't been made aware that VoiceOver exists, let alone made their games work with it.)


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Some external hd's offer a better ntfs driver from Paragon, particularly those from Seagate. You should obviously still get into the practice of safe-ejecting the drive, but it's a more stable solution. Although the only time you will ever need it is when doing a Windows to Go or Bootcamp setup.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

hmmm. I wonder what was your windowws computer. Don't blame the OS for hardware issues. Blame the manufacturer. Anyway, I barely know any bline person that uses a Mac book. Or anyone, to be exact. WWindows is on top. That 100 dollars a month, or year or whatever it is can be used for more important things. Like for instance, better sound design. *rant*Now, why is it that a good amount of people have this entality that Apple is better than Jesus? I mean, come on. Android is passing IOS. No matter how hard you try to deny it. Windows again, is picking up pase. In future, I think Apple, if there is an Apple might be good for Apple TV+. The only affordable thing they offer. You know how much the new iPhone 11 Pro Max costs in TTD's? 7700 dollars. That's about 77% the average salary of the average Trinidadian. Ridiculous! Their price, to me, is not practical. An A70 Samsung, that costs 2000 Dollars, has almost the same performance as an iPhone. We tested it today. *End Rant*Merry Christmas, my Apple fanboys.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

roelvdwal wrote:A chkdsk over it will recover most of it, except the new files you copied. Note: ntfs3g is hard to install and you need at least to disable system integrity protection, using something like xfat would be safer in god... lolyeah, x fat is the way to go and more devices are realizing this and so they are recording files that are not bigger than 4 gb, (the file simply splits after this point) to ensure full compatibility everywhere. Still, its very sad. People complaining lots about the new ultra awesome butterfly keyboard on the latest mac machines was also very sad, and yeah, the general direction they are heading. By the way, this machine has had this record:windows 10 has been running for49 days, 00:30:18and I have not had to even restart one single time. This is because I am on an ssd. Reaper surpasses what people can do with protools (I know this because I write articles on the accessibility wiki) and windows is winning simply because there is an NVDA add on which made using things like melodyne possible, ah, and yes, OCR.I have had about 10 or 12 virtual instruments running here, and not a single crash, so mac's preference for producers and audio elites and whatever other edges are just out the window.Apple's days are certainly being slowly, conclusion and end of story: besides an accessible startup menu and an sort of an accessible bios thing plus an unified experience (assuming you spend lots of money on many things which most of us do not) if that can be called that way, there is no difference or advantage of usability in macs. Thanks to those who tried though.And, yes, audio games would be nicer in more platforms but some companies (ahum) are not making this a nice or even a welcoming process at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

roelvdwal wrote:A chkdsk over it will recover most of it, except the new files you copied. Note: ntfs3g is hard to install and you need at least to disable system integrity protection, using something like xfat would be safer in god... lolyeah, x fat is the way to go and more devices are realizing this and so they are recording files that are not bigger than 4 gb, (the file simply splits after this point) to ensure full compatibility everywhere. Still, its very sad. People complaining lots about the new ultra awesome butterfly keyboard on the latest mac machines was also very sad, and yeah, the general direction they are heading. By the way, this machine has had this record:windows 10 has been running for49 days, 00:30:18and I have not had to even restart one single time. This is because I am on an ssd. Reaper surpasses what people can do with protools (I know this because I write articles on the accessibility wiki) and windows is winning simply because there is an NVDA add on which made using things like melodyne possible, ah, and yes, OCRApple's days are certainly being slowly, conclusion and end of story: besides an accessible startup menu and an sort of an accessible bios thing plus an unified experience (assuming you spend lots of money on many things which most of us do not) if that can be called that way, there is no difference or advantage of usability in macs. Thanks to those who tried though.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Wes Hollow via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I used Windows until 2017 when I got my first MacBook. I couldn't figure out how to produce my own music, but in less than a year I could on a Mac.. Jaws took me years to figure out how to use comfortably, but VO took a few months. I've not had to take my Mac in for repairs, but it seemed like once every year and a half or so I was taking my laptop or desktop in for some problem or another.. Imo Mac seems to be more secure, stable, fluid, and less stressful. I don't like the new direction they're headed in as far as the Mac seems to be going, and I don't agree with charging developers $100 a year.. I'm willing to pay for my gaming experience depending on the game though. Musicians work hard their entire lives to become great at what they do, and I'm sure its the same for developing games on some level.. We all have bills to pay at the end of the day. I'll eventually end up getting an iPhone and ditching my MacBook if things keep progressing downhill.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

What you need to realise with third-party ntfs drivers is that they are reverse-engineerd from the real thing. And that's bound to be less stable than a filesystem driver for a filesystem with actual known specifications. That said, I've used ntfs3g in the past on mac, *as long as* you eject the drive properly via finder you should be fine, just unplugging it will break your filesystem. A chkdsk over it will recover most of it, except the new files you copied. Note: ntfs3g is hard to install and you need at least to disable system integrity protection, using something like xfat would be safer in general.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I used paragon software on windows, never worked. The only bad thing about ex-fat is taht files upwards from 4 gb are just not a possibility. That is challenging when you have larger video files and then interchanging things becomes just very annoying. Since I work with bands and videos and music all the time, that is almost a daily problem for me. Its very sad.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Well that's a real bummer. I couldn't imagine it not working, since the extFS driver works just fine. Then again, Mac OS Extended and Linux Extended filesystem are probably a bit more closely related than ntfs.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Do not use Paragon NTFS. I tried to use the program for a half year, which result in messing up all the data on my harddrive. That's my experience though, not saying this is what happens to everyone.My solution is to format the harddrive to XFat, which works much more stable for me on all operating systems.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

VLC isn't half bad (I used it on one of my machines) but the lack of true system-wide hotkey support was a slight nuisance.As for NTFS: You can get Paragon NTFS for mac, but that's a paid product (although often times you'll see external drives, particularly those from Seagate, come with copies of the NTFS driver.)Everything else you said is quite true though. I was fortunate enough to get a hard drive upgrade with a Transcend Jetdrive, but the mbp2017 and up is starting to make that not possible.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cmerry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

That aside, vlc isn’t that bad either. I use it myself on a daily basis, left and right to forward forward / backward respectively, up and down for volume. Never had any complaints.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@Jack: Yes, that's what I exactly mean regarding the danish keyboard hardware.Regarding Fuubar: Sounds like an interesting player. I haven't looked at it, but sounds like I should check it out.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Ethin wrote: I have a game engine that localized TTS output for all platforms -- Windows, Mac and Linux -- into one file with the only dependencies being Tolk on Windows, AppKit with PyObjC on Mac, and Speech Dispatcher on Linux,that filebut i will check out the link you provided.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Ethin wrote:@105, I have a game engine that localized TTS output for all platforms -- Windows, Mac and Linux -- into one file with the only dependencies being Tolk on Windows, AppKit with PyObjC on Mac, and Speech Dispatcher on Linux,that filebut i will check out the link you provided.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

and the original poster has not even replied to their own posts, which is typical. I have felt amazing improvements in windows 10. The only thing I truly dislike about apple is their policies. Mac might be different to use and probably more reliable in many cases, somewhat more secure and whatever, but I always felt it was kind of closed... you don't like some  things about voiceover? no choice, sorry. You cannot communicate with ntfs formatted  drives, so sorry, reformat and start all over. You want to increase your laptops ram? wait while we babysit you with the next 800 dollars plus ultra shiny upgrade. Oops! you spilled something on your new amazing mac based laptop? sorry, you will have to just buy another one because you might be too dumb to replace a hard drive, taking it to the store won't work this time (you'll see exactly why if you open and read the article).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@109, which one? The engine where the code is is closed source, but the C interface to NSSpeechSynthesizer is at … ynthesizer


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Built in? Pretty sure YouTube searching and playback is part of a component, specifically this one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Ethin where is this file. I am very much interested in it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@105, na, this can be gotten around. Speech-dispatcher has a Python module, so you can use that. In Mac you have AppKit to use, and on Windows you have Tolk. I don't understand the hype of accessible_output2 since its a bloated software library that depends on far too much for a speech library (I have a game engine that localized TTS output for all platforms -- Windows, Mac and Linux -- into one file with the only dependencies being Tolk on Windows, AppKit with PyObjC on Mac, and Speech Dispatcher on Linux, so don't understand what makes Accessible Output2 so unique). The problem of C++/C# does still exist though; you can use speech dispatcher in C++ and Tolk in C++ too but AppKit? Yeah good luck with that one. I mean, they have a C interface, but the entire thing was mainly written in Objective-C, and I don't know how up to date their C interface is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@105, na, this can be gotten around. Speech-dispatcher has a Python module, so you can use that. In Mac you ave AppKit to use, and on Windows you have Tolk. I don't understand the hipe of accessible_outut2 since its a bloated sotware library that depends on far too much for a speech library (I have a game engine that localized TTS output for all platforms -- Windows, Mac and Linux -- into one file with the only dependencies being Tolk on Windows, AppKit/PyObjC on Mac, and Speech Dispatcher on Linux, so don't understand what makes Accessible Output2 so unique). The problem of C+/C# does still exist though; youcan use speech dispatcher in C++ and Tolk in C++ too but AppKit? Yeah good luck with that one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I meant to say plugin, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

And this is true. And don't even get mt started on working with Apple's speech api upclose. Too much trouble for what it's worth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Getting this topic back on track, one thing people have hinted at but not explicitly said, is Lets say the developer has done everything to get there game on MacOS. The problem is the tools aren't there for even the most devoted devs. BGT: only supports WindowsPython: supports basically all platforms, but to get speech you have to use AccessibleOutput2C++, C#, insert your favorite language here: TOLK probably supports it but TOLK only uses Windows screen readers.Now you're basically at writing your own reader for your game. Which defeats the point of all of these so called speech abstraction libraries. they advertise write one thing and get speech no matter what. Well its more like get speech only on Windows.admittedly Windows probably does have a greater market share than MacOS, but if the libraries aren't even there and the devs distain MacOS and write it off, It's not going to get any better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Built in? Pretty sure YouTube searching and playback is part of a component.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Xps/Latitude are generally business machines - I should know since I had a latitude for 4 years lol. Not too bad of a machine either, quad core at 2.7ghz I believe with 8gb ram and a 500gb hard drive not sure if it was an ssd though. Plenty of laptops with killer specs exist for around the same price as a mid to high-end mac would, but they either actually last, or some still may have a replaceable battery.@SLJ; So what I'm understanding is that a Danish keyboard is different hardware altogether different than the US Layout, so if you were to take care of (possibly expensive) international shipment, you would then have to buy a separate keyboard (even if it were a mechanical, that would still defeat the purpose of it being portable.) I see the disadvantage right there.You also asked about VLC earlier. On Windows, I stopped using vlc, and I now use Foobar2000, do to its true system-wide customizable keyboard commands (I have ctrl+win+x to play, ctrl+win+c to pause, etc. A winamp-style keymap. Plus, foobar has the ability to stream youtube videos directly through a built-in youtube search, so that's worth taking advantage of over vlc.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@darkSecurity, for me, is not everything, but it is very important. There's always going to be a traid-off between convenience and security, but using windows XP is like keeping your front door unlocked (depending on where you live). Nothing may happen, but when something does happen, you're very screwed indeed. Myself, I just use windows 10 with it's builtin antivirus. Third-party antivirus sollutions can also be used, but are not always more secure and can sometimes be vulnerable themselves. A high profile case was AVG having a browser extention allowing man in the middle attacks, if I remember correctly. In a man in the middle attack, someone basically inserts themselves between your computer and the destination website eg your bank, but your bank and you think you're talking directly to each other. The attacker can modify both your information sent to the bank and the information coming back, as well as read everything in between. Also third-party antivirus providers tend to insert themselves into parts of your operating system they have no business being, for example your email client. They tend to add something like "This e-mail is virus-free as confirmed by avast antivirus" to your every email.As regarding macs being status items, I disagree. A computer like the del xps 13 is not necesarily cheaper.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Hi.@Jack: Thanks for your reply in post 89. I didn't knew about this add on for NVDA. Sounds awesome. I will check that out for sure.Regarding the laptop you have posted information about: Seems nice. But without the danish keyboard, it'll not work good. There are work arounds, but not something I can live with. Sadly, the difference regarding warranty is so big from the US to Denmark, that most companies can't live up to that. However, I'm glad to see a company in the US making this accessible service. Amazing!@Dark: Depending on the settings on the Mac you tried, you might have to press FN command f5 to turn Voiceover off again. Something which VOiceover should have told those who are new the first time they start it up. @Ethin: Now you are saying the right thing. You move from "advantages for all people" to "your advantages." There is a very huge difference in my opinion.When you talk about "advantages" like you did before, it could be understood as "advantages for all people." By saying "advantages for me" it is actually only your own advantages. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your previous post.If you really ment "advantages for all people," then you haven't answered my questions yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Something that quite frankly won't be a huge issue when Aira, and Aira Access, is able to go more international. Can't predict anything on that, obvious networking restrictions and all that to be concerned about. But perhaps make it a priority when you buy your machine - the first thing you do is either enable cd/usb boot from bios, or memorize that menu, so you don't have to worry about it again. Unless you're ordering online, you could always have someone do it for you. And because of the custom firmware of the mac Ethin mentioned, Bootcamp is artificially banned from booting anything other than signed windows images. Although you *should* be able to boot Linux still, at least on an mbp2015, but last i booted Jenux it gave me the dreaded variable prefix not set error and never got past that, so there ya go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@SLJ, So just because I make a statement that's a fact I don't know what I'm talking about? Right, like that makes any sense. The only reason you can select your startup disk in Mac is because they use a custom firmware that nicely integrates with Mac OS. Windows does not require such a custom firmware. That is literally the only advantage I can see in Mac -- you can select your startup disk. Sorry, no big advantage, my computer firmware has that in its boot manager already, and I've figured out the layout already. And I can do that in Linux with grub-reboot (or efibootmgr). Please stop claiming that I don't know what I'm talking about without actual evidence to prove your point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@SLJ, So just because I make a statement that's a fact I don't know what I'm talking about? Right, like that makes any sense. The only reason you can select your startup disk in Mac is because they use a custom firmware that nicely integrates with Mac OS. Windows does not require such a custom firmware. That is literally the only advantage I can see in Mac -- you can select your startup disk. Sorry, no big advantage, my computer firmware has that in its boot manager already, and I've figured out the layout already. And I can do that in Linux with grub-reboot (or its equivalent). Please stop claiming that I don't know what I'm talking about without actual evidence to prove your point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

And this, again, is what would make Jobs roll in his grave. This era of Apple is, probably, worst than the old Microsoft in the Balmer era.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Eh...  macs are more or less blindie status items at this point.  Everything that can be done on them can be done in Windows/Linux.  With the exception of ProTools/logic, you can probably get your shit done and in some cases get it done faster on other platforms. The windows out of the box experience is solid at this point, Cortana will even ask you if you want narrator switched on if the device your setting up windows on has a microphone. All the momentum and potential apple had with voice over has been long ago pissed up the wall in the infuriating pursuit of becoming iOS like.Normally the default response to the question of "Who uses a mac?" is anyone who works in the field of content creation but apple seem determined to shit on these users (who were their bread and butter) at every single turn.It's not even like the hardware is especially good any more, Apple does not want to sell you a piece of gear that you'll still want to use 5 years down the line, they want you to be pissed off with the thing you spent thousands on a couple of years ago, this will insure that you're obediently salivating over the new shiny.They have been caught doing this to their phones and the utter garbage they're spewing in the courts to defend themselves is laughable at best. The new t2 chip is slowly making it's way into  all of the mac line and although apple will tell you they're doing this for... S E C U R I T Y, couple this move with the fact that they are fighting against your right to repair and a different picture gets painted.Apple seem to be set on the course of  shafting their potentially dwindling consumer base as hard and as much as possible and you're going to get developers who will flat out not want to develop for mac OS/iOS purely because of this.It is a sad state of affairs honestly.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Yeah. I wouldn't go purposely stress-testing the vm because it's my primary, and I could always make a backup penetration virtual machine for testing purposes if I was inclined to see if a software was infected if people think it is. Because viruses can't spread outside of a vmdk. I would never use, nor advocate using, windows xp as a primary on bare-metal, as there's no reason to anymore.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I'd not disagree that security isn't an issue, which is another reason I wanted to move off Xp in fifteen (which was honestly far later than I should've done), however my problem with the security debate is again security is often the be all and end all to many computer arguments. At the time, one of the major problems with the discussion of Windows 10, is everyone was so busy saying "well xp is not secure, windows ten is updated, you must be secure etc etc", is that nobody actually mentioned that with the exception of Dos programs and the BGT games, Windows 10 would also do all the things that Xp did anyway, plus a lot of other things such as work with modern browsers\One of the issues with "security" is that whenever it is mentioned, you get the cyber equivalent of hardcore survivalist nutters telling you how insicure everything is and how unless you use such and such a program and four different anti viruses, and remove everything from your hd and reinstall each month you're going to be flooded with ransom ware .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

True, but you probably don't use your windows xp vm for anything sensitive. So if something were to infect it, you either reinstall it, or go back to a good snapshot or whatever.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Well the more I use noscript the more it tries to block clickjacking and other malicious injections. Actually, technically speaking, Wannacry shook the world so much that even Windows XXP got the security update patch. Granted, it just so happened that Windows XP Embedded for Point of Sale was still being supported, so I guess they figured it wasn't much work to push it out to everyone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@darkcommand f5 also turns it off .In regards to trying a mac, I didn't try one before I bought one and regretted it slightly. Turns out Macbooks are very capable Windows machines too, at least some models are. The more high-end Macbooks actually have 2 gpu's, the internal, low-power gpu for simple tasks and the external, high-end gpu for when you need more speed. Unfortunately, Windows on the Macbook can only use the external gpu, which drains the battery in between 2 and 4 hours, which was the reason why a friend of mine sold his Macbook. Luckyly, my model only has the integrated gpu, so I get threw the day with eas. There are not many people that know Windows can work on a mac, so it's more often than not a subject of conversation.Regarding windows xp, I know  we had a somewhat heated discussion ages ago. When it comes to security though, I tend to ask myself the question what a computer doesn't do when it is secure. For example, about 2 years ago, the WannaCry ransomware basically swept threw organisations. It used a 2-month old exploit, which was patched in all supported versions of Windows, which windows xp was not. If you're running an unsupported browser, it's possible or likely you'll be infected even by sites you know, for example this one. It has to do with adds, these are surved by a third-party company and if a malicious ad gets threw and hits the browser it has the same rights as running an exe directly would. That exe can do all sorts of nasty things, but a trend  is to encrypt all valuable documents like word documents, music files, video files, zip archives etc and then demand payment for releasing them. I know I went on a rant slightly, but security is much more important to me than as you put it the huggability or speed or amazing backlit keyboard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@roelvdwal, I would be interested to try a mac. Amusingly enough, I was in my parents' local Apple shop yesterday, looking at Iphone bluetooth keyboards and trying to get a gryphon survivor case for my Iphone 8 (both of which I failed at), and I did actually hit command f5 on the mac which brought up voiceover, - the only problem was the speakers on the demo model in the shop were turned up max so  made everybody jump, and then appologised profusely because I couldn't turn the thing off .I'm afraid for me trying a Mac is in the same category as trying an android device with talkback, its something   I would be vaguely curious about  and would do if I have the opportunity, but not something I really want to invest in seriously without some practical reason to do so beyond curiosity.I will also admit that as far as moving from Xp goes, I was down right wrong about what problemms Windows 10 had, particularly surrounding interface, access to the hd and backwards compatibility.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@SLJ I will, like last time, actually take the time to address some of your concerns. At least the ones that I have a definitive for.SLJ wrote:Then, how do I navigate a website heading by heading or link by link just with one hand by using the arrow keys, in Windows?ObjPad for NVDA. Yes, it's an addon, that makes the arrow keys behave in different modes depending on what mode you have selected. You have normal mode, object mode which lets you  flat-review with just the arrow keys which, in a way, it almost exactly like voiceover, then you have the mode we all want to hear about, web mode. Up and down arrow keys change navigation level, left and right actually move you by that navigation level. You have the ability to change the mode select key command, which is good as the initial mode select gesture (ctrl+nvda+tab) isn't exactly one-hand friendly.Audio Hijack is where the mac will definitely shine, however I'd say if you already have a mac, i.e I personally wouldn't impulse-buy a mac just for Audio Hijack, just as when funds are tight I would rather take the time to learn Reaper than do Garageband. Matter of fact the transition from Goldwave to Garageband was initially confusing for me because the simplicity of keyboard gestures wasn't there, i.e a plain windows with everything nicely laid out in menus or accessible via keyboard shortcuts. I eventually got used to it just fine, but your situation involving it being confusing to transition from Garageband to REaper is exactly the same. You got used to one thing, and aren't really up to learning another.SLJ wrote:How do I make a Windows run so stable that the computer don't need to be restarted for three months like my Mac?Ok, have you ever used a windows machine with an ssd? That's not rhetorical, that's an honest question, as hdd's in general are rather unstable. Before I upgraded my hd on the mac, I was forced to run my virtual machine on the seagate drive I had. No, it wasn't a backup plus slim, it was a repurposed brand new desktop sshd (hdd with a small amount of nandflash) that I had put into a USB Sata enclosure. So it wasn't 5400rpm, it clearly was 7200, so I thought it would be fine. It absolutely wasn't. Virtual machine would crash on the daily, you were lucky if it even ran fast for more than a day, and I was constricted to Windows XP just because of the hdd, windows 10 was an absolute trainwreck on there. Never mind the fact my machine has 8gb ram and the 2.7ghz intel core i5 (don't ask, it was the highest mbp2015 they offered me at the store and I couldn't go higher.) But 8gb of ram is pretty high-end anyhow.Once I got my Transcend Jetdrive 820 internal ssd which upgraded my mac from 128gb to 480gb, I was able to store my virtual machines on the ssd and they have been able to run for several days at a time. And windows 10 even runs decently well on there too, though XP is still my energy-efficient choice if I'm running off battery. So if a virtual machine can run well on an hdd, then Windows on its own definitely can. Now, here's what's having me hold on to the mac. I haven't found a windows machine that has a pciE gen3x2 bus for the hard drive. Which again proves my point that it's the software i have a problem with, the internal hardware is fantastic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Not sure about your Danish keyboard inquiry, but here's a typical example of what Kevin offers for computers. Being a trade list, machines are offered as they're available, but they're pretty similar in quality. He does ship internationally by the way. I'll doctor the email address so that it doesn't get subject to spambots, but just replace the words with the proper symbols. Oh yeah, and these refurbs have a clean install of windows installed,, so you're guaranteed no bloatware.Fast HP Elitebook with I7 processor and 480gb solid state drive!Asking $350 plus shipping.Turbo boost speed to 3.6ghz - now that is quick for a laptop!At the same time if this one is not for you, but you know someone whocould benefit from this one; please share the information.Here are the specs on the laptops.Model HP Elitebook 8570PProcessor Intel I7 3rd generation 3520M running at 2.9ghz and turbo boostto 3.6ghzHard drive 480GB solid stateMemory 8GBUSB 2.0 - 2 portsUSB 3.0 - 2 portsNetworking Gigabit ethernet and Wireless N with blue tooth 4.0Optical DVD+/-rwDisplay 15.6 inch wide screenKeypad with number pad to the sideAdditional features are present but not listed aboveA new clean install of Windows 10 Professional 64 bit edition is runningon the laptopComes with a battery that holds a good charge as well as an original HPpower adapterAsking $350 + $17.65 to ship to locations in the U.S. For locationsoutside the U.S. applicable shipping charges will apply.To purchase or for questions contact Kevin at:nocm at_sign juno periodcomor call801-765-4329


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Not sure about your Danish keyboard inquiry, but here's a typical example of what Kevin offers for computers. Being a trade list, machines are offered as they're available, but they're pretty similar in quality. He does ship internationally by the way. I'll doctor the email address so that it doesn't get subject to spambots, but just replace the words with the proper symbols.Fast HP Elitebook with I7 processor and 480gb solid state drive!Asking $350 plus shipping.Turbo boost speed to 3.6ghz - now that is quick for a laptop!At the same time if this one is not for you, but you know someone whocould benefit from this one; please share the information.Here are the specs on the laptops.Model HP Elitebook 8570PProcessor Intel I7 3rd generation 3520M running at 2.9ghz and turbo boostto 3.6ghzHard drive 480GB solid stateMemory 8GBUSB 2.0 - 2 portsUSB 3.0 - 2 portsNetworking Gigabit ethernet and Wireless N with blue tooth 4.0Optical DVD+/-rwDisplay 15.6 inch wide screenKeypad with number pad to the sideAdditional features are present but not listed aboveA new clean install of Windows 10 Professional 64 bit edition is runningon the laptopComes with a battery that holds a good charge as well as an original HPpower adapterAsking $350 + $17.65 to ship to locations in the U.S. For locationsoutside the U.S. applicable shipping charges will apply.To purchase or for questions contact Kevin at:nocm at_sign juno periodcomor call801-765-4329


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@SLJ I will, like last time, actually take the time to address some of your concerns. At least the ones that I have a definitive for.SLJ wrote:Then, how do I navigate a website heading by heading or link by link just with one hand by using the arrow keys, in Windows?ObjPad for NVDA. Yes, it's an addon, that makes the arrow keys behave in different modes depending on what mode you have selected. You have normal mode, object mode which lets you  flat-review with just the arrow keys which, in a way, it almost exactly like voiceover, then you have the mode we all want to hear about, web mode. Up and down arrow keys change navigation level, left and right actually move you by that navigation level. You have the ability to change the mode select key command, which is good as the initial mode select gesture (ctrl+nvda+tab) isn't exactly one-hand friendly.Audio Hijack is where the mac will definitely shine, however I'd say if you already have a mac, i.e I personally wouldn't impulse-buy a mac just for Audio Hijack, just as when funds are tight I would rather take the time to learn Reaper than do Garageband. Matter of fact the transition from Goldwave to Garageband was initially confusing for me because the simplicity of keyboard gestures wasn't there, i.e a plain windows with everything nicely laid out in menus or accessible via keyboard shortcuts. I eventually got used to it just fine, but your situation involving it being confusing to transition from Garageband to REaper is exactly the same. You got used to one thing, and aren't really up to learning another.SLJ wrote:How do I make a Windows run so stable that the computer don't need to be restarted for three months like my Mac?Ok, have you ever used a windows machine with an ssd? That's not rhetorical, that's an honest question, as hdd's in general are rather unstable. Before I upgraded my hd on the mac, I was forced to run my virtual machine on the seagate drive I had. No, it wasn't a backup plus slim, it was a repurposed brand new desktop sshd (hdd with a small amount of nandflash) that I had put into a USB Sata enclosure. So it wasn't 5400rpm, it clearly was 7200, so I thought it would be fine. It absolutely wasn't. Virtual machine would crash on the daily, you were lucky if it even ran fast for more than a day, and I was constricted to Windows XP just because of the hdd, windows 10 was an absolute trainwreck on there. Never mind the fact my machine has 8gb ram and the 2.7ghz intel core i5 (don't ask, it was the highest mbp2015 they offered me at the store and I couldn't go higher.) But 8gb of ram is pretty high-end anyhow.Once I got my Transcend Jetdrive 820 ssd which upgraded my mac from 128gb to 480gb, I was able to store my virtual machines on the ssd and they have been able to run for several days at a time. And windows 10 even runs decently well on there too, though XP is still my energy-efficient choice if I'm running off battery. So if a virtual machine can run well on an hdd, then Windows on its own definitely can. Now, here's what having me hold on to the mac. I haven't found a windows machine that has a pciE gen3x2 bus for the hard drive. Which again proves my point that it's the software i have a problem with, the internal hardware is fantastic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@SLJ, While I agree with you on the points you emphasised above, you might take a step back and look at how you're coming across yourself.  I know we don't know each other very well, and in all reality you probably have no reason to listen to me, but you need not get so defensive either and resort to suggesting someone's character is all around bad just because you find them entirely disagreeable.  It makes you look just as bad, particularly if you want to prove that you really do have a point to prove.  Trust me on this one if you can bring yourself to do so; you actually do have a talking point.@Ethin,I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with SLJ and post 87 on this one.  To say that using OSX has no advantage at all over windows is over stretching it.  Where mainstream and audiogaming are concerned I'll give you that you are more or less practically right and, even the mac party has to agree, that gaming is best suited to windows users as the market stands entirely.  Perhaps on other fronts such as audio editing, producing and sound designing, video and photo editing, accounting, and record keeping and maybe even developing we can also get them to agree that realistically there aren't really greater perks, that the playing field actually favors windows versus mac, and that if it weren't they wouldn't bother booting into windows at all and just leave windows users be.But there really is such a thing as Apple's ecosystem of products, something Microsoft with its billions of dollars cannot touch without Apple's permission, and even when it does only begins to scratch the surface.  I mentioned earlier that iTunes works similarly on windows and Macs; similarly, but not the same.  That is of the greatest importance if you've bought into Apple and its myriad of resources, hardware and software, physical and digital.  On windows, iTunes wraps everything up into what Microsoft believes is a convenient little package.  On Mac OS, nothing is centralized, which means you can get both what you want and what you need based on your own customization, spread out across the system Apple itself has manufactured and curated based on its customers and noone else.  MS is still trying to appeal to the greater general public; Apple is interested in keeping its users and getting its users to promote its platforms.And this is where hard hitting products such as iOS and iPhones come into play, because Apple knows that if you buy one device you're likely to buy more and more of them.  Unlike MS which gives you the flexibility to choose from a massive amount of services with which to sync up all of your devices if you have a ton, Apple tells you to set them up through initial processes then to forget them, after which, everything will just work.  Take a pic with your iPhone and it's available on your MAC, your iPad, your TV, your watch, etc.  Edit a document on your mac, and the same holds true for all the other Apple devices you have.  Receive a call or a text message but you don't have your phone within arm's reach?  No problem, answer it on your mac if you're at your desk or your watch if its on your wrist.And because Apple still has full control over the design of all of these devices, pushing updates to them is much, much easier without the likelyhood that something is going to break along the way, unlike MS where an update might nullify a driver from a third party vender, or cause some other piece of software not to work the same.  If something does go horribly, horribly wrong for whatever reason, there's only one place you have to remember to take it to, the Apple store.  If your windows PC breaks and you don't possess the knowhow on fixing it, you google if you're brave or, call a family member and hope that he or she can help because you don't want to shell out money, or you call a tech support line number and hope that works, and if it doesn't you take it to the store you purchased it from and hope that works, and this isn't taking into consideration that there are things like hoping you haven't violated the terms of any warranty you may or may not have purchased for the device in question, the differing expertise of the people who will be handling your device, etc.  The average windows user can spend hundreds of dollars on his or her PC and end up with a crackerbox full of crumbs and bloatware to boot.  You don't spend upwards of 500 dollars with a mac to not know what you're getting.So yes, there really are advantages, especially for hardwired, every day mac users who have always known the system and loved the system for all of the reasons I've outlined above and more.  To say otherwise is just as bad as a mac user suggesting to you that you're an idiot for spending so much time learning the ins and outs of your windows system which to them is twice as unreliable and requires more of your effort and patience to get right, when there's just works, period

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@Ethin,I'm afraid I'm going to have to agree with SLJ and post 87 on this one.  To say that using OSX has no advantage at all over windows is over stretching it.  Where mainstream and audiogaming are concerned I'll give you that you are more or less practically right and, even the mac party has to agree, that gaming is best suited to windows users as the market stands entirely.  Perhaps on other fronts such as audio editing, producing and sound designing, video and photo editing, accounting, and record keeping and maybe even developing we can also get them to agree that realistically there aren't really greater perks, that the playing field actually favors windows versus mac, and that if it weren't they wouldn't bother booting into windows at all and just leave windows users be.But there really is such a thing as Apple's ecosystem of products, something Microsoft with its billions of dollars cannot touch without Apple's permission, and even when it does only begins to scratch the surface.  I mentioned earlier that iTunes works similarly on windows and Macs; similarly, but not the same.  That is of the greatest importance if you've bought into Apple and its myriad of resources, hardware and software, physical and digital.  On windows, iTunes wraps everything up into what Microsoft believes is a convenient little package.  On Mac OS, nothing is centralized, which means you can get both what you want and what you need based on your own customization, spread out across the system Apple itself has manufactured and curated based on its customers and noone else.  MS is still trying to appeal to the greater general public; Apple is interested in keeping its users and getting its users to promote its platforms.And this is where hard hitting products such as iOS and iPhones come into play, because Apple knows that if you buy one device you're likely to buy more and more of them.  Unlike MS which gives you the flexibility to choose from a massive amount of services with which to sync up all of your devices if you have a ton, Apple tells you to set them up through initial processes then to forget them, after which, everything will just work.  Take a pic with your iPhone and it's available on your MAC, your iPad, your TV, your watch, etc.  Edit a document on your mac, and the same holds true for all the other Apple devices you have.  Receive a call or a text message but you don't have your phone within arm's reach?  No problem, answer it on your mac if you're at your desk or your watch if its on your wrist.And because Apple still has full control over the design of all of these devices, pushing updates to them is much, much easier without the likelyhood that something is going to break along the way, unlike MS where an update might nullify a driver from a third party vender, or cause some other piece of software not to work the same.  If something does go horribly, horribly wrong for whatever reason, there's only one place you have to remember to take it to, the Apple store.  If your windows PC breaks and you don't possess the knowhow on fixing it, you google if you're brave or, call a family member and hope that he or she can help because you don't want to shell out money, or you call a tech support line number and hope that works, and if it doesn't you take it to the store you purchased it from and hope that works, and this isn't taking into consideration that there are things like hoping you haven't violated the terms of any warranty you may or may not have purchased for the device in question, the differing expertise of the people who will be handling your device, etc.  The average windows user can spend hundreds of dollars on his or her PC and end up with a crackerbox full of crumbs and bloatware to boot.  You don't spend upwards of 500 dollars with a mac to not know what you're getting.So yes, there really are advantages, especially for hardwired, every day mac users who have always known the system and loved the system for all of the reasons I've outlined above and more.  To say otherwise is just as bad as a mac user suggesting to you that you're an idiot for spending so much time learning the ins and outs of your windows system which to them is twice as unreliable and requires more of your effort and patience to get right, when there's just works, period, along with the money you'll be spending to upgrade the hardware they don't need to switch out for years to come.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Ethin wrote:@85, the advanced startup options menu is apart of the windows boot manager. Accessibility can't be added to that. There are literally no advantages to Mac. None. None at all. Zilch. Zip. Zero. You can select start up devices in Mac? Well, you can do that in Linux too.Yet again someone who don't know what he is talking about. If there are no advantages to the mac, then please tell me how you choose your start disk in Windows in an accessible way with speech like you can do on the mac. I am talking about the Mac OS and Windows OS, not Linux. Please also answer my other questions above regarding the guarantee of buying a laptop which is accessible out of the box.Then, how do I navigate a website heading by heading or link by link just with one hand by using the arrow keys, in Windows? How do I make alt tab only switch between the programs, and not all the open windows inside the programs, like how it works on my Mac?How do I make a Windows run so stable that the computer don't need to be restarted for three months like my Mac?What alternatives can I use for Audio Hijack, Garage band and Logic which are just as accessible and easy to use as those programs? No, Reaper is not the answer since it is complicated unlike Logic and Garageband.How do I make VLC Player fully accessible in Windows?How do I send sms messages from a Windows computer through my iPhone, like I can do on my Mac?How do I synchronise all my contacts with my phone to a Windows computer, without using Outlook, like I can do on my Mac?For those who are blind and for some reason only can use one hand: How do they make sticky keys accessible with screenreaders so it announce the keys they press, if they are locked and released? That works with Voiceover. I have not seen that work with screenreaders in Windows, but I might have missed something which makes it accessible.Again, you clearly don't know what you are talking about, but try to argument with bad comments, just like you know everything. So, maybe you should get some  experience with a Mac yourself before posting. If you have a year of experience, then you should explain yourself better. Write your own experiences instead of posting links with facts or bad reviews etc. as you usually do, when you are in the "bad argument mood." Everyone can search on Google and post facts and bad reviews. But your own experience is totally different. People are starting to take all your posts for absolutely nothing, because you constantly argument the hell out of everything in negative ways, without actually having your own experience. Instead of just skip the topics where you don't have anything good to say, you spend your time on constantly posting negative and bad comments, and you do it like you know everything in the world, which you clearly don't. If you continue to do that, then people will simply skip your posts in the future, which I do most of the time, because I choose to focus on the positive things in the world.So, I'll recommend you to shut up and skip this topic, or answer all my questions I have asked in this topic, and tell about your experiences with a Mac computer and how long time you have used it to proof that there are actually 0 advantages of using a Mac computer.@Jack: The store you are talking about, are they selling computers world wide? I need a computer with a danish keyboard, which is different from the English keyboard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@85, the advanced startup options menu is apart of the windows boot manager. Accessibility can't be added to that. There are literally no advantages to Mac. None. None at all. Zilch. Zip. Zero. You can select start up devices in Mac? Well, you can do that in Linux too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Ah, but macOS has an accessible way to choose your startup disk, and Windows still doesn't. Microsoft needs to add Narrator support to the advanced startup options menu. Also, let's not forget that macOS has a system wide spell checker that works in any edit box. I love that!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Not just that but Apple is no different. The boot menu when holding down option is just as inaccessible as the BIOS/UEFI systems in laptops.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

The thing is, most issues you are bringing up here are not Windows issues. How can MS fix Bios not being accessible and laptop manufacturers customising their keyboards? This being said, I have never in my life seen an inaccessible Windows setup process. Even if, let's say you had a laptop which is bloated and inaccessible to setup, there is nothing preventing you from just booting up a new windows installation and removing all that. Now you might say you cannot accessibly boot from another media, and while this can be true it depends. For most laptops, you can just google a key which will bring you into the boot menu, and from then somebody can just tell you how many times you should press down arrow until you get to your USB, DVD or whatever you want to use and press enter. Also, this is just once, and from that point you can memorise it and do a reinstall whenever you want. Windows does not work the same as mac and never will, however we must differentiate between Windows issues and bios. Bios is not something you will access every day, and if you really hate manufacturers modifying the function keys behaviour all you need to do is read one review for a laptop you plan to buy and you can get to know if this setting is changed in bios or not, either that or just read the manual online. On my laptop for example, I can switch this behaviour by just pressing function plus escape and it's pretty awesome. That being said, this is again not anything Microsoft can do about.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

To each their own as far as the start menu. The point being windows's customizability in general though allows for tighter control.As for accessibility out of the box, I can agree completely. However, depending on the laptop you buy that might not be a problem - this is why if you're going for a windows machine, you really, really need to look stuff up and not just go impulse buying like you technically can with the mac knowing it will work. Then again, if you buy from this blind-bst referb guy you're all set anyway. I know he's legitimate as people keep coming back with perfect reviews for him, plus I bought a Microsoft Office Pro license from him and it works.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : carl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@80 excellent way of putting it. at least the main thing is the more I follow up on this at least I'll have something to add. but as of now I'm just taking down notes. lol good thing in a way at least that's some what good on my side.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

So, you are actually saying that those things like booting etc. are not guaranteed to be fully accessible yet. I have to check up on how things works before buying. You "believe" something custom made interface won't get in the way. Narrator might, might not work, and things might work, depending on what laptop I choose.When choosing a Mac, I know it will be accessible, and I can expect the whole setup process being fully accessible out of the box.I won't run into any issues like the f keys having random shortcuts where I need to hold down the FN key. This setting might, might not be accessible from the windows control panel, depending on the model I choose. If my last choice is to change such setting in the Bios, I need sighted help, because the Bios is not accessible. Accessibility out of the box is important for me.Regarding the start menu in Windows 10: This has been fully accessible for very long time. I'm totally against the classic shel, which try to emulate the older start menu. I see no point in this. If you don't like the way Microsoft is going and the constant changing interface, you should consider an other operating system. Just my opinion. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Regarding booting, in most cases you can find a manual for the laptop/motherboard which describes the different keyboard shortcuts used within the bios. The efi bootorder can be configured from within linux with a program named efivars, for Windows the situation is muddier. So booting from other drives is possible, but will take some time.Regarding drivers, I have only needed drivers for Windows with my Macbook. Windows 10 automatically fetches drivers from microsoft, so you don't need to use manufacturer's bloated images. In any case, if you were to ever come upon an inaccessible interface for example with booting, you can also use be my eyes for those extremely rare cases.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

One of the first things you will want to get on a Windows 10 installation is the winaero Tweaker. The keystroke logger/data collection is able to be fully disabled, but the process for that involves some command line and registry modification. This enhanced setting control panel for windows 10 assists you in automating the disabling of the thing through a simple checkbox. Verified to work, and also has some other useful features as well. Also, Classic Shell still remains the best start menu around, although the actual windows 10 start menu isn't terrible. Microsoft Edge is no more, and is being replaced by a Chromium browser with a heavy emphasis on accessibility from the start. Chrome being already accessible, this is an absolute no-brainer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Assuming the windows is bootable, if you notice something off, here's how to boot into safe mode from this angle.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I cannot speak for all laptops, no one really can. I think with uefi the situation could be improving as bios firmwares are so far apart from each other it isn't even funny. Nevertheless, you want to research each the laptop brand you're buying and see what people say about them. Typically if the laptop is bloated, everyone complains. No one wants tons of bloatware, and Lenovo, even Dell I think could be some of the worst offenders of that. Some computers like the gpd win have dedicated keys to hold down that boot straight from a usb stick. Others may allow it directly thanks to signed images being the ones the system will boot from.A lot of Narrator changes make it into insider builds before the general public gets them, so you certainly have that to take advantage of, though as with any computer I would take frequent backups should an update come to destroy some files.As far as setup? Thanks to Microsoft's desire to unify the setup experience with Kortana, I should think that other interfaces should not get in the way. Ctrl+windows+enter when the machine starts up will start Narrator for you so you can set up windows, and I believe if you wait too long Kortana may say something, sort of like how it is with the "Mac OS10 includes a built-in screenreader called voiceover" audio message.If you're looking for a nice cheap yet powerful laptop to get going with, there are referbs from a guy on the trade list that I'm on, who regularly sells machines from $200 to $400. And they aren't cheap fly-by-night brands either, I saw a Panasonic Toughbook go for $400, powerful and durable machine. These machines typically come with a demo of jaws that speaks on boot so you know that the machine is at least up and going, but that's just it - you can get NVDA on them no problem.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Hi.@Jack: Are you saying that the following is possible?I can go out and buy a Windows laptop running Windows 10. Start it up for the very first time, and use Narrator to configure it, and don't have to deal with any custom inaccessible interface from the company who have made the laptop?Are you also saying that all those custom made recovery interfaces, for example HP, Acer and other brands are fully accessible, so I can reinstall such laptop with all the drivers and such, without the need to download a copy of Windows and boot up from my own USB drive, and afterwards browse the companys website for all the drivers?How do I boot up from an other hard drive or USB drive without any speech? There is an accessible workaround for doing that in an accessible way on the mac.You mention that Narrator works in safe mode. Yeah this is quite impressive. But how do I access the safe mode if I have no speech in this menu, and the company who have made the computer have chosen their own custom boot menu or something simular on the f8 key?The safe mode on the Mac is only used to run a hardware test. To fix the  data issues on the harddrive, you can repair the disk from the recovery system, which is fully accessible on the Mac. Therefore, I have never used the safe mode on the Mac.Yes, I know I haven't followed the accessibility development in Windows 10. But if you can answer all those questions and guarantee that this is fully accessible in Windows as well like on the mac, then this is time for me to consider getting a Windows laptop for gaming...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

And yes, I'm being pessimistic about this (not saying Voiceover is! going to be crippled), but on the mac, the mac's becoming worse with every new machine and Voiceover is coming right along for the ride. I personally have just gotten tons of confidence boosts with Google and Microsoft, but apart from the fantastic mac hardware I've gotten didly shit for the money I've spent, at least after the third year when 10.14 came out with barely any improvements and I didn't even upgrade.The mac is fine now, but think of all the web apps that are taking over. And how bloody basic Applescript is. Most of the apps are saved by convenient keyboard shortcuts.Until I see an Apple Accessibility Trusted Tester initiative (everyone else has this to some degree) I'm not buying anything. This lack of effort is the kind of thing that would make Jobs roll in his grave.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

And yes, I'm being pessimistic about this (not saying Voiceover is! going to be crippled), but on the mac, the mac's becoming worse with every new machine and Voiceover is coming right along for the ride. I personally have just gotten tons of confidence boosts with Google and Microsoft, but apart from the fantastic mac hardware I've gotten didly shit for the money I've spent, at least after the third year when 10.14 came out with barely any improvements and I didn't even upgrade.The mac is fine now, but think of all the web apps that are taking over. And how bloody basic Applescript is. Most of the apps are saved by convenient keyboard shortcuts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Well Defender, what do you expect people to say when Voiceover gets crippled and people still buy mac computers, for example? Are people not seeing the signs? Macs are made to last, yes this is true, but Apple will, as they always do, make you upgrade eventually. And then what? I don't even find sheeple that offensive (it's a lot lighter than the other terms Defender described that I cannot stand!Sometimes the truth hurts just as much as a crippled voiceover could.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Well Defender, what do you expect people to say when Voiceover gets crippled and people still buy mac computers, for example? Are people not seeing the signs? Macs are made to last, yes this is true, but Apple will, as they always do, make you upgrade eventually. And then what?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@darkTrying out a mac is totally worth it, in my opinion. Not so much switching to one but Apple has done accessibility just different enough from existing sollutions. Basically, voiceover navigation is nvda object navigation but then a thousand times better. Everything is done with just one way of navigating, in windows 10 in the settings app I conbine screen review with the system focus (system focus = navigating with tab and arrows). But regarding integration, if you want this and are invested in Windows you might as well focus on third-party sollutions instead of changing your operating system (and still needing Windows in the end for some tasks). If you wanted to switch to a mac, the best time for it would be when you had to leave windows xp. Now, you've already learned Windows 10, you've already put in the effort so no point in doing it twice (unless you enjoy it, but it won't really help you do anything faster in practice, just differently).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-02-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@67 You had me until you used the word sheeple. Fuck I hate that stupid word... So pretentious and  disrespectful.All those words like sheeple, triggered (yes I see the irony too don't worry)  libbtard, trumptard, feminazi, and the like are just lazy ways to discredit an entire group of people/point of view without considering all of it's facets the way a mature, intelligent person would. The last thing we need right now is even more me VS them outrage bullshit...Also the fact that three of the words I listed didn't come up as spelling errors is highly depressing.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : carl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

hmm lol I happen to have an iPhone dark mate. and I no apple would rather look towards mobile for it seems like mobile web browsers have something that purely interests them. I still use narrator on my mac and I've no problem with it. oh and c-cleaner? oh dark lol wow you made me look back for a few minutes and I was so focused on XP, I forgot what I was supposed to do. either way, when it comes to Xbox, oh wow seriously I'd do that any day for entertainment is totally needed most times. and I think paying for things these days might be ok for some, but probably not for other people. for I think that if most people were to be supported so that they could be able to get what they want and have help to insure they get it, that would not only make things better but said person would feel more relaxed. that does need to be sorted though. people should be getting help so that whatever they need, they can have. for struggling is totally wrong. makes life utterly hell believe you me.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Narrator audio isn't supported on my Mac or GPD Win when installing Windows. That's why I always say do yourself a favor and spend $10 on a USB adapter with audio out jacks. I realize this is a niche case, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Narrator audio isn't supported on my Mac or GPD Win when installing Windows. That'swhy I always say do yourself a favor and spend $10 on a USB adapter with audio out jacks. I realize this is a niche case, but still. The vast majority of sound devices should work just fine, but it doesn't hurt to have an external audio device connected just in case.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Yeah, the advantages macOS used to have aren't as important now that Microsoft got new staff and actually seems to genuinely care about what their customers want in terms of accessibility features. I honestly think the writing is on the wall for the Macintosh line. If you look at the lack of substantial hardware updates in years and the state of operating system neglect, it's clear that Apple values their mobile offerings much more. It's sad, but true.Because Apple doesn't let anyone else make macOS hardware, we'll never get a GPD device powered by it, even though I'd love something like that. Apple is also raising their prices to ridiculous levels, so meh! There comes a time when you say "enough of this shit!" THe amount of bullshit coming from that company is absurd. The iPad is not a computer replacement unless your computing tasks are very very basic. Sadly, the sheeple that don't pay attention and buy everything that comes from Apple will never get it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

I've always gotten sound when starting up the installer and firing up Narrator.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Yeah, the advantages macOS used to have aren't as important now that Microsoft got new staff and actually seems to genuinely care about what their customers want in terms of accessibility features. I honestly think the writing is on the wall for the Macintosh line. If you look at the lack of substantial hardware updates in years and the state of neglect for the operating system, it's clear that Apple values their mobile offerings much more. It's sad, but true.Because Apple doesn't let anyone else make macOS hardware, we'll never get a GPD device powered by it, even though I'd love something like that. Apple is also raising their prices to ridiculous levels, so meh! There comes a time when you say "enough of this shit!" THe amount of bull coming from that company is absurd. The iPad is not a computer replacement unless your computing tasks are very very basic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Yeah, the advantages macOS used to have aren't as important now that Microsoft got new staff and actually seem to genuinely care about what their customers want in terms of accessibility features. I honestly think the writing is on the wall for the Macintosh line. If you look at the lack of substantial hardware updates in years and the state of neglect for theo perating system, it's clear that Apple values their mobile offerings much more. It's sad, but true.Because Apple doesn't let anyone else make macOS hardware, we'll never get a GPD device powered by it, even though I'd love something like that. Apple is also raising their prices to ridiculous levels, so meh!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

ANd quite honestly I have never encountered a built in sound card not working. I think that's more of a pre caution by Microsoft in case you use something older so you don't blame them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

slj wrote:I live alone without any sighted help at all. Therefore I have to fix my own computer and stuff on my own. If I need to reinstall my Mac, I can do it on my own. I can also do that on Windows 10, but that require me to have a sound card, which works with the Windows installer, or by using a USB headset.This argument worked for me 4 years ago when I bought the mac. Using Talking Windows Preinstallation was a good solution, but it really was never able to go beyond reinstallation. But on the mac I could access recovery and reinstall if I needed to, and that's fantastic.But, now Windows 10 has that, and it even has the ability to use Narrator in safe mode, which is something the mac doesn't have (safe mode is not something you can ignore should a problem require it.) As for a usb soundcard, that's not as much a showstopper as it's made out to be. Several basic soundcards with input/output jacks go for literally under $10. You don't need a good one, you just need one that's plug-n-play, and it will take you through windows setup just fine. When your funds are tight and that's the only choice you have, you might as well go for that before buying a mac if you can't afford it.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Thanks to Nocturnus, Slj and roelvdwal for providing some very coherent answers to my questions. I do see the advantage of intigration, my brother  his ability to control his Mac from his Ipad and be able to send documents etc between them, though he also has a windows pc hooked up to an Xbox for purely gaming purposes, and I can definitely see how a screen reader can support different programs differently. That being said, I'm still not %100 sure if any of these are reasons that a person should use a Mac over windows, especially if they still need to be emulating windows for games and so on, or having to go through complex user accounts to run aps from devs who don't pay apple huge somes of money, and even more especially if Vo on the mac isn't getting the updates.Then again, I will freely admit that Windows 10 has worked out far better for me than expected in terms of stability, interface and speed of use, and much of my perceived disgruntlement with post Xp windows didn't actually materialise once I tried the thing out and found how to set things up as I wished. While I admit that setup did use some third party programs such as C cleaner to remove junk and classic shell to get the start menu I wanted, at the same time none of this was particularly difficult to do either, or at least not for me. While this discussion has made me vaguely interested to try a mac if I ever get the chance to play with one, at the same time, unles something really catastrophic happens to Windows in the future I'm still not %100 sure whether the advantages of having a mac are convincing enough to make someone want to choose one and need to emulate Windows as opposed to use Windows all the time anyway, and thus whether the potential user base of mac gamers exists, especially given the expense of developing for Apple.Of course, as I said, I'm  surprisingly happy with Windows 10 and NvdA myself, far happier than I thought I'd be four years ago, so take this opinion with a good pinch of salt.Oh and Btw, as to the "no headphone jack" business, I have an Iphone 8, and don't mind using the Lightning to 3.5 cable, since it is quite small and easy to carry. The only time it is a miner annoyance is when my Iphone is running short of batteries and I want to both plug it in and use it, though usually I try to keep it charged up enough that this doesn't tend to matter. As with Windows 10, its something I got used to far quicker than I suspected when i actually tried it out for myself, and its not as if the Lightning to 3.5 cable is large, cumbersome or clunky. the only miner pain, is when you want to then buy a set of earbuds, since unless you go for a given model and style as I usually do with Sanheisa, its rather hard to guarantee what you get won't have a lightning cable, and since I like earbuds that can fit both my Iphone and my victor Stream, that can be a miner annoyance.


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Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Thanks to Nocturnus, Slj and roelvdwal for providing some very coherent answers to my questions. I do see the advantage of intigration, my brother  his ability to control his Mac from his Ipad and be able to send documents etc between them, though he also has a windows pc hooked up to an Xbox for purely gaming purposes, and I can definitely see how a screen reader can support different programs differently. That being said, I'm still not %100 sure if any of these are reasons that a person should use a Mac over windows, especially if they still need to be emulating windows for games and so on, or having to go through complex user accounts to run aps from devs who don't pay apple huge somes of money, and even more especially if Vo on the mac isn't getting the updates.Then again, I will freely admit that Windows 10 has worked out far better for me than expected in terms of stability, interface and speed of use, and much of my perceived disgruntlement with post Xp windows didn't actually materialise once I tried the thing out and found how to set things up as I wished. While I admit that setup did use some third party programs such as C cleaner to remove junk and classic shell to get the start menu I wanted, at the same time none of this was particularly difficult to do either, or at least not for me. While this discussion has made me vaguely interested to try a mac if I ever get the chance to play with one, at the same time, unles something really catastrophic happens to Windows in the future I'm still not %100 sure whether the advantages of having a mac are convincing enough to make someone want to choose one and need to emulate Windows as opposed to use Windows all the time anyway, and thus whether the potential user base of mac gamers exists, especially given the expense of developing for Apple.Of course, as I said, I'm  surprisingly happy with Windows 10 and NvdA myself, far happier than I thought I'd be four years ago, so take this opinion with a good pinch of salt.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : carl via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

oh, wow. there's been so much stuff I've missed anyway to talk about the mac for some people have stated the mac as a totally unreliable bit of equipment, but ok there's probably some problems with the mac but as much as I need to add, all the things I've come across I can't comment on it at all. but although I did take note of the fact that yes some people might like using mac book pro's and other stuff like mac OSX and Linux, but demanding someone to switch from one thing to another is very wrong indeed. for if someone enjoys what they are doing, just leave them alone and let them just chill out and do what they want to do. to have anyone go about what you want them to do is also wrong. for if people want to go about there own devices, there is no point in to having them switch from what they are doing to something that you probably might like, but they might not like. after all it's people's own thought's on it all, and if something doesn't work on there system and you state that it does, then ok it's a good thing to enquire on what isn't working weather they've an error or something isn't working or if something's crashed, but if they don't want you to continue to make there life hell about it just leave them alone! for I'm sure that once they've time on there hands they might be able to figure it out themselves, but even though it stressed them out at least they'd turn round and thank you for helping them out as much as they could. lol ok I must admit no wonder people turn to me for my advise is so precise, and I've helped out so many people some people even hug me and pin me to the wall of Where ever they are weather it'd be there house or something, and no one will let me go so they have to have there friends pull me away witch is quite funny lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Dark wrote:I'm finding this discussion interesting myself. I heavily considered getting a mac in 2015, since at the time I didn't like the look of windows 10 but manifestly could no longer go on using XP which I'd used for far longer than I should've done by that point.The chief reason I didn't in the end was basically that other than compatibility with my Iphone, I couldn't really see the advantage in a mac. I tried one out, and the Vo commands looked a bit complex, which admitedly I could've gotten used to, and the ways the operating system worked weren't obviously what I was familiar with, but again I could've got used to it, but ultimately my thought was "why?! should I? If I was going to be emulating Windows to play a huge baclog of audiogames, well why not use Windows anyway? And it wasn't as if I was a huge fan of  things like Itunes anyway. My basis for spending time and trouble on any technology has always been "What does it do!" Not some nebulous set of Superlatives. It doesn't matter if you tell me that computer x has  seventy thousand  hoojamaflops of giga maxity, or an all new squiggly wiggly processor, or that its more secure or more faster or more huggable. My question is always going to be "So what does it do!" Thus, the only time I considered Windows 10 worth while was when I started to run into stuff I couldn't do on Xp, the only time I bought an Iphone was when I heard about games and useful aps on it etc. This has always been my issue with a Mac. Where are the games and interesting applications and things to do that you can't do on Windows anyway? I don't mean to come across as a Mac hater, I am certainly not a microsoft or Ios fan boy, or a fan boy for any software company really, I'd just be interested to know, given this discussion and the fact that even regular mac users like Slj are using Windows to play games what the practical advantage of a mac is, especially given that Macs are generlly more expensive than Windows pcs.I will try to answer this.I live alone without any sighted help at all. Therefore I have to fix my own computer and stuff on my own. If I need to reinstall my Mac, I can do it on my own. I can also do that on Windows 10, but that require me to have a sound card, which works with the Windows installer, or by using a USB headset.Mac computers do not have a bios. All the settings are done directly from the OS itself.I have used Mac OS since 2008 I think, and I have never had issues like I have in Windows, where it suddenly won't boot. If I ever get this issue, I can access the recovery part, which I might not be able to do in Windows, depending on what computer I have.I find the Mac OS much more stable than Windows. The system can run for months without the need for restarting the computer. If an app crashes, it does not crash VOiceover that often that I have seen apps crash screenreaders in Windows. That's my experience, however, others might have other experiences.I find using the Mac OS easier than using Windows. When working with multiple applications, programs, you can switch between the different programs by pressing command tab, which is the same as alt tab in Windows. In Windows, you switch between all the Windows you have opened, and not just the programs. Here is an example:I currently have my web browser opened, which have five different Windows opened. I also have my mail program opened, which contains lots of opened mails. When I press command tab, I switch between only the mail app and my webbrowser. Not all the windows I have opened inside the different programs. There is an other command for switching between the windows in the current program.I find web navigation easier with VOiceover than a screenreader in Windows. There are a lot of web navigation commands in VOiceover as well. But you don't need them. Instead, you can use the rotor like on the iPhone where you choose headings, links or other web navigations, and then you just use the rotor to navigate. An other cool feature is quick navigation, which lets you navigate the whole website, including web navigation commands, just by using the arrow keys. So, I can for example navigate this forum link by link, heading by heading etc. with one hand, just by using the arrow keys.You mention media players. I don't like iTunes as well. Only for buying music. VLC Player is fully accessible. Much more accessible than in Windows.We have some amazing audio apps like Highjack, which can record sound from applications or external sound devices. You can connect sources together and make your own setup. There are accessible audio editors as well, and if you are into music production, Garage band is free, and Logic is also accessible.Then, having access to both the Mac OS and Windows lets you choose the programs which is mostly accessible on either platforms. For example: I reasonly discovered that the Twitch app and the Disc

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@40First, don't demand that people follow your opinions as if they were complete and unarguable facts, you are clearly very biased.The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.It is a problem still though I won't deny that.The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it yet either.Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.LOL SLJ I was writing my post as you were.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

Dark wrote:I'm finding this discussion interesting myself. I heavily considered getting a mac in 2015, since at the time I didn't like the look of windows 10 but manifestly could no longer go on using XP which I'd used for far longer than I should've done by that point.The chief reason I didn't in the end was basically that other than compatibility with my Iphone, I couldn't really see the advantage in a mac. I tried one out, and the Vo commands looked a bit complex, which admitedly I could've gotten used to, and the ways the operating system worked weren't obviously what I was familiar with, but again I could've got used to it, but ultimately my thought was "why?! should I? If I was going to be emulating Windows to play a huge baclog of audiogames, well why not use Windows anyway? And it wasn't as if I was a huge fan of  things like Itunes anyway. My basis for spending time and trouble on any technology has always been "What does it do!" Not some nebulous set of Superlatives. It doesn't matter if you tell me that computer x has  seventy thousand  hoojamaflops of giga maxity, or an all new squiggly wiggly processor, or that its more secure or more faster or more huggable. My question is always going to be "So what does it do!" Thus, the only time I considered Windows 10 worth while was when I started to run into stuff I couldn't do on Xp, the only time I bought an Iphone was when I heard about games and useful aps on it etc. This has always been my issue with a Mac. Where are the games and interesting applications and things to do that you can't do on Windows anyway? I don't mean to come across as a Mac hater, I am certainly not a microsoft or Ios fan boy, or a fan boy for any software company really, I'd just be interested to know, given this discussion and the fact that even regular mac users like Slj are using Windows to play games what the practical advantage of a mac is, especially given that Macs are generlly more expensive than Windows pcs.I will try to answer this.I live alone without any sighted help at all. Therefore I have to fix my own computer and stuff on my own. If I need to reinstall my Mac, I can do it on my own. I can also do that on Windows 10, but that require me to have a sound card, which works with the Windows installer, or by using a USB headset.Mac computers do not have a bios. All the settings are done directly from the OS itself.I have used Mac OS since 2008 I think, and I have never had issues like I have in Windows, where it suddenly won't boot. If I ever get this issue, I can access the recovery part, which I might not be able to do in Windows, depending on what computer I have.I find the Mac OS much more stable than Windows. The system can run for months without the need for restarting the computer. If an app crashes, it does not crash VOiceover that often that I have seen apps crash screenreaders in Windows. That's my experience, however, others might have other experiences.I find using the Mac OS easier than using Windows. When working with multiple applications, programs, you can switch between the different programs by pressing command tab, which is the same as alt tab in Windows. In Windows, you switch between all the Windows you have opened, and not just the programs. Here is an example:I currently have my web browser opened, which have five different Windows opened. I also have my mail program opened, which contains lots of opened mails. When I press command tab, I switch between only the mail app and my webbrowser. Not all the windows I have opened inside the different programs. There is an other command for switching between the windows in the current program.I find web navigation easier with VOiceover than a screenreader in Windows. There are a lot of web navigation commands in VOiceover as well. But you don't need them. Instead, you can use the rotor like on the iPhone where you choose headings, links or other web navigations, and then you just use the rotor to navigate. An other cool feature is quick navigation, which lets you navigate the whole website, including web navigation commands, just by using the arrow keys. So, I can for example navigate this forum link by link, heading by heading etc. with one hand, just by using the arrow keys.You mention media players. I don't like iTunes as well. Only for buying music. VLC Player is fully accessible. Much more accessible than in Windows.We have some amazing audio apps like Highjack, which can record sound from applications or external sound devices. You can connect sources together and make your own setup. There are accessible audio editors as well, and if you are into music production, Garage band is free, and Logic is also accessible.Then, having access to both the Mac OS and Windows lets you choose the programs which is mostly accessible on either platforms. For example: I reasonly discovered that the Twitch app and the Disc

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@40First, don't demand that people follow your opinions as if they were complete and unarguable facts, you are clearly very biased.The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.It is a problem still though I won't deny that.The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it still.Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.LOL SLJ I was writing my post as you were.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@40First, don't demand that people follow your opinions as if they were complete and unarguable facts.The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.It is a problem still though I won't deny that.The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it still.Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.LOL SLJ I was writing my post as you were.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@40The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.It is a problem still though I won't deny that.The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it still.Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.LOL SLJ I was writing my post as you were.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@40The difficulty in repair, the missing numbpad and the missing CD drive have been things common to all thinner laptops for years now, Mac and Windows both.And Mac navigation is great for the most part, just quite a bit different from Windows. After all how could so many people be using their Mac otherwise if it was really that bad? I've used it my self if not very recently and it was just fine, so maybe your VM was messing it up or something, since Mac VM's are notoriously iffy.Agreed about the keyboard though, at least on the newer models. how ever for probably a decade before that they were quite nice, so that can't be applied to all Macbooks.As mentioned by others it's still quite easy to run unsigned apps on the Mac even if they heavily discourage it (I'd hope it'd be common sense that you can probably trust a developer's download) And bigger companies have to pay for signing on Windows as well.It is a problem still though I won't deny that.The touchbar is kind of a problem for blind people but it's not impossible to use, and not all models have it still.Oh and the missing headphone jack has nothing to do with the Mac and Apple aren't the only ones doing it now on smartphones anyway. Of course I think they definitely jumped the gun do to Bluetooth still having lag problems, but it's a different issue.They are for sure overpriced both to buy and repair though even used, even with the awesomely strong unibody design and generally high quality parts, and by no means am I an Apple fanboy I promise, I've wanted to nuke their shiny offices from orbit several times over the years.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@tmstuff000 in post 40:Writing such post just proves your experience with the mac OS and what you really know about it. Please tell me: On what computer have Apple skipped the headphone jack? When you like Windows and hate Apple that much, why even waisting your time in this topic? You have to realise the fact that people are different. Why not just like the fact that there are more alternatives available? Please spend your time on something more positive, before I start to argument your posts to hell.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

2019-01-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why developers should port their games to the Mac

@57, the problem is that we shouldn't have to go through wine or a VM to play games on Linux. Again, the same point Nocturnus raised earlier is still valid -- why virtualize Windows if you can just buy a PC with it for pretty much the same price of Windows? I won't consider Mac or Linux gaming platforms in their own right until I can run games natively on them, without any VM technology or Wine in my way. Wine is a kinda hack together solution. There's a 50-50 chance of you managing to get anything working on it; if it works, great, but if it doesn't, too bad, your screwed. A VM though is a solution that has a nearly 100-percent success rate. Again though, why should you have to use hardware resources when a VM will never be able to bring you the same speed and performance a bare metal OS can give you?


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